iK.' "&$m&err CTBur.-y- VEV V- -V T -."- - t x- . " "$?. y; r,Bi ." ,s I:. $ . f ," f . fc I v , r a "Circumstances Alter Cases. 99 Jh cases of scrofula, salt rheum, dys pepsia, nervousness, catarrh, rheumatism, eruptions, tic, the circumstances may be altered by purifying and enrichmg the ttoodvyithHoodSSarsaparHIa. It is the great remedy for aU ages and both sexes. Be sure to get tiooa s, oeoum MEXICO'S GAMBLER KING. PaysSl.OOOa Day for IJcenne Fee nU Haa Made S2.000.000. Mexico has a Monaco which outdoes the sensational marvels of Monte Car lo, reports the New York World. This gambling palace is situated in the center of the city of Mexico, at No. 2 Gante street Its proprietor and man ager, Don Filipe Martel, is not only a self-made prince, but a phenomenal character. For Don Felipe is not only the king of gamblers, but a devout churchman and the chief backer of the municipal "treasurer. Mexico City is almost de pendent upon this one citizen. Martel was a rich man before the Mexican government decided to abol ish gambling houses. Many influential " Mexicans objected so seriously to the absolute stopping of their favorite pastime that the authorities thought they would achieve a clever compro mise by demanding from every gamb ling resort a daily license tax of $1,000. No one supposed that tue gambling spirit would be strong enough to rise above this obstacle. This proved to be the case and one by one the gamb ling houses closed their doors. When the field was clear Don Felipe Martel approached the authorities with $1,000 in cash and demanded a day's license. In a few hours his place was thronged. At a single stroke he had won the patronage of Mexico and his doors have never ben closed since. The daily outlay of $1,000 is not missed from the daily revenue of thousands. It is not remarkable that Don Fe lipe's personal fortune should have reached $2,000,000 in spite of the con stant lavish expenditure. His chief establishment i.'i as glitteringly ap pointed as a palace. Liveried attend ants minister to guests and refresh ments and cigars are served at the host's expense. Mexicans find no amusement more alluring than a visit to No. 2 Gante street. Don Felipe's strong religious ten dencies are so well known that nobody was surprised when he built recently in the village of San Angel a church that cost more than $50,000 . The poor people of the vicinity and many of the rich as well have come to regard him as a sort of fairy prince. His own style of living encourages this belief. The Martel mansion in Mexico City is a magnificent affair, constantly filled with guests. A curious feature is that it contains forty windows the number of cards in the Mexican deck. Tlar'u. Detroit Journal: The Saintly Man finally accosted the Other Man. "How long have you been addicted to the tobacco habit?" the Saintly Man demanded, with the brusquerie befit ting his sense of rectitude. "Forty-six years," answered the Other Man, humbly. "Do you see that twenty-story build ing yonder?" asked the Saintly Man. "Yes, sir," the Other Man replied. "If I had saved the money I have spent for tobacco I might own that building, merely, or two or three like it, at most. But fortunately I learned to use tobacco so that now I have but to stick a 10-cent perfecto in my face and I own the earth!" This fable teaches but that is an other story. Do Tonr Feet Arhe mnd Barn? Shake into your shoes Allen's Foot Ease, a powder for the feet. It makes tight or New Shoes feel Easy. Cures Corns, Bunions, Swollen, Hot and Sweating Feet. At all Druggists and Shoe Stores. 25c. Sample sent FREE. Address Allen S. Olmsted. LcRoy, N. Y. Back Hawk, the most noted of the chiefs of the Wisconsin Winnebago In dians, died in the town of Brockway, aged 90 years. Black Hawk has been well known in the western part of Wisconsin for the last fifty years, was always a friend of the whites and on several occasions prevented the Win nebagos from taking the war path against the palefaces. The populists of Massachusetts will not hold, a state convention this year. 2S PltleS Dizzy? Then your liver isn't acting veil. Yoj suffer from bilious ness, constipation. AyeT's Pills act airccny on me itver. tor ou years the Standard Family Pill. Small doses cure. .,25c. AH druggists. Ulllt vntia tnAiikla.iliA am Wa .! mt. ... c.V IUCKINGIUUrSDYEfti2&, uawwu in iru uiiia : inrn use "-- " - - - - - I r a w . n. . r tMAAT. nm B t Mui m. . .. . u - V---aBWaaBBBBBaBiBBBBBBBBnBaBBBBa POMMEL Tka Cost. Keeps both rMer tni sildle per fectly dry la the hardest storms. Substitutes will disappolit. Ask for tS Fish Brand Pommel Slicker it u entirely new. If not for sale la four town, write for catalogue ta A. J. TOWER. Boston. Man PEHQinilQ 6tTiir Pnsioi ruiaiuno mwu quick Write CAPT. O'FARRELL. Pcwtoa Agwrt. MasNavYarkAvcMM. WASHINGTON. D. C ttf BptabhsadChllWarru Sol msSLSlSSS dier. Sailors. AVJdoirs,CIiildren, PttbersandMotheis. Xo fee unless success ion B. . CUOTM Cw.. limwua, WaOkBjwj . C war.lSaojadicttia(r!aiau.attyaiace, LADY M M WMfted totrarel and l" WW appoint aaeU.TCe Mr aaoath aalarr aadall exnenaea. ZLMtCo.lSXaaonDlds-Clilcs IT agntiafMTtErtiaftf. m m J KaTaaJaaaW M mWimWMiiWWM mm mm mm m m warw mS'TmmX SBM Wll s llEW3iOWliStfaVaK5 MiJssssa'ELSsmttsui'ss 3vjlsemi CAMPHRE SKETCHES GOOD SHORT fiTORIES FOR THE VETERANS. Savre h? a Goose The Bird Give Timely Warntae; to a. Sentry A Bart UeOeld Dream A BemlaUcence or a Carnival of Slaughter. Requiem. For One Slain in Battle. 