The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, June 28, 1899, Image 4

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Brffer Be Wise
1 Wise people are also rich vthen they
know a perfect remedy for all annoying
&seases of the blood, kidneys, Uver and
bowels. is Hood's SarsaparkTa, 'which
is perfect in its actionso regelates the
entire system as to bring vigorous health.
The interesting fact is revealed that
our paper money doesn't serve In the
Philippines. It is "demonetized"
there, not by business conditions, but
by the native ants, that eat it up.
Against such opposition the effort
which has been made to introduce our
currency in the -way of paying the sol
diers must perforce be abandoned.
Nothing but gold and silver coin can
be sent there.
Mr. WlnnlowM Sootblur Syrap.
Iter children teething, aoena the tarn, redncei W
Bammatloa.allaripaln,curea wladcollc 2jcdow
Torn carpets are always ready to
trip the light fantastic toe.
For Easy Ironing
use " Fanltless Starch." No sticking, blis
tering or breaking. It leaves a beaatifnl
finiab and does not injure the most delicate
fabrics. All grocers sell it, 10c a package.
No man who has never been tempted
Is sure of his honesty.
Ex-Postmaster General John Wana
roaker is a sick man. He has been
confined to his bed for two weeks with
carbuncles on the neck.He can scarce
ly move, and while the physicians do
not expect fatal results, they say that
the condition of the patient is such as
to cause much worry to his family.
Even with the most favorable outcome
Mr. Wannamaker will not be able to
attend to business for four or five
C. A. Dewey, a KenoBha (Wis.)
hardware merchant, recently ordered
a ladder from a Chicago house, and
after waiting a reasonable length of
time he wrote to inquire why he had
not received it He was informed that
the ladder had been shipped by mis
take to Admiral Dewey, at Manila. A
tracer was sent after It and it was
overtaken at Is was about to be placed
on board a steamer at San Francisco-
Poor clothes cannot make
you look old. Even pal
cheeks won't do it.
Your household cares may
be heavy and disappoint
ments may be deep, but
they cannot make you look
One thing does it and
never fails, Muna
lfl It Is imoossible to look
BBBl ". ""
young .with the color of
seventy years in your hair.
permanently postpones the
tell-tale signs of age. Used
according to directions it
gradually brings back the
color of youth. At fifty your
hair may look as it did at
fifteen. It thickens the hair
also; stops it from falling
out; and cleanses the scalp
from dandruff. Shall we
send you our book on the
Hair and its Diseases?
It you do not obtain all the nene
flu tou expected from the we of
the vigor, write the doctor aooot It.
'Nothing but wheat; what you might
call a sea of wheat." Is what was said
by a lecturer speaking of Western Can
ada. For particulars as to routes, rail
way fares, etc., apply to Superintendent
of Immigration. Department Interior. Ot
tawa. Canada, or to W. V. Bennett. SOI
New York Life Building. Omaha. Neb.
Those peace destroyers, the
household Flies.
Mcltt r's Fly Kilter
not only kills the parent fly. but
prevents reproduction. A bheet
will kill a quart.
Ask your Druggist or Grocer.
FttUX KTClllDlU6CQ.Lllkw4Tl
Vt Hi fur uuuatural
dischargea. inflammations,
irritation or ulceration!
of mucosa membrane.
rainless, and not astrin
, grnt or poisonous.
or ami in plain wrapjvr,
'" Prepaid, for
1 .n. or 3 twf tlea. 2.73.
Circular ernt on reqaest
WANTED. Flyers. Ship to
O. W. Ickea Co . Commis
sion Merchants. 1M7 Howard
su. Omaha. Neb. All klnda
of Produce sold at best mar
ket price. Returns dally.
BrtYitf Putin
Write CART. O'FARRELL. Praalaa Agvat.
MJftewYorkAvoaew. W AStUNOTON. D. C.
CMUKSraalih sad CItU 'Wats, Sol
EHSSSH? diers. Sailors. WWows.Chlldren,
Fathers and Mothers. No fee unless success.
faL B. . nmi CO., atiararra, Wnaliatn. . C
mi in full Prosecute viaim.
I Slndril war, 15a4iodicatuicc!aiau.attj aJnce.
rrobaoiy there 11 tone mmemm am
with yonr general antem whlca MP
but be eattlr rctnoTM. Adtreaf, MS
ik. j. c. Aver. Lowell. Mast. V
jf Sccmwk I
r Xl4a,l
LmJ Oaanatnt U
fCUJHBMt mun.
fcjggrwaaai ww.
