1 -n-jvT--jij-jc-v " - . -r"T' rvf as1----.- - . v V i if From the War Briar the germs of malaria, levers aae other diseases, which ssarpreva coitateaa ia their own taaUlies. Heed's SarsaparMa it a special boon to soldiers, feeeauae it eradicates ail disease germs, builds up the debiUUted system and brings back health. Etery retarnei. sbMfcr and every Meat ant relative of soldiers should take Hood's Sarsaparilla America's Greatest Medicine. H; six for 15. HMl'l WBaeawelekljeaaaeae., Steeati" Some inea are too stubborn to ac knowledge the corn until you step on their toes. "Are you going to Florida? Do ytm -want rates, maps, routes, time-cards and full information? If so. address II. .W. (Sparks. 234 Clark street. Chi cago. ' i r . ' The swallow lias a larger Taonth. in proportion to its size, than any oth er bird. tU. HMltAti? Perhaps sleepless Bights caused it, or grief, or sick ess, or perhaps H was care. No matter what the cause, you cannot wish to look old at thirty. Gray hair is starved hair. The hair bulbs have been deprived of proper food er proper.aerve force. Agetfs increases the circulation ia the scalp, gives more power to the nerves, supplies miss ing elements to the hair bulbs. Used according to direc tions, gray hair begins to - show celer ia a- few days. Soon it has all the softness and richness of youth and the color of early lire returns. Would you like our book on the Hair? We will gladly send it to you. Wrttm tml V . If you do not obtain all the benefits you expected from the Vigor, write the doctor about it. He may be able to suggest something of value to you. Address, Dr. J. C Aycr Co., Lowell, Mass. r- WE WILL HAVE PEACE, Soldiers NEURALGIA Will have peace from PAIN and a CURE by using m - V m&g i fJWJ. The man can get it anywhere It is as pop ular as sunshine and almost as universal It satisfies that dry taste in the mouth better than anything else, and you can buy a larger piece of Battle Ax for 10c than of any other kind of high grade quality.. Remember the name whetioulMiy again. FAIRBANKS SCALES Or.rJiLigSBSi $2 WORTH MUSIC FOR 10 CTS Fora abort tiase we will seadTWO DOL LARS' WORTH OF MUS1C.FOR 40 CIS. poeteMtoralsjaaarae ape receipt of pricyy Iss s saepey oa eraty order? but doit to advertise ourselves. Seadatoace, Etariar waether yoa 'wast Vocal, Iastru- MattaL, ee? oota-!j c - : jukwUAvwmwu M m mraii i lar.mr. BwBmmWaBmJBaw9eRBCWmV Be)aaCeaaeyrsa Tasesaa'M "H Atm tyleae Oas In areter to coatrol the generation of acetykae gas from calcium carbide. Ietaag and Serpollet propose, la a coamuaication to the French Physical 'Society, to steep the fragments of cal cium carbide in a hot and concen trated solution of glucose, says a for eign exchange. If the carbide thus treated is, after drying, immersed in twice its weight of water, acetylene ia giren off in the usual. way, and at the same time a sucrate of lime is formed by the interaction of the glucose, the calcium and the oxygen. Under these conditions the generation of the acety lene takes place with great uniformity and is stopped almost immediately, on cutting off the supply of water. - A Paradise for Wasaea. In the matter-' of woman's rights Abyssinia is far ahead of Europe and. America. According to an authority, the house and all its contents belong to her, and if the husband offends her she not only,, car, but does, turn him out of doors tiil he is duly repentant and makes amends by the gift of a cow or the half of a camel that is to say, half the value of a camel. On the other iand, it is the privilege and duty of the-wife to abuse the husband, and she can divorce herself from him at pleasure, -whereas the husband must show reasons to justify such an act on his part. , Aad b SUn Ready. Mary E. Miller of Granville. O., about two years ago commenced a f W.OOO suit for breach of promise against Jao. A. Jones! The other day the defend ant, through his attorney, filed an an swer and cross petition in which he avers that he procured the license, as Miss Miller alleges, but that when he went to her residence for the purpose of taking her away as his bride, she absolutely refused to have anything to do with him. Mr. Jones states that he has since tried to induce her to marry him; that he has been and Is still ready, anxious and willing to marry her. Essay a Meaths. Some; mourns look like peaches aa1 cream, and some look like a hole chopped into a brick wall to admit a new door or window. The mouth is a hotbed of toothaches, the bunghole of oratory, and a baby's crowning glory. It is the patriotism's fountain head and the tool chest for pie. With out it the politician would be a wan derer on the face of the