The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, December 14, 1898, Image 4

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mn"zz saaa; a . . . . .m . m naviimwi .nr nu rmiTr
m"fv "SttSfe 9m Am kaSAa 4 a aSkS kttk CaaSSaa-aSf faa VX Aam7aSw4sMaa
iH . asassas B"W ? aiasssi sisas tanB rH ,PPJMi jmmma.msam
g' pnaah was assaava aaaasms r.
g . rOm ! in in mm tt mat mMm '"
a.- . kaill(knhfl. TakiiiwrnM
m-Zr . .?--... r.- am
JT - tVBMCt tt VH MfMlMttiM
&. V ABMrlflA9 fiaBA teAaA 4Jto Afl
A- clBtlt thiaks tktacrienl-
tvril chemUtry shoii teach, how to
make, Florida oraagM better.' To
this nd ke Js aoveoacagod la a
chemical aaalysiaof the ilffercat va
rieties (rova weoa differaat oila,
etc.; fed hy dlf ereat fertillrert, with
the idea that ho cam do for oraageo
vhatlhe.FrcachBMB haro doao for
pears iaaeUwhrnt- Ifco fraao
have doae lor grmpt.
' Ciw warn Aywt.
Mr. Rirri-Yw howMr.
kioa, of coorso.
Mr. Citjan No, I have aotror
had the ftoacaro of aaeetiair hiai, 1
Mr.;Kral Wfcy, heyear aozt
aoor aelfhbor.
Nr.f Cityataa U heP Oh. well;
nobody in a city, yoa know, over
knows the man who lives next door.
Cast fJHshu 'spoils a awed story,
bot replaces it with another eaaally
good, in denyinr. he will in the De
cember Centnry. that his orderly en
tered the cabin of the Maine Immedi
ately after the explosion, made a for
mal salute, and1 reported the deotrae
tion of tap ship. Had he done so, he
would aoT have-been seen, for the ax
plosioa extingaished aH lights, aad left
the cabin as slack aa a pocket. An a
matter of fact, the orderly ran into
his commanding officer la a dark pas
sage loading forward through the sa
perstmctnre, and reported that the ship
had been blown up and was sinking.
In the Christmas number of the
American Monthly Review of Reviews
some of the meat noteawrthy of .the fa-'
mous paiatiago of the life of Christ
by -J? James Tissot are repradacei.
. Clifton Harby Levy writes oa Tissot'a
life and method in painting and Ernest
Knaulft contributes a criticism of the
portraits from an artist's point of
view. He collection isanw,oa exhi
bition in New York and will he ahowa
in several of the leadIngTAmerlcan cit
ies before Mr. Tissot returns to France.
It is beyond question the moat import
ant series of representations of Christ
made in modern times.
Save the wrappers around Diamond
MC". Soap. They are worth money.
Why not try the nplook if the out
look is unsatisfactory?
Why isn't chasing a colored man a
race after dark?
"4 Awmcf Tff ftm0ffkmt iraa
jronffisset M$mnfmtwr$. ' '
j Breakfast
Ahsehrttly Pare,
NatrMiana. .
Be swe that jraagct tkm GcmIm Ankle,
made at DORCHESTER. MAS, by
If sick yoa caa lad kelp. It crippled
with rnenaaatlsm yoa caa be cured.
If tired yoa aced rest aad the place
to go Is......
the expease Is less tbaa yoa laualae. Ts
Mortsjwestera Llae" Sas aaeoaaced
tptclsl exearsloas, eeitala
days tBU.atoata at
The ETaas hotel will
aad tats
aad all other hotels sad hoard!
aMswgood service with low rates arlen
aaau wuiivi
Omaha, - .- if.40
P4a.VaNoy, tJK
StosucCtty. - 14t)
aad cenesaeadlag redacUaas from other
petats west.
CTliste. water, sesastj. aad heteU ate aa
cxcelled. Thirty days' tlase allowed, aad
say aceat , ttxv.l B.or J. B. GaMe.
Lieu worn aaore aaoacK.
. The next date will he Deeei
her 22, M
wtUsavatlaM la
mam as taay asa he l
Eeada trial order te
lBlaaal ftVaWU Mill,
w-. .
t m
am taami
aaaam 4 maBBBBBama!
hsadlsd avaa aniakae
this sad b
m ."aasW I las Bar SS Sat annaM
m lsaaBdaaannaW, saa5B5r
ktM m22. ! hjaaataas esahnwattaa
BSafSTMB aaasBKaaatasaa
WAAa-BB) at sac assaa mat BirxsTa
aMTUM --S J ' ! saaaaasm
smsaMScaaaaaraoa. as FsuWasb.
- San -- m
'Baafaaasaaaaiaaaaak haassaaaa. aanaaa
aaa'.' . EE?3k - sBaa
U that WH A8ta for
Cke VartoWStatc'lMUtV-
f The 3C DnMWH KXft
Uncoln Cerrespondence: Members
of the smajority4n the legislature, be
ing desirious of making a record for
economy, are interested in the pros
pects of reducing the total appropri
ations below marks set by other leg
islatures. Estimates of expenses
deemed necessary by state omcers and
'superintendents of state Institutions,
not including new buildings, axgrc
gate I2.C13.235. This total Includes
appropriations for. deficiencies
amounting- to $186,785. It includes
also a- deicieiency of $125,000 in
bounties on beet sugar, and a defici
ency of about 150,000 for bounty on
wild animals. The grand 'total acked
to ran the state for two years and pay
the deficiencies mentioned is $2.8L'3,
St. " In round numbers the amount asked
for to defray necessary expenses is
two million and a-half dollars. Tak
ing it for granted that the state insti
tutions can get along on less than -the
amount asked, there is good prospect
for the legislature to finish its work
with a low grand total appropriation.
