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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1898)
ggJtVj i.i.v "irii sir -. s -. . . M - v.. f. - . - . u WLuMfe xiix. tt)tt7M& MfiJUdki. (DAY. IttiGEMBfiR 14. lML WHOLE NUMBER 1,492. 1 Mil ,m.- tftMMaa . -.vs WiSSSwPSS- W ". . k. -'-!' -w- ; . . 'k -. ar vi"" ' "'aaVaBamr ik.r -jMjm- . 1 . V SiT s?&s5 " II "MbF - - II III l-l llr: mPI B?B m:Jr ill - 4 HI y3f XI' III- llfililV ' " '&" rt- ' f V . Principd Part Dtvtted tt a Nam tivt tf the War Wrth Stiia. NO STARTLING SUGGESTIONS. ar pC Vnijr ! 'fwir.i la rn.aC BcwMrttr. liee4 ,fer ta- ;flwmot tiyiliiaai ever re:ocdaC -Xrerv utecuinhM teas Brodaettve. acriratMr i tara TteUled to tfee SeiAi of ladostry Is better rewarded. legtalattoB ssisea ey the aw teue ud the tressarr sanst estiiBAted by Hi aatksrltiae. tfee aaacesof the gorersraeBt kavc bees caxefally adaiialstrated aad -Its credit adraaeed to the first rank, while its curreaey ha feeea aula taiaed at tfee world'e hicaeet ataadard. Mili-lar-f aerrioe nader rajm la aad for a rickteotiB cause feaa streacthesed the ' t Biritaadserred to ceateot-Bore closely taaa rer tfee frateraal beads becweea ereryeecUoa Jftfeeeoaatry. A rerlew of the relation of tfee UaltedStatas ta ether powers, always ayroprtsta, is this year ef arianry iaiportaace ia riew of theato Basoiia euestloas which hare arisen, deaaaad tec ia one Instance the ultimate detera-daatiaa fey araa aad lnroiTlaf for-reacsiac -Caeaees which will require the earaest Uea ef eoacreas. TtlB WAS WITM WTAM3L la my last annual man saga nrr faU eratloa was siren to the qoestioa of tfee daty f thecoreraaaentof the raited States toward Baala aad the Cuban lasurrectioa as seine by far the mot Important pretil with which we ere then called uaoa to deal. The eeoideratlons thea adraaced, aad the ex-asai- eaofthe news therein ex; aty sense of ths extreme franty ef the The aifssei-- thea renews la detail the ef aaairs ezlsUnc ia Cuba up ta the thaw ef eestmctieaofthe battteihip afaiae. aad Maues: Oa the t:n of February, last, astraeOoa ef the battleealp rlchtfully lyiac in the harbor at Issloa of International will a eataetroshe the horror of which stirred the aatiea'a reuadly. It hi a striking etHsees ef tfee p tse aad sturdy coed sense dJatJaaaishlat . ear aa tdoaal character that this sheeatfe; blew, fatt- ha apea a genero-js people already deeply teaeheC by preeedlac vests la Caha d d aek atore theei to aa lastaau desperate NaalY a tolerate ao loafer the existeaee ef a eeadltloa ef dancer aad disorder at oar deora fie aaaaw possible such a deed by whoaMoerar wrought. Tet tha lastiart of justtca preraUed. aad the nation anxiously awaited the result of the searcaiag iaTestiaatloa at eace as on foot. The Ending of the aaral beard afia- ttniryeatahllehedUatthe origia of theeaptee Ica was external by a subaaarlae sataa. aad oaly ' halted through lash of peattlTe -esttainay ta ax he respoaaibUlty of lu authorship. All those things carried cearktiam. te aha asest thoughttui. erea before the dndsaa-af the aaral court, that a crisis te our relatiaas wttfe Spain aad toward Cuba war- at head Sa was this belief that It needed bat a hriK fire si must toe to the Congress to reeatre i- ajediate answer ta the duty of prorisioB for the possible aad rrobable essergeacy of war. able, almost unique spetfcla aaeedUy theresaarif reseated of a unanimoaa rote ef both ea thetth tt March, appropriating aW,aH,IKU -for the aattoaal defease aad for each aad erery pur- peaaceaaectedtherewltri.tobeeixpea4edattfee . dlacretioaofthePresideat." That this act of provision casse none tea eeea was disclosed whea the appUcatloa of the taada was undertaken. Our forts were praetrteaUy aadefeaded. Our navy needed large pravtsiea for increased ammunition aad suppUee, aad - erea numbers, to cope with Bay attack from the aary ef ' which comprised atodera Teasels at tha highest type ef foattacatal perreeesaa. Oar army also required ealargeaseat at : munitions. The detalm of the harried tioas ror the dreaded ceatlageecy is told ia tfee repot ts of the secretaries ef war aad ef the awry, and need not be repeated here. Ittssuf--ejeat to say that the outbreak of war, whea it sad come, found our aatioa aet iispispsiml te aseet the conflict. Nor was the appieheaeiea ef. eeaaajar atrtta eeaaaedtoourowBcoaatry. It waa fait by the eeattnental powers which, ea April life. their ambassadors aad oarers. exeeutlTe aa exptessloa ef aad moderaUoa might mark the Cererameat aad people, aad that wstlsas would h while sscarlag the antateaaaoe ef peace, weald eaTrrm aU access aetabUshaseat ef erderiaCaba. to UacBreseatatioa. I alee ahaiad the tfeeenrora had expressed that peace might ha pteatired la a Banner to tei ralaate theearoaie eoadltioB of Alaturbsnce ia Cuba aa- lajurtoas aad mews ring to our iatereate aad traaqaiUty, aa well sa shocking to ear ssathaeata ef ha taaalty: aad. while spprrrfsttsg the hamaaita ' 'riaa aad mmabutsted eharaeter ef tfee rnermn . aitytheyhad made ea behalf of the powers, it efrited that the coaddeace of this gsrsismmn for its part, that equal appreclstloe weald be shown far its earnest aad uaaelfish ao fulfill a duty of humaaity by . Uoa. the lndeaaite prnlaaaatlsa ef that eejdiagaaUaa aar aeeeme imruwerable. sf Sfall STiJmetw-l by the hope ef a ptaeafal aela- f tleaaadobeyiag the dictates of avert teeteead. ' terteeatiaaadactiTelT wttfe tfee aum ft at army aad aery, ami aaeeMecte " six meathe armlsttea te Caha wtthartew ta i ".