The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, December 27, 1899, Image 4

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Sec neaailzata,
Omce more electricity has taken the
lace of other lUuminaBts. The Chi
cago, Burlington and Qaincy Railroad
has Just commenced to equip locomo
tlres with electric headlights. The
famous Fast Mail of the Denver Lim
ited travel at such a high rate of speed
that a stronger light than the old style
been found necessary to safety.
Tenderfoot "Is there any big game
around here?" Native "There used
ter be, but now yer can't An- nuthin
but -penny ante." San Francisco Ex-
. aminer.
Xew Iaveatloas.
Of the 464 patents
granted to U. S. invent
ion?, last week, 34 per
cent were either entirely
' or partly sold before be
ing issued. Amongst me
prominent manufactur
ing concerns buying pat
ents were the following:
National Ticket Case Co., Washing
ton, D. C,
William Glenny Glass Co., Cincin
nati. Ohio.
Pope Manufacturing Co., Hartford,
Conn., and Portland, Me.,
"Peninsular Stove Co., Detroit .Mich.,
Keystone Watch Case Co., Phlla
delphia. Pa.,
W. W. Kimball Co.. Chicago, 111..
Universal Thread Co., Jersey City,
N. J.,
General Electric Co., of New York,
Union Switch and Signal Co.,
Swis8va1e. Pa.,
Westinghouse Electric and Manu
facturing Co., of Pennyslvania
Manhattan Brass Co., New York, N.
Self Sharpening Plow Co., Albany,
N. Y.
Inventor's desiring free information
as to the best methods of procuring,
protecting and selling patents should
address Sues & Co., Patent Lawyers
and Solicitors, Bee Bidg., Omaha, NeD.
The Sabbath was made for man
probably for the publishers of Sunday
If you have not tried Magnetic Starch
try it now. You will then use no other.
The devil too often gets te boy by
getting his father first.
My doctor said I would die, but Piso'f
Cure for Consumption cured me. A mot
Kaiser, Cherry Valley, 111., Nov. 23. 9a.
Many of the world's best gold mines
have not yet been found.
All except
bad ones!
There are hun
dredsof cough medi
cines which relieve
coughs, all coughs,
except bad ones!
The medicine which
has been curing the
worst of bad coughs
Cherry Pectoral.
Here is evidence :
"My wife was troubled with a
deep-seated cough on her lungs for
three years. One day I thought
cf how Ayer's Cheny Pectoral
saved the life of my sister after
the doctors had all given her up to
die. So I purchased two bottles,
and it cured my wife completely.
It took only one bottle to cure my
sister. So you see that three bot
tles (one dollar each) saved two
lives. We all send you our heart
felt thanks for what you have done
for us." J. II. Burge, Macon, CoL,
Jan. 13, 1899.
Now, for the frst time yon
eta get a triil bottle of Cherry
Pectoral for 25 cats. Ask
voir draggm.
if tin AGE.
No Boiling
No Cookins
!! Sffens the Goods
. It Whitens the Goods
: It Polishes the Goods
It makes all garments fresh cad
' crisp as when first bought new.
You'll like it It you try it.
You'll buy it it you try it.
You'll use it if you try "it
Try it.
Sold by all Grocers.
.of acres of choice agrl
cultural LANDS now
opened for settlement
In Western Canadi.
Here is crown the cel
ebrated NO. 1 HARD
WHEAT, which briags the highest price in the
markets of the world; thousands of cattle are
Utteaed for market without being fed grain.
and without dmT's shelter. Send for inform-
cionaadMeure a free baM in. Western Canada.
-. Write the Superintendent of Immigration. Ot-
. taws, or aadress the undersigned, who will mail
tou atlases, pamphlet, etc. free or cose W. V.
-. tteBBett.801 N. Y. UXe Building. Omaka, Neb.
iTsEy Water.
iVf 5j
r - vVBHhBH' j&
jEIHp Bafl
maKMMO auauFMuanMi HL9
mmm ra mb ut m mrano. aBBJ
""Q n cAtaawv mrtrcsamx. WM
OTNnarfuriBBo.n v iv
CoL Mosbjr'a Cap tare tiaerrUIs Leader
Was Takes Once, bat Was Xot Racos-
alxea Stories of Robert E.
Rellgleaa Geaeral.
' He lias passed away
From a world of strife.
Fighting the wars of Time and Life.
The leaves will fall when the winds are
. loud.
And the snows of the winter will weave
his shroud;
But he will never, ah. never know
Anything more
Of leaves or snow.
The summer-tide
Of his life was past.
And his hopes were fading, fading fast.
His faults were many, his virtues few,
A tempest with flecks of heaven's blue.
He might have roared to the gates of
But he built his nest
, . With the birds of night. .
Ife glimmered apart
In solemn gloom.
Like a dying lamp in a haunted tomb.
He touched his lute with a magic spell.
But all his melodies breathed of hell.
Raising the Afrits and the Ghouls,
And the pallid ghosts
Of the damned souls.
But he lies In dust.
And the stone is rolled
Over his sepulchre dark and cold.
He has canceled all he has done, or said.
And gone to the dear and holy Dead.
Let us forget the path lie troa.
He has done with us.
He has gone to God.
Slii -Richard Henry Stoddard.
-Jvj. Mosby's Capture.
Dr. J. G. Wiltshire of West Madison
street, who was a lieutenant in CoL
John S. Mosby's famous command dur
ing the civil war, emphatically denies
a story of Mosby's capture by federal
troops which has recently been given
prominence in New York papers. Dr.
