The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, April 12, 1899, Image 1
i IL. S ' "J-V2- 1 fluriral. -iBte( V '-TWT Vr - a it-i $ 3 ! VOLUME XXX.-NUMBER f?0LUMBUS. NEBRASKA. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 12. 1899. WHOLE NUMBER 1.509. f 4 -!$ r ,Jpf -.-.. .. -- 1. ar. . m , & -- Ik r ';-' ? . ' . :--: aaV i fr Efi'c aBc aata- fefc? St i - - """"BB"M"MaaaaaaaaaTsal ?9696S696969696Se96S6969489696S89SS89S989 The Week The I ta. The closing cay's session or the sea ate on the 31st was called to order at 9:15 by Lieutenant Governor Gilbert Prayer by the caaplaia was preceded by the senate singinsr a verse of "America." The consideration of house bill No. 501, the general appropriation bill, was resumed. Appropriation ttems for the state institutions, as they passed the house, were reduced in the sums nam ed: Hospital for insane at Norfolk: Fuel and lights, 114.000 to $12,000; flues in three boilers. $1,500 to $1,000; board and clothing, $42,500 to $35,00j. Total reduction, $10,000. Hospital for the insane at Lincoln: Electric light and dynamo wiring.-Increased from $100 to $300. Total in crease, $300. Asylum for chronic insane at Hast ings: New boilers. $3,000, and reset ting the same $1,000, stricken out To tal reduction. $4,000. The committee was, as Senator Van Dusen said, "slashing in the dark," in making these various reductions. Slaving no committee report or infor mation on which to base their action. There was consequently much calling for 'information," and much unsatis fying disputation as to the several items. Seaator Prout moved to reconsider the vote cutting out the items of $3,000 Tor boilers and $1,000 for resetting of same at Hastings. The motion pre vailed and the items were restored, as adopted by the house. House roll No. 421, the Jansen "pure food" bill, establishing a food com mission, was passed. House roll No. 8, appropriating $30. 000 for a new building at the asvlum for the chronic insane at Hastings, on roll call received 17 yeas and 9 says, and so failed of passage with the emer gency clause. The emergency clause being stricken out, the bill was passed. House roll No. 296, appropriating $40,000 for the erection of a fire-aroof wing to the hospital for the insane at Lincoln, was passed. House roll No. 61, appropriating $25,000 to provide for an executive mansion and furnish the same, was passed. House roll No. 285, to authorize mu tual hog insurance companies, was passed with the emergency clause. House roll No. 621. relating to road taxes, was passed with the emergency clause. House roll No. 585, authorizing the governor to appoint the superintend ent of the boys reform school at Kear ney, was passed with the emercency clause. House roll No. 385. the Detwcller bill amendatory to the Omaha charter, was passed by a vote of. 20 yeas to 5 nays. At 11:45 p. m. the senate, by unani mous consent, decided to be "at ease" until 9 o'clock tomorrow morning. Friday's session or tne senate con tinued into Sunday. At 9 o'clock on that day bills on third reading were proceeded with. The conference committee on house roll No. 444. the salaries appropriation bill, reported making the following recommendations: That the senate recede from its amendment raising the adjutant general's salary from $1,200 to $1,500 and substitute therefor $1,350; recede from the amendments raising the salaries of the deputy secretary of state and deputy superintendent of public instruction from $1,500 to $1,600, and the salary of the superintendent of the feeble-minded institute at Beatrice from $1,800 to $2,000. substituting therefor $1,900; recede from the amendment cutting off the salary of $500 per year for the stenographer in the labor commissioner's office, and to allow the insurance bureau a stenogra pher at $800 per annum. On motion of Senator Prout the re port of the conference committee was agreed to. The order of bills on third reading was resumed and the following bills were passed: House roll No. 183. providing that railroad employes shall not be on duty to exceed eighteen consecutive hours without being allowed a period of rest House roll No. 65, to license and reg ulate junk dealers, pawnbrokers, chat tel loaners, etc. House roll No. 318. to require the equipment of hotels, public halls and buildings with fire escapes. House roll No. 470, for the relief of William C. Peterson. House roll No. 413. reducing th2 number of justices of the peace in Lin coln from three to two. House roll No. 254, relating to action to recover title. House roll Wo. 18, Olmstead's bill to "prevent corrupt practices at elec tions." House roll No. 50, providing that the term of school board members snail begin May L On motion, the resolutions condem natory of Colonel Stotsenburg, adopted early in the session, were expunged by a vote of 24 yeas to 1 nay. The conference committee reported. saying that the joint committee could not recede from the senate amend ment raising university -salaries from $210,000 to $242,500. The report was adopted by unanimous vote. The senate went into committee of the whole on house rolls Nos. 603. 