''-'awJWp'-J ' -"We-SjraS gg?V? fVf . --J- V a. r&&m4m - min1 w w J 'f- .! T ty't. mt rsf m h ... u ' VOLUME XXX.-NUMBER 41. COLUMBUS. NEBRASKA. WEDNESDAY. JANUAfiY 17 1W0. WHOLE NUMBER 1,549. "ryp?Q0&?r p A. Cjrt I M bM gS gmtrrrei. f . :;: . .' 'fe. - ..-. .. " B . rt. :, . ?-vv n r " a - . . t : - V- - ! i ? lf-: - - , . . . . . : i? . ' v tL ''' fc" - . If " r 1 - Si, I mm canal bill ; FaroaHy leported Without Awaitiaj tie Isifcmci Caorniarion's Action. NiCAIAimJA km COSTA KCA SAM 7rMidtt Aatherixod to Gnaraatoo Thoai 'Caaal ud Harbor Total Ciwt tm Urn WUaia Fawttra SUIUm Xla caUaacoaa Waablactoa Intallif anc. . "W-ASHINGTON, Jan. 13. The honae cemmittee on interstate and foreign coaamerce today ordered a farorabl. report upon the Hepbarn bill for th cenatrnctlon of the Nicaragua canaL The bill ia in most particulars thtt same oae reported by this committm in the last congress. There was some - discission about the sdvibffity6rrf tlay.dobted tiw cerrictn delaying: action on the bill until the Isthmus Canal commission reported. but this was finally regarded as un necessary and all the members except Fletcher of Minnesota voted to report the bill favorably. The latter said his ilence should not be constructed as opposition to the measure, but merely as a reservation of his right to support or oppose it after further considera tion. The committee made some chaneas in the original MIL inserting a new set: - tion 3 and making verbal alterations. As finally agreed to, the bill is as fol- lows: "To provide for the construction of a canal connecting the waters of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. "Be it enacted, etc.. that the presi- dent of the United States be, and he is tereby authorized to acquire from the Kttitam nt Cnwt- Dt. -.-..! XT;nn..o..-. . v.pw . vsvu XfcllA .14AIA .114iaUU for and in behalf of the United States .control of such portion of territory be longing to Costa Rica and Nicauragua as may be desirable and necessary, on which to excavate, construct and de fend a canal of such depth and capac- Ity as will be sufficient for the move- fflai oi snips oi me greatest tonnage aad draff nnv Jn ns frnm a nnint near Greytown. on the Caribbean sea. via Lake Nicauragua. to Ereto. on tfie I Pacific ocean: and such sums as mav . be necessary to secure such control are hereby appropriated out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. "Section 3. That the president shall cause secured full control over the ter - ritory in section 1 referred to. he shall direct the secretary of war to excavate and construct a canal and waterway from a point on the shore of the Car - ribean sea. near Greytown. by way of ikb Nicaragua, to a piai near nreio. on the Pacific ocean. Such canal shall be of sufficient capacity and depth so that it may be used by vessels of the largest tonnage and greatest depth now in use. and shall be supplied with all appliances to meet the necessities of vessels passing from Greytown to Breto. and the secretary of war shall also construct such safe and commo dious harbors at the termini of said canal and such fortiflcations for de fense as will be required for safety and protection of said canal and harbors. "Section 2. That when the president has such surveys as may be necessary for said canal and harbors and in the constructing of the same. "Section 4. That in the excavation and construction of said canal the San Juan river and Lake Nicaragua, or such parts of each as may be made available shall be used. 'Section 5. That in any negotiations with the states cf Ccsta Rica or Nica ragua the president is authorized to guarantee to said states the use of said canal andharbors, upon such terms as may be agreed upon, for all vessels owned by said states or by citizens thereof. 47.I "TKi- tTia enm nf 41 AC - 000.000 or so much thereof as may be accessary, is hereby appropriated, oat of any money in the treasury not otn- j erwise appropriated, for the comple tion of the work herein authorized, said money to be drawn from the treaa-! ury from time to time, as the same shall be needed, upon warrants of the nresident based on psthmtfs m charge of the work and approved by the secretary of. war MORA IS OUT OF A J0I. KeaiOTcd fram Paaittaa of Fiscal f $aa?ra Court by WoS. HAVANA. Jan. 13. "Frederico Mo ra, fiscal of the supreme court, is here- by removed from office for the good of ; the public service. This t s the result of an investigation into the condition existing in th administra tion of justice under his supervision." The foregoing official r.rder as handed to Senor Mora this meming by Governor General Wood. Senor 3Icras fall has been predicted ever since the first case was brought c.Ci .vC wv. a. .. ---." -- I against the custom house officials, and j the disgraceful condition cf the pris ons, especially as affecting those await ing trial, has been genexally charged against him. For some time it has been said that Mora has been devoting too much attention to scciai affaira and too little to his duties. General Wood's investigation has shown that the office of supreme court fiscal is responsible for a large number cf the untried cases and net only Mora but others in the department of jus tice, have been persistently trying to block the charges against some