f .Y -V : -. 'v: V J m goooooonoooooexx war .asr . w sasavi The coolest and cleanest place in town. BAKERY IN CONNECTION and every thing to be found in a tlrsfniAss: fJnnfiw- cs iionery esiaDiisnment. asfaa A m 'm m m OQOOOOtiCSOQQOCXXXXXSOOQOOe ijIW!llllHHIIIHIHHWWmmiUIllHHIIIIHie I WALL... PAPER 1 1 We have just received our 5 .-econd large shipment of E WALL PAPER, S consisting of 2000 rolls, moetly 5 s of the fashionable reds and E E greens and can show the larg- est selections of desirable pat- E terns in central Nebraska. s We alco carry everything in . Paints, White Lead and E Oil; Varnishes, Window (ilass, Brushes, Etc. E Wo invite you to call and get r our estimate when needing anything in this line. Com- s 7 petent paper hangers and S 5: painters furnished on short E E notice E i STILLMAN, THE DRUGGIST, E Selling Wall Paper and f Paint, (HEAP illlll HIIIIIIIUHHmilllHIIllimnWHHIMHlHIIHIlIf? COLUMBUS MARKETS. Wheat, spring, $f bushel.. 58 Wheat, winter "$ bushel... 55 Corn, oar bushel 28 Corn, shelled ty bushel... 25 ' Oats $bnshel 21 Kye o? bushel 43 HogaHP cwL 3 20 3 30 Fat cattle- cwt 4 00 4 50 Potatoes - bushel 75 1 00 Butter - f 1114 Eggs --"$. dozen 10 Markets corrected every Tuesday af ternoon. Celebrate in Columbus. Herrick for refrigerators. 3t Glorious Fourth next Tuesday. Fino job work dono at The Journal office. Dr. Naumann, dentist, Thirteenth street, tf Room moulding, 2 cents per foot, at Herrick's. 3L DR. SEYMOUR here in July for ONE DAY ONLY. Pearson D. Smith of St. Edward was in the city Friday. Dr. L. C. Voss, Homeopathic physi cian, Columbus, Nob. C. C. Hardy has moved into his new house on Seventh streoL We can get for you any newspaper or magazine you may wish. Rev. Ijozee of Albion exchanged pulpits with Rev. Weed Sunday. F. M. Sackett of Boone county was in the city Thursday on business. Drs. Martyn, Evans & Geer, office three doors north of Friedhof's store, tf Chicago Inter Ocean and Columbus Joukxal, one year, in advance $1.75. tf Do not fail to see our 8-foot galvan ized steel mill for $25.00. A. Dnssell & Sou. tf Stamp photos and photo buttons at Patterson & McG ill's studio, ground floor, tf. Mrs. George Loshbaugh is again aronud after a threatened attack of ty phoid fever. The Omaha Bee pleads againBt low ering the standard of educational work in their schools. Born, June 20, at Plattsmonth to Mrs. Will Coolidge, a son. That makes H. P. grandfather once again. J. C. Martin, editor of the Clarks -Enterprise, has sold his plant to J. T. McLean, who now has charge. Gettelman's Pure Malt Beer, the finest Milwaukee produces, at Wm. Bucher's Beer Garden. 24aug Information and California literature on request, J. Francia, General Pass enger Agent, Omaha, Neb. 4t A big dance at W. H. Randall's Sat urday night, 6ome forty couples present and an enjoyable time reported. H. J. McCarn of Lincoln has moved -here with his family and expects to make Columbus his future home. For fine photos, sure to please, call at the ground floor studio, Olive street Patterson & McG ill, photographers, tf. Furnished rooms with or without board, can be had of Mrs. C. Cushing. 11th street, one block from U. P. depot. 4 ; C. H. Joseph of Humbolt, Nebraska, .fell under a train at Creston, Iowa, Fri day, and died from bis injuries in a few hours. . Presbyterian church services July '2. Morning subject: "A Voice." Even ing: "Saving Baptism." All ace wel- .come. ' Promotions in the First Nebraska will be found in fall on the first page of today's Journal. It is now Major Kilian. Baptist church, J. D. Pulis, pastor. Services June 25, 11 a. m., and 8 p. m. . Morning "Peace." Evening "Patrio- tism," Wm. Schilz makes boots and shoes - in the best styles, and uses only the very ,; best stock that can be procured in the market tf . Chris. Meedel was. in town yeeUr . day. He is having considerable trouble with his eyes, not having read a paper for several months. Wr. poesch, DXALEB IX Candies, Cigars, Tobacco, Station ery, Fire Works, 0 And flnnl Tlrinlrs. wavMraacww aa ar ar aav a aa aw ICE CREAM AKD ICE - CREftl - SOU. .... GROCERIES ! Golden Row Seed fiiY!!! Tk first prize at Trent . U, Mississippi Kzposition. Hardware, Wire Fence, Binding Twine, Rock Salt, Linseed Oil Cake Ground, AT lOehlrich - Bros. 13jul2m Enquire of Herrick. 