The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, December 07, 1898, Image 2

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at the FasteSce, Colambas, Near., M
Vsiasetirstr JLX.T8MUt.C0.
One year, by mail,
0H ammJmUsa
Three months
- Tfex storm oath and west of Dearer
the tint' of last week was the worst
known in years.
W. D. Oldham has been appointed
deputy state attorney general by At
torney General Smyth.
TwKSTr-svEX vessels were driven
ashore and wrecked in the neighborhood
of Princeton, Mass., in the big storm
last week.
Tnt cash in the treasury is $926,117,
182, against which there are demand li
abilities outstanding amounting to
$633,740,392, leaving a net cash balance
of $292,376,790.
A pboposkd amendment to the con
stitution of South Dakota in favor of
the initiative and referendum carried at
the last election by 6,000, while a pro
hibition amendment was defeated by a
majority of 4,000.
The next legislature should do some
thing to remedy the department store
evil. This cannot be clsss legislation as
it will not only give the single liners and
country merchants the patronage that is
justly due them but it will prevent those
who now trade at department stores
from being taken in by a gang of crooks
and sharpers. Leigh World.
Matob Quick of Sioux City has
ordered that all slot machines in that
city be removed by December 15. Forty
of these machines, played for money, are
operated in the city, each one paying $15
per month licen& They have been
doing such a business that the mayor
became alarmed and others objected
because of boys learning the gambling
Ak attempted hold-up by three masked
man near Sedalia, Missouri, of a Missouri-Pacific
passenger train, resulted in
the capture of one of the robbers, Jim
West, an engineer in the employ of the
' company. Having been advised that the
hold-up would be attempted, the com
pany had provided ten armed men to
give the would-be robbers a hot reception.
Joseph Ffifer. living near Ne
braska City was accidentally shot by her
16-year-old son Joseph Tuesday of Isst
week, and died almost instantly. The
boy fired a charge of heavy shot at a
rabbit that had taken refuge under a
corn crib ignorant of the fact that his
mother was standing on the opposite
aide of the crib. Two shot took effect
in her temple.
The press of this country in the main,
"stands for honesty and efficiency in gov
ernment and administration; for purity
in politics; for justice, mercy, liberty,
humanity, and loyalty to country. If
there are any nowspapers recreant to
these high ideals, such are compelled to
simulate, at least, the appearance of the
virtues that they do not possess. This
condition exists because the men back of
the newspapers, like Americans in all the
other legitimate callings of life, are true
to these grand principles that are the
foundation stones and enter into the
whole auperstruction of our free govern
mentthis mighty temple of liberty, of
individual rights and responsibilities.
Oulbertson Era.
A Jadas Iscariot ia Complexion aad Pria
ciple. Editor Jodbnax: I see by the Argus
that Mr. Brindley's memory is a little
defective, as he claims that he has known
me for 30 years, and that I used to be a
Jacksonian democrat. My memory
reverts to 1871, when I became a voter,
and I am proud to say that I cast 'a
republican vote in 1871 and continually
since that time. I well remember how
many times I have been a delegate to the
republican conventions in Polk county.
I have often talked with Bra Brindlev
and looked in his face with pity, to think
bow his mind would rattle around in his
cranium like a buck-shot in a tin wash
boiler. He claims that I have always
been a champion for the poor, the
wronged and the oppressed. I admit
that I am sympathetic with those who
are cast out upon the cold charities of
an unfriendly world.
I think Bra. Brindley is a well-mean-ins;
man and does not seek to do a fellow
man an injustice, but there is a sort of a
Jadas Iscariot, silver principle about
hint that I really wish he would get rid
of. I think he ought to take something
for that pop doctrine which he advocates
aad get the knot on his neck straight
ened out. I think the warm congenial
climate of the Philippines would be ben
eftetal to him, and I would make a motion
that we start the ball rolling in Platte
coaaty and never let np until we have
landed every pop in America safely on
the sunny islands of the Philippines.
Yours forever a republican,
Gboboe E. Bikktjx.
Lokdox, Dec 6. Mnch having been
expected there m a certain tone of dis
BBfotatmant ia the nKxaias; papers on
FraaUeat MeaOalsy'a aaeaaage. Its
tBamHlal i ham tea la Bthllwitowl in
the fact that the negotiations of the
yat finished. Considerable satisffartiwi
is expressed at the references to Anglo
ftavrinn relations and at the coldness
dJaplayed toward Russia.
i N Ule to AaMrlcaa Valley.
Ioxdox, Dec 6. Mr. William T.
Stead, editor of the Review of Reviews,
who has jast returned from the Vatican,
gives to the correspondent of the Asso
ciated Press an unqualified denial of all
stories representing that- the pope is
hostile to the ATawicsa policy regard
ing the Philippines. On the contrary
his holiness is ready to co-operate with
the United States in restoring order
i a. &IIm Ahl
XOKBOsT. Dec . The Shamrmu aw.
naaoaWsandeat of the Daily Telegraph
aays: "Ranee has asade drsnanrls at
Xaakia (the southern capital of China),
near the right hank of the Yang-tse-lrgir
and about 90 mites from its
tk, that are equivalent to the alien.
i of a ralaahle portion of the Yaaa
Talley. The viceroy of Nankin
i to
Ghcaoo, Dec t.-
. in the:
mmanraaafmauami sbsk . . .. vtvaaaaaBMsawaaaiiissBMXiammaEiar
BmnaasBBBBBBjsBj amsaaa wsBaBBaasia aasmmv armmamat asmaAaMUsyCamm flammaaa ammBaasaaaXa8 amw smmuTnnSB avJBBVlwalvawemawanns) amnaasaaak asvaasaagi a a ) ay ajaasm? asnaasaama
aaght ailaniliag thefraarhisas of all the towBAip.caUiBgtheatteaUoB ofthahaardto i,8W,DM,Mn aW.FBtitxai,Clerk.
sssjaaatmr tvawBanwn now upmauaiaiai tae dtatttate esamlUan at aae Jaasph Farama miulISi smsmlasi TlarssBlastthr irsr I na Ihn mnist 1tt TtT ruistj fmm
to- : - " iiin nn Usee. . -,J-- - --
waanaiHaae nam wm aaaai ay amK aaaa aaa raamaadaaaamaamaaaaaaa mwasaw laapae-
smnW aa am 3C
A rrrrr Vioonnmnor ifl A.II- 2
M . v- v maf
S important. Letcongress start O
8 right with its colonial legislate'
.88 nf313A5S9AwOOflm)CA
"---- -- . ..
