' -"igwjsjjppe-vKwwse PBPlPfPS 'gPS rr? moral 3 :Pfiirni!r ;: J -!. "VOLUME XXX. NUMBER 9. COLUMBUS. NEBRASKA. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 7, 1899. WHOLE NUMBER 1,517. l?Cf" 4 Cahnwiip .r- ST: IS- B-' ,- -:' . - .".. r-.;. 1 ij ..ff NEBRASKA NEWS. The livery barn lately opened by John Newman at Alma was burned. Ine Are was of an incendiary origin. There was no insurance on the stock, most "of which was gotten out. Loss. 500. While the 3-year-old daughter of Die Chestum. living five miles south of Decatur, was playing with an air gun. she caught her thumb in the lock, severing it at the first Joint and bad ly mutilating it at the second. Louis It. Larson, who for several years has run a shoe shop in Fremont, has been adjudged insane. Hard drinking is the cause of his mental disorder. For some time he has imagined that he was going to be hyp notized, and has wandered aimlessly about the country. C. O. Olson, a young man 28 years old, living with Albert Dergreen, near the Blue river, in Polk county, com mitted suicide by blowing the whole top of his head off with a shotgun. He used to live In Polk county, but lately had been In California and re turned only a couple of weeks ago. A water spout visited the northeast part -of Cedar county thoroughly del uging the country. Houses were flood ed, barns and other buildings swept a was', and some stock drowned. It Is reported that every bridge on the East Bow creek from Its source to the Mis souri has been carried away. A Beatrice dispatch says the recent hail storm in that vicinity was more serious than at first appeared. Pigs, and even hogs, chickens and poultry, were killed by the hall by the hun dreds. The damage to houses was not only to th windows, but to the roofs, the shingles being split and blown off of hundreds of bullding3. Members of company A or the Sec ond Nebraska volunteers have erected a ten foot shaft in the cemetery to the memory of Kearney boys, members of the regiment, who died during the ser vices in the war with Spain. The shaft will le Inscribed with the names of Paul II. Jenkins and Charies M. Hatch ot company A and George A. Hayden nf company K. These boys died of sickness contracted in camp at Chlckn manga. Christian Croft, a German farmer and an old settler of Nemaha county living six miles south of Talmago. whllo, it is charred, under the influ ence of liquor mde to the home of his neighbor, William Groires during the absence of .Mr. Groves, called Mrs. (troves out. and began, it is claimed, to use unfit language and make all kinds of threats of wliai he would do. Mrs. CJroves ordeied him off the place. He refused and she secured a revolver and emptind the contents at him. but seeing that it had no effect, as she supposed, wept -for a shotgun. By the time she had it ready for use Croft had had left. One of the workmen at the Burling ton &. Missouri carpenter shop at Lin coln on going into the nail house found the dead body of S. E. Doyle lying at the foot of the stairway, with the neck broken and other evidences that he had been killed by a fall down the stairs. Doyle, who has been in the employ of the company for several years, hail gone into the nail house Just after noon, saying that, he would take a nap. At the head of the open stairs was found a pillow with the Imprint of his head where he had lain on it. The coroner's jury decided that death was caused by falling-down the stairway. Decoration of graves of soldier dead and memorial services meant a great deal more to York county citizens than one year ago. Since then four of York's brightest and bravest boys have lied battling the foe in the Philippine islands. At 9 o'clock twenty members of the Grand Army of the Republic post marched to the cemeteries and decorated the grates of their com rades. Over 2.000 people were promptly gathered at 10 o'clock to hear the ora tion delivered by Rev. O. W. Fi'fer. one of the best ever delivered by any orator in York. In the afternoon the exercises were held in the large Meth odist church, where Evangelist J. C Redding delivered the oration. Morgan Rice of Wakefield commit ted suicide by drinking concentrated lye. Deceased had been in ill health for some years and was despondent. He arose early and went to a neigh bor's barn, where he poured about three tablcspoonfuls of the lye into a tin cup. mixed ;t with water ind swallowed it. He wis found about 'wo hours later by his brother, Aimer Rice, and Dr. Harman was summon ed, but it was too late to do more than to alleviate his sufferings and at 10 o'clock he died. Deceased was aged about thirty-five years and was un married. He was a farmer and bad always borne a good reputation. He had three brothers and one sis'er. all residents of Wayne county. The whole east side of the main business street of Curtis is in ruins from fire, which destroyed the whole east side of two blocks. The town is without adequate fire protection, and though the citizens did everything possible with the limited means at their command to stop the progress of the flames, it was of little avail until they practically burned themselves out. In the saving of property from the buildings they were a little more successful, though much that was taken out of the buildings is in a dam aged condition. The places burned are: F. Hlckleman. meat ir.irket; A. J. Washburn, saddlery; Johnston & Co.. implements: State bank; Stoll & Rumbaugh. hardware; W. E. Palmer, general merchandise, and J. W. Ad