W9Min0' U&-S. "fv- 'VM;.S; str OS; s' "S1- Kwrjp &C w ,-vV .. rfi-i-3- ,J-f" j- r -" --u. -- , .-! . bB8kN i.aAi:V' "-se-i .4 : ',. -, " k J ",,r, -i f7- IZ X -" ' .; - amsdsy ,Sa , 'Si' '"' w - aR- ( v. flSf IK sa kK: m. : ' ' UJI? if if - ... 11- : WaF S br:- - ZMT' tiE'fr- :; .' Urla - BBav p"v . Columbus fourrtaL JpCrXarO --.-. Sj AMERICA'S DUTY. if Br' ' " . oad class mail matter, ae . 11 g "XT.-. -C3 II- . - Q Holn roll the ball of JNaH IE TV '.; 8 nmoniMCHPi 0 tional PTOgT6SS. R KiY ' a . .taB. aWB " Baa pm wff aTataaSh saiaemsB BBsae aWaaSaS I wa0 aaaaams. aaSBaaaaaaSa aaafefla. S. J amop IV ' .", WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 1, 1MB. " ' CK; SWa S aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa l'.?Ki" Tn aaiall inn infwtinn ia m-ortad SMfi .... , I HHMUwnr ;Es-? UBmemuarern. i i i rnurr Two and a half feet of anow in the Black Hob, fell last Tuesday and Wed- Tan loaa of the Standard Oil company by ire at Loe Angeles, California, Fri day, ia estimated at $225,000. '. Col. BBTAXahaa tendered hie reeigna .tion aa colonel of the Third Nebraska -VDlaateera, and it was immediately accepted. HwfAX Bohn, near Madison, fell from a fifteen-foot corn crib, fracturing hiaakall and aaffering a broken noee. It ia thought he will recover. Tnc family of A. A. Atkins of Xeligh ware Boiaoned by eating meat which had been kept orer night in a maty tin pan. Two of them had a hard struggle to recover. .Naval Coxstbuctob Hobbok will go to Manila to superintend the raising of tbesankenwarveasels. He has not yet .gives up hopes of raising the Colon. Ox Dec. 2, after a total blindness of twelve years duration, Mrs. Palmer, an old woman living a few miles southeast of Ainsworth, suddenly regained her eight and now Eeems to see as well'aa ever. " One hundred girls, inmates of an or phan home at Versailles, Kentucky, to gether with the matron and music teacher were poisoned, it is thought by drinking water that had been standing in lead pipes, and are in a precarious condition. Watching the trade in iron and you can generally see how business gener ally is going. Leading Chicago firms have recently ordered steel rails amount ing to over $3,000,000. The total aalea of last week amounted to nearly 700,000 tons. President McKinlet's message has developed the fact that the country gen- orally are standing by him, just as he has been all along standing by them. He has the faculty of giving attention to the essential features of the situation thinking and acting from the center. .Smallpox is epidemic at Nebraska City, has been prevalent for some eight months, and over two hundred cases have been treated. Only one death has occurred, and that was due to tributary causes. It seems that until Friday last the trito nature of the epidemic was not known. Gen. Calixto Gabcia, the Cuban leader, head of the commission elected .to visit this country, died at Washington, D. C, Sunday morning of pneumonia, the result of exposure one night while attending a dinner given in his honor by General Miles. He was born in 1839, and leaves a widow, three sons and two daughters. . It k reported that insurgents attacked . Boilo, capitol of the island of Panay in the Yisayas group, on the night of December 1, capturing all the trenches but one. Later report aaya the Spanish were victorious in an engagement on December G, while the insurgents were attempting to storm the last intrench- ment, five hundred of the latter being .killed or wounded by the machine guns. First PriKiBleK So long as the United States adheres to the principles of the Constitution, . and bends every energy to make those principles the living, active motive of government, wo shall be safe in what ever acquisitions of territory ro may, by the natural course of events, be com pelled to make. The primary object of government, with this nation, never has been, and it is hoped never will be, .the accumulation of lands, but the "general welfare," the good of the people, and of this the peo ple themselves are the judges. The Journal can see, in all our action in regard to Spain, where our interests were involved, that our government has been very lenient, until lenience became almost criminal, and then, the war was of the aamo thorough-going nature, and now. aa we have said all along she would be, the United States is really the very best friend that Spain has. We wish the nation well. We