3-3t DR. SEYMOUR HERE JULY 11th FOR ONE DAY ONLY. 2t FARMERS, ATTENTION. You can get an 8-foot Freeport Galvanized steel windmill from A. Dussell & Son for only $25.00. tf Mr. and Mrs. Nelson of Lincoln are rejoicing over the arrival Saturday of a J fine boy. Mrs. Nelson is remembered hero as Miss Sybil Butler. Dr. Seymour's skill in his profes sion is unquestioned. Consult him re garding the condition of your eyes. At the Thurston Hotel July 11th. Dr. W. I. Seymour who will be at the Thurston Hotel July 11th, devotes special attention to the treatment of children's eyes with glasses. It For relief and comfort in Asthma BALLARD'S HOREHOUND SYRUP has no equal. Price, 25 and 50 cents. Dr. A. Heintz and Pollock & Co. Two old men, Wm. Nelson and a man named Duncan were baptized Mon day at 10 o'clock, by immersion in the Loup river, Rev. L. Lohr officiating. David City will put off her Fourth of July celebration till later along, when the' will add to their jubilation on ac count of the volunteers home-coming. Five inches of rain in two hours Monday night at Kearney, and their canning factory wrecked by lightning. Much damage to crops in the vicinity. Word from Manila Monday was that the First Nebraska was boarding their transport, the Hancock, and would probably sail within twenty-four hours. A little water spaniel in the western part of the city was deemed dangerous last week, and Wednesday afternoon was put out of the way by a pistol shot. Our neighbors of the Telegram since the completion of the work of the paper hangers now have one of the nobbiest of offices as clean and bright as a new pin. For Sale, some rare specimens of birds from South America, also some hand-drawn work. Anyone interested is naked to inquire at The Journal office. X The ladies of tho Presbyterian church will give a lawn social at tho residence of Mrs. Miller, Wednesday evening, June 28. Everybody cordially invited. Northwest Missouri farmers are be ginning to think that the common cocklebur is poisonous, and is respon sible for tho great loss of hogs there recently. Mr. Miller on Sunday had an ex perience with a young colt, not down on the program. The untrained horse, even in a cart, will sometimes cause trouble. All defects in sight can be remedied by perfectly fitted glasses. Secure perfectly fitted glasses by consulting Dr. Seymour at the Thurston Hotel, July 11th. Scott Gardner's aged father arrived here Saturday from Louisiana, where he has been living for several years past, and expects now to make his home here with his son. Dr. Baker, physician and surgeon. Residence, Seventeenth and Quincy. Office, Olive st, first door north of Brod fuehrer Telephone: Office 20; resi dence 46. tf Best mixed paint, sold by Herman Oealrica & Bro. Call for B. P. S. (Best Paint Sold). Also best grades of white lead and oil. m2. The death of Mrs. George Sprecher calls attention to the fact that her hus band, ten children, and three grandchil dren have taught school in this county. Schuyler Quill. The Sons of Herman had a picnic Sunday at the farm home of W. T. Ernst, three miles north of town. A very large crowd were present from town and sur rounding country. One of the rulings of the revenue department is to this effect: "An order payable or redeemable in merchandise only (and not in money) does not require the 2-cent stamp." The boarders of the St Francis Academy school were treated to a picnic Thursday. Two hay racks were utilized and the crowd went out to Duncan, where they enjoyed the day. Fob Sale: Purebred Duroc Jersey pigs, from registered stock; four and five dollars per head. I must sell these pigs, to make room, call at the farm or barber shop. L. G. Zianecker. tf. A good program has bee arranged for' the celebration here on tho Fourth and the committeemen are all working with a will to make the festivities the best ever witnessed in Columbus. A child of Con. Hewitt's got hold of some tablets designed as medicine for an adult, and was injuriously affected nv tltam tltifll rha avrua fmarliaa aA i applied. The child is now all right Miss Paris, Miss Becher and Prof. Garlichs will give a musical Friday evening, June 30, at Maennerchor HaU. Tickets on sale at Stillman's and Pol lock's drugstores. Price 50 and 25 cente. David Rankin, the Millionaire fann er of Missouri, has an extra farm maxim, which reads: "Thou shalt not sell corn." We suppose the corn raised is to be fed on the place, which