I -yl F..i- m lintrmu. Ma " . f--"- 4ka 1 S - I VOLUME XXX. NUMBER 11. COLUMBUS. NEBRASKA. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 21, 1899. WHOLE NUMBER 1,519. "- T3 Cfltalros i. ' 'w"f V-'t-- Y"J ' s .- ; . -:.- ? s i" . if": Lv.-.U t-. ',V t?S 5." ' k ssf Laalfc THE VACANCIES FILLED i) Annual June Meeting of the State For mal School Board. SOME CHANGES IN THE FACULTY. A. Cbaage Decide Cpon In the Matter of Tralalag School Kindergarten Work So Re Instltated Crop Conditions mad Other State Interests. f Changes in the State Normal. Peru dispatch: At the annual June meeting of the State Normal board three vacancies in the faculty were filled. Miss Sanders of Holdrege was made instructor of music, Harry Benedict of Lincoln was elected to take charge of Prof. Duncanson's work for the coming j-ear, while Prof. Duncanson goes abroad on leave of absence for study at the University .of Leipsic Miss Daily of University Place was elected to the chair of elo cution and oratory. Prof. M. R. Ely, "who has had charge of this depart ment ever since its beginning, and "who has worked It up to its present high standard, gives up the profession of teaching and will attend the com ing two or three years a school of os teopathy. Prof. Ely has contemplated this line of work for some time and, accordingly, sent in his resignation to the board early In the spring. It was decided by the board to change the plan of the training school. During the last year there were 200 to 300 pupils belonging to the school district who attended the Nor mal Training school. In the future the number will be limited to ninety, thus saving much trouble and expense. The plan is given in this resolution, which was adopted by the board: Resolved, That beginning the open ing of the term in September, 1S99. the training department consist of a kindergarten and eight grades, with not to exceed ten children in each grade, and that these classes be taught under the direction of the critic teach ers and In the presence of the various training classes, under such conditions as may be of most benefit to said training classes, and that the chil dren to be taught in these grades shall be selected by the critic teachers, subject to approval by the principal.. The Crop Conditions. The last week, says the crop report, has been cool, with heavy local show ers in eastern counties and only very light showers in the western. The average daily temperature has va ried from about normal in the extreme eastern portion of the state to 2 be low normal in the western part. Light frost occurred in northwestern coun ties on the 6th and Sth. In most of the eastern third of the state the rainfall of the week exceed ed half an inch the rain falling in showers mostly on the Cth and 7th. Jn a few localities it ranged from two to slightly more than three inches. In the western counties the rainfall was generally less than a quarter of an Inch. The last week has been a most fa vorable one for the growth of crops In the eastern half of the state. In most of the western half more rain would be beneficial and in the south western counties small grain has been Injured by the dry weather. In the northeastern counties small grain Is In excellent condition and has grown welL Corn has grown well in all parts of the state. The dry weather in the western part of the state has not af fected it unfavorably. Cultivation of corn has made rapid progress in cen tral and western counties, and the crop is there free of weeds. In the region of heavy rainfall cultivation has been delayed somewhat, and some fields are becoming weedy. Corn is . somewhat backward in northeastern counties, but taken as a whole it is in better condition than usual at this time of year. Alfalfa is being cut. and the crop is generally light. Cherries and straw berries are ripe in south counties. Wants Itig Damages. J. C. Rombolt has sued the Omaha Electric Light company for $25,000 damages resulting from his coming in contact with a live wire while in the was a lineman for the company and says that on July 1, 1S9S. he was at work for the com any stringing wires from poles on Jones street, between Fourth s ,d Fifth. He was sent to the top of a forty-five foot pole to make atachments and after doing the work he started to descend. H? states that two live wires had been spliced near the pole and that the company had neglected to "tape" the joints as re Quired to make the insulation com plete. As he was climbing down the crossbars his right arm came in con tact with one of the bare wires and his back with the other, thus complet ing a short circuit and letting the full rorce of the current flow through his body. The shock caused him to lose his hold and he fell to the pavement, breaking both feet and his right an kle. Subsequently the right foot was amputated and he now wants the com pany to settle for the sum mentioned. The marriage of August Schlensen er and Frederlka Thorn of that vicin ity of Oxford was solimnized last week. The gallant groom has attain ed the ripe age of seventy-three years, while the blushing bride is seventy four. Mrs. Catharine Rigg. a prominent Beatrice woman, died last week. Still further reports of losses of cat tle are being received at Ainsworth in addition to those reported previously. Jim Wilson, one of the biggest stock men of southeast Cherry county, from the ranch of P.E-Wantz, is out twenty five head and no trace of the missing animals can be found. A ranchman named Remalia, south of the Calimus, .has lost sixty head. It was from his ranch that the Bebee cattle of fifty head were stolen last fall, of which no trace has ever been found, although the most vigorous search has been in