The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, November 02, 1898, Image 1

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SeciRl Nebraska Boys Say Girt Ije U
Military Life.
Orrt a Thousand Men Now In Condition
tfi Ilcturn to Peaceful Pursuit Some
of Tlirni Will 1'robably Ke-enlUt at
Camp George D. Melklejohn passed
' out of existence before C o'clock last
night, saj-s the Omaha Bee. The men
, f. the Second Nebraska were sum
." tnoncd to regimental headquarters .it
11 a. in. to receive pay for the last
.month and twenty-rour days' of ser-
vice and final uiscnarge from Jhe army.
They filed Into the paymaster's rooia
a company sit a time and before C
..o'clock$85.00Q had been distributed
among the 1.078 men on the mu6ter
'rolls. About 150 men are carried as
absent sick and these will receive
their money and discharge from the
paymaster general's office at Washing
ton. Each private received payment
.'.at the rate of $15.00 a month, with al
lowance for clothing and commutation
of rations, so that no private carried
away from the table less than $30 nnd
a number received as much as fSO.
In addition to salary, each man was
provided with transportation to point
of enrollment, with one day's pay for
each twenty miles traveled, that
an ordinary day's march.
The discharges were, served from
the bottom up, the most newly enlist
ed men receiving his certificate first
and Colonel Bills beinc the last man
out. There was a brier mustering out
ceremony; Captain W. H. Kell, Twenty-second
infantry, mustering officer,
called the name of each man. who
fetcpiiCd five paces to the front and an
swered to his nama. A roll was kopt
fcr submission to Adjutant Gcnpral
Barry of those who were willing to
renew their service, either with the
First or Second Nebraska and 15G
names were obtained
Most of the men lost no time In get
ting their money and discharges.
Carryalls were loaded with the persons
and baggage of boisterous, homegoing
soldiers and the roads were thronged
with more economical ones, bearing
blankets and satchels. The spectacle
of so many soldiers as well
with . money was atempting one to
gambling sharks and several chuck-a-luck
tables were set up in the saloons
in the neighborhood of the post. The
matter was brought to the attention
of Actlns Chief of Police Haze and a
sergeant with a detail of men was
sent to attend to the matter. Very
little business had been done by the
table, however, the boys sustaining
the reputation for gooa sense and tem
perance which they have gained dur
ing their presence here. A portion oi
the regiment received their discharges,
loo late to get trains home and these
resigned themselves to one more
rainy night in the barracks.
Fort Omaha will not be entirely
abandoned to the elements and the
tramps. A detachment of twenty men
of Company E, Twenty-second infan
try, has been assigned to the post for
fatigue and guard duty. There is a
considerable amount of government
property at headquarters and the men
will be fully, equipped for garrison
duty, with 100 rounds of ammunition,
tents, blankets, etc. The command
ing officer will be Captain T. B. Jones.
The Board of Survey appointed by
Colonel bills to adjust the values of
material furnished by the state to the
government has completed its work.
Adjutant General Barry has sat wiJi
ihc beard in the interest of the stab
the other members being Major "W. S.
Mapes. Lieutenants Kennedy and Plat
ncr. The finding was that the state
has furnished equipment for about GOO
men and the' value of this material
was pro rated from the time of issu
ance. The report has been forwarded
to Washington.
if Mil
Memento to the Indians.
' All cf the Indians who visited the
exposition will be given a memento
that will enable them to remember.
For all of these Indians Captain Mer-
, cer has had struck off heavy gold
plated metals. On one side are the
words. "United States Indian Congress.
Omaha Exposition, 1S98," while on the
reverse is a raised design, showing an
Indian mounted on a horse, running
a lance into a buffalo. Beneath th's
.. are the numerals. "1S6S." the date of
'the admission of Nebraska as a atate.
Besides the medals Captain Mercer
has had printed certificates, the samp
, .showing that while at the congress
' the Indians deported themselves in an
- "exemplary manner and that they have
not broken any of the rules of !he
."''congress or the exposition. These cer
tificates arc signed by Captain Mercer,
offleer in charge, and J. R. Wise, as
sistant manager. They bear a gold
. ical, under which are ribbons of red.
'.white and blue.
A Girl Fatally Earned.
A 'man came rushing into Hastings
for medical aid, reporting that Ina,
the 13-year-old daughter of Dame:
Sunderland, living three and a half
miles northeast of that place, was t-cr-ionsjy
burned by the accidental tip
ping over of a small can of kerosene
from the stove shelf onto the h'Jt
stove, setting fire to her clothlug,
which was entirely burned off. She
was so badly burned that it was
thought she could not live. Her fath
er and mother were at Omaha attend
ing the exposition. An 'jffort was
made to find them, but they could not
get home until too late to see her
alive. She died at 6:30 o'clock, ab ui
an hour before her parents reached
An Old Man Commits SUclde.