American Report Satisfactory
Progress Made.
aalsli ! sIsMisi a
-Ti ty Cu Csataia mmjimmme
WkUb tk Victors Pat lat It. Call
a futkw QalaMlag
Pakis, Dee. . The joist peace com
mirm was in session for over four
hoars. Much of the discussion con
cerned details as to the guaranteeing of
the rights of Spanish citisens in the
ceded colonies. The debate was occa
sionally energetic, and the Spaniards,
on adjourning, appeared to be dejected.
Secretary Ojeda of the Spanish com
mission, when questioned after the
meeting as to the progress made, said,
excitedly: "I am almost mad. I cannot
iir We are making progress."
The American commissioners declined
so say anything farther than the prog
ress was satisfactory.
The history of the document, which
will certify the passing of the oldest co
lonial power in the world, and the ad
ntif til nw- na signalized in a
single sentence, "A peace treaty can
!Tuil ;JuZir.trm nat: into
lything which victors pat inro
contain an;
The -i" listened for hours
with their customary patience to the
technicalities convoked by the Span
iards with their customary shrewdness
and persistency against proposals mak
ing for the dismemberment of their em
pire. Darkness had come on, and Sen
ator Irye, whose unconcealed contempt
for diplomatic quibblings excites the
amaiement of the Caatillians, had
talked out, his patience exhausted.
The burden of the Spanish arguments
was that matters outside the bare oes
-i. mmA evacuation or me Bpamsn ter
ritory, which the Americans proposed to
cover by the treaty, were beyond
the legitimate and customary scope
of a peace treaty. Behind
this bulwark Senor Montero Bios, presi
dent of the Spanish commission, forti
fied himself, bombarding bis opponents
with a supply of arguments and prece
dents wWcfi inspired the freely ex
pressed admiration of ti Americans.
SlaaUy Judge Day aummariaed the
America position in the foregoing
memorable utterance. It was given
and taken is good spirit and from that
moment the proceedings were entirely
friendly. The session accomplished
much. Eight open questions were
canvassed, seven being practically set
tled without noteworthy friction. The
commissioners decline to say what con
clusion was reached, but the bargain
for a coaling station in the Oarolinea
was not cemented and according to
areaent prospects, it is likely to fail.
Cafeaa IVaader a taw Xiing.
Washington, Dec. C General Gar
cia, who is still somewna lnuwpu-c,
mint fhA eveninff at his hotel.
Quesada, speaking for the commission,
aid: "The president's message is re
garded as very satisfactory. Its publi
cation at this time will do good, coun
teracting reports that have been spread
in Cuba by people who have not the
real interests of the country at heart.
' We have full faith in the United States
and in the just intentions of President
McKinley , and the men who have made
the revolution of Cuba aim to work
with the United States to establish a
government that will have the respect
of nations. General Garcia is well
satisfied with the interviews he has had
with American officials. The infonaa-.
tion he is giving and gathering will aid
greatly in the work of regeneration we
have in hand."
Spain SaetaJag WJtatSedlttoa.
Lokdox, Dec. G. The rris corre
spondent of the Daily Telegraph says:
"According to trustworthy news from
Madrid, Spain is seething with sedition,
born of bankruptcy and ruin. One of
the best informed men in the kingdom
assures me that the chances of a revolu
tion are increasing by leaps and bounds.
Carlism exists in three provinces only,
but the disaffection toward the present
government is co-extensive with the en
tire Spanish race."
Annnal CewTaatlaa Opens at Fort West
WKfc Delegmtas Preseac.
Iter Worth, Tex., Dec 6. The Na
tional Earmers' congress met in annual
session here today. There are about 500
delegates on hand.
The first day's program consisted cf
an address of welcome and response?.
Governor Hoard than delivered his an
nual address.
It is noticeable that representatives of
the beet sugar industry are herein num
bera, and it is more than likely that the
probable effect on that branch of farm
ing by the ajuuxation of the Phihppines
will be one of the moat exciting qnes
tioas to claim the attention of the con-
lowaiand Colorado have the
here, but all the
valley is wall reun
ited. The convention will inauin in
fear days.
Pnraut, CaL, Dec ft. The nitro-glye-
of the Hudson Powder com
pany blew up at 30 p. m., killing Su
perintendent Charles Kennedy and four
Ohiasmea, the only workmen in the
building at the time. The eapkmon
was a terrific one, four tons of nitro
glycerine blowing up, completely de-
the building. The same
was badly damaged byaaexplo-
ax weeks ago and two OJiiaeas
killed. Superintendent Kennedy
superintending some mixing when
the explosion in the afternoon occurred.
Uis probable that the cause oftheex
fioaion will never be known, as no one
who was in the building escaped death.
Seem amis'
Cblambas, Neb,. Nov. 21,
Beard called to enter, Supervisors
Wiggins aad Caalraaaa Bender, being p reseat.
Xo quorum present and board adjoarael an
til 18 o'clock a. m. tomorrow.
Cblambas, Nee Nov. 22. 1888.
Beard met at M o'clock pursuant to adjourn
ment. Present Sapervisors xisee, Kleraaa,
Olson, Wlgglas aad Chairman gander.
The board took a recess far special commit
tee work oatll 1 o'clock this p. m.
Beard reooaveaedat l e'doek, the
clerk aad eatire board present.
Mlaates efths hut aeaaisa ofthe
west K of section Jio7i lTraaeleat,Te?
erred to committee ou.rlsitna, . -
Report or T. D RcbUui cooulV Jadce. ofthe
fe4scaro4 la his effector the std. aaartetof
Followlpgeomaatttre report was presented:
COluwbu-.Neb.,, UM.
