The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, January 03, 1900, Image 2

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Mat It, UN.
Columbus f ottntat
Fob the irst time ia
y years the
ippi river is frozen
over at St
Amah has been arrested in Georgia
charged with choking his aged mother
to death.
CoxaKBBSHAK Botjteeuc is now in the
McLean hospital for insane at Warerly,
near Boston.
No ova wants gold aaynore than he
its paper mosey, if the paper is as
good as gold. Yates.
Fbkd A. wash bas been elected pi
dent of the New Omaha Tboaasoa
Hoaston Electric light company.
Thk 'remains of Gen. Lawton and
Major Logan were placed aboard the
transport Thomas Satarday for ship
. The viceroy of India, Lord Canon,
telegraphs from Calcutta that there has
been no increase of raia and that 22,451,-
000 natives suffering from famine are now
receiving relief.
The main steam pipe at the Glucose
works, Marahalltown, Iowa, burst Sun
day night, literally cooking Henry Krock,
the flesh dropping from his bones. He
was dead when picked up.
The corporation of Glasgow, Scotland,
has accepted the bid of a New York
company for electric feeders for the
Glasgow tramway at 151,000, or 10,000
below the lowest British offer.
T. G. Fish, president of the Fish
Bros.' Manufacturing company, died at
his home in Clinton, Iowa, Dec. 31, aged
66 years. He was widely known as
founder of the famous Fish Bros.'
During 1899, 1,631 barrels, or 4J&S8
bushels of apples were shipped from
Brownville, this state. That's a pretty
good record. And yet there are people
who still contend that Nebraska can't
raise apples.
The Hastings Tribune calls attention
to the fact that politicians who imagine
they have a pull, are working "tooth and
toe nail" to cinch the legislative nomina
tion, and that the fact that two U. 8.
senators are to elect in 1901 may have
something to do with it.
The entire tonnage of the world in
ships, it is said, amounts to 27,67328
tons, of which the United Kingdom and
her colonies amounts to 13,98808; tak
ing off the colonies, she still has left
12,826,924. tons. The United State
comes second with 2,46567 tons; Ger
many third with 2,45334. Norway is
said to be next in order.
A dispatch under date of January 1
from Bensberg, Cape Colony, says that
Gen. French has completely defeated the
Boers and occupied Colesburg. That he
continued to keep the Boers on the move
and pressed them closely Saturday and
Sunday, giving them no time to tarry.
Flank operations were successful and
were conducted strictly in accordance
'with previously arranged plans. The
Boers were knocked completely out, and
finding their line of retreat threatened
fled leaving Colesberg in Gen. French's
SPEAKiKa of the loss to the British in
the Transvaal, the First Maine heavy
artillery lost 75 per cent of its men in
seven minutes, in the assault on Peters
burg, and yet brought off its guns. At
Antietam the First Texas lost 82 per
cent during the day's fighting. On July
2, 1863, at Gettysburg, the First Minne
sota volunteers charged and out of 262
oCcers and men, lost 75 killed and 140
wounded, leaving only 47 men unharmed,
and yet brought off its colors. When
England gets down to such war as that,
even the Boers may think war is not a
picnic. St Louis Star.
Quite a flurry was caused in Europe
Thursday by a rumor that under the
secret stipulations of a treaty between
Germany and England, the former is to
take Portugal's Asiatic colonies and the
territory north of the Zambesi, and Eng
land, Delegea bay. Russian and French
ramors that all neutral powers will inter
vene if England takes effective measures
for closing the back door against the
entrance of contraband of war into the
Transvaal are colored by the general
belief that there is a secret agreement
with Germany relating to any emergency
which may arise on the
Edkw Bsptist church, dedicated a year
ago at Stromsburg, Polk coaaty, burned
to the ground about midnight 8anday
might The fire resulted from the ex
plosion of ascetylene gas, which blew oat
the foundation and wrecked the win
slows. A crowd wss present to watch
the New Year in. The force of the ex
plosion harled the people ia every direc
tion. Bev. Hedbloosa and Mr. Cowan,
the janitor, were burned about the hands
and face, and Mrs. J. L. Johnson and
daughter Pearl slightly injured. The
faraace and gas plant were in the
meat Loss $3,200, insurance fl00.
