"7sy-C"-.'-5T'fmr .; S? " i.v - -' J-. lf - 'Sa-f' I . f . I t. Lr i ' I i -:. " s . i iii: - e"1 53- $' fci . .to ' ?. & ' t. ' . 0I11 mbus f onruaL CcdumbHs, Nbr. Entered at the Postoffice. Colaabaa, Net., w aeeod-class nail aaatter. JjMl valuators y X. X. T0B8IS A CO. TZB3CB OF BUBSCBIPnOX: Oaeymr. by nail, portage prepaid $L9S Six raoat&s.... ..................... ......... .75 Tars aa oaths......... .10 WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 2. 188. Avert high wind at Beading, Ksnssw, Monday. TriEBE were in the fiscal year 1896 more silver dollars coined than in eighty -one years, from 1792 to 1873. A gas explosion seems to be responsi ble for the damage done the court room in the capitol building at Washington. David A. Wells, author of a number of books on tariff and economical questions, died Saturday at hia home in Norwich, .Connecticut. Oxe of the democratic congressmen in Utah is said to have two wives. To free trade and free coinage, this is ad ding free love. Spain is determined to find out, by demanding a personal interview with the emperor of China, by represen tative of Japan, whether or not the Chinese 'Emperor is alive. a saBBBsaaals"" The First National bank of Flushing, Belmont county, Ohio, suspended busi ness Saturday and went into the hands of the comptroller of the currency. Poor investments are said to have pre cipitated -the failure. Saturday night last at Lexington, Kentucky, was organized a society to be to the soldiers who enlisted for the Spanish -American war what the Grand Army of the Republic has been to the army of the Civil war. "The Service Men of the Spanish War" is the title of the society. Tns infanta Maria Teresa, the cruiser seized from Spaniards, sunk at Santiago and raised by Hobson, runs into the path of a hurricane while emerging from the Windward Island group, and was aband oned. The officers and crew of the ill fated vessel, reached land safely, arriv ing at Charleston, S. C. She was aban doned Nov. 1, thirty miles north of San Salvador. Ex-Governor Waite of Colorado, who once talked of "blood up to the bridle reins," in a speech for the free and un limited coinage of silver on. the basis of 16 to 1, has become the owner of rich goldmines. The query now is whether he is willing to exchange his gold for silver on the basis of one ounce of gold to sixteen ounces of silver. The express companies are still dis criminating among patrons in different states, in one throwing the war tax bur den on the shipper, and in another as suming it themselves. There is in truth no good reason why these companies should not pay the stamp 'tax as con templated in the law in Nebraska as well as in Texas, and in every state in the union. Omnha Bee. KKHPP PLATE RECEIVES TEST. Wlthntaads Perfectly the In part or a 2.VJ round Projectile at 1.800 Feet Per Second. Armor plate manufactured by the Krupp process was given its first test Thursday by the Bethlehem Iron com pany at its proving grounds, at Bethle hem, Pennsylvania. Many notable en gineers witnessed it, besides the Russian ordnance engineer, who came from Phila delphia. It was the first test of Krupp armor of American make and was a great success. Three shots were fired from an 8-inch gun, the projectiles weighing 2.VJ pounds and the velocity ranging from sixteen to eighteen linn dred feet per second. The plate was not cracked. Tho Bethelehem company has received a big order for this make of plate from Knssia. The test case brought on behalf of the merchants' association in an endeavor to fix the responsibility for the payment of the stamp tax, which payment has been evaded by tho express companies, came ' up for argument Saturday in New York city before Judge Lacombeof the United States circuit court on the preliminary motion for an injunction against the express companies. The case is entitled "William Crawford against William L. Hubbell, as treasurer of the Adams Ex press company." After listening to the arguments of counsel Judge Lacombe stated for the purpose of expediting the case in its course in the United States circuit court of appeals he would deny the application for the injunction against the express companies. The case will come up in December. REPUDIATES POPULIST PARTY. Seaator Kyle Says He N aa Aatericaa First or All. United States Senator J. H. Kyle, in an interview in the Aberdeen, S. D., News, says: . "I repudiate the populist party man agement in this state." .Although- etill an independent he will oppose fusion until the state has been redeemed from the hands of the ele ment that now controls that party. He charges his populist colleagues m'con- gress with being unpatriotic in not sup porting President McKinley in the war against a common foe. lie says: "I am an American citizen, prou 1 of our country, proud of our president, proud of our army and navy, proud of our flag, and as long as I have breath to cast vote, it shall be recorded for my country, come what will." CaaUy Eaeagtu Here is a Sioux City (la.) Snadsj avbool story: They -were stadyifig ia the catechisa about the wonderful greatness and pow r of God. "Can God do everything?' naked the teacher. It -was generally ad nutted that he could. Then the teachei rather mischievously propounded a stic kkr perhaps as a test of faith. "Conic God nuke two and two equal five?" h naked. The query rather startled ta . little girls in the class, and their faces' took on a worried, puzzled expression. They had never thought of such a thing aa that, and it looked as if their faitt was wavering. The teacher waited witt n rather amused smile on hisxsce. Thez npshot a little hand. "Well," askec the teacher, "what do yon think about it?" "Tea, sir, he can." was tne prompt and certain response. Now it was tbf ra tarn to look surprised. "Well i uoa make two and two eqaai five?" "By adding one." was the tri naphant answer, and the nuechievoai teacher couldn't dispute ifc Sioax Citj lfc-2? . SIS4UMr COIUdB't disrate It--8I0SX CltS I csmiKM rf Gsnaw atauiaai fssr Ilaaaaa. " -w .