ams, bit store. The- loss will be near or quite fSO.000. Saloons have been ordered closed in Plattsmouth on Sunday and the thirsty are somewhat disturbed over the sit uation. H .M. Clark, who lives near Ithaca, lost his fine farm house and contents by fire. The origin of the fire is not known at this time. The loss will reach $1,800 and is covered by about half that amount of insurance. Mr. md Irs. Clark were not at home and the children were able to save only a small amount of furniture from the first floor. The fire started in the second story and neighbors saw it breaking through the roof and hur riedly arrived and did what they could. Bloomington will celebrate the Fourth of July and several neighbor ing towns will co-operate in making a success of the affair. A party of officials of the Burlington road who are touring the system ar rived in Nebraska City on their way to St. Joseph and SL Louis. A dele gation of prominent citizens of the city met them at the depot and gave them a two-hours drive about the town, showing them the different manufac turing industries and points of inter est. The party was headed by Thomas Miller. D. O. Ives and George Crosby, general freight agents, and is com posed of some sixty freight oJtclals. A U. P. TRAIN HELD UP fo, 1 on the Overland Attacked at Wil cox, Wyoming. ENGINEER IS SEVERELY WOUNDED. Dyaamlte Convert Kzprrss Car Into a Mass of Iebrls Safe Mows Open sad Content Molen Six Kobbers Are Kuowo to Hate Hera la the l'arty OBleers Hot oa the Trail. OMAHA, June S. The Omaha Ber says: Just before daylight this morn ing, and in the midst of a drenching rain six masked bandits held up a Union Pacific train just beyond Wil cox, Wyo., blew up the express car with dynamite, severely wounded the engineer and escaped into the moun tains with their booty. The robbery was one of the boldest that has oc curred on any western railroad in years, but, according to the statements of the local officials of the express company, the plunderers obtained only a nominal reward for their exertions. A posse of well armed and determined men, headed by the sheriff of Carbon county, is close on their trail and it is not believed that they can escape capture and punishment. Only meager details of the affair are yet available. The first informa tion that reached the Union Pacific officials came at 4:25 this morning in a nrief telegram from Engineer Jones, who was at the throttle of the train, and which contained the following: "First section. No. 1, held up one mile west of Wilcox. Express car blown open, contents gone. We were ordered to pull over bridge Just west of Wilcox, and after we passed the bridge the explosion occurred. Can't tell how bad bridge is damaged. Have telegraphed for outfit to repair it. No one hurt except Jones; scalp wound and cut on hand. "JONES, Engineer." During the forenoon the dispatch was supplemented by several other telegrams, each one of which added one or two details to what was already at hand. These indicate that the rob bers boarded the train at Wilcox, where No. 1 is due at 2:09 a. m. As the train reached the bridge one or more of the robbers crawled into the cab and. with leveled weapons, ordered Engineer Jones to pull across and stop on the other side. Other members of the gang were at work in the express car. where a heavy charge of dynamite was placed to blow open the safe. Just as the engine pulled off the bridge there was a tre mendous explosion that drove the remnants of the express car 100 feet in every direction, stove in one end of the mail car and knocked out a number of the stringers of the bridge, 'i ne wounds received by Engineer Jones were dealt by the flying missiles scattered by the explosion. It did not take the robbers long to complete their work. The express car was knocked into kindling wood and the big safe was open and ready for their fingers. They quickly snatched its contents, signaled to their confed erates on the engine and before the passengers and the remainder of the train crew knew what had happened they were scurrying away towards liberty. As the train is due at Medicine Bow at 2:35 and the dispatch from En gineer Jones did not arrive until nearly two hours later. It is presumed that It required nearly that time to dispose of the wreckage and permit the train fo proceed. The run to Med icine Bow was made as quickly as pos sible and there the engineer wired the news to headquarters at Omaha, whll the local officials routed out the sheriff, who Immediately organized a posse and took the trail. While the rain that fell in torrents while the robberv was going on as sisted to screen the operations of the robbers, it will also assist materially in their capture. The soft ground makes the trail as plain as could be desired and the sheriff declares that he will have his men before night. A later telegram from the scene of the robbery conveyed the information that the west bent of the bridge was shattered. It will require new string ers and some slight additional repairs, but thedamage isnot seriousenough to Interefere with the regular running of trains. The passengers' were scared out of their wits by the startling ex plosion just as they were in the depth of their matutinal slumber, but none of them were disturbed h,v the robbers, who seemed satisfied with the con tents of the express safe. The local officials of the express company have received no Information beyond a telegram which stated that the train had been held up