The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, February 01, 1899, Image 2

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olumlms gourual.
Columbn6, Nobr.
Eatend at the Postoffice, Columbus, Nebr., as
accond-class mail matter.
ruieiWtlauliri ty.
One year, by mail, postage prepaid $1.50
Six months
Three months w
Elect Hay ward.
r It is reported that no farther spread
of small-pox is likely at Nebraska City.
F. Brown, at Ord. who runs a restaur
ant, has been pronounced a victim of
Nixx-tenths of the republicans in the
state are favorable to Judge Hayward's
election as.senator.
William M. Stewabt was elected
United States senator Tuesday of last
week, from Nevada.
In three months the amount of individual deposits in the na
tional banks has increased nearly $200,000,000 and now amounts
to $2,225,000,000. This is the amount of loose capital available
for instant use and is quite apart from the 'very much larger amount
locked up in stocks, bonds, real estate and business enterprises.
Wc are a rich people. Philadelphia Ledger.
A bill before the Dakota legislature
provides that all notes and mortgages
not stamped by the assessor shall be
-- void.
Saturday, two to four inches of snow
was reported as general throughout
central and southern Georgia and Ala
bama. Rev. Mtbox Wikslow Reed died at
"Denver Monday of nervous prostration.
He leaves a widow, two sons and a
Ik a representative form of govern
ment, the duty of one who represents
the people is to cast an open ballot for
the senator of his choice.
The Tenth joint ballot for United
States senator at Lincoln Monday gave
W. V. Allen, 52 votes; Judge Hayward,
31; Webster, 10; Thompson, 7; Field, 5;
Weston, 3; Reese, 2, etc.
Fobmeb Attorney General Garland
fell Benseless while addressing the
United States supreme court, shortly
after noon. Thursday, Within ten min
utes he was dead. Apoplexy was the
Several shocks of earthquake were
felt last Tuesday in the valley of Mexi
co. Many houses were cracked. The
national palace was cracked in eleven
places, and in some places the sidewalks
were broken. The shock was felt at
Vera Cruz, Colima and other points.
It is an old saying in Nebraska politi
cal circles that Brad. Slaughter discov
v. ered Meikeljohn. Both of them are
probably now discovering that the repub
licans of Nebraska desire to choose a
United States senator to represent the
people of Nebraska, in other words
CniCAGo steel rail manufacturers have
been compelled to refuse a large order
from the Russian government because
the capacity of their plant was taxed to
the limit to supply domestic contracts
already in sight. Nothing like this ever
' "" happened before the fostering influence
of a protective tariff got in its work.
Omaha Bee.
The St Louis Globe-Democrat has
this significant statement in a recent
A seeker after truth about monetary
science, in looking through a musty con
gressional report recently, came upon a
statement which astonished him when
ho read the authority. The report was
made by a silver commission in 1876. It
contained this statement:
"Whenever, under the double stand
ard, there is a variance between the
legal market relations of the metals, the
standard would be practically based on
one metal, and it the cheaper and more
available one. Whenever the legal and
market relations coincide, there would
be quality in the material of the stand
ard, but unity in its value, which would
make it in its all-important feature a
single standard."
The astonishing part of the report is
that two of the five names subscribed to
it are John P. Jones, the present senator
from Nevada, and Richard P. Bland, the
apostle of 16 to 1. MA splendid argu
ment for a single standard," the seeker
characterizes this early declaration of
Senator Jones and Mr. Bland. The
other indoreers of the principle were
Lewis V. Bogy, senator from Missouri,
and Representatives George Willard and
William A. Groesbeck.
Br a new decision of the United States
supreme court, another opportunity for
tax shirking on the part of railroads has
been shut off. For many years it has
been the custom of land grant roads not
to take out patents for lands until the
company was ready to put them on the
market or thought there was an oppor
tunity to dispose of them. The com
panies held that unpatented lands were
not taxable, but in this the supreme
onnrfc doa not asree with them. One
good effect of this decision, in addition
to the revenue derived from taxation,
will be to induce the companies to find
purchasers for the lands who will develop
them. As long as they could be held
without expense the corporation owners
were Willing to hold on and let the lands
increase in value by reason of the grad
ual absorption by settlers of other cheap
homes. Omaha Bee.