officials whom Collector Bliss is anxious to prove guilty cf wholesale bribery and corruption. Major GatUrio Dies Saddcaly. BUFFALO. N. Y.. Jan. 13. Major John B. Gutherie. aged 55. died sud denly tonight. At the battle of San Juan hill Captain Gutherie of the Thir teenth infantry was wounded while leading his regiment up the hill after the commanding officer. Colonel Worth, had been wounded. He was in valided home, appointed major in the Fifteenth infantry and assigned to spe cial duty, representing the war depart ment on the beard of managers on the United States government exhibit at the Pan-American exposition. Tor CHICAGO, . HL. Jan. 13. General p3senger agents of the western and transcontinental roads were in ses sion all day for the restoration and maintenance of traas-conrinental eenger rates to all business other New England points. The protest of the Oregon Railway and Navigation company rebate tickets to North Pa cific points on colonist business was also considered. A sub-committee was appointed 'to take tne matter under consideration and. reyort tomorrow ssorainav MY VI CIMttS BS VKWS. r. sta. Ctm nuwMi BOSTON, Jan. 13. In ij weekly re view of the wool market the Boston 'Commercial Bulletin tomorrow will ay: '"Utah correspondents of Bostca. wool hoases say that they have receired persoaal aastwances from W. J. Bryan that, if elected president, he will retain a protective ir.tj en wool, having changed hisr miad en free wool." LINCOLN, Jan. 13. W. J. Bryan was in the city a Sew hours this evening on his way from Minneapolis to Co lombia, Mo., where he speaks tonight. His tour includes speeches at St. Louis, Frankfort. Ky., Cincinnati and the At lantic and New Hagian'l states and will not be finished until February 3. Bryan left for the soath at 6 o'clock. Political intimates, when asked con cerning sis reported change of opin ion on free went, said they could not speak with authority, but netbinc he had said had indicated toat attitade uw icyui u VOUJNTf EtS ENTER SERVICE. Itm F; a f tk. City .f Lm4 Darlag Tk.lr Stay. LONDON, Jan. 13. There was a uniuqe and interesting ceremony at the Guild hall today, when 500 of the City cf London Imperial volunteers received their kits and the freedom of the city. The bis crowds in the vicinitv cheered 1 Q arriving volunteers, each of whom received a parchment certificate of the freedom, enclosed in a neat blue case. The ceremonial admitting the officers. this afternoon, was more elaborate. It , occurred in the presence of the lord mayor, Mr. A. J. Newton, the coun- cilors and the duke of Cambridge, j The portion of the regiment, which , iis tomorrow, will attend a sn.ril service in St Paul's cathedral tonight 1 and will afterwards be entertained at supper by the benchers of the inner temple. HAMfERS TVMUC IUH.MNG WORK j i fsaay ' Approprlatloaa Iaadaqaat. cmm .f AtiYaaeiaa Priem. WASHINGTON. Jan. 13. Assistant Secretary Taylor of the Treasury de- J partment told the house committee on public buildings and grounds today ' that the supervising architect's office was much hampered because of an ad- I vane of about 30 per cent in building 1 materials. Many appropriations for public buildings bad been found to be quite I inadequate because of advancing 1 prices. Moreover, the cost of sites , j also riseiK Tre are aboat 130 . nuDiJc buildintr bills befor the eom- mittee. involving appropriations of 120.000.000. While no formal action was taken, the sentiment of the com mittee appeared to be favorable to pro viding increased appropriations for work already authorized in order to meet the added cost of material. KWEY TO VISIT CALIFORNIA. FrBfaea Coarraaalanal DIntioa t Xaka tha Trip Tfmxt Saaaer. WASHINGTON. Jan. 13. The Cali fornia delegation in congress called today on Admiral Dewey and invited him to visit the state next September, when California will celebrate the semi-centennial of its admission to the union. The admiral said he hoped to make the trip to California next sum mer or fall and he would endeavor to arrange so as to be present at the time indicated. During the intercourse Admiral Dewey said that before the battle of Manila, when he was look ing ahead to his retirement, he had intended making arrangements to live at Santa Barbara. Ca!.. as he liked the j PP'e the climate of ' state- Floar Dlaaata All Sattlaal. WASHINGTON. D. C, Jan. 13. At the cabinet meeting today Secretary Hay read the reply of the British gov ernment to our representations regard ing the four seizure in Delacoa Rav. . Members of the cabinet after the ' meeting, said the British answer was ' entirely satisfactory to the govern ment. The several resolutions of in quiry as to the conduct of the war. which have been introduced in both houses of congress were discussed acd the statement was made that full and complete information would be fur- anea on au or tne matters coverea ii iae carinrai. uv guaaiuic. .a. ma- patcn irom irenerai una announcing further successes in Luzon was read and favorably commented upon. Lawtoa Fa Klakty Tkoaoaaal. WASHINGTON. Jan. 13. General Corbin announced today hat the sub scriptions to the Lawtoc fund had reached the handsome figure of ff Q.10L, reacnec tne nanasome ngure ot aiuawi. bamc increase of nearly $8,000 since the last report Today's subscriptions included cne of $.595 from the mem bers of the Union League club of New York, which is la addition to subscrip tions seat to Washington direct from members of the club amounting to no. 222. t Stay Bo KokaUc WASHINGTON. Jan. 13. Before the completion of the Siberian railroad "t has become necessary to reconstruct the work already done, and this will cost not less than S25,0ou.C00. The in formation is supplied to the state de partment oy Commercial Agent Green er at Yladivostock. taoroaso la Postal Kocoipts. WASHINGTON.. Jan. 13. A state meat of the gross postal receipts for December. 