1SG2. Breathe, trumpets, breathe Slow notes of saddest walling Sadly responsive pea'. J'e muffled drums; Comrades, with downcast eyes And banners trailing. Attend him home The youthful warrior comes. Upon his shield. Upon his shield returning. Borne fram the field of honor. Where he fell; Glory and grief, together clasped In mourning. His fame, his fate With-sobs exulting telL Wrap round his breast The Hag Ills breast defended His country's flag. In battle's front unrolled; For it he died On earth forever ended His brave young life Lives In each sacred fold. With proud, fond tears. By tingo of shame untainted. Bear him, and lay him Gently in his grave: Above the hero write: The young, half-sainted Ills country' asked his life. His life ho gave! George Lunt Saved by a Goose. Ella Rodman Church tells a very "Strange Story of a Goose" in St. Nich olasa story that recalls the legend of the Roman capital and the cackling geese that saved it from surprise. This goose made its first appearance near Quebec over fifty years ago, when some British troops had been sent out to put down a rebellion of the colonists. A certain farm in the neighborhood, sus pected of being a resort for the insur gents, was surrounded by sentries placed at some distance apart, and one day the sentry whose post was near the gate of the farm heard a singular noise. A fine, plump goose soon ap peared on a run, making directly for the spot where the soldier stood, and close behind in pursuit came a hun gry fox. The sentry's first impulse was to shoot the thievish animal and rescue the goose, but since the noise of the report would have brought out the guard on a false alarm he was obliged to deny himself this satisfaction. The fox was gaining on his intended prey, when the goose, in a frantic attempt to reach the sentry box. ran his head and neck between the soldier's legs just as the pursuer was on tha point of seiz ing it Fortunately, the guard could use bis bayonet without making a dis turbance, and he did thin to such good advantage that the pursuit was soon ended. The rescued goose, evidently animated by the liveliest gratitude, rubbed its head against its deliverer's legs, and performed various other joy ful and kitten-like antics. Then,, de liberately taking up its residence at the garrison post, it walked up and down with the sentry while he was on duty, and thus accompanied each suc cessive sentry who appeared to patrol that beat About two months later the goose actually saved the life of its par ticular friend in a very remarkable way. The soldier was again on duty at the same place, and on a moonlight night, when the moon was frequently obscured by passing clouds, the enemy had formed a plan to surprise and kill him. His feathered devotee was be side him, as usual, while he paced his lonely beat, challenging at every sound and then "standing at eaee" before his sentry box. The goose always stood at ease, too, and it made a very com ical picture. But some undesirable spectators at least, of the soldier's movements were stealing cautiously toward the place, under cover of the frequent clouds and a line of stunted pine trees. Nearer and nearer to the post they crawled, till one of them, with uplifted knife, was about to spring on the unsuspecting man. Then it was that the watchful goose covered itself with giorj' by rising unexpect edly from the ground and flapping its wings in the faces of tfce would-be assassins. They rushed blindly for ward, but the sentry succeeded in shooting one of the party and bayo neting another, while the goose con tinued to worry and confuse the re mainder until they fled wildly for their lives. The brave bird wa3 at once adopted by the regiment, under the name of "Jacob," and decorated with a gold collar on which his name was engraved, in appreciation of his ser vices. Ever after, during his life of twelve years, he did sentry duty at home and abroad, for he was taken to England at the close of the war in Canada, and. greatly lamented there when he died. His epitaph reads, "Died on duty," and no human senti nel could have been more faithful than poor old Jacob. As it may occu.Jv.o some readers who have not made "a study of the interesting and almost hu man ways of many animals to doubi. the truth of so remarkable a story, they are referred to the gold collar, with Jacob's name and oxploit en graved on it, which may still be seen at the headquarters of tie Horse Guards in London. Battlefield Dream. They were talking of dreams, when the volunteer who was shot through the hip at San Juan spoke up, says the Washington Star. "It is strange," said he, "how the real and the unreal are sometimes connected in dreams. I had an experience down at Tampa while we were waiting for orders to go to Cuba which was remarkable in its way. One night, after trying for hours to go to sleep in my tent, I went outside to see if there was a breath of fresh air to be had. Near the tent there was a rough bench, which had been built for card playing. It was about three feet from the ground and was just wide enough for a man to lie down on. I walked over to the bench and, stretching out on it. vas soon asleep. I dreamed that I was standing in a Spanish camp surrounded by hun dreds of excited Spaniards, who were insisting that I be shot at occe for a spy. I was perfectly cool and had a supreme indifference about my fate. They took me over to a stake driven in the ground and tied me np to it Then they wheeled up an enormous cannon to within fifty feet of where I stood and aimed it straight' at me. I saw the gunner seize the lanyard and look around at the oficer in charge for a command to fire. Then I closed my eyes. The next moment there was a tremendous roar. The cam on ball struck me squarely on the side of the right hip and I flew up into the air. I woke' to find myself on the ground, where I had rolled from the bench. There was a sharp pain in my right alp, and, looking oit into tie open space beyond the tents I saw that the morning gun had just been fired. The smoke was still hanging oyer (he ru- non. The pain in my hip was caused by its coming in contact with a stake driven in the ground near the bench. Several weeks later at San Juan I sot a bullet in my right hip where the cannon ball of the dream struck .and directly in the center of the bruise left by my forcible contact with the stake when I rolled off the bench." BemlaUcence or a Carnival of Slaughter Denver News: "Yes, we made about 550 good Indians on that day," said llobert Fiskin, a former member of company G, First Colorado volunteers, who served three years during the civil var in the department of the Missouri, and who is now visiting Colorado