600 and 457, Senator Prout in the chair. A second time the clerk of the house appeared, announcing the rejection of the conference committee report, and the appointment by tha jody of a new committee. The committee of the whole report ed. Senator Rocke moved not to con cur in the senate -amendment to house " roll No. 603, relating to beet sugar bounties. The motion prevailed by a vive voce vote. There was no demand for a roll call. A motion by Senator Newell not to concur in the items of newsoaper claims for printing constitutional amendments prevailed. Senator Sponn moved to non-concur in the items allowing the chicory bounty of $17,800. The motion was vehemently opposed by Senator Han nibal and Senator Prout Roll call was demanded and the vote on the motion to non-concur resulted in 12 yeas and 18 nays, a strict party vote save that Senators Currie. Newell and Van Dusen voted with the fusionists in the affirmative. The motion was lost and the report of the committee of the whole was adopted as amended. House roll No. 457. for the relief of Thurston county, was passed. .House roll Nc , the district clerk salary hill, was passed. House roll No. 551. the general ap propriations bilV, was passed with th. emergency clau'-e. At 2:30 Sunday morning the senate was still in session. The senate got through with its labors Sunday evening about 6 o'clock. in Legislature. Lieutenant Governor Gilbert made a short speech la which he expressed his appreciation of the kindly sentl ments the senators had shown they entertained for him, but said he Would not say all he had oh tap on account of the lateness of the hour. The day and the latter part of last night has been one of weary waiting, for most of the members and the large majority did not care to stand it, and left for home. Boasti In the house on the 30th standing committees reported to the general file S. F. 249, 201, 213, 216. 281. 287. 330. 275. ill, 257. 187. 199. 137. 170 and 303. In committee of the whole S. F. 160, Prout's bill to appoint a commission to codify the statutes, was indefinitely postponed without debate, by a vote of 52 to 29. S. F. 202, requiring county treasurers to deposit funds in the banks of the county on an interest rate agreed upon between the treasurer and the banks, said funds to be subject to check, was indefinitely postponed. S. F., by Senator Reynolds of Dawes, an act to provide for the registration, leasing, selling and general manage ment of the educational land of the state; to provide for collection of rent al, interest an principal payments thereon and for the distribution of funds arising therefrom, was recom mended for passage. S. F. 22, by Senator Noyes of Douglas, to change the districts according to the number of population, was recommend ed for passage. S. F. 41, by Senator Currie of Custer, an act to provide free attendance at public high schools of nonresidents, and to provide for expense thereof, was recommended to pass. S. F. 137, by Senator McCargar, to provide for a lien for accounts due for threshing grain, or shelling corn, and to provide for the recording and forfr; closure of the same, was recommended for passage h. F. 133, by Senator Arenas, chang ing the time of election of village trus tees, was recommended for passage. S. F. 62, by Senator Fowler of Fil more. amending section 103G. Code of Cival Procedure, relating to appraising the value of property not to exceed $200, was recommended for passage. S. F. 12, by Senator Miller, to pro hibit the platting of encumbered land into city, town or village lots, was rec ommended to pass. Olmsted's motion that the action of the committee on S. F. 41 be not con curred in was carried and the bill was engrossed for third reading. Mr. Fisher mo-ed that the commit tee's report on S. F. 287 be not con curred in and that the bill be engrossed for third reading. The motion was car ried by a vote of 41 to 37. Standing committees reported S. F. 302. 231 and 338 tothe general file and indefinitely postponed S. F. 91, 319, 172. 279 and 266. The sifting committee reported that the following bills be advanced to third reading: S. F. 41. 302, 17C, 131, 231, 211. 212, 214, 61. 35. 277 and 33S. The house on the 31st was called to order by Speaker Clark at 9 a. m. for the last day's session. Pollard's motion to have sent to Colonel Stotsenberg a record of the action in expunging its previous cen sure was adopted. The clock was turned back at 11:40 until the hands of the clock indicated 8:40. The members of the house left the hall for luncheon without a formal recess being taken. The houSe was called to order at 2 p. m. by the speaker. Burns of Lancaster made a motion to advance to third reading senate file No. 275, amending the anti-free street car pass law by exempting firemen and policemen from its provisions. The motion was agreed to. Bills on third reading were taken up. Senate file No. 44. by Miller, a bill to make cattle stealing punishable in the same manner that horse steal ing now is, was passed by a vote of 79 to 0. Senate file No. 15. the Van Dusen primary election bill, was passed. Senate file No. 281. providing for presentation of medals to each officer and man in the First. Second and Third Nebraska reciments. and in Troop K, was passed. Senate file No. 275 was read the third time and passed. Senate file No. 161, providing that certain funds be transferred by county board to the free high school fund of such county, was passed by a vote of 66 to 4. A vote of thanks to Speaker Clark was given. The members 'lrifted out" for supper. The report of the committee tuat investigated the auditor's office was submitted. Among other things the report states that under the law as enunciated by a majority of the court Cornell would not be convicted if im peached by the legislature. The