ggsawe mit-fag&jj," vijggssgfegs?" B5M.H.;. I.-II11' Jfl ""SHff-" . -- . .. ... "TTr -4 Pit "' - "VfWJSPA'-'a" "jSL'j . t. . Fir; v Ft K- v jft -- i - :: . - , . . i " ..... ? . - t -;.- . :; -. ' J ' K" IT - - V-." . V V -. -s-. -.:-- t.v"S: i -- It . - I -:: 11 - .--..-': I1 .- R.V-0 l.F--:: IJt.,- " ESTABLISHED MAT 11, 1870. Columbus gourual. Columbus, Nobr. Eaterad at the Poetoffice, Colambua, Nebr., as accoad-clawi mail matter. iHHiVaisMUTtty n.x.iroraco. or scBSCBipnojt: Oaeyeftr. by mail, postage prepaid $1,50 Tkraamoatfaa .40 WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 90. 1899. i fckerikn f THE JOURN- AIV-FImm leak at tka Uto oppMite yr aaaa m tk wrapper of ymr JOURWAJL r am tka mutrcim f THE Up te this sate, yr is paid ar aocaaataal for. KfftUica Caoaty Convention. The ooaatjr convention of tlie republicans of Platte coanty. Nebraska, is hereby called to meet in the Coart Hoose, Col ambus. Nebr.. at o'clock p. n Saturday. September 10. 1899. The apportionment of the delegates is as fol- 'Iowa, baaed on the vote for Hayward, giving - each township and ward one vote at large, and i vote for each la or major traction thereof: -. City of Columbus Humphrey 4 First Ward 8 Butler 4 . Hacoad 0 Lioap - Third 8 Lost Creek 8 'Colambbostp 5 Barrows 3 Bismark 3 Granville 5 -Shot man.. ............ 4 Monroe..... .- ' Craatoa,. ....... .. 6 Joliet ................ 3 "Shell Creek. S St. Bernard 3 . Grand Prairie 2 Woodville 5 Walker ' The convention is called for the purpose of placing in nomination candidates for the fol iMlVCMUfU id voivu a a a mc inJii va lowing county offices: Treaaarer, -' Clerk, Judge. Sheriff, Superintendent of Public Instruction. Clark of District Court, . Coroner, Surveyor. Also toeelect twelve delegates to attend the . judical convention for the purpose of nominat ing two judges for the'Sixth judicial district. And nelectma twelve delegates to the state - convention to be held at Omaha, Sept. 21. 1S19, for the purpose of nominating one supreme judge, and for the transaction of such other business as may projerly rome In-fore it. Saturday. Sept. 9. 1W9, in country precincts. - from 3 to 4 p. m.. and in (Vilumbus from 4 to " p. m., at the usual voting place of each ward or township, are the time and place designated for holding nrimarieM. All voters who lielieve in the principles of the. republican irty and who intend to affiliate with it are invited to attend and iarticiat. E. A. Stockslaolk, Chairman. II. B. Itrjut, Sec', pro tern. TIME TABLE U. P. B. R. XAST BOUM). MMS LINE. No. 102,Fast Mail 14 p.m. No. 2,tIJmited 2:10 p. m. No. 4. olo. Secial 4Kt a. tu. No. 6, Local 10:10 a.m. No. H,t Local fi:40 a. m. No. 22, Freight 10:10 p. in. No. 2o.$ Freight 0KK) a. m. WK-ST BOUND. MUS I.IXE. No. l.Limited 11K4 a. m. No. 3, Fast Mail ti:-"8 p. m. No. 5, Colo. Special 2:1." a. in. No. 7,t Local 10:10 p. m. No. 23,$ Freight 70 a. m. NORFOLK BUNCH. Depart No. 63, Passenger 70 p. m. No. 71, Mixed 8.-00 a. m. Arrive No. St, Passenger 12:30 p. m. No. 72, Mixed 11:00 p.m. ALBION AND CF.1MU UtPIPS BBINCU. Depart No. 69, Passenger 2:15 p. m. No. 73, Mixed 6:15u.m. Arrive No. 70, Passenger 10 p. in. No.74. Mixed 9-00 p.m. Does not carry passengers. tStops at Scliujltr and Fremont. lDon't run Sundaj. No Sunday train on Albion branch, 63 and 64 run Sunday on Norfolk branch. W. II. Bkxuw, Agent. B. A M. TIME TABLE. Llarala, aafca. falrars, St. Jaseah, Kansas t'lljr. St. Laalt aaa all poIaN east aad aoatk. Beaver, Helrua, Batte. Salt Lake fily. Portlaad, Saa Fraarisro and all palats went. T11UN8 DEl'VUT. No. 22 Passenger, ilaily except Sunday. 6.-00 a. m No. 32 Accommodation, daily except Saturday. 4:30 p. ui THAINH ABHIVE. No. 21 Passenger, daily except Sunday. 90 p. m No. 31 Accommodation, daily except Sunday 1-30 p. m geritfg elites. "AH notices under this heading will he charged at the rate of $2 a year. A LEBANON LODGE No. S8. A. F. & A. M. Yr Regular meetings 2d Wednesday in each kjK month. All brethren invited to attend 'vx C.J.Guilow.W.M. Goa. G. Bkchkb. Sec'r. SQjnly W1LDEY LODGE No. 44, 1. 0. 