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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1900)
&- "" ? -T fJ--& -3(UI"Ji!f. "K -t av- G&-y -3- I 9 r. Z . : j . . J, . ' ' A it - ; JENBY RAGATZ & GROCERIES, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, LAMPS, ETC. ' The enormous business done by us keeps our . goods moving so rapidly that nothing becomes . ' stale. - Everything is fresh. We pay spot cash for .. every bill of goods that comes into our store, that ' i3 wnv we are enabled to distance all nnmTvHtnrc . af". - - a - ami tjuaiiiy ana price. i P- LV aw iaaPSSaam Hie same courteous treatment accorded to alL We solicit your patronage and will strive to please you. () Jiliphiic Eleventh Street, - Columbus Journal. WEDNESDAY. JANUARY. 17. Ma). B. M. TIME TABLE. LUruIm. U !&. Chiraza. t..lnepa. laiu. City. St. Loal aaJ all point eaat ! uth. Helcaa, Uatte. Halt Lair CU7. PartlaaiL Saa Fraaciaro aad all petals went. TBAI'!1 DKPAUT No. Piunt&r, doily except Sunday 7:20 a. si N.i. 32 Accnmaodatioa. dally except sttrvrday. 4:20 p. a ra.txy .vaairx. No.l PaHiier. daily except Sunday 9aM p. m Ha. 31 Aeconisiodarioa. daily except Sunday 10 p. m I TIME TABLE U. P. R. R- E.VST BOOD, MAIS LI1- Culnatrait Local iv. .. ti:W a 21 HE, Fast Mail H" P- m d. Atlantic Express. - -Ap ai 2. Or-riaad Limited 4:j p m .Chiciuro Special. - a No No No So ad. No. a.KrLit. 50 a m . 22. Freight, W-JOp m WIST EOOD. JIMS LISX. Sa U Oyerlnnd Limited. No 10U Fast Mail No 3. Pacinc Expr b No 5, Col.). N, 7. Colnmbua Local No 23. Freight .U2 a m . . His a m . ii5e p. m. 10:19 p 72.0 a m m yoaroLZ sa.oca. Depart 7i) p ni 6:00 a m. Arrive 1250 p m. lliSOp m. No No S3, PABnier . 7L, Mixiti No. t5-l. P4ncsr No. 72, Mixt-d ALSION AT) CSD VB RAPIDS Ha.lSCH. Depart 'o M. Pasaenirer -& P a Na 73. Mixed t5:5a m Arrive No 70, Paaecer lP m Ho 74. Mixed - SaWp ni. Norfolk paaa-mrer train.- ran daily. No train wi Albion and Cedar Eapida branch Saadays. Colomboa Local daily except scnday. W. H. BxxH-vx, Aijent. orietg Justices. iyAH noticea under thw heading will be charged at the rate of $2 a year. A LEBANON LODGE No. M, A. F. A. M. iBtfCalar meetings 2d Wedneaday in each , C.J Gaai.ow. W. M. Oct. G. Bkcji. Sec'y. 20jnly WILDEY LODGE No. , L O. O. F ;meeca Tuesday e-renuur of each -wwk at their hall on Thirteenth treet. Viaitins brethren cordially Invited. W. A. Wat. N. G. Geo. Fatjchuj. Sec'y. 27ja91-tf COLUMBIAN CAMP No. 25. WOODMEN OF the World, meets every second aad f oarth Thcradays of the month. 730 p. m at L O. O. F. HtH, Thirteenth street. Reolar attendance is very desirable, " all viitin: brethren are cor dially invited to meet -with na. jan2S-"95 REORGANT2ED CKTJBCH OF LATTER-DAT Saint hold regular aervicea every Sunday -H 2 p. TH, prayer meeting on Wedneaday evening at their cnapei. corner of North street and Pacific Aenne. All are cordially invited. Umlstf Elder H, J. Hcimox. Preaident. H 8 ...BIG-.- SS UIT To close out what little remains of our Holiday Goods, consisting of Perfumes in Boxes. Atomiz ers, Ebony Mirrors, Puff Boxes, Manicure Sets, Etc., X X X X X X We will for the next TEN DAYS give a discount of 25 per cent up on all articles shown in our east window. Many choice goods are left. Call early and GET A BIG BARGAIN. Stfllman's Drag Store We give Knives and Atlas Checks to our Customers. .... CO, y v - L. Tweaty-f ye years of experi ence in the business has taught us what to buy. We are constantly on the lookout for bargains. The best products of the coast ry are to be found in oar store. Among them the celebrated cammed goods of Curtice Bros. We are sole agents for Chase & Samfcorm's ne Teas amd Coffees No. 26. Columbus, Nebraska. fFRVS REFORMED CHURCH.-8aaday " tscnool at 9:30 a. in. Chcrcfa every Sunday ar lliW a. a. Christian. Endeavor at 750 p m Ladu" Aid Society every first Thursday ia the month at the chorea. I-tnovJW COLUMBUS MARKETS. l Wheat, old 7g? bushel.. .. 50j J Corn, shelled "g bushel . . . 204$ i Corn, ear ? bushel 20H 1 Oats, 7 bushel. 