Wiltshire was almost continually with
Mosby during that chieftain's exciting
career, and knows as much of the his
tory of Mosby and his men as any oth
er living man. The story is to the ef
fect that a federal trooper of the First
Pennsylvania cavalry, George W. Fink,
started out one day in 1861 as the head
of a scouting party in the Shenandoah
valley. The party surrounded a house,
so the story goes, where It was sus
pected that several confederates were
concealed. "In one of the upper cham
bers, two officers, a lieutenant and a
captain, were found lying under tho
beu and were triumphantly dragged
forth, covered with dust and lint from
the floor. In another room a third
man, dressed in civilian's clothes, but
very evidently connected with the ar
my, was found and placed under ar
rest In company with the others. Their
arms were taken from them, and un
der the guard of Fink and one com
panion the return to the camp was
begun. On the way a thick wood was
passed through. The man in civil
ian's clothes was riding at the front
of the little party. When the middle
of the grove was reached he wheeled
his horse, plunged the. rowels into its
side, and dashed off to the right Fink
promptly raised his carbine and fired
at the rapidly retreating form. The
horse fell dead, but the rider leaped
free frcn the animal's body and ran
like the traditional whitehead further
into the woods. The cavalryman could
not leave the two prisoners who re
mained and who were watching with
breathless interest the flight of their
companion, so the journey to the camp
was continued without chase having
been made. When the headquarters
was reached the two officers rere
turned over to the commander. On
their way to the guardhouse they
turned to Fink and one of them said:
"icu may be interested in knowing
that the man who got away was Col.
Mosby.' Fink was afterward known
in the federal army as 'the man who
captured Mosby.'" There is not a
woru of truth In that story," said Dr.
Wiltshire. "So many nonsensical and
groundless tales have been circulated
of captures of Mosby that it is im
possible to deny them all. The fact
is, the federals only had their hands
on Mosby once during his entire career
and then they hadnit sense enough to
keep him. The capture was made in
this way: Mosby and a few of his men
were riding along the road near Up
perville, Va., on the evening of Dec.
21, 1864, at a time when the country
was full of federals. Mosby stopped
with one or two officers at the house
of Ludwell Lake for supper, sending
most of his men on. While they were
at supper the house was suddenly sur
rounded by federal cavalrymen. Two
or three entered the room and ordered
the Inmates to surrender. Just then
a shot was fired through the window,
and Mosby fell to the floor badly
wounded. The bullet struck him in
the stomach, but was deflected by the
muscles and passed around to the back.
The federals asked Lake and his
daughter, Mrs. Skinner, who the
wounded man was, but they replied
that they did not know. They asked
Mosby, who said he was Lieut, John
son of a Virginia regiment Mosby
was covering with his hands the in
signia of rank on his coat While
the troopers were temporarily out of
the room he took off his coat and
threw it under the bed. The federals
concluded that he would die of hia
wound and rode away, leaving him ly
ing on the floor. Mr. Lake and some
of Mosby's men quickly placed him in
an ox cart and took him away to safe
ty. When the federals reached their
camp, it was afterward learned, they
examined some papers they had taken
from Mosby, and then discovered the
identity of their prisoner, but the bird
had flown. This was the only time
Mosby was ever captured, all stories
to the contrary notwithstanding. It
was thought at first that his wound
was fatal, but he soon recovered."
Baltimore Sun.
Strange Lack or a Soldier.
From the New Orleans Times-Democrat:
Major Flint, who sailed in charge
of the mule transport Corinthia. has
a remarkable; army record.' but. like
most real fighting men, he Is extremely
modest and reticent One of the best
of the few stories he was induced to
tell while here related to an incident
in the first Soudan campaign. "The
tribesmen are monstrously cruel In
war." he said, "and not only did they
mutilate our dead In a most hideous
manner.,, but also tortured the living
who fell into their hands. Yet strange
s It may appear, they had some very
noble .traits. I remember they cap
tured a sergeant from our command
early in the campaign and it horrified
us all to think of the poor fellow's
probable fate. Later on we learned
through spies that he had been or
dered to embrace Mohammedanism.and
of course, had obeyed, but we regarded
1 as merely a cat's play with a mouse.
Then came the news that he was be
ing passed alongr from tribe to tribe.
That settle-, it. said our colonel. 'The
last sheik that gets him will argue
that he's a true believer and killing
him will only send him to heaven.
We'll never see him again.' " Greatly
to our surprise, however, they returned
him to us unharmed. He was brought
into our lines by a delegation of about
thirty, and as a matter of military for
mality a guard was called out to re
ceive him. When the tribesmen saw
him marching away between a couple
of soldiers they jumped at the conclu
sion that he was going to be shot for
being absent and I will never forget
their indignation.. They immediately
demanded him back. "This is a viola
tion of the agreement!' they cried in
the vernacular. 'He is a brave man
and we did not bring him here to be
killed like a dog.' Their eyes flashed
and they reached for their weapons,
and it was with great difficulty they
were made to understand that the man
was safe and welcome. Otherwise, I
really believe they would have died in
attempting a rescue."
Stories of Robert E. Lee.
A month or so after his surrender
Gen. Lee went one day to the store
near his home in Powhatan county,
Virginia, which served also as the
postoffice. Everybody in the town was
instantly eager to see him, and in a
few moments the store was crowded.
The general was talking with the pro
prietor about crops and other matters
and appeared utterly unconscious of
the fact that the gathering of the res
idents was due solely to his presence.
