"v - -gr-T"f zr&i.. "-JF '-r jr-r "-"y '"f " - "" V"" -r - - C"tw - IP & v. FVv.: if. S-. IK. f 1.". Jl. .'-. . .. . . "" 'Columbus, Eiebr. Eatered at the Postoffioe, Colaabaa, Kefar.. aa aeooad class mail matter. XMUiVtisssbrstT K.X.TO1XX4.C0. tkxxb or auBScairnoH: Oae year, by ail. postage prepaid StM nix asoataa.... .... Three MOBths. ..-- WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 2. 1886. CONGRESSIONAL TICKET. CongreeBman, Third district, W. F. NORRIS, Wayne. REPU1UCAN STATE TICKET. Governor, M. L. HAYWARD, Nebraska City. Lieutenant-Governor, GEORGE A. MURPHY, Beatrice. Secretary of State, C. DURAS, Wilber. Auditor Public Accounts, T. L. MATHEWS, Fremont. TfAHsn r&r PETER MORTENSEN, Ord. Superintendent Public Instruction, JOHN F. SAYLOR, Lincoln. Attorney-General, -S.D. JACKSON, Nelfch. Land Commissioner, G. R. WILLIAMS, Elk City. JUDICIAL TICKET. For Judge Sixth Judicial District, w. a. McAllister, Columbus. LEGISLATIVE TICKET. . For Senator TwelftWDistrict, PATRICK J. MURPHY, Colfax county. For Representative Float District, Nance and Platte counties, NILS OLSON, of Platte. For Representative Platte county, JOHN TANNAHILL: COUNTY TICKET. For Connty Attorney, ROYAL P. DRAKE. For Supervisor, Districts 6 and 7, JOHN WIGGINS. For Assessor, O. C. SHANNON. "Wak is hell," and the war liars are the devil's chief imps. Schuyler Sun. Two thousand insurgents are clamor ing for office of Gen. Wood, governor of the military department of Santiago. The transport Zealandia, with the first and second battalions of the First Tennessee regiment, J90 men, sailed Sunday afternoon from San Francico for Manila. The French papers assert that if Ex plorer Marchand is at Faahoda he will stay there. The British papers are un compromising. France is warned to stand off or trouble will follow. The French have decided to withdraw their forces from the Fashoda district, but are seemingly preparing to raise the whole Egyptian question, which will bring into the dispute all the great Eu ropean powers. TnE Argns calls the fusion ticket "co-operative." Did it mean to say "cooperative?" It looks like a cooper-alive job, so put together that the bung hole of the barrel is about all that the democracy can call their own. Assistant SECBETABr of War Mei klejohk is making speeches at various points in the state, straightening out some misrepresentations of the fusion campaign "barkers" in reference to the conduct of the war. A dispatch from San Diego, under date of Oct 25, states that Corporal C. N. Bell of Company M. Second United States regulars, who was sent back sick from Honolulu, died on the steamer Corona just as she reached port Oct. 24. If ever any administration of the United States government should have been sustained, surely that of President McKinley is of the number. Vote for Norris for Congress; for Tannahill and Olson for the legislature, and for Mur phy for the state senate, so that they can help select a republican to succeed W. V. Allen. Judge Nobbis the republican candi date for congress in this 3d district has no shady transactions charged up against him, he is a clean handed man, pure in life, honest, fair and manly in his busi ness transactions, true and steadfast in ' his friendships; able, intelligent, popu lar with all classes. Pender Republic. If a man (Poynter) will not keep faith in one position can he be depended on to keep faith in another position? Inci- . dentally the fact that Poynter has accepted and traveled on railroad paases when he had nothing to give the rail roads except his support in the legisla- . ture ought to convince anti-monopolists that they have nothing to hope for from Poynter. Omaha Bee. Secretabt of State Porteb, whose home is in Merrick county, has a great deal toeay about Eugene Moore stealing $20,000 from the state, but he never says a word about the 934,000 stolen from Merrick county by the pop county treas urer. All the popocrttic speakers, are very careful not to mention the stealings of their pop treasurers all over the state when haranguing the people about Re ' publican thie Tea. Seward Blade. 8ns-i.iaHTS are sometimes the moat effective in the display of character. The fact that CoL Bryan declined to . testify in regard to any facts within his knowledge. Bhowing incompetency or mismanagement in any department of the array, may rise up to plague him some day. In this political contest ' Bryaniem cannot bo forced as an issue, - so that this thing is not much discussed but it is Bryanism, through and through. The republican party-sprang from the people and its strength lies with the people. Therein is the secret of its vi tality. Tha republican country press as faithful servitors of the people give voice to their will, and that that voice is so full and clear is proof of the conviction and rising sentiment back of it which like a force beneath the seas has set in motion a tidal wave that will sweep over all obstructions. Central City Repub . lican. CoxcEBXixa two of the candidates in the field for. a state office the Norfolk Journal has this to say: The people of Nebraska will elect Judge Jackson at - torney general because they want a man in that position who at least will know how to get a case into court. Judge Jackson, unlike his opponent, isn't very particular about the curl of his mas tache, the fit of his coat or the extent . to which bis cuffs show below his coat sleeves, and doesn't care a continental whether the ladies admire his graceful igare as he arises to address the coart, bat be tries a law-suit for all it is worth aad generally wins. .sLbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbW bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI X Keep the Times as they 8 mm B"Bi H are. Vote to sustain the- ad X ministration. lexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wmmwmmwwmmwK bbbHbbIbbbbbbbbbbbP!?;' -'HhVhhI taKU. .. ., Cv-- BBBBBBBIKSBBBBI ammmmmmSmmmmmmmSir'-9 - bBBBBBBBBBBBBb1 BBBbHHBBBBBBBBk!?"'