is a good safe rule. The girls of the senior class went to Schuyler Saturday to visit Mrs. Ballon, the boys going down Monday. Monday evening the senior class of Schuyler entertained the Columbus class. J. M. Curtis has moved his office to the north part of C. A. Speice's coal office. He is prepared to do all kinds of copying and typewriting, and when you need anything in this line give him a call. Wm. Buoher has engaged for a series of entertainments at his garden on Eleventh street every night com mencing Monday, July 3. Contortion work, singing and pictures of the Spanish-American war are the specialties. Theodore Beebe of Osceola is dead, the funeral taking-place Tuesday of last week. He was about 65 years old. He built the Beebe hotel in Osceola, and kept it for several years. He was well known to many older Journal readers. The Presbyterian, Methodist, Cong regational and Baptist Sunday Schools contemplate having a union picnic. If arrangements can be made, grounds will be secured near Bellwood and a train chartered over the B. & M. for the trip. Hardly a day passes, in families where there are children, in which BAL LARD'S SNOW LINIMENT is not needed. It quickly cures Cuts, Wounds, Bruises, Burns and Scalds. Price 25 and 50 eta. Dr. A. Heintz and Pollock & Co. A committee of four of the Fuller ton city council were here Thursday looking over our .waterworks system. They were out on an inspecting tour, having in mind some improvements to their home plant that have been found advisable. A young married woman named Knox living near Richland, committed suicide Saturday by taking poison, dying about 6 o'clock. We learn that she was 20 years old, and that despair because of ill health is supposed to be the cause of the deed. Joseph Dodds on Wednesday last at Henry Welch's on Shell creek, was kicked by a horse, and suffered the fracture of a shoulder blade and three ribs. Dr. Baker of this city was called and the patient is reported as getting aloug all right Biennial Convention, International Epworth League Indianapolis, Ind., July 20 to 23rd. For this occasion, the Union Pacific will sell tickets at one fare for round trip. For dates of sale and further information call on W. H. Benham, Agent. Mrs. Harriet S. MacMurphy who has lectured here, and was a former resident of Schuyler, has charge of the school of domestic science at the Great er America Expo. Mrs. Mao Murphy had charge of the same department at the Trans-Mississippi. Bert Lock, a 16-year-old boy of Cen tral City, suffered a crushed ankle last Tuesday and a cut-off foot by trying to catch a ride on a passing train, missing his hold and falling under the wheel. Physicians amputated both legs, one at the ankle and the other below the knee. A. W. Armstrong is making con nections for irrigation at J. H. Kersen brock's ranch six miles west of Milford. He has 140 acres of potatoes, besides a big lot of other garden stuff, and for about half of it he raises the water 75 feet for purposes of irrigation by a rotary force-pump. Saturday evening Sheriff Byrnes arrested Frank Koch at his former home some six miles north of this city. In 1897 Kdch was convicted of attempted criminal assault, and was sentenced to six years in the penitentiary at hard labor. About three weeks ago he es caped from his guards at the peniten tiary. We notice in an opinion by Judge Sullivan of the supreme court: "A real estate agent who has been instrumental in producing a purchaser for land listed with him for sale, is entitled to his con tract commission even though the owner of the property commuminate the sale in ignorance of the services rendered by the agent" One little girl in this city, (says the Nebraska City News) who had two lota planted in strawberries, is said to have cleared nearly a hundred dollars on the same and is still selling them daily. This does well for a boy or girl and any one could do as well, if they would only take the trouble to put out a patch and properly tend the same. The gentle passion still works havoc occasionally among those who do not understand it Thomas Van Farage, a young man of 19 employed at one time on the Madison Reporter, took carbolic acid enough to kill a mule, says an ex change, and consequently is no more. Ill health and despondency over a love affair are given as the cause of the rash deed. The girl still