f :n. I. .' I - ! W" I A, i - Z'l S v: i ST. tr-.v:-: v: 8 f 3. .- " " :' :"- h " : . AvV- e .. - f? -. "'- " !. :--..-vv ft- v.-v--.- J - '- 4 r. - - - f, 1 1. i' I- ":. 5. . " W "- ? ,u r M. -"",. Ihl I - !. - I. :::' ' fel"',- . " i V ft. ... v - -. ; I.-1.- i" .. r - . : -.- -. M :. rV ' i.. .1..- 14 j: J - i I : m-.: 1 ( Ir Et - . 0'v--s J".- V --' f - -. . - m it He Laughs Best Who Laughs Last. A hearty laugh indicates a degree of good health obtain ante through pare blood. As bmt one person in ten has pare blood, the other nine should purify the blood with Hood's Sarsaparilla Then they can laugh first, last and all the time, for perfect hap piness comes with good health Jacob A. Rita. the well kaowa aataor of Haw the Other Half Urea, rehear ses saa renews la the May Atlantic TIm Battle wit tk Slam; which he Ut ill aot hagta systematically la New York aatll 1I7. He reltB totes the rarloas sneceasire straggles orer teaemeat hoases. Breathing spac es. Behests, streets, sweatshops, etc., the stgaJfesat fact heiag, as dereloped by Mr. Mis, that all the adrance gala- ed has heea retalsed; that so man? Tital improvements hays coaie aad to stay. FABH AND GABDEN. MATTSItS OP INTsvftKST AGRICULTURISTS. as VpHthUm ttsatlaa TO Cat lm their large ma Uter lite: the oaly eatharBc to take with Hun - la 1880 this country's imports of iroa aad steel manufactures amounted to 171,250.000, and exports were $14,76. M. la 1898 the imports were $12,50. M. aad the exports were $70,500,e0. the f gores being reversed. Waat-to-Eht says that the father of a family becoming aaaoyed at the faalttailas f his chiMrea orer their food, exclaimed la a rage one day, at diaaer: 'Ton children are iBtolerable. Toa tara ap yoar aoees at everythlag. whoa I was a boy I was oftea glad eroagh to get a dry erast to eat." "Poor papa!" said Rose, the pet of the faarily. "I am so glad yoa are baring sach alee times sow, living with aad us. i m...h.,. f It Is the practice of hypocrites to wwoJvteaanllaidh tka nstaadtdknaen saw! aMdavj wtasa m)saaavssaav mv rivyis eutu awvyk aai promises ss practical. i sBaaw -flm3W Lask 1 - tJmL '"'t Sy .sBaBBBBmamasmaa mV ma H awUw m aa msmV .msmBmBmBmBmBmBBssmW aW a 1 CJJ j JaO VBBBBBBBmamamC-smamamamamaBBma gmf m m M BVwT (smBmBBBBBmW wT m BBBBsBBsnE2jmBBBBBB k M M IP STlV BBBBBBwUrfiBBBBBBBBBBB BmisBBBBBBBBBBBBBmBB BB SBBBBBmi BBmf BBBBBBBBBBmV BVamBBBBBBBBBBHSmBBhTa maBBBBBBBa. BLaLBlBBBBBBr BVamBBmBBBBBBBBBaVv SV BBmBBBBBmV BBTBmBBmBBW WHmBBBBBV VBBBBBBmBT WBBBrtl r tjBBMBB "smw 77ie courtship period for Ayers Sarsaparilla passed long since, when it won the con fidence and esteem of thoughtful men and women 50 years ago., You need have no doubts, if, when you go to buy Sarsaparilla, you simply say the old name tc ff Ayers That is the hind that cured your fathers and their fathers before them, and it is the kind that will cure you. Other Sarsaparillas may look like it, may even taste like it, but somehow or other they haven't the knack of curing people that Ayer's has. Just try one bottle of Ayer's today. NEW BICYCLES 01$' Ml LIMES' FROM S8.I7 UP, JSS? X2JS2?$ for t,7iLt otlie!? JMBSS mr. We eaa U rmi for BH.47 bicycle - that caaaot be beat bv nv make at ut nriee. Crnimt witk hmu ovi.h i. - .n'X: . l-i-.t tmaa - - rv. n " r ; JtnTZL mTt "5!r"T "" " !." "?"" " " uuv ow uiiiiuiowcuw. iArui.iuiiQnnaiororiivio QSo. All Goods at Wholesale Prices to CoaenBen. "' -- T. M. ROBERTS SUPPLY HOUSE, Minneapolis, Minn. 2&e k95c Best trade Bam imai cards palate free. $$!5 ! m 1 POMMEL jni 1 Knm both tMer aad stddto per-1 scttyerjrla e hardest Stems. I Sbsetaltsnauppalit.Askfcrl hot run nana obbci packer Nisi eaStdyaew. Kaetfersatebi r tova. wrrtc for ealuava a A. J. TOWER. Bostoa. Masa Thousands Killed. tfj EVEKV 8HKBT MLf. Dutcher's Fly Killer gfgVrids the house or thousands of JSMBT Files, thaaSordlBg peace while SmffaMmV yH '"! the coaafort of a aap ABBSBBBBB. ta the mornlns;. Ask your Draf- 'WL fieiv cutchei uuc cs Town Topics says Mrs. Willie K. Vanderbilt, jr does not in any way attempt to keep away from the fierce light that has been beating upon her ever since her engagement was an nounced. During their short visit to the Waldorf-Astoria the burned-out bride jand groom appeared one evening at diaaer ia the large dining hall. Mrs. Vanderbilt's gown actually glared with shiaing spangles the size of a dime. All one could see was a gleaming, flashing mass of changing lights. The waist was decolette and had no sleeves. Diamonds were worn about the throat and in the hair. Mrs. Vanderbilt looked remarkably well and her hus band appeared exceedingly proud of her. but that did not hinder her from looking more or less