-! - --:- BBBBBBfSHBBBl mvBmWS&mmmmmmmWg&$1&iB&k0- & SRBBBBBBBBH MiRSfEBBBBBVBBBBBBBBBBSiEnVjiRiRiRa BHBBWBBBBk.v3BBBBBB1V"1BBBBBBi!'.BBBBBBBBBBBBB1 HHmHKHDftaHHHH HhKhBb3hHIH9hhhhI BBBBE2ViBBBBBBBBBBBBBksn?F3BfclBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBVntBWWVKBTi: BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa sBBBBBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB2k'lsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl BBBBEBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB?',SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSW&?- jsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB9?3BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB1 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBP?-2BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBal MHHHHHHHHVvHHHHKn2SVBHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHB SbbbbbbbbbbbbbbT''?"-- M-bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbBi IbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbW iS bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb IbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV'V Ibbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb! HHHIBHbIHbIHbMhHhI W. F. NORRIS, g Republican candidate for Congress, jd District. rilUUiUiUUUUtUUWiiUUiU Ix a speech at Blair two years ago Senator Allen said: "The American navy through republican thievery and misappropriation were no better than egg shells." Senator Allen knew he was stating a deliberate falsehood when he said it. Subsequent events have de monstrated that the American navy, ship, for ship, is the best in the world. Allen said that our armor plate was so full of blow-holes it was no better pro tection than wrapping paper. The sen ator is just as full of false statements in 1896 as be was in 189& Tekamah Herald. Wr atill maainnnHv see that Joe Bortley and Eugene Moore are an issue in this campaign with the pop press. Tio foot. that. thMM men nroved recreant to their trust is no fault of the republi can party, xney siooa mgn m iue com mnnitia in whi(h thv lived and in the business world, and republicans who voted cor tnem naa no reason io relieve they were dishonest, otherwise they nitll n.rar tinm rmnn alAfited. It is no part of the principles of the republican Earty to elect sucn men 10 omce n uivy now it. No party Trill do such a thing, not even the pop party, and no political organization should be held responsible fn. fhn mioilAMlRnf men elevated to hon orable positions unless it is known beiorenand tnai iney cannot oe truewju. A large number of pop county treasurers and other officers in this state have proven to be defaulters. 6ome of them for large amounts, and none of them have been punished, while Joe Bartley is serv ing what is practically a life sentence. Nobody will charge that the pops would have elected any of these county treas urers to office had they known they would turn out to be defaulters. It is a settled fact that no republican or republican newspaper in the state of Nebraska has ever attempted to justify or excuse the crime of Bartley or any other republican official for stealing the people's money. Blue Valley Blade. W. F. Nobbis was born in Thomas ton, Maine; removed to Minnesota with his parents in 1861. While attending the Normal at Winona, Hon. Ignatius Donnelly, when member of congress, announced that a competative examin ation for the Cadetship at West Point would be beld at tne rranuin ncnooi in St. Paul. Young Norris attended the examination and received the appoint ment. After graduating at West Point, he entered the regular army, serving eight years as lieutenant in Co. E, 9th United States Infantry. Resigned in 1881, and entered upon the practice o Uwnt. Pnnna. While serrinff as countv attorney of Dixon county was elected district judge in 1887; served eight years on the district bench. Removed to Wayne, where he now resides. Judge Norris is a thorough believer in PmtAAtinn of which he has been an earnest supporter and is in sympathy on all points with the administration, especially in the late Spanish war, and will, it elected, ace in nearly coopera tion with the President in the peace negotiations now pending. That- the present is a critical period in our history, all thoughtful Americans admit, and realize the necessity of electing a cong ress in full sympathy with the adminis tration Th (ttatMtnRn of Eurnna are eagerly awaiting political events in thia country. The election of a republican congress not only sustains me adminis tration, but gives assurance to the world that. thA AmAriaan tMonle are in fnll sympathy with the policy of the preei- aeni, ana ueierauneu mat it Mtuainoiurj peace shall be the final result of our victorious war. NIU Otoea. The republican candidate for Float representative for the counties of Platte and Nance, was born in Sweden, August 12,-1853, and came with his parents to this country in 1865, settling in Stark county, Dlinois. In 1871, he came to Nebraska locating in Walker township, Platte county, on the farm where he has ever since resided. He has held various offices of a local nature, among which may be named justice of the peace for two terms, post master of Looking Glass for twenty-two years, and county supervisor for eight years, in which latter offioe he baa be come well acquainted with many citi zens throughout the county, and also has gained an insight into the needs of the people with reference to the trans action of