The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, October 26, 1898, Image 1

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The Burlington -will put in a new
trom bridge near Wymore. The
( length of tke new bridge will be 15
feet, and it will cross the Blue river
ear that city.
.' The postal receipts at Omaha ag-
grcgated . $30,363 ia September as
against 123,257 in the corresponding
month of last year. This is am In-
crease of $7,106, or 30.5 per cent.
The election held in Atkinson on the
question of voting $10,000 bonds in aid
of the AUduBou & Northwestern rail
way, running from Atkinson north in
to Boyd county, the proposed bonds
were defeated.
The insanity commion of Dodge
county, adjudged Augusta Wallace a
Rt subject for the asylum. She is a
, daughter of Francis A. Wallace and
for seme time has been very unruly
and hard to manage,
Albert Falmer of Iiacoln, a fifteen-
' year-old boy. was fatally shot by his
: playmate, Roy Moore, aged thirteen,
.. while hunting at Burlington beach.
The shooting was purely accidental."
. Toung Palmer died in perhaps ten
minutes after the charge of shot had
entered his body.
There will be a meeting of the fair
. Managers of the Trans-Mississippi
'states la Omaha October 25 and 26, the
. e purpose being to discuss matters of
. importance in the conduct of western
falra generally and to visit tha exposi
tion. The session will last two dan
Among the speakers will be a number
of prominent men who do sot come
from Trans-Mississippi states.
Tha official report of the Burling
ton system for the year ended June
SO shows that gross earnings were
$42,S00,1S, an increase over the pre
vloils year of $7,273,975. The expens
es and taxes of the system amounted
la $27,810,886 which is an Increase
of $5,149,117 over the expenses the
previous year. Net earnings amount
ed m $14,989,276, an Increase of $2,
12458. Fred and Ellas Edwards and John
Gibson, who were arrested in Union
. county. SoHth Dakota, and brought to
. Dakota Cltv by Sheriff Boronisky,
rharged with killing a steer in the
. 'Marten pasture belonging to Daniel
O'Hanlon. -were discharged at their
. preliminary hearing before County
Judge Ryan, there not being sufficient
evidence to warrant them being held
to tha district court.
At Beatrice Judge Letton handed
tIowu his decision in the application of
W. H. Harris of Crete for a mandam
us' compelling G. E. Emery, float rep
resentative committeeman from Gage
county to sign a certificate for the
Domination of W. S. Grafton for float
representative. He grants the writ.
Ieave to file a motion for a rehear
ing wax granted and the issue will be
made up and the case taken to the
supreme court
A petition has been filed by John E.
Logan In the district court of Scott's
Bin county, against Hon. Martin
ltrlng, charging alienation of the af
fections of Josephine Logan, wife of
the plaintiff. The petition alleges the
commission of adultery on the 18th
day of March, 1898, and at divers
times thereafter, and as a considera
tion for the wounded feelings of the
plaintiff and the loss of the society
and comfortof his said wife he asks
judgment in the sum of $50,000.
Governor Holcomb has issued his
annual election proclamation in which
the list of state congressional, legis
lative and judicial offices to be filed
are enumerated. Provision is made
. for the filling of vacancies in the Third
: and In the Sixth judicial districts. A
. vacancy in the Sixth district was
caused by the resignation of Judge
Sullivan to qualify as judge of the
supreme court and a vacancy was
caused in the Third district by the
death of Judge Charles L. Hall of Lin
coln. The identity of the dead body found
cast of Wymore still remains a mys
tery and notwithstanding the fact that
efforts are being made to communicate
with people mentioned in letters found
a few yards from the body, all at
tempts eo far have been in vain. A
telegram was received from the chief
'of' police at Omaha which had been
sent at the urgent request of a Mr.
Priest, asking for a description of the
body, and one was sent, but no ad
vice has been received from him or any
other source and the case will probably
remain unsolved.
The Union Pacific had an expensive
freight wreck eight miles north of Be
atrice, Train No. S3 was running at a
high speed, when the engine and eight
cars left the track and were piled un
!n the creek and on the right of way.
some of them being made Into kindling
wood. On the engine -were Eneineer
Charley Burt. Fireman John Frozee
end R. A. Latten. The encine was
thrown from the track and went plung
ing into the ditch without a second's
warning and all three men miraculous
ly escaped injury except Burt, whose
shoulder was displaced.
The experts hired by the city of
Hastings to go over the city treasur
er's books for the period of eight years
made their final report to the city
council at a special meeting. The re--.Bort
shows the city indebted to J. D.
Miles, the present treasurer, in the sum
of $56.41. also indebted to Will L. Yet-
ter. nis predecessor. In the sum of
134.62. The report further shows G.
J. Evans, late mayor of the city. In
debted to the city $613.58. a shortage
for the term he served as treasurer
prior to Miles first term. Mr. Evans
immediately tendered his check paya
ble to the city treasurer covering the
fall amount of the shortage claimed bv
the experts, but asked time from the
council to go over the figures with the
experts, which was granted.