To the Board of Supervisors of Platte Ceaaty'
Gentlemen: Your committee appointed to
examine the records and Dtea ta the oalce of
tbe county Judge and to submit to this board a
reporter tae fees aarnrd iy ExCoaaty Judge
Kilian tor tbe. ytr 1807. would report "lb t we
proceeded with d iuvrsUxatiOB aad round
tbat we were aaabte f r.r.2 tbe fea book kept by
Ex-Judge Ktnan, to arrive delaitdy at tbe
amount or fees earned i-y him dnrlBasald year;
we were therefore con.jx-Iteil to carefully ex
amine tbe files and the record in all cases.
From tbese we report as follows :
We Had tbat tbe reconls show that he
charged bimseii with fees earned la
orobate cases, tbe sum of..
From this amount, however,
should be deducted for lite.
gal charges aa fees for filing
vouchers in cases nf settle
ment or estates. (&s p-r opla
ioa of cooaty attoruey here
with attached) tbe sum or....
There should also be rtrdu-ted
from above sura of M2.4S, Il
legal overebarges as frm for
makiBg complete rtcorda,
tbe suin of
83 47
SW t 9SS7
Leaviue abalauec f
f 81108
Amount reported by Kxludpe Klllaa as
per m report ot eDrttary 7, ibss.
Balance sot report! .? 146 IS
We find t&at be bua earned as lees in
couutv court casva. tbe mm of S 21S 20
Amount reported ty Ex-Judge Klllaa.
M vtr wpon of February 7, I8t in TO
Balance not reported.
.8 IB SO
We Sad tbat be has earned as fees In
justice eases, the sum of ... f. 112 OT
Amount reported bv Ex Judge Killaa.,
as. per his Mipp!emmtal report or
April 8, 1886 8 241 12
Balance not reported .-......
t 71 85
We And that he baa itued dariBg tbe
year 117 marnage Heeuses,fbr which
he Is euitled un.'er the law (as per
county nuorueysopiuiou nereio al
tacbed) to the sum or t tSO each
.$220 56
Amount reported a received by ex
Judge Klllaa as per his report of Feb.
Balance Illegal overcharge
72 25
We And that hs has performed 88
riage cereBBoales for which he is
titled to tbe sam of ft OB eaeh-L.
.. 78 SO
Amount reported by ex-judge Klllaa as
per uis suppiemenuu report oi Apm
Balance not reported-.. 8 60
Total fees earned la orobaU eases 84108
Total fees earned In county court cases 218 20
Total fees earned In Jostle easea 312 67
Total fees earscd la laming marriage
llcenses... - ..,..-... 220 50
Total fees earned ia performing mar
riage ceremoalea. ,., 78 60
Total fees earned .
Amount of f era allowed by law to be re
1500 60
lamca oy v.Tiunry juoge.--.
Excess of lees earned, dne Platte
coaaty f Ml 48
Your committee desire to state la conclusion,
that In making tbis examination and resort.
we have, in all cases where doubt arose as to
the legality ot a charge. Invariably glvea Mr.
Klllaa the beaeSt of the doubt.
Respectfully submitted.
On motion the report of the committee was
adopted and same ordered spread upon the
Tbe bid on file with the clerk for the le-se
ofthe county poor farm were now opened,
which were aa follows :
J. W. James offered for the use of the farm
for year 1888 8888.60, and agreed to care for all
panpers thereat, at the rate of 82X0 per week
The following supplemental bid was also
filed bv J. W. James. I agree to give tbe sum
of 8379X0 per anaam for the period ot three
years for tbe rest of said farm and to care for
the inmates of the poor house at tbe rate of
8240 per week each.
Oa motion the bids were referred to the com
mittee oneouaty poor farm.
Communication from the town board of Mon
roe township regarding tte uasafe condition
of a certain bridge over the irrigation canal in
said township, was presented and read and on
motion referred to the ceaaty attorney for
his advice as to the proper steps for the board
to take to eatorce tbe request of said town
Recess until 8 o'clock's, m. tomorrow. -
Columbus, Kebr., Wednesday a. m.. Nov. 23. 118
Board met at 8 o'clock pursuant to adjourn
ment, all members being present, and for the
purpose ot allowing committees to ptonerly
consider matters referred, to them a recess
was taken until 2 o'clock this p. na.
Board reconvened at 2 o'clock p. m., Hon.
Peter Bender, chairman, and G. W. Phillips,
clerk. Roll called and the following members
present: Supervisors Becher. Carrig.Kiernan,
Lisco. Olson. WlggiBS and Mr. Chawraaa.
Commaalcatlon from tbe Clerk of the Dls
trict Court, giving notice of the verdict ren
dered against the county of 810.70 and coats, in
the case of Schubert vs. Platte Coaaty. After
some discassion It was moved by Supervisor
Klerdaa that a warrant be lamed for the sum
of 810.70 upon tbe county general fond In full
satisfaction of said Judgment, that said war
rant be drawn lu favor ofthe coaaty treasarer
to apply oa the deHaqaeat personal taxes of
sail Carl Scnabwt. Motion carried.
Communication from I. L. Albeit, relative to
tbe payment of the 1818 taxes oa lot 7 and the
west half of lot 8 la black 7 of Smith's Addition
to Columbus, was presented and referred to
tbe committee oa claims.
Report of J. C. Byrnes,' sberlf. of the fees
earned la his otsee for the third quarter of
1883, presented aad ordered lied.
The following
I have to resort that ooJalr 12. 1888. a peti
tion ws lied in my oaVe far the location of a
pabllc read rnmmrwrirg at the southeast cor
ner of seetioa 19 towels raags 4 we t aud ran-
ninr theneadae west oa Has between Naace
and rttoeeaatk to tbe soatawert corner of
secUoa 18 town U range 4 west; that on behalf
HjaapauMii at.
i si naamiMHiT nisi oa tsitsi iam inn
oommiaaioaera aaaeiated taenia akd their re
pott neomaaaaamc the establishment of a
road oa the Bae prayed for. 1 lauaealately
nonce w aw aarvaa upon au rewaenr
property owners awag tbe line of said read aad
fartaereaatedaaotlcetobe pablished giving
nc4 less than 60 nor mere than 88 days witbia
which toaieelalma ior rtimasea or remon-
atraaeeato said kwstioa. So remoaatraace
or ctalau for damages having beea filed I re
sort the same for ysaur eaasMeratioa.