Victims of the
I to their nasi rest in Arlington
etery, Washington, D. G, the 28th alt,
McKJaley, members of the
and Admiral Dewey and Major
Mums attending Despite the
nipping cold over lflBQ spse-
igsaast the rope-lined
The Marina band played a dirge, "Safe
Jesus," aad than simple
of the Msiae,BBdsr.a
hatter ia the
After the
for the
Baterad at the PbatoBtoa, ColirtM. Bear.. X
baa Wataaatart by K.X.TIXntM. X
. K rath.
One I1.pwi if ii ill tLM A
oi. aMaaaamtftnai Tat mU
m aBaWaaaTaaWa m
. Soogsaooooooooe
AjVr-FlaesslsBkatttaeTaaa ihibMi
JOPaWAI Up taJa eTate. 7 r
BftsMffMKBsIB yU4s af sBsMMUbIvMbI IBV
Ilv. - a, thaV mmkmi halnnifalwd
lib .' '- . ml limn Wank "ultra
Germany is hot and will de
mand redress from England
for seizure of the Bundes-
His Xeai Level.
ago we quoted the senti-
U of the Cedar Rapids Outlook, a
popalist newspaper, advocating the ap
poiatment of a republican senator to
saccaed Senator Hayward, who was
elected by a republican legislature, but
died before doing duty.
The editor of the Outlook is not only
an able writer but conscientious in his
conviction of duty. We call especial at
tention to the last sentence of this
article as' truth concentrated:
"Gov. Poynter has- appointed Judge
W. Y. Allen to fill the senatorial office
made vacant' by the death of Senator
Hayward. We favored the appointment
of a republican as decent respect for the
dead and for the friends of the dead.
We favored this course ss the best poli-
afor the fusion party. Allen and
tehcock would both have been elected
by the next legislature, by general con
sent and to their greater honor than is
possible now. The only proper repre
sentation of the people's will as to
senator is now the present legislature,
and if it had been called to meet in
special session it would have elected a
republican. Mr. Reese wss. the man
chosen by the republicans for the high
est ofloe in the state at the last election
and if he bad been appointed the repub
licans could not have made any reason
able complaint He would probably
have done no good at Washington and
the chances are that Allen will be able
to do nothing of consequence in the
present senate. The exhibition of greed
for office which has been made in this
affair has done more harm to the fusion
cause in Nebraska than Allen will be
able to do good by this appointment
Washington City.
(Special correspondence.) It seems
that there is to bo a change in the po
litical fight in congress if the plans of
the democrats can be carried out The
republicans of the bouse got the minor
ity side in an embarrassing position by
forcing them to discuss the money ques
tion. Jast at the time when Bryan was
trying to avoid the silver question and
work up some other issue upon which to
go before the country, the democrats in
congress were compelled to stand up and
defend free coinage.
Now it aDDears to a close observer
that the house democrats are going to
let the senators wrestle with the money
question, while they jump into the arena
with the anti-expansion issue. It is be
lieved that during January all manner
of resolutions will be offered criticising
the administration and declaring for the
abandonment of the Philippines. By a
flood of oratory on this question the
democrats hope to divert the attention
of the country from the silver issue, and
at the same time so delay the business
of the session that very little will be
In the meantime it is the clear inten
tion of the democratic senators to talk
and bushwhack, gerrymander and delay
on the currency bill, to the damage of
all other business. It was on this ac
count that they were so anxious to have
Allen appointed. They proposed to use
the windy and obstreperous Nebraska
senator as a central figure in the game
of delsy. He will be utilized to "bnck
the line" every time play is called. This
also explains why Bryan was so anxious
to have Allen appointed.
