1c ' . - -ir-. -r-. 1 : 1 ' . . ' . V" Ta cJahae of F fc - V . " : iA imMt the nti ; ;': ,? b eetuea, I - . -. -. -' t ...,- IWdqrUr ft :.:?. ' Africa. s -. . -a k.. hK r &r. I' i 1. U-e. :$- w . 1 .. r- - " .'".-3 .. i-K f w ' -t & T.U. --- rT " ColubM.Br., of Battle Break one day laat weak by a'ieeaa-eK.-vgaaBaaa;, wbiob whn mm tana, ttat ta waa eariac for at tta tiaae. tta'Uaited State, laatof Morocco bare aad the United States aafled from Tangier ita Toyage .around .A canux tamOri Aadrew Haghaey, Fred Haaa, Bailor, aad x ailora.namea aaaaowa, faaadered ia Lake Saperior. a Grand Mania, Satarday eveaing. . Tta' ieeiel waa ladea with eoaL She aMaaared TWgroaa tone and waa 16S feet tajgbygfeetbeaaa. A star youbh Aii special from Stea heavtue, O, May 11 aaya: lira, Anna . George delivered tar firet lecture at ttadypauaia thia oity toeight. Tta seats 190, bat there were oaly i people who paid the admission ffeatataartar. SbedeliTered.bowerer, tkA Isflbm. which was practically a tafherlife. Gaoaox Mkibtes, the 20-year-old eon aJfjXtauad Meiater. living at Garriaon, eaaaautted aaieide Tuesday of last week, tta Trsaaoa a doahhvbsrrel shot gun, thairat ahot takiag eflat in the youth's head aad killing htm instantly. The yeaag asan waa just recoTering from typhoid fever, and despondency was' the i of the act Of eoarae there is no prosperity in bat nevertheless the real iadebtedness m the state was re- daeed three million dollars during the laat six months of '98. But then you know fgares don't count for 'anything the atatementa of the pesai- editors of papers who could not aere it not for their continual howl et calamity. Sbelton Clipper. TajafleOOO due the state from a de- BaaMamg democratic treasurer of Platte coaaty ia "still unpaid, and the sham re form attorney general still refuses to hriag suit for the collection. It is said oa good authority that the bondsmen have had a feed oa hand ready to make payment ia ease eait should be brought, bat there is little danger of Smyth pro asoatiag a democratic defaulter. The Opiaioa. A wau. which spouts a large column 900 to 400 feet high has Whittier, Los Angeles county, OaafJafaJa.; Tta well was being drilled ia tta hoe tf striking oO. While tta men were at wart W enormous vol nam of water, under tremendous pros ease ahot oat of the month of the welt 'JBver aiaoe the flow began it has steadily kept up. Ttajaaaatry aroand ia flooded ami bo meaamalfeontrolling the stream haa yet taea f eaaa. dat of last week a twisting storm did immense damage to buildings, live stock aad crops' near Emerson; no lives lost. Within a radius of ten miles i pounded into the ground, broken out, fences jj" ? , and lalages were swept out. Bavines aad alougha became rivers, carrying away live stock and buildings. In some eases famittas barely escaped with their lives. Hailstones were picked up that moBBBrnd eight inches in ctrcamfereace. Lakd Commissionfir J. Y. Wolfe has oettled for hie back taxes at Lincoln JatLM. -The issuance of the distress warraatoost him ta& Mr. Wolfe de clared that he did not settle because he wee! tta moaey, bat becaaao he would not have tta entire sheriffs force com iag out to his home to frighten his wife any more, two levies having been made. He made inquiry aa to names of the .ce4BBM8, aa thoagh he had something Baaaailly severe against them. So aaya the'Iinooln JouraaL ' Tax Stalton Clipper aaya ttat the relatives of A.M. Henainger are alarmed He had far some i at Beam Gaty, Wyom- umw tta sheep baai ith ago aaa wife re- that he and would tafew days, aince which heard of him. iaar- : a pretty tough character ia that it ia thought they may .7 iis. of Nebraska may justly with pride oa tta brave regiment they'tare sent to Behold old ijrfloa et tta Phffipaiaea. . - beset frem their of a regiment ia ay those who still remain at t." Oa Friday morning when aa advance waa given the Ne- it occupied tta extreme at 5 o'clock tta camp at lettheMafl oafJkiult to cross aad gun ia The beyasreia- aad bis Although ft! Umttwttmtm hr . B." ?E5'. iJl, SBjeMBeki).... ........ ... -2 " fc8S .fajC?fVHWWWi '" . " 4 " I " " Joaa Kbbb, who killed hie father-ia- f -. . . : law. Jeha Beid at Vattey, DoBalaa ooaa- ..:--.. . ty, iwiJW,w8dycoTiotdel F 1"V;-."" - BBBraaria the eaeoiri degree. - C .