- . . ...... - iSMP- swauM. CatHaMKaBBr . . 'SW-sjyaisU aBHtZF 'V.,.-..-.! 7 -.. - I - - - Keep your fece and eyes to the front, X and march to the music of Progress. In politics the Republican m party marches forward. POWERS WAY INTEREERE Rumor That Russia Has Sent Note to Governments. UBXED TO JOTJT II PEACE I0TE. Italy ttw first Oaa Approach, Bat Daw Net Take Klaaly t tfca Mm. Ma4rM Pastor Vtgm That Xoaotlatloaa a flaasaTlT Class to Provoat Goraaaay orBaasla IatarCartoc Boxe, Nov. a Russia has taken the bad in a new effort to help Spain in her straggle to retain the Philippines, or, in any event, to prevent the establishment of 'American rule over the group. The caw's government has revealed its scheme through representations to all the great powers of Europe, with the possible exception of England. Italy is one of the powers which Russia desired to enlist on her aide. The Italian government was requested to join in presenting a note to the United States regarding the control of the Phil ippines. No information has been given as to the exact tenor of the pro posed note, but it is generally under stood that it would be a request for leniency toward Spain, with perhaps an implied threat of intervention. That Italy is not disposed to accept this proposition is shown by an inspired note in the official journal. It declares that Spain has little hope of gaining any advantage in retaining the Philippines, and that the best she will be able to do is to compromise the matter with the United States. Madrid, Nov. 8. The Liberal's lead ing article says the Spansh government should conclude the negotiations for peace with the utmost rapidity to avoid Germany, Russia or any other country mixing in the question, which would but mean fresh disasters to Spain. The article has created a sensation here. Me New Dovolepaaoata. Washington, Nov. 8. Peace nego tiations will be resumed at Paris today in accordance with the adjournment of the commission last Friday. In view of the phase which the agreement be tween the United States and Spanish commissioners has reached over the question of the Philippines it is not likely 'that any material progress will be made in the negotiations today. It is said at the state department that no report wss received from Judge Day yesterday and that none is expected until after today's session. This lack of information is accepted as an indica tion that there have been no develop ments in the situation. Spain Most Accept. London, Nov. 8. The Standard says editorially this morning: "We can see no alternative. Spain must accept as inevitable the loss of the Philippines. No doubt the United States will assume a heavy and serious responsibility, but it augers well for the future that the public men of America appreciate and are ready to meet it. England will watch the experiment with every wish for a favorable issue." The Daily News wonders whether trouble is brewing in the Philippines, arising from German opposition to annexation. Germany Interested. Paris, Nov. 8. The Eclair today, af ter reproducing all the six articles of the peace protocol, says: "It is to be hoped that the United States will not maintain their first pretensions in re gard to the Philippine islands. The question is one, however, which inter ests Spain only, but Germany from time to time allows it to be thought that she is not indifferent to the fate of the islands and the possibility of interfer ence from this power will perhaps cause America to be less exacting." Me Mete Yet Seat. Madrid, Nov. 8. The premier, Se near Sagasta. was questioned today as to whether it was a fact that the Spanish government had addressed a note to the powers asking the latter if they would support Spain in protesting against "the intentions of the United States toward the Philippine islands." He replied that such a note had not yet been dis patched. May Be Teresa. New York. Nov. 8. James B. Ward & Co., steamship agents of this city, have received a cablegram from Mr. Soyer, agent of the firm at Nassau, that a two-funnel steamer, the name of which had not been learned, is ashore on Gat Island, about SO miles from the point where the Maria Teresa was supposed to have foundered during a storm. The stranded steamer may be the warship or one of the army transports. Washington, Nov. 8. Navy depart meat officials feel a long way from cer tain that the Maria Teresa is really at the ocean's bottom. As a matter of tact the fear that she would sink caused her to be abandoned. It is probable that a searcher will be sent out to learn the ship's fate for it is felt she may now be a derelict. rteea Ia Mataaaea. Havaka, Nov. 8. Owing to the con stant rains which have fallen recently the streams in the province of Matan ass have overflowed, flooding over 1.000 acres in the low district of that prov ince. The land inundated had just been planted with sugar cane and fruit trees after three years of neglect aad the disaster has again plunged the in habitants of this district into the deep est misery. The Yumiri valley has also been flooded. Vert Arthur Feeple Beach Oat. Toledo, O.. Nov. 8 A. E. Stillwell, president of the Kansas City and Gulf railroad, is slated as the new president of the Detroit and Lima Northern. The Stillwell people will place $3,000,000 in the