The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, December 20, 1899, Image 4

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An American electric manufactur
ing company has been awarded the
entire contract for the equipment of
numerous electrical plants which will
be installed along the line of the East
ern Chinese railroad. It will consist
largely of temporary lighting plants.
It is thought that ultimately $200,000
will be involved in the contract
pedition, but that he is much inter
ested in anarctic explorations, and it
is possible that his next trip will be
toward the south. He is now engaged
. on his large scientific work on polar
It's too risky, this
gambling with your
cough. You take the
chance of its wear
ing off. Don't !
The first thing
you know it will be
down deep in your
lungs and the game's
lost. Take some of
Ayer's Cherry Pec
toral and stop the
gambling and the
"I was given up to die wnh
quick consumption. I ran down
from 138 to 9S pound. I raised
blood, and never expected to get
off my bed ali a I then read of
A ers Cherry Pectoral and began
its use. I commenced to improve
at once. I am now liack to my
old weight and in the oest of
health." Chas. K. IIartman,
Gibbstown, N. V., March 3, 1S99.
Yon can now get Ayer's
Caerry Pcctorsl in a 25 cot
size, just rigat for an ordinary
cold. The 50 cent size is bet
ter for bronchitis, croup, wboop-isg-coogs,
asthma, and the grip.
The dollar size is best to keep
on band, and is most economical
for long-standing cases.
Requires no Cooxmc g
'---' t im r-j-n nr SrVaO fir Twr mem
lens atrc - amj Iwm riitrAflifiDAwi
i:7.---."-" :r..'--
riK I MLW. I n HiiT a AXT 5TKEK
MAMunrmocn uvnJ
miM.r.. ...:I.-- 1
of the AGE.
It Stiffens the Goods
It Whitens the Goods
It Polishes the Goods
It makes sill garments fresh ;::id
crisp :s when first bought new.
You'll like il it yon try it.
You'll luij it if you tty it.
You'll uvt. Jt if jou 11 v it.
Tr it.
Sol.l ly all Grocer.
Special Offer until Jan. 1st.
The Best Piano in the market.
We wish to immediately place one in
every town in the state, knowing by
experience that wherever we sell one
other sales are sure to follow. To in
troduce these pianos we will, from now
until Jauuary 1st, make si K;.ctory
wholesale price on the first piano to
go to any locality where we have not
already sold one. This means a great
saving to the buyer.
We N Nit MeMieR the Actwl Price
Because we will only sell one piano in
each locality at this extremely low
price, hoping through the advertise
ment to sell others at a profit to which
every dealer and manufacturer is just
ly entitled. Terms cash or easy pay
ments. Pianos sent on approval.
Write for catalogue and full partic
ulars. We also sell the Ellington,
Hamilton and Valley Gem pianos and
Hamilton and Monarch organs.
1514 Douglas St. Omaha.
Send your name and addresj on a
pastel and we will send you our 156-
page illustrated catalogue free.
AVMHHh MM ttftM Cam
-- - ..., wvmi.
aUfaaat Cash Price Bala far
Putty, Bine, Bitter, Egs.
for tan aad price.
aar Parvls.
Omaha. Ma,
auMHaea ado.
No. SO 1899
- "flaflalkaalfiV3' U aaWaWaWaaaWawK
t hkncstei
9 174 WatinUr
H Bhb Oaaah ajraa. XastaiOooa, aMaaS
Ww ta. ap7-l,7aT,'Msia
Louie Ostertag, an Atchison boy
who served on the Olympia, says the
Kansas City Journal, says It Is all a
lie about Dewey's ships drawing off
from the fight while the men ate a
hearty breakfast He says the ships
drew off all right, but the men were
too excited and too exultant to eat a
mouthful. And sure enough Louie's
account sounds human-like and natural.
Prunes afford the highest nerve or
brain food, supply heat and waste,
but are not muscle feeding. They
should be avoided by those who suf
fer from the liver.
Track Taaka for Freight Kastaas,
The use of track tanks by which lo
comotives of high speed passenger
trains may take water without stop
ping is almost universal on the larger
Eastern roads, where fast expresses are
the rule. The B. O. R. R. has a
number between Washington and Phil
adelphia and intends to equip the en
tire Main Line in the future. This de
cision was recently arrived at through
the use of passenger locomotives,
equipped with water scoops, on fast
freight trains. It was found that much
time was saved, danger from stopping,
being reduced to a minimum and cost
or running lessened. The extra stops
for water take much time and the wear
and tear on equipment is no small
matter. If the experiment on this part
of the road proves successful, track
tanks will be installed on every divi
sion between Baltimore and Chicago.
As a starter, the 50 new Vauclain com
pound engines recently ordered will be
fitted with water scoops.
For starching fine linen use Magnetic
The grand and, indeed, the only
character of truth is its capability of
enduring the test of universal experience-,
and coming unchanged out of
every possible form of fair discus-
sion. Sir John Herschel.
Half IUtt-n Son lli ia Oaialia and St
I.nula and lVnliasb Routes.