stituted. Wymore is planning for a big Fourth of July celebration. It has developed that whitecappinj; was the real cause of the suicide of lS-year-old John Wilke at Rock Branch, says a Sioux City dispatch. This came out at the inquest and it is said the matter will be called to the attention of the grand jury at the next term of court. Wilke was called . from his bed at 10 o'clock at night by .Harry Huffman, a friend, and when he went down he was charged with a crime. He denied it and was asked if he would preier to be ducked or have the story told his" father. He took the ducking in the tank and went to bed dripping wt The Governor's ataaslea. The state board of public lands amd buildings la still figuring on the pur chase of a mansion for Governor Poynter, says the Lincoln Journal. At the state house it is believed that the board will select either the residence of George Lowrey on South Seven teenth street or the home of D. E. Thompson on H street across the street from the capitol grounds. It is claimed that the board desires to en large the library of Mr. Lowrey's house if the building Is bought, and that this change can be made without much trouble. The board held a brief meeting yesterday afternoon, but the members denied that they had closed the deal. The board has never di vulged the bids and no one knows what prices are asked by those who have offered houses. Mr. Buckstaff who worked for the passage of a bill authorizing the state board to buy his house was reported to have the inside track up to the other day, when re ports turned in another direction. The board was also authorized by the legislature to buy the building used for a soldiers' and sailors' home at Milford and $13,500 was appropri ated for that purpose. State Treas urer Meserve was reported to be op posed to the purchase, but he said yesterday that he was in favor of buy ing the building and grounds as soon as the board could find out what tho property was worth. When the First Sails. In order to be in position to give to the anxious friends and relatives of the members of the First Nebraska the earliest information as to the sail ing of the transport from Manila, says a Lincoln dispatch. Adjutant General Barry yesterday sent a request to Ad jutant General Corbin at Washington that word be wired as soon as the date of sailing was known at the war department. Today the adjutant gen eral of the army answers this by say ing that the information would be wired promptly upon its receipt by him. It was said that news of the sailing of the regiment for home was expected soon. The plan for the reception to the returning boys of the regiment here is being made on the theory that when mustered -out they will want to go to their homes first, and the reception will be held some time afterward. It has been suggested that the time of the meeting of the Grand Army of the Republic reunion might be opportune. The plan is to have the returned mem bers of the Second and Third assemble and take part in the welcome home. braka in Brief. The mortgage record for May in Jefferson county is as follows: Farm mortgages filed, thirty-two, amount, $41,026; released, fifty-one, amount, $50,120; city mortgages filed, eighteen, amount. $7,815; released, sixteen, amount, $6,428.78 : chattel mortgages filed, eighty, amount, $18,687.90; re leased, fifty-three, amount. $72,623.37; net decrease in mortgage indebted ness, $61,642.65. Rev. Dr. J. M. Gillette, late of Chi cago, is the successor of Prof. W. C. Rhoades as principal of Chadron academy. The latter, after serving two years as principal of the school, has resigned In order to enter the ministry in New England. Dr. Gil lette is a graduate of Park college, Missouri, and has taken post gradu ate course In theology at Princeton and the Chicago Theological seminary. Early fruit is commencing to ripen In this vicinity, says a Leigh dispatch. Cherry growers expect to begin pick ing next week. The cherry crop here will be light, from one-third to two fifths of last year's crop, but the qual ity excellent. Other fruits run in about the same proportion. Currents and gooseberries will make a half crop, while grapes, raspberries and blackberries are light, having been badly winter killed- James W. Neeld was arrested in Humboldt charged with the illegal selling of Intoxicating liquors. The officers took charge of a considerable quantity of bottled goods, bearing dif ferent labels, and E. F. Sharts, editor of the Enterprise, took a sample to Lincoln for analysis. Neeld gave $500 bonds to appear for trial before Jus tice D. W. Neill on the 19th inst He was arrested a week before on a sim ilar charge, and is still awaiting his tr.il. The auditing and treasury depart ments of the Pacific Express compa ny will move from Omaha to St. Louis on October 1. The operating depart ment and the president's office will re main. This will cause a transfer of two-thirds of the company's business from Omaha. A provision In the char ter of the express company provides that the president's office must be in Omaha, and that has much to do with its being left. Altogether about twenty-five employes at the headquarters will be affected by the change. "We are doing a great deal of building," said James Rivett, super intendent of buildings for the Bur lington to a reporter of the Lincoln Journal, "most of it being in the way of repair work and enlarging old structures. We are building a new depot at Bartley now to take place of the one burned some time ago. The matter of the construction of the depot to be built at Kearney is under consideration. We have received a notice of what may come to our de partment after the road begins to lay track on the Alliance