V V c.a.A.yr r
afl BJBS wwHfc Ml HK Mas, aaa
Biwfiiai Ifiaa. Taflnnt 1MSB
OSwS oMy aawlaia, --JL
wBT bbbIbIbB AwBH BWwSBBrwwBr B bLbbbWV CSbbw
viLc -y BMBBWHflwSBV bbVbH7 iTib 1 .BBBam JBfafaV
'aJwsbbbI kwKrSmlKtlmmmllll KdflTJ jliMnt wrr KKkA
'bLbBbH ill BbH MMmMMMKltZt, BfwMwBWaBBK
fKlllvM Wk'Ut i$W JmV KlalBBaBSalLBr ' "VWr Wj43k mmmtkm vSlrY
Perhaps the morning never dawned
on a sadder scene than on July 4th.
'63, when over the blood-sodden field
of Gettysburg the light began to break.
Could all the history of the wounded
and dead have been written never be
fore had been such a chronicle of ro
mance and tragedy, but it was not;
only now and then a leaf, as It were,
has been written and preserved this
one by an army nurse.
My hands and skirts were dabbed in
blood; my heart was faint within me.
For long hours I had fasted and work
ed; Into my ears had been poured the
most tender of last messages; the most
heart-breaking tales.
"Ton ought to rest a little," said the
rough but kindly voice of an old sur
geon; "only. If you can stand up a
minute longer there Is a case over
here I want you to see. In silence I
followed him to a small church build
ing that had been turned into an hos
pital. Every pew was a bed of pain;
blood dripped from between the altar
rails; even the aisles were partially
blocked with the wrecks of humanity.
It is in a scene like this that one ap
preciates the "other side" of war.
The surgeon led me straight to the
singer's stand and pointed to a young
man In shoulder straps, whose blonde
curls were matted and whose beautiful
blue eyes, beautiful even in their pain,
roved restlessly over the walls aud
celling. He was lying flat on his back
with only a prayer book for a pillow.
I saw at a glance that an arm was
gone. The fingers of the other hand
worked nervously.
"I can't make out whether he Is In
his right mind or not," the surgeon
said in an undertone. "Maybe you caa
I kneeled and laid my hand on his
brow. He seemed not to have noticed
me before. Now he turned a 6tart:ed,
wondering gaze on me. His lips moved,
but at first I could not catch the
words. By and by I made out:
"I want Dollle. Please bring Dollie
here." Again: "I will give all I have
to the one who will bring me Dollie."
Who is Dollie?" I asked, gently,
still smoothing his forehead.
He looked up with almost a smile in
his eyes, and asked naively:
"Don't you know Dollle?"
"I am afraid I don't," I said, and I
smiled a little, too.
"Dollle is my sweetheart," he an
swered a moment later. His face was
very grave now. "And, oh, how she
cried when I came away! Poor Dol
lle!" A few moments I busied myself In
trying to make him more comfortable;
then he broke out again:
"It only I could see her just a few
minutes It would be heaven on earth.
Maybe she would come if she knew I
am sick. I am sick, ain't I?"
"What ails me? I feel so queer and
sore all over and "
"There!" he suddenly Interrupted
himself "If you look quick you will
see Dollle's head up there when the
light shines on that lamp. Look!
Why, how natural her curls, and she
smiles at me out of the corners of her
eyes a trick of hers. Dear Dollie!
She's gone now. I dreamed of her last
night; dreamed that her arms were
about my neck and that she was kiss
ing me and calling me her soldier
'Was she willing for you to go to
war?" I asked. Like the doctor, I was
not sure of his mental condition.
"Tea, willing in a way. She felt
that it was right for me to go, and
right Is law with Dollie."
I went away then, but an hour later,
having bribed a good woman over tho
way to let me have a pillow her last
one I returned to his side. It seemed
to me that he had failed during my
absence and the troubled look in his
eyes was Intensified.
When I had put the pillow under his
head and bathed his face, he said,
"How very kind you are! Your
touch 'minds me of mother's."
Then I knew he was watching me.
but he did not speak for a long time,
and'when he did it was not to me:
"Father In heaven, let me see Dollie
oace more; please send her to me."
I could not stand either the words
or the pathos in the voice. I must
help answer that prayer if possible.
By and by I said:
"Could you tell me where to send for
Dollle? Maybe she would come to you
If It Is not too far, and I should tell
her how much you need her."
It was a hazardous thing to say. We
did not often dare make such sugges
tions, for, of course, few comparative
ly, could come, and it did not do to
raise false hopes. However, I felt
confident that he could not live many
hours, and his pleadings touched me
Inexpressibly, even amid the scene
and sights surrounding.
At the question he flashed me such
a look.
"Will you?"
That was all, but oh, the intensity of
It! "Write to S. B. SterlIng.SterlIng'8
Corners, Pennsylvania."
I was not In the least doubt of his
sanity at the moment, but before I
could trace the words in my notebook,
his gaze was once more on the cell
ing, and he was babbling of mother
and Dollle.
