The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, July 26, 1899, Image 3

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GtMftrt in "Cruet."
It don't matter how much
llSM 11. ......
.0 mut: jou nav ior a corsei.
' It it breaks at the waist line,
. comfort of wearing it is gone.
They give to every movement of
Bthe body, they retain their shape.
.Since securing the exclusive sale for
this section of the "Cresco," we've
l.en mo-t agreeahlv surprised at the
-elling results. The "C'resco" fills a
long felt want. All sizes now in
-lock, ijlau to have you examine
y this famous specialty.
: Iran and Brass Ftimiry alst am
4fc .gaaaaaaakw
s JT? mim a, ?
: c Machiae Warts-
1 am now ready Tor such business in my line as you may wish done on
t-horl notice, either casting or machino work of any kind.
We do our casting on Fridays, and can furnish Boiler Qrates, Window
f iratea, Sash Weights, Cellar Grating, Hitching Posts, Tie Weights, Anvils
for farm use, Cast Hammers '. to 18 pounds weight, etc. Let us figure
with you for any casting you may wisli done. Patterns made to order.
Cash paid for old iron, delivered at tho foundry. A. W. ARMSTRONG
hasn't located all tho desirable property
v'vo some choice bits on our books for
sale at prices that appeal to the people, of
common tnse. The properties are located
in fertile beet ions, well watered and drain
ed, handy to market and shipping points
and at our prices and terms are decided
Thlrteeatk St.,
5 V Jv gg&? V; &
Golden Row Seed
Crw 'J'00 fi I'rize at Trans
VylHIl, Miist8biiiii KxiKtsitinn.
Wire Fence,
Binding Twine,
Rock Salt,
Linseed Oil Cake
Oehlricli - Bros.
ELEVATION 6,200 ftet. Dry air. Hot weath
er unknown. Mountain scenery nnsnr
paKHti. Harney Teak by donkeys. Boating on
ttie Lvtke. lloae is new and modern. Bend for
Sou euir View.
Ijul6w Custer, S. D.
Wheat, spring, bushel.. 5f
Wheat, winter e bushel... 52
Corn, shelled- bushel . . . 22
Oats f? busheL 17
Old Rye bushel 38
Hogs- cwt. 3 80 4 00
Pat cattle cwt 3 25 4 50
Potatoes bushel 35
Butter t? 1 H
Egg dozen 10
Markets corrected every Tuesday af
ternoon. Mielenz for photographs.
Herrick for refrigerators. 3t
Mielenz leads in photo work.
: Pine job work done at The Jodkxal
Dr. Naumann, dentist, Thirteenth
street, tf
Room moulding, 2 cents per foot, at
. Herrick's. 3t
. Stillman's are headquarters for the
beat soda in town.
A Pleased Customer
It is one of the principles of our business
to render satisfactory service to our patrons
Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes,
Columbus, Nebraska.
The Best Merchandise,
An Elegant Stock to Select From,
The Lowest Prices.
These are all factors in the success
of this business. We regard every patron
as a business friend, and invite you to call
aaaaHrii . r2apaaai v---
The Hoy Stood on the Burn-
ing Deck,
and is too haughty to seize the life
preserver that all Europe is trying to
show him. The people of Columbus
are only too eager to 6eize the life
preserver that is waiting for them lit
our soda water fountain. Our ice
cream soda, and cold, sparkling 6oda,
with phosphates and pure fruit
juices, are life savers on a hot day to
the tired and thirst v.
W. A. McAllister was nt Ewing last
Work is goiug rapidly at tho Heintz
S. S. McAllister of Humphrey was
in town Saturday.
Fine weather for harvesting grain
and maturing corn.
Dr. L. C. Vosa, Homeopathic physi
cian, Columbus, Neb.
Bring ns your job work. We will
endeavor to please you.
Dr. Miller, dentist, up stairs in
Brngger building, ftp
Many railroads are adopting steel
cars because of lightness.
Jim Haney is one of the guard at
the Greater America Fair.