like a circus rider. If! Spalding . JattejmasaaflVaa. neBaU. assise flcUUrerSsteS by the Kattoaal Lca-SMtobeaa4ia ACCCTTNOSUBMHUIES atyeMMeoaa to stock. seiayiariSiaa MddxeaB to ss (aa Ms. toe) s f er sss f ow haadsomelT Ulnstrated eatatora? A o. BpALBlBe a ; fwiwii vni U m Clam r People Was are lajured by the use of coffee. Receatly there ass been placed In all the grocery stsres a aew preparation called QRAIN-O. made of pure grains, last takes the place of coSee. .The most aclkata stomach receijat It without dsstrsss, aad ant few caa tell it froan eaflsa. It doss aot cost over sae-foarta as mack. Chlidrea may drink It with great -beaelt IS eenU aad 25 ceats Try It Ask for GRAIN-O. If islsys are daageroas lawyers must be a'arave lot CANDY CAVMawm. mMv&& & $5 1 $25-Xf ligkr. WcyclesSentC.O.D. With Brlrilese of rtmliniiua. RITFB8. all ssalces. Arts, new aad ncoai hat. 'Bsrtfealars. -- ar. NEuosnr ceu 11SJ Fanaan 8t Ossaha. Re. fc.tysUmtM. WAaraa-Csse r sat aasaa MsmkaasSt. Ssad f essss at EiwFsAJSrttsBsstaaM JgSWjMW V. 8. rateat OsSee Bsalaesa. U. S.-Pateat oflke basiaess The cosamisskmer refased to regis ter the words "Chill Stop" for a trade mark for chills aad fever medicine be caase. "walls they do aot express qual ity la the mos grammatical form, they are caichy aad slangy aad descripUve. ' Tka rasrraaacmeat of descriBUve la eommoa ase caaaot clothe with attrihates aot possessed aot so arranged. patent has been allowed R. E. Fsl lertoa af Des M olaes for a labor saving; machine that will carry lumber (boards) from a wagoa and automati cally .ails them bbob tiers to produce a stack la as complete manner as it caa done la the old-fashioned way of hsadllsg boards aad spaciag strips saceaaatvely by hand. The KMora Sarlas; ManufacUring company, sastgaf of O. H. Watkias of saaara. Ia.. has been allowed a patent for a wagoa eaa-gate specially adapted to as raised to allow grain aad ataer arodacts to be removed from the box aad also wall adapted to be ia a aosttioa to he ased ss a matter eeataiaiar valuable lafsrmstlsa aad advice for iaveatora THOMAS G. ORWIG ft OO, SoUdtsrs of Uataata. Ia April St. Its. Experience ass t-aght me that this is a more subtle process thaa I bars formerly thought, aad that if varieties oace cross, the type of either parent remains la the blood of the race for many corn generations, writes J. J. H. Gregory la Our Graage Homes. To Il lustrate: For a long series of years I bad raised the Longfellow variety of eld cora, and had always doas my owa seed raising, exercising excecdlag cars to have every ear the narsst typs af the variety, yet every seasoa there has shows itself two or three ears oa each acre of the old Early Dattoa cora and of a very large keraeled sort, somewhat later than the Longfellow. Many years sgo I plaated la oas of my lots located in the midst of a great pasture and far removed from other tillage land, a small plot of Mexlcaa sweet cora. As most people kaow, this Is a purple variety which Is excep tionally tender and sweet but It Is necessary to isolate it in order to keep it pure. The seed I planted had every indication in the way of color of being pure, but on some""of the ears from which it was taken were kernels of the color of the common sweet' cora. The crop was of all colors, wholly Ba st for seed. I occasionally lad yel low kernels among my sweet corn, proving a cross betweea it sad our common yellow field cora; each ker nels when cooked show their cross la their taste, which combines the lavor of both parents. To bring such a cross out by Isolated growth into a distinct variety is the work of years, though within my remembrance It has been accomplished in three instances. All crossing Is done by the fine dust from the tassel, which holds the place of the stamina in flowers, falling on the silk of the ears. If there is no pollen there can be no corn, as can be proved by cutting oft the tassel Just before the pollen matures. For this reason varieties can be raised side by side, snd the one desired kept pure by removing the tassels from sll the other sorts, or by planting varieties that do not tassel at the same time, though In such esse one will be spt to find that the latest ears of the early sort will show a cross mads by the earliest maturing tassels of the later sorts. An old farmer once told me the story of a selfish neighbor who refased him seed of an Improved variety of corn. "Never you mind, I -will yet have It" said be. "and honestly, too." He watched his opportunity when that neighbor located his corn patch on an island in the river which divided the two farms, snd planted a piece of corn on the river bank opposite; he carefully removed