--------tiBBBBaBBBat-i"--------- ! . M.K.KILKK7K3I saaBUe?swwm y Be - jZ-& vj-ajAfgTV 4p3u sliHaiM '--SiB-" V at IaBaataMBJBpfm. aHBBHBBBBBK9BafBBajL XaOTB eaasttHytfMd pjcea. tfjataaRMBillw atiisiisi "sf tta line, tta Nehnaaxaaa . weaefhjBaaac p the higissiagof the vaaaamtottaaast at MaWos where the " . -. ' r ' m i m. m.ZL -J taaaawaa'aaaMBBjav'tta ton a ootamwl irT Z. .it. " " gsBB) aBajaaseai aaBBreeara ware asea Bath Aataeiachaeat rode peat iU Ijiag eolon iad aftteg hk tat, WBrlrerl, "I wOl alwaje take of r tat to the oolora of At Maoavayaa, when tta whole regi- t made a gallant caarge ror u 7, Gob. Hale was baud to aay, there goes that Nebraeke regie-eat, all Jh eoald not atop theaa." It waa bare ttat tta boya aiade a record, kflliaff tta afippary HUpaJaoat laWyardevrith their Sfmagaekk. Tta ceeaaltiee ware 3 killed aad 18 woaaded. Co. Ii ia aow witkoat as oJacer; 5 taareatill oa daty aad aooor- Co. O ia ooBmaaded by Had Iaeat. Fiabar. Co. A taa oae eergeaat aad three cor parala; let Ideal of Ca G ia ia eoai- Tta volaateera ia Gen. Lawtoa'a line are now armed with Kraig Jorgeneena. Sunday the Nebraakana moved oat a little farther into the enemy's territory aad after a sharp skirmish took posses aion of a small town aboat four miles beyond Maloloa. Tta Nebraska boya are doing their stare of tta work, withoat a doubt ForTsix weeks they held tta pamping atation oa tta Mariqaiaa river, and were relieved oaly to again be pat at the front ia tta memorable advanoe against The regiment at present haa bait 400 men reported for daty. Twocompaaiea are represented by scarcely, two sets of fours apiece. One company for a 'time was com manded by tta chaplain, aBOther. by a aergeant. CoL Stotsenberg may not have many men in his regiment, but they are fighters and make themselves felt on tta firing line. Nebraska, you can be proud, and justly proud of the record your boya have made in following that battle scarred flagwhioh haa been their lodestar in this campaign. Their deeds have made Nebraska's name immortal. Manila Preedom. Latter Fran Oaf. Iraifeiarer. Under date of April 4, at Manila, Geo. Brodfeuhrer writes that he ia still in the hospital bat expected to get out the next day and join the company. Our troops have now got Maloloa, but the insurgents haven't surrendered aa yet They retreated to another town, which our boys have to take yet, but I don't think it will be a hard fight because our boys have got them scared to death. They won't let us get within seven or eight hundred yards of them before they commence to run. Our boys took possession of Maloloa the last of March, and haven't done any fighting since. Captain Kilian - and Corporal Brookover were in to see me yesterday, and they look? pretty well worn out. Brookover said he saw the names of five Americans written on the walls of the insurgents' prison. They were taken prisoners some time in Janu ary, but our boys couldn't get hold of the poor boys. The insurgents must have taken them back with them, as they retreated. Well, I guess they have found out .that the Americans are not to be fooled with. Frank O'Donnell has a brother here who has been sick. I stayed with him three or four days, but he didn't know anything about the death of his brother. You ask me if I- waa in the fight. I am proud to aay that I have been in the most of them, and the company also. We have only had three men wounded in this last battle. They were Otis Fen t, John Iserson and Pert Donaldson, the latter ahot through the ankle, and has quite a bad wound. But our company haa been lucky com pared with the rest of them. Most of the companies have had one or two killed and several woaaded. Still com pany K was doing aa much fighting as any of them, so I understand. All the other regiments say the Ne braska regiment do too much fighting, and want our colonel to take us back in the reserve so they can get a chance. I heard yesterday that three regiments of volunteers were going to be sent home, on one of the huge transports now in the bay. I hope so because Nebraska stands a good show to go. Lester Sisson haa been made a Lieu tenant, and at present has got charge of the company as our first lieutenant, k acting aa adjutant, and Capt. Kilian is acting Major, so you aee our company ia right in the lead so far as officers are concerned. Give my regards to all the girls and boys. Your loving eon and brother, Gbobok. CWCEWWB TIE SOLDIERS. Professor Scbuman, president of the United States Philippine commission, gave a farewell luncheon Sunday to Ad miral Dewey. Ateaderof ttaomoera and regiment or a battalion of the same for service in tta Philippines waa made by the Third Nebraska to President McKinley last week. Tta tender pleaaed the president very mach, bnt he stated he could not aee his way clear to aooept the Prince' Ludwig von Loweaatein killed daring tta battle of Caloocaa, by a stray ahot. He had been repeatedly waned to keep away from the firing line. A search of the body revealed, among other things, a passport signed by Agaiaaldo, granting tta prince per flueaipB to enter the lines of tta rebels at will, and iastrucUag insurgent offi cers to give him aay aid and comfort he desire. Maxhul, May 15.