It is not likely that there will be any
new buildings provided for -by the
coming legislature. Two years a;.o
tae total estimate, was tS.064,373. The
legislature appropriated $2,366,843.
Superintendent Weber of the indus
trial school for girls at Geneva atks
that special appropriation be made
for one new building complete, cost
ing $30,000. He desires to put pupils
under ten years of age in a separate
Superintendent Demerell of the
Hastings asylum wants a ney $30,000
for one detached fire proof building
for female patients. $5,000 for a boil
er and engine house, $10,190 for an
ice plant and storehouse end $5,000
for a barn.
. Superintendent Abbott of the L,:n-
'coln hospital for the insane want3
$60,000 for a new wing to the main
President J. A. Beattie of the state
normal school asks for a $30,000
building to be used for a chapel and
library combined. He wants $3.0d0
for furniture for the proposed build
ing. Auditor Cornell has listed the fol
lowing estimates for new buildings:
Lincoln hospital for insane.. $ 50,000
Hastings asylum 30.000
Girls' industrial school, Geneva 30,000
Institute for deaf CO.000
State normal school 30.000
Soldiers' home, Grand Island.. 20,000
Auditor Cornell has the following
estimates on file, covering salaries
and employes' wages and current ex
penses of state officers and state insti
tutions for two years:
Sal. & Current
a. wgs. expense
75,000 $ 25.J'i9
15,000 3.1G0
12,000 36,000
.12,000 174.270
16,000 2.800
28,000 V.300
16,000 2,00
12,40 2KK)
6,600 . 2,500
10,000 2,400
10,200 S.500
27,800 2.775
6,600 1.200
13,600 70U
53,000 vs.100
7,400 .9,100
43,000 71,3?C
51,400 29,300
56,000 165,625
18,400 29,300
8,520, 13,000
27,000 30,975
31,600" 54,750
38,000 41,100'
49.000 16,100
41,488 63.250
238.000 66,875
24,440 B7.fv0
12,160 23 000
6,240 14,7fi
2,400 .500
3,150 2.830
26th session leg..$
Gov.'s office
B. pub. lands and
Neb. natl. guard...
Sec. of state's
Auditor's office...
State trees, office.
Bd. of irrigation..
Labor com.
Att-gen. office.. .
State supt. ......
Land com. office.
Baakg board
Borad of trans.,.
District court,,,.
Supreme court...
SUte library
Norfolk asylum..
Lincoln hospital.
Hastings asylum.
Girls' Indus sch'l.
Ind. Home. Mil
ford Ins. for blind....
lnstltue 'for feeble
Institute deaf and
State normal sch'l
lad. school for
State university.
P. Bd. clerk's sal.
Bd. of health...
Sol. home, G. I..
Home for friend
less Sal. head janitor.
Sol. home Mil'ord
State fish com...
B. educational Ids..
B. pur. & supplies.
State his society.
Mis. appropriations.
.$1,201,098 $1,225,3;'
Brlaclaa; la "Racarfcaek.
8prlngfleld dispatch: A .companr
Uvely new enterprise has been estab
lished here, and will be watched with
Interest by local raisers. A emtio-
by the name of William Libbey
rented the property west of the
race track and' will make the experi
ment of shipping in southern "razor
hack' hogs and fattening them for the
northern market. Several sheds have
been built, and the first carload of
animals were duly installed Friday
morning. They were shipped from a
point near Memphis, Tenhl, and form
aa interesting contrast to. the porkers
foaad ia the pens of our stockmen of
this country. Mr. Libbey. we under
stand, will move his family to Spring
field in a few days.
last Watch.
Lynch dispatch: Two years ago
aext March Mrs. Marie Woolf lost a
aaatiag caae gold watch ia a field on
James HoMea's farm. The watch
could not he found, and the land had
twice rawed a crop, this year corn.
Last .weak Cal Conklln found the
watch while husking corn In the field.
It lay oas top of the ground, and save
a small dent In the case and a broken
balance shaft was none the worse for
Its two seasons' exposure to the mercy
tff the wind, rain, snow and plowshares
aad drag teeth.
KUIad aa the Ballraad.
No. 2 fast mail oa-the Union Pacific,
a raaaneB ampatcn. ran over aad
Instantly htitod a. woa&n who was
waJkiag aJoa the track. The accident
occurred about one mile west of this
city. The coroner came over from
Springaeld aad decided that ao la-
scary. This morninr the
were identified as Miss Aa-
ate. Weiss, who lived near Portal. Her
hand waa covered with a shawl and the
wind waa Mowing- from the opposite
wnich the trala an-
4t was evident that the
received ao warning until too
Church aad Sunday school organl
aattoBs an akmg the line are prepar
ing far Christmas t estivittes.