Styx,which was subject io violent storms.
When one of these storms came up, it
was thought that some one on board was
evil, and they practiced throwing over
board those they thought to be bad. In
some cases lots were cast to find the more
evil ones. In this sense it was Jonah of
old that was thrown overboard. Thus
we have the story of Jonah, his object,
and bow he was saved. Much merri
ment is made about the whale swallow
ing Jonah. The story does not 6ay such.
When we learn more about whales, we
find they belong to that class of fishes
that are mammalian. They breathe air,
and give birth to, and suckle their young,
and arts filao marsuDial. and have a sack
in which to care for the young. The
sack can exclude the water, and admit
the air, and is the place of the teat.
In the picture writing of theold Aztex
written on papyrus made just like the
Egyptians made papyrus, they say they
wato first called Chichmecs, Then
others came in boats and they became
Toltecs. Then came others again in
boats, and they became a new people
called Aztex. Then the Spanish and the
Mex. The Norse and Dane settled ice
land and Greenland six hundred years
and over before Columbus crossed the
Atlantic. The timo of the Chichmecs
was near the ago of Prometheus, Zoroas
ter, Abraham and Brahmina. TheTedic
age was that of Abram, which read from
right to left was Brahma. The sign of
Ar. Ir. and Tur is found among all their
peoples, and around the globe.
ri.o. jovva.
i trenches nearest Santiago, a heavy fire
then being overhead, but not aimed at
us, each company did duty in the
trenches twenty-four hours. We were
from Sunday until Friday night without
any blankets, tents, etc. After the sur
render, which by the way was very im
pressive, we were ordered back about
three miles into the hills, and were
camped on San Juan Heightsfor about
thirty-five days. There the sickness
began. I have seen 310 men of our reg
iment lined up for the sick report. We
UBed dog tents for ten days, then were
issued the larger ones. The suffering
was terrible, poor food and water being
the cause. Quinine was issued night and
morning. About 15,000 soldiers, were
camped on the hill side by side.
It was a long time before I had a
chance to go into Santiago; finally was
ordered in with a detail, and made
several trips before leaving.
Orders were received to return home;
the second and third battalions were
ordered aboard the Hudson, the first
being left behind Alwnt a week later
the first was ordered aboard the Minne-
waska, arriving at Montauk Point, N. Y.,
in about five days. We were kept in
detention three days, after which we
went into general camp for ten days.
Finally the looked-for orders came to go
home. September 9, wo arrived in this
city, amid one of the greatest ovations
the citv has witnessed for years. We
were f urloughed for sixty days and then
mustered out The citizens of the Dis
trict presented the regiment with medals,
appropriately engraved, being made of
metal from the battle ship Maine.
Geo. B. Graves.
and Colfax counties; the republicans
nominated D. P. Whepley. For senator
to represent Colfax and Platte counties,
M. Whitmoyer was nominated by the
In the account of the Fifth annual
meeting of the Platte county Sunday
school convention we find named in the
program, the following: Rev. Thomas
Bavne. Rev. J. A. Hood, Rev. C. C. Star-
buck, Elder H. J. Hudson, Rev. J. A.
Reed, Rev. B. S. Taylor, C. G. Hickok, L
P. Gage, E. A. Gerrard, Marshall Smith
W. H. Prescott
Henry M. Barnes died at his residence
in Madison. Nov. 3. aged 62 years. He
resided in Columbus during the winter
of 1866-7, and in the spring of the latter
year removed to Madison county, mark-
incr tne route irom uoiumons wnu
pieces of tin tied to 6taxes wnicn were
driven into the ground to serve as land
marks for a road from that point
Major Frank North and his brother.