and the safe blown open. Dearer Mory or the Hold-Up. DENVER. June 3. A special to the Times from Cheyenne. Wyo.. says: At 4 o'clock this morning Union Pacific mail and express train No. 1 was held up one and one-half miles west of Wil cox station, in this state, by six mask ed men, evidently professionals, who blew open the safe of the express car and carried away all the contents- The mail was not touched, presumably on account of the fact that four armed mail clerks were in charge. The mail and express runs as the first section of No. 1. overland limited. The second section follows five minutes behind. A bridge two miles from the scene of the robbery was fired to prevent the section robbery was fired to prevent the sec ond section from coming up during the operations. A bridge in front of the train was dynamited. The train men were all covered with rifles and the robbers took their time. The value of the plunder is unknown, but is rep resented as light The sheriffs of Al bany and Carbon counties, with posses and United States marshals, are after the bandits, who are supposed. to be members of the notorious "Hole in the Wall" gang, which has terrorized the rtate for years. Germany Gets the Islaads. MADRID, June 3. In the speech from the throne at the opening of the Cortes today it was announced that the Marianno, Caroline and Palaois were ceded to Germany by the late cabinet Japanese Spies Execated. SEATTLE. Wash., June 3. Accord ing to Oriental papers received by the Kinshu Maru. Japan is much aroused over the report from Shanghai that twelve Japanese spies had been cap tured by Russians at a place called Tosang. presumably on Liao Tuiig peninsula. Particulars of the affair were meager, but it is understood that the men were executed in a fortress without trial. When men play the fool women are apt to work the same. ABDUCTED CHILD RECOVERED. Little Harlan Clark Found Where She Had Dren Carried. GARNERVILLE, N. Y.. June 5. Marion Clark, the 21-months-old chili kidnapped from her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Clark, of New York cit. on May 21. was discovered two mite south of Sioalsburg, a village about eight miles from here, this afternoon. See was found at a farm house of Charles Youmans, and was in the cus tody of Mrs. Jennie Wilson, who took the baby to that place during the early part ot last week. Mrs. Wilson was accompanied by ber husband, ana stated to Mrs. Youmans that she want ed board for the little girl for the summer. The Clark baby attracted the coun try people by her appearance, and the curiosity aroused made her eapttrs grow uneasy and they kept her closely confined at Youmans' home. As soon as the notices of the abduction reached the neighborhood, the people bigan to suspect that the child was Marion Clark. They felt positive of it, be cause the child wore the same cloths as at the time when she wa.- stolertr Peputy Sheriff Charleston, takiZ'5 his clues from pictures of the child and tin! descriptions given him by the io ple who saw her. went to the You mans' farm house and found Mrs. Wil son. The officer produced a warrant, arrested the woman and demanded in formation as to the whereabout of the child. At this Mrs. Wilson weakened and made a confession. The baby wa3 then produced and the sheriff took both prisoner and child to Magistrate Herbert at West Haverstraw. Mrs. Wilson refuses to make a full statement. She is the daughter of Mrs. J. J. McNally, of Goshen, N. Y. Marion Clark, the child, is in good health. Arthur Clark, the father of the abducted baby, arrived here this evening and Immediately identified the child found in the custody of Mrs. Wilson J-s his lost Marion. loiter in the day a deputy sheriff arrested James Wilson, who claimed to be the husband of Jennie Wilson, and both were locked up on the charge of abduction. .. HOLDING ON TO KIDNAITERS. Local Official Refuse to Give Up the Alxlurtors or Marlon Clark. NEW YORK, June 3. Captain Mc Cluskey expressed indignation today at the action of the officials of Sloats burgh and Garnerville in refusing to give up the kidmpcr of Marion Clark, Jennie Wilson, or, as she is said to be really named, Addic Wilson, and her husband, who called himself James Mcally. Both are In jail in New City and Captain McCluskeysald the refusal to give them up to the New York de tectives was an "outrageous piece of work." He sam that the county offi cials had absolutely no charge to make against them and were holding them on suspicion. The crime of abduction, he says, was committed in New York City and the prisoners should have been brought up here at once. The captain says he will appeal to Governor Roosevelt If the prisoners are not immediately given up to him. The baby passed a peaceful nighT in her home. Captain McCluskcy would not say a word about what he considered the motive for the abduction of the cllTiO. Arthur W. Clark, the father of Marion Clark, today secured a warrant for the arrest of James and Jennie Wilson and Carrie Jones. A crowd began to assemble about the Clark home early today. School children predominated, but there were many grown people who joined in the shouts for a sight of the baby. Finally Mrs. Clark went to a window, raised one of the sashes and held Marion up. The crowd cheered and yelled and the mo: her and child laughed for sheer happiness. The cheers kept f,t Tor some minutes and the child kissed her hand to her admirers. Mr. Clark Is determined to prosecute every one who has been in any way connected with the abduction of the child. The man known as Wilson is said to be George Beauregard Barrow, a newspaper reporter. He is also said to be a son of Judge John C. Barrow of Little Rock. Ark. HOLDUP TACTICS OF CUBANS. Officers Demand a Ilotiu ror Identifying the Private Soldier. HAVANA, June 3.