W. B. niaVof North Platte return
ed from a trip ta Las Vegas, New Mex
ico. WhOI there he purchased 15,000
hand of sheep. Dnriag the aext two
neaths ha expects to dispose of all
of them hat 7&f) ewes. These he has
rented oat oa shares for the aext three
years ta Winner ft PameU. who are
a a ranch aarth of towa. Mr. rails
wrought MM head of sheep with him
aad took them ta the market at South
lance he will probably
i venns ay
asrecaoa rrom
Adjutant General Barry submit the
following estimate for the apprwprta
tioa necessary for the maintenance of
the Nebraska national guard for the
biennial beginnln- April 1, ISM. aad
eadlag March 11, 1M1:
For armory refit allowance of
$2 per annum for each
company, troop, battery,
band and corps beadqaart ....
era .... ....... .-. m-. ..., $2280".ns;'
For aproprlatlon for the sup
port of the Nebraska Na- -tional
Guard as per the fol
lowing estimates for two
. years.... .... .... ...... 82,000.00
Estimate for pay subsistence, and
transportation of 2,000 officers and en
listed men, organized into three. regi
ments of infantry on one troop of cav
airy and one battery, of artillery, as
sembled in camps of instruction six
days each year:
Per dieto of officers and men ... -j.
six days each year .. .-...$ 32,578.56
euDsisience ot 2,vuu .emisiea
. men twelve days at 30 cents
For equiplng the medical de
partment of three regl-
ments and maintaining the
For expenses of inspections,
mustering and examination
board, court-martial;.
schools of instruction and
incidental expenses .. ....
Transportation of 2,000 at $4
each .-. 16,000-00
-Annual allowance of cloth
ing 2,000 men 12,000.00
For freight on arms, ammu
nition and equipments .... 1,000.00
1 Otcal kst
Appropriation for eauin-
ping and Clothing the" Ne
braska National Guard ....$66,697.54
Nebraska Batter Men Ba,sy.
The committee of the Nebraska
State Creamery association which has
charge t the arrangements for repre
sentation at the annual convention of
the National Creamery ButtermakerV
association, . which meets at Sioux
Falls, S. D., during the last week in
January, has isued a circular balling
attention to the benefits that .will re
suit from attendance -during the ses
sions and urging a large attendance
rrom this state. It is expected that
the coming convention will be the
largest and most profitable that ha3
ever been held by the association. The
prize list will be larger and more
complete than ever before and the ma
chinery exhibit will include all the
most modern devices for scientific but
termaking. An excellent program is
offered which includes carefully pre
pared papers covering every phase of
the creamery business. Aside from
this It is proposed to make-a winning
effort to secure the next national con
vention for Nebraska and the advan
tage of going with a strong delegation
is obvious.
A Librarian Organisation
D, A, Campbell, clerk of the supreme
court, says a Lincoln dispatch, has
just returned from a two weeks' visit
to Washington. While there he at
tended a meeting of the state librar
tans of the various states, the object
of the meeting being to form an organ
ization to provide for the free ex-
change of all state reports and docu
ments between the various states. At
present Nebraska, and some of the oth
er states send out copies of all thd
documents produced officially; but
some of the states are not s6 free td
make these exchanges. Mr. Campbell
believes that much progress was madd
at the meeting and that the Nebras
ka state library will herea.rter receive
copies of all the reports and documents
Issued by all the other stales.
10 Settle a Law Point.
A friendly suit has been entered be
.fore the supreme court to decide when
tne term of office begins in a case
where a district .judgeship becomes
vacant, an appointment is made to fill
the place, and a successor is elected"1
at the general election. The conten
tion is between Judge Tuttle and Judge
Frost of this county. Tuttle was ap
pointed by the governor to fill the va
cancy caused by the death of Judge
Hall. Ifrost was elected to the place
at the recent election, and the question
is Whether the term of the newly elect
ed judge begins immediately after thd
election or on the first day of the ett
suing year.
Bonded to the Government.
On and after January 1, next) all. of
the postoffice employes will be bonded
direct to the' government. This wilt
include the carriers and all others who
come under the civil service rules,
The bonds will be supplied by in
demnity companies, the parties sd
beaded paying the premium. In the
past a portion of the employes have
given bonds to the government, while
others have been required to give their
bonds to the postmaster.
Brown county stockmen propose to
organize a sqeiety for mutual protec
tion. North Platte people are agitating
the building of a new high - school
Ponca.Is to vote on the question of
issuing $12,000 in bonds for the erec
tion of a new school building.
.Bloomington expects to havea mill
some time in the near future. Charles
Zulaf of Ravenna will build it
The Nebraska Telephone company
proposes in the spring to extend its
telephone line from Genoa to Neligh.
The Nebraska Telephone company
has a large force of men working west
ward out of Wymore. This line will
run from there to Odell and thence to
Diller and Fairbury. The poles are
nearly all in place and the wiremen are
now engaged in putting up the Wire.
Every cne who has winter wheat out
is building -great hopes on the crop
next year and present indications are
that It will be a good one. ;It was in
fine condition and this snow will help
to make it better.
Tho B. tc M. combination freight
and passenger train that runs between
Hastings and Oberlin was wrecked at
Ayr, a station twelve miles south of
Hastings. The wreck was caused by
the rails spreading. The engine ran off
the track and the freight cars were
piled up in a heap, but the passenger
coaches remained on the track. George
Crow, the head brakeman, was thrown
to the ground and had one of his arms
A woman 83 years old living in the
vicinity of Ravenna, is undergoing the
somewhat novel experience of growing
a new or third set of teeth.
Sheriff Kreader.of Dodge count
brought to the jail in Fremont Herman
Lockmar, an te3ane man, who has been
for some time in the Washington coun
ty poor farm. Lockmar has been in
the insane asylum or poor house most
of the time for twenty years. His
wife also suffers from mental derange
ment and has been an inmate of the
Norfolk asylum. One daughter, now
dead, was in the same asylum, and
another, who Is married and living
here, is partially Insane.
The Saunders County Poultry and
Pet Stock association holds its annual
show December to 10 and the outlcok
is very promising for a good show.
