The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, December 07, 1898, Image 4

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Catarrh Cured
ftfted by Hood's Saraapa-
-HHa and Health to Cood.
' I w-s a sufferer from eatarrB. One of
my neighbors advised me to take Hood's
8arsaparilla and I did. to. A few bottles
. par led my -blood and cored me. 1 bare
. remained In good health ever since." Jas.
T. Arras, Atbensville, Illinois.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is America's Greatest X edlelae. fl ; six for ft.
' Hood's Pills care all IiTerlQs. Beasts..
Dr. Parker, an eminent English
physician, advises sufferers from neu
ralgia not to drink tea, but to partake
freely of coffee into'whIck'the juice
of a lemon has been squeezed.
prrs rifninMiTir Tr-T-- '
lint Say's of Dr. JUlaa'a One Karre abator
hand far FREE S.OO trial bottla ul traatia.
Da. X. U. KuitB.lAt.t31 Arch 6L. Psflaealstia. Fa.
."It is all very nice to inculcate re
spct for gray hairs," said the Cornfed
Philosopher, "but I think a litte rev
erence for bald heads ought to be In
stilled also." Indianapolis Journal.
The army of Germany boasts eight
women colonels.
Many persons have their good
day and their bad day. Others
are about half sick all the time.
They have headache, backache,
and are restless and nervous.
Food does not taste good, and
the digestion is poor; the skin
is dry and sallow and disfigured
with pimples or eruptions;
sleep brings no rest and work
is a burden.
What is the cause of all this?
Inpare blood.
And the remedy?
.Lapp dogs are about the size of a
Scotch terrier and look very much like
the lynx, with long shaggy hair or va
ried tints. They will fight off tna
wolves from reindeer. The dogs of
Lapland, Iceland and Greenland have a
long hair, curled tails, pointed noses
and ears and remarkably irritable tern
In Alaska the breed of dogs Is reddish-brown,
and the animals are as
much like wolves as dogs; they are vo
racious and hardy and a team will
draw 500 pounds. Forty frozen herring
or one salmon will support a dog for a
day They are not at all affectionate
and such a thing as saving a man's
life Is unheard of among them.
Labrador has dogs so fierce that ft log
of wood is tied to their necks to render
them less dangerous to men and weak
er dogs. In Kamchatka the dogs are
severely trained to haul heavy loads
across the ice and their tempers get
soured, consequently they are surly
brutes and their drivers manage them
by stunning them with blows over the
head, which Is not very good for their
There is a powerful breed of dogs
along Smith's sound that does not hes
itate to attack the most ferocious wild
animals. These dogs hunt in pairs and
a big bear Is a joke to them. One dog
can bring down a reindeer and kill it
in a few minutes. Their thick coat is
tawny in hue and in winter a thick
fleece of wool covers them. They look
so much like wolves it is hard to tell
what they are at a little distance.
Try cranberries for malaria.
Try a sun bath for rheumatism.
Try hot flannel over the seat of neu
ralgic pain., and renew frequently.
Try buttermilk for the removal of
freckles, tan and butternut stains.
Try hard elder a winegiassful three
times a day for ague and rheumatism.
Try taking cod liver oil In tomato
catsup if you want to make it palata
ble. Try a silk handkerchief over the face
when obliged to go against a piercing
Try a cloth wrung out of cold water,
put about the neck at night, tor a sore
Try walking with your hands behind
you if you find yourself becoming bent
Try breathing the fumes of turpen
tine or carbolic acid tc relieve whoop
ing cough.
A westerner has designed a wagon
which will improve the roada instead
of cutting them np as It passes along,
the front pair of wheels running on a
wider track than the rear ones and all
four Wheels having broad, flat tires.
Lamp-burners are prevented from
falling toff from the lamp whear un
screwed for filling by means of an im
proved top, a slot being formed all
the way around for the entrance of
the button on the end of the wick
raiser as the burner is tipped over.
A hew safety bottle which will pre
vent fraudulent refilling has a sealing
rod of glass with one end bent to cov
er the stepper after It is in place, the
other end extending into a well at the
side of the bottle, which is filled with
cement to prevent removal of the rod.
A New Yorker has designed a com
bined wagon, sleigh and boat, which
has the body formed of a water-tight
box, with axles underneath for the
attachment of wheels, a pair of run
ners being hung below the axles to rest
on the ground when the Wheels are re
moved. An Englishman has Invented a
range-Bhder for battleships, consisting
of a graduated glass to be inserted in
a telescope, a horizontal line at the
top Of the glass being adjusted to the
horizon, when the graduations on the
level with the boat sighted will indi
cate its distance.
An improved horseshoe has a con
tinuous channel formed in the under
surface of the tread, in which a num
ber of curved plate3 are iuserted hav
ing projections arranged radially
around the center of the shoe to act as
calks when the ground is slippery, the
plates being replaced by smooth ones
In summer.
General Wheelers Methods Seate Aaec
date About the Faa-oas oi Con
federate, Now the Hero et All Sec
Mess of a Itcpalted Coaatrjr
The flaff of Freedoa; ,
T'ra tut a little shaver.
Only seven past.
But I could climb the rlgglus
HlRh up In the mast.
If I could only be a man.