the spindles as they appeared, with the result that the silk was fertilized from the pollen from the corn growing on the island, and thus that variety was transferred to the farmer's cobs as certainly as though It had beea taken kernel by kernel aad grafted there. Ave Ai This spriag af sll ethers m It appreciated. With the eakei with, water sad hard with frost tin late lata April, the saesUea af ffllck diaiaage is important as well as tha capacity af the lead to warm. ap rapidly. While it Is doabtless tree that drataedlaad freesas deeper thaa nadralaed lead, yet K Is else trae that sack lead dries aat snicker aad be- Healthj Potatoes. Potato growers who want to have potatoes with bright clean skins, free from scab, should not neglect to ase the necessary precautions to have them so. First plant on new soli, or that not already infested with the scab fungus, for It Is proved that the fungus lives in the soil for a year or two. says Vicks Magazine. Planting should be done where some other crop than the potato has been grown for two years previous. Second, having washed the seed notatoes. immerse them 'in a solution of corrosive sub limate in order to kill any scab fungus on the tubers. Use two and a quarter ounces of corrosive sublimate in fif teen gallons of water. Dissolve the corrosive sublimate in two gallons of hot water, and then add thirteen gal lons more of water. Use a large tab or a barrel; metallic vessels will be corroded by the liquid. Place the po tatoes to be treated In a large, coarse sack and sink it into the liquid, allow ing it to remain an hour and a half; at the end of that time lift them out and turn them out on a floor to dry. when they can be cut up and planted! ine sack or potatoes can be conven iently handled, in lifting it In and oat of the barrel, by means of a lever on a post near the barrel, sufficiently high to work easily, something like an old fashioned well sweep, and which say one can easily and quickly rig up. This will be necessary only when a considerable quantity of potatoes are to be treated. As the corrosive mix ture is poisonous, care should be taken not to touch it to the hands, especially if the skin is broken; alsq to keep the treated tubers away from poultry or cattle. leads. Ob assay thoasaads of aa dralsed tales la tha Wast tha farmers wfll yet have to wait for soma time be fore they caa aat oato It to do plowlag or other kiads of farm work. These dsys of waltlac are of lmmease coa- sasasaca to the eomisg crops. A late sees of twa er three weeks oftea mesas tka loss of a huge part of tha crop. Tka mea with wall dralaed teles will be able to get their crops Into tka ground quite early, evea this seasoa. Ia tka case of gardens the greea staff aill ha eomisg aloag weeks before that of their neighbors. Where this Is to lad a market la the towns or cities It 'will catch the best market We be lieve that the experience of this year will greatly stlmalate the work of placing proper systems of drainage oa the farms. What wa have said of the tardea Is trae la a leaser sease of the Urge fleMs sad pastures. Ia England ths wheat fields ;are tile dralaed, and it is re ported that ths increase la ths yield of wheat-has beea samdeat to pay the cost of drainage la a few years. Many low pieces of lead, sow aaaaally over flowed, aad productive of only the coarser grasses, might If properly treated, become ths most productive of meadows, growing tka finest kinds of plant food for stock. Is Us pasture the drala Is aa lacreaser of tha rod. It Is very accessary that the pasture land become dry sad warm at a very early date ia the spring, so that the grass will get a good start before the stock are turned onto It Good drain age will oftea greatly lacresse .the start the grass gets of the cattle, aad this lacrosse Is kept throughout the summer, more so oa tab kind of land thaa oa lead left la Its natural state. Oa the cold, wet pastures this spring the grass will be very slow In start tag. Ths stock will go oa while the sod Is sUH this, aad the feet of the animal will pound mack of It into and. fkas destroying ths sod for years to come. Water nukes this possible. Dry sail resists ths foot, and the sod Is saved. Money Judiciously, in vested la tile aad labor for drainage Is well placed, aad will return annual iaterest at a good par ceat The debilitating drains and discharges which weaken so many women are caused by Ca tarrh of .the distinctly feminine organs. The sufferer may call her trouble Leuchorrhoea, or Weakness, or Female Disease or some other name, but the real trouble is catarrh of the female organs and nothing else Pe-ru-na radically and perma nently cures this and