The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, March 29, 1899, Image 2

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Columbus gourUiil.
ColumbiiH, Nobr.
Eatered at tho Postoffice, Colnmbas, Nebr., as
second-class mail matter.
Imii Vila:liyx ty..'. It. X. 77SSZS CO.
One year, by mail, postage prepaid fLSO
BIX mODulB. . .49
.-Three months 40
'.- W.SWcrfersafTHE JOURW-
Altf-PlcMwe lck at tke date eypoatto
: jrsw same am the wrap-Mr ef year
" JOUaUfAL area tke -aarglaef THE
JOURNAL. Up te this date, year
.' aal3aerlptiaa Is jaala er acceaated fer.
For Mayor,
For Clerk,
For Member School Board,
For Councilmen,
First ward, J. A". ERNST.
Second " J. C. LANKTREE.
Third " C.C.GRAY.
The B. & M. are investing $17,000 in
improvements at Havelock.
Gov. Pointer has designated Satur
day, April 22, 1899, as arbor day for this
Among the latest discoveries in the
Black Hills is petroleum, said to be of
..excellent quality.
Ex-Sexatou Thomas W. Tiptox of
Nebraska was reported as dying last
week at the residence of his son at
' Washington City. He is nearly 82 years
, of age.
Mks. Maugauet CoorEit of Talmage
has brought suit against saloon keepers
of that place and their bondsmen,
alleging $10,000 damages sustained by
reason of their selling intoxicating liq
uors to her husband. There are twenty
six defendants in all.
Federal Judge Oakland of South
Dakota, acting for Judge Munger of
Nebraska, on Tuesday of last week sen
tenced Frank M. Dorsey to six years in
the penitentiary at Sioux Falls. Dorsey
was convicted of wrecking the First
National bank of Ponca, Nebraska, of
which he was cashier and manager.
The f usionists, with two or three ex
ceptions, lined up against a liberal ap
propriation for the university, and the
same fellows all voted in favor of re
taining the useless secretaries of the
state board of transportation sinecure
offices that have already coBt the state
over $100,000, and are used only as soft
berths for political strikers. The re
formers have very queer ideas of how and
when touso tho pruning knife. Opin
ion. For The Jouhnil,
' The Horther.
The several areas each have their pe
culiarity of weather, which needs be
taken into account when either prog
nosticating, forecasting, judging or pre
dicting the weather changes. The area
of tho Missouri valley, or the region ex
tending from Manitoba on the north to
the Gulf on tho south has a variety of
wind movement styled the norther.
This belongs to the straight surface
wind type of air movement, as distin
guished from line-storms or circular
storms, and calms, and is one of the
modes by which air is pressed to the
north, and returns to the south in the
varied influences connected with the
annual march of the earth round the
sun; and should possibly bo noted by
the readiness of the declination pendu
lum on occurrence if not otherwise indi
cated in time for forecasting.
The cold waves are more generally
connected with the descensional typo of
circular winds, when the very cold air of
the upper regions descends to the earth's
surface giving readings of tho thermom
eter of 20 to 30 degrees below zero.
The radiation weather is not so much
that the heat at the earth's surface
ascends the descending air current and
radiates into space, as that the warm air
at the surface moves laterally away
from the descending cold wind.
The norther commences with a south
erly wind, and closes with a northerly
wind. Coffin marks a pole of the winds
(which varies) coinciding near the mag
netic pole, which would give meteoro
logical meridians and parallels varying
from those geographical. It would be
in the interest of meteorology it these
were platted. This would give the
norther winds on the Atlantic coast as a
more north west wind, and on the Pa
cific coast as a more north east wind,
and storms moving in line with the
meteorological east and west. It would
be in the interest of readers of weather
if they noted the peculiarity of the
norther type of storm, and its sequence
of weather, that they may judge of its
presence, and what might be expected
to follow. Tho norther class differs
from the west or east class of straight
winds, which latter should possibly have
effect coinciding with the force marked
by the horizontal pendulum.
In the norther and other straight
wind types of storm, tho wind varies do
not oscillate much. This oscillating
marks the presence of the circular types
of wind. With declination force as
paramount, the wind should be
meteorological south connected with
horizontal force the wind would be a
resultant, as all the types are always
more or less present- The wind may be,
or may move to the west or east from
direct south, but not going entirely
round the sky as in the circular storms.
In the Missouri valley area, when the
wind is west from south, there will be
none or very little rain or snow in the
sequence. Should the wind be east
from south, it would mark rain or snow,
and the amount would be measured by
the distance from the south of the east
wind, and length of time blowing: This
latter was noted by Sias in his descrip
tion of a Texas norther, Ferrell, p. 215.
'As sequence of weather in the norther,
-the wind becomes low or swings for a
time, then changes from southerly to
north. Should rain or snow follow, it
will rain or snow as soon as the wind be
. oomes northerly. Should it not, there
- will be but little, as the north or west
wind soon floats the moisture away.