road, the Hartwall interests remain ing; as they are. The name of. the road is to be changed. It will be known as the Central, Terminal and Connecting railroad. f m Doty Ylctisa 'Moats Ashoro. Fexxvuxe, Mich., Nov. 8. The body of Lawrence Goss of Bay City, steward of the steam barge Doty, floated ashore at Ganges this morning. The name was on his handkerchief. He had on a Doty life preserver. Athens, Nov. 8. The cabinet has re atoned, its members considering that the exceptional circumstances under which they assumed offices have .For Betroot. Nov. 8. The emperor and empress of this CUBAN CONVENTION MEETS ilea Will Be United and Iaatrac tteaa Given te Coaaaslastosu Havana. Nov. 8. The latest advices received here from Santa Cruz del Sur, flxed Monday as the definite date for holding the convention to be presided over Vy General Calixto Garcia. The general opinion is that the convention will be limited to two or three sessions, at which the message of the socalled Oaban government will he unanimously approved without discussion. It is fur ther said that the instructions to bs given to the commission which is to go to Washington.will be discussed secretly. The convention will then adjourn to Playa Marianao, near here and await the result of the work of the commis sion, which will be sent to Washington. It is reported that this commission will consist of General Calixto Garcia, Senor Gonsales Lannsa, who is a lawyer, and a Cuban general who has not yet been chosen. PresideatBartolomeMasowill after ward retire to private life and will take part in improving the condition of the property which he owns near Manzan illo. General Roloff has been commissioned y the Cuban government to make a statistical report ou the personnel of the Cuban army. This report, which is already far advanced, shows that half the enlisted men can read and write. ' Colonel Williams, the chief quarter master, and Chief Clerk Caldwell, who have been suffering from fever, show slight improvement; but F. T. Stewart of the quartermaster's department, it very ill. ANTI-DREYFUS PLOT UNEARTHED Attempt te Overthrew Civil Fewer and Aseassiaate Dreyfaa Friends. London, Nov. 8. The Daily Chron icle says this morning: We have re ceived information from a reliable quar ter of a well organized plot in Paris, in the event of the inquiry before the court of cassation proving favorable to Drey fus, to foment a riotous outburst in the French capital, to attempt to overthrow the civil power and to assassinate the leading champions of Dreyfus. These reports are confirmed by inter views had with M. Trarieux, former minister of justice, and M. de Pres sonso, foreign editor of the Temps, aa well as others. The police have warned those friends of Dreyfus to change their residence temporarily or at least to carry revolvers. Mea, roes Threw St. Louis, Nov. 8. A crowd of ne groes, said to have been under the guidance ofapolitecal party, invaded the Hebrew district on Morgan street last night, where for some time they bombarded the buildings with stones and injured a young Jewish women named Esther Hymes and two men unknown. When the bombardment be gan families barricaded their doors and the negroes were unable to enter. They stoned a dozen stores and houses, de molishing the windows and mutilating the buildings. A large detachment of police was sent to the scene of the riot and dispersed the negroes, who fled so rapidly that no arrests could be made. Killed One and Captnred Two. Worcester, Mass.. Nov. 8. Early yesterday a posse of citizens of North Grafton surrounded a gang of burglars who had broken into a postoffice and captured two and killed one of the rob bers. They surrounded the postoffice and found three men on the outside of the building. Both the burglars and citizens opened fire with revolvers and after some brisk shooting the robbers fled. Subsequently the dead body of one of them, apparently a Frenchman, was found in a field near by. Entering the building two other burglars were found and captured. Ineendarles at Werk. Emporia, Kans., Nov. 8. Fire sup posed to have been kindled by incen daries gave Emporia a bad scare yester day afternoon. Within 15 minutes five alarms were rung in. The wind was blowing a gale and it was feared that the city would be destroyed. There were three separate fires, the most seri ous of which destroyed the canning fac tory and warehouse of L. W. Lewis, part of Evans & Thomas' lumber yard, seven box cars loaded with freight, in cluding a carload of eggs and several small dwellings. The aggregate loss is about $50,000. Prepare te Meve Senth. Camp Meade, Middletown, Pa., Nov. 8. General Young has returned from Washington and immediately began preparations for the movement of the troops south. The movement south will begin Thursday next, when the Thirty fifth Michigan and Third Connecticut will start for Augusta, Ga. They will be followed by one regiment on Friday and one on Saturday, die latter to Sum merville, S. O. Mehmskane Safer Defeat. Kansas City, Nov. 8. Nebraska university foot ball 11, the champions for the intercollegiate association, went down yesterday before the strong team of the medical college of Kansas City. The Nebraakans not only lost their first game on the season but lost it by the very bad score of 24 to 0. The game proved the best which has been seen ia Kansas City this year. Xnrder and Arsea. Cleveland. Not. 8. Rn faml not -last night in a box factory on the Flats. rvnen tee ponce ana nremen arrived and entered the building they found the dead body of a man lying on the floor. When the body had been taken to the morgue two bullet holes were found in it. The case