all othei forms of Catarrh. It is a positive specific for female troubles caused by catarrh of the delicate lining of the organs peculiar to women, it always cures if used L persistently. It is prompt and pnnaiii. saUght la atakJea, Stables, particularly cow stables, should be weU lighted la winter, be cause 'sunlight Is so essential for the life and comfort of animals. A well lighted stable does aot arrssssrllj mesa a cold stable, because doable sash caa be ased. aad the window made to flt so ss to keep oat the wind. In winter, whea the thermometer w SO degrees or so below sero, a son bath is one" of the greatest luxuries a cow caa eajoy. With snog fitting windows the heat from the sun's rays caa be madeto help warm the stable. Sun light to also essential for the health of animals. Disease germs, ss the tuber culosis bacilli snd the anthrax bacilli, caaaot live la strong sunlight Ia a dark,vdamp stable these disease-producing germs are capable of rapidly multiplying and Hviag ia the manure. Aalmhls wintered la weU lighted stables are always mors free from dis ease thaa those wintered in dark, damp, poorly ventilated and unclean stables. Such places sre where disease germs sre propagated, and not only is the health of the animal Jeopardized but the healtk of the person who con sumes the animal's products, as milk, butter or cheese Is likewise imperiled Sunlight is equally as Important at pure food sad pure water for the pro duction of healthy stock, and while it Is the' chespest of the three It Is the one that is most geaerally denied th animal Harry Snyder. Miss Hyberta Pryme, a niece of President McKinley, is about to show foreigners what she can do in sou brette snd monologue parts. She will shortly sail for London, where she is to begin a lucrative engagement, and later will be seen In Paris, Berlin and other cities before her return. Miss Pryme has recently appeared at sev eral New York theaters in vaudeville performances, but recently the de mands for her from club and other private social organizations have kept her constantly engaged. Samuel B. Randall, jr., of Philadel phia, has been appointed special agent of the department of internal revenue for the eastern district of Pennsyl vania, with headquarters in Philadel phia. The salary is 110 per day. The appointment was made by the secre tary of the treasury upon the personal request of President McKinley. If Representative Sherman of New York succeeds in securing the speaker ship of the house he will be one of the youngest men who ever served in that position. He is only 44. The only men younger than that when elected were Galusha A. Grow, 38, and James G. Blaine, 39. Mr. Reed was 50 and Mr. Carlisle 48. "The men behind the guns" cf the Raleigh have presented Helen Gould with 300 handsome flags to express their appreciation of her humane con duct toward the seamen during the war. The Brooklyn War association has also presented her with a war medal as a token of the esteem in which it Holds her. Longevity. "Ministers are said to live the longest of all classes of pro fessional men," said Mrs. Gilgal. "I had somehow got the impression taiat centenarians lived the longest," re plied Mrs. Nutwood. Detroit Free Press. Stop the Waste. From Farmers' Review: In the fruit Industry the wsste often consumes the profits. An Inopportune rain or wind at the time when the fruit is jest ripening often ruins the hopes and anticipations of a whole year The failure to use the right kind of a pack age and to make the fruit look its best in it often degrades the quality In the estimation of the buyer from first to second-class with the corresponding reduction of price. The crowded mar ket of Saturday often leaves on hand of the grower a few crates of berries which are worthless when the market ripens on the following week. The insects somehow find their way to the iruu ana just at ine tune when it should ripen we find that It Is ruined. Nice cases out of ten of failure in the fruit business comes through loss due to waste. The successful fruit grower must learn early in his career that his products are at all times tender and quickly perishable. He must so far as he is able, prevent the contact of any agent that destroys or reduces the value of the fruit This is not some thing that is beyond his power. By a vigilant warfare against insects he caa greatly increase the quantity and Im prove me quality of the crop which ne is to receive. Cold storage asTords one of the most practical means of preventing waste ia the fruit crop that we have. Apples that fall from ths tree when almost ripe, aad are lost sre frequently ripe enough to be pick- cu una piscea in cold