-10 a. as. Tta "tin clad'' guaboata, Laguua de Bay and Cavadoaga, aad a launch under Captain Grant, ran into a neat of iaaurgeata concealed in tta brash' and on both sides of tta Bio Grande river, three miles above Calumpit, yesterday after boob and were received with heavy vol leya at abort range. A aergeant beloag iag to tta Utah battery waa killed and and private waa wounded. Opeaiag with their rapid-ire gaaa, the Americans killed tweatyot tta aa tivaa and wouaded aavaral others, llKne; tta jangle with a hafl of'shot for a haK hew amta tta eaemy fled. People are hegmniog tojsse tta hooka more in tta tmbtfc library. Aboat forty are now taken out every week. Bo many people still have theepiaioa that there ia some expense ia eein the books, which is a misUke. Threaghtta aaergies of tta Woman's .Club, tta books have been parchaeed or doaated for a free library. Several new velemee have been added recentlyamong. them,' art reference tMotaoae. byKipliag; aad others. Mrs. Haaah M. Sales, mother of G. E. Stiles, who came here two weeks be fore her death, from Jeferasa. Iowa, for a vhat with her son aad his family, took ill of Bright'a diassss of tta kidneys, aad died last Wedaeaday naonuag. Bala tires were seat for. the haabaad, sob and daughter, and all were here aad met her before her death. Short ser Tiees were held at the reatdeaoeof the son on Sixteenth street, eondaeted by Bev.Oloott. Tta remains were taken to Jefferson, Iowa, for barisL There ia "a? mistaken idea of eultare prevalent. (Wtare does not mean mere ly committing to memory a great nam ber of facta out of text-books, bat it doea mesa a careful aad thoughtful as similation of every bit of knowledge that oomes our way tor the purpose of making ourselves more iatelligeat, more aoble, more helpfal hamaa beings, aad where can be found a better school for tta development of these attributes than in a wisely and properly eondaeted home? May Ladies' Home JouraaL Rows of ash aad elm trees have been planted around tbenew High school building. Dirt is being placed around the building, grading it ap. TtaSbrick wall in the gable that waa unsaid in by the very etrong wind several weeks sgo haa been replaced. There waa very little of it anyway, and only eight inches thick, and not braced in any way so aa to hold it in plsce. Oae of tta rooms of the building had been finished in alabastine and paper border, and looked as handsome ss n piotare. To oar no tion the assembly-room with the recita tion rooms in connection m to be the most convenient apartment in the build ing. John A. Gardner, private, late of Company B, First Nebraska, .returned Saturday last from Manila, where be left on the 25th day of March. He aaw Frank; Turner, among others, the day be started, and be aaya that Frank ia a good soldier, perfectly cool, calm and collected, and a fighter straight through. None of the boya like the Philippines, either the oonntry or tbepeople there is nothing there for me, is Mr. Gardner's expression. There is no donbt but the boys of the First Nebraska have been worked down tired. They have done more than their share of the work, bnt it is all right, if the country oomes through all right. Mrs. Geo. Lamb of the Burrows settlement departed this life on Sunday, May 7th, of erysipelas, sged 44 years and six months. Deceased and her husband were early settlers in this county, and highly- respected by wto -Th funeral was held on Taesday nnder the auspices of the A. O. Ul W.Lodge of Platte Center, of which her husband is a member, and services conducted by Bev. St Louis of Humphrey. A large num ber from Humphrey were in attendance and it is said that it was the most large ly attended funeral ever held in that neighborhood. The bereaved relatives have the sympathy of the entire com munity. Humphrey Democrat. John Thomas Clark died in Ham burg, Germany, May 15th, 1896, of what the physicians diagnosed "malarial poisoning.'' He waa born in German town, O., and waa 53 years old at the time of hie death. His children desired his remains cremated and sent home; but nothing oould be done except officially, through the department of State, dealing with the administrator of his estate, hence the delay of nearly a year before his ashes were received for burial in the Columbus oemetery. Mr. Clark was a teacher, edacated at Ober lin, Ohio, and went to Africa a year ago last January to engage in edacatkmal work, but not finding things aa he had expected, waa returning to the United States, when sickness and death over