Poultry men from over the whole state
land Iowa have promised to come and
bring their birds. -
At Tecumseh William Knight was
sentenced to one day in jail in the dis
trict court. Knight was tried on the
charge of shooting with intent to do
great' bodily harm to Wesley Worthen.
Worthenrwas shot with a shotgun this
spring when caught in the companr
ot Knight's wife. As Knight Aad been
in jail all summer and Worthen en
tirely recovered from aia wound the
The President's Mtsstfe GaHi the
Spanish Commissidnert -
Seaor Garale Says SprUa Matt Bw Cteared
f the Chars They Papa ta-gab-salt
it ta rraaes, Eagtaad aad: faer
htaar. ,
Paris, Dec. 10. SenorMontero Rio
president of the Spanish peace com
mission', and Scnor Ojeda, secretary of
that commission, are still confined to
their beds. The illnes3 of Senor Ojeda'
aciays engrossing tho treaty, and it is
doubtful whether it will lie signed be
fore Monday. The Americans held
their usual session this morning. The
Spaniards continue making bitter com
ments conc2raiag President McKin
ley's reference to the Maine.
When a correspondent approached
Scnor Garnica of the Spanish commis
sion for further details of the treaty,
he said: "The exact number of arti
cles. is still undetermined. It depends
upon how Secretaries Ojeda and Moore
divide the treaty. It may be twelve or
twenty articles The Americans are
to pay the Philippine indemnity With
in three months Of the .ratification;
Wc shall appoint consuls id Cuba;
Porto Rico and the Philippine islands
without delay. The Cuban consulwiU
be accredited to the powers-thai be."
Aslrcd why tlia Spaniards refnssd'to
grant the ' United States a coaling
station in the Caroline islands, Senor
Garnica said: ,;The Americans could
hardly expect that we should agree to
discuss matters outside of the proto
col after the lessons we have had from
then on this point. When we wished
to discuss the Cuban debt they abso
lutely refused to consider it; and then
they ask for whatever they . want.
Qacllc toupet! (What cheek). Yet the
Cuban debt remains an important ques
tion for settlemsnt."
In regard to the Spaniards' final
protest on the subject of the Maine,
Scnor Garnica added: "That protest
now becomes history, was em
bodied in tha protocol It is neither
loyal nor just that this thing should
hang over the reputation of Spain. Wo
caunotsnbmittoit. tt must be cleared
up, ia justice to ourselves. There are
many other causes to bring hatred be
tyvosn tiie two nations without the ad
ditioa of such a one as this.
"Jls to the future relations of the
two countries, that is one of the
things history alone can determine.
Mcny nations which have been deadly
enemies arc speedily reconciled."
Seuor Garnica Was then questioned
as to the future of tho Philippine isl
ands and lie slid: "The United States
has inaugurated a policy which Will
bring it much trouble and many re
sponsibilities." The protocol of the treaty will al
most reach the dimensions of a volume,
as it will contain every written state
ment presented on both sides during
the conferences.
The Spaniards made a last contribu
tion yesterday upon the assembling of
the commission?: Scnor Montcro Rios
then presented a vigorously worded
protest, in which the Spaniards de
clared they had yielded to force, but
they invoked the conscience of the na
tions against the abuse of tho rights
of nations, of which they were the vic
tims. The protest was for the pur
pose of record.
The protest concluded; ''Btit these
Concessions which wc were' obliged to
make touch us less than the insult,
which has been afflicted oil odr nation
by President McKinley in his message.
We again protest solemnly against the
accusation hurled against us iu con
nection with the Maine, arid wc intend
-to again submit the question to an in
ternational tribunal, comprised of En
gland, France and Germany, to deter-
mine who shall bear the respdnsibility
of the catastrophe."'
iVn important provision is the guar-
antcc of religious freedom in the Ceded
territories, in tli3 saine .terms as the
Florida treaty, the Americans having
steadfastly refused to incorporate any
guarantca of the United States deter
mination to favor tlu property of the
Catholic ehurcli, leaving it subject to
the general laws, upon the same foot
ing as private property.
Inveatlsratlon 'Showi That Macc-V i
ritjr!clan Was V.ijattlx Accused.
Havana, Doc. 10. At the time
Macco was killed, when it wai
charged that Dr. Z,rtuch:t acting as
.hsclhis pnyaieian, otrayo i mm into
ainbubh, where I12 dii?d cndeavorlu?
to cut his way cut. "Zcrluclia
was f-aid t have received So),
000 from the SpmiarJi for this '
Infamous act of treachery. Friendt
of the doctor, however, stood stead
fastly by him, asserting he never had
any id:i of betraying tho insurgent
cause. Not long ago he requested an
ofiicial inquiry into his conduct, which
was ordered by General Mayia Rod'
rigu?z. .
The report just made by Alejandro
Ro Iriguez. president of ths board of
irqniry, completely exonerates Z.-r-tu:Iia.
General Whom Us I &Id to Hare
I'Unica to Comt-iiad la the l'rovlaees.
Washington, Vjc lo. General John
R. Brooke is to be made the military
governor of Cuba, and he is -now on
his way itcre to consult the President.
General Itrooke wrote a letter to a
friend here in which he said he favored i
General Fitzhugh Lea for governor for
tho provincsof Havana, Gcaeral Car
penter as governor for the province of
IJinsr dsl Rio, General Snj'der as gov
ernor of tha province of 'Pnerto Prin
cipe and General Wood for the prov
ince of Santiago.
Died and All HI Wealth Hlddea.