--There is much comment here over the fact that Cuban officers have been demanding $5 as compensation for identifying Cubans who have been applicants for the $75 allowed by the United States authori ties to former soldiers of the CTTban army who surrender their arms. A majority of the Cubans here do not believe the statement, thinking the story was prepared to injure them in public opinion, but facts prove the story to be true. Great interest is manifested among all classes in tomorrow's races, which bid fair to be very successful. Soldiers and sailors in uniform will be admitted free, so the army and navy will be well represented. General Wilson left here this morn ing for Matanzas. General Wood leaves tomorrow for Santiago dc Cuba, and General Carpenter will leave Havana on Tuesday for Puerto Principe. Troops Sent to the Reservation. NEW YORK, June 3. A special to the Herald from Washington says: Secretary Alger has directed the com manding general of the Department of Dakota to order a troop of the First cavalry to proceed to the Tongue River agency and prevent a conflict between the Northern Cheyenne Indians ana the white settlers residing in the vicin ity. It is thought hostitlitles can be avoided. Captain George W. Stouch, Third Infantry, who was acting Indian agent several years, has, called atten tion to the fact" that there are many whites on the reservation.not all be ing bona fide settlers. Ifthe former can be bought out- and' the 'squatters later ejected a great cause of friction between the Indians and the whites will be eradicated. British Columbian Mines Close. SANDON, B. C. June 3. All silver and lead properties in this'vfcinity ex cept the Elocan Star have shut down, refusing to pay $3.50 for eight instead of ten hours' work- The sSlocan- Star, the miners believe, will pay the scale demanded, while the others assert that J the mine will close on the 11th. The 1 unions are strongly organized in large numbers and arc conning to Sandon, where important union meetings are being held. Yellow Fever la Brazil. LONDON, June 2. Cable advices received from Bahia, Brazil, say yel low fever is raging there. It is added that half a dozen young Englishmen employed ?s clerks have died of the fever and that the English chaplain is burying the Englishmen. s ffi IN j Commissioners and Gorgeous Hatires An Earing Gay Times. GOOD EEELING IS BEING PROMOTED fbe Filipino Women Display Uneipected lleaatjr and Elaborate Toilets Senator Deverldfje Makes Extensive Tour of the Soatheia Islands Jolo Chief Aaaerta Bis Friendship. MANILA, June 3. The United States Philippine commission last night gave one of the most brilliant balls Manila has ever seen. It was one of a series of entertainments in tended to fester friendship between the Americans and the natives. The com mission has the handsomest residence in Manila, overlooking the harbor. The grounds surrounding it were illumin ated, while the house itself was decor ated with the American colors. The newly appointed judges. General Otis, a number of other American officers and many wealthy natives were pres ent. There was a display of gorgeous native toilets and many Jewels were worn and the array of handsome wo men surprised the Americans. There was a long program of American and Filipino dabecs, followed by the ren dering of several instrumental Selec tions, closing with "The Star Spangled Banner." United States Senator Albert J. Bev eridge of Indiana, who came to the Philippines some time ago. has made a fortnight's trip in the southern Is lands, visiting Iloilo. Negros and Cebu. During his tour he talked with the chief of Jolo, who has 2,000 fighting men under his command and who pro fesses friendship for America, which friendship he hinted might be strength ened by the continuance of the annual subsidy of $12,000 formerly paid by the Spaniards. Senator Beveridge will leave here on Saturday. He intends to travel in China. General Smith has punished the in surgents at Escalante. Island of Ne gros. for the murder of Captain Tilley of the signal corps, who was fired upon by natives under a flag of truce and cut off from rejoining his companions on board the cable ship from which he landed. General Smith burned th town and killed a number of bands of insurgents whom he found in the neighborhood. Three members of the South Da kota regiment were wounded at San Fernando in the encounter between insurgents and American outposts. PROGRESS IS SLOW BUT SURE. Saarmana's Report or Peace Negotiations Is Favorable. WASHINGTON. Juno S.