Suddenly he realized that everybody
was watching him and modestly said:
"But I see I am keeping you from your
many customers. Pardon me!" and at
once withdrew. Soon after Gen. Lee
'went to Lexington, Va., he was offered
the presidency of an Insurance com
pany at a salary of $10,000. He at that
time was receiving only $3,000 as pres
ident of the Washington and Lee uni
versity. "We do not want you to dis
charge any duties, general," said the
agent; "we simply wish the use of
your name; that will abundantly com
pensate us." "Excuse me, sir," was
the prompt and decided rejoinder; "I
cannot consent to receive pay for serv
ices I do not render." Nearly every
mail brought him similar propositions,
and just a short while before his death
a large and wealthy corporation in
New York city offered him $50,000 per
annum to become its president But
he refused all such offers and quietly
pursued his choserj path of duty. It
was Gen. Lee's custom to leave his tent
door open in the morning for a
sprightly hen that had gone into the
egg business promptly and thus had
saved her head. When she stepped in
Gen. Lee would put aside his work and
walk post deferentially upon the out
side until her cackle announced the
mysteries of egg-laying at an end. She
roosted and rode in his wagon, was an
eye-witness of the battles of Chancel
lorsville and Gettysburg, and was final
ly sacrificed upon the altar of hospi
tality at Orange court house in 1864.
Ladies' Home Journal.
A Boer Spy's Canning.
Here is the story of a Transvaal spy
that well illustrates the shrewdness
and pertinacity which have made the
Boer such a tactful and able enemy in
the present war. It was just before
the erection of the Johannesburg forts.
The spy was ordered to report on the
defences of Chatham. While employed
in collecting materials he came upon a
certain secret subterranean passage
connecting Fort Pitt with somewhere.
He tried hard to find out where that
"somewhere" might be, but without
avail. Rumor said it was Fort Clar
ence. But Fort Clarence was then
and is now, for that matter used as
a provost prison, and acess to its in
terior was strictly prohibited. One way
of getting within the walls there was,
and the spy took it. He committed a
somewhat serious offence against mil
itary discipline, for which he was re
duced to the ranks and imprisoned. As
had been foreseen, he was consigned
to Fort Clarence. The provost ser
geant in charge kept rabbits, which
were shut up at night in a sort of
underground passage that opened into
the moat at least, so the other pris
oners affirmed. The spy ingratiated
himself with the warders, and after a
week or two he was taken off shot
drill, and promoted to the post of rab
bit keeper in ordinary to the provost,
sergeant aforesaid. He looked care
fully and conscientiously after his
four-footed charges. In fact, he spent
the greater part of his time cleaning
out and whitewashing their under
ground apartments, with the result, on his release, he was able to
forward full plans and details to
A Rellgioas General.
Gen. Cronje, who has been bombard
ing Mafeking, where Baden-Powell is
shut up with his little garrison, is the
man who defeated Dr. Jameson and
his band of raiders. Like most of the
older Boers he is very religious and
has perfect faith in his Creator. At
Krugersdorp he was squatting on the
ground in a position which struck one
of his companions as being exposed.
"Come over here." said his companion,
"this is better." But old Conje re
mained sitting where he was and re
plied, "God has called me here to do
a certain work. If God means me to
be taken I shall be shot, wherever I
sit, and if he does not I am as safe
here as anywhere else." It was he,
too, who showed his dislike to the
shedding of human blood by ordered
his men to fire at the horses, as this
would stop the advancing column just
as well.
ray lag the Doctor's Fee.
It is an amazing fact that of all bills
sent to a family, that of the doctor is
in hundreds of families the last one to
be paid; and in more cases than it is
pleasant to contemplate it is never paid
at all. I have recently gone to the
trouble to make some inquiries into
this matter and have been astounded
to find that not one-fourth of the bills
sent by doctors are paid with anything
like promptness. There is a quicken
ing of the conscience; a simple realiza
tion of a proper sense of duty needed
in this matter. It is high time, in the
case of hundreds of families, that this
matter should be brought home to
their sense of fairness and justice.
And as with them the doctors have for
so many years been the last to receive
their due in the payment of their bills,
it would be only simple justice that
hereafter "the last shall be -first" No
worker in the field of human industry
deserves better at the hands of the
people whom he serves than the doctor,
and to pay his fee promptly and cheer
fully is the least we can do for the
service which he gives us. Ladies'
Home Journal.
It is calculated that the skins of
more than 100,000 animals are used
annuaily in binding Oxford Bibles.
Sense Va-te-Date Hints Abeat Cml
UvaUea of the Sell aad YUM
Tbereef Hertlcaltare, Vltlcaltare aaa
Forest lavea la tha Garden.
In discussing the matter of fertilizing
a village garden with an old gardener,
he highly recommended autumn leaves.
In the autumn of 1897, when the streets
were full of fallen leaves, I made up
my mind to try them, says a contribu
tor to Rural New Yorker. After a
good rain I hired a village cartman to
collect them for me, and dump them
in a compact heap In a place in the
garden, where a wagon could enter
without doing harm. He dumped eight
loads, charging me only 20 cents, a
load. Being gathered from the gut
ters, where they lay in heaps, having
drifted thus in the rainstorm of the
previous day, it was an easy Job, and
he did it In a half day. In the spring
of 1898 they were not sufficiently de
composed to be desirable, and I left
them undisturbed. Last spring a single
handling made them as fine as could
be desired. In fact, this leaf mold was
worth to me three times its cost in
commercial fertilizer, for it supplied a
want which no commercial fertilizer
can supply humus. I shall continue
the practice, adding annually a little
potash (muriate) or wood ashes to the
pile, the latter of which I get from an
open-grate wood fire, in spring and fall,
in our sitting room.
