The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, December 21, 1898, Image 1
IP 5?3''?ST,5&V1 '? "?t!r , - - n. .- -ria,- ?&. 3- SpSrr,-. rT JK. v5iPj!io!jr S- J! . -"4' r- -?,- t r i . VOLUME XXIX.-KtJMBEK 37. COLTJMBtTS. NEBRASKA. tf)AY. DECEMBER 21. 18S6. WHOLE NUMBER 1.493. We OMitm jurnal BBaMeaaeaaaaaaaaaaaMiMaaaeaaaaMaaiaWeeaMaaMMieaeeaieaaaKMMaMaMMeMaaei 5 . -.WCt- ' .. J- - S . "--' - m . "- . '' .-. - .- t fr..-. - - ' aaaHBjita& fcraa H ar aWl'i ;--...- Hfl - " El- Li " ill i ."- "- ' . - - ; - . - , . - -.- .' . t ''-'.' :' IS IB SMH1M HHHtD Til ttttt? frmm it Mka Btf ttSeSKk . REPORTED. Many cases Ail of Them. Howctci; A; g. a. 3CM Character Tfca Sntry tae State Aaard of He&llfc late tbc Salter X Apprwtim Wm Coa-u-4. j garters, two pairs ladies wool mitts, t acic. -a,oii. j three odd ladies' wool mitts, one pair i The treaty of peace has been signed. For a number of weei. past there ' child's wool mitts one ostrich tip , The American and Spanish, commis fras been a form of disea. prevalent ' (black), one hat pin. one K P- pin, sioners place their signatures to docn in.this city, says a Nebraska City dis-J one silver cuff button, one baby pin,'Tneax containing- terms patch, which has caused much com-1 one collarette and pin. one gold link James Shaw, the only suniviag ment among physicians and citizens ia cuff buttoa, oae scarf pin, one fancy member of the Wi-higap letrisiature of general. The physicians do not agree breast pin. oae opal rias, oae ring 1S47, when Detroit Traa the capital of as to what the disease is. some de- garnet aad brilliants; three pairs nose vtigm died. Jaat irg-. aced SC. !iCtfVr'iTI1faK , tSLl!!S7I"ret!!,:C' tmc' OweTZeigler aad Hattie Mattheirs torn, and otaexs etherise. The same , pan- spectacles-gold; twenty-one as- cf Tork tame nfectit seems to have been prevalent sorted purses, twenty-ane assorted d before the Queen Citr fa manr pities land towns oftae state-, pocketboo assorted xey. twenty atmedc club at Toronto last night. The board of health after a fall laves- nine assorted umbrellas, one grrp with ,. rr. . ft , - i vZ. - tigation does not think there is or has baby clothes, seven assorted hand-r Joh 1- Rockfeller claims tham there been a case of smallpox in the city, bags, one child's jacket, six assorted overvaluation of his property to A meeting -aras held last evening in Dr. J children't caps, two assorted ladies' . tie a2100111 ot KIOKML fie brings Hoss' office to consult regarding the f jackets, one baby's white cape, five. suit 'm ew Jersey to have it lowered matter, attended by city officials and assorted ladies' capes, sik lined; three H C Rathbone of Ohio, ex-assistant, other citizens. The meeting decided i assorted ladies" capes, eleven assorted postmaster general, has been appoint- to support the work of the board of health in every way in stamping out this epidemic, whatever it may be. Re- Tently two physicians from over the river in Iowa came here to investi- ?ate the matter so as to protect their country if there was smallpox here. They examined one cr two cases under ae care o a local doctor and went home scattering broadcast the news that there were numerous cases of the dread disease here. Iowa would like " nothing better than to scare their peo ple m this matter as a large share of their people come here to do their j trading. ! Dr. Crammer of Omaha, secretary of the state board of health, was in the city today tion and ca i-.wiiTirir.Ti 5-i.a V.t- a;,- nVnl,i.. -i. : j w- i. !j t ". . .,fl.? ? i"'h?!lf lS e ,, nl?.? Sw'LiS Only one death has occurred and that was due to tributary causes. This statement causes no alarm among the citizens and many are not con vinced that the disease is smallpox. Omaha dispatch The conference of physicians of Nebraska City, held in that town Friday resulted in a seasa ticnal disclosure. The conference was called for the purpose of discussing and determining the nature of a disease that has been prevalent there since the later part of August and is now be coming an epidemic After a careful ravestisation and a recital of the de- tails in each case of the disease it, was csujusucu oeyonu a uouijl uni ..klIl..J 1 X J .. A. - - th epidemic is smallpox. and a.cer a brief consalta- j. . M w- Rl n tnorcugh investigation a .i..- , - 1 . X . Dr- Crammer is authority for the j statement that the investigation show- ' ed that about 200 cases of smallpox had occurred since August. In each instance the house where the infected person lived was marked with a card proclaiming "Infectious Disease." One of Dr. Towne s duties will be to see that these houses are marked "Small pox" instead. Dr Crummer says the contanion must necessarily have . . spread to other towns since it appeared ' at Nebraska City, but that there is no cause for alarm, as it is controllable. ' He says "Universal vaccination and r-vaccination should be adopted by our people all over the state, and the health boards should be on the alert in every town to discover the first case -?and isolate the iatiear The state board is doing all it n to assist ia tie . matter, and has given up considerable time to the work and all an tick, for ' cur legislatures in the past have only ' proTicea runds for the nrotection of live .......W - r ' a-&. iiuc contagious cisease none whatever tor the human family, f - ve hope, however, to see this lis defect remedied in the near future." ' i SoMnm Grows ZClctXy. The state museum in one of the uni versity buildings has made a wonder ful growth since the close of the ex- DOSinon. Th( T"n?tt Snrnc T t-. r tccirtw ...c. a.......... J . 