0. F.. fe meets Tuesday evenings of each -week at their hall on Thirteenth street, tisitinr brethren cordial! v invited. W. A. Way. N. G. Gko. Faibcuild, Sec'y. 27jan9Utf COLUMBIAN CAMP No. 35. WOODMEN OF the World, meets every second and fourth Thursdays of the month, 7 JO p. m., at I. O. O. F. Hall, Thirteenth street. Kegular attendance is very desirable, and all visiting brethren are cor dially invited to meet with us. jan23-95 KEORGANIZEDCHUBCH OF LATTEK-DAY Saints hold regular services every Sunday t 2 D. m.. nrarer meeting on WmlneNiIar oveninv t their chapel, corner ofNorth street and Pacific avanue. ISialS All are cordially invited. Elder H. J. Hudson. President. GERMAN REFORMED CHDHCH.-Sanday School at JO a. m. Church every Sunday at 110 a. m. Christian Endeavor at 7:30 p. m. Ladiea Aid Society every first Thursday in the Month at the church. 14nov-f4 Let tha United States make sure of a fair portion of the world's sea-going business reciprocity. There are more newspapers printed in (he United States than in England, France and Germany combined. D. E. Thompson bought a half in terest in the Farmers & Merchants' in surance company of Lincoln for 325,000 and sold it for $180,000. Charles J. Botz of the Sedalia, Mo., Journal, is the inventor of a type-setting machine which he claims does the work of two swift printers, and can be sold as low as $150. It is now said that the defense for Miss Tiola Horlocker, charged with ending poisoned candy to her employ er's wife, at Hastings, Neb., will be that i hypnotized. Victor, a town of 10,000 population in the heart of the Cripple Creek mining district, was almost totally destroyed by ire Aug. 2a Loss estimated at $1,500 080, insurance $100,000. The fire started ia a lane given over to questionable Wk have the raw material for manu factvriBg; we have abundant cheap power; we have the best home market in the world; now reach beyond, by the eaooarageaaent of ship-building, and the carryiaj? of exports and imports in l vessels. Sera P. Morlct, a newspaper man of Chaad Islaad, who has been appointed to s pottt"" in the Pilippinee, has oon cJBihfl. m a aide iawe, to also conduct a as panm when be gets over there, hariac BBichaaed a complete printing jmt , to be shipped from Saa Fraacisco. xxxsooaooooosoexxxxsooooooQe .Fresiaent jxLcruney names tue first Nebraska first in his rollcall of the regi ments that deserve to be perpetuated, in the nation's annals. . . , SbOOOOOOeXXKKXXXKKXSO0a Of Course-Why Hot? Inasmuch as the Three Tailors of Tooley street resolved certain important thinks in the name of "we, the people of England," there is no earthly reason why the "anti-imperialists" of the Uni ted States should not extend their pro tecting influence over the destinies of the Nation on a somewhat similar plan. The report from Washington, therefore, that they are about to form a brand new political party, with all the modern im provements, is not at all alarming. They should go ahead by all means. Their performances would brighten up the gloom very decidedly. To help the scheme along the Mail and Express begs to offer the following suggestions: FOU PKESIDENT. W. J. Bryan of Nebraska, if not oth erwise engaged. FOK VICE PRESIDENT. Edward Atkinson of Massachusetts, if he can get the permission of Emilio Aguinaldo. platform: Resolved, That the American eagle is a buzzard. Resolved, That we hereby denounce the Puritans for not obtaining the con sent of the governed. Resolved, That Admiral George Dewey shall be tried by court martial for his discourtoous treatment of the Spanish fleet in Manila bay. Resolved, That the American soldiers now operating in the Philippines shall be brought home and slapped into jail for the reckless use of firearms. Kesolved, mat tlie man wuo says Aguinaldo is a treacherous wretch is no gentleman. Resolved, That tho present adminis tration has fractured the southeast cor ner of the declaration of independence and forced the American constitution into innocuous desuetude. uesoiveu, mat we uo now take up a collection. This is merely an outline platform, but it fuirly represents the principles to which the "anti-imperialists" are com mitted. As for the ticket suggested above, it is running over with voice and sympathy, and would sweep Dedham, Mass., and the Third ward of Lincoln, Neb., like a prairie fire in August. The new party can't get into the field too soon. The bars are down, the clover is knee high, and the newcomer can cavort and be glad. Make ready, everybody, to welcome the little stranger! New York Mail and Express. The Facts in the Case (President Schuriuan.) The