J . .' - - X f. I r-- p v l n . 51 " rf. c t-r :--'- t - ?' ' i- . ( -r t t--- IK -' - -vi Establisszo Mat 11, 1870. Columbus gourual. Colambus. CTebr. Eatered at the Postoffice, Colombo. Nebr., m Bail Butter. tr .X.X.OTUZICCO. or suBscurnox: Ome year. by i H. portage prepaid.. .$L50 . .75 uaottu. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 7. UN. t the jourw- at tk Ut eppeilta nner r year vm tin aaarsia f THE U ta this data, y lepalaar Adxoui. Dewey's proving'. health is still im- It is said now that Dewey expects to Jbe home about the first of October. He .purposes taking a good rest, if he can get it It; now seems to be conceded all aroiuid that Henderson of Iowa is ahead in the race for the speakership of the national house of representatives. Thbee of the men who dynamited and robbed the Union Pacific mail .train at Wilcox station, Wyo., Friday morning have been located and it is be lieved will be captured. Diplomatic relations with Spain were formally resumed, the public ceremonies taking place at the White house Satur day last at 11 o'clock, brief addresses being made by Due d' Arcos, the newly accredited minister from Spain, and by . President McKinley. "A Nebraska farm is a little the best piece of property in the world, and to this might be added that Colfax county is a little the best in the state." Thus talks the Howells Journal, but Colfax county is no better than a goodly num ber of its close neighbors including our own great county of Platte. "Stand up for Nebraska." Germany pays 25,000,000 pesetas or about $5,000,000 for the Caroline, Palaos and Marianne islands, Spain retaining three coaling stations, one in each group, and Germany undertaking be sides to defend these in case of war. Germany also grants Spain the most-favored-nation treatment in Germany and her colonies. Saturday night about 7 o'clock a cy clonic storm swept over Bock Rapids, Iowa, in a northeasterly direction. A house occupied by Andrew Juergensen and family, seven in all, was entirely demolished. The family was at supper when the storm struck, and had no notice of the monster until they were flying through the air. The family miraculously escaped with a few bruises, the oldest girl having her dress burned nearly off. The path of the storm was only a few rods wide. Speaking of trusts, one of our mer chants recently said that if any more money was to be made in the retail trade, it would have to be done in the next four or five years. For, said he, the time is near at hand when manufac turers will sell direct to the consumer, but that the price would be the same as to the retail merchant. In this way they would kill the retail merchant , without benefiting the consumer, and 'thus save all the profits to themselves. Silver Creek Times. Paul Vandervoobt has suggested to President McKinley a solution, as he believes, of the Cuban difficulty, and says he will undertake to organize a great body of veterans, trained in the use of arms and plow alike, who shall be equally ready to keep the peace by force of arms and till the soil. He declares that he has on his desk hundreds of let ters from veterans of both sides of the civil war who want to go to Cuba, and all they require is slight encouragement from the government C0MCERHIW6 THE SOLDIERS, Washington, D. C, Jnne 1. The war department has received the following dispatch from General Otis at Manila, dated June 1: "Smith reports from Negros that he has punished insurgents who murdered Captain Tilley; that eastern coast of island is now under Ametican flag, and inhabitants ask preparation against rob ber bands; the bands pursued into mountains by the United States and native troops severely punished. Washington, D. O, June 1. Funeral services over the remains of Col. Stot senburgof the First Nebraska volun teers, who was killed while leading his regiment in the Philippines, were held at the National cemetery, Arlington, this afternoon. A handsome floral tri bute was sent by President McKinley, who also drove out to Arlington and was present at the ceremonies at the grave. .