.- oa- -.. ''-.'' r - S .5 m 4Fk: flttnral : VOLUME XXX.-NUMBER 29. COLUMBUS. NEBRASKA. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 25. 1899. WHOLE NUMBER 1,537. J. V FIRST rni Tfn Aid Many Casualties Reported Between Contending lorcea. BRITISH LOSS THREE HUNDRED E-ttmated Lwk of the Boon Seven Ilond red South Africans Open Fir. at Diirn After Two Ilouia anil a Halt of Fljrlitinj Ilritom Make Gallant Char; e Boers Driven From Their roaltioi . LONDON. Oct. L A correspon dent, describing the battle of Glencoe, sums up the casualties as follows: "Our losses are probably 300 killed and wounded and that of the Boers thrice aa many." Another correspondent says: "A rough estimate places the Brit ish loss at 250 killed and wounded and that of the Boers at S00." LONDON', Oct. 2L A Glencoe cor respondent telegraphing yesterday says: "A force of 6.000 Boers, led by Com mandant Genral Joubrt. has been beaten severely by a force under General Syaions and the enemy at this moment are In full retreat. "Nobody in the camp says General Symons and staff were aware that the Boers were going to attack this morning. It was known, however, that the enemy were further south, and it was seen that unusual precautions were bing taken to guard against a surprise during the night. "Must before dawn the Boer artillery opened lire from the Glencoe hill. The range was illy judged and the quality of ammunition bad. In the two hours and a half firing scarcely a dozen shells bnrst in our lines. Our gunners, on the contrary, put up an excellent practice which began to tell. "At 7:30 General Symons ordered a general advance of the infantry bri gade, which he himself accompanied. Th Dublin Fusileers were well in front with the King's Royal Rilles out on the front and the Leicester shire re;inient on the left. The men advanced smartly, taking advantage cf every bit of cover tactics in which they had been exercised for weeks past. ""The advanee was covered by a terrific lire from our three batteries, and several Boer guns were silenced before the Fusileers began to climb the hill. By the time the Fusileers ami the Royal Rifies got within 1.000 yards of the crest, the Boer batteries were completely silenced, our batter ies having pounded them at 2.500 yards range with crushing effect. The Boers meantime were keeping up a heavy ririe fire, which thinned our ranks considerably ""By 'J o'clock the Fusileers and Royal Rilles had swarmed over the hill and the Boers were on the run. Meantime the Eighteenth Hussars and the Leicestershire regiment had moved north and east, thus practically cuttmc off the Boer main line of re treat and the enemy, caught between two fires, lost heavily. At this mo ment fighting is still going on. but the defeat of the enemy is already complete ami oruhmu ami it looka as thuisnh few would escape. "Our losses are probably 300 killed and wounded, and that of the Boers thrice as many " BRITISH LOSS HEAVY. Official Keport of the Fight Symons Wound M-riourt. LONDON. Oct. 21. The war office has received the following official dis patch from Ladysmith. filed at 3.30 this afternoon: "This from Glencoe: 'We were at tacked this morning at daylight by a force roughly estimated at 4.000. They had placed four or five guns in position on a hill 5.4UO years east of our camp, and they fired plugged shells. Their artillery did no damage. Our infantry formed for attack and we got our guns into position. After the position of the enemy had been shelled our infantry advanced to the attack and after a hard fight, lasting until 1:30 p. m.. an almost inaccessible position was taken, the enemy retiring eastward. We can see our soldiers at the top cf the hill. Our cavalry and artillerymen are still out. General Symons is severely wounded. Our losses are heavy. They will be telegraphed as soon as possi ble." " A dispatch frcm Glencoe camp says that Sir William Symons was wounded in the stomach, and that General Yule has assummed command. LONDON. Oct, 21. There is reason to fear that the wound received by Sir William Symons will prove fatal. IOWA TROOPS THOL'GHT SAf E. No Cause for Fear that Senator Has Ileen W reeked. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 21. The Chronicle say: There is little cause for alarm at present over the fact that possibly the L'nited States transport Senator, with the Iowa troops aboard, encounterede a typhoon shortly after leaving Yokohama, according to ma rine men and owners of the steamer. The fact that the Empress of India did not sight the transport and was herself caught in the typhoon is not regarded as omnious for the Senator. In fact, the army officers and both members of the firm of Goodall, Per kins & Co.. the owners, are firm in their belief that the Senator will arrive I on Monday as scheduled. The Senator J is built of steel and cost $300,000. She is only two years old, and is one of the staunchest vessels on the Pacific STOr AMERICAN FISHERMEN Xankee FUhlnc Vessel Not Allowed to ein for Herring. ST. JOHNS. N. F.. Oct. 21. A1 American fishing vessel recently ar rived at Bay of Islands, on the west coast, intending to take herring with a seine. The colonial government will not permit this, though the captain of the vessel