G. W. Pamxirs, Clerk.
Moved by Supervisor Kieraaa tbat tbe praj-
erorthepetKloacrs he graatea, that the road
be declared daly estabuaaei aa prayed for,
theSarreyer he lastraoted to perstaate the
goverameataeetieBcaraara aksg the llae of
said road aad am a pmt of the survey thereof,
together wiCi the aeMaetes with the clerk ef
this beard. Motion carried.
The foUowmg was sabmltted:
I have to resort that oa Bene 1. IMS. there
wasajadiamy esses a peUUea far a aablle
road rammsaeJagat the aecthwest esraar of
the aor thaast eaarUr at theaoatheaat oaarter
ef asetlea l town 17 range 8 west, aad raaaiac
theaee asath tarsagh the center ef the east
half ef seatiaaa l aad 12 la towa 17 rasa s
west aad tacnuaaUaa: at the aasta eaaaael ef
the Leap river, he lseatsd; also thata pabllc
read kawwa as the HalMassheadPend No.
2." and wmmsaetngattbe saaUwast ee
of tbe aealaeaat qaarter of the aoatneast ai
tor afaaeUaallawa 17 raaaw Sweat, aad i
alaa thiaaa west la a aaraaeatiraiv aireeuaa
taasCraJgataae to the aorthwaat esmer of
efsaJdaeeUeaitawan raaaw a west,
eased: Iatanes apftatsd at. L. asaww m
tBitdtblMstlaa aa vMattosj L as prayed
6srlaasMaJtlsn. Katies was ghnahsi lalv
lngaleMtaaaaS ner aaere taaa 88 days
wrthsa which to atajttaasjNr masaass jr re-
"si lasli s j m tstanmd;! isaatt the ssatter
ike coaaty surveyor be directed to survey samo
and file his report with the county clerk Mo
tion carried.
Vha firUlAmwItisv 4h'tfurr vsnaai ilaltmj4.
Your committee on count v , ooc, farm, hav
ing under conslderatton thqvreauettt'ar'Mr.
Jane-. the overseer or the tana, for the build
ing of a barn thereon. woaM report tbat we
have giveu tbe rcntterthoMhtiHleoasUira!ioa
muu e are oi me opinion ina u at ior the new
interest of the county thar said barn be built.
We accordingly secured -placs. for said bare
aod requested bids for 1U ereettou," Including
labor and material. Tbe Mda are now mi til"
.-with tbe clerk of thU board.
On motion the report of the committee was
accepted aud clerk directed to open the bUsoa
file, ns follow:
'Kir. HoaaeZZ 1 --iO.i.8367 OS
Win. Both -. . sue 60
c nlisZZZZZZ.zZZ m ii
wiuiam BieiuoRugti ;kmi, or wuu sione
- piers rastead-ef brickeaiida-iaa aad
county to furnish material on ground.. 415 41
Referred to committee on coaaty farm.
The following committee report was sn
tniued: Tour committee on poor farm, woaM repcrt
tbat we have fully considered the bids anu
rnltted by J. W. James for the lease of tbe
poor fann, aad are o tbe opinion that his
proposition offering &7S OS per annum for the
use of tbe poor farm fur a criiod ot .three years
aad agreeing to care tor tbe inmates of the
county poor bouse at 2D0 per week each if
the best bid. We therefore recommend tbat
nronosltion be KcecDted aad that the count
attorney be directed to preiare tbe necessary 4
contract and douu.
C. J-(.: mo,
T. A U-fMKK.
Nils Ot-.v. Co.nmittf.
On motion the report of the committee was
Tbe following resolution was adapted:
Whereas. In the !ucatl:t of" the "'Di-wey
Koad" in Woodvtlle township ou the Use be
tween Nance and Platte eoantlaa, William
Adamson sustained a lo or oae ma -of land
along tbe south line of the southeast. ,carter
of the southeast auaner or stloa Motown 18
range 4 west, appropriated for reaapsrseses;
therefore be it
Resolved, That for tbe purpose faoataensat
ing sall Adamson for tbe laud so akea.That a
warrant in tbe sum or 820.00 bo allowed him
and tbat same be drawn on tbe county road
fund aud charged to tbe account or WoodvUle
township. James Kikbxan. .
On motion th resolution was adapted.
Moved by Supervisor Olson tbat we sow
take a recess for committee work until 8
o'clock a. m. Friday, Nov. 25, 1883. Motion
carried. Supervisor Liseo voting no.
Columbus. Neb., Friday a. m., Nov. 35, 1808.
SBoara met at 9 o'clock pursuant to adjourn
ment. Hon. reter Beuder. chairman, and G.
W. Phillips, clerk Boll called and tbe fellow
'ing menib;rn present: Supervisors Becher.
Cirrig. Kieruan, Lisco, Olson, Wiggins and
Mr. Chairman. w '
The followiug bills were on motion allowed
ana tbe clerk directed to issue warrants on
the county general f nnd :
S'chwarz & Kaston turtse for county 8 IS 6
A.Dussrl!&i?ou pluinhiucatcourthonse 5 85
A. Dnssell at hou pluniningai court bouse
V. Iff I mw Mnn'1 Malk m)v
1 k! D." Fitzpairlck ilidse for GfilZZZZ
15 80
14 85
Henry Kagrts A; Co. indse lor county Ji
Omaha I'rlntingemdge for county.
Oroaba F Intiug Co. mdse'for eoanly
Times Priutlnefo, printing bslkHs"...'
C. Grueutherlesal urinfiie
16 41
83 60
96 64
Lindsay Tost lesal print inc..
101 58
Humphrey Democrat leeal printlug
(rlalmed $JgJ) 8C 37
Nebraska Kiene legal printing. .. 5 47
Nebraska Biene Legal printing "..$ 74 22
ternary 'lteasurer account aeiinqnem tax
J H. Johannes, legal printing.. ...?,. ..
County Treasurer account delinquent tax
16 82
116 48
17 IS
14 10
6 75
10 SO
183 16
18 00
1 81
M K Tomer lesal Drinthur .