The mortgage record for Otoe coun
ty for the month of September is as
follows: New instruments filed, twenty-four,
aggregating $24,320. The re
leases recorded were fifteen, amount
Jng to $22.16r..
Reports of a daring and mvster
ious railway mail robbery at or near
Alliance, in the northwestern part of
this state, were confirmed bv Super
intendent Butler of Lincoln. Two
letter pouches, one destined for Lin
coln on the eastbOU:n'd Itttrlinetnn
train, the other for Black Hills and !
Montana points on the westbound J
were cut open and recistered
letters .
and packages of value taken
Mra. C. W. Vance, nee Miss Addle
Inlay, for years a teacher in. the Fre
mont schools, has been nominated
for county superintendent of She
shone county, luaho. She was named
by republicans and indorsed by demo
crats. Considerable of a scare was caused I
in Nebraska City
and neighboring
towns owing to a
report that there!
was an epidemic -of smallpox m
cite- Sarlt wanrta lv lul bs ImrJ :
of health to issue a circular letter ia J
which they state that according to
-the .paysteiaas there is not nr? has j
there been, any small fox in that
ecc. . i
Batarday, October 13.
Mrs. Fitzbugh Lee continues .desper
ately ill at Richmond. Va.
Nebraska day at the Transiaissis
sippi Erposition is October 19.
General Parada says that Eastern
Cuba will be evacuated by November 1.
It is said that France has concluded
to treat with Abyssinia against Eng
land in the Fashoda affair.
A. W. FranciEco, collector of the
port of Los Angeles, was found dead
in his bed. Heart disease' is ascribed
as the cause of izzth.
Italian anarchists plot to assassinate
the German Emperor in Palestine. Wire
wound bombs filled with bullets were
the engines of death selected.
The men in the Two Hundred and
First New York at Camp Mead 'are in
a state of semi-mutiny and threaten
trouble it they are not given beter
treatment. .
A Havana dispatch says it is gener
ally believed that a serious breach between the executive
department of the Cuban Republic and
the leaders of the military forces.
The supreme court of Indiana de
cided that the election commissioners
shall place 'the names of the Demo
cratic candidates for appellate judge
ships on the state ballots.
A hospital train of thirteen cars left
Jacksonville. Fla., for OM Point Com
fort. Va., having on board 120 con
valescent soldiers. They are mostly
from the O'je Hundred and Sixty-fourth
Indiana. Third Nebraska, Sixth Mis
souri and Fourth Illinos regiments.
The commision of internal revenue
has decided that persons engaged in
buying and selling merchandise on a
board of trade for present and future
delivery for themselves exclusively are
not commercial brokers within the
mcanins of the definition contained
In paragraph 4.
war revenue act.
of section 2. of the
Monday, Octoocr 17.
The peace jubilee began In Chicago
with religious observances at the
The degree of LL. D. was conferred
on Pres'dent Mi'Klnloy by the Univer
sity of Chicago.
Jerusalem is already overcrowded
with visitors, chiefly awaiting the ar
rival of Emperor William.
A great fleet of tugs will meet Em
peror William in the Sea of Marmora.
The German colony will go by a large
The Insurgents :it 1-ngaspi have pre-vt-rted
the American cteamtr Herma
nns from folding or ur.loadncj on the
ground thr.t there arft tfnaniprds on
boai d.
President Frank Thompson and the
directors of the Pennsylvania railroad
left Philadelphia last night on their
tour of annual inspection of the lines
west of Pitttourg.
Vhe total registration in Greater
New York for the first two davs is
::0J,S69. Fo- Manhattan arrt Brooklyn
the registration is 1,0.11 larger than on
the first twe days of last year.
The war investigating commision
left for the south over the Pennsylva
nia and Atlantic coast line reads. The
party comprised twenty-four persons,
including the nine commissioners.
The United Stales transport steam
er Pennsylvania rrrived in San Fran
cisco, thirty-three days from Manila,
via Honolulu. The Pennsylvania
brought bsck nine soldiers from Ma
nila and sixfcen from Honolulu.
It la reported th:t the Spanish evac
uation commit ioners have handed the
American commissioners a note, giv
ing the number and names of Spanish '
transports now on the way to Cuba.
It is understood there are twenty-seven.
Judge Robert B. Shurley in the Ma
coupin county (II!.) circuit court at
Carlinville, issued an order calling for
a special scsiou of the gram' jury to
investigate the causes of th.j Virden
rlois and return -.erdicts asamst the
gu Ity parties.
The dedication at Clianmonc of a
niorument Jo the oiuicr.: o: France
who fell in t!:s: Franco-I'i ussian war.
Central Chanoine. the minuter of war
presiding, fun.ishfd r.n opportunity
fn a demonstration m favrr of the ar
my, in whi:h niji:j suiiers partici
pate!. Taesday, October 18.
The Britisn snip Biengfell, from New
York for London, was burned.
Advices received from Madrid point
to effervescence in military circles
Mayor Zeigenhelm secured work for
the Alabama neeroes brousrht to St.