-A letter fvgm Willet Johnson to his father C. C.Johnson, dated at First Re serve hospital, Manila, May 5, states that bis -wound in the leg hurls him qaite.badly. He was shot May 4, the ball entering just below the knee and earning oat lower down on the other aide, did not damage the bone much but will lay him up a month or so. My! but it hurts to be shot I tell you I never had anything hurt me so bad in my life as this does. At one time when the regiment was in Calnmpit there were only 280 men for duty. We have over 200 killed and wounded. I am getting good treatment and will come out all right in time. A letter received here Monday, June 5, from Frank C. Turner was dated at Calampit, P. L, April 30, one week after the death of Col. Stotaenburg. He was efering very severely with a felon on the middle finger of the right hand, and the doctor had marked him on the "sick book' to quarters with no duty. He tells of events transpiring, the news of which has already been conveyed by telegram to all parts of the United States. Some of Gen. Luna's officers, who were conferring in regard to peace, had been privileged to talk with wounded countrymen in hospital, expressed themselves well pleased with the treatment they were receiving. Frank sends regards to all inquiring friends.. Mr. Brodfaehrer Ipadly allows us a . . m JOUBVALe !) I A GOOD SHOWING. The mortgage record of Platte county for the first five months of this year show 247 real estate mortgages filed amounting to $257,460.15. In the same time there were released 409 real estate mortgages, aggregating 8391,740.18 a difference on the right side of the ledger of $134,280.04. look at a number of copies of the Amer ican, a newspaper published at Manila, from which we gather items as follows: An advertised letter for Henry West brook. The plague is declining in all parts of India except Calcutta. A biographical sketch is given of Lieutenant Sisson, compay K, First Ne braska, saying, among other things, that he was cool, collected and fearless, a model officer; a martyr in the cause of progress and civilization, and whose blood has assisted in firmly cementing this land as part and parcel of American soil. Volunteers serving in the Philippines are entitled to two months extra pay at discharge, when their service has been honest and faithful. The American speaks of receiving many inquiries from Americans as to opportunities for business and labor in the Philippines. It answers in a general way that natives work for $1 gold per day or even less, as mechanics. When the islands come to a peaceful condition there will be many ways in which Amer icans with financial backing can find profitable investments. A number of such are mentioned. VHttOMMUUflll HHtHUMHMHMIII! R ) v I Xbeitioiml lal. s Mayor Kennedy and W. J. Irwin of Genoa were in the city yesterday. The Art club are asked to meet at the home of Mrs. Williams Wednesday afternoon of next week to make arrange ments for spending a few days in the country. The Union Pacific took out eight engines to Wyoming through here last week, the largest made in this country. They weigh 905,000 pounds each and will pull 800 tons of freight They were built, at Dunkirk, N. Y., especially for use in the mountainous country in Wyoming. DIED. Schneidebheintz Thursday night Mrs. Carl Schneiderheintz, in the fifty seventh year of her age. She was twice married, and leaves her husband by whom she had one child, and seven chil dren by her first husband. Funeral services were held Sunday at 10:30 o'clock, at the Saints chapel, Bev. De Geller officiating. The Glorious Fourth. It has been settled upon that Colum bus will celebrate the anniversary of the nation's natal day. Monday even ing at a meeting of citizens a finance committee was appointed who will im mediately proceed to solicit funds for the expenses of the occasion. The com mittee are: Rudolph Miller, Louis Phillipps and Bert Galley. A second meeting is to be held this evening for further work in preparation. In XeaioriaDi. Last week The Journal noted the death, at St Louis, Missouri, of Col. Thomas Williams McKinnie Saturday, May 27, 1899, at 2 p. m. He was aged GO years, 6 months and 9 days, having been born in Cadiz, Ohio, November, 18, 1838. Mr. McKinnie received his education in the public schools and unpretentious colleges of his early manhood, and was about to enter a theological seminary, with a view to preparing for the min istry, when the civil war broke out He enlisted as a private in the first year of the war, 1861, in the 120th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, served during the war, and was mustered out as Lieutenant-Colonel of the regiment. During the Battle of the Wilderness, he was wounded in the right forearm, the ball entering at the wrist and leaving the arm near the elbow, so shattering the bone that he never afterward had full use of the arm. His regiment was near Petersburg at the fall of Richmond. At Cadiz, Ohio, September 22, 1868, Mr. McKinnie was married to Miss Alice M, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Turner, who preceded him to the spirit world. Their four children are Carl Turner, Maud Calvert Allen Chambers and Burt Plumb, Maud dying in infancy, the three sons now grown to manhood. For a number of years beginning with 1870, Mr. McKinnie was superin tendent of the public schools of Fort Scott Kansas, in 1879 removing to St