On the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each
month the above lines will sell home-rr-ekers
tickets to southern points for
one fare (phis $2.00) round trip.
on sale to Hot Springs, Ark., and all
the winter resorts at greatly RE
Remember the O. & St ju. and Wa
bash, the shortest and quickest route
to St. Louis.
Remember the O. fc SL L and O.,
Iv. C. & E. is the shortest route to
Quincy. Unexcelled service to Kansas
City and the south.
For rates, sleeping car accommoda
tion and ail information ca.t at the
nara St (Paxton Hotel block) or write
Harry E. Moores, City Passenger and
Ticket Agent, Omaha, Neb.
There are three parts in truth; first,
the enquiry, which is the wooing of
it; secondly, the knowledge of It,
which is the presence of it; and,
thirdly, the belief, which is the en
poyment of it. Bacon.
Near Inreatioas.
Last week 413 pat
ents were granted
to U. S. inventors
) and 121 of these
were wnolly or part
ly sold before they
were issued. Among
the prominent firms
buying patents were the following:
American Telephone & Telegraph
Co., New York City.
IT. S. Voting Machine Co., James
town, N. Y.,
Union Scale & Manufacturing Co.,
Sacramento, Cal.
Universal Accountant Machine Co.,
St. Louis, Mo.,
Piano Manufacturing Co., Chicago,
Steel Motor Co., of Ohio,
Richmond Cedar Works, Richmond,
American Bell Telephone Co., Bos
ton. Mass.,
f'no Hrncc Xfnnufntiirincr rVi nf
. w .-..,, ........... v.vU. ...0 -v.,., ..
I Connecticut,
Libei ty Bell Co., Bristol, Conn.
Under the new practice of some at
torneys it is now much easier for in-
vpntnic tf nlaA (homcDtvAc mi rnnril
in the Patent Office to secure their in
ventions. Inventors desiring free in
formation as to the best methods of
protecting their inventions and selling
the same, should address Sues Sc Co.,
Patent Lawyers and Solicitors, Bee
Bldg., Omaha, Nebr.
( Truth is me conformity of expres
j sion to thought. The expression of
truth is simplicity. Seneca.
Your clothes will not crack if you
tise Magnetic Starch.
Truth without peace is turbulent;
and peace without truth is secure in
justice. Bishop riall.
I FITS Term mntirCnnHl. TCnntsornerTonsnassafter
I r.n-t dm - f lr. Kline's Sirat Nerve Keatorer.
1 SVn.l for FREE SS.OO tiUt tattle and treatise.
I !a- U. 11. Kline, Ltd., Ml Arch St., lfeiUtlelphia, Pa.
Truth is as impossible to be soiled
b any outward touch as the sun
beam. Milton.
: Try Grajn-O!
Ask you Grocer to-day to show yon
a package of GBAIN-O, the new food
drink that takes the place of coffee.
The children may drink it without
injury as well as the adult. All who
try it, like it, "GRAIN-O has that
rich seal brown of Mocha or Java,
but it is made from pure grains, and
the most delicate stomach receives it
without distress, j the price of coffee.
15 cents and 25 cents per package.
Sold by all grocers.
Tastes like Coffee
Looks like Coffee
Insist that your grocer r,lre yooQBAIKO
Accept no imitation.
of acres of choice agri
cultural LAXDS now
opened for settlement
in Western Canada.
Here is trrown the cel
ebrated NO. 1 HARD
WHEAT, which brings the highest price in the
market of the worlil: thousands of cattle are
fattened for market without being fed jrrain.
and without a davV shelter. Send for informa
tion and vecure a free home in Western Canada.
Write the Superintendent of Immigration. Ot
tawa, oraddrevs the undersigned, who will malt
vou atlases, pamphlets, etc.. free of am. W. V.
Bennett. 801 N. Y. Life Building. Omaha, Xeb.
To Mil taa products of
Swine plague or bog- cholera roecewfallr tuaitia
by lDoccnlation. We care ss per cent of alek aoaa
aad render well nogs Immrac by oar procesa.
For further panicalara caU oa or addraM
cwh cawwit aa etas.
AUOrasalata, c
a Ever use it? YoaaaouM.
. book 01 teatimoalau sad m aaTr 1
wmmm- n.a. saawraw,a.iE,
Ua-te-Data Hlata Aaaat Cal-
tlvattoa af the Sell aad Tletaa
Tstareef Hertlcaltare, Vlttealtara mm
AsricUtaral Kates.
The Talue of animal manure to onr
farms is seldom realized. We speak
of commercial fertilisers as a necessity
to some of our lands and we speak
truly. But the correct use of our
barnyard manure means the adding
every year of many millions of dollars
to the value of our farms. For this
reason there is a close connection be
tween the number of live stock In the
country and the fertility of our farms.