is at present a mystery. Lincoln, Nov. 8. Colonel William J. Bryan did not reach Lincoln last night as his friends expected, but he arrived today in ample time to vote. Colonel Bryan was not registered, but the city derkhadhisoaiicate ready when be callemfsrit. FeUewaMeera Caxea. Inland of Crete. Nov. ft. Th Turkish troops at Fetimo, having re fused to leave that place, the Russian admiral in those wauxs, following the pie of Admiral Noel, the British here, forciblv cohvbvmI them cm board a transport. Drewi Detroit, Nov. a A Pelee Island, Oat, sm F White, HaghHecker and hjstwn stars were drowned yesterday from a aaU boat between jTJagsville and Pelet Mr has beam recov- BOTH ARE CONFIDENT, Republicans and Democrats Both Claim Doubtful States JtJIOEETAIH II FEOoYLVAHA. Three Cemered Fift-ht Gives Seaae Chance Fer Democratic Candidate In That Deaseerats Will Hake Ceacree- Galnsln Several States Veto 1 Ohle Cleae ea Aceeaat of Factions. New York, Nov. 8. The polls opened at 6 o'clock a. m. and will close at 6 p.m. In Greater New York there are 1,513 election districts and in the rest of the state 3,222. Ckmgressman Odell predicts that Col onel Roosevelt will have a plurality of 60,000 in the state. At Democratic headquarters State Senator McCarren said he was confident of VanWyck's, election by a plurality anywhere frbnv 26,000 to 50,000. Claims as to the state legislature were as widely at variance as those regarding the state ticket, the Republicans, honuvcr, evincing the greater degree of confidence. No opin ion as to the result in the congressional districts could be elicited at either the Democratic or Republican headquarters. Each Has SaSlclent Votes. Philadelphia, Nov. 8. Each of the leading candidates, Stone (rep.), Jeuks (dem.) and Swallow (pro. and' const, govt.), will have a sufficient number, of votes for election, according jojihe claims of the respective party leaders. Aside from these claims the county representatives indicate a plurality for Stone, the Republican candidate,- but with the expected total of 1,000,000 ballots and possible cutting, this predic tion maybe found incorrect. Jenks, the Democratic candidate, has the.beue fit of a harmonized party, the different factional leaders having been brought together in his support during the past month or six weeks. In the congres sional contests it is generally believed the Democrats will be successful in four or five districts now represented by Re publicans. Mo Trouble at Wilmington. Wilmington, N. C, Nov. 8. The spirit of the whites is so determined and their preparations for an emergency so . thorough that there now seems small probability of any general disturbance here, though there may be trouble of a minor nature in the First and Fourth wards, where the negroes poll nearly all their city vote. The focus of interest now is the fight' for the state senator ship, but without any other agency, it is now conservatively estimated that a sufficient number of negroes will remain away from the polls to insure the elec tion of the Democratic candidate. Moreover, the Democrats have intimated that they must have this senator and this hint is full of meaning. There is no change in the general outlook in the state. Indications point unerringly toa sweeping Democratic success. Both Claim Mew Jersey. New Yokk, Nov. 8. The situation is extremely mixed and both sides claim a sweeping victory in New Jersey. Fos ter M. Voorhees, the Republican candi date, claims he will be elected by 5,000. The Democrats claim the state for Elvin W. Crane for governor by from 7,000 to 12,000. Mr. Crane refuses to make an estimate, but says he feels confident of election. The legislature is in doubt. The congressional elections, it is thought, will show Democratic gains of tWo or three iu the delegation of eight. Claim Congressional Galas. Cincinnati, Nov. 8. Leaders on both sides are claiming gaina on congress men in imio. xne Democrats claim a close vote on part of the state ticket, because of the factional feeling among certain Republicans who opposed Sena tor Hanna last January. The Republi can plurality last year was 28,000 and the Democrats claim gains on it as well as on congressmen. President Goes Home to Vote. Washington, Nov. 8. President Mc Kinley left Washington at 7:20 o'clock last evening for Canton, O., where he will vote on Tuesday. He will travel on a special car and will be accom panied by Mrs. McKinley, Assistant Secretary Cortelyoi and General Rus sell Hastings, who is a guest at the white house. The president will arrive at Canton at 10 o'clock Tuesday morn ing and will leave for Washington at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, arriving about 7:20 a. m. Wednesday. The president will receive the Associated Press bul letins at all of the principal cities and towns through which his train passes en route to Washington. Alaska Travel Stopped. Port Townsbnd, Wash., Nov. 8. The City of Topeka arrived last night from Alaska, bringing 124 passengers. She reports that heavy snow storms have visited various sections of Alaska and nearly all mining operations have been suspended, except quartz mills located near tidal water. On November 2 four feet of snow fell on Chilcoot and White passes, which completely put a step to travel. Telephone messages from Lake Linderman to Skagway announce that about 400 persons are snowbound there. Important te Bicycle Makers. Milwaukee, Nov. 8. Judge Seaman, in the United States court, yesterday rendered a decision of importance to manufacturers of bicycles. The court holds, in effect, that any one who wishes may engage in the manufacture of wooden rims used for bicycle