coanty, township, school dis trict and ether business of a public na ture. 13o that, it is little wonder that the delegates of his party, in convention at Genoa, selected him' to make the race against Editor Tanner of Fullerton. ;We do not believe there would be a particle of doubt of the election of Nib Olson, if he and Tanner could make the canvass together over the district, and republicans would give a pretty penny if they could induce Mr.' Tanner to make the race. Jim would find himself away in the rear, because the great body of the people would be with his oppon ent. Mr. Olson's friends are hopeful of his election, notwithstanding the fact that the three political parties, so-called, are supposed to be solid in support of Tan ner. Olson is of the number of plain, hon est common people, while Tanner is of the most uncommon kind. Tanner anderatands the newspaper business, doubtless, but Olson knows what the plain people oa the farms and in the hops and stores want in the way of 9ff n ts I state, conntv and townshin legislation. and has had an opportunity of serving the public in official station, ana pleas ing them with the manner of his service. A vote for Olson is a vote to sustain aud strengthen the administration of President McKinley. FOR POLITICAL PURPOSES. EaiplayeM of Seldif rw Hobm at Uraad lslaad Bled by the tiaag. The following appeared in dailies of Tuesday of last week, and is a pretty fair sample of the way things are being conducted by the fusion forces these times. The Baker mentioned was a for mer resident of this city: As a result of the imposing of an assessment of 3 per cent on employes of state institutions two employes of the Soldiers' home in Grand Island have left the service of the home. Edward Baker and son, day and night engineer, res pectively, have been in the service of the home for several years. About a month ago Commandant Wilson drew Mr. Baker aside and told him about the assessment of employes of the institu tion, stating that it was expected that a per cent of the yearly salary would be paid by the employes for the popocratic campaign fund. Mr. Baker states that Mr. Wilson told him he would not be discharged if he did not pay it, but stated that it had to be paid and if he, the commandant, did not pay his he would certainly expect to hear from the powers that be at Lincoln. One-half the amount was taken out of the pay given to Mr. Baker and son for September. This payment, says Mr. Baker, was made about the 1st of the present month. Mr. Baker and son have receipts for $7.20 each, this being one-half the amount they were to contribute, the other half to be paid next month. Both engineers received $480 per year, 3 per cent being $14.40. A significant feature is the fact that the receipts are dated September 21, before the money was received by the employes, and demonstrated quite con clusively that no qnibbling on the part of the employes was expected. The receipt are signed by J. N. Gaffin, chair man, and state that the amount named was received for the campaign fund. "If Commandant Wilson did not dis charge you," was asked, Mwhy have yon left the service of the home, Mr. Baker?" "Because the commandant would not furnish the help we needed," was Mr. Baker's reply. "We have been needing an extra man for about a month and he would not furnish him. I think it was a scheme to get us out, for we couldn't do the work," "You and your son did the work alone, one being day and the other night engi neer?" "Yes, sir." a "Do yon know whether they have that extra man at the home now?" "Yes, sir; I understand they have four men now for our work." Sapport tke PrtslrtrNt till the war in Ended. CcnKreas ia unanimously supporting the Presi dent at the outbreak of the war, expressed the overwhelming views of the people of the entire country. The elections this axtBth oogiit to show all the rest of the world that the Americans are not fiekie-minded and that they are still supporting- the administration. The dilatory tactics of the Spaniards ia the peaee conference at Paris and ia the evacaatioa conference at Havana are to be viewed with a good deal of seriousness. It might prove very.aaf ortonate if at this critical junctare the elections should seem to torn against tha President and his policy. "Algerism" as a public issae is not un derstood in foreign parts, and if "Algerism" should defeat the repablicaa party this fall the result would be interpreted abroad as a condem nation of the war and its larger results. This would make the final settlement with Spain considerably mora diCcnlt, for it would encour age Ute Spanish diplomats to protract the nego tiations still more tediously, while seeking- ia every direction to draw other European coun tries into the controversy. The term "Alger ism" Is not hers need to convey reproach or condemnation, for It is not our function to pass judgment in advance of an opportunity to weigh all the facts. Bat, lastly or aajastly, "Alger ism" has been made aa issae ia politics. The war will aot be completely ended until peace is signed and declared; and the work bow in hand by oar representatives at Paris is of critical im portance. Walla aetaa) fighting was the order of the day, the coaatry stood by the President regardless of party. Bat It Is hardly less im portant that this show of unanimity should be maintained while negotiations an pending. Oar commissioners at Paris seem to have been managing oar case admirably thus far, and high grounds of patriotism justify the loyal aphold-. lag of Mr. McKialay's hands. His address at Omaha last month was broad, statesmanlike, and eloquent, aad be seems to have grown with his gnat taska.