1S I Bye ? bushel 35Ej ' Barley, ? bushel 256J ,Hogs ""? cwt. 4 15g 4 25 I Pat cattle " cwt 2 90g 3 65 ; Potatoes 7p buahel 20 Butter f? lb 15&1 1 Eggs g? dozen 12 Markets corrected every Tuesday af , ternoon. Enquire of Herrick. Do not forget Myers. tf Dr. Nanmann, dentist. Thirteenth street, tf Fine job work done at The Journal office. Dr. Baker, physician and surgeon, office Olive street. tf Mrs. Charles Davis is sick with neu ralgia of the heart. Dr. L. C. Toes, Homeopathic physi cian. Columbus, Xeb. Quarantine has been raised at Schack's and Frischiiolz'. Drs. Martyn, Evans 4 Geer, office three doors north of Friedhofs store, tf Furnished rooms with or without board, at the Huber on Thirteenth street. A crowd of children gave Eber Smith a surprise party Friday evening. For 5ne watch repairing, call on Carl Froemel, 11th St Columbus, Neb. Miss Mary Borowiak entertained the Bachelor Girls last Friday evening. Do not fail to see our S-foot galvan ized steel mill for $25.00. A. Dnssell Son. tf For sale, one bay horse and one black mare, each six years old. Henry Gass. 3 Co-operative home building is the other name for loan and building asso ciations. Plaits and cnt flowers at the new green house. A. C. Anderson, east Eighth street. tf Miss Alma Segelke entertained about twenty friends to a card party Thursday evening. Tilton Hill, who once lived north of the city, moving afterwards to Colfax county, is in the city. Almost any ordinary business want can be easily supplied by a short adver tisement in the newspapers. Button Photos est Saley's. Ns Money in advance. tf ! SiU FARM FOR SALE. A good 160 acre farm under a high state of cultivation. For sale by Her man Oehlricfa k Bro. 2m L. Sturgeon has been very ick hue paeb tu weeu. 1 Bring us your orders for job-work. U . 1 They will receive prompt and careful attention. Miss Baby Henoley entertained a number of friends Thursday evening to a card party. H. P. Coolidge sent a very handsome pair of chickens to W. W. Mannington of Monroe, Thursday. You can buy siw shoes as cheap at Honahan's as old stock from some of the other dealers in town. 3t "David Harom,n the book which so many are reading, is said to have had a run of 400,000 copies. The dancing club gave a ball Wed nesday evening. The Italian orchestra of Omaha furnished the music. Stock men are especially invited to meet Mr. Failor at Silver Creek Satur day, and with C. K. Davies Sunday. We have now on hand a line of tregretT cards and envelopes. Also suit able for afternoon party invitations. We learn that Verner, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Ernst, is Tery ill of scarlet fever, at his grandmother's in this city. Mrs. Saffran was brought home Sat urday from the St. Mary's hospital much improved in health after an operation. Wm. Schilz makes boots and shoes in the best styles, and uses only the very best stock that can be procured in the market, tf The St. Mary's hospital is filled with sick patients. This week there have already been three important operations performed. FARMERS, ATTENTION. You can get an 8-foot Freeport Galvanized steel windmill from A. Dussell & Son for only S25.00. tf D. McDuffee went to Kansas City Monday to visit his sister, Mrs. Thomas Clifford, who lately suffered the fracture of her right arm. Baptist church. J. D. Pulis, pastor. Services January 21, 11 a. m 7:30 p. m. Morning, UA Possibility; erening, "The Philippian Jailer.' The U. P. wrecker, made especially for the large No. 1300 engines, is able to pick one of them entire out of the ditch and place it on cars. r red. Jlaroir of jieboville called at these headquarters Friday on business in which both he and The Jouksai. are mutually interested. All dry-oods. Gents fur nishing sroods, skirts, etc., selling at reduced prices at Asche & Ryan's. Prof. J. T. Pospicel of Schuyler will assist the Columbus City Band at their entertainment on Friday evening, Feb. 2, as clarionet soloist. Pearl Hart, who has been working on the construction of the Beet Sugar fac tory at Ames, says the structure is com plete, and at work, full stint. The yewman Grove Herald says that J. P. Johnson recently sold his farm south of town to John Nelson of Platte county. Consideration 3450. A state convention of the Sons of Herman is to be held in the city this Tuesday afternoon. Mayor