We can get for you any newspaper
or magazine yon may wish.
W. T. McKean, Merchant Tailor,
opposite Meridian hotel, tf
Louis Schreiber was in Monroe last
week clerking in a drug store.
Manifest virtues procure reputation;
occult ones, fortune. Bacon.
''Kind little words are of the same
blood as great and holy deeds."
Born, Thursday, to Mrs. Smith Bil
liard, near Oconee, a daughter.
For a cool, refreshing drink, try
Stillman's Snow Ball Phosphate.
A few more lawn seats and porch
rockers, special prices at Herrick's. It
Drs. Martyn, Evans & Geer, office
three doors north of Friedhof s 6tore. tf
Chicago Inter Ocean and Columbus
Journal, one year, in advance $1.75. tf
Our latest drink is Snow Ball Phos
phate. Try one. Stillman's pharmacy.
The Episcopal Sunday school held
their picnic in Stevens' grove Wednes
day. The warm days, stop at Stillman's
and try a glass of our delicious soda
Hugo Schaad has erected a new
windmill at his residence north of the
This part of the great corn belt
looks in very prosperous condition just
Do not fail to see our 8-foot galvan
ized steel mill for 825.00. A. Dnssell &
Son. tf
Stamp photos and photo buttons at
Patterson & McGUl's studio, ground
floor, tf.
is a Store's Best Advertisement.
L. H. North is in Wyoming and ex
pects to bring home with him a car load
of horses.
In Lincoln the bad odor was
thought to come from packing houses
and dump grounds.
Born, July 19, to Mrs. W. S. Taylor,
a daughter. This is the first grand
child for H. G. Cross.
Four colored gentlemen attracted a
largo crowd Ht the Park Sunday after
noon by their singing.
Dr. Miessler's residence is now at
corner of Seventeenth and Quincy
streets, telephone number 59.
Gettelman's Pure Malt Beer, the
finest Milwaukee produces, at Win.
Bucher's Beer Garden. 24aug
Great speakers, preachers, singers,
at Nebraska Epworth Assembly, Lin
coln, August 2-10. Season ticket, $1.
For fine photos, sure to please, call
at the ground floor studio, Olive street.
Patterson & McGill, photographers, tf.
Mrs. A. Haight entertained a few
young peopleTuesday evening last week,
in honor of Miss Kate Smith of Omaha.
The Dussells have purchased the
old well-tubing at the city waterworks,
and are now engaged in unearthing the
Mr. Suiter, for several months con
ductor on the B. & M., to Lincoln, has
had his run changed and has moved to
Wm. Schilz makes boots and shoes
in the best styles, and uses only the very
best stock that can be procured in the
market, tf
One farmer near the city had three
applications last week for the purchase
of land. There wasn't anv of that farm
for sale last week.
can get an 8-foot Freeport Galvanized
steel windmill from A. Dussell & Son
for only 825.00. tf
Somebody get up an automobile
that can be sold at a reasonable price.
Then make good roads all over the
country. The time is coming.
The clouds went all around ns Sun
day and Sunday night without bringing
any rain to this immediate section of
country, but making the air cool.
Roscoe M. Bates, a young man of 19
was drowned in the Platte near Doni
phan Sunday, accidentally getting be
yond his depth, and unable to swim.
C. J. Garlow, who was at Yutan,
Saunders county, last week, gives a
glowing account of the crops between
here and there, couldn't well be better.
Messrs. Galley and Way, represent
ing the Farmers and Merchants associa
tion have purchased a gasoline engine
to take the place of their steam engine.
J. M. Curtis, notary public, copying
and typewriting. Office in rear of
Charles A. Speice's coal office. When
you need anything in my line give me a
call. 4t
Dr. Baker, physician and surgeon.
Residence, Seventeenth and Quincy.
Office, Olive st, first door north of Brod
fuehrer Telephone: Office 20; resi
dence 40. tf
People here occasionally complain
of the heat, but Nebraska is a model
summer resort, compared with say
London lately, where the thermometer
ran up to 128
Frank Gerhart,Carl Hoehen, George
Winslow, Irv Speice, M.Rothleitnerand
Frank Scofield left Thursday for a two
weeks' hunting and fishing trip in
Wheeler county.