contends that this right is con ceded to the Americans by the treaty of ISIS. The colonial government prepared to enforce its definition of the treaty by dispatching the revenue cutter Fiona to the scene. Stockmen Meet at St. Paul. ST. PAUL. Minn.. Oct. 2L The tenth annual conrenticii of the Na tional Live Stock exchange began a two days' session In this city today. During the morning an executive ses sion of the officials was held, the for mal open sessions of the convention not beginning until arternoon. In dianapolis, Milwaukee and St. Joseph are after the next convention, having delegations here at work to secure it. BATTLE FOUGHT CtT WILL STAY lL Colambla Easily Vanquishes English Challenger la Final Kaee. NEW TORK. Oct. 2L Through wild and hoary seas, in a breexe that ap proached the dignity of a sale, the gal lant sIood Commbia today vanquished the British challenger. Shamrock, by six minutes and eighteen seconds ac tual time, and six minutes and thirtv four seconds corrected time, thus com pleting the series for the America's cup with a magnificent rough weather duel and a glorious Yankee victory. For the eleventh time the attempt of a foreigner to wrest from America the yachting supremacy of the world has failed. The trophy won by the old schooner America forty-eight year? ago. is still ours, a monument to th superiority of American seamanship and American naval architecture, and a standing challenge to the world. The intrinsic value of the reward for which thousands of dollars were expended to secure, is small simply an antlQuated piece of silverware which Queea. Vic toria offered to the best sailing sin in the world in the early days of her reign, but around it cluster the sreci ous memories of unbroken American triumph and the mastery of the noblest of sports. To Sir Thomas Lipton, whose nam? is now added to the list of defeated aspirants for the honor of carrying the cup back across the Atlantic, fail ure was a crushing blow. His hcae had been high, but like the true sports man he is. the sting of defeat has left no bitterness and with undaunted cour age he Intimates that he may be back with a better boat to try again. Dur ing his stay hi-re Sir Thomas has made himself more popular than any pre vious challenger and the yachtsmen of this country were glad to welcome him. Except for the repeated flukes and the unfortunate accident to the challeng er, this series of races has been un marred by a single untoward incident. The bopts hve had two fair and square races, one in light airs and the other in a heavy blow, and Sir Thomas is perfectly satisfied that be was beaten by the better boat. MILES STARTS TOR OMAHA Major General Leaves Washington for Tour of Inspection. WASHINGTON, Oct. 21. Major Gen eral Miles, commanding the army, has submitted to the secretary of war his annual report on the condition and the needs of the army. The report is very brief and rather formal. It does not deal with the military situation in the Philippines, beyond submitting the various reports of officers forward ed to the commanding general. General Miles will leave tomorrow, accompanied by Colonel Michler of his staff, for an extended tour of in spection of the west, northwest and southwest. He will go first to Chi cago and thence to Omaha, along the Northern Pacific as far west as Seattle and Portland, thence to San Francisco and back by way of San Antonio and New Orelans. The report will be made public after it has been gone over by the secretary of war. DELEGATION TO WASHINGTON. Determined that Filipino Envoys Shalt lie Sent to Me Kin ley. MANILA, Oct. 21. Captin MacRae, with a battalion of the Third infantry, and Captain Chynewith, with a bat talion of the Seventeenth infantry, marched to the town of Jose Malinas for the purpose of dispersing a band of 300 insurgents under uan Dicarol, who had recently been annoying our outposts and travelers along the road from Santa Ana to Arayat. The in surgents fled in the direction of Mag alang. The country between Angeles and Arayat is now reported clear. The Democracia reports that the juntas in the orient and in Europe intend to send a delegation to Wash ington to present the Filipino cause. Regider will probably be the president ot the delegation and Agoncillo and Apacible will be among its members. BETTER YACHT WON." English Papers Have o Fault to Find With Result. LONDON. Oct. 21. The English pa pers, while expressing regret at the re sults of the America's cup races, show the greatest .admiration for Sir Thomas Lipton and all admit that the better boat won. The Dublin ExDress says it hopes that Sir Thomas will try again in 1900. The Daily Independent says: "It was claimed that with a good breeze Shamrock would win. but even with this advantage, she was outclassed by a better yacht." The Freeman says: "Sir Thomas deserved better luck. The contest was fairly fought and America having agreed to the distasteful conditions has won." Former Iowa Governor 111. WASHINGTON. Oct. 21. B. R. Sher man, former governor of Iowa, now in this city, was seized with an attack of vertigo while on the street tonight. He was removed to his hotel and is now said to be out of danger. Gen. Harrison in London. LONDON. Oct. 