Capt Luther H. with their one hundred
Pawnee scouts passed west on the Union
Pacific, September 13. They welcomed
the greeting of the citizens by ohanting
a war song. Within an hour from the
tima the Maior arrived at tho Reserva
tion, and without any effort on his part,
two hundred offered to serve as scouts
for Uncle Sam against the Sioux.
Guy C. Barnum, jr., returned from the
Centennial and submitted to the edito
rial call for items, which he gave to the
extent of a half column. What struck
him the hardest was the big Krupp gun.
27 feet long, weighing 104 tons and
requiring 276 pounds of powder at a
charge; its range 7 miles, and at 5 miles
it shattered to pieces a target made of
14-inch solid steel plate backed with
heavy timber; manufactured by the
Krupp company in Germany and sold to
Turkey for 3180,000 in gold.
CMfirt, Ectnir Mi SpNi
to the
Pullman Tourist Sleepers
Via Union Pacific
Daily from Chicago Sb Co. Bltjff3.
Personally Conducted Weekly.
Leave Minneapolis and St. Paul
Every Thursday.
Leave Co. Blupts and Omaha
Every Fciday.
Maximum, cemfert at minimum cast,
is the principle upon which these cars
are built and operated.
Do not complete arrangements for
your trip west, until you are fully in
formed on these tourist and personally
conducted excursions.
Advertising matter and full informa
tion can be obtained by calling on or
addressing 4t C.E.Jot, Agent
(IX Sl. ()
JHaitD wars ago.
The case of Woodruff against the city
of Kearney was called in tho federal
court at Lincoln Thursday. It involves
tho validity of $60,000 of bonds voted by
the city to tho Kearney Canal and Water
Supply company, tho claim being that
tho contract under which the bonds
were issued has not been complied with,
. and -that the bonds are invalidated.
The Berlin correspondent of the
Daily News mentions a rumor from tst.
Petersburg that Count Leo Tolstoi will
be banished for championing tho cause
of the dissenters who are being perse
cuted into wholesale emigration from
the Caucasian districts, mostly for Can
ada, whether one of Tolstoi's sons is go
ing to inspect land that has been ac-
quired for the emigrants.
The record number of British war
ships now being built, amounts to 119,
ranging from the heaviest battleships to
the torpedo destroyers. There are
twenty-eight armored 6hips, the number
. - -exceeding by two the entire Russian
fleet of battleships and treble the num
ber of armored vessels in the American
navy. Unusual activity is being shown
everywhere in England's naval prepar
ations. Paris, has found a new vice the
drinking of petroleum. It is said the
taste can only be cultivated, but after
cultivation it developes into a passion.
" " The doctors are agreed on one thing it
depresses the drinker; instead of making
the victim pugnacious or quarrelsome,
it makes him melancholy and silent.
Physicians are closely watching develop
ments, as every vice, when persisted in,
results in a form of disease.
- - General Eaoan, commissary general
of subsistence, has been found guilty of
the charges of conduct unbecoming an
- oCeer and a gentleman, and of conduct
to tho prejudice of good order and dis
cipline, and has been sentenced by the
court martial to dismissal from the
.-.United States army, but with a recom
mebdatkm from the court for the exer-
of executive clemency, wnat re-
i wholly with the president
Trichinae has proved fatal to Another
of the Kellermans at Fairbury. A post
mortem on the body of Mrs. Kellerman
showed parts of tho body to be fairly
alive with trichinae. Three weeks ago a
farmer named Kellerman butchered a
hog afflicted with trichinae. The fam
ily, comprising himself, wife and seven
children, partook of meat which was in
sufficiently cooked. Three days later, a
dauchter died and now the mother,
nttar fonrfnl Bufferinc exuires. The
father can live but a few days. The
family is miserably poor and Kellerman,
with his five remaining children, lie in a
singlo room, conscious of what is going
on, but rigid and unable to move.