hope they will mend their waya, and get rid of their evil habits, and thus come to prosperity and the peace of justioe. But, is it not strange that there are living right among us those who prof to fear that the United States, especia lly in recant assumptions of responsi bility, are about to plunge headlong in to just auch fatal methods of misrule as we have aeau with Spain? And this un der the adauniatration of one of, the aaeat augucJoue and coaaciautiona of ex ecutivea that the United States has ever We are not to make such a plunge in to the abyaa. The welfare of the Cubans, the Philippinos, etc., is the guiding principle for us, the rule of action in aay event. The American people would sever institute nor consent to a policy of spoliation upon those who are, tem porarily at least, wards of the republic. The general welfare consists with good, stable government, which means order, justice, equal rights, all of which are only secured when the people are animated by the true spirit of liberty and progress, and this, it is the pleasure of America to see, to understand, and to balp bring to all peoples with whom abe has to do. rrarffdiagi, Counooa, Hol, FridavKor. 25. 18S8. aedat 2 o'clock. Hea. Peter Beader. taadOWFaOliBa, Clerk. Roll called and the a. Carrie allowed ea the i ii i. . . -- .. . m. ., ... . . . laaon PV" 1- jL lM II fak. (USO. BSkl flsll I Boll ! Utl. .V - I 8008 I. ii .a aaawaav 11 i i i avaia- URvHIUHlB-l. BOlflB BnailB VIMfl. 1 1T w.y- - - I - hw ww auaaui vm Mas CMaai EvT. . aaBaa. aWasaTTasar wiBBiaa........... ...... ....i TrJ ....... '' iKa -- ' ... i..UHnc IS 89 mr?' -S-wTKT T SfiK-- : : US . gg & BaaamrABVsvacetGrsadFrairfe C J Cam eap district asm esa. war 8969 OAafVOXXAs 1c? A3-' ' iaavraaaaaaver - 8869 Oa motion the heard nawteaknreema aacfl i -wLsSaCav-ZlSlZ.w-as 0 Br-. iaajSMr 9 98 tnVlafka mTaTTma ""- lagg,., M smw fJIMMB awsfl g W&-. . 'fSafBwaawaaah - MSS """fctomw,r - - - aawT MFTTmSr at-l BjaK'' mwasT - -." kmamssBaL.- " 15.-1' 5S.--? - - ". -." -.-. BMBBS-MBWBBpaM- Willi Hotfri SS0 seo 720 tats 48 15 182 . as is ce soo sa 175 seo 98 55 10 a as 55 2775 seo as 2 re IIS 17 57 49 seo 2 10 - SOO 250 SOO 58 25 24 25 CuUUUMMB HeflMl HWIiafetawaCo Johnlaaqtl Gmroll SEl Grala Co Haaphnr J M Mill jwncaoer JpMiw. EA Wlote M CoHrlF"ci " . COraaather Moyoe O M Bear ,.,. Edward Nelaoa ... JBidkielZarkiB "l Crowd! Lul Oimia Co. Joilet Nre&gcfcaeiderCo. Walker J VUUMOB Alria Haraapp LoatoBaae narlUoaeae ACWefeantah PCOaeae.ir. AC Wafaaaaah Footer ft Barith. ACWeiawfah Batler 40W 10 46 SO 00 8 75 CBriatWaethrielc,jr. NyeABctaeWerCo. St. Bernard PPBeide BeaSchaudt J W Baaauskera MartinS Wagaer WHBaadaU Cotaatbae JJQ-1W " JoaaKraweki - SI 50 72 05 42 50 28 OB 18 69 '14 69 28 69 use r 2469 - 959 1139 - - U25 i - S69 FndHarale Chat John S75 2 ISO 159 900 1290 5100 OeoraeBaadaU WillM Miller WHBaadaU EJMeaxa TFScbefolk AC Bailer BPBrisham Wa Hewitt Michael Boejat LeoOatZaBer Archie Ball JohaMieBuc ChasBerapek Joseph Hoffman WHBaadaU JohnCoUiaa Henry Nelaoa 8225 eitr of Colombo 2S 74 150 " 450 ' 6 75 6 75 SOO 750 860 225 2175 150 HUeagraTe Fred 2 25 Klerator Boiler MlUe Co. Joseph Hoffman CHBaU GCBanram MikeBoaaa CHBaU AadnwSarek ChaaBempek Joseph Hoffman GeoBaadall BobertMcCray 200 660 IS 00 128 00 SOO S29 1125 150 450 200 79 50 Konert'McUray SOO Coaaty Trees, sect. del. tax CHBaU acct city of Colambaa S 18 Coaaty Treasurer sect. del. tax Wm Hew itt cttyof Columbus 12 28 County Treasurer acct. deL tax Frank Sco field Colambus twp IS 50 County Treasurer acct. deL tax FA Boo. field Colambaa twp 6150 Coanty Treasurer acct. deL tax Louis gchreiber Columbus two 17 10 County Treasurer acct. deL tax B J Con gram, Walker twp SOO Coanty Treasurer acct, deL tax J A Ham line Humphrey twp 4 15 County Treasurer acct. del, tax Mike Hash Loup twp 5 45 County Treasurer acct. deL Ux Chris Bienz .uOQp IW !! Z Ml County Treasurer acct. deL tax Jacob Hipp aUOB P awtJJ a County Treasurer acct deL tax WiU Finch WoodTiUetwp 5 91 County Treasurer acct deL tax John Peter- ' son WoodTiUetwp 4 68 County Treasurer acct deL tax H C Chris- teasea WoodTiUetwp 6 65 Coanty Treasurer acct deL tax J W Palme lV OOfeflTlXaO lafeTp w) a4 County Treasurer acct deL tax B W Oeatle men Lost Creek twp...... ................ SOO County Treasurer acct deL tax Carl Bosche Shot man twp...... .................... .... 