For one short single day.
I'd like to Fght with Dewey,
Upon Manila Bay.
I'd help to lick the Spaniards.
While I fought them like the d-y
And yet be kind as Dewey was
When their ships sunk In the Sea
I'd spur my xrnm to' courage-,
Those plucky. Jolly tars:
And When at last thj 'day Was Ours,
I'd hoist the Stripes aftu Stars.
Or else, .If chance should point my Way
To win my country's fame
Upon the kind Instead of t deep.
I'd pledge my life and name'.
As soldier or as sailor, and
My spirit should not tag
To guard the fair land of my birth
And the honor of her flag.
George Morton Rosse.
It clears out the channels
through which poisons are
carried from the body. Vhen
all impurities are removed from
the.blood nature takes right hold
and completes the cure.
If there is constipation, .take
Ayer's Pills. They awaken the,
drowsy action of the liver; they
cure biliousness.
V liave the eicluslre eerrtetf of
ome ot the most eminent BbrtlcUuit ta
the United States. W rite freely all tbe
particular in your caae. Ton will re
ceive a prompt reply, without eeat.
ddreu, B. J. C. AYER.
Lowell, Man.
O .1 K$
' ir-
iwm, till.
Wlea iiylng Starch ask your
j:rocer for
licst cold water starch made.
A Nebraska Product.
Santa Clara Hanutactarlnf Co..
Omaha, Ncbr.
TYAXTED-Ca or Dad tewrn mat R-I-P-A-V-S
will Dot teneSt. Send S centa to lllpana Chemical
Co.. ViV 1 ork.for 10 aamslaa and 1JM0 taaUmonlals.
PITPIIT fcnree ory a3trr4. Fmrchfree.
nlCH! CoUaxcr&Co. 34 FaL.Wath.JXC.
Iowa Tatent OflHce Report.
W. A. Ellis, of Altoona, la., has been
granted a Canada Patent for his tire
shrinker and stretcher for which we
secured a U. S. Patent for him recent
"I hereby certify that in complianco
with the provisions of chapter 36, Laws
of the Twenty-fourth General Assem
bly of Iowa, 'An Act to protect persons,
associations and unions of working
men, and others, in their labels, trade
marks and forms of advertising;,'
Thomas G. Orwig of Des Moines, Iowa,
has this day filed in the office of Sec
retary of State a form for advertising
described substantially as follows: The
title and main features of said adver
lisement is the words 'Iowa Patent Of
fice. Form of said advertisement in
detail hereto attached.
"In testimony whereof I have here
unto set my hand and caused to be af
fixed the seal cf the State Department
"Done at Pss Moines, the capital,
this ninth day of April, 1892.
"Secretary of State."
Drawing and specifications and all
work necessary to be done in prepar
ing and prosecuting applications
promptly attended to.
Consultation and advice free.
Des Moines. Nov. 21, '98.
London's zoo, in Regent Park, con
tains an intelligent female Arabian
baboon that can say "Mama." She
was brought from Tunis by Sir H. H.
Johnston, the African traveler, who
is superintending her education.
Marie Corel!! is at work on a new
novel in which she has taken up ques
tions connected with the inner work
ings of tbe catholic church at Rome.
It will be published simultaneously in
England and America.
Mrs-. Lynn Linton was accustomed
to begin the day with a breakfast of
bread and strong coffee and worked
for nine hours with very little Inter
mission. She was noted for always
having her "copy" ready and never
keeping her publishers waiting.
Hall Caine has been offered for the
English and American rights in hie
unwritten novel the largest sum of
money ever offered for a work of fic
tion. It Is reported. It may be remem
bered that Mr. Heinemann paid him
$50,000 for the English and American
rights in "ihc Christian," consequent
ly the offer for the new story will have
to be greater than that to break his
own record. It may be two years be
fore the new novel is completed.
In a recent number of the Illustrated
London News Mr. Shorter suggested
that Stevenson's house at Samoa
should be removed to Edinburgh. The
Academy prints an array of facts that
would ecem to make Mr. Shorter'6
suggestion Impossible to carry out:
"The houee cost in timber alone the
finest California redwood about $15,
000, and the dining room is fifty feet
long, twenty-five feet broad and fifteen
feet high and Is capable of seating a
considerable dining club. It will thu3
be seen that the Edinburgh ground
rent involved would epeedily swallow
the funds already subscribed toward
the Stevenson memorial.
are always
abject to some
QT lAPADC All " a good hiend in such
Via UflWaWW Vila
times of need ; it cures surely.
L1t at nffering and misery from this repnlslre disease turned into health aad happi
ness through tbe mac of
Richards catarrh Expiant.
.-MtorrVarsoLs?w:l,,,.s.,ndyand Practice In diseases ot the Mnrns Membrane, ami espe
' r cavtarrhal troubles, we tinvc sl last developed a treatment tlistwiil posltiveW and
?.Lmi .. y CUJ? -,.r.r,,al l'aseln whatever form thev may lie. Artcr fully drmon
5J?!ii. l''emcr,l otihls treatment In a prlrate practice oforcrflre vcars. and success
ruijj treat nc and curing the most obstinate case. w- Challcnce tlictVorld for a case ot
lJfaem.lfrV?, Sr C-T,ARRH. EXELLANT will not cum.
j'carncks. resulting Catarrh, quickly cured.