My old friend who so strongly rec
ommended this had a garden in which
he had been obliged to raise the soil
to a proper level, and really good sur
face soil was not to be had, so he had
to use such as he could get much of
it being subsoil when he dug the cellar
for the residence. He could furnish the
nitrogen, potash and phosphoric acid
from the dealers In those things, but
the indispensable vegetable humus he
had to look for elsewhera, and he found
it It takes two winters thoroughly to
decompose the leaves, but they are
worth the time and trouble it takes. I
have begun arrangements far gathering
them this fall, and when frost comes
I shall double the quantity gathered.
The present supply will be used in
making the garden next spring.
There is no place where leaves can.
be thus collected so easily as In vil
lages where shade trees are abundant
and this qualification is growing year
by year, as we are becoming better edu
cated in their beauties, but of course,
in many rural places other than vil
lages, they are to be had at a slightly
increased expense.
R.-N.-Y. The leaves will also be
found useful to the amateur gardener,
as they are to the florist, in his com
post heap, to be used with potting soil.
The florist usually has what he terms
his rot-pile, where everything in the
way of dead plants, leaves, and vege
table rubbish Is mixed with Brent soil
from pots or benches. The soil weath
ers under the influence of sun and
frost, until, mixed wita this humus, it
is again available.
Hairy Vetch or Sand Vetch.
The scientific name of this plant is
Vicia villosa. A government report
says of it: This annual leguminous
plant Is a native of Asia. It has been
cultivated for about fifty years in some
parts of Europe, especially Southern
Russia, Germany and France, and was
introduced into this country for the
first time about 1847 under the name
of Siberian vetch. Excellent reports
as to its drouth-resisting qualities and
its adaptibility to our climate have
been received from Washington, Ne
braska, Georgia, New Mexico, South
Dakota, Minnesota, Montana, and
Pennsylvania. It has been grown on
the experiment grounds of the depart
ment of agriculture at Washington.
D. C, and has proved to be thoroughly
adapted to and valuable for this local
ity. The seeds germinate poorly when
they are more than two years old.
Most of the seed used in this country
is imported from Europe, so that par
ticular care should be taken by im
porters and dealers to handle none but
such as can be sold under guaranty as
good, fresh seed.
Cultivation Hairy vetch may be
sown in autumn, from about the middle
of August to the middle of September,
or in spring from the latter part 'of
April to the middle of May. It should
be sown broadcast or with a grain drill
at the rate of one to one and one-half
bushels of seed per acre. The drill
method of sowing will require a less
amount of seed. When the seed Is put
in broadcast, a bushel of rye, oats or
wheat should be sown at the same
lime so as to furnish a support to keep
the vines up off the ground. If it is
sown in drills in the latter part of
August, the crop should be cultivated
several times. It will furnish some
forage in autumn, and where the win
ter is not too severe will start to
grow again in the spring, thus produ
cing forage in late autumn and early
spring, at the two periods when it is
most needed.
Horticoltaral Observations.
The sending to market of wormy
fruit that has fallen from the trees
should be discontinued. This fruit is
fit only for" hogs and other stock, and
should be collected and so fed as soon
as It falls. This will destroy the worms
that are usually the cause of the fall
ing. The good small grades of apples,
peaches and pears may be disposed of
in several ways, and should so be dis
posed of. If an evaporating factory
is handy, the fruit can be taken there,
or in the absence of that, the old
fashioned method of sun-drying can be
used. In sun-drying any of the fruits,
thjy shouU be protected from flies by
screens of some sort Another method
is canning, which needs no explanation.
If the fruit thus canned is to be
worked up in sufficient quantities to go
on the market, more than individual
efforts will be needed. It is probable
that canned fruits will be sold with
more diflculty in the future than in
the past owing to the wholesale use of
preservatives. It is possible that fruits
canned at home and free from all ob
jectionable Ingredients could be sold in
the neighborhood at an advance over
what is paid for them in the market
e e
The utilization of all the fruit that
Is now wasted would be a great boon
to the human race. A large per cent
of cultivated fruit is lost and a still
larger percentage of that growing wild.
One man said, in the presence of the
writer: "Blackberries grow wild in my
neighborhood in such quantities that
we do not cultivate, the tame ones. We
pick and ship the wild ones till they
get too low to pay us a good profit
and then we let the rest rot on the
vines." This man was located more
than 100 miles from Chicago, but on
a railroad. What happens in the local
ities that are a long distance from rail
roads? The writer has passed through
mountainous regions in the Middle and
Atlantic Seaboard states where the
blackberries were growing wild in
great profusion over hundreds of
square miles, with no one to pick them.
More and more these wild supplies are
being utilized, but" as yet only par
tially. What is needed is a more com
plete system of utilization combined
with more commercial honesty. In
addition to the free bounties of nature
there is the immense supply of culti
vated fruit, a large part of which is
lost by rotting. Theoretically cold
storage is the means of saving It, but
practically a very small percentage of
dur fruits ever gets into cold storage.
Selecting Sheep Feeders,
One of the first lessons the sheep
buyer must learn is to leave sheep
alone that do not suit him, says John
C. Ickes, in National Stockman. After
an all-day's ride, and finding nothing
to please him. he sees a bunch of second-class
sheep that are offered at a
low price, and the thought comes that
they can be bought and sold at a profit,
or put in with a better bunch and fed.
Our experience Is that while we usually
make something on good sheep, we
always lose when buying from the bar
gain counter.
Another rule to observe when buy
ing feeders is never to be in a hurry.