1 JfSii13? a d?Lhcate.set u mi jiLsi uiauiuuuni uiuozii Tha c-.eT-.TT-- -n " v "T-1: ' SMLSr v, m rSS t ! ---. j. -- ""v u . also received many addiaons. the most interesting one in point of size being, tae mens - ,. . . e 5trcus tree section presented ate from the Oregon exhibit-1 i.w wur a-iu; irui tae uregon exaiait- i . a A-juiiu. i.o oe ico large to go in at any doorway of the university build- rugs excepting tae gun room of the ar mory, where it been set up until at some future time a buSdimr mav Be , par up to properly accommodate this natural curiosity. A large collection j of honeys and dried fruits of all kinds . have also been secured from tie ex- . position and the plan new is to divide ' the museum into three Higrr-t depart- f " meat agricultural, industrial ?tt? the i regular natural history department. Df tti of -Tmthcr Bev. Father Goodale died at his res idence here very suddenly last evening, says a Columbus t?fgpair- at the age cf S4 years. He had been in his usual aeaitn up to tae day of his death. A. sadcen attack of heart disease is sup posed to be the cause. He was one of the seven founders of the Psi Bta Kappa, of Ualoa colleare. Afterward he attended the Episcopal theolocical seminary at New York city, graduating ' in 1S4L In 1S5S Father Goodale came to Nebraska and "was appointed as mis sionary along the Union Pacific He established churches in Lincoln, Ash 'land. Fremont. Colamhas and- Silver Creek. He was- chaplain of the sen ate daring the sess:oa cf. the eighth IflgT- islature and this city has been his . home for aver thirty years. Ifr. Good ale s father was a revolutioaary sol dier. He leaves one daughter. Urs. VI .T Price, of Sapid City. S. D. 2aaatim Aetfea Fiiiaii 4 The state board of health is beina- urzed bv tie arthoriries nf -rm-iTrnf ts I towns and cities rathe eastern part of I tae state to take sone deeT.-?e arrirm i in enforcing a quarantine Td stamping our. the smallpox. The members of the beard express themselves as wining to iw cc i, m rag, jKBssiuie. asi: can attea- tion to the fact that there is ao aosev, provTcea ay tne state tcr aa of this kind. It i3 possible, er1 aowever. that if tne staanpex scare conrinaeB some actioB. win be take aad the !e- Islature win be asked to make good, tae money that win have to be used. The rJcr?on erisriar aetweea. Sa-i penatendeat Haxre aad nhTiiaf XL von ForreC ac the state school has calauaated ia the tendeat relieving Terrell aaty.i XlGxie charged Tom ForreE -vita. -work ing to secare tae jMSitioa ai Teadext aad later tsak taat T" Coacniasicner TVoIfe today; lays an Omaha paper; completed- tie sale of the furnishings cf tie Xebrasla baildi3 cm tie xposit3Qa gronnds. There were aalr a. feir bidders pres - eat, bur, ik articles sold broasht gsad prices. Another memento at the. exposition i come in .the shape of a circular aezng j seat out by the secretary for the sale of lost, and found articles that were t uuiu uj tuiujij uj utc .wtiiKiuuj, wmen wui occur soon, iimons tae I articles enumerated are theiollgyingr One lady's gold watch. 7rgin. 129- 4a; fifty-six single kid gloves,, six pairs kid gIoves.tiree pairs silk gloves, three pairs silk mitts, seven assortsd -ran. i-r-4-. wta k-.v. chiefs, eight assortsd "g three sOir ladies capes, black; one lady's cap. bro. silk; One gent's black vest, one boy's blue serge coat, new; oae gent's "white shirt and collar, no IS; one pair t ladies rubbers, oae baby's hood, knit; , cue child's doll carriage, two men's straw hats, oae white wool fascinator. t oce blue plash pin cushion, two black fascinators, one child's sailer hat, one lady's hat. black plume; three chil dren's sailor hats, one black fur muff. one black cashmere shawl, one gray wool shawL torn. Second Soldier Bar By the death of Frank S. Glover at Manila December 5. of typhoid fever. ! w " "- aJU just t lork. are called upon to mourn the less of ! second Mn b th- volimiMr ' ?K the ccaat of Japan, and was bar- ied at sea. Private Frank Glover was a young man about thirty years old aad enlisted as a recruit, leaving York with Captain Holdeman and the other recruits for company A. the latter part of June. He was a fine specimen cf manhood, and every inch a soldier. It was his greatest expectation to be with his brother, but before -leaving Hono lulu it seems that he received the sad intelligence that his brother had died. ' It is presumed that this caused, him to be despondent and taking sick with the fever he became an easv rjrey AfilT-"T CAwr-iA- -nvTl V. nTl I .! 11,-"r,nw, r tvi- W. ' Kctmnml KloatUkers t Tort. York dispatchr Sam and Thomas Rinehart, of Des Jloines, Iowa, just ' retaming from the Kloadike gold re gioas. passed a few days in rh; city this week visiting their sister. Mrs. F O. Zeigiar. These gentlemen tell some very glowing accounts of that country and have great faith in its mineral development. They r?nrm the country is fall of gold. They have been prospecting for a company at Des Moines. Iowa, and their pTa?