2U&a- ".TVi 1 C- "a'ffi",3g- gtweaSK-agaKSSfcSiVJZ-.S ipaayayy t,vy-aTf --3 1 .? " - -i 4 ''.. 4 - :. ..- '"-, in : I. : ... Established Hat 11, 1870. Columbus gouruai Columbus, Nobr. Entered at the Po&toffice, Colambue, Nebr., as second-class mail matter. UtlUTtiiHixjtlT X.X.77SXSC0. TKBXS OF SUBSCEimOK: One jear, by mail, postage prepaid $1.50 Biz months .75 Tare months 0 WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 25. 1899. r Smtoerilera ef THE JOURlf- AIc-PImm lMk at tka elate opposite ymmr muu ob tko wrapper ef yiar JOURNAL r aa the aaigla af THE JOUR1TAX. Up te this data, yor eatoariptUa la paiaaraoeaaatod far. REPUBLICAN TICKET. State. For Supreme Judge, If. B. REESE, or Lancaster County. For Regents of the State University, E. G. M'GILTOX, of Douglas County, DR. WILLIAM 13. ELY, of Brown County. JaaieiaL For Judges of Sixth Judicial .District, A. R. OLSON, of Dodge. W. T. THOMPSON, of Merrick. Ceaatjr. For County Treasurer, JOHN EKMAN, of Walker Tup. For County Clerk, CAPT. CHARLES W. JENS, of Co lumbus. For County Judge, RALPH PUGSLEY, of Monroe. For Supt. Public Instruction, W. T. CRAIG, of Monroe. For Clerk of the District Court, ERNEST C. HALM, of Granville Tp. For Surveyor, W. J. McEATHRON, of Columbus. For Sheriff, O. E. STEINBAUGH, of Humphrey Tp. For Coroner, DR. DEBERE, of Platte Center. Tewaaaip. For Supervisor Districts ft nnd 7, D. H. HARRINGTON. City. For Assessor, O. C. SHANNON. For Justices of the Peace, J. M. CURTIS. FRANK TAYLOR For Constables, MARVIN ELSTON, MIKE WELCH. The pledgo of congress in regard to Cuba was to see that a stable govern ment is established. The British government has con tracted for an immense amount of can ned beef supplies in Chicago. The large building north of Norfolk, formerly used os a college, burned down Toesday evening of last week. It was beyond tho reach of the fire department. Sheriff Phillips of Cuming county placed a man in jail, who came to him and said ho ought to be arrested as he was liable to injure some one. His name is not known, and it is supposed he is a fit person for a lunatic asylum. West Point Democrat. Sir Henry Irvino and Miss Ellen Terry are on their way from England to this country. Their tour includes tho great cities of the east, Chicago, Cin cinnati and probably St Louis. Their new and stirring play of "Robespierre" was a great success in London. Lord Kitchener paid a deserved tribute to the American energy which built an iron bridge in the heart of Africa within six weeks from contract when he said at the opening of the bridge: "This bridge is due to their en ergy, ability and power to turn out works of magnitude in less time than anybody else. I congratulate tho Amer icana on their success." A Chicaoo firm has bought up nearly all the apple orchards in the lower Ohio alley, the object being to start a gigan tic cider factory at some convenient point. Which leads us to remark that occasionally one year's product of somo large apple orchards in Kansas and Mis souri has sold for more money than the ordinary value of the entire farms on which they were located. Clare Ola Williams has been ar rested, and in default of a bond of 91,000, placed in jail to answer the charge of horse stealing in Wayne coun ty. The evidence is said to be very strong against her. When arrested she was in the company of another woman and four men. She and another woman had called at the place the evening be fore the theft and looked over the horses in the barn. A telegram" from Glencoe Camp. Oct. 20, states that after eight hours of con tinaoaa heavy fighting Tallana Hill was earned by the-Dublin Fuaileers and the King's rifles under cover of a well served artillery fire by the Thirteenth and Sixty-ninth batteries. The strength of the Boers was about 9,000 men. They posted their guns on a hill overlooking the town, opened fire on the camp and the battle became general. Judge Reese's splendid official record of former years makes assurance doubly sure as to what may be expected of him in a general way. He is sound, solid, sure, steadfast in right doing, whether as a public official or a private citizen. Democrats, all over the state, as they more and more come to know the inner man that Holcombhas shown himself to be in office, are seeing the importance of electing Judge Reese and laying Hol comb aside. Last Saturday morning about 7 o'clock William Pugh got his foot very badly ground up in the cylinder of his