Fitzpatrick is to deliver the address of welcome. We have a line of tinware, kitchen utensils, underclothing, stationery, boots and shoes. If you need anything in our line call and see us. von Bergen Bros. It seems that the courts have decid ed that a marriage contract is voidable if made on Sunday. The evident moral attached is not to do courting on Sunday. W. F. Cody says the Wild West show, which opens at Madison Square Garden, New York, the middle of April, will not leave the United States this year. Mrs. McBride, wife of J. C. McBride, formerly of Schuyler, then of Lincoln, died at her home in Alvin, Texas. Janu ary 4. leaving her husband and three children. When the public invests its money in anything, in the way of official service or improvements of any kind, it should be very sure of getting its money's worth in fulL J. E. North of this city was in attendance at the Nebraska territorial pioneers' meeting held at Lincoln Wed nesday, taking part in recalling reminis cences of the early days. Revival services were held all last week in the Methodist church, with good success, the church being well filled every evening. Rev. Yost expects to continue the services for two or three weeks. At Orpheus hall last Saturday night the Indies' Orpheus entertained their friends with dancing, music, etc., light refreshments being served during the evening. A jolly good time is reported by those present. The name of the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Tschudin whose death on Sunday, Jan. 7, was mentioned in last week's Jocssxl, was Rosa, aged about ISyears. She was a dutiful, good daugh ter, beloved by alL Miss Anna Gietzen writes from Riverside, CaliL, where she is spending the winter, that she has experienced six earthquakes since Christmas. Miss Gietzen is in better health than when she left home last falL Mrs. Gua. Priebe was taken sudden ly very ill Saturday week, after eating canned meat; feeling Tery thirsty, she partook of milk, which, the doctor after wards said, was all that saved her. She was very ill for a day. The fragile babe and the growing child are strengthened by WHITE'S CREAM VERMIFUGE- It destroys worms, gets digestion at work, and so rebuilds the body. Price 25 cents. A. Heintz and Pollock Co. Whosoever has suffered from pues knows how painful and troublesome they are. TABLExTS BUCKEYE PILE OLNTMEST is guaranteed to care piles. Price 50 cents hi bottles. Tabes, 75 cents. A. Heintz and Pollock t Co. George A. McArthur, who hasn't been heard from since he made aa attempt to ran a newspaper in Platte county without gotag broke, aad failed, turns up at last aa editor of the Casaers at Krai merer, Wyo. Tiacohn JoaraaL Martin Eanter. neDhew of 1. Gluek. started yesterday, from Chicago, on his return trip to Europe. Envelopes with your return card printed on them, for 50 cents a single hundred; for larger quantities, and dif ferent grades, call at The Jocbxjll office for prices. The Chicken Gar' Comes to Co lum bus every week, and offers the highest market prices for poultry, for export to foreign countries. Call or address. John Schmocker, agent. lmo I have 30 acres of timbered land in Muscatine county, Iowa, within eight miles of Muscatine, which I desire to trade for a house and lot in Columbus; will assume some incumbrance, not too much. Price of land, 330 per acre, no incumbrance. C. S. Eastern. 3 James O'Brien, who was injured some days ago by the accidental dis charge of a pistoL returned Thursday from Omaha, where he had been under special treatment, and where the ball was located and extracted. It is thought that his eye-sight will not be strong as it would have been if the injury had not occurred. Fred. Drummond while at work at the Hemp works, Friday morning about 8 o'clock as he was feeding tow had his glove caught, the mill taking in a por tion of his right hand, tearing the thumb off, and so mashing the fore finger that it was found necessary to amputate it While the other fingers were badly injured it is not supposed that am putation will be necessary. We understand that Friday even ing, January 26, there will be a public meeting in this city to which all are in vited for the purpose of giving expres sion to sympathy with the Boers in their struggle against the English. Who the speakers are to be we are not informed, or whether the expression of sympathy is to take the form of enlistment as "farmers" emigrating to the TransvaaL DEATH OF JOHN ELLIOTT. rS lFJ Departed this life, at his residence in this city, Monday morning, January 15. 