-t.e Con tingent of the war department which is in favor of quick action and a speedy end to the oriental campaign een at a large expenditure is chafing at delay Tho actn.'nistration advlc-s from Prof Schurmann of the Philippine commis sion hac been uniformly optimistic and it Is understood that f-srther ad vices of the same tenor were received today. It is said there is no difficulty in putting into Manila any number Of troops this government may elect to send. The war department h?s a large and well equipped fleet of trans ports, both in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Several of these are already on the way to Manila With regulars anil can be promptly returned and sent with fresli forces If necessa'-y. The prospect now is, hdwevcr, th.it the ac tive campaign in Luzon is flnlrfceu till the end of ihe lainy season. Coincident with the withdrawal of the volunteer troops in the Philippines Brigadier Generals Hale, Smith and Funston will be relieved from further duty is that country and ordered home for muster out. It was to meet this prospective reduction in the number of general officers serving In the Phil ippines that Brigadier Generals Bates, Grant, Young and Schwan were order ed to that country. CALIFORNIA IS SHAKEN UP. Damage Hone to Many Balldlne; In San Francisco by an Earthquake. SAN FRANCISCO, June 3. A sharp earthquake shock was felt throughout western and central California at 11:19 o'clock last night. The vibration:; in this city continued for four seconds and were 'rom north to south. No serious damage is reported, but glass ware and windows were broken and plastering cracked in various parts of the city. The capstone of the cornice over the main entrance of the Odd Fel lows' building at the corner of Market and Seventh streets was shaken from its fastenings and thrown to the sirtc walk. through which it fell into one of the rooms connected with the Grot to restaurant. No one was in the apartment at the time and the prop erty loss will be nominal. The new Union Ferry building at the foot or Market street suffered somewhat by the breaking of glass and fractures in the finish on some of the walls. The Win chester hoM on Third street also shows signs of tho force of the shock, plastering having been dislodged from the ceiling in various places. Other buildings were slightly damaged, but not to a serious extent. Reports from the interior of the state show that while the shock was quite severe no one was injured and the property loss will be nominal. Report from Alaska. WASHINGTON, D. C. June 3. As sistant Secretary of War Meiklejohn today received a letter from Captain Edwin F. Glenn, Twenty-fifth Infantry, commanding a reconnaissance in Alas ka, dates Mav 17. in which Canton Glenn states that he and his command arrived at Tyoonok May 15 in good physical condition. Captain Glenn says that a report from Sergeant Yanert, U. J5. A., who nas been in charge of the detachment left at Knik station during, the last winter, shows that tne winter was very mild, "the lowest temperature being 33 degrees -below zero. - - . Pleads Guilty to Heresy. WINDSOR. Ont.. June 3. The trial of Rev. Dr. B. F. Austin, ex-principal of Alma college. St. Thomas, on a charge of heresy, before the London Methodist conference yesterday was sensational. Dr. Austin startled the conference by declaring himself an ar dent believer in modern spiritualism. He said he had been converted by a woman mind. reader in Detroit. He was frequently hissed. The conference uanimously deposed him. Ice cream melts 'more feminine hearts than hot words do. INGLE Tl mm WEST UNITES ON HENDERSON. epktas Withdraws rrora Speakership f Contest la lowaas Favor I CHICAGO, June 3. Congressman A. J. Hopkins this afternoon withdrew from the hational speakership contest to favor ot Colonel D. B. Henderson 6t Iowa. Nine of the fourteen con gressmen id the Illinois delegation Were present at the general round-up fleeting held in the Grand Pacific hotel this afternoon. After four hours' dis cussion behind closed doors it was decided to Withdraw Mr. Hopkins' name and Support Colonel Henderson. The conference was perfectly har monious. Mr. Hopkins made the fol lowing statement: "'I have had a full Conference with the Illinois republican delegation in congress today and the situation of the speakership contest was fully dis cussed, including the action of our neighboring states in declaring for Colonel Henderson or Iowa. r"My Colleagues and I recognize the great responsibilities devolving upon tfcf jrfftv-sixth congress and-thc neces sity or peVfect harmony in the repub lican partyv To further prolong my candidacy, whether successful or un successful, it is thought might result in embarrassment to the successful candidate in the proper administration of his great office. "Believing as I do that my retire ment from the speakership race at this time will simplify the situation and conduce td harmony in the party with Consequent best results to the whole country, I have, with the ap proval of the Illinois delegation, de cided to withdraw from the speaker ship contest. "After my withdrawal and further conference by the delegation it was decided to support Colonel Henderson's candidacy for the speakership, in which action I fully concur. "My withdrawal and the subsequent action of the Illinois delegation Were had without any consultation with Colonel Henderson or any of his sup porters and without his or their knowledge." At the conclusion of the conference Mr. Hopkins sent the following telo gram td Colottfl Henderson at Du buque, Ia.z "1 have decided to with draw from the speakership contest and the Illinois delegation has determined to support your candidacy. I wish you every success." Sherman ?tlll la the Knee. SYRACUSE. N. Y.. June 3 The Post-Standard will tomorrow print the following signftl statement from Representative Sherman: UTICA. N. Y., Jyne 2., 1S99. An swering your request for a statement in reference to the speakership contest, accompanied by your statement that Mr. Hopkins or Illinois had withdrawn in favor of Mr. Henderson and that the Illinois