- - afiactthe rscogaitiaaet her peoples rteht te - aBaaaBaaBaee. awaawaa asas..awa aawjaware e i mn m an .hbv pwar '. h a aa nawn indw sa ikiv halaw iamkiaaaa aa tnp vaaaiaBsiebB iM- - saaaau se aaes am suwcrwnk vaxawsj so eseir w hv z wvbsvbiv k vbviw " -- --- -t iimit in. iiMiirf aa ae Wb. asassaaaraae eawaaaat af taw mar ! taesueiTea. saa. by utaeiiy tae SBewariwrwaweaesaijwee ia, ay aataexiaaajf i adaed. coatriauta te the resteeattea ef rtaaraa- aaBaawdattHtea eaeawa aad hylewBaraddl- .'-" . nuimyaadwefliteg. ITanriasliiBS searlaimi MnbiI aaj im aad taxes Of the oath rei art ' far aaaae little tmaa at Madrid, renlmag te teaa. two haadrsd miniaas were ateredaad . . V y . atarBby theSaaateh Mnuaaiut waieh eaaad mi iiaaa-Hj tahaa. tfee aahaerimaeaa so far ex- aWC IK eW I'VgfaU'BjBeal eaaa eaaaaaaaVeVawMBBB wWol laTeaT faaBaetawaawgJ wamw BTawU aaal oTet apafwvn Xm eBBaaV a J aaaTeaTaaBf VvreTaTp .mrT.butwitheutissseJrmeaatessvwmeefasa aadalgBMreBt raault. showing she rest re- aaaaaaatrtl"tJji--' BaaTaftrm waaaat MbbbbbTIbI aaaMtaaTaaK WlmtwwsBBT f waarf aaaHdM aaawat taawg sTLttmaaaasBaaaaBaaat taf m - - ' -- w e-fa, 4aa,aaiflaaBeaaBiaa waaaa. awaaaaaaT aaaaTeaa XX aVaPuCX eaaal affT eaaaat faettpmZgKaaUaB. SbbTT aPaaaeTa aaaeaBraBB. amp m eaaaawe eap aaam etsj j.aaii m ttea.aasgaeral-lnaJfawaseeatteax MX nmm m MASH. atow. a-at with what aeaao ef oteatetjoaary at taawtwmhteifee prerixeeef tfete Baaaage , tR aaaawVtmf VaTpQ wVjaaBaTeBVwBBV IK ysaaaBaweT waawav eawaT wJJpmap SwaawaaTV9aam aaaawT a9BBBBBaBTamV fawKJaameawaBBaaa CK AapVU ' ...' . .fpaea- Hit waa te he by araettettea w4th tfee xtecawt a brtet recital of its mere aaHeat ata- - -f: . atdewithabolychwea by a fastiaa ef abe ajaetepeaatef eaaa. tee pteeeAarM y.whea aWalBBon. aaaami wawsBaBaaftrfaaB. MasaawaB aaBBBMaaaawawaaawaaat waa) aBBBafi BBBBBraaBB bbbbbbi aaaaBaaaBBBrl' bbbbbbT aPVawaamX BBaPyear maMaaweawa ffAaamte BBBBBBmaaiaBBVL 1 fmrrT tf awTT aaraaaVar tg, amfc-fajt awaaat aaaaaaBBal VsaaaalaBB eaC mBaawaBBt KaaVaaff aTaaaaaal aaaaat eaaBBBBBBBBBawl waJaBBBaaBBal epaPmaBBPaajgH, m, Kffamaa (Is aamj aajaaamm- bjbbv grWam bbbbbY sBaaaBasap w-wmweama eaaa aBawaBaaw, ,mB.aBBfe tw gPaaam. aaaaap emBBawaawaaaak eaa,faVam 1I oapay V bbTIBbPbPpbbbpbpbbV waaastaa awapjam aaakaas, JgHfBfj aaaaBaaaaBawawaBjy spweaaaBBBw -- ' aaamiaamaaiBaaa mmaVmmw. bbwbbbIbIbL -T H-Meaaa- --.pij-BZBaBi aba. --- fljfia, aaaa JjBJgL X aBBBawaaaa- aWallCVBal aaawat aaaBaafaaBBBaat. wJwft aaaaw aVafBBBBBBawMaV SVaaaaPBaaaB. awPaaawS aaPamal aBBaaPaBBaBBaaiapal eaaa I "3'--" ea-HWBVBaBkHmaHBk, mf-BBBa-af. taaaal awaBwaaafc bbbbB bbwbb aaaaar aaaaaaamBaataaasaaasaBl JpJaV eTeaawTX aaV VafeT ffeBBaBBBBBaf """"V "a ' MMT K, waaBat "XBaBBlaBBTBBal aBBaBaaaBBBafJap aaaw VepaaaaWgeV BawPaf bbT"bt arrr ar' W TaPBr'a fJaBj , aaaBltWk'TifPTTr.H 1 - .- Aft-T m tfec rAtflti.i fcrfjw fee PPMralaf tfee iseri meaty re- Xrtftf mal Baaasaafcefwtgaaaj f-m tmaa aarlmemB ami f,HTeawaBam W awml tTf iVaWatf r.M feed eraeted lap atfaiatar iaWa ite witfeJraw. thereby asaahlag. X eeaemvatt eMcia) mmiiiir.eilni Bhelr reapaetfre 'trpreseataalTea Weadfard tfeereacea drmandrd hit laadaeitardllatMJ tmeaaanday. awiag aaaa rated tfee asammed af saw meet aad iaitlated that eeeaaleM feral waica atteaea a state ire powers BsrhBrtafd hy tad ' i at esee used by me as tdrT Bsiiai of bjIiisI nkki rpele atX jmt taetea States. Oa April. t pruelmed abioeaaeeef i ex caaa taanatiac persp ea: pmsssBawsT, . aaeUaltrnd! aeaerdiagiy, I April j r war. ; n.vm. tfee zlatday of April, aad tfee raaalatlea ef ta use all the at late AKATIOK. .1! Oureeaatrythis,srtsrsaberTal ef half a list -f Bilk all - tnumA Itatlf faeagad te deadly ceaaiet with aforeigmaaemy. Krarr serre was stniaad ta hm tm taaey. The respease te the iaitlal eall for ToluBteers was testaat aad eem.ilele as was ales tfee r suit ef tfee seaead call ef M ay alferACMaemHteaalToluataar:. The raaks of tha regalsrarmy were laereaeedta tfee Hm ita priiTldad by the aet of April fit The aa listed ferae eftfee aary ea the 13th. of Aaguet, tt TBiihil its maximum, aumbered at.191 . Oaa haadrad aad three the aary by purahase, to the gorerament, one tha four Teasels of the Iateraatieaal ' KaTteatteaeimpaay tha St Paul, St. Louis, New York aad P lis -were chartered. Ia ad dltioa te rercaue cutters aad light- tmrw0Tert.UH.nar7W. house paiiuiLStaad temporarily a part ef the auxilUry aary. The maximum eteetlre fighting force of the aaTydurlag th war, eeparated late was aa fellows: Four battleships cf the first class, eae battle ship of the secer.dchu. two armored cruisers, six eeaot defease mealters. oae armored ram. twetra pretectal cruisers, three unprotected cruisers, etghteea guaboats. oae dynamite dim torpedo boats, faurteea old ef the eld aary, terlnfflaa moaltors. AuxlHarr aaryr Auxiliary cruisers, tweety eight eeaTartedyaehts, tweacyasTeaeoaTerted tua. ateecsea coarerted Oulllers, feurraTeaue Ilghthoi Mu:h alarm was feitaktag ear eanretiaa- ttessab sard lest eeme attack might Its made by aba enemy, atrery presaatloa waa taken te prareat possible iajury to oar greas cities ly teg ajoat thd ceom. Temporary garrisons were pi us tmed. drawa from the start mUltia; aid tefsatry aad light batteries wire drawa from the Telunnier force. About 1J.003 treops were thueemployed. The coast ateaal aenriea was eattblished for obserriag the approach of aa enemy's ship te the coast of the United States aad tha lighthouse serrice eo-operated. whLrh eaahted the aary department to hare all per- of the At aatic coast, from afaiae te Tex- ubsensilun. The auxiliary aary waa created aader the authority of Csagreas aad waa oal eered aad atsaaed by the Baral adlltte of the arreral states. Tate ergaalratioa patraawd aha eoaet aaaV performed the duty of TJader tfee