after an absence of thirty-five years. The cay referred to above was the date cf the Sand Creek massacre, in which Mr. Fiskin took an active part I left my home in Dubuque, Iowa, in the spring of '60," he resumed, "and, of course, came overland by wagon. I was only a lad of 20, but I had the 'fever,' and in company with Jim Mc Bride and a man named Wood we headed for Russell Gulch. We mined with varying success all that year, and in the spring of '61 I sold the only claim I had for $50 and went to Denver. War had just been declared, and I en listed in the First Colorado for a period of three years, or until the end of the war. We went into camp at Camp Weld on the Platte river, and our first campaign was in New Mexico, where at Canby, 1,350 Colorado troops routed 3,000 Texans under Bailey and drove them back into Texas. Soon after this the government commenced having trouble with the Indians and we were sent back to Fort Lyons. On the night of Nov. 27, Col. Chivington rode into the fort and gave orders for the entire regiment to be ready to move on the following night The government had been finding fault with Chivington for his apparent inability to restrain the Indians, and he had evidently resolved to give them a lesson which they would remember. On the night of the 28th we left the fort and after marching all night came upon the Indians on Sand Creek in the early morning. The In dians were taken wholly unawares, and then ensued a carnival of slaughter the memory of which even now makes my blood run cold. Of the 850 Chey enne, Arapahoe and Sioux Indians there were but 300 who escaped. Over 550 were massacred and left dead and dying on the field, their flesh to be eaten by the coyotes and their bones to bleach on the prairie. Mr. Fiskin was mustered out in the fall of '65 and went back to Iowa, where he has been ever since. He has come to Denver for the purpose of entering the Soldiers' Home at Monte Vista. An HUtoric Slip of Taper. A- scrap of paper that carries one back to the very atmosphere of a great decisive battle in the world's history is among the historical treasures of Blenheim house. On the paper are a dozen lines scribbled in pencil. They were written by the duke of Marlbor ough at the close of the fierce struggle at Blenheim. The tumult of battle was rolling westward, where French and Bavarians were in disordered retreat, with Marlborough's cavalry riding fiercely in their rear. The slopes of the hills and the marshy plain were strewn with thirty thousand killed and wounded. But Marlborough, with the excitement of the great fight yet strong within him, pulled up his horse on one of the little rustic bridges across the Schwanbuch, and scribbled these dozen lines to his imperious wife in London, to tell her of the great event. Appar ently, says the Cornhili Magazine, the duke borrowed the scrap of paper from some member of his staff, for on the back of it are the faded items of a tav ern bill. He used the parapet of the bridge for a writing desk. He had been seventeen hours in the saddle, most of that time riding in the very heart of one of the greatest battles in all history, yet the letters are firm in shape, a curious testimony to that se renely unshakable temperament which was Marlborough's most striking characteristic. Army and Navy. The annual reunion of the Society of the Army of the Cumberland was not held last season, as many of its prominent members were engaged in the war with Spain. This year's meet ing is to take place at Detroit, Sept. 26 and 27. A German officer has invented an acetylene searchlight, which can be carried by one man and which will il luminate everything within a distance of 100 yards. It is expected to be of great use in searching for the wounded after a battle and in bridge building at night. M. Dunant, a doctor, was the first to call the attention of the world to the necessity of some such thing as the Geneva flag, for the betterment of the wounded on the great battlefields of the world. It was in 1859 that he aroused the people to the situation by an account of the condition of things on the field at Solferino. M. Dunant who was a resident of Geneva, and a fellow-citizen, M. Moynier, set the ball rolling, which resulted in the final ac ceptance of the Geneva flag, which is merely the Swiss flag reversed a red cross on a white field, instead of a white cross on a red field. The military authorities in Austria Hungary are confronted with a some what serious situation the escape over the frontier of men liable to military service in Austria-Hungary. A large business is carried on by the agents, chiefly foreigners, who assist these men. The first essential is a passport, and this is generally forged. It is known that 1,000 men weekly, on their way to the frontier, pass through Vi enna alone, and as most of these are young men,' it is calculated that during the year at least 30,000 of those who so pass are escaping from military ser vice. Most of these, it is estimated, come to America, where it is believed there are at present over 100,000 men who should be in the Austro-Hunga-rian army or reserves. During the Franco-Prussian war the French hospital at Vendome was in charge of Mme. Coralie.Cahen, aided by two other nurses and seven sis ters of charity. These women vis ited thousands of both the French and German soldiers. The recent death of Mme. Cahen has brought to light the story of her bravery when the' Prus sians -occupied Vendome and attempted to turn the hospital Into a German place of refuge for the sick and wound ed. Mme. Cahen herself went to see the Prussian ireueral and protested against the raising oMhe German flag over her Institution, replying to his remark that "We are masters here" with: "In the town it may be; here, no. We are prelected by the red cross and the French flag, neither of which you have the right to touch." She was allowed her own. way, and soon won the love of the enemy, whom she con tinued to nurse, as she had done every time one of them .came under her notice. FAEM AND GAEDEN. MATTERS OP INTEREST TO AGRICULTURISTS. Bern