1599. was compared with the receipts for the same month dar ing; the preceding year shows a net increase ef f 139.S35. or 5 per cent The total receipts for last December were S4.1S2.03. New York. Chicago. Phila delphia. Boston. St. Louis. Cincinnati. Brooklyn. Baltimore and Plttsburr II showed increases. San Francisco's re ceipts decreased 7.S per cenc The largest percentage of increase shown was at Albany. 21.S per cent De creases are shown at Providence. R. L; LoweU. Mass.: New Haven. Conn.; Peoria. I1L; and St Joseph. Mo. Cosaaittoo Xoota Araia. WASHINGTON. Jan. 13. The Rob erts investigating committee continued its executive session today. Members of the committee said the outlook for reaching a conclusion was quite in deftnite. as individual view? were being expressed for the purpos- of secHxing some common basis of. understanding: The absence of Mr. Miers of TaHtana may delay a report until next week. Chairman Taylor states that the lack of a speedy report is in no way signi ficant ot disagreement in the cssamit- Itee. WOOD'S WDH IN CUBA Is 21 Deime IiTtrisni QivH sai Military Aatlwrities. AN MKI SMN TO if ISSIO. CwtTwmj Sitm Gacal I.adl4 aa tk. Cass ACaln r tk. a. B. Gradaaily Tarad Ovr t. tk. Cakaaa Xsttm te a 6aral Way Satla factory. HAVANA. Jan. 12. Tomorrow Gen eral Wood will issue an order denning the relations between the civil and military authorities. Except in a supervisory- sense the military authori ties will nof Interfere beyond matters of maitaHas inl uUia JAb-ls. 8f a miaitary-esaracterr THe mmtary authorities will haw general supervi sion of all the rural' guards of the isl and. Engineer officers will act under the direction of Senor Villalon. secretary of public works. CmBan engineers have been appointed as rapidly as possible and thus the department ef public works will gradually come entirely un der Cuban controL subject only to Gen eral Wood's approvaL The military commanders through out the island have received instruc tions to visit the prisons in their juris dictions at least once a month, to make full reports and to prevent the recurrence of such abuses as have long existed but are being rapidly reme- j died. All department commanders have notified that the military must not be employed, except where the civil pow er is ineffective. Senor Federico Mora, the supreme court nscal. has addressed a letter ta , arrived, who went to Jacoby. but he. the judges of the supreme court saying , toe. was gasping his last and death that the judge in charge of the custom closed his lips before he could explain house fraud cases claims that the the reason of his rash act. The bodies proper course of law has been ignored j of both men were taken to their re by the intervening government in that spective homes and a courier sent to individuals, sanctioned by Collector j Butte to notify Coroner StockwelL He Bliss, can be prosecuted. responded immediately and upon arriv- He further claims that Collector in at the nlace emnaneled a iurv. Bliss refuses to deliver the original documents giving evidence of the guilt of the accused custom house em ployes and that lawyers nominated by the intervening government inter vene to direct the methods of investi gation. These facts, tae judge de clares, constitute a transgression of the law and the supreme court should request all such restrictions to be re moved immediately. Cubano says it has received two notes from General Ludlow, military governor ef Havana, one imposing a fine ef 5 upon the paper for not hav ing answered questions put by Gen aral T.nHlow in a. former note and the ,... l.M that- thm Cnhann in- stead of rectifying the raise statement I laboral Tcraaa. has reiterated it and that if the paper t WASHINGTON. Jan. 12. The ans does not make proper rectification it wer of the British government to Am will be fined $10. bassador Choate's representations re- Senor Varona. secretary of finance, specting the seizures ot American asserted today that General Wood, had i flour -and other goods on Lhe three ves assured him of his intention to deliver seis Beatrice. Mashona and Maria, has the management of the Gnances of th-; I Deen received. island by degrees into the hands of ' Just the officials of the state de the Cubans. partment expected, it amounted to a Weekly statements of the customs ansWar, very satisfactory as far receipts are to be handed over to S. i gg t g disposing of 'he character nor Verona, as statements of various , of some of the ds j but noi moneys handed over by the mterven- final, d(icldine broadiy whether or iag goverameui. General Wood also told him, he says. ' to arrange the !f fco tVi; wr..,l! ha a rf?ffirwir matter especially in the