delegation had decided to vote as a unit for Mr. Henderson. I have only to say that, assuming both state ments to be correct and that the entire Illinois delegation had decided to fol low Mr. Hopkins to Mr. Henderson (and both statements are only as sumed), also that Mr. Henderson has the entire Wisconsin and Indiana dele gations, also certain support in other state. Kansas, Dakota and elsewhere, he is still over twenty votes short of a majority of the republican member ship of the Fifty-sixth congress. Unless a current report with refer ence to Ohio is correct. I have not lost the support of a single member upoh whom 1 counted. Mr. Henderson Is not yet selected as the republican choice for speaker. So far as I am concerned. I have striven to eliminate sectionalism from the friendly contest. Whoever Is chos en speaker it will be unfortunate if the selection be based upon sectional lines, or be, even remotely, the result of any promises or deals. I am cer tainly still a candidate. I simply state broadly that I am in accord with my party and with the administration. JAMES S. SHERMAN. VOLUNTEERS ARE K0T NEEDED. Cabinet Ilccldcs Tin re ;s Xo 1'resent De mand for Suh a Call. WASHINGTON, June 3. The cabi net at its meeting today decided that there was no present necessity for the enlistment of volunteers. The situation was gone over at the cabinet meeting very fully before this conclusion was reached. The presi dent stands ready at any time it may appear necessary to authorize the en listment of the volunteers should more men be deemed necessary, although hoping that such a contingency may not arise. General Otis is to be given the 30,000 men for whom he asked. The additional 3,000 or 8,000 troop3 to make up the 3v,000 are to b3 taken from the regulars now serving in Porto Rico, Cuba and this country. The rainy season is now on In the Philippines and aggressive field opera tions will have to be suspended for a couple of months at least, A letter from General Wood, gover nor of Santiago province, was read at the cabinet meeting, which was con sidered eminently satisfactory. Gen eral Wood reported that he had com pleted a tour of the province and had found things in an admirable condi tion. There wero no appeals from any source for food, there were no com plaints of banditti, all was quiet and orderly and the people were every where returning to their peaceful vo cations. The platform of the Ohio republican state convention was read to his as sembled counsellors by President Mc Kinley, who had received a copy of it from the Associated Press. A Chnnre In itankins; Circles. NEW YORK, J-une 3. The Journal and Advertiser says: With the disso lution of the banking firm of Morton, Bliss & Co. one of the old' landmarks in Wall street have been removed. Ne gotiations are now pending by which the firm will cease to exist and its business in all probability be taken over by 'a trust company which is to be organized; The new trust company will, it is reported, bear the najne of the Morton. Trust company, of which Levi P. Morton, now the head of the firm, will become the president. American Gets Loaa; Sentence. SAN FRANCISCO, June 3. Judge Francis Corbin Randolph, formerly no. Alabama jurist. Is now serving out a fourteen-yeare' sentence in a Columbi an Jail. He bought lands from a Ger man. The title proved to be bad and during a quarrel he shot the German in self-defense, he alleges. In a letter to a friend in this city he bitterly as sails the American consular officers in Colomia, whom he declares have not exerted themselves in his behalf It's as difficult to keep out of love as it is to understand it STOTSENBERG AT REST Last Bad Bites Performed Over Ashes of the Lamented Officer. TflE INTERMENT IS AT ARLINGTON President ot the (Tatted State and Secre tary or War Witacxs Csremoales Mili tary Honors Paid ihe Deceased Moat Impressive Uarlsl Service ror Years !St the Nation's Cemetery. WASHINGTON. June 2. (Special to Omaha Bee.) In the presence of the president of the United States, Secretary Alger, Assistant Secretary Meiklejohn, Adjutant General Corblu. Brigadier General Greeley. Chief of Signal Scrvlco Colonel Gordon, U. S. A-rettred, and many other dls" guished personages the remain of Col onel John Miller Stotscnberg of the First Nebraska volunteers were laitl to rest In a beautiful spot at Arling ton cemetery, yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock. , Four troops of the Third cavalo from Fort Myer and Compales A. U and M acted as escort for the remains, which were taken from tho receiving vault, placed upon a caisson and. es corted by the Third Cavalry hand, the cortege wound Us way in and out of the many beautiful roads of the cemetery to the grave, which has entrance to the nation's burial ground, commanding position near the west Six privates of the Third were de tailed as acting pallbearers. The hon orary pall bearers were Colonel Carter, Mojor Dravo, Major Johuson. MaJr Cruse. Major Pershing and idajor Hodgson, all, with the exception of Colonel Carter and Major Dravo being members of the came corps as that ot the late colonel and were with him at West Point. , ,t The band of the Third played dirge services on the march nnd at the grave "Nearer My Go to Thee." Chopin s "Funeral March In G Minor" and at tho grave side "Como Ye Disconso late.' The firing plutoon was made up of CompanyD. Bugler Flctchmafl ol Troop 11. sounding taps. Not In many years has there been a more impressive