'-: 0 'i .5 WHOLE NUMBER 1,520. VOLUME XXX.-NUMBER 12. COLUMBUS. NEBRASKA. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 28, 1899. nt ImtnraL H .'' -.-: ?:& ir : ,?iv4? -. 4 s PROMOTIONS IN FIRST They Are Announced at the Office of the " Governor. NAMES CAILEiTO THE FRONT. fr'xptanatlon off the Various Promotions sued From the Oflceof the Adjatant ftrnrral Somethlas A boat Nebraska Industry That Tar. Oat Feartee Thousand Posada of flatter Dally. Promotion la the Pint The promotions in the First regi fcient were announced at the gover nor's office last week and the follow ing cablegram was sent to Colonel Mulfom: Lincoln, June 21. 1899. Mulford, Manila: Following appointments tnadc to fill vacancies contingent on acceptance of resignations Colton, 2el linger. Narcong, Hansen. Appoint ments date from acceptance resigna tions: Eager, lieutenant colonel; Kilian, major; Moore, captain, K; Dungan, first lieutenant, H; Coleman, second lieutenant, C; Richards, captain, E; Osborne, first lieutenant, L; Flick, sec ond lieutenant. M; White, first lieu tenant, E; Kleinhen. second lieuten ant. E; Wadsworth, first lieutenant, I: Todd, second lieutenant, E; Shaffer, Second lieutenant, L. E. A. GILBERT, Acting Governor. The different promotions are ex tlainod in the following orders issued ly Adjutant General Barr : ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE, LINCOLN. June 21. 1899. General Or ders No. 13. The following changes in the commissioned personnel of the First regiment, Nebraska volunteers, stationed at Manila, Philippine Is lands, arc announced, viz.: I. The resignation of Lieutenant Colonel George H. Colton having been tendered to the president of the Unit ed States, Major Frank D. Eager is appointed to fill the vacancy, to rank from the date of the acceptance of the resignation. II. Captnin Julius N. Kilian, com pany K. is appointed major, to take rank from the date of the muster-in of Eager as lieutenant colonel. III. First Lieutenant William K. Moore, company H, is appointed cap tain of company K, to take rank from the date of muster-in of Kilian as major. IV. Second Lieutenant William D. Dungan. company C. is appointed first lieutenant of company H. to take lank from the date of muster-in of Moore as captain of company K. V. Sergeant Garrett F. Coleman, company L. is appointed second lieu tenant of company C, to take rank from the date of muster-in of Dun gan as first lieutenant of company H. VI. The resignation of Captain John F. Zellinger. company E. having been tendered to the president of the Unit ed States. First Lieutenant Charles II Richards of company L is appoint ed to fill the vacancy, to take rank from the date of acceptance of the resignation. VII. Second Lieutenant William H. Osborne, jr., company M, is appointed first lieutenant, to take rank from the date of the muster-in of Richards as captain of company E. VIII. Sergeant Walter S. Flick, company M. is appointed second lieu tenant of company M, to take rank from the date of the muster-In of Os borne as first lieutenant of company L. IX. The resignation of First Lieu tenant Frank B. Naracong, company E. having been tendered to the pres ident of the United States, Second Lieutenant Sherman A. White, com pany E, is appointed to fill the va cancy, to take rank from the date of acceptance of the resignation. X. Sergeant Charles N. Kleinhen. company E. is appointed second lieu tenant of company E. to take rank from the date of muster-in of White as first lieutenant of company E. XI. The resignation of First Lieu tenant Christian Hansen, company I, having been tendered to the president of the United States, Second Lieuten ant Andrew S. Wadsworth, company B. is appointed to fill the vacancy, to take rank from the acceptance of the resignation. XII. Sergeant Otto F. Todd, com pany A, is appointed second lieutenant of company B. to take rank from the muster-in of Wadsworth as first lieu tenant of company I. XIII. The resignation of Second Lieutenant Jesse M. Tompsett, com pany L. having been accepted by the president of the United States, to date from June 30. 1S9. Sergeant William A. Shaffer, company D. is appointed to fill the vacancy, to take rank from July 1, 1S99. Bv the Governor: (Official) E. A. GILBERT. P. H. BARRY. Adjutant General. While walking along the street at Alliance James Cockrell, timekeeper for one of the railroad outfits near there, was attacked by a party of hoboes, who intended giving him a threshing. Cockrell was considerably pounded and drew a revolver. Mark JjC was shot a few inches below the heart and Otto Held of Schuyler through the groin. They will prob ably recover, though both are dan gerously wounded. Cockrell immedi ately gave himself into the custody of Sheriff Sweeney. Last summer a Chicago firm had it3 agents in the country soliciting .