rebellion is not u Philippine re bellion. It is a Togalog rebellion. The rebellion does not even embrace all of the islands of Luzon. The Filipinos are a desirable sort of people. The Filipinos will, when peace is re stored, yield to the elevating and soft ening influences of education. No more than 1,500,000 of the !),000,000 peoplo of the Philippines are in revolt. The people of the big Negros island are friendly. All of the other people of the Phil ippine group of 800 islands, with the ex ception of the Tagalogs, who comprise one-half of the natives of Lnzon, are neutral. The natives of the other islands, who are nominally in revolt, are in fact only terrorized and coerced by the Tagalogs. Two generations of education in the Philippines will bring the people of these islands to a state of advancement that will equal in most essentials that of the Japanese. The Suln group, comprising the southern third of the Philippine group of islands, is at peace and will remain so. The sultan of Suln has accepted the situation, only asking favor at the hands of the United States. F0ST0 FJCAHS O00D S0LDIEKS Plan of Enlisting Islanders in Regu lar Army is a Success. According to recent advices received at the War department the experiment of enlisting natives of the West Indies into the American army has proved quite successful in the case of the Porto Rican battalion of United States volun teers, which body completed its organi zation a few weeks ago. This battalion is commanded by Major L. P. Davidson and is the only one of its kind in the army. Lieutenant Bryant, who is the battal ion adjutant, has written a letter to Major Johnston cf the adjutant gener al's office, speaking in high terms of the men. He says that the Porto Rican soldiers are a fine lot of men, obedient and willing to work, and take great pride in being soldiers of the United States army, and always dress very clean and neat. His opinion is that Porto Rican soldiers, officered by Americans, will be a success and a valuable addition to the United States army. It was purely a coincidence, but all the more interesting for that reason. The democratic county convention yes- A. I J!3 a! . leruay uiu me cusiomarv nuriing or a few columbiads and wads of words at trusts and commended Attorney General Smyth for putting up a fight against them by bringing action against the Standard Oil company. And the funny part of the situation was that the chair man of the convention was the local manager for the Standard Oil company. Of course he doesn't need to surrender any deep-seated convictions for a mod erate salary, but if Mr. Rockefeller calls for a report on the matter and asks why nis employes are denouncing him it will be nothing more than fair for the demo crats to furnish the chairman of the convention with an office. Fremont Tribune. Geobge Wilson, who Tuesday last committed an assault upon the 4-year-old daughter of Albert Burchard at Falls City, was, at an early hour of Wednesday morning, in the jail, emascu lated. About 350 men were at and around the jail, the guards were over powered, the lock broken, Wilson blind folded and gagged, stretched out upon a table, and the surgical operation per formed. He confessed to the criaie, bat .. $ tried to excuse himself by saying this was his first offense, and that he had been drinking. It is generally understood that the government has paid the Nebraska sol diers as traveling expenses something like $20,000 more than the actual cost to them would have been had advanced contributive loans to the state not been forthcoming to save the soldiers that much more. Very long will be the way, very hard the hills to climb, with Slippery Si Holcomb weighing down the popocratic band wagon in Nebraska. For the good of the state, for the good of Bryan, we beg the popocratic conventions to keep Holcomb's name off the ticket. Pa pillion Times, (democratic). Let us develop our own natural re sources, making the very best use of materials near at hand. An exchange remarks: "LaBt year Great Britain exported 5, 216,491,300 yards of cotton goods, while this country exported but 412,004,055 yards, and yet the United States raises the cotton. There is plenty of room for more American cotton mills, in the South especially. Continue the policy of protection, with reciprocity, and we need have no fear of results. Theodore