21. General Ben jamin Harrison and Mrs. Harrison ar rived in London today. General Har rison has accepted the invitation to banquet him at the London Chamber of Commerce October 25. Nebraska Man Honored. WASHINGTON", Oct. 21. A court of the Knights Commanders was organ ized at todays session of the supreme council of the Scottish Rite Masons of the southern, jurisdiction. Four of the twelve vacancies on the list of ac tive members of the council were filled by the election of the following as sovereign grand inspectors general: Dr. John W. Morris. West Virginia; E. T. Taubmin. South Dakota; Harper S. Cunningham, Oklahoma, and Gus tave Anderson. Nebraska. Official Notice of Victory. NEW YORK, Oct. 21. The regatta committee of the New York Yacht cluo performed its last official act in con nection with the yacht races by post ing the following notice on the bulle tin board: "Columbia having won. three out of five fair races, the Amer ica's cup remains with the New York club." Dewey Assigned to Daty. WASHINGTON, Oct. 2L Secretary Long today issued an order assigning Admiral Dewey to special duty at the Navy department. A FIGHT WITH BOERS Large 5umbera Reported Skin by Mine Explosion. DRAWN ON TO THEIR DEATH Fifteen Hnadred Dead as tbe Eesult of aa Attack on Klerkadorp Wounded Are Taken to Johannesburg British la Camp Near Ladjsmltb. ar. Expect ing Battle at Any Moment. LONDON, Oct. 20. (New York special from Pietermaritzburg says: "The Basuta natives are fighting witn I the Boers. It is reported that sixteen Boers have been killed. The cavalry is still bivouacked out and slight skir mishes aie frequent." The Daily Mail's correspondent at Capetown, Thursday, says: "A refu gee who reached Grahamstown today from the Rand states a train arrived at Johannsburg Monday evening from Klerksdorp containing at least 300 wounded burghers." The Daily News' Capetown corre spondent. In the course of a somewhat similar account, says: "The Boers were drawn over Lyddite mines, which were laid for the defense of the town, and the killed numbered 1.5C0. Every conveyance was requisitioned to take the wounded men to the hospi tal." Yesterday was one of the most ex citing days known at the war office since the crowd gathered there to learn the fate of the expedition to Gordon's relief. The news that the Fifth Lancier? had been engagea brought many la dies and other friends of the regiment to inquire for news. The gravest Intelligence today seems to be the report of the capture of a train with officers at Elandslaa gato, for it is understood that tha whole line was patrolled. No reporters are allowed at the front, and it is impossible to gain in formation, and it is learned that Gen eral Sir Stewart White has been mak ing extensive movements in that di rection, and developments are hourly expected. The news that Commandant Jou bert's northern column, with twelve guns, is now at Dannhauser, is start ling. Although the Boers have shown considerable activity in Natal, there is nothing to indicate that they are yet prepared for a serious combin ed attack, and the general belief here is that unless something unex pected happens General Sir George Stewart White will remain on the de fensive. Mafeking news is still confined to a repetition of the stories that Colonel Baden-Powell mowed down 300 Boeri with his Maxims. BOUNDARY DISPUTE TO REAR. Mod as Viveddl to Approved la England With Small Changes. LONDON. Oct. 20. The British for eign office asserts that the verbal changes the terms of the Alaska modus Vivendi are of no practical significance and have been readily agreed to and that it is assumed that the United States secretary of state. Colonel John Hay. and the British charge d' affaires In Washington will sign tomorrow. WASHINGTON. Oct. 20 Up to the close of the State department this af ternoon nothing had been heard froLi London respecting the Alaskan modus Vivendi. When the details of the ar rangement are made public, which will follow immediately upon its con clusion, it will be found that nearly all of the attempts made up to this point to describe the new boundary line were inadequate in important respects. The Third Race Declared Off. NEW YORK. Oct. 20. Had the wind held today the Columbia-Shamroe.'t series would tave been ended in thre- straight wins for the defender and the Irish cup-hunter would have sailed home without the trophy, beaten aj decisively as any former candidates. Only the failure of the wind saved Shamrock from a greater defeat than on Monday. Today it was beaten on the run to the outer mark five min utes and fifty-one seconds, elapsed time, and on the leg home, whicn would have been a beat, but which, ow ing to a shift of the wind, was a broad reach, Columbia sailed away from it like a witch. When the race w.ts declared off. about ten minutes before the expira tidn of the time limit, Columbia was leading by three miles. It was then four miles from the finish. Had thJ race been finished Shamrock would have been beaten by about twenty min utes. Dig Pullman Car Dividends. CHICAGO. Oct. 20. At the annua! meeting of the stockholders of the Pullman Car company about two-third? of the stock was represented. The old directors were elected. At a subsequent