Joseph, Missouri, engaging in com' mercial business. In 1891 the family went to St Louis, where the remainder of Mr. McKinnie's life was passed. He had the happy faculty of making friends, from the days of his early youth, down to the last always considerate of the feelings of others, and thoughtful of their welfare before his own. Well educated, he kept abreast of the times. In political sentiment he was a staunch Republican. In early life and until thirty years old he was connected by membership and in active work with the United Presbyterian church, and in later life affiliated with Congregational ists and Presbyterians. His faith was unshaken a Christian gentleman in all that the words imply, his example and influence were always for good, a clean, pnre manly boy and man. He did not use tobacco and never used alcoholic liquors. In the prime of his life he was a large man, standing six feet two inches in his stocking feet and weighing 265 pounds. During the last two years of his life he was in constant and ever increasing pain, the last four months spending in bed,' pain almost unendurable, but with it all, he never became impatient or irritable, preserved his good and patient nature as long as conscious, ever hope ful, looking upon the bright side of life. His wife preceded him by nearly four years, being stricken suddenly while in seemingly the beet of health. Their lives had so grown together that the parting was a most severe trial, but lie bravely faced each day and every duty ;xxxx; :xxxj was performed with his accustomed cheerfulness and hopefulness. About twelve hours before his death he sank into a stupor from which he did not rally. At time of death, he was a member of Ransom Post, No. 131, Grand Army of the Republic. Services were held at the family home Tuesday evening last, conducted by Rev. S. J. Niccols of the Second Presby terian church, after which the bereaved sons took up their sad journey to Ne braska, friends covering the casket with floral tributes, and Ransom post G. A. B draping it with the United States flag. On arrival here Wednesday night, the casket was conveyed to the residence of J. A. Turner, where, Thursday at 10 o'clock there were short funeral services conducted by Rev. Hayes assisted by Rev. Mickel. Members of Baker Post M. Whitmoyer, John Tannahill, J. R. Meagher, W. A. McAllister, H. T. Spoerry and A. W. Clark acted as pall bearers, the last-named, as chaplain reading the beautiful ritual of the order and Rev. Hayes pronouncing the bene diction at the grave. "Life's labor done, as sinks the clay. Light from its load the spirit flies; While liearen and earth combine to say. 'How blest the righteous when he dies'." "We sit beside the quiet shore Oar spirits op to thine can reach. Bat in tree words of human speech We can communicate no more." C0MMEVCIMSIT IXULCI1IS ColUaabus High ScMmI Graduates, Jnie2,1809. Last Friday night a large crowd of people gathered at the opera house to listen to the speeches and music of the fifteen graduates, class of W. The stage was decorated with the class colors, white, yellow and green. The stage was extended on both sides by triangular platforms in front of the boxes; on the east extension the piano was placed, and on the west, potted plants and a piano lamp. On the stage were members of the school board, superintendent Wil liams, Prof. Campbell, principal of the high school, and the graduating class, consisting of fifteen members eight young ladies and seven young men. The orchestra composed of Prof. Garlichs, E. Pohl, 8. E. Marty, John Stovicek, E. C. (Hockenberger and A. Boettcher, rendered admirable music, delighting the audience. We cannot refrain from noticing here and commending the close attention given by most (nearly all) of the large audience to the exercises, always a a great help to those who are endeavoring to entertain an audience. Doubtless the reason for this attention is not far to seek in the uniform clear ness and strength of utterance of the graduates. This was very noticeable, and always has its effect upon an audience. Some one has very truthfully remarked that an attentive, an appre ciative and responsive audience is a strong element in every good speech. The invocation was by Rev. Hayes and the benediction by Rev.Rogers. HARLAND L. DUSSELL. Science is a factor in progessfor many reasons. It reveals to man his place in nature. Facts are (fathered, classified. grouped, general principles deduced, and man thereby comes to dominion over the forces of nature. As all is un der law or rule, the first step in the line of progress is to seek to know the law, so that it may be intelligently applied in the line of progress. Examples were given in illustration of this general principle. Give