Editor Journal: I with other mem
bers of Co. K, went on board the trans
port Ohio, December 15, and sailed
December 18, 96, from Manila for home.
About a week before we sailed Capt
Kilian arrived with his recruits from
Honolulu. They were a well-drilled
body of men and presented a fine appear-
ance, but we, ine original memuvn ui
Co. K. shall always look upon Lieut C.
W. Jens as our commander, for it was
under him that we made the long, tedious
voyage, endured the hardships and 'pri
vations of the Manila campaign, and took
part in the siege and capture of Manila,
and whatever service we may have done
our country or whatever glory we may
have gained thereby, Lieut. Jens as our
commander is entitled to a full share of
it He is as brave a man as ever heard
the shriek of a shell or the peculiar
whisper of a Manser; a thorough gentle
man and as good an officer as ever drew
a sword. In the latter part of August
he was offered the captaincy of Co. G,
which he refused as he would rather
remain with his own company that he
had gone through the campaign with as
lieutenant than draw the higher salary
and add another bar to his shoulder
straps as captain of another company.
All the sick boys who left Manila
improved wonderfully during the voyage
and we hope to see the rest of our com
rades home again before long.
C. J. Cockson.
Corp'l. Co. K, First Nebraska.
The Omaha World-Herald has this to
say of one of the great thinkers and
preachers of the country, succeeding, at
Chicago, Prof. Swing, and now Lyman
Abbott and Henry Ward Beecher:
"Rev. Dr. Hillis, who was lately called
from Chicago to the pastorate of Plym
outh church, Brooklyn, is a westerner
born and bred. He was born in Iowa.
but his younger days were spent in Ne
braska and Nebraska schools that he re
ceived the touch of the influences that
have made him known throughout the
land. He first attended school in Paw
nee county, and it was while a resident
of Pawnee county that he entered upon
the work of the ministry.
Secretary Porter seems very loth to
have the fool republicans monkeying
with the contract for the legislative
printing which he made a month or six
weeks before the legislature convened.
In-as-much as Porter is one of the lead
ers in the great Savings & Reform move
ment and the contract was let to a popu
list concern at an advance in prices over
the last session he is not to be blamed
for objecting to a close investigation oi
his method of doing business. A little
probing of this contract reduced the
price of bill titles from 82 per set to 25
cents. Probe it again. Leigh World.
Impeachment charges against Judge
C. R. Scott of Omaha were presented
by Attorney D. W. Van Ettan Friday to
the legislature. Ht says: "If I am
as bad a man as Judge Scott thinks me
to be, I ought to be debarred, and if he
is as bad a man as I know him to be, he
ought not to be on the bench, and I
want the legislature to make investiga
tions." His charges include corruption
in office, extortion, oppression. He is
informed and believes that the judge is
also addicted to the use of intoxicating
liquors, morphine and cocaine.
Some of the fire insurance companies
safer attacks of hysteria at every ses-
jakm of the Nebraska legislature. They
contend for the untaxed right to do
" business in Nebraska without let or hin
drance and ,to treat their patrons as
they may see fit It is desirable that
the legislature lay down the principle
that loss by fire is not prima facie evi
dence of arson and that the aggregate
losses in this 6tate alone are not a true
for computing flat premium rates.
Bee. -
T . 2
The account of a singular casualty
comes from SteubenviUe, Ohio, under
"date of "January 26. It is a pretty
Mnoti mnntrv. ncht there, but we
. didn't suppose that those rocks were so
tnl tnmhW "The home of
TtMiiel Uarns at the north end of this
city has been crushed by a huge rock
weighing about 100 tons, which loosened
from the top of a hill and rolled down
Hfc fngatfwl force. It crushed one
end of a loaded gondola car on a siding
and twisted the track out of shape.
Mr. Barns was buried under the debris
sad i badly injured. His wife was buried
aajjfatt "y V"! k seriously hurt
Eir aos, who was steeping upstairs,
was carried on ms bed along with the
, a distance of eighty feet and con-
For Tax Jocbsal.