threshing machine. He had to have his leg amputated below the knee. The ac cident was caused by a team becoming frightened at tho noise of the machine, when it started to run with a boy in the wagon. Mr. Pugh was on top of the separator attending to the strawstacker, and thought he could head off the team and stop it by jumping from the front of the machine. His foot slipped and went into the cylinder. Marquette Ites. AS TO THE PHILIPPINES. President McKinley's views as publicly given by himself: "Peace first, then, with charity for all, establish a government of law and order, protecting life and property and occupation, for the well being of the people, a government in which they shall partic ipate under the Stars and Stripes." S&xxxsooooooeKXXKXXKuxsaaooc Paschal s Reese Club. The editor of the Telegram had time and space in la6t week's issue for a column and a half "write up" of the Reese club of this city. To say that an editor is in very small business parading the names of our best and most honored citizens before the public in the manner he did, is to put it very mildly. It may be great sport for the editor to weave such a fabrication of falsehoods as he did in this article, and he may chuckle over his production, and it may meet the approval of a few of tbe lower element, but when an editor will resort to such methods for political purposes, and try to elevate and advance the interest of his own party by assailing good citizens and using his efforts to create dissention and hard feelings, that editor is no ornament to society. The Reese club has over 200 members, and Mr. Garlow was nominated for pres ident by one of tho men this same Pas chal would have the public believe was an enemy. Every member has one object in view, viz: to advance the interests of the republican candidates. The adage that "he who laughs last, laughs best" will prove true in this case. Fair Play. Harrington Writes a Itter. M. C. Harrington, Democratic nomi nee for congress in the Sixth district, is also a victim of the habit of letter -writing, as witness the following sent by him to Jnan Boyle of Kearney, chair man of the Democratic district commit tee: Kearney, Neb. Joan Boyle, Esq., Dear Sir The stato central committee is urging prompt action. We must accept the inevitable. The future of Democracy in the Sixth district depends largely upon the number wo can draw from Populist sources. There is only one more year to wait and fusion will bo all over. There will he but two parties and the leaders of the Democratic party now will be the recognized leaders then. Sub mit gracefully, even tho' we havo to stretch a point to do so. Find enclosed a certificate which please sign in the two places marked before a justlco of tho peace or a notary public who has a seal. McKcel, who has been absent in Virginia, will lc at home in a few days and want to havo it ready for him. M. C. Harrinoton, This letter is of particular interest and significance to all Populists of Ne braska. It sets forth the avowed pur pose of the Democrats to swallow the Populists next year. What concessions are made this year by the Democrats arc expected to bear fruit an hundred fold next year, when Candidate Bryan and the silverplated Democracy will put the Populist party out of sight. This is the meaning of the adherence of Bryan to Holcoinb in the state conven tion, despite tho protest of many lead ing Democrats who objected to support ing Holcomb, but who are doing so in a desultory sort of way merely to profit by it next year, when the Populist parry, just as Mr. Harrington writes, is to dis appear and when leaders of Democracy now will continue to be leaders after the swallowing has taken place. Mr. Harrington's letter, which has just come to tho surface, throws a strong side light on the working of Boss Bryan and his Democratic machine. In the course of n cutting reply to Colonel Bryan, who wants to tell the Filipinos that they are free to govern themselves, John J. Ingalls says: "Bnt supposo after we drove Spain from Cuba an army of insurgents and malcontents under the lead of an ambitions and un scrupulous outlaw, had attacked our troops, defied the Hag, burned towns, levied contributions upon reluctant in habitants, kept up guerilla warfare, fired on hospitals and flags of truce and refused all overtures for peace, what then about Cuba, Mr. Bryan?" Ingalls further says: "When McKinleysaid that where the flag was raised it would