-From "The Progress of tha World," lathe American Monthly Review of Re views for November. Xaatataati WASHDfOTOS. NbT. 1 flmhaaaailni Hitchcock at St. Petersbarg has been in naicanon wiw tne state depart- it regarding the aatahluhaaewt nf iwioatkMs between tha United States aad Bum with a view to am increase ef trade between the twooonntriea. Tluoagh United States Kiaa, arraaaw- with the United of Cfaaaaecen Waucaaxavaaaaaft Jan aeetof steam. era. to eembUeh a liaa dkaot between 1 ITangw I JJonBOMS StSsUBaaUP OOawlaMT DEMAND WHOLE GROUP. ! Americans Insist on Holding: All of Philippines. BEFUBE TO ASSUME THE DEBT. . 1 Had AwUetamtaal the Daaaaad, Bat tha Terms nasi Details t tha Trans fer Mad All Along Bean Matter of IpeceJatlaa Have OMarrad No Finan cial Iadaccuaaat to Spain. Paris, Not. 1. The American peace commissioners each carrying a port folk) containing records and personal memoranda left their headquarters in the Continental hotel for the meeting with the Spanish commissioners, at the foreign offices, shortly before 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon. The president of the Spanish commission Senor Montero Bioa, whose health at one time was so precarious as to threaten an indefinite adjournment of the sessions of the com missions, had improved to the extent of enabling him to attend the meeting. He arrived at the foreign office in a closed carriage with his coLeagues, shortly after the Americans reached the meet ing place. Demand Translated. The Spanish commissioners took their aoenstiomed places at .the historic table. Secretary Moore, upon the request of Judge Jay, passed to Mr. Ferguson, tha interpreter, the formulated demands of the United States regarding the Philip pines, which were read to the Spaniards in their own tongue by a rapid' render ing from the English, in which they were written. Although the Spanish commissioners did not betray anxiety, their attention to the reading was keen. They had anticipated that the' United; States would take over the islands, but the terms and details of the transfer, had all along been a subject of -speculation. Demand Philippines. The reading disclosed the fact that the United States government had de termined to possess for itself certain territory- and parts of land bounded by and lying within such parallels of lati tude and longitude as mark the limit? of the Philippine archipelago. The United States do not purpose assuming the Philippine debt of $40,000,000,'. but they are willing to be responsible to Spain for a sum of money equal to the actual expenditures by Spain in the Philippines for the advantage of ths islands and for the good of the people, for permanent betterment and for im provements, both physical and mental. The reading of the presentment speci fies that the United States will reim burse Spain to the extent of her "pacific expenditures" made in the archipelago. This phrase, "pacific expenditures," is employed to differentiate the expendi tures by Spain in combatting insurrect ions in the Philippines. The one is felt by the American com missioners to be a fair burden on the acquiring power, while the other and latter class of expenditures is held to have been logically assumed by Spain in the inevitable hazard to a nation' re sorting to arms to enforce order in its own territory. Many Details Not Settled. Such is the vital portion of the pre sentment made by the American com missioners and it is to be observed that while the main propssition as to posses sion and financial responsibility is clear and definite, many details have been left to the developments of tho discus sion between the two commissions. Thus while the Spaniards are quite, cer tain that tho United States intend to reimburse them for "pacific expendi tures," they remark that they are not enlightened as to whether the Ameri cans expect to endorse tho Spanish ob ligations to .the extent of "pacific' ex penditures" in the archipelago, or whether they will hand Spain a lnmp sum of gold largo enough to cover Spain's outlay so designated. Possibly the American commissioners them selves are not at this moment fully de termined on this point. It is un doubted, however, that the Americans will not care to become identified in the slightest degree with Spain in her re gponsibility to her creditors. The clearer method seems to be to hand to Spain spot cash, or something as good and to bid her apply it on her debts by whatever name known, or to put it in her wallet for whatever use she may elect. Da Not Admit Legality, TheSpankh commissioners listened attentively, though not without some evidences of impatience and surprise at the financial suggestions in the Ameri can presentment, and finally asked un til Friday to consult the Madrid gov ernment and make reply. Adjournment was then taken to that day. After the conference was dis solved the Spanish commissioners ex pressed the opinion that the American demand would create in Spain, as they had upon her commissioners, an ex ceedingly grave impression. Were the 8panish commissioners pushed to a final determination last night they would have rejected the American demands, bat the changing tone of the Spanish press recently urges the consummation of m treaty of peace, however rigorous, the argument being that although .the Spaniards bow to the American de mands, the commissioners do not ac knowledge the justice or admit the le gality of them. Mara OaTered No Financial ladaemaats. The Spanish commissioners' feel " that . the United States to all intents and pur poses, have not offered any financial inducement to Spain to cede by treaty anv part of the Philippines. Had the American commissioners, even .offered to take over the entire Philippine debt of about $40,000,000 the Spaniards af fect to feel that it would have beenjas nothing, and they regard today's posi Hon so meager as not to warrant even a schedule of Spain's "pacific expendi tures" in the archipelago. 