All peoples have a history and phil
osophy that go back to the origin of
things. And they all really mean near
the same when read alike. The cosmog-
of early Europe makes tnai au
things sprang from unaos. ms was
infinite space or the universe. Chaos
was the mother of Erebus and Nox,
which was darkness and night And
besides from Chaos sprang Ga, Eros
and Tartarus. Ga was the ground.
Eros was power to grow, and Tartarus
(as onomatopsjic) meant the terrific or
terrible, and applied in many forms.
Onr rfobe. described as covered with
darkness and the deep, and through sub
sidence andielevation the seas gathered,
and the continents appeared. Thepower
to float, and boat around the deep came
from Charon. When one drownedit was
evidence that they were bad. In the
same sense it was Boreas that blew the
north wind, and Euroclydon was the
storm king.
All large bodies of water in ye olden
time were called riv, or river. In very
early days it was said that Charon
rowed galleys across the river, now the
Atlantic The legend gives that "it took
Charon a month to row across.'' In the
further side of the river was a stream,
like our Galf stream, called the river
Washington, D. C.
Editor Journal: The First District
of Columbia Volunteer regiment was
mustered into the service of the United
States by companies, between May 11
and 17. On Friday May 13, the first
battalion, of which I was a member, (Co.
G.) was ordered to Camp Alger, a.,
about eleven miles from this city, the
Second and Third joining us as fast as
they were mustered in.
Saturday, May 21, the regiment was
ordered to Chickamauga, Georgia. Took
train from camp to Washington, was
reviewed by the President, and after
resting in the white house lot for several
hours, was marched to depot and board
ed the train for camp Geo. H. Thomas,
Chickamauga Park.
While there met a regiment from Ne
braska, had the pleasure of meeting D.
F. Davis' brother, D. F. being in Chick
amauga at tho time, but was unable to
see him. also a number of boys from
On the afternoon of May 30, the regi
ment was ordered to Tampa, Florida.
Wednesday morning we struck eamp and
marched to Rossville, Tennessee, H miles
distant, and boarded train, three sections
of sleepers being used, arriving June 4.
At Tampa the boys commenced getting
sick, poor food, heavy clothing and too
much drilling iu the hot sand laid many
a boy on hislwck. There we were drill
ed on an average four hours a day, be
sides taking a practice march of eight
miles three times a week; on these trips
we were in line at 4 o'clock in the morn
ing, marched to Tampa Heights and then
put through a drill of about five hours,
then marched back to camp.
June 26, the regiment was ordered
aboard the steamer Hudson, as we
thought for Porto Rico. After loading
the horses, supplies, eta the order was
July 1, orders were received to go
aboard the Catania. Broke camp July
2, at 2 o'clock in the morning, sailed July
3 at 10 a. ul, reaching Key West July 4,
pumps broke down on ship and we laid
nr twAntr.fonr hours for repairs. The
Wasp acting as convoy, we started with
eleven other transports all loaded with
soldiers, but on account of our ship being
in such poor condition we were left in
the rear. July 9, Guantanamo was
reached; from there we were ordered by
water to Siboney, arriving there about
noon, July 10. We immediately com
menced to land, the war ships providing
with boats with which to unload
Our acconnt this week begins with
Sept 13, 76, and ends with Jan. 25, 1877.
Dr. T. A. Pinkney died Oct 18, 1876.
Fat hogs sold for S4.75, Nov. 29, 1876.
The opera house was completed and
ready for use.
Monday, Oct 9, E. J. Baker paid out
$2,100 for wheat
"Oh, give us some rest," was a form of
slang in those days.
J. A. Reed and F. P. Burgess addressed
the Hayes and Wheeler club.
Ex-Gov. Henry A. Wise of Virginia
died at Richmond Sept 12, 1876.
George N. Derry and Miss Annie E.
Marmoy were married Jan. 16, '76.