The all winter tilt on the money ques
tion will be useful to Allen for other
reasons. He is already committed on
the Philippines question and will be
glad to avoid that and cling to the silver
debate, where his old speeches cannot
be used against him.
The appointment by the national com
mittee of the new bureau of literature
for the coming campaign cannot but be
gratifying to republicans of the western
states, ss it is made up entirely of wes
tern men. Perry Heath, the head of the
bureau, was a western newspaper man,
and was connected with a Nebraska
paper for over ten years. Charley
Dawes, is an old Nebrsskan, and Senator
8houp, the third man on this most im
portant committee, is an Idaho man.
From the first move it is plain that the
west is to have muoh attention in the
coming campaign, and that Nebraska
will be especially well looked after.
The Nebraska members of the present
congress sre showing great activity in
looking after the interests of their con
stituents. Besides, Thurston, Mercer
and Burkett are each on important com
mittees, and their corps of clerks and
secretaries are kept busy. The fusion
members from Nebraska are taking it
much easier, and each of them expects
to make a private saving from the fund
allowed for secretary hire.
The commercial interests of this
country are already feeling the effects
of commercial expansion in Cubs, Porto
Bico and the Philippines. The exports
from this country to the islands have
more than doubled in value in two
years, and it is believed that for the
present fiscal year ending next July,
there will be another doubling up.
There has been a large increase in the
exports to the Philippines, and this does
not include the goods and supplies
shipped there for army and navy use.
The shipments from the Philippines to
the United States amounted to more in
1899 than they did in 1897, showing that
the insurrection is not preventing the
.commercial business of the islands from
being carried on.
F. A. Hakbisok.
Fbee trade means just two things, the
bringing of foreign goods into this conn
try to compete with American made
goods to the detriment of the American
arner, and then later free soup
where he can get something to
eat -This is the whole thing in a nut
shell, aad it cannot lie proven otherwise
by past history. Just now the wage
earner of this country has money with
which to bay better -food than soup.'
David City News.
Hamtars, Take Matiaa!
The public are strictly forbidden to
hut bbob the whole of section 8, in
which is located the Irrigation Pond.
Any perseas trespassing will be prose
cuted to the faU limit of the Uw.
15-BOV-7 .W.T.EBM9T. j
Ike Pint Fails.
Manila, Dec. 31, 6:10 p. m. Four ex
plosive bombs, a few firsarsas and 500
pounds of ammunition were discovered
in a house in the center of Manila this
morning while the police were seeking
Recarte, the insurgent leader, who was
said to have come to Manila ia the hope
of effecting an outbreak yesterday by
taking advantage of the mobilisation of
the American troops at General Law-
ton's funeral.
Today it developed that the plot in
cluded the throwing of bombs among
the foreign consuls attending the cere
mony in order to bring about .interna
tional complications.
These explosives, it seems, were to
have been thrown from the Escoltss,
high buildings, but the avoidance of the
Escoltss by the fnneral procession
spoiled the plot.
The police, it is thought bad been
prepared for the plot, by a rumor circu
lated widely among the natives, that
Aguinaldo was in Manila aad would
personally lead the outbreak. The
American authorities, having been ad
vised of what was brewing, prepared for
all contingencies.
Captain Morrison, who commands the
troops in the most turbulent district of
the city, says he does not believe an
actual uprising will ever occur, as the
natives lack the resolution to take the
first steps in a movement that would
entail fighting at close quarters with the
American troops.
Some idea of Nebraska's resources ss
an agricultural and stock state may be
gained when we consider that last year
she raised 6V315.000 bushels of rye, 51,
961,200 of wheat 54,411,900 of oats, 180,
611,944 of corn and that there were
7,863,786,715 hesd of cattle, 18,455,177 of
hogs, 3,754359 of sheep and 103,03 of
horses and mules. Besides these the
dairying interest of the state is one of
considerable magnitude and continually
growing. The poultry business is a
source of great profit to the farmers of
the state. Cutting and marketing the
bay crop of the Platte and Elkhorn val
leys is a big industry in itself and brings
in a good revenue, as it furnishes work
for scores of men during the early fall
and the winter months. Then there is
the beet sugar industry which promises
before long to become one of the leading
products of the state, besides numerous
smaller industries scattered all over the
state. When one remembers that it is
only twenty-five years since the real
development of the state began it is cer
tainly a remarkable record and we do
not believe can be equaled by any other
state. Nebraska will one day be one of
the richest states in the Union because
she has the soil, the climate and the
people to make her so. Schuyler Sun.