Olan, a Swedish chemist at Washington, has accidentally discov ered a new element which will soften steel, gold, silver aud many other metals, making them soft, pliable and ductile as a piece of putty and quite as safely handled. He calls it tauric acid, be cause it is obtained from taurus moss, n peculiar fungus, which grows upon rocks and the roots of trees very generally in the country. The discovery is regarded as one of the wonders of the world of chemistry. The Journal believes that there is an opportunity for republicans of Platte county to elect at least a portion of a good ticket this fall, possibly all of it, in case of certain contingencies. All parts of the county should be repre sented. Every man nominated should be clearly competent, capable and faith ful, with capacities especially adapted to the office for which he is named. "A strong pull all together" will certainly do the republicans good, and make the campaign exceedingly interesting to the three-cornered alliance. SELFISHNESS. Ve Xeavlr Alvrmya Dlacatver It la Other, ami Never lat Oanalvea. Probably the most insidious of all the faults is that upon the absence of which we moet pride ourselves, and that at the same time we notice most readily in others. In some of us it is pride, in others gossiping. Tho list is long, aud we know it without goiug into details, but that which we do not seem to real ize is that the very most common fault of us all as a mass is selfishness. Wo do know that nearly every ono we meet is selfish, but we seldom dis cover how selfish we are ourselves un less shown by a sudden touch of deep regret. Mobt of ns discover, for in stance, that we were selfish in refer ence to eome dear friend dead, bnt we stop right there, and while we regret the past and shed useless tears over the lost chance we do not make any new discoveries namely, that we are selfish to our living friends and while we think that they are being unfair, un kind, to us we forget to be generous ourselves, to look beyond the frown, the hard word, the selfish act or neglect, and see what it is that causes all this, to see what strain our frieud is bearing and share it in so far as patience, gener ous forbearance, will lighten it Think how selfish most of ns have been in time gone by, how'quick words have gone out to hurt hearts already hurt, when from ns at least that partic ular cross friend had a right to hope for better things. Do not make a very close examina tion of things in general and see whether yon are not yourself more selfish than are your friends, and remember that the greatest generosity in this world is to have patience with others in their "selfishness," for in half the cases at leatt it is pain or worry, not real in tended unkindneesatall. Philadelphia Times. ffliiiiiUMUiiiHgiiHimiiiwwtiiinmHMg I Stoitional fWal. 1 HUltlIII!IIHIlJWIHttMUIIWIMInir4S lanquet to Coapaay K. At a meeting of the banquet com mittee for the reception of Co. K, the following committees were appointed: Group 1. Miss Segelke, " Stauffer, " Bucher. waiters: Group 2. Miss Hoehen, " Whitmoyer, " Rorer, " Hoffman, M Hoffman, u Hoppen, Hagel, Tannahil), Ragatz, Hensley, Early, Johnson, Kramer Kramer, Zinnecker, ' u Hensley, Price. Group 3. Miss Neiwohner, Miss Sheehan, " Sspeice, " G.. Fitzpatrick, " Hohl, " Newman, " Williams, u u M Williams, Hockenberger, Schroeder. COMMITTEE OK DEC COMMITTEE TO ORATION. Miss Post, Ch'n. GATHER PROVISIONS. Miss Becher, Galley, M Cornells, " Gerrard, M Henry, " Parker. Mrs. Evans, u Murdock, Geer, Chambers, Martyn, " Anderson, Miss MaeMabon, " Cushing. U u Pohl, Geitzen, " Ida Meagher. Fitzpatrick. Committee to Receive Provisions. Mrs. Geitzen. Members of committees are reqeeeted to be present at the nest meeting Satur day Sept 2, at the council chamber. Jt unable to serve, please notify chairman of banquet committee, Mrs. Brugger, at once, to enable her to make other ap pointments. The soliciting committee will be out Wednesday and Thursday. City papers please copy. Votioe! The public schools of the city will open on Monday, September 4th, and pupils will attend school as follows: FIRST WARD SOUTH SIDE OF R. R. TRACK. Room 1, Grades 1 and 2, Miss Daw son; Room 2, Grades 2 and 3, Miss Rickly; Room 3, Grade 5, Miss Hoehan. SECOND WARD SOUTH SIDE. Room 1, Grades 1 and 2, Mrs.Glidden; Room 2, Grades 