lives. Ab Lash, who was for many years conductor on the Union Pacific branches out of this city, died at his home at Wakumis, O. T., last Friday, of con gestion of the lungs. Mr. Lash and family resided in this city for a number of years and have many friends who will be sorry to learn of bis death. He was 45 years old and leaves, beside the wife, three children, the youngest about 12. Sergeant Fred BoUin of Company K, First Nebraska, arrived home Satur day, direct from Manila, having left there May 18. Several other soldiers were on the same transport, Conemaugh: Sergeant Ed. E. Drammond of the Seventeenth Infantry; Mr. Gregory of the Hospital corps; J. M. White, Co. C. Second regulars; the Kramer Bros; F and I companies,- Fullerton. When they left the firing line, Company K had but forty men it for duty. Mrs. Sadie Hart Miller, the Osteo path, meets patients in Columbus on Monday, Wednesday and Friday of each week. All curable diseases treated withut the use of drugs or knife. Office first door north of Pollock's drug store. Hours from 10 a. m., to 4 p. m. Con sultation free, tf A sallow, jaundiced skin is a symp tom of disordered liver, aa it springs from biliary poisons retained in the blood, which destroy energy, cheerful ness, strength, vigor, happiness and life HERBINE will restore the natural func tion's of the liver. Price SOcenta. Dr. A. Heintz and Pollock k Co. The David 'City News is authority for aaying that business men there are "on their ear over a new station to be started on the Union Pacific road be tween David City and Brainard," and seems to think if the company persists in their proposed action, the merchants will in retaliation ignore the interests of the road. W. H. Lewis has received a letter from Dr. T. R. Clark at Clovis, Califor nia, in which he speaks very highly of the new town and his surroundings generally. His sister, Dr. Nellie, is partner with him, and they have a good practice. Alfalfa sells at 27, baled; butter at 25s. The fine vineyards and fruit orchards are a sight to see. Rev. Moore, former pastor of the M. E. church here, was in the city Thursday between trains. His young est daughter, Juaneta, has the distinc tion of standing the highest in her studies of any pupil in Douglas county. Bert was also presented with the gold medal about two weeks ago for the best drilled boy among the 400 high school cadets, and promoted as their captain. A. J. Barney, of Dublin, was in the city Monday with some 900 pounds of wool of his own raising. He was going to ship it to Chicago. Mr. B. has a flock of 85 sheep and thinks they are the best stock any one can raise in Nebras ka. He seems to be making a success of it and is going to increase his flock. It is a pleasure to meet a man who likes his business and is doing well at it. Albion Argus. The A. O. U. W. order is among the best there are for promptness and effic iency, and right royally do they keep the record good. Last week Recorder John Wiggins received a circular in re gard to helping Lodge No. 268 at Herm ana lodge of about 100 members, who had lost pretty much all they had in a cyclone, and immediately sent the ten dollars asked, saying that he knew the lodge would approve it all right, with more, if needed. The Omaha Bee has started out on its course of illustrating, selecting a special addition for Sunday. Like everything the Bee starts out to ac complish, its aims are high, and its purposes commendable. Admiral Schley's portrait graced the first num ber, and last Sunday's, the second num ber, bears the familiar features of Geo. L. Miller, the former well known editor of the Omaha Herald. The illustrated Sunday edition is to be a special feature of the Bee. Mrs. Latham, daughter-in-law of Mrs. G. W. Hulst, arrived from Phoenix, Arizona, yesterday for a visit Mr. Geo. Barnum and Hon. L. Gerrard of Columbus, were looking over the hogs under the charge of Dr. Snoddy at the G. & Z. ranch, on Tuesday Mr. M. Brugger of the Columbus State Bank made a pleasant call at this office today; he was on his way home from Newman Grove, accompanied by H. S. Elliott, Fred Stenger and Emil Hyer of Colum bus. Monroe Looking Glass. On' Wednesday of this week in Charles Wooster's strawberry field, a singular phenomenon was observed. It was doing a light thunder storm late in the afternoon. The atmosphere seemed to be charged with