"Do American men and women realize
that in five cities of our country alone
there were during the last school term
over sixteen thousand children between
the ages of eight and fourteen taken out
of the public schools because their ner
vous systems were wrecked, and their
minds were incspable of going on any
further in the infernal cramming system
which exists today in our schools?" in
quires Edward Bok in the January
Ladies' Home Journal. "And these six
teen thousand helpless little wrecks,'' he
continues, ."are simply the children we
know about Conservative medical men
who have given their lives to the study
of children place the number whose
health is shattered by over-study at more
than fifty thousand each year. It is
putting the truth mildly to state that, of
all American institutions, that which
deals with the public education of our
children is at once the most faulty, the
most unintelligent and the most cruel.''
tPpUttial itcal.
Fsht Mew Soigs ftr 85 Cents.
Four new, popular, copyrighted songs:
Great pathetic war love song, Parted in
a Dream; beautiful waltz heart song,
Darling Lenore; great mother heart
song, Motner s uarung let; spicy coon
song. Honey Pick Up An' Follow Me
each a 50-oent song. Accounted the four
greatest hits in 1899. Praised by musi
cal directors of ten American colleges.
Superbly printed on heavy enameled
music paper, regular style. Every song
lover buys them at sight Money re
funded if not satisfactory. Have set
apart 5,000 copies of each to advertise.
All 4 for 25 eta; 3 for 21 eta.; 2 for 17
cts.; 1 for 13 cts. Order before- gone.
Published by Windsor Masks Co., Chi
cago and New York. This offer good
only on addressing the author, Hslbert
L. Hoard, Fort Atkinson, Wis. If pre
ferred, order through Citizens State
Bank, Fort Atkinson, Wia, or this paper.
Far lxfiuata ami1 CUliitm,
TIm KM Yn tm Alrm
Bears the
WNsam's CM.
The Woman's dab will hold its gen
eral meeting; at the home of Mrs. L.
Garrard on Satarday afternoon, Jan. 6,
at 3 o'clock. Program:
Roll call Art Notes.
Solo Miss Bscher.
Paper Mrs. Brindley.
Solo Miss Galley. -
The Madonna ia Art" Mrs.Glidden.
All those desiring to become members
of the elab should have their
preseated at this meetiBg.
far tela a Btmt.
blacksmith aad
-the best location ia Oolam-
For particulars, call oa or ad
Oar aoooant thk week' becna wiihi
June 18, 1877. and end with Jaly 4. 1877. 1
W. A. Clark entered am operation tor
Jfett. SU.I. jr, dM ML H ,
T T- m 1BTT
aaaawy avwm w wmw wv
Silas H. Tucker was justice of the
peace of Crestoo precinct
Thomas Flynn t Sob advertised brick
for sale at $10 a thousand at the kiln.
In June 1877, Allie Rickly was for the
second time under medical treatment at
Eugene Dnrr was put under bonds tor
answer the charge of shooting at John
John T. Mallalisu wss sales agent in
Columbus for Wanamsker fc Brown of
Gold was quoted at 91.02; Platte coun
ty warrants 90 cents to $1.00; city war
rants 75 cents.
Married, June 17. at the residence of
G. W. Shaffer, George P. Jackson and
Miss Anna E. Smith.
A. J. McKelvey, in the employ of Dan
iel Fauoette, went up to his farm near
Waterville to spend the Fourth!