extension, but it would seem certain that we will have a great deal of building to do in that territory when once the work of track laying begins. There will be depots and coal sheds and water tanks to construct, and the building depart ment will be kept busy." The adjutant general has wired the adjutant general of the army to in form him immediately upon the sail ing of the First Nebraska from Manila. Nearly every merchant in Wymore is complaining of the free and easy manner in which the gambling houses are run in the city. Sunday was pay day on the Burlington, but instead of paying their store bills many of the railway employes visited the gambling houses and lost their month's work and their bills had to go over. Ever since pay day the gambling houses have been doing a flourishing business and are said to' have cleaned np sev eral thousand dollars. Mrs. Alice Van Fleet died in Hast ings last week. Intimate friends at tribute her death to a broken heart. Deceased was the widow of Mr. Van Fleet, who was shot by Captain Te cum on the streets of that city some years ago. One son is the only child left to mourn her loss. Ashland reports that notwithstand ing the apparently backward spring the crops are fully as far advanced as usual and no finer prospect for a bountiful .harvest has existed for many years at this season of the year than today. Corn is a good stand, reasonably free from weeds and grow ing rapidly. TI HERMAN DISASTER Detail of the Storm that Brought Detn tion and Death. fEN DEAD TWENTY-FIVE WOUNtED Only Six Balldlag la the Towa Left Standing Headreds of People Home less aad SabjecU of Charity M easares Takea to Afford Relief. HERMAN. Neb., June 16. Special to the Omaha Bee: The desolation is in describably pathetic Such is the uni versal verdict of the thousands of spec tators who have visited the lite of th once pretty village of Herman today; Yesterday it was peopled by a hap py, prosperous half-thousand citizens as could be found in Nebraska. Today, with half a dozen exceptions, all are homeless, without a place to lay their hands or a table from which to eat. Yesterday they would nave scorned charity. Today the wealthiest are liv ing on provisions sent by kindly heart ed citizens from neighboring towns. Days will pass before the debris will have been cleared away and the scene will have lost even a portion of the heartrending features which may be seen on every side. As a result of the slonn, ten persons lie dead, one family having been al most entirely swept out of existence. Twenty-five are injured, some of them fatally. Yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock Herman presented a peaceful scene. A little later clouds began to gather and before 6 o'clock torrents of rain were deluging the streets. The citizens were not frightened at the appearance of the storm, because they thought it was simply a repetition of the heavy rain falls, which had visited that section previously. At 6 o'clock, however, omnlous clouds began to appear, and little knots of people assembled in every part of the town to watch them. As the clouds grew more dense the inky blackness appeared terrifying and the more timid sought storm cel lars. Scores of people congregated in these cellars awaiting the approaching cyclone. At 6:15 it swept down upon them, coming from the northwest with a frightful velocity. Those who were still in positions to watch its onward sweep say that it came from two di rections and the appearance of the town today would Indicate that such was the case. Old-timers who were cooler-headed, however, think differ ently. They believe it came down from the northwest, spreading as it struck obstructions and converging when these were torn out of the way. It required but a few minutes for the storm to do its work, although it seemed hours to the unfortunates penned up in the storm caves. Citizens who are able to recall their impressions during the storm, al though suffering with terror, say that as the wind passed over them it seemed like the flight of thousands of large birds, accompanied by the inter mittent crashes of heavy shells. They knew little of the havoc which was wrought in and around their homes When they emerged it was to find a scene of desolation which was abso lutely appalling. Houses were blown down in every direction. With few exceptions the citizens could locate their homes only by the cellars in which they had crouched or by a few familiar pieces of furniture which remained in the shells which formerly had been com modious and comfortable homes. As far as the eye could see, from south to north, no building stood to furnish a refuge for the homeless citizen. It required only a moment of con templation of the frightful scene to bring the citizens to a realization of their duties to each other. Parents be gan looking for children, wives for husbands and sons for their parents. As these were found unscathed the neighborly spirit took possession of them and they turned their attention to alleviating the sufferings of those about them. The dead were removed to the Meth odist church in the north part of the city, which served as a morgue. The injured were taken to a parsonage to be transported later on a relief train to Blair. Relief trains came down from Tekamah and Blair with physicians cians ana nurses to aid in the search for the injured and dead. Ninety-six persons, injured and uninjured, were sent on an Omaha train to Blair, where they were cared for in the Clif ton hotel and in the homes of the citi zens. The night was made all the more disagreeable by the rain, which fell on the houseless citizens in torrents. It ceased only for an hour, apparently to gather additional