com mittee, therefore, reports the facts without recommendation. The report, which covered twenty- four typewritten pages, was signed by all members of the committee and was adopted without a dissenting vote. At fifteen minutes after midnight the house took a recess until 9 o'clock Saturday morning. The house, like the senate, continued Friday's session into Sunday morning. Taylor of Custer moved that the house committee be instructed to agree upon f 220,000'Yor the university. Prince of Hall moved to amend that it be made $230,000. Burns of Lancaster amended this by making it $225,000. After further discussion the amend ments were withdrawn and the motion by Taylor was adopted. S. F. Z5, by Senator Holbrook of Dodge, to regulate tha organization and operation of mutual benefit asso ciations and life insurance companies, failed to pass with the emergency clause by a vote of 53 to 10. Those voting against the bill were: Anderson, Broderick, Carter. Hicks. McCracken, McGinley, Olmsted and Shore. On the second call the bill was passed without the emergency clause by a vote of 63 to 3. The report of the committee appoint ed to investigate Prof. Gillespie's con nection with the Deaf and Dumb in stitute at Omaha, exonerating Mr. Gil lespie, was presented at this time ana caused a little flutter and some nnno- sition. but was adopted by a vote or 51 to 28. The question of overtime for em ployes came up again and Pollard of Cass moved that the matter be left to the judgment of the speaker of the house and the timekeeper. Burman moved to amend that the speaker be instructed to sign all claims for overtime. . On roll call the motion by Burman was defeated .by a vote of 15 to 55 and themotion by Pollard was adopted. Tha house members then went, to supper. The house did not concur in, the amendments of the senate to house roll No. 501 and a conference committee was appointed, consisting of Thomp son of Merrick, Prince and Wyman. During the evening. resolution Was sent in, signed by the employes of the house, presenting Beverly with a gold headed cane and Burman with a silver water set Both responded in appro priate speeches-. House roll No. 600 was passed. The conference committee reported that it had reached an agreement on several amendments. The amount for living expenses at the Norfolk- asylum was made $40,000 instead of $35,000. The amount for the hospital at Grand -Island was made $12,500 instead of $10, 000. At the Kearney reform school $1,000 cut off by the senate committee was restored. The item for employes' wages at the Grand Island home was replaced at $12,000 instead of $8,000. House roll No. 600 was passed after midnight The conference committee on house roll No. 501, the general appropriation bill, agreementjxad. been reached shortly after midnight The amendments were reread and the report of the committee was adopted without division. A committee com posed of Pollard, Myers ana Mem minger was named to wait on the gov ernor and see if he had any further communications to make. At 12:30 the claims bill came over from the senate and the house refused to concur in the senate amendments. A conference committee consisting of Beverly, Harkson and Tanner was appointed. At 2:15 the conference committee came back to the house and the joint report on house roll No. 603 was read. The report of the committee was adopted, except the newspaper claims, upon which a new conference com mittee was appointed, consisting of Prince, Weaver and Evans. At 6:12 Sunday evening the com mittee of the house reported that the house had concluded its labors and was ready for final adjournment A few minutes later the committee on enrolled and engrossed bills reported that it had delivered the remaining bills to the governor for his signature. Senators Talbot, Smith and Reynolds were appointed as a committee to notify the house that the senate had completed its labors and was ready to adjourn. After thanking the members for their courtesies and kind consid eration for the chair during the ses sion, the speaker declared the house adjourned sine die. No New Campaign. WASHINGTON, April 6. If General Otis is maturing plans for another campaign against the insurgents in the vicinity of Calumpit as indicated in the press dispatches from Manila, he. has not so informed the War depart ment In fact, the general has not thought it needful to communicate with the department for two days. While it may be necessary to send troops against the insurgents who have gathered at Calumpit, it is not thought Aguinaldo has any great force. Omaha Charter BUI Vetoed. LINCOLN. Neb., April 6. Governor Poynter transmitted to the secretary of state house roll No. 385. amending the Omaha charter, without his approval. This action has been taken after a long and careful study of the bill. Visiting delegations from Omaha sup porting and opposing the bill were attentively listened to, telegrams and letters almost without number having been considered before action war taken. Britain Accepts the Plan. WASHINGTON, April 6 Lord Sal isbury has accepted the plan proposed by Germany for the settlement of the Samoan trouble by the appointment of a tripartite commission. The accept ance is on the broad principle only and the details of the arrangement are yet to be agreed upon. As the United States has already accepted the een eial proposition there is no longer any doubt as to the organization of the com mission. Assaalts an