dbwrtioa of the chief of eagiaeers. placed at the most ex- Bef ere the outbreak af the war ta aad cable gal at aU tmportaat ef the torpedo material waa aet te be fOBBd te the mother sail had to beapeeteUy TJader date of April I district all preliminary eftfee actual ettacaiae; of the ta the eables, aad oa April -tt tele grapwie orders were tesuedba place the loaded mlaesteiaBHisa. The aawaaate aaaxheref mines placed waa 1.30B at tha principal harbors from Maine ta Califerate, PupsisHuas were also Beads for the plaarissi ef miaas at eertala other harbors, hat owteg to the early destractloa of tfee Spaa tea aeet, aaaae mines were aet ptecedv The signal corps waa promptly eraaaixad aad per formed aarrtee ef the meet dlaVrult aad tetpert aat whersi'ter. Im npeiaUime during the war coTored the ehsttilcal eeaaectioa ef all eoaet fortifirattoaa, tfee establishment ef tateaaeate Isgi apbk facilities far the camps at Ma Sastlage aad Porto Rico. There were i miles of llae at tea great that facilitating military movemeats aOmjap IB eaaaaaBaeaBBm afrCaBwaHOaTat te military administration, Field at maintained itlaaM route, aad of the cehuaaadiag tetalearaaale aad telephoaie with tha atTtetea f laiw imlr r eafeer dii- efeperatioaa. i placed ia Cubaa waters a ry outfitted eable ship with war cables aad saltehte bctafer the deetractiaa of to the eaemy ef ear own. Two eeeaa cables were the enemy's batteries at Saati- aga. Theeaypmiuua to the leading of Gen eral Qjfeaftaf aeorpaatCarmancra. within twenty ef the masUaw. place, cable eesaaaaaica- luaicatioawith Tate service waateTala Kxacwtire te direetter aaa ftaaa aaVaaajW bbbbbbI aaapi wwr With a total force of erer M. ealyfiTe. tha aaat.- part by far .which teHHHilia .v L?'5S??t? i I fill I siBBiT re-eaacted tfee prerieioa ef AprUSNdbeetlaa; tha Frnsideai tlBCt. prTBBBaaaf mlalai i maarnuii lertessaat aeea eeawtructed barbate. Meet tetegraph lteee were estshllshod aader tfee aaamya fire a afaalte, aadtotaf thd IB rone aaea cable coramualoatiows were the estate amtes atoaa wereeaatauaaea gfTaar aiiw teoaaa able tat lUkl I Jaam Sjtfe. ; tfee ahU fit efasK aamal mauafmaV . aaaWamW i Oaly ' Miliary amiisnij ef ,th laaaapaaca, aaaaawhlla feed awatflltiaa saiiiefiiibTtfed ; af Daeemewr. mW. Their m " aua nasi tfee . Dewey t erai afartiK freat a: tttiaetaai waaaeiai eaatalajdaael of asakdtd eaaraalaaa hi aaaa wt aheUaitea States eeptef war whieh the BTtria-Bfiea ef ma rwerf at aa tha apeody aad sara .I pewerfal peters ea Cafea -"ZTrr ,7Zm'i k Meaawaile aaral 4 le at arreral expoeed cruiser WllaUagtea Ha Mm u ?MV- tfee Wlaalew were sileaee tt Hataaaas, Wertfe lag. These griaroea fatalitsta Mnu.Ui eaough smnwg the Terr t i I una wTaiofaraaeaatetaae I ary CBBBies. ! fc Meaawaile the Spaalah aaral ' aad beat pnshrl with great Tiger. a-iuanraa earner aoainu -uerrera watea assembled at the Cape Verde outbreak ef hostiltties aad by ite erratic awTemeatata the Caribeeaa sea aalajed ear military eperatloas white bafiUag the parsuit ef ou.- fieete, 1W m time fears wen relt lest tha Oregea aad atarlettav thea aeartag hoate after their teag Toyaga saa rraadsee ec erer o,on i surprised by Admiral Cerrera'a aaat. bat their fertaaata arriral dispelled tha apereheaeieaa aad teat much aeeded retefereementev Xoft until AdatiraLCerrera took refuge iathehaoj bbt ox -jsa lagw oe juaa aseat uayw. was ia J2S! ? ; " "5kttBOtke Aatilteaa practicable ta ptea a systematic mflitarr at I atilae-jof Spate -several Biimiiuaiitiisaa eeearrea. aa theF coast of Cba aad Porte Weo te prepafatioa. ror a larger ereac Oa Hay lithe irorthAtlaa tteSquadroa shelled Saa Juaade Porte Btesu Oa May af Commodore Schley 'a aauadrod bom-' barded the fort . guardiag the mouth of Saatie ago harbor. Neither attack had aay result Itwaserldeatthat well ordered eperatJoaa ward ladlspeaitble ta aeaiera aa INKUfa te TaT htKKBtalAfx The aoxt'actte tha war thrilled aet aleawaa aearteef oureeuatrymesUbutthe world, by ltd exeepttoaalherotem. Oa the sight of iaae Ueuteaant Hoeeoa. aided by serai mrreted Toluateera, btoeked the Barrow outlet frees Seating harbor by slahter theecJUerMerrl auctetaechaaaeU usderd Brcelrafrom the thord batteriee. aad esraptec with their lire as by a miracle, but falling late aba hands of the Spaaterde. It 1. a anm gratifyiBg tecideat UthewarthatuwbraTeryof this little head ef heroes was cordially appreciited by the Spaaiarda, who seat a Sag of trues to aoofy Admiral Sampson of their safety aad te com pliment them upea their darteg act. They were subsequently exchanged July 7. By June 7, the cuttteg of tha test Cubaa eable Isolated the Island. Thereafter the iaraatoa waa rigorously prosecuted. OaJuaeM, a heary protecting fire, a Lindiag force ef marines treat tfee Oregoa, MarMehea Taakee waa effected te Quataaame hay, ithadheea determteed ta eetsbUih a aaral stattea. Tate waa tahaa from h fighting by thi the first orgaateed ferese of thaCaitedS to lead te Cubav teKSTaXiTCTlON tF CaUCTKBAit fUfMt The poottioa so woa was leid despite deeper fete attemptrto dkledge oar forces, MyJttaw Id adiitloael forces were --"rl aad atraawjy atrenched. Oa Juaeztthoadraaeeof the ia radiag armr uader Mater Oeaeral Shatter teaded at Daiquiri, about fifteea atltee east oi Santiago. This waa accomplished aader great dimcultles, bat with marreloas dltaateh. Oa June S3 the teorement aeateat Taallagn waa begua. Oitaeatththe first serteaa eagage ment took place, ia which the Pint and Tenth aaralryandtherirstVoluateer caralry. Oea eral Toang's brigade of Oeaeral Wheeler's dl TisiOB, participated, leslag hearlly. Byaight tallBoweTer.groaad within fird miles of Saa Uarowaswueu