-rtg are all located on United States territory. The British government is very unjust, they say. to all prosDectors who come to ' their territory, and many are robbed of all they have owing to the heavy du- ' ties imposed. They expect to return ' soon with a large supply of provis ions and material and work their claims to a finish. , SaJeMe at Frank Neiman. PlmttaKooth. a cigarmaker. com- -. a. . a"tted suicide at Plattsmcuth by tak- , m? powm. Meman was about forty rears old ana unmamec. His relatives J are ail dead. H hari tripr? Tmcnrrpc- fallv several tiaies iforp rn IrflJ him. self! The landladv with whom h i an n rf aaw w -t - iuuum ui boarded entered the room and found 1 e Omaha and Winnebago agency b-v him past all help. About a vear ago ' Secretary Bliss cf Jie intsner lapart he went tnthsSLP. halL l&'kf? hi-m- ment to talk ever -aittnrs connected i. crf-f 5n I nrnori nr nfl the -n; iat-a a-nj? ' . .... .... s t.;j - ... .. .. c r . --. a happened along some time later and found him in time to prevent deatn. He Pnmonaeed insane and sent to J jjjg asylum at .Lincoln and remained c cw ,r,e 5?, ., v-. ncareatlv all rrzhn This fe rho txen apparently au rrznt. lqx tQXtnh sdde fa piartsmouth. r.,. -rrv s m the jg- Coaaty Jail Reports. The statutes provide that county sheriffs shall, on or before the 1st day j f November of each year, make out a t Jair report, one copy of which shall be s111 to the clerk of the district, court. one to the county clerk aad one to the secretary of state. The law is so little observed that, for last year only one re- port, that from Howard county, was filed with the secretary of state, a when it came ia no one around the state house knew what to do with. it. It seems that in recent years no such. reports have been sent in. This year the Howard county sheriff sent ia an other report and called attention to the J law. which is found on page TOO of the latest CompHed Statutes. The eighty nine other sheriffs in the state have failed to notice the -provisioa. X Drrfeioa Tet. Ia tae recent election an attemnt was made to divide the countv- of Knox, and t while a majority cf the voters express ed themselves in favor of division, the proposition did not receive a majority cf aE voces cast at the election. There was taea a hope among the voters that the law could be so construed rhnr the total number of votes cast, for the leadiag candidates on the ticket could be ased as the basis, which would stnT t give a majority for divisioa. The mat-. treary. 'P'a- commission has two raf ter was submitted to the attorney gen-J ies. bur evea the eaatmiagfrn employes erai. ana. nenas ntmnec taeiLnax coun-, ty pecpte Tna ae lccu number ot j &" iro' - e. st be taken, as a aasis. TUis will defeat the J division propositica by a narrow-mar-, "- is being caadacted as usual,. at the United States land office ia. Sid-: aey siace the death of Judge Heist. I era?iTT-riar which rearnre th -fefrirl acriaa of the -regster aad receivers The t filiaascaa he aud& butwQlbe receiv-f ed aad iaeaed after the aewregistgrisl appelated. It is aqped the appoint- teat of. register win. scon be made, as there is a great deal of contention, for tae crKce. . Deviae. late 4rs Eeateaaax of eaaspaay B. Second Nebraska vol- aateers. has- been aathoxixed by Adju- taat Geaeral Barry to recruit his old to eater the 3m eaaapaay ttaaad raard, tae eaataaay ad at CM. - - mmm7' . "r TT " death. I anocaced rf fPTUiam ' Black: rie moTelist. ' Jaha L. GardBer: hasbaad of the veil known, societr leader erf Boston, died suddenly of apoplexy, aged. 62- The course of nroceediaxs is. the L 9 senate, this- week will depead apoa. the I ' disposition that is h of the JJicar- grra rTii mil. weeTenleu teSjTwklbi: r-, ?? T.4tf gf i wp frr IUS1- cam TwnnH laor tmw- lt ftftrt- -. , IT " w .- - ' a J-is- .U1- "" ?-r?t ot tne treasury saowsz Avauanie i ca5i balance, 1232,022.744; gold re- ed- to take charge of the postal service ia Cuba. He win leave for Havana, in a few days. Major General Merritt .Mrs. Merritt and the general's aide-de-camp. Lieu tenant Strother, sailed from Iiverpool for 2ew York yesterday on board the steamer Lucania. President Rafael Islsslar cf Costa Rica, sailed yesterday for France on the steamer La Gascogne. He said he " was very much pleased with, his cor- , dial reception in this country. I By a fierce fire, which occurred in a fiat house at 134 Prospect Place. Brooklyn, four persons met death, and the fireman are still searching the ruins in fear of finding more bodies. General Callxto carcra, the Cuban general, who came "to Washington at the head, of the Cuban delegation from the Santa del Sur convention to confer with, the American authorities, died at 10 o'clock Sunday morning. The sum of $500,000 was drawn from the sub-treasury for shipment to Cuba on the steamer P. Concho, which. qHc today. Major G. R. Smith , paymaster. U. S. T".. and a detachment from the Thirteenth United States infantry from Govencr's island., accompan ied the treasure to Cuba. TaeMtay, Ueaibvr 13. Four thousand