meeting of the directors the following officers were elected: Robert T. Lin coln, president; Thomas H. Wickes, vice president; A. S. Winsheimer, sec retary. The total revenue of the comrany for the year was 11.47S.9-9, of which amount $9,748,756 came from the earn ings of cars and $1,735,475 from manu facturing, rentals, etc. Operating ex penses were 54.559.SS1. and the com pany paid out $3,149,550. The surplus for the year was $2,295,465. Miss Gould Guest of Town. WICHITA. Kan.. Oct. 20. Miso Helen Gould. Frank Gould, Vice Pres ident C. G. Warner of the Missouri Pa cific railroad. General Manager Dod dridge. Dr. Munn. director, and Mrs. McCracken. wife of the president of the University of the City of New York, arrived here today on a special r.in i over the Missouri Pacific railroad to attend the street fair. . Miss Gould was given a reception at ; the train, and is the guest of the town. ; Governor Stanley is her escort. Hiss Gould says that. Kansas people treit , her too welL Destination of Transports. LONDON, Oct. 20. The Associated Press learns that the transports whicn ( will convey the army corps about to start for South Africa win go neither to Durban nor to Cape Town, both of which are, already overcrowded with i refugees, bat to Port Elisabeth, Port Alfred and' East London, from which ' points railroads converge directly upon i the Free State border, where concen- tration will be effected somewhere in , the neighborhood of Norvalspont. The advance will then begin toward Pretoria- THEY IfflOLD THE TRUSTS. Two Corporation Men Sea ao Wi Great Combinations. WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct. 20. The Industrial commission today heard the testimony cf -Mr. Francis Lynde Stet son of New York, former law.partner of ex-President Cleveland, and Mr. Kl bert H. Gary, president of the Federal Steel company.. Mr. Stetson, speaking on the general question of corporation management, said that as a rule the directors of a company represented the majority in terests, and with number could be ot no great concern. He advocated the fullest freedom of compact on the part of corporations, and said that persons having business with them should learn to inquire concerning their re sponsibility, just as they would in dealing with individuals. He depre cated the tendency to toward paternal ism in such matters and said that leg islation could not make business men of lunatics and paupers. Any undue interference of law with corporations would inevitably- have the effect oi doing more harm than good. Still, ne believed that all stockholders in any company were entitled to know who their co-owners were and for all purely public corporations, such as railroad and insurance companies, he suggested general publicity. New Jersey's popularity as an in corporation state, he said, was due to the fact that the taxes were low; to the immunity of stockholders from personal liability, and to the fact that no limitation is put upon the amount of indebtedness a company may con tract. Mr. Gary explained at length the or ganization of the Federal Steel com pany, whose authorized capital is J20U, 000.000, cf wnich almost Jl00.000.ooo has been issued. He explained that the stock issued included the actual book valuation of the property owned by the various plants. 545,000,000; cash capita!. $10,000,000; increase in value of property not represented on the books. $31,000,000; money advanced by J. P. Morgan & Co.. bankers, who naa engineered the consolidation, $14,000, 000. The remaining stock had not been issued and would not be for less than par value in cash. MONEY TO BE PAID INDIANS. Omahans and Winncbagoes Soon to Re ceive Snug Sum. WASHINGTON, Oct. 20. Commls sianer Jones of the Indian office today issued an order making payable to the Omaha and Winnebago Indians in Thurston county, Nebraska, the semi annual interest on tribal lands, an nuities and leases. While the interest is not payable until spring Commis sioner Jones has made an exception to the policy of the department in or dering this payment, largely upon recommendations of Senator Thurston and Secretary Meiklejohn, who have represented Agent Matthewson. Agent Matthewson, according to the state ment made to the commissioner has increased the revenues of both tribes from rentals over what they had re ceived in previous years more than 50 per cent and he wants the Indian; to have a portion of what Is their dua at this time rather than defer pay ment until spring. The Omahas will receive in all probability a $15 per capita payment, the balance to be paid next May. One payment only will be made to the Winnebagoes, but it will reach about $20 per capita, the in crease of rentals on grass lands thi3 y I'.t bringing about a higher per capita than last year. SOLDIERS' CHRISTMAS BOXES. Secretary of War Instructs that They Be Seat Free. WASHINGTON, Oct. 20. The secr tary of war has instructed the quarter master general to forward from San Francisco any Christmas boxes which may be delivered there prior to No vember 20 for officers and soldiers in the Philippines. Such boxes should be consigned to Major O. F. Long, general superintend ent army transport service, San Fran cisco. Cal. Also to forward