St. Joseph, Mo., Dec. II-. William
C. Owens died here a few days ago.
ne was fonnd dying in a room in a
lodging "house from Which he had ven
tured out only a few times in three
years. He had several thousand dol
lars, but he had hidden it and its
whereabouts are unknown. He vill be
buried by the city unless relatives are
fonnd. lie declined to give their nasaes
before he died..
Hpex la Hmsaorev Kaa.
Marion, Kan., Dee. 10 Smallpox
has broken out in tbe Russian settle
ment north of Hillsboro. Twelve cases
are reported there v and two in Hills
boro. They are under quarantine. ' It
is thought that aa old man who came
in from Russia twenty days ago
brought the disease with him.
Fettaiy Traat Orgaalae.
East Liverpool, Ohio, Dea io. It
was announced here to-day that tbe
pottery trust has completed its organ
isation under the laws of New Jersey
witk 2,W0, of capital stoesw . -
.Wast aad taadistte ttaaais"
isM frlaesd Caaar ai.OQQ Baaaa.
6kdaiA, Ma, Dee. ia Eagiaear
James L West and Conductor Eli S.
Stabbiefleld, charged With, aa attempt
to hold up and rob the Missouri Pa
cific, Lexiagtoh branch train; five
miles north of Sedalia, ten 'days ago;
'were arraigned before Judge Rogers
yesterday afternoon. The court .rooai
was thronged with an audience mads
Jip chiefly of railroad men, while many
ladies were present. Attorneys II. 1L
I Shain and J. D. Dale, of Shelby villlel
were present to assist ex-Mayor J. D.
Hastain and John Cashman in the de
fense of West, the two Sedalia lawyers
alono looking' after tho interests of
Only three witnesses were placed on
the stand. W. W. Kay, a Missouri
Pacific detective, told about the at
tempted holdup and the capture of
West, and exhibited tho masks worn
by the robbers. Policeman Ed Lovo
told about the capture of Stubblefield
and Robert R. Cunningham, the East
Sedalia butcher, who was oriirinallv
t". il a. . . .,
uuc ui hue gang ui iram ruooers, Testi
fied regarding his connection with the
defendants in the train robbing scheme
and how, on the date of tho attempted
robbery, be backed out and did not
join his pals. He also made the state
ment that he never disclosed the plans
bf the robbers to anyone. lie had
kept still, he said, because West and
Stubblefield had repeatedly threatened
to kill him if lie gave them away:
The evidence Wasdi&appointing to the
crowd because the name of the in
former who kept the Missouri Pacific
j officials posted in regard to the move
ment of the robbers was not disclosed.
The defense offered no testimony, and
Judge Rogers held West and Stubble
field to the criminal court, bail being
fixed at $3,030 each. Both men, it is
quite likely, will furnish bond.
Ob Creditors Will Ask for Ills
dltloa rrom Mexico.
Las Vegas, N. M., Dec. 10. D. n.
Howard, a cattle dealer of Abilene,
Kan., who is $40,000 short on Grant
Gillett, the Kansas plunger, passed
through Las Vegas ycsterdiiy.en route
from Mexico to Topeka, where he will
ask Governor Lccdy to issue requisi
tion papers for the transfer of Gillett
into the custody of the Kansas state
Howard and two detectives have
been on Giilctt's trail for ten days.
They discovered his whereabouts in
Chihuahua City, With him is his Ab
ilene attorney, C. R. Troxel, who
helped htm in his flight. Gillett
Would hate been promptly arrested
but for the defective extradition laws.
It Was considered best to leave the
two detectives to shadow them until
such time as matters i.ould be arranged
to capture and extradite them without
the possibility of a hitch in the pro
ceedings. Governor Ahumada was called upon.
Howard says the governor treated him
most kindly, 'and, after hearing his
statement and the story of Gillett's
conduct, very strongly intimated that,
notwithstanding the extradition laws,
executed legal documents on behalf of
the American authorities would fetch
Gillett back to Kansas.
. Mr. Howard further stated that he
had, at Albuquerque, telegraphed tc
the city marshal at Abilene, request
ing the or detention of two
parties as accessories of Gillett.
Rival Concession Will Frobiblr Frc
rsnt tctlon on tha Marg.ta Bill.
W-Viuixoxoy. Doe. 10. It seems to
be geneml'y understood that the con
flict of interests aver the construction
of the Nicaragua canal will prevent
action Oa ths Morgan b'll during this
session, and, in this event, th?ra is
reason to believe that when President
Iclesins of Costa Rica returns to Wash-
inirton the latter part of the winter he
will discuss with President McKinley
nnd Secretary Hay the advisability of
j entering into a treaty for the constrns
, tion of the canal by this government.
Iglcsias is in f.ivor of such action, and
so informsd the authorities while here.
I But nothing can bs done by the admin
istration on tills Urn until tha C!ay-ton-Buhver
treaty is inoJili d.
Tbo War Daptrtmsnt Decides on n New
n tute to Kolnforca tho I'hlllpplnr.
Washington, l)-"c. 10 . The next reg
iments to st-irt for Manila will embark
at Xcw York about tli2 cad of this
-i'kt-1 n I alt m- It sll rlk tfts Ciimii
' The csnotlitioa will const ,t of
The expedition
i three regiments of regular infantry in
transports, with perh ips a convoy of
two war slfps. Arrangements arc
making for th s cxpiJitioa by Adju
tant Gejeral Cjrbin as rapidly as pos
sible. Mm: Hit Wire T:rment-ir.