of Uncle Sam's own are to make the trip from the east to Hanila through, the Suez, canal. The "snir department has begun in earnest the relief 'of the volunteer troops now -stationed at ManiTa by reg ulars. A concession for aa important rail way in the state of Vera Cruz, to be called "Ferrocarril Vera Cruzano." has passed into the hands of heavy Phila delphia capitalists. The house yesterday spent the larger part of the day on District of Columbia affairs. The bin to relieve the condi tion of the American seamen was tak en up, but nothing- was accomplished. Colonel J. Rais Rivera, the Cuban general recently liberated by the Span ish government from Ceuta. was a pas senger on the steamer La Champagne from Havre, which arrived yesterday. The written resignation of Colonel Bryan as commander of the Third Ne braska volunteer infantry rame to the war department by mail, and was im mediately accepted, notice to that fact being telegraphed Colonel Bryan. The senate comnutt.e on jv. licinry discussed at coasLIerahle length the question at the cnnilr morion of tha nomination of Senators Callom, Mor I 1 1 II ' - UU& b- - " i. A J. - ' la - l gan and ttepresentatiTe llitt to ie defers of jju, Hawaiian eomabrfon. hnr TM,hed a eanHin Captain W. A ilinier and Mrs- Mer- f cer are at the Ehbitt in TVasnimrton. Captain Mercer has 'een called from WltU tne tvtute i.rtn reserraacn m Minnesota. Secretarv Alger has designated Gen- era! Ludlow to act as first military Havana city, with full governor of powers to deal with all local questions. He win leave for his post shortly- Gen eral Greene at Havana will remain there until relieved by General Lud low, and then come home to be retired. Representative -McCienan. cf New York introduced in the house a bin for the reorganization of the army It was drawn, after consultation with ar my cfiicers and is -supposed to repre sent the ideas of the younger element of the army. It makes some very radi can changes in. the 3taff and has some novel features. Wdaeada7 December 14. Johnson. Chair company's warehouse at Chicago was damaged $100,000 by Moulton of the Second TBI nois regiment win command the Ha vana police. The Mexican government offers in ducement to colonize Spaniards from Cuba in Mexico. United States cammsslocers will make their formal farewells to "Pres ident Faure today. The American university trustees have a plan to raise S2JJ00.906 endow- ment throush. an. alliance cf pastors' and the woman's guild. The joint high commission of United Scares and Caa.-'da wHI adjoaza before the holidays. Coacessioas rm-nrurt be agreed upon. A Paris dispatch saysr Extraordi nary nrecaarinns are mainrainel oy both the neace commissioners to pre- serve seerecr as to the contents of rke are not permitted to peruse the doca-1 meats. ? -resideat tHL after his return f-nm tH vmrh sn jt.h n-mir m General Oris a proclaaarion to be is- sued to jhe FSipiaos. The document has been, prepared, aad it can. be stated oa the authority of. a cahrner oIcer, mnrarps zx hist of aa independent guvHr:i:er.t for tie THialnes- aaai uauaw. tae newly aaporat- General LmHaw. fd.goveraor ofEavaaajB tasily loot- iP piaasxor the heavy tasteset for a- SQ that he aar start for his poet " o of a few days. The -senate passed a "ad Kcreaaiag: the pension cf Elrantfr Smff-fc cZ Xew- xtxaipsairev wao is ever 100 years afi. age, aad oae of the three saxii.ura af the war cf 1SX2.TO $30 a itt Senator Berry aar grves notice cf aa. aaieadawat he wffl effer to tae Xicar agaax caaal hUT arovidiae; far the di- ef the Secretary Bliss deaied the f or a revie w in the case of Zeaas atetta, iarolTiaa; lands ia the 0"NeilI (Seb.1 t land district. lav General Wood has appelated GesF I erai tsancnes cpxaaiaKoaer oc asitcui ture at Havana- Mrs- Sampson, wife of the adatiraX has started an endless chaia aysvaav foe hiflpwic the Cahaw The statement of the coadirioa of the: treasury department show3t ATailaMfr 4 S!' 44S: "- . ww,a. Hoa. William J. Bryaa arrived, ia Washincton. from. Savaaaah. Ga fie wffl remain there for several days be- i fore proceeding to Nearaska. President J- W. Thomas of the Naah- vffle, Chattanooga & St Louis raflread hasresigned as general maira gir, aad J. W. Thomas, jr was elected. . A mob cf women, at Grenada, cnasid ering that the discovery of America was in. their opinioa the artacipil -cause of Spain's misfornxaei, staatad the statae cf Colaataaa. -JTWr Man appropriation bill is fiJS-iTJXA. This is about 1278.000 more than the criainal estimates submitted by the treasury department. It is reported from Havana that Gen eral Greene was offered by the presi dent the position of governor of Ha vana but declined and offered his res ignation from the army. It is asserted in Vienna that Russia and Great Briraia are seriously at tempting a solution of the Chinese problem, owing to Russia's lack of de sire to be opposed to England, Ger many aM the United States. The pension appropriation bSl re ported to the house carries $143,223. S30. being $4,000,000 more than carried by the current act due to the increase in pension disbursempats. which, rose from $133,040,717 in 1S97 to $144,551, S73 in 1S9S. The total number of pen sioners on the rolls is 