force and make a second attack. Few thought, however, of seeking refuge from the elements. spending the night, especially the men, in looking for the injured. The women and children were sent to the school house and the other buildings which remaineu intact. The darkness of the night was broken by brilliant flashes of light ning, which added to the impressive ness of the scene. The power of the storm appeared to have been irresist ible, although its ravages were not plainly observed until this morning, when the sun revealed them in all their hideousiness. As the hours passed and the returns from the injured increased it seemed to the citizens as if every family in the town had suffered. After a sys tematic canvass had been made, how ever, it was discovered that those liv ing in the northern portion had suf fered most in casualties. It was there the storm had done its worst, although its force was almost as great in the heart of the town. The storm undoubtedly came down from the northwest. Its first effects are reported from five miles northwest of the cy, where the home of J. E. Hawkins was wiped off the earth. Mr. Hawkins was blown into his barn. Lightning seemed anxious to supple ment the cyclone in its destructiveness and added a bolt It struck the barn, setting it afire and killing Mr. Haw kins, if the force of the wind had not ended his life previously. This morn ing his remains were found charred to a crisp and unrecognizable. "Grandma" Nosier, mother of Mrs. Hawkins, was badly injured inter nally and both arms were broken. It is not believed she can survive. Mrs. Hawkins was badly injured and her daughter had her back hurt. The house was razed to the ground, while not enough of the outbuildings could be found to fill the box of an ordi nary lumber wagon. Continuing its southerly course, tearing trees np by the roots, leveling fences, strewing barbed wire across the country and covering the earth with debris the cyclone next made its appearance at the home of A. B. Hop kins, half a mile northwest of Eer taoa. Here it wrought the saddest havoc, the happy family of the farmer being slain outright, with one excep tion: The bodies of Mr. Hopkins and hjs wife were found 100 yards north of the house in his orchard after the storm. They had been blown out of the house by the wind, which. In Its rotary motion, apparently whirled them out of its path as if angry at them for not having placed an ob struction in its way. The body of Mrs. Kelso was found lying on a pile of debris near the for mer site of the house. Anderson Hopkins, the son of the owner of the farm, lay near in the last agonies of a terrible death. Back in the orchard holding to a small sapling as if her life depeaded upon the tenacity of her grip, lay Ella Hopkins, an elderly daughter, with her face and head badly cut and her bodjr bruised. Neaf her little "Carrie Kelso, granddaughter of Mr. Hopkins, was sitting on a stump, dazed and motionless, as if she did not realize what had happened. The wind played 'strange pranks around this house, apparently delight ing in the destruction it was making. The trees In the orchard north of the house were torn up by their roots.' Their tops pointed In a southwesterly direction as if they had been brown down by a wind coming from the northeast. To the west of the house the trees were blown toward the southeast, the wind apparently re suming its original course. Not an outbuilding was left standing. Bed clothing, wearing apparel, furniture and stock were scattered in every direction- Having demolished everything about the Hopkins homestead, the death dealing cloud sped upon the town. It struck the first house in the extreme northwestern portion. This was occu pied by Peter Christiansen. Hardly a vestige of the formerly comfortable cottage was left, it being carried away and smashed into such small frag ments that Mr. Christiansen could not find even the lintel of one of his doors. Again the storm seemed to desire vengeance upon an unintentional ob structor. Not only did Mr. Christian sen lose his home in Herman, but the storm swept away his house and barn on his farm four miles west of the city, in what is known as Dane Hol low. In the fcame yard with Mr. Chris tiansen was the home of Mrs. William Bree- She had seen the storm ap proaching and had taken refuge, with her daughter, Mrs. Louis Wachter, in the cellar beneath the front porch. Mr. and Mrs. Christiansen came and joined them, and it is to this desertion of their home that the latter two owe their lives. The Bree house was torn from its foundation and twisted to the south, leaving the cellar and its occu pants unprotected. A brick struck Mrs.. Bree on the shoulder, while sev eral flying missies fell upon Mr. and Mrs. Wachter, bruising and cutting them quite severely. Veering a trifle to the east, the wind passed between the Bree house and a dwelling across the street, leaving the latter unharmed, although it was only fifty feet away. Right on this street is where the storm spread. Striking the home of John Fitch on the corner of the street southeast of Mrs. Bree's home, it commenced the leveling pro cess, its swath being two blocks in width. As if guided by a hand which believed in destroying everything pos sible, it backed up a trifle, crossing the back yard of the home of Mrs. J. C. Stokes, the first house on the west side of the main street which was in jured. Only slight damage was In flicted here, however. Across the street from Mrs. Stokes it struck a house where dinner had evidently been ready when the storm approached. The table was set and even today the dishes are still un touched. It was here that the Ander sons lived. They took to a cellar, ac