storage. The fact that apples for cold storage should be picked while solid Is vaala ble information to those who realise that their f rcit is dropping badly while la that state. Aa fee aad cold storage house on the fruit farm Is of value ia preventing the waste la mer fruits that come naturally through rapid decay. Berries, cherries, plums, and peaches can be kept a aamber of days, evea weeks, aad there to thaa afforded ample opportunity for aslag or dispectes of them. Let ths fanset aad trait grocer be as ssiaatsklsg to prevent waste Ja thelr.prodacts as the packers and. the manafactarers are to Foreign Beet Sugar ia India. Ac cordlag to ofifcial statistics the value of tka beet sugar Imported into India daring 1898 was fJO.OW.OOO. This su gar came principally from Germany, France. Holland and Belgium. Re ports from Calcutta state that there is a growiag agitation against the Im portation of forelga beet sugar. It Is feared that ths home market will be destroyed aad that many of the na tive popnlatloa engaged In the cane sugar ladastry will be throwa out of employmeat The Hindus are trying to bring religions fanaticism to their aid by claiming that the foreign sugar Is maaafsctared by "anholy" heathens Beef 8agar Gazette. s - Live Stock Values. The msgnltude of the live stock interests In this coun try to shown by ths fact that the total value of farm aalmals oa January 1. 1899, was St415,e68,eoo. The highest point ever reached by this value was $207.060.000. fo 1889. The depression ia these values began in 1892 and reached the lowest polat of f 1,840,420, 09 In 1898, making a decline of folly 25 per cent The upward tendency in values began in 1898 aad has contin ued ever since until now 19 per cent of the 25 per cent of shrinkaaa has beea recovered. This leaves 8 per cent of that shrlakage still to be recovered before the high-water mark of ter years ago wiu oa reached. Ex. ? Connecticut Cattle. Cattle Commis sioner, Spraxne has rendered his re port for the year ending September SO Isst The. general health aad condi tloa of dairy csttle to very good. Out of 18799 milch cows aad 79.999 other csttle ealy 71. were coademaed; all bat 4 of these had tabsrcalosto. The tu berealia test for detecting the disease as seea entirely aiscarded by the state. "Oar dalrymea." the commis sioner, remarked, "are inteiii....- stady their business thoroughly, axe geaerally wflHag to have their arem- Ste?eet-f to ly witk sug gestions as ta Improved methods. ?. bltrarj; aad expensive dletaUoa." .,- ..cr osngwa uorses. A x report front Astrm iui The Betefsn deserts. Jr?Z ricaltare. sacomlag alarmed recently at tha lsrreaslsg Importation to Aat- WfLS.ASl?B hon"' from a special sadgat committee a report oa the subject. After aa exkaastiv? Bmlaatissi tka committee reports that v ayevwt cvkosss rsscrictiose are sec "J' " cawiacxertass the draft Anthony N. Brady, the Wall street financier, who is one of ex-Governor Flower's most trusted associates in big deals, began life as a bartender in the Delavan house at Albany. D Tear Feet Ache and Baraf Shake into your shoes, Allen's Foot Ease, a powder for the feet. It makes tight or New Shoes feel Easy. Cures Corns, Bunions, Swollen, .Hot and Sweating Feet At all Druggists and Shoe Stores, 25c. Sample sent FREE. Address Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y. It takes two fools to make flattery possible. Coe's Coagb Balsam I the oldert and best- It will break tip a cold quicker (tun any ibing else, it Is alwar reliable. Trrlc There is no wealth that can ward off tears. Hall's Catarrh Care Is a constitutional care. Price. 75c The changeful heart will never win and wed the truth. I never used so quick a cure as Fiso's Core for Consumption. J. B. Palmer. Box 1171, Seattle, Wash., Nov. 25, 189J. All things come to him who waits bad luck included. TSe ISral X,axatlTe. No more ancient plllpolnons and black draught, but ap-to date, sclentinc harmless, palatable, po tent Cascarets CaaJy Cathartic. Ail druggists 10c.3Sc.90c Dr. O. P. Wolcott of Milwaukee is a practicing physician at the age of 97. His first vote was cast for John Quincy Adams and he expects to be on hand at the next presidential election. One sin in a day will unravel the whole like the dropping of a stitch In knitting. Several years ago Fred D. Uaier wood, bow geaeral asaaager of tha Baltimore aad Ohio Railroad, named two statioas ia the apper peninsula of Mkalaaa "Radyard- aad "Kipling." one betes la aa agricultural coaatry aad the other la aa lroa ore district Soma time later a mntaal friend in formed Klailac of Mr. Uaderwood's action, aad ths celebrated author seat Mr. uaoerwooa bis photograph with the following Maes ok the back: RUDYARD" AND "KIPUNO. MWbw Is the child who knows hie sire. The ancient proverb ran. But wiser far the nun who knows How. where aad when his offspring STOWS, For who ths sslechlef would sbpdom I've sons in Michigan? " Yet SB I saved from mJdalsht Ola. That warp the soul of man They do sat stake bm walk the near Nor hammer at the doctor's door. They .deal la wheat and Iron ore. My seas la Michigan. 