Wm. E Walton and wife from Loudon
county, Virginia located at Genoa.
During the month of October, 1876,
there were shipped from here 399 cars of
Died, Jan. 7, 1877, Mrs. Marcia Barn
um, aged 78 years. She was mother of
Guy C. Barnum.
School in District No. 13 opened with
Miss E Clark as principal, and Miss E.
Coffey, assistant
Pat. Mnrrav becan excavating for a
brick building between Drake's store and
Dr. Pinkney's office.
The teachers in District No. 1 were:
C. D. Rakestraw, Miss Bessie A. Hachett
and Mrs. J. A. Ballon.
John Hosner, near George Birney's,
lost by prairie fire, his dwelling, Btable,
etc., about 500 worth.
James E. North returned from the
Black Hills and said gold dust was
plentiful at Deadwood.
Francis G. Becher died Friday morn
ing, Nov. 10, 1876, of heart diseaso,
in ihe forty-third year of his age.
The republicans nominated Thomas C.
Ryan for representative, and Chris.
Meedel for county commissioner.
Threo families in Butler county were
afflicted with small-pox. Horace Wilsey
dying Dec. 20, '76. Dr. Hoehen attended
all the patients.
The house of Matthew Burke, near
Andrew Mathis's was struck by lightning
and considerably damaged. Mr. and
Mrs. Burke were badly shocked.
Benjamin Spielman as sheriff, adver
tised for sale on a judgment in favor of
George P. Benns and against ueorge
Francis Train, N. W. N. E. 23, 17, 1 W.,
appraised at $10 an acre.
John Huber, auctioneer at Barclay
Jones' sale, reported horses and ponies
t &in ti Sinn, a nair of mules with har
ness, $250; cows $16 to $51; hogs, 350
pounds, $11; fat cattle cheap.
The Journal used a quarter of a
column to record in a serio-comic man
ner how "Belisarius" tried to catch a
hog. All the funny drives just then
seemed to catch S. O. Raymond.
E A. Brown presented specimens of
Iriuai Per Sale.
For sale, or exchange for real estate
near any live town in Nebraska, 160
acres, 80 acres under cultivation, houso,
barn, etc. Six miles east and 2 miles
noith of ColumbuB, and 4 miles from
Benton station.
A purchaser will be given long time
for payment, if desired. For terms, ap
ply to Becher, Jaeogi k Co. tf
Te Chicago aad the Emit.
Passengers going east for business, will
naturally gravitate to Chicago as the
great commercial center. Passengers
re-visiting friends or relatives in the
eastern states always desiro to "take in"
Chicago en route. All classes, of passen
gers will find that the "Short Line" of
the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail
way, via Omaha and Council Bluffs,
affords excellent facilities to reach their
destinations in a manner that will be
sure to give the utmost satisfaction.
A reference to the time tables will m
.i:a tu mntA fr Iia nhofien. and. by
asking any principal agent west of the
Miosnnn rivAr fnr n tiftket over the
Chicago, Council Bluffs & Omaha Short
Lane or tne unicago, nuwauaw .
Paul Railway, you will bo cheerfully
furnished with the proper passport via
Omaha and Chicago. Please note iuh
all of the "Short Line" trains arrive in
Chicago in ample timo to connect with
theexpresatrainsof all the great thro ngu
car lines to the principal oastern cities
For additional particulars, time tabl
maps, etc., please call on or address
A. Nash. General Agent, Omaha. Neb.
Bttntfc TlililiYwwWfchWS
The Way to go te California
Is in a tourist sleeping car personally
conducted via the Burlington Route.
You don't change cars. You make fast
time. You see the finest scenery on the
Your car is not so expensively finished
nor so fine to look at as a palace sleeper
but it is just as clean, just as comforta
ble, just as good to ride in, and nearly
Thn Bnrlinffton excursions leave every
Thursday, reaching San Francisco Sun
day and Los Angeles Monday. Porter
with each car. .Excursion manager witu
each party. For folder giving full infor
mation call at nearest B. & M. R R.
depot or write to J. Francis, Gen'l. Pas
senger Ag't, Omaha, Neb. june-26-99
O Jk. m tf O TL X -sV .