Editor. EMPORIA, Kas., April 7. Colonel L. Severy, defeated candidate for may or on the citizens' ticket, today as saulted William A. White, editor of the Gazette, knocking him down twice with a cane. Editor White, in last night's paper, abused Savery for running on the citizens' ticket after being de feated for nomination in the repub lican convention. White was cut on the forehead and hand. William A. White is a well known author and newspaper mac. Alaska Calling for Relief. WASHINGTON. April 7. Acting Secretary Meiklejohn stated today that owing to the numerous stories of desti tution and suffering in Alaska which are being received at the department orders have been issued to Captain Abercrombie. commanding the Copper river expedition, to hurVy his departure as much as nossible. A telegram re ceived today from that officer indicated that the expedition will leave Seattle on the 12th inst Kodak Caased HI Death PHILLIPSBDRG.Pa.. April 7 Sam uel M. Graham, well known throughout rpntral Pennsylvania, was instantly killed near this place today while attempting to get a kodak- picture of a large stumn. which was about being blown out of th ground with dyna mite, a sliver strikine him on the neck and nely cutting his head from the bodv. He was a member of the firm of Graham, Herd & Co. Hobart a tittle Better. WASHINGTON, D. C. April 7. Vice President Hobart was a little bet ter last night He rested easy through out the day and was benefitted by it but has not rallied from his relapse of several days ago sufficient to indicate when Jie will be about again. He is still kept in bed, and every effort Is being made to have him take the com plete rest essential to his recovery. His physician is now visiting him twice a day, as against once 'before today. Rented Oat of Dagapaa. MANILA, April 6.-The cruiser Charleston, which has been cruising along the west coast of Luzon, to the north, sent a boat in shore near Dagu pan last Tuesday to make soundings. The rebels opened fire, wounding a United States officer. The cruiser thereupon bombarded the town, the insurgents evacuating it One of Joseph Chote's peculiari ties is told -by a friend who declares that whenever Mr. Choate was study ing over, or "working up" a case, he j orize the organization and regulate the became extremely nervous, had to i conduct of mutual insurance compa ltave absolute solitude until his work ! nles to insure against loss of hogs by was done and would sit for hours at I fcta by disease, his desk without food. J House roll 59. by Lemar. changing HAVE NOW BECOME LAW Because the Governor's Signa ture Ha Been Affixed jf MEASURES STIU feANfflti 1 ?5 - i Piaaaaiilty that ifast af tha feaUffaed WW B Aaaravatl Ba- ? fi lata Kxalratiea of tha Tea Days. f '?: f. The following bills have been signed (by Governor Poynter during the aion and up till Thursday: 3 House roll No. 113, by ThompsonWf derrick, annronriatine $90,000 for Ike payment of members, officers and ployes of the legislature. House roll 121, by Thompson of rick, appropriating $40,000 for the pi ment of the incidental expense! Jr House roll 351, by Zellers, appropri ating $1,500 for an emergency fund to be used by the state board of health in the suppression of epidemics and the prevention of diseases with the pro vision that the appropriation shall be available for expenses already in curred in this manner. House roll 171, by Clara, providing a one-mill levy for the use of the state university House roll No. 18, by Mann, to make plowing on the public highway a mis demeanor. House roll 170, by Armstrong, to au thorize the state board of health to ap point a board of examiners of embalm ing in the state and proviaing penal ties for violation of the act. House roll 37, by Easterling, re-enacting the law relating to obtaining money under false pretenses and ad ding a provision that the same shall apply to persons defrauding corpora tions, associations and partnerships. House roll 31, by Evans, removing from section 602, civil code, relating to modifications of judgments by district judges, the provision concerning mar ried women. House roll 24, by Lane, amending section 26. chapter 34, compiled stat utes, a curative bill. House roll 156, by Wilcox, to fix the tax on decs in cities of the second class from 1 to $3. House roll 84, by Elwood, repealing the law providing a bounty on the cul tivation of timber, sections 10 and 11, chapter 2, article 4, compiled statutes. House roll 153, by Jansen, repealing chapter 33. compiled statutes relating to destruction of grasshoppers. House roll 55, by Prince, to amend section 10, chapter 44. compiled stat tites, reducing interest on state war rants from 5 to 4 per cent. House roll 197. by lmar. to legalize acknowledgments and oaths hereto fore taken and administered by com missioners of deeds. House roll 93. by Weaver, to amend section 601. a civil code, providing tnat in cases of original jurisdiction in the supreme court, a complete record may be waived. House roll 252, by Nesbit. to amend sections 14. 