You may begin to buy feeders In Au
gust and September, and buy on to the
next April and find no great difference
in the price. The most clear profit we
ever made on sheep was on those
bought in March and sold in May. One
of the best sheep-feeders eastern Ohio
ever produced made it a rule never to
buy a lot of sheep until he had seen
them the second time. It was perhaps
a safer practice In his day than it
would be in this age of competition, as
there is always danger that some fel
low not bound by such law may be
come owner of the sheep while we are
studying over the purchase.
It may appear a matter too trivial
to mention, but don't wear your best
clothes when out after sheep. It may
be all right to take a man's word as
to a sheep's age, or wool, or feet It
you know the man; but if a stranger
tells you that the sheep that limps got
hurt in the fence, and the sheep are
3-year-olds, when some of them have
a toothless look, you make a mistake
if you allow your good clothes to keep
you from catching the sheep and satis
fying yourself on the doubtful points.
The search for feeders need not be
confined to the home neighborhood.
With home as a center, sheep can be
bought and driven in a circle of a hun
dred miles diameter without injury,
although it will take a few days to re
cover from the effects of the drive.
The feeder's circle is even far larger
than this, for he can fill his feed lots
and pastures with sheep that a few
days before grazed on the prairies of
the far west The division of labor
that has wrought such great things in
the manufacturing world is at work in
the agricultural realm, and the sheep
that first saw the light of day In the
foothills of the Rocky mountains may
be fattened on Ohio corn and blue
grass, and sent to strengthen the
American soldier fighting in the
swamps of Luzon.
Fowls for Profit.
We have learned that the best way
in which to handle fowls for profit,
excepting young and growing stock ol
course, is to keep them confined with
in large parks, where we can attend
to their food needs for them, says a
contributor to National Stockman.
Corn is given occasionally, but very
seldom in summer. During the winter
months a reasonable allowance of
corn may be fed profitably, but we
withhold it almost entirely in hot
weather, feeding oats and wheat and
an allowance of bran. Their parks are
well supplied with grass, and weeds
grow abundantly in places there, un
til cut down. Some of them ripen and
afford an agreeable change of diet. Of
granulated bone and granulated clear
cut oyster shells there is always a sup
ply, while of sweet skim-milk, we Insist
on the pigs dividing with them. And
the result of a system of practical feed
ing and yarding of hens has proven to
us the wisdom of the plan, and more
and larger parks will be added to the
nuuber now owned and peopled by
hens. Of free range we have had a
A New Idea. Do you or any of your
readers know that seme plants grown
in close proximity to some varieties of
fruits will impart their flavor to the
fruit? asks a contributor to Rural New
Yorker. I had a melon vine run in a
small patch of peppermint, and the
melons had a decided peppermint
flavor. My neighbor had a gourd vine
which ran on a peach tree, and the
peaches had a disagreeable, gourd-like
taste. I have noticed while gathering
wild blackberries, that those which
grew close to the French mulberry (a
species of caiiicarpa. jsos.j naa a pe
culiar fragrance which was quite an
Improvement over the others. I took the
hint have planted this shrub among
my patch of blackberries, and produced
berries which are far superior to any
blackberry I have ever tasted.
England Buying Racehorses.
Pinkey Potter, a 'racehorse, whose un
certainty made him more famous than
his speed did, has been sold by his
owner, J. H. Smith, better known as
"Texas" Smith, to the English gov
ernment, and is-now on his way to
Soath Africa, where he will be used
in the war against the Boers. J. D.
Bryan, one of Great Britain's agents,
bought Pinkey Plotter and a dozen or
more horses at partem. All of them
had outlived their usefulness as purse
winners, but should be valuable to
cavalrymen. Mr. Bryan went from
Harlem to St Louis, where he ex
pects to find at least twenty-five race
horses that wlllbe of service in .the
war. Some of the horses were sold for
as low as $25. It' is said Pinkey Potter
brought $200. Ex.
Jt pays to feed.bonemeaL
The B. ft O. R. R. haa fast Disced
an order for 4S.5M tons of 85 pound
teel rail for delivery la 199. The
contract price Is about $3 per ton or
87 per cent more than the Receivers
paid for rail during the time they had
charge of the property. Of the total
amount just ordered the B. ft O. proper
will get 21,000 tons, the B. ft O. S. W.
12.S0O. the Pittsburg and Western
4.000. aad the Cleveland Terminal and
Valley 1.000.
New York has bought an island in
Spuyten Duyvil creek, which was nec
issary to the extension of Broadway.
Haws That?
We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any
ease or Catarrh that canaot be cured b Ball's
Catarrh Cure.
P. J. CHENEY & CO.. Props.. Toledo, a
We. tho undersigned, have known P. J.
Cheney for the last IS rears and believe hire
perfectly honorable in all business transactions
and financially able to carry oat any obliga
tions made by their Arm.
.We5?TruxOi,r,olcsle DroRBlsts. Toledo.
O: Waldlag. Klnaan Marvin. Wholesale
Druggists, Toledo. Ohio.
Hali'aCatarraCure is taken Internally, act
tag directly apoB the blood aad mucous surfaces
of the system. Testimonials sent free- Frloe
Be per bottle. Sold by all druggista.
Hall's Family Fills are the best.
Paerta Klee.
Three tours of the beautiful Island
of Puerto Rico are scheduled to leave
Chicago December 27, January 28 and
February 15. Special Pullman sleep
ers and dining cars will convey the
party to New York, thence on board
the splendid new' steamships Ponce
and San Juan, through and around the
island by rail, automobile, carriage
and boat Tickets include all ex
penses everywhere!! These select lim
ited parties will be under the special
escort of Mr. Walter Boyd Townsend.
under the management of The Ameri
can Tourist Association, Reau Camp
bell, general manager. 1423 Marquette
building, Chicago.' Itineraries, maps
and tickets can be had on application
to the agents of the Chicago, Milwau
kee ft St Paul Ry.