In the last few years our sheep, hogs,
cattle and horses have decreased by
many millions. This means that it is
possible for us to put many millions
less tons of manure on our land than
formerly. Consider the manurial prod
uct from a single animal, and then
consider it from all the animals in the
country. It is safe to say that during
the late depression our farm lands
have deteriorated enormously, due to
the lessened supply of manure from
farm animals. It the higher prices
now obtained succeed in stimulating
breeding they will confer an indirect
but great blessing on our agricultural
communities by increasing the fertil
ity possibilities of the soil.
a e
There are few if any poor farms that
cannot be made good farms provided
they were ever good farms. A worn
out farm is not a necessary result of
cultivating a farm for generations. In
other parts of the world some of the
most fertile farms at the present day
are those that have been cultivated for
hundreds and thousands of years. The
Almighty, when he made the earth for
the abode of man, did not so construct
the soil that its fertility might be ex
hausted in a generation or two. Where
there are poor, run-down farms we
may be assured that there has been
mismanagement in cultivation. Not
only is it possible to grow all the
crops we now grow without running
down the farm, but it is possible to
take a run-down farm and bring it
back to a state of fertility greater than
that known in any previous period of
its existence. Nor Is a miraculous
amount of knowledge needed to do
this. It only requires a study by the
owner of the best methods of handling
a farm as they are now taught in our
agricultural colleges, in the agricul
tural press and by many of our best
The Velvet Bean.
A bulletin of the Alabama experi
ment station says: The velvet bean
(Mucuna utills) Is a plant which, in
general appearance of leaves and
stems, is nearly similar to the run
ning varieties of cow peas. The vines
attain great lengths, a growth of
twenty feet being usually made and
much greater lengths being sometimes
attained. The beans are larger than
cowpeas and usually three or four are
found in each pod. The pods are short
and stout, nearly black in color and
covered with a coat of velvety hairs.
The velvet bean belongs to the same
family as the cowpea. It is a legume
or leguminous plant, and like the cow
pea, the velvet bean is a renovating
plant, having the power to enrich the
land on which it grows.
In any comparison of velvet beans
with cowpeas as a renovating crop,
there Is one point in which velvet
beans are conspicuously superior.
When frost comes the vines and leaves
settle down together In such a way
that the force of falling rain is brok
en and the network of vines is so
complete that the leaves, the most
valuable portion, cannot be blown or
washed away. With cowpeas the case
is somewhat different, the bare stems
standing erect and affording no means
of retaining the leaves in place. On
the other hand better implements are
required to turn under vines of the
velvet beans than to plow under cow
pea vines. It is not advisable to at
tempt to grow this bean in the north.
Does It Fay ta Feed Liberally.
From Farmers' Review: At a
Farmers' Institute, Tonganoxie, Kan.,
a dairyman gave in his report on pro
ducing milk for the Kansas City mar
ket from common cows, picked up
through the country. So far as pos
sible these cows were fresh in the fall.
During the winter they receive a ration
consisting of a mixture of 14 to 16
pounds of bran and corn meal and what
clover hay and sugar cane they will
eat In summer they receive in addi
tion to pasture and soiling crops, four
to five pounds of bran. By this sys
tem of liberal feeding, a two years'
record shows an annual Income per
cow of $70.99, the milk being sold at
an average of 8 cents per gallon. Last
year at the agricultural college our
best cow cost us 132.80 for feed, the
highest of any cow in the herd and
about S3.50 above the average of the
herd, and yet the profit from that cow
over the cost of feed was $24.12 above
the average of the herd. Does it pay to
feed liberally? With a good dairy cow I
It surely does. Had the herd referred
to above or the best cow at the agri
cultural college been stinted in feed it
would have been an extravagant piece
of economy that would have resulted
in a diseased pocket book. The dairy
cow is a hard working animal and
should be fed accordingly.
' D. H. OTIS.
Proteetloa far Trees la Wlater.
Mr. A. D. Barnes tells in the Wiscon
sin Horticulturist about his method of
protecting fruit trees against winter
injury. He says: "I want to tell the
readers of the Horticulturist of a pro
tector which I am using with great
success, namely, window-screen wire.
Cut the wire netting in different
lengths and different widths, to suit
small or large, short or tall trees. Roll
the pieces around a broom-stick before
going to the rchard. Use close
meshed, jointed, wire screening. Set
the bottom end one inch into the earth.
This protector needs no tying at all;
will expand as the tree grows. It Is
all right for protecting against sun
scald, atice, rabbits and a multitude
of other things and makes no defense
or fretectloa for bugs, worms and
larvae. This protector is all right aad
not patented, so let's not quarrel over
the origin of it, but use It at once. It
is a daisy. I put It on five hundred
trees one year ago. These trees were
nearly all planted In the orchard in
the spring of 1891, consequently were
of quite good size. The wire ready
cut at hardware store here cost Just
eleven dollars and it took me about
a day and a half to form them and
put them on. Every one Is in its place
now, one year since placing;, and I am
sure they have saved a good many
trees from the ravages of mice, as the
ground was thickly covered with a sec
ond crop of clover and we lost- about
twenty-five trees the previous winter.
The Ash Tree Beetle.
We herewith illustrate one of the
Isrgest of the beetle family that preys
upon our forest trees. This one la
called the Dynastes tltyua. It feeds
m. . Mai- m
a ' vBave' a
Dy t tUyut.Aflti SUsy.
upon the leaves of the ash tree prin
cipally, but it is also found on some of
the 6ther forest trees. When present
in numbers, these beetles, on account
of their size and voraciousness soon
strip a tree of the best part of its
leaves. The one we illustrate is not
enlarged, but shows the natural size.