The study of the weather by thet
peadalum readings of force, should 1
mark a progress in the science of meteo
rology. Not that the magnetic currents
control the atmospheric currents, but
that each is controlled by the force of
motion present. And, should the effect
be seen earlier in the magnetic move
ments than in the atmospheric move
ments, there would bo room for forecast
ing. But there is still to be noted a
rain factor and to be determined. The
observer may judge of the to be weather
by determining the class of storm pres
ent, which is followed by its sequence
till it closes. E.J. Cocch.
Editor Joubxax: In reply to Mr.
Reed's article in last week's issue, would
say he could not have given us a better
recommendation of our land, and the
conditions we have to offer the settler,
than he did in his article on "California."
We can meet every requirement he sets
forth, and more than he claims for
Riverside. We have as good land
as there is to be found in the state of
California, according to the reports of
the Berkley University. It is a very
deep alluvial soil and a great portion of
it is "mica land," which has not a supe
rior for the growth of all kinds of fruits,
both deciduous and citrus, and conceded
to be by experts especially adapted to
the Washington navel oranges, which
grow to great perfection on this land,
with the advantage of maturing from
one to two months earlier than at Los
Angeles or Riverside, which is two hun
dred miles south, which gives us the
benefit of a home market at better pri
ces. Our land is under a perfect system
of irrigation, "the Church system,"
which is never failing, as it has first use
of water as it comes from the mountain,
in fact, our system is as perfect and per
manent as the subterranean lakes of
Riverside, for the seepage from the
canals has so filled the soil as to render
surface irrigation unnecessary. The
soil is so deep, the water does not in
jure the roots of trees or vegetation by
being too great in quantity. Clovis,
having large lumbering interests, we
have guaranteed to us preference at all
times for labor to actual residents of
the town, at not less than $1.35 a day
and much more as.the employe becomes
more competent We are offering to
sell town lots for $05 and with each lot
give the free use of one acre of this land
for five years, and at the end of that
time to sell the acre at present price and
terms, which is $66, which includes a
perpetual water right, in four equal an
nual payments at seven per cent inter
est, The building and loan association
offers to loan two $200 on two lots,
which is ample to build a good cottage,
on a monthly payment of $3.40. which
pays out in six years. Where can any
one get so much for so little money, and
with the chance of making their land as
valuable as it is at Riverside? If my
friend Reed has anything better than
this to offer, I would like to know it.
This enterprise has the endorsement of
men who represent more than $50,000,
000 capital and would not give recogni
tion to an enterprise of a snide charac
ter. Rev. Z. C. Rush of Albion, not
only has given it his endorsement, but
has purchased ten acres of this land and
expects soon to return thera
Dr. T. R. Clark.
Under date of Feb. 19, George Brod
fuehrer writes from Manila, giving some
particulars of the fighting of our com
pany in that section. He says that
companies K and D are now called the
hornets' nest. Most of the
boys have given up hopes of receiving
their Christmas presents.
Tho letters received from Manila since
the beginning of fighting show a re
markable change of sentiment toward
Colonel Stotsenburg. The boys ate
simply following in the footsteps of their
fathers in the war of the rebellion. Al
most every regiment had a grievance
against its officers until the fighting
really began. Then the worthy officers
soon won the respect of their men, and
as the trouble went on they won their
admiration and their devotion. The
ordinary grumbles soon disappear when
a regiment wins victory under compet
ent officers. Lincoln Journal.
Camp Stotsenburg, P. L
Dear Father and Mother: We are
camped out in the hills east of Manila.
We have been having a pretty hot time
of it for the last four days or since last
Saturday night. Our regiment was the
first in the fight, and in the thickest of
it all the time, and I am thankful that I
am able to tell yon I am alive and not
hurt Wo have driven the natives to
the mountains. We don't know where
the next outbreak will be, or when it
will be. Onr company lost one man,
and Bob Childers was shot through the
hand not bad. We fought Saturday
night all day Sunday, and Monday af
ternoon. I haven't had my shoes off for
six days, but I am feeling fine. I am
sitting down against a bamboo shack,
writing this with a guitar for a writing
desk. Our regiment lost six men and
ahout twenty wounded, and it was a
miracle we didn't lose more, for we made
two awful charges. During Sunday's
fight our regiment and Utah artillery
with two field guns took four block
houses and one powder magazine, and
advanced eight miles to the waterworks,
which we are holding at present Ma, I
don't want you to worry yourself Bick
now, for I am all right and think we will
start home before long. We have as
brave a colonel and as good a man as
ever went into battle. We all think he
is all right He was in front all the
time. I will have to close. Will write
again as soon as I can. Give my love to
all. I am your loving son,
John Gardner.
IasarseeU Still Betremttag.
Manila, March 27. 1135 a. m. The
Americans this morning found the im
portant town of Polo and a number of
small villages west of the railroad de
serted and burning. They are advancing
along the railroad.
The day's work of the United States
troops consisted of storming the succes
sive trenches. The Filipinos occupying
them were completely hidden and the
enemy poured a strong fire from every
trench until they were disturbed by a
flanking volley, when they would dis
appear into the woods and jungle, only
to make a stand at the next line.