1900, after a protracted illness. John Elliott, in the seventy-seventh year of his age. John Elliott was born October 14. 1823, in Cumberland county, Pennsylvania, and during his childhood and younger manhood lived with his parents on a farm. He enlisted in the Mounted Rifle regiment, when yet young, going from Carlisle, Pennsylvania, into active service July 10, 1846. He had many interesting expe riences in the three years of service, and was promoted to be second sergeant of his company. A parchment certificate of honorable mention signed by James K. Polk, president, and Wm. L. Marcy, secretary of war, August, lSi7, was one of the souvenirs greatly prized by him. He served under General Taylor at Monterey, and under General Scott on the Vera Cruz line and in the taking of the City of Mexico, fighting in the battles of Contrares, Cherubusco, Molena del Rey and Chapultepec, receiving honors for distinguished services in the first-named engagement. After returning from the war Mr. Elliott was a merchant at Carlisle, Penn sylvania, until in 1376, when he came to Platte county, settling on his farm on Shell creek. In about 1S83, he came to Columbus, where he has ever since resi ded. For seven years he was street commissioner, and was bailiff of the District court many years, serving in that capacity at the term before his last sickness, which began December 27, with a stroke of paralysis, since which he had been con fined to his bed, suffering other strokes, and finally departed this life Monday morning at 2:40. He was one of the very first members of the order of Knights of Pythias in the United States, and was an ardent knight at all times. Mr. Elliott was married November 1, 1849, to Mary Jane Smiley, who survives him, with their five children: Joseph of Salt Lake City, Utah; Mrs. Charles Gil Ion, Neosho, Missouri; Hanson S., of Columbus and Mrs. E. H. Andrews of Lead ville, Colorado. The grandchildren are all now here except Miss Florence Elliott and James E. Gillon. Services at the residence at 10 o'clock, Wednesday, Jan. 17, at which it is ex pected Rev. Hayes will officiate, in his absence. Rev. Rogers. Chief Bert J. Galley, accompanied ' by the delegates from the engine, hook j and ladder and hose companies of the Columbus Fire Department, leave this ' Tuesday evening for Norfolk to attend! the state convention of firemen which j will be in session Tuesday, Wednesday I and Thursday. I The Central City Nonpareil of Jan. , 11 contains eighteen notices of redemp- ( tion from tax sale, signed "The County I of Merrick, Purchaser." They contain the notification that if not redeemed f within the time specified "proceedings will be instituted to foreclose the lien of ' said taxes on the same." HERBLNE should be used to enrich and purify the blood; it cures all forms of blood disorders, is especially useful in fevers, skin eruptions, boils, pimples, blackheads, scrofula, salt rheum and every form of blood impurity; it is a safe and effectual cure. Price, 50 cents. A. Heintz and Pollock i Co. Fred Meyer was a business caller at Jousxai. headquarters Wednesday, re newing his subscription to Ths Joubxaz. and the Chicago Inter Ocean for another year. He tells us among other items that Columbus dealers last week paid 202 cents a bushel for corn when Bell wood was giving but 19 cents. Mr. Johnson's room in the Bruger block was broken into last Wednesday and f S stolen out of his pants pocket. He is cook at the Rickly restaurant, and when he came to his room in the evening, found things scattered around generally and the money gone. The thief had entered through a window in the hall way. The Soldiers7 monument is not yet complete and so we defer our write-up of it until later. It is about 30 feet high; is located in the middle of Frankfort