Some of them are even larger than the
illustration. Fo. ' u.iately, the grub
from which this beetle comes is not
destructive to vegetation, but feeds, so
far as is known, on rotten wood. When
the beetles attack our shade and orna
mental trees, the only way to check
them Is to jar them from the trees and
kill them, or spray the trees with
Paris green and London purple. As
the beetles are very large, the Jarring
method of disposing of them may be
preferable to the spraying of the trees.
Halter-Breaklaa- for Colts.
It is an excellent practice to break a
colt to halter at weaning time, for the
younger the colt Is taught to lead, the
more easily is the operation accom
plished. Youngsters halter-broken at
weaning time are more than half harness-broken
when of age for service.
It is quite an undertaking to round up
a 3 or 4 year old colt and break it to
halter, which feat is necessary before
the process of harness racing com
mences. At that age they are so strong
and frequently make such a protracted
and stubborn fight that the animal la
spoiled. It not infrequently happens
that the horse rears and breaks Its
neck In the operation. All danger may
be avoided, and the labor necessary to
educate the colt to lead will be min
imized by halter-breaking at weaning
time. A colt will soon yield to the
tension of the halter if pulled at an
angle, and it quickly learns that to
follow the breaker relieves it from
pain. The resistance is brief and the
subjugation complete. Ex.
In fattening old steers it should be
borne in mind that the days of growth
are past in that the steer has fully
matured his bony frame, hence does
not require as great a supply of nitro
genous food as would a young, growing
beast or dairy cow. So long as he is
getting the food of maintenance he will
neither progress nor retrograde, but to
fatten him it is necessary to provide
him with an abundance of carbonace
ous food, of which corn is the greatest
and cheapest example, and to aid the
fattening process should have compara
tively little exercise in a comfortable
barn rather than out of doors in the
cold where food is wasted in raising
the temperature of ice water and
warming up the body against winter's
blizzards. It is throwing good feed
away to pile such nitrogenous foods
as oats, wheat, rye, etc., into old steers
when corn, oil cake, hay and fodder
will do all that is required. Save the
nitrogenous foods for the growing and
milking beasts and. feed the corn to the
older fattening animals.
When cattle come off pasture in fall
to enter the stables or feeding yards,
an attempt should be made to kill the
young "warbles" which are forming
upon their backs. Most of our read
ers will know that we mean by "war
bles," the large grubs to be found
in rounded abscesses upon the backs
of cattle in winter time. Years ago the
Farmers' Review showed in an ex
haustive series of articles how serious
is the loss caused annually by these
grubs which puncture the hide, set up
irritation and inflammation and con
sequently hinder the fattening procesa
or milk production. It is claimed that
the young grubs may be killed now
by bathing the backs of the cattle with
brine and this plan should be tried
and again later on, should this method
fail, a little mercurial ointment rubbed
upon the warble will usually kill the
grub, which is also sometimes dis
patched by the thrust of a large
needle. When, however, the grub has
grown to a large size and is surrounded
by puss it may be squeezed out and
High Priced Cattle. The prices of
choice cattle on the market sound
most encouraging. Sales at over $6
are not uncommon now, and a number
at $6.60 to $6.65 have been reported.
This gives the owner of feeding cattle
nerve, but it must be considered that
the class of cattle that is bringing
these fancy prices was high and that
the country is not yet abundantly
supplied with feeding cattle that are
capable of being brought to such
prime condition. It takes good breed
ing to produce the animal of the high
beef type and only such animals, even
in the hands of the most intelligent
feeder, can be made to top the market.
It is generally understood that there
is only a small proportion of the feed
ing stock offered in the market that
can be so handled as to finish them
up as choice beef or export steers. The
men who own them can get big prices
whenever an intelligent feeder buyer
comes around, but scrub stock must
continue to go at less prices. Texas
Stock Journal.
In the first eight months of 1899.
namely, from January to September
1, the exportation of wheat amounted
to 71,510,843 bushels with a valuation
of $53,852,822.
Poultry feed is easier secured than
feed of larger farm stock. Almost
everything that is at all edible can be
made into food for poultry.
Charles Curtis, of Topeka, a repub
lican leader of Kansas, is nicknamed
the "Indian congressman," because,
though of New England descent on his
father's side, his mother was a direct
descendant of Louis Gonvll, a chief of
the Kansas Indians. He began life
as a bootblack and read law by night.
A Ptovidence company has recently
made an emery wheel 39 inches in
diameter and 12 inches thick. It was
luilt upon a special iron center 31
inches in diameter, which ran on a
3 5-16 shaft. The whole affair weighed
cvtr 1,200 pounds. The machine was
designed for grinding wooden balls.
On Tuesday, Jan. 23, a special vestl
buled train of Pullman palace cars,
compartment, drawing-room, library,
observation and dining cars will start
from Chicago, going to the City of
Mexico and to other prominent cities
of the republic and back to Chicago
again, making the tour of all
Mexico complete. The party will be
strictly limited and absolutely first
class. Tickets include all expenses
everywhere. The tour Is under the
personal escort and direction of Mr.
Reau Campbell, general manager of
The American Tourist Association.