Whenever a man begins to talk
about the beauty of economy, he al
ways look straight at his wife.
If Tea Use Fins Tobacco
You should read the Star Plus; Tobacco
advertisement in this paper. They make
the most attractive offer ever made for the
return of their Tin Tags.
The busy man never finds the day
too long.
Magnetic Starch is the very best
laundry starch in the world.
Milwaukee superivsors have appro
priated funds for a new law library.
A salary of SIS per week and ex
penses will be paid to man with one or
two horse rig; to introduce our Poultry
Compound among farmers. Reference
required. Address with stamp.
Acme Mfo. Co., Des Moines, Iowa.
New England cities may unite to
help improve Boston harbor.
For starching fine linen use Magnetic
A new penal institution for minors
is to be built in Baltimore.
Ualf Kates Soath via Omaha and St.
I.3BM aad Wabash Roates.
On the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each
month the above lines will sell home
seekers tickets to southern points for
one fare (plus $2.00) round trip.
on sale to Hot Springs, Ark., and all
the winter resorts at greatly RE
Remember the O. ft St 1-.. and Wa
bash, the shortest and quickest route
to St Louis.
Remember the O. & St. L. and O.,
K. C. & E. is the shortest route to
Quincy. Unexcelled service to Kansas
City and the south.
For rates, sleeping car accommoda
tion and ail information ca 1 at the
nam St (Paxton Hotel block) or write
Harry E. Moores, City Passenger and
Ticket Agent, Omaha, Neb.
The register of Cornell university for
1899-1900, just published, shows a gain
of 202 students. over the figures in the
first edition of last year's register, the
total to date being 2,240, as aginst
2,038 at this time last year. A corre
sponding increase in the facutly brings
the number of teacuers at Cornell uni
versity up from 48I last year to 314
this year. Just about one-half the en
rollment is from New York state,
which furishes this year 1,394 stu
dents. Forty-three other states and
fourteen foreign countries are repre
sented in the other half of the student
There la a Ctaes ef People
Who are injured by the use of coffee.
Recently there has been placed In all
the grocery stores a new preparation
called GRAIN-O. made of pure grains,
that takes the place of coffee. The most
delicate stomach receives It without
distress, and but few can tell It from
coffee. It does not cost over one-fourth
as much. Children may drink it with
great benefit 15 cents and 25 cents
per package. Try It. Ask for GRAIN-O.
Athen, Ga., is to have a new cotton
factory to cost $200,000.
A Itostoa Man Pleased.
In conversation with some friends,
a prominent Boston man told of his
sufferings from rheumatism and ner
vousness, and one of his friends gave
him some advice, which will be men
tioned later, and which has proven
to be of incalculable value.
To sutfces8fullly act on this advice,
it was necessary to make a trip of
over 2,000 miles, but he undertook it,
and now thanks his friend for the
advice, as he finds himself fully re
lieved of his old trouble and has re
turned to his home feeling able to
cope with bis business demands, a
new man.,
The advice given was to go to "Hot
Springs," South Dakota, and there
take the baths and enjoy the finest cli
mate of any health resort in America.
If this man was satisfied after mak
ing a long trip, those residing within
a few hundred miles and similarly af
flicted can certainly afford to try it,
or rather can't afford to neglect to
try it.
Ask any agent of the Xorth-Western
Line for full particulars, or write
General Passenger Agent,
F. E. & M. V. R. R., Omaha, Neb.
New York has nearly 500,000 chil
dren in public schools.
Your clothes will not crack if you
use Magnetic Starch.
A new railway coal dock at Cleve
land is to cost 130,000.
Cheap Texas Lands.
The San Antonio and Arkansas Pass
Railway covers central and south
Texas! Good lands, reasonable prices,
niild and healthful climate. Address
E. J. MARTIN. Gen'l. Pass Agt.,
San Antonio, Texas.
Denver is to have a new state arm
ory to cost 15,000.
Taut emir cobs that does cure.
Laxative BrtwaoQulBine Tablets removes
the cause that produces La Grippe. E. w.
GroTe aigoatBre is on each box. 25c.
Seasickness is given as the cause of
death of Judge John R. Putnam of the
appellate division of the New York
supreme, court, who died on a steam
ship Just outside' of Hong Kong. The
judge iras on hisway to Manila to vis
it his son, a solfjler in our army.
Water Tuar.
Should you desire information re
garding California, Arizona, Texas or
Mexico, and the long limit, low rate,
round-trip tickets, sold to principal
points, the various routes via which
the tickets can be purchased, or re
garding one way first and second-class
rates, through sleeping car lines,
first-class and tourist, call upon or ad
dress W. G. Neimyer, Gen'l Western
Agent, Southern Pacific Co.. 238
Clark St. Chicago: W. H. Connor,
Com'l Agent. Chamber Commerce
Bidg., Cincinnati, Ohio, or W. J. Berg.
Trav. Pass. Agt, 220 Ellicott Sq., Buf
falo, N. Y.
A Bright Oat look.
La Porte, Texas, is now attracting
the attention of the business men of
the United States and during 1900
great interest will be manifested in it
Owing to an advantageous natural lo
cation it is destined to enjoy a growth
in commercial manufacturing and
shipping interests which millions of
dollars in advertising and years of en
ergetic promotion could not give it
were it not so favored by nature. Men
of affairs with large expsrience in the
upbuilding of cities arc predicting a
future for La Porte which if but halt
realized will make it the greatest sea
port on the Gulf of Mexico and indeed
one of the principal seaports of the
United States as well as a city of great
importance in the manufacturing, rail
road and commercial world. It is at
the head of Galveston Bay in the cele
brated coast country of Texas and has
a summer and winter climate which
makes it a resort for travelers the year
round. The farming land surrounding
It Is as fine as any in the" United
Try Magnetic Starch it will last
longer than any other.