'Another Murder la Omaha. Omaha, Nov. 1. A drunken row last night in a saloon at the oorner of Thir teenth and Webster streets culminated in a stabbing affray in which J. R. Jones, the bartender, received a wound from the effects of which he died in less than five minutes. Two men were locked mp in the city jail, as they were known to have been implicated in the affair, and the police are looking for a third man, who is supposed to have done the cutting. The names of the men in confinement are S. J. Haher and William F. Grady, both being em ployed as machinists in the Union Pa cific shops. The man for whom the po lice are looking is George M. Challman, also a machinist. Maryland Overdae. Norfolk, Ya. Nov. 1. The wherea bouts of the Maryland, on which vessel developed five cases of yellow fever re salting in three deaths at Havana, is a mystery. The Maryland sailed from Havana Oct. 18 for Baltimore against the advice and protests of Dr. Brin meyer. of the marine hospital, who ad vised the captain to proceed to Tortu gas quarantine. The Maryland's skip per refmsed. If the Maryland had en tered the capes at Virginia ehe would have beam mp at.qmatmmtfae, bat the of - ANTITRUST DECISION. Supreme Court Finds Against Joint Traffic Association. LAW IS HELD 00I8TITUTI0IAL. Taatlea Fackham Abboucm tha Deela- iaa, Which to Ceacarrad Ia hjr Five Jastlee, With Throe Dtaeeatlae; Coart Decides Ia Favor off Kansae City Uv Stack xehaaga. The United States supreme court has decided the Joint Traffic association railroad case in favor of the United States and against the railroads. The case is considered one of the most important that has ever come before the supreme oourt, not only to the railroads, but to the general public, because of the vast railroad properties represented by the traffic association. The association was formed on Nov. 19, 1895, by 31 rail ways, representing the great trunk lines and their network of branches. The purpose of the association, as stated in the articles of agreement, was "to es tablish and maintain reasonable and just rates, fares and regulations on state and interstate traffic." A similar asso ciation, on a smaller scale, was formed among southwestern roads, known as the Transmigsomri association. These associations were soon attacked in the courts on the ground that they Were in violation of tXa Sherman anti trust law and also of the interstate com merce law. The Transmissouri first reached the United States ' supreme court, where, in a notable opinion, the court held that the association was il legal, being in effect a combination in 'restraint of trade and commerce and in violation of the antitrust law. Although the Missouri case was considered some what of a tost, yet the Joint Traffic asso .ciation prepared to make a stubborn contest in support of its existence. The case against it was begun on Jan. 7, 1896, in the United States circuit court for the southern district of New York, the United States being complainant and the attorney general directing its course. The case went against the government in the lower courts, the cir cuit court dismissing the bill and the court of appeals affirming the dismissal. The government appealed to the United States supreme court. Justice Peckham announced the de cision. He said the court could distin guished no difference between this and that of the Transmissouri case, decided a year ago, which was decided against the railroads. He said the only new point involved was as to the constitu tionality of the antitrust act. The court had reached the conclusion that as rail road corporations performed duties of a semipublic character, it was within the constitutional power of congress to reg ulate them as provided by the antitrust act. The opinion, which was very brief, was concurred in by Chief Justice Fuller and Justices Harlan, Brewer, Brown and Peckham. Three justices dissented, namely, Gray, Shiras and White. Justice McEenna took no part in the case, as the prosecution of the Joint Traffic association was begun while he was attorney general. " After Justice Peckham had announced the opinion, Justice Harlan verbally ex pressed, with some evidence of satisfac tion, his concurrence on the same ground, he said, as that set forth in the Transmissouri case. Under the decision today, the deci sions of the United States circuit court for the Southern district of New York and of the United States court of ap peals, both of which were favorable to the Joint Traffic association, are re versed. Justice Peckham also announced the court's opinion in cases against the KnwfflM City live Stock Exchange. The government prosecuted under the anti trust law. The supreme court holds that the combination does not come under the antitrust law. Justice Har lan in a dissenting opinion declared that such combinations were lings or syndicates which, if extended to oil, sugar, salt, lumber and other staples would place the commerce of the coun try under the control of a few rings and syndicates. PROCLAMATION BY MASO MUST SHOW TRUE FATBI0TISM. President of Provisional Coun cil Gives Advice to Cubans. While Making Every Expression of Grat itude to America For Giving Freedom, Mast Make Arrangements For Paying Oat Cuban Soldiers aad Getting Ia Working Order. Santiago, Nov. 1. Senor Bartolome Maso, president of the Cuban provis ional administrative council, has issued an address to the delegates now in at tendance at the military assembly at Santa Cruz del Sur, in which he reviews the considerations upon which the Cu bans solicited the help of the United