earth, and the cornetist would go down to an unhon ored grave. It is the grocer's friend, the orator's pride and the' dentist's hope. Monmouth Spring Monitor. A HorseleM Sleigh. An adaptation of the BolIee4 horse less carriage, driven by a gasoline en gine, to winter use, has been invented by Dr. Casgrain of Quebec In place of the pneumatic-tired wheels of the ordinary Bollec carriage he substitutes steel runners for the forepart of the carriage, and a driving-wheel, whose rim is studded with steel points, for the rear part. The steering apparatus acts upon the forward runners. The gasoline reservoir, containing seven quarts, suffices for a run of fifty miles. Unsettled. "Theological beliefs are very unsettled." "Oh, very. Why, there isn't a woman in the congrega tion who has confidence enough to go ahead and make Christmas slippers for -the minister." Detroit Journal. aad those sorely Bitted with 2 raws -OJM Bali!. Ay i. twawawawMl ! ISU BKlflP SLICKER WELL KEEP YOU DRY. SjAflJ Don't flerrebe t5 Doatbafoolaawtthaasa cMawjshl er ratter cast. If yeawaatacoatl win keep yea ary ra tnenar-- i My at rtsm rim Iraetfw sale toys M SS PJ Ej rW FABM AND GARDEN. MATTERS OP INTEREST TO AGRICULTURISTS. Oja-ta-Bata STJata Ah CO ttvattaat art tk BoH aad tletds ' rtkmHare VtUetitare aad tVwtln SaUla ef rnlt. 'At a eoaventlon of potato growers held in Grand Rapids, Wis., A. C Bennett read a paper ia which, amoag other things, he said: An associattoB was formed ia New Jersey to sell their owa cranberries, consisting of seventeen firms in New Jersey and one frost Cape Cod. They employed a salesman at a salary of ve thousand dollars for the season of sheet six months. He both sold and ttrtlected and was to keep back Ave per cent, out of which to take his pay. At the end of the season he turned back to the association three and one-half per cent, leaving for cost of selling one and one-halt per cent while the ordinary commission man charges ten per cent, thus saving to the Association over thirty-three thou sand dollars In one season. Tho price of the berries was fixed every two weeks by a board of directors. Each grower received the price his berries brought, less the one and one-half per cent expense of celling. Each member could sell his own berries if he wished, but must turn into the asso ciation five per cent of such sales. In case the association could not furnish berries fast enough to supply the de mand the agent could sell for outside parties, but on such sales should turn into the association seven per cent The next year the association volun tarily raised his salary to seven thou sand dollars a year and expenses and clerk hire. Then he turned back two and one-half per cent out of the five per cent making cost of selling two and one-half per cent and yet leaving !' A the agent seven thousand dollars net cash for six months' service. Two more years have been added to the experience of this association and they are now handling over one hundred thousand bushels of cranberries a year and refuse to admit any more members. About two years later an associa tion was formed on Cape Cod on a similar plan. They employed a Chi cago man as salesman, and they ship ped him car load after car load on which they set so high a price he could not sell them and later in the season when the price had declined and many of the berries became soft they were obliged to take them back and sell them as best they could. The result was a big loss, and I have never heard from the association since. These illustrations show clearly that success depends on the men who run the machine. In the case of the New Jersey association the selling agent had the confidence of the association, be being an eastern man and a promi nent cranberry grower, and the board of directors took his advice in fixing prices, which enabled him to meet competition, while the Cape Cod grow ers thought they could set their own price and the people would have to pay it They would not trust any Chi cago man, not even one of their own selecting. In the case of the Grape Growers' Association of Brockton, New York, a very successful institution, the grapes are all inspected by an officer of the association before being ship ped and the superior quality and re liability of their grapes make it easy to secure an extra price for them, much more than enough to pay all the expenses of the association. The price is made uniform and is telegraphed daily to every producing station. There is a great and useless loss to producers in shipping produce to Chi cago, Milwaukee. St Paul and Minne apolis greatly in excess of their im mediate demands and paying freight there, and then paying these cities a big'commission to distribute this prod uce to other cities at our expense. From this city of Grand Rapids, to the entire northwest and at least so far south as Kansas City, we have the Fame freight rates as Chicago. Under the interstate commerce law we can become a distributing point Just as well as Chicago, and save all that ex tra freight and their commission. It used to be different, we were once compelled to use these cities for dis tributing points, and it seems that the force of habit or lack of knowledge of these facts is costing us many thou sand dollars every year. Maeav frotu Milk. A press report from Belvidere. 