$15 subscriptions for one copy of the his tory of York county and one or two other counties surrounding. The notes for $15 each are coming due and the books are being delivered. Farmers claim to have been nicely duped. The explosion of a lantern carried by Ralph Stevens in the livery barn occupied by Ed Wegner of Norfolk, set the building ablaze end only the front end was saved. Stevens was con siderably burned about the head, hands and arms. The carriages and harnesses were saved and all the hors es were goten out except three. Ames was the scene of a disastrous fire. The big horse barn east of the elevator caught fire and burned to the ground, together with eleven head of horses, a mow of hay. a number of sets of harness and saddles. The lire was discovered in time to save nine head of horses. Mont Owens, a well-to-do fanner of Burt county, was examined by the board of insanity and adjudged in sane and ordered sent to the Norfolk asylum. Owens has been there sev eral times before and sent home each time cured. Notwithstanding bis ia ' sanity he is a successful farmer and owns a to? home. . . NEARLY A TON A DAY. The Great and Growlag Baslaets of th. Beatrice Creamery Company The new building of the Beatrice Creamery Company, probably the larg est and best equipped creamery estab lishment In the United States and per haps in the world, say a dispatch from that place, will be thrown open for the Inspection of the public to morrow; This company suffered se vere loss from fire a day less than a year ago and the opening now will be a sort of celebration and jolificatlon. The Beatrice Creamery company was organized in 1894 a a corpofatlod with Mesem Haskell and Bosworth as principal and controlling stockholders. At that time the office of the company was located In Beatrice, but the su perior advantages of Lincoln . In the" wayof better railroad facilities induced the company to move the butter mak ing plant to Lincoln. Temporary quarters were secured in a building on North Tenth street, but the buaiaeas of the coapaay eapaaded so rapidly that another change was necessary. The large Fitzgerald build ing at the foot of P street was leased and remodeled, fitted with Improved machinery and arranged expressly for the concern. A month or so later the building was entirely destroyed by fire, together with all of the costly machinery. The debris was cleared away and the construction of the new building was commenced about eight months ago. Both the lot and the building are now owned by the com pany. Nearly eighty sklmimng stations are operated in connection with the plant in this city. At these stations milk is purchased from farmers, put through machine separators, the cream sent to Lincoln and the milk return ed to the original owner. Fanners re alize about 2 cents per pound more by selling milk to the creamery than by making the butter themselves, and at the same time they are relieved of the necessary labor of churning. The output of the Beatrice Creamery com pany amounts to about 14,000 pounds of butter daily, or about five carloads per week. In addition to the manu facture of buter the firm also deals ex tensively in eggs, shipping from two and a half or three carloads of candled eggs per week. The plant and build ing are estimated to be worth about $60,000. The skimming stations operated in connection with the creamery are located in Nebraska, Kansas and Col orado. Nearly all of them are owned by private or separate companies, but are directly controlled by the Beatrice company. One roan is employed at each station and at a few there are sev eral men regularly employed. Nebraska Crop Conditions. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, Llqcoln. June 20. The United States department of agriculture climate and crop bulletin of the weather bureau, Nebraska section, for the week ending June 19. says: The past week has been warm and wet in eastern counties and dry in western. The average dally tempera ture excess has varied from 2 degrees in the eastern part of the state to less than 1 degree in the western. The rainfall has exceeded half an inch in central and eastern counties and was exceedingly heavy in Dodge, Washington and Burt counties, rang ing from 4 to nearly 7 inches. In most of the western counties the rain fall was less than a quarter of an Inch. The continued dry weather In the western counties has been exceedingly unfavorable for small grain. Oats and wheat have been considerably injured in that portion of the state and many fields are ripening prematurely. In some counties the grass is drying up. The past week has been exceptional ly favorable to crops in most of the eastern counties: In the counties where the heaviest rainfalls occurred corn suffered considerably from wash ing, continued wet soil and lack of cultivation. Wheat and oats are head ing out ana rye is beginning to ripen. Corn is backward and small in all sections, but stand is good and the crop healthy. It has not yet been injured by the drought in southwestern coun ties, and has made fine growth in east ern counties during the past week. Generally the corn is free from weeds, and the second cultiration is well ad vanced. But in the region of heaviest rainfall where cultivation has been re tarded, the fields are becoming some what weedy. Potatoes are growing very well and are now generally in bloom. Cherries are ripe and the crop is good. Alfalfa is mostly cut for the first time and the crop is light Sugar beets are growing well. Nebraska In Brief. Freeport dispatch: During the last eight days the Nebraska Indians have played eight games, winning six of them. The Indians won the third game of the Dubuque series easily by a score of 7 to 1. Plattevllle, Wis., whose team had not lost a game in two years, next succumbed to the prowess Of the red man by a score of 13 to 3. Apple Riv er. 111., was defeated 13 to 4 and 15 to 0. On Thursday the Indians entered upon a series of