States and indicates their wisest future policy. The address in part is as follows: "The Cubans accepted the assistance of America, although not knowing exactly .what were the American aims, just as they would have accepted help from any country in their fight against Spain. As the contest prbgessed the Cubans in the field were gratified to hear of solemn declaration by the United States congress regarding thd intentions of the American government and the path it would follow in the Spanish American war. The Americans came to our help to compel Spain to relin quish her sovereignty over Cuba in order that the Cubans themselves might be placed as promptly as possible in possession of the island, might assume the administration of its affairs and have a government of their own. "Therefore tha Cubans agreed toco eperate with the Americans, to obey orders of American generals, and help in all possible ways to establish a Cu ban government when the Americans took possession. Though America did not recognize the government of the Cubans it was well understood that the Cubans would not on that account abandon their organization but that, on the contrary, the time would come when such recognition would be granted. Indeed it was asserted to our Cuban representatives by one of the most distinguished members of the United States government and also by the members of the United States sen ate, that in order to do away with any obstacle that might hinder the United States to go into the fight for the cause of Cuban independence, recognition of a Cuban government must come later. "Nevertheless it has not been possi ble to establish direct relations between the Cuban and American governments for the transaction of the public busi ness. But we have now reached a time when, even more than in the days of fighting, it is incumbent upon all Cu bans to show true patriotism and while TPVitig every expression of gratitude to America for having given Cuba freedom and imdepemdence to make prompt ar raBgesaents for paying off the Cubans now in arias and for getting the corns try into working order." 1mi Way It to. Many JotrasAii readers will remember Judge Crites formerly of this oity. He , is now a prominent lawyer at Cbadron, and was recently nominated by the democracy for county attorney, but the committee, over-influenced by the popu lists, withdrew his name, in the "interest of harmony." Mr. Crites thought the manner of his taking off was rather summary, and he didn't take kindly to it, tnd so has something to say that seems more or less applicable all over the state, in spots. It voices the senti ment of a host of Platte county's sturdy democrats. Hear him: 'The democratic party cannot con tinue to be a mere loiterer at the tables of the populist Dives, accepting crnmbe and kicks with equal equanimity. I am not opposed to fusion, but I am opposed to absorption. Fairness and justice are quite as applicable to political as well aa to o.her affairs, and had these principles prevailed during tha lst four years yon would now heboid a much different sen timent among democrats all over the Btate." Woman' Ctnb. The art department of the Woman's club began its second year's work on Saturday. Mrs. Herriuk acted as loader and hostess. The officers elected for ensuing year wexc: Miss Martha Turner, leader. Miss Alice Watkics, secretary. Much enthnsiasm was manifested and an outline oV work adopted. In a quiet way this department has dono much to raise the standard of art in this commu nity. Through them $20 were sent .Prang & Co. for copies of Masterpieces, some of which were purchased by the school board and hung on the walls of the school rooms. This seems to be a step in the right direction as it brings to hear upon children of all conditions, brought up amid all Ports of surround ings, the refining and elevating influences of good art. Argua District 44 and Vicinity. Wm. Moore and wife called at Home Farm, Sunday. Monday and Tuesday of last week were highwindy days. Lost Creek in the low lands is nnusu high for this time of year. Raymond Haney moved into the N.'ck Adamy place, near Reed's school house, last week. Rev. Rogers and wife of the Congre gational church, Columbus, drove out here Thursday. Ten thousand sheen arrived Sunday at the Knollin Ranche, where a large quantity of hay, straw and grain are provided for them. We believe the time has come that steps be taken to prevent the destruc tion of culverts and small bridges on the public higways. Threshing in this neighborhood will be finished this week, if weather per mits. Good! This year has given us n long siege of taking care of the grain. In talking with many farmers about the new corn crop, a majority of them wish to get 2Cc. a bushel, claiming that less than that will not leave them any profit. Will Ernst passed here Thursday with 35 head of cows, which he bought the day before at O. Nelson's sale, and Mr. Bowman of Schuyler also passed here the same day, with his purchase at the sale, consisting oi a nice bnncn oi calves, which he was taking to his farm across the river from Columbus. Steam power for threshing has become a necessity, and huge traction engines are used for the purpose, wnicn travel from place, to placo hauling a heavy separator, tender etc., and when they meet with a small bridge or culvert, the breaking down of which would not do in jury to their train.tbey make the attempt, sometimes leaving the bridge a wreck. Therefore we believe there should be some authority who should say what bridce or culvert should be crushed at the expense of the township. It also seems a good idea to us, it all new bridges to be erected, be bnilt with the weight of those monsters in view. To Chicago and