For maps, books of the tour, tickets,
etc., call on agents of the Chicago,
Milwaukee ft St. Paul Ry.
Of all the duties, the love of truth,
with faith and constancy in it. ranks
first and highest. Truth is God. To
love God and to love truth are one
and the same. Silvio Pellico.
Beware af Olataients for Catarrh That
Coatala Mercury,
As mercury will surely destroy the sense of
bmell and completely derange the whole system
when entering it through the mucous surfaces.
Such articles should never be used except on
prescriptions from reputable physicians, as the
damage they will do Is tenfold to the good you
can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh
Cure, manufactured by V. J. Cheney & Co..
Toledo. O., contains no mercury, and is taki-n
internally, acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. In buying
Hall's Catarrh Cure bcsurcyougetthegenuinu.
It Is taken internally, and made in Toledo, Ohio,
by F. J. Cheney &. Co. Testimonials free. Sold
by Druggists, price 5c per bottle.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
No pleasure Is comparable to the
standing on the vantage ground of
tmth. Bacon.
If you have not tried Magnetic Starch
try it now. You will then use no other.
Ecclesiastical log rolling is only dif
ferent from political in that it is
Winter Excursions.
The Southern Pacific Company and
its connections operate the best first
and second-class service to California,
Arizona, Texas and Mexico. Through
Pullman Palace Sleepers and Tourist
Sleepers from all principal eastern
points. Personally conducted Tourist
Excursions from Cincinnati, Louisville,
St Louis, Chicago, St. Paul, Minne
apolis, Des Moines, Omaha, Kansas
City. etc. For particulars and descrip
tive literature write W. G. Neimyer,
Gen'l Western Agent. 238 Clark St.,
Chicago; W. H. Connor, Com'l Agent,
Chamber Commerce Bldg., Cincinnati,
Ohio, or W. J. Berg, Trav. Pass Agt,
220 Ellicott Sq., Buffalo. N. Y.
Time may be money, but the aver
age man would rather give you a lot
of his time than lend you a little
of his money.
A Bargain la Guitars.
All music lovers will be interested in
the "sd" of John M. Smyth Co. shown
in another part of this paper, in which
they offer an elegant guitar for S2.65.
The firm is thoroughly reliable. Get
their catalogue of everything to eat,
wear and use.
The man who is an architect of his
own character often puts a job no
other man would take off his hands.
Try Magnetic Starch it will last
longer than any other.
There snould be no objection to a
lady lifting her skirts a little over two
feet on a rainy day.
Of the Lake Shore Book of Trains Is
something entirely out of the ordinary
in the way of railroad literature and
will be of interest to all. Copy will be
sent to any address on receipt of 2-cent
stamp. F. M. Byron. G. W. A., Chi
cago; A. J. Smith, G. P. A., Cleve
land. The unexpected happens occasional
ly but not so often as the expected
fails to happen.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund the money it it fails to cure.
25c. K. W. Grove's signature on each box.
Teacher How do you account for
the phenomenon of dew? Boy Well,
you see, the earth revolves on its
axis every twenty-four hours, and ia
consequence of this tremendous pace
it sperpires freely. Tid-Bits.
2" a THii
aa 3- Bj
tni. iu BaTimims or sur coacrses
w mlJL ? r " . ......
arenas, utners cava adTaaeed tnair
pries of Parlor Stores, bat oar contract
withth manufacturers compels them
'to famish an with thai, so w can mil
37.77. VOU would b proud ot ither
on of theae parlor stoves. Tha pictures
;iv bat a raiat ids of taeir lsaaoa.
pay balanostorour banker or fralabt
at O. O. I. oa receipt of 97c. joo to
aaent on arrival at roar depot.
- .... . . .
ew mmf
A LarsaStova takes less fuel than a amal lone for beat Send 15cts and onr Irge Supply Cataloauecontaia
adven; bear la mind when ordering. lag over 1000 pas and over one hundred thousand ints
r.ixUH U3-PAGE STOVE CATALOGCK FREE. aad prices will be sent espres paid.
Sick headaches! Always trace them to a lazy liver or a sick stomach. Poisonous matter, instead of being
thrown out, is reabsorbed into the blood. When this poison reaches the delicate brain tissue it causes congestion
and that dull, awful, throbbing, sickening pain. CASCARETS remove the cause by stimulating the liver, making
the poison move on and out, and purifying the blood. The effect is almost instantaneous. Ladies, whose sensitive
organisms are especially prone to sick headaches, do not suffer, but find relief in CASCARETS Candy Cathartic.
Look out for Imitations etndl Counterfeits !
eSLssBKw J's fancraTT7 Kansas City Independent. t-
BP "BBw er- "l'
JT .BbbbbBsw TsVaBBBW "alls say wife and aajraclf have Seen jjel&.
T .aBVaPaPaPaffaV BsVaW. aMlac CASCARETS. aad they are the best
BF ABkBk mBVk able medicine we have ever had in the house. Last as
m aBBsBBBBBa BBSS week bit wife was frantic with headache for jnir.