took biax About the 10th of the past month, The Columbus Joubxaij entered upon its thirtieth year, an age ttat doea not belong to many papara in Nebraska. All this time the Auxiliary believes the paper haa been in the hands of the Turners, first father, then son. Thx Joukxaij is not so huge aa some papers in Nek, but for ita trueblae republican ism and steady reliability ia known from one end of the state to tta other. It enjoys st this late day a good advertis ing patronage, a fine circulation aad tta best wishes of a host of people in Platte and Adjoining counties. Prater's Aux iliary. M. K. Turaer k Ca began tta publication of tta Jocbxaxi, May 11, 1870. It haa so continued without any change in tta style of tta fira, although the elder of tta firm (Allen C. Turner, father of tta preseat memberX died several yeare ago. That oar leadiaaj merrhsata are al ways on the lookoBt to secure excep tional bargaina for their patrons is again illustrated by tta fact that J. H. W. Myera is offering tta pablic a rare opportunity of securing tta Encyclo pedia Britannica, at a price that ia 20 per cent less than this work in ita pres eat form waa aver effaced before. Tbey have a complete outfit oa display at their News Depot and we heartily reo- ommaBd all our readers to call oa aad mrsmiatr thie work which tutes a library iaitaslf. Ii ia tta latest editiea of tta Britaaaioa aad iaoledes fit Tolunme of tta New American Sap- ia aotealy of aartieular to marinaaa, bat which also briaaa tta weak up to date. Weaader staad ttat Mr. Meyers has been able to oaly a limited aamber of seta, anyone iatereatsd ahould w- Anton ivy of Center towa- y, a yeamgBohsmisa Jeta Fee, tried to kill reek by a tta at tta wiag to laaaeaLwaaek iatsrsst tttaknsfeBeed-ta He waa taoakht to David aad placed ia jail awakJag tta ity hoard. HoweTer.be pad a qailt aboat his head aam eajtur- jited it with keroeeae oiL foaad tta upper paxtf ia body, and head were badly banied. He dead by tta tiaie tta ire waa pat oat. Thk happened Wedaeaday evenias. The David City News aaya it was thoaaeaaes where tta taagiaatioaiaa Utttaoa etroBjr'for tta com he gave to the hslloeiaatioathe i convinced he became that it waa so. GaUAtaad We have in Golambae aa orgaaaia tioo called the' "Platte Valley Gold Mining Co." They have two eJaiaja of twenty acres each, located .ia the, placer diggings, 65 miles from Skagway, Alas ka, ia tb "Porcapiae District Claims in thia locality are paying;- big moaey. layabout thirty daye, we are toldi they will tave a sample of gold dast taken, from their property. 'I hey tave a emu there lookiag after their intcreehv aad from hia' reports, tta ebmpeay haa every reason to believe they have "straok it rich." Tta members of tta company are not inclined to talk about their posses sions in tta gold country, bat aa we get the newa from them, wewill give it to ourreadera. .iJ. laal letaU TruanfaM Beotar, Jmggi A Correal estate agnate; report tta followis real aetata traaefeas filed ia tta office of the county eierk4er the week ending May 18. 1889. ? Manhatt field etal to Lari Z. Leitcr etal.aSaw47JMwaadaSaaaBwt . Saada2-M4aadw4awi74Mv.qed$ 1 W.M.Ceaosaetal to J. C. McKJaky. lot j aad et lot s. Uk 8. Ottto' Sd aaa SO BrJaaPaaavjy asO Otto Kallweit to Otto Kallwelt, Jr- aS Traoy R. Clark to K. 8L Dieaiaaoa. Iota 1, 2, blk 55, ColaraUas, wd E. H. KrataKhBMr to Baraasr Miaok, lot4,blkl55,ColBBBba-swd ansa ana HUN mm Diedrick Baaea to BBe SUabjloU 2,. AnMld'a oat lota to Colaabru. wd .. MB OS Jam B. Beeaer to George BaaelaMa, loU7.a.blk.PlatteCeBter.wd SKM JaatM M. Frort to.Tbeodora Proat. e2 Bw4m.lS4w.wd 120 03 Eicfat traaafero, total.. 9 " W Nattoaal Kdaeatieaal Aaaeelatiea MetUag. For the meeting of the National Eda- cational Association at Los Angeles,Osl., July 11-14, 1899, the Union PaciBc will make the greatly reduced rate of oax FABJE, PLUS $2, FOB THB BOUND TBIP. "v The excellent service given by -the Union Pacific was commented oa by all who had the pleasure of using it to the convention nt Washington in 1898. This year our educational friends meetiin Loa Angeles, and members of the Asso ciation and others from points East should by all means take the Union Pacific. The service of the Union Pacific via Omaha or Kansas City is unexoelled and consists of Palace Sleeping-Care, Buffet Smoking and Library-Cars, Dining-Cars, meals a-lacarte, Free Beclining-Chair Cars and Ordinary Sleeping Cars. -: The Union Pacific is The Routb tob SUHMXB TRAVEL. For full information about tickets, stop-overs, or a finely-illustrated book describing "The Overland Route" to the Pacific Coast, call on my!0tojul5 C. E. Jot, Agent. Another Xsaiter Trmrt. There