For Sale: Pure bred Dnroc Jersey
pigs, from registered stock; four and five
dollars per head. I must sell these pigs.
to make room, call at the farm or
barber shop. L. G. Zinnecker. tf.
The experiences and instructions of
the first seven years of every person's
existence do more to mould and deter
mine the ceneral character than nil
subsequent training. Horace Mann.
Mrs. J. N. Kilian starts this, Tues
day, evening, for San Francisco, to meet
Major Kilian and the returning soldiers
of Co. K. During Mrs. Kilian'a absence
the children will visit relatives in Blair,
All the old wells at the waterworks
have been discarded, the three new ones,
with long points reaching down into
the stratum of gravel, and tubes six
inches in diameter furnishing water in
great abundance for all the needs of the
Workmen are still engaged in re
pairs on the Union Pacific passenger
depot. Until we saw the new slate on
the roof we had no notion of the defects.
As the roof is completed, a coating of
black paint is being put on. It is
claimed that extremes of heat and cold
have a very injurious effect on slate
not only effectually expels worms, but is
unequaled as a tonic, and is a certain
and permanent cure for Chills and Fever
in children. Price 25 cents. Dr. A.
Heintz and Pollock & Co.
Emil Pohl is in the insurance busi
ness, and all reports to the contrary
that have been circulated are untrue.
He represents the Continental, North
British, Gerrnania of New York and
other reliable companies. 2t
I admonish you not to be turned
from your stern purpose of defending
our beloved country and its free insti
tutions, by any arguments urged by
ambitious and designing men, but stand
fast to the Union and the old flag.
John Staats, a deaf mute, was
drowned Sunday in the Platte river
near Cedar Bluffs, while in swimming.
He was an excellent swimmer, and it is
supposed that be was stricken with
cramps and went down in about fifteen
feet of water. He leaves a wife and two
There are a number of side-walks in
Columbus that could be easier repaired
now than later on. There are some
alloys that could be benefited by clean
ing out the rubbish, and there are some
weeds that have grown tall and ugly
which might be mowed down.
D. C. Kavanaugh was taken Satur
day to Milwaukee to receive medical
treatment. His mother Mrs. Kava
naugh, of Milwaukee and Thomas
Gentleman accompanied him. Mr.
Kavanangh's many friends hope for the
immediate recovery of his usual health.
Good judges are taking
advantage of the great
embroidery sale at E.
D. Pitzpatrick's. Follow
the crowd.
The Omaha Sunday Illustrated Bee
has three half-tone pictures illustrating
an account of the U. P. pioneer picnic
held in this city the 15th. One is of the
engine and train ps they were decorated,
another of the park and the third is .of
Mr. Lillie, president of the association
and Mayor Fitzpatrick with some of the
city council and picnicers.
Those who live on farms are liable
to many accidental cuts, burns and
bruises, which heal rapidly when BAL
ly applied. Price 25 and 50 cts. Dr.
A. Heintz and Pollock & Co.
Last Friday was the 38th anniver
sary of the battle of Bull Run, where
the Union loss was 481 killed, and 1,011
wounded; the Confederate 2C9 killed
and 1,438 wounded. The battle occurred
on a Sunday. Patrick Farley, one of
our veteran citizens was in the fight, and
says the Union army reached Arlington
Heights, in their retreat Monday at 10
o'clock traveling all night.
Hall county republicans held a con
vention Saturday afternoon, nominating
a full county ticket. Supreme Judge
T. O. C. Harrison, George H. Thnmmel,
George Rouse and W. A. Prince were
selected as delegates at large and Judge
Harrison was authorized to select the
remainder of the delegation to the ju
dicial convention. Is the weather too
warm for politics in Platte county?