TJp-to-Date Bin to Abomt Cml trraUoa of the Soil and Yields Thereof Hortlcaltore, Tltlcaltare aad Floiicaltare. American False Hellebore. In this column we illustrate a plant known as American False Hellebore. It is one of the poisonous plants of the United States. It is blessed with a great variety of names, as follows: White hellebore, false hellebore, swamp hellebore, Indian poke, meadow poke, poke root (in N. H.). Indian uncus, puppet roots, earth gall, crow poison, devil's bite, duckretter, itcb weed, bugbane, wolf's bane, bear corn. It grows from two to seven feet high and has a fleshy root one to three inches long. The leaves are large and stemless and of varying size. The flowers blossom in a large yellowish-green cluster from May to July. The plant is a native of this country. In New England it is found in wet meadows and by moun- Mse hellebore (TVrafrtim. virUeoa tbinl natural siio. tain brooks. It is found in cold situa tions as far south as Virginia and westward to Oregon and Washington. It is even met with in Alaska. Its poisonous properties are found in all parts of the plant, seed, leaves and root It has been reported that chick ens are frequently killed by eating the seeds, and horses by eating the leaves. But it is asserted that sheep eat the leaves with relish and apparent impunity. The root has been known to kill people who ate it for something else. One case is reported where a family prepared the leaves for eating, thinking them to be marsh marigolds. The result was the poisoning of the entire family. The poison acts' by par alyzing the heart Fertilizers for Wheat. The Ohio Station has been making an interesting experiment on fertiliz ing wheat The marked effect on the growth of the wheat plant, which is usually observed after the application of fertilizers carrying soluble phos phoric acid, such as acid phosphate or dissolved bone black, together with the low price at which plain acid phos phates can be bought, as compared with fertilizers containing nitrogen and potash, have led many farmers to the use of this material alone, believ ing that they can supply sufficient nitrogen by growing clover, and that potash is not needed. The trials made covering a period of years show con clusively that the clover is not fur nishing sufficient nitrogen to meet the demands of a full crop, and that it is more economical to use a fertilizer containing a small percentage of nitro gen (ammonia), even though the cost be somewhat increased, than to use one which carries only phosphoric acid. Cow Peas In the Orchard. (Condensed from Farmers' Review Sten ographic Report of Illinois State Horti cultural Convention.) Q. Is It not an advantage to sow cow peas in the orchard the fourth year and then pasture it with hogs? Mr. Riehl That practice is all right I do it, and think it is better than the cultivation I give my orchard. I had a peach orchard on a side hill that I could no longer cultivate, as it was washing so. So I put in cow peas and let tho hogs eat them. However, I lost some trees from mice that got into the cow peas. So the last season I mowed the cow peas, hauled them off and made them into hay. Q. Would you seed your peas to grass after two years of good cultiva tion? A. W. Stanton I would not, but it depends to a large extent on the kind of soil. The practice with us Is to cultivate only till the trees come into bearing, and then stop. Kcop the weeds or grass mowed down. Mr. Riehl I think the question is not asked right We should not make any hard and fast rule; we must get at the principle of what we are doing. It has been said to cultivate your pears till they come into bearing and then rest your trees. Oar Friend, the Ladybng. "Ladybug, ladybug. fly away home," is a line familiar to most children who are taught not to hurt' the pretty bug, as she is a friend of the garden; and this is strictly true. The ladybug does great damage to insects which them selves destroy the products of the gar dener's labor. Plant lice, for instance, like most insects, have certain natural enemies which tend to keep them in check. The ladybirds or ladybugs are by far the most important factors in the destruction of plant lice, as both the adults and young feed -ravenously upon them. There is a notion preva lent that ladybirds, in some way or other, produce plant lice. Natural laws will not permit such a state of affairs.' Like begets like in the insect world,-! just as persistently as it does in the higher animals. The progeny of a ladybird is always a ladybird like the parent insect The young of a lady bird, however, looks very different from the adult In fact, the young of some species resemble minute alliga tors in general appearance, and are gaily colored. They feed almost en tirely upon soft-bodied insects. Wood Floors la Foaltry Hoi We notice that a contemporary ob jects to board floors in poultry houses, because they get wet and soaked with filth from the poultry droppings. Whenever tbat condition arises, it is a. positive proof that the poultry house Is overcrowded, or lacks light and ven tilation, or is not cleaned out as often as it should be. The writer of this has a poultry house that has been in nse for some years, bat in It no such tondition has arisen as is described In the said journal as a necessary conse quence of having a board floor. The building is 12x20 feet and is well light ed on the east, south and west In summer two of the sashes are taken out and wire screens put in. In this house not to exceed fifty fowls are kept at any one time, and generally the number does not exceed twenty five. The light and ventilation keep the floor dry in all seasons. The drop pings become 'soon dry and the house is cleaned out In large part by sweep ing, the shovel being used only imme diately under the roosts. It is better to have the floor of matched lumber, as there, are then no cracks to annoy in cleaning out the house. As to rats, there is no danger at all if the floor Is so built that it will be a foot or two above the ground. There is no point of support at which a rat