is no use begging people to trade at home, if they can send toJ3hi csgo'or Omana and buy ror lee: 7 The big department stores can buy cheaper because they takethe quantity. How to meet these big concerns haa been our study. One small store can't use the quantity, but several can. The formation of a gigantic trust or syndi cate has solved the problem for us. And we have aajjjtBged with one of 'these monster eperns to buy 'through them, in connection with hundreda of others, so ss to gat rook-bottom pricesr In this way we make a eavingjof from 10 to 25 per cent enough for our profit, aad can give you goods atrabout former cost. We are now marking downfall stocks on hand, to correspond withhe new order of things, and do not intend that any department atore, no matter how big, shall sell the same goods for less money. Of course, we-can't carry ev erything, like they do, but what we have, will be as cheep aa you can bay'.ia Chicago or Omaha, and you can rally 'aa the quality. Come and try. tf F. H. Lamb A Co. Mare Artaiiaa Walls. From the Fremont Tribune we take the following. We believe that untold good ia to come to the state through tta artesian wells that are to be sunk: Since the discovery about tea days ago of an artesian flow of water at the sugar factory, nothing haa been of such great interest to the hundreds of visit ors to the site of the factory aa the ar tesian well, comparatively few ever hav ing eeen anything of tta kind. The flow of the 'well continues undi minished and the water is ased in the construction of tta oement foundation, now in progress under Contractor Leon ardL There are now two of these wells ia operation, one on the north eidefof tta factory and one on tta southwest. Both are at a depth of aboat 340 ket and of course are supplied by tta'aame vein. A third well ia now being sank. It ia the intention to put nt least one of these wells down a thousand feet, to see what farther discoveries may be made. It ia hoped to find n "gusher.'' .It is possible that a vein maybe found that will f araiah much more water aad may be, power for running the factory. Tta water of these artesian wells will be piped by the company into nil tta cottages surrounding tta factory and will thus afford a convenient aad health ful supply for sll the Uborers sad their families. The general masting of tta Woman's club, which met Satarday afternoon with Mrs. Sallivaa, was one of the most enjoyable of tta whole year. The pres ideatof the State Federatioa of dabs, Mra. Laagwortayof Seward was preeeat aad gave tta address of tta afternoon. Tta praaJdaatB of Women's dabs of sev eral nsighborina; towaa wan iaiHai to come, tat oaly oae, Mra. Weitsel of Albion accepted the iavitatioa. Mra. Weitsel gave a start talk telhag aboat what tta clab of that city wan Mra. Leaworthy is a talented ia many waya, haa 1 1 stsIii! ;sal aaej i ilj. aad aaeaeaUsat anainiBt for the of mu- by tta mamas! de- a qunrtstte ay aaasaamaa Garlow. Heintc, McAllister aad Whit- ajoyer; a veeal aow by Mra. state data. Several seejeteaaa sic ware faiahmiiil at7 pbyMrs.Blh. J-prima akaaiat JEmmm&s; " -,.i X T f ' W aetioaof visa eMet lij MiaiHaiu Uerlow.aasl fan, tarawa oa mnw mhw -sgmmaag a-v . z-- - l . &&yjMm7'1!9t aw"?r.ri"ss ii - '- mnlkitnii ft aarasaim mas aald inr mad-wiaaeiaa'ooeeauauuap; wm aw .-- an larar -- - - - - eat rjaweeaaajata Barred hi '?Everytad received aeeavanir of ttaocoaaion, of a nail reproduction of one of tta great iapeJatiag. liies were resnt, aMiengh the ttar wss vary thrastiaiag. -We clip the foUowiag from the Fai lartea Newa m regard to MyrOarStearaB, a oae of lost hia lile in tta Philippines ea-April 90 from aa dental shotMyroa O. 8tearaa ( -w i 5 bora eaxfflymms Prairic.Platte coaaty, this state October, 1874, and waa' nearly 95 years of age at the time of hie death. Hia pareaU moved to Nance coaaty in" April, 1878. kwatiag on the seat side of tta town site of Fallerton, when tta town waa a. email affair. They, still reside at the old home where tta eix'ohildren were reared aad from Which all bat two tave gone forth to tta battle of life.