existing state of pub lic opinion, which regards public em ployment as a legitimate reward for political services. La Patria says a solemn manifes tation of protest against tne installa tion of a foreigner to the bisnopric of Havana is being signed and will be signed by many prominent Cubans. Carlos Garcia has been named in- specter general of prisons. The Cu- bano eavs the appointment is a goo-I one as Garcia is well qualified for tne l position. STORING OF WESTERN WATERS. A BUI by Soaator Alloa for Boliof of Bottlers. WASHINGTON. Jan. 12. Senator Allen introduced a number of bills ta7-m?.n.?.?ii?l?'with the goods seized on the third ance. yne u,.uiuuu.ul, Ot insolvent national naniu "j eicr.1. a. oermanent receiver. Another is a bill for the relief of settlers on the Great Sioux reservation, lying iau ovm iu i .u- .,. mf Vahraolra North Dakota. I .. a i t.-.r I South Dakota, and one directing the secretary of the interior to make a . survey for and report on the cost of erecting reservoirs on certain rivers in the United States and their tribu taries and appropriating $1,000,000 for carrying cut the provisions of the act. The bill affects Nebraska. North and South Dakota. Iowa and Wyoming, by providing for the erection of reservoirs for the conservation and storage in the best and most advantageous man ner of the waters of the rivers in the states named, for industrial purposes, the Sioux. Missouri. Des Moines. Yel lowstone. White, and the various branches of the Platte. Arkansas and Cimarron rivers for the benelt of Ne braska. Wyoming is to have reser voirs en the Platte, Green, Windy and Big Horn rivers. Statas of tfco Laartaa Faad. WASHINGTON. Jan. 12. Adjutant General Corbin has received altogeth er I72.9S0 for the Lawten fund. 1553 received today. Cosaaalttao Tryiaa ' Agroo. WASHINGTON. Jan. 12. The Pob ert3 investigating committee held a protracted executive sessirn today in hope of reaching a conclusion, but so many legal questions were discussed that a vote was not taken. Another meeting will be held at 10:30 tomorrow morning. A member of the commit tee is authority for the statement that delay is due mainly to a desire to se cure" unanimity and avoid, if possible, two reports. The differences relate to the manner of excluding Roberts. Chicago's School Ecoaoaay. CHICAGO, Jan. li Action taken last night by the board of education is expected to result in. me publishing and furnishing to pupils at cost price of ail books used in the public schools. Uy a unanimous vote the president was instructed to appoint a committee of seven to investigate printing and binding, ascertaining the ct. They m raTTMi mwMi to make a recommen dation on the question w";ther the i beard snail provide itsett witn raciii ties for printing and rinding or let wark to lowest Udders. VICTIMS Of MANIAC'S flRT. aa SleM. sot. XUa. rwmm stats Sfc 1 BUTTE, Neb., Jan. 12. A donal tragedy was enacted at the noma C Milton Nelson, seven miles from. aere today, and as a result Nelson and nia near neighbor and intimata friend. County Commissioner M. H. Jacoby, lie dead, both being victims of ballets fired from a revolver in the sands of the latter. Jacoby was insane when he committed the double crime. From little Sammy Nelson, a 12-year-old son of one of the dead men, is gleaned the following account of the tragedy: Mr. Jacoby had hitched up ais horsa for the purpose of coming to Butts to attend to his official duties and stopped. at Nelson's, tied his horse and went to the cattle shed, where Mr. Nelson and son Sam were milking. He passed the time of day and asked Nelson to come to Butts with him, which, ha agreed to do as soon as he got. his chores done. After further talk they went behind the shed to look at some cattle. Returning to the front ef tM shed' Jacoby pulled a 3-caliber revaP ver from his pocket. The boy noticed the gun and called out "Papa." Nelson turned his head and asked the boy what he wanted. That instant Jacoby levelled the weapon and sent a ball crashing through the brain of his vic tim. Nelson fell without a word and his slayer turned and ran fifty yards, placed the gun to his head and fired. The bullet entered behind and above the right ear and came out on the other side of his head. As in the first instance the aim was deadly and Ja coby fell in his tracks, while a large pool of blood and brains marked the spot where he lay. In the meantime little Sam had given the alarm and Mrs. Nelson rushed to the assistance of her hus band, but only in time to lift his head and witness him expire without a word. By this time several neighbors had which returned the following verdict: "We. the jurors, find from tal evi dence that Milton Nelson came to his death at the hands of one M. H. Jacoby by a pistol shot fired by the said Jacoby. The jury believe said Jacoby to have been insane." The same jury rendered the follow ing verdict on Jacoby's deaht: "We. the jury, find from the evidence that M. H. Jacoby came to his death by his own hand from a pistol shot through the head. RECEIVE ANSWER OF IWTISi. i Satisfactory as Tar as It Go. Broad not fcodstnffs ,r(, to b rezardwi . ..,, as The British government adopts pre- cict swuuo Liiu oao.iiiicvi uj liic siaxe department and embodied by Choate in his note on the subject ad