111., says: Considerable interest is mani fested in this county in the attempt of F. W. Patrick to manufacture sagar from milk. The Fox and Rock river valleys already .have a number of suc cessful Industries in which the milk product of the farmers' dairy district la prepared for a wider field. The con densing plants at Carpentersville, the Anglo-Swiss company at Dixon, and the DeKalb farm on which milk is es pecially prepared for the use of babies and invalids, are all doing a big busi ness, and it is thought that the new venture at Marengo may meet similar success in creating a demand for its product. So far little is known as to what this demand will be. the sugar being subject to use for medicinal pur poses only. The working product is collected from fifteen counties in the neighborhood of Marengo. The' milk is separated from the Traam. which s utilized in making butter. On the skimmed milk curd is allowed to form until it is hard enough to handle. Then it is put threagh drying process and grswnd as fine as ordinary This intact Is seat to Ohio, j 4gmaammaaamaawEaWaSfcaaWaS!tt -' 'marmris . '.' -fegJC?fr--' - .aBSfiffmmKmmmn SiSi'mMia&KUBBBtlBi!$fi(ffivwi A jemwmEsmmuammam5;!i'&-fi::a -: .:- -i!fHW 1 mmmmmmuwHmwmimKjgj'tftjjgawK I H tfsYeVeYeYeVafmleeYfcSlmkS&j&arBBS'HKmKiw u where It receives treatment reducing it to a liquid used for glatlmg paper. The sugar product comes from the whey left ia the vats after the card is removed. It w forced into large boilers, where it is allowed to boll tor some time, after which ft Is ma into evaporating pans, where the hon ing continues until a thick syrup Is left After standing a certain length of time it is again boiled, wh'eu the sugar forms. The sugar ia worked over until thoroughly drained, after which it Is packed In barrels for the refinery. It now resembles the erdl nary. coarse brown sugar of commerce. The process of refining is a well-guarded secret known to Mr. Patrick and one other man. - When' the product emerges from the refinery it Is snowy white. It is said that there are fewer than a dozen men. in the United States who are in the secret of refitting milk sugar. The new factory has Just been completed. It requires 6.009 pounds of milk to produce one barrel of sugar. This sugar sells for 40 cents a pound. There are waste substances which are utilised by farmers In feeding stock. - Tatte ArtlMciatly toevciaptcfc If. W. Collingwobd says: Another curious .thing that we find about the fiock is the fact that there are heredi tary tendencies for certain foods. Many of these hens have evidently been fed entirely upon corn. They eat meat and other grains largely 'un der protest. Hens arc much like men in this respect An ex-mayor of New York told me not long since that he cannot get through the week without at least one square meal of corded beef and cabbage. Possibly there are persons who can tell in what country that tendency was formed. A genuine Yankee cannot forget the baked beans and fish balls of his early life. Let me feed a hen for the first three months of her life, and I will largely fix her feeding habits and also have something to do with the food her children crave. I think most poultry men have changed their methods of SUFFOLK RAM TYPICAL OF THE BREED. feeding since the truth became gener ally known that meat in some form gives by far the best material for a ben's muscle makers. Some of us who" are millionaires in theory have been taught sever lessons in economy dur ing the past few years. I know a man who. in 1S90, did not think it possible for his family to live on any thing cheaper than porterhouse roast beef. Economy has forced him to real ize the value in a pot roast or even a shin bone. It has been a profitable surprise to such men to realize that the nerve and force in a pot roast will enable them to retain their stand ing in church and state. In like man ner we havebeen forced to hunt cheap er rations for our hens, and we have found them in various, forms of