Coaatr Treasurer account delinqneat tax
4 lifascnai legal printing
Coaaty Treasurer account delinqneat tax
Argus Printing Co. legal printing
County Treasurer account delinqaeat tax
Henry Gaas mdse. for jail
Argna Printing Co. legal printing
Columbus Telegram legal printing.
M K Turner & Co. ltgsl printing-
Patrick Murray, wood for court house.. .
Neb. Tel. Co. service for Oct. & Nov. "88
City of Columbus, water rent Aug. toNjH
vember, 88...........................T...
E H Chamber, canvassing election re-
C A Bpeice, canraeaing election retams..
GW Phillips,
G W Phillips, clerk. Issuing certificate
OI 63CCIpH8B -
H 8 Elliott. Trees, cash adv
G A Plata, livery for board
D A Beeeher, Supr. Dist aad Com. work
B Y Lisco, 8upr. district work
Peter Bender, Supr. district work and
staning warrants
GWHullipa. clerk. cash adv
Thos. Gentleman, guarding Peter Madi-
sWOoa, asmWaOO a
Coanbr Treasurer, account delinquent
tax FWHerrick, mdse. for jail
J C Byrnes, sheriff, summoning jury and
attending court
G B Boeioe. CDC clerk's fees
G B Speice, CDC coats Schubert vs
Platte county
G B Bpeice, CDC cost state vs Laughlin
John Elliott, Bailiff DC
JohnHnber "
V. J Corrig witness Aug. Uedrick. inssne
County Treasurer account delinquent
tax Adam Smith, witness Uedrick Ins
James Naylor. juror 1808 term DC...
83 00
12 25
16 90
42 CO
27 20
17 65
60 00
13 95
18 05
82 70
10 00
10 00
2 10
8 10
10 70
10 GO
13 00
8 50
10 60
10 70
13 80
10 80
8 10
8 10
4 10
4 10
4 10
4 10
4 10
4 10
8 10
4 10
Jonn J uailey
Joseph Gilsdorf
Siebert lleiliel " "
William Weber "
Andrew Peterson " "
Biehard McGaane "
AW Clark
Biehard Olmer
Charles Scheuth "
James Maher " "
John Doerach
William Wenk
8 K Painter
PeterRipp M
Peter Johnson
JohnBanster " "
Thomas Gentleman" "
Stephen Bogers " "
Jas. Lanktree, talesman "
WFDinneen - "
JacobSchram " -
Wm. Thompson "
JohnBlahak "
ABFoser Spec, venire "
County Treasurer, account del. tax C H
Pcrcey, Juror 98 term D C
County Treasurer, account dl. tax Chris
9 70
BiensS8term 9 80
county Treasurer, account del. tax D C
Kavanaugh juror W term
County Treasurer, account del. tax J C
Lanktree meals for jurors
J C Lanktree, meals for jurors
P H Metz, coroner fees inquest J H
Grace Clark, witness state vs. Laughlin
KatherineKohler,u " "
BY Lisco " " -
Peter Bender " " " "
Frank Taylor " "
BamnelGrafe " "
J C Byrnes, sheriff" " "
County Treasurer, account del. tax Ed.
Elston, witness state vs. vnjifcitp
County Treaaarer, account del. tax Hen
ry Luers, witness vs. Laaghlin
County Treasarer, account deL tax Perry
12 50
4 10
4 10
2 SO
10 10
4 10
4 10
4 10
Countr Treasurer, aeeonnt deL tax
miuwwgii, wiiuuan Mate vs. i"g"nn
Smith, witness state vs. laaghlin
County Treasurer, account del. tax Adam
Smith constable DC
uoanry xreaeurer, account del. tax list E
Pohl, witness 8ehabert vs. Co. 4 10
Coaaty Treasurer, account deL taxWM
Cornelias, counsel, Laughlin. 18 44
W M Cornelius, counsel, state va. Laagh-
liaetal 8 98
J C Byrnes, sheriff, jailor aad janitor
salary 83 50
JCBjrnMS,sheeiff,boardingprisonersetc 171 49
WmDtieamann. coffin for pauper 15 00
TD RoMeoa, judge, certificate of appoint
ment noaros ox ejection. 29 40
sLaazeer. DartnaTmaateon.
trace paiauag court nouas
Hugo Schaad. refund tax .paid twice
J Heaiy Jobaaaes, error m asassasaeat..
- . ... w -
100 00
2 10
18 00
14 00
GW Phillips,
ups,ciers expenses delivering
Jamas sTisrnan. I
Snpr. district work. .
Joseph Lasek, J. PM
(Claimed gi auj...
rouowiso arxxa wxaa aixowxd ox
oouxTT roon rtnro:
St Mary'a Hospital, are of iadigeat pa-
rJenta Z. 12 00
8t Mary's Hospital, care of iadigeat pa
tients VT 40 00
St .Mary's Hospital, care of inrtigqil pa-
Henry Baaatz d: Co. mdas for poor 7 78
Louis Held, water tank for poor farm.... 13 00
C A Bpeice a Co. coal for poor 5 50
GF1W M D, medicme services. E
KUpphahB TT7... 12 65
A Dnssell A Son. pump supplies at poor
Q(bb asasM 2 wJ
Schwara A Eastoa, sanplles for poor
avaaaaBaa BSsaaasA d tv
Coaaty Tressnrer.accoaat deL taxADas
sel Son, supplies for poor farm 25 88
Bill of A. L. Kooa, hoase rent for sheriff Oct.
aad Nov. 1888, $24.00, was reported back by the
committee with the reoommeadatioa that same
be allowed oa the coaaty general read. On
motion the report of tbe committee was adopted,
Bapr. Liseo voting no.
BUI of G. D. Willis, 112X0 for plana aad speci-
for ban at poor farm, aad bill of A. J.
M. D for special evamiaaHoa of the
body of Henry Wikkeaa, fttSS, were laid over
until next meeting for farther avestjgation.
Claimof Frank L. Taylor. 8196.66 for capture
of three boras thieves was on recommendation of
the committee rejected, for the reasoa that there
was no conviction.