electricity, and all at once it was noticed that the hair on the head of every girl, woman and child (no men or boys are allowed in that patch) was standing on end, or vainly trying to do so, if coiled or otherwise confined. Silver Creek Times. Ever since R B. Sutton told ns the snake story current at Silver Creek, we have been looking to see further devel opments. A son of Fred. Bucheliz, so the story goes in the Silver Creek Times, while plowing corn, saw a huge snake about twenty feet long and as large around as a telephone pole. The snake started after him, when he mounted one of the horses and rode for his life. The Fullerton Post, referring to the story, endeavors to account for it, by saying that at the last election Silver Creek went dry. The following dispatch from Genoa of June 22 to the Friday Omaha Bee is of interest to Columbus people. Mr. Parker was a former resident here and is a brother of Mrs. Judge Sullivan of this city: "Two of Genoa's leading so ciety people were united in marriage at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon at the Congregational church by Rev. Mr. Hinman Miss Gertrude Morton and Al bert G. Parker. Miss Morton has been one of the most successful teachers in the city schools and Mr. Parker is in the employ of the Union Pacific railroad oompany. Immediately after the cere mony a reception was given the young couple at the home of the groom's pa rents. Mr. and Mrs. Parker loft in the evening for Salt Lake City, where they will spend their honeymoon." Tuesday afternoon of last week, Prof. E. E. Blackman of Roca, lectured before the Teachers' institute upon the "Coronado Legends," a subject that he has paid considerable attention to for several years past He believes that the site of the ancient city Quivera was where Columbus now is; that it con tained many four -story houses and thousands of people, and was probably a dozen miles in length; that they were advanced in agriculture, and in certain lines of manufacturing. He expected to find here some remains of ancient pot tery, but did not North of Fullerton, however, he was very much gratified by finding a scope of country six miles in extent which had been devoted to that industry, aa pieces of the Astec pottery picked up indicate. Mr. Blackman ia engaged in a serial publication upon the subject, putting his thoughts in verse, expecting to publish in illustrated book form when his studies are competed. Scrsfuxl ifaitlt. . S Paul flagel went to Schuyler Mon day. J. R. Meagher was up from Avery Sat urday. Paul Krauae of Albion was in the city Friday. Miss Paris of Omaha is visiting Miss Lora Becher. A. M. Jennings went up to St Ed ward Tuesday. Miss Jennie Brohman spent Sunday in Silver Creek. Miss Ida Meagher spent the first of the week in Omaha. Miss Katie Hayes of Platte Center was in the city Saturday. W. T. Rickly was in the western part of the state last week. Mrs. George Lehman visited Mrs. Spear in Norfolk last week. Miss Lizzie Sheeban is in Fremont attending tho Normal school. Francis Perkins of Cedar Rapids came down Monday to visit cousins. Miss Beulah Wheeler will spend this week at the Beatrice cbautauqua. Mrs. Rev. Mickel and sister, Miss May King, are visiting in Grand Island. Mrs. G. B. McGill returned Thursday from several days' visit with friends in Albion. Howard Geer returned home Thurs day from Crete, where he is attending college. Jerry Carrig and editor Grunther wore visitors here Saturday from Platte Center. Miss Tena and Herman Zinnecker vis ited last week with their sister, near Osceola. Mrs. MeKeller and Mr. Black of Cedar Rapids were in the city last week. on a business trip. Dr. Wilk Speice of Chicago arrived here Thursday to spend two weeks with his home folks. Mrs. Milt Speice of Kingfisher, Okla homa, is expected here Wednesday, on a visit to relatives. Miss Clara Brown of Cedar Rapids is visiting the Turner family, on her way home from Humphrey. J. C. Fillman went to Excelsior Springs, Mo., last Tuesday, where he will spend several weeks. Mrs. E. G. Brown and children of Humphrey visited the Turner family Monday and Tuesday of this week. Miss Blanche Patrick, who had been visiting with her sister, Mrs. J. N. Kilian, the past several months, returned Friday to her home in Blair, Nebr. Mrs. S. F. Bnaot and children re turned to their home at Sioux City Sat urday