meat The introduction of the green-bone cutter has really started a new in dustry and has doubled the cost of bones in many local markets. There was a time when the faithful old horse, at death, was hauled off to the swamp! Now his meat may be cut and ground and dried into an excellent food for the hens. Proper Feedlac An Eastern poultry raiser says: Leghorns will by nature take a great deal of exercise, if not confined in too close quarters. They should have something always in the coops to pick at or scratch for. Brahmas and Plymouth Rocks, on the other hand, if given a full meal say in the morn ing, will sit around and mope in the sun with no intention of laying an egg. It is best to give them Just suf ficient to arrest the cravings of hun ger and make them scratch and ex ercise for the rest of their breakfast Exercise means eggs; therefore, any thing which will serve to keep your hens moving during confinement will promote laying. It is a ben's nature to be busy from early morning until sundown. She hunts the fields dili gently all day, gradually filling her crop until at roosting time her crop is full and she passes a comfortable night If you go contrary to nature and fill a ben's crop before ten o'clock in the morning, you simply induce a fit of Indigestion, to which all yarded and cooped fowls are more or less sub ject, and this is the forerunner of al most all the diseases to which fowls are heir. The Russian Thistle. We quote from the Nebraska Far mer: The state of Nebraska, through its legislature of 1895. enacted a law re quiring that the citizens of the coun ties, wherein this supposed obnoxious weed existed, should immediately take steps to eradicate the pest from within its borders. This was found impos sible, and a later legislature repealed the enactments relating to the weed and its destruction. But now appear several reputable citizens of this coun ty, whose vocation is farming and whose homes lie south of Sutherland and Hershey, who state that the value of the Russian thistle as a hog feed, when in its green state, is superior to alfalfa. One of these parties claims that hogs will leave the alfalfa and go and remain upon the Russian thistle patch by preference, and that it is a rapid flesh producing weed. Others, in the same vicinity, claim that when cut green and cured, Rus sian thistles make a fine quality of hay which cattle readily seek for and devour. All of the men. however, as sert that the plant if allowed to grow up and blow about the fields, is a nuisance an an injury, but if con fined and properly attended to. ft is a benefit ratSr than an Injury. When allowed to start with the wheat early In the sprier, the Russian thistle is pretty sure te sjst ahead ef this but rye is too early and vigorous a rower tad tets started before the thistle, ta cert, the thistle does but little harm. This supposed pest migat heei some benefit in the semi-arid portion of this state, if properly handled. Again, it has value for fuel. If It could be baled and used for this purpose. There is no plant growing, which, when dried, that, weight for weight, gives forth a greater degree of heat Like the sweet clover, the thistle appears to run its course and die Out in time. Both these plant are strong, vigorous growers. They en dure drouth with great success. Both have valuable properties when young and tender. The sweet clover as a honey producer cannot be excelled. While not advocating the culture of either, may they not, when Judiciously handled, become useful plants which will assist in solving the fodder ques tion in our state? These statements, if any virtue Is proven for supposed objectionable plants, Is hardly appli cable to eastern Nebraska with its suf ficiency of rainfall, which is not pro ductive of the proper development of this Muscovite transplantation. The Potato Field During the grain harvest the potato field Is apt to be neglected, says Amer ican Cultivator. This was bad enough in the days when weeds were the only enemies to be feared. Since the po tato beetle has become common there should never a day pass when some one does not go through the field and destroy all the larvae In sight It is easy to see by examining the leaves whether eggs are numerous. If they are not hand picking of beetlea will suffice. A dose of poison applied, di luted With water at the rate of a tea spoonful Of the poison to a pail of Wa ter will kill the larvae so soon as they get to work and prevent most of the damage. It is very difficult to have this done so promptly that part at least of the hills will not be stripped before the poison is applied. But in harvest time there are several