. Jjomm of vnH) or Mnell aad Taate quickly restored.
M-iL?Huicrc.?TInptomsJ,t?;V.Uar " V1'1 troubles, as foul breath, nasal dtachargaa.
Hacking. Coucrtilag-. and Spitting-, relieved at once.
latarrhtit ACeeUon. of Stomach. Lirer or Kidneys, caus'njr Indigestion. Sick Stoaamek,
f J S ?,ekor D,n7". or Ambition and Energy, are quickly cured.
ii.U flf-f en.,5lld women Is caused by Catarrhal diwasev The poisonous
.KiEr fln.U lhclr way to the stomach and Into ifc blood, and distributed throuzhout
Vj??,IVye2.ffeCtinS .V11 dI-,fe " and causing Uium: Organic and
oam "7kBeaa to dreaded by every man and woman
'lh7,?nnS!S,2i,, cmamT 9A!!ARH EXPELL'ANT and perfect health aad
ffivSftnWmSSt lIfSia traatmentre-
Write to-dnr for testimonials aad
SENT FREE. Addresa
"1 wish t knew how to act when I
meet a baby. I always reel like a
fool." "All you have to do is to act
the way you feel."
"What a well-informed man Jenkins
seems to be! He can converse intelli
gently upon almost any subject."." Yes;
Jenkins has brought up five boys."
Mrs. Tracy: "Do you realize my
dear, that you have never done any
thing to eave your fellow-creatures any
suffering?" Tracy: "Didn't I marry
"Did you ever meet a women whose
very voice filled you with unspeakable
emotion?" "Yes; that's the way my
mother used to get me up in the
Master: "How was it I saw you
handing your friends in the kitchen
my best cigars.' jary: "I can't
tell, sir. for the life of me. for I'm sure
I covered the keyhole."
Inquirer: "I see it stated somt
philosopher says that the way to cure
yourself of a love affair is to run
away. Do you believe it?" Cynicus:
"Certainly if you run away with the
Will car you just as sure as water will quench thirst,
valuable instructive paper on tnese diseases.
In a Tourist
Sleeping Car-
Personally conducted via the Brfingtoa Route that's the way to
go to CaHfornif.
Why? Because you don't change cars; you make fist time; you
ace the finest scenery on th globe.
Yoar car h not so expensively finished nor to fine to look at as a
palaceileter, but it kjujt as clean, juit as comfortable, just as good to
The Burfiagton excunkm leave Omaha and Lincoln every Thurs
day, reaching Saa Frandsco Sunday sad Les Angeles Monday. Porter
with each car. Excuraoa aiuugcr with each party. For folder givimr
lull iafonaaaen, write ts
Use Diamond "C" Soap and get a
full gilt mantel clock for nothing.
Other valuable prizes also.
The less important a man is
more badges he put3 on his coat
is due not only to the originality and
simplicity of the combination, but also
to the care and skill with whlni. if.
manufactured by scientific processes
known to the California, no Srncp
Co. only, and wewioh to impress upon
all the importance of purchasing the
true and original remedy. As the
genuine Syrup of Pigs is mannf actnred
by the Caufoknia Fio Strup Co.
only, a knowledge of that fact will
assist one in avoiding- tbe worthless
imitations manufactured by other par
ties. The high standing of the Caxi
roRxiA Fio Stkup Co. with the medi
cal profession, and the satisfaction
which the genuine Syrup of Figs has
given to millions of families, makes
the name of the Company a guaranty
of the-exeeUence of its remedy. It is
far in advance of all other laxatives,
as it acts on the' kidneys, liver and
bowels without irritating or weaken
ing them, and it does not gripe nor
nauseate. In order to tret ifct)wn4t.i
effects, please remember the name of
the Company
SaK PKAJICaaca). CM.
TwMstr. nrTHK.i.T.
Gen. Wheeler's Methods.
When the American line had fought
its way to the top of the hills at Kl
Paso and San Juan and Caney, General
Wheeler issued an order that every
command should dig trenches in prep
aration for the conflict that he knew
would break out again in the morn
ing. But the soldiers had thrown away
most of their trenching tool during
the fierce rifle charges, and 33 darkness
fell upon the scene of battle they threw
themselves upon the ground and went
to sleep from sheer exhaustion. Adju
tant Hood of the Rough Riders, noting
this condition of affairs-, rode over to
Gen. Wheeler's tent and Informed the
good old veteran that the men were
played out. Wheeler at the time was
lying upon his cot more dead than
alive, but there was a smile upon his
lips, and his never-failing good humor
twinkling in his eyes, when Adjutant
Hood said:
"General, I am afraid our men can't
dig the trenches."
"What -men?" asked the general.
"The cavalry division," said the ad
jutant. Gen. Wheeler sat up in bed and be
gan pulling on his boots.
"Send me tne man," he directed.
"What man?" asked the adjutant
"The man who can't dig the trench
es." '
"But it is not one mad; it is many
men. They are Just played out."
"But you can surely find one man
who says he can't dig the trench. 1
only want one. Go get him and bring
him to me.'"