- Myron bed been a member of Co. B of the National Guarde for about three yeara whea it waa mastered out Bed ealarted under Uncle Sam. He was alwaya a'vaiaable member of tta com pany and wsa always willing to lead a helping head with tta boya aad hia election as sergeant showed their appre ciation of him., Hecearly joined tta M. E. Church of Fallerton aad. waa a re epected member aad a faithfal christiaa. Hia host of frisson will long remember ita Jose which they tave sustained hia death. His body cannot be home for several months but edly hie remains will flnaUy, with others, be laid at rest ia theFuliertoa when tta roaf FaUertoo will arise en masse to : Near county Saturday hmh-oommitted suicide, trigger- &: gun, pujjiog ine toe. She apparently died inetaatiy. Ylaoh had a lover named Joseph Hruby. He lived near the Vlach's though for a month or more be. had been in Omaha. By telegram he notified of the tragic death of hia o" eweet-heart. He took a train Sunday morning for Bancroft, and from there hired a team and drove ou to the Vlach residence, stopping st his own home on the wsy. When he arrived at the Ylsch's he verified with hia owaeyea the report that had brought such sudden and bitter grief to 'his heart, and re marked "that .wonld be the best thing for me to do." This remark and some suspicious notions on bis part led hia friende and members of the Vlach family to watch him with some care. He was permitted .to enter alone the room where the body of bis sweet-heart lay under. ita shroud. In a few minutes thereafter a pistol shot rang out and those in the adjoining room knew st once that the sequel to the girl's tragedy had been enacted. A bullet hole wsa found in hia right temple and the finger of hia -right hand grasped a revolver. In the dim twilight he had' fired the ahot, and about 9 o'clock he was dead and his body laid out along side of that of the girl. Monday there was the one funeral for two. the procession driving to Dodge, Dodge county. A broad double grave was made, and in it the two bodies of the lovers were placed side by side. The Fremont. Tribune nays that the dead girl was about six teen yeara old and rather prepossessing, and above the, average in intelligence, and that Hruby wsa about thirty-one years old. The Wsy te ge te Califeraia Is inn tourist sleeping car personally conducted via the Burlington Route. You don't change cars. Ton make fast time. You see tbe.finest scenery on the globe. Your car is hot so expensively finished nor so fine to look nt as but it is just as clesjiJaffitaepmforta ble. just as good to rimflj. 1 11 1 r $20 OHXAFXB. The Bnrlinaton excu: Thursday, reaching Sanaalasiu 8ua day and Loa Angeles Heaoay. jariar with each ear. Excursion miaagar with each party. For folder giving fall infor mation call at nearest RcEIl depot or write to J. Francis, Goal. Pas senger AgX Omaha, Neb. june-96-90 In CJonsUpltion.HERBINE affords n natural, healthful remedy, acting promptly. A few email doses will usu ally be found to so regulate the excre tory functiona that tbey are able to operate without any aid whatever. Price 60 cent. Dr. A. Heints and Pollock k Co. Oae Fare For the round trip, via tta UNION PACIFIC, to' San Francisco, CaL, for National Baptist Societies Anniversar ies, May 25, 1800. For dates on which tickets will be sold, limits and full in formation, call on C. E. Jot. 4-19-90 Agent Unless a woman eata sufficient n inning food she can neither gain keen a rood oomnlexion. Food. digested, is the base of all health, all strength, and all beauty. HEBBINE will help digest what you eat, and give you the clear, bright, beautiful akin of health. Price 60 and 75 centa. Dr. A. Heintz and Pollock k Co. Taieaga Tsarlet Sleepers te the Nerthwest The BarlingtoB Route haa established a twioe-a-week tourist oar line from Kan ass City to Butte, Spokane, Tacoma and Seattle. Cera leave Kansas City, Lincoln and Grand Island every Tuesday and Thurs day, arriviagat Seattle following Friday aaa Sunday. They are upholstered in rattan. The bed linen and furnishings are dean aad of good quality. The beatiag, ventilating and toilet arrange mente are all ttat can be desired aad each car ia in charge of a uniformed Pullman porter, whose eole duty is to attend to tta waata of passengers. Care run through without change of aay load aad the berth rate from Lin coln to Tacoma or Seattle ia only 96.00. To intermediate pointa. it m propor tionately low. Montana aad the Paget Sound coun try are bow enjoying a period of uaex- PW prosperity. As a cooeeqaeece, travel to tae AonaweaK m rapraiy attain ing large proportione. This new tourist car line haa been eetsblistad with a view of earing for tta Burlington's share of it in tta beat possible manner. Berths, tickets aad fall information can be had oa application to aay Bur lington Route ticket agent or by addresa ing J. Francis, G. P. A Omaha, Neb. 15-mch-K) There are all aorta of schemes for settiag moaey withoat working for it and earaJaa? it by axviaeT a fair earraleat. Tta bogaa check ia aboat aa proUaeof reaalta aa aay other, aad seams to be to do basiaasa wnen everytauaj faik. Hare is oae of tta latest of tta "racket," which we aad ia t copy of tta Bellwood Gesette: "About tta latter part of last week a tanger pulled aaat tta farm resides ss of oae of oar Alexia farmers aad bought rmaahtm four tone of talsd hay at 9f pertoa. Aa payment for tta aaaaa tta I di-daavroiau Ereryhod, pret hlgpay lortbehay waea Maaaaa JL.IaK 1 .