15, 16, chapter 45, compiled statutes, to permit cities of the second class to issue bonds for street improve ment House roll 88 by Weaver, an act concerning the compensation of re ceivers providing that they may be paid by salary or on a per centage on cash received and properly accounted for by them. House roll 187, by provide that all fire insurance policies writ ten and covering property in the state shall be countersigned and issued only by a duly authorized agent, resident of the state. House roll 390, by Young, appropriat ing money belonging to tue state nor mal school library fund for the pur chase of books for the library of said school. House roll 362, by Weaver, to locate the state fair permanently at Lincoln. House roll 43, by Grandstaff, amend ing section 208. of the criminal code, relating to adultery. House roll No. 68. by Beverly, to limit and regulate the employment of children in manufacturing, mechani cal, and mercantile establishments, fixing the age limit at ten years and at fourteen years under certain condi tions. House roll 192, by Beverly, regulat ing and limiting the hours of employ ment of females in manufacturing, me chanical, industrial and mercantile es tablishments. House roll 189, by Zellers. limiting the levy in certain school districts 10 fin amount that will bring in not to ex ceed $400 annually. House roll 191. by Weaver, re-enacting the insurance laws. House roll 517. by Meyers, to amend section 68, chapter 17, article 1, com piled statutes, defining the boundaries or sarpy county. House roll No. 155. by Wilcox, to amend sections 19 and 24, chapter 93a, article 3, compiled statutes, to permit irrigation bond coupons and warrants to be applied on taxes. House roll 240. by Detweiler, permit ting the school board in metropolitan cities to make the school levy instead of the city council. House roll 271, by Olmstead. to estab lish a state barbers' examining board and to regulate the oractice of har- bering. House roll 295, by committee on sol diers' home, appropriating $13,500 for the purchase of the site of the soldiers' home at Milford. House roll 363, by Meyers, the com pulsory education bill. House roll 297, by Pollard, to amend section 340, chapter 2. compiled stat utes, increasing the appropriation for the state horticultural society to $2,500. House roll No. 418, by Grafton, an- propriating $5,000 for a standpipe and for heating and lighting apparatus at the Peru normal school. House roll 623 by Thompson of Mer rick at request of governor, appropri ating $2,000 as an emergency fund for the use of the members of the First regiment at Manila. House roll 22, by Lane, to amend sections 30 and 31, chapter 23, entitled guardians and wards, curative bill. House roll 610, by Grafton, appropri ating $25,000 for the purchase of an executive mansion. House roll 585, by Easterling, author izing ine governor to appoint the sup erintendent of the Kearney industrial school. House roll 183, by Wilcox, limiting the hours of employment of certain railway employes. House roll 254, by Olmstead. provid ing that there shall be no limit to the time a city; county, township or village may begin action for the recovery of me uue or possession of any public road, or lots or grounds. House roll 285, by Olmstead. to auth- time for members at boards of educa tion to take tdeir seats from July to May. passed with the emergency clause. I 8. F. 189, by Reynolds, providing for the registration, leasing, selling, and general management of the educational lands of Nebraska. S. F. 62; by Fowler, providing that in ceeds 20d, it may be eertifled from justice to district court: .S: F. 1S3; by Arends, fixing the time of election of different members of town board trustees in alternative years. S. F. 257. by Holbrook, providing that where bridges cross streams dividing counties they shall be jointly main tained. a F. 287. by Talbot, providing that voting machines may be used at the option of the electors of cities and counties. S. F. 44, by Miller, to punish cattle stealing and punish persons receiving or buying stolen cattle and to punish all persons harboring or concealing cattle thieves. K S. F. 120, by Spohn, to permit cities o. the second class to purchase, re- itc. uy uunauun, 10 improve, main tain and control parks. S. F. 41, by Currie, to provide free attendance at public high schools of non-resident pupils. S. F. 281. by Prout. authorizing the governor to provide for the presenta tion 'of medals to tne officers and men of the First, Second, and Third regi ments and troop K. U. S. volunteer cavalry, in the Spanish-American war. S. F. 161, by Fowler, to provide for the use of all funds collected bjr coun ties under the old free high school law by transferring them to the new free high school fund. S. F. 35, substitute by committee on insurance, providing a system of fees for assessment companies and regulat ing mutual benefit companies. S. F. J31, by Van Dusen, providing when school boards shall take their seats, fixing salaries of secretaries, etc. S. F. 8, by Farrell, to require school boards to provide' suitable water clos ets. S. F. 46. by Alexander, relating to offenses against the killing of game. S. F. 50. by Allen, for the transfer jof state funds unused to the general tuna. S. F. 28, by Fowler, repeal of the statutes relating to arrest before or after judgment S. F. 33, by Talbot, preventing dis trict judges from practicing at attor neys. S. F. 20, by Holbrook. for cities of the second class to pay off outstanding bonds. S. F. 103, by Steele, permitting coun ty attorneys to follow county cases into other counties on change of venue. S. F. 132, by Van Dusen. fixing the salary of county surveyors lh Lancas ter and Douglas counties. S. F. 203. by Newell, making the of fices of city attorney and marshal elective offices in cities of the second class. S. F. 133, by Holbrook. authorizing