could begin operations to gnaw his way into the poultry house. Layers In the Fall. Some hens begin laying late in the fall, lay through the winter, and dur ing the summer losing no time until August or September, when they be gin to moult, says Mirror and Farm er. But moulting is considered a fault with such hens, as they receive no credit for their good works. If they set an example of usefulness they lead their owners to expect them to so con tinue, and as scon as they fail to keep on, their heads fall under the hatchet for simply resting from their labors, while the fat drone hens, that have been expected to begin, are retained a second year, in the hope that they will do better. Virtue does not receive its reward, even among hens. Indi vidual merit is swallowed up in the vices of the whole number. Early pul lets are the most uncertain of all. A pullet that does not begin to lay be- fore she is ten months old should be sent to the market stall. It does not pay to keep pullets to replace hens unless the pullets begin to lay in No vember, and then lay during the win ter. When the pullet is slow in be ginning to lay, the cost of her main tenance detracts from the profits great ly. When early pullets (those hatched not later than April) do not begin in November it is seldom they will lay until the opening of spring. It is much cheaper to keep the old hens during the three months required for the moulting process than to sell them off and replace them with early pullets. The old hens will cost less and pay better. No early pullet will pay for herself until she is at least 15 months old, as she must return the cost from the time she was hatched until the time she begins laying, a tribute which the hen has already paid. Beech Hedges. The tourist in Scotland, as his brothers elsewhere, with his hurry and scurry, forever in haste to see every thing in a few days, too cften passes by the smaller objects of interest and thus really accomplishes little of his vast undertaking, says the New York Tribune. The beech hedge is one of these too often neglected wonders of nature. Not that it is a "smaller ob ject of interest" by any means, for it stands over .100 feet high. The beech hedge is the property of the marquis of Lansdown, at Meiklour. Perthshire, and was planted in or about the year 1745 by a party of highlanders en camped there for a few days while on their way to join the pretender. Prince Charlie. This mammoth hedge, which indeed deserves the name of being one of the modern wonders of the world, is a fitting monument to commemorate the pretender's defeat at Culloden, "the last battle ever fought on English soil." Surface 'Fires In Forests. Surface fires may be checked if they are feeble by beating them out with green branches, or by raking the leaves away from a narrow strip across their course. When the duff is deep or the soil peaty, a fire may burn beneath the surface of the ground for weeks or even months, sometimes showing its pres ence by a little smoke, sometimes with out giving any sign of life. Even a heavy rain may fail to quench a fire of this kind, which often breaks out again long after it is believed to be entirely extinct. Fires which thus burn into the ground can sometimes be checked only by digging a trench through the layer of decaying wood and other veg etable matter to the mineral soil be neath. The most dangerous and de structive forest fires are those which run both along the ground and in the tops of the trees. They can be check ed only by rain or change of wind, or by meeting some barrier which they cannot pass. A barrier of this kind is often made by starting another fire some distance ahead of the principal one. Wheat for Macaroni. M. A. Carle ton of the department of agriculture, who last year brought to this country a large number of species of grain from Russia and Siberia, is about starting for the west to follow out the line of this work with cereals. He is espe cially interested in visiting Arizona and New Mexico with the idea of es tablishing there the hard macaroni wheata. Mr. Carleton is assured that if these wheats can be grown in this country the manufacture of genuine "Italian" macaroni will be at once taken up. Some macaroni is now man ufactured in the United States, but the best is imported, as the wheat grown here is not suitable for its manufac ture. Mr. Carleton also intends visit ing the irrigated wheat sections of Utah and Idaho, where such immense yields are secured, being more than double, it is stated, an ordinary heavy crop under dry farming. Pig Feeding. It Is unprofitable for any swine raiser to stint his animals, as they should be made to grow every day, says Farm, Stock and Home. After ten days or two weeks pigs should be fed generously through their dams, and at three or four weeks pro vided with a place where they can ob tain, unmolested, a little feed of slop and soaked shelled corn. Keep them growing every day, and at an early age, they will be ready for the market at a profit to the raiser. If pigs are allowed to stop growing and become stunted it is very hard to start them anew, not to mention the loss of feed, time and labor. Pigs enclosed in a dry lot or yard, and given only dry, hard corn and hard water seldom yield a handsome profit They need a va riety of food, such as will expand the stomach and at the same time be cool ing to the system. Corn, alone, is too heating. The Profit In Poultry. The profit in poultry is just what we make it. If we pay out large sums of money for' eggs, birds and equipments,- we must make large sales and lots of tnem if we expect to make a profit If we neglect our poultry, no matter how little we pay out, we will lose money Ex. Sammsilag Pig. Let pigs run with the dam until twelve weeks old, provided she Is fed liberally with a warm, well balanced 'ration of shorts, oats, corn meal and screenings, says Farm, Stock and Home. This last mentioned food for ;hogs, of .which the Northwest has an immense bulk, is lost to the farmers and being utilized by sheep feeders at the Twin Cities and other central