12 48 OMBear acct Woodrilie two 24 65 Edward Palme " 7 50 August Larson " 7 30 EmilPalme " 10 50 JOFurby " 22 50 Jacob Lean .SheUCreek 19 00 John Merer " SOO Fred Lean " SOO HearStems " S00 Wm Merer SOO Jacob liaun " IS 50 WBraaaer Baermaa 15 00 Fredlnselmaa M 16 59 Fred Boaaiac - 1188 H H Haatemaaa 14 40 Heary otfkea ..... 29 25 Nye & Schneider Co " 28 SO DHollmaa 8 75 II Hunker A; Rro Barrows 25 04 Jacob VoUmar M 2100 Jacob Kipp " 20 72 Frank Oerman 1000 KOStcinbaagh Granville S 25 Rloedora & Bethscheider M 17 80 UHunker&Bro. " 1028 - 2110 Walrath & Sherwood Lbr. MathJSchafer: " 28 50 wairatn a, oncrwooa ijor. Walrath A Sherwood Lbr. (n ia is HHunker&Bro. HumDhrer 12 05 Joseph Froemel 22 00 Joseph rroemei zi au JohnHeincn 10 SO HHunker&Bro " 28 92 FF Clark 27 25 J J Graves ............... 7 50 D DriscoU 6 50 HWLWitnorA Co. Lost Creek 20 97 HLSmith 2900 CroweU Lumber & Grain Co Walker J57 60 Crowell Lumber & Grain Co St Bernard 21 52 PPBeide M 69 59 Wnlrath & Sherwood Lbr. Co Grand Prairie 68 65 PC Anderson Lost Creek 125 John Jesuits " 150 Wm Lambert M 6 00 Jacob VoUmar " 2 50 JOFurby WoodvUle 5100 J ww A74aiAaBO 4 94 H C Christenaen " 13 85 John Peterson M 5 32 Alfred Potter 6 00 Boy Clark 6 00 PPBeide St Bernard 80011 HHaaker&Bro. Barrowa 24 09 Frank German . 2000 JohnFasteaow H S060 CarlBesche Sherman 35 77 John Bosche H 12 50 Ferdinand Psota Walker 25 00 Daniel HoUeran 75 00 Maurice HoUeran " 7500 Michael Gaspers " 25 00 TKOtris M 25 00 BUlsof Henry Albars 19; F. & Wolf 9 aad Geo. Thomazin $18 were oa motion referred to the town board of Barrows township for pay- BUI of Frank Anderson, acct Crestoa towa ship, $100, waa oa motion referred back to be itemised aad approved by the town board. Thomas Keatiag submitted a request asking the board to reconsider their action ia rejecting his biU of $4J0 for trimmiac trees ia coart hoaes yard. After some discussion it was moved that the action be reconsidered aad the biU allowed, the amoaat B4J9 to be dedacted from the biU of the janitor. Motion carried. Sap'r Wicxiaseatered aad took his seat with the board. Ia the matter of the MOw Boad"ia Walker towaship,tbe committee oa roads aad feaidces submitted the foUowiag report: "Yoar committee reeommead that this road be declared tally established that the report of the appraisers appointed therein beaawmasd so that the claimants be allowed 825 for the land so appropriated, aad that warrants ia paymeat thereof be drawn apoa the coaaty road faad and charged to the aeooaat of Walker township." Ob motion report of committee was adopted. Sap'r Olson sabeutted the foUowiag: Whereas. Ia the location of the Ole BeasT the necessity arises for the beUdiag of awagoa bridge over SheU creak oa the line of said road. theretoi be it Besolved, That a wagoa bridge be and is hereby ordered baUt as at nrisaiiL aad that the clerktedireetedtepahliahanotleeiataeaBV. Following hiUs were allowed oa the coaaty poor land: JHGaUey.mda for $15 28 famUy 1899 SUSCK, for The bOl of Homer A of $Ut for the Kaipaat fasatty. by the eommtttee with a that the faUl be aUowed aad faad for the amoaat Oa part of etna miMai. roll eaU reaaked as foUewa: Sap'rs Carrie. was reported hack motion to awaat re- 3eraaa,M- t, entire board pnaeut except Sap'r Bachar, axcaaed. The foUowias waa prcaeatadr Colambaa. Hah.. Nor. 23. 189). Ia the matter of the claim for neat of amy la what la kaowa a the-Dickiaaoa Kod" ia wUah boUVW. . McAlluter aad Haria tu-ricmakaelalmtotae ia. it m hereby mataaliy asreed by way or promiaa that W. A. McAUiater receive three- aftha of the amoaat allowed aad that Barid Carris metre two-aftha of theaame. ' 11ATXB UASBia. per B. P. Daffy Us Att'y. W. A. McAixima. Mored by Sap'r Carris that the tioa be apread apoa the rreord. aad that raata be drawn apoa tho 1898 coaatyroad faad for the amoaat of the damaaea heretofore by this board awarded, aa foilowa: W A McAUiater. acct Shell creak tp ft -21 00 Darid Carrie aame. ............ .......... 18 00 Motion carried. FoUowiac biUa were allowed on the coaaty teaeralfand: Neb. sehool tor deaf aad death, aapplies KatacaUdrea. 