companied by Louis Claussen, which proved so poor a refuge that all were injured. Claussen so badly that be died several hours later after having been removed to Blair. The rest of the citizens between Sev enth and Second streets felt the full brunt of the storm. Across from John Fitch's place, west of West street, his barn was razed, not a single shingle being left. A little further south on West street the home of Mayor E. W. Burdic had the roof lifted off the east ern wing. It was not far from this point that Postmaster W. S. Richards lost his life. He sought safety in a cellar, but it proved his tomb. He was suffering from chronic asthma and it is believed that this, augmented by the terror of the occasion, was the cause of his death, as there were no marks upon his body when he was found. Another was so seriously Injured in the heart of the city that he died lat er. He was T. J. Hines, a contractor from Blair, who had come to Herman during the afternoon to attend to some business. He was caught under some debris which fell between two build ings and injured fatally. He was re moved to his home in Blair, where he died this morning. Mr. Hines was for merly a resident o Omaha, where he was well known and highly respected. He came to Nebraska early in the '60s. With the exception of the Central hotel and a residence a block north not a single building was left standing in the heart of the city. Both these buildings were fairly gutted by the wind. The storm came just as the evening meal was being served at the hotel. In fact, two guests were at the table when the proprietor. M. J. Ken- yon, entered and advised them to ac company him and his family to a cave until the danger had passed. In this cave the ten persons composing the family of Mr. Kenyon, the help at the hotel and ten boarders and guests, found a safe shelter from the storm, as no one was injured. The Baptist church, several blocks above the hotel, was leveled, the wind scattering the seats about the streets and carrying the pulpit several blocks toward the south. Just below the church the implement house of Louis Wachter was demolished. A large stock of buggies and farm implements was wrecked, the wind carrying the lighter portions "of the vehicles away and, angry at the resistance of the more weighty machines, wrapping them up in coils so they would be rendered useless forever. The Plateau bank, the only brick structure in the town, was torn to pieces, the brick being scattered for blacks. Nothing but the vault was left standing, the wind driving a heavy rail through its side to remind the own er of its terrific force. Below the bank the general mer chandise store of E. A. Pegau, the millinery store of Mrs. M. Denny, the harness shop of William Gray, the general store of Kenyon & Co.. the hardware store of D. W. Harper, the saloons of Sam Deaver, Ed Bonnear. and Sam Barrett, the grocery of Ben Trueblood. the drug store of G. M. Lydick and the general store of H. H. Wallace were crushed to splinters, the loss being almost total in each case. Mr. Lydick had just put In a hand some soda fountain, which was dis Igured beyond recognition. His loss is very heavy, as he also had about $1,200 worth of furniture stored in an other part of the city which was to tally destroyed. In its course southward the storm truck the new waterworks of the eity and demolished them. A great iron toiler sixty feet in length and weigh ing seventy tons was rolled a block. Not only did the storm wreck all the buildings on the main street, but it went out of its way to deal the rail road a pretty hard rap. The stock yards, opposite the Plateau bank, were razed, the heavy fence and deeply im bedded posts proving poor obstructions to the wind. Back of them the Peavey elevator and the elevator of the Crow all Grain and Lumber company con tributed their roofs, the upper portion of the Cupola leaving in each case. The contents were thus exposed to the rain, which poured down upon them in foods all night. Along the Omaha railroad track nine cars were blown over, their trucks be lag twisted off and carried twenty-five1 or thirty feet away. Two cars were apparently picked up from the track scd Mtdowa. three feet away, thereby giving the impression that the wind had found them with their load of grain too heavy for further transporta tion. The railroad depot, coal sheds and telegraph wires were blown down, the books of the depot being carried half a block away and deposited in a bunch upon the hill. Superintendent Haynes estimates the loss to the rail road alone at $6,000. Over across the railroad lived the only man who carried cyclone insur ance in the town. This was John Lar son, section foreman for the Omaha railroad. When Larson saw the storm approaching he gathered his family about him and descended to the ce ment cellar which he bad constructed shortly after a hard windstorm several years ago. He thought from the ap pearance of the storm at that time that he might need it and it was for this purpose that he put so much toil and money into it. His labor was re paid after years of waiting. That cave saved his life and those of the beings he valued most. The storm carried away his house, leaving the cellar open to the world, but the occupants were secure from harm. He is homeless to day, but his cellar will remain and a new home will rise on the site of the old one. as John says he intends to retain the cellar as long as he lives. He had $1,000 cyclone insurance on his house and contents. As scarcely a vestige of either remains he will ask the Phoenix Insurance company to pay his policy. Returning to the main street and concentrating its force, the storm scat tered the lumber