Louis from Virden. III.
The University or Chicago conferred
upon President William McKinley the
degree of doctor of law.
It is said at the war department
that nothing has occured to change
the plans for movement of troops to
The surrender of the Pillager In
dians seems assured. Commissioner
Jones Is having a final conference with
them today.
The peace conference reached a
crisis for the first time. Judge Day
presented the demands of the American
commission in threatening words.
The visible supply of grain in Chi
cago is as follows: Wheat 14,598,000;
corn. 24.563,000; oats. 6.080,000; rye,
1,308,000; barley, 2,750.000 bushels.
Billy Walker, the pugilist, who
fought a twelve-round glove match
with Andy Dupont at Soutn Omana
suffered internal injuries which will
prove fatal.
Considerable anxiety is felt among
the officials in Santiago because of the
non-arrival of the United States
transport Roggan, having on board
the Fourteenth infantry, under Major
Stephen Kominiki, bishop of the In
dependent Polish Catholic church of
Buffalo and rector of the Church of
Our Mother of Rosary, has been ex
communicated. The grand jury at
Kansas City re-
turned indictments
t... .nn r .k nnn .,nL. n?:n
against Jesse
ism w iiv hP uifnfPort tri
t -" w - w vw . -vJw-wr
robber: Charles Polk. Andv Rvan anil
Caleb Stone, for holding up and rob
bing a Missouri Pacific train at Belt
Line Junction on the night of Septem
ber 23.
Wedaesday October 19.
South Dakota has four Inches
Tbe exposition will shut down per-
manently October 31st
The star and ctrin h twwn
raised arm- Pnrtn THm
Admiral Dewey will arrive in San
Tcisco December 6th.
The exposition has decided on
aale of all property as soon as
gates close.
- JL-Cra J -r
Jgjfc; --
German day parade at the exposi
tion was put off on account of inclem
ent weathef.
French society repels the charge that
Americans pay money to secure admit
tance to Paris homes.
An American syndicate offers to Joan
the Transavaal government $12,500,
000 at 5 per cent and 2ft per cent
Four thousand people danced at the
Chicago Auditorium for the benefit of
the suffering soldiers and sailors wfad
fought in the war.
Emil Chiniquy; a wealthy rdtired
farmer, 45 years old. and his wife
were found mhrdered at their home in
St. Anne, sixteen miles from Kanka
kee, Illinois.
The probabilities are that the Sev
enth army corps will not move te 3a
vannah for some time, nor until .com
plete arrangements have been made for
the camp there-.
The civil service commission, ad
nbunbed that an examination will be
held on December 1 at Omaha for the
position of an engineer of the second
class at a salary of $1,090 per year in
uie cuawiu buubc
It is cabled from Paris that, the
American peace commissioners have
given the Spanish commissioners twenty-four
hours tb agree that Spain shall
evacuate Cuba, the tlnited States not
t6 assume or guarantee one dollar of
the Eo-called Cuban debt
The Michigan, which anchored out
side of New York last, night, has on
board the body of Colonel Wikoff,
commander of the Twenty-second reg
iment, stationed at Omaha prior to
the war. Colonel Wikoff was killed
during the battle on San Juan hill.
Tfcaraeay. October 2e.
General Merritt. it is reported, will
enter the matrimonial state presently.
General Merritt says he knows no
Filipino who is capable of managing
Miss Mary Dudley Breckinridge,
daughter of Colonel Breckinridge, was
married tb Mr. John Fair Hlne:
The Wholesale druggists' convention
at St. Louis selected Old Point Com
fort, Va., as the next annual meeting
Admiral Schley, by orders of the
navy department, has been placd in
command of the naval station at San
Juan de Porto Rico.
Spain postpones her humiliation by
adjourning cdmmissidn at Paris. Under
a plea of sickness reply to our ulti
matum deferred for a time.
The grand jury at Carlinville, 111.,
commenced investigating the Virdin
riot with a view to indicting the guilty
parties. Fifteen prominent citizens
were summoned as witnesses.
The Seventh army corps will begin
moving toward Havana next week.
This early movement is the American
government's reply to the dilatory tac
tics of the Spanish commissioners in
Forty convalescents were taken to
Miss Helen Gould's hospital in New
York city, where they will remain a
short time before going to their homes.
The men have been in camp at San
tiago. A powerful agitation has commenced
in Germany against the high duties
and high tariffs, by -which the govern
ment has nearly stopped the importa
tion of live animals and greatly in
creased the price of meat product
The war department gave out the
following: The secretary of war on
been asked about the report that
Colonel William J. Bryan. Third Ne
braska, had been refused leave of ab
sence and kept with his regiment, au
thorized the statement that Colonel
Bryan has asked no indulgence what
ever of the war department, so that
none bad been refused.
Friday, October 31.
The Seventh regiment, Colonel Mar
cus Kavanaugh commanding, was
mustered out of the volunteer service
of the United States yesterday.