Bills of H. J. Hndsoa, jastfeafass ia the case
of State of Nshvaska vs. Pater Abts aad Mike
ware reported back by the committee
demeanor eases, aad
therefore diaallowed.
BUI of J. N. Kilian f7L8S, far aaaaaroas fees,
was reported hack by the enmmittasaa jadkaary
with the isr nmmsadsrlha that the earn ef 8U8
WaUawedaapaymeatia fall, sad same toapply
Tha foUewiag hills were slleweiaa tasMtf
realised the raloe of a real estate scent tou
saenre barcaina ahead of time fori assail
cetseW"8rthy bid 6 joet mah
ana get; Killed-In Um soon) for.a boate.'
If wo had the haudlins;uf th$t propertyraa '
we hare around, this 'Ticiaity our clients
woalLhave,beeB-,the Jwkr. 'booasera,"
we would have secarod thecboicest. Look
at our list of bargains in homes and farms.
.i .TUrtaastatSt
8SS" " 8m?
89 ANYBODY wishinp; to buyasewino; machine will favor me by "Zm
p r calling and examining my machines. If I ennnot prove to ZS
a ,you that I hare the best machine ever sold for the price, S20, 22 Z
Ba'and $25, there will be at least no harm done. All parts are of ool
- steel properly tempered and will wear a life time. They arc fully 2
p warranted for 10 years, finished as good as any machines made. Do ZS
not fail to 'examine them before buying. 2
(91 carry a full line of needles and supplies for all ranchines "
made. Repairing a specialty. ,- -"g
t :u ss tif
r---3T"-4 I t-
Columbus Telegram, acc't. Butler twp. ..$ 5 00
Lindsay Post, acc't. Walker twp 15 00
St. Bernard twp.... 10 00
44 Bismarktwp. 100
The follow ing committee report was presented:
"We your committee on poor farm would
report that wo, have examined the bids for the
erection of the barn on said farm, and we find
the bid of William Steinbaugh to be the lowest
and best bid. We therefore recommend that his
bid of 8415.41 for the erection and completion of
barn, he to use rock piers instead of brick foun
dation, be accepted and contract awarded him.
We further recommend that the sum of 83000
additional be allowed Mr. Steinbaugh for haul
ing the material to the building site, and that
Mr. Steinbaugh be required to enter into con
tract for the same and furnish good and suffi
cient bond. He to be allowed SO days from this
date to complete said barn, allowance to be
made for bad weather."
Nils Olson,
On motion tho report of the committee waa
adopted and contract awarded aa recommended,
and the county attorney directed to prepare tbe
necessary contract and bond.
Board now took a recess until 2 o'clock this
(Continued next week.)
A Good Enterprise.
As many Journal readers know, A.
W. Armstrong is one of our best ma
chinists. He has just erected a foundry
and machine-shop, 40x44 feet, on west
Tenth street, and will be fully ready for
business by the twentieth of the month,
expecting to start out with three men
and to increase the force as business
may require. He will do all kinds of
general repair work on engines, pumps,
boilers, etc., and will manufacture
smoke-stacks and gasoline engines.
After he gets under headway he will
have gasoline and steam engines from
two to ten-horse power, to sell or rent.
His foundry will be of 5-ton capacity,
that is, one melting of iron may be as
much as five tons.
He has employed a No. 1 foundryman
for that branch of business. He intends
working in brass as well as iron.
Mr. Armstrong has for some time
been successfully engaged in running
feed-grinders and will not discontinue
tbat line of business. Farmers having a
large quantity of feed to grind, can have
it done by him at their place, thus sav
ing transportation, if they wish to feed
on the farm. Mr. Armstrong has a good
portable engine, and prices are very
Give him a call when wanting any
thing in his line. 2t
St. Mary's Hospital.
We extend our sincerest thanks and
gratitude to all persons who assisted us
by so liberally donating cash and other
valuables, and to all who so cheerfully
gave their services free for the financial
and social success of the fair for the
benefit of St Mary's Hospital.
Sisteb M. Hekrica,
Real Estate Transfer.
Becher, Jssggi k Co., real estate agents,
report the following real estate transfers
filed in the office of the county clerk for
the week ending Dec. 3, 1896.
Pearl B. Bonesteel to Mary A. and Agnes
Pease, sj lots l ana z, due m, uoium-
bua, wd... ........$
August Smith to William Weber, swfc
a ,a A
500 00
4000 CO
7000 00
50 CO
Joshua Van Bla'rieomtoW." N.'Condonl
nwX 640LlwaadwKswit31.2I-lw.wd
C. W. Bolllssabead to Wesley Cole, lot
8 blk "E" Monroe, wd
State of Nebraska to Heiarich Johan
nes, nw nwK.3S-lft.le, deed
Commercial Bank to Heiarich Kluever,
Pioneer Townsite Co. to C. F. Buhmann,
lots i, 2, 8, blk 3, Creston, wd.
4900 00
180 00
Seven transfers, total 816,680 00
Weather Resort.
Beview of the weather near Genoa for
the month of November, 1896.
Mean temperature of the month...
Mean do same month last year
Highest daily temperature on 3rd..
Lowest do oa the 2Srd below zero
Clear days
Fair dare
..U7 ,. 70
. 5'
Cloadr dare
Kain or anow fall darina portions of 5 dan:
laeaea of rata or melted snow
Do of the same month last sear.
..0.34 in
.2.25 In
Greatest amoaat in 24 hoars
Do of the same month last year
A very violent storm of wind from
northwest commencing on the 20th at 4
p. m and continuing for 48 hours sup
plemented by snow and a fall in temper
ature of 40 degrees. Parhelia 26 and SO.
f 100 far Letters Aseat Nebraaka.
The Burlington Boate (B. k If. B. R.)
offers thirteen prises ranging from $5 to
25 and aggregating one hundred dollars
I for the thirteen letters, which, in the
opinion of a competent oommittee, are
bast calculated to encourage immigra
tion to Nebraska.