Trade Mark aad Inventions.
Common words and pictures may be
adopted as legal and patentable trade
marks. Newly coined words and orig
inal pictorial representations may also
be used advantageously for amusing
and attractive irade .marks and pro
tected by law.
A recent example is the word symbol
"Otaka" for biscuits.
On the uth inst 36 patents for trade
marks were issued.
Patents for important Inventions
have been allowed on applications pre
pared and prosecuted by us as fol
lows: To. G. M. Ross, of Grinell, for an
improvement in potato harvesters,
whereby potatoes are more thoroughly
cleaned and the dirt deposited before
the potatoes are dropped so that they
will not be partially covered with
loose ground as has occurred hereto
fore in the use of such labor-saving
To. E. C. Fread. of Des Moines, for
a road-grading machine. A plow is
adjustably connected with the car
riage frame on traction wheels in such
a manner that as the machine is ad
vanced at the side of a road the plow
will turn a furrow on a circular car
rier and the carrier will deposit the
ground on the other side of the ma
chine as required to crown the center
of the road and to produce ditches at
the sides.
Valuable printed matter and advice
for inventors, free.
Registered Solicitors of Patents.
Des Moines, Dec. 9, '99.
No man ever solves the problem of
how to become rich. He wants a few
dollars more than he ever gets.
The Caase of Chapped II.-iu.!ft.
Much of the discomfort experienced
from chapped hands in coid weather Is
due to washing with inferior soap, the
Ingredients being poisonous to the
skin. It is therefore important to have
pure soap. If warm rain water and
Ivory soap are used in washing the
hands, they will be smooth and white
at all seasons. ELIZA R. PARKER.
If marriage is a failure Solomon's
wisdom didn't count for very much.
Use Magnetic Starch if has no equal.
When you have no aim you are not
likely to make any mark.
THE Pleasantest. most powerful, effective
anrl om.l.ill..DCUCnV ...
w. . iwimg tbnikts bui
Rheumatism iESSI.
If all knew what thousands
know of the efticacy of !i
nuDXMMKlXKOPS" as a Curative as
well as a Preventive of any Ache or
Pain known to the human body, there
would not be a family in all America
without a bottle of "5 DROPS!" Send
for trial bottle, 25c, or large bottle, con
taining' 300 doses, 81.00. ft bottles for S3.
160-KU . take St.. Chicago. 1U.
rniS$3S Sum for S2I.4I. Favotho
- liatai lar' front-nave tho Wholesaler
rront. lak ailvantaito ox our contract
torcbase. Other haro advanced their
prices of Parlor Move, but oar contract
with tha manafaetnern compel them
Ftofarnifih us with thet.oo w. can fell
then at a cmal I profit ut ('.'1.11, (-157 end
fil.Tl. YOU wccld b prodil of either
one of these parlor stove. The picture
icivobuta faint Idea of tbcireloicance.
Sunt f L O. f . on recairt of 97c. tou to
pa; bclancoto jotirbankercr freight
rent on arrival at jour tiepot.
A Large 8tova takes lee fuel than a small onn for heat
ariwMt- hstmr In mind lS4n nrtimrint.
Ma anai
"Star" tin tajj.s (showing small stars printed on nnder m1o
of tag). "Horse Shoe." "J.T.," "Good Luck," " Cross Bow."
and "Drummond " Natural Leaf Tin Tags are of equal value in
seenrinff presents mentioned below, and may bo assorted.
Every man, woman and child can find something oa tho list
that they would like to have, and can haro
1 Mfr!i Cox ...
S Kn'fe, one blade, good 'eel.
I Bct.sors. 4HlncLe.
jl j
4 Child' 8e. Knife. Fork and Sxon 2
6 ca t ami I'epper net. one each, qua1. plate on white ui:al CO
t French Briar VmiI Pip. 25
? Kazor. hollow groand. flao KnUsh
Btvlf vv Ar
Butter Kniff, trlpl plate, lnt
Qtl&iltV.... . . . .... .. ")
9 Sugar Shell, tnpls plate. b-t qna!.. W
10 Stamp Box. verliaj; ilTer 70
11 Knife. "Keen Kntter." two blade . 75
11 Butcher Knife. "Keen Kutter." Hn
IS Miear "Keen Kntter " 8-lncl!.. ... 75
14 Not Set, Ciacker and i Piel-t. fP.ver -
pl-ite.1 'l,3
15 B r!all,"AoclaTlon."bet qual.lln:
18 AHrm Clock, nickel 140 1 3j
,I8'J",SpPrT-P00,,b' Is
1 Wa'ch.nlciel.tem wind and M-t . 2J
19 Carrer. kco I tel. burkhorn 37
handle ..203
20 Six Genuine? ItoaerV Table Spoon. 128
best p!atelifoo.l.. ....... ........ ...2-0 j
SI Six each. Kniveand fork, buck- '
horn handler . .. .. -X) -
SS Kli Mi'h fiaiitihx liotrer" KnlTe I
ad Fort, be' plat-d g'joAi 500 40 Kegln Miitic Box. 15JS inrh DIjs. VUO
-.. I uni;.a I Plain "Star" Tin Ta (that!. Htar tin tar with no m'll
OpBCIal HOlll0 . Btar prlnto Ion under! ! of ta. are not ij l r iirrtnt.