A Paris newspaper announces that
Captain Dreyfus is already in Paris
and is now confined in the fortress at
Mont Valerian, to which he was se
cretly brought
The committee on procedure of the
industrial commission at Washington,
D. C. adjourned until November 11,
when they will meet to complete their
I General Wilson and Captain Howell,
constituting the subcommittee ap
pointed to visit and report upon the
conditions of the camp at Fernandana,
made their report to the full commis
sion! Hon. John M. Gregory, who was one
of the nret commissioners under the
present civil service commission and
was for thirteen years -president of the
University of Illinois, died at Wash
ington. In a fire following the explosion of
a gasoline' stove rs. Serena Johnson
of Chicago was burned to death and
her son, Walter, '4 years of age, and
Harvey, 5 .years old, were burned so
badly that they cannot recover.
Eleven of the twenty Indians want
ed by the authorities started for Du
luth last night, under a guard of sol
diers. Bug and his son refused to sur
render, but the Indians say that they
think they can ing them in..
Of an estimated yield in Manitoba
of from 26,000,000 to 30,000,000 bushels
of wheat, it is now calculated that
only about 8,000.000 will be threshed
and the balance standing in stackes
and stocks threatened with total de
struction. , .r.
As a result of a conference it is an
nounced that the long pending deal
will be closed at Cincinnati by which
the English syndicate secures thirteen
Cincinnati breweries and two in Cov
ington and Newport. Ky.; also two
large malt houses in Cincinnati.
The United States cruiser Boston
and the collier Nero, which, on Oc
tober 5. were ordered to proceed to
Hong Kong in conection with the re
cent disturbances at and near Pekin.
have arrived at Amoy, on the island
of that name, in the province of Fo
Kien, opposite Formosa. The former
vessel is short of coal and the latter's
cargo is afire.
flwrni Over Cater.
Skattlx, Wash., Oct SL Past
Grand Master J. M. Taylor, when
shown the dispatch front Lonisrille on
the actios of the Masonic grand lodge
of Kentucky, said: "The Masons of
the state of Washington are, in this
matter, contending for a piinciple of
right and jnstice. Keataeky can cer
tainly get akmg without ms, and it is
equally certain that we can get along
wtthoat Keataeky. We can aJford to
bide our time mntil sneh time as the
future shall demonstrate that the Ma
sons of Washington are right on this
question, jsst as the lewdly condemned
abolitionists were right in their fight
on slavery. n
.ei3Saaifefeia- gJajfoaaKatoxj;
Msrritt Reports 10,000 Armed In
surgents Instead of 67,00d
ttmlf a Dozen Kg!aaU te Cbm Bmm
Boo id Raeapeniitf dttd Tfcvtr PImm
id Be FUted hy rreH TrM Tnwi tiki
treat Lxtrat Adfrlees Fro MailU.
Washington; Oct. 23 The latest
advices front Manila have strengthened
the officials ot the war depar'tnich'l iti
their decision not to withdraw any of
the troops now in ihe Philippines. On
the contrary il is possible thai addi
tional regiments will be sent id Manila
from San Francisco on transports;
which have recently arrived there.
In time it will e necessary
order home possibly half a dosen
bf the re-jimcat now ai Manila
itt order to rive the soldiers whd
have been in & chance td recuperate,
Anticipating that this may be neees
sary in the early winter; the authori
ties are preparing td hava their places
filled by fresK troop's front the West:
The authorities desire id have Major
General Otis' command so strong and
well equipped that the mere display of
force will have a deterrent effect on
any plans of the insurgents to rebel
against American authority. Many in
dignities committed by tho insur
gents have been reported to the War
department by General Otis and he
has been instructed to use every means
to protect life and property and to end
all depredations.
. For some time Aguinaldd has imag
ined his forces strong enough td drive
the Spanish and Americans, should he
so decide, into the saa. The fact re
mains that the rebels were not strong
enough to capture Manila, and would
have been annihilated in attacking the
suburbs had not Dewey destroyed the
Spanish fleet. In the middle of Sep
tember Aguinaldo said that, he had
67,000 insurgents armed with rifles and
could t-aise 100.003 men if necessary;
This was undoubtedly pure bombast,
as General Merritt has lately reported
to the war department that the total
number of rebels armed with rifles did
not exceed 10,000.
At this time Aguanildo was at the
height of h:s power. Since then he has
lost so much of his support that it may
bo doubtful if he cou'd induce many of
his men to attack the Americans. The
congress at Malalos saw the declino of
the dictator, for the questions dis
cussed split the delegation into many
factions. Aguinaldo attempted to
force bis ideas of independence on the
delegates, but they would not have it,
fully two-thirds being for annexation,
a sentiment that has rapidly grown
since the meeting.
Sevea Btaejiebets Meet Death on a Ttmm
Torpedo Moat la Orrgna.