points. To the above list of foods add aeration of oil meal,bran, and even corn on the cob. Let the little pigs also have access to whole oats. Care should be used so as not to overfeed the sow. Once off her feed she will fail to produce milk, and it is difficult to restore good digestion and milk pro duction. The clover field must go hand in hand with this good feeding, but on stormy days they are much better cared for in their pens with an abun dance of freshly cut clover. By July there should be a field of peas, where the pigs will grow and do well. The field of peas is next in value to the clover field. If not convenient to pas ture the peas, then cut and feed to the young pigs. To this method of feed ing upon clover and peas, add regular feeding hours for concentrated feed. This is of vast importance. Pigs should not be allowed to stray all over the farm. When confined at night in well-regulated stables and in well-littered yards, there is made a large re turn for food consumed. The pigs should be promptly returned in the morning to the pasture after feeding. By this method little if any manure is lost, and a steady increase in the fer tility of the soil will be the result By such methods of feeding during the summer and finishing or ripening the animal on a mixed food of squash, shorts, oats, peas, meal and corn, the previous feeding of bulky clover and peas will have distended their stom achs and put them in fine form to ripen rapidly into the desirable hog. Snccess Depends on Management. When the market quality is consid ered we find many desire size, says Poultry, Fruit and Garden. The best breed for size can easily be named, but it is not the "best breed," however. It may have size, and yet lack quality of flesh, and it may be of excellent quality of flesh, full of juicy meat on the breast, and not be large. It may quickly fatten on a small amount of food, and be easily kept on a city lot, and yet with all these points in its favor it may be a very indifferent breed for laying. Some breeds can give better results on corn than will others, and some will fatten so readily on corn that they will be rendered use less as layers altogether, for there is an art in feeding, and it is often the case that the "best breed" depends on the "best man," for upon the manage ment of the flock depends the results expected. Heavy Pruning. Heavy pruning of old trees will cause them to make extra efforts to produce a heavy crop for a few years, but it will be at the cost of the trees. The wounds made will never thoroughly heal; and even if new wood grows over the cut you will find a rotten place in the tree which will continue to increase until the tree dies. The first indication of the tree's decay will be a growth on the body, of the tree near the ground of a toadstool-looking substance, which will continue to increase even after the tree is dead, and if there are any large roots near the surface it will sometimes grow on them. Never cut any wood from an old tree except dead or broken limbs. Clean up all grass and weeds during the winter or early spring and burn them. It pays, for if there are any apples in this neighbor hood you are sure to get them. Rural World. Fighting Grasshoppers in Algeria. The state department has a letter in dicating that Kansas is not the only place where grasshoppers eat things. In Algeria, it is stated, the standing crops will be seriously damaged and in some cases destroyed by the clouds of grasshoppers moving in a northerly direction. Ten thousand francs have been appropriated for the first ex penses incurred in fighting against the invasion and steps have been taken to secure 200,000 francs additional for the same purpose. Near Bisera 3,200 camels are being employed in the transportation of inflammable material which is being burned where deposits of eggs are found. In all parts of the colony men are. at work plowing up eggs and destroying them. Italy Exporting Butter and Cheese. According to the Italian trade returns it appears that the quantity of Italian butter exported to Great Britain in 1897 was about 31.500 cwts. and of cheese 42,900 cwts. These commodities are for the most part exported overland through other countries, chiefly through Belgium, and consequently the annual statements of trade of the United Kingdom for 1897 show only 1,349 cwts. of butter and 1,892 cwts. of cheese as having been imported into that country from Italy. The total ex ports of fresh and salt butter from Italy in 1897 were 93,600 cwts., and of cheese 173.400 cwts. Dried-Blood. The principal food in gredient in blood is nitrogen, which is also the most essential substance in albumen or the white of egg. Dried blood contains about 14 per cent of nitrogen, while green bone may con tain but 1 or 2 per cent, as the bone is mostly phosphate or lime. Bone varies. If it has adhering meat it will contain more nitrogen than if clean. Blood cannot entirely take the place of bone, as the bone contains phos phates. The dried blood will answer as a substitute for fresh blood, but no kind of dry food, whether animal or vegetable, is equal to that which la fresh. Ex. Maine's Apple Crop. A year ago the apple crop in Maine was one of the smallest on record, but there is every indication tbat it will be no larger, even if it is not smaller, this season. The experts say that a large percentage of the trees in most sections of the state did not blossom and those that did have been greatly injured by the ravages of the so-called tent cater pillar, many orchards having been al most entirely stripped of their leaves by this pest. Ex. "Bermuda Lilies in the South. Sec retary Wilson has sent large numbers of Bermuda lily bulbs into several of,the Southern states, with a view to supplanting the Bermuda Easter trade, which annually sends out of the coun try a large amount of money. Mr. Wilson expresses the belief that there are sections of the country, if they can be found, as well adapted to the culture of this flower as is Bermuda. Ex. The French government is about tc expend several million francs on