wheels, as they are not now a patentable article. The decision was rendered in dismiss ing the complaint of the suits of the In diana Novelty Manufacturing company against the Crocker Chair company of Cheyboygan and the Smith Manufac turing company . '' Charged With Embezzlement. Keokuk, la., Nov. 8. George F. Fin nerty, salesman for the Buck-Reiner company, was arrested at Ottumwa yes terday and brought here, charged with embezzling $730. He says he lost it with Ottumwa gamblers, but efforts to make them give up the money have failed. M ystertoaa Disappearance. Cedar Rapids, Nov. 8.' -Frank Kelly, a young farmer living near the city, mysteriously disappeared Sunday night after leaving a note at the barn that he was going to commit suicide. Nothing has been found of him today. There is no known oanse why he should end hu life. Finally Digested. It is said that an American went into a London bookseller's and asked for Hare's "Walks In London." In the United States it is printed in one vol ume, in England in two. "Ob," said the Yankee as he looked at them, "yon part your Hare in the middle, do you?" "L sir?" said the clerk, with a bewil dered look. "Oh, no, sir!" "I saw he didn't see the joke," said the Yankee, "so I didn't eznlain. but bought the books and went away. A wsex laser l entered tne same shop. As Seen as the Clerk Saw me he annrnarhfid me, exclaiming: 'Good, capital! Part your hair in the noddle? Tbsj's capital, r -Anecaocaa. Fvwyrn TROOPS ARE MOBILIZING England's Crack Regiments Gathering In the West ITALIA! WA18HIP8 A88EMBLE. Ceneeatrattag at Islaad of Xadal Key te the Defense ef Italy Kamer that England Will Prevent aayKeia fereement of French Colonies Kasslan Press Shews Bad reeling. London, Nov. S. Great Britain's preparations for armed conflict have taken a remarkable turn. All troops in the western district are mobilizing. The mobilization containing as it does many crack regiments, is looked upon as highly important and significant. Another striking index to the situa tion is presented by the warlike prepar ations being made in Italy, which hitherto have been overlooked in the rush of complications between England and France and Russia. The Italian warships have been ordered to concen trate at the island of Magalena for "ex traordinary maneuvers." The Italian militate evidently be lieves in a war between France and England, and it declares that in such an event the least Italy could do would be to mobilize her navy and army. Mada tena island, where the warships are gathering, is the key to the maritime defense of Italy. There' is also the possibility that Ita ly's activity is a hint to Russia, whose agents have been irsVguing with the sultanate of Rahelta, on the Red sea, which has long been an Italian protectorate.- ... A dispatch has been received from Dover announcing that the French northern squadron is about to sail from Brest for a cruise. It is not known whether this squadron intends to join the French southern squadron at Toulon. The British channel squadron is massed at Gibraltar to watch for any such strat egic attempt on the part of France. It is reported throughout London than Great Britain will be compelled to take definite action if any reinforcements are sent to the French colonies. Dispatches from St. Petersburg state that the St. Petersburg newspapers show great irritation at England over the settlement of the Fashoda affair, and agree in declaring that her conduct will arouse the powers interested in the free navigation of the Suez canal to a com mon discussion of the best means of preventing the final establishment of England in Egypt. The Novosti says that since the Egypt ian question is purely of an interna tional character it must be solved by a congress of the powers, which can pro claim the perpetual neutrality of Egypt under the protectorate of all the powers. England Wants Colliers. St. Johns. N. F.,'Nov. 8. The Brit ish government telegraphed the colo nial ministry today asking the number and tonnage and capacity of steamers available at this port to convey coal from Sydney for the use of British war ships. The cruisers Cordelia and Peli can will be held at Sydney to capture St. Pierre and protect St. Johns in the event of war being declared. The crui sers are also instructed to break the French cable between St. Pierre and Brest, France. Evangelist Suicides. Olathe, Kan., Nov. 8. Rev. R. E. Howell, a traveling evangelist, com mitted suicide here yesterday, taking carbolic acid. The snicide followed a disturbance in a boarding house, where Howell forced his way into a room oc cupied by Mrs. Cora Henderson of Co lumbus, Mo., and her husband. Mrs. Henderson eloped from Columbus with the evangelist last spring, but she has since returned and been forgiven by her husband. When Howell intruded upon them today a violent quarrel be tween the men followed, in which the woman took the part of her husband. This fact caused the preacher's self-destruction. Howell came here from De catur, HI. He leaves a widow at Eu reka, His. BARNATO IN THE COMMUNE. How the Diamond Kins Saved the Bank of Fraure. A writer of stories about Barney Baruato says, iu the Philadelphia Bul letin, that there is a circumstantially definite account of his presence iu Paris during the commune of 1371. In the utter break up of all social fabric he fonnd his capacities of n paying order. For there is little donbt that his was the craft that enabled the shrewder commnnardb' to realize the money need ed to supply the sinews of war. One ri-'y. during tho gloom and stress of the government siege, the president of the Bank of France was confronted by an unkempt mob. The