Galeva, Kan., Dec. 10. W. A. Hop
kins of this city s'io: s.-veral times yes
terday morning at L. Edmonson, a for-
! mcr suitor of Mrs. Hopkins. His aim
! Was bad, and E-lmonson received only
a few flesh wounds. Edmonson
in Cassville, Harry county. Mo., the
former home of Mrs. Hopkins. He was
i at attendant upon Mrj. Hopkii.s bc-
j fore her marriage, and afterward was
! madly jealous. Of late EJmonsoa has
insisted upon visiting Mrs. Hopkins
i during her husband's absence. She
objected, and finally complained to her
husband: Instead of going to work
yesterday morning, Hopkins lay in
wait for his wife's tormentor, and,
when- Edmonson appeared, started
after him with a gun. Edmonson ran,
with Hopkins in pursnit, shooting as
ac j,
Hopkins gave himself up after
the affray.
' Manr New Like Steamer.
Cleveland, Ohio. Dej. 1 0 Ship
building companies of the Great lakes
already have under contract for next
season twelve steel vessels, eight of
which are modern freight carriers, two
passenger boats, one an oil tank barge
and one a large tug. These vessels
will foot up in value a little more than
Saala Keseat the Cluplala'a Fraraa
Londox, Dec 10. The Madrid cor
respondent of the London Daily News
says: "The prayer of the chaplain of
tha United States senate, invoking
the blessing of heaven on Spain, is
Batten resented is high circles."
A. C Stseay 4,oavleta4.
Topeka, Kan., Dec. 10. In the fed
eral court yesterday A.G.Stacey, a well
known Kansas newspaper man was con
victed oa four counts on the charge of
sending obscene literature through the
mails. Last August Stacey wrote up
a racy story, pretending to give a his
tory of his divorced wife's misdoings.
The matter was printed in circular
form and copies were sent to many
families in Newton. He was indicted
by the grand jury and at the trial he
admitted having written the story, but
denied having bad it. printed or sent
through the mails.
Oae day, saya the Chisago lacard.
a-little ssa of the Rev. T. V Gardi
ner waa pUylag with aasae hoys who
had a cart, had they wanted a dog
totoit. Papa says we mast pray
far what, we want, asm themlsmter's
son, and he knelt Iowa and said; 0.
Lord, send as a Bog to draw oar cart.
Ia a little walls .a big one came along
that frightened them, and they, began
to cry. A second, time the boy knelt
but this Urns he prayed. Oh; Lord; we
dont want a bulldog.
Doaald B.. McDonald; M years old,
and Margaret Ann O'Reagan, H years
old, of Reno, Mich., were married the
other day. McDonald had been mar
ried three times in Canada, and is the
father of fourteen children. The brMe
had been married twice, and is the
mother of ten children. The wedding
was performed in the presence of great
grandchildren of both bridegroom and
Try tala-at Try Otala-al
t Ask your grocer today to show yoa a
package of GRAIN-O, the new food
driak that takes the place of coffee.
The children may drink it without in
jury as well as the adult. All who try
it, like it. GRAIN-O has that rich seal
brown of Mocha or Java, but itjs made
from pure grains, and the most delicate
stomach receives It without distress.
One-fourth the price of coffee. 15c
and 25c. per package. Sold by all
"The democrats say the money question-
didn't enter into the recent elec
tion." "They do. eh? Well, Iknow
one democrat who won't endorse that
view of it He has .just paid me $50
that I won from him on a tiat." Cleve
land Leader.
.Taay An Stottaala.
The .American Farmer is sincere in
what it says and whenever it endorses
an article, be it machinery, proprietary
medicine, or a man individually, we
want our readers to believe that what
we say we have good reason to under
stand is true. For a year or more
there have been endorsements of the
Swanson Rheumatic Cure Company, of
167 Dearborn street, Chicago, by this
paper. People have written us to
know if this company Is responsible,
and if its remarkable remedies, for the
cure of rheumatism, neuralgia, dyspep
sia, catarrh, kidney troubles, etc. real
ly had merit. We have therefore been
at extra pains to investigate, and once
again we add emphasis to our former
endorsement of that company. There
may be Isolated cases here and there
which, probably through neglect in fol
lowing directions, or from exposure or
some unexplainable reason, the won
derful Five Drops remedy does not do
the work. But it is a case where the
exception proves the rule. Mr. Swan
son is a gentleman of character and
personal Integrity, and, we believe,
would no more attempt to deceive the
public than the writer of this article.
They still offer to send a sample bot
tle of "5 Drops" for 25c or a large
bottle, 300 doses, for SI, prepaid by
mail or express. Address as above.
Why don't some genius invent a
lightning rod that will protect theater
goers from baru-stormers?
Iowa Patent OKco Report.
Applications prepared and prosecut
ed by us for United States patents have
been allowed, but not yet issued as
To C. J. Pollock, of Hastings, Neb.,
for a self-adjusting seat and an ad
justable seat support for chairs that
may be readily raised and lowered to
suit persons of different size. The seat
when occupied will adjust itself to ac
commodate the movements of the per
son as required to relax the nerves and
to promote ease, comfort and health.
To T. J. Fielder, of Webster C.ty,
Iowa, for a transformable wagon box.
Anxiliary hinged side boards fixed to
their ends in such a manner that when
the hinged boards are turned outwards
to rest on brackets the fixed end board
sections will project vertically to serve
as standards as required for hauling
wood or bay.