burial service than that of yesterday performed over the remains of the fighting colonel of the First Nebraska. The day was perfect and the attendance was especially large, considering the fact that Colonel Stotsenberg Was not especially well known In the cast, nearly all of his military life having been spent in the western states. Nebraska was represented by Sena tor Thurston. Chief Clerk Michael or the State department. Law Officer Charles Morgan of the War depart ment. Major Pershing and John Hyde chief statistician of the Agriculture' department. The casket Was entirely covered with beautiful flowers, the president send ing a beautiful wreath of white ro9es. Mr. Magoon and Major Pershing send ing a wreath of red and white tosps. colors of the University Of Nebraska; while Assistant Secretary Meiklejohn sent both a wreath of roses and a clus ter of lilicS. General Stotsenberg pre sented a flower piece 5b tho shape of an emblem of the Knights Templar. Col onel Stotsenberg having been an ac tive worker In the Masonic fraternity while located in this cltv as quarter master of the Sixth cavalry. Rev. Mr. Wallace of Marlon. Ind.. read tho burial service of the Episco pal church, it being the only service held at the grave beside the volley fir ing by Troop I! of the Third cavalry and sounding or laps by the bugler, which was most impressive. It is stated that President McKinlcy is contemplating offering a position to Mrs. Stotsenberg, as the colonel died without leaving any estate whatsoever. Senator Thurston, in speaking of the death of Colonel Stotsenberg. said that he probably was largely responsi ble for it. in that he had secured his detail to the University of Nebraska as military instructor and out of that military lnstructorship came the nom ination to be colonel of the First Ne braska, finally ending in his tragic death on the firing line near Munila. April 23. ARMY NOT DISHONORED. D .Ins; ot Jnstlce Will No Dlncrare the Mllittrr Organization. PARIS, June 2. The court of cassa .lon at noon today resumed hearing the arguments in the application for a revision of the Dreyfii3 case. Maltre Mornard. counsel for Madame Drey fus, resumed his speech. He reviewed the facts in favor of DreyfU3. Counsel expects to close his speech today. Maitre Mornp.rd's speech was largely a rethrcshlng of straw already thor oughly threshed out by MM. Ballot de Beaupre and Maneau. He warmly eulogized the report of M. Ballot de Beaupre and applauded the conclu sions arrived at by M. Maneau. - Counsel for Madame Dreyfus con cluded with protecting against the idea that even for the sake of honor of the army might should dominate over right. He said the army itself was thirsting for honor and justice to be rendered and he pointed out that the army could not be dishonored by the acknowledgment that a judicial error had been committed. Counsel then said: "I am awaiting your verdict, believ ing it will prove to be the blessed dawn which will throw upon otir be loved country tho light of concord and truth." The president of the court an nounced that sentence would be deliv ered at one of the approafhing ses sions of the court. It is generally sur mised that this means sentence will be delivered on Saturday at the open ing of the sitting of the court. line! Over .Tnvlal Remark. BUDA PEST. June 2. A fatal duel with pistols was fought yesterday at Klausenhurg between Prof. Oborschall of the Press Burglaw academy and Herr Putuoky. The latter vas shot In the head. The quarrel which led to the duel was caused by a jovial re mark by Prof. Oberschall. MeCu!los;h Vice rresMent. CHICAGO. III., June 2. H. R. Mc CuIIougbt, vice president ot the Chicago-Northwestern railway, at the an nual meeting of the Fremont. Elkhorn c Missouri Valley railroad and the Sioux City & Pacific railroad, held in Chicago yesterday, was elected vice president of those lines. KIEL, June 2 The auxiliary steam er Kaiser Wilhelm was launched yes terday in the presence of Emperor William, who named her Kaiser Wil helm der Grosse. The grand duchess of Baden performed the christening. RRAVE fST NEWASKANS. Colaael Dtotseaberas Revert Cle I rtaaece f Great Coarase. WASHINGTON. D. C. Juno 2. The ar department has made public an other mail report from Colonel Stoi senberg and other officers of the Ne braska and Wyoming regiments, which participated in an action of February 22. About 200 Insurgents had been con cealed in the bamboo south of the wa ter works for two days. Colonel Stot senberg. With the First Nebraska, and Major Foote, with the First battalion of the Wyoming Infantry, and Assist ant Surgeon Black of the ambulance, wero directed to surround the party, nnd, if possible, to capture or destroy them. The Insurgents changed their posi tion during the night and what with the bamboo thickets and a heavy early morning they managed to find an opening in the American line and slip through to the river, which they man aged to cross, although under a hea vy fire and suffering severe loss. , General -Hale reported that while the movement had "born unsuccessful as to the destruction pf the band, tho region was thereafter free from annoyance from the natives. Colonel Stotsenberg says that he ran Into a strong force of the enemy while; trying to get Into their rear, aild when the fog lifted they followed himself and party within 200 yards of them across a plowed ground and ex posed to heavy Mauser fire. The in surgents prepared to charge, but two volleys from the