The American loss was remarkably
small, seven being reported killed and
25 wounded. It is known that tke Fili
pinos were so protected that they suf
fered little. No dead iasargents
in the trenches.
Americans Capture Marilao
After Stubborn Fighting.
Make a Brilliant Charge and
Have Ten Killed.
Rebel Relaforeemeata Try la Tela te
Step Adveaee of Aeaerleaa Iarar
KaU ftestrej Bridge aaa Impede
Progress er Artillery Geaetal Otto Es
timates America Casualties at Forty.
New Tore, March 28. A dispatch to
the Herald from Manila Tuesday says:
The armed gunboat Laguna de Bay at
tacked the insurgents at Bulacan. Three
Americans were wounded.
MacArthur's division has crossed the
Marilao river on a pontoon bridge and
is now advancing northward. Fighting
is expect ed this afternoon.
The insurgents attacked the Amer
icans last evening at Marilao. but were
repulsed with severe loss. Our loss was
five killed and 14 wounded.
Garcia, a native general, came down
from Dagupan by train with 1,000 rifle
men and 4,000 bolomen and took posi
tions at Marilao. A river was between
the Americans and the insurgents.
The South Dakota volunteers and the
Third artillery were thrown forward.
The South Dakotans charged brilliantly
across an open space on the east of the
railway to the edge of some woods.
They lost 10 killed and 11 wounded,
two mortally.
Marilao was taken, with 16 prisoners.
On the left the insurgents in a trench
east of the river offered a stubborn re
sistance, lieutenant Critchlow, with
10 guns of the Utah battery, and lieu
tenant Davis, with a navy Colt gun,
forced 30 insurgents in a long trench on
the opposite side of the river to surren
der at the close quarters of 100 yards.
The rest of the insurgents got out with
severe loss.
Otis Pushing Forward te Xalelea.
Manila, March 28. General MacAr
thur's division spent the night and
morning at Newcanayan, the next sta
tion beyond Polo. After reconnoiter
ing his front, he pushed along the rail
road toward Malolos. If the statement
of the 35 prisoners captured yesterday is
true the main body of the enemy has
retreated to Malolos. There are no
more trenches to encounter, although
over 30 villages, including the larger
settlements of Bulacan and Gudguiuto,
The shelling of Paranaque was not
premeditated. The turret ship Mon
adnock anchored off the town and the
insurgents, emboldened by the long
silence of the war ships on guard duty,
opened fire on it with muskets, with
the result that one man was killed and
three were wounded. The Monadnock
then destroyed half the town, includ
ing the church.
Strategic Move Shifts late a Parsalt aad
Washington, March 28. The third
day of the fighting north of Manila
brought little of a decisive character
from which war department officials
could judge what the final outcome of
this movement would be. In all official
quarters the most intense interest pre
vailed. Early in the day General Otis
cabled the war department a brief dis
patch summing up the situation. It
disclosed that severe fighting was going
on, with our forces advanced as far
north as Marilao, while the insurgents
under Aguinaldo were being driven
back with considerable slaughter. This
and the press dispatches satisfied the
officials that the strategic movement of
entrapping the insurgents between our
lines had not been as successful as de
signed and that the move had now
shifted to a retreat by Agninaldo'e
forces and a pursuit by onr troops. The
insurgent retreat toward Malolos was
slow and dogged and advantage was
taken of one after another of lines of
intienchments, the bnrning of bridges
and the interrupting of communications.
General Otis' dispatch was sent Monday
evening and summed up the work of
three days. That the fighting would
proceed into the fourth day was shown
by his closing sentence: "The column
will press on in the morning." This
refers to today. The engagement has
now shaped itself so that it is looked
upon as more of a chase than the execu
tion of a strategic movement.
With the American base advanced to
Marilao and the insurgent base forced
beck to Malolos, the main bodies of the
two opposing forces are about 10 or 12
miles apart. This could be quickly
covered in a forced march under fair
conditions, but it is 12 miles of inumer
able difficulties and obstacles, which
our troops must cover before they reach
the insurgent stronghold. It is expected
that the engineers with MacArthur are
hastily repairing the burned bridges.
This will permit the artillery to be
taken forward as well as the infantry
columns. It is expected that every mile
of the distance to Malolos will be con
tested by the insurgents, for General
Otis reports that it is a stretch of coun
try covered with the intrenchments
thrown up during the last three
months. Our men, therefore, must
advance slowly, repairing the roads
as they go, and at the same
time they must fight their way through
well made rebel intrenchments. Serious
as the work is there is no lack of con
fidence among officials here as to the
outcome of the campaign. Malolos is
the insurgent capital where the assem
bly has been sitting and the insurgent
government has been in operation. It
represents more to the insurgents than
any other place in the Philippines, and
little doubt is entertained that they
will make a desperate stand there. The
tactics of Aguinaldo are taking him
gradually beyond the range of Admiral
Dewey's guns. While the insurgents
jvere at Malabon on Saturday they
were within a mile of the water front
and easily within range of the fleet.