Reluctantly I brought myself to
search his pockets, finding, strange to
say, only a notebook with the name in
gilt letters on the cover: "Donald
My letter was brief, only this:
"Donald Dee Is dangerously wounded
and calls ceaselessly for Dollle."
It was a memorable Fourth of July,
one never to be forgotten by the poor
fellows suffering through the hot. In
terminable hours, or the busy surgeons
and nurses, who never paused in their
work of moistening hot lips, bathing
throbbing brows, washing out gaping
wounds,recelving last messages, "writ
ing letters home;" in short, doing what
they could when everything was to
As soon as possible we had the
young captain removed to more com
fortable quarters. His wounds were
doing fairly well, but the surgeon said
tho shock had been too much for his
nervous system; he might or might not
live. "Everything, I should say, de
pends upon the nursing," he added,
looking meaningly at me.
"I will do my best for him till Dol-
lie comes," I made answer, but my
heart misgave me; I did not think she
would come, and If she did well, the
future was veiled, as futures are apt to
Day by day he wasted away. Al
though I prepared him fairly decent
messes be scarcely ate at all; and
though a real bedstead had been loan
ed him, with a real though somewhat
dilapidated straw mattress on it, he
seldom slept. Without being moody,
be was not talkative. He seemed to
be silently consumed by some Inward
"He Is dying to see his sweetheart
poor boy!" was what the surgeon said,
and what we all thought.
It was the evening of the fourth day
after I had sent my message to Sterling
Corners. Sitting by his couch, fanning
him it was Intensely hot I was
startled to hear him say in a hurried
"You don't think she will get here In
To give myself time to frame an an
swer, I feigned not to understand.
"I am afraid I will not hold out till
Dollie gets here. I dreamed this after
noon that her mother was here by the
bed. and she said, You won't have to
wait much longer, Donald.' Her
mother is dead, you know, and I think
it means that I am soon to go."
Assuming a hopefulness that I was
far from feeling I answered: "I do not
so interpret your dream. I take it
that you will not have long to lie here
and wait before Dollie comes."
He caught hopefully at the. sugges
tion and seemed much better all night
Early the next morning I went to see
a poor boy whose end was unmistak
ably near and who called me "mother."
I was detained some time and as my
return to my headquarters necessitated,
my passing where Capt Dee was quar
tered. I thought to serve him his
breakfast and then take an hour or
two of rest
The surgeon met me, saying: "Dollie
has come and is waiting out there in
the kitchen. See her and then break
the news to him. He is very weak
this morning."
My heart beat fast; at last I would
see Dollie with her arm3 about her
lover's neck. I could imagine just
the way he would look at her; he said
so much with his eyes.
I paused on the threshold of the
kitchen; she was not there no one
but the cook, a strange man and a lit
tle child were in the room. Dollle
must have grown impatient and sought
him out; the shock might kill him.
Hurriedly I turned away, but as I
did so the child sprang forward and
caught my hand, exclaiming vehement
ly: "Dollie wants her papa!"
In soy surprise I Jerked my hand
away and fairly staggered backwards,
"You Dolller
It was all I coald say.
"Of course I'm Dollle, she answered
la an Injured tone, adding plteoasly:
"I want my papa, and he wants me."
The stranger, an elderly gentleman,
now Interposed by hand!ng me my
own letter and saying:
"I am 8. B. Sterling, Donald Dee's
stepfather, and this Is little Dollle, his
"Certainly yes, I see," I stammered,
and I did, though as yet dimly; It was
so entirely different from what I had
And then I went to Capt Dee. He
seemed restless and feverish, and I
gave myself time by wetting a cloth
and placing It on his head.
By and by I said:
"If Dollle should come today, could
you bear the Joy of It?"
"I'd like to try the experiment. and
a ghost of a smile flitted over his
wan features. "Joy is not as apt to
be fatal as either hope deferred or
rebel bullets, and X know something
of both of these."
Then I said:
"Well, she Is here."
I can no more describe the unutter
able look of gladness that lighted his
face than I can describe the rapture o!
the blest
"Thank God and you!
A few moments later Dollle was
covering his face and hands with kisses
and he was hugging her with his one
arm and calling her "sweetheart" ovei
and over again.
For the time the grandfather and I
stood apart and let them enjoy them
selves, the former telling 'me mean
while of the unusual affection exist
ing between them, of how the young
wife had died while Dollie was a babe
and of the almost constant prayer of
the child for her father's safety since
he entered the army.
She was a lovely child, with hei
father's blonde curls and fine blue
Donald Dee did not die, and a few
days later he was .taken home to the
mother love and care awaiting him
I am now grandmother to Dollle's
children, for you must know Donald
and I celebrated our next Fourth In a
far more pleasing manner than the one
a year before, and Dollle has long been
my sweetheart as well as his.