.. .Word was brought to DeWitt that
William Clayborne, a highly respectt-.d
farmer living four miles east of town,
""had hanged himself to a tree near his
home. Of late he had been suffering
from a complication of diseases which
confined him to the house, but from
"which he was recovering. During the
afternoon he was seen to leave cis
home and pass into a large grove. To
.ward evening a young woman passing
t that way discovered the body hanging
' to a tree. The man had remove3, hip
,, hat. coat and shoes, and laid them at
I the bottom of the tree, and it is sup
.IKised drew himself onto a limb ana
' jumped off. He was 60 years of ag:.
and lived -with his mother, who is
ncarjy So.
Nebraska Cnlrerslty Botes.
most important university
event of the year is the opening o the
ucr mechanic arts hall, the first per
inznent building for the mechanic arts
Red manual training departments o j
the university. ' J
Batarday, October S3.
Three comapnles of the Third in
fantry have been ordered home from
Virden, in.
Clalrvilie, a new town in Plumas
county. California, reports the burn
ing of a hotel and the loss of five lives.
The state board of health has re
moved all quarantine restrictions on
passenger and freigut traffic In Missis1
Melville E. Stone, president of the
Associated Press, and a party from
Chicago arrived In Omaha on a West
ern Union car to visit the exposition.
The London Daily Mall says it has
the highest authority for stating thj
French government notified the Eng
lish government three days ago it will
not abandon Fashoda.
The order requlr ng the Fourth and
Seventeenth infantry regiments to be
in readiness for fie.u service in connec
tion with the Indian troubles In Min
nesota was countermanded.
The board ot health raised thajuatJAmajorlty of the flelegatesand mil?
itino and "Memphis Is now dpenw T uary""delegates were preeiit"eacn of
antino and Memphis is now open
all points. Cold weather has prevailed
for several days and the board regards
all danger from yellow fever as passed.
The Fir6t National Bank of Lisbon,
O., has been closed. Cashier H. .T.
Childs has disappeared and bank ex
aminers are in charge. "Childs wa.s
connected with -e bank as cashier
for twenty years.
Eleven Bear Indians were brought to i
Duluth by Marshal O'Connor and a de
tachment of ten Third infantry regu
lars. They entered formal pleas of not
guilty In the United States court and
were given time to consult with their
.Minister Buck has informed tho
State department ...jat the Japanese
government has appointed Mr. Jutaro
Komura, vice minister of foreign af
fairs, to be minister of Japan to the
United States. Mr. Komura was born
In 1853 and studie- law at Harvard
Monday, October 34.
England and France are on the eve
of a conflict.
John Melchart, insane with jealousy,
shot and killed Miss Morris at Omaha.
Two jealous husbands killed tiinr
wives and themselves at Jersey City.
The total registration of the city of
New York Is 55C.369, as against 567,
192 in 1897.
Serious trouble is brewing among
the Comanches, Kiowa and Apache In
dians in Oklahoma territory.
The Manitoba sailed from Ponce
yesterday morning with the Third
Wisconsin, thirty-six officers and 7G4
men; sixty discharged soldiers and
thirty pasengers.
The french yellow book on Fashoda
seems to indicate the intention on tne
part of the French government to
utilize the Marchand affair as a means
of raising the whole Egyptian ques
tion. Fire at Des Moines gutted the large
jobbing house of Perkins & Brinsmaid,
importers of fine China and crockery,
entailing a loss estimated at $150,000.
Philadelphia is to have a peace ju
bilee this week.
Telegraphic inquiries have elicited
irrefutable reports that the Spanish
dockyards show absolutely no signs
of renewed activity nor the slightest
symptoms implying the remotest idea
of renewing the struggle.
The steamship Victoria brings the
news that two more battles have been
fought in Formosa between Japanese
IPBJd?' SSI J!,. & I
all the
Japanese on the island.
The Bank of Spain's report for the
week ending Saturday shows the fol
lowing changes: Gold in hand, in
crease, oiC.000 pesetas; silver in hand,
increase, 1,839,000 pesetas; notes in cir
culation, increase. 2.S86.C00 resetas.
The London Daily Mai; correspond
ent has been cabled by that paper as
follows: "The relations between
France and England are very critical.
Watch." It is Inferred from this mat
a movement from Esauimalt of the
fleet here is expected.
Tuesday, October 25.
Reports to Washington indicate that
the yellow fever epidemic is rapidly i
It is reported at Shanghai amang !
influential Chinese that the emneror i
was made away with. .
Lieutenant Hobson has arrived at !
Boston, and says he hopes to raise all '
the Spanish ships sunk oft Santiago,
All quarantine restrictions at Mem
phis, Tenn., have been raised and the
sale of tickets through that point will
be resumed at once.
Lieutenant General Sir William
Howley Goodenough, in supreme com
mand cf the British troops in South
Africa, died yesterday.
The marriage of General Wesley
Merritt to Miss Laura Williams,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman
Williams of Chicago, was celebrate!
in London.