seven games with Freeport. Freeport has an entire team of paid men and has been strengthen ed recently by the addition of several stars from the Western association. It is considered the strongest team in Illinois outside of Chicago. The In dians shut out the Freeport team In the opening game 4 to 0. Freeport won the next two games 8 to 3 and 15 to 9, and today the Indians again de feated Freeport on her cwn grounds in the presence of the largest crowd ever assembled at a game in this city by a score of 6 to 1. A meeting of company C, N. N. G., was held in Nebraska City to elect a new captain, this being necessitated by the election of Captain W. H. Hay ward as major of the regiment. A civil organization, of company C was perfected by the election of John A. Rooney, president; M. McCreedy, vice president, and Fritz Nichols, secretary and treasurer. The following were then elected officers of the company: First Lieutenant W. H. Wiley to be captain; second lieutenant. Paul Jes sen to be first lieutenant; Sergeant E. F. Wilhelmy to be second lieuten ant. The question as to who will repre sent the inird congressional district at West Point and Annapolis is not yet decided. Rollo T. Anderson of Neligh and Jerome E. Langer of West Point stood at the head of the list in the mental e'xamlnation, with W. N. Hensley of Columbus and C. F. Mar shall of Niobrara second on the roll for West Point and Annapolis respec tively. Anderson and Langer failed in the physical examination, and it now looks as though Hensley would receive the appointment to West Point and R. W. Smith of St Edward to mnapolia. AGDINALDO AGGRESSIVE Assembling a Large Force of Filipinos in Front of San Fernando-. rERsoNAi Command of the Army American Soldiers Sleep oa Their Arms Transport Baas Aground and Large Amoant of Car Thrown Overboard Flfbtlht feVideaiiy Not brer Yet; MANILA, June 24. Aginaldo does not seem to be satisfied with ttia at tempt of the insurgents to retake San Fernando and he has taken command of General Luna's army and has mas sed the largest rebel force yet mob ilized, bringing 2,000 men from the Antlpolo region. He is exceedingly .troaMesoae.Iatmigac--. his inn wounded two members of the Seven teenth regiment General MacArthur's men are constantly on tho alert to re pel any attacks by the rebels, sleep ing upon their arms. Tho general sin cerely hopes that the Filipinos will give him another chance for a battle, for the soldiers really enjoy aft op portunity to fight them when they can do so without wading through swamps to reach them. Railway trains between Manila and San Fernando have been stopped for several days, while permanent repairs were being made to the bridges ail along the route, but today traffic waa resumed. The transport Centennial; which has arrived here, had ah exciting experi ence while rounding Point Engano, on the northern coast of Luzon, on ltd way to this port It struck a rock on Wednesday and remained fast for &ev eral hours, during which time it was surrounded by swarms of natives in canoes, who became menacing. Cap tain Eagle, who commanded the trans port, was compelled to throw over board 100 tons of supplies in order to lighten the ship sufficiently to get it afloat Before this was effected the Filipinos had towed the cases ashore and were fighting over the spoils. The cruiser Baltimore recently grounded at the same point, but the natives feared to approach It WASHINGTON. June 24. The war department has received no official dis patches relative to the grounding of the transport Centennial on the north end of Luzon and the loss of 100 tons of supplies which were thrown over board to lighten the ship. According to the records here the Centennial car ried 1,800 tons of supplies, abd it is be lieved they were all the property of the subsistence department The com missary officer at Manila has been queried to know whether it is desira ble to immediately replace the supplies which were lost The Centennlaft was a, chartered ship and not one of the regular government transport fleet Troops for Africa. LONDON, June 24. The Shropshire regiment has been ordered to hold it self in readiness for immediate em barkation for Cape Town. LONDON, June 24. A dispatch from Cape Town to the Outlook says: The tension is extreme. Business is at a standstill and the general feeling Is that England must promptly bring matters to an issue. The league will have no difficulty in preventing meet ings supporting Sir Alfred Milner'i at titude, the desire being to refrain from embarrassing the imperial authorities. The Orange government is urging the Transvaal to make further conces sions. Many people consider that Sir Alfred Milner's franchise proposals are useless without the granting of twelve seats in the mining centers and the right to speak English in the Volksraad. Otherwise It will be im possible to-select representative men. Failing these concessions the Johan nesburgers say they prefer a treaty providing security and judicial and educational reforms. Plotlnr. Against Cabinet. PARIS, June 24. The new cabinet ministers took possesssion of their offices today. The prefect of police, M. Blane. had a long interview with the premier, M- Waldeck-Rosseau, during the day, and It is asserted he handed the latter his resignation. le progressive republicans have held a meeting under the presidency of M. Milne. Considerable diversity