float in peace and triumph nnd honor, he hit the bull's eye and rang tho bell. This closed the debate." The Madison Chronicle says that tho wind of Sunday week at Norfolk got a little gay. A barn in Edgewater Park addition to Norfolk was picked up and carried some distance and set down over a wagon. The horses that hod been oc cupying the barn were somewhat sur prised at their uncovering, but were not injured. At Meadow Grove the wind struck P. A. Crann's buildings at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, and cattle Bheds, feed racks, corn cribs and gates were carried a distance of 80 rods and smashed into kindling wood. A granary 12x32 and 12 feet high was taken off its foundation and half the roof taken away. It twisted iron bars in two, and blew corn flat to tbe ground. The dailies of Wednesday last gave account of .a heart-rending casualty at Geneva, occurring the evening before. Three children of Jacob Hofferber, re spectively C, 9 and 11 years, came home from school this evening, and undertook to start a fire in the cook stove with kerosene. When they applied a match to the kindling the fire extended to the room where they had spilled the fluid, and set the clothing of all three afire. The eldest is dead, and the other two are 6o badly burned there is little or no hope of life. One was burned in the face and sidetaf the head so badly that his ear dropped off. The others were horribly burned about the arms, breast and side. Ralph Pcgsley, the republican can didate for county judge, is a youne man of excellent character, and well qualified as to a knowledge of the law, for the proper discharge of the duties of the office. He was a soldier in the Philip pines, doing his full duty, gaining the esteem of his comrades and the respect of officers. He is a level-headed young man, judicious in thought, word and deed, carefully weighing bis words, and placing them with the exactness of rifle balls Bhot straight at the mark. You will not regret voting for Mr. Pngsley. 0M. M I MUTUAL INSURANCE. ZHow Governor Holcomb Defeated! f' It Till He Organized a Company. Q$GeG&$G&$$ The remarkable record of Silas A. Holcomb in the matter of insurance leg islation challenges the attention of. the people of the state and leads at once to the inevitable conclusion that it would be unsafe to place such a man on the supreme bench. A weak man in the presence of temptation while in the gubernatorial chair, what could be ex pected of him as a judge? What case would be safe in bis hands? During the legislative session of 1895 there was a determination to pass a law which would allow the organization of mutual companies for the insuring of village and town property. To defeat this there was present at the state house an organized lobby, possessed of ample means for oil room purposes. It was well known at the time that $10,000 in cash was on hand to be used in defeat ing mutual insurance legislation. On Jan. 17th Mr. Brockman of Rich ardson introduced house roll 240, a bill authorizing the formation of mutual companies. It was perfectly satisfac tory to tho people who were demanding mutual insurance. The record of the introduction of the bill is found on page 2G1 of the house journal. On Feb. 26th the bill was reported to tho general file and was delayed there until March 27th, when it was taken up in the committee of the whole and recommended for passage. On March SOth (page 1183 of the house journal) it was passed by unanimous vote. Such reformers as Barry, Hull and Soderman were there and voted for the bill. The reason for the unanimous vote was that the insurance boodle had been in sight so notoriously that any man votinr against the bill would have been marked at once as a boodler. The lobby concentrated its efforts to defeat the bill in the senate. Every method of delay was resorted to. At least one prominent clerk was bribed. Money was offered to senators to get tkcin to delay or lose the bill. At one time the one crooked clerk and one boodling senator carried it away, and were made to disgorge only after the senate had issued warrants for their arrests. In the senate, as in the house, all the boodle plans failed. The bill passed with but one dissenting vote, and that one senator was politically blacklisted for that act, and has never since been allowed to hold office. But the old-line insurance people knew what they were doing. They had de layed the final passage of the bill until the