hours of daylight early in the morning when dew will prevent doing much in the harvest field. If this makes too many hours' work per day. take a longer nooning. If the grain harvest and the care of potatoes conflict, most farmers will be wise in giving the preference In caro to the crop that is most profit, able, and it takes several acres of grain to equal in value a large potato cror on one acre. The Radish Season. With most-farmers the radish season is much shorter than it used to be It Is a root that needs to be grown quick ly, else it will be hard and tough and the weather must not be too warm' else the radishes will either grow pithy or be filled with worms. These last breed fast in soil made rich by fermented stable manure. Yet. as The American Cultivator tells, the market gardeners uve ramsnes an tnrough the year and have little trouble in keeping them from being pithy or wormy. They spray the leaves freely, and thus check the evaporation which makes the root pithy. To make the radish grow fast and free from worms they manure with nitrate of soda and plant in rath er sandy soil. On such land the rad ish is clear and crisp and will be gen erally free from worms. Some of the Chinese varieties of radish are partic ularly adapted to growing in late sum mer, while there are others that can be kept in good condition until winter by cutting off all the top and keeping them in a cold place covered with enough sand to exclude the air. Movable Fixtures. We cannot but believe that much every way would be gained if in all of our poultry bouses the "fixings" were movable. The roosts especially should be so constructed that they may be easily taken down and cleaned This will also make it easy to clean out tho henhouse. It takes but a few minutes to do the work when the roosts and other obstacles have been taken out of doors. We have movable roosts constructed in the following manner: Two long, low "horses" are fixed with slits in the top of the cross pieces, into which the roosts can be dropped. Each horse is ten feet long. If we want the rocsts two feet apart this will give us five roosts. The roosts are square at the ends, so as to fall easily into the square grooves. Each roost is twelve feet long. This makes sitting room for a large flock of fowls. Batter Called Danish. Referring to the large Increase In the total exports of butter from Den mark in 1897, which were no less than 11,000,000 lb. in excess of the previous year, the Smor-Tidende says: About 4,000,000 lb. of the exported butter was packed in tins; the remainder, 128,000, 000 lb., in casks of the usual type. Of this quantity more than 102.000,000 lb. were produced In Denmark, 5,000,000 lb. were transshipped in Danish ports without being landed here, and 21,000, 000 lb. were landed here and reshipped to foreign countries by Danish ex porters. About 18,000.000 lb. of these foreign butters were of Swedish origin and 3.000.000 lb. of Finnish. The In crease in the exports of actual Danish butter was thus 4,666.000 lb. as com pared with the preceding year. Sprouting Potatoes. While the sprouting of potatoes under ordinary conditions is very objectionable, they may be so sprouted as to materially advance their earliness. This Is done by placing them, stem end down. in single layers in shallow trays on the floor. In a light and moderately warm room. Thus placed they will send out short, stubby, green sprouts which will remain in that condition for weeks. Such potatoes, planted without break ing the apreuts. will grow Immediately A NATION OP DYSPEPTICS j IISSMMfll f agaUty stem ta what e large seajetny ectaepeepi with to-day. DviaMiialaa AsMrieaa baaseaadttisfreaai U tt m.ta mf JmimHm.II Improper faod, hurried eatuf , mesial worry. ovhOneticsU Say ef these produce lack a Vitality It the system by caasUg the bleed to loaoim lif a wmtaiag elemesta. TaeUoOdwtbe Vital element fa ear Urea aadafcmldberarafiillynertiired. Restore the blood to its proper eoaditjoa, dj if saaia Wfll veaiaa aad rood health follow. For example in the county of Pembina, Kortfe Dakota, few miles from Walaalla, reaidsa Mr. Earnest Baidar. a man of ster ling Integrity, whose aracity cannot ho eoaiweq. no says: The Doctor DUagrted. t became seriously ill three years ago. The doctor gave me medicine for indigeK tioa, but I continued to become worse. I had several pkyiticiaas at intervals who gave me some relief, but the disease would return with all its accustomed severity. "I read In the newspapers articles re garding the wonderful carative powers of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People, and finally concluded to try the piib. I purchased six