the East. Passengers going east for business, will naturally gravitate to Chicago as the great commercial center. Passengers re-visiting friends or relatives in the eastern states always desire to "take in" Chicago en route. All classes of passen gers will find that tho "Short Line" of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail way, via Omaha and Council Bluffs, affords excellent facilities to reach their destinations in a manner that will be sure to give the utmost satisfaction. A reference to the time tables will in dicate the route to be chosen, and, by asking any principal agent west of the Missouri river for a ticket over the Chicago, Council Bluffs & Omaha Short Line of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, you will be cheerfully furnished with the proper passport via Omaha and Chicago. Please note that all or the "Short Line" trains arrive.in Chicago in ample time to connect with theexpresstrainsof all the great through car lines to the principal eastern cities. For additional particulars, timetable, maps, etc., please call on or address . A. Nash, General Agent, Omaha, Neb. PROBATE NOTICE. In the ronnty court or Platte coanty. Nebraska. Din the matter of tlio estate of Maria Gran der, deceased. Notice of final settlement and account. To the creditors, heirs, legatees and others in terested in the estate of MariaGrnnder.de- Take notice, that Jacob Schwank has filed in the connty court a report of his doings a ad ministrator of the estate of Maria Grander, deceased, and it is ordered that the same Bland for hearing on the 21th day of November, 1888, before the court at the hoar of 9 o'clock a. tn., at which time any person interested may appear anil except to and ccnteet tlte same. This notice is ordered eiven in Thk Columbus Jocrxai. for three consecutive weeks prior to the 24th day of November. 1898. Witness my hand and the seal of the coanty court at Colorabas this 1st day of Noveat- ber,8W- T. D. Robisox, 2 nov 3 County Judge. LEGAL NOTICE. Sealed bids will be received by the Board of Supervisors of Platte county. Nebraska, for tho cash rental for the term of one year from March 1. 18. of the county poor farm, consisting of 210 acres, described as follows: The wii of seM and the swU of section 29 township 18 range 1 Slfc Bids will also be received for the board, wash ins and the proper care and accoirmodation of the inmates of the poor house locatedon said farm, ss may be there from time to time. Bids should be by the acre for the use of the land, and by the week for the care of the inmates of the house, and must be filed with the under signed on or before Saturday, Nov. 19, 18S, at 4 o'clock p.m. .. The possession of the farm to be given March 1, 1899: the successful bidder will be required to furnish a good and sufficient bond in the sum of S10C0.W for the faithful performance of the con tract. The lessee will be entitled to such service as can reasonably be performed by said Inmates. The board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. By order of the Board, Sept. 28. 1898. 19tkt.4t G.W.PfllUJM. County Clerk. Fall aHd Winter Goods. Gloves, M it teas, Socks, Blankets. Crockery and Glassware, and Hard ware. M. E. LEVIN, SaVOae door went of Bacher'g. general Merchandise. The Kiss You Have Always 1m use for over 30 years, ,maA sonal Allow ocymzz: All Counterfeits, Imitations aud Substitutes are bat Ez werhweuta that trifle with aud eadauger the health of lulauts aud CArildren--Experieuce aawiust Exaeriutnat. What is CASTORIA Gastoria is a substitute for Castor Oil, .Paregoric, Drops .. aud Soothiuf Syrups It is Haraslees aud Pleasaut. It . coutaius ueither Opluui, Morpuiue uor other "Narcotic awhstauce. Its age is its 'guarantee. It destroys Woruts aud allays Feverishuess. It cures Diarrhoea aad Wind Colic. It relieves Teethiug Troubles, cures Constipation aud Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tha Stoswach and Bowels, giving healthy aad natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bemrs the CdatV7&&u The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMC eSMVMMi CaiHSMV. TT SMIHMV TUCCT. MCW VOSm CITV. YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO BECOME A MEMBER OF THE HOME x HEALTH x CLUB (Cat thi oat aad forward it with oae dollar tn The later Oceaa Pub. Co., Vhirngo, 111.) THE INTER OCEAN PUB. CO.: I hereby accept the invitation to become a member of the Health Home Club, and I inclose hereirith one dollar to pay for one year's subscription to The Weekly Inter Ocean, irhich, I understand, entitles me to a life memlterxhep, a reeortl number, and a copy of Volume 1 of the Home Health Club Ixtokx (price $1.00) free of expense. Xante Town or City Street Xo ; .: State One of the most practical ami lieneiical courses of study ever olfcreil tt its readers by any newspaper. Xot only are there a series of practical le.