Science wings and there will be no limit to progress. HELEN JEROME. Some objections that are constantly urged against poetry were taken up and refuted, and it was evident that the speaker was thoroughly imbued with the arguments in favor of what one has designated as "the Divine art." Chau cer, Shakspeare, Tennyson, Homer were referred to, and some of their qualities analyzed. The declaration that poetry is dying out is not true, and cannot be true so long as affection, joy, hope and aspiration are important elements of human nature. Poetry is a most in structive and useful art It meets and it helps to satisfy the noblest aspira tions of our nature. It is the garnered wisdom of the best sentiments of the race. It teaches us to teach ourselves. The nations that beet appreciate poetry are the most progressive. qvy q, rax. Without desire on nun's part there would be no progress. With the effort to satisfy desire, progress begins and continues. The evident law is that the effort made determines the result, or the amount possessed. Nature is a store house of elements from which nan js to get supplies for his progress. The efforts of .man to provide himself with food, shelter and slothing were referred to at length, and the progress in these hues traced through the ages down to the present Also progress in manufac tures, in education, etc. Toil, sacrifice, concentration of effort are the cost of saeoees, MOX.LIK E. MORSE. "Owed some power the glftie tie ds. To see otusilTes as ithers see as. "I wonder what that subject means Black the Heel of your Boot" was an expression of several of the audience, but they were not long in learning the general principle that we sbosjld avoid the habit of doing things for mere show. Those tratits of character we wish others to think we possess, we should have. The various occupations of life came in for their share of criticism along the line of display and show, versus reality and merit The thrusts were striking and appreciated by the audience. The law maxim of "False in one, false in all" was quoted as applica ble in action. "God sees," no matter whether in the dark or in the light be earetal in all your work. RALPH E. TURNER. A solo, Miss Martha Turner accom panying him on the piano, (a) The King's Own Tracy, (b) By the Blue Sea Smart. 'Turner and Stires pre pared their speeches as the others of the class had done but by the request of the i class furnished music for thepublio pro gram. The subject of Ralph's speech was The Typical American a combina tion of elements from every nationality on earth. Each nation with its peculiar characteristics is then set forth and briefly referred to and the claim made that the commingling is producing the greatest people on earth because they possess the good qualities of all and are fast eliminating the weaker traits of all. Various illustrations are given of this, and the assertion made that there seems no reason why the Typical American should not become the Ideal Man, and the United States, the Ideal Nation. RUBY BAT RICKLY. We are proud of Uncle Sam's Boys. Their loyalty, couragi and heroism have been shown at Gettvahurg, Lookout mountain; their skill and pluok at Ma nila and Santiago. We live under a government which teaches independ ence. Attempt to coerce American citi zens, and 10,000 swords leap to their de fence. Our principle is liberty and not conquest Each man is a sovereign of a kingdom, the truest and the best. The boys will sacrifice their lives for Uncle Sam, and in the main they are all right, Some look to authority and are inclined to hold to the past, others are for prog ress without mnch reference to the past, but the true way is between the two keep what is good out of the past, prove all things of the offered new, and thus go forward with sure steps. LAWRENCE E. HOBX. Those in whom trusts are reposed are responsible for their fulfillment Con ductors of railway trains, responsible for the many lives that come under their charge, usually begin their preparation as brskemen, serving many years with diligence and carefulness before they are entrusted with the more important functions of a conductor of a passenger train. Various other illustrations were given of the principle where great men recognized the responsibilities laid upon them, and met them with satisfaction. Washington, Lincoln, Dewey were very conspicuous examples of the true sense of responsibility, they were equal to the occasion. A beautiful and touching illustration was given in the relation of the incident where the captain of a vessel stayed at his post of duty, looked after the safety of the passengers, then of the crew, but himself went down with his sinking ship, a hero recognizing to its fullness the