660 14 85 408 SOB 12 10 450 28 80 18 00 Haydea Bros., same. Timea Priatias Co., mdae for coaaty Same. Same. Nels Olsoa. SoD'r district work. ... J Wiariae, serricea as snperriaor.. JamesKieraaa. - 8 69 Peter Beader. " SOO NekOlsua. M 22 90 C J Carrie. " SOO FoUowiac bills were allowed oa the coaaty road aad bridce faad: CH Ball, acct City of Cetembas.. f 88 25 tatme. '. IS BS Charles BaTiea.aeet Batler tp 18.50 M J Harry. - , - 900 WUlFiach, '- ' M S99 Coaaty Treasurer, acct del. tax H N Chri-tepsen. sect Woodtille 4 09 The board now proceeded to select sixty names from which the jnry for the January term of the district court wiU be drawn. Oa motion the board now adjoarned nntU Monday, Jan. 2, 1889, at 2 o'clock p. ra. Cheap Exearaioa Kates. The "Burlington" will sell tickets to Hot Springs, So. Dakota, at one fare for the round trip. Dates of sale Dec. Gth and 20th, return limit thirty daya J.'T. Cox, Agent. Real Estate Traasrera. Becher, Jasggi k Co., real estate agenta, report the following real estate transfers filed in the office of the county olerk for the week ending Dec. 10, 1898. Andrew D. Johnson to Nils Landeon, nW nwkJ.8304w.wd ft 1500 09 Catherine Foster to Sarah Cue, part ntf blk 60, Capital add. to Columbus, wd 100 00 John C. Willy to Andrew athis, lots 7 aad h, due i. uoiumDas, wd uww State of Nebraska to John Schilx. aw) swU.S8.18-2w.deed 880 60 John F. Dischner to Henry C Laschea, n, ne ana no aw;,, aD-imie, wa.. sewi w Five transfers, totaL.... .,.. .ft 6780 00 XMAS IS COMING ..and the.. UNION PACIFIC will sell tickets on its lines at 6REATLY REDUCED RATES. For dates of sale, limits and points to which tickets will be sold apply to C. E. Jot, Agent All Eyes Tamed to Liaeela. Tho Omaha exposition has closed and all eyes are now turned toward Lincoln, the capital city, where the legislature will soon meet. The istallation of now stato officers,' the election of a United States senator, and other matters of much importance will make Lincoln the centre of state interests and every Ne braakan will want to read the old, re- liable standby, The State Journal, dur ing the coming year. As a special in ducement to secure -new readers, The Semi-Weekly .Journal, printed every Tuesday and Friday, will be mailed from now until January 1, 1900, for S1.00. This is a mighty long time for the money and the sooner you send your dollar the more papers you get. There isn't any other paper in Nebraska that gives so much for the money,. It is twice as good as tbe old fashioned weekly. Try it Address, The State Journal, Lincoln, Neb. IVORZA. JaiaialYajKMAIlfetJI IF YOU ABE GOING to the PACIFIC COAST Don't complete arrangements until you have secured information regarding the Personally Ct-ntlucted Excursions to San Francisco, Los Angeles and Fort land via the Union Pacific These ex cursions leave Chicago, Minneapolis and St. Paul every Thursday, and Omaha every Friday in elegantly upholstered Pullman Tourist Sleepers; illuminated by Pintsch light; heated by steam. Bag gage checked through from starting point to destination. Prompt and satis factory service. Many hours quicker time than any other line. For full particulars vail on or address 8t C. E. Jot, Agent. ilHaMYMlMi HOT SODA ! We have just received the latest pattern Hot Soda apparatus. Hot Soda beveragea can be made even more de licions than Cold Soda. Yn.ure etrwinlly ij.Tita.tw call art try jtltese aWTerages. Everyoae auking a pnrelMoe at oar tale wook to lantoa to uy a no iFBEE! STILLMANS osmo&u CZ&fffiElsSu BmenaBBBBnasnae bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbh sBSVaWaWaSB LKtKB Tf CMeafB aad, Ike. Kaatr '1 Passengers going east for IraeineaB, wilt naturally gravitate to Chicago aa tho great commercial oenter. Passengers re-visiting friends or reJAtivws'in tho eastern states al waya desire to "take aa Chicago en ronte. All claaaasof paaaasV gen will find that Uie8o4Kt LbeToff J Chicago, Milwaakee k St Paul Rail way, via Omaha aad Conncil- BlnJb, axoraa exceuen. iacuiooa to react, their dastinationa in a manner, that will bo sure to give the utmost aatisfactton. A referenoe to the time tablea will in dicate the route to be ohoaon, and, by asking any principal agent west of the Missouri' river for a ticket over tho Chicago, Conncil Bluffa k Omaha Short Lane of the'Chicago, Milwaukee k 8tV Paul Railway, you will be cheerfully furnished with tbe proper passport via Omaha and Chicago. Please note that all of the "Short Line" trains arrive ia Chicago in ample time to oonneet with the express trains of all the great through oar lines to tbe principal eastern cities. For additional particulars, timetables. mane, etc.pJeaae call on or address K. A. Nash. General Agent, Omaha, Neb. CASTOR I A - IaT Iifcati im4 