dressed to the British foreign office. In brief. Choate reports as follows: That the answer is highly satisfac tory; that it is broad and liberal in terms. The position assumed by the British government is that foodstuffs in transit to a hostile destination can ke regarded as contraband of war only wnen tney are supplies ror the enemy's forces. It is not sufficient they are capable of being used for the benefit of the enemy; it must be shown that they are so in fact through their des tination at the time of the seizure. The British government does not claim that aay of the American goods on the German bark Maria and the British bark Mashona were contra band of war. The British government is investigating the facts in connection vessel, the Beatrice. FILiFINOS TIT IP A FIGHT. Coloa al Ballard Has a Skara Brash With Thoss. MANILA. Jan. 12. Colonel Bullard. with the Thirty-ninth infantry, mov ing in three columns, from Calamba. with two guns, attacked ten companies of insurgents, strongly entrenched on the Santa Tomas road. They resisted stubbornly, making three stands. Twenty-four of the rebels were killed anu sixty prisoners were taken. The Filipinos retreated, carrying their woiinded toward Laae Taal. One Amer ican was killed and two officers were slightly wounded. Gob. Sfotkaaa lasaao. CHICAGO, Jan. 12. A special cable to the Tribune from London says: Lieutenant General Lord Methuen. commanding the column advancing to the relief of Kimberley, is to be re lieved cf his command within two weeks. Later he will be sent to Cape town and eventually ordered home. When he reaches England he will be retired. These facts have been con firmed by an official of the War office. Lord Methuen's case is a sad one. Always a man of grand physiuqe a clever boxer and an all-round sports man his constitution began to show signs of breaking down almost imme diately after he took command of his division. X-awtoa's Body oa tko Tkoamas. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 12. Gen eral Shatter received a telegram from Nagasaki today, sent by Major Hyd, quartermaster of the transport Thorn. as. stating that the bedy of Generst H. W. Lawton is on this transport whieh is due in San Francisco January 29. The body will be escorted to Wash ington by General Shatter himself. Fattiaraw's oatoatoad BUI. WASHINGTON, Jan. 12; Senator Pettigrew today reported his free homestead bill, which has been a sub ject of much discussion in past con gresses. It was reported on the last session, but: failed to meet the wishes of the house. Whether this hill win have any material effect upon" Flynn's Oklahoma free homes bill cannot at present be decided, bat it is believed that should Flyan be able to get his bill through, it win be amended tm conference so that it will not conflict wita PettigreWs MIL mi Mm to pay H Osiaa f Udka 1111 Em It Await LagialatiTs mVB!0N IS UttlY T0IEMAK Tssaoa Toiecranhie Order tat aorta Uoa of Llaatcaaat Wad- i CkUaas Fat ia that Caa- AUowod. Wlthoat LeglakUi. Actio. LINCOLN, Neb., Jan. 11. Adjutant General Barry hears occasionally- of v member of the First Nebraska volun teers who did not come home with his resdmeat from San Francisco and who waats the state to reimburse him far tna railroad fare he has paid. The state secured susacrlntioas and thus da np a parse to pay the fare of the entire regiment A few members - of the regiment came before it started and seme came straggling along after ward. These soldiers as a rule did not maka application to be carried free when the regiment moved, and for this reason they were left out of the accounts. The accounts were closed and the remainder of the state'3 fund was returned to the subscribers. D. EL Thompson of Lincoln advanced 920,006 for the return of the soldiers Before tho accounts were closed provision was made for the return of the soldiers who were unable to re turn with the regiment on account of wounds or sickness. General Barry issued a telegraphic order yesterday for the transportation for Lieutenant Wadswerth of Beatrice, who was a member of company B, Fullerton. Lieuteaant Wadsworth is now in the general aespital at the Presidio. He was wauaded in the leg and his in juries were of such a serious nature that several surgical operations had to be performed. He -a now able to travel and will come home. In regard to the application of An drew B. Currier, late private of com pany I. First Nebraska volunteers, for the refunding of the money expended for transportation from San Francisco to Nebraska, General Barry is unable to do anything except to present the claim to the next legislature. In re ply to a letter from Major J. N. Killian, First Nebraska, in regard to the claim. General Barry has written as follows: "I regret vary much to inform you that there, is no appropriation that is available far that purpose. The trans portation fund, raised by the governor of this state, has been closed and bal ance on hand returned to subscribers. You might advise Mr. Currier to for ward his claim, with receipt attached, for money expended and I shall pre sent the same at the next session of the legislature for reimbursement." Sergeant George E. Kinney, com pany G, Second regiment, Nebraska national guard, was discharged yes terday by reason of non-residence, the order to take effect yesterday. Coal Winos Mast Bo Idla. CHADRON, Neb., Jan. 11. A fire at the Glen Rock Coal company's mine at G!en Rock, Wyo.. has laid the pow er house and other buildings in waste and destroyed its machinery and tools. 