Astohia, Ore. Oct. 22. The torpedo
boat Davis, which started oa its of
ficial trial trip yesterday, was disabled
by the bursting of a number of boiler
tubes.. Eight of the crew were badly
scalded and seven of them died soon
after reaching here. The dead are:
C. McNeeley, P. Luithlc. II. Woods, W.
Woods, B. Ryan, A. Johnson, A. Bnehl.
Luithlc was a coal passer and Woods
superintendent of the boiler room.
The others were firenisn. The acci
dent occurred in the Columbia river
about twenty miles above thi" citj
The nature of the explosion has not
yet been made known, as an examina
tion of the boilers will Iks required to
determine exactly w'.sat p jrtio.-i of the
boilers burst
Tha best theory obtainable is that
some of the tubes in the forward boiler
exploded owing to a derangement of
the automatic water gauge, which per
mitted the water to get too low. Ex
cepting for the havoc naturally
wrought in the boiler room, the boat
is uninjured.
The Davis carried forty-one men all
told. She was one of two tornedn
boats recently built by Wolff & Zwick
er at Portland, and was soon to have
gone into commission.
At the time of the accident the boat
was in charge of the official trial board.
The officers declined to make any state
ment as to the cause of the accident
The Goreraateat Will Xeed Yoaog Mea
far tha Cotoalat Berries.
Washixqtox, Oct 22. A high official
in the state department calls atten
tion to the necessity of finding a suit
able corps of young men, well versed
in the Spanish language, to assist in
the execution of the colonial policy
whicli has been imposed on the nation
as a result of the war.
He points to the difficulties encoun
tered by the American official, naval
and military, who went to the Philip
pines, Cuba and Porto Rico, in dealing
with the inhabitants of those islands.
The relations between the military
and the insurgents might have been
more satisfactory had the Americans
been well acquainted with the Spanish
uiauuci9 uiiu customs.
The official suggested that the time
was ripe for soma leading educational
institution to provide special courses
that would furnish the government
with trained agents in case of need, as
well as develop a class of enterprising
commercial agents, who would be of
value in developing colonial trade.
Would Leave Saantah Armj.
Havaxa, Oet. 22. The American
military commission has been informed
that a great number of discharges
have been asked for by Spanish sol
diers and officers since the publication
of Captain General Blanco's decree an
nouncing that such application would
be granted. The total number of
Spanish soldiers who have made ap
plication for absolute discharge from
the army before the final evacuation
takes place is now estimated to have
reached 15.00J.
Slaiple Stateaieat of Facta,
WAsinxGTox. Oct 22. The report
of the Waiawright board,'- eoaveaed
for the purpose of determining the po
sitions and courses of the ships en
gaged in the action at Santiago July 3.
was made public yesterday. It simply
gives the positions of the various ships
engaged at frequent intervals. It does
not attempt to say to whom the credit
for the victory was due.
j.. -"''
ifftbtV Oeti II Aadrw Car-
froii S4reew. said is) tilted States
id eaftiW thegotcYnmedt
PlAliDBines and t lri for exoad
Hfatrngfcont the world, patting-her
t the hornets nest ef Haropeasi
there can be no presperbns
We shall be subject to war
inesa is the child of security
4 peace. The entrance ef the United
Mttes as a new power iti tee faf East
wjp st every oni of thef present
to' a stndy of the1 question front
standpoint. We shall lxi eom
4d increase" oar navy.- We must
large standing army,- and there"
lther rest nor 'security for
if ore the American people cdmes
most serious issue since the
of independence' and secession.-
step now snd the future of the
ww, istjev oMnkm, be sen-
ensly'iaipalred and its Industrial ca
reer retarded?"
''Toil d not think that territorial
i tipsnsion will bring expansion in
( "No; not by any means. The dorei
bpcient Of One state id tile Union in
peace and security will outweigh all
the increase of prtiflt we can get front
foreign trade id any of the' worthless
possessions which we can attempt
now to' take. The Philippines
have a certain trado which cannot be
greatly increased. The wants of the
people arc few; barbarians are not cus
tomers; civilizod people are consumers
of our products."
PfeildeKt 9t SUaferS Unlvenlty Against
OMAnA, Neb., Oct. 22. A bold and
unmistakable argument against im
perialism was mads by President
David Starr Jordan, president of Stan
ford university, at last evening's ses
sion of the liberal congress of religion,
and it was listened to by a crowded
Summed up, it was to the effect that
a policy bf expansion would make in
cumbent upon this country an experi
sive colonial system with all that im
plies of a costly army and nary; that
our government system would have to
be largely changed from American re
publicanism to British imperialism;
that the pursuits of war would take
the place of tha pursuits of peace; that
it is not suited to this country;
the effect of living in tho tropics is to
degenerate the Anglo-Saxon character;
that a batter way is to preserve the
friendship between this country r.nd
Great Britain, and, finally, that this
nation stands for an individual citizen
ship, which is a higher purpose for hu
manity than national aggrandizement
Ltonird Coartenay ForMei a Traasfora
atloa of Western Character.