"But there are"
"I don't care how many there are,
go get me one."
The adjutant had never faced such
a man as Wheeler before, and he did
not know Just what to make of the cdn
versation. The little old general was
as smooth and ruave and courteous as
could be, and Hcod had nothing to do
but ride back to the line; In sbme
way he managed to round up a colored
trooper belonging to the Ninth caval
ry, and brought him back to the divi
sion headquarters. He stood looking
sheepishly at the ground, when Wheel
er addressed him. - "
"Are you the man who says he can't
dig these trenches?" asked the gen
eral. The negro's feet shuffled Uneasily on
the ground.
"1'se one of 'em, boss, but there's
The general stopped him and walked
out of his tent
"Yon can go to sleep now, my man,
and I'll go and dig your trench for you.
When the sun comes up tomorrow
morning the Spaniards are going to
open on us, and eveiy man who isn't
protected is not only in danger of being
killed, but will be unable to help us
maintain our own position. The
trenches have to be dug. and if you
are unable to dig youis, I'll just go
and dig yours for ycu. Where's your
With the most businesslike air In the
world Wheeler slid intn his mat and
turned toward the big cavalryman. The
latter's eyes opened as he saw the pro
ceeding, and they began to bulge out
when the general motioned him to lead
the way to his camp. For a minute
his voice stuck in his throat, and then
he said:
"Boss, you ain't fit to dig no trench
es. If they done got to be dug, I'll
just naturally do it myself. I'm' dog
tired, but that ain't no work for you."
Wheeler stopped and looked at the
man with a flicker of amusement in his
"I know It isn't work for me to do,"
he said, "but I am going to need sol
diers in the morning, and I am going
to save your life, if possible. Do you
think now that 5'ou can dig the
The negro started up the hill without
a word. Then the general turned to
Adjutant Wood with a voice as pleas
ant as sunshine in May.
"He seems to have changed his
mind." he said. "Now, you go find me
another man who can't dig the U ach
es." The adjutant bowed and rode off. He
never came back. In the morning the
trenches were dug. Atlanta Constitution.
a cold or a fever, and either die or Are
"Out of a consignment ot Mi aorWs
sent to tne army corps with'wlica t
was stationed In Tennessee, more taaa
bhftithird of them -became absolutely
useless from sheer home-sickness is
less than a month. Twenty or thirty
died, and the rest we disposed of. as
best we could.
.. "Another circumstance which nro-
'duces, the disease among army horses
is. the fact that a great majority of
them have been separated from a mate,
with whom they have been accustomed
to work for years. The moment they
realize their partner Is missing, they
go Into the most abject mourning and
refuse to be reconciled. Time and time
again I have seen horses literally
grieve themselves to death In an arm)
camp because their teammate was sep
arated from them.
"And when you come to think abodt
It, the prevalence of the disease amdig
army horses is the most reasonable
thing in the world. As is the cast
with the volunteers, a great. inajority
of the. jrar horses come from the coun
try. They. iirere bred and raised, In. thfi
country, and. until tiiey were drafted
into the service they spent their days
in rae restful auiet of the farm. -The
government prefers to buy country
horses both for political reasons and
because the animals are more .likely
to be free from the pavement soreness
and other disorders which afflict city
horses. It also has its buyers select
animals pretty well along in years
anywhere from five to nine years old.
"When these rustic beasts are torn
suddenly from their rustle homes and
plunged ibto the bustle and confusion
of camp life, It affects them JUst as It
does their masters who have enlisted;
Most natural thing in the wdrid that
It should, because both have bees
brought up in the same way."
lie Cleared the Gas:
Harry MacNeal, a Philadelphia boy
who was on the Brooklyn during the
naval fight off Santiago, Writes to his
mother a letter in which he tells; with
becoming modesty, the story of One or
his own exploits. The letter is printed
in the Inquirer.
Pop would like to know what I have
to say about my clearing a gun of a
jammed shell. Wrell, it was this way.
When the shell got jammed in the gun.
and after Corporal Gray and the gun
ncr'sjnate, Smith, had gone out on the
gun and failed, I had just come from
where young Ellis was killed and told
the captain of Ellia's death.
The gun crew were starting to dis
mount the gun. i asked the captain
tb permit me to have a try at clearing
it. He said It was no use; that the gun
was disabled and that it would take an
hour's time to dismdunt the gUn and
feject the, shell. Filially I got Captain
Murphy's permission.
I pushed myself through the gdn
port and reached the Jacob's-laddef
and climbed outside. The eight-Inch
tutrfet guns were fired Just at the time
and the shock nearly threw me over
board. I was handed a rammer and 1
found that It would not enter the bore.
I then asked them to pass me a slx
pouhder rammer, which was handed
I again got td work and reached for
the bore. Again the big guns overhead
belched out and it was all that I could
do tb steady myself. It was pretty
warm work. The Spanish gunners
were not Idle. Their shots wmv hmrU
ming through the air, a dne-pOunder
shot from them g6ing through the bow"
about one yard from ine.