The Marshall Paper company, manu
facturers of tissue and cigarette paper
at Turner's Falls, Mass., assigned be
cause of poor trade. Its capital stock
is $246,000.
A telegram has been received at the
Harvard college observatory from
Prof. W. R. Brooks at Geneva. N. Y.,
stating that Brooks' comet was ob
served by Prof. Brooks October 22.
Secretary Wilson has awarded to
the New York Market Gardeners' as
sociation the contract for furnishing
all the seeds to the Agricultural de
partment for the current fiscal year.
It is understood in Paris that the
American peace commissioners have
received positive sharp instructions
from President McKinley to refuse to
discuss further the question of the Cu
ban debt.
President McKinley has told Prime
Minister Sagusta through the French
government that the disposal by Spain
of what this rovernn"nt considers
immovable property in Cuba must
ttop at once.
At Savannah, Ga., Colonel Bryan,
who is with his regiment, the Third
Nebraska volunteers, as a part of Lee's
corps, is 111 at the DeSoto hotel. He is
suffering with fever, but his condition
is not regarded as serious.
The president has approved the
sentence of the court martial dismiss
ing from the naval service Chapiain
Mclntyre of the Oregon fcr remark
made in a lecture at Denver, reflect-
in? on Admiral Sampson and other-.
The Spanish cabinet was unexpect-
edey assembled to consider the
question of the repatriation of t"a3
troops and matters connected wita t
the peace commission. It is believed j
that General Correo. miniEter of wsr, j
has resigned. I
Wednesday October 26.
Private Yates of the-regular army
vs accidentally shot in the right side j
of his haad at Long Pise. Neb.
The Little Rock & Memphis railroad
was sold under a decre of foreclosure
of the United States for $325,000.
S. McXichols, manager of the Bruns
wick Hotel, Chicago, committed sui
cide by shooting himself in the head.
The statement of the condition of
the treasury shows: Available cash
balance. $305,213,479; gold reserve,
A Havana (Ga.) dispatch says: Col
onel William J. Bryan of the Third
Nebraska regiment has been sick id
bed with enteric fever for the lasi
two days.
Constructor ilobson arrived id
Washington and reported to Captain
Crowninsbields, who was acting sec
retary of the navy In absence of Sec
retary Long.
Spain has strongly protested to the
United States at the lattcrs action in
dispatching the battleships Oregon
and Iowa to reinforce Rear Admiral
Deweys squadron.
The first sesion of the Cuban assem
bly was held at Santa Cruz del Sur.
tne sis army corss being represented.
The British war ships, Pallas and
Talbot, arrived at Halifax from Ber1
muda. General Lord William Sey
mour, commander of the troops In
British North America, will return
from Ottawa, his visit having been cut
short by the unusual activity in mil
itary and naval circles at this station.
An order was issued by the war de
partment reiievfng frcm further duty
in the volunteer army James G. Blaine
as captain and assistant adjutant gen
eral. Having seen service without the
limits of the United States, Captain
Blaine is granted a leave of absence
of sixty days from this date, at the
expiration of which time he will be
mustered out.
Thursday. October 37.
The tumult in Paris has subsided
and the troops are less in evidence.
Edward Tangcr, aged 30 years, of
Hancock, Mich., a rough rider, died at
Boston of malaria.
During the last fev weeks Spanish
rule in the island of Cuba has been
marked with unbridled corruption.
Blanco has issued an order inform
ing the soldiers there will be no more
discharges until he bears from Madrid.
By a colision of trains on the Union
Pacific near Silver Creek, three men
the engineer, fireman and brakeman
were killed.
Four companies of the Second regi
ment of volunteer engineers now at
Montauk Point have been orderd to
join General Lee's corps at Savannah.
Tho Arbuckle company has invaded
California territory and reduced the
price cf sugar from 5 to 5i cents.
Tho cut wa3 immediately met by the
Western refinery.
Dr. Roch, who has been attending
the victims of the bubonic plague in
Vionna, together with Herchegger, an
other of the nurses has developed
symptoms of the disease.
An order from the war department
has been rceived at Fort McPherson,
instructing that a board meet at the
i earliest day practicable and examine
the eight contract doctors there.
The American apriorities at Manila
have released some of the Spanish
sailers captured during the war. The
authorities at Ho have cabled to Ma
drid, expressing their loyalty to the
Spanish crown.
The treasury department has prac
tically completed the issue of the $200,-
i 000,000 of 3 per cent bonds authorized
the last session of congress and the
last of the temporary force of clerks
appointed for duty in that connection
will be dismissed.
Friday, October 38.
The coroner's jury found no one re
sponsible for the death of the miners
at Virden. 111.
Inspector Vaille reports that the
business men of Manila are pleased
with the improvements.
The war department has been in
formed of the sailing of the Panama
from Ponce to Santiago.
Mrs. W. J. Bryan is preparing to go
to Savannah, Ga., if the health of Col
onel Bryan does not improve.