-."". M' nvu3-afJffiJwfBB) warn HPlJigr" ' BaaatjBJriBOaming 1aBBBBBBBBaW sa taiaaa gABgagaaBhg aa aaaBAaaaav bbbwoubuibi .v ?-i t- . nfaBBBTJaBva every wneafwuHwr.- hli aM tta . eaaasje aaa mm m smam &c .m aasTKOe'isaMit Mr.atiaagsi saaiig -gWmtttttfM' im- bbbT afafa W aaa Imf fafafl "fjwiuSivr?. . . . tvtj- .aaw xaaaaar- m aa?aaa aaaar aaaaa b aaai aaa aaaw ai aaaar - Over sevenir 1 ed--watetam aUBMie' tan laaeaaaa, 'mmmmaBv-'tB -gajBBw h g - paj " w""ji-TS3o-r!-iri- -. , i. , BBBrmmBBW j msmaa, mm maa bbbb aa am am . tbbbi l? JaMahta jjaaiuaiii, iwamawsm -':bTsbV' ''PV':'Jaal fa..a" saaa aal am h. bw bbbb aam . trSVnii n - - r '- 1' r CgKsCaaBBBsaaamtaBBaBaaaBBBBBBmaaBBm l B BBBBBBBBBBBW9KwBBBWiBBPAVBaMW T BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB J- .SBbI .ttafSia Tta stranger taejijaar ef thia when, oar Aleve faraier presented hia $95 check al tta First National ia David City, he waa boob informed that it worthless, aad-that tta fellow, aaaaa wan signed on tbe-obeok, waa not known in Butler county aad aever bad any moaey. oa deposit in said beak. Tta Alexite returned to hie borne fully convinced ttat thia world ia fall of ras cals who doat earn their bread by tta aweat of their brow. Of coarse he has got hia hay; bat hia 95 has gone nglim menng." OAMQliXJL. (ZaffStoG S&rietfoi Aaalvtnavtes, Ore., Jaae r-5, laat. ONKFABE viae $2.00 for round trip vmUjrjO PACIFIC. For dates on will be sold, limita aad call on C. E.Jot, Agent 'Ctiemge and tae Bar. ' going east for busiaeas, will gravitote to Chicago aa ue aeraar center. . j-ussvaawra MtaiU or relatives ia tta states alwaya desire to "take in" Chicago ea route. Allclaaeesocpsaseo gera will find that the rtLiae "of ita Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paul Bad way, via Omaha and Council Blnffa, afforda excellent facUitiee to reach their deatlnatioBB ia a manner that will be are to give the utmost sutisfactioH. . A reference to the time tables will in dicate the route to be chosen, and, by asking any priacipal agent west of the Missouri river for a ticket over the Chicago, Council Bluffs A Omaha Short Line of the Chicago, MUwaukee & St Paul Bailway, you-will be cheerfully furnished with the proper passport via Omaha and Chicago. Please note that .11 j ka Rhnrt lAneP trains arrive in Chicago in ample time to connect with the express trains of all the great through oar linea to the principal eastern cities. For additional particulars, time tables, maps, etc. please call on or address F A. Nash. General Agent, Omaha, Neb. BALLARD'S SNOW LINIMENT cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Head ache, Sick Headache, Sore Throat, Cuts, Sprains, Bruises, Old Sores, Coras; aad all pain nnd inflammation. The most penetrating liniment in the world. Price 25 cento nnd 50 eta. Dr. A. Heintz and Pollock & Ca - OffJTOItXA. SatJaVtaaBV 9 aUfem lam PurW eWffiaym aHuypjJE DENVER, SALT LAKE, SAN FRANCISCO, PORTLAND ARK MORE QUICKLY RBACaKD YU THE UNION PACIHC -THAN VIA ANY OTHgK LIME.- (lNlshtUUtal Oily (2 Nights to fl From M isawiiii Eaoiiwed Traias Daib'.Xfs kr2iS-P&Srt ' For time tobies, folders, -alaetrattJ hooka, pamphlets descriptive of tta ter ritory traversed, call on u. m iot. A-20-99. Agent. NEW ROUTE iFOE BERSONALLT CONDUCTED aV T gft WT JJ W TaTl w W x-v wayjyBCTvoj) --p. 'iL N PACIFIC 3- -n . , j - aaa iragex svaaa. thr UNIONrfA4BaFKJ tave ran their weekht-J m td" aadttaSheeta: snd Cars run through to Portland, via the O. 8. I and O. B. k N. From Granger, and wOl make 23 Hears Quicker Time between Missouri River and Portland. These Ordinary Sleeping Cars .are at tached to "The Overland Limited' Daily, and are Personally Conducted every Friday, leaving Council Bluffs 8.00 a. m., Omaha 8.50 a. m. For full infor mation call on W. H. Bbnhax, 699. Agent. UNDERTAKING! We Carry Coffin, Catkett nni MttaWc Caakttt Byrial Ro4w9, Etc. DO TnVTRATMTlQ HATE THE BEST HEARSE IN THE COUNTRY. D.BTIRS8. ATTOmVaTr AT LAI BertkStnsB) 4Jal7-r Ceteass. aaBaaaaA. W.A.asAxxtsTTa. W.bT.Cobsslivs bwa1UBTEs1 9t OOXMEmmTDB. ATTORNEY8 AT LAW, :-';-l-;Ir. -A.iL; 'BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB al tr.ara mmwmm ' " ' ' " w". - - BUS"'1 -,. BBBBVWeBBBBKBauaBr BBBBal3RwaX. i aa an H vSSbbE1twH !II1WKv AND... s - i -v :f;a. mVammmWMSM mfc$ Kmt r-ABkJE: mrrmmrmmm -wvBr tavatK&xmn .'gar , .rjaj-y iTaiarii-"' r'j-aBBBAgaBBlBBnJBBM W - u 4Bt& WImJ Sb.b TSmm AThviAl BUakA mm vaaBkaaak Bjaa Bfeaam - wm swrr- ...