993.714. A special from Washington says: Paul Neumann cf Honolulu was ad mitted to practice in the supreme court today on motion of John Sydney Webb. an attorney of Washington. Mr. Neu mann Is the first, of our annexed citi zens to be admitted to practice before the highest tribunal of the land. Senator Tcctor mtroaced a reso lution proviiitig for the appointment of a committee of five senators to visit the islands of Cuba anrf Porto Rico for the purpose of "inquiring into the military requirements necessary to es tablish, and maintain order in these islands until civil government is in augurated." Senator Hale has reported the army deficiency bilL The most important amendments are: The $3,000,000 con tingency appropriation for the war and the same amount for the navy, to be expended under the direction of "the president; for the signal corps. $35,000 increase; pontoon trains, engineer de partment. $30,000; assistants ia eagi neer department. $30,000. rrMar, Dmabcr ZS. The flour trust scheme is dead so far as the Minneapolis mills are concem ed. The Spanish government has agreed to pay the January coupon on the Cu ban debt. Former United States Senator Cal vin S. Brice died yesterday at his resi dence in New York of pneumonia. Captain Sigsbee cf the Texas has been ordered to Havana by rail and steamer, to take command of his ship there. The house today surpassed an pre vious records in the expedition with which it passed the pension appropria tion bin. The National Board of Trade con vention at Washington passed resolu tions opposing postal savings banks and adjoumed. The Dlinois state grange has adopted resolutions advocating the state fur nishing free text bocks to pupils of public schools, the same to be made by convict labor. Major General Fitzhugh Lee, United States volunteers, commanding the Seventh army corps, is assigned to tha immediate command of an the troops in the province of Havana. The French chamber of deputias has almost unanimously adopted C biU loaning 2JWO.00O francs for the con struction of a railroad in Indo-China. guaranteed by the government cf Indo china. As a result cf a mass meeting in Omaha articles of incorporation were adopted and sent to Lincoln for filing, giving a charter to the Greater Ame-i-ca Exposition association, which is to hold an exposition in Omaha in 1S39. Chairman Dingley of the ways and means committee says no determina tion has been reached as to when the hrltday recess wHl beia. bar he wHl probably offer a resolution tor a re cess beginning December 21 and last ing untfl January 4. The state reports read to the Gecrge Washington Memorial associatica in Washington showed a renewed inter est in the association's work aad ure dicted great promise for the future. The committee on sites for the univer sity rencrted no decision reached, but much data compiled. The executive council- of tie national council of admin Lgtration cf the Grand Army of the Repubnc met in Philadel phia with Colonel James Sexton, the national commander, in the ifo. tn prepare for the national encampment in this citl next falL The only work dene was the appointment of Septem ber 4 to 9 for the encarasmant- Grant C Gfflett. the cattle plunger, has gone to "Vera Cruz to take a steam er for South Amerir-. Advices received from Tajqr capital of Bolivia, announce that the revolu tionists have formally proclaimed a federation. A guerrilla who landed at Saatiago frost Bazacoa was recognized bv the Cubans, set ugaa aad shot. He is likely to die. The funeral services of ex-Senator Calvin S. Bnce Trin be held at New- 1 York; tadar sa the Fifth. Avenue Pres byterian, eharch. Four companies of the Teath iafaa try and 125 recruits for the Rtghth in faatry boarded the steaashin Saratcga. at Charlestnn, S. C for Havaaa. The enrafen given ax Brookvine, Out, is that amaniage ceresaooyper "fcraned in. C-miida by a minister resi dent a the United States is not fegaL The-house judiciary eoarmirtee today gavea hearing on the Ginett biE to proninit-rie ase of the telesraah aad teiepfcoae lines for the aaxvose of lot tery aad kotK race aaataEac: fiepreaearatiTe Riaey of Vlraiaia in trodaceda biE in the house far the. ad iactoa f eanlederate. as weC ac an- io& saiaiers. soldiers hoaces aad gBToaaaeet isstkaciacs xaiazawMl bv tae gorersaKat.. Actiag Seeretaxy Hefltiejoaa af tae war departmeataar isaaed aa order by direction, of the greafdent. esisaat iaar Trinidad. Saata. Crax. Zaca aad ia r'sb IIMII iJBL XO sr -4. Irr-.A BBKHIJISnB DEKY the rWnwaJ Thinks .f Pkilip- prtK Ctfldltttfti 'READING THE PEACE GOSPEL An Krjr &3T-i y. ICixn-t. Dee. XT. Sear Admiral Jltweyv wkea a ccrrespoadeat called, j m. Bm iu-uay, urcuon uo oiacasa uc 1 galtTi.iT situation ia ths Philippiae l .T J 1.. X .1 T - 1 tr- " "vi w t purely aavaL tt a n -f uowererv ae ua to show he has vry ao! . :? r trm Va m- n,ABk. lamstea taat uis interviewer was ia a better position to acquire information than himself. He cross ffTaminfd the correspondent about everything' ashore He was glad to learn the ia--surgeotb wers releasing- the sick Spaa Ish soldiers they held prisoners, not withstanding Agulnaldo's graadHo quent refusal to do so. This indieates that the Insurgents are very