of opinion was developed. One faction decided to oppose the new cabinet, owing to the presence of M. Millerand In the ministry. The socialist depu ties are also at variance regarding the entry of General de Gallifet into the cabinet and a portion of that party has decided to found a new group, to be entitled "revolutionary socialists." Otis Needs Good Stenographers. WASHINGTON. June 24. There has been a call made by General Otis upon the war department for four expert Spanish court stenographers for serv ice in the Philippine islands. They must be familiar with the Spanish and English languages, able to translate from Spanish into English and from English into Spanish and experts in taking dictation in the Spanish lan guage and transcribing same with typewriters. Exporting Gold. NEW YORK, June 24. Heidlebach. Icklheimer & Co. will ship $1,000,000 in gold tomorrow. Kuhn, Loeb & Co. will also ship $1,000,000 on tomorrow's steamer. This makes the total for Saturday so far announced $4,000,000. Ireland oa Americanism. NEW YORK. June 24. A dispatch to the Herald from Paris says: Mgr. Ireland, archbishop of St Paul, has made some highly interesting state ments on the subject of "Americanism" to the editor of the New Era. Some extracts from the interview give a clear idea of what "Americanism" re ally is. Mgr. Ireland says: "If by Amer icanism we are to understand the theo logical errors condemned in the pope's letter there has been and is no such thing In America." Oat of Politics. ST- LOUIS, June 24. A special to the Post-Dispatch from La Porte, Ind., says: Governor James A. Mount for whom western politicians have devel oped a vice presidential boom, has writ ten a personal friend that he will re tire from politics at the close of his term of office. The governor is also credited with being a candidate for United States senator, but his letter disavows any future political aspira tions. A person is always startled when he hears himself seriously called old for the first time. O. W. Holmes. MEYFUS' COMING IS IN DOilT. Military OMrtaU Are Igaorant Begardlag Arrival off the Sffa. BREST, France; June 24 The. in habitants of this port are absorbed IS the pending arrival of Dreyfus;. Thd question on every one's lips it, J'Whed will he arrive?" but nd.one seems able to reply; The" town, howeverj seems perfectly calm. Along the favorite! parade, the Cours Dajot, on the cliff overlooking the splendid harbor, in which half a dozen picturesque old three-deekers are lying moored along side modern cruisers, were a few groups of sailors and marines gazing seaward; , . When questioned ihey admitted that they were watching, for .the French cruiser Sfax. bound from French Gui ana with the famous prisoner on board, but In the same breath expressed the belief that it would not arrive in the daytime. They think the warship will be kept outside the harbor until night and that then Dreyfus will be landed inside the arsenal. This Is the general opinion of the townspeople, who are eager to witness the landing. The military and civil authorities profess to know nothing about the matter, hot even if the Sfax is coming to Brest; . A representative of the Associated Press called at the maritime prefecture" this aftrnobh and had a conversation with the pkrt admiral, Barrera, whd was typical of French politeness, but who displayed most praiseworthy Ig norance. He said: "Up to now I have received abso lutely no instructions. I am awaiting orders from the new minister of ma rine. I cannot even say Dreyfus will be landed here, in any ease; he can not arrive yet,'' and, taking a map", he traced the course of the Sfax froni the Cape Verde islands, which it left Tuesday; adding: "You see it cannot have passed the Canary islands before yesterday. It will not arrive here at the earliest until Sunday, or perhaps Monday." The perfect of police also told the Associated Press representative that he had not received any instructions regarding Dreyfus. The French first class cruiser Tage, now lying in the harbor, has been instructed to put to sea on Sunday evening, and It is thought It has been ordered to meet the Sfax and have Dreyfus transferred to it. But Admiral Barrera says the Tage is simply going to sea for the purpose of experimenting with carrier pigeons. No doubt a big crowd wi' be present to witness the landing of Dreyfus if he is allowed to be seen, but no disorders are expected. A detachment of secret police has arrived here from Paris and has been distributed about the town. 0XNARD ANSWERS HAYEMEYER. Denies Many of His Statements Agrees' With Blm oa Pew Points. SAN FRANCISCO, June 24. Henry T. Oxnard, president of the American Beet Sugar Producers' association, has prepared a reply to H. O. Havemeyer's recent argument before the industrial commission at Washington. He flat ly denies many of Mr. Havemeyer's statements and accuses that gentleman of seeking to destroy the American beet sugar industry in order to foster the refineries that handle foreign raw material, besides attempting to divert public attention from the Sugar trust by attacking the tariff. In conclusion Mr. Oxnard says: "I will not dispute Mr. Havemeyer's claim that 10 per cent is sufficient pro tection to the sugar refining Interests which he represents, but I do assert that he cannot make tha American people believe that the industries of this country and business