from New ork any Christmas boxes for officers and sol diers in the Philippines which may be delivered there prior to November 1, such boxes to be consigned to Major F. B. Jones, general superintendent army transport service. Pier 22 Co lumbia Stores, Brooklyn. N. Y. Cases Prove to Be Plague. WASHINGTON. D. C, Oct. 20. Sur geon General Wyman today received a cablegram fgrom Inspector Wood bury, dated at Rio Janeiro, Brazil, say ing that the plague had made Its ap pearance at Santos, Brazil. He saM that there had been six cases and two deaths, and that autopsy in the fatal cases confirmed the diagnosis. He also said that isolation was possible. No Decision on Rates. CHICAGO, Oct. 20. The members of the Southern Traffic association continued their meeting today without definite results. As on the day previ ous the matters before the meeting were rates to the southwest from Kansas City and Omaha. The meet ing will continue through today and possibly Saturday. Jesse T. Davis Dead. NEW YORK. Oct. 20. Jesse T. Da vis, author of many popular songs, died today of heart disease, aged 36 years. He was a negro, a native of Cincinnati and a graduate of a college there. Among his compositions were Poverty," "Send Back the Picture and the Ring," etc Says Malls Are Not Censored. WASHINGTON. D. C, Oct. 20. Di rector of Posts Vaille has sent to Postmaster General Simth a letter en tering an absolute denial of the pub lished charge of censorship of th-3 mails at Manila. Mr. Vaille says: "I wish to state positively that there has never been a single letter for the states opened in this office or by any one after it was mailed at this ofllca and before its dispatch to the states. It is inexcusable for anyone connected with the army in Manila to make the assertion that there was any censorship cf the mails." Two Dead. Several Woanded. DECATUR, Ala., Oct. 20. Thera are two dead negroes, three or four wound ed and two in jail as a result ot a race war last night and this morning at .Kast Decatur. The riot was caused by a negro woman, the wife of Alex Orr, abusing the wife of Charles Jones, a steamboat engineer, for which James severely beat the woman. James was last night waylaid and severely beaten A fight ensued with the results named. It Is thought no further trouble will' occur How Ray Was Run Down. BROWNVILLE, Neb.. Oct. 22. The odore Cheesman of Fairport, Mo., to whose efforts is due the capture of George Ray, the slayer of Frank Chees man, Theodore's brother, was in town and told of his successful search for the murderer. Theodore Cheesman said at the deathbed of his brother that he would capture Ray or spend a life time in the attempt, and natur ally he was well pleased over the out come of his efforts. Ray was betrayed by Mrs. Minnie Cheesman, Frank's widow, and Ray's paramour. After Cheesman's funeral Mrs. Cheesman went to Nebraska City. where sue remained a short time, and then went to Victor, Colo., and after ward to Cripple Creek, Colo., where, it is alleged, she soon married again, but lived with her husband but a short time. During the summer Theodore Cheesman went to Cripple Creek, and spent a month watching the actions of Mrs. Cheesmaa. Before leaving he hired a detective to look after her. This man succeedeu in ingratiating himself in the fickle affections of the woman, and in a moment of confidence she showed him a letter from Ray, signed "J. P. Keegan," the name as sumed by Ray. The letter was writtea from Illinois, but when the detective searched there he had left. "J. P. Keegan" was traced to northwest Iowa and arrested. He readily acknowledged his identity and agreed to return to Nebraska without a requisition from the governor. The faling against Kay is bitter in this community, as Cnees man was a good citizen, respected by all. and pitied by many for his infatu ation for his faithless wife. Norfolk Collrgtf Burns. NORFOLK. Neb., Oct. 21. Fire to tally destroyed the college building be longing to the Norfolk College associ ation. The loss is about $4,000, in sured for $2,000 m the North American and Connecticut Fire Insurance com panies. The building was originally built and used for a hotel and was known first as the Tillenburg and later as the Reno. Four years ago it was partially burned and was purchased by the college people and moved out a mile and repaired. A year ago the college closed its doors, and since then the building has been occupied by fam ilies. Honors for Returned Soldiers. YORK. Neb., Oct. 21. The fire de partment gave a very pleasant recep tion and dance in honor of Sergeant Frank Eaker. late of Company A. First Nebraska regiment, at the City Hall Monday evening. Mr. Baker has long been a member of the department anil in view of the credit he has been to the organization, a beautiful watch charm was presented to him upon their behalf. Young Farmer Crushed PERU. Neb.. Oct. 21. John Kauser. i young farmer living about one mile southeast of Peru, received injuries while gathering corn which may result in his death. He attempted to turn .us wagon at the end ot the field when the horses suddenly backed into a deep ditch. Kauser was caught under the wagon and badly crushed about the chest. Taxpayers Object to the Expense NEBRASKA