3 and 4, Miss Morse; Room 3, Grade 6, Miss Lynch; Room 4, Grades 7 and 8, Mr. Rothleitner. THIRD WARD NORTH SIDE. Room 1, Grades 1 and 2, Mrs. Brind ley; Room 2, Grades 3 and 4, Miss Mos grove; Room 3, Grade o, Miss Watkine. NEW HIGH SCHOOL BUILDING NORTH SIDE. Room 1, Grades 1 and 2, Miss Sheehan; Room 2, Grades 3 and 4, Miss Lnth; Room 3, Grades 6 and 7, Miss Fitzgerald; Room 4, Grade 8, Mr. Latham; Room 5, High School, Mr. Britell, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Weaver. It Wu. J. Williams, Sup't. When you wish good, neat, clean handsome work done iu the line of printing, call at The Journal office. The Banquet Company K is to be welcomed at a banquet to be given in their houor, Sep tember G, 1899, invitations to which have been printed. M. Whitmoyer is to preside and Mayor Fitzpatrick act as toastmaster. Invocation Rev. Hayes. Patriotism Judge A. M. Post. First regiment, pride of Nebraska Major J. X. Kiliau. Company K, pride of Columbus Capt. W. K. Moore. Our Dead in silence. Our Guests W. M. Cornelius. Our Ladies-G. W. Phillips. Our Flag-W. N. Hensley. Welcome Home. Wednesday of next week has been fixed upon us the duy of formal recep tion of the returned Nebraska heroes Co. K. of the First. The nrograaavas now given out is: Salute nt sunrise. Street parade. Welcome address by MayflKFitz pat- rick. Address of the day by Prof: William J. Williams. Response by Major J. N. Kilian Games of contest. Bicycle parade. Bowery dance. Fireworks. Baker Post Ho. 9. Department of Feb All members of Baker Post are re quested to assemble at the post hall on Eleventh street, Sept. C, 9 a. m., to wel come the gallant boys of Co. K, First Nebraska. A cordial invitation is ex tended to all old soldiers and sailors to join us on this occasion. J. R. Meagher, J. H. Galley, Adjutant. Commander. To the Citizens of Columbus. The new high school building will be open to the inspection of the public on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week from 9 a. m., to G p. m., each day, by order of the Board of Education J. H. Galley, Pres. G. A. R. A. PHILADELPHIA, PA. R. Sept. 4th-(nh. For the Annual Encampment of the G. A. R. at Philadelphia, in September, The Union Pacific will sell tickets at greatly reduced rates for the round trip. Great reduced rates to MEW YORK CITY, on same dates and conditions, have also been made by The Union Pacific. For full information call on 1 W. H. Benham, Agent. Amateur photographers have an easy chance to win some handsome prizes by taking advantage of a tempt ing offer announced in the September Ladies' Home Journal. That magazine wishes to use some pictures of rural churches and suburban club houses, and therefore offers twenty prizes, amount ing to $350, for the best picture sub mitted. The competition will be open until November 1. Hotice to City Teachers. There will be a meeting of the city teachers at my office in the new High School building on Friday at 2 o'clock. Plans and methods of work will be dis cussed. All the teachers will be profited by attending this meeting. It Wm. J. Williams. CASTOR I A For Iafmta ami Childrem. ItoKMYNHanAlwasBNcU Bears the EUgnatareof Some Special Xates via the TJnioa Pacific Fremont Sept. 5, Ringliug Bros. Cir cus, one and one-third fare round trip. New York City, N. Y., Sept. 4-9 one and one-third fare round trip. Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 28, Oct. 8th, one fare for round trip. St. Joe, Mo., Sept. 4-9, one fare for round trip. St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 2-7, one fare for round trip. For dates of sale, limits, call on W. H. Benhah, Agent. No one knows the unbearable tor ture, the peculiar and agonizing pain, caused by piles, unless they have suff ered from them. Many believe them incurable. This is a mistake. Proper treatment will cure them. TABLER'S BUCKEYE PILE OINTMENT is an infallible cure. Prico 50 cents in bot tles, tubes, 75 cents. Dr. A. Heintz and Pollock k Co. Ever" day is adding to oor list of subscribers, but there is yet plenty of room for more. We give you now, The Journal and the Lincoln Semi-weekly Journal, both, one year, when paid in advance, for $2.00. Subscription can begin at any time. Now is the time to subscribe. The Lincoln Journal is issued Tuesdays and Fridays, and will give you a mass of news that you cannot hope to equal anywhere for the money. Both for $2.00. i& to the Greater America . .Exposition. Daily sales, good ten days 84.15 for round trip. Tuesdujy sales, good seven days $2.75 round trip. Saturday and for train number four Sunday sales, $2.60 round trip, good re turning following Monday. For further information call at Union Pacific passenger depot. W. H. Ben bam, Agent. ivoniA. Ituntaa ttpatm of Tki Kin VmHwAIwe & For Sale. One hundred and sixty acre improved farm 2 miles east of Duncan, 6 miles southwest of Columbus. 