It fa at the Temple, Ifet on the Cheek
An affectation of the moment t
feminine affectation, of course is c
dash of powder on the hair Just abovt
one temple. The pompadour style ol
coiffure offers a particularly good field
for exploit, and there is no doubt thai
it has a chic effect all of Its own. Verj
young women are most given to it
The middle-aged, whose locks are al
ready whitening at the temples, have
little use for it, though as a matter ol
diplomacy they now and then turn II
to account The dash of powder, sc
patently artificial, distracts attention
from the naturally silver threads. Bui
it is the young that delight in it, jusl
as they delight in all-black costume!
and matronly millinery and other staid
and sober things that hint of age and
dignity, and which they will be only
too glad to forswear so soon as the;
have reached a staid and sober age.
The fashion of all-over powdered hair,
by the way, is decidedly Imminent
There are rumors that it will be the
accepted thing for full dress next sea
son. And, meanwhile, as a shadow ol
that coming event we have the fash
ion of powdering a fractional bit ol
the hair.
Perhaps there is not so much dan
ger from the intrusions of burglars in
this country as there is abroad and
that may be the. reason why there are
not here such wonderful vaults built
for the safekeeping of valuables. The
most remarkable strong room Is that
in which the valuables of the Bank ol
England are stored. It is one of the
largest in the world. The foundation,
sixty-six feet below the street level, Is
a bed of concrete twenty feet thick.
Above this is a lake seven feet deep,
and above that thick plates of iron,
specially manufactured to resist both
skill and force, says the New York
Telegraph. Anyone attempting an en
trance from above would find a simi
lar bed of concrete, a similar lake and
similar plates of iron. The walls are
impenetrable, while the doors are one
foot thick, weigh four tons each an'
are made absolutely undrillable.
Mr. W. W. Astor's valuables are
stored in the office of the Pall Mall
Gazette in one of the most remarkable
strong rooms ever erected. It is steel
throughout and covered with half an
inch of solid concrete. The door, also
of solid steel, weighs over two tons
and has the most remarkable lock
which ingenuity of Chubb has ever
constructed. The whole cost a fabu
lous sum, but this is not surprising
when we are told that Mr. Astor locks
up about $40,000,000 worth of valuables
and money in this room.
.The Imperial Ottoman bank, Con
stantinople, had a marvelous steel fort
built for it some years ago. It is bulk
upon a waterbearing rock and on the
top of the rock foundation is a four
foot bed of concrete. The height Is
over thirty-six fezt, length forty-six
feet and width twenty-four feet The
steel walls are surrounded by masonry
and concrete six feet thick throughout
while the whole comprises nearly thir
ty tons of steel.
A Certain Awdlter.
"Why does Mis3 S. address all her
verses to the moon?" "Well, I suppose'
it Is because the man up there. Is the
only one who can't run away."
What some public speakers need lb
better terminal facilities.
f Mmm la Asstfala.
A letter to Bradstreet 'a from MeJ
ourme, Australia, says:
The terrible drought that during tat
last ire yean has devastated the oca-;
tral and western portions of South
Wales Is not yet broken. The) losses
are appalling, the number of sheep la
the colony having fallen within the
last seven years from about 62.000.t0t
to about 40.000.000. the natural In
crease also being lost It will require
several good years In succession to re
pair the damage. The districts prin
cipally affected have almost literally
become a desert, large masses of sand
shifting from point to point according
to the prevailing wind. Boundaries
are in many cases obliterated; dams
and tanks, constructed at great ex
pense, are choked up and frequently
burled. The sheep and the rabbits. In
their last extremity, have eaten the
roots of nearly all the natural vegeta
tion. Doubtless the climatic Influences
will once more become favorable and
for a few years resettlement will pro
ceed. But the truth Is forcing Itself
upon the Judgment of capitalists In
terested In squatting, that the climate
of the central districts of Australia is
too precarious to Justify outlay, and a
great extent of country Is likely to be
abandoned. But the wide coastal dls
tricts of the continent of Australia
will, as they are Improved, more than
make amends for the recession from
an arM mnnirr that affords no en
couragement for permanent settlement
Notwithstanding the losses of sheep In
New South Wales, the total of the
Australasian flocks shows a slight In
crease as compared with ten years ago.
At the close of 1888 the total was esti
mated at about 97,000.000, and three
years later at about 124,500,000. It Is
now about 100.00.000.