idea of personal respon sibility. EMILY F. SORER. God brings the right man at the right time, in the right place, for the crises of life. The saving of the Union under Lincoln and the overthrow of the doctrine of the Divine right of kings, combatted by Cromwell in favor of per sonal freedom, were considered sufficient as illustrations. The Creator has pur poses for men as agents to carry out, all through the journey of life, and success results from the concentration of effort Her theme was treated in a very com plete manner. She was first of her class in the general average of her studies, and is entitled to the free courses at Doane and Bellvne colleges. MARK T. M'MAHON. One unwavering aim, one obeject su preme, the master of one trade, is the true plan. "Give me liberty or give me death" said Patrick Henry. To do right is above every other consideration and was the motto of Gladstone and Bis murk. If you can't go over go through or around your obstacle. ZOE 8CHRACK. The great curse of this age is to get something for nothing in gambling, counterfeiting, stealing of all shades and grades, in the homes, in the social and business world, in church and state. But there can be no doubt of the prin ciple that an equivalent is always furn ished. We have had abundant proof of this in our school life, just as we see it elsewhere. In the acquisition of knowl edge, in the development of talents, those gifts of the Creator, we should especially be conscious that "for value received, I promise to pay." The senti ment of Carlyle to reform yourself and there will be one rascal less, and the example of Miss Willard, followed, would change the face of the world. MARK F. BORER. The spirit which strives to overcome all difficulties makes right prevail, ob tains success, conquers selfishness, sub dues pride, overcomes internal and ex ternal evils. Willpower and persever ence endure toil, and, without wasting time and energy in mere wishing or dreaming, press forward toward the goal. Truly, obstacles are incentives to greater effort, and this thought, with its manyneat illustrations, formed the re mainder of the speech, FERDINAND T. STIRBS. Piano solo, (a) Norwegian Bridal Procession Greig. Itt) Le Secret L. Gantier. (The same raroarks apply -as to the praeeding muaieal namber,J His theme was The Influenoe of Biography. There is no more potent influence. The influence of men whose genius, courage or ability has lifted them above the corn- mon mass of mankind never dies, and their biographies load others to emulate their examples. Biographies of the past are like examples of the present Precept and advice are but little good, however, if practice does not follow preaching. The truly great never die. The Bible is referred to as one source of the best lessons in biography, whether of good or bad characters. Time would fail to enumerate all the great and noble whose Msorded lives stand out as models, but suffice to say that their memory is garlanded afresh by eaeit aiiaieedjng generation, and their biographies are beacon lights to guide the seeker after truth and wisdom, to the narrow path of knowledge and duty, FLORENCE WBTfMOTCB. "Just Around the Corner' proved a happy title, under which to gather some of the expectations, the hopes, the sur prises, the failures, the calamities of life, out of eight just here, but suddenly appearing to our view around the corner. There are many avenues in human life. Along these there are great air castles, aa well ae unpretending dwellings, and the figure was faithfully and nicely car- tied ottt in description of the inner life, each individual keeping his character, first to last the clown, as he turns the last corner, even jokes at death. Jean Ingelow said, Work is heaven's test, and Margaret Fuller, All msy be superior beings. WILLIAM N. HENSLBY, JR. The great problem before the Ameri can people for solution is that of terri torial expansion. The Spanish-American war was begun to expel the tyrant from near onr shores. The volunteer soldiers were commended for their bravery and patriotism, but now we are engaged in an unjust and cruel war. The speaker endeavored to give reasons for sailing it a cruel war, by likening the Filipinos to our fore-fathers in their struggle with England. With the speaker, expansion seemed to be syn onymous with "imperialism." GERTRUDE WHTTMOYER. Uncle Sam's girls enjoy the largest and truest liberty ever known among women. The superior character of the women is one of the causes of that freedom to which the ladies of Europe and the farther east are strangers. The doors of opportunity have opened to the persistent knocking of ambitious wo men. They have become here quite a factor in politics and it is to be hoped that the politics will be favorably af fected. The careers of Hetty Green, the financier, Ida Roby, the pharmacist Maria Mitchell, the astronomer, Harriet Stowe and Lucretia Mott, Mary Liver more. Louisa Aloott Helen Hunt Jack- i." ,... , .