Btmtii sTki KM Yw Htw Ahwjs JlsjM
Columbus, Neb
January IO, 1)
. 6.623 01
. 2,779 M
. 2ft3M
152 85
Don't irritato yonr lungs with a
stubborn cough when a pleasant and
effective remedy may be found in BAL
Price 25 cents and CO cents. Dr. A.
Heintz and Pollock & Co.
For Imfamts and Childrem.
lis Usl Ymj Dm Alw ap BNCkt
Bears the
Signature of
$10,620 'M
...$ 6.000 00
... 3.826 05
... 794 15
Merchandise on hand
Bills receivable
Buildings and office fixture.
Cash ob hand..
Undivided profits and surplus. .
Capital stock.
Other liabilities .
Balance surplus account
$10,620 20
Statk or Nebraska. ) .
Platte County. ) .. ,
1. David Rchupbach. President aad Treasurer
of the Columbus Lumber Company, do solemnly
swear that the foregoing statement of the condi
tion of said Columbus Lumber Company is true
and correct to the host of my knowledge and
belief. David 8cHCPBcH,
President and Treasurer.
Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before
me this 18tn day of January, A. D. 1899.
18-ian-3 Notary Public.
Of the condition of the Columbus Luwl, Loan
ami Building Association of Columbus, AV
brasla. on the 31st day of December, ISM.
First mortgage loans. ..
.$ 91.600 00
Loans secured by stock of this asso
ciation '!': .
Real es'ate .-- 2J
Expenses and taxes paid -,- '
Cobh with treasurer !,- m
19.383 45
1.345 00
823 20
Lowest Bates
.. VIA ..
3aNB PTv
-m. mm ovu . a
Total $112.932 65
Capital stock, paid up S8?-'
Premiums paid .??! ri
interest received
Fines collected ........
Entry and transfer fees received..
Total $112,882 65
State of Nebraska, m
Platte Connty. j"" . . ,.
I. Henry Hockenberger, secretary of tho
above named association, do solemnly, swear
that the foregoing statement of the condition of
said association, is truo and correct to tho best
f my knowledge and belief.
Henry IIockembeboer,
Subscribed and sworn to before mo this lltli
iay of January. 18W. o.T.Kokn,
Notary Public.
My commission expires January 23. 1899.
V. H. Weaver. ) . A
W. SCHILZ, f wirecioni.
Loch F. Phuxifps, )
about twenty naen to a boat; this made
the work tedious aa well aa dangerous.
About midnight we were all on Cuban
soil, and after securing a guide, marched
to where the Rough Riders had their
first fight, two miles distant from Sib
oney, the majority of ne sea-sick and in
poor condition. We were ordered to
pitch tents, putting everything inside, a
detail of twenty-five being left to guard
the effects. One hundred rounds of
ammunition wew issued to each man
and at 4 in the morning we were ordered
to San Juan, (12 miles distant), at that
time the firing line. We carried noth
ing but rifles, cartridges, caateen and
belt We wars ordered to occupy the
ft. nnoiant. Mnnnd ISQllUerS worn
found on his farm, and a tooth from the
old-fashioned horse with toes found
sixty feet feet from the surface, in S. B.
Cowlee's well.
"Hello, Mr. Browner, where are you
putting your corn; I don't see it in the
bin," said one of John's neighbors to him
one day. wOh, I'm putting it into fifty
five bins," answered John, and be had a
fine lot of porkers.
Tha Vnnncr Americas, a Columbus
base ball nine that played and won, 23 to
17, against a Schuyler nine were: C. A.
Brindley, Louis Weaver, J. W. Coohdge,
David Smith, H. Hudson, Chas. Wake,
Charles Huber and Wm. Davis.