prospered during the years we were struggling under the Wilson law, when the aver age protection amounted to 40 per cent ad valorem. If Mr. Havemeyer had said that keen and losing compe tition in business led to the forma tion of tmsts he would be right, for the tariff has nothing to do with the formation of trusts." Schley a Doctor off Laws. WASHINGTON, June 21. The hon orary degree of LL. D. was today con ferred by Georgetown university on Read Admiral Winfleld Scott Scnley and George W. Melville, Major Gener al Joseph Wheeler, Hon. W. Bourke Cockran of New York, Dr. Samuel Bu sey. District of Columbia; Dr. Daniel Brewer, Illinois, and Hon. Thomas Herran, United States of Colombia, General Wheeler, Dr. Brewer and Hon. Thomas Herran were unavoidably ab sent Re-eallstment at the Front. WASHINGTON, June 24. General Otis has cabled the war department saying that he had selected Sergeant Major Bell of the Twentieth infantry as adjutant of the First volunteer reg iment, to be organized in the Philip pines. He asked authority for the ap pointment which has been granted. The adjutant will have the rank of captain. This is the first move in the direction of organizing the skelton regiments In the Philippines, so far at the department is Informed. Population off Kansas. TOPEKA, June 24. Thus far thq state board of agriculture has received assessors' returns from seventy-two counties in Kansas, and it is interest ing to note that fifty-seven of these report an increase over 1898 in popu lation of 29,172, while fifteen show a decrease of 3,375, leaving a net in crease for the seventy-two counties of 25,797, equal to nearly 2 per cent on the state's entire population of on year before. Sheep Shearing Commences. RAPID CITY, S. D., June 24. The sheep shearing season has commenced in those parts of the Hills where sheep raising is carried on. It is rather late, owing to the difficulty in getting shearers as soon as they are needed. The clip will be unusually large thl? year on account of the cold winter The sheep ranges are in a fine condi tion and large numbers of sheep have already been brought in this season and have commenced to fatten. The prospects are that this will be the best year for lambs that the Hills has seen for some time. Kansas Wet Down. HERDON, Kan., June 24 The drouth is broken. Good rains have fallen at Atwood, Herndon, Cedar Bluffs, McDonald, Traer and Ludell. Kan. Corn Is doing well, alfalfa good, potato crop good and about a half crop of winter wheat; good crop of spring wheat Formal Note oa Bonadary. LONDON, June 24. The officials of the foreign office have sent the United States ambassador, Joseph H. Choate. a formal memorandum embodying the temporary agreement reached on the Alaskan boundary question. PINGREE ASSISTS ALGER ftej Will Join Forces to 8end Secretary f Wai id the Senst STATEMENT GIVEN ON AUTHORITY Platform Is to Be Aatl-Trnst, Kqaal Ta atloa aad Direct Vote off the People ffer Beaator Deaoaaces MeMlllaa Some thlag fat the Way off Political Iatelll- fiETROlf , Mich., June 24. Governor ftngreg gave out a pubiifi idtement today to the effect that he had com bined with Secretary Alger In the In terests of Alger's senatorial candidacy. General Alger will not withdraw under any circumstances, nor will he spend any money In the campaign. The plat form of their campaign will be oppo sition to trusts and senatorial elections by A popular vote. The alliance was made at a conference held last night, it which several df the Pingree state leaders and the general and the gov ernor were present. Said the governor: "I have avoided committing iriyself heretofore, because 1 Wanted Opportunity to talk with the general first But ail along General Alger has been my personal choice for senator. I wired him at Petoskey. asking him If I could not see him id Detroit on his way back to Washing ton. In reply he arranged to meet me last evening. Of course I can't speak for my friends, but those I have talked with fire Alger men beyond all ques tion. They cannot support Senator McMillan. They certainly cannot bo classed as friends of mine if they do. They cannot forget eight years of po litical history in a day, nor can they live with the representatives of 'Judi cious combinations' and unequal taxa tion and pretend at the same time to be friends of equal and just taxation and foes to trusts. "At our meeting last night General Alger told us frankly the history of his relations with Senator McMillan in the matter of the senatorship. He has dealt with General Alger the same a? he has treated everyone who questiom his ownership of the republican party. "General Alger is in the race and to stay to the end," said the governor, "and you can say, in the strongest English you can write, I am with him heartily and I propose to do all I can personally and with my friends to aid his candidacy. As General Alger put it to me, he will be a candidate if he has assurances for no more than one vote in the legislature. Alger Is on the right side of the two greatest ques tions of the day. I said to him that I could not personally support a man who would not declare himself on the right side of those two public ques tions. The two questions on which I wanted to know his position are those of trusts and election of United States senators by direct vote of the people. "I wish to say that the general h absolutely sound on both