Thd adraataee waa steadily Increased:. Oa July 1 a seTefe bettte took place, our forces gatelag the outer works of Santiago-, aad XI Caasy aad Saa Jaatt were tahea after a deipsraid charge aad tha terser teeatof the city waa eompleted; The Barycoi operated by ahelliag the tewa aad the eoaet forte. Oa the day feUowteg this brUlteat acaicressent of oar land forces July occurred thedecisiTe bbtbI combat of the war- The Spanish teat, attemptia: to mare the harbor., was met by tad American squairja. uader of Ceatatedore Sampaoe la tea three hours aU tfee Saaateh ahipa destroyed, thd two torpedo hoate aad the Maria Teresa. Almiraate Oqutdaa. Vlxeaya aad Cristobal Celea dfirea h bore. The Speaiah admiral aad orerL 33 aMaweretakaprlsoaers. while the eeejay'a loss of lite was deplorably lare, seme eJO per tehteg. Oa our aide hat eae maa was kUtet aad oae aaaa seriously wounded. Although oar ships were re jea.edly strack aet oae waa eert aaily tetered. Where all so roe iptrnnimly dte- tlngnishrrt tbeatssfrex. from the eoamueaatera hetter rooms, eaemaadall eoaarrbwUaa toward the achleremeat of taia aatoaadtee; Tictory fop which aeith.-raacieBt ao- modern history at" fords a parallel ia theceaapteteaess ef tha ereataad.aeatarffeleaaeasBxopt.rtiea of eae weald he terteVoa ta tiagleeut. aay for pec al beaor. Deae red proatutioah-w ri e aided the more eon splenom actors. Thena tioa's prcfjuadest gratitude is dae to all at braTemeahobythe4r skilLaad dero tea few short heura ef Spate aad wrought a triumph wbaxe derJs Ireaesa aad far rreaihlag ejects eaa taareely be ateasar-w. Norcaawt be- aamiadful ef the achJereaseata ef oar builder, aaeehtaiea ami arJkaaa for their akm te baa- aaaattuttlaB af ,4.t. J7 iffs'i;11! ,f iT:-ifrr' -Tatex;Tl arrBT-r-Mnr aie - IlilMrF Hill aawaeaaasfal te am ataampt I aad .eaaoBT' after aeTera e aaaaBaSeaai fJaBTePeTeJ BBafwPKW bbbbbw fRBaBav- Cpa. afVaaatt eaar AbbbbbbV eRwaawat eftaBBBt VJaanlaV CbIbbbSVbMB eaaaVt ataHPaBaaReaapal aaafBr aatalaBBe! bbw 'ePaaaaawawLab. ea aawaaBT we. a aa,a - t, mbk awKX aBaBmBB&aw&B, m aBBaaaa; eBVaVBw) BBBBBBBaam JmaBaaaUlTaBBl "BaWawaaaVv BBaaapTaBrgaeCa) - WaaaV. aPVP waawSv CQaaT"' teralieTebteaileibMfii3ed.thetipedfilia "ateaa tfee mateary p iiai waieh ea eaTaU relief em that side. After a trace ta' CtTBAjr HI aalasBraar teaa MaaaaalBWaBJ aaaf aaa..aBaBWiJBBAmDatwmi BBBBaaaameBBI eaetemrw aaa3iaBBawfMBBi ajg-ea tawaaaam bbbR bbbbb aUsfl la aaMBBBBBwawAaaaB ead OwSaa. BBBBawi bbbI ffawhBBaaaateatmBBaaaR JkBVBKpjaakaa mw--- Taalwr "at iiaifeaaT afaPaaT aaal wFfJ BafV l pQaTrnPaaBBBBataaTaV QaV Vl J aaawTea. --aawaaaB'Maaaa fRaaBaaaaBamasaal EJVMfaaV efvalj 49 aaaVtamV aaaftSa waaa. laaaaaa! ftlaa aaaaaamaat ft aaJil awaw waea.awawawautaaap aaat Twalw tS Wfghbjfe taraaaaBBar aaawar fRajaaajajBaa. -pf taawajteiflehJmte BBWmm VkV WUIWB M0C9UBB aawJBfaBaJI eaaaat' IwfCaBVUaamieS 6K aPaaTTCafgeBaaV WV tfgbbjbawaBBm fjsa. taaaBBMaaWwMaaa fm a. bIbiTbI lawl aaBBVBafmt BBBBBBraaV (mat tftew ITaawl a?eBBBBfpr KSaaataBB- awaW " . WaaBBBaam bbbbt BBWawBBBaawtwjBa Aaw&S gaeaVaBBBa aPW meP,a' ar,m aaataa Ad Bam fXVeBBPaTCeaaV 3maaawBBB"e7 famj aaaapaLtpmikfapam aaarr ftRaaa) aakawUawawa aaaawekBWia eawaaBaaawmaBflBfiT BaajtcgaaaaT fiaaaa) aWrtW" PaaaV aaaaiMtBBBaaAaaJaaBte aBaaaawaiaaeaafi aBBaaaaTiaBBaBBBam waarea VaaafaBBaaBBBi oBBPawaBBBawBe apOwaaBBBmaBBfaW 1a IraaaaafaTat lf Tf TT1 fftli pBBBBBasaaWaBV aHaaaM .aBBawft IVgataCVMaBaaa mmammmzmcmWamtmtiW BmatAtwtmmtt ijRmtmaaBwt w i bbbl sbbw g.-. OBAjjI-waaVeam; '-TnTeBaaTa. taaW T eTeBaaawaPBB afSJVaaa, ap "M,,M1,yw WaamppawfrnBam whTgaaa, . aaaaav JfJBJrPgaigatmasb eaaawl laVaMBBBwM aaVVfRTmaaBBBBBBB aaaaat eaaBBBBBart antflaaPat tailaaal SwRaMaR VRmaaaft aawaaaaa.' eReBaJlBBBaW OeaM VaaaPaa vxtatleawfaaaaaaa eaawRal eawawemaa- ;.ti.ji" ? l : faBBBBrBBBt BBBB .bw fRKkaaasmAewaa. 'ftBV flC gggtafgea, aMaT& waaawataBBBBw --..-. - jer "" aaBaaBaBaafaaafaaJ BBBBBBaVj bbbbV IBjaMlf-BftMOfe -Y-yi-t a -taaaal at 1 y ' eS- itl lataaai rats i Br this Tixtaally whea the fiaaatih. imibH tar deatraj at by Admiral Dewey's Tletory !tfe l -r" !aBF? memaily sealed. Te Oeaeral . ajarritt. fete edteera aad msafer their aaeamv- a.i ngiaiag.. a. daseecd, aarTJcap fw.Byr.aaie ih-mj ta anuia. ui.uwm m siomaj a1" .. u. i-nr nuaa royae " mimvb w-.s "i- .- IW--WIV co-piwi i. aacz wheat ataay were witbeat t-perieane te the military aarrieea, lawmea red praise The total casualties la killed aad weaajded te dttriBg tha war waa aa follows: Omeara zj; aalistai mea killed. aT; tatal J: srouBjded, 113; enlisted aw Left 1.577 of the aary, killed 17: FoT;dtetaa result of aaa; teraliamt BBfTteed; tatal PL atwUlbeobserred that white ear eaaaged Ih two great eatttea awd te try waa petUoua tmeVrtahpata te thd 1 atore thaateVmu af ear treepa ta distant laada, aad oawaged lege sad battle aad maay ahtaa te aafamilter terrltary, we lost te both ef theserrke'a total of l.oPJ killed and I aad te the eatira campaignted by sea we did aet lose ague or a aaa-or a traasport erh ship, aad with the exeeptioa of thecreweftheaterimaetaotasoldlerofaaailor waa tahea prteeaer. Cte August Ttkifortyieix dayaffeai tad data Of leading of Oeaeral Shatter's army te Cuba ami tweatyeae days treat thd ritrreaderof Sed- tteaeythhCaitedSBttaateeeaa turaed to the trailed States ia early at Aagusi Xlthv They were abseat treat the UatattSattaa oaiytweaMBtfea; Ittefttttefftaati.ahoali agar tesiimoay te the patriotism aad ewrottei of Out large por tioaof bar army waieh. akhough eager to fee ordered as the peat ef greatest exposare; tos tuaately waa aet required sutiiifa of aWTJaitea States. They dad their, whole daty