Every contestant, whether or not his
contribution ia awarded a prize, will
receive the "Corn Belt" (a handsome 16
page monthly publication) for six moo tha
free of charge. Tha contest is open to
alL Details can be obtained by address
ing J. Francis, G. P. A Burlington
IhOsnau,Neb. T-ckfrS
EaBBBBBl. M 9K-tjra
jfWi vlg
- l-aaa'BBawHBBl7Eri -
-' Jsaat: vB.lsBSsL affiaaUalawBSBBBBsfZ-. 8SsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatsaaaaaaaaaaMaaaaaaaaat
ia; ."
for -
Don't be Humbugged by Bay
ing a cheap Range from
Trarelers. All
unite in praising the beauty and superi
or merits ot the Majestic stoves. Every J
improvement mat is snown in the new
stoves for "98" are combined in the Ma
jestic. We have a splendid assortment
of parlor stoves, cook stoves, steel ranges
and Round Oaks to choose from, and
our prices are mvuy down.
Eleventh St. Columbus, Neb.
COPKllCi'l '
We have just received the latest
pattern Hot Soda apparatus. Hot Soda,
beverages can be made even more de
licious than Cold Soda.
You are
invited to
call and
try these
Everyone making a purchase at our
store tbis week is invited to try a hot
eoda FREE !
..and the..
will sell tickets on its lines at
For dates of sale, limits and points to
which tickets will be sold apply to
C. . Jot, Agent.
The Rev. Irl R. Hicks
Annual Almanac and monthly paper,
Word and Works, are now known from
sea to sea. We are pleased to call the
attention of our readers to the Almanac
for 1899, now ready. It is a splendidly
printed and illustrated book of 116
pages and the storm forecasts and dia
grams and astronomical nnd scientific
matter are superior to anything that
has ever been seen before in u 25 cent
book. His monthly journal, Word and
Works, is one of tho best literary, home
and scientific magazines in the country,
besides containing his month) storm
forecastswith explanations. The sub
scription price of Word and Works is
$1.00 per year and a copy of the Hicks
Almanac is sent as a premium to every
yearly subscriber. Single copies ot
Word and Works, 10 cents. Price of
Almanac alone, 25 cents. Send your
order to Word and Works Pub. Co.,
2201 Locust Street, St. Louis. Mo. 2t
Don't complete arrangements until you
have secured information regarding the
Personally Canducted Excursions to
San Francisco, Los Angeles and Port
land via the Union Pacific These ex
cursions leave Chicago, Minneapolis and
St. Paul every Thursday, and Omaha
every Friday in elegantly upholstered
Pullman Tourist Sleepers; illuminated
by Pintsch light; heated by steam. Bag
gage checked through from starting
point to destination. Prompt and satis
factory service. Msny hours quicker
time than any other line.
For full particulars call on or address
8t C. E. Jot, Agent.
fhTOTICE is hereby given that sealed proposals
M will be received at the office of tbe Coonty
Clerk of Platte county, Nebraska, antil 4 o'clock
p,as December Slat, 1883, for the construction
of a wagon bridge over Shell creek ia said
eooitT. on the line ot the 01e Koad" in the
8. W. X ot 8ec 1, Town 20. Bamre4 west,u per
T a . ru . ail Xaa ! Mmm. a4?
specincauoas oa aie ia ine omce or
h fVtnntv Clmrk at said cocntr.
Bids, accompanied with plana aad specifiea
tiona i for a steel bridge, will also be received at
the same time and place f or the constractioa of
this bridge.
The succeasfal bidder will be required to eater
into a good and snficient bond for the faithful
performance of tbe contract.
Board reserves the right to reject any or all
Dated Colombo. Nebraska. Hbv. 24, 1883.
G. W.Pbjuii. Conaty Clerk.
floathwest eoraer Eleventh aad North Streets
4Jaly-y Cbi.nw.i3-.. NcaaAsxA.
m- rf MlBBSsMK ' BBsaVklaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaPBSsHBSsiBBsaaaaaaawlBm
- Hmt wmmtmmilnlWi' '- kw&kmmk sar w Er .ssi bbssT bbsbI
itt&$XxmilKt sasaaaaawal ,m ll 81 II 8sW at B
4aBwFTBBBBmSs!baaBBBKt 1 bbbbbbbtW BBBSaw aal Bsbbb! m.bbI bW BBBsi
JaaaaaaaaaWBBBaaaaBL BBBBsV 5Ffiil Vaaf aaaaV F M W m H
SmatttkW Ww$$ Tbs tTaa'yWWar-jClfs Boskgfct, 8M8st trMAsaia JcfT
fm ' ' Jmmmr m & jmBr rm tha aigaaUtsrw of
mmmimmiKmm&mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm v .dtLZJr. ? .. sanTsal kasasal AvStt. SbbbbbbssiA BsbbbbbbbbwP k&m sawfisVW
Mlkr 1 aCaCaBSwJBUBWa-V- aMaafaBnaml BBBBafBBBBFf4da9BBBBBaB 8tssa1JB MbV bWbb8bUbBsWIV
- ar SBst aaa8mBBw8dsr raw 8B8VlBBBaWa sVVsmVVKwBtfSVaBsaV SsVsbbVvs' lfaj MBBbHVVsbwVj
aaaasaawaawsBaaaaF BTsaWafT 7JU rW8A -fit SaaasT Tssi sal 'aasai ah sii-al si m ! -,81 aaaaaaw laaa. 4saalsal
Jmmmr' 1 ai sttTsSfS
VUBMWBtmrt "
Bsamts. -!! rB8wMJlll818t
Bmlaaasaasaasafc AMmK .FPmm'BFBW
- t- ,dawsTaw BBIF 88BwJsT ssany asaTtPYBsmv JbI aasm sbbbbbb8
eaas)8sa sypa88J8yPaa8sl 8BBBaB'jasBBBBB'aM8awBV JBSBmaawsl8saWi5W flaamfO Bawslll ssrspsV
r r- - - z-J i - ,.