the coast defenses of New Caledonia. Tt Clothing Catalogs Ready now. Hayden Bros. clothing catalogue showing samples and latest styles and lowest prices. Mailed free on request Send postal to Hayden Bros., Omaha, for prices on any goods you need. Make yourself at home in the Big Store when in Omaha. No Gold Statates Wanted The United States commissioner to the Paris exposition desires the fact officially stated that no such undig nified production as a life-sized gold statue of a woman will be permitted in the Paris exposition grounds, either as an exhibit or a concession. It is proposed to maintain the dignity of The United States exhibit, and not to encourage or permit advertising which would reflect discredit upon the nation. Oklaho Its wonderful resources and superior advantages to homeseckers are set forth in a handsome illustrated pam phlet just issued by the Frisco Line Passenger Department. Copy will be mailed free on application to Bryan Snyder, General Passenger Agent, St Louis, Mo. Itroaght Their Hcroe Homo. The cost of transporting the Tenth regiment of Pennsylvania from San Francisco to Chicago was $30,851. From the latter city to Pittsburg the Keystone state's troops were carried free by the Pennsylvania railroad, which company also took entire charge gratis of all transportation arrange ments over the whole route. Patents Sold. The United States Patent Office rec ords show that 141 patentees who re ceived patents this week had sold either a part of the entire interest in their inventions. This means that 32 per cent of the inventors have been suc cessful in selling their inventions. Amongst the prominent mainaacturers who bought these in ventions are the American Shoe Machinery Co., Port land, Me. The Gorham Manufacturing Co., Providence. R. I. Brown & Sharpe Manufacturing Co., Providence, R. I. Winchester Repeating Arms Co., New Haven, Conn. Western Electric Co., of Chicago. Scoville Manufacturing Co., Water bury, Conn. American Electric Vehicle Co., Chi cago. Bethlehem Iron Co., South Bethle hem, Pa. Inventors desiring free information as to the law and practice of patents may obtain the same in addressing Sues & Co., Registered Patent Attor neys, Omaha, Neb. Locomotive Kans. During the past few months, tho Baltimore and Ohio railroad has ma terially extended the runs of the pas senger locomotives on through trains. Formerly engines were changed on an average every 100 or 150 miles. It was thought that the mountain grades of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad would prevent an extension of the runs. How ever, the experiment was made. It has proved successful and reduced the number of locomotives formerly re quired by twenty-four, which can be used in other branches of the service and save the purchase of more motive power. Under the new plan, locomo tives are double crewed and make from- 7,000 to 8,000 miles a month, as against 3,500 to 4,000 under the former method. The best qualified to judge reckon that the fortune left by A. T. Stewart, which he left to the care of the late Judge Hilton, amounted to about $-10,-000,000. Mrs. Stewart survived her husband ten years, and the great Stewart fortune survived her ten years. In 1876 Stewart died; in 1886 Mrs. Stewart died, and in 1S96 the last of the visible Stewart millions disappeared in the wreck of Hilton, Hughes & Co. The Baltimore American completed the other day its one hundred and twenty-sixth year, and presented to each one of its readers a fac simile of its first issue, which bore date of Au gust 20, 1773. The original title, how ever, was the Maryland Journal and Baltimore Advertiser. It purported to give "the freshest advices," and its latest English news was dated June 19. There is a project on foot in Geneva. O., to erect a library in memory of the father of penmanship, Piatt R. Spencer. The new building will be of stone, and will cost $20,000. In this town of about 3,000 inhabitants Spen cer lived in the early days of the west ern reserve, and in the little log school house, which was also his home, he first taught writing. Miss Jane Smith, who. on a wager of $1,000, is making her way from Chicago to New York with no other mone.? than she can make by shining shoes, earned $8 in one day in Binghamton. N. Y., by charging 25 cents a shine. She has twenty-four days remaining in which to complete her trip, and at tha: rate will easily make it. Intra Invention. Fifteen patents were issued to Iowa inventors this week as follows: To A. W. Lewis of Keota. for a vehicle attachment; to J. James of Atlantic, for a draft-equalizer; to W. Loudon of Fairfield, for a hay-carrier: to J. W. Macy of Searsboro. for a road-grader; to A, W. and T. E. Morgan of Bur lington, for a wire fence stay; to J. H. Morris of Maquoketa, for a cream sep arator; to C. F. Nelson of Exira. for a boot and shoe cleaner: to C. O. Haven and P. P. Uhrig of Fort Madison, for a harrow; to H. Phillips and W. Hunt of Ottumwa. for a car-loader; to If. II. Porter of Hartwick. for a hat and clothes rack: to E. L. Rigg of Gris wold, for a steam generating appli ance; to H. Tuttle of Cedar Rapids, two for a bicycle: to C. II. Van Alstyne of Manchester, for a barrel heater and feed cooker, and to S. Ad son of Springwatcr. for a collar clasp. A copyright has been granted to Rev. A. C. Smith of Des Moines for a new book entitled "Gathered Gems of Literature." The work is in the hands of a printer in Chicago and will be handsomely illustrated and sold upon the subscription plan. Consultation and advice about secur ing property rights for inventions and literary work given free to inquirers. THOMAS G. ORWIG & CO.. Registered Attorneys. Des Moines. la., Sept. 2, 1899. a The military household of the czar , is composed of ninety-eight officers of various ranks, eighty-three of whom j ,-. . t,. ormv anrt ttffppn to the I UClUUg 11 " aimj ....-.