I finally succeeded in clearing the
gun, and she didn't go dut of commis
sion that time. She did duty through
out the fight. After I had cleared the
gun I thought that would be the last
of the matter. As I came back to duty
Capt Murphy patted me on the back,
and said: "You are a brave young
man." 1 said, "Thank you, sir." Now
you have my say. 1 tried to do my
duty; that is all there is to it
A laady devke for, haaglag clothe
la formed of a riag to be screwed to tk
a teat t swpport a ntueber ot
arm, watck art dropped lato A hole
la the tad 41 tk peat wkesi met li
A Mlaaevrl wotmaa kas designed aa
lea creeper to slip on the sole of the
hoe, a steel plate, with carved ends;
to grip the edges of the sole having
teeth, to engage the Ice aa the wearer
.A. aaady ,cup for eggs boiled, In the
kell has slots near the edge for the
Insertion of a table knife to remove
the top of the shell, the cup having a
removable lining so as to hold eggs of
different sizes.
For use la curliag the hair a newly
designed Instrument has the ends of
the tonga flattened, to be keated and
press the hair after it kaa been dam
pened aad wound oa curl papers or
crimping pias.
. The skia can be quickly removed
from potatoes by a new cleaner formed
or of sharp cords hating
i numberbf kaota oh the Inner surface.
the tubers being placed In the net and
shaken rapidly.
r, An. Australian has designed a new
diving dress in which steel rings are
woven Into the cloth or sewed be
tween two thicknesses, for the purpose
of resisting the pressure of the water
at great depths.
Tobacco pipes can be thoroughly
cleaned by a new device consisting of
a pump to be attached to the bowl of
the pipe to draw water in through tho
tent and forcibly discharge it to dis
lodge the impurities.
Shoe laces are to be made with a core
f heap or other strong cord inclosed
in a loosely-woven casing, the core ex
tending into a tongde of coiled wire or
soft brass it either end. thus forming a
.string which will not wear out easily.
teafeaslM f a XUlleaalre,
A millionaire confessed the secret of
his success in two words hard work.
He put in the best part of his life gain
ing dollars and losing health, and now
he was putting in the other half spefad
Ing dollars to get it bacy. Nothing
equals Hostetter's Stomach Bitters for
restoring health. It gets at the start
ing point the stomach and cures dys
pepsia and indigestion.
Swift feet get a man out of lots of
scrapes that his tongue gets him into.
For complete list of prizes given free
to users of Diamond "C" Soap write
Cudahy Packing Co., So. Omaha, Neb.
Love Is a contageous disease that
nothing short of matrimony will cure.
www m vwwa"
I tie eldett and best. It will break op scold prtker
Cw-'s tioagfc Halmsn
t aad best. It will break as i
lanjtalnxeUe. .UlaalwararellaMe. TiylC
In the reign of Edward HI all the
brewers and bakers were women, and
when men first began to engage in
these occupations it was thought so
strange that they were called men
brewers and men bakers.
It haaS becri siid of rXmencjxns that they
aire V nation of dyspeptics", and it is true
that few are ertiiriy fjrei from (Mwdrderi
of the digestive tract; Indigestion. Dyspepsia.
Stomacn and BoyicI trouble , or Constipation.
Tne treatment of these diseases
with cathartic medicines too. often ao
gravates the trouble. &
is the use of a remedy that win build up
the system, thereby enablinn the various
organs to act as Nature intended they shouldJ
Such a remedy is found in Or Williams' Pink
nus tor fait reopie Here is the proof i
,. la Detroit there are few soldiers note ponalar and efficieat tkaa Mai
Jt. Caries, first sergeant of Co. B. His home is at 4i Thtnl Areaue. Fo
our years he was a bookkeeper with the vrholenalc tlru house of Fafrand;
Williams & Clark, and he says: "I have charged np many thousand
orders for Dr. WiUiaras Pink Pills for Pale People, but nercr knew their
worth until I used them for the cure of chronic dyspepsia. For two yecrs
I suffered and doctored for that aggravating trouble but could ouly be
helped temporarily.
"I think dyspepsia Is oae of the asost stubborn of ailments, and there
is scarcely a clerk or office mas but what is more or less a victim. Some
days I could eat anything, while nt other times I would be starving:.
Those distressed paitu would force me to quit work. I have tried many
treatments and remedies but they would help only for a time. A friend
induced me to try Dr. Williams' rink Pills for Tale People, and after tak
ing a few doses I found much relief and after using several boxes I was
cured. I know these pills will cure dyspepsia of its worst form and Z oa
pleased to recommend thesa." Dtlreit (Mkh.)Jjurul.
Tne genuine pukaae e.Wys btM& the ,v name
At all druggist, ot .cnt on receipt et ptiic.lSdM
ur w, uy mc uriunamv neoutnc to, 'Mncneit&dy.N.V.
During the present century seven
instances have been recorded in the
British isles in which the bride mar
ried the best man by mistake..
Satuces Who Talk tike Ilinls.