George E. Freeman is visiting his
uncle John S. Freeman. He has been
in the naval service of the United States
the past fifteen years, in the far east, in
South America, one year at Key West,
and during the war with Spain, he
served on the battleship Massachusetts
in the blockade of Santiago; saw Ilobson
taking the Merrimac into the fight.
He likes life on the wave and says it is
Muslin Underwear,
the best made, cheaper
than cheap goods at
other stores. 12 and
15c ginghams 7, 8 and
10c, at Pitz's. Follow
the crowd.
Willie, the little son of Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Kmse, living just west of Tanna
hill's, drank somo fiy poison that was
within his reach, Sunday abont 11
o'clock, and after several hours of terri
ble suffering, died at 11 o'clock Sunday
night. The mother was in the garden
at the time the child drank the poison.
A doctor was called immediately but
the child could not be saved. He was
1 year and 9 months old.
Thursday last on a change of venue
from Justice Fuller, The Village of
Platte Center for services in the small
pox cases about a year ago was tried
before Justice Hudson; finding in favor
of plaintiff 845. He had sued for 8100.
Notice was given of appeal. Some sin
gular things, we understand, developed
in the trial. There was no record of an
appropriation ordinance, because none
had been passed.
Two men of St. Edward were the
other day arrested and tried for unlaw
fully selling intoxicating liquors and
bound over to the district court, each in
the sum of 8300. They set up a plea,
says the Albion Argus, that they were
simply members of a club and as such
did not come nnder the statute. They
claimed for the clnb a membership of
forty. I. L. Albert of this city was one
of the attorneys for the defense.
The number of deaths from lock-jaw
in and about New York city alone since
July 4, has been twenty-four. The doc
tors generally believe that the disease is
due to toy pistols used, but whether
from the wadding blown into the wound,
or from the dirt on the hand at the
time of the accident, or some other par
ticular, they are not agreed. Doctors
differ, but intelligent men the country
over, are of the opinion that the toy
pistol should be made to go out of busi
ness. Fred Drake and Hugh Bender came
very near having a fatal wreck while
riding a tandem Saturday evening.
They were spinning along Fourth street
near Mr. Burt's when the front wheel
jumped out of the fork. Fred was so
badly hurt that from 5 o'clock until 9
Sunday morning is a blank to him.
Hugh got off 6ome better with only a
thumb knocked out of joint. We con
gratulate the boys that, bad as it is,
they got off without being any worse
hurt. Albion Argus.
When you wish good, neat, clean
handsome work done in the line of
printing, call at Tax Joubital ofilc.
Special rate to Pittsburg, Pa., for
Biennial convention Young People's
Christian Union, united Presbyterian
church of North America, August 27,
1899. One fare plus two dollars for the
round trip. Dates of sale, July 31 and
August 1st, final return limit leaving
Pittsburg August 31. For further in
formation call at Union Pacific passen
ger depot W. H. Benham, Agent 4t
A Union Sunday school picnic will
be held this Wednesnay in the grove
near the Loup river, west of the wagon
bridge, the Baptist, Congregational,
Methodist and Presbyterian schools
combining. A lengthy and novel pro
gram of sports has been arranged from
a ball game down to guessing how many
kernels of corn in a jar. A grand time
is anticipated by the young people, and
older heads are becoming more interest
ed as the day draws nearer.
In another place in today's Journal
will be found an advertisement asking
for bids for the erection of the soldiers'
monument in this city. You can see by
the specifications set forth, something
of what the structure is to be in size and
shape. One of the stones will weigh
13,500 pounds. The monument will be
an enduring reminder of the labors in
this community of Baker post No. 9, un
der the leadership of Commander Galley,
not forgetting the fact that nearly all
the present membership have for years
kept the organization together, to get
ready for some such work as this.
Pat Maboney was drowned Sunday
evening while bathing in the Platte at
North Bend. A man named MoDermott
was drowned within ten feet of the
place just a year ago. Near the place
Sunday morning William Kruger was
teaching his three sons bow to swim.