4T1 ALESWOMEN anferstssMi Q)astanUy on their feet waathar well or flL CosasjsJaat to senile and be agreeable to CBStosasri wkile dnsgwadl dowm with soma fenuaiaa aches count for little. They naaat keep going or lose their place. To these Mrs. Pinkham's help is offered. A letter to her at Lynn. Mass.. will bring her advice free of all charge. Muss Nancie Shobf, Florence. CoL, writes a letter to Mrs. Pink kam from which we quote : 'I had been in poor health for THEIR UVMQ Oh. Tourist la the Pullman car (By Cok's or Raymond's plaal Foraive a parent's partial view: But. maybe, you have chlidrea toe So let me Introduce to you My sons In Mlchljran. RUDTARD KIPLINO. "The Story of the Captains" in the May Century will mark the climax of that magazine's Spanish war series, giving, as it does, an account by every American commanding officer but one or tne part pisyed by his ship in the famous flght off Santiago, that result ed in the annihilation of Cervera's fleet Captain Evans describes the do ings of the lows, Captain Taylor of the Indiana, Captain (now rear admiral) Philip of the Texas, Captain Cook of the Brooklyn, Captain Chadwick of the New York and Lieutenant Command er Wainwright of the Gloucester, while Captain Clark of the Oregon endorses Lieutenant Eberie's story of the Ore gon, and contributes a criticism of the Spanish admiral's strategy. Admiral Deweys favorite watch is made of steel from the sunken battle ship Maine. Captain Sigsbee, who commanded the ill-fated war vessel at the time she was blown up, carries a similar timepiece. Both were made by a patriotic down-east Yankee. ttsse. bit trembles hnw fag been brought on by standing, so my physician said, cann ing serious womb trouble. I had to give up my work. I was just a bundle of nerves and would have fainting spells at ithly periods. I doctored aad took various asadidnes. bmt got no relief, and when I wrote to you I could not walk more than four blocks at a time. I followed your advice, tak ing Lydia E. Pinkham's Blood Purifier in connection with tha Vegetable Com pound and began, to gain ia strength from the first I am getting to be a stranger to pain and I owe it all to your medicine. There i: none eaual to it. for I have tried many others be fore using yours. Words cannot be said too strong in praise of it." Miss Polly Frame. Meade, Kan., writes: Peak Mrs. Pinkham I feel it my duty to write you ia regard to what your medicine has done for me. I cannot praise it enough. Since my girlhood I had been troubled with ir regular and painful periods and for nearly five years had suffered witk falling of the womb, sad whites. Also had ovarian trouble, the left ovary being so swollen and sore that I could not movo without pain. Now, thanks to your wonderful medicine, that tired feeling is all gone, and I am healthy and strong." J BsrTf r at ift t J PirrTswa.r.irfT 1 SJ-t 'V i-jtflfTVi mIVw 1 lOTOlwa-H amawJJmiSZ Nervous People Nervous people net only suffer themselves but ctu&e more or less misery to everyone around them. They Are fretful, easily worried and therefore 6. worry Whe everything Annoys you when your pulse beats ex cessively; when you are surtlcc at the least unexpected sound. . your nerves are in a bid state . and should be promptly atten icd to. - Nervousness is a eves tian of nutrition. Food for the nerves is what you . need to out you ridht.and the best nerve food in the world is Dr. Williams Pink. Pills for Pale People. ; They give strength and tone to every nerve m the body, and make desisndent. easily irritated people feel that life has renewed its charms. Here is proof: toLS20i&PV17,s"Si?1,?,!h a " disorder which SSSJSlS-S1 PJcians agrel the trouble wes SrlffiS2?WSliw'l?t.fi!d,to S?11 Mr.Watrous heard uSPK,toPK?tew5rchfKh?yTeTO,n!ndcdforner- KawSSesaM tittM-A?s The full name is on each package. Sold by all druddists or sent, oestoaid. hv the Dr William. Medicine Co, Schenectady. N.x. Price 5operbox;6bMes$Z5i W.N.U. OMAHA. No. ie-ll09 Vhea assverisa aeventseawsts Kasty Heatiee Tais faeec For Sale- STOCK OP GENEKAI. MEKCBLANDI8E; Value Si .see. Also Dry Goods and Notion Stock; Value as.eea. One-half Cash; balance secured paper. A. A. MALEY, BMlcauB CMy. Ne. As Black as mm Yourm DYE YoarWhiskers A aaasBBBPSsf