David Anderson purchased 100 head
of stock to be driven' to Sioux City and
fattened for the Indian market
Budd Doble, the celebrated race horse
driver, passed through the cityrlth
"Goldsmith Maid," Voley "and "Bode:n
LoveIand- Ellis were busy on the
farm of A. Height on Big Island making
improvements, among them a large frame
Martin Bohen, Dul Holloral and John
Gogan, as directors, advertised for pro
posals for a school house in district
No. 18.
Mike Welch, ss mail carrier, had to go
seven or eight miles further thsn he
ought because of the absence of certain
bridges in Bismsrk precinct.
Occidental Lodge No. 21, K. P. officers
were: J. A. Baker, L. F. Ellis, J. W.
Martin, O. H. Archer, W. N. Hensley,
W. H. Winterbotham, J. W. Early.
The frame and brick-veneer addition
to the rear of J. C. Morrissey's brick
store building on Eleventh street 22x53f i
was completed, with a front to the alley.
J. J. Bump sent the editor a Daily
Champion published at Desdwood con
taining the charge of Judge Bennett to
the first grand jury convened at Dead
wood. Officers selected for Wildey Lodge 44,
L O. O. F., were: N. O., John G. Rout
son; Y. G., John Stauffer; R S., John
Sohram; Grand Representative, C. A.
John E. Elliott wrote from South
Glastonbury, Connecticut, while on a
visit, speaking of seeing Mrs. Fifield,
then a teacher here, who was visiting
Albert Thomas, a lsd about 12 years
old, attending r school near Savannah,
Butler county, went to bathe in a creek
near the school house and was drowned
June 29.
R. H. Henry returned from a visit to
bis stock ranch on the South Loup and a
tour through the cattle regions of the
Middle Lonp about 150 miles west of
Fort Kearney.
Among the graduates from the State
university at Lincoln Wednesdsy, June
27, was the name of William A. McAl
lister, who received the degree of Bach
elor of Science.
Columbus markets June, 13, 1877,
wheat 91.30, corn 4060c, oats 3545c,
butter 10llc, eggs 810c, potatoes
S1.00S1.25, fst hogs a00$a25, fat
cattle Sa50f4.00.
Lockner & Uhlig used a full-length
half-page advertisement in The Joubkai.
to tell the people what they had in har
vesting machinery, and found it a big
paying investment
A stage coach out from Desdwood was
stopped near Cheyenne river, and five
passengers robbed of 915,000 in gold.
A second and a third attack were made
the same week and various sums got
There were three Granges, at Jack
son, Wattsville and Tracy Valley. The
familiar names we notice are G. P. Shats
well, John Lisco, John Eyman, Ed.
Hoare, E. T. Graham, L. C. LaBarre.
The statement of the city finances
showed a balance in the treasury of
$2,136.80; warrants issued and unre
deemable, S&561.34; bonds against the
city $3,000. There was $1.00 in the dog
A man's ideal is not wounded when a
woman fails in wordly wisdom; but if in
grace, in tact in sentiment, in delicacy,
in kindness she should be found wanting,
he receives an inward hurt. Gail Ham
ilton. The first step toward greatness, says
the proverb, is to be honest;, but the
proverb fails to state the case strong
enough. Honesty is not only "the first
step toward greatness,'' it is greatness
Citizens of Columbus were advised to
exercise some care in twitting David
O'Brien about that charmed "rain weed,"
for fear that he might in his wrath, send
them a second flood, as he claimed he
had sent a then recent one.
John Schram as city clerk notified
property holders to build sidewalks along
certain lots, "of lumber two inches in
thickness, on stringers four by four, and
not less than six feet in width, the grade
to be established by the city engineer.''
A race between C. E. Morse's "Char
ley" and Joe Tiffany's "Major" resulted
in a victory for "Charley." Several races
of looser magnitude came off the same
afternoon, Julius Rasmuasen's "Lizzie''
a little ahead of Ed. North's "Batterfly."