QaaHarm ia a amMtuTto liar Cttfja
aananaaTai OataawmemmnafaW''' mcfarBBBBVamasw -nW BVameamaamsLsaasBi eaatSaBkamV amTwaasBaaaaWsamV
Cwattaima maMsfjr Qfinm. Monk-law mt ajckr Kssrewtlo
Its asra ia its
Ikiya FcvtcaiaiBiinn. It
Cellc It reliT8 Teetbimg
maul Flatmlesscy. It atwiHatcs tke Food, retpslate tko
ffrtoaaacli 8a8Mt Bowels, girtag !aatky suasl amtttral slcefx.
Tke CnUMbrem's Pastaoesi Tho- Mothwrs FrieaeU ,
Betun tke
The Kind Ton lave Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
vmc esavaaa eaifawv. tt
awweaaaaewwweaawa) an
SIiWeekly Inter Ocean $1
Always American-
Every Colammi isr Brffkt,
immltotM tM swat -1
awamm... At Jf Interesting f tkm
cMmrmm wU m pmrtmts. I
nrmi INTER OCEAN. a aBTBRN NEWSPAFz asal wlfe It
bwVbVJT BJJT Basmml
sPriCSSJfl 5WammUP s)V mmaml..
Daily mad Smadtyhy mtM.
To Chicago aad the East.
Passengers going oast for business, will
naturally gravitate to Chicago as the
great commercial center. Passengers
re-visiting friends or relatives in tho
eastern states always desire to "take in"
Chicago en route. All classes of passen
gers will find that the "Short Line" of
the Chicago, Milwaukee k St. Paul Bail
way, via Omaha and Council Bluffs,
affords excellent facilities to reach their
destinations in a manner that will be
sure to give the utmost satisfaction.
A reference to the time tables will in
dicate the route to be chosen, and, by
asking any principal agent west of the
Missouri river for a ticket over the
Chicago, Council Bluffs & Omaha Short
Line of the Chicago, Milwaukee k St.
Paul Railway, you will be cheerfully
furnished with the proper passport via
Omaha and Chicago. Please note that
all of the "Short Line" trains arrive m
Chicago in ample time to connect with
the express trains of all the great through
car lines to the principal eastern cities.
For additional particulars, time tables,
maps, etc, please call on or address F.
A. Nash, General Agent, Omaha, Neb.
en m amswsaBB m.
alsl UM YaRMMMS iNtd,
All Eyea Taraed to Liacela.
The Omaha exposition has closed and
all eyes are now turned toward Lincoln,
the capital city, where the legislature
will soon meet. The istallation of new
state officers, the election of a United
States senator, and other matters of
much importance will make Lincoln the
centre of state interests and every Ne
braakan will want to read the old, re
liable standby, The State Journal, dur
ing the coming year. As a special in
ducement' to' secure new readers, The
Semi-Weekly Journal, printed every
Tuesday and 'Friday, will be mailed
from now until Jannsry 1, 1900, for $1.00.
This is a mighty long time for the
money and the sooner you send your
dollar the more papers you get. There
isn't any other paper in Nebraska that
gives so mnch for tbe money,. It is
twice ss good aa the old fashioned
weekly. Try it. Address, Tho State
Journal, Lincoln, Neb.
' It Iifutt ni OiUna.
Dears tha
The Way te go to California
Is in a tourist sleeping car personally
conducted via the Burlington Route.
You don't change cars. You make fast
time. You see the finest scenery on the
Your car is not so expensively finished
nor so fine to look at aa a palace sleeper
but it is just as clean, just as comforta
ble, just aa good to ride in, juvd kkablt
The Burlington excursions leave every
Thursday, reaching San Francisco Sun
day and Los Angeles Monday. Porter
with each car. Excursion manager with
each party. For folder giving full iafor
snation call at nearest B. k M. B. R
depot or write to J. Francis, Gen'L Pas
eegarAg't,Oaaeha,Neb. juae-3t
T11 K GEt&fff&c&c
sDfl, FswegsrlOa XfYwam
Trwmamos, emrea
Signature of
swaastr araarr. mm eaa crrr.
Always Republican
Ckta aad teke with New.
gwaramtoe. If naHj8 Ww8mma
C8UCS A8MsrnMB8t 88881 !
aamaHawamamaoasaf aM taaniom of the day, k k m
ac alras i nil isfsfatiem ef astern psepk and emcaaus
from the samm smadfjosat, JtjMMJJMj8j8jt
9.OV pCaTasT
When you are travelling, dne consider
ation should bo given to tho amount of
time spent in making your journey.
Line and makes tho Fastest Time by
many hours to Salt Lake City, Portland
and California points.
For time tables, folders, illustrated
book, pamphlets de6criptivn of tho ter
ritory traversed, call on C. E. Joy,
tl 28 Dec. Agent.
Omaha World-Herald
That great free silver family newBpnper,
the Omaha Weekly World-Herald, is
sued in semi-weekly sections, will be
sent to new subscribers until January 1,
1900, for only One Dollar, tho yearly
subscription price, and each new sub
scriber who cuts out this offer nnd sends
it with his dollar will also receive a
highly interesting premium book, on
titled, "Lights and Shadows of Our war
With Spain," a series of historical
sketches, incidents, anecdotes and per
sonal experiences, by John R. Mueick.
This book of 224 pages, in paper cover,
is one of the most attractive and popu
lar books that can bo offered as a prem
ium. No agent's commission allowed
on this offer. Address Weekly World-
Herald, Omaha, Neb.
paoPBirroa or the .
U. Ho&t Ibrlel
wamreVammj manamujaj Simmmmjapj
Fresh, and
Salt Meats.""
Same and Fish in Season.
amtHighest market
Hides snd Tallow.
prices paid for
Ws Carry CofTlut, Caskets anal
Mstallic Casksts Burial -Robts,
Etc. .
W. A. McAixibtkb.
smms.m8BWmmmr.L samtmm
" . "'4
' .3t
..-.-I. r
. .i.
i -
-.. !.'
-.; I-- .
. . I
m .
c? r f " ssaaaaweasa)ingamansnsaaKnsmw8iB8a v aaw
-. "
. -
-r .
s .
r &Sgg&te& -IWfcl
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?Swrf.'wr-i. .S4;''.5! - .T -- . " ..-s - "m.v: . r .
.. yygfe.w ' :s &;--- :;& J&sji Va&&r?ZL. . -Z ZT . . - 'J