mutual insurance companies to insure country churches, parsonages and school houses. S. F. 136, by Crow, making does per sonal property. S. F. 143, by Prout, curative act S. F.J19, by Prout, curative act. S. F. 140. by Prout, curative act S. F. 124, by Reynolds, curative act S. F. 117. by Prout, curative act S. F. 113, by Prout, curative act S. F. 96, by Prout. curative act. S. F. 18, by Talbot, authorizing or ganization of mutual guarantee bond companies to insure the fidelity of per sons not state, county or city officer. S. F. 58. by Talbot, relating to regis tration of county bonds. S. F. 80, by Owens, relating to trans fer of personal property under mort gage. S. F. 93, by Prout, curative act. S. F. 97. by Prout. curative act. S. F. 144, by Prout, curative act. S. F. 145, by Prout. curative act. S. F. 150, by Rocke, curative act. S. F. 151, by Rocke, curative act. S. F. 156, by Prout, curative act S. F. 157. by Prout, curative act. S. F. 155. by Prdtlt, curative act. S. F. 153. by Prout. curative ant S. F. 125, by Reynolds, curative act S. F. 1J.6, by Reynolds, curative act. S. F. 127, by Talbot, an amendment to the Lincoln charter authorizing e paving, relating to sidewalk contracts and requiring street railway compa nies to lay center-bearing or "T" rails. S. F. 129, by Talbot, curative act BILLS HANGING FIRE. The following measures were passed by both branches of the legislature and await the pleasure of the chief execu tive: Senate file 22, by Noyes. making com missioners in counties not under town ship organization elected at large, af fecting Dougfrs county particularly. Senate file 13, by Van Dusen, provid ing for registration previous to primary elections. Senate file 176, by Steele, authorizing the auditor to license insurance brokers for companies not doing business in the state. House roll 347, by Fisher, creating a state registry of brands and marks, a state brand and mark committee and providing for brands and marks on live stock. House roll 210, by Burman. regulat ing the control of building and loan as sociations. House roll 431, by Hathorn, providing that county funds may oe deposited in banks to receive 2 per cent interest and that officers of the banks receiving same may not sign the depository bonds. House roll 184. by Olmstead. to pre vent corrupt practices at elections. House roll 392. by Detweiler, Omaha charter bill, providing manner of elect ing a police judge. House roll 413, by Clark, reducing the justices of the peace and constables in the city of Lincoln from three to two. House roll 53, by Zellers, amending the Australian ballot law, by providing that the blanket ballot provision shall be eliminated and that the old form of ballot shall be resumed. House roll 385, by Detweiler, an Omaha charter bill. House roll 501, bill appropriating tha current expenses of the legislature. GREETING TO COMPANY C. The relatives and friends of com rany C at Beatrice declared that they would not wait for the state svem ment to send a greeting to the boys in the Philippines, and Trhen a Donular subscription was started for the pur pose of defraying the expenses of a cablegram, more than enough was se cured in a few moments. The message was filed, which said that we were all proud of the company and full of sym pathy for the wounded. True independence never merges into Iso.rci-.T but ula-Iiy vcl ;: every aid from every snarinjcot in servile and indolent subjection, but as the growing plant welcomes the warm sun and the refreshing rain, by which it is to gain in strength, is beauty, and in fruitfulness. Ji 1 nun Nebraska Soldiers Headed for Their Native Land. ! THIRi ON I0ARB Of TRANSMIT iegai Witt BrfftiTneai fram Cuba to the Vn,iit SUtea-foriT-Nlhta Iowa I Coating Along Scaadla Aftnm iari Francisco with Men from Manila. WASHINGTON' April 8. The war department is fnftrm4 that the trans port Logan is loading the Third Ne braska at Havana and the Safl Anto nio part of the Forty-ninth Iowa. The Havana will soon take alwwrd the Sixth Missouri and the Thomas is on its way to load the Thirts-first Michigan. . ..Theae troops will all be mustered out on the Atlantic coast. SAN FRANCISCO,-April 8. The transport Scandia arrived at Quaran tine today from Manila with sixty-iour time-expired and discharged soldiers and the bodies df four officers who fell fighting In the Philippines. The remains brought back are those of Colonel Smith of the Tennessee reg iment, who died of apoplexy as he was leading his men to the attack on Ma nila; Captain D. S. Elliott of th Twentieth Kansas' regiment,- killed on February 20 at Caloocan by a sharp shooter; Major McConville of the Idaho regiment, who fell while charging at the head of his men on the trenrhes before Caloocan; and Lieutenant French of the First North Dakota, who was killed at the same place. Lieutenant Swaze, First California regiment, and Captain Murpny of the' Fourteenth infantry, were also o board the transport, the former return ing to be mustered out and the-latter is under orders to proceed to Washing ton. The following number of men from the regiments were on the Scandia: Colorado, 4; Nebraska. 4; Oregdli, 5; California, 2; Minnesota, 5; Eighteenth infantry. 