Married, June 11, 1877, by Judge Hig-
gins, after Friends' ceresnoay, Charles
Hill of Santos agency and Miss Mary
Webster of Moaroe. On Jane 12, by
Rev. H. N.Cook, Rev. Daniel Shank of
Butler county and Mrs. Hannah C.
Thomas of Columbus.
John Kearns descended into a well on
the farm of John Shsaghnsssey, found
the curbing, near the bottom iaabad
eoaditioa, called to partiss above to
aend him down hammer aad aails tors
pair it The first blow straek by him
the curbing to give way aad he
buried 20 feet deep in the anad.
A game of bass ball between a Colum
bus aiae aad Batier coaaty "Athletics-
ilted in a Tiotocy for Golambaa, ioon
15 to 8 - The players named were: Look-
wood, Tilltavi, Ooffdy, Saaila, Spoomer,
'GajlidM, Tamer, Brindley, Wearer, and
Brumer. Peooyer. Wetharbr. Wiuraer.
woodaro, Jiavenpon.uaaeonaaeviae,
Braiie. a D. Bakeetraw, Empire.
We. Spetoe, Urinff then at Ouster City,
Dakota, ia abasinees letter to Taa Jotjb-
-? J- ?"?
B " " " " "
He believes a strong man may do well if
he understands anything about mining.
Ouster City is beautifully located with,
grand scenery surrounding it and as
healthful a climate as ever he has been in.
John, son of Judge Riley of Boone
county, met an untimely death while
attempting) cross a deep ravine on the
public road near Boone post oSceon his
way home from Columbus. The ravine
at the time was a raging, angry, turbid
stream, at least 15 feet deep. He wss
aboat half way across when he was
thrown from his horse, and the force of
the current carried him under.
In 1877, Silas Garter was governor;
George B. Lake, chief justice, Daniel
Gantt and Samuel Maxwell, associate
judges of the supreme court; G. W. Post
of York, judge of this (fourth) dtstriot;
M. B. Reese of Wahoo, district attorney;
R. H.' Henry was one of the county com
missioners; C. A. Speice, superintendent
of schools of the county, and also msyor.
The city council were: J. E. North and
Charles Sehroeder.for the First ward; E.
CLKavanaugh andC. E. Morse for the
Second, E. A. Gerrard and Joseph Gross
for the Third. , . ,
leal Istate Transfers.
Becher, Jssggi St Co., real estate agents,
report the following real estate transfers
filed in the office of the county clerk for
the week ending December 30, 1899.
Albert Steager to Caroline Stealer,
partIoUS.4. blk 117. lots 5, , blk SS,
Colombo, and nw4 1-204. qod $ 7500 00
George 8chmdel to Lena Piaaon. nw4
Be427-18-2w,wd. 800 00
George Lrmath to Wat. M. Condon, a2
8el4-aUw,wd MOO 00
Mary Lamb to R. E. Jones, lot 2. blk
50. Columbus, wd 2000 00
George Wieland to 8. A. McFarlaad,
lot 11. blk 12, Lindsay, wd 20000
8. J. Johneoa to . L. Laker, s2 sw4
ft.U-2w.wd 1000 00
J. 8. Johnson to B. 8. Curtis. n2 awl
ft.lo-2w.wd 1009 00
Michael T. Bohmaa to Win. Sipple,
lota 3, 4. ft. sec SI and lota 5, ft, 7, 8, ft,
10, 11, 12, IS. see. 32-17-le, wd 12000 00
Border Ketelsen to C. Loeffelholz, lots
5, ft, blk 4, Feddereon's add to Hum
phrey, wd 50(0
Thomas Flynn to Dennis Flynn, aw4
ae4 aad w2 net 13-17-lw, wd 1 00
Annie Welch to Maggie J. Walker, n2
se4 4-19-Sw, wd 2000 00
Nils P. Wilson to Otto W. Wilson, ne4
28-30-4w,wd S420 00
Jhaan Schraitt to Anton Schmitt, e2
net SSOJw, wd. 2400 09
Otto E. Olson to Christina Ohlson, net
27.aUw.wd. 3200 00
Stella G. Chambers to Ilattie C. Mc
Farlaad, aw4 set nw4 and s2 sw4 13-
17-lw. wd 1200 00
Jos. Thramer to Clemens Wemhoff, o2
se4 9.19-le.wd 2400 00
Sixteen transfers, total fW.801 00
ibj asa iBj bssj aMSjfa sisjM
The Way to go to Califoraia
is in a tourist sleeper, personally con
ducted, via the Burlington Route. You
don't change cars. Yon make fast time.