last day of tho session. They knew what Governor Holcomb would do. They know that he would wait until after the adjournment of the legislature, when all danger of passing over his head was past, and then ho would veto the bill. The record shows that on April 5th (page 1359 of tho house journal), the bill was presented to the governor by a joint committee. Until it reached his hands it was carefully guarded to keep tbe lobbyists and boodlers from stealing it. At that late day one of the clerks was offered 1.000 if he would lose the bill or allow himself to be held up and robbed of it. After the adjournment of the legis. latoro Governor Holcomb carried out his part of tho contract. After numer ous consultations with ft Lincoln lob byist he vetoed the bill. For this action he was never able to give a decent ex. cose, and left himself open to the strong suspicion that he had entered into a satisfactory deal with the boodling lobby. The defeat of this meritorious bill in such a suspicious manner caused much indignation over the state and the next legislature met with the determination to pass a mutual iufinrauce bill and put it through so early that a cowardly gov ernor could not head it off. Jones of JJemaha on the 18th of January, 1897, introduced house roll 183, a bill exactly similar to the Brockman bill, except that it had several mors sections relat ing to assessments and other matters, which were also covered in the laws al ready on the statute books. The bill passed the house on the 13th of March by unanimous vote. It passed tbe sen ate on the 2d of April with jus one negative vote and was presented to the governor on the 3d of April. For some reason not orally explained, but which is pretty well shown np by the records. Governor Holcomb held the till until the 8th of April, when he an nounced to the legislature that he had signed it. Now the sequel: That flams day the news was given out that a new insure auco company had been organized under tho new Uvw and that Silas A. Holcomb was elected as its president This action had been taken before the bill was signed and the salary of the president was fixed at $50 per month. Comment on this transaction is unnecessary. "The records are the best evidence." From that date to the close of his official term as governor Holcomb drew money every month as follows: Salary as governor $208.33 Salary as insurance president 60.00 Bake-off in house rent deal 19.80 $278.13 This was a pretty comfortable salary for a "plain man," and did not count the other perquisites he might get in the way of railroad passes, assessments from clerks .and appointees and other "oomplirnentaries," as O. W, Palm would term them. Silas made the office pay, but the in snranoe scandal will be remembered. It will have another chapter. Popular sympathy in continental Europe seems to be decidedly with the Boers and against England. Parisian papers are generally bitter in their de nunciation of Great Britain as grasping, and brutal One Paris paper expresses delight over the Boers' ultimatum, re marking: "It has remained for a hand ful of Dutchmen to say to Great Britain what France was eager to say to her after the Fssboda affair, bat did not dare," THE WKDGE OF GOLD. Achen tolo the golden wedge, And while ho kept it Hidden in his tent, The curse of God. Who hates a thief, Rested on Israel. But when the whiskered prophets Took Achen to the suburbs Of the camp. And stoned him there with stones Till he was dead. Tho curse was lifted And Israel in the next campaign, Carried every precinct In the state. You are the Achen, Si, You took the wedge. You, Si, took everything in sight, And now The whiskered prophets of reform Are after You. They're pelting you with stones. They've driven you to the suburbs Of the camp. And there they'll fling you, Si, As worthless rubbish, into the Ash barrel Of oblivion. They're building now A mighty wull Around the supreme court, With iron gate so hi? h And bars so close That e'en Maret, The sllpperest weasel of your gang, Cannct squeeze through. And on that gate they'll carve "No cunning fox of Sham reform. No trap door conjurer of Ballot frauds, No constitution breaker With stolen house rent In his jeans Can enter Here." Tough!' You bet it's tough. But Si, You had your chance. You've hud your day in politics. The people havo been kind to yon. They tucked you in a carriage And at Broken Bow, They cheered your cause. And waved you on with