after a visit of two weeks with her mother, Mrs. Daniel Condon. Mr. and Mrs. A. Dussell and daugh ters, Miss Jessie and Mrs. Tschudy, vis ited in Platte Center last week. Miss Nellie Frevert returned with them. Mrs. McCann and daughter-in-law, Mrs. John McCann, left Wednesday evening for Denver, where they will re main. Mrs. McCann's daughter, Mrs. Sipperly and son John are now in Den ver, Mrs. Judge Sullivan and Miss Maud Parker were in Genoa last Wednesday, attending the wedding of their brother, Albert Parker. George Whaley was al so there and acted as best man for the groom. Mrs. Mary Bremer returned Saturday from Salem, Oregon, where she has spent the past six months with her daughter. Mrs. Bremer is well pleased with Nebraska, after a visit west, partly perhaps because she had poor health away from home. Death of Mn. J. P. Abta. Thursday morning, June 22, at 10:35, after an illness of ten weeks, Mrs. J. P. Abts departed this life. Elizabeth Gruenhack was born August 3, 1837, near Cologne, province of the Rhine, Germany; she was married to J. P. Abts June 29, 1857, and in a few days after the wedding, started for America, settling in Grant county, Wisconsin, whence they moved to Cedar county, Nebraska, in 18C9. From there they went to Stanton county, residing two years, coming to Platte county in 1877, and have resided here ever since. She was ailing for ten weeks, suffering a great deal. We understand that there was fear on the part of the physicians that she had not the physical strength to endure the surgical operation which seemed absolutely necessary to be made, as a chance for recovery. She leaves her sorrowing husband and eight children, bereaved of a faithful wife and loving mother, three of her children having preceded her to the Summer Land. The surviving children are: Mrs. Maggie Stoltze, Sioux City; Mrs. Oilia Patsch, H. W. Abts, M. Abts, Chris. Abts, Arnold Abts, Mrs. Frank Stupfel and John Abts, the last men tioned, the youngest, being twenty-one years of age. There are twenty-two grand children. The funeral services were conducted at the Catholic church Monday, Requierm High Mass by Father MarceU nus and his assistants, and the body laid to rest in the Catholic cemetery near by in the presence of a large con course of friends, who sympathized deep ly with the bereaved family. At a business meeting of the teach ers Wednesday, C. F. Carey of Platte Center waa elected president and Miss Ella Coleman of Humphrey secretary. It was determined that the first stated meeting of the association will be held at Lindsay, Saturday, Oct 28. On Fri day, at a called session resolutions were adopted returning gratitude to the county superintendent and his proficient corps of instructors for their untiring interest, and special aid outside of regular institute to Miss Lydia Bloe- dorn aa organist; to the board of edu cation for the use of the building; to visitors for their presence, and to citi zens of Columbus for the kind and courteous hospitality shown. If your sight is blurred with specks and spots floating before your eyes, or you have pains on the right side under the ribs, then your liver is deranged, and you need a few doses of HERBINE to regulate it Price 50 cents. Dr. A. HeinU and Pollock A Co. t I. Tftykc. A recent letter from E. P. McCormick tells m that L N. Taylor died June 3d, in Phoenix, Arizona, to which place he moved from Nebraska in 1886. His chief ailment waa heart diaease, which waa complicated with other troubles during the last four years. He leaves a double family: The widow, Samuel, Chas. K, cashier of a bank, Edward K, in California, Frank B., on the family ranch, and Stella, Mrs. a a Montgom mery; Dora died some ten years ago. Mr.Taylor will be remembered by many Jouknaii readers as a man of mark here in his time. Ha came to the city highly recommended aa a scholar and a man of intelligence. He waa a partner of L. Gerrard from 1868 to 1870, attending to the. land part of their extensive business. Afterwards he waa a partner here of S. C. Smith; then removed to Oakdale and afterwards to Arizona. Mr. Taylor was born in Ross county, Ohio, in September, 1817, waa a cousin of Governor Wise and a relative of Zachary Taylor. He graduated at Athens, Ohio, and waa ordained to preach by the Presbyterians. He was a co-laborer with Henry Ward Becher in Indiana. He was associated