He had given the first lesson to the two
older boys and had turned to tho young
est, who was still on the bank. A mo
ment later a scream from the two called
him to their rescue; they had been
drawn into tho main current and were
sinkiug. When he jumped to their aid
the smallest boy followed him, but he
succeeded in getting all the boys out.
Friday evening about 9:30 two well
dressed men played a trick at Mrs.
Phenney's place on Eleventh street,
such as are becoming all too common.
When they entered, one of them called
for five cents worth of candy and it was
given him by the young lady, Mrs.
Phenney's daughter. They seemed hon
estly to have no money but a 81, and a
85 bill, but in the deal worked the 81
off for a 85, getting 84.95 in change in
stead of 95 cents, the young lady not
noticing the steal until after they were
gone. A tap on the bell called the po
lice, who brought in one suspect, but
the ladies said he was not the man
The wedding of Miss Anna Schoetag
and H. H. Wm. Myers, took place at the
home of the bride the 19th. Miss Schos
tag is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
E. Schoetag, who came here about a year
ago, where Mr. Schostag went into the
cigar business, only relatives and a
few intimate friends of the contracting
parties being present to witness the un
ion. During her short stay in Colum
bus, Miss Anna won a number of friends,
who wish her much joy and happiness.
About 9:30 the Columbus Cornet Band
stole quietly up and rendered a few
choice selections which were very much
appreciated. After a liberal donation
by the groom, the boys bade the newly
married couple adieu. Mr. and Mrs. M.,
left Friday for Goehner, where they
will at once begin housekeeping. The
Joubxal joins their many friends in
extending congratulations and wishing
them an abundance of prosperity and
John Dolinski, one of the city's con
tractors for sprinkler work outside the
business street limits, met with an al
most fatal casually Saturday evening.
Just quitting work for the day, he was
about to put the sprinkler into the city
store house near the stand-pipe. He
bad got down off the sprinkler, and
Engineer Burrell and wife who were
watching him were surprised to see him
get upon the wagon, and before John
could get to him, the team started up,
and he got there just in time to catch
the man as ho fell down off the seat of
the sprinkler. The man had seen that
the top of the door was not high enough
for him to escape injury, and "ducked"
his head down, but was caught on the
shoulders below the neck, doubling him
down and causing severe pain. He
groaned and said: "My back's broke, I
heard tho bones crack," but he was
conscious through it all. Drs. Martyn
and Geer arrived on the scene in fifteen
minutes, and Mr. Dolinski rode to his
home with Dr. Geer. The casualty oc
cured at 6:30 p. m. Monday at this
writing he is reported as resting easy.
He is about 55 years old.
Cities can learn of other cities how
to manage, and the following from the
Omaha Bee contains a suggestion valu
able to every city that may adopt and
enforce such an ordinance: "Mayor
Moores has signed the ordinance au
thorizing the location of iron waste
paper boxes on the street corners and
governing their use, and as the council
has already awarded a contract for the
placing and maintenance of the same,
they are expected to appear soon. The
ordinance declares it unlawful to scatter
on the street any waste paper or fruit
peelings and compels pedestrians to de
posit such matter in the receptacles
provided for the purpose. It is unlaw
ful to put in the boxes any sweepings,
ashes, garbage or other like heavy or
bulky matter. Under the contract, the
city will not be at any expense to put in
or maintain the boxes, but on the con
trary will derive a revenue from them,
the contractors paying 12 per cent of
the gross receipts from the advertising
on the boxes to the city."
The Pint Vebnuka.
The regiment is due at San Francisco
July 28.
General Barry passed through the
city Friday. He says that the soldiers
will be mustered out, after an examina
tion as to their physical condition, of
which an official record is made; making
up and auditing accounts. The officers
of the regiment will continue to hold a
sort of financial connection with the
army until their accounting of all prop
erties balance with that of the army is
Congressman Stark goes with Gen.
Barry as Governor Poynter's accredited
representative, to be able to get speedy
action in any emergency.
e rv
t vttstmu MefttitH. S
D. D. Lynch of Lincoln was in the
city Monday.