People who talk like birds, who
whistle and chirrup in their speech,
with notes varying from those of the
wren to the harsh guttural of the cock
atooa tribe of such people lias ac
tually been discovered by Dr. Prank
Boaz. lie was the first white man to
locate these chirruping ravages, which
he did near the boundary between
Alaska and British Columbia, though
many travelers have heard them spok
en of by other Indians. Once a tribe
of some importance, only about twelve
individuals now survive, and they are
perpetual fugitives hunted like wild
beasts, in fact, and possessing no per
manent home. It has long been a
practice among the coast Indians of
Alaska, when a chief died, to go and
kill a few of the Tsutsowt as the peo
ple who talk like birds are called the
object being that the chief might have
servants to wait on him while on his
way to the aboriginal Paradise. In
the course of time the pursuit of this
old custom greatly reduced the num
ber of the Tsutsowt, and the latter,
during the last fifty years, being too
few to fight, have been kept continu- '
ally on the run. The lact of them j
would have been killed some time ago '
Ur& Pinkham Relieved Her of AH
I Her Troubles
Mrs. Madge Babcock, 17G Second
St. Grand Rapids, Mich., had ovarian
trouble With its attendant aches
and pains, now she is well. Here
are her own words:
" Your Vegeta
ble Compound has
made me feel like
a new person.
Before I be
gan taking1 it
I was all run
down, felt tired
and sleepy most
of the time,
had pains in
my back and
side, and such
all the time,
sleep well
nights. I al
so had ovarian
trouble. Through
the advice of a
friend I began
the rise of Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vege
table Compound,
and since taking
it all troubleshavc gone. My monthly
sickness used to be so painful, but have
not had the slightest pain since taking
your medicine. I cannot praise your
Vegetable Compound too much. My
husband aad friends see such a change
in me. I look so much better and have
some color in my face."
Mrs. Pinkham invites women who arc
ill to write to her at Lynn, Mass., for
advice, which is freely offered.
A Spleadld Opportaulty to Visit SouthM.
Folate at Small Cost.
On Tuesday, Dec. 6, and Tuesday,
Dec. 20, a popular low rate excursion
will be run from Chicago to the south
via Chicago & Eastern Illinois rail
road. On those days that company will
sell both one way and round trip first
class tickets at greatly reduced rates.
One way tickets will be for continuous
passage; on round trip tickets stop
over will be allowed on going trip at
points in the south. Round trip tickets
will be good twenty-one days. The
Chicago ft Eastern Illinois railroad has
two daily through trains which leave
Dearborn station, Chicago, for all
points beyond the Ohio river; both
trains carry through first-class
coaches, sleeping cars, and have dining
cars serving meals out of Chicago.
This is the shortest route to the south,
and the time made by its trains is the
quickest For detailed information in
quire of any ticket agent or address
Charles L. Stone, general passenger
and ticket agent C. & E. I. R. R., Chicago.
It is computed that when marching
soldiers take seventy-five stops pcf
minute,- in quick marching lOS, and id
charging 160 steps.
Beware of Olntateata for Catarrh Thai
Cantata Mercery;
An mercury itill surely destroy the nenso of
smell and completely ileraoKe the whole systcrd
when entcrini; It through tho mucous surfaces.
Such articles hlioultl never be u.sed except on
prescriptions from reputable physicians, ntttas
damage they wilt do is tenfoltllo the Rood you
can possibly ilerive from them. Hall's Cntarra
Cure, manufactured by !'. J. Cheney & Co..
Toledo. O., contains no mercury, and Is taken
internally, acting directly upon tho blood ami
mucous surfaces of tho system. In buying
Hall's Catarrh Cure besuroyou L'et thecemiine.
n is taKcn lntcrnaiiy.anamaac in Toledo. Ohio,
by F. J. Cheney &Co. Tcstimonialsfrce.
by DnnrtrlHt.s. price 7Tc per bottle.
Hall's Family "Ills arc the best.
Some men might just as well bo
Insane for all the sense they've got.
W W 1
It is easy to' appear amiable if one
has a sweet voice.
Are yon going to Florida? Do yon
want rates, maps, routes, time-cards
and full information? It so. address
H. W. Sparks, 234 Clark street, Chicago.
Co sow Itaat to LIto
In a fne, mild and healthy climate,
where cyclones and blizzards are un
known, where good, rich lands can be
bought at low prices, near cheap trans
portation and with educational and
Industrial advantages? Hoxneseekers'
excursions to Virginia via the "Big'
Four Route" and the Chesapeake and
Ohio Railway. Write for descriptive
book of Virginia, list of farms for
sale, excursion rates, dates, time-card?,
etc. J. C. Tucker. G. N. A.. 234 Clarlc
street. Chicago, 111.
When men and razors are strapped
they always become sharper.
I knew an ignoramus who pro
nounced Psyche "fish."
CXra. wiaimii jmntTiinc fyrap
For chili! rrn "Mi-n t!i- tim.rtdu e'Inllam.
taation, allays pain, cure iriiid colic. U cents bottl.
The highest thoughts of
women are of new bonnets.
in my family fur 21 years. Mrs. A. Suchaaeck.
JllaneapolLi, Mian. 23c. a buttle.
If the hearth is untidy the room is
While there's life there's Soap
mond "C" Soap.
Thcre should be one Mary in every
'lake Laxative Uromo Quinine Tablets. AH
druggists refund the money if it fails to cure.
5c. The genuine has L. 11 Q. on each tablet.