5ven the cable rope was wound around the drum and was rendered useless for future use. The fire was discovered at an early in the morning, but the mines were witnout a water system and the wind was blowing a tremend ous gale. The fire was caused from an explosion of a boiler in the hoisting department. The mines are closed and hundreds of men are without work. The company has mules draw ing out enough coal to fill its govern ment contracts, out orders for train loads of coal that supplies the entire northwest Nebraska district are un fulfilled. The Glen Rock company bought the TJeer Creek Coal company of a number of Fremont, Nab..men a year ago and had placed their coal next to Cambria, Wyo., in quantity consumed ia the northwest territory. The company cannot resume the filling of orders for at least two weeks, but will prepare temporary means of supplying the de mand bv that time. The Deer Creek Coal company supplies the government posts, and some Nebraska state insti tutions. The property carried oome insurance, but not enough to cover the loss. All available help is being utilized in rebuilding the property. The old machinery Till be replaced with better power. Ohjeet to Paymeat of Costs. NBBRASKA CITY, Neb., Jan. 10. The men who were active in seeking the disbarment cf Atorney John C. Watson, and to whom Judge Ramsey taxed the costs of the trial, and who afterwards appealed to the supreme court, have served their brief on Mr. Watson. As soon as his brief is pre pared the case will be submitted to the supreme court. For a Nebraska Kacias Circuit. KEARNEY. Neb.. Jan. 10. A num ber of prominent horsemen met here and decjded to have Kearney become a member of the western Nebraska racing circuit O. G. Smith was ap pointed a delegate to represent Kear ney in the meeting at Hastings Tues day, at which time the circuit will be arranged. Boot Sugar Factory Starts. AMES. Neb., Jan. 10. The big beet sugar factory of the S'ndard com pany was started up on the 6th. and will be in operation for three months at least It has a capacity of 500 tons of beet3 per day. Saaadcrs Cooaty XortoC" Record. OSCEOLA. Neb.. Jan. 10. For the month of December the records in the county clerk's office show that mort gages have been taken off of farmers' and merchants' property in the sum of 134,205.94 more than the mortgages filed. This is the showing: Farm mortgages filed. 22. amounting to $23, 843.95; released, 32. amounting to J2S. 849.39. City mortgagee filed. 4, amounting to S2475; released, 4, amounting to $1,436. Chattel mortga ges filed, 73. amounting to 523,619.93; released, 233, amounting to $53,509.03. Folk Cooaty Xaa Dies la Canada. OSCEOLA. Neb.. Jan. 10. Word has been received here by friends of the death of Richard S. Genge, at Dnait. Ontario. Mr. Genge had lived six years beyond the allotted time cf man. being seventy-six years old. He was the father of the station agent here. Robert R. Genge. who went to the old fireside several weeks ago and was with his father during his hut days 3n earth. The old "Second church" in Boston jclebialed its 250tir .anniversary recently: tftjutAt motif coKcaxc o. Salt Agalaat Catoat FacisVf Frala-kt aad XtfCBl O OMAHA, Na., Jan. 13. Osfciala of tne frsMttt aid aasaenger departments of tncllre railroads having general oCcea in this city-k Union Pacific the Burlington and ta Elkhorn make no attempt to conceal tl con cern relating to the suit which AOstfr ney General Smythe has filed against the Union Pacific, alleging violation of tie law in the recent change- in charges for shipments of live stock. According to agreameat all the rail roads operating into Ofiaba instituted the changes whereby charges- tor ship ments of live stock are computed 4 cents per hundred instead of dollars par car, December 1, 1899. Freight offi cials argue that in the long run this basis costs the shipper no more than formerly, out privately admit that the change was made expressly for the purpose of Increasing tnetf freight earnings. The suit brought by the attorney general was in a measure a surprise to th railroads and. the general attor neys at the three roads most vitally af fected were unprepared to make any statement regarding the legal status of the case. The fact tha the origi nal suit is filed against the UnioB Pa 9c furnishes but little room for com- fort on the part of the Burlington and Elkhorn for the reason that if the Un ion Pacific is found guilty of violating the law in the premises they are equal ly at fault The same is true, also, of the Missouri Pacific, the Rock Isl and, the Omaha, the Milwaukee and all roads carrying live stock to the South Omaha markets. John N. Baldwin, who has charge of the legal affairs of the Union Pacific in this state, stated: "I have been away from my office for the last five weeks. During my absence this cnanga in the basis of charging for shipments of live stock came up. I am not therefore, sufficiently familiar with the matter to express any opinion. The first intimation I had of any such suit came from the notice