The marine hospital service has been
notified that steamboat inrpection at
i New Orleans was discontinued.
it is reported in Paris this evening
that the British cabinet at todiy's
session, decided to proclaim the pro-
tectorate of Great Britain over Egypt.
Mrs. Richard Cooper, tho last sur
viving daughter of James Fenimore
Cooper, ihe novelist. Is dead at her
home in Cocperstown. N. Y., aged 79'
The Specialty Carriage company of
Cincinnati, O., assigned to the Union
Savings Bank and Trust company.
Liabilities, 65,000; rssets are in ex
cess cf that amount.
The rep..rt of General Merriam,
commanding the Department of the
Pacific, regarding the facilities for a
camp at Honolulu, has been received
at the War department.
Philip N. Hildreth, 26 yeara3 old, a
member of Troop A, New York volun
teers, committed suicide at his home
in New York while delirious from
fever contracted in Porto Rfco.
The Postoflice department has or
dered the establishment on December
1 of military postoflice stations in
Cuba at Baiquri, Guantanamo, Bara
coa, San Luis, Manzaniilo, Gibara and
Colonel W. J. Bryan continues quite
ill in his room at the Desoto hotel.
Savannah. Ga. His regiment has
been there for two days, but he has not
been able to see any" of his officers or
discuss its affairs.
Three Killed in a Wreck.
Omaha, Neb., Oct. 2S. A rear-end
collision on the Union Pacific yester
day resulted in the death of three men
and the serious injury of one other.
The dead: Samuel Hindman, engi
neer; William Ranan, fireman; B.
Shannon, brakeman. Seriously in
jured, John Griffing, brakeman. An
extra freight train sidetracked, switch
left open, freight going at fail rate of
speed, crashed into the rear end of th
5 extra. The engine was badly wrecked
J and four freight cars reduced almost
to kindlin" woo i
Antl-RevoinUonlit at oh.
LoxDox. Oct. 23. Aceordinar to a
dispatch from Paris an anti-revolution-
ist mob around the palace of justice.
where the appeal in the Drevfus case
is being heard, became m dangerous
that the lawvers fled.
The Absconder Cansht la London.
I Louisville. Oct 2. Chief of Police
- Hager received official notification to
j day that Charles G. Henning. who ab-
sconaca irom tue ianc oi Lou;sviiie
with $8,000 several weeks ago, bad
baen captured in London.
." -.. .fe?5
1 1 HIE.
Secretary of State Hay's Comment
on the Peace Negotiations.
The fpiinUr.W Shorfld itave Considered
the Probable Cott Before War Begaa
The I'eace Coaiailssloners Work Ex
... -
pected to Be Ovor by Decembsr.
St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 20. The St.
Louis Republic prints the following
from its Washington correspondent:
"Secretary of State Hay made the-
followinjy statement to-day:
" 'It may be stated as a fact that ia
Cuban debt question before the Paris
commissioners is a closed iucident: It
may be further state I that all matters
relating to Cuba and Porto Bicd are
' 'The Philippines question probably
xvill not be taken np this week. It
will be taken up, however, and dis
cussed at the first meeting of the joint
commission in the early part of next
' Thc work of the peace commis
sioners is nearer ait end than is gener
ally surmised. Two weeks ago I said
that I thought the American commis
sioners would be through their labors
by December 1. I see no reason to
Amend that statement.
u 'Of course the Spanish commission
ers have used every pretext for delay.
When hard pressed they have thrown
themselves upon the mercy of their
conquerors with the exclamation that
if Spain is ruined the crime will be
ours. Well, when Germany had
France at her feet, France threw her1
self on the mercy of her conqueror.
She said that if Alsace and Lorraine
were torn from her and the French
people were loaded with a billion dol
lar debt, she, too, would be financially
ruined and France would be reduced
to a third rate power. Germany's
answer was that she could not help
that. France should have counted the
cost before she declared war. That
answer we must justly make to Spain's
contention that she. too, will be
ruined. She should hare counted the
cost before making a declaration of
Paris, Oct. i'8. The American pease
commissioners, at their sessions to
day, will draw up a memorandum upon
the subject of the Philippine islands.
It is expected they will place it before
the Spanish commissioners at the joint
session which is to take place on Mon
day next.
Wasiiixgtox, Oct. 29. The Presi
dent gave the cabinet very encourag
ing reports from Paris to-day regard
ing the progress of tho peace negotia
tions. The administration now fully
believes that the negotiations will be
concluded much sooner than expected
a few days ago. It can be stated au
thoritatively that the commissioners
have not yet actually begun the dis
cussion of the Philippine question, and
further that it will not be taken np
until next week. Since the Spaniards
have found that the American commis
sioners mean exactly what they say
and that their presentation of the side
of the United States is in reality an
ultimatum, the Uhelessuess of pro
longed debate, it is said, has become
apparent to the Spanish and it is now
believed the Philippine discussion will
be less protracted than reported some
days ago.