square; the heaviest stone weighs about 16,000 pounds, and is 9x9 feet; the die is four feet square and 4 high, and on it are cut 132 names. The stone column is surmounted by a bronze eagle with a spread of six feet; the two cannon are to be placed on pedestals (one on the east, the other on the west of the column) three feet square and. four high, the mouths of the cannon to the south. W. R. Emball of Kimball Bros., Lincoln, has beea superintending the work, BALLARD'S SNOW UNIMENT a raageof usefulness greater than any other reme dy. A day seldom passes ia every house hold, especially where there are children, that it is not needed. Price, 25'and 50 cents. A. Heintz and Pollock & Co. The entertainment to be gives by the Columbus City Band February 2, is to be one of the very beat of the season, the program consisting of twelve num bers, eight by the band itself, one by a ladies quartette consisting of Ma. Gar low, and Misses Martha Turner. Eula Rickly and Zura Morse; a baritone solo by Martin Schilz; a clarionet solo by Prof. Pospishel of Schuyler, and a vocal solo by Miss Ethel G. Galley. Many a bright and happy household has been thrown into sadness and sorrow because of the death of a loved one from a neglected cold. BALLARD'S HORE HOUND SYRUP is the great cure for coughs, colds and all pulmonary ail ments. Price, 25 and 50 cents. A. Heintz and Pollock & Co. Colonel John G. Maher, a son of Michael Maher, late of Platte county, deceased, and brother to our court reporter, is just now active "in ascertain ing how many men there are in thia country who would be willing to assist a struggling people in any way that ex pediency might dictate," at least so says the Omaha World-Herald. He is coni dent of large numbers going and that they will have the pleasure of seeing active service. Dodge county's treasurer has pub lished his semi-annual statement as required by law for the information of tax-payers. The total credit balance on hand Jan. 1, 1900. was 3927&S3. The disbursements from July 1, 1599, to Jan. 1, 1900, were 8134,616.02. He received 3415.09, interest on county moneys de posited in bank, nearly 370 a month; during that time 47 cents was paid for advertising; the receipts of the fee fund were 334265.07. Bring your orders for job-work to this office. Satisfaction guaranteed, and work promptly done, as agreed upon. Many of the blotches, pimples and other affections of the skin are caused by the failure of the liver and kidneys to cast off impurities, which remain in the system. HERBLNE will stimulate the Ivrer and kidneys, and cleanse the system of all impurities. Price, 50 cents. A. Heintz and Pollock & Co. We Ieam that Miss Anna Rasmussen of Pueblo, Colorado, has resigned her position in the schools there, and that she eoes to Enrooe for further instruc- tion in manual training work, most of the time to be spent at Stockholm, Sweden, and Leipsic, Germany. After getting her diplomas, she expects to see Paris before her return to this country. Miss Rasmussen's many friends here, where she formerly resided, will wish her a pleasant time abroad and a safe return. James Cady of Beatrice, an old time, boy acquaintance of Thk Joutcax. family dropped in on us for a few min utes the other day, and during that brief time recalled many incidents of the 1850 and 1860 decades at Cadiz, Ohio. As a boy of ten years, he was both a poet and an artist, of great re nown among his fellows, added to which, he was bidextrous. with his hands in any shape, whether in play, work or battle, and on sudden emergencies could do double duty, and double-discount oppo nents. The reception given by the Woman's club Thursday afternoon at the resi dence of L. Gerrard was attended by over one hundred people, members and friends of the club. The Mandolin club furnished music during the evening, and Mrs. Warren and Miss Ethel Galley each sang solos. Miss Florence Kramer gave a recitation that was well appreciated. The dining room was decorated with the club colors, green and pink. Large rose bowls of pink carnations were on the tables and mantles. The refresh ments were served in the dining room by several young ladies. The ladies are very