--son.s in paper each week, hut the subscriber ia presented, free of expense, with a beautiful cloth-bound book, worth one dollar, besides a life member ship in the great club. Subscribe at once ami get the special lessons now being published. CASTORIA For Iafants and Children, TMKUYNNmAlwaisBHfU Bears the Signatweof NOTICE Of special election to vote nn funding lKnd for the city of Columbnt, Nebraska. WHEREAS, It is proposed by the city of Colambua, Platte county. Nebraska, to iMHoe funding bonds of raid city, in the sum of 35,(40, to pay off one series of bonds, of f il. UC0, dated May 1st, 188tt. with 7 per rent interest; one series of bonds dated November 1st, 1888, for $10,000 with internet at t per cent, both series of bonds payable at the option of raid city five years after date, said funding bonds to bear date January 2d, 1S99, payable twenty yearn after date, at the fiscal agency of th State of Nebraska, in the city of Now York, with interest at the rate of 4 per cent per nnnuui. payable semi-annually on the second daya of July and January of each and every year. The whole or nny portion tiiereoi being re deemable at the option or saia city niter ten lenra from their date. The qualified electors of Raid city will accord ingly take notice that a vote will be had on the proposition lor the city to issue thirty.nve thousand dollars of funding bonds, to pay the bonds of said city now outstanding and ikiyaule at the ootion of the said citr. Said election will be held on the 8th day of November, 1SHH. between the hoars or H a. m, and ti p. m. of said day at the iihiisI places of holding elections in said city of Columbus, to wit: In the First ward of the city of Columbus at the Crurt house. In the Second ward of the city of Columbus at the new Engine house, corner of North and Eleventh streets. In the Third ward of the city of Columbus at S. F. Mills' carpenter shops. At said elect ioa all voters favoring tho afore said proposition for the City Council to issue $35,000 of fuadiag bonds, shall have written or printed upon their ballot.t the words: "For the issuance of city funding bonds and tax to pay the interest and principal thereon YES." And all voters opposing said proposition for the city to issue $35,000 of funding bond shall have writ tea or printed upon their ballots the words: "For the issuance of city funding bonds and tax to pay the interest and principal thereon NO." By order of the City Council. E. 1. FirPATKICK, William Beckkb, Mayor. City Clerk. 12octl LEGAL NOTICE. In tho district coart of Platte connty, Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of Andy lJevany, THIS CAUSE came on for hearing upon the petition of Lacky Devany and tius (J. liecher, executors of the estate of Andy Devany, deceased, praying for license to sell the follow ing described real estate situated in Butler cnontv. Nebraska, to wit: The north half of section nineteen, in township sixteen north, of range one easioi ineoixm principal meriuiau. and the north half of the eouthwest quarter or 6aid section nineteen, or a sufficient amount of the same to bring the sum of $209.00 for the payment of the legacies given and bequeathed by the lost will ami testament of said Andy Devanr. deceased, and the debts outstanding and allowed against said estate and the costs of ad ministration, there not being sufficient personal property to pay the said legacies, debts and expenses. It Is therefore ordered that Ml persons inter ested in Baid estate appear liefore me, at the court room in the court house In the city of (tnlnmhns. Platte conntv. Nebraska, on the 10th day of December. IMS. at ten o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause why a license should not be granted to said executors to sell the above described real estate of said deceased or so much thereof as shall be necessary to pay said legacies, debts and expenses. . And it is further ordered that a copy of this order be published for four successive weeks in The Coluxbch Jocrxal. a newspaper publish ed in the city of Columbus, Platte county, Nebraska. Dated this 17th day of October. 1W. WILLIAH MAaSHALL, 19 oct 4 Judge of the District Court. NOTICE OF INCORPORATION. The following named persona, to wit: O. T. Roeii. J. D. 8tires. Clayton A. (lates. Orlando Nelson. Ira E. Oatea and Charles A. Woosley did - .1-- ..i.i. .1- . Tn.. lufjrt nrirantw ii mnmr. atlon. to be known as The New York Improve- P5 .?Ti.- V.oK-ialrn TIi hnnineaM to be transacted shall be constructing, maintain ing, owning and dealing in canals and ditches for the purpose of irrigation and water power, and all things pertaining thereto; to secure the right to oe tlte waters of the streams of cbras kaTand own and deal in the fame generally: to erare right of way. purchase, own and deal generally in lands and olUr property and all things convenient to prosecute the business herein conteiaplated. The authorized capital stock to be three hun dred thousand dollars, and its indebtedness or liability not to exceed two-thirds of its capital Its affairs to be conducted by a board of five directors. The Nxw York laraovaMXXT Co., By J. D. Snata. 8c'y. Joaa24,wfe. 12oct Ckm&zffycJfe Bovgkt, aad which has tee. , has home the sigaature of has heew Made wader his per supervision siwee its iafaacy . wo owe to deceive yew ia this. Signature of O. Bsmtaa ITOX T!n Kind You Raw Ainr fcwfM Kgsatua of &5&K WHEN IN NEED OF Briefs, Dodgers, Sale bills, Envelopes, Catalogues, Harm lulls, Statements, Note heads, Letter heads, Meal tickets. Legal blanks, Visiting cards. Milch checks, Business cards, Dance invitations, Society invitations, Wedding invitations. Or, in short, any kind of JOB PRINTING, Call on or address, Journal, Columbus, XebruskH. ITORXA. Bsantaa ttgaatara cf llw Kind Yw Haw Alwrsiwgtt &K M. C. CASSIN, piiopuirrou or thk U& Meat Market Fresh, and Salt Meats. Game and Fish in Season. J0Highest market prices paid for Hides and Tallow. THIRTEENTH ST COLUMBUS, - - NEBRASKA 2Saprtf UNDERTAKING! We Carry Coffins. Caskets and Metallic Cask.! 5 Burial Robes, Etc. DO EMBA.LMHSTG HAVE THE BEST HEARSE IN THE COUNTRY. FRED. W. HERRICK. W. A. McAllistkh. W. M." Cobnrlici WeALUSTER CORNELIUS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. Sljaatf T D. STIKEH. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Southwest corner Eleventh aad North Stxaate -4jal7-Y COLUXBOs, MBBBAaXA. rr , ajf--- 5 r mYm 'vCrl A' ., '. t- v.!.V i -' ',- f'!- fa v a W : gw?c11 - r-VSk."-- litaefc. - j,r iaC?" ,.- - Sijx--te-Ijf." .' - . ,2'imKmmmtmmatteamuliSmiSSSSsSSSiSSSSSSS2!SSiS2