-. -m- area-mTa bPJaTflaa'VmVfc'JsBVBB'O) LammaVjsV"haVavaBa? vBaaamm ar.BrjBBmWjBra"mw""aW) VamVwai bbvbbbbf maBBaar ajaitaHBitg thrnt trhta wttk aaaal iwisaifir ttailisaJHi ea? What Is CASTORIA Cmrtaalaj & a smtatitato far Cantor Oft, PMaajaaia. Dvaant aaat fiaethtaaj Syraaa It la naraalaae aaaa FlBaaaat 14 ahslaarr IU ia ita aaaaaia. It eatreys Wawaam taaal aJaajB Fervykhacea, It carea Piaxtaa aaaal Waaa Oattc It reBeTca Te-Mkhag: Traahlaa, canraa CiaalliaMia d Flafleacy. It In Hn tta F o raiaaataa tfca tMaaaack aad Bowela, iliamg liaatthy aam uUmnl aaaam. Taa CUdraa'a PBaaoea Tlai Itoiaar'a Friamd. GENUINE CASTQRI A Bwtdtm tka) mmWmmmmXS T'aBBUBUBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaa-' tRk --waPatZ T F 9 'mKZ-fT-mm-mmmmmmmmmmlmm- . BrasTBaiarB? --t m A f The Kind You Haye Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. The King of Reference Works THE HEW WHNEK KIHTKH OF The Encyclopedia Britannica saaV M ?: . afBBV laBBBBBaar .-aCV pseaia ornannica in a. nuuse give uic (iiulc an iiuciitxiuiii iuiic. A library of thousands of volumes does not offer such an oppor tunity for successful home study and development as this master piece of literature. There is no more instructive reading on earth than that contained in its 30 volumes. To a life whose current runs toward the future, this great work is indispensable. Just now you can secure the Encyclopaedia Britannica For One Dollar Cash paying the balance in small monthly payments. Remember, too, that the entire Thirty Volumes with a Guide and an elegant' Oak w- a - Book Case, will be delivered when tlie first payment is made. You will be surprised when you learn the LOW COST. Here it 1st The complete set (Thirty Large Octavo Volumes): No. 1 New Style Buckram Cloth, Marbled Edges, Extra Quality High Machine Finish Book Paper, $45-00 First payment, One Dollar ($1.00) and Three Dollars ($3.00) per month thereafter. No. 2 Half Morocco, Marbled Edges, Extra Quality High Machine Finish Book Paper, $60.00 First payment, Two Dollars ($zoo) and Four Dollars ($4.00) per ': month thereafter. No. j Sheep. Tan Color, Marbled Edges, Extra Quality High Machine Finish book 1 aper, 75-oo-First payment. Three Dollars ($3-00) and Five Dollars ($5 00) per month thereafter. A reduction of 10 is granted receipt of the work. Knowledge upon it, for even the courts do not question its state ments. You can secure the entire set, complete in thirty superb octavo volumes, of the Encyclopedia Britannica for One Dollar Cash and the balance in small monthly payments. FOR SALE BY J. H. W. MYERS, Nothing haa ever beea prodaeed to equal or compare with TAiHjiura BUCKEYE PIIjE UIMTMEJiT aa a earative and healing application ror Pilea, Fiesuree, blind and bleeding, ex ternal or internal, and Itching aad Bleediagof the Bectaaw The relief ie iraaiediate aad care infallible. Price SO ceata in bottlea, tubes, 75 centa Dr. A. Heints and Pollock k Co. NOTICE TO REDEEM. ia tani db"""".. " , Tn rr 1 ... . -Vm. I low w ttentif moiw ibkob we out a-joi lie irif'ti eeles off PUtto ee-uty. mWvl Nv 7JjJ.TTilrTr.T- J"5 '- "- '"' rnUt tiw inf. fnr iai iimi ml ir"-i tkers LTStVmm whs. m vta. urn. ism. aaa. as doe fer Im f iora: mmo mmm. HMl ISM Md TMODtttr. Tfc mlA aroaMtrwaa ia tk mm oT CfcarlM aetopedar. aad ta Hg9aV asDa aaaw FBJaaByaaOaa WLmW kXajfJaTa bPj wiu expuv oa tmm -a GaoasaW.OAixax; j TkA bmim TATaamalaBP aaai WBK' ALWAYS saMaxwtT rtfuwajaaaaaBJNMWri!Val The knows just how to steer a vessel to brine it safelv through the shoals i .. : k . i.... -. 4U . tXUU UUl IIIEV UlTf UJ-CII. JU9V W UIC Encyclopeedia Britannica is the one absolutely reliable guide for the voyage of life. One cannot go wrong if its teachings are followed. It tells the mistakes men have made; how others havesucceededand why. An intelligent man gets good from the experiences of others and steers clear of the rocks they ran against. The very presence of tlie Encyck - - Afu -l-- SMKa-.1t AA . 9 A.s.k. 3 by paying cash within 30 days after the boiled down, pressed to gether is what you get in the New Werner Edition of the ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA. The facts contained therein are reli able, the statements author itative. The index which accompanies each set of books enables you to find the information you want quickly, and you can rely CivWrbcjs, Nabr. . C. CASSIN, raoramoa oa 0n8aU Mskt Markd Fresh and Salt Garni and Fish iaSauoo. HideaaadTalhw. il-WTElllTlltT. OOLUM1TJS, r t. .;x uZ?rS lr TRAPS' r.' i-i3i- A. ymgyz JKvSz. .Jif, j -; vst .A'-aSs .&&- it ' -j a.ili)tt: 'vi23rl.. K&Jj&i.sh&!AJm.l -ifc. ,-"V " -- - - r ' e. 2, -j-,. tS -C-t3 SC" -