these ques tions. General Alger believes firmly that United States senators should be elected by direct vote of the people." KINK IN IMMIGRATION LAW. Judge Hanford Releases a Jap Arrested by an Inspector. SEATTLE, Wash., June 24. United States Judge Hanford has rendered a decision which raises an issue with the Treasury department. He granted a writ of habeas corpus to T. Yama saka, a Japanese arrested by Immigra tion Inspector Walker on the ground of being a pauper and entering the United States clandestinely. Judge Hanford ruled that while the courts have no jurisdiction to review the act of the superintendent of im migration, the Inspectors acting under him, in excluding immigrants upon their arrival, and before they have been landed from the vessel, after an Immigrant has entered the United States and actually set foot upon its soil and attained his liberty, he can not be turned back except upon a ju dicial inquiry into his right to remain in the United States, and further held that the law makes no provision for such Inquiry After the discharge of Yamasaka he was Immediately re-arrested by In spector Walker, acting under orders from the Treasury department. It is understood that another application for a writ of habeas corpus will be heard Saturday morning. From the tenor of Judge Hanford's decision it is likely that Yamasaka will be promptly discharged. In thct event an appeal will be taken. Pally Satisfied With Kantz. WASHINGTON. D. C, June 24. Ad miral Kautz reported his arrival at San Francisco last evening by tele graph to the Navy department, but made no report upon Samoan affairs. This probably will be committed through the mails. His official super iors are fully satisfied with his son duct while at Apia. The Admiral re tains his assignment as commander-in-chief of the forces on the Pacific station, and the Philadelphia will be retained in commission, though the necessary repairs and docking will be made. There is a disposition in all diplo matic quarters concerning affairs in Samoa to accept the action of the high commission as satisfactory, mainly be cause the commission has been on the ground, heard all the evidence and pre sumably is best able to determine the situation and judge the many conflict ing stories. All Is In Readiness. LAS VEGAS, N. M., June 24. Affairs are rapidly assuming form here for the reunion of the rough riders, com mencing today. The amp of the rank and file of the regiment has been es tablished and is being occupied by up wards of twenty privates who have al ready gathered from various parts of the country. The town is being decor ated with flags and bunting. A unique feature In this line Is the setting out of a double row of spruce trees, eight and ten feet high, on the business Etreets. Orders American Cannon. BRIDGEPORT Conn., June 24. It was learned today that within a short time the plant of the American Ord nance company bad been visited by a representative of the czar of Russia. It Is stated that the ordnance company was asked by the representative of the czar whether the following order could be filled: One hundred field batteries of six guns each, six and twelve-pounders, quick-fire guns and 1,600 caissons and limbers. The value of the order would be about 16,000.000. When a man Is out of a job he can keep himself busy looking for work. IT WW REIT rmcES. Cheaper Traasaertaffew fe Western. Wheat to the SeabearA CHICAGO, June 24. The Record says: The Canadian government will open the Soulanges canal In August, and by its operation) the cost of trans porting' lake freights to tide water will be reduced beyond the possibility of profitable competition by any ether route. The cost of transporting wheat via the lakes and Erie canal will be re duced one-half. The' same Is equally true of all other products destined for trans-Atlantic ports from the territory tributary to the Great lakes. In this enterprise the Canadian government has expended over $62,000,000. Besides this,-, there has been expended from canal revenues (of repairs and better ments enough ia make s) total ef $70 000,000. The United States-government hae" paid out but 140,000.000 for all pur poses on the Great lakes, their har bors aad coaaecUoM stace the begin ning of the government It is generally accepted by shippers that Liverpool makes the price of cash wheat and that every cent saved on the cost of delivering It at Liverpool means that much more to be paid to the owner of the wheat at the time It Is sold and shipped. As tho saving on wheat will be somewhere near S cents a bushel, the added returns to the far mer of the northwest for the slugle item of wheat would In one year amount to $6,000,000; on other exports of his producing he would probably save twice as much more In freight charges. This, it Is thought, will ope rate to open the eyes of the farmer about the Great lakes to the Import ance of a deep waterway to the Atlan tic which would still further Increase the value of his products. While the northwest may contem plate with gratification the prospect of a new and cheaper water routa to the Atlantic, New York Is beginning to awaken from its long continued dis regard of the requirements of western commerce. Observant persons are confident that New York city will lose much of its enormous export shipping business, which amounts to somewhere near 150,000,000 bushels of grain an