contained in The Bee. I must take the matter up from the very beginning and investigate it in its various phases before I will be competent to express my views on the subject" J. E. Kelby. assistant general attor ney of the Burlington, stated : "This suit which the attorney general has filed against the Union Pacific road is one fraught with very great impor tance to the railroads of Nebraska. An expression of legal opinion coming from an attorney of one of the rail roads interested in this matter would be virtually giving publicity to the defense which the railroads exppct to make, and that would manifestly be unwise in view of the undisputed im portance of the suit." Cornell Will Wait. LINCOLN, Neb.. Jan. 13. Auditor Cornell announces that he will wait for a decision of the court before pro ceeding to collect the fees due the state from the insurance companies li censed by former Auditor Eugene Moore. It was erroneously reported that the condition cf the law would withhold the license? these com panies until they maae good the short age of his predecessor. It was assert ed that such action would be taken to save the taxpayers of the state the expense of endless litigation. Auditor Cornell is in favor of allowing the courts to divide the liability among the various companies that were licensed by Moore. Of the fees collected by him nbout $9,000 was paid into the treas ury, and what companies deserve credit for the payment, he thinks, is a question that should be referred to the judiciary. Hoc. John Petars Injured. ALBION, Neb Jan. 13. Hon. John Peters was thrown from a buggy and sustained severe bruises and a wrenched shoulder that wil confine wrenched shoulder that will confine He was returning home from Peters burg when the accident occurred, be ing caused by a breaking of a portion of the buggy. He is receiving the congratulations of his friends and his physician that he escaped with as few injuries as he did under the circum stances. Veteran Drops Dead. JUNLATA. Neb., Jan. 13. William T. Drake, an old settler of Adams county and a veteran of the civil war, was found dead in hi3 barn. He was subject to heart disease and it is sup posed that while doing his work he had an attack of his old complaint and suddenly dropped dead. He was a member of the Grand Army here and will be buried by the order. He leaves a wife and five married children. He was about 70 years of age. Fight Over Threo Million. FALLS CITY. Neb.. Jan. 13. Judge Thompson of Grand Island is holding a special term here, hearing the cele brated Miles will case. An entire day was taken up with arguments for a continuance asked by the contestants. The suit is brought to set aside the will of the late "Colonel" Stephen D. Miles, a pioneer Nebraskaa and an old time government mail contractor. An estate valued at $3,000,000 is involved. Search for Iaoa' Beoaaias. KEARNEY. Neb.. Jan. 13. Coroner Bennett and a number of men out at Nelson's farm hunting for the arm and remainder of the head that wa missing when the body was found. Ten small pieces of bone were found, all of which belonged to the skuIL Part of them were in the hog lot and the remainder around the bam. The search will be continued until the whole body is found. Theodora eIsoa Held for Warder. KEARNEY, Neb.. Jan. 13. Theo dore Nelson was taken before County Judge Yost on the charge of having murdered his father. He waived ex amination and was held to the district court, whicn convenes here January 29. He is in jail. Farm Hoaae Burned. TECUMSEH. Neb. Jan.13. The fam ily residence of John Price, at Smart ville, was totally destroyed by fin to gether with practically ail its contents. A defective fine is the 3uppcsed caus?. Insurance light Too SVaay Feoplo to Soit Him. KEARNEY. Neb.. Jan. 13. Nenzele Sistek. a farmer in the northeast part of Buffalo county, was adjudged In sane. Sistek spent nine months in tha asylum in 1896. but was released be cause he was thought to have Lea mred. He recently began to think there are too many people living and had made up his mind to kill a few. STELLA. Neb.r Jan. 13. Ben Timer man ,the boy so badly burned by gas oline, died from his injuries. His condition was not thought to be criti cal at first w B FACTORI Ojmdag ef tha Iadaatrj ia Tempatarilj DslaM ITS CATACITY 500 TONS R 1 1AY Twnif Last Si Toaa of Beats Fraai Craft a SoU A WaU-ta- Xeaartlaad Xystortoaaly Other 5tun Throaghoar. OMAHX Xe.. Jan. 9.-R. M. '4JIen, the Ames b saar magnate, was in Oat) aha PririiT raSs.rninc lO his hotk3 in the evening to Jfcvticipate in the . . h. a. 1 a m inauguration ot the new jes ne;. su gar factory. The opening Pi this new factory baa "been delay a several linn baeamae ef the difficulty expe rienced ia getting- material, as the mills and iaetories from whictt sugar factory machinery is obtained .have been overtaxed. The capacity of Jhe Ames factory Is 50J tons per day and the company has about 20,000 tens of beets from last summer's crop in soli, the consumption of whicn will require about three months operations, as the factory 'will noc start ou; at its full capacity. The Ames people are said ta have in vested about $400,000 ia their factory, having so constructed it that with a slight further outlay its capacity can be increased to 1.000 tons per day It