in anti slavery work with John A. Logan, Gov. Yates, Richard Ogleaby and Gen. Lew Wallace. Mr. Leander Gerrard has the kindliest recollections of his intercourse with Mr. Taylor, who waa always affable, agree able, considerate of others and withal very attentive to business, and very well informed. Notwithstanding that his business of surveyor and locating land for settlers required him to travel all kinds of weather under all kinds of circumstances, Mr. Gerrard does not remember of his ever being sick or ail ing. Hia mental strength waa aa re markable as his physical, and many who read these lines can testify to the smoothness, the polish and the finish of his sentences. While here he acted aa clerk of the district court, as county surveyor, aa superintendent of schools, as county judge, and we believe was elected a member of the territorial legis lature, but not called upon to serve, aa the state waa meantime admitted into the union. We remember that be was secretary of the state board of immi gration, during a very important era in the state's settlement Mr. Taylor, in the Centennial year, prepared a very readable but unpreten tious history of Platte county, a few copies of which may still be found here and there, illustrative of the earlier days. We learn from the Monroe Looking Glasa that Mr. Taylor left his family in comfortable circumstances, and that his mind waa clear up to hia last hours, and apparently had lost none of its vigor. Thursday evening the teachers of the county Institute were all invited by Sup't Leavy to bring their friends to the high school, where they were given a reception. Mr. Leavy had prepared a treat in the way of lectures from Prof. Parsons and Prof. Bigelow, as well as treating to great quantities of ice cream and cake, after the lectures. Prof. Par sons, the writing and drawing teacher waa first called on to give a crayon talk. Mr. Parsons is a real genius in his art He keeps up a constant talk one could hardly call it a lecture the conversation is so directly addressed to each and so free from affectation. He ia so droll and tells so many witty, instructive stories at the same time making hia drawings, that he keepa his audience in a constant uproar. Prof. Bigelow fol lowed the chalk talk by a talk on the value of good reading for children in the home. He emphasized the fact that growing children should be encouraged in every way to read more good books. Mr. Bigelow seems to have made this subject a study and evidently speaks from experience. He has introduced drawing and painting in his schools, the children studying from nature, and have produced some fine results. Friday, the teachers of the institute presented Prof. Leavy with a handsome leather-upholstered chair that will be prized for the esteem his teachers feel for him. Baal Estate Tnuufe Becher, Jsggi & Co., real estate agents, report the following real estate transfers filed in the office of the county clerk for the week ending June 24, 1899. Jonas Kng to Frank Eag, nw4 3-UMw, Ui 9 OUv IaJ Julius Parizold to Herman (iebecho. lota 5.0, tilk7,Loelu9r'aaiifl to Hum phrey, wd TA(ii Anna F Schwoder to Tracy K Clark, n 20 ft of a 42 ft lot 4, blk 81. Col., ejed . 1 00 Tracy R Clark to Lena B Arnold, same, wd 1000 00 H F J Hockeaberger to Ulysses 8 Mace, lot 2, blk 1. Becher Place add to Columbus, wd 400 CO Christian Stafford lo Theo Wolf. nw4 2-20-le.wd. 2000 GO Julias Heibel to Ansa Heibel, swl ae4 23aadw2aw42S-18.le.wd 500 00 Anna Heibel to Jaliua Heibel, n2 swl se4 23udw2sw4 2ft.18-le.wd 2500 00 Anna Heibel to Seibert Heibel, s2 swl sol 23-ia-le. wd, 500 00 Thomas Hill and wife to Cathedral Chapter, Neb., lot 3, blk E. Monroe. wd. 1 00 Mary A Nicol to Fred A Brnnhober, s2 loUl,2.blk97.ColNwd. 