London, Oct. 2'.'. LeonarJ Hcan
Courtcnay, former deputy speaker
of the IIous2 of Commons, and
at present a Unionist member
of parliament, spoke at Tideford,
Cornwall, last evening; on international
problems. He said that one of the
consequences of the war with Spain
upon tho American people had been
to create a spirit which must lead t a
great transformation of American
character and policy in the near future.
"Instead of being a self-contained,
industrious, peaceful and non-aggressive
people," said Mr. Courtney, '-the
Americans, if thvy tako .sovereignty in
Cuba, will havo to koep a large naval
and milit-n-y force ia order to innka
tha influence of the United State?
Aa Examtalas Board Reports Farorab:?
oa tbe Coadttlon or Volunteer.
Washixgtox. Oct. 22. The board se
lected to inspect five regiments of im
munes has returned to Washington
' and made its report. It consisted of
Lieutenant Colonel M. P. Mans, in
spector general; Major W. II. Daly,
surgeon; Captain J. P. Morton, assist
ant adjutant general. The regiments
inspected were the Fourth. Sixth, Sev
enth, Eighth and Tenth United States
volunteer infantry. They were exam
ined as to their fitness for service.
Each officer-was examined, both theo
retically and practically, each regi
ment drilled and inspected and the
condition of health learned. The reg
iments were f mad in goo 1 condition.
Two of them liavo since been sent to
Cuba and Porto Rico.
Tbe First LiaSles or Troop. Will Prob
ably Da Mad at KaUaiia.
Washlnotox, Ost 22. The War de
partment officials have begun active
preparations for the departure of the
Cuban army of occupation, a part of
waich is to proceed to the island with
in the next two week. It is contem
plated now that the first assignment
of troops will move from the United
States on November 3. They will sail
probably for Matanzas and from this
point attachments will be distributed
amour the adiacent towns.
Thawed aad Throe Are Dead.
Dclcto, Minn.. Oct 22. Three men
were killed here to-day by an explos
ion of dynamite. They are Henry
Scherf of Saulte Ste. Marie and John
8tcvenson and Michael Vail of Duluth.
They were working upon a scow upon
the government canaL Scherf, the
diver, was thawinS dvnarnitc over a
11 engine.
Klerea Indian. Sarrea ler.
Walker. Minn., Oct. 22. Eleven of
the twenty Indians wanted by the au
thorities have started for Duluth,
under a guard of soldiers, and accom
panied by Indian Commissioner Jones
and Marshal O'Connor. Bug and his
son refuse to surrender, but the In
dians say that they think they
bring them in.
MfcMoarlaa fa Dlegraee.
. Lexototo, Ky.. Oct 22. Private
John Phelps, of the First Missouri,
was dishonorably discharged from the
volunteer army for a repetition of in
subordination. lie was placed in front
of his company and his degradation
took place before a crowd. He is a
sob of ex-Governor Phelps, of Spring
field, Mo.
U ie
he the
Trafalgar Day May Add Fuel to fa
Fashoda Excitement.
British rapen try U AnHd ett ?
Ira Tee The X1m Clete
With tawri-Xuctaui'i raHM Ite
fert tteMlMs ferU.
Loxbox, Oct. 22. The" London morav
ika papers have cooled' down to an ex
ceedingly cautious and conservative
tone in dealing with the Fastens, ques
tion, apparently realizing: Unit the
public on both sides of tbe channel is
hiifrfl tr'tln iinirsr nnlal Tlimi la
a marked efforYtd vofdanone naive
tone. The Times says:
"Sir Michael Hicks-Beach has gone
some way to persuade our neighbors
that we really mean what we say. The
time has come when it is absolutely
nticcssafy to dispel French dreams on
this subject. Unless tcry dangerous
ttinsequericcs are to result, but the
etiaticelfor' df the exchequer might have
performed' the operation more dex
terously." The Daily News, which voices ihe'
general feeling says: "The country is
determined to maintain its rights, but
there is nd occasion to provoke our op
ponents or to add fnel io the contro
versy." The Trafalgar celebration, falling
to-day, is a particularly unfortunate
coincidence and may have just the ef
fect of adding the fuel which the Daily
News deprecates.
Exceptional interest was taken in
ihe celebratiuri.- This is the ninety
third anniversary of the victory of
Trafalgar. The Nelsori column on
Trafalgar square was profusely decor
ated and entwined with a spiral chain
of laurel leaves, while laurel festoons
hung from each corner of the capital
to the lions. The base was covered
with anchors, wreaths, flags and ever
greens, with a background of crimson
cloth. There Were floral shields in
each corner', inscribed With Nelson's
great victories, "St. Vi'neent," "Camp
erdown.:' "The NiIT add! 'Trafalgar.'
The morning was showery ind
misty, but many hundreds of people
were present to cheer the hoisting of
the Union Jack on the top of the ped
estal at 8 o'clock.
At Portsmouth the masts of the old
time line of battle ship Victory, Nel
son's flagship at Trafalgar, the vessel
on which he was killed, were hung
with garlands and laurels. The prin
cipal towns celebrated the day by
hoisting the Union Jack on all the
public buildings.