The United States has not assured
nor guaranteed the so-called municipal
debt of Cuba or Cuban municipalities,
but it is expected that such debts will
be paid by the municipalities incur
ring them, for by no reasoning could
they bo charged upon Spain. Our
government, it is said in official cir
cles, would look upon any attempt at
evading the payment of such debts as
repudiation, and whatever government
is established in Cuba will be expected
to sec that these obligations are car
ried out in good faith. Moreover
some of the bonds of Cuban municip
alities arc held by citizens of the
United States and the United States
might insist that the investments of
her citizens in such securities arc made
good. The state department has no
information as to the amount of their
municipal liabilities.
The Bravery of a. rollceaisa Saves the
Tic President's Ufa.
Philadelphia, Oct. 29. The hones,
pulling a carriage in which were
seated Vice .President Ilobart and two
members of the city council, ran away
yesterday while the parade was form
ing. They dashed down Broad street,
passing the President at Christian
street. The crowds gave way before
the runaway and their shouting fright
ened the horses more. At South street
a policeman seized the bridle of the
horses. He was dragged 100 feet be
fore the team stopped.
Sampson Wants the TcsotIos.
Washesotox, Oct, 29. Bear Admiral
Sampson has asked the navy depart
ment to send the dynamite cruiser
Vesuvius to Havana. It is said he de
sires the presence of the Vesuvius as a
precaution against any outbreak on
the part of either the Spanish soldiery
cr the Cubans. Admiral Sampson has
learned since his advent to Cuba that
of all the American warships the Ves
rius strikes the greatest terror to the
minds and hearts of both the Span
iards and the Cubans.
Beeaasa His Play Failed.
Philadelphia, Oct 29. Nathaniel
Childs, press agent of the "Way Down
East" company, which is playing at a
local theater, died a suicide yesterday
at the Jefferson hospital. He had
swallowed forty-five grains of mor
phine, after which he shot himself in
the head. He was one of the best
known men in the theatrical and mus
ical world. The failure of the plav.
"Little Miss Nobody," in which he
was interested, made him very despon
dent and he began to drink. He was
about 50 year of age aad leavas a
t .Aije-.,-4f riy
at McKlaler Itiaas Bis Aaaaaf
. - - . X
kotov, Oct 29. The Prest-
fter the cabinet meeting to-day,
the following Thanksgiving
the President of the United
A proclamation:
approaching November brings
the customs of our ancestors,
d by time and rooted in our
sacred tradition? of giving
to Alraiirhtr God for all the
igs He lias vouchsafe J to us dur
past year.
years' in bur History have af
such cause for thanksgiving.
to been blessea by abundant
our trade and commerce Have
beewondcrfnlly increased, our public'
creejt,; has been improved and
strengthened, all sections of our com
moiTceunlry have been brought to
Li -ll purpose sad unity..
s ti
T" Tho' skies haVeusa"?ar timi
time dark
ened by a cloud of war, but as we were
Compelled to take up the sword id the!
cause of humanity, we are permitted
to rejoice that the conflict has been
of brief duratio'a and the'
losses wo have had to mourn;
though grievous and important, have
been so few; considering the great re
sults accomplished, as to inspire' us
with gratitude and prais: to the Lord
of Hosts. We may laud and magnify
His holy name that the cessation of
hostilities came so soon as to spare
both sides the countless sorrows and
disasters that attend protraeted war.
I do, therefore, invite all my fellow
citizens, as well those at home as those
who may be at sea or sojourning in
foreign lands, to set apart and ob
serve Thursday, the 24th day of
November, as a day of national
thanksgiving, to come together in
their several places of worship for
a service of praise and thanks to Al
mighty God for all the blessings of the
year; for the mildness of the seasons
and the fruitfulncss of the soil, for the
continued ptosperity of the people,
for the devotion and valor of
our countrymen, for the glory
of our victory and the hope of a
righteous peace, and to pray that the
Divine guidance which has brought us
heretofore to safety nnd honor may be
graciously continued in the years to
come. William McKinley. In wit
noss whereof, etc., by the President.
John Hay, Secretary of State.
The Illlnoli Supreme Coart Gives Chicago
Another Chance.
Chicago, Oct. 29. The Illinois supreme-
cotirt has decided that the city
council may insist on compensation
for street railway franchises. The de
cision was given in the appeal of the
Chicago General Railway company
against a judgment of S2.250 given the
city in a suit to recover damages on
the bond of ths company. The ordi
nance granting the right to the com
pany to operate a street car line im
posed an annual license fee of S500 fof
every mile of track.
The court also held that the power
to impose such a tax is discretionary,
and that the council may insist on
such compensation from one company
and decide that the tax is not war
ranted in another case.
A Texas Alderman laterrapts the Com
edlan In "J-'alka."
El Paso, Texas, Oct. CO. James
Clifford, an alderman, during the per
formance of 4'Falka" by an opera com
pany, sprarg to his feet as the charac
ter of Pelican, the priest, was telling
of the enjoyable times he was having
with the convent girls.