proud of the work their different departments are accomphehing, aad are anxious to strengthea the club by more interest from outsiders, which these annual reeeptaoaa aadoabtedly will do. Tk properties By Tharsday evening. January IS, at the latest, it is aeeaasary we should have the fund in hand to pay the contractor for the monument, and we urgently request those who have subscribed to the fund to pay ap before that time. " Respectfully. J. H. GT.T,TT. Chairman Monument Committee, i i There is talk, as spring approaches, ' of the improvement of the park in the part of that city. It ia a good location, the trmaa in mipm mm mm th sod mast be good. It isnt far from a i water-main, aad if we remember rightly, one of the big arguments for extending the mains ia that direction was the fact that the park should be improved, and why not aow? The extension one block and the beautifying that park (do you know the name of it), should be a labor of love for the opening of spring. J. M. Hili of Virginia, Gage county, was in the rity Saturday on his way home from attending the funeral of his mother, Mary A. Hill, who died Wednes day last at St. Edward, Boone county, aged 79 years. She suffered a stroke of paralysis the previous Sunday, from which she never recovered. Mrs. Hill was a resident of this city some years ago, and made a number of warm friends during her stay. Her husband died in the army in 1864. Mrs. Hill was grand mother of Lieutenant Lester Sisson, who was killed in the Philippines. She leaves four children, fourteen grand-children and seven great-grandchildren. Johnny Baker, the celebrated crack trap shot, who has been with Buffalo Bill's Wild West show since its organiza tion in this city in 1963, passed through the city Monday on his way from North Platte to New York city. He had been called home by the death of his father, who was a pioneer in this country, and a man much respected in the community where he lived. Besides being a crack shot, Johnny is CoL Cody's first lieuten ant, and in giving orders to the army of employes connected with the show, he does it in such a manner that everything moves like clock-work, and at the same time he is very popular with all hands. He was accompanied by his two bright, little daughters. R. B. Thompson, a character pretty well known in this county, recently a resident of Creston, it seems has gotten himself into trouble at Emerson, where he located to practice law, and is now in the county jail at Ponea, awaiting the continuance of bis preliminary hearing on the charge of obtaining money under false pretenses. The trial is set for Feb ruary 5. A special to the Omaha World Herald gives the following in regard to his doings: "Smiley, an Emerson mer chant, having some financial entangle ment, sought Thompson's advice. The charge is that Thompson represented that he had bills for collection which he was compelled to push as Smiley s cred itors were getting alarmed. Shortly afterward he called on Smiley and in formed him that warrants were out for his arrest and that the sheriff was in town to serve them, and the best thing he could do would be to gire him (Thompson) power of attorney, and turn over his property. Meanwhile an ac complice called, saying he was the sheriff of Dakota county, and was after Smiley. Thompson conferred with him and put him off while Smiley turned his prop erty over to Thompson and with Thomp son's assistance left the state. In a short time Smiley found a trick had been played on him, and returned and caused Thompson's arrest." Wm. T. Allen, who has for some months been in the employ of the Mexi can Central Railway company at Tam pico, Mexico, has returned home to stay, not liking that country as a home. He says he did honest work for his dollar, but when he received his 31.000 in Mex ican money he was compelled to ex change it for $47250 of United States money. He would like to have every free silver advocate of Nebraska live awhile in Mexico to fully appreciate the value of the situation. United States money, whether metal or paper, is eagerly grabbed up. Much trading is done with pennies, and they illustrate the relative merits of the currency; it