aaal like Iheirceauades si the frontLhare earaad the gratitude ef the aattea. Ia like maaaef. thi eeaeers aad men of tha army aad. of the aary whoremaiael te their departmeata aad ess tioasof the nary. perfermlBg most important dattea eeaaected with the war. aad whose re quests for assignment ia the field aad at tea it waa compelled to refus j because their aniliaj were tedtepeasable here, are entitled ta the htebest eommeadttloa It te my regret that there stums to be ao urorlatea Ur their sult ahle reeogaitioa. ThePresaasat here pays a graceful tribute te tfee Red Croat, aad coatteues: Iatraetectaeae erentewe are eeaetaatly re laiand wf nnr nbllgitinas to the Dirtee Master for His watchful care erer aa aad Hte safe rer whieh the aatteamaheararereat feaaaala ana fm MM a V In of Hte far or. The aaalhilstina at Admiral CotreWa aaaa, feUowed by the capitalatlea of Saaatege, aawia broaght to the Spsalsh of taehopeleesaeeoof coatteatetra beremlag wholly aariiiial. ttames of bones threaeh the Freaeh who. with thd aaseit of hte uiifualiiai. acted at m Weadly represeatatire at Spaaisa tearresteoJBriagthdwar. TMs PaiACli irBba4tTiATioii Thi awsaege them reriews thd' epeaiag ef eace aegotiatioas ea tad ateaiag of aha fol lewtecprotecol: . .. . . 'Article L Spate wifl-reUaelshaUetelaioi feoTereigaty erer aad title to Cuba. "Article fc' Spain wUl cede td thd taited States the tetead of Porte Rtee aad ether teteadsaow uader SpaaUh sererelgBty id the West Indies, aad also aa tetead te the eroaeate be aeteeted by the United States; "Article ft. The TJaited States will occupy aad hold the aty-..bey sad harbor of jBtealte, pbBdiag the eeaehataa of a treaty, of peace which shall determine the controU dtepositiim gorerament of the Philippines; The fourth article pronded for the appoirv amtof 1otet.eommiaaioBa.6B.the Bart of the I TJaited States aad Spain; ieateet-te. Haraaa aadSaa Juaa; respectlTely; for the purpooecf arranging and carryiag out the details of the stipulated eracuatiem or Cuba, Porto Rtee awd ether Spanish islaadatetae Westvladtea, , The fifth article Branded for' aba appetet meatotaot more aaan fire ceaaadaateaers aa side te meet at Parte aot later thaa Octa- Iat. aad to proceed' to the aagettetioBs aad I. eoaelusions ef a treaty of-peace, subject to rati- acstioB accorciag to tae icspeime eoasotu tioaal forma of the "two 'eoaatrma. the sajniBeef ths ptatac-jl, aotHiOes betweea the two eeaatries should be saepwniUiil aad that aotiee to that eflect should be girea as possible by each gorerameat to the of its mflitarr aad aaral fereem The appointment of peace romailMluai te r Parte aad military commissi ms to Cuba and Parte Rtee te arraage far eracaatioB are re ferred to. Tha Porte Rtead jotet eeeamiesioa apesaJir aatamplliihi d itt task October O. aad tad Amerieaa flay was raised oter the istead at hoea that day. Owteg ta the dlmcalttee id the way ef remorbar mwamge M Iml n i of Speel.h treepa sdUteCaaaw-ami aratuaitea eaaaat hi a9attaBVtBlaBBT PRftBaaaVwh bbbbbV taaat wf JaBBaanaU BPWttaWAtfffeawaBi ajBaaaaaraw wwpay aawe;ssBr aJaaaaTtaBBm Of the Parte pease aegetlatteaa the hare made henefal se that L trust soon to be able te lay a deflalte treaty ef peace before tee Seaate. with s rrrlew of the stops teading to its Idteaateteeaaa at thte time the or the future of the of the witt be Ta rV- ?c' -r-igpt-ia-- --tirfy fSLwi I Ieeaatdteeeae at thte tame the ' aaaaaaaa ef aaaaat aatraaamaaaaa,anw kWaaep aeajpsetVarfimx aha aaav ef awlaBuPJaaa lefaal I by this Iwaat raqtaU i tmteaa laaaVfi t i M i&2 tef Central aii feaa eTaataf aaeis-- MBortsUoa to ha- raeaabeexatratloa of the pristat, tr. waat sarvers aara la Prouused aadrr thf graatease matt aa extanaanea at the raadblUty af its pteas te aeeeaserily aet te tfee report of the eaaal eoaamte theeo etreaatstaacea sagaast tha of seme definite aettea by the Coagtass at that aatatea It the labors of the past are ta be the ltektec of tha Atteatie aad Pa by a practteal waterway la ta ha That the coastructioa of te aow aaoro thaa erer tedtew abtetohbattetiatets aad ready iter-coma boarde aaviawat by tha aanexadoa of Bawaltea teUado' aad the proapectire ttoaof ear teaaaarai aa aad that ear atteail poUcy aow more ttrely thaa ever calls for its control ef thte gorerameat, are ropsitteaa which I doubt aet the CeBcreao will duly aaawecteto aad wteete VtTMATtm IN CHINA, Thd United States aaa aet Mm aa spectator- of the extraorltaary areata iagU the Cateese empire, whereby fefbleaaaf tearitiaMprarteeaaarj aaasteg aad if tad ecatrot of Tarleaa-Raropeda seutaft; bat Hte pmptet that tfee rest timet -mi watea pad eay eeaHtlxeaa aad abeaeassMy ef ewr senate productteas rer Cbineed uses has built ap tat thesi regione may dot bd rstadlceer through aay eacteelTe traataMdt by the fiev a etTteted W aeed af ear eewatry art-fin tha seeds Oar faetttea amoag aatioaa aariaamrgd iWae eatai; aid a eeaetaatiy expeadteg direct arada wttfe the farther orteat. glrea aa the eqaitabteemim s eoasteerAtiea aad frleadly traatabBBtteabJraaara.a:dit willsemyatet tosubiorrdeurte.