nually. It is asserted in the highest quarters that the rate to New York city via the Erie canal cannot possi bly be reduced to a figure that will anywhere near meet the Montreal fig ure, and if It be attemptel, the predic tion is made that the Canadian charg es will be reduced to 2 centc per bushel or less for wheat rOHCE READY f OR TR0UILE. Prospects that Mllltla Will Be Called la to Sappress Rioting. CLEVELAND, June 24. The rejec tion by the street railway strikers' mass meeting last night of the terms of settlement unanimously approve by the committee has put a new face on the situation. The city authorities are now openly preparing for trouble and the board of control is now In session considering means of protect ing the company's property and pre serving order. President Everett says iat the company will run its cars and have no more dealing with the strikers. Police Director Barrett said: "We are not going to wait for anything more to happen, but prepare ourselves to meet any emergency. Whether or not it will be found necessary to call for mllltla other than what the city contains I cannot say. "We cannot depend upon what police force we have. Every possible thing will be dene to prevent the recurrence of such affairs as have taen place fre quently on the streets of Cleveland since the strike began."' Perpetaatlon off the G A. R. ST. LOUIS. June 24. The Post- Dis patch says that at the next annual en campment of the Grand Army of the Republic, which will be the closing one of the nineteenth century, a reso lution will be introduced by an Illinois member to perpetuate It and take Into it the veterans of the navy, as well as of the army. It will be proposed to change the name to "The Grand Army and Navy of the Republic." The resolution will call for the amendment of the constitution so as to admit all soldiers and sailors who ever fought for the union, all who are fighting for it now, and all who mav hdreafter fight for the flag and the principles which it represents. The reason for the movement Is the fact that the G. A. R. Is in the process of speedy and certain ultimate extinc tion, by reason of having nothing to recruit from. It is probable that the commander-in-chief will be memorial ized to appoint a committee to consider the proposition and take the necessary steps to change the name and consti tution at the next encampment Monster Order for Ralls. PITTSBURG. June 24. The Com mercial Gazettee says: The Carnegie Steel company has contracted with representatives of the Russian govern ment to furnish that country with 180,000 tons of steel rails for Its Im mense railroad enterprises in Siberia and China. This, it is said, is the largest order ever placed with one firm In the world and represents an outlay of between $4,500,000 and $5, 000,000. In filling the order 200.000 tons of pig Iron will be consumed and profitable employment will be insured to all the rail mill workmen of the concern for the next two and a half years. Members of the firm here re fuse to confirm or deny the above. Differences Not Great. DENVER, June 24. The managers of the smelters owned by the Ameri can Smelting and Refining company are still conferring and arranging labor scales, while the strikers are quietly awaiting overtures. It is cou ceded by both sides to the controversy resulting from the operations of the new eight-hour law that nothing stands between the managers and the men that cannot be arranged in an hour and the resumption of operations at the smelters is not likely to be de layed beyond a few days or weeks. Tascott Agala Bobs Up. CHICAGO. June 24. Information as to the whereabouts of a man supposed by the Informant to be William R. Tascott who, in February of 1888, murdered Millionaire Amos J. Snell of this city, was furnished today to the police by Louis Miller of Black Rock, Ark., who came to Chicago for this purpose solely. He said that be was positive of the indentification. Miller's information is based on state ments made by the man in his sleep. No man c?.n live piously or die righteously without a woman. Rich-ter. HONORSTOTIADMIRAL An Imthssuaatio Welcome Oivea Dewey at Colombo, THE WARMEST RECEniON Of All The local Papers Derate Colamas te the rataaoWHers) eff Maalla Aataorttles Board the Olyapm aad Civ the Ad miral a Silver Caahat Cardail reet 19 a Evarr Side far the Beval Hero. COLOMBO. Island of Ceyloa. June 23. (New York World. Cablegram.) Admiral Dewey's reception here was the wannest which has been extended to him at aay port where he has touched Since be started on his voyage from Manila to New York. The local aswspepers print colamas of welcome. Isc1e4g poesM la hta honor, in which Dewey 1 compared with Nelson. One paper, besides Is suing a cardboard souvenir portrait of the American admiral, reproduces long extracts from American Dewey day editions, copies of which have just ar rived. The admiral's presence at Hotel Galleface, Instead of accepting the governor's hospitality, signifies that he Is adhering to his determination to rest His official landing was picturesque. Natives attired in gaudy colors formed a gay background to solid flies of Highlanders facing the avenue through which he passed from the quay to the governor's carriage. Admiral Dewey spoke in complimentary terms of the appearance of the troops and the good taste displayed In the arrangements for his reception. COLOMBO. Island