demand was explicit. They wanted all the gold in the bank's vaults. The spokesman flourished a bloody saber and the mob accentuated the demand by all sorts of ferocious threats. It was in the height of thi9 melee that a man who hud been counseling the financial deputy of the commune rode up, adorned by a red sash and other insignia of the terrorists. He made his way through the vociferous throng and handed the governor of the bank a large envelope. While the official was reading it the besashed emissary turned to the clamoring nomads and, in a tongue unknown to the officials and probably to many of the mob, addressed them a few sentences. A singular event followed. A dozen of the ringleaders at once began haranguing the rioters. In a few minutes every one of them with drew. The besashed personage remained in consultation with the governor and when it was ended withdrew. An hour later six covered wagons came to the bank and were laden with bags such as the bank always makes use of in trans porting specie. When Barnato appeared as the dia mond king in South Africa, a sccro of the communards, who bad fled from France, were in exile in the region where Barnato had cornered the mines. One day in the plenitude of his afflu ence he was waylaid, riding in the Rand, by a company of miners. One of them, by a few words, succeeded in gaining his private ear. This man was known as the most ferocious of the blood thirsty gang who had taken part in the killing of the hostages in La Roquette. He recognized Barnato as the emissary cent by the commune to the Bank of France, and the knowledge enabled him to get in on the ground floor of the dia mond deal. The tale goes on to tell that Barnato, who figured as Fejix Barnette. had fallen desperately in love with a figurante in the Folies Bergeres just as the war of 1870 broke out; that be had lingered iu Paris, became a member of one of tho "Red" societies, exploited the ardent patriotism of his coworkers and succeeded in getting several mil lions of the cash he had forced from the Bank of France. The tale, whether trpe or not, is by no means eo improb able as the actnaj facts known in the man's mastery of the African diamond yields, for to do that he was forced to put himself against such schemers as Cecil Rhodes and to contend with the "dour" shiftiness of the Boers, and particularly with that astute old fox p ucle Juuger. 8HE MISSED IT. the Coagressau Said DM Met Apply to Her. "I know what 1 am talking about,' remarked a member of congress, "when I say that a congressman has trouble of kis own. It's a fine thing to be a states man and show up in the national pa rade of greatness at the capital, bat there's a good deal mere to it than that And one of the things that is hardest to bear is what they say about us. Why, a lady can't come up here and, ask to see a member that there aren't a half dozen people to wink and sbaka the head and lot more of the same to make him wish all the women were in hades. Of course there is some ground among us for remarks, just as there is among preachers and doctors and hod carriers and everybody else human, and I know a woman or two who fiud their chief delight in trying to involve congress men and other officials in any kind of a flirtation that comes handy. They are pretty and persuasive, and before a man knows what he is about he is down in the senate restaurant paying fur a luncn and listening to some kind of a tale cf woe. "But they miss it now and then, and I am glad to note an instance. A mem ber from a northern state had been in vited to call at the lady's hotel the next day, and she had asked him to let her know if he could come. He wrote, say ing among other things, 'Tomorrow, madam, I hope to see the loveliest wom an in the whole world. ' Naturally she was-pleased and told all the people around the hotel about it. The next day he did not appear, and the next she saw him at the capitol and asked him what he meant by treating her so. " 'What did I dor' he asked inno cently. " 'Ton said you were coming to see me, ' she said, blushing ct the remem brance of his words. "'I think not.' " 'Indeed you did, ' she insisted. 'You said you would see the loveliest woman in the world. ' and she blushed again. " 'Oh, I beg your pardon, ' ho said, smiling. 'I meant my wife. She just ar rived yesterday.' " Washington Star. THE STEAMER'S CHIMNEY. Seme Details of Interest Becardlas; Its Construction and Use. The stroller along tho wharfs who should see rising from the smokestack of a big steamer a small and at the start perfectly defined column of smoke which seemed to come from a small smoke- pipe within the big ono might wonder if the great smokestack was filled with smaller stack?, one for each boiler. As a matter of fact it is not so filled, but there is within it a smaller smoke pipo called the donkey stack, which is tho chimney for the boiler of the donkey en gine, which is used when the vessel is in port in hoisting cargo in and out. It is from this pipe that the small column of smoke is seen to issue. The donkey stack is placed sometimes against the forward inner side of the big stack, sometimes against the after inner side. It may be a complete pipe, or it may be formed of iron in tho shape of half a pipe, with flanges riveted to the main pipe. If a single one of the large boilers were used, as it might bo when the ship is in port, it might be connected with the donkey stack, but in their regular and common arrangement and use the uptakes of all these boilers run into tho great chimney, whoso whole interior is open, except for the braces running across it to strengthen and support it The chimneys of all