,-ABB BBF H BBB9 cl twodaysishetriedsomcof jcurCASCARETS
BBT BBX WW BsSS pe aad they rcliered the pain In her head almost fcer
ABBW BJ BVBW ,.' -i immediately. We both recommend Casca- ant.
BBB W BBW J,ea rets." chas. STBDEroBD. . 4
BB V BW jutnX Pitttbnrg Safe At Deposit Co.. Pittsburg. Pa. Ker sBss
M b "Sonny," said Uncle Eben, "H
ritritrm in isailitilTiimlrwi
caneTsryasBrteroftteataBBaeft, Uraraadtateatiatt. Taey wt car caw eaaathjatiaa, sat carraetajyaaa every totaof
FlMMit, aalttable, pajaat. Taste (aad, a gtai. Bmrafckea. waakeaorcrif. St aariyeartttteceamiae! Bewaia of imitatioa and labatltatea I Bayaliazaf CASCAXBTS
ti Ut. Ml if int1riiifii1 it itst miirf. ill Jfi awaij His 1 Write uteswloat aad fxsesaamflal Address STEBUHG BKatSDT COMPABT. CXJCAGO or SXWT0SK.
Hat OM Zach's Graadsea.
Letters frost Southern members of
the Taylor family indicate pretty
surely that Lieutenant C. C. Wood of
the North Lancashire British regiment,
who was recently killed at Kimberley,
South Africa, was a great-grandson of
President Zachary Taylor, but not a
grandson of Jefferson Davis. Jefferson
Davis married General Taylor's daugh
ter, Sarah. Dr. C. Wood married Gen
eral Taylor's daughter, Ann M.. and
the late Lieutenant C. C. Wood was
their grandson, his father having been
Lieutenant Wood, of the Confederate
C. S. Fateat Oalee Baalaeas.
Applications for patents prepared
and prosecuted by us have been as
To J. Rice, of Belle Plaine, Iowa,
for a rat trap. One animal after being
caught sets the trap to catch the next
one until the trap is filled.
To T. D. Norris of Madrid, Iowa, for
a weighing wagon. The wagon bed is
mounted upon a scales platform which
rests on the wagon frame, and the
weight of the load on cue wagon may
easily be determined at any time.
To W. O. Nelson, of Caraforth, Iowa,
for a railway splice bar that overlaps
the web of the abutting ends of the
rails, has a groove at its top that ad
mits the balls, a flange that overlays
the flanges of the rails and also con
tacts with a chair or tie under the
rails and has inclined planes at its
ends on its top and front face adapted
to serve as cams in directing car
To W. C. Sedgwick, of Grinnell. for
an electric belt in wuich one or more
cells can readily be made operative
as required to regulate the force of
the current to suit different persons,
0 the same person at different times.
Printed matter and consultations
and advice free.
Registered Patent Attorneys.
Des Moines, Iowa, Dec. 5, 1899.
In life's battle the safest leader is
the captain of our own salvation.
2nred A Iter Kepeated allurr Wit h Ut hers
I will Inform addicted t Morphine Laudanum.
Opium. Cocaine, of neierfalllDK. Smrmlos, home
cure. Mrs. M. II. lUldorln. Rox 1.112, CblcaKo, 111.
What you are within, that you will
be without.
Magnetic Starch is the very
laundry starch in the world.
We are wielded by our wishes rath
er than by our wisdom.
Piso's Care for Consumption is our only
medicine for coughs and colds. Mrs. C.
Belts, 439 Stb Ave., Denver, CoL, Nov.Sy.
Songs of triumph are possible only
to the sons of tribulation.
Tells Hou He Escaped the
Terrors of Many Winters
by Using Pcruna.
Mr. Isaac Brock, the Oldest Man in the
United States.
Mr. Isaac Brock, of McLennan county,
Tex., baa attained the great age of 111
years, having been born in 1788. He is an
ardent friend to Peruua and speaks of it in
the following terms:
"During iny long life I have known a
great many remedies for coughs, colds,
catarrh ana diarrhoea. I had always sup
posed these affections to tie different dis
eases, but I have learned from Dr. Hart
man's books that these affections are the
same and are properly called catarrh.
AsforDr. Hartman's remedy, Feruna,
I have found it to be the best, if not the
only reliable remedy for these affections.
"PertfMct has been my stand-by
for many -years, and I attribute my
good health and my extreme aye to
this remedy. It exactly meets all
my requirements.
"I have come to rely upon it almost en
tirely for the many little things for which
I need medicine. I lielieve it to be espe
cially valuable to old people.'
Isaac Brock.
Catarrh is the greatest enemy of old age.
A person entirely free from catarrh is sure
to live to a hale and hearty old age. A free
book on catarrh sent by 1 he Feruna Medi
cine Co., Columbus, O.
Use Magnetic Starch it has no equal.
ruriiiiiniwn ! I .
LAND CatalaaaM
or for a 2 cant
STUMPS.stamp: A
B Harness
and VehirlM
and Kansas. O Asricnlt ural m Dlament.
Babr Carriage. F Droit and l'ataet Medicine.
: .arnicai jnttrumem. n vrsana ana oewin
la4ti!tM I It(4w4lAa .1 flnna Ana Hnftrtin Goad.