4 Becheh, Jaegqi & Co. Hard Ccal. The indications are that hard coal will advance in price September 1, 99. Before it goes any higher, order your winter's hard coal of W. A. Way & Co. The price now is $9.50 delivered. Tele phone No. 3. tf lain tka Kgiatsn af ,TI Kid Yw Haw Always BtsgM 7j&t4 IMPROVED TRAIN SERVICE TO OREGON. The Union Pacific in connection with the O. S.Li0.1U N. Co. have added a Buffet Smoking and Library Car to their through train to Portland, Oregon, aud a Digiug Car Service from Chicago and Council Bluffs has also been in augurated. The train is equipped with Palace SleepersJtasKeclining Chair Cars, andsHpSBMIInng luxurious travel SfloTth Pacific Coast. Di rectlrnections made for Tacoma and e. W. U. Ben-ham, Agt. fit The Preparatory School. Many county superintendents and principals the past year have expressed to Director Wallace their appreciation of the work done at the Preparatory School to the State University at Lin coln. They recognize that it supplies the lacking link between the smaller schools and the University. Several principals have asked for announce ments to distribute to their students, as they wished them to finish prepara tion for the University. During the year, nine principals, three city school superintendents, numerous other teach ers and deficient University students attended advanced classes in this school. Students feom eighth grade and country schools enter the lower classes and com plete the work in one and one-half to two years, thus saving two years or more of time and consequent expense. Write for third annual announcement. 3t TORIA. Batntaa igBStU Cf yf m as II HaaYHaAhnj3l Where the digestion is good, and the general powers of the system in a healthy state, worms can find no habi tation in the human body. WHITE'S CREAM VERMIFUGE not only de stroys every worm, but corrects all de rangements of the digestive organs. Price 25 cts. Dr. A. Heintz and Pol lock k Co. To Teachers and School Officers. The committee arranging to welcome Co. K have extended an invitation to the schools of the country to participate in the parade which takes place in Co lumbus Sept. G, 1899, at 10 a. m. Any schools outside Columbus availing them selves of this invitation will please let me know in time, so that your interests may be looked after. Yours respectfully, L. H. Leavv, Co. Supt. 25c for the Campaign ! The Twice-a-Week State Journal, printed every Tuesday and Friday, will be sent postpaid with all of the news of the world from now until after election only 25 cents. It is worth that much to read about tho Fighting First regiment's return. The Journal, printed at the state capital, is the leading Nebraska paper and it's mighty cheap at a quar ter. 8t KarliaptoB Koate National EaraapmtHt. U. A. K. at Philadelphia. The lowest rates of the year less than one fare for the round trip will be made for the National Encampment of the G. A. R. at Philadelphia. Selling dates, September 1, 2 and 3. Return limit, September 30th. Rate is open to the general public. As usual the veterans and their friends will take the Burlington Route, avoid ing change of depots in Chicago and securing for themselves the special ad vantages in the way of fast time and through car service which that railroad offers. Special G. A. R. train for Philadelphia leaves Omaha 5 p. m. Saturday, Septem ber 2d. Sleeping, dining and free re clining chair cars. Berths can be re served now. See local ticket agent and ask him about rates, routes tind trains. Or, if you wish, write to J. Francis, Gen'l Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb. 3t Blotches and excrescences, which so often annoy people, are simply efforts of nature to throw off impediments to the proper performance of her duties. HERBINE will aid and assist nature in her work, and ensure a skin clear