CUUna. TWIMYNtoAhnrtlniU tho of &&& REVEREND DOCTOR SAMUEL GOODALE departed this life Thursday evening, December 8, at hk home in thk city. He. was born in Berkshire county, Massachusetts, in 1814. A sketch of hk eventful life waa given in Tax JocRNAt of Nov. 30, 1896. The body lay in .state at the Episcopal church Monday from 10 a. m. to 2 p. m., at whichtime funeral services began, conducted by Rector of the Episcopal church, Burgess of Plattsmouth; Johnson of South Omaha; Pattee of Schuyler; Marsch of Central City; Von Fleet of Norfolk and Weed of thk city. A number of ministers of, the churches of the city attended the funeral together. Musio was furnished by the snrpliced choir rendering the hymns "Lead, Kindly Light," "Abide in Me," besides responses. There were a number of beautiful and elaborate floral offerings. The pall-bearers were J. D. Stires, Henry Hockenberger, George Lehman, Charles Stillman, E. H. Chambers, O. T. Roen; the honorary pall-bearers, L. Ger rard, C. A. Speice, J. E. North, H. J. Hudson, J. R Smith, A. M. Post. A large concourse of sorrowing friends followed the body to its last resting place. , Mr. Goodale has been what the world calk an old man for almoat the average life-time of 'the race of men, and. .through all hk. life, ao far aa we have learned of it, he has been loyally serving tho. Master he coaecientiouely professed to follow. He recognized the. Divine leading; he followed the suggestions that came to him through the better elements of the human nature from tbe Source of All Strength, the Fountain of All Good; he avoided evils because they were sins, and for tbe rest, trusted, as a little child trusts its mother, Him in whom he bolkvod. He was another living illustration of the fact that all true religion has relation to life, and that the very life of religion, so far as the human recipient k concerned, k to do good; uppermost with him, in all he did, aeemed tbe universal rule of right: "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and hk righteousness," understanding thereby that the "kingdom" is Divine Truth, the "righteousness," Divine Love. He died, as he had livod. In the evening, after supper, at home, with hk faithful, lifo-companion, apparently without a struggle, perhaps without a con. scions pang, his gentle spirit passed to its home, freed from the clay tenement. Let us believe that death k but an incident of life, not its close; that, while the visible and mortal part has been consigned to earth, the invisible, the immortal part, the real, has but disappeared from mortal view, to be forever with the Lord JftOOSOJKXKXKXXJiXKJOC FRIEDHOF & CO. ' ae Only twb weeks. . .. "-nntil everybody wants a CHRISTMAS hx PRESENT, And we have just what you want. We have an elegant line of Christmas Goods this year. Now is the best time to get the choice of the prettiest goods. XMAS HANDKERCHIEFS ! - The largest and handsomest collection we have ever shown from 2 cents, to $1.50. , . An elegant line of initial Handkerchiefs both Ladies' and Gents' in silk and linen.' r v : I , .1 ?. : MUFFLERS IN GREAT- VARIETY FROM 25 CTS. TO $2.50 EACH. BEAUTIFUL FANS FROM 50 CTS. UP. FANCY RIBBONS, SILK MITTS, UNDRESSED AND MOCHA KID MITTENS AND' GLOVES. - --' ', : : J., ii;-' '- -.2 A large and complete line of Kid gloves in all shades. " , r Stamped Linens in great variety. Down and sofa pillows, Silk silks in handsome plaids and dress silks. Black and colored dress goods. Our stock is complete in every detail in all the new styles and shades. Ladies' fees' and Wfa's floats! To close oat oar immense assortment, we oiler our entire stock at a discouat of 20 fr temt from oar former low prices. Thk includes 'our entire stock of FCE CAPES AND COLL A1ETTS. We shall be pleased to have yoa call aa&exaa.iae oar im mense line. ....-'... BespectAilly, FRIEDHOF t CO. "S a.-V". -..