boxes. This wasfivemoatha ago. The first box gave me ranch rsUef. I continued taking the pills, aad after using four boxes was cured." These pfila are recognised eTerywhereasa Specific for diseases of the blood and nerves. For paralysis, locomotor ataxia, and other diseases long supposed incarable,tbey have proved their efficacy in thousands of cases. emssBejBaawHMmaBBB It has hitherto been the custom of the children attending the public schools in Austria and Hungary to kiss the hands of their teachers on ar rival and departure. This has been now forbidden by a ukase Issued by the imperial board of education, which bases its decision on a declaration of the sanitary council. Recently Patented IareatloBs. An application in the Iowa Patent Office for a mail bag adapted to be re tained distended when open to facili tate filling it, to be made flat and rigid at the top when closed and locked and means for enclosing and fastening a flexible label to the locking bar. was filed at Washington September 15. 1898, and after one amendment was allowed October 15. In view of the fact that somo of the examiners are be tween seven and eight months in ar rears the inventor of said mail bajr, G. R. Howard, of Ncola, Iowa, may be congratulated. Ten patents were issued on the ISth Inst, to Iowa inventors, as follows: To R. Chesnut of Spirit Lake, for washing machine; to J. A. Cooper of Adair, for an animal trap; to C. M. Hinsdale of Newton, for a checkrein-holder; to H. Kelly of Waterloo, for a grinding mill; to Wm. Kelly et al of Clinton, for a tufting apparatus for upholstering; to W. S. Knox of Conesville, for a churn; to F. O. McCaskey of Ogden, for a picture frame; to D. S. S. Naber of Le Grand, for a railway-tie plate; to Ed. Troy of Lacey, for a hay-rack; and to Wm. E. Dippert of Des Moines, a de sign for a trace-carrier. Address IOWA PATENT OFFICE. THOMAS G. ORWIG & CO.. Proprietors, Des Moines, October 21, 1898. One swallow doesn't make a spring; neither does one bottle of hair tonic make a football player. Do aea Waat to Ura In a fine, mild and healthy climate, where cyclones and blizzards are un known, where good, rich lands can be bought at low prices, near cheap trans portation and with educational and industrial advantages? Homeseekers' excursions to Virginia via the "Big Four Route" and the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway. Write for descriptive book of Virginia, list of farms for sale, excursion rates, dates, time-cards, etc. J. C. Tucker, G. N. A., 234 Clark street, Chicago, III. For every man who is unable to stand prosperity there are millions who would like to try. Am delighted wltfa Dr. Seth AraoliTa Coagh Killer; It cam erery time. Her. J. E. Cornish, Wsynes rllle.Ill. So. a bottle. The same food that stupefies the brain by day keeps it unduly active at night. 4V&M TE EICELENCE OF SYItf Of WS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the California Fio Sraup Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fig Srnup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding1 the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing- of the Cali fornia Fig Srkcp Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA HG SYRUP CO. BAN FBAXCMCa. CaL fjeosfrrux. By. snr yowjc X.T. MMUMtKftWRlUK rj.j;. Ia Wrt'A JJ 1. H I ' I r"4r t aw BBBfJI iSSJ BST fsRENBBBBBBNL-'BwawawawaPjBwawawaaw David Starr Jordan, the distinguish ed scientist and government commis sioner to Alaska, opens the November Atlantic by giving the results of his oflclal experience and scientific ob servation, of the many errors of our management ia Alaska, by which the vast resources of that wonderful coun tryfurs, food-fish, timber, mines, etc have been and are still recklessly squandered, aad wealth and property needlessly thrown away by the na tion; aad he sounds a much-needed note of warning as to the probable re sults of the administration of the prospective colonies now ready to our hands should they bo treated In the same wasteful, corrupt and ruinous fashion. hall Wo Keept tho rhUlpalaea? While public opinion is divided as to the wisdom of keeping the Philip pines, it is. however, all one way in regard to the wisdom of everybody keeping their health. For this purpose Hoetetter's Stomach Bitters is widely used. This medicine is. both prevent ive and cure for malarial fevers and stomach disorders. . The marriage ceremony is frequently the final act of diplomacy previous to a declaration of war. Catarrh Caaaet Be Cared with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they eaanot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh Is a blood or constitutional disease, and