Nobraskans convinced them that they had enough and they disappeared toward the San talon riv er. Tho Ncbraskans did not lost a man in this encounter. Captain Black of the ambulance corps submits a report of the courage displayed by threo hospital corps men and eight of the Nebrnska regiment, who were attacked by a superior force while conveying the wounded to tho rear. Their way led across an open field, under direct fire, at l.r0 yards from the insurgents, but the enlisted men gallantly held the natives in check while the litter bearers went across the field, and later came in themselves under a terrific fire from the natives. Captain Black says: "I would res pectfully recommend to your favora ble consideration the following men: Privates Coleman. Dallery and Car ter of the hospital corps; and Ser geant Hedgecock. company HT: Ser geant Thomas, company K; Private Bates. Mcllnay, Tucker. Grayson and Brown, company II, all of the First Nebraska. NEW VETERANS' ASSOCIATION. Kaval and Military Order .f Hpanlsh Amerlran War Is Formed. ALBANY, N. Y.. June 2. There was Incorporated with the secretary of state today "the Naval and Military Order of the Spanish-American War," with the principal offices in New York city. Its objects are to cherish the memories and associations of the war waged against Spain; to unite and promote the tics of fellowship and sympathy formed by those who parti cipated In the said war and to acquire and preserve the records of their Indi vidual services; to advance the best Interests of the soldiers and sailors of the United States; to force unqualified allegiance to the general movement; to protect the rights and liberties of American citizenship and maintain the national honor and union. The directors are: Theodore Roose velt. Albany: Henry C. Taylor. Walter O. Sears. Brooklyn: Wallace F. Ran dolph. Frank W. Toppan, Charles IL Parks, Parker W. West. Leonard Cheney, L. L. Seaman. W. Butler Dun can. Jr.. John T. Hilton. A. J. Blecker, A. B. Frick. New York City; Theodore C. Zercga, Newport. R. I.; J. W. Clows. Governor's Island. The membership list Is limited to those who have served on the active list or performed duty (and who are still in the service or have received an honorable discharge from the same) as a commissioned officer, regular or volunteer, during the war with Spain, or who participated in the war as s naval or military cadet. MONEY IN CIRCULATION. Comptroller of the Carrency Issaes Hla Monthly Statement. WASHINGTON, June 2 The month' ly statement of the comptroller of the currency shows the to'al circulation of national bank notes on May 31, 1899. to have been ?212 00t.5"!. a decrease for the month of $iJ49,79 and an in crease for the year of $14,4rl,709. Tho circulation based on United States bonds amounted to $206,305,954. a de crease for the month of fl.r.60.333 and an increase for the year of $10,150,019. The circulation secured by lawful money amounted to $35,738,600. an in crease for the month of $1,010,553 and an increase for the year of $4,301,690 The amount of United States register ed bonds on deposit to secure circu lating notes was $230,060,301 and to secure public deposits $71,172,910. The monthly report of the director of the mint ehows the total coinage at the United States mints during May. 1899. was $7,804,560, as follows: Gold, $4,803,400; silver. $2,879,418; minor coins, $121,750. The number of stand ard silver dollars coined was 2,214,00. Ohio Solid for Henderson. CHICAGO. June 2. A special to the Record from Columbus, O.. sajs that the fifteen republican members ot con gress rrom Ohio tonight, at an infor mal conference, determined to rast a unanimous vote for David B. Hender son of Iowa for speaker of the next house. Will Ttlk or nineflelds. NEW ORLEANS. La.. June 2. Hon. f W. B. Sausby, consul to the Atlantic coast or Nicaragua, has arrived on the steamship Hiram from Bluefields. His sixty days leave of absence was Inter rupted by the revolution, and he says that he has simply returned to spend the rest of his vacation. It is known, however, that he and Sam Weil, a leading American merchant at Blue fields, will go to Washington in a few days and lay the entire Nicaragua matter before Secretary Hay. Mr. Sausby reports that Governor Torres left Bluefield3 on the 25th. along with a number of political passengers, none ot them Americans. Caaag-e la PostoMce Rtillas; WASHINGTON. June 2 Third As sistant Postmaster General Merritt has ordered a discontinuance of the prac tice of printing the names of post masters on any book, blank or card used In conducting the registry busi ness and hereafter only the name of the postofflce, county and state will be : printed tnereon by the department. First American Laugh, and the world laughs with you. Second Amer ican AB, but the Englishmen. Life. CeinksSlaltBak Fiji ttn. Iki kpA lallMlMlwt T ,-" V , BUYS GOOD NOTES rrstrt. L M. Imr, Ylc PrWa, IL BMJMSaV CarttW tTAvrra, Wh The Columbus Journal. A Weekly Newspaper devoted to tlM best interests of Pflmamkat VWIWIWWVvi tn cmty if mm, Tm State of Hiferaski, Tin UUM Stites, -AND TBI REST OF MANKIND. T UNIT OF MEASUEB WITH US IS $1.50 a Yearf If Paid In Advance). Baiovr Unit of usefulness is not cir- cu ribed bj dollars tad cents. HENRY GABS. ! tafrtilttalllaiCttffll MmW combos journal MHTINe OFFICE. BST PAPaUtS OOUHTBY. msmmmmmmmmp wVWMelwl ImamamamamamamamamamamamamamamamaWaW mafflamW .amamamamamamamamamamaVamamamwammaV aaaaaSaam TJKDEBTAKER i - :, - :-:- - P- 1