CITY. Neb., Oct. 22. There is much complaint among the taxpayers in the matter of appealing the Watson case and entailing more expense to the county. County Attor ney Wilson says he has not desire to appeal the case if contrary to the wishes of the people and the step already taken is only preliminary, so that the law points can be taken up. He will at a later date decide whether to take the case to the supreme court Burlington Oiling Its Roadbed. STRATTON, Neb.. Oct. 22. The Burlington finished oiling a strip of their roadbed three miles in length beginning one mile east of this vil lage last week. This is the second ex periment of this kind between this place and Trenton, a strip of the same length having been oiled a short time ago. to see whether or not it would successfully lay the dust. The exper iment has been quite successful. Girl Attempts Suicide. EDGAR, Neb., Oct. 22. Miss Dais Perkins attempted to commit suicide by taking a dose of opium. Meuical as sistance was called in time to save her and this morning there is strong hopes of her recovery. The cause leading up to the attempted suicide is diappoint ment in love. Renter Loses by Fire. LEXINGTON, Neb., Oct. 21. Mr. Johnson, a renter, lost his frame sta ble, one mule three sets of harness, fourteen tons of hay and hay rack by fire. The fire company arrived in time, but the hose was not sufficient to fur nish any water, so they had to resort to the buckets. They checked tna fire so that it did not spread. Children ilaying with matches started the fire. U. P. Increases Stock. LINCOLN, Neb.. Oct. 21. The Unior Pacific Railway company filed amend ed articles of incorporation with the secretary of state, increasing the cap ital stock $32.71S.00O, bringing the total up to $196,178,700. The fee paid the state is $3,277. Try to Track the Safe. GENEVA, Neb., Oct. 22. An unsuc cessful attempt was mnde by unknown men to crack the safe in the jSlkhnrn depot. Student Drops From Sight. ATKINSON, Neb.. Oct. 21. Howard Greely, 17 years old, attending the High school at Atkinson, is missing. He was last seen on Sunday, when he left his boarding house without notice, taking none of his effects with him. He left his room in an untidy condi tion, which was not in harmony with his usual custom. His home is twenty miles northeast of Atkinson, where his parents are now living, and they were promptly notified. Every possible effort is be ing made to locate the youth by tele graph and otherwise. Railroad Project at Sutton. SUTTON, Neb., Oct. 22. A meeting of the citizens of Sutton was held in Morrill hall to consider the proposi tions offered by the promoters of a north and south railroad from Nio brara through Sutton to Concordia, Kas.. the railroad to be known as the Nebraska & Gulf, to connect with the Santa Fe at Concordia, Kas., which leads to the gulf. The citizens were in favor of bonds for the road, and a committee of ten representative busi ness men was appointed to meet the roalroad promoters. A BISHOP CONSECRATED lotable Event Takea Baca in Trinity Cathedral, Omaha. WSmillSMEI COMPANY rtESENT aareaia Court Decides la Faror of MMr Saariatcadaat Abbott In His Salt against the State Grand island Beat Sogar Company Voluntarily Increase Wages of Kuiployes. Consecration of a Bishop. OMAHA, Neb., Oct. 20. Trinity Ca thedral was crowded with a notable audience assembled to witness the consecration of Rev. Arthur Llewellyn Williams, bishop-coadjutatcr of the diocese of Nebraska. All the pews were taken early in the morning, an hour or more before the beginning of the lengthy services, and at 10 o'clock when the ceremonies opened, there was scarcely standing room. It was a representative audience of prominent Omaha people with a dis tinguished aggregation of visiting clergy. The ceremonies were impres sive and grand. A striking feature of the opening ceremonies was a procession of the clergy and others, which formed in Gardiner Memorial parish house, and' marched up the center aisle of the cathedral, acting under the direction of the master of ceremonies. In addi tion to the clergy were members of the choir, cross bearers, lay officers of the dioceses of Nebraska and others. This procession was an inspiring sight. While the bishops were entering the sanctuary the introit. Psalm exxi, was sung. Rt. Rev. George Worthington, S. T. D., LL. D.. bishop of Nebraska, was the presiding bishop and consecrator. The co-consecrators were Rt. Rev. John Francis Spalding. D. D.. bishop of Colorado, and Rt. Rev. Theodora Nevin Morrison, D. D., bishop of Iowa. Rev. Mr. Morrison served as substitute for Rt. Rev. William Edward McLaren, D. D., D. C. L.. bishop of Chicago, who was unable to attend on account of illness. Rev. Mr. SVsLaren had been mentioned on the program as the preacher, and in his absence Rev. Mr. Morrison delivered the official sermon. Then came one of th Impressive feat ures of the consecration. The bishop elect appeared and promised conform ity to his obligation, using the follow ing form: "In the name of God. Amen. I, Ar thur Llwellyn Williams, chosen bishop coadjutor of the Protestant Episcopal church in the diocese of Nebraska, do promise conformity and obedience to the doctrine, discipline and wor ship of the Protestant Episcopal church in the United States of America. So help me God, through Jesus Christ." Odd Fellows In Nebraska. HASTINGS. Neb., Oct. 20. The re port of L P. Gage, grand scribe, gives the following summary of the patri archal branch of Odd Fellows in this jurisdiction: Number of encampments last report, 36; encampments Instituted. Anchor. No. 47; Lexington. No. 4 ; Member bership. 