banners. And you, old fox, You, Bowed and smiled, With sanctimonious mien. Knowing full well That all the while You hail The wedge. Oh. Silas! Silai! Had you but served the people, And not yourself, Thoy would not now, In this election, Remain at homo to husk the corn And leave you Naked to your enemies. Lincoln Journal. General Fred Fnnston, like Admiral Dewey, has disappointed the oppon ent's of the administration's war policy. He has confirmed what the admiral has said since his return. He denies the capacity of tho Filipinos for self-government and favors going ahead in a vigor ous manner to subdue the rebellion in Luzon. He characterizes Aguinaldo as a "con" man. He is confidenciug his followers into believing they can whip the Americans and drive them ont of the islands. As a disciple of George Washington, according to General Fnnston, the little rebel is a miserable failure, and Nebraskans who may think they are supporting a pure and high minded patriot by voting against the administration should open their eyes to the facts. Silas A. Holcomb as governor repudi ated Mr. Sturgess, recommended by or ganized labor for appointment on the state commission for the Omaha exposi tion. United labor now has its oppor tunity to repudiate Mr. Holcomb and the prospects are very good that it will do so. The truth is there is positively no warrant for labor of any kind sup porting Mr. Holcomb and his ticket, on general principles. All kinds of labor is in great demand all over the state, at enhanced wages, and this in no wise because there is a Populist state admin istration, but because the good Lord has sent big crops and the Republican party has maintained sound money and kept its promise to reopen the mills and re store prosperity. Mr. Bryan is making, with some va riations, the same speech in Ohio and Kentucky that he made in Humphrey, this county. It is our candid opinion, which we freely express, that Mr. Bryan and his followers will find when the votes are counted next month, that tbe great body of the people believe a polit ical party should have some vital prin ciples for whiflh they stand, aside from mere opposition to the administration. jEnjjiiiMuuimiiiuiuiiiwmNutiiJiisug I JibMtiomil Vowl, I HiiuiiiuiiiHiHuiiaiiiJiiiiuirHiutnutiix Heal Estate Transfers. Becher, Jteggi k Co,, real estate agents, report the following real estate transfers filed in the office of the county clerk for the week ending October 21, 1899. Pioneer Towu Site o to Cl&rkson .Milling Co lot 8. blk 4, let add to Lindeny, wd. I 58 50 Pioneer Town Bite Co Henry Martina, lot 0, blk 8, Creston, wd 100 00 Same to tuupe, lot IS, blk 7, Creston.wd 80 00 Harriet Ketgwin to W J ifelknap, lot 5. blk 7. Creston, wd 400 00 Mary R Smith to Anna R Wilkinson, H of bw4 8-16-2w and H of e2 ew4 ae4 13- 17-1 w and ii 8-22, Colnmbns, qcd. ... 1 00 Anna II Wilki&wn to Mary R Smith. Vt sw4 12-17-Zw and h of Cffl 0w4 9- lft-2w. qcd iOO Job Hook to Thomas McKee, et al, lots 24, 25, blk 5. Creston, wd 625 00 J8BhortlaFarae,qcd 100 00 William Knight to Wm Rfre, pt nw4 ne4 19-30.le.wd J0O 00 Eilert Hellbasch to Diedrich Thielen, n2sw4ft.19-le.wd 1590 00 Colambas f Wagner to Nellie M Ray, w2sw4 30.ia.fcr.wd 1500 00 U P Ry Co to H F J Hockenberger, lof 3, 19-17-lw, wd 5 00 Twelve transfers, total $4,560 50 Baker Post Ho. 9 0. A. X. To all who subscribed to tbe soldiers' monument, we would state that tbe foundation is laid and it is now neces sary that the subscriptions be paid np before Nov. 15, '99, when it is expected the monument will be finished. Please give this your attention. Subscriptions to be paid to J. H. Galley, Or H. T. Sporbby, Commander. Quartermaster. 25oot3, Cash FriztJ for Photographs. For tbe six beet photographs of farm scenes along its line in Nebraska and Kansas, the Burlington Route offers si cash prizes one of 820.00, one of $10.00 and four of $5.00 each. Photographs of growing crops, harvesting operations, feed-lots, poultry, cattle, barns and creameries are particularly desired. No limitations as to size or finish are made. The contest closes November 30, 1899. J. Francis, General Passenger Agent, Burlington Route, Omaha. 