"I shall not sit silont here and per
mit yon to burlesque my religion and
ridicule tho priesthood," Clifford
The play stopped, the gallery yell
ing. "Put him out." Fearing a riot
the chief of police hurried to the angry
alderman and the two left the opera
house. The play went on.
A Toons Woman of I.eaora Shot by as
Uncle Whom She Would Not Marry.
Lexoha, Kan., Oct. 29. Miss Fannie
Lashell was shot and almost instantly
killed by Will Elliott, her uncle,
about midnight. Elliott came here
from Chicago recently, and has
wanted to marry his niece, wha
would have nothing to do with him.
Last night he attempted to go homa
with Miss Lashell and her sister,
Nellie, from a dance. As tbey seemed
to fear him some of the men detained
htm until after they were gone. lie
followed, and after shooting Miss
Lashell, shot himself three times. Ha
will probably recover.
The Saa Fraacltco Grand Jury to Be
tan aa Iadtetmeat.
Saj? Fraxcisco, Oct 29. Mrs. Cor
delia Botlcin must stand trial here in
the superior court on the charge of
the murder of Mrs. John P. Dunning
of Dover, Del. The grand jury, after
a prolonged session, has voted to in
dict her.
Philadelphia's Peace Jubilee Over.
Philadelphia, Oct 29. Philadel
phians and their visitors again poured
into the streets to-day to seek posi
tions to witness tho third and last of
the great peace jubilee processions.
To-day's procession was purely of a
civic character and wound up the
week's jubilee.
Three Killed by a BoUer Explosion.
Lakb Lixde. Mich., Oct 29. A
boiler in the Calumet and Heels boiler
house exploded at noon to-day, vmig
three men.
To Get Evea With Germany.
Washkotox, Oct 29. During the
winter the administration purposes to
take steps -retaliating against Ger
many for discriminating against
American pork. Prof. Wiley of the
agricultural department is now con
ducting an investigation for the ben
efit of the President, and has gone to
New York for the purpose of securing
samples of German wines and' other
products, which will undergo s close
scrutiny to find ground for excluding
thesm froaa this cemntry.
The Helena Has Orders arid Others
Are" to Follow.
It Is SaM tha Torktoirn and the Craclc
Crwlser Breoklya, Schley a Old fla;h!p,
WU1 Also Go to the tar East, bj
Way or Sacs CaaaL
WiSHlXGTOX, Oct 29. Two more
ineri-HJfcwar' will probably follow tho
auxiliary cruiser Buffalo to the Asiatic
sqna'drori: Orders havo already been' tho gunboat Helena to pre
pare for her long trip1 though the Suez
canal to the Far East, and es soon as
she is ready she will ttart
Hear .Admiral Tlanrov has imnreiwed
mm-tidepmCoctfAilfUlMS pt Jae,-aa taa seen of U
having a large number of light
draught gunboats among the Philip
pino islands. The Yorktown, it is un
derstood, wilt be placed in commission
Od the Pacnc coast, add will start for
Manila. s
In addition to thesa gunboats it will
be necessary for the department. With
in the next few months, to send an
auxiliary cruise'r carrying another
draft of men to take the places of
those on the Asiatic station whose
terms of enlistment shall 1 .vo ex
pired. New York, Oct 29. It is stated at
the' navy yard that the cruiser Urcok
lyn will sail for Manila by way of the
Suez canal Monday or Tuesday with
recruits, ammunition and supplies fur
Admiral Dewey's fleet. On her way
she will coal at Colombo, Ceylon.
Work on the cruiser Chicago is ad
vancing rapidly and it is believed that
she will be ready next week to go into
The Oregon and Iowa left New York
early this month after a thorough over
hauling in dry dock, ostensibly for
Honolulu. Their ultimate destination
is, undoubtedly Manila. They were
ordered to pr6ceeil around Capo Horn,
stopping at various ports for orders.
At last reports they were taking part
in the national demonstrations of a
South American state. A trip of
nearly three months lies before them.
With the arrival of these powerful
battleships Admiral Dawcy will have
a fleet that will far outclass any in
Asiatic waters, with the exception of
the British. Germany has only one
battleship on the Asiatic station. Ad
miral Dewey, besides his fleet of bat
tleships and cruisers, has the two big
monitors Monadnock and Monterey.
Transactions That Absorbed Ono Tart of
the American Con-piny' Tndc.
New Yobk, Oct. 29. When the
Drummond Tobacco works of St. Louis
was opened a few days ago as the
property of tho American Tobacco
companyi the first positive rtcp in
forming thti largest industrial interest
in the United States was taken. It is
nearly two years agd that Colonel Jos
eph B. Hughes of Hamilton, Ohio, and
his associates, Fletcher S. Heath, a
banker of the same city, and Perry S.