from the yard of the Crowell Lumber company to the four winds, although they seemed to have been concentrated into one for the time being. The cottage of D. W. Pipher, local agent for the Standard Oil company, lost its roof, and the oil company's building to the south of the cottage was lifted from around the two heavy tanks and blown across the country to remain unidentified. The pipes around the tanks were bent into coils, having the appearance of having been wrapped around a gigan tic spool. Opposite the office of the Standard Oil company the homes of Dr. Clark and D. W. Harper" were visited. The roof of the rear wing of the Harper residence was torn off and the side of the house badly marred by flying pieces. The wind blew the windows cut of Dr. Clark's house and the rain did the rest during the night, coming in through the damaged roof and soaking everything within. The last house struck in the south ern portion of the town was occupied by S. J. West It was switched around so the corners rested on the sides of the foundation, but the damage was slight, except to the contents, which suffered materially from the soaking they underwent. It was here that "Caney" West was injured. The re mainder of the family went to the cave as soon as they saw the dark cloud approaching. "Caney" West did not think the cloud would strike Her man, so he remained in the house. When he saw it really intended to visit the little town he removed his shoes so he could wade to the cave. He was too late, however, as the wind caught him before he left the house. It carried him out through the window, which was broken by the wind for his passage. He was found by his broth er later limping around in the yard in a dazed condition, trying to find his way back to the house. He had run a nail through his foot and was se riously injured about the body. After passing West's house the stormed veered to the east, and left the large school house and a couple of cottages opposite it uninjured. Then, as sated with destruction, it rose in the air and left the vicinity which it had ravaged so sorely. When the spectators began to arrive this morning the sight was one which appalled the most thoughtless. Piles of lumber lay in the streets. Wherever the eye turned it rested upon the re sults of the visit of the elements. Hogs, horses, cattle, chickens, ducks and cats were strewn along the streets, the storm having driven them to their death. The household goods of the citizens were strewn from one end of the town to the other. Vases, books, furniture of all kinds, china and glass ware and kitchen utensil3 were seen on every hand. Men who considered themselves well off in the world yes terday wandered over the scene of their late abodes today wondering where the next meal was coming from. Pitiful smiles, which were given with a vain attempt to be cheerful, marked the faces of the unfortunate citizens when they spoke of their misfortune. Each tried to make light of his own losses when a neighbor was near and to offer his condolences for the hard luck of the other. It was a scene of destitution, al though few of the sightseers appeared to realize it Two-thousand of them wandered over the ruins looking for souvenirs of the storm. They did not seem to realize that what they were taking might be the dearest pieces of bric-a-brac some women might have among all that mass of broken and marred remnants. Each carried off something, some of the most humane, it must be confessed, contenting them selves with limbs from the broken trees or pieces of bark from the scarred veterans which had withstood dozens of storms, but finally succumbed to this one. which appeared to have con tained all the violence of those whicl had passed before in years. Slonx City Sends Belief. SIOUX CITY, June 16. Sioux City at noon today sent a draft of $210 to the relief committee at the stricken town of Herman, Neb. This money was raised inside of an hour and the com mittee is still at work. More money will be sent after the committee has had a chance to do some more solicit ing. Donations of clothing and bed ding also have been called for by the mayor and Commercial association. sick old person is harder to man age than a sick child. it mm TROOPS The 8tate'i Fir Beginent Ordered to tail in a lew Day TIE I0YS wiAl TO tf f tOMt The Attack em Saa Feraaado Ptatro to the Rebels AfawaloVs Preseaee CoaM Sot Stay the Intrepid American lasargeat Use Melts Away Cader Fire ef Iowa Trooae. MANILA, June 17. The Nebraska .egiment has been ordered to sail for home early next week. - After cutting the railroad and tele graph at Apalt ieven inllea south, for the purpose of severing connection., the rebels attacked General MAr. thur's lines at Sari Fernando at 4:30 this morning. They met with aa un expectedly warm reception and were repulsed with a loss of seventy-five killed, thirty prisoners and many wounded. The rebel force, estimated to have numbered 6.000 men. advanced stealth ily from the jungle north of the city, and then divided with the evident pur pose of surrounding the Americans. The outposts of the Iowa regiment discovered the enemy and retired to their lines, where the entire division awaited in an entrenched position. The Iowa regiment and the Kansas regiment received the first shock of th,e attack. Reserving their fire until the enemy was within 600 yards, the first volley of the Americans told on the rebels, who returned the fire wild ly, a part of their lines failing to ad vance. The Americans, who thor oughly enjoyed the novelty of the sit uation, awaiting an attack, sallied forth, and the insurgents thereupon turned and fled into the jungle. Our loss was fourteen men wounded and the