Admiral Thomas O. Selfridge, who
was almost tho only man to escape
from the Cumberland after her battle
with the Merriruae, and who has just
passed, by reason of age. over to thu
nsivy's retired list, will live In Wash
ington with his family. "I have been
in nearly every port in the world." he
said recently, "and now I'm tired of
Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt is one of
the few wives of political notabilities
who shares her husband's enjoyment
of cartoons. Mrs. Thomas Piatt has
said that she sometimes fears to open
a paper. So. too. Mrs. Russel Sage.
But Mrs. Roosevelt has made quite a
collection of tho multitudinous repre
sentations of the Rongh Rider.
Two bottles of Piso's Curo for Consump
tion cured me of a tati lung trouble. Sir.
J. Nichols, Princeton, Ind., Mar. lit, 18U5.
"What is the between
your teas?" Clerk In those of th
first quality some bad tea is mixed
with tho good, and in those of tho
second quality some good is mixed
with the bad." Flicgende Blatter.
Go to your grocer to-day
and get a 15c. package of
It takes the place of cof
fee at I the cost.
Made from pure grains it
is nourishing and health
ful. Tnatet that ymr ameer (Itm yon GRAlX-O.
Accest so mutation.
KfJVfZ 1
TOO GOOD TO BE FREE! Rut send 23c and we will
mail yon a trial treatment of ''5 Drops."
Cired Nervous Prostration, Rheumatism,
Catarrh and Stomach Trouble.
M .
. . '- m pm inm n m s waMawaaM t.. i - &, . wv
, av nunwi .-. n-t w "! ,na. r i
f''-"':' " W JkM3-BBBMSBlBaaBML
Kv Z afak av awHa-B-BB-B-B-B-BSBaaiw-B-B-B-ii
Ht. A A MwOal5wjfrrTafBg5a. Oan
B-bVE. BBw'BBw--Bw'WwPBwBaBBwBw-BwBwaw' w -w wW BBw' wBW aaw w-FrVVVV BBPHBaB-BwawB-B-BwB-B-aB-B-alBBwB-aBwawB-B-BwBwaBwB
Hoaae-ttlck Army Hone.
"And those volunteers," remarked
the'iuan to a reporter of the New York
Press, "are not the only warriors that
pine away and die from home-sickness.
Horses are more susceptible to the dis
ease than men that is, they were so
In the civil war; and I don't see any
reason to suppose that their tempera
ments have changed since.
"Of course, when a poor, four-legged
brute, with no shoulder Strang, comes
down with it, the doctors simply report
that such and such horses in such and
such a troop are 'off their feed, and let
it go at that. But it is precisely the
same thing, the disorder develops In
precisely tbe same manner and the
equine victims of It manifest Identi
cally the same symptoms, and, what is
more, the chances of their dying from
It are Infinitely greater than are those
of a soldier, simply because it is Im
possible to bolster up their courage by
telling them they are going homctsoon.
That is the only medicine that will
keep the disease In check, and. ot
course, you can't administer it to a
horse unless you speak Its language.
"Loss of' appetite is the first-symptom.
Horses that at home were tne
mostly hearty feeders become dainty
and particular, and refuse to look at
anything offered to them. Then they
become restless and nervous and pound
their feet to pieces, if you don't watch
them. Two weeks will fix them gener
ally. Working without nourishment is
as disastrous aa fighting on an empty
stomach, and the beasts soon contract
Swannon Rbenmatie Core Co.. Chicago, July 25. '99.
I think "5 9X0M" is the best medicine in the world; it baa done me ko much good.
but for the fact that they have retreat- j WOnld nave to get up and walk around, or Fit up in bed. f dou't know what vai the
ed to the highest mountains, where matter with ma, but I was Buffering all through me and my Lody rrns tender that
i... iivn rhlpflv hv hunting i Prt of the time I conld hardly lie on the softest bed. As it has benefitted ma n much
thej me cnienj minting. , fhave recommended it to my neiKhbore. Three of my daughters have cent to you for
. SXOrS; ' also two ot my lady mentis. Une ol my daughters vra.i ssii ermg terribly
U'hca AfiSKcriag Jtdvertlsemeats
Mccttos This Taper.
No. 49 1809
Dcfttrojiaa; Locaata.
The plague of locusts in the west
and northwest has become so serious
that the most strenuous efforts are to
be made to devise some means by
which they may be destroyed. One
experiment is identical with that em
ployed for destroying chinch bugs. A
number of insects are inoculated with
a fungous disease and turned loose
among the locusts in various localities.
The result is that the disease spreads
rapidly and sweeps off entire colonies
of the insects. This means of ridding
the country of a pest is a great discov
ery, but it entails possibilities that
are by no means agreeable t intern
plate. The sparrow was impo?d to
destroy caterpillars, and now it has be
come necessary in some localities to
take the most thorough measures to
get rid of the sparrows. As far as the
locusts are concerned nothing could
be worse than their devastation, and
we may well take the chances of clear
ing them out by the help of imported
with her etomacb, and was all bloated up until she weighed 174 pounds, but after she
took "S DatOF-" her weight came down to 146 pounds her normal weight and she is
all right again. She thinks there never was such medicine made. I mvelf think it is
splendid. MRS. M. A. MATTIKCJLY, Collbran. CoL
Mr. Ira Sargent, Dunbar (Neb.), also writes under date July 25, '09, that he is
cured of- lUMBiaawiesa. Btomaeh Trouble and Catarrh. "I want to writo you in regan!
to say case ot BTOSf ACH TROUBLE and RHEUMATISM. I commenced ono year ago
to take '5 SSOrr and X can tell you to-day that though l am To YEAlts Ui.u and,
I feel like a lew person. I don't want to be without 5 DROPS.' '5 DBOFS' baa the
praise of being the best medicine on tbe market. It has cured a bad case of CATARRH
here and has another almost cured. Please accept my thanks for the favors I have re
ceived at your bandy. " 4 IK A SARGENT."