But as they have moved northward,
they have gradually moved away from
the bay. Malolos is about seven miles
back from the bay, although there are
shallow estuaries which would permit
light draught boats to get within a
mile or two.
The duration of the battle is beginning
to attract the attention of army strate
gists, as it is a very important element
fa determining ths strength of the mem,
the supplies of ammunition and store
and the spirit of the army. The firpt
blow was struck before daybreak last
Saturday and the fighting continued all
that .day, again on Sunday and on Mon
day. The reports show little night
fighting except in repulsing an insur
gent attack Saturday night. Judged
by the standards of great battles such as
Waterloo this is a long and intensely
arduous engagement But the fighting
about Manila is quite different from the
standard of civilized armies, as it is a
running brush conflict, with only occa
sional issues between organized bodies
of troops. The belief is expressed at
the war department that the Filipinos
are manufacturing the ammunition that
is being used with such recklessness.
The following is the dispatch received
from General Otis:
Manila. March 27. Adjutant Gen
eral, Washington: MacArthur holds
Marilao; severe fighting today and our
casualties about 40. The insurgents
have destroyed bridges, which impeded
progress of train and artillery. Our
troops met the concentrated insurgent
forces on northern line, commandod by
Aguinaldo in person, aud drove them
with considerable slaughter. They left
nearly 100 dead on the field and many
prisoners and small arms were captured.
xne column win press on in tne morn
ing. Otis.
Mallata to Captured.
M ANiLA.March 26. The United States
troops, under Brigadier General Lloyd
Wheaton, captured the town of Malinta,
beyond the Tulihan river, Sunday, after
after a sharp fight. Colonel Hairy O.
Egbert of the Twenty-second infantry,
was killed. Prince Lot ensteinr for
merly aide-de-camp on the staff, of Brig
dier General Miller at Iloilo, somehow
got in front of the firing line and was
shot in the side, dying almost instantly.
A German who accompanied him was
The American casualties Sunday were
much lighter than those of Saturday,
the total loss thus far reported since the
engagement commenced being 45 killed
and 145 wounded.
The Nebraska and Colorado volun
teer regiments encountered the first
strong resistance. This was at San
Francisco de Monte and in the sur
rounding trenches.
General Wheaton entered Malinta,
which is a small village of huts, at 1 p.
m. Sunday. The United States gun
boat Helena and other gunboats shelled
Malabon, about a mile northwest of
Caloocau, for several hours.
The insurgents made a fierce resist
ance to the American advance up the
railroad at Malinta. In addition to the
fatal wounding of Colonel Egbert, sev
eral men of the Twenty-second Infantry
and several of the Oregon and Kansas
regiments were killed.
The Third artillery, acting as in
fantry, with two guns of the Utah
artillery and the Kansans had a sharp
fight east of Malinta. The Americans
had but slight losses. Five Filipinos
were found dead and several were taken
Rebels Apply the Torch.
Manila, March 27.-9:10 a, m. The
Filipinos are burning their stronghold
at Malabon and their forces are fleeing
from the city in the direction of Malolos.
General MoArthur's division is pushing
toward Malabon. The insurgents will
make their last stand probably at Ma
lolos. The American forces did not occupy
Malabon, but are concentrating their
strength to strike Malolos. Malabon is
a city of desolation. The American
soldiers have been forbidden to enter
the place, for fear that the natives' may
still be lurking there.
Forty prisoners were taken by' the
Americans and it is estimated that the
rebel casualties numbered 20. The in
surgents broke their guns when they
were compelled to abandon them.
Names or Those Strlckea Dews by Flll
plao Ballets at Manila Tweaty-secoad
Loses Its Gallant Coloael Sergeaat
Poor of the First Nebraska Also Dead
Washington, March 29. The follow
ing list of casualties has just been given
out at the war department. The killed:
Twentieth Kansas Private H. S.
Plumer, company E; Outran O. Craig;
C. A. S. AnibaL
Third Artillery Private William Pat
ton, company H; James O'Neil; Ser
geant Fogarty; Herbert Ross.G; Thomp
son Clarence Watts, K.
Second Oregon Private H. B. Adams,
company D; William W. Cook; Charles
Herbert, L; Guy Miller.
First Montana Privates Joseph
Bickman, company F; Percy Lockhart.
G; Steve Stevens, G; William Milschke,
Third infantry Private Morrell,
Corporal Cummings, company L.
Tenth Pennsylvania Private Aliz
First Nebraska Sergeant Walter
Poor, company A.
First Colorado Captain S. Stewart,
company E.
Twenty-second Infantry Colonel H.
O. Egbert.
Ltot of Weaaded.
First Nebraska Company A,- Private
Harry Sherman, jaws, severe; O,
RoBcoe O. Ozmen, forearm, moderate;
G. Ward S. Roberts, head slight; O. E.
Young, severe; Captain Lee Forby, ab
domen, severe; K, Private Otis Font,
elbow, slight; L, William J. Koopman,
elbow, moderate; David O. Bamell.
thigh, moderate; Edward A. Pegan,
forearm, moderate; 'Clarence A. Fay,
forearm and thigh, severe; Ward O.