K Ladi" and Gents' FnrnUbina Goods. L lry
Goods. SJ Itoadj.madel.'lotninsioraien ananoj.
M D.. ...A Uk.u T .JIu.iim anil rl.ab.
""i&rtan AW
noiw a
naiod aw
WWH . !! 1TW
aarsli n utiiln mawnanl Swreanal ar
A French paper has this droll story
of a laundress who lately gained the
first prize in a big lottery with the
number seventeen. When asked how
she hit on that number, she said she
had dreamed three nights running of
the number seven, and said. "Three
times seven are seventeen! Seventeen
will be a lucky ticket. S I bought it
and won the prize!" It will be seen
that, in spite of "education," super
stition still lingers, and is often foun 1
in unexpected quarters.'
Perfect men belong to an order of
things not yet in effect.
las to Mf wht has ha. 35 YEMStf mH. PracUsa af bMMmi
a aac aerr r oeiore in my ja years 01 practice of medicine (m my testimonial of recommsa
datwa to any patsitt medicine, bul there is a remedy, the result ofwhich BAsramtTaadm -.
observation: far there Is no WseSe which ha. so baked tte mrtlcTl skiiro? SuU. . Rhrasa.!
T i2w? lBd Re"Ni wniedy for the same. At last we bare foaad it in a Breaa' raamT
factored by the 5waasea Rheaasatlc Care Cesaaaay, Chicago. M. The n DsrOPSka. ,Zl
teell woaOerful .'or lu curatWe power ia RMaaShW Sota, aeaormVrao'MST!
give a Perateeeat Care
an? others rapral
iiuiaiiri ui.u io mj i
weeas alter titer i
.-.. -.. .,.
war in which they are placing these Wonderful Restates anions; sufferinR humanity, which they
told me to write to the Cotntvuiv as an acknowledgement. As I Iian m-n th CumIu d.
uitur s wop Kiasisrs, in a ereai many instances. 1 can Truly recommend tbeea
and also that the firm is perfectly honest and reliable to deal with. "
SWANSON'S c. A. JAfcKSON. Physician and Surgeon. Kearney. Neb.. Aug. ?). 19W.
K nPADQ" Is the most powerful speeine known, free f ivtn opiates aud trfctW hum.
... 3JKX9 ,cv- R0"0 nsuatlyfelt the flrst nlaht. It Is a lUiecwtotmitmSSi
m. Sciatica Jteuralatn. !; it a. aukstkc AatfcnB. Sfluv BV... r-w a,
a tiiinaii
toaaaesa. Xcrrsataew, .errai and Kearalcle "aeaeaehea. Earatkt, Ttaaa!
Weaaaess, Croup. Swelltov. La CSrtaee, Malaria. Crvepla Xaataea, e.. etc.
10 euaoio miner to sirs "a
prepaid br mail, for 10 eta. A
aosss) I1.C0.S bottles for U. Sold by in and acents.
rD Gaiter fc made
of the fine imita
tion mahogany with
pearl inlaid
position dots aad
Gcrmas silver raised
f rets: it has fancy in
lay around sound
hole and best quality
Americas patent
heads; the top of
Guitar is beautifully
bound with celluloid;
it is strung; with a
full set of best quality
steel springs and k
ready to play upon.
r 'tuntmtuMiii
fit OUW
"Star" tin tags (showing small stars printed on under tide
of tag). Horse Shoo," "J.T.," "Good Luck," "CroHaBow,"
and "Drummond " Natural Leaf Tin Tags are of equal value in
securing presents mentioned below, and may be assorted.
Every niau, woman and child can And something oa the list
that they would like to have, and can have
1 Match Eos 2
S Kn'fe. one blade. kimhI steel Si
S Scissors. H Ineuei Si
4 Child' t--t. Knife. Fork and Hroou 21
ft bait and Pepper H-t. one each, quad
ruple plate on whita tuetal o
French Briar Wood Pip. 2
7 Itasor. hollow KroiinJ. fine Kni;IL-ih
Bntter Knife, triple plate, best
9 HuKur Shell. tril plate, brtt qua...
10 Stamp (x. ttrli:ig silver
11 Knife. "Keen Kutter."two bladm .
13 Butcher Kuife. "Kteti Kutter." S-iti
blade 75 1
13 Shear. "Keen Kutter " 8-ini-h.. . 76 I
14 Nnt Set. C-acker aud Pick. Mirer !
asS)sla , v
li liane HaIl,"AwocinMoii."bet qual.lou ,
18 Alarm Clock, nh-krl I'M
17 Siv. Genuine ltoKers'Teapoont.ber !
i Lite-l io(i!h llu
14 Watch, nickel. Htem wind and et . :?0u
I Carver, good t!e, buckhorn
bandit. 'X9
30 bn Gentling Itouer' Table Hoi..
belt plated k-mmI SJO
St Sis each. Kni. eva-id Fork, buck
horn handle . . iit
33 Hti eai h. Genuine Itouer' Knive
aud Fork, l-ent .lt-! ( di. . Mi
Cnarial Mntira f I'lin "Star" Tin Taic Ithat i4.Sar tin ta with n- srmll
jpOL-ltfl HUUL-P . n-arnprlntel on under side of ta.i. ar n. 31 fr prfrnt;
... . but will be paid for In CASH on lb.!H of twentycentiper
hundred, if received by us on or before M-ch lit, ttwo.