1.226; initiated, 84; reinstated. 22; admitted by cam. 28; undercount last report. 2; total membership. 1. 362. From this there should be de ducted 105 for withdrawals, deceased, expelled, etc.. which leaves 1.257. The total receipts ot subordinates are $3,111.15; current expenses. $1. 757.83; paid for relier. $25; total paid for relief. $440.75. Number of patri ots relieved. 39; number ot weeks benefit paid. 145; assets of subordi nates. $12,345.64. The grand encampment receipts were $452.77; expenses for the year, $452.70, leaving a balance of 7 cents. Decides for Abbott. LINCOLN, Neb., Oct. 20. The su preme court decided In favor of ex Superintendent L. J. Abbott of the State Asylum for the Insane in his suit against the state for $1,000. which amount he claimed was oue under aa appropriation by the legislature. The salary bill as passed by the legislature of 1S97 provided for a salary of $2,000 per year for the superintendent of the asylum, but the bill signed by the gov ernor provided for a salary of $2,500. Several other claims similar to the one of Dr. Abbott have been filled with the auditor and, according to the de cision of the supreme court in the case decided, they will probably be paid. Voluntary Increase. GRAND ISLAND, Neb., Oct. 20. Ihe American Beet Sugar company raised wages 15 per cent on an average. The lowest paid laborer now receives 1.80 per day, with corresponding Increase to skilled workmen. The order applies to the Norfolk as well as the Grand Island factory. The action is entirely voluntary on the part of the company and is a pleasant surprise to the em ployes. Two hundred employes are working here and about the same number at Norfolk. Tramp's Raven ge. EXETER. Neb., Oct. 20. Robert Krause, a German farmer, living six miles southeast of this town, lost his barn, horses and harness by fire. He was awakened by the pawing of the frantic horses, but the fire was under such headway that nothing could be saved. The fire is thought to have been started by a tramp to whom shel ter was refused. Jail Breaking at Broken Bow. BROKEN BOW. Neb.. Oct. 20. Will lam Miller, the Merna postofflce bur glar, and Bart Olson, a young man of this place, who was waiting trial on the charge of stealing a suit of clothes, broke jail at this place and so far have made good their escape. They stole a horse and buggy with which they left town, it is thought. Olson, who was left outside of the steei cage, broke the lock on Miller's ceil door and by cutting a hole through a brick partlon wall, they entered the coal bin and escaped through a window opening. RellTet by Death. FREMONT. Ne b.Cct. 20. Robert Bridge, jr., the only son of Mr. ana Mrs. Robert Bridge, died yesterday. Ha wa3 27 years of age, and had been a sufferer since childhood from the re sult of an attack of spinal meningitis when he was 5 years old. A few months ago he took an overland trip to the mountains. In the hope of ob taining benefit, but returned unim proved. His two 3isters. who are at school at Lincoln and Wellesly, have" been notified, and will return home. Funeral services will be held at the family residence Thursday afternoon at 2. Enjoins State Board. LINCOLN. Neb., Oct. 19. The su preme court has granted a temporary Injunction restraining the board ot transportation from proceeding with, the hearing of the complaint of John 0. Yelser against the Nebraska Tele phone company. The application was made for the injuncuon by W. W. Morsman, attorney for the telephone' company. In the petition filed by Attorney Morsman he sets out the history of the case. The complaint against the tel ephone rates was filed by Yeiser with the board of secretaries of the board of transportation. The board proceed ed under the act of 1S97, which gave it authority to fix and regulate rates of telepragh and telephone companies as well as of express companies. The telephone company went into the courts with its contention in opposi tion to this position of the board, and also set up the unconstitutionality ot the act creating the board. This case went through the district court. If having ben brought, up by the com pany. This decision of the supreme court was against the telephone coci pany. Soon after the supreme court deci sion the board of secretaries, under direction of the board ot transporta tion, informed Yeiser that it was ready to take up the hearing of his case. This date for continuing the hearing, which hail been interrupted by the court proceedings, was set for October 19. When the telephone company went into court at first it asked for an injunction to restrain the board from attempting to interfere with its rates and management. Nebraska Stockmen Buying Sbeep. SOUTH OMAHA, Oct. 19. The Den ser Stockman has this to say of sheep feeding conditions in Nebraska: "The big Nebraska