- v son, jrrances wiiiara ana Margaret Fuller were each referred to briefly, and the speech elosed with the statement that woman's truest and noblest spheres of work are in the home, the school, the church, the large ratio of church mem bers, and ninety per cent of the teachers of our land being women. The address of Supt Williams, in pre senting the diplomas, unified the exer cises by neat references to the general principles involved in the several ad dresses and invoking a class pride which would always lead to emulation of the beet, and a desire to know of true snecees to all the members. My highest wish for you is that you be men and wo men in the sense which our Creator de signed; that you be useful. In all re lations of life have ever before you this motto: It is my duty to make the most of myself for the glory of my Maker, and the good of humanity. Every performance was greeted with applause. The class motto was More Light The presents were numerous, includ ing the beautiful and the useful. The flower girls were: Bene Kavanaugh, Celest Weed, Geraldine Gray, Margarite McKelvey. The program was lengthy, closing at 11:15 o'clock. Detifn for XotUMMt. Assured of contributions sufficient for the erection of a soldiers' monument of goodly proportions, Baker post No. 9, G. A. R., hereby ask for submission of designs for the same, to be filed with the Commander, J. H. Galley, Eleventh street, Columbus, Neb., by noon, Satur day, July 1, 1899. Said design must be of sufficient size for the inscription of at least 150 names with company and regiment, for engrav ing on polished granite, the monument to be substantial enough to mount thereon two cannon each 11 ft, 4 in. long, weighing 3,450 pounds each. Monument to be not less than twenty feet high, other dimensions in propor tion. ' Twenty-five dollars will be paid for approved design, the post reserving the right to reject any and all designs. 7jnn3 J. H. Galley, Commander Baker Post No. 9. Adatirml Schlty. The great admiral and his party, among whom were Mrs. Schley and Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Manderson, stopped Wednesday morning in a special train, General Manderson in a neat little speech introducing the distinguished naval commander to. some two thousand citizens of Columbus, with scores brought on excursion trains on the branch lines. The admiral is evidently a genial, dashing, oapable man, and the people of the United States are sure to appreciate him as one of the men not afraid to pit the possibility of defeat against the probability of success. Like Jackson, he takes the responsibility and goes ahead, and doing everything to win, does win. He's a jolly tar, a good soldier, a brave man, a patriot, and an admirable admiral. If the predisposition to worms in children is not cured they may become emaciated, weakly and in danger of con vulsions. WHITE'S CREAM VERMI FUGE is the most successful and popu lar remedy. ' Prioe 25 ota. Dr. A. Heintz and Pollock k Co. Weather Eemort. Review of the weather near Genoa for the month of May, 1899. Mesa temperature of the month 80.55 Maaa do awe month last year Highest daflr temperature on lth and 90th Lowest do on the 4th.... ,.,,,,,,.., s&u 89 SB- Clear days ,., g nuraajs 7 Cloodr dars. 18 tasse USaWsj. A Main fell dariac portions of days IS laches of rainfall 5.54 Do of the same month last year 4.58 Prevailing winds S. and S.E. to E. Thunder storms 2d, 26th, fifth, Slight hail on the 2d. Heavy fog on the 15th. Remarkable wind storm 18th from east to southeast, blowing with great force for more than is hours. Usiea Paeile Railroad Company. Columbus, Neb., May 31, 1899. National Educational Association, Los Angeles, Calif., July 11-14, 1899. The Nebraska teachers have selected the Union Pacific R. R. as their route to the thirty-eighth annual convention. Spe cial train leaves Omaha at 4 P. M. July 5tb due, at Columbus at 7:38 P. M. For rates and farther information call at Union Paoifio pnaaeagsr depot It W. H. Bbnham, Agent. Cheap Tickets to California. The lowest rates of the year are those Which the Burlington Route will make late in Juae and early in July, for the annual meeting of the National Edu cational Association, at Los Angeles. Liberal, return limits and stop-over privileges. The coolest route to tne uoast i through Denver and Salt Lake City. Go that way and for a day and a night yon ride through the Wonderland of the World past canons, mountains, rivers, waterfalls and landscapes gay with flowers. Information