Crawford, hip, severe; Robert E. Fits
cher, hand, slight; Captain Wallace O.
Taylor, forearm, moderate; M, Private
John E. Robinson, hand, slight.
Twentieth Kansas Company A, Pri
vates Frank Stewart, scalp, slight; C,
Thaddeus Widgant, thigh, severe; D,
George Nicholas, thorax, severe; E,
George Havens, thigh, severe; Joseph H.
Noflin, leg, severe; Andrew Evans, neck,
moderate; Corporal J. H. Bryant, elbow,
slight; G, Private Orville Parker,
shoulder and arm, severe; H, Captain
AdnaG. Clark, shoulder, severe; Pri
vates Edward R. Hook, shoulder and
neck, slight; L William TulL libia, se
vere. First Colorado Company A, Privates
Edwin F. Pitts, breast, severe; M. Mai-
comb a. ucuoe, abdomen, severe;
Charles J. Brill, thigh, severe; E, Mor
ton N. Esshorn, thigh, slight
Thirteenth Minnesota Company A,
Private Andrew Mortenson, ankle, se
vere; I, Fred Eckman, thigh, severe;
Leonard Porter, groin, severe; Sergeant
Edward Meinness, hand, slight; K, Pri
vate John T. Wheeler, abdomen, severe;
James C. McGee, thumb, slight; Cor
porals John Connelly, thigh, severe; L,
Harry M. Glosser, abdomen, severe;
Privates Avery Grimes, severe; M,
Panliness Hahn, chest, severe.
Twenty-second Infantry Company
C, First Lieutenant Harold Ik Jackson,
thigh, severe; Private F. W. Arendt,
leg severe; D, George O. Richards,
thigh and hand severe; E, William
Howard, chest, severe; F, William
Meyers, face, severe; G. BertE. dough,
leg, severe; II, Albert E. Axt, forearm,
moderate; L. Merton Heudricker, chest,
severe. M, Edward F. Lamers, fore
arm, severe.
First South Dakota Company G,
Private W. E. Brown, forearm.
Creek Brlags Soldier
New York, March 28. The trans
port Crook, which left Santiago March
23, is due at this port today and the
quartermaster's department is busy pre
paring for her reception. The dead
that are identified will be given to the
relatives or friends of the deceased.
Those who are not identified will be in
terred in Arlington cemetery, near
Washington. The Crook was sent to
Porto Rico and Cuba to bring back the
bodies of the soldiers who died during
the campaign. The removal was under
taken at the expense of the government.
There are 1,800 dead to be brought back
and as soon as the Crook is unloaded she
will return to Santiago to bring back the
Celealal Cemmtssloa at Peace.
Ponce, Porto Rico, March 27. The
United States colonial commission.
General Robert P. Kennedy, Major
Charles W. Watkins and Henry G.
Curtis arrived here yesterday and in
the course of the day received a number
of merchants and prominent citizens
who made statements as to the general
condition of the district and its particu
lar needs. This morning the commis
sioners left by the revenue steamer
Blake to inspect Puerto De Jobes, the
Port of Guaymas and that district.
The leportei uprising in this district is
quite without significance.
lewis Oatllaes Next Oaaapalga.
Atlanta. March 28. Congressman
James Hamilton Lewis of Washington
passed through Atlanta yesterday on
his way home from Havana. Mr. Lewis
says he believes the Republicans will
put up McKinley and Roosevelt at the
next campaign, and the Democratic
ticket, he thinks, will read "Bryan and
Schley." For chairman of the national
Republican committee, Mr. Lewis be
lieves, Mark Hanna is slated, while
Senator Gorman will fill a like position
for the Democrats.
Heme Com lag of Twelfth New York.
New York, March 27. The home
coming of the Twelfth New York regi
ment, which arrived yesterday from
Matanzas, Cuba, on the transport
Meade, was marked by great enthus
iasm. The men looked well after their
service in Cuba and there was so little
sickness among them that when they
reached quarantine Colonel R.W. Leon
ard was able to report "all well."
AbMtioirol Jural. ' i
Doa't Lose Any Tine Aboat It.
If you expect to go west this spring
ask the nearest Burlington Route agent
about the specially reduced rates now
in effect to Montana, Utah, California,
Washington and Oregon points. Ask
about them away today. They may be
withdrawn any moment.
Through tourist sleeping car service
to San Francisco and Los Angeles ev
ery Thursday to Butte, Spokane and
Seattle every Tuesday and Thursday.
J. Francis, Gen'l Pass. Agent,
29mar3 Omaha, Neb.
Sale bills,
Hand bills,
Note heads,
Letter heads,
Meal tickets,
Legal blanks,
Visiting cards,
Milch checks,
Business cards,
Dance invitations,
Society invitations,
Wedding invitations,
Or, in short, any kind of
Call on or address, Journal,
Columbus, Nebraska.