5; hospital corps, 1; Four teenth infantry, 4; Fourth cavalry, 4; Twenty-third infantry, three; Idaho, 2; Third artillery, 5; Washington, 1; sig nal corps, 1; California heavy artil lery, 1; Tennessee, 1; Montana, 1; Pennsylvania, 1; U. S. S. Petrel, 1; Kansas, 1; South Dakota, 1. The Ohio is reported to have sailed from Nagasaki on March 25. NEBRASKANS ON THE SCANDIA. The following volunteers soldiers re 'turned on the Scandia: Charles Wilson, company A. E. G. Harwood, company G. D. C. Cochran, company B. John Williams, company (i. First Colorado: . I. H. Dean, company G. N J. McD. Hoyt, company A. Corporal Guy Mcintosh, cdmpany K. H. A. Lyers, company B. First South Dakota: H. N. McKenney, company H. Thirteenth Minnesota: R. L. Moore, company C. C. J. Rustad, company F. J. M. Hayes, company B. B. F. Gubesing. company G. I. W. Short, company L. G. F. Enny. company L. Tenth Pennsylvania: Corboral E. C cnmninr tt first Idaho: J- W. Frederick, combanv B. Harry McConville, dohipany ft. First Tennessee: Sergeant Major G. J. Sraltn. Twentieth Kansas: Corporal J. S. Elliott, company G. Supplied for Dewey. Fleet. WASHINGTON. April 8. Admiral Dewey has cabled the Navy depart ment asking that six months' engi neering supplies be sent to him at Ma nila. The department will probably use the Buffalo, now on its way to New York, for the carriage of these stores. The admiral's request is an Indication of his belief that it will not be possible to materially diminish the American fleet in the Philippines in the near future. It is said at the Navy department that the collier Scindia. now at San Francisco, is to be extensively re paired so that it cannot be sent to Samoa or Manila for several months at least. So far as the department knows the collier Abarenda at Nor folk is the onlv government vessel that will go to Paaeo Pago. Over the Grave of Hb Wife. WOONSOCKET, R. I., April 8. Henry De Wolfe, editorial writer for the Evening Reporter for the last four years, committed suicide oy shooting yesterday, near the grave of his wife, who was buried in South Bridge. He had evidently been holding a flower plucked from his wife's grave, as he sat beside the road preparing for the fatal act. He was 43 years of age. Bantings Declines the Directorship. WASHINGTON, April 8. General Russell Hastines has declined th president's appointment as director of the Bureau of American Republics. The I executive committee of the oureau met at the state department this morning and after accepting the declination re instated Mr. Frederick Emory as tem porary director. The New Battleship "Nebraska." WASHINGTON, April 8. The presi dent has authorized the battleships and armored cruisers which the law re quired to be named after states to be named the Pennslyvania, New Jersey. Georgia, West Virginia, Nebraska and California. The six cruisers which are to be named after cities are to be named the Denver, Des Moines, Chattanooga, Galveston, Tacoma and Cleveland. This Combine "Will Stick. PITTSBURG, April 8. The Dispatch tomorrow will say: From a reliable source it is ascertained that Philip l) Armour, the Chicago packer, is trying to consolidate the .glue concerns of the country. It is estimated that it will take about $20,000,000 to buy up all the glue factories. In western Pennsylva nia millions of dollars are invested in the industry and it gives employment to thousands of men. Preparing- for the Censas. WASHINGTON, April 8. Director Merriam of the Census bureau has de termined upon the number of enumera tion districts in the different states. For the most part the districts are left as provided in the census law identi cal with congressional districts. Enu meration districts are allowed Nebras ka and Iowa to correspond with con gressional districts,-while South Da kota is allowed two census districts, the Missouri river being the dividing line. Wyoming represents one enum eration district nnrninnci fiAiimn JMJLU1BH& MMUM m A DISASTROUS FIRE. Thirteen People trthi la j.w 1-ark Coaaagratlow. NEW YORK. April 8. A disastrous fire visited the wealthiest aectioa of this city during the early morning hours of yesterday and caused the death "of thirteen persons. Nine or ten persdns were Injured, one of whom will die. A mother and her three lit tle children peri-d. The list of dead is almost equally divided between peo ple of unusual wealth and servants. The fire spread so rapidly that it gave fc chance of escape. The amoaat of damag to property Is estimated at about $220,Wa, The fire originate at.the ccrner of Sixty-seventh street an Fifth avenue in the house occupied by Wallace C. Andrews, president of-the New Yoak Steam Heating company. TheYe were in the house fourteen. perot' fast asleep. How the fire origi nated is titt a mystery, though it seems tolerably certain that an explo sion of some kind Ofctttrei. twt what ever was the cause the fcUMS gained hold with such rapidlty'that only two escaped from the building. One of these is so oadly injured that she kas no chance of surviving. The fire com municated to Sixty-ninth street and in the house of Albert J. Adams a servant was burned to death, thus bringing' the total of victims to thirteen. So thoroughly did the flames do their work that when the gutted Andrews house was searched the corpses were so charred as to be almost beyond iden tification. The names of the dead were ascer tained more from certain knowledge of these1 who were in the bouse over night than ftff the traces of the living image that they retained. The fires were Mi tile home of Wal lace C. Andrews, president of the New York Steam Heating conlpanjr, at No. 2 East Sixty-seventh street. 