Paris; Oct. 21. Major Marchand's
report, telegraphed from Cairo, was
received during the night. It does not
mention the arrival at Fashoda of Gen
cral Kitchener, arid only gives an ac
count of the incidents of the expedi'
tion, with an elaborate description of
the route followed, the places occu
pied, the manner of occupation, the
raising of the flag, the force left at
each point and the treaties of submis
sion concluded with the tribes, in addi
tion to referring to an encounter witli
the dervishes.
It is believed in certain quarters that
Captain Baratier is the bearer of a
verbal report which the French au
thorities were not willing to trnst
upon the British telegraph lines.
The report goes only as far as the
beginning of September, and says that
August 20 the supplies of the party
were abundant. The reason for the
omission of any mention of the arrival
of General Kitchener at Fashoda is
said to be the fact that tbe report of
Major Marchand was not ready when
Captain Baratier left Fashoda.
BCenber of Esaarialag Board AdrUed
Not to Be "Peraleloasly Active."
Washixotox, Oct 22. The civil ser
vice commission has sent a circular to
the members of the 700 boards of ex
aminers throughout the country on the
"Political Activity of Federal Officers
and Employes."
It calls attention to extracts from
the executive instructions of July H,
1896, which the circular says are still
in force and are republished for the
information and guidance of all officers
and employes in the executive civil
service. The circular then says:
"The postmaster general in a letter
dated August S, 189S. stated that the
order of the President above quoted
has been neither revoked nor modified.
Thoso who enter the classified service
upon the ground of ascertained merit,
as established by the civil service
rules. - and are protected therein,
should bo quick to recognize the re
ciprocal regulations thereby imposed
and avoid any action which now or at
any future time conld reasonably be
subject to adverse criticism.
"The commission believes the beat
interests of the service will be pro
moted by the non-participation of all
members of its boards of examiners in
political conventions or in the work of
political committees.
"While attendance as a delegate or
membership upon a political commit
tee, is not in itself a violation of the"
civil service rules, the committee holds
that all partisan activity, if sufficient
to impair usefulness as a representa
tive of the civil service cusaaission, is
sufficient to cause removal from mem
bership on any of its board of exam
iners. "Section 3 of the civil service act of
January JO, 183, provide., that no
person in the public service has any
right to use bis official authority or in
fluence to coerce the political action of
any person or body "
sate Va Laad oaw AbaMshes.
Tonga, Kan., Oct. . John E.
Frost, land commissioner of the Atch
ison, Topeka Santa Fe railway, has
resigned his oaVe. The ofllee will he
abolished aad the company's land bus
iness will be hsndled by a aew com
pany, to be organized at once, inde
pendent of the railroad.
- CoLcnniA. & C. Oet. 22. Colonel
Joseph K. Austin. First South Caroliaa
volunteer 'infantry, died to day at
YorkrWe, S. CL, whim awaiting
after to mastoriag oa.
Kkw Tons, Oct 22. David B. Hill
Addressed great Democratic mass
Meting- fa the Academy of Mneiev
Brooklyn, last night. The hall wan
packed, and the enthusiasm of the people-was
extraordinary. Mr. Hill said.
in part:
"The paramotent Issue in tke present
campaign is that of honest
meat There are no war I;
called, to divide or embarrass the
pie. The achievements and glories ef
the recent war with Spain belong not
to any political party, hat to the whole
country. This fact should be every
where conceded; hut if there is a dis
position io inject partisanship la the
consideration of the Inception or re
sults of that war, we need not shrink
from a comparison with our onae
"Their perennial and moas-eovered
orators, from Dr. Pepew down te the
village ernels, art stnsrtalf Hag the
state. fig1itIs'oTcl--sgain 'with their
tongues the few battles of the war.
giving vivid descriptions of war scenes
whieh they did not witness and de
tailing warlike events which never
occurred, seeking' vague and imagin
ary issues rather than confronting
those actually existing:
"It is said that the President must
be sustained. This is a silly plea at
this stage of events! The conflict has
ceased; no armed force confront us.
anywhere, and we are virtually dictat
ing dtif own terms of peace. No dan
gers confront tbe country except those
which may be occasioned by our own
selfishness or incapacity, and under
such circumstances appeals to our pa
triotism to sustain an adverse admin
istration with which we do not agree
must be regarded as unwsrrantable
and childish.
"While a blind approval of an ad
ministration, whether it is right or
wrong, may be exacted in times of
war, no such rule prevails in times of
peace. It is no impeachment of the
loyalty or patriotism of the people
that they decline to condone the in
comptieiiy, the negligence, the favor
itism and the corruption which char
acterised the conduct of soma of the
departments of the government, es
pecially since the close of the war. re
butting in much privation, suffering
and death, saddening the glorioas
memories of the conflict and demand
ing an official investigation.
"They naturally distrust an admin
istration which desires to investigate
Itself.- Slid they insist with much pro
priety that the people's representatives
in Congress assembled constitute the
proper tribunal for the conduct of such
an investigation."