Grace Woods is visiting relatives in
Cedar Rapids.
A. J. McKelvey of St Edward was in
the city Monday.
Miss Alice Luth went to Schuyler
Monday to visit friends.
Mike Savage came up from Valley
Saturday, returning Sunday evening.
Chester Clark of Omaha is visiting
with his relatives, the Turner families.
Mrs. J. D. Brewer attended the
spiritualist camp-meeting in Lincoln
last week.
Miss Lola Davis of St Edward was in
the city over Sunday visiting Miss Ab
bie Cross.
Barney Hasemann of Kalamazoo was
in the city Wednesday on business with
E. H. Jenkins.
MissBaker of Custer, S. Da., is mak
ing an extended visit to her sister, Mrs.
J. E. Erskine.
Mrs. George Spear and daughter
Grace of Norfolk came down Friday to
visit Mrs. George Lehman.
Mrs. Pearsall leaves this Tuesday even
ing for San Francisco to meet her son
Earl, one of the returning soldiers.
Misses Alice Considine, Mamie Hayes
and Lottie Perkinson of Platte Center
were Columbus visitors Sunday.
Misses Rosea Wiggins, Anna Becker
and Bessie Sheldon go to Schuyler to
morrow to spend a week with Mrs. A. C.
Mrs. George McKelvey and daughter
Marguerite went to St. Edward Satur
day. Hazel McKelvey went to Fuller
ton to visit friends.
William Lundy, who has been absent
from Columbus a number of years, so
journing in Missouri, returned to the
city last Wednesday.
Mrs. L. W. Tubbs of Emerson Iowa,
and Mrs. H. H. Woodrow of Malvern,
Iowa, are visiting with their sister, Mrs.
H. P. Coolidge of this city.
Mrs. Wm. Phillips and Miss Edna
Hyatt of Lincoln are visiting the Turner
family. Miss Hyatt is Prof. Bessy's as
sistant in the State University as scien
tific artist.
Mrs. J. Keating and family, of Colum
bus, wife of the general baggage agent,
who have been visiting Wm. Sullivan
and family the past week, returned home
Friday. Albion Argus.
Mrs. Don Benson, who hat recently
been appointed overseer of the dining
room in the home for feeble minded at
Beatrice, writes to friends here that she
is much pleased with her work.
Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Meedel took a
Saturday train for Hyannis, Grant
county, to visit Edwin G. Martz, son of
Mrs. Meedel by her first husband. They
expect to be gone some two weeks.
R. E. Wiley came in from California
Monday, expecting to stay till cold
weather. We learn that he thinks Cali
fornia a good place for health, but a
poor place for a poor man to make a
Miss Edna Hyatt Mrs. Wm. Phillips
of Lincoln and Mrs. F. W. Herrick, Miss
Martha and Rena Turner spent a few
days last week in the country home of
Mrs. Prof. Williams. Mr. Herrick went
up Saturday to accompany them home.
Con Keating was taking a few days
lay-off from his work at Ragatz'a store
at Columbus and dropped np here Wed
nesday to see our town and some of the
inhabitants thereof The erection of
the new Catholic church is progressing
rapidly and Father Jerome informs us
that the corner stone will be laid Wed
nesday, August 9th. The event will be
commemorated by impressive ceremon
ies and a grand dinner for the benefit of
the church. Platte Center Signal.