large steamships, however, and of many other steam ves sels as well are built double, with an inner and an ontcr shell, with a space between varying according to the size of the vessel. It may be from five to ten inches. The primary purpose of this chamber around the smokestack is to afford ventilation for the engine room and the stokehole. In at least ono mod ern passenger ship ventilating pipes from the passenger quarters have been carried to these chambers. Incidentally the space between the shells helps to Keep tne stack siglitly, for tnus con structed the chimney is cooler on the outside than it would otherwise be, and so it holds paint the better. New York Sun. A Trade Secret. "Ob, Mr. Scannerton, " she exclaimed effusively, "I have been waiting to see you! I wanted to tell you how much 1 appreciate that poem you had in the latest issue of The Cerebrum Magazine. " "Yon mean the one that begins: "Through the turgid depths we plod and plow And clamber on, we know not how, To find the goals that promised rest But weary h tar ting points at beat." "Yes," she answered, with dreamy, downcast eyes. "I like that. And it gets better as you go en. It gets very much better. There were parts of it that I could hardly understand at all." "Oh, yoa flatter me!" "No, indeed. You ocght to do more things like that. Yoa ought to write in a more dignified measure and be pro found, yon know. I like that so much better than the&e little things that sound as if they were done offhand. Yet 1 know there must be a great temptation to do that kind of work." "There is," was the answer. "I very narrowly escaped making this one sound so." "Tell me how." "I had to send the thing away in a hurry. I didn't have time to make it sound offhand." Washington Star. The simplest public railroad now op erated ia thought to he one between Atami and Odawara, in Japan. It is a narrow gauge road and is run by man power. The cars have seats for four persons each, who sit back to back. A train consists of two or three cars and i drawn nphill by half a dozen coolies. Bow It Happened. "Look here, yonug man," said the druggist. The clerk did not have to be told that he had made a mistake. He knew it long before. Indeed he had figured ii out for himself and was able to tell jusl how it happened. "You have charged only 75 cents foi this prescription," asserted the drug gist, "and the regular price is $1." "I admit it," said the clerk. "Tht fact is I was rattled. Yon see, I mad a hasty calculation as to the cost of th ingredients, and the result was 3 centf Instead of 4 as it should have been. That is how t happened. "rChicagc Post Omaha World-Herald That great free silver family newspaper, the Omaha Weekly World-Herald, is sued in eemi-weekly sections, will be sent to new subscribers until January 1, 1900, for only One Dollar, the yearly subscription price, and each new sub scriber who cuts out this offer and sends it with his dollar will also receive a hiffhlv interestinir premium book, en titled, "Lights and Shadows of Our war With Spain," a series of historical sketches, incidents, anecdotes and per sonal experiences, by John R. Musick. This book of 224 pages, in paper cover, is one of the most attractive and popu lar books that can be offered as a prem ium. No agent's commission allowed ffl thia nsTar. Address Weekly World- 'Herald, Omaha, Jieb. to 1245 The Kin Ton Have Always ia use for over 30 years, aad noaal Allow (Zvt?5 AH Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex perlufteats that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experbneat. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a substitute for Castor Ofl, Paregoric, Props and Soothing Syrups It is Harmless and Pjeasaat. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor ether Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms ' aad allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething' Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bean the &zM&um The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. thc ccsrrauP) couspanva tt aMMuv Twerr. ncw vorh crrv. YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO BECOME A HOME x HEALTH CLUB (Cat thN oat aad forward it with one dollar to The Inter Orraa l'ul. Co.'. I'liirago. III.) THE IXTEH OCEAN PUB. CO.: I hereby accept the invitation to Itecome a memlter of the Health Home Club, and I inclose herewith one dollar to pay for one year's subscription to The Weekly Inter Ocean, which, I understand, entitles me to a life luembershep, tt record nnmlier, and a copy of Volume 1 of the Home Health Club.lmolat price $1.00) free of e.rjtense. Name. Town or City. Street No State One of the most practical and its readers by any newspajer. Not only are there a series of practical les sons in paper each week, hut the subscriber is presented, free of expcne, with a beautiful cloth-hound book, worth one dollar, besides a life member ship in the great ctub. Subscribe at once and get the special lessons now being published. lean tea Thl Kins Yw Haw Maps JagM of f&tf7&&jUu , LEGAL NOTICE. In tho district court of I'lattn county, Nebraska. Iu the matt it of tli.t rotate of Andy Duvany, di-cMuwd. THIS CAUSKcnnw on for liwirini: upon I fin petition of Lacky Dtiiuuy aail (Jim (!. Heritor, t-xi-cutors of tho estate of Anly Dvany, dccettMHl. praytnt: for license to sell tho follow ing dettcrtlied renl etttate ttitttattsl in Htitler county, Nebraska, to it: Tho north half of Miction nineteen, in tounnhip nixtttu north, of range on ant of the Sixth orincinal meridian. and the north half or the eonthtrest quarter of wiid section nineteen, or a mifficient amount of the same to