and. California literature on request J. Francis, General Paea enfsr Agant, Ogjaha, Neb. 4t , Fat? Ktkaf Kay, 1800. Farm mortgages filed, No. 36, $41,841.00 Farm " released, No. 39, City filed, No. 12, City M released, No. 5, Chattel " filed, No. 68, Chattel' w released, No. 38, 37,78235 5,069.00 2,848.00 83,229.58 47,782.40 No deeds in foreclosure. leal Irtate Tramafara. Becher, Jaggi k Co., real estate agents, report the following real estate transfers filed in the office of the county clerk for the week ending June 4, 1899. Peter H. Groth to Frederick B. H. Oroth. n2 ae4 S20-le. wJ $1900 00 Cha.. Wyeocki to Frederick Wysocki. lotl.Rickl's8abd.outlotCoL.wd. 200 00 Sasaael T. Fleming to Theodore Wolf, lotl7.blkfl.Creetoa.qcd. 100 Israel Clack to George Haa, e2 swl, w2 set aad eel ee4 20-20-3 w.wd. 6150 00 Four traasfers. total . . . . 7.651 CO Natieaal Kdacatloaal Association Netting. For the meeting of the National Edu cational Association at Los Angeles,CaL, July 11-14, 1899, the Union Pacific will make the greatly reduced rate of one FARE, PLUS $2, FOR THE ROUND TRIP. The excellent service given by the Union Pacific was commented on by all who had the pleasure of using it to the convention at Washington in 1898. This year our educational friends meet in Los Angeles, and members of the Asso ciation and others from points East should by all means take the Union Pacific The service of the Union Pacific via Omaha or Kansas City is unexcelled and consists of Palace Sleeping-Cars, Buffet Smoking and Library-Cars, Dining-Cars, meals a-la-carte, Free Reclining-Chair Cars and Ordinary Sleeping Cars. The Union' Pacific is The Roctb for SUMMER TRAVEL. For full information about tickets, stop-overs, or n finely-illustrated book describing "The Overland Ronto" to the Pacific Coast, call on myl0tojul5 W. H. Benham, Agent. If your sight is blurred with specks and spots floating before your eyes, or you have pains on the right side under the ribs, then your liver is deranged, and you need a few doses of HERBINE to regulate it Price 50 cents. Dr. A. Heints and Pollock k Co. The Way to go to California Is in a tourist sleeping car personally conducted via the Burlington Route. Ton don't change cars. You make fast time. You see the finest scenery on the globe. Your car is not so expensively finished nor so fine to look at as a palace sleeper but it is just as clean, just as comforta ble, just as good to ride in, and nearly $20 CHEAPER. The Burlington excursions leave every Thursday, reaching San Francisco Sun day and Los Angeles Monday. Porter with each car. Excursion manager with each party. For folder giving full infor mation call at nearest B. & M. R. R. depot or write to J. Francis, Gen'l. Pas senger Ag't, Omaha, Neb. june-26-99 Aside from the serious inconven ience and pain caused by piles, there is a tendency to fistula and to cancer in the rectal regions. Piles should not be allowed to rnn on unchecked. TABL ETS BUCKEYE PILE OINTMENT is an infallible remedy. Price 50 cents in bottles, tubes, 75 cents. Dr. A. Heintz and Pollock & Co. TkroBgn Tosrist Sleeper to the Northwest The Burlington Route has established a twice-a-week tourist car line from Kan sas City to Butte; Spokane, Tacoina and Seattle. Cars leave Kansas City, Lincoln and Grand Island every Tnesdny and Thurs day, arriving at Seattle following Friday and Sunday. They are upholstered in rattan. The bed linen and furnishings are clean and of good quality. The heating, ventilating and toilet arrange ments are all that can be desired and each car is in charge of a uniformed Pullman porter, whose sole duty is to attend to the wants of passengers. Cars rnn through without change of any kind and the berth rate from Lin coln to Tacoma or Seattle is ouly 95.00. To intermediate points, it is propor tionately low. Montana and the Puget Sound conn try are now enjoying u period of unex ampled prosperity. As a consequence, travel to the Northwest is rapidly attain ing large proportions. This new tourist- car line has been established with a view of caring for the Burlington's share of it in the best possible manner. Berths, tickets and full information can be had on application to any Bur lington Route tioket agent or by address ing J. Francis, G. P. A., Omaha, Neb. 15-mch-lO CASTOR I A Ftr Imfaata and Cbildrem. TkKMYNlunflhnKlafkt Bears the Signature of & Te Chicago and the East. Passengers going east for business, will naturally gravitate to Chicago as the great commercial center. Passengers re-visiting friends or relatives in the eastern states always desire to "take in" Chicago en route. All classes of passen gers will find that the "Short Line" of the Chicago, Milwaukee k St Paul Rail way, via Omaha and Council Bluffs, affords