and beautiful, entirely free from all imper fections. Price 50 cents. Dr. A. Heintz and Pollock k Co. WHEN IN NEED OF Briefs, Dodgers, Sale bills, Envelopes, Catalogues, If and bills, Statement, Note heads, Letter heads, Meal tickets, Legal blanks, Oat Bates &&& 7 te Visiting cards, Milch checks, Business cards, Dspce invitations, Society invitations, Wedding invitations. Or, in short, any kind of J0I PRINTING, Call on or address, Journal, Columbus, Nebraska. leal Estate Transfers Becher, Ju)ggi & Co., real estate agents, report the following real estate transfers filed in the office of the county clerk for the week ending August 28, 1899. William Sipplo to F G A Strngvr, net 10,andw2 nwl 11-1S-3W, rl $ 0700 00 Win II Bwartsley to Carl Mochcnross nwlw4 80-18.1e,wd 1200 CO O H Sheldon to Carl J Mtwchenrosw, swlswl 30-18-le.wd l.W (0 Chaa A Bpeice to Thomas Otti, 145 acre in nw4 19-20-lw, wd Mary and John Brady to Sward A llrodboll. e2 ewl S3-20-3w. wd Fr-d Meyer Freerk Meyer, ui nwl -VMw.qcd Pioneer Town Site Co to rchool Dis trict No M. lots 22, 23, blk '-'. Corn- AWa TfcT U James H Stoke to Harry Pruitt. net H""ia iwu Fred Lackey to Henry C Luckey. w2 nw4aO.lS-le.wd .VSO0(O E000CO 1 UO 50 00 MC0 00 1.-.0O CO Nine transfers, total U 00 To Chicago mid tin- Kut. Passengers goiug east for business, will naturally gravitate to Chicago us the great commercial center. Passengers re-visiting friends or relatives in the eastern states always desire to "take in" Chicago en route. All of passen gers will find that the "Short Lino" of '.he Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail way, via Omaha and Council Bluffs, affords excellent facilities to reach their destinations in a manner that will be sure to give the utmost satisfaction. A reference to the time tables will in dicate the route to be chosen, and, by asking any principal agent west of the Missouri river for a ticket over the Chicago, Council Bluffs & Omahu Short Line of the Chicago, Milwaukee X- St Paul Railway, yon will be cheerfully furnished with the proper passport via Omaharand Chicago. Please note that all of the "Short Lino" trains arrive in Chicago in ample time to connect with the express trains of all the great through car lines to the principal eastern cities. For additional particulars, time tables, maps, etc.. please call on or r.dtlross F. A. Nash. General Agent. Omaha. Xeb. Now is the Time TO GET YOUR- AT GREATLY We are prepared to make the following clubbing rates : Chicago Inter Ocean (semi weekly) ami Columbus Jour nal both for one year S 3 10 Chicago Inter Ocean (weekly) and Columbus Journal both one year for 1 7o Peterson's Magazine and Co lumbus Journal one year..... 2 2 Omaha Weekly Bee and Co lumbus Journal one year.... 2 00 Lincoln Journal (semi-weekly) and Columbus Journal, one year for.... 2 lf Subscribe Now. UNDERTAKING ! We Carry Coffins, Caskets and Metallic Caskets Burial Robes, Etc. DO EMBALMING HAVE THE BEST HEARSE IN THE COUNTRY. FRED. W. HERRICK. M. C. CASSIN, PKopBirroK or thx Omaha Meal Met Fresh and Salt Meats. Game and Fish in Season. f9"Highest market prices paid foi Hides and Tallow. THIRTEENTH ST., COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA n mm aPBaaBvn6' V V aVBaV .jroninoi uqop wiii.1 iii.i.i i in i.a TPBrBKp " sf UUU M MA all m& VJ Ww Hflft VmnTsT asaprtf Ri!tnMMHIIIt4iMi.T JxXelabtePrraaradoalbrAs-similatli'umlToddandReula-tiog tteSloiadis andBowds of Pxomotes"DigesUon(Clatcrful--nc5sandBkst.ContaInsndcr OwumiMorptrine norlikieral. Not NAbc otic. BmWfOUl AaytJ4 JbcSainm HinmSti- ADcrfect Remedy forcbnstioa- tion. SoiuvSfomach.Diarrhoca. WonD5jCotrvuIsions,reverisii tvss cndLoss of Sleep. laVsinaie 'Signature of NEWTTORK. CXACT COPT OF WHAEPEB. nuHHHI'tlMIMMntlt The King of Reference Works THE NEW WERNER EDITION OF The Encyclopedia Britannica t YUaasfJ XV predia Britannica in a house gives the place an intellectual tone. A library of thousands of volumes does not offer such an oppor tunity for successful home study and development as this master piece of literature. There is no more instructive reading on earth than that contained in its 30 volumes. To a life whose current runs toward the future, this great work is indispensable. Just now you can secme the Encyclopaedia Britannica For One Dollar Cash paying the balance in small monthly payments. Remember, too, that