Owing to the effects of the drought
the aggregate annual wool clip has
fallen off. For the year 1894-95 (from
July 1 to June 30) the total quantity
shipped from the Australasian colonies
was 1,951.800 bales. Last season
(1897-98) the total was 1.718.300 bales,
and It Is estimated that for the current
season, to close June 30 next, the total
will be 1,700.000 bales. A falling off ot
four years In succession, especially in
pure merino sheep, has, however.
gradually relieved the consuming mar
kets, which were somewhat congested
with stock, and prices have been stead
ily rising of late. It Is probable, there
fore, that the net return to the Aus
tralasian sheep farmers this season
will be 2.000.000 to 3.000.000 greater
than last season, so that Increased
value will compensate for diminished
The frozen-meat trade, an adjunct
of the pastoral industry, has been well
maintained, but when the drought is
thoroughly broken the demand for
Sheep for restocking purposes will ad
versely affect the Australian portion
of the frozen-mutton trade for a time,
the New Zealand portion continuing
to progress. The export of frozen beef
from Queensland is likely to Increase,
tho herds numbering between 5,000,000
and 6,000.000 bead of cattle and the
colony containing only about 400,000
Make a Pond. But few farms do not
have a small stream which, if an earth
dam was made, would furnish the
necessary Ice for cooling milk and all
other purposes needed, and would fur
nish sufficient water for stock to carry
over the ordinary summer drouths.
On a small stream, generally dry two
or three months, there are five such
dams within halt a mile, furnishing all
the Ice needed on the farms through
which It runs. Such ponds are ready
for cutting early, there being but lit
tle current All who had such ponds
jlast winter were able to cut over once,
getting In some cases nearly all they
needed, while larger ponds furnished
but little thin Ice. One of the greatest
troubles Is that the bank Is not made
thick enough to withstand the effecU
of frost The banks should be not lesjs
than six or eight feet broad on the
top. and the sooner made and bettei
packed 'by the tramping of the team,
the better for their stability. No stone
work Is advisable, only for the over'
flow, and then to be well banked and
packed. to prevent the water from
oozing through, which is the beginning
of a leak. The Homestead.
Top Grafting to Insure Fruitage.
Often Isolated fruit trees do not bear
for want of proper pollination. Top
grafting It with scions, cut from good,
healthy, bearing trees, will doubtless
bring It Into bearing. Do the work
about the last week in March. Use
common grafting wax, put It In a tin
cup and bang It over a lantern to keep
the wax warm enough to work nicely
and use It freely. We prefer the side
graft; use a good knife and preparo
.sleeps in her ignorance and poverty,
sclon wedge shape. Then make an
tlnclslon on upper side of the limb.
Insert the scion nicely and wax freely.
The scion should be cut with two buds
and top slightly waxed. In June the
limb should be cut above the graft In
your tree. We would Insert from
twenty to thirty grafts next spring and
put In more the following spring. Ex.
Potash, as a constitutent of fertiliz
ers, exists In a number of forms, but
chiefly as cblorld of muriate and as
sulphate. All forms are freely soluble
in water and are believed to be near
ly, if not quite, equally available, but
It has been found that the eWorld's
may injuriously affect the quality of
tobacco, potatoes, and certain other
crops. The chief sources of potash
are the potash salts from Stsssfurt
Germany Kainit, sylvlnlt muriate of
potash, sulphate of soda, and sul
phate of potash and magnesia. Wood
ashes and cotton-hull ashes are also
sources of potash.
Thinning Orchard Fruits. Whethet
or not it pays to thin the fruit of an
orchard, everyone agrees that with s
few trees it is advantageous to thin
an overburdened crop down to a rea
sonable number of choice fruits. Ir
an experiment reported by the depart
ment of agriculture, thinning was
found to increase the total yield ami
to decrease rot The thinning wai
practiced with apples, peaches an4
plums, early thinning giving the most
practical results. It was concluded
that it pays best to -commence work ol
this kind immediately after the fruit
has set
Phosphoric acid, one of the essential
'ertlllzlng ingredients, is derived from
materials called phosphates. It does
not exist alone, but In combination,
most commonly as phosphate of lime
in the form of bones, rock phosphate,
and phosphatlc slag. Phosphoric acid
occurs in fertilizers in three forms
soluble, reverted, and insoluble phos
phoric acid.
The greatest offense you can give
the really hospitable woman is to fail
to eat heartily of the food she sets be
fore you.
Poultry culture Is made up of a chain
of little things; one thing out of place
makes a bad kink In the whole chain.
Remove the milk of every cow at
once to a clean, dry room, where the
air Is pare and sweet.
General Manager Underwood of the
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad has Is
sued an order that holders of trip
passes, desiring to stop off at any sta
tion, will be allowed to do so. Con
ductors will note on the back of passes
the name of the station In Ink or in
delible pencil, and this endorsement
will be honored, for passage by con
ductors of succeeding trains.