eoueilia tdrv ia spite of their defiant talk. Admiral Dewe'r always beKefed thai the insurgents were friendly, and cs peciaHy since ths war ships of oar fleet hare visited the different ports, and officers have made tours inland, incidentally investigating popalar entinient and judiciously preaching the gospel of peaceful settlement everywhere with highly satisfactory results. A few Influential Filipinos, in aa uuuuum ai.ciap.. at xu-au- attempt at vancemeat. are clnmoriag- for indeoen-1 c?ncc, though, nnable to realize its true meaning. Tliey are utterly Ig norant of the difference between the name and the reanty. The agitators here Invariably admit that they would be unable to stand without American protection. But, in spite cf this, they continue their meaningless outcry for trouble. The admiral, however, believes this to be improbable at the present juncture, though every incident counts. How ever, everyday that passes without a conflict means so much gain, because the friendly feeling is steadily Increas ing, the incipient roughness is disap pearing and the agitators are weak ening. The aewspapers of Manila are doing particularly valuable work in the sim ultaneous puhUcation of conclllatory articles printed in Spanish and In English. This course is looked upon as being certain to eliminate the fric tion which has existed here. The admiral is greatly interested la the movement among the American volunteers to obtain their diyhnrge here and to engage ia pioneering en terprisesL He beneves-there-is an -on limited held for planters, farmers and miners. To the suggestion if the natives prove to be obstreperous per haps they might be handed over to th Germans or other ungentle land grab- j-bers. the admiral said he believed the Germans now have entirely abandoned their design in the Phffippine islands though, formerly, he said, the German attitude here had caused him inde scribable anxiety. According to recent information re ceived here, the Filipino insurgents are endeavoring to maintain a brave show for the purpose of securing the best terms possible from the Ameri cans. It is the opinion of our admiral that it tvculd be advisable for the United States to pay insurgent troops their arrears of wages. The whole amount would be a comparatively tri fling sum. and the payment of the troops would have a valuable effect and may save incalculable trouble. Admiral Dewe7 was strcnglr con- v need that the. Filipino Insurgents de serve acknowledgment. He is a be liever In the practicability of liberal measures in the direction of local au tonomy. Regarding the possibHIty of interna tional compneations. Admiral Dewey saidx 4Prior to the arrival of the mon itors I felt uneasy, but now I am ready to hold this position against the whole earth." PASSED IN TWENTY MINUTES. Passloa ApjJUftatloa BUI Goes Wltkovt Debate. W.isnrsGTosv Dec 17. The house yesterday surpassjd aE previous re cords ha the expedition with, passed the pension, appropriation bEL This bEI ia days gone Irr has been one of the most fruitful themes of ac rimonious partisan debate, bat yester day, although carrying- $4,000, 000 more than: the act for the direct current year, it was passed in twenty minutes, without a word of eriticisaa. The House then entered upon the consideration of the bEI to iacorporate the International American "V This projeetwas recomnierided by the Pan-American, congress ra lsQ An arraagemeat was effected for a vote ipoa the -passage of the bEI at 3 o'clock: to-dav. WASBaenojty. Dec IT. Captain Sigs bee of the Texas has been ordered to Havana by raE and steamer to take command of his ship there. The order is the result of the hasty departure of the Texas under recent orders. Caa tain Sgsbee was- at Albany at the tnae aad the orders to sail were obeyed so promptly that Captain Sigs bee had bo time to reach his- ship. Ia the nautical phrase he asd other offi cers were Ieft on the beach. Taseocvzs. B. CT Dec 17. J. Fie lag. aa. TIngTwh missionary, has been kffledwy natives aad soldiers at Xsuar Blag, ninety mEes ease of Kaei Taag. Tae aDssxbs. house was raided, aad down. There has beea. ao at- to iiiibmiIi at the haada of "Hira darTan A French jalssloeary aaa aeea at Swatcrw. The -'tfiTa to taes destroyed ay a mob of 1,986 Joining his coatauad ia the war. Geaeral Joe Waaeler had strickes. froai the tT - iet aa? iwtL aawL mat 0UI VOLUNTEER SOLDIERS. "Ci IT. Tae VII walrfu Ike aratv aad mv for' the oataa dlsBlaccd the Nic- J eaaaltallla the Seaate jester - lUv ? Im aM ika tilnav af j vote em tae oaestioa at aoaicoaeBKBt aatil after the holidays, as had Wes ' j intended. The deficiency TnH was fumti,- after a spirited dlacassioa, bSEg BraVfirJally ea the poiat of keepasf-the vohftrteer soMicrs ia tae ! t LBaacu 01 juaioar. aoarcBM j acacicacy ayacuprratHja" vrwvislfl for h,w-,ijt-L t vr.1? Ja af abaadoeed the lsaid.iraBtedtolJematwdfioe of s th " . ... . Rawaaa harbor aiid.bnaaruu' the wreck Lawar of xrhom were makiai-. . . t -T... oat, : Wm;.- . wf . -j '- - - - -"-- .wfc fc--,T. -. nwf r --'-- -..- . --., wWi m; tfc- .,- I m -" kiir4fc i-i. u j I - . tJsrwan sach.i the war departaient i . .