725 00 K AQerrard to Pater Tolia, 1 sq acre iaawcor.ne4sw46-17-2w.wd 182 00 Twflre transfers, total 938 00 WdkthbichBbock Tuesday, June 27, at the residence of Chris Wuetrich, four miles west of the city, John Wueth rich and Katie, daughter of Major John Brock of this city. The wedding waa largely attended, and the presents numerous. The cere mony took place at 21 o'clock, Bev. Reicbardt officiating. After a brief tour, the happy couple will settle down to house-keeping. They have the hearty good wishes of a host of acquaintances. Nelson -Nbxson At the Saffran resi dence, by Judge Robison, Wednesday last, Anton Nelson and Mias Telka Nel son. Colimfcms Ftuiry. Last Saturday Mr. A. W. Armstrong made the first ran at hia new Iron and Brass Foundry on West Tenth street, this city, and everything is in good shape. He k now prepared to cast anything wanted in the trade, and will guarantee satisfaction in every particu lar. If in need of anything, call on or write. Will cast once a week, tf Mrs. Joseph Knox, who committed suicide, was 19 years old; the body waa buried here Tuesday aaornina;, in tba Catholic; cemetery. H ENRY RAGATZ ft CO, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, LAMPS, ETC. The enormous bunnest done by us keeps our goods moving so rapidly that nothing becomes stale. Everything is fresh. We pay spot cash for every bill of goods that comes into our store, that is why we are enabled to distance all competitors in quality and price. fy I aaafawfi llBalSBJ Km ci VEBwSMlHaaBmaiBUJKaT wlljBsyspgh The same courteous treatment accorded to alL We solicit your patronage and will strive to please you. (g)(3) IwiwpwwW Eleventh Street, m?m?m?wmmmm??tw ASCHE & RYAN, Dealers In GROCERIES, CROCKERY, DRY GOODS, FURNISHING GOODS, v7 ROOTS The new store desires your trade, and hence invites you to call, examine goods and prices, and, if you are not already so, become customers for all or at least a portion of the goods you buy. We know that we can save you money, and we wish your custom z Don't forget our S different lines, men- tioned above bar z gains in all of them. m l&'-We Handle Cor. 11 Si, - rrn apaavV SF BI III 3 ai1fcS M bwSbbbbbbh I I "tim" t!"!bBBk- Laalx&vSfMK. ?ti kII KaBacLaaaawamJTnt?PaVJja HE ABOVE FURNISHED HOUSE BY THE WEEK TO PARTIES wishing to spend a few days in 3-may-tf MART amrW National Ktaratioaal AMeeiatios Xectiaar For the meeting of the National Edu cational Association at Los Angeles,Cal., July 11-14, 1899, the Union Pacific will make the greatly reduced rate of one FABE, PIX8 $2, FOB THE ROUND TBIP. The excellent service given by tho Union Pacific was commented on by all who had the pleasure of using it to the convention at Washington in 1896. This year onr educational friends meet in Los Angeles, and members of the Asso ciation and others from points East should by all means take the Union Pacific. The service of the Union Pacific via Omaha or Kansas City is unexcelled and consists of Palace Sleeping-Cars, Buffet Smoking and Library-Cars, Dining-Cars. meals a-la-carte, Free Reclining-Chair Cars and Ordinary Sleeping Cars. The Union Pacific ia The Route fob SUMMER TRAVEL. For full information about tickets, stop-overs, or a finely-illustrated book describing "The Overland Route" to the Pacific Coast, call on myl0tojul5 W. H. Benham, Agent aBcGSaaaGs7PSjbsHP,r7 aKlBr? laaaaamx aaawraw" Twety-lve years f experi ence in the business has taught us what to buy. We sure constantly on the lookout for bargains. The best products of the country are to be found in our store. Among them the celebrated caMated goods of Curtice Bros. We ure sole agents for Chase & Saabera's lae Teas aad CoaTces. . ns ZOi, Columbus, Nebraska. AND SHOES. Country Prod ace. - Colambns, Mr. V'" the country. Inquire of HEHRICH WITXIAMS. ...THE PIONEER... hasn't located all the desirable property we've some choice bits on our books for sale at prices tbat appeal to the people of common sense. The properties are located in fertile sections, well watered and drain ed, handy to market and shipping points and at our prices and terms are decided pick-ups. BECHER, JAEGGI & CO., COLUMBUS, - - NEBRASKA Deaiga far Meauaeat. Assured of contributions saflicktBt for the erection of a soldiers monument of goodly proportions, Baker post No. 9, O. A. R, hereby ask for submission of designs for the same, to be filed with the Commander, J. H. Galley, Eleventh street, Columbus, Neb., by noon, Satur day, July 1, 1899. Said design must be of sufficient size for the inscription of at least 150 names with company and regiment, for engrav ing on polished granite, the monument to be substantial enough to mount thereon two cannon each 11 ft., 4 in. long, weighing 3,450 pounds each. Monument to be not less than twenty feet high, other dimensions in propor tion. Twenty-five dollars will be paid for approved design, the post reserving the right to reject any aad all designs. 7jan3 J. H. Gaixxt, Goamaadar Baker Poet No. 9. i i