V. 8. Fateat Ottew Baaiaeaa.
Applications prepared and prose
cuted by us have, been allowed during
the week as follows:
For an automatic valve for stock
watering fountains. Rev. C. Pelmul
der. Grant City, la., inventor.
For a duplex latch for doors leading
to elevators In mines and buildings
by which it is made impossible to
open the door when the floor of the
elevator cage is not on a level with the
floor from which persons step to enter
the cage. S. Fisher, of Des Moines,
For an ellptlc spring In which each
leaf has chambers at Its center that
overlay each other In such a manner
that they are adapted to be securely
clamped together and kept in place
by means of a yoke made of two parts
fitted thereto and detachably con
nected by means of pin and key. F.
A. Miller, of Marshalltown, Inventor.
Correspondence solicited. Questions
cheerfully answered. Valuable Infor
mation for Inventors In printed mat
ter and advice free.
Registered Solicitors of Patents.
Des Moines, la., June 10, 1899.
B. T. P. V. Klehamead, Ya Jaly 1S-1U.
Via Big Four and Chesapeake A Ohio
Ry's. One fare round trip. Tickets on
sale July 11, 13, 13; good to return until
July 31st Can be extended to August
15th. For full information and de
scription pamphlets address, J. C.
Tucker, G. N. A., 234 Clark St, Chicago.
Selling- Iavectloaa.
All Inventors having Inventions for
sale should write to Sues ft Co., Pat
ent Lawyers, Bee Building. Omaha.
Neb., for their free pamphlet on Pat
ent Property, which sets forth the best
methods of selling patents.
Mental dirt is a
growth of creeds.
necessity for the
Dlaers to Salt "Lake.
A new and pleasing feature in travel
through Utah and Colorado to Califor
nia and the Pacific coast was inaugur
ated on June 1 when the Rio Grande
Western Railway began operating its
new dining car service, serving all
meals on all its through trains. This
new service will rob the transcontinen
tal journey of much of its tedium and
fatigue and will enhance greatly the
popular Rio Grande Western. The new
diners are of the finest ever turned out
by Pullman; the cuisine is perfect; ser
vice being a la carte so that the traveler
may have his coffee and rolls for break
fast or may order from a menu as elabor
ate and complete as the market can
When you lose money and gain wis
dom by it your loss is your gain.
Are Tea Ualaa- Allea'a Fcot-Eaaef
It is the only cure for Swollen,
Smarting. Burning. Sweating Feet
Corns and Bunions. Ask for Allen's
Foot-Ease, a powder to be shaken Into
the shoes. At all Druggists and Shoe
Stores. 25c. Sample sent FREE. Ad
dress. Allen S. Olmsted. LeRoy, N. Y.
Stupid persons are seldom dissatis
fied wth themselves.
The Western Mercantile Co. of Omaha
are selling the best sisal or standard twine
9c, manila 9e, delivered at Omaha. Sat
isfaction guaranteed or money refunded.
Send in your orders before it is too late.
Gossip spends more time getting it
self repeated than history does.
The Baasaaer Bath for Health.
The bath in summer is not only a luxury, but
a necessity for health and beauty. To take It
properly, "till a tub with luke warm water, use
Ivory soap, nib tbe flesh until it glows, rinse In
cool water, and dry on a soft toweL A daily
bath thus taken will keep the system in good
condition during the warm weather
Prudence is a feather plucked froi
the wing of some past folly.
Cat Rates on All Railways P. II. Phllbln
Ticket Broker, 1505 Farnam, Omaha.
$118 buys new upright piano. Schmol
ler ft Mueller, 1313 Farnam St., Omaha.
Bad luck causes a man to take ;
mental inventory of his friends.
Plso's Cure for Consumption is the beet
of all cough cares. George W.-Lotx,
Fabucher, La., August 26, 19&
Bargain sales have parted many a
wife and her husband's money.
Life to a Lay MAtvtI
Lazy. leaden liver caurr nine tenth of all death.
CItb your Hverllfe with Cancarttn Candy Cathartic
and cave your own life! All druggist. luc.23c, 50c.
Use the fewest possible words when
you have anything to say.
Wo Pay SlSa Week and Expenaes
to men with rljra to Introduce our Poultry Compound.
Aadreaawlthatamp, Jatclle Mfg. Co., Parsons, Kan.
In Westminster Abbey 1,173 persons
have been buried.
'7T' rl amV
mm taA B
Wt 1 I iff
fmMPSImmmmWmmmmmammmmmW m9 aV .ai.y
aaMBaaaaaaataMBMaVaw mmmmWmkmmUH m9m A
An Excellent Combination.
The pleasant method and beneficial
effects of the well known remedy.