-elatereso ia taateqmtrbir appropriate to the coawitit HaBey Thd territories of anatf Wei-Hal-We. aaS of Port Arthur aaal TalieaWai leased td Germany; Oreat Brltate aad w - respeetirel for terms of years wtrt It te aaaouncod. M: opes to! iater durtea Mca iliea as if aa AwfWMulw tot Amerieaa cittesas aal thefr trade be foaad to exist, erea hereafter dereldpeJ; tha desire of thte goreraauat would appear td bereanseo. CM RRXATIONS WTTat pntditiirei Our retetioas with Oreit Britain hare eea i tteuedoa the most frlsudly feeliar- Asseit tec te oar tequest. the' p.otecttoa of Amertcaae ia Spanish tertedlettea. was asutattoaa of Oreat Britain, who fulfilled their delicate aad arduous trust with tact aad aaal. eltetttSB-higheoanteadattea I may be allowed tomehefittiag alluetoa to the teetaace of Jfr. Rfimsrtea. her majesty's eoaaulat Saattegode Cuba; Whose untimely death after dtetiaguished berried aad untiring effort during tha siege of that city: was stecereiy lamented; In ttte early part of April last, pursuant tea request made it tie instance of thi seerettry of state, thd British ambassador at thte capital iheCaadiad government granted' facilities for the passage for UniteMSUtss reveaue cutters from thd Oreat irtleeh to the Atlantic eeastby way of theCaaadlad eaaal aad the Sb LawreaeO rirer. The Vessels Itad reached Lake OntarioV aad were there awaiting - he opening of aarigd tion; whea war was declared betweea the' United States aal Spain. Her majesty's gorerameat thereupon, b; a communicatioa of the tetter part of April, stated that the per cJssion granted before the outbreak of hostili ties would aot be withdrawn, pronded the Unit ed States goTerameat gare assurance that the fi seels id question will proceed direct to i United States port without engaztezte air aostite operation. This the government promptly agreed te the stipulated co&ditioa. It being understood that the Teasels would aot he prohibited treat resisting' any hostile at taclc . It wiU giro me special satisfaction if I slutil be aathcTiaedteeommunicateto you a favor able coaelusloa ef the pending negotiations with Great Britain te respect to the Dominion of Canada It te the earnest wish of this gor erameat to restore all sources of discord aad ir ritation la the retetioas with the aeighboriar dowilntoa The trade betweea the two couatriet tecoastaatly iaereaeteyaadit te importat to both coua:riea that alt rearoiable facilities should ga graatel for its deTelopuaeat. MONKTART MATTERS, The secretary of the treasar; reports that the ratolpts of the government from all sources duriag the fiscal year ending Juce3, ISPS, ia eludtegll,7it3re elredfromsaleof Pacific railroads, amounted to t 0b.S.I,3X sad Its ex awaattures to lt.XjB3.5el; Th-re wasebtateed froai customs HwXT,9sA aad fro a intrraal rereaue tl70.Mj.9tx Our dutiable impart sanocnted fe SCI.7Sk7b. a de rexse of f J.r.-dffeTerthepreeediagyea-, aad latDortatieas free of daij smemmid to tan.H.t7 , a decrease fremtaeprscediagyearofii'. M.oa. Internal rereaue reeerpts exceaded those of taepreced tegyearbyti;412.(5t Tea total tax eoUeited oa dtetil'ed spirits wasfij efljap; gat mmufacturad tobacco . . aad en feravmtM liquors t,-5.-,,ta.ip We exported meirhtadlse duriag- the year amoBBtteg te I aalacrease of fcSi, am7M freat tfee preeedfar year. ttteeaateattel aaoa the boMis of present rer eaae tewa that the rrceipta of the gorerameat , JuaitA laPX will aeSirf.- aTdaPX, iipealliiini m JKi,m. ra- ashaigtea T of fit .Od.wl. Oathetetat We-., there was h-Id ameuatiag teffue,- mjHb tlag te f i5Lsea aBtea aatoafetteg- to x, aad of mosey amouatlag tattfLfaa.'- Oatfeasaate date the amount of money of all tea(rratedoaoraotteela:edte treasury 1.sjb.S7jo. aa tecrease lor th? ar ef apK.Tei e g Kstimatteg our population at mtbB,ap)at the time abaatioaed. the per cap ita etreatettea waa fiX Oa tae aaaae date there waa la ths treasury haHtea amoaatiaw ta fUp.we.SaV for atreagtheateeT the ef tha tieamuj te eeaaectioa with aadBwerofthegeTe ameat fc mala p eaeat s aaward. aad has ostahlnhtd y thaa erer the aatloaal credit at tereawdtetheteaowof gold te the iMaet aa) d heaateaB oa Norember I. id Vta eompared with sS7at? oa naVsta. Neromber 1. b7.,te wM sEeVSX I. Maa. The present ratio ef aot geld eatetaadtee- gore. ameat- Itehit- Ueitsd States treasury aotes of ccrrearr certideate, aad trartloaaL aarer I.M ICJdperetNdTembe;t.l9K s' aate'tewer reef the Uaited : . - . & tbM"5". atUfxedai ttetaMatnrar BuadwsataMperetNdTembe;t.l9K ? , ijnjaiwi a. -zzmjr-7T-- tt--r" BUaatratJaai bbbVjSP aaBBBBBar aaam eawawaawRaaW u atehtA. .abmCa mBBfaaaVaflsBaafaBK RaaVwfwRaTaaBrl aBaPaBataBBBBfrnw eaaBBT. aBBBBBBmam bbBbbbbT BBafer BBBBP BaBBBaaRawgaBBBaaaaR awar mraV aapwrnmBBBpamar , aBBBBpavaaV eaatAWwjBiapBa aJirasrBBBaaBW47mBw :"aBBaBaaw,aBWaBaW eeaaaBVlaaaBaaBTV awaewBa'aaatB BaBjaKeBBal eaaaat aavVaaas. " V i3k-&SeiJ2SSg -f:., ,: k. - . . -. -a- y. ... It m aettal a e:r easaaey is net required. Ota t m as. ob-noes deaaaad rr it. It Mr kattMhepc eaw aad1 ywt bate met ef arlaaT-!atrwiae4fet mapteaeerak tajeely haaT aU te pariaV at eftfee that-at Par aaatetaam la the futare taUat aaBedefasasrawteiea At att ereass, whsifeer fait aaaihbT taaal at rairad ftifailii or aet.aaaewef aaaald he fittea tethePresi waatte'eaatttthas at.lfcteatelmtriMs-i, M tfeeald ttaeasssafy.aaid tfee fartaer dte aaamaf bo butcb aaa ta fferaie wtthte tir- Ilatittrwmtbemhabl-aate of taw mteadd with tfee geratmaamt of wafcht we are caargeir: Itte amy iaaaf to mailer esutheaeaT; Tolaatotr army aa aeea aa the theaarrease of the regular ,t That wOl be oaly aa act of jaatica aad witt he amaefe apptecteted by tfee brave mea who left their heamu aad employmeata ta help the ceaatry te ta hiiiiiij Tfee followlxg ratoautaadatteas of the Seera taryof the aary ictetirete the tecrease of the aary kave my earaest approTeir L Three seagoing sheithed awd eaaperei sattteshlps ef abant H. -03 tons trial dSeataees eat, eair j Ing tha heartest armor amtansi paeetfal ontesai e for Tossete of their eteati aad te hare the highest practicable speed aai great radian af anion. HstimatsI coet.exelu-ar-e ef armor aid armamaat. 