feeders are getting dowu to business. They have concluded that prices on southern lambs are not too high when the cheap corn is consid ered. They are going after the lambs now and buying them by train loads. Another conclusion has been reached, and which is in the main responsible for the heavy buying going on now. not only in the south, but in the west as well. The beef supply available next spring does not figure out as going to be as great as the demand, conse quently there is a great likelihood that beef will be high. To counteract this high market and to supply such con sumers as will not find themselves able to buy the high-priced beef all the time there is a strong possibility that much mutton will be consumed, and these sheep buyers are getting ready for such demand. "The latest purchase of forty car loads of New Mexico lambs and yearl ing wethers by a big Nebraska feeder at a cost of $2.30 per head at point of loading is a price that cannot help but render a handsome profit when mar keting time comes." Where la Taaneblll. COLUMBUS, Neb.. Oct. 19. It Is now ten days since John Tannehill left this city to avoid arrest on the charge of forging notes to the amount of over $1,600. Not the slightest trace of him has been found, which has lea to all sorts of rumors concerning his whereabouts. All ot them, however, are supported by no facts, and where Tannehill is remains as deep a mystery as ever. One rumor has him in Mexico; an other, en route to the Philippines; a third, that he has taken his own life; and some believe he has tied to Kansas. It was at first thought that Tanne hill's property would aggregate a suf ficient amount to liquidate tne forged paper. Developments indicate that it will by no means do this. If his wife exercises the right ot the $20,000 homestead redemption, which it is un derstood she will do, no margin will be left. Child Dies to Suvo Sister. GENEVA, Neb.. Oct. 19. The 8-year-old daughter of Jacob Hofferber. living west of the railroad tracks, attempted to kindle a fire with kerosene, result ing in the probable loss of two lives. The oil in the can exploded, setting fire to the child's clothing and also to that of a little 2-year-old girl and a boy of 11. who were in the room. The latter at once rushed out giving" the alarm. The mother was working some distance from the house at tue time. The two girls were terribly burned and the eleder did not survive the night. The boy's burns are also severe and he is not expected to re cover. The elder girl might have escaped almost without injury, but turned uack ifter leaving the house to rescue her sister. She managed to save the ter ified child, but herself received fatal injuries. , Grand T.odge of Odtl Fel'otrs. HASTINGS. Neb.. Oct. 19. The an nual state meeting of the grand lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fel lows and the Rebekah assembly opened here with a combined attendance of over 300. The grand encampment was called to order by J. S. Hoagland ot North Platte. Various reports were read, after which the following officers .vere elected and installed; Grand pa triarch. James Taylor of Lincoln, ;rand senior warden. E. C. Eedrich of Tecumseh; grand scribe. I. p. Gage ot Fremont; grand treasurer, y. B. Bryant of Omaha; grand nigh priest. VL D. Cameron of T.roumseh; grand junior warden, J. C. Shaw of Lincoln; representatives to soverign grand lodge, W. B. Heim of Omaha and Jacob Heiler of Hastings. George Ray Caught In Iowa. AUBURN. Neb., Oct, 19. Sheriff Cole received a telegram from a town n northwestern Iowa notifying him af the arrest of George Ray. who last December killed Frank Cheesman of Brownville, this county. Ray admlt :ed his identity, and offered to return without a requisition. The sheriff has lone for him. Cheesman surplsed his wife and Ray together at his home ine evening and in an encounter be .ween the two men Ray shot Cheesman. fatally and escaped. Several hurnfred dollars in rewards have been, offered for his capture. Dead Body Fonad Hanging. DOUGLAS, Neb.. Oct. 19. An un known man was found by a Missourf Pacific train erew on the Cret hranh iwest of Sprague, hanging to a rail road bridge. Life had been extinct for some time and the body had bekun to decay. He was apparently about 40 years old. He had only one arm. wore a black suit of clothing and was Talrly well dressed. His hat was found !ying near him. From all indications he had committed suicide, as he was hanging suspended from the bridge with about six feet of rope. THEOLDMLIABLS. Columbus Slate Bank Imtkwttatav) (ty&ttrtf iTtoDipifi IiteLBuaMEstatt CMeagw 2f w Trk B nxa TXAiiimrp tickstsl BUYS GOOD NOTES aswaalaslai Waaatawf in DrSaCrOaat LatASTDaB QZBXAJaD, Prta'V B. . Haamr, Vie Prea'. H Bncoaaa, Caahlar. n tTacrrxa, W ttccmam The Columbus Journal. A Waekly Newspaper devoted to. th Wst interests of Colambas, Ha Comfy of Platte, Til State of Nebraska, Tbe United States, ASfli THaV- REST OF MANKIND, TME UNIT 01" MEASUBB WITH U3 II $1.50 a Year, If Paid In Advance. Bat our Umit of aaafalneas Ls not cir comacribed by dollara and cents. flw ta aay addreaa HENBY QASS. i Xfltalilt : Cues ! Columbus Journal PRINTING OFFICE. AftaaLaatalaaL anaaV UNDERTAKER ! CtflaWtaai OOUNTRY.