-.j discretioa in the est f the arxvates and be mofw laaacaft with, the ealisted sen. -, .. , ., jlr. AilHKm expressed sv uaaatny with the desire to have a large anai - bar of volaateers mustered oat. He j called attamtion to the import- f a sufficient force to aimtai-owr mat fartifteations. sav- lag that General Miles had cx- pressed the opinion that from I4.U0J to !, laea would be necessary'for tors umtjuae. In new ot tnese and other facts; ae considered it wise to follow the wishes of the President and the military authorities in this mat' ter. He was sure that there was no purpose to keep the extra force longer than absolutely necessary. Replying to the suggestion. Mr. AI- , ,- .- ... pl-rAst jj rrnmrr . .;. .. .!, -; - ' ,.. , .u. .- :, w.. .- : -, . bM a-k. 4.11 -3 -r a .j uuta ? iM more nront-1 iu4f .ttiaa iT - ."U should be done by taking them intolT . ?" T our regular army organizations. He suggested, legislation authorizing the utilization of a large percentage of the local forces In the outlying islands. At the instance of Mr Harris, the Senate adopted a resolution calling hpori tBe President for confirmation as to the status of the report of the Nic aragua commission. Thu Senate then went Into executive session, and. at 5:03 p. m., adjourned until Monday. BRYAN IN WASHINGTON, ftmr tfce VloataTa Sbtmltl Be Uwttmml OmL m Somn Foaslblc WAsnrsGTOs, Dec 17. Uoing ap proached regarding his attitude con cerning the volunteer soldiers. Colonel WIEIam. J. Bryaa expressed himself as followsr "The volunteers should be mustered , out at the earliest nosslble moment. They enlisted for war when soldiers l were needeu. lor active service, ana . TaTty nf th-77 did so at gTrat p'TT:iry and personal sacrifice. To hold them. ' j ia the service for garrison dutywould be a grass injustice. The admlnlstra- i irftmg effort of thirty tons each. tJoanas expressed its Intention of re- Their size and weight admit of these leasing the volunteers as soon as regu- caissons being casOy handled in the lars be secured to take their place. water by the divers alone and their but the bill providing for a permanent , distribution, together with the auto increase in the regular army is Ukely matic valves with which they are pro tc arouse dlscusjion aad delay the day ridiid, make it possEiIe to exert a of discharge. t uniform force on all parts of the ves- "Many believe that the army as it ' seL stood before, war was declared was The danger of rupture from undue large enough for all domestic, pur- i pressure due to depth under water or poses. . other eanses or the danger of break - "I share in this beUef. If the vol-' tag air hose, is obviated hy the auto unteers are to be held as hostages to matic valves. The caissons are ar force a permanent increase In the reg- ranged in series and greater or less u!ar army, a prolonged contest Is ua-' powers as circumstances require, may avoidable. i be exerted at any point. The system I think it would be better to recruit , is declared to afford complete control a temporary army of occupation to J of the wick. and when the water is serve in Cuba. Porto Rico and the PnH- ' expelled from the caissons the vessel ippines. This would postpone the dis- t is Ef ted to the surface in a single cession as to the regular army until a j operation. It is asserted that with more convenient season." j these caissons the Cristobal Colon can he raised and righted even in a ea STEALS A FORTUNE'lN BONDS.' - a . Ar - -. - - . In the case of the Maine it is iatead- Octa Hatetx. Waatetl la 9c isaalt, I, t , ILimas Crrr. Mo Dec 17. -Otto 1 Ctsrwmrly Tapped. Heintx, formerlT a porter in the r- j,i.t i :ij.-" c t .- iuikuic uuuuiu ill jl- mun. iu i arrested at a o'clock vesterdav after- r neon at the Coates house for steaEng ! S36.S00 worth.of bonds from Louis C ; Nelsoa, a wealthy broker, who has aa office in the building In which Helatz " was porter. Hemtz was trapped into to Cede thm niUwIlM to Am9ti his arrest by a St. Louis lawyer to j i7.-AgoacEo. the whom he had written a letter offering , nt of Aguiaaldo, the lasur a portion of the. bonds for immunity J - . , - . vunimln islands. from prosecutioa. The authorities obtained 11.000 worth of the bonds from. Eelatz. but he says they will never see any mere ' of them. The bonds are United States ' government. St Louis cty and county , and corporation bonds, aad are easily negotiable, as they are not registered. CATTLE ON THE TRACK. DM by or Trala la JTarfeia. JACESoxniix, Fhu. Dec 17. A P35- seager trairi ca the Florida Central t Peninsular railroad was wrecied yes terday afternoon near Madisou, caused by a coEisioa with cattle ca the track. Sx perscas were kiEed, as foilowst j to fr. 5Daiu is turned out F. H. Chandler, engineerr James f o the Phnrpchie islaads. Evaas, colored, aremaat John T. Sol- ; 1 Evas of St. Aagastizie. attache af the armyt Ber. Mr. S. E. Coleman, a col- j ered prvuhci of JacksonvEIet: John A. ' P.hoadea, eolored. of Peasacolat Alfred j aaitia, eslored, of Charrea. ; Foar WoaxB. Texas. Dec 17. A t oa the Saa. Jose wharf the men lavited aaeaaage received here from "Kansas ' a detatehmeat of the Spanish guard to City states that WEEam O. Richards of ! join them. The Invitation was de Hardemas. eouaty nas purchased the j cEaed at first, but ftnaEy accepted, TinTiTTaan of the Hesperian Cattle ccia- i aad mutual comaEmeuts passed, ia peay,. na tae counties of Coddte. Ford. ' t-; jx w '. V Limg ho. annr. amounting to over ' M0,0OJ acres of lawf The sale ia- i eattle. aad caEs for a parchase af ever $300,000. The majority of etoek: af the eoameaay is owned by , fcaaaafeCity. I -rZ j w Colo.. Dec 17. The north- oa. the Galf road, dae Deaverat 5 o'clock last i ditched by a Ijrciea rail taree amEes aorta, of t r, tweatv-taree T7AA .tj-. 