-. la r, v irtt lar lartaava Al Tho Buriingtoo Boato (B. kU. R R) 0wre thirteen priasa raagioic from 96 1 to 9S6 and aggregating oca hundred dollara lir tho cthirteon lottors, which, la tho oauaioai of a compeUat ooaimittoo, are .mat calculated to enconrage immigra tion to Nehraoks 'Evory contestant, whether or not his. eontribotioa is awarded a prise, will reeervo tho "Corn BoHN(a aaaolaoaao If pageavootaly pnblicatioa)foratx -aoatho free of chargo. Tho conteot is opsa to alL Dataikaaatoobtaiaodbyaddroas ing J. FrajMia,,0. P. A Burlington RoaU, Omaha. Nob. 7-doc-8 . .The Way.ta a to Callfarala Is. ia a toarist sleeping car peraoaally eoadacted via the BarUagtoa Route. Toa doat change ears. Yoa make fast fiats. Toa oee tho Inset aooaory oa tho globe. . YoveexkaotMexpeaa.velyfe.ahed aoeao ftao to look at as a palace alooper bat it k jaot as clean, jaot aa comforta ble, juntas goodtoridin,AHOintABLT S30 OaTJUPXa. Tho Barliagtoa excuraioos leave every Tharadayreaching San Francisco San day aad Los Angeles Monday. Porter with each ear. Excursion manager with each party. For folder giving fall infor mation call at aoaraot R k M. R R depot or write to J. Fraaek, Gen'l. Pae aoBftWrAgXOataho.Nob. june-aS4)9 H'!Mi?im gH -.-Ufck.vi-V-. i -.'tViJsJaMtJi-lm-liU -,-?!.. . - "'. -i-i. -- -,.-'j. A. .s : ; .ri4'. -v.-.i-'4i2 -.'.-.wit.- ii1ff ' ifeJITT'il W yfeVTnM i TiTinn fl iii fajlliiWl"mliarriliaW That gloat fttoa ailvor faoaUy aowoaaaor. tho OaMha Weakly WerW-HoraW, io swad ia asmiwnkly acetkaa; will bo aeat to now oaaworibera until Jaaaary 1, 1900, for-oaly Oao Dollar, tho yearly Nboeriptioa irioa, and each now aao oeriber who oats oat this offor aad oeatoa it wiih hk dollar will also rocern a highly iatatastiag aroatiaoa book, en Utled, "Lighta aad rlhodowa of Oar war With Spain," of historical afcetohea, iaddaata, anecdotaa aad per sonal axpariaacea, by John R. alasiek. Thk book of 324 pages, in paper cover, k oae of the asoat attractive aad popu lar booka that eaa.be offered aa a prem ium. No ageat'a oomtakaioa allowed oatak offer. Addreaa Weakly Wbrld- ilarald, Omaha, Neb. to 12-15 LEGAL NOriCK. Notice Is hereby rlvca tkat aralnl aroposala vtllaa rtcdrad at the iake of ike ewialy clerk of Platte emi'.tr. Nrbraaka. aatll 12 o'clock. aaoa.Jaaaanr 2.1888. (or ta ftiruiB lagof thelllowlapilhors wh Ihcre-' otmk'mms be aemlcd. rcaulrva .aa from time t time ordsreil by tbe prop.-r aatbwlty fmr the eomlac year 1888. the utaxliaMW rfpnseutlai'. t-valt: , , nooKit. Foar suht qalra arlatetl reeonl. Tsh drat qulra Uaak rcconla. Oaefuarqalre titasarft'a rah bosk, per Oae tsar ealre Irtaaaiei'a Miiscellaaeaascatb aWsWaNK ffJVtr aHaenpffva Twa sJaat qalre aeUttaarat tax books. uaeaixairescaoot aaatiet day book -per Oae six oalre tewasMa day ayok. per sample uae exa. qaire rax saie aeos;; per sample. Oae eudUetatttcl mortgage l"ax. - Oae twe oalre clerk's warraai heoar. Oae three qalraetrrk'saccoaatwiib treasur er book. Oaaaeak six headrrd litaearapheal blaak wsrraata, tbree eslsrs as per aaa.pie Twenty beaks, twa baatrea eeb. treasarer's tax reeslpta far aa. aeribratea, erlxlaaldapll. eate aa4 trlpWraie. per sample. Tw books twa baarc raea. mlseelmaeoaa waaiala. aeimram. onxlual, duptleaie aad trlpueate. per sample.- 8lx boohs two haadred each, redcaiptlaa eertlSeates. Mix books two haadred eacb, Ux salo cer Uicares. Mahteea books two bandred each, town col Je-tors tax teeelpts. ofigianl aad dapllcale. aanbered aad perforated. Tea books, any each, town co lectori tax re ceipts, orlclaal aaddaplleate, perfuraled. TwcatT-Bve sets of Deli books, with envel opes of uSScieataUe for proper retura 'of bal- tHxtr road orerseers receirt books. ' Slxt?!roa4oTerseerreeArdaadetHrfRj - Foar thoasaad fuilsbecVblaaks. priated both sides. Twelve tboasand half sheet blanks, printed both sides. Twelve thoasaad quarter sheet blanks, priuted both sides. Two thoasaad elgb th sheet blanks, prlated both sides. Koar thoasaad tea Inch maaila eavelopes, coveraajent. prlated. Four thoaatad "tea loch white envelopes jwj.a.. priaiea. Five thoasaBd alae aad one-half lack oavel ooes XXX. orlnted. Two thoasaad elevea lach white envelopes JVJkjk, prune ?. Tea Ibonsaad six aad o-e half inch envel opes, white. XXX. printed.- Niae tboasand Japanese liaea letter heads. 81b. Five thoasaad Japanese linen note beads eib. STATIOKKBT. Twelve crosa OIhc.bi.bi bobs. Foar cross Speaeerlaa pens. Two gross Blyawr Bros, silver alloyed peas. One cross GilkHt's No. 888 peas. Twelve gross A. W. Faker's pencil), rubber . Twodoaea Ea copyiae; peBcIls Nc. 8. Tbree doxea A. W. Fabers red aad blue pen cils. Twelve boxes Ave hundred each. E. Faber'4 rabb-f bands Na 115ft. Five gross K. Kaber' rubber baads No. 8?. Four gross eae-qaarter Inch assorted rubber bands. Four gross one-half inch assorted rubber bands. Hlx dozen cork ten holders "bank." One dozen oblique Spencerian pea holders. Oae gross nickel tipped pea holders. Flfteea quarts Arnold's wriUDf