Nebraska farmers to the number of
a hundred or more visited the State uni
versity farm Tuesday of last week. The
plats of ground of one-tenth acre each
sown to various methods of cultivation
were of interest. One hnndred and
sixty-two varieties of grass havo been
tested; 141 varieties of winter wheat,
etc. Seed obtained from successful ex
periments is sent, free of charge, to citi
zens of Nebraska. Twelve horses are
kept on the farm for the sole purpose of
supplying hog cholera serum; 3,045
packages of infected chinch bugs have
been sent out from the department of
entomology. Chicken cholera vaccine
was sent to nine counties. A way to
inoculate prairie dogs and gophers and
thus get rid of them was shown to be
practical; in hog cholera cases 80 per
cent of the cases treated were saved. A
large amount of vaccine for blackleg is
sent out 92 per cent of the cases being
saved. The dairy school interested all,
and a sample cheese made by the stu
dents of the school was of such superior
quality that none was left at the close of
the day. Irrigating by use of the wind
mill and reservoir is shown. The farm
itself consists of 320 acres. The expense
of the experiment station proper, in
cluding all the work in animal patholo
gy, is borne by the United States gov
ernment . The state furnishes tho land
and buildings for the school of agricul
ture, besides providing for n great deal
of the instruction. The completeness of
the work has only been made possible
by reason of the funds obtained from
the federal government The Joubnal
wishes to add to the above items, taken
from a lengthy write-up in the Lincoln
Journal of the 19th, that such visits of
Nebraska farmers, their wires, sons and
daughters, will go far to encourage good
management at the State farm, and, as a
result, untold benefit to the state at
'Their Hoae-eomiug-There
was a large meeting of citizens
Monday evening at Council hall, one of
the best of the kind ever held in the
Mayor Fitzpatrick was selected chair
man and William Becker, secretary.
Views of different ones as to how the
soldiers of the First Nebraska should be
received, resulted in something like the
following for the informal reception the
hour of arrival:
Everybody turn out at the blowing of
the whistles and the playing of the band.
An escort to Frankfort park, with
such hearty but informal greeting as
may be suggested by the occasion.
Later along on an appointed day.
after consultation with the returned
heroes, a more formal demonstration
of regard somewhat after the style of
Columbus Day, for which a committee of
ten was appointed. This committee
consists of Mayor Fitzpatrick, J. E.
North, Carl Kramer, Bert Galley, C. C.
Gray. J. D. Palis, L Gluck, O. L. Baker.
J M. Wbitmoyer and J. H. Johannes.
The enormous business done by us keeps our
goods moving so rapidly that nothing becomes
stale. Everything is fresh. We pay spot cash for
every bill of goods that comes into our store, that
is why we are enabled to distance all competitors
in quality and price.
The same courteous treatment accorded to
all. We solicit your patronage and will strive to
please you. (g) (D
Eleventh Street,
Dealers In
The new store desires your trade, and hence invites
you to call, examine goods and prices, and, if you are not
already so, become customers for all or at least a portion
of the gootls you buy. We know that we can save you
money, and we wish your custom
r Don't forget our
different lines, men
E tioned above bar
z gains in all of them.
!- JOrWe Haudle
Cor. 11 St., -
The coolest and cleanest place In town.
thing to be found in a first-class Confec
tionery establishment. ....
it PS-A.
wishio? to spend a few days io the country. Inquire of
Colaabu Feamdrj. l
Last Saturday Mr. A. W. Armstrong
made the first run at his new Iron and
Brass Foundry on West Tenth street,
this city, and everything is in good
shape. He is now prepared to cast
anything wanted in the trade, and will
guarantee satisfaction in every particu
lar. If in need of anything, call on or
write. Will cast once a week, tf
A union S. S. picnic will be held in
the grove west and nofthofthe Loup
wagon bridge July 26.
Tweaty-lie years f experi
ence in the business has taught us
what to buy. We are constantly on
the lookout for bargains. The fcest
products of the country are to
be found in our store. Among them
the celebrated caaaefl goods of
Curtice Bros. We are sole agents
for Chase & SaNhora's lae Teas
aad Coffees
Ni. 26..
Columbus, Nebraska.
Country Produce.
Columnis, Nebr.
Candies, Cigars,
Tobacco, Station
ery, Fire Works,
and Cool Drinks.
All Summer goods
are going fest at Fitz's.
12 and 15c Percales 7,
5 and 6c; Calico 3 and
4c; 25c Organdies 10 to
12c. Follow the crowd.
Bring your orders for job-work to
this office. Satisfaction gnaranteed, and
work promptly doM, aa agreed apon.
.- .