1A ' w ia -, i& s !.- rajeriag- several jaiwi i I a the trala crew. Tfu to arrive "f Wa -m ift t lOMionuii. I Wreckers Propose to liitW i Fals Bow in the Hulk. . rvnCDTC ADC until T urnDiT tAltlllW niiW IWH W 1 IVWnit - WlOt Tfcirtr TamT UliUd WjWHCTCTOS. Det 17. The Xavy ' w.' wf w-.. t. J- - W l.T.T V. 1 xv ccj preyw6 .vm z takes by responsible wreck- that ths Cristobal Colc tted to auaad t a ittn west of SaattiaceL The ooara m. eoascrmctuRx lias aaoer sioerasioB a lomsai propositioa tor ftF6 m Doat.iUC,l T5 T tfaeir dIlirT - or sack Other port lathe UirRed States aa the ,.ft ti 7 ' T-t c. ,-v " r ,. . .. J aThebwedisH eanpanj. wfaieii said 1 tae ' capacreaaa experiraee the wtd. aowj has experts at vrotfc - . -, -" .aMB-w- ni TTii j- !i in M- " -n n i w wm i mm mil j into the difficulties involved ia salvage. Divers and engineers have ?& " fPS pefHy for this purpose, aad after satisfyiag themselves of the Colon's conditio aad the expense that must be incurred in floating her they will go to Havana and examine the Maine. A bona fide onTer is expected from the Swedish company. The navy department has made the rigid rule that no proposi tion will be considered involving the covernment in aav expense until the vessels are safely deEvered in a naval ' uriucimu. The offer under consideration comes from some associated engineers ia 2few York city who have ample capital. Their original terms, which are sab- ject to modificatioas. contemplated the ' paymeat by the government of S23Q,- ' 000 cash ia the case of the Maine, aad " $1,000,000 in the case of the Colon, on ; their deEvery at the New York or Norfolk navy yard, ia addition to one- ' third of the appraised value of theee vessels on their arrival, the valuation to be made by a board of arbitrators. The method of raising vessels to be used by the engineers who appeared before the board is extremely simple. Pheumatie caissons attached to i-Kirns passed underneath the vessel through channels made by alternating jets of ! water aad compressed air. constitute v the Eftiag power. To effect the re lease of a vessel situated lEce the Maine, la tenacious harbor deposits, jets of compressed air wEl be seat aiucg iae Keei simaiaaeoasiy with, the introduction of air ia to the- caissons. The caissons are uniform ia size, having a buoying or ed to cut away the -forward portion of the hull, which wa-? destroved bv the fiou.juiiL; after lifting the unln- ,Cl ""- " t i Tr. ! bulkhead aad false bow to SEth -0- SAYS TREATY IS ILLEGAL aaeiUo Declare SpmLa BUd Xo . saEs for New York ca Saturday, as he aEeges. to resume lis duties as repre sentative of the PhEIppiae govera meat at Washington. Ia aa interview-, he said: " "The only portion: of the Spaaish-American treaty la which we are coacerned is the eesswra of the PhEIppiaes. which is ElegaL ae the Spaniards had lost their sovereig a ty over the islands and the Americans cannot dispose of the future of the ! archipelago without consulting the FIEpinos. Their consent, by popular vote, is necessarv. As universal suf- frage forms the basis cf the American COC5.UK3CD, uie l-s.teu zia nnrwu. carry out this measure. The result of the peace commls- . :nn clir(mifn t nn r artTJgtiP ALL ROSY IN HAVANA. CT CCfeer Flower for Owr ' HnrAJ. Dec 17. WhEe a detaca- Iateat of the Seeond HEaois regimeat was at breakfast yesterdav cormu sign laaguagc . . . . - . Iwo battalions of tae Xiiraois regi meat naarched to Quemados 'Tm later la the dan. From the houses aloag the route zirls ran cut to oin ribboas en. the soldiers aad to wreathe their , with, flowers. General Lee's head- quarters, as. old mansion cr the rearer of beautiful grounds, was fiHed wfti flowers bv themea. awfri H u, e TriiaMa T.nrt, Peru. Dec 17. Advices re- cerved here to-day coaarra tae lepurt of a relocation la -the BoEviaa re- rrnhltr- A board of government has X- w- oeea. xormea at La raz. caprtaxot i&- una. fresuient JUoszo is now- at raoo orgawiziag tee zoveraaaavt OLOKBJ CaknraWs State Bank FillntiTJBBcpk BBlflilUaUatL ITala TMinarr, Tart ""fl.i'iwii. gawgi tfcg aTTKimaTTT XfLkaVil. BUYS GOOD NOTES iaalain The GcrtumtMis Journal. X Weekly Newspaper derotedsto the best interests of RaaBaVt wwHalalBfaf I A.-- Tfee CttMtytf Pfattt, TH State if Mnski, TH (MM Staffs, AXDTH REST OF MANKIND. THE UNIT OF 3IEASUSE WITH GS IS $1.50 a Year. If Paid in Advance. Bat our limit of usefalaess is aot cir cumscribed bv dollars aad cents. Capi acet fr to aflj addrvM KENKY GASS, UNDERTAKER ! : Mttaliia : Ca I flSadea Ujaaai Gonhiis Joomai HUNTING OFFICE, at BacMO, Caaaiae, tmmm tacttx, Wm. ccaav aV '.SAflk.X. aB '.aaaaafa. oouarreY. - 3 ,' e . taaatk aaaaaaav . r 2r- .vfe EtK s&essl! A-jfifc-iS3E-iStt-k--f3A. -sf-.t "ksas KsaLj!L.