bbbbbBbY asdam dPfJ sneBBBBBBBBBB-nsjgsBj aBBs)MBavBSB BPBTayfJssaT BMcMMaakmMW, mM ' Dyau SO eta. of druggists or R.P.HII a Co.,Naahua,N.H. WHEAT WHEAT WHEAT wsKBBBKaaaaaaaasBBBBBaaaaaaSBVBBBBBaassaasBBBa 'Nothing but wheat; what you might call a sea of wheat." la what was said by a lecturer speaking- of Western Can ada. For particulars as to routes, rail way fares, etc., apply to Superintendent of Immigration. Department Interior. Ot- tawa. Canada, or to W. V. Bennett. S01 New York Life Building. Omaha. Neb. rCnSIURO lOUtLE QUICK Write CAPT. O'FARRELL. PMsJea Aat. M'SNswYaricAvetNw. WAStMSOTON. O. C. Ts Ml MMfMnTa tocum Uyspep- sla. constipation, liver and kidney discases.bfl liousness. neadacne. etc. At druggists 25c & $U BSagSaySaSJOaW W.MOBUM!, Successfully Prosecutes Claims. I Itprlnclpa) Bxmlnr U.S. Paoatoa BuroM. 3tralnctTil war. ISmliudieating claim, ally nluce. wiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiishjisa)iiiiiiiiN,!iMiiiiiiiiiiiri r.T. r.W. T. MJJJL&AAJL tit 07 kvOc. REV. L. L. CARPENTER, Wabash, Ind.f is President of the Bethany Assembly at Brooklyn. Ind. He is perhaps the most prominent clergyman in the Christian Church to-day. He has dedicated about 500 churches and baptised 7000 converts. He writes. "It affords me great pleasure to pive my testimony as to tho efficiency of Dr. Kay's remedies. Dr. Kay's Lung Balm is the very best cough, cold and throat remedy that I ever used. I have also received great benefit from the use of Dr. Kay's Renovator. My eon had for years been greatly afflicted with the piles; he commenced the use of Dr. Kay's remedies and experienced relief almost from the first. We have no words to express our thankfulness for the benefit we have received as the result of useing these remedies. I take great pleasure in commending them to the suffering." L. L. Carpenter, Missionary and S. S. Evangelist, Christian Church. Dr. Kay's Renovator. It is a perfect renovator of the whole svstem. It is the very best remedy iu V ' known for stomach troubles, indigestion, dvsoensia. catarrh of tho stomach, constipation, alf Oliver and kidney troubles, and to overcome effects of La-Grippe and Spring lasai--tude. It is an excellent Nerve Tonic. Send for free sample and a free illustrated lib' page book of receipts etc., and send your symptr ms and we will give you free advice. If druggists don't have Dr. Kay's Renovator don t take any substitute they may say is "just as good," for it has no equal; but send direct to us and wo will send it by return mail prepaid. Price 2oots., and $1.00 or six for 85.00. Also Dr. Kay's Lung Balm lUcts., and zdcts., postage prepaid. UR. is. J. KAY .medical CO., Saratoga springs, J. 1 . hJV1!WW VTv'rFFFFFyFrTWYrYFzVFFFrFFFrFrrl i )"''''TT"nry X ;'yt sj Bar sk ss: ss: sar m:sKSKSK:ss.ss:sK.aKag as: aa: isiKBiBiBtKaBTiaTi')iaaaaiaKBTBmaBMaBB at BT si BT 1 The latest any one. wrinkles are rough on lrfi sj ii"' XI- TV M sPrJIiEiBQlijr 5P 319 tasamafCSi BBBBBSraasamraar P SBbBbBBB gflBtB BBBs7ataaTsTsBWBE SBBBKanVKmnnvSBVT BTaBslfc5 asBBBBBBBsm gSag3ssT"aKSs'jS3SBa)PripassB Arc Tea Ualag Allem's Foot-Ease? It is the only cure for Swollen. Smarting, Burning, Sweating Feet. Corns and Bunions. Ask for Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder to be shaken into the shoes. At all Druggists and Shoe Stores, 25c Sample sent FREE. Ad dress, Allen S. Olmsted. LeRoy. N. T. "THE POT CALLED THE KETTLE BLACK." BECAUSE THE HOUSEWIFE DIDN'T USE SAPOLIO An Excellent Combination. The pleasant method and beneficial effects of the well known remedy, Stbup or Figs, manufactured by the CAuroHBiA Fio Stbup Co... illustrate the value of obtaining the liquid laxa tive principles of plants known to be medicinally laxative and presenting them in the form most refreshing to the taste and acceptable to the system. It is the one perfect strengthening laxa tive, eleansinsr the svstem effectually. dispelling colds, headaches and fevers gently yet promptly snd enabling one A unique banking institution, to he known as the Retailers' National Bank of Pittsburg, is about to open its doors with $200,000 capital. The banking authorities st Washington have ap proved the application for its organ-1 Izatlon. The principal feature of the j bank will be collecting outstanding accounts of retail merchants and the discounting of their notes on such out standing accounts. Retail accounts have always proved an annoyance to merchants, and many of the bills have proved uncollectible. The new bank is to collect the money, and in some cases appraise the value of the ac counts and assume the risk. The bank will also give the merchants accommo dations on accounts left with