9 .U. JW aaca z. Three sheathed aad coppered amoral raisers of aheat 12,BJ tone trial dlplaeement, carryiasT tha heari;t armor aad most powerful ardaaaep for reisete ef their class, aad to hare ijt'aetleabte speed aad great radius itimated seat, exelusiro of armor etaeatoav KCXXOO) each. I Tared sheathed aad copper protected cruisers af shoaa , trial dtepteeaassat; w aare thd hashes fractleabte speed aad radius of actioa aad te carry the fuletdaaace suitable for reseete of tfeetr east, cxcluatre of t, Bifi imtea te t jt Jawed eaatpwtibte with good cratetee: quali ties, great raatae et actioa aad te earry tfee mast pewerfal erdaaaee suited ta tsmli af their cteaa. gsttmated cost, excteatre of aria teeatttitil.aHoBeh. I tefet arras the aatistaty of the Nary la roo- ea ef admiral aad Ttet- renred, te he filled by awl sateen te the war with TheaereralimabilteBiialreParteWiUaelaia Boforeyea. They give te great detail the ooa dnetoT the affairs of the gorernsaeat the' past year aad dtecues maay qnostleaa waica tae coagress may ea caueato sea. est tad tteaatffe. WASHINGTON, 0 ?., Dct. -3fany PeJaatrirt excosed froat et prenwifM 6f oplnfona at leagtli npxrn trie meaewe m th gton& that they had mot bees able to &r carefai attea tlwm to ail the. eietaife. BeWicaa seaators were, bowerer,- willlaf; to ex press thehsserres Im t ferr general words of coramemdation. Senator Cul lorn regarded it as "a painstakiag. en tertaiaiBg aad accurate historical re view." Senator Piatt of New York cora mendcd tb expression of a determina tion to increase the standing army and to atalntaia order in Cuba until the Cabass can tab car of themselves. Senator Woleott said It was an ad pjirablw dexntBidnL Senator Lodge said It was "able and excellent" Senator jTWaker "A good presenta tion of facts generailjr, but a little in definite on the Question ot Cuban in dependence." GaUataaaV Isw flaftlmaBaVetml WASHINGTON, D.C., Dec. 6. Gen eral Garcia, who is still somewhat indisposed,- spent the evening at his ho tel. Mr. Qttesadaj speaking for the eorarahuion,- said: .''The president's message is regard ed as very satisfactory; Its publica tion at this time will do good, counter acting reports that have been spread in Cuba by people who have not the real interests of the country- at heart. We have full faith in the. United 3tates and in the Just intentions of President McKlnley and the men who have made the revolution ia Cuba aiming to work with the United States to establish a government that will have the respect of nations. General Garcia is well sat isfied with the interviews he has had with American officials. The infor mation be is giving and gathering will aid greatly in the work of regeneratioa we have in hand." Waat htcer.Taa Kcaertd. NBW YORK, Dec .Brewers rep resenting 83 per cent of the beer manu facturers In the United States will hold a special meeting lb this eity next Wednesday. Tie coagress has been called, by the United Stated Brewers' associations Delegates wilt attend from all over the country. It is stated that it is the object of tha brewers to pass-resolutions calling up. oa. coagress to abolish the war tax on The) delegates present will rep a capital of store taaa $Mv,- 7' Teda te VaeUe. ' LEAVENWORTH, Kxs Dec. S. The Twentieth United States Infantry at Fart Leavenworth has received or ders Indicating; that it will be sent to Manila to relieve one of the volunteer regiments or t increase the force al ready am the Island of Lsna, The frst intimation that the regi ment waa to te sent to the far east came several days ago in the form of an order from the war department, no tifying the oalcers to make requisi tion for such clothing and supplies aa will be needed in a tropical climate. Favera CoIIocm. . WASHINGTON. D. C, Dec . Im the matter of the petition of Emma S Fayerweather for a writ of maadamtu. aaal a restricting; order to be directed to the circuit court of the Southern d.'s triet of New York, the United State supreme court today refused, to mako the order. The case iavolves the. bev of the late William G. Fayer weather ta a Bomber of the educational iaMtkationa. Today 'a opinion is in the interest of the- colleges. SAK J17AM AE POKTt SICO. Dee. C. -A tap ait fan: ia clrtajatioat here that the United States government wiU take a defSBta actiem to eetablteh a ceam- ec Porta aUcaas ad- at least a: 'year. A kpeal feusi- ta eauerx waa Bare saaaaur I ateve aarrwP feds iRtr bdwa oat th wt-baer aiam; that sr t I have aot awHcvweV I TaVwajgh. Uerwiaaar fcm the tttgdialait ia taaned at Baa fwimt. aay 5t degrees. Taw Is too m "hot-bed" Baas far mm. J pteehtg sew tat winter fall aa Itto as aoaaiald; or aot aatU wimCef sbwwt to sat aa. Hera (In Msawhaawtap) that time ia about tha middle of Decaaaber. Or the other hand, I waat to tab these aat a the approach of spriBK aad that wkr as la about tha JKr ef Maxtb. aty aftjewtPPR t wiatariag bwaa km -high tempwfBtms kt that they PaBaar safely be put a the iimii attada kv the syrtmg BRtM the timpaiafi aTwt- afMM Kbjet aMesidti aa that IB .aTaaVb tW beas wer wlirtered am, r tats at Jwat tbe-tanee or beec aeTTt ah teader vegetables growa aader Reawve the glass, aad down gatae plants. Place the bees or the ataad toe early, and down go tae taring dwiadliag: I hare tested bath the vesprtaMe aad the bee and know what I am talking: Now 1 am ready to write what I started to write whea I coasmeaeed. Ia the fail Gi late I arranged aa aa experi ment, only, a samall place to wiater bees In, The rooni f about tea feet Ioag. six wide and five high. There is room for about 39 hives of bees If the winter-cases are removed. The wall oa the west side is about six inches thick. The other sides