25-oct-S J rfffffCtftrCfa. Jcrsonai Mcniiftt. S Judge A M. Post was at Lincoln Thursday. Judge Sullivan was a Lincoln visitor Thursday. Editor Burruss was in Lincoln last Wednesday. C. E. Rickly of Omaha is in the city for a short visit. J. S., Hatfield started Monday on a trip through Colorado. Miss Nannie McMnhon was a visitor at Platte Center la6t week. Will Rickly, jr., spent Sunday at home from his work in South Omaha. Mrs. Frazell went to Kansas City Thursday to visit friends several days. Miss Jennio Wiseman went to St. Ed ward Monday to visit Mrs. George Wil lard. Mrs. Hull (nee Olga Blawat) of Lin coln, came up Friday to visit her rela tives here. Mrs. J. E. Jones and daughter Jowel of Platte Center visited tho Wiseman family a few days ago. Mirs Abbie Keating, matron of the asylnm at Norfolk, ejent Sunday with her parents in this city. J. E. Mnnger of Denver, Colo., is ex pected here this week, on his wny home from Chicago on a business trip. Dr. and Mrs. Geer returned Thursday from a trip to Kansas. Mrs. Geer visit ed her son Howard in Crete ou her way down. Mr. nnd Mrs, Stuck returned to Iowa Monday, after spending several weeks in Columbus. Mrs. Stuck is a sister of Mrs. Coberly. W. T. Rickly returned Thursday from several months' trip in western states in tho interest of the Burke commission house of South Omaha. Miss Myra Hompleman, daughter of John Hempleman of Omaha, a former resident of Columbus, stopped over Sunday with the Berger family on her way to Boone. She is suffering with consumption, and is going to friends to remain. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Musselman and Mr. and Mrs. Louie Hurford visited over Sunday at Columbus with Harry Mus selman, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Mus solman and brother of Mrs. Hurford, who remained for a few days visit. David City Banner. Omaha Prices. See the latest styles in jackets, capos, collaretts and all winter goods. Follow the crowd to Fitzpatbick's. Oar Bates to the Greater Aaerica Exposition. Daily sales, good ten days $4.15 for round trip. Tuesday sales, good seven days $2.75 round trip. Saturday and for train number four Sunday sales, $2.60 round trip, good re turning following Monday. For further information call at Union Pacific passenger depot. W. II. Ben ham, Agent. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Hi KM Yn Han Allan Bafkt Bears the Signature of For all fresh cuts or wounds, in oither tho human subject or in apiraola, as a dressing, BALLARD'S SNOW LIN IMENT is excellent; while for sores on working horses, especially if slow to heal, or suppurating, its healing quali ties are uneqnaled. Price 25 and 50 cts. Dr. A. Heintz and Pollock & Co. TORIA. Tt Kind VwHw Atop BEl Nature can only feed the flame of lifo with the food eaten which is digest ed. HERBINE will reinvigorate a weak stomach, and so improve digestion as to insure the natural bloom of health. Price 50 cents. Dr. A. Heintz and Pol lock & Co. You am subscribe for The Journal whenever you are ready, subscription books open during all business hours, and always room and welcome for one more- WJPWP WHEN IN NEED OF Briefs, Dodgers, Sale bills, Envelopes, Catalogues, Hand bills, Statements, Note heads, Letter heads, Meal tickets, Lecral blanks, Visiting cards, Milph checks, Business oaf da, Dance invitations, Society invitations, Wedding invitations, Or, in short, any kind of JOB PRINTING, Call on or address, Journal, Columbus, Nebraska. CALIFORNIA ! The Land of Sunshine. TIKI IS 5CTOV Fiue Train Bervioe via the Union Pacific. Palace Sleeping Cars, Dining Cars, Free Reclining Chair Cars, Buffet Smoking and Library Can, Ordinary Sleeping Cars, Pintaoh Light, Steam Heat Five Trains Daily from Missouri River. For Time Tables, Foldere, Dlustrated Books, Famplets, descriptive of the ter ritory traversed, call on W. H. Benham, 3-25oct-eow-dec31 Agent z&m: Btanta A QMfmifa i lAbl fjri mA Hi iiiCx! Wasa EX33IT. Platte County Teachers' Meeting. The teachers of- 'Platte county will meet at the Linds'ay High school Satur day, October 28, 1899, the session begin ning at 1:15 p. m., sharp. Songs by Primary, Intermediate and High School pupils. Piano selection by C. E. Charnquist. Moral Education a Necessity A. R. Dougherty. The Ideal Teacher L. W. Fike. Literature in the Rural Schools Jessie M. Maw. Why Teachers Leavo the Profession E. C. Hicks. Free High School and Compulsory Laws Edward Waggoner. School Incentives Gertrude Fellers. Importance of the Common Brauches C. F. Carey. To Chicago Hud the Eat. Passengers goingeast for business, will naturally gravitate to Chicago as the great commercial center. Passengers re-visitiug friends or relatives in the eastern states always desire to "take