If yoa haTe wftaaBV:lrBt eeafldeace. after readfaf theae letters to rc-l for three large bottteafor
9Z5a which win aural? care yoa, then cecd for a bottle, which contain ea'jngh uiedlrlne to mors
ifa aB.Mibaa thaa aaUafr 70s of ! wrnideriul curative prupertte. J'repaM tyroailor
5 lalaFKfllwf "Z' capreta. This wonderful curative Kite elinont Inftant relteraoct taa
wSawatT.wiw peraaaaeatt care far KheeraatUas. Sciatica. Neara'ajla. Dya
eeala; laBeaCjatHBaa. Bay Fever. Catarrh. Sleepteneea, Nexvoan and K-armlrlc
HwaateeliwS, H-atW-aaeaw.Toot--ehe. Earache, Croap, L Urlppe, Malaria, Creepios
Xsuauaatesi, BroachJUe, aaal kladred disease.
Sfa rtBADslIf tno name and dose, large settle (300 uosts) S1.00, prepaid by
5 laflf"9l0 mail or express; three bottles 92.50. Sold only by us and our
agents. asnts appointbd in nbw tbrritohy. writs to-day.
WANSON RHEUMATIC CURE CO.. 167 Dearborn St., Chicago. III.
Are novr u&in our
It1fniaf.-nal Type-High Plates
Sawed to
They will llxno In your composir.s
room as they can bo handled evrn 'julcUir
than tvpe.
So extra cbartco is made for&awln plates
to short lengths.
Sen! a trial order to this ofilec and he
When Water Lit a Mr.
On tbe western coast cf Ireland, at
Ballybunion, tbe sea set fire to tne
cliffs. For centuries the great Atlantic
rollers had been breaking them down
and making great fissures in them. In
their depths were masses of iron, py
rites and alum. At last the water peu
crtated to these, and a rapid oxidira
tion took place, which produced a brat
fierce enough to set the whole -lift
on fire. For weeks the rocks burned
like a volcano, and. great clouds of
smoke and vapor rose high in the air. j
An observing boy the other day de
fined a pedestrian as "a feller that gets
run over by a bicycle." New York
Or. Kaj's Lung Bain I
cr eoasn. cold?
end throat disease
lIWr Sj I 'I'l'ck relief anitct:re wrt
rac. -end for Ixoi f trtl:non!il end lO tiny0
treatment Free. Dr.,fc.
Ur. V$ Rsntvafar, g&ffggg
sla. const i pit Ion. ihcraud l:fdne;dl.seae.hil
liousncsfi. headache, etc At druggists 3c fc I J.
fj nil? Cm fr Ufinatfitai
I (.ucbarKr.. iuflAmrujstivn-.
i I mint ii ii a fir iitrtrnfai
lTHtEuCriEl:C.C(l. C-nt or pouonous.
kCEaMTI.0.r wM bit Praestalav
or wnt In fllaln
hY exnr.. nrnaM .
I".r3ltt! '
'v- -" caa oa nqxrrn
Jr 'etJatasN. !
g fi 1 m 4 ttf. X I
kll D
V X. n. s.a F
V -atm. LkaTkh. K fmVSrmVmTmTmTATmTATA7mTATmT AT W AT AT JB aV
W. R. ROBERTS, 'or ycara Casbier of the CUizes, Bank of
Omaha, and widely and very favorably known in Omaha and Iowa,
writes on Mav 6. 1C98: "About 2 years ago I was troubled with ner
vous DYSPEPSIA, cold feet and hands, lack of circulation, loss of
lesb, etc 1 slept poorly and was in a terrible condition. I took
Dr. Kay's Renovator
and found it to be tbe best remedy I ever used. I took no other medi
cine and in a short time I gained 40 pounds. I hare, since taking the
Innovator, ate well, slept well, and am free from cold hands and-feet,
ciicuiatiou is good and the cure seems permanent ar.d lasting."
Dr. Kaj's EeaoTater !a sold by druggists, or sent br mail for 55 ets and tt er f er
fa. Vo act take any sutstltcte. for It aas no!. It la an excellent purlSer aad the
lest ne-. e lonle.kaswrd SeaU far On Kay's Home Tre'tmrnc. or illustrated u mm
look. free. Oae ssaa said he weald aot take 6 for coe af It rece'ats; another ealdaa
would not take tlO for the look, Or. B. J. Kay XoJIcaJ Co..Ou:.ha.XeU
m -I
aw-wf?! wBB.B-1
B-B-B-fSS "
, -i
drft. . '- "iQKtZ-lKf- U.