UTRKAK IN .1IIM afase'a worth at
will last loader ana aaaril as are alraaare thaa a dlase's warlk af aay
cl herb: and. MAKETHETE8TI
Send tag; to JOTI.KTAI. TOBACCO CO., St. Louts, Ma.
ataer anaoal piB-BOiasa la Cascarets. Caaeartta proatpUy, effectively aad
One of the most important Americas)
exhibitions at the Paris exposition will
be a model, fome twenty feet long, or
the Chicago drainage canal, in con
nection with this will be shown mod
els of all the great variety of ex
cavating and conveying machinery
which was used in this important en
gineering work. The models will be
shown in operation and it is believed
that it will be one of the mast inter
esting of the engineering exhibitions
at the exposition.
The art of making work pay is a
work of art.
evea in chronic cases. Sometime ..' 1 hA
bed for these patients the very hest Remedies which 1 sklllfullr set
Khnmtii sa ... .. . . T " .
Iectcd.bat without dotrable results. 1 then heard of "a DROP5" and
of its Wonderful Cares, and prescribed it to a few patents who found
cin-i iiuoiiuuK wiimuu icw usys. Aiier mat i presents! it toai
within a few days. After that I prescrilied it to a great
r surprise. 1 will say that in the course of Two or Three
had used 5 DROPS" and Drop" Plasters they
jng these were a few who had. Tor a number of years.
"v"- "; n'R '"" wc a lew who nan, lor a numwrol Years.
lcen suffering with Chroaic Rheaatatlsai. who had piloted themselrea
around on Cratches. They came to my oftce without Crutches aad told
Be tliey were perfectly WeH. They give all the credit to "a DROPS'
and to "s Proa" Plasters and this U their testimony to the 5waaseei
BheumalL: Cure Cmhmi fnr ttirir fcintnMa n.,1 i- .- -i .
VKUI-S'' at least a trial, we will acml a See MMaple boltl.
i - ample bottle will roDTlnt Ton. al ! fcntti.. m
1CUTS W4Vr ia Sw TottMw. WBJTS C9 TO-SAT.
CO.. 1 to la lak .. CJUCAttwV ss-W,
t50 to iggN
FOR $2.63
No more, no less, than 5,000 of them,
probably the largest contract in saltan
ecr nimle an instrument that post
thcly sell- from S3JO to $7.(11. Whenthts
Iiit is exhausted e eannot duplicate
this offer. Quantity talks. Only by oper
atiutc on Mich a bur wrule. together with
onr well-knownsmall profit policy.could
such an otTeriui; bo ix-.ille. Another
reason for didpensimr such a bargain
broadcast is tho contluenco we feel that
eeryituitar Mild will win for us a per
manent patron ami a friend whoso
recommendation wo ran count upon. Wo
will forward tlio K'litar to any address
C O. D.. subject to examination, upon
receipt of ol)c. We, however, advise that
ca.sli in full be M-nt, as tliut sares return
charges for money anil wo stand per
fectlr ready to refund moncv if tho
Kuitar i not all and mora than we claim
uiaa we ciaim
for it. Keiuomber our
special price oa 5.U1) of
litem only w
'n which is listtd at lowest whafcsals ftrics
avsrything to sat wear and furnish
ed on receipt of only 10? to partly pay.
postage or exprtssage and as tvidance
of gooo faun me iuv is nawvo on iirsi
purchase amounting to I9? or above. 4
la Clock. S-day. Calendar. Tlirrinotu
etrr. Biruran'er kit
34 Gun rase. Ithr. no better made, stftt
35 Keviilver. automatic double action.
or W caller JO
J Tool Set. nut plaything, but rval
tOOl M(J
17 9it dooratisl imrrelalii.
vory hamiwmi.. wu
S lC-iulnRloii Ulita Ni.4. 3Jn.-Ual. "00
Watch, sterling iilw.full jwi-.e 1 HKM
30 I)rr Sul rai. lratiixr. Iiaint-ioiiie
and iliirri . luuo
31 Hfwiii MaWiiiio. Unit rlvn, with
filla:tacb.iiiMit .... . J
SJ Ii)olver. Colt's. .M-calibt.-. blue!
htei rue
St lllnV. Colt's. 14-iot. a-cli'e.-. .. IStM
M Guitar (Wanhburn), nw hwixmI. ln
laul .. .."Juki
3J Imt lin. rj- hand m 'JiMI
W Wint'biMtrr in.; Shot Gun.
ISrsii.. aw
37 Iteniitix.oti. 1-mb'n hirrrl. Ii:n-
iiH-rMiot Gun. toor li(;aii .2MM
3 llirvcl. Mantlanl make. or
J aS m m . dBa.aj
y Shot Gtiti. Kmuiii.ttoti, tlouM bar
rel, haiiiiiitrlii . .....&0UV
il Kiviui Mtule li v. I3i iurli Ulz .UmO
25c 50c
. si a!'-,