Heath, first assistant postmaster gen
oral, began to syndicate Use great plii
tobacco manufacturing establishments
of this country and form an organiza
tion which, although at that time
without the design, is cow to control
more than four-fifths of the plug to
bacco output of tho country and take
from the American company its entire
plug trade.
A month before the declaration ol
war against Spain, S2S,r00,OD'J in cash,
the amount necessary to begin the
transfer of the properties, was made
ready, but the prospect of war frus
trated all plans. Two of the largest
life insurance companies ia New Yoilc
city at one time contracted to take
nearly 820,000, 003 in -the Crst bondi,
while Russell Sage and his associates
had arranged to place half as much
more. Lawrence & Hughes of No. 120
Broadway. New York, have now about
completed the articles of incorporation
of the Continental Tobacco company
and they will probably b3 iilcd for rec
ord this week. The company will
have a capital of S75.O00.OC0, one-half
to be 7 per cent preferred and one-half
common stock. The actual aggregate
cost of the concerns, exclusive of the
plug tobacco business of the American
Tobacco company, was a little less
than $60,000,000 cash.
toar Hoars After a l'orto l!!n.i Town's
Capture Stamps Vcro oti bjlc.
New Yobk, Oct. 29. "We had an up-to-date
American postoflice running
like clock work four hours after a
town was captured."
So reported ?Iajor James F. Stuart
when he landed from the transport
Manitoba which arrived here from
Porto Rico. Major Stuart went to
Porfb Rico two months ago, backed by
a commissian from the Postoflice de
partment to establish the United
States system m the new American
territory, ne returns with the state
ment that eighty offices, most of them
with Americans as postmasters, have
been established.
Mlssoorl Cattle Quarantine Kxten-Jed.
Columbia, Mo., Oct. 29. The execu
tive board of the Missouri state hoard
of agriculture extended indefinitely
the cattle quarantine regulations for
1598, yesterday. Southern cattle can
only be admittod into the state for im
mediate slaughter, or for grazing and
feeding purposes, after having been
dipped under the direction of the
board or upon inspection of ths live
stock inspector when they arc found
free of Texas fever infectioo.
a .Lower Basils.
St. Petzmbubg, Oct. 29. The medi
cal authorities now admit that the ep
idemic prevailing at Samarkand in
Lower Russia is the plague. The death
rate is very high.
Ia Caaaa Aiyhuas the Insane Die.
Havaka, Oct. 29. The records of
the Mascorra, an asylum for the in
sane, show' that in fifteen months 632
deaths have occurred among 700 in
mates. The condition of the asylum
willaeaaare thoroughly investigated.
"SnaflaffaBaTlHfri i iVii' lit VJ 1 r -r fiJ i
Oao Whit Maa aad ? Iadlaas Killed
Se Tar.
CAXtfox CrfT, Ore, Oct. 9. A joung
man who was a Member of the sheriff's
posse has just returned to Canyot. I
City with a report of a desperate
fight which took place between the
whites and a renegade band of
Indians. The ninetcca whito men
and five buck warriors were about
forty feat apar'i when the battle be
gan. George Cuttings, son of David
Cuttings, received a ball in the left
rirta, tho missile passing throngh his
furies. One of the Indians, who was
af tcrwafil shot and killed, fought with
desperate courage After being re;
peatediy shot he continued firing with
his rifle until it was empty, then fired
his revolver until thexmzzle dropped
so low that "the bullets struck the
ground near the dying redskin's side.
George Cuttings, after 1 receiving a
w'dhutl,- started ia cc-'mnany with 31.
irouoze. xiie worraaea man oecame
so weak that he was left near the
trail, propped against a tree. When a
searching party went to look for Cut
tings they found his dead body near a
spring whero he had crawled. The
posss continued in pursuit, and after a
running battle killed all five Indians.
Settlers have been sent to Canyon City
for more ammunition, stating that the
Iudiaus arc gathering atonnd Izee in
large number-). The trouble arose
over the Iudiaus accusing tho whites
of stealing horses.
President of France Asks Mas to
Forsa a
New Ministry.
Paris, Oct. 29. President Faure at
D o'clock last evening asked M. Dupuy
to form a cabinet, in succession to the
Brisson ministry, which resigned on
Tuesday. It is thought that the cabi
net will be composed as follows:
M. Dupuy, premier and minister of
thsi interior.
M. De Freycinst, minister of war.
M. Constans, minister of justice.
M. Delcasse, minister of foreign af
fairs. M. Kibot, minister of finance.
M. Burgcois, minister of public in
struction. Charles Dupuy was born at Puy, on
November 5, 1S51, and has already
been twice premier of France.
M. Dupuy, who was interviewed as
he was leaving the Elysec, said the
question of the Dreyfus revision was
purely judicial, adding: "Xo honest
politician will decline to accept the
decision which shall be given."
Office Holders Assessed.