majority of them are only slightly hurt. General Funston'a brigade of Kansas and Montana and General Hale's bri gade, the Seventeenth regiment and the Iowa regiment, constituted the force engaged. Aguinaldo is reported to have per sonally conducted the attack and preparations were made for several days to bring forward troops from Candaba and others from Daguipan were transported by rail. Along the front of the Kansas regi ment thirty-nine rebel dead were counted. The first news of the Filipino advance was reported by a telegraph operator who was sent to the bridge at Apalit to ascertain the cause of a break in one of the wires. He was compelled to beat a hasty retreat un der fire. A Spanish officer who has been a prisoner in the hands of the rebels and who was released by Aguinaldo has come through our lines to Manila. He claims to have been a witness of the assassination of General Luna. Ac cording to his story the relations be tween the two Filipino leaders had been strained to the breaking point because of Luna's attempts to assume control of affairs and the final rupture was forced by Aguinaldo issuing secret orders to the provincial governments. Luna thereupon notified Aguinaldo that he must have copies of the docu ments and Aguinaldo replied curtly that Luna was a general of the army and that the civil government did not concern him. Luna, on opening the reply at his headquarters. In the pres ence of his officers, exclaimed hotly: "He will be dead tomorrow." One officer friendly to Agunal do hastened to warn him and Aguin aldo called together twenty trusted soldiers, fellow townsmen of his, and stationed them around his house, with instructions to kill anyone attempting to enter regardless of rank. Luna appeared the next day and sam Aguinaldo at the window. A member of the guard said: "Aguin aldo has gone to Inspect the troops." Luna then exclaimed: "You are a liar," drew his revolver, struck the guard and tried t force an entrance into the house. Before he could use his revolver one of the guards bayo neted him in the back and the others stabbed him. In all he had twenty wounds. Luna's aide-de-camp was killed in the same way. The Spaniard's story has not en tirely dispelled the doubts of Luna's death, and bets that he is alive are freely made at the clubs. Some peo ple think Aguinaldo has taken pains to send the Spaniard here with his story in furtherance of some diplo matic scheme, while others suspect Aguinaldo has been assasinated by Luna's men. Since the Americans withdrew from Candaba recently the rebels have re turned and have wreaked vengeance upon those who befriended the Amer icans. They slaughtered the natives who surrendered the town and dis played their heads on poles in the public square. The hostile natives of Cuba are more menacing. Mail advices say hos tilities against the Americans have be gun there. Colonel Hamer. the American com mander, has asked for reinforcements and four companies of the Tennessee regiment have been sent him from Iloilo. Hpaalsh Chamber Meets MADRID. June 17. The parliament ary difficulties have momentarily sub sided. The chamber is to be organized today and the minister of finance, Senor VHlaverde, will introduce the budget tomorrow after the close of the Bourse, so as to allow operators time to weigh it and thus possibly avert starting a panic. Oscar Keeelres the Scientists. STOCKHOLM. June 17. The mem bers of the hydrographic congress were received by King Oscar at the royal castle today. His majesty showed then the torn dispatch from Prof. An dree. the missing Arctic balloonist recently found in Iceland, and Dr. Nansen, who examined it most care fully, declared that if Andree had suc ceeded in descending with his balloon and taking with him his arms and ammunition there was good reason to assume he had reached Greenland. where he would probably be found by the Nathorst expedition. Flood at Laredo, Texas. - LAREDO. Tex.. June 17. The Rio Grande today reached the highest stage since 1876. The waterworks and ice plants of botn Laredos were flooded and .compelled to shut down, causing a suspension of work at several other places. Many houses of poor people along the bnks on both sides were flooded or washed away and the con tents swept down the river. Three human bodies were seen floating down the river, but owing to the swift cur rent they could not be recovered. Many dead animals and large quantities of garden and farm products are being carried by, showing heavy Ion above. GIVEN A COtMAL WELCOME. tHaleasatle KateUoa Are Agmim Kesamed Seaaleh Capital. " MADRID, Juna 17 New York World Cablegram.) The reception of Minister Storer passed unnoticed to day by all the inhabitants of the capi tal who did not happen to see the cor tege pass that meant the renewal of official relations between Spain and the United State At 1:45 the chfef introducer. Ambas sador Count Zarco del Valle. in full uniform, arrived at Hotel Rome. The equerry on horseback preceded, the first carriage taking Colonel Sickles, first secretary, ia uniform. The sec ond carriage, with the equerry on the left nearest the minister, took Minis ter Storer and Count Zarco. Minister Storer was in evening dress. Near the hotel were several of the principal of ficers of the Madrid police on duty. Po licemen in uniform and plain clothes scattered along the route to the palace attracted little attention. Nothing un usual happened, aa nobody suspected Who was going. I Was ia the great palace square when the carriage came up. A few officers and soldiers of the palace guard looked on. Not a dozen civilians were present There were no military honors, no halberdiers on the great staircase nor in the throne room whea