in" Chicago en route. All clashes of passen gers will find that tho "Short Line" of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail way, via Omaha and Council Bluffs, affords excellent facilities to reach their destinations in u manner that will be sure to give the utmost satisfaction. A reference to the time tables will in dicate the route to be chosen, and, by asking any principal agent west of the Missouri river for a ticket over the Chicago, Council Bluffs & Omaha Short Line of the Chicago, Milwankeo & St Paul Railway, yon will be cheerfully furnished with the proper passport via Omaha and Chicago. Please noto that all of tho "Short Line" trains arrive in Chicago in ample time to connect with tho express trainsof all the great through car lines to the principal eastern cities. For additional particulars, time tables, maps, etc., please call on or address F. A. Nash. General Agent, Omaha, Neb. Thousands of tho most stubborn nnd distressing cases of piles have been cured by TABLER'S BUCKEYE PILE OINTMENT. It nover fails to cure. Price 50 cents in bottles, tubes, 75 centa Dr. A. Heintz and Pollock & Co. OA8TC Btantk Thg Kind You Haw Always Bssxsl WHITE'S CREAM VERMIFUGE is a highly valuable preparation, capa ble, from the promptitudo of its action, of clearing tho system in a few hours of every worm. Price 25 cts. Dr. A. Heintz nnd Pollock Sc Co. sToniA. lanu IfSBtmn ef The Kind Yob Haw Altars BssjM FASTER THAN EVER. EFFECTIVE OCT. 15. -...THE... UNION - PACIFIC will augurate now train service, and will reduce the time of Tnn Overland Lim ited, Train No. 1, between Chicago, Council Bluffs and San Francisco, 3 Hours and 15 Minutes. ONLY 57 HOURS MISSOURI River to PACIFIC COAST buffet smokino and library cars with 1iarhek shop CHICAGO AND COUNCIL BLUFFS TO SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND. THREE TRAINS DAILY, to and from PACIFIC COAST. elegant palace sleepino cars, dininu uars, chair cars. For full information call on 18oct7 W. H. Benham, Agent. NOTICE PROBATE OF WILL. Notice probate of will, James Wnrner, decenH- ed. In the county court of I'latte county, Nebraska. The State of Nebraska to the heirs and next of kin of said James Warner, deceased. Take notice, that upon tilin of a written in strument purporting to be the last will and testament of James Warner for probate and allowance, it is ordered that said matter bo set for hearing the 14th day of November. A. I). YttM, before said county court, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. ni., at which timo any person interest ed may appear and contest tho same; and due notice of this proceeding is ordered unblished three weeks successively in Tur Columbus JflURXAi.. a weekly ind Will uowxpaper printed, published anil o.f general circulation in said county and state. In testimony whereof, 1 have hereunto set my hand and official teal at Columbus this 23d day of October, A. 1. lslfJ. T. 1). Kobihon, 21 octS County Judge. PROBATE NOTICE. Tbe State of Nkbrakk , County of Platte. f8 In the county court, in.and for said county. In the matter of the estate of Julius ICasmussen, deceased, late or ut counjj- A. 1). 1SW. present. T. I). Itobison. county judge. On reading and filing the duly verified petition of Julia Itasmussen, praying that letters of ad ministration bo issued to her on the estate of said decedent. Thereupon, It is orderpd that the 20th lny of October, A. D. 1899, at Z o'clock, p. m., be assign ed for tho hearing of said petition at the county judge's office in said county. And it is further ordered, that due legal notice be given of the pendency and hearing of said petition by publication in The Columbus Joub kfiL for three consecutive weeks. A Uuo eppy of the order.) T. D. ItoBlso.v, County Judge. Dated Columbus, Neb., Octobers. 1K0. 11 oct 3t W. A. MaA.Lia;xa. Wt M. Cobneliup cALUSTER CORNELIUS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA Iljantf The Corset that is guaranteed not to break down. F.C.CORSETS MAKE American Beauties. LATEST MODELS. ' S pw " ttm Mm ni n.- Kalamazoo Corset Co. SOLE MANUFACTURERS. SOLD BY F. EC. LAMB & CO. 27sepSm c&&m&6u N&XVflBfc 4H9 paralionfbrAs- rKFoodandBetirila- tkgtfeStaaiifcai&lBaiKisor EronwtesTHuCkerfiil- mnsalriHes&MQftsnettlier OMumfoipttrir3tt)flSberai Not Nabc otic. V4VJ iJJ- AwsftctHemtdy forCbftstip lion.SourSfoach.Dirrtoe, WoriCorrviJsions.rcN-erish-ness aadLoss OF SLEEP. 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