You see the finest scenery on the globe.
Your car is not so expensively furnish
ed as a palace sleeper, but it is just ss
clean, just ss comfortable, just as good
to ride in and nearly $20.00 cheaper. It
has wide vestibules; Putsch gas; high
backseats; a uniformed Pullman porter;
clean bedding; spacious toilet rooms;
tables and a heating range. Being
strongly and heavily built, it rides
smoothly, is warm in winter and cool in
In charge of each excursion party is an
experienced excursion conductor who
accompanies it right through to Los
Cars leave Omaha, St. Joseph, Lincoln
and HastingB every Thursday, arriving
San Francisco following Sundsy, Los
Angeles Monday. Only three days from
the Missouri river to the Pacific Coast,
including a stopover of hours at
Denver and 2 hours at Salt Lake City
two of the most interesting cities on
the continent
For folder giving full information, call
at any Burlington Route ticket office, or
write to J. Francis,
Gen'L Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb.
.. Te Chicago aa tke East.
Passengers going east for business, will
naturally gravitate to Chicago as the
great commercial center. Passengers
re-visiting friends or relatives in the
eastern states always desire to "take in"
Chicago en route. All classes of passen
gers will find that the "Short Line" of
the Chicago, Milwaukee k St. Paul Bail
way, via Omaha and Council Sluffs,
affords excellent facilities to reach their
destinations in a manner that will be
sure to give the utmost satisfaction.
A reference to the time tables will in
dicate the route to be chosen, and. by
asking any principal agent west of the
Missouri river for a ticket over we
Chicago, Council Bluffs k Omaha Short
Line of the Chicago, Milwaukee k St
Paul Railway, you will be cheerfully
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Bring your orders for job-work to
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work promptly done, as agreed upoa.
Tax Stats or Nzbbaska,..
County of Platte.
Ia the coaaty court, ia aad for said eoaaty. Ia
the matter of the estate of Lewis White, de
ceased, late of said eoaaty.
At a session of the coaaty coart far said mm.
netitkBi of Martha White, nrarim that W
oi OTiiwnmoB db lawawj 10 aer on tae
. m w - i '" " ' .. ' " Tmm m
of aaid decedent.
laareapoB. it to ordered that the Sd day of
JawMir.XD. UM, at t o'clock, p. hu. be mU
edfortfcehaarincof aaid p-teaittlwmS
lis aaid coaBty.
of thanandameyaad hilai r
tarae eoBaaeatlie weeke prior te aaid
MAX. Her
day of hi
(Atraeeopyof the order.)
s?a?MitT I
Dated CataMbaa. Hek.
I jaSBaaWrffgM1"-
Bm faamaBpBWT BBBaTTaaTM' bbbbbbI
1 JJawahsAtM? H
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Rosa Zixue. Plaintiff. )
tb. Notice.
CAttZtzuz, Defendant. )
T Carl Zielke, BOB-mident defendant:
Yoa are hereby notified that on the Mth day of
Owamber. 18W. Bom Zielke filed a petition
oaiaat job in the district conrt of Platte coun
ty, Nebraaka. the object and prayer of which is
to obtain s dirorce f roai yon on the ground that
y aoasooneu we piauiuu mu
lor the term of two yeare last
Ton am Moairad la aawtr aaid nrtttion on or
before Monday, the 15th day of January, 1W0.
ICosa Zielke, Plaintiff.
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Her Attorney. 20dec4t
W. A. MoAixistkb. W. M. CoBsaxrus
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