it for collection, having the accounts as signed to it and being given a note. This will be discounted, snd the com mission for collecting also deducted. The bank will endeavor to have the acounts of a patron collected before a note reaches maturity. Belgian vastly laferior to the The aaemioB Is alaai to tmserteia. for ta . trade is growiag rapidly. TB. what's the Wereaee between talent aad geares?" A ssaa with tal eat is as, to aaJM far aJmself th f aest miasm list la the coaatry. The rnMisacaaiiy aae to aroviie the at far a. ira yoBTself tiresoav to overcome habitual constipation per manently. It3 perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and sub stance, snd its acting on the kidneys, liver and bowels, without weakening or irritating; them, make it the ideal laxative... Ia the process of mannfacturins; figs are ased, as they sre pleasant to the taste, bat the medicinal qualities of the remedy are obtained from senna and other aromatic plants, by a method known to the California Fio Stbup Go. only. 'Ia order to -get its beneficial ; snd to avoid imitations, please iber the fall name of the Company oa tne xront ox every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO, BAST VXAKCXBCO, CAIo ay an DnwgisU-Price The statement was made in Phila delphia a few days ago by William Egbert, a cousin of Colonel Egbert, who was killed in-the Philippines, that all trace of the colonel's wife, three daughters snd one son had been lost They were with him two weeks before his death, snd left Manila either for Hong Kong or the United States. The United States representatives at Hong Kong sre searching for them. It is not- yet known whether Colonel Eg bert's fsmily will want him buried- In Arlington or Philadelphia. It has beea announced that the body left for Ma nila oa April 3. and that It would arrive in San Francisco early next week. Sir William Jenner. the late physl claa to Queen Victoria, left a personal estate of $1,750,000. The richest phvsl claa before him was the late Sir Wil liam Gull, who left $l,5f,et. The greater part of his moaey, however, has heea aude fa stocks. A L A B A S T I N E IiABASTJNB Is the original and only durable wan coaiina. entirely different from all kaJ comincs. Ready for use in white or twelve beautiful tints by adding cold water. AD1ES naturally prefer AlA BASTINE for walls and ceil ings, because It Is pure, clean, durable. Put up in dry pow dered fona. In five-round pack ages, with full directions. lit. kalswnlnes are- cheap, tem porary preparations made from whltlns. clialk3, clays, etc., and stuck on walls with de cavinir animal glue. A LAB AS TINE is not a kalsomlne. EWABE cf the dealer wno says he can sell you the "same thing" as AL.ABASTINE or "something- Just as good." Ha ls either not posted or la try ing to deceive you. KD IX OFFERING somethlrg he has bought zhea and tries to sell on AL.ABASTINES de mands, he may not realize the damage you will sufTer by a kalsomlne on your walls. ENSIFLE dealers wilt not buy a lawsuit. Dealers risk one by selling and consumers by using infringement. Alabastine Co. own right to make wall coat ing to mix Tvitn coia water. HE INTERIOR VTXLLS Ot every schooih.ouse should be coated enly with pure, durable ALABASTINE. It safeguards health. Hundreds of tons are used annually for this work. N BUYHCG ALABASTINE. see that packages are properiy la beled. Beware of la; Annual Meeting German Baptists. (Dunkards,) Roanoke, Va., May 23, 1 899. ONLY One Fare Round Trip VIA itoaad package largo f eaur- pncJcage ngnt aaiso- mlne. offorej to customers as a BTC-aoaaa r--kage. UISANCE of wall paper Is Ob lated by ALABASTINE.- It can be used on j-lastered wads, wood ceilings, brick or can vas. A child can brush it oa. It does not rub or scale off. JJMIl .. fBII g tA J.MM 0fe. all imitations. Ask paint dealer or druggist for tint card. Writ for "Alabastine Era," frei to ' ALABASTINE CO.. Grand Rapids, Michigan. "Big Four Tickets will be good ceteff Hay IS, IS, 29 J4 3S,1S9. -. Ketanitaricoed6sttUJaaS4.18aS. Us stopover will be allowed ci retara trip, abject to local regulations of tfco llaea ever which ticket reads. For full informatioa regarding tickets, rate aad routes and time of trains, call ca agents "BigFoor Route" or address tha UBdersigned, E. 0. BkCOMKK, WMREH J. LYHCH, FMa-TnuBcMgr. Asst.Gea.Pass.aTkt.Agt. CINCINNATI. O. 129 1 vsaam in.a.f-l V X rn.rn.iz. 7 T Z&& amrMMEin re Bl d for noaatural discharge, inflammations, irritation or ulceration of mucosa Bttmbranca. rainiM. ana not atlria- mMMCHfBMCn tst or poUooov. 1ST orarai tm Mala fc. .-fW. CMcalar scat oa roaaat. Tilsaflirt Eft Wirt. -. -1 ; t:" f' i ; V "V.- r-1 v ,J&i tra -.