Washington, Oct 29. Ex-Governor
Charles A. Busiel of New Hampshire
lias preferred charges with tho civil
service commission against the mem
burs of the Republican state committee
of New Hampshire for assessing polit
ical contributions upon federal office
holders in that state, and has written
to tho comptroller of the currency
complaining that the First National
bank of Concord is aiding and abetting
the violation of the civil service law
by acting as the agent of a United
States oflicial in soliciting political
subscriptions from other United States
6,000 Jobs to Be Glvea Oat.
Washington, Oct. 29. It is under
stood that a presidential edict, remov
ing a largo number of government
offices from the classified civil service
probably will be promulgated before
Thanksgiving day. As at present de
termined upon, the order will affect
upwards of 0,000 places. It will in
clude deputy collectors of internal
revenue who arc authorized to become
acting collectors, actually serving in
that capacity. There are about 2,000
of these deputies. The largest class
affected is the corps of examining sur
geons of the pension bureau, of whom
there are in all over 4,000.
KItchner la Loadou.
London, Oct. 29. General Kitchener
arrived here yesterday afternoon and
wah greeted by the commander-in-chief
of the British forces. General
Lord Wolseley, and other high mil
itary officials. The grenadiers formed
a guard of honor at the railroad station
and General Kitchener received an
ovation from the enormous throngs of
people assembled to welcome him back
from Egypt. The scene of enthusiasm
was almost unprecedented.
Yellow Fever ia New Work.
New York, Oct. 29. Colonel George
E. Waring, Jr., formerly street com
missioner of New York, is sick at his
home in this city with yellow fever,
contracted at Havana. Colonel War
ing returned from Cuba on the Ward
line steamer Yucatan two days ago.
Colonel Waring was sent to Cuba by
President McKinley to inspect th
sanitary condition of Havana.
Zanesvilic, Ohio. The three mam
moth pavin? brick plants of this city
will, it is understood, be included in
the new paving brick combine. It is
said here that the combine will acquire
all the factories making modern clay
working machinery, thus shutting off
outside concerns from equipping them
selves with machinery that would
make competition possible.
Tanner Slay Be Enjoined.
Chicago, Oct. 29 The coal operators
of Illinois interested in the Virden sit
uation are preparing a petition to be
presented soon in one of the United
States courts for an injunction to pre
vent Governor Tanner from interfer
ing with the importation of laborers to
take the places of men formerly em
ployed at the seat of trouble.
The present step is deemed necessary
by those about to take it, because, as
they say, the governor has reiterated
his determination to forcibly keep out
imported labor, and becauss all efforts
at an adjustment by arbitration have
Perish la Sight of Shore.
Rochester, N. Y., Oct. 29. The
three-masted schooner St. Peter of St.
Vincent sank about five miles north
west of Sodus, on Lake Ontario, in
sight of shore, with all on board save
Captain John D. Griffin, who was res
cued in a precarious condition.
The wife of the captain was lost,
also Mate McLaren of Kingston. Eight
persons at least perished. It is thought
that the St Peter lost her rudder and
that the heavy seas caused her to
spring a leak. The St Peter was
bound from Oswego to Toledo with 700
tons of ooaL
(OidMt laik im tka IUU.)
lata to M Watt
Osauthss, Csticaf, ITw Yark aa
aH Faralgm Caamtrfaa.-
- ,, i ; .! aBaaaaaaaaaaaSaaaaaaam V rfiBl'ii
aaa1 half If cast swa waea they ut aaH
Leakdeb Qebjuxd, Prea't
8. H. Hknxt, Vice Preal.
M. Bkcgqex, Cashiar.
John Staufjer, Wtc Kccaxav
AitNrizid Capital of - $500,000
Part ii Capital, - 90,000
a H. inELDOX, Pres't
It P. 11. OKIlLItlUfT. Vice PHs
riwVNK RUKER. AwC Cask'
O. H. Sukuo. II. P. If. OzaiBSCaT.
Jonas Wei.cii, W. A. McAlustkb. ;
Cant. Rikske. H. C. Gray.
Frank Roorkr.
0ARELSA Eixis. J. lIr.NHYWORaaiAal
cuark Uray, Henry i.osekr.
Daniel Sciiraw. Geo. vv. Gaixky.
A. F. II. Oriu.nicR, J. I. Rkckrr Estate
Rebecca Becker, H. M. Winslow.
Bank of Deposit; laterest allowed oa tin
deposits; b'iy an sell exchange oa Ualte4
States and Europe, and buy aad sell avail
able securities. We skall te pleased to ro
eelva your business. We solicit your pat
Columbus Journal!
A weekly ewipaper
vvted the hest interests)
The State ol Nebraska
TkaaaJtaf i
as is
$1.50 A YEAR,
iv r aid nr adyajtcbv
Bat ear Halt af atsfalasas
is set prescribes! by dollars
aad seats. Eaaiala eopiss
sat free to say i
CtflM : ui : Metallic : Cases
trHtpalrtmof mil kind of Ufhol
Goiumhus Journal
umbos State Bank
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