Draw the Line.
In view of the honse to house visita
tion of two Utah Elders in this city and
county during the winter and covertly
teaching that the Latterday Saints of
the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ
which we represent, are teaching "false
doctrine," and that the Utah church,
dominated by the late Brighara Young,
is the true church as organized in 1830,
we have invited them to discuss their
claims openly, which they are so assidu
ously pushing privately, hence our re
quest that the following resolution be
published, drawing the line, distinctly
opposing the recognition of the defiance
of law and sound morality:
Resolved, That the Columbus branch
of the Re-organized Church of Jesus
Christ of .Latterday Saints, located at
Columbus, Platte county, Nebraska, de
sire to be placed on record as protesting
against the seating of B. H. Roberts,
congressman elect from Utah, it being a
matter of public knowledge that he is
a polygamist in faith and practice, con
trary to the laws of the land and should
not therefore, in the interest of good
morals and decency, ba permitted a
voice in the legislative halls of the
United States.
Resolved, That the secretary be in
structed to forward to our representative
in congress of this district a copy of
this protest and action.
H. J. Hudson, President,
George W. Galley, Sec'y.
Small Fox at Platte Center.
Platte Center is having a real scare in
the way of small pox. We clip the fol
lowing from the Signal:
On Thursday evening, March 16, Mrs.
R. W. Perkinson and her son Frankie
returned from Cheyenne, Wyoming,
where they had been visiting with rela
tives, among them Mr. and Mrs. P. F.
Doody, formerly of this .place. Upon
her arrival here Mrs. Perkinson pro
ceeded to the home of her father, Mi
chael Doody, where she asked her
daughter Lottie to leave the house, for
the reason that Frankie was somewhat
ill and that they had just returned from
P. F. Doody's, who had been taken to
the pest house for small pox at Chey
enne. The news spread like wildfire
and on the same evening our village
board ordered an investigation byDrs.
Hansen and Pugb, who msde no diagno
sis that evening, but advised a strict
quarantine, which was established forth
with. On Friday our physicians upon in
quiry received advice from Cheyenne
that one doctor pronounced Mr. Doody's
illness a case of small pox and four doc
tors denied it. The state board of
health was advised at once and the
board promised to send Dr. Towne of
Omaha to make a thorough investiga
tion. Dr. Towne arrived Tuesday even
ing, but the day before both Drs. Han
sen and Pugu pronounced the disease a
case of small pox in a very mild form.
Dr. Towne verified their diagnosis and
advised everybody to be vaccinated.
Tho patient is outside of the corporate
limits and with the precautions that
were taken by the village board, Dr.
Towne declared that there was not tho
remotest danger of contagion. Nearly
everybody has been vaccinated. The
schools were closed Monday, all chil
dren strictly prohibited from venturing
beyond their home yards and a guard is
stationed day and night to see that no
one ventures near the premises where
the patient is confined. Business is
carried on in the usual manner and
judging from all indications the small
pox scare will end with the present case.
Botdston-at David City, Sunday,
March 19, 4 a. m., after an illness of
four weeks, of dropsy and stomach
trouble, Mrs. Hut tie Boydston, in the
fifty-seventh year of her age.
The funeral occurred Sunday after
noon at 5 o'clock. Sho leaves two
grown sons, Elmer Johnson of David
City, and Forest Eygner of Colorado
In the flrst copy of The Journal,
published May 11, 1870, was a communi
cation signed "Marion Gray." written
by the deceased lady, who evidenced n
markable genius for the writing of verse,
her contributions appearing in The
Journal and other local papers tt
various times. She was a former neigh
bor of John Tannnhill of this city,
when he lived in Butler county, and he
says she was highly thought of by her
acquaintance. The Butler County Press
says that she had been a sufferer for
years with various ailments.
Seal Estate Transfers
Becher, Jaeggi & Co.,roal estate agents,
report the following real estate transfers
filed in the office of the county clerk for
the week ending March 25, 1899.
Samuel F. Smith to Nicholas Iilascr.
o 100 acre ne4 5.lft-lw.wd $ 2000 00
Peter Lobischer to Joe. Oilsdorf et al,
lots 5, 6, blk 3. Lockner'a add to
Humphrey, wd 100 00
H. F. J. Hockenberser to Win. J. Wins
ton, lots S. 4, 5, blk 5, Becher Flaco
add to Colnmbas. wd 450 00
Bom Smith to Charity Smith, lots 3, 4.