Syrup of Figs, manufactured by the
CAuroRiriA Fio Strup Co... illustrate
the value of obtaining the liquid laxa
tive principles of plants known to be
medicinally laxative and presenting
them in the form most, refreshing to the
taste and acceptable to the system. It
is the one perfect strengthening laxa
tive, cleansing the system effectually,
dispelling colds, headaches and fevers
gently yet promptly and enabling one
to overcome habitual constipation per
manently. Its perfect freedom from
every objectionable quality and sub
stance, and its acting on the kidneys,
liver and bowels, without weakening
or irritating them, make it the ideal
In the process of manufacturing figs
are used, as they are pleasant to the
taste, but the medicinal qualities of the
remedy are obtained from senna and
other aromatic plants, by a method
known to the California Fio Strup
Co. only. In order to get its beneficial
effects and to avoid imitations, please
remember the full name of the Company
printed on the front of every package.
saw ymajrenco. cax.
rer sale by an OrarSMta-Price 50c per bottle
MEttlavDwa the Price.
In Omaha they can't say those words
without adding "at Haydea Bros."
This big store has made tsat motto
a household word there, and their free
catalogues have carried It to nearly
every state In the union. Every freight
train out of Omaha carries big ship
ments from them to hundreds of cus
tomers. They sell in any quantity,
great or small. Their customers get
the benefit of largest spot cash buying
and greatest assortments. Hayden
Bros, are feeling elated over this sea
son's mail order business and are look
ing forward to visits from thousands
of their customers during the Greater
America Exposition.
When women speak of "innate re
finement," they mean that it comes
natural to some people to put the third
fork and fifth spoon to their correct
"A Geaalae Leader.
A leader Is put forward to attract
one's attention; It is not to make
money with, except Indirectly, as it
may bring those who otherwise would
not come. We have bought a very
large order of fine navy blue serge
that we guarantee to be strictly fast
color. We have made it up Into enough
suits to supply our fourteen retail
stores, a regular $12 or $15 suit, and
we have decided to put this splendid
value before the public for $8 a suit
any size.
Omaha, Neb.
The cheese-mite Is more tenacious
of life than any other Insect
Ow Tear Feat Ache an Baraff
Shake Into your shoes, Allen's Foot
Ease, a powder for the feet It makes
tight or New Shoes feel Easy. Cures
Corns, Bunions, Swollen. Hot and
Sweating Feet. At all Druggists and
Shoe Stores, 25c. Sample sent FREE.
Address Allen S. Olmsted. LeRoy. N. Y.
The Sandwich islanders estimate the
beauty of women by their weight
tVaahlaar Day
Is relieved of much of its drudgery by the
use of "Faultless Starch." Once tried,
always used. Get a package from your
grocer, 10c. Book of Wit and Humor free
with every package.
The largest price ever paid for lace
was ten times its weight in gold.
Coe'a Cos git Balaam
la the oldest and heat. It will break up a cold qnlrker
than anTtblng else. It Is always reliable. Try It.
The land crabs of Cuba run with
great speed, even outstripping a horse.
Hairs Catarrh Care
Is a constitutional cure. Price. 75c
No man who is an enemy of God Is
a friend of society.
Excursion to Detroit rla the Wahaah
For the Y. P. S. C. E. Convention
July 5th to 10th all lines will sell
tickets on July 3rd, 4th and 5th via the
Wabash, the short line from Chi
cago or St Louis to Detroit Side
trips to Niagara Falls, Toronto, Mon
treal, Mackinac and many other pjmts
at a very low rate via Lake or Rail
have been arranged. Parties contem
plating a trip east should call on or
write for rates and fobiers giving list
of side trips, etc., also beautiful souve
nir entitled "Lake and Sea."
Room 302 Karbach BIk..
Omaha, Neb.
Captain Frederick Watkins is still
on the wrecked steamship Paris,
which he commanded and refuses to
leave the vessel. He is stricken with
grief nt the disaster, and among his
friends there is an evident fear that
the mental strain has proved too much
for him.
New York's famous Stewart man
sion, the home of the Manhattan club,
at Fifth avenue and Thirty-fourth
street, opposite the Waldorf, has been
sold for $1,500,000. Rumor has it that
this beautiful piece of architecture
Is to be razed to make way for an
other fashionable Fifth avenue hotel.
Go to your grocer to-day
and get a 15c. package of
It takes the place of cof
fee at the cost.
Made from pure grains it
is nourishing and health
Iualat tail rn nnear grreayoa GRAIW-O.
Accept bo lauuimn.