---- navy. Nineteen members of the royal . family are included in this list. The government is paying from $200 I to $600 a day for each vessel carrying horses, supplies and army baggage ( to the Philippines, and $1,000 a day for each vessel that carries troops. In Germany during the year ending . July, i, out oi Ast.jjL iJeisuuB iuu ing for employment, 222.0 3 found occupation by means of freo employ ment agencies. BET SHOT T. M. ROBERTS SUPPLY HOUSE, wnncapous. MiNff. Mrs. Barnard Thanks MRS. rWHIAM FMt HEALTH. I"'1" TO MKS. riXKHAM KO. I3,g9a " Deak FruESD I feel it my duty to express my gratitude and thanks to you for what your medicine has dono for me. I was very miserable and los ing flesh very fast, had bladder trouble, fluttering pains about the heart and would get so dizzy and suffered with painful menstruation. I was reading inn paper about Lydia E. Pinkliam's Vegetable Compound, so I wroto to you and after taking two bottlesl felt likea new person. Your Vegetable Compound has entirely cured, me and I cannot praise it enough." M 1:3. J. O. Barx akd, Milltowx, Washington Co., Me. Ab Iowa Woman's Convincing Statement. "I tried three doctors, and the last one said nothing but an operation would help me. My trouble was pro fuse flowing; sometimes I would think I would flow to death. I was so weak that the least work would tire me. Reading of so many being cured by your medicine, I made up my mind to write to you for advice, and I am so glad that I did. I took Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound and Liver Pillsand followed our directions, aud am now well and ht rong. I shall recom mend your medicine to all, for it saved my life." Miss A. P., Box 21 Abbott, Iowa. The government is paying from $'200 to $600 a day for each vessel carrying horses, supplies and army baggage to the Philippines, and $1,000 a day for each vessel that carries troops. Are Ton I'sln- Allen's Foot-Kune? It is the only cure for Swollen, Smarting, Burning, Sweating Feet. Corns and Bunions. Ask for Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder to be shaken Into the shoes. At all Druggists and Shoo Stores. IT.c. Sample sent FREE. Ad dress Allen S. Olmsted. LcRoy, N. Y. Unlike Some Other Occupations Golfer "Don't you ever get trret! of farming?" The Farmer "'Taint no use gettin tired of it. young man. Fannin' ain't no fad!" Puck. mm. W1iiIowh Soothing Syrtip. For chlMrrn teething, sottem the cmr". reiluocs ts tUiuuiatlon.ulIttjsraia.cure wludcullc. ZJcabot:! The man who succeeds in forging his way to the front is in a position to be trmpled on by the mob if ho falls. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken niternallv. 1 nee .c. About the hardest thing or te amateur farmer to raise is the money to run the farm. We will forfeit $1,000 if nny of our pub lished testimonials nre proven to lie not genuine. Tub l'iso Co., warren, la. A pun is merely a play on words, but it's hard work to understand soma of them. A IVrf.it C:it!i:irtir. Yitt violent lM'iuityl:iiM In-Ix.wrls or Iranlns but K'-ntly -tlimilntlnir. tnlniMtrrni:tlM'iil:i:;llii- lute. tllinl wall la'i'arcM amljr .tth.irtlr. Uh :B.Sitr. It's the easiest tiling in the world to forgive an enemy who is largo enough to command your respect. $1 IS buys new upright piano. Srhmol Ier & Mueller. IZVi Farnain St.. Omaha. Sixteen windows in the dome of the new capitol of Colorado, at Denver, are to have portraits of leading citi zens of the state, and the women have suddenly sprung a demand upon the managers that their sex shall lie rep resented in at least five of them. Seven subjects have thus far been se lected, not one of them a woman. Among the women suggested are Mrs. Augusta Tabor. Mrs. Albert G. Boone, wife of the scout, and Chippeta, wife of Chief Ouray, of the Ctes. The candidate who drums on an empty "bar'I" soon discovers his ina bility to make effective campaign music. Mvr: 1 ?: mm kl An Excellent Combination. The pleasant method and beneficial effects of the wrll known remedy, Svnrr of Fios, manufactured ly the California Fio Svulm Co., illustrate the value of obtaining the liquid laxa tive principles of plants known to be medicinally laxative and presenting them in the form most refreshing to the taste and acceptable to the .system. It is the one perfect strengthening Iaxa ' tive, cleansing the svsteni effectually, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers gently yet promptly and enabling one to overcome habitual constipation permanent-. Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality aud sub stance, and its acting on the kidneys, liver and bowels, without weakening or irritating them, make it tho ideal laxative. In the process of manufacturing figs are used, a-, they are pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal qualities of the remedy are obtained from senna and other "aromatic plants, by a method known to the California Fig Svislm Co. only. In order to get its beneficial effects and to avoid imitations, please remember the full name of thet'oinpahy orinted on the front of everj- package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. 8AJT FRANCISCO. CAL. I.OUISVH.LE. ICY. NEW YORK. JL Y. For sale ly all Uru'2sta Price SJc. per Lottie. W.L7 DOUGLAS $3 & $3.50 SHOES Sj'g1" Worth $4 to $6 compared with oilier makc3. Indorsed ly ovr l.ooo.OOO nearer. ALL LEATHERS. ALL STYLES TUB .fllK li. n. I ll.o.l..' lamp A(l price tDf ec! 00 ltl.B. Tac n mItUuto cl'.f'I Ii. !. a C'!. l.aivpt maken of oikI j:t,7i him-. In thi xrorM. YoiirdfalefhoiiM !; them I: not. we v ill tiil tou apnlron receipt of price, statu I tlai of leather. Ic and nldth. pUIq or cap toe Catalogue A Free. W. L. DOUGLAS SHOE CO.. Brockton. Mass. taftcofteto ALVfAV ATUABTIt Barter's ink WTco Good and Too Cheap to Be Without It KotlMks. Cxiurrit ami I'hoto Supplier Ctta los free. lut-on. IJ' OuiijcU Ircet. Omaha. W.Ti.V. O.-WAHA. Wo. 37 1899 8Sl'd3& mtsmm 1 sfefrr&Jfa Ss&lmm ssiirzWMb-Wi s ttJE&&re&Smkstei GUNS AND AMMUNITION t Wholesale Prices .to Everybody. Our Large tiun Cataiocue containing 96 pates. sio q'Axi2)i inches, will be senl postage paid oq receipt of three cent-. 910 any one reiurnins una au iuu mtum-mu uus paper tic iou ocr vnu Rin dollars on Guns. Write at once V :-. fr .- ::r XT afe.'--.. '$pt , y