opened. Such honors are exclusively reserved for ambassadors, not minis ters." At the top of the great staircase ths dignitaries on duty received the Amer ican minister and secretary, who were ushered into the royal presence by Count Zarco. The queen regent was standing in an ante-chamber with her ladies in waiting, the lord chamber lain, Duke Sotomajor, chiefs of the military and civil household and Senor Silvela, premier and acting minister of state. Minister Storer slowly read an address couched in courteous terms after which the queen regent, without replying, conversed briefly with Storer and Sickles. The minister then return ed to the hotel before 2:30. without the slightest incident Minister Storer and Secretary Sickles were both flattered by the courteous welcome of the queen regent DELAY OF TEACE DELEGATES. Drafting- Committee Fats Off Its Meeting aad Members Talk oa the Curb. THE HAGUE, June 17 The draft ing committee for the arbitration tribunal scheme, which should have met today, adjourned its sitting to Monday next The ostensible reason for the adjournment was the absence of Baron Estiurnelles de Constant of the French delegation who drew up the minutes. It is possible, however, that the delegates had not received suffi cient instructions from their respect ive governments to make further prog ress. The delegates do not regret the opportunity of a few more days' time to negotiate. The difficulty now chiefly consists in reconciling a scheme of the other powers with the views of Ger many. Even if no agreement should bo reached an arbitration organization will nevertheless be aranged. and will remain open to such of the powers as are not able to sign now. In the mean time every effort will be made to meet the German view. The naval section, first committee, met today, and received the report of Count Soltk. The questions of limiting gun cali ber, armor plates, and the force of powder remain undecided, pending the receipt of instruction from the various governments. The report will be submitted first to the committee and then to the con ference. Aid for Sufferers at Ileraran. BLAIR. Neb., June 17. At a meeting of representative business men of the city, held at the opera house tonight nearly $1,000 was raised in cash sub scriptions for the relief of the sufferers of the Herman cyclone- A committee of eight consisting of F. W. Kenny. F. H. Mathiesen, F. H. Clandige, James Maher, Charles McMenemy, W. K. Fowler. Marcus Beck and Thomas Wilkinson was appointed to push the amount to the highest possible notch tomorrow. A cash subscription of $50 was re ceived by the Blair State bank from the town of Worthington, Minn. The committee will meet tomorrow morn ing at 8 o'clock to commence their work in the city and among the farm ers who may be in from the country. J. B. Ad? ins of the Crowell Lumber company will meet with the committee and take active measures for laying the matter of furnishing lumber at the lowest rates before the large northern lumber firms. Many expressions of gratitude were heard toward the railroad, telegraph and express companies, for the excel lent facilities they have furnished the public In helping the Herman people. The Blair State tank has been made the depository by the Herman relief committee for all contributions sent to their aid. W. E. Anderson and wife at Herman are still Improving. Cuban 'ntlfled of Gratnltx. SANTIAGO DE CUBA. June 17. Government posters announcing the date for the payment of the Cuban army have been conspicuously posted in eight of the principal towns of the province. Their appearance has pro voked a violent discussion, some of the newspapers claiming that few bona fide soldiers will accept the money of the United States. The payment in this city will begin July 9. Colonel Comba of the Fifth infantry having charge of the disbursement Death from Yellow FeTer. HAVANA, June 17. A marine who was en duty at the MacLina wharf de veloped yellow fever on Thursday and died here today. There are no new cases. The marines sleep in small bar racks on the wharf, where they breathe the foul air of the harbor. The seamen from Cartagena whom Dr. Brunner said was not suffering from yellow fever is now entirely well, but is still quarantined. There are no other cases on board bis vessel. St Petersburg is the unhealthiest capital in Europe. Chicago's Population Orer 2.000,000. CHICAGO, June 17. Chicago's pop ulation according to Chief of Police Kipley, has finally passed the 2,000. 000 mark and is now 2.0SS.043. The fig ures are the result of a census taken by the police force. Each year the department takes a census on which to base the apportionment of officers and patrolmen by precincts, and to regulate the estimate of the number of men needed to properly police the territory within its Jurisdiction. More than 50.000 Frenchmen belong to the Legion of Honor. THE OLD RKLI ABIM. Columbus State Bank (Oli leak mi tka Itato.) IfyliMiTtBDeititJ lateLKBiBtalfctat Gklcaga, Nw Yk 11 Ffenlcm CamtrlM. MUM TXAMSHD? TXCKET& BUYS GOOD NOTES Aa4aalaslaicetaawswa taeyantsllaf AJTD SI IiBaJrSKB Gaaaaao, Prea'i. B. & Hcnrr, Vice Pre. K, BsuMSX, Cashier. BTAvmm, Wa Bccaamv The Columbus Journal. A Weekly Newspaper devoted to tha best interests of MMllS, The County of Platte, Tho State of Nebraska, The United States, -AND TM- REST OF MANKIND. THE UNIT OF MEASURE WITH US IS $1.50 a Year. If Paid In Advance. Bat our limit of usefulness is not cir cumscribed by dollara and cents. ft Ceales Mat trae to aay address HENRY GrASS, CtflsM : tai i IttAllit : Cue f Goiambns Journal PRINTING OFFICE. OOUNTRY. aaa sssr 4 OafaBV Bj f Mm f9 UNDERTAKER ! -.3 'A . . . ! '. S- 2 . i ! "r - --- ti. KStSL-' J --r-j -