You say, "Yos, I do." Then send
4. you're Mmm
To this Store to make
lutt. poiat your meetlsc poiat your trading point huvc yottr
wail come ia our care check yoar parcels here make your home here
while at the Exposition. Our object is to make It an object to you to
visit hs. Wc want your friendship and your trade most of you trade
with hs now and wc wrnt the rest of you to trade here. Wc believe wo
can get it if you will come and look at our stock our establishment our
way of doing business.
... Why Ntt SaHJ ftr Otr Catalgie . . .
Colmnbia Bicyclts ftr Wtwen
Lif !es' Berel-Gcir Claiiltss,
1896 Prlco SI25. Reduced ta
These machines areColumbias of the highest grade throughout and bear
the Columbia guarantee. They are not shop-worn wheels carried over from
last year, but are of 1890 manufacture. Compare them part for part with
other bicvcles and you will find good reasons for the admitted superiority
of Columbia quality. The stock of these models is limited.
If there !s no agent In jour locality, write to as direct.
POPE MFG. CO., Hartford, Conn.
from Wfrs. SunUr
to Wfrs. Pinkham.
(umt to ma. muxham wo. 7tet4l
"One year ago last June thrco doe
ton gave me up to die, and as I had at
different times used your Vegetable'
OossBoead with good results, I had too
Bunch faith in it to die until I had tried
It again. I was apparently an invalid,
was eoeflned to my bed for ten weeks.
(I believe ssy trouble was ulceration of
After taking four bottles of tho
Compound and using1 some of the Liver
Pills and Sanative Wash, at the end of
two months I had greatly improved
and Weighed 155 pounds, when I never
before weighed over 138. Lydia-E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is the
best medicine I ever used, and I recom
mend it to all my friends. Mrs. AXXA
Eva Guxtxk, Hiqgissviixb, Mo.
Kajojrs LUe Oace Metre, ,
Dear Mrs. Pinkuam I had been
edek ever since my marriage, seven
years ago; have given birth to four
children, and had two miscarriages. I
bad falling of womb, Icucorrhcca, pains
in back and legs; dyspepsia and a
nervous trembling of tho stomach.
Now I have none of these troubles and
can enjoy my life. Your medicine hat
worked wonders for me." Mus. S?
Baktbabt. New Castle, Pa.
Cures Eczema.
It also cures anything in the nature of
wounds, eruptions, discharges, or lntlam
mation of tho skm or mucous membrane.
Not a soap or ointment but a soothing,
healing lotion, giving immediuto relief
from itching or burning, and insuring a
rapid cure.
Has at wiaaaajHaaa anal other insects,
olaaw Ivy. Mraa, awoHon, and InSlamod
sat, ctiaWna. and other skin disorders
peculiar to the summer season. Instantly
relieved by Germozone. Give Germo
zone ten naya trial. If not found en
tirely satisfactory, return the unused
portion to us and wc will promptly re
fund your money.
Trial size. 10c; large size, 50c postpaid.
8m. N. Loe Ghensca! Co.,
Net., or 08 Murray St., Mew York. i
$4 SHOES for
25 CIS
A rulr.
Hew Styles, Cut and Finish.
Write or call for particular.
1618 Chicago St., Onmliu.
Wa Bare Imitators, but no Competitors.
Send to-day foronrhanilnuiiply mgniel
.18th annlerarr work on patent. FltKIX
Patent Lawyers. Washington, I. C.
Whiskers Dyed
AMatmraiBiackby ,
Buckingham's Dye.
Price SO cents of all ilrtiIits or
R. 1. Hall Co.. Ntaliu.t. N. II.
WANTED Owe of Tal Ticaltn tTiat KM" A-N'K
will not tirni'flt. end reiitit to Ulpan Ctii'inlcul
Co.. New York. for 10 samples and l,ouu tcNtlinoiitaU.
Kaffllefol with
I Tkaapstrs Era Water.
aoro -jea. uae
httnitiOHl (Ouveaoon Baptist
Vug People's Unions
of Amerki.
JULY 13-16, 1899.
One Fare Round Trip
"Big Four."
TIckeM will ho on ! July 11. is am! i:i.
Returning ticket will be- cxl until July
31 at. with a provinu fur rxtciilii to lonvo
Richmond not Inter tlimi AiiKiixt IT., 1HIM,
upon depovlt of ticket with Joint Atfcnt nt
Richmond on or heforo July "M, and pay
oaeat of fee of SO cents.
For full Information rcsanllntr tickets, rates
anil routes ami time of trains, call on mri-nt-i
"Wjr Four Koute," or address the undersigned.
e. o. Mccormick. warren j. lynch.
TraOe Xgr. ji.,t. u,. p.,,. x UL agi.
W.N.U. OMAHA. No. 25-lt93
At Wholesale Prices?
for Freo Catnloguo and Terms.
it yottr stopping point your start-
IS98 Price S75. Reduced to
. 4
. c