la order to tur It you must ttko internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Curo is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best physicians la this country for years, and Is a regular pre scription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of tho two ingredient Li what produces such wonderful results In curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. P. J. CHEXEY & CO.. Props.. Toledo, a Sold by druggists, price 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the boss. Every man has a grievance and he'll tell you all about it on the least provo cation. T3 CVKS A COLD IX ONR OAT Take Luxativo Oromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund tho money If it fails to cure. 25c The genuine has L. II Q. on each tablet. A man with a single idea is a crank. That's why so many men are not cranks. The new lignt from Acetylene, made from Calcium Carbide (or lime, coke and water) is a recent discovery, aad when the gas is made In a "Monarch" Generator the .light is as bright as the sira and nearly as cheap. It should be in every store, hotel and home in the land. This "Minarch" Generator is sold by Schlieder M'fg Co.. Omaha. Nebr. If you are. interested, write them. It is stated that about 20,000 letters are addressed to Queen Victoria from her subjects each year. pfTO rntMatl7l.lrrd.ffo8MarBrneijifl fint ! hm of Dr. Kli (JrMt ! nwtorae Scad far FREE $2.00 trial hottl n trMtia Da. a. U. gLlxs.Ltd-.521 Arch St raOsdetncik. r The United States has a lower per centage of blind people than any other country in the world. Coe's Coogh Balsam It the oVt snd beat. I twill breslc up a coM wicker loan ssythini; eUo. U Is always rclable. Try It. In Peru it was once the custom for domestic servants to have two of their upper front teeth extracted. Their absence indicated their servitude. Go to your grocer to-day and get a 15c. package of Grain-0 It takes the place of cof fee at I the cost. Made from pure grains it is nourishing and health ful. IssfetthatrowcnieargiTesjoa Accept BotnlUlkin. r GTIAEI-O. & automatic brip neck yoke. Greatest Xec' Yoke ever MTrnted. rninhlalns; strenjrbi durability and fc:y. Hanrttomely Minted. Will not nllf.w toa?nn to drop If traces beenmo loose. No rattle. I'rlrcs: Plain, unnlclcelet - Jl.fX) Nfrlrpl l.tmM cnti Arum IIt?lul-4 ..... ... 1.CO AUTOMATIC CRIP NECK YOKE CO,. CATARRH CURED Lives of sufTcrlns and misery from this repulsive disease tarned lato health aad happi ness through thenseof Richard 6atarrh Expellant. After rears or special study and practice JUntmtwUWA dally of catnrrhal troubles, trehare ,a TriL0P JL KVSv be After'fully fUaon permantiitly cure Catarrhal Dlscasesln whatever form heymayhe. r"X 9m6. Stratint the merits of this treatment In a private practice SlSLtSliUxt 2nt lullrtreatinir anrt curing the most otattaaM cases. w C " "?'' CHe Catarrh, or Catarrhal Wseasc our CATARRH EXFILLANT w!" n cure. lrafarM. resulting from Catarrh, quickly cured. Loaa of (. of Smell anil Taate quickly restored. .,-,.. MU dlaeharKee. All repulsive srmploms peculiar to Catarrhal troubles, as foul breath, assal rtieenars. Hackinc.Coacnlnc. aal Splttlna;. relieve! at once. . , . ,, &?? Nforettan of Stomach. Liver or Kidneys icalB,-?;3t NaWn. VTraknt-. Iepressl. Loa of Ambition aad Kay. are quickly rured. "Jrof the weakness of tneu and wo.ntn Is caused by h X,t3 Mhool dlKcliarces Hnd their way to the stomach and Into the blMd. and dlstrtbutiltrjrUK nous tto entire sysleni affectlnK the Vital and Llh Tor and caasln those Orjanlc and rrous Weakiiwaes .o dreaded by every man arid woman- . Theswenknesses aiv cured i.y CATARRH EXPELLANT and parrreshealt aad atrcn-th fully restored. Over live LuudreH testliaoalalaTa praise of this treatment re Slved since January 1. 1SOT. If you have Catarrh or aay Catarrhal Disease. RICHARD'S CATARRH EXPELLANT WUI euro you Just as sure as water will quench thirst. -Lfor tstlmoalaUanfi valuab'.B instructive pi per on tuese diseases. SENT FREE. AUaress E C. H. RICHARDS CO., OMAHA. NEBRASKA. 'DIRT DEFIES THE KING." THEN SAPOLIO IS GREATER THAN ROYALTY ITSELF. WAXTED-CttJe of Pan Ta!rn mat RI-P-A-XS will not brceflt. Bent! 5 cents to Iltpaas Chemical Co.. "v Tprk.for 13 tamples and Ufi twtlaioolali. Ir. Kirs ftsMfitor, R" sla. constipation, liver aad Kidney fllseas.bil llousncss. headache, etc. Ai drugzists5c & IL W Ds DGV HEW DISCOVERY: shw alflVrO 1 quick relief and ceres wont 'rae. ?enl for book of tetliwnlal anil 1 days treatmcntFrce. Br. M.a.SBtWSSess. artiaia, Mai Rev. F. M. EsterbrOOk, Treasurer of the Nebraska Wesleysn W rTnivorsitv at Universitr Place. Nebr.. writes oa April 2C, 1898: "I JEf have been troubled for some time often jrreatlv annoyed me. After relief. I find your Dr. Kay's trniihln which has been troubling Estcrbroolr had been subject to a cough for most of the winter, and also insomnia. After taking only one Dr. Kay's t. ri almost fntir!v reliared of made her sleep better. We find your ' Tr.irn.i.ti m not hmm then taha Write us for free advice aad Or. Btay'a Hoaa Traataa.at. a We acml the remedies by small. 