the entire Thirty Volumes with a Guide and an elegant O.ilc Book Case, will be delivered when the hrst payment is made. You will be surprised when you learn the LOW COST. Here it is: The complete .set (Thirty Large Octavo Volumes): -New Style Huckram Cloth, Alarbleift Edges, Extra Quality High Machine Hnibh Book Paper, I45 00 No. 1- i-irst payment, una Uoliar month thereafter. No. 2 Half Morocco, Marbled Edges, book Paper, $60.00 First payment. Two Dollars No. 3 Sheep Tan Color, Marbled EJges, Extra Quality High Machine Finish ' Book Paper, $75.00. ' r-irt payment, ihree Dollars month thereafter. A reduction ot 10;'.; is granted by receipt of the work. Knowledge i! Concentrated upon it, for even the courts do not question its state ments. You can secure the entire set, complete in thirty superb octavo volumes, of the Encyclopedia Britannica for One Dollar Cash and the balance in small monthly payments. FOR SALE BY J. H. W. MYERS, T D. 8TIKE8, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Southwest corner Elovonth ami North Street 4jnly-y Ooluhbd-.. NrnuK. W. A. McAlmstfk. W. M. Coumclio Mc 'eAIAISTER 8c. CORNELIUS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. ooLUMKcs, NEBRASKA aijanlf NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. NOriCK i hereby piven Ijiat partneriii heretofore-exifetmt: between ('has. Wtinle man and A. If. Free, iloini; lriHins nnder the name of "ColuniljtiH t'laninsj 3liU." it thii daj dihfolreri by mutual consent. -Ml nrcountt due to th late finn aro to paid to A. II, rreoe. and all liabilitex due by tlie late hrm are to be paid by Chns. Wurdeman and A. If. Krest ac cording to the agreement filed in the otlire r county cLerk, Columbus, Xebr.. An:. 14, WO. Columbus Planing Mill. Ctf H. VttVZ2LH. 30aag3t A. H. Fbese. CASTOBIA For Infant and Children. the Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought. CASTOBIA TMC CCNTAUK COMPANY. MIUI VOMK CITY. The Pilot knows just how to steer a vessel to bring it safely through the shoals and out into the open. Just st the Encyclopaedia Britannica is the one absolutely reliable guide lor the voyage of life. One cannot go wrong if its teachings are tollowed. It tells the mistakes men have made; how others havesucceededand why. An intelligent man gets good from the experiences of others and steers clear of the rocks they ran against. The very presence of the Encvclo- (li.oo) and Three Dollars (I3.C0) per Extra Quality High AlaJiius Finish ($2.00) and Four Dollars (f-i-co) per (300) and Five Dollars (s 00) per paying cash within 30 days ai-r tha boiled down, pressed to gether is what you get in the New Werner Edition of the ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA. The facta contained therein are reli able, the statements author itative. The index which accompanies each st-t of books enables you to find trie mrormauon you want quickly, and you can rely Columbus, Nebr. NOTICE OF SALE I'XDRU CHAT TEL MOiaCUJE. NOTICE in hereby KiveH that by virtue of a chattel mortKHKu dated on the Uth day of September. A. D. l-'JI.and dul filed in theoUiw of tho county cleric. Platte, county. Nebraak.i. tin the ISth day of September, Ifjl, and executed by Must Jerome to theColamburi State lianlc, to necnre the paj merit of the xiim of eiht hundred dollarx, and upon which there it now due the ttum of eleven hundred eijjht dollar and sixty live centH. default having been made in the pamentof eaid iim and do suit or other pro (eeilintr at law havine been instituted fn no.... naid debt, or any part thereof, therefore it the Columbus Stat flank, will sell the property therein described, viz: One Hemp factory. Mxtt feet, two stories hiKh: one Ix.iler ho08e, 3)x20 feet; one ofice buildup l'zll feet; one 30-horee power engine Kifefe P. No. 3 Kaowlea steam pumo; two """""eiiae paieni nempcleaniQir machlnea Iw w. r a lam' ? -JVT,w-r with .a,J. PiP'0. connections, ohaf t nir. belting and fitting connected with wiid Plant, at imblicanction at the place where wu'U property is now situated, bein on the nurtU .c,urrteroJ ,he"rtht quarter of Bectjon twenty-four, in township seventeen north of rang one west nf ... :. , ;., yMI XJuT IrJlW fn jJ ? .1- countr. Nebraska, the place beia a bu-s on the thirteenth day of September. 19WJ 201 CBUa BTATEBAinr, s K : r f .. . -t I I . -; 1 ? ; 0 1 '3-" : - ' ,-.