94 In the hom 6f Albert J. Adams at No. t East Sixty-nirifft street The fire started In Andrew's house And the Adams resi dence caught later ill iht. morning. The ( nrsi nre was discovered a boat 2 a. m. A policeman was passing in front of the Havemeyer residence in East Siaty sixth street when he heard an ex plosion and saw a great flash of light ori Sixty-seventh street He ran thith er with all speed. When he arrived the flames Were shooting out of the up per floors of the Andrews house. They leaped half way across the street The policeman tried to get into the house to arouse the occupants. He was driv en back by the flames. He then turned in an alarm and returning got tne peo ple out of V. H. Rothschild's hoase, which is close by. Around the corner of Sixty-seventh street and Fifth avenue are the homes of some of New York's wealthiest men. Next to the Adacs house, which was a handsome four-story brownstone af fair, Is the splendid home of H. O. Ar mour of the Chicago firm of packers. Next to that is the home of Perry Bel mont Directly opposite this is the house of George J. Gonld. With the arrival of the first engine company the value of the property threatened was apparent and a second and later a third alarm were turned In. While some of the firemen fought the flames with hose and chemicals others rushed into the Rothschilds bouse and from there into the And rews home, by way of t-e rear win dows. But they were even then too late, for in the middle room of the third floor the firemen stumbled over the bodies of Mrs. St. Jonn and Wal lace, her 3-year-old child. The child was dead, but Mrs. St. John was still alive and gasping for breath. A flre man picked her ap and staggered with her to the Rothschilds house, but she died ds she was being carried in. Mrs. St John, her three children and two servants, Kat Downing and Maria Roth, were all on the third floor. Mr. St. John, who is the treasurer of the New York Steam Heating oomany and a brother of Mrs. Andrews, was not at home during the fire and had not been notified of his great loss as late at 6 o'clock in the morning. Mr. An drews and his wife occupied the middle room on the second floor. There, two hours later, their bodies were found clasped in each other's arms. They were so charred as to be almost be yond recognition. Later. About o'clock the firemen had sufficient mastery over the fire to permit of a search of the Andrew's house. They found the bodies of twe St. John children and the bodies of what are thought to be the two ser vants, Marie Roth and Kate Downing. At 11:15 o'clock the firemen found Mr. Andrews body. It was badly burned and parts of the legs were missing. At 3 o'clock the workers in th de bris found a body which was identi fied later by a dentist as that of Mre. Andrews. Caternmrnt Formally Invited. WASHINGTON, April 8. The State department has received the formal in vitation from the government of the Netherlands to participate in the dis armament conference to be held at The Hague, beginning May 18. Up to this time the only thing in the na- ture of an invitation issued to the Powers was the letter from the czar and it is said that some restriction. caused by the objection of the Italian government to an invitation to the pope, has delayed the issue of the formal invitations. -layti to Withdraw Paper Moary. WASHINGTON. April 8. The state department has been informed that the Haytien government has laid a sur tax of 25 per cent upon all importa tions, the proceeds to be applied to the gradual withdrawal of the paper money now in circulation in Hayti. Bondholders Mast Pay Oars. COLUMBUS, O., April 8. It is stated on apparently good authority that the proposed reorganization of the Colum bus, Sandusky & Hocking Railway company is not found practicable, and a new plan is being developed. The old plan leaves no alternative but for thosa who hold bonds to pay up their assess ments. It is said that Judge Taft of the United States court will not consent to an order of sale under that plan now. CARACAS, Venzuela, April 8. Thn American war ships commanded by Rear Admiral Sampson have been re ceived with enthusiasm at La Guayra. President Andrade yesterday gave a dinner and a ball to the admiral, his officers and the United States minister. F. B. Loomis. The president has also decorated the admiral and several of his officers with the order of Bolivar. PONCE. Island of Porto Rico. April 8. General Russell A. Alger, the sec retary of war. who arrived here on Wednesday on board theUnited States transport Ingalls. has met with an en thusiastic reception. He visited the schofrl yesterdav morning, discussed island affairs with merchants and ag riculturists at the principal club dur ing the afternoon and attended a ban quet at the French hotel at night. TMOWMLUBLB. Criumbus State Bank af aaaa aaaa-naa-i IqlaTAall1aVIaB -' aatolMlBtaltf BUYS GOOD NOTES iwaeattey Lainu Qnsumt Fren'fc. " B. at Hcrar. Vice Preal. at Bbvmu, Caaatar. Immrn Itinm, Wa tu The Columbus Journal.: A Weekly Newspaper devoted to ikm best interests of $anaa-aM llwnMRsVvi TH CMMtY tf Pllttt, TH State if Minsk., TH UliM States, -AND TBS- REST OF MANKIND. XK UNIT OF MEASURH WITH U3 IS $1.50 a Year. If Paid In Advance). Bat ovr limit of usefulness is not cir cuBvcribed by dollars and cents. ifaa Caata- Mat fna ta aay iliitH HENRY GASS, GtflM : ui : Httalllt : CmmI ttMt Optaf GoiumDos Journal PBIKTING OFFICE. PEST PAPERS SJawBeaBa "JaMMMJaV alffJw aearfX 1 4ljbSsI& glaa:Bg5nAX uniert-ak:e:r t OOUNTRY. .1