fluid, black. Two quarts Arnold's writing fluid, ctimsoa. Three quarts Carter's madlace. One dozen safety ink w. Us No. 1. Two doaen A. W. Paber mammotii combina tion erasers. One dozen Westeaholm I. X. L. office knlvtft. One-half dozen Excelsior self ink stamp pads No 2. Two tboasand round head McGIII's fastener No 1. One thousand round bead Mcaill's fasteners No. 8. Oue thousand roundhead McGIU's fasteners No. 8. One thoaaand eyelets. Foar hundred saw seal, gold. Hlx reams legal cap. Ifteea poaads. Two haadred and arty court wrappers, re versible doeumeat No. 25. printed. Three thoasaad sheets type writing paper, light as per sample. Three thoasaad sheets type writing paper, heavy as per sample. One doaen Smith Premier type writing rib bona. Webster. One-half dozen Remington type writing rlb- Dons. Four dozen sheets carbon paper. Eight bottles type writer oil. Four type writer oilers. One Twenty-fear inch rubber rule. Six Faber Conclave rulers. Twelve inches. BlxFaberCtnctave rulers, Eighteen inches. Oae Uaiqao duplicator. One-half dozen Little's carbon paper, green. Ono Rubers automatic order binder, eigh teen by twelve and a half. Oae thousand sheets ol record paper, twelve by eighteen as per sample. One eight oanee bottle ulggln's black water proof American India ink. All records to be full leather bound and made from the beat quality of Weston's linen ledger paper, and endorsed with appropriate lines aad numbered as may be designated. Separate proposals must be presented for books, "blanks and stattoaary, properly en dorsed oa the outside of each envelope. Tbe Board of supervisors reserves the rUlit to reject say and all bids, or at their discretion to award the contract for furnishing the sup plies advertised foe one or more departments aad reject the remainder. The aui-cessful bidder will be required to !;lve good aad sufficient bnud for the faithful ullllment of the provls'ons of his contract. Dated Columbus. Neb.. December 9, IMS. Q.W. 1'Piixirs, County Cleik. REPORT OF THE CONDITIO or TBK Gelnkis State Bank, (Charter No. 87), AT COLUMHU8, In the State of Nebraska, at the close of business, December 1, 1898. BBSOUBCKS. Loans and diseoaaU f.KK.170 72 Overdrafts, secured aad nnssenred... M28 97 Stocks, bonds, securities, jadgmeate. claims, etc 1.723 41 Bsakia hoase. furniture and fixtures 9.179 01 Other real estate 11884 62 Carreat expenses aad taxes paid S.8G0 0S Checks sad other cash items 1,100 Dae from Karioaal. State aad Private Baaksaad Bankers... M.,42518 ftVaaWaS ffJOffaw .. a a a laawJsa) fpv BUver dollars 28. 68 Fraettoaal aUver 882 48 Total esshoahaad. 1X418 U Total B248,284 2 UABIUTIKS. , . Capital steek paid ia.. Uaidivided aroats t98.a oo latUTiamal'deaoatta sbbmsC W,M XZ TimeWlajUaBfasof spos8f lU<- Dae idfState Meats -r..i. -or.l aB:lZ48V,790 70 TotaL. .824884 02. STATB Or MtSBABKA, l Coaaty of Flarte '" L M. Braamer. cashier of the above named baak,do so&auJy swear that tbe above state, meat istrao to the bsstof my kaowladge aad belief. M . Bavodxa, Caaaier. rAttsstn LsasbkbOi I Directors. WBLBocaan, Babscrihed swora to before tklsSta day of H.F.J: 1KB. NetaryPabUe. NOTICE TO BRIDGE BUILDEBJ3. 'MtCTICasWtesjysiraa that sealed proposals Xf wtUawfaesivaatlwiasMe of the Coaar Qark of PWrts as ty. Wehrasaa. aatll 4 o'eiaak &awDseeeaasr 81st, 1888. for the eoaarraetioa Twaom ariaaa over taWU creek la said or (Be -me Bead" la the g.W.3iofBee.UTewaa.aaa4weat, asaas aad ijiiillistlnsioa lis la theo SsCoaatyasrkafMll isify. Has. sin hi with aJasa aad sa. also hsxseeiradat tsvtsaeoastractioaof Its ! for the fakafal of the the riaat to reject aay or all -Wr.-a.M88. 'Css-wCkrk. the aaaw time aad pfaes tatehrlaaa. Ths isliiiiNI.II III will Uieoairad sMflnissaans aflhs nnatiaiit Uda. -u. w -Mr-.?"-.1.------...ag;-waaigtjg t?a---v-y b.-- ..,. ... , . .,iMLjagayg Bmmsmfmrv, - i, ..- " ,.' A Tkm Kbtsl Yo Hare Always im avse for over 90 jtmtSf Allow 2rS?--' mTWM ''vww'fli AH CMBtrfits Isaitatkms aaWl Soswiltmtes are but Hx atiiaataila that trifle with aavtl rwdaagrr Vkm kctdtk C CUlslnatExpeiieBVce asratamt Experlanasiti What is CASTORIA is s-ahetlttite for Sootklava; Syraps It is avefther Oplana, Morpkbae mor other XaUrotto Its avfje 1s its sjoanuitee. It aleatroys woraas aUasi allays FererisltBess. It cmtcs Diarrhoea aael Waaaa 3oUc. It relieves Teetaias; Troables, cares Coaotlpatisa aa4 Fiataleacy. It awlmilates the Food, regmlatea tho Btoaaach aad Bowels, trivia; healthy aad aataral sloop. The CnUltlrea's Panacea, The Mother's Frlead. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bean the OuyfMo&u The Kind You Have Always Bouglit In Use For Over 30 Years. TNC eiKTMIR COaPMW. TT aoaaaoaooaoaooooaoooooooooaoaooaoaoooooooaoaoooeaaaaaasa ISIIWeekly Inter Ocean $l I kOOOOOOOS tanGEST CIRCULATION OF ALL POLITICAL PAPERS IN THE WEST Always American THE WEEKLY INTER THE NEWS AND BEST Every Column is Bright, o i o : Tbe Literature of its columas is equml to that of the best maga zines. It is interesting to the children as well as the parents. nPHB INTER OCEAN h a WESTERN NEWSPAPER, aad wa3e k 1 srsaptotWf-mUy THENEWSOFTIIE WORU)-ciycslt rtijkniU be 21A aiit dkoox oi atestioMQi ike iya him o iafl 8jinplny waA the ideas and aspirations of Wettera people aad dakaairf o awfiliai aad politks from the Weslsra ataadpotai. j8jljtjtjtjMjMJtjtjt f -$la00-PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR-$K00 i ioooaoooaa a4whJa THE DAILY MO SIMMY EDIIKWS OF THE IHTEA OCEAN ARE THE IEST EVER SEER IH THE WEST. SI THE INTER OCEAN'S O Prloeaf DaUykyaaaM rnceef saaoay ay auu: Dally aad Saaday ay aaail DaUv aad Saadavpy aaaU ' a rfc tJfjaT simmimmmwmwtnmwK 5 SEWING MACHINES. 3 -" sa NYBODY wishing to buy a sewing machine will favor mo by sm T f calling and examining my machines. If I cannot prove to m LZ you that I have tho best machine ever sold for the price, $20, ?i sm . L and S25, there will bo at least no harm done. AH parts are of good 2 ? steel properly tompered and will wear a life time. Theynro folly JS -3 warranted for 10 years, Onished as good ns any machines mtide. Do Jp J not fail to examine them before buying. B m" S"I carry n full line of needles and supplies for all machines JL " made. Repairing a specialty. J5 m LOUIS P. PHTT.T.IPPS. r-m IMESTIC . C. CASSIN, pBOPRirron or inr Omaha Meat Market " Fresh. 'and -1, 4 . Salt IMIeats." Game and Fish in Season. SaTHighest market prices paid for Hides and Tallow. f, THIRTEENTH ST.,: COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA Saprtf TIME IS MONET Wbea yoa are travelling, due consider atioa abould be given to tbe amount of tisae spent in makjag your journey. THE UNION PACIFIC is The Best line and makes the- Fastest Time by many hoars to Salt Lake City, Portland aad California potato. For time tables, folders,' illustrated book, pamphlets descriptive of tbe ter ritory traversed, call oa C. E. Jot,' . tl 38 Dae . Ageat. aa3aaalBaWaWaaWaBa9aa 2H .aWaaSaWaWmTBaBaPaaarSa! " aWal aaaSaUawsam I aalAfl mmm Boaajatt, luta lwMae) ike asgawUitrw at? m aite f5e eieceiire yaai la tUa. Castor Oil, FaWMorte. Drops Harnalefts ajsil Pleonaat. It SigBAtiire of BWMf aTttCaT. WW TaWK CrTT. loowoaoost Always Republican OCEAN SUPPLIES ALL CURRENT LITERATURE Clean and Packed with News - - a'aaaa $1 NEWS IS EXCLUSIVE. t4.SO per year o a lOOaeryear S6.00aeryear 8. 00 per year 9f9fW'' Saifa Class is or His Way now from the Klondyke with presents- a loro for tho little ones and the bit; ones. lie can't corao down tho chimney if yoa haven't one. Chri6tnias joys shonld bo en joyed in tho bosom of your funiily at home. If yon hnven't a home, the moat sensible present for wife, son or dunghter wonld be a deed for a comfortable little homo. Wo will sell yon ono that will inerensu in valno steadily on easy terms. , BECHER, JAEGGrI & CO., Tklrteemtk St., COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA Don't be llHmbMggefi hy By- iHT a cheap liange from Travelers. All unite in praising tho beauty and superi or merits of tho Mujeetio stoves. Every improvement that ia shown in tho new stoves for '98" aro combined in the Ma jestic. We have a splendid assortment of parlor stoves..cook stoves, oteel ranges and Round Oaks to chooso from, and our prices are away-down. SCIWIIIZ I EASTN, , Eleventh St. Columbus, Neb. . f UNDERTAKING ! Ws Carry Coffins, Caskets ami Mttallic Caskets Burial Robes, Etc. DO EMBALMING HATE THE BEST HEARSE IN THE COUNTRY. W.A.McAr.LZBTBB. W.M.Coarxxirs IffeJaJjjaTrXm tmriXTITS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, OOI.17BTBCS, - . HKB)U8XA Sljaatf D. 8TIRE8, TTO-UfalT AT LAW. Seataweet eeraar Elereata at. iaiy-y Cocfarasai. Msaa4sa. mwgmm'kSSSmmmmmmmammnmmmmmm . . l f . . '. . V;- T . I. . - 4. . ... . ' ' f V . .- . 1 t :' .. f c.r . " -.-:.: i.-s v ... - - - . -." - ow- i :ij.. T1 wm