To C. Edgerton and L. H. Robarts,
of Paton, Iowa, for a pneumatic gov
ernor for wind motors. A pump is
connected with the wind motor for lift
ing -water into a trough and an air
pump is also connected with the motor
pump is also connected with the wind
motor for throwing the wind motor
out of gear whenever the trough is nar
ly full and a float therein rises high
enough to actnate a lever that is con
nected with the air putnp and the float,
'ixiOMAS G. ORWIG & CO.,
Des Moines, Nov. 30. 1898.
Why isn't pumping Up the tire giv
ing a bicycle its second wind?
trows Tiiiai
We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any
esse of Catarrh that cannot be cured bj Hall s
Catarrh Cure.
P. J. CHENET & CO., Toledo, tt
We, tae undersigned, have known F. t.
Cheney for the last 15 Tears and believe bint
perfectly honorable In all business transactions
and financially able to cany out any oblijja
Uons made by their firm.
West & Truax. Wholesale Druggists, Toledo,
tt; Waidine. Kinnaa & Marvin, Wholesale
Druggists. Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, act
ing directly upon the blood andmucoussurfaces
of the system. Testimonials sent free. Prica
IBeper bottle. Sold by all druggist
Hall's Family Pills arc the best
Why does a woman say all men are
alike when one of them acts selfish?
Diamond "C" Soap is made by the
Cudahy Packing Co. of South Omaha.
Sold by grocers everywhere.
Why ia it harder for the average
man to bear prosperity than adversity?
fjnqnalifled Success of Lydia B.
Pink-ham's Vegetable Compound.
Mrs. Ei-TZABETn Witeelock, Magno
lia, lows, in the following letter de
scribes her recovery from a very criti
cal condition:
" Dear Mrs. Piskham : I have been
taking your Vegetable Compound, and
am now ready to'sound
its praises. It
has done won
ders for me in
relieving me
of a tumor.
"My health
has been poor
for three years.
Change of life
was working
upon me. I
. was very
much bloated
and was a bur
den to myself. Was troubled with
smothering spells, also palpitation of
the heart and that bearing-down feel
ing, nnd could not be on my feet much.
"I was growing worse all the time,
mntil I took yoar medicine.
"After taking three boxes of Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
Lozenges, tbe tumor passed from me.
"My health has been better ever
since, can now walk quite a distance
nnd am troubled no more with palpita
tion, of the heart or bloating. I rec
ommend your medicine to all sufferers
from female troubles. n
It is hardly reasonable to suppose
that nay oae can doubt the efficiency
of Mrs. Pinkham's methods and medi
dae ia the face of tbe tremendons vol
tne of testimony.
tmm U S NMWMMf toesreayspsy
H, gaaiiiastlsa Mrorssitlastirslsrairs'jrM
wmmmmmVf f
Gea. Lawtea's work at Saatfaco
aot hi first servles to the xovera
meat. Thoagh aot generally known
ha waa la ISM captain ia the Fourth
cavalry; whiea captured Geroalmo aad
his Ahaeaes after a MM mXe
A ibsee Agalast naa.
The crew of a steamer from Spaia
discovered la mid ocean that flames
were raging In the. hold. For ten days
they gravely fought the flames. If
men would fight as persistently against
disorders there would be fewer prema
ture deaths. The best weapon for such
a fight is Hostetter's Stomach Bitters.
The Scotch forefathers of President
McKinley spelt the name MacKinley;
the first instance of the present spell
ing occurring in the signature of
James McKinley in the last century.
A catalogue of 300 prizes, suitable to
every taste and condition, mailed on
inquiry. Prizes given for saving Dia
mond "C Soap wrappers. Address
Cudahy Soap Works. South Omaha,
Neb. The list contains many seasonable-
and suitable holiday gifts.
Harrison M. Seal, of Whitcomb, Ind.,
probably holds the voting record of
that state. He voted for Jackson in
182S. and for each democratic president
since men.
The Dlplassa sad Gold Medal.
Were awarded to the Chicago Scale
Company of Chicago, HI., at the Omaha
exposition for the best stock and hay
ccales over all first-class makes, no
cheap scales were considered. This
company, sells more scales than .any
other, and their prices are lower than
those of any. reliable scale. They also
handle, hundreds of useful specialties
for farmers and others. They send
catalogue free;
Claribel They say he 13 worth -tialf
a million, at the least! Mathlea How
I should like to be his widow. Boston
JHrs."VraiuoTr wrotninjr, "yraa
For children teethtnfj.nnflen-. trie irni-.trtiuce- Inflam
mation, allays pain, cures wird colli. ?' centra holt!-.
Miss Zephyr Adler, who is regarded
as one of the most beautiful .women
in Nashville, Tenu., has joined the
Salvation army.
Adel!(-hted with DB. SETO ARNOLD'S COUGI1
KILLKKilt cores crerr time. Hex. J. S. Cornish,
WaynetYille, IU. i5c. a bottle.
"Ingratitude is the world's leward."
is the favorite motto of those who do
not wish to do goad. Flicgende Blat
ter. 3o's Coujcti Haiti m
?a the olCsst and best. It will break nr -3 cold octcker
tben aBjlWwj eUe. 'tl always rcl'ti)le. Try It
It took the British thirteen years
to remember Gordon, but. only five
hours to avenge him.
Piso's Cure for Consumption has been
a God-send to me. Win. B. McClellau,
Chester, Florida, Sept. 17. lbU3.
The washing of Qucon Victoria's
household costs 3,014 per annum.
Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet All
druggists refund the raoncv If it fails to cure
St The genuine has Ij. U. Q. on each tablet.