takes three of ours to weigh as much as one of theirs, while one of ours is worth two of theirs. He says that a suit of man's clothing costing 313 here would be 355 there; shoes 32 here, 36 there; a hat 31.50 here, same kind there $6; everything in mer chandise is bought and sold on a gold basis except tobacco and cigars. Mr. Allen speaks very highly of President Diaz, as a patriot, an official who enfor ces the law, and as an intelligent man comprehending the needs of the people, and exerting his energies to accomplish good for the nation. He says that the railroads are doing very much in the development of the natural resources of the country and the civilization of the people, but the natives are fitly named "greasers," being slippery, treacherous, shiftless, lazy; many of them have no house to shelter them at night, but wherever they find themselves when night overtakes them, they wrap their blanket around them and he down on the bare ground to sleep. Near the coast fhe climate is warm. Until the winter of '96, which was cold enough to cut down the coffee farms, the oldest settlers had not seen frost there, but back in the mountains, it is colder. Three clerks in the railroad office, all former residents of Missouri and also advocates of the free and unlimited coinage of silver, wrote their old friends, detailing their experi ence with the coin and advising them not to give countenance to say political party who gave encouragement to such doctrine. Mr. Allen leaves with us two samples of lignum-vita, a solid wood very much in use there. He says that ebony, which is so costly elsewhere, is used there for railroad ties, and is so dense that holes are bored into it in order to receive the spikes. A singular custom of theirs is to allow no corpse to be brought out of the country. Poor people are wrapped in a blanket, and put under seal barely sufficient to hide them from daylight. The rich rent a burial place, but if the pay ceases, after a year the dead bodies are cast out. Mr. Allen's grandson, Georgie, accompanied him, and awing the first big flag of the Union, he was very much delighted, and sang oat a lad's salate to the Stars and Stripes. Mattie Post and Miss Madge Cashing of Columbus were guests of the Follerton Poet. CHBJSTMAS IS PAST ! Tie M lew Tear is Meal WE WILL SAVE YOU SOMETHING ON EVERY PUR CHASE FROM OUR SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF WINTER I PURCHASES RICES! )NSISTING OF- asfV msasBsflm- aHatftslaW afasfav fiasas. samaafai aBaf SfcAmtt. aW j vrWwmva. wrwismaWji HmI9f WmVWy aWwl flarm wssVWa. Limits' fl4 Hsttt9 Cmfits m4 Chmfctj A FULL LINE of Ladies, call and see our line of Fur Col larettes and Mulls, just the thing for comfort. A new line of Men's FUR COATS, just opened up. Prices from $12.50 to $22.50. OnrMBtti: "Satisfactin; J. H. GALLEY, 505 Eleremth St., COLTnVEBUS, NEB. ...THE PIONEER.. hasn't located all the desirable property we've some choice bits on our books for sale at prices that appeal to the people of common sense. The properties are located in fertile sections, well watered and drain ed, handy to market and shipping points and at our prices and terms are decided pick-ups. B , JAEQSI & CO., Li.E1.ElE Thirt tfcSU COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA Short Horn Bilk ttcflgtatsaaa?afaaaawt ii. Cfci . .i 5 VCtS9a!3i JmcauNTaT. , a. rru by Bev. Smith of David City, at J the home of the bride's parents in Bell- . .....minimuy ' "od. Walter B. Henry of Columbus -a J 1 J J J J J w Md jj Jec::ie Ha2er of Bellwood. Mrs. Dr. Geer made a trip to Omaha The happy couple left the same morn Monday, ing for a trip to Omaha. They have the Miss Mary Wells of Genoa was in the ! hearty congratulations of a host of city Friday. i ardent friends, and good wishes for long Mr. I. Gluck was at Tarnov the first aad abundant prosperity. of the week. They make their home at the Henry Mrs. Kehoe of Platte Center was in our city Monday. Mrs. Fillman made a trip to Schuyler Ia3t Thursday. Paul Hagel was an Omaha visitor Fri day on business. Christian Gruenther went up to Platte Center to spend Sunday at home. Balph Turner went to Lincoln Satur day to