is Mr. Allen who i3 in negotia tion with the Commercial club to se cure the raising of a largo quantity of beets in Douglas county during: this year. Fire at St. Edwards. ST. EDWARD. Jan. f. Fire broke out in the store room at the corner of Second and Beaver streets, occupied-by Abood Bros.' general store. BefoY the fire was checked it had destroyed the whole of Abocd's stock and the ad joining building, occupied by N. C. Peterson's general store, and nearly all the household furniture.of August An dersen, who lived over Peterson's store. The latter building was new, having- been built last season. Pe terson saved a portion of his stock of goods, but in damaged condition. Both tiiil&ngs belonged to August Anderson. The buildings were insured for 11.600 or $1,700. Mr. Peterson wa3 insured on stock to ths amount of $1,500, Abood Bros.. $3,000. .ITjnterioas Shoottnc JanTray. ATKINSON. Neb.. Jan. 9. Clark Guy. 28 years old, was brought into Atkinson from the farm of a man named Boetcher. southwest of here about fifteen miles. He was shot sev eral times in the head and also In the back. He was completely covered with blood. Guy was taken to the Mew chants hotel, where he is being cared' for. It is rumored that tnere is a wo man in the affair. The sheriff and county attorney are here and Boetcher and another man have given them selves up. Guy is not expected to live. Guy has no home, althrugh he haa lived here for several years. The au thorities will not divulge the name of the second man in custody. Faraaer and Manmj Xlatin'. , CORTLAND, Neb.. Jan. 9. Hamil ton Stafford, a well to Jo farmer liv ing three miles north of this place, has been missing since Wednesday and the conditions surrounding his disappear ance are indicative of foul play. He left here by team Wednesday for Lin coln, carrying with him 3100 in gold to pay a note, intending to -eturn home the same evening. Thursday evening his wife and daughters aiove to Lin coln in search cf him. They found where he had put his team in a barn Wednesday noon, but thafc he had been seen by no one since 4 o clock of that day. The note had not been paid. Stafford is 50 years old and slightly deaf. Allder Said to Be in Xexlco. WEST POINT. Neb.. Jan. 9. News has been received of the whereabouts I of Charles R. Axlder. the defaulting cashier of the defunct First National bank cf Neligh. Allder was reared and educated in West Point. After the failure of the tnk he fled to Mexico. On h!a arrival there he 'vorked with a cccaAruction gang, and later was given eharga of a number of work men employed by a contractor, who has befri'saded- him. H- refuses to return to this country, and under the provisions of the extradition treaty with Mexico cannot be compelled to do so. His wife and family will shortly join him. Old Resident Drops Dead. GERING. Neb., Jan. 9. Fayette FIndley a well known resident of this place, dropped dead of bart disease. He wa3 helping to run a wood saw at the time and faad just placed a log on the carriage when he fell to the ground and expired in a moment He leaves a large family s?eral of the children being quite small. Implement Dealer Auticn. AURORA. Neb.. Jan. 5 Bishop A Carver, probably cne of the most ex tensive implement dealen in this sec tion of the 3tate. made an assignment to the sheriff. It is said the firm has ample iesources to cover liabilities, but have taken thi3 course to close up the business. Prompt Redemption of Bonds. GENEVA. Neb.. Jan. 9. On Janu ary 1. 1S93. Fillmore couciy Issued It3 bond3 for 150,000 for the purpose of building a court house. The building was erected and fumishei at a cost of 135,000. Six thousand dollars was paid out of the fund3 on hand and forty thousand dollars of the bands have been paid. Treasurer Jacob Weis having just redeemed 13,000 of the bonds, and will call in and pay the re maining 110,000 July 1 next. The bonds were drawn for twenty years. Flllmcre county doubtr if any county in the state can show a better record. Foot Frst Changes Hands. SCHUYLER. Neb.. Jan. 9. The Cox county poor farm, whicn has been in the care of H. H- Wood3 during three years past, is this year in charge of Eugene Wait, who pay.5 12 per acre for the land and receives 12.73 per week far boarding the county poor. Brady Talks of Gotbeaborx Xow. BRADY, Neb. Jan. 9. The tele phone lines recently put in here con necting a branch store with an estab lishment at Gothenburg and the lum ber yard here with Gothenburg yards, are now in oceration. CshmbosStateBank toNnt lto Ocpit. sstataiBrifitfe BUYS GOOD K0TES ansama BBBBaaBaa fraii a as Waaa -VTavor aoi AaMSaaWmaaamaSSWaaatoy aaMa f sAAaYaBBBl a.. SVaafc's. sV sT. Imr, Vka Praa'av. 1L Baxaaxn, Cashier. lasjgf taTFFsn, Wa ateennv The Columbus Journal. 4 Waakly Newspaper devoted to tha . Bast interests of UVasanSvJwl Tie County cf Platfa, Dm State of Nebraska, Tfie United States, -A2TD TDK- EEST OF MANKIND. to uinr o measurb with us IS $1.50 a Year, If Paid In Advance. Mat our limit of usefulness ia not cir-' cumscribed by dollars an-! centa. ata Coals. firs, to aty addra. HENRY GASS, i ItUllit : Cues ? a oWMavfa. Upfui Gomtiiis journal PRINTING OFFICE. OOUMTRY. aaw.SaaaSawaaan. aaat UNBERTAKEE I CtBBssl :oi i . 1 1 : ' -l . i . -?i iz i "; . ' J - aft! ,.l i 5- if Q& - ari. .-