This paragraph appeared in The Joub
xai. of January 3, 1877, quoted from the
Omaha Republican: "Major A. M. Post,
formerly consul at Cape Verde, has
resigned his position and will locate in
Columbus in the practice of law."
G. W. Brown started, November 18,
1876, with his stock, for his new home on
the Cedar. J. H. Beed. formerly of
Mansfield, Ohio, who bought Mr. Brown's
section of land, arrived in the city, fol
lowed the same week by his family.
Frank Haas, who was on the straw
stack at a threshing at Mr. Mapes' of
Polk county, was killed instantly by
lightning, which struck him on the head.
The other men were so severely shocked
that for a time they were unconscious.
The Union Pacific company brought
suit against Platte county .to recover
taxes paid in 1870, 1, upon land claim
ed by them to be unpatented. The sum
involved, with interest, was $18,000.
Whitmoyer and Millet were attorneys
for the connty.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Speice left Sept
28, 1876 for the Black Hills, and A. J.
Arnold returned from there the same
day. Baker, Delong, Coffey and Hud
son were occupying Arnold's cabin.
Charles Davis was at Whitewood.
Steve Long at Coster.
September 4, 1876, at night, in Platte
Erecinct Polk county, quite a number of
orses were killed by lightning. The
owners were: Oliver Seott, 2; Willard
Scott, 2; Nelson Scott 1; Ony Beebe, 2;
James Beebe, 1. All but one were in the
same stable, which was burned down.
In Thk Joubxai. of Jan. 24, 1877 is
this paragraph: The new law firm will
be styled Whitmoyer, Gerrard Post
The old firm had a large practice, and
the addition of Mr. Poet, who is well
versed in the law, will add strength to
the inn- and secure a still larger practice.
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tion can bo obtained by calling on or
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Let Banners Wave. I
Caleb Davis of-Batter county
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date for representative of Platte, Butler
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A Romantic Contest...
A young man in Nebraska fell desperately in love wilh a
girl in his class at college and desired to declare his love iu
writing. The World-Herald asks its readers to join in giving
him a suitable sentence. Can you mak a suitable one from
this skeleton?
y r8A s a e
h n I cc o en
p ! cl
o I n o BJt- h e
The Omaha Weekly World-Herald will give a
Cash Prize of $100.00
to the person who can fill out the skeleton words in the above
sentence most completely by using the following letters:
The 75 persons who come nearest to winning the cash prize but do
not win it will eachjeceive the Svrsvxt World-Hbuld, twenty-four
pages every Sunday, one year free.
Every contestant who succeeds in completing aa many as 11 of
the incomplete words, whether he wins cash or a subscriptioa to the
Sunday World-Herald or not, will receive as a premium "Snap Shots"
of the Trans-Mississippi exposition, containing about forty excellent
half-tone photographic views of the buildings and grounds.
To enter the contest simply write the sentence, legibly, aa nearly
complete as you can, put after it figures indicating how many words
you have completed, and give your name and address. It is required
that each competitor send in the same letter with his sentence a year's
subscription to the Wekelt Wowj-Hkatj, -which is issued in semi
weekly sections, at one dollar a year. Those who win the Sunday tub
icription will also receive the Weekly paper for which they have paid.
Residents of Omaha are barred from the contest.
The contest closes February 28th, 1899. In case of a tie the prlxe
money will be tquaUf divided. This offer has been submitted to the
postal authorities at Washington and they say it is not objectionable.
Weekly World-Herald,
Wa IU Market
Fresh, and
Salt Meats
Game and Fish in Season.
JNvTHigheet market prices paid for
Hides and Tallow.
We Carry Coffins, Caskets ans"
Metallic Caskets Burial
Robes, Etc.
The Jouknaii ia making up a club
for the Youth's Companion. Don't you
wish to join?
X D. 8TIBE3.
Soathwaat eoraar Elevaath aad North Streaaj
4jolj-y CoLUxaaa, Maasaaaa.