attend the State university. Mr. and Mrs. David Streeter of Grand Prairie were Columbus visitors Monday. Mrs. C. E. Pollock left this Tuesday afternoon for a visit with friends at J Genoa. I A. Jaeggi. Frank Falbaum and SamT. t Rickly were at Omaha on business j Friday. ' Mrs. J. Merrill and daughter. Miss j Fannie, of Omaha, are visiting Mrs. W. ; A. McAllister. i Mrs. C. A. Murphv of Wood River arrived today on a visit to her daughter, Mrs. E. C. Hockenberger. Vk Ronhnm rutrtmari hnma Sfltnrr?aT i -' to Cedar Rapids, after several visit with her son. Wm. Benham, the Union Pacific agent. Scieel Iotas Prof. Ed. Amherst Ott delivered his famous lecture ''Sour Grapes' at the opera house last Saturday night to a fair sued audience. Everybody seemed well pleased with the lecture. The Seniora and Juniors had election of officers last Thursday. The officers elected were: President, Fred. Saffran; secretary, Blanche Niewohner; vice pree-1 ident, George Morris. The program committee appointed are: Florence I Kramer, GusBecher. Peter Duffy. Their program will be rendered in four weeks. ( Tenth grade delivered their program! last Friday. President. John Neumar-1 Iter; secretary, Ethel Elliott. The fol- lowinir carts were rendered bv the. t scnoiars; reatauons, Anna lAjaaa, Julia Fay, Ethel Elliott, Wm. Kersen- brock, Otto Schreiber, Grace Dodds. Wm. f Brewer, Rena Turner, Clara Segelke, Otto Roen. Grace Hoffman, Ed. Coolidge, Anna McGowan, Elsie Hudson and Mag gie Casein. Readings. W. Schroeder and Ruby Young; composition, "Fleas. by John Early was very good. Lyda Tur ner had a well-prepared impersonation. ue perouc laipciauusfceu was uui upec- intendent W. J. Williams. Tocal solos! by Ella Rasmussen aad May Davis were . very good. Instrumental solo by Ethel Henrieh was well received, likewise the! piano duet, Ragatz. by Misses Hensley and Hutcn, Taka Xatiee! The publie are strictly forbidden to hunt upon the whole of section 8, in which is located the Irrigation Pond. Any persons trespassing will be prose-J cuted to the full limit of the law. 15-nov-y W. T. Eksst. Nice Aiuwt. ' GOODS ! i I GOOD GOODS ! 19 Seven bulls from eighteen to twenty- two months old, for sale at Okht.rtch i Bbo's F-ibx. UXO. iXEsi cu.uLtt January ilia, duo rancn. a nne, large tract or land near Bellwood. DIED. Eavsx Sunday. January 14. of scar let fever. Charlotte, onlv daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Ern3t." Funeral services were held at the fam ily residence at the foot of the bluffs north of the city. Jlonday, Elder E. J. Hudson otficiatiug; burial in the Co lumbus cemetery. "MM"' District 44 aad Vidaity. A Mr. Leber, son of Dr. L-br of Omaha, spent a few days visiting with his friend. Thomas Ehshner. Willie Higzins of Oconee came down Saturday of last week and visited amocg friends a few days, returning Wednesday evening. Wm. Moore sold his fine farm one day Ia3t wek for S?J7-ZS) " acre- The farm J0"28 th Bismark creamery on the ve and consists of 16) acres. Mr. Bachen- f haus northwest of Peter Schmitt's mill -u .l,-a- ,. miao tout? uauoKi A man from Butler county (whose name we have forgotten) and who is- a brother-in-law of Peter Dishner from south of the river, has bought John Con nelly's farm about six miles north of Columbus, paying 339.50 an acre. The weather is fine, the ground bare, frost out of ground about four inches, winter wheat looks green and is trying to grow, peach buds not injured up to last Sunday, in fact everything indicates for this 1900 a prosperous year, and now let us farmers do our part and make it a sure thing, J AQH CfID QAI E MIHH 1 VII wAaaaasil A fair, improved. 70-acre farm 1J miles south from Genoa. Or, will sell 40 acres with improvements. Reason- able price, tor particulars, address soon, pd-1 Jxxzs Hootzb. Genoa, Nebr O.E.STEIXBACGB. Blacks it k aa4 WaoR-MakiHzSkop. HOBSE SHOEIXG A SPECIALTY. WATEB TANKS. I1 kd mad niii mv to order. Toca Patso bz Soucrrcx. Thirtesh St next door ae of Commercial 3iaC'l bask. ltija-3a asasasfeaawawl'"" V'aafcaWpX BSaa&SftflOL 2mV ' aKiatirvSHmLf&r gTaawaamPBgsr aHSSllSSsS Rafl9a?3 vfHHHLv saaEsE u'! saaaaaaaaaaHsVasaaaaaaaw ? v. . n 3i v. ' I - i -j .