Why don't policemen carry umbrel
las to arrest the rain?
r sal, az per acre caaa.aai
eii Mia. J. Malfeai:. a law lii
Col. Josepn Henry, or vanceoure.
Ky.. is tne great grandson cr raincK .
Henry, and the only living direct de-
scendant of the patriot.
i Look for It.
Here it is
Now vou know bv this
i s'gn
iiwsn t
Lives of suffering and misery from this repulsive 1!scjc turned into health and liappU
ncs through the usu tif
Richard's Catarrh Exptiiant.
After vcarsof special study and practice In diseases of the Mucus Membrane, and cspe
Cia ly of ratarrl'ai troubles, we hare at List devulued a treatment that will positively and
permaiii utly cure Catarrhal Olscascs-Iii whalcter form tliev may he. After fully drmon
stratiu? tne merits of this Ircatnn tit in a private prat-thru tf over Ave yearn, nnd snecess-
fiillv tteiititiir
mil rnri-r' the most obstinate
Catarrh, or Catarrhal Miseasu cur CATARRH EXPELLANT
Ueahiew, roMiltin;: fr im Catarrh, quickly cunvl
Loos at sni-e of Mnell and Tnstc quicMy restored.
All repulsive svmptnms peculiar to .t irrhal troubles, as foul breath, nasal discharges
Backing. l'oiic;iiin;r. and spitting, relieved at once
CatarrJiHl Affection of Hltimacli, Llurnr Kidneys. c.-His'ns Indqeeatlnn, Sick Stomach.
Nantea. Weakiient. I-prtlon. I ost of Ambition and Knergy. are quickly cured.
Mtstof the weakness of men and ivomcii is c.iused by Catarrhal diseases. The poisonous
discharges find their w.-iv to the stomach and Into the blood, and distributed throughout
tho entire system, affecting the ital and I-ifc Force and causing those Organic and
crtouK WcaknescK .so tlreaded by everv man antl woman
These weaknesses an cured hy CATARRH EXPELLANT and rerfect health and
strength fully restored. Oicr five hundred testimonials in praise of this treatment re
ceived slucu January 1, 197. If you have Catarrh or any Catarrhal Disease,
Will cure you just as sure as water will quench thirst. Write to-day for testimonials an(f
valuable instructive p-'iperon tneso diseases. SENT FKEE- Address
C. H.
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmitit wiiMHiiiiHiiinMBiimiiMBiii
of our niidtci
ADVICE !'' our riiyidt -
ne antl nto-paee Free Book
recipes are some or tne reasons wn j ou snouia write us.
Dr. Kay's Renovator
S r-ifr tfif. Tprv ttrnrfit m.iflflf f)rcnntl.i.
52 Kidney di'ca'ca. bend for proof of it.
55 all of tour fmptm?. Dr. Kay Renovator lrt as
by mail ou receipt of price, 25 cents
: Addrest Dr. B. J. KAY MEDICAL
In a Tourist
Sleeping Car--
Personally conducted via the Burlington Route that' the stay ta
go to GUifbrnu.
Why ? Because you don't change cars j jou nuke fatt time ; yoa
tee the finest scenery on the globe
Your car no: to ccperuitely finished nor k fine to look at a a
palace Ieeper, but it h just as clean, jusr as comfortable, just as good ta
The Burlington excursiotuTleaie Omaha and Lincoln troy Thurs
day, reaching San Francisco Sunday and Los Angeles Monday. Porter
with each car. Excursion manager with each party. For folder giving
full information, write to
X FRANCIS, O.P.JL, BarKsstaa Rsate.
Are you frequently Iwarte?
uo you nave mat annoying
pcuingm your tnroat? .1
voti feel relieved if you
raise, something? Does.
cough annoy you at tight;
do you raise more aaucua ia
the morning?
Then you should always keep
on hand a bottle of
If you have a. weak
throat you cannot Je lob
fetrcful. you, cmnat setig
treatment too early:. ack)
cold makes, you more liable
to another, and. the last
one is always harder to
cure than the one before k.
Help at Hand. "
If you have any complaint
whatever and desire the best
medical advice you caa pos
sibly obtain, write the doctor
freely. You will receive n
prompt reply.
Address, DR. J. C. AYER,
Lowell, Masa.
Buckingham's Dye,
Price 80 cents of alt dragglst or K. T. Batt A Cs.
Nashua. N.H.
r cnoiuno huue quick
Write CAPT. O'FARRELL. Peaslea Agsat.
M35 New York Aveaac. WASHINGTON. D. C
If afflicted with
ore ejr. vac
TaWapsM's Eft Water.
rJOHNW. MORRIS, MamiM.l.t,
Lite VriacisJ Izaalaer H. s. FeaiHa Sanaa.
r -i.'. ia Ut wo.. 154odi;-uaa clauu. tj.
v. n.
U. OMAHA. No. 50-I80S
Aaswerisg Mverttseaetts liaaty
Neation This Taper.
St. Jacils Oil
cases. w raiiene meworiu roractiseoi
III not cure.
lan and a FREE
treating all dieaieA with 26 excelhnt I
: an it. t
r!nnIIiiAttnn. ffmilafh. T.lce fe4
We Guarnntre It. Write ua abost
v: r
Dr. Kay Renovator lrt sold by dragglst. or
rice, 25 cents and
CO., (Wntera Office) Omaha. N. I
- J
' '
' I,
- . 1
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i .
j "" T i
. ' - j"
m-n tf
"iT! '
w- .,
Tii i rt" I r- '." M i.m& up i
h-&rJ- e - -' i.. r'v .
sjjr-sS&srzi -atf ?j "
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