1 0 eta. aa XS eta. far laaa Kklncyeura aad SS eta. ana i.-w sor Aadreaa UK. 9. J. .".. ii t i The November Ceaary gives Low ell's Impressions of flpsia, take from hitherto unpuUiahed ossdal dlspatch es seat by Jaaws RuaseM Lowest when he was Asserieaa mrsissir at Madrid. The article has a afataetery mote on Spanish politics by Hoa, A. A. Adee. second assistaat secretary of state. Lowell made sad retained throughout his asissloa the friendship of Senors Canovas aad Silvela, and hie dispatch es were oftea filled with kindly bits of court gossip aaasaal la state de partment docaaseatSL -F.w?LffJM,', 1 say ef ear pae naked teetiaieaiala are prevaa te be not geaaine. Tan Paw CO., Warraa, Pa. The girl who Is wise never permits herself to appear more Intelligent than the aaaa she is trying to entertain. tr ehlMrta twthtaa.MWaa Me Bctataflsm BtaaOottir. 1, auayapaia, earsswMaeoae. Some fond mothers believe they could tore their babies to death and some mesa old bachelors wish they would. REGAINED HEALTH. Gratlfyiner Letters to Mrs. Pink bam From Happy Women. - I Owo Ye My US." Mrs. E. WooLHisr.R, Mills, Neb., writes: "Deab Mrs. Pixkham: I owe my life to your Vegetable Compound. Tho doctors said I had consumption and nothing; could be done for mo. My menstruation had stopped and they said my blood was turning to water. I had several doctors. They all said I could not live. I began the use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegettble Compound, and it helped me right away; menses returned and I have gained in weight. I hare better health than I have had for years. It is wonderful what your Com pound has done for me." WI Fori Like a Xew Mrs. Geo. Leach, 1609 Belle St., Alton, 111., writes: " Before I began to take your Vege table Compound I was a great sufferer from womb trouble. Menses would ap pear two and three times in a month, causing1 me to be so weak I could not stand. I could neither sleep nor eat, and looked. 60 badly my friends hardly knew me. "I took doctor's medicine but did not derive much benefit from it. . My drug gist gave me one of your little books, and after reading1 it I decided to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound. I feel like a new person. I would not give your Compound for- all the doctors medicine in the world. 1 can not praise it enough.' FURNITURE. $80,000 Stock of all grades of Furniture recently bought at the very lowest caah price will be of fered during the aexl few months at special prices. Customers visiting- Omnha wilt find this the largest and oldest, furniture store here, and we will make every effort to please botb hi goods and prices.' Chas. Shiverick & Co., FuniTuE. 1206 Douglas St. Omaha. Neat to Millar Hetel. Hots-To MtUfy earMlTM to wiether this at Trrtlwnarst 1 rs w wUI a dttcouat of 1 pr cat on the sarchssr if say castoaiar who will tl n. tkvy wars streets! to as y It su4 that tfevy will rreeramrad na f tfeelr rrlaada If It. geodatttpy buy srassLarajtary. Special telasisi: We she Traeiat Stasias PATENT scenfrtf onMwyRnan4 S'nrrhfrr. Coilaarr&Co. 31 Fat.. Wash. D.U. W. N.U. OMAHA. No. 4-5-1 89S Takes sssweriia AdvertlsesKSts Kisaly Mesttes This raper. AN ACCIwENT AbD LIFE PRESERVER. . Liberal Tense to Aseats. Nickel Ceatera.......... ............ ...... J." Nickel Tips aad Ceatera l- Centara. wlthoat Toke... Farm Watma Otlp Kin "5 Made la three turn, to flt role lira 1 to IN. KeDd (or rssr tmutraiea circular. t Hardlnn: St., Indianapolis, lnd AS IF BY MAGIC. EVERY MAN AND WOMAN SHOULD READ. cm mttziF? Vm Bis fcr unnatural mscbarava. inflammation, irritatiooa t ulceration of aiacoaa siembranea. raiaMsa. and not utria- iTHtEfaMOtewCSja at ar aowoaooa. or aat la stain wnir. by aiara.. prtaaM. for I.aa, or 3 iMttlM. SJ.7J. Ctrcabur seat oa raqo.it with tickling; in the throat whica taking Dr. Kay'a Lane; Balm I found cLa OiHiaiit aj foffait.iiniiin. 1 iHiHim manalia. w na laain n 1 I V V i.il7 r ha Al Kidneycura helped my kidney me for a numrjer ox years. Jirs. box of your Lung Balm m ft her eonffb aad she also found it remedies work like A charm. as Mhetttat. twr they have as -eaaal. MB-eaaal. hawk. free. at.ee for -akaj---; -.-. SLAV MKBICAL CO OMAMA. STCB. CAJ- ft. r.v K.-