excellent facilities to reach their destinations in a manner that will be sure to give the utmost satisfaction. A reference to the time tables will in dicate the route to be chosen, and, by asking any principal agent west of the Missouri river for a ticket over the Chicago, Council Bluffs k Omaha Short Line of the Chicago, Milwaukee k St Paul Rsilwsv. you will be cheerfully furnished with the proper passport via Omaha and Chicago. Please note that all of the "Short Line" trains arrive in Chicago in ample time to connect with the express trains of all the great through car lines to the principal eastern cities. For additional particulars, time tables, maps, eta, please call on or address F. A. Nash, General Agent, Omaha, Neb. JLalTOnXA. National Baptist Societies Anniversaries, Peruana, Ore., Jane Jt-5, lass. ONE FARE plus $2.00 for round trip via UNION PACIFIC. For dates on which tickets will be sold, limits and full information, call on C. E. Jot, 26eprl8may Agent. J D. BTIRBJ, ATTOUTET AT LAW. BsathwMt htietfh ud North Stnatt 4jljr-7 Columns. Msmahka. W. A. MoAixirra.' W. M. Comzuvi WAUJSTEm comNixiui. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, OOX.UMBUB, BKmole9l)npfidiudaiaut- I laaMHcsUottMiisBdflwT OiwsaloiTlBBMiflofliaeiaL Not Nahc otic. nmmmnnnnWnnWBavaASjflBJBSBBwannVnnnaBammnn H nanannnwen? nnnWnnVSnnWfBr Laaaannl "ife j I nSfa, J I ApofeclBeftwoV forCWBlipa- IH I 6oa.SourtoantrJi.DianTto6a.M VbTn5AJorrviasions.FevCTisR- H HtS5 alIiOS3 OF 6aXER M lfcSainteSqtnahwTef IH NEW "YDHR. M I EXACT COPTOP-wHAWCB. U M ,yyTySJB The King of Reference Works THE NEW WERNER EDITION OP The Encyclopedia Britannica $3 mtitH Rrit-jnril-1 in i Imnra ffltiup ha ntnA :.H l . (' A library of thousands of volumes does not offer such an onnor- ftunity for successful home study isicic ui mci.uun;. i iicicis nu more instructive reading on eartn than that contained in its 30 volumes. To a life whose current runs toward the future, this great work is indispensable. Just now you can secure the Encyclopaedia Britannica For One Dollar Cash paying the balance in small monthly payments. Remember, too, that the entire Thirty Volumes with a Guide and an elegant Oak Book Case, will be delivered when the first payment is made. You will be surprised when you learn the LOW COST. Here it is: The complete set (Tlrrty Laree Octavo Volumes): No. 1 New Style Buckram Cloth, Marbled Edges, Extra Quality High Machine Finish Book Paper, I45.00 rir.st payment, One Dollar V mnntlt 4liAiffAf DIVII.lt lil.l CUI ICI . i No. 2 Half Morocco, Marbled Edges, Extra Quality High Machine Finish Book Paper, ?6o.oo First payment. Two Dollars ($2.00) and Four Dollars ($4.00) per month thereafter. No. 3 Sheep. Tan Color, Marbled Edges, Extra Quality High Machine Finish Book Paper, $75.00. First payment, Three Dollars ($3.00) and Five Dollars (fsco) per month thereafter. A reduction of ioyj is granted by paying cash within 30 days after the receipt of the work. Knowledge Concentrated upon it, for even the courts do not question its state ments. You can secure the entire set, complete in thirty superb octavo volumes, of the Encyclopedia Britannica for One Dollar Cash and the balance in small monthly payments. FOR SALE BY J. H. W. MYERS, UNDERTAKING!! iuZZ 9h1S9IIvb vTnVITWrH We Carry Coffins, Caskets and Metallic Caskets Burial Robes, Etc. IX EMBX,MESTG HAVE THE BEST HEARSE IN THE COUNTRY. FRED. W. HERRICK. ia ThfcrfVM Han Jtfwp GSm&c mm Tor Inflmti and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought. CAST8RIA TMC CISaTaMin AW 1E fmnnnWtfnnna I ft ABsaw ftvyvyysftvsftftri.wjvvjisniwtftfsrtyyvys The Pilot knows just how to steer a vessel to bring it safely through the shoals and out into the open. Just so the Encyclopaedia Britannica is the one absolutely reliable guide for the voyage of life. One cannot go wrong if its teachings are followed. It tells the mistakes men have made; how others havesucceededand why. An intelligent man gets good from the experiences of others and steers clear of the rocks they ran against. The very presence of the Encvclo- and development as this master- (li.oo) and Three Dollars ($3.00) per r boiled down, pressed to gether is what you get in the New Werner Edition of the ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA. The facts contained therein are reli able, the statements author itative. The index which accompanies each set of books enables you to find the information you want quickly, and you can rely Columbus, Nebr. M. C. CASS IN, -PHOpBirroK or tbk Bnta-Tia. Meat VsM Fresh, and Salt Meats- Game and Fish in Season, "t tSFHigheet market Hides and Tallow. prices paid for THIRTEENTH ST., COLUMBUS, - - NEBRASKA ttaprtf J c I I ) 'X M V. -. 4A. .-- j-.. - - rsJ&. Js