5S but will be paid for in CASH on theLaxu of twenty ceutsjer
hundred, if receded br u on or before Ma-h lt. ln.
faT-rjKAlf. IN .WIM) that a diae' worth ol"
will lat ! cr aad afford aire plenre than a. diiae'4 worth af any
mthtrhiami. MAKE THE TEST !
Sena tags to CO.VTIXEVTAL TOBACCO CO., St. Lttii-, Mf.
SSSMemai GREAT or 5flAlli a?
Of the Lake Shore Book of Trains Is
something entirely out of the ordinary
in the way of railroad literature and
will be of interest to all. Copy will be
sent to any address on receipt of 2-cent
stamp. F. M. Byron. G. W. A.. Chi
cago; A. J. Smith, G. P. A., Cleveland.
Wifey "What makes you stay at
the office so late at nights?" Do you
gain anything by it?" Hubby "No;
bu. I have several times come er
within an ace of gaining something."
Philadelphia Record.
Acts gently on the
Kidneys, Liver
and Bowels
ClEAnses the System
v1 hv. V cau. 'Ca " N.v. "t
fCS. SAlt BY 411 OWJ&iSTS FC( Ct MR BCITtt.
SMlll! situated on lialrcston
WW O Bay. is destined to be
tho most BTQspcroae
city t the Cull o(
Mexico. It fa the natural seaiwrt for the pro
ducts of the entire Middle, Northern and West,
ern states and for Houston, the prcat railroad
center of Tesat. The V. S. Oovomaicnt has
voted $ J.eOO.OOe for harbor haprovemeats.
Capital is flow injj in and men of wealth and
influence are making investments. Aa iaveat
cat la a tora lot ia La Parte wW aet
yea 5M rer ceat la S years. Write lor
188 Madison St., CHICAGO.
To veil the product of
Swine placuo or ho rholera nurcrRHfully treated
by InoccuUllon. We cur- C3 pr cent of sick hogs
ami render well hoes Immune ly our proces.
For further particular! en 11 on or uiMre
Tha Swini Yasciat Ct., Wjicre, Neb.
Cau't be beat.
All DniKcUtN. S5c. Sm&aaaiaaiii
DEUOIflll& 6et TMrPeisiaa
rCnaluno double quick
Write CAPT. O'FARRELL. I'ensloa Agent.
141 New York Avenue. WASHINGTON. O. C
llcrl9 I quick relief unl euros wori
rac Itookof testlmnnliilsan'l lu nils treatment
FKEIC DR. If. H. .KK VH US, B.. K, Atll.U, Ua.
BktBrftJCIartaal-BIN W.DIOilUI.S
IjaaVIValUIV Wafctiltiuton, .:
'Successfully Prosecutes Claims.
f.t Principal Bitminrr U a. Pnnalon Bureau.
3 Train civil war. SuU"ilir.itiii:: claim. liljrMiu.'e.
inn CAB Clfl InveHt(lntollt):Dtoctciinl
9IUV rWrl IU KetHi)fr Hur;: Karen
a Lank. VM. ICKKI), U; .Sib :.., r.
TV. ?. V. OMAHA.
Nil. 51- 1M!I
rPIICE.4 82.75
O.EA.T toirt
LAND Catalounr
or for a 2 cant
5IJKPS ntatui: tk
B linrn
and Vehicle!
CH3toveftndRnnuo4- O-Acricultural Implement.
E Rabjr Carriage. F I 'run mid 1'atent Medicine.
C-iluk'al Jn.trumeut. H Oman and Sewio
Machine. ilicicle. J fiuimand Hpcrtlcg Good.
K Kidie' nnd tient' J-"urnihimr Good. L Dr7
uooa. ra-iicbu j-ajuu-n . i"" -" 'i.
N Hoot and HSioei. O Ladies' Oape nnd Cloak.
Demi iKitnnu our uri -iij mm--"" vwit.wiu
In e over l(JUDpao and over onehnndred thousand, cot
and pricenHillhecentaipreeapaid.
VO- 1 " 7 BaBkBkBsaSI . IBT
mFDrOMFC errsi C I --i
jfvTS iSv
lsiLCXn Mir
To. i . TVJ.
.. . 2S I it Clock, -day. Calendar. Ther.notn
....2; I i"ter. Kiniui- er .; "
21 Gun a- Ieatiir. no I ier uivlo. SOU
25 ITilver.nSiuiti. iloiiMn -'ljn
Si or X caliber
26 Tool Sat. not plaything, bii: reil
tool . ........ ....... SJ
27 Toilet tiff. ilc.-rated porcelain.
very haridvmi-
Keialncton Klt!.Vt.4. 2tor3iraI. K'J
29 Watch. 'eflinMlvT.full J-TT3lel !w
3u Jre Hint Iaie. leather. l:a:nlji:i
and durable . . . lo)J
31 Sewing Machin. tint cllsi.wi h
all attachment 1)
32 Unvolter. Colt'. Sl-calthor. Mue-l
'eH. ... IM9
Iia liolf. lh.t. -2-cll .-. ..1JJJ
Guitar (Washbaraj. rosewood, fn-
laid iW0
Ma:doJin. Tory haridi 11119 3wo
Wnchter Initio;; Shot G.m.
i-ri -"
Kemi:iton. d' ha-n-
inerShot Oun. Mor IJkvi;: . ..2W3
Kicyclo. utarjdanl inak. lad!? or
.P3.s yy
c.. tTi .. . . . . .
. ,..',' -
rel, hainmjrle.f.
' (
. -1
.-. . J!
..-: 9