briutc the hunt of $2,T0O.0O for th uajntent of the legacies riven anil betincathed by the last will and testament of oaid Andy Devanf , deceased, and the debts outstanding and allowed against said estate and the cobtaof ad ministration, there not being sullicient perbonal property to pay the said legacitw, debts and expense. It is therefore ordered that all imtmoiiu inter ested in said estate apiiear before me, at the court room in the ronrt house iu the city of t'olnmbua. Platte county, Nebraska, on the 10th day of December, 1WH, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, to show canw; why a license should not be granted to said executors to soil the above described real estate of t-aid deceased or so much thereof as shall bo necesary to iay said legacies, debts and expends. And it is further ordered that a copy of this order be published for four successive weeks in The Coi.umbbm Journal, a newspaper publish ed in the city of Columbus, Platte county, Nebraska. Dated this lith day of October, 1SHS. Willi m Marshall, 19 oct 4 Judge of the District Court. PROBATE NOTICE. In the connty court of Platte county. Nebraska. Din the matter of the estate of Maria Gran der, deceased. Notice of final settlement and account. To the creditors, heirs, legatees anil others in terested in the estate of Maria Grander, de ceased. Take notice, that Jacob Uchwank has filed in the connty court a report of his doings as ad ministrator of the estate of Maria Grander, deceased, and it is ordered that the same6tand for hearing on the 24th dxy of November, ld, before the court at the hoor of 9 o'clock a. m., at which time any person interested may apiiear and except to and ccntest the same. This notice is ordered given in Thk Columbus Journal for three consecutive weeks prior to the 21th day of November, 1!j98. Witness my hand and the seal of the county court at Colombo this 1st day of Novem ber, 1698. T. P. UoaisoN, 2 nov 3 County Judge. LEGAL NOTICE. Sealed bids will be received by the Hoard of Supervisors of Platte county, Nebraska, for the cash rental for the term of one year from March 1. 1899, of the connty poor farm, consisting of 240 acres, described as follows: The wH of seU and the sw!i of section 29 township 13 range 1 east. Bids will also be received for the board, wash ing and the proper care and accommodation of the inmates of the poor house locatedon said farm, as may be there from time to time. Bids should be by the acre for the use of the land, and by the week for the care of the inmates of the honse, and must be filed with the under signed on or before Saturday, Nov. IP, 1?.), at 4 o'clock p. m. . The possevsion of the farm to tie given March 1, l!j&9:the successful bidder will be reo,uirel to furnish a good and eurKcient bond in the ram of $1000.00 for the faithful performance of the con tract. The lessee will be entitled to such service as can reasonably be performed by said Inmates. The board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. By order of the Board, Sept. 28. 1699. 19 Oct. 4t G. W. Phillips, County Clerk. To Chicago aad the East. Passengers going east for business, will naturally gravitate to Chicago as the great commercial center. Passengers revvisitinp friends or relatives in the eastern states always desire to "take in" Chicago en route. All classes or passen itm will find that the "Short Line" of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail ... o rtmaTio nnrl CVinncil JBlnffs. affords excellent facilities to reach their destinations in a manner tnat ynu oe sure to give the utmost satisfaction. A reference to the time tahles will in dicate the route to be chosen, and, by asking any principal agent vest of the Missouri rirer far a ticket over the Chicago, Council Bluffs & Omaha Short Line of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, you will be cheerfully furnished with the proper passport via Omaha and Chicago. Please note that all of the "Short Line" trains arrive.in Chicago in ample time to connect with the express trains of all the great through ear lines to the principal eastern cities. For additional particulars, time tables. I - ,. . . maps, etc., phWcall on or address P.'Boothwt e' "tk ai KoHh Af Nash, Gjefsrsi Agent, Osiaha, Neb, jBbi Coisxbo, Mbnusxa. Bought, mmA which has hee has boree the stgaatare of has beca naade musier hia aer rapervisie; siace its iafaacy. bo oae to deceive you iu this. Signature of MEMBER OF THE heneiical courses of study ever offered -to .VOX Bsantae Biga&tua of Itn Kind Yon Haw Always Bg,1 WHEN IN NEED OP Briefs, Dodders, Sale hills, Enveloped, Catalotrueo, Hand IhIIh, Statement), Note heads. Letter hoadu. Meal ticket y, Legal hlankH, Visiting eardw, Milch cheeks, Business cards, Dnnco invitations, Society invitations, - Wedding invitations, -Or, in short, anv kind of JOB PRINTING, Call on or address, Journal, Columbus. Neli ran kit. ITORIA. Btanta 8igaatare cf TlM Kind Yw Haw Always Boi-gftl M. C. CASS IN, piiopHirroii or run Omaha Meat Market Fresh, and Salt Meats. Game and Fish in Season. J&-Higheet market Hides and Tallow. price3 paid for THIRTEENTH ST., NEBRASKA COLUMBUS, 23aprtf UNDERTAKING! We Carry Coffin?. Caskets and Metallic Caskets Burial Robes, Etc. DO EMBALMING HAVE THE BEST HEARSE IN THE COUNTRY. W. A. McAllister. W. M. CoHMKLICa eaVLLISTER at CORNELIUS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, OOLtniBCS, XZBJUSZ.. Sliaatf D. &TIKKS. " ATTORHET AT LAW. C&yfflzfot . .. . . t BO3 - 4 . -O rife r.Jfrsti aaaasBaaBaasaaaaaaaEgr -" - .-.. . - -' 0 ssissBsssaiMaMSM : - ... -- .a - s - -- ,.. , .. -. .., -.a.,.- . - -., tatf WAr - : irTtetf,wfoiE AJsBiketeirisUg