The Begalatle Belief Exaedltloa Pre-
aarlag for Sarlas; Work la tha Xectb.
St. Johms, Near Foundland, Oct 22.
Captain William Bartlett, a brother
of the ' Captain of the Windward,
Peary's vessel, has returned from Dur
tiavick, bringing reports that seem to
show that the explorer will not get out
of the frozen seaa before spring. He
says that the indications along the
Labrador coast foreshadows an early
and severe fall.
The frindward intended to go into
Sherard Asborrie Fjord to land the
Peary party. Lieutenant Peary
thought it possible that tbe vessel
might get frozen there snd have to re
main all winter. This contingency
was provided for by carrying eighteen
months' provisions so no fesr is felt
for their safety should the vessel not
return this fall. The Windward went
hundreds of miles further than the
whalers go. Captain Barttlet thinks
the Windward may get clear.
Walter B. Grieve, agent of-the Hope,
has no expectation of seeing Peary
getting back this year. lie is fitting
up the Hope to start for the rescue
next spring.
The Cblaese MiaUter oa tbe Dowager's
Elopemeat Story.
Chicago, Oct 22 Wu Ting Fang
Chinese minister to the United States
before his departure for Washington,
said that the report of a marriage be
tween Li Hung Chang and the dowa
ger empress is absurd.
"It is the most ab?urJ of all ru
mors," said Wu Ting Fang. '"It is im
possible. No reliance is to bs placed
oa telegrams coming from Southern
cities about what goes on in Pekin. It
is not there like it is here. Your Pres
ident goes about shakin? hands with
the people. We have different ways.
This coul J not have come from Pekin.
It came from Honj Kong. The report
is uatruo."
Prealdeat XeKlaley Speaks to la!?e Aa
aieaeee Tbreagh ladUaa.
Nobles vi, lad., Oct 22. Presi
dent McKinley addressed two immense
audiences at Ixganport and Kokomo
before he had breakfast to-day. The
crowds were enormous. Hundreds of
school children were present, ach pro
vided with a flag. At Tiptou. which
was the next stop, the President made
a short speech on the revival of patri
otism during the war.
The. KaUer Plays ToarUfc
CoxsTASTiiforLK, Oct 22 Emperor
William usually accompanied by the
empress, is engaged in a round of
sightseeing. though he adheres
closely to the programme of places
to be Visitad. The strictest police pre
cautions are carried out to insure his
safety. He decided to inspect the im
perial carpet factory at Heroka and
was conveyed there yesterday in a
train of eight carriages, built
for the occasion. All the stations had
been repaired and decorated. At
Heroka is a kiosk built for the use ef
the empress, where their majesties
lunched, after which they returned to
Constantinople by water.
Hie TweatT-rirst Caatet,
Gexjcva. N. Y., Oct. 22. Dr. Will
iam 1. Brooks, director of the Smith
observatory, discovered a' aew planet
last night. Its positioa is right ascea
sioa, fourteen hours, thirty-three min
utes, decliaatioa aorta 60 degrees, M
minutes. The comet's motion is south
easterly. Its appearance is described
as large, round and bright. This ia
the twenty-first comet discovered by
ytimff rt inMr -wsiaf fcalifr
Cfckmge XaW Tmrk MM.
Aad help, its custemem whea they need hehj
Lkahmb QnxASD, Prea't
B. H. UBXar, Vice Prea't.
M. BxceecBvCsshUr.
Jobb Stauftkb, Wat atccnaa.
Ban ab
Aitfcrizfr. Capital if - $500,000
Pail ii Capital, - - 90,000
a B. SHELDON, Pres't
y. P. R. OKIILKIon. Vice Pies.
FRANK ROKER, Aaat. Cash'
0, . Sneuos-,
II. P. II. OnuattBL
W. A. McALuema,
i. v. USAT.
Frank Rohrkr.
0assla Ellis, 3. Hssnr WenBBAs;
DaxiklPchraw. Oko. w. Gallst.
A, F. if. Okblric. J. I. Rkckkb Estatb,
Sksscca Bkckkr. II. M. WlKSLOW.
Basket Deseslt: interest aiiowea ea tima
ieerelts: buy aad sell eiehaage en Ualted
States ana Eai
urese. aad bur sad sail avail
able secarltlaa. we shall re i
lasses: to re
eelve year bustaesa.
Wa solicit year fat
Columbus Journal !
A weekly
sated tha best Interests of
The State o? Nebraska
The uaJtef aasaaarewMk
as is
$1.50 A YEAR,
Bat oar ttmft ef nasfuli
In not sysssritied hy dollars
aad eeata
eat fxaa to any i
Ctflai : ii : McUllit : Cate I
Jmyfrfnf eiZHndeo PpAel
Goiumhus Journal
.mvJaLm MaVaVmaPiiW'1 '
mamm amamBmBmBmBmmmal'vH'V7
tjn:det.ak:e:r i
t HyST. jea71