of Ceylon. June 23. The United States cruiser Olym pia, with Admiral Dewey on board, which arrived here at 6 o'clock In the morning, saluted the port at 8 and the forts replied. Admiral Dewey landed at 11 o'clock and proceeded by special train to Kohdy. He will remain in Ceylon about a week. The admiral says he had a good voyage from Singa pore and that his health Is fairly good. His reception here was not marked by any official ceremonies. An aide-de-camp representing the governor of Ceylon. Rt Hon. Sir Jo seph West Rldgeby. boarded the Olym pla at 7 o'clock this morning In order to welcome Admiral Dewey, and Colo nel Savage, commanding the troops, caller at 10 o'clock. The visits were returned by Admiral Dewey at 11 o'clock. He was received at the jetty by a guard of honor, and. amidst cheer ing, drove In the governor's carriage to breakfast with Colonel Savage. The admiral afterward booked rooms at the Galleface hotel and returned on board the Olympla at 1 o'clock. There he received a deputation representing the Planters'assoclation and the cham ber of commerce, and was presented with a sliver casket and an address as a memento of his visit The presentation of the casket to Admiral Dewey was made on board the Olympla. instead of In the council chamber, because his doctor had for bidden him to participate In any func tion. The delegates also presented 1,000 pounds of tea to the crew of the Olympia. The admiral, replying to the address of welcome, said he wished he could reply In adequate terms, reciprocating the sentiments expressed. But, he ad ded, he spoke from his heart when he said he deeply appreciated the wel come. Admiral Dewey added that be would have the very acceptable present of tea distributed as desired. Incidentally mentioning that he was a lifelong tea drinker himself and assuring the del egation that the address would be read at "muster" and afterwards framed and preserved. The casket, he re marked, he would always keep on his table, and he told the delegates that he would report the matter to his gov ernment and describe the cordiality of bis reception. Continuing, Admiral Dewey remarked: "That cheer raised on the jetty when I landed went to the hearts of all of us. We are 14,000 miles from home, but that cheer will be heard in Amer ica although the way in which it has touched me I shall never be able to fully express. The two nations were never so closely allied by mutual sym pathy and appreciation a now. The American people realized this during the late war, and you can imagine how all those who were at Manila and met Sir Edward Chichester (commander of the British first class cruiser Immor talite), and his gallant comrades hold that feeling very deeply." A general conversation followed, and after toasting the "Anglo-Saxon Union" and the prosperity of the two countries the delegation departed. ANOTHER CAll fOR TROOTS. President Decides to Sapplemeat Regu lars with lt.eee Volnateers. CHICAGO, June 23. A special from Washington to the Tribune says: President McKinley has decided to call for volunteers for service in the Phil ippines. It has been determined to form at least nine regiments and pos sibly twelve. For the present the pres ident deems nine regiments enough and it Is understood this belief is based on representations made by General Otis, who is said to have recently es timated the force he will need in the Islands. There are now 23,000 regulars in the Philippines and there will shortly be a reinforcement of at least 7,000. Thl3 furnishes General Otis with the armv he desired in the earlier estimate? from Manila. Lately, however, he ha? had occasion to revise these figures and under the influences of the more liberal estimates of General Lawton and other advisers he had informed the Washington officials that the presence of 12,000 or 15,000 volunteers to sup plement the force of regulars will lc a safeguard. Actual enlistment for the new vol unteer regiments will be under the army officers and the requirements will be similar to those which attended the recruiting of volunteers at the out break of the late war. It is probable the company strength will be maxi mum and this would give for nine reg iments a volunteer force of at least 12,000. The call for troops will be issued as soon as the necessary arrangements for recruiting system can be made. Growth of the Dewey Pand. WASHINGTON, June 23. The sub scriptions received today by the na tional committee of the Dewey fund amounted to $476, of which the Cin cinnati Times-Star sent $250.50. col lected in dime subscriptions. The to tal amount received to date is $9,876. TNI OLD ttlLI ABU. ColumbusStateBank (OUs Baak la ike (.) mams Yanmmaa am flmna Itasiaalaa rqluItretlTJBlNpB WaUauMWk Chic, Nw Trk MLLf TsUMJID? TICKET BUYS 000D NOTES AYS) DrnxcroaW tiBAMBwm Qaaaian. Prea't. B. V. Haamr, Vice Prest. It Baceexa, Cashier. . steAVITXB, Wa SUCBBB, The GolumDtis Journal. A Weekly Newspaper devoted to the best interests of ImtfaMmft uwvMViai Tin Comty of natti, Tki State of Nebraska, Tin United States, -AND TI1&- REST OF MANKIND. Ill UNIT OF MEASURE WITH US 18 $1.50 a Year. If Paid In Advance. Bat oar limit of usefulness is not cir cumscribed by dollars and cents. Ceafas teat free te aay address HENRY GASS, : ami t Xttalltt : CumI e sBMUii Uphtl let gomdos Journal PBINTIKG OFFICE. PT PAPERS : UNDERTAKER ! v . OOUNTRY. . .. i -