are double, the inner wall being only heavy building paper, while the outside is boarded and shingled- there is a doable roof to the building, aad a veatllator opening to-the south betweea the two roofs; aot much ventilation at the bottom. Floor is the plain earth. The last two years the bees were put in about the atiddle of December; every colony caate oat both years ia fine condition, though the first year there waa ao ventilation at the top of the building. and a few combs moulded a little. Taia year the bees were removed oav the 9th day of March, and the six days 'Allowing were warm and summer-like. I judged that there were about two quarts of dead bees in all. and every comb waa aa bright and clean aa in the falL Sobm of the colonies commenced to carry ia pollen inside of 24 hours a fact attesting the perfect way the bees had wintered. New comes the point aad the theory T wish to emphasise. There was bo such thiag aa an even temperature in the beehouse duriag the two wlaters, t did not waat such a thing to be so. r waated the temperature to vary la side aa It did outside, 'only aot to such extressea. Whea it was at zero out side I feaad it at M degrees iaaide, nad that waa jwat as I desired it. Nor did the tempeiatare aw above 46 de crees thrwtgh the wiater. There will be ao spring-dwiadliag here, aad I eaa show as fine a let of bees as can be foaad anywhere in Masaachaaetts, RaTcet ef Sttaaw ea MHh- Repeated experimenta have showa that no fear Is to be entertained as to the effect of ensilage on the aael Ity ef milk. Some of the most progressive dairymen ia the country feed it, even those that are shipping milk at fancy prices to thousands of customers. Good silage fed properly Is bound to Improve the quality of the nLi and butter rather thaa detract from it. If the silage la kept la the barn with the cows, and parts of the silage refuse allowed to pile up aad rot in the corners of the caw stable till it becomes a fetid mass, then very likely the milk will be affected, for It ie be lieved that the odors of such masses will readily impart themselves to the milk. This ia denied, we know, by those who assert that milk will not take in odors wkea ia the warm state, but we are suspicious of that kind of reasoning. One dairyman says thct he began the feeding of silage with a good deal of fear, but after he had fed for some time his commission man wrote te him that his butter was the best ia auality that it had ever been at that time of. year. As the seller of the butter knew nothing about the silage being fed, the letter was taken as a proof that silage, rightly fed. im proves rather than detracts from the quality of the butter; Similar inci dents are constantly coming to light. and this is only part proof that silage &h& Is one of the best frtenua or tne dairy- maa. The Braadrwtee Strawberry. C. E. Chapman, writing In the Straw berry Cu.curist. says: I feel as though I can hardly say enough in. praise of this variety, though I see by the Cul tnrtmt that it has some adverse reoorts la soate parts of the country, yet here , it la a fine variety both ia plant and fruit. I notice that oae writer says it is a poor grower aad undesirable. I wish he could come to North Stoaing toa. I would like to show him my plants of this variety. It is at home here aad oae of the strongest growers I ever saw. I have rows of it set four feet apart and two feet in the row that ere a wonder to look at. It is a good bearer of large berries and the best hi quality of any berry it has ever been my privilege to taste, and I fully con cur ia the opinion of Abner Hollings worth in the Farm Journal, "as aa an round good berry I know of nothing better. aad if I ceald have only oae berry for hoate aae that ia the oae I should grew. Sorghum and Kaflr corn are contin ually growing in favor not only ia the steekraising portions of Texas, but ia other sections subject to rather fre aaeat drouths. say3 Texas Stock aad Farm. Journal. One takes practically ao chances in planting these feeds. They are almost certaia to autke a ere if they receive any rain at all or even if the ground has a reaeoaahle quantity of moisture at the time of plaatiaaj aad is properly treated, even tbaaga the soil be light aad taia. Bat they exact much from the laud, feed iac oa it too heavily to stake it advis able te plant them ia the sam two successive years. FeUew wkb seme crop that may be eaten oa the ground, all that ia left being tamed s a vegetable manure. atady the of taia p as ta avoid j-j&srss (jbksSfateBaiik laIalptil TaB arePawt. aaatai IaRnal tMBft gTvtSBff EBBjetfrMK--. BUYS GOOD NOTES Caahiar. L ov COLUMBUS. NEB., AS AS MkMMeattaM- -1510,000 raehCajiW, - - ae asasrrnnsr H. P. n. OffHLRIOrT. Ytew 1 DANIEL SCURASt. CttsBStr. FRANK ROBES. Aaaa. Caafea DtRECT R9t aaiSanuenr. II. P. H, Jssas Waxes. W. A. McA Oaaz. grama. . O. Grat. Fntsai Koaaxa. BTOCEH.I.DER9r lAHLM J. HKanr CUUtKUKAY. Dawibt. SCHBJUT, A. F. H. OBBTUUCBt, Heuby Losana. Gxo. . Gaixbt. J. P. Bcckxa Esxatbv H.M. Wcisxow. kadDe It: latere eJlewed eat tiaje dearatter fear aad Jlexehaaca oa uaitae Stataa aad Karepe. aad bay i abtesecarKtea. Waafeallba attarBU- eelTe yea aaawaaaa. We ywexaev Columbus Journal! Awojwklw COLUMBUS TKCOIITYOFrUTTE, TH6 State of Nebraska THE OMTED STATES Ml TIE IEST IF aUIKIII aaia taaaji HYGrASS, rrxn ! xltUllfc:Catr a mttMmduf Upfud GoiuiDhos Journal BBapaBPRaevA WIHTIHG IFFICE. ootMrniY '"y . vr' mm BANK S.50 A YEAR, r .-.-- mm " few iimaia zr. wear aw m aww - . l . - aaaaH? am . 52aaBBal" ' H .aBaBBBBC;;- VI BbbBBBBBBBBW M m-T- . JRxeBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBrr .aBBBBBwl