blkl90.ColambnB.wd 300 0)
Surah Ann Connelly to Kate Gogan et
al.wii lot 11, blk 7. Lindsay, wd.... 150 00
Iia J. Nichols to John Carstenaon, w! J
sw4andee4aw4 23-20Lle. wd 3800 00
Peter Dischner to J. E. and F. J. Disch
ner, w2 awl 36-18-le and sw4 se4 and
w2 set 14-17-le, qcd. 580 00
Friedrich Clanssen to Win, Templin,
w2n.e4 18-18-lw.wd 2400 00
Martha Wells to Frank Widhalm, ael
2-20-Sw.wd 3500 00
Thos. Haney to John L. Honey, ne4 17-
18-lw.wd 1200 00
Mary E. Becher to C. C. Hardy. e44 feet
lot 8. blk 166. Colnmbas. wd 100 00
H. F. J. Hockenborger to Constance
Jaegxi. lot 8, blk 170. Colnmbas, wd. 00
Dora Dietrichs to August Dietrichs,
lot 5, blk 101, Colnmbas, wd 1500 00
Mrs. Meridian Searles to John Long,
ne4 2-20-lw, wd 3360 00
Same to same, ne4 and w2 nw4 l-20-4w,
wd. 2500 00
Fifteen transfers, total $21,035 00
If your child is cross and peevish, it
is no doubt troubled with worms.
remove the worms, and its tonic effect
restore its natural cheerfulness. Price
25 cents. Dr. A. Heintz and Pollock &
Throagh Toarlst Sleeper te the Northwest
The Burlington Route has established
a twice-a-woek tourist car line from Kan
sas City to Butte, Spokane, Tacoma and
Cars leave Kansas City, Lincoln nnd
Grand Island every Tuesday and Thurs
day, arriving at Seattle following Friday
and Sunday. They are upholstered in
rattan. The bed linen and furnishings
are clean and of good quality. The
heating, ventilating and toilet arrange
ments are all that can be desired and
each car is in charge of a uniformed
Pullman porter, whose sole duty is to
attend to the wants of passengers.
Cars run through without change of
any kind and the berth rate from Lin
coln to Tacoma or Seattle is only 85.00.
To intermediate points, it is propor
tionately low.
Montana and the Pnget Sound conn
try are now enjoying a period of unex
ampled prosperity. As a consequence,
travel to the Northwest is rapidly attain
ing large proportions. This new tourist
car line has been established with a view
of caring for the Burlington's share of it
in the best possible manner.
Berths, tickets and full information
can be had on application to any Bur
lington Route ticket agent or by address
ing J. Francis, G. P. A., Omnha, Neb.
Th Kind YwlUw Atwrs Betr!
To Chicago and the East.
Passengers going east for business, will
naturally gravitate to Chicago as the
great commercial center. Passengers
re-visiting friends or relatives in the
eastern states alwayB desire to "take in"
Chicago en route. All classes of passen
gers will find that the "Short Line" of
the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail
way, via Omaha and Council Bluffs,
affords excellent facilities to reach their
destinations in a manner that will be
sure to give the utmost satisfaction.
A reference to the time tables will in
dicate the route to be chosen, and, by
asking any principal agent west of the
Missouri river for a ticxet over me
Chicago, Council Bluffs & Omaha Short
Line of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St
Paul Railway, you will be cheerfully
furnished with the proper passport via
Omaha and Chicago. Please note that
all of the "Short Line" trains arrive. in
Chicago in ample time to connect with
the express trains of all the great througn
car lines to the principal eastern cities
For additional particulars, timetable
maps, etc., plesse call on or address f.
A. Nash, General Agent, Omaha, Neb.
To allay pains, subdue inflamma
tion, heal foul sores and ulcers, the
most satisfactory results are obtained
MENT. Price 25 cts. snd 50cts. Dr.
A. Heintz and Pollock & Co.
JwKrtYw tow Aral ialK
Seventy-five men and families to go to
Fresno county, California. Employment
at good wages given at once, and an
opportunity to get a home at a very
small expense. Splendid olimate; good
land under irrigation at a very low price.
For information call on
Dr. T. R. Clark,
tf Columbus, Nebr.
Bem tke 9
of Cwal5tir7
I slnn1atil1aCT0&Hetfu
I iklfeStosimmilBawdsof
I PxowiOfcsWgfebarrrful-
I pam&QivraflKgfci&L
I Sg&iu, ) I
I AperfectlktterorGMslipsr- Hi
I tiofc.SowSfoaMch.Diarrhoea, H
I WoiTasXxwviaSions.FeveTisli- H
I tstssaajLossorSMEP.
I xsKJSkafeSijaScTof
Mteas ' w a - f. i
kinds or
as good
.I Sell all Kiada ef...
Col - ULaao.TD
of all kinds, from a Hat iron to a tack ham.
mer of tho best makes and quality, can be
found here at all times. Agate wure, grnn
ito ware, aluminum ware, wire and wooden
ware, carpet sweepers, churns and wushing
macliinoo. We have a large variety for all
uses and purposes. Call and see them bo
fore buying elsewhere.
Eleventh St.
Columbus, Xeb.
"National Baptfot .Societies Anniversaries"
At San Francisco, May 25th, 1899. For
the above occasion the Union Pacific will
sell tickets at one fare for the round trip,
May 15, 1C, 17 and 18th, 1899, limited to
July 15th. Stop overs granted at any
point on going trip, and at any point
west of Colorado common points on
return trip. C. E. .Toy, Agent.
Bean tke
The Kind You Haw Always Beegtt
The Way te go to California
Is in a tourist sleeping car personally
conducted via the Burlington Route.
Yon don't change cars. Yon mako fast
time. Yon 6eo tho finest scenery on tho
Your car is not so expensively finished
nor bo fine to look at as a palace sleeper
but it is just as clean, just as comforta
ble, just as good to rido in, axi nearly
820 cnKAPEi:.
The Burlington excursions leave every
Thursday, reaching San Francisco Sun
day and Los Angeles Monday. Porter
with each car. Excursion manager with
each party. For folder giving full infor
mation call at nearest B. & M. R. R
depot or write to J. Francis, Gen'l. Pas
senger Ag't., Omaha, Neb. june-2fi-H9
Much pain and uneasiness is caused
by piles, sparing neither ago nor sex.
MENT cures the most obstinate cases.
Price 50 cents in bottle, tubes, 7." cents.
Dr. A. Heintz and Pollock & Co.
The new Palace Sleeping Cars, built
specially for tho Union Pacific, and re
cently put in service on their famous
fast trains to Colorado, Utah, California
and Oregon points, are the finest ever
turned out
Throughout the interior the drapings,
wood work and decorations are in the
most artistic style, and the conveniences
vastly superior to anything ever seen
These cars are attached to the Union
Pacific fast trains, which make Quicker
time to all Western points than trains of
any other lines.
Tickets, and reservations can be ob
tained by calling on or addressing
15-mch-5 C. E. Jot, Agent.
We Carry Coffins, Caskets and
Metallic Caskets Burial
Robes, Etc.
asaV oat am am asW
For Infanto mad Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Botght
Bears the
You Have
Always Bought.
TMceraTMia coamaarr. voan crrv.
nur$er;i gTOdk;
as can be sold anywhere.
Come to my place in the spring and get what you want.
- u.s HTiazsez.
Tho inrtnThi heretofore tixntiritf ly (Hid
between I, (i. Zinnecker and M. ii. Vttn. tlointc
n barber Ihimiu'sh tm.I.-r the firm imme of 'An
neckeri Watt.-t is this it-iy iIi'hhoIvimI ly imituul
consent. M. II. WattM retiring from the, ImmmtM.
All debU owing the firm to he imiil to j. 15. Zin
necker, who asHiunen rtftri'-iliility for liny
!el)t owintc by tho tlrm.
31. 11. Vrrs.
SInrcli 1. IbVX 15-m. hl
In the connty court of l'lntte county. Nebraska.
Inthe matter of tho stato of Puumel W. W.
Wilson, lleceiswl. Notice; of filial m-ttleinent
and account.
To the creditors, heirs, htrit.- ami others in
terested in tho estate of Samuel W. W. Wilson,
Take notice, that Henry T. Htmerry bin tiled
in tho connty court a report of his ilointrt tvt
administrator of the estate of Samuel W. W.
Wilson, deceased, and it is ordered that llu
same stand for hearing on the llthdayof
IhW, beforetho court at tho hour of 'J o'clock
a. m., at which time any i-rson interested may
apoear and except to and contest tho same.
'lhi notice in ordered ien in TlIK ("oi.umiics)
Jouitwr. for three consecutive weeks ttrior to
the 11th day of April, IHV.h
WitneHH my hand and tho senl of the comity
court nt Columbus thin 17th' day of .March. 11W.
T. D. Kobihox,
i-'marS County Jatlge.
In tho county court of I'latte connty. Nebraska:
In tho matter of tho estate of l-wi M. Naley.
deceased. Notice of final settlement find
To tho creditors, heirs, leiaiteeH and others in
terested in the estate of Lewis JI. Saley, do
ceased. Take notice, that Kvalino C. Haley hax filed in
the county court a report of her doinifs an ad
ministratrix of tho estate of l-wis M. Haley,
deceased, and it is ordered that the Bamo stand
for hearing on the 13th day of April. A. V. 18W.
before the court at tho hour of 9 o'clock a. m.. at
which time any person interested may appear
and except to ami contest tho same.
This notice is ordered Riren inTllKCor.uxBCH
JoUlt.wi. for three consecutive weeks prior to
the 18th day of April, l-W.
Wit iks my hand and the Heal of the county
court at Columbus this 27th day of .March, IbW.
T. 1. KoniHON,
2tmnr3 Connty Judge.
rnopniriou oy the
Omaha Meat Market
Fresh and
Salt Meats.
Game and Fish in Season.
Highest market prices paid for
Hides and Tallow.
; .-- - r I
T D. 8TIKE3. "".."
Sonthweat corner Eleyenth and North Stroato .xff " '
IJnly-y CoLnxas-.. Nebbabxa. . - . T
. -..; t
.. .
Tlf eAUJSTiai At COHltEUPl. . .' .r
ATTORNEYS AT LAW, :. .. ;' .
OOX.UMBUS, - - JOMBUEa' " " "?
' - '-2