The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, October 19, 1898, Image 1

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rolumbus. Nebraska.
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fmamn WkS Attracts Twjma
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Great Pi ! Ca
ia a n)ce T trtT
The srear fearare of ta Traag 5g
sssippi eipcsms on tie 53th ws the
visit of the president cf the "United
States. Trho spear tke -stire day on
he crocads. Seme after th arriTal
xhe nation's chief eiecative -was ter-
cccted to the Piaxa. -"i aftr 4a in -
Tocaaoa. by Rev. Tchn VrQSid. cf the
Iirst 2Iethodist ehsrclH 0aaa spoke
au ie TiEz iinraoiy as foiiowz:
Hxpositicn. and. Telloir Citizens:
"ith .seauiaa pleasure ra? I tleett equal praise as having dons their
nce n:cre the people cf Osafeu -arhose Thole duty -whether at henze cr nnder
-wealth cf -welcome is nex, altczsther t e .baptism cf fire.
xTrfaTfil's- to ae aad -whose -wanal Who -will f?T" the splen4ar b their
iearts hav before touched mored j achieTemeaal Tvhc trill withhold
se. For this rene-wed maniiestation fraa them their Tll earned dlstinc
cf yacr resard and for the cordial re- j tioa! Who Till intrude detraction at
cepaon of today ay heart respoads j th tiae to belittle the manly spirit
"sth iJrotound srattrcde ni a deep j o the American youth and impair the
-appreeation -ariuch I cannot coseeaL j userainess cf rha .Tmnni t-tj Who
"fhich the iananaze of compliment "xl!1 embarrass the zovcmmsnt by s3
is iarjieQuate to convey My rreetin? ' iS" s at dissatisfaction amena- the
is r-jjt eioce to your city and the state j tt& men -who stand ready to serve
'S?- Nebraska, but to the people of &i hd die. if need be. for their country!
tne states of the Trans-31issiiio5l (
group particrpatimr here, and I cannot
withheld conzratnlations en. the eTi
dences cf their prosperity furmshed
fey this great exposition. If testimony
were zisdei. to establish the fact ""
their plack has not deserted them, and
that prosnerirr 12 sm -with Thr
it is found 'here. This picture dispels j
all doaJjt. I
In the age of expositions they have 1
adsed yet another maznificent exam
pfe. The historical celebrations at
5hiladeiphia aad Chicago, rt-yt. the
"splendid exhibits at Ne-w Orleans, At
lanta and NashvQIe. are now a part of
the past, and yet m influence they still
live, and their beneficent results are
closely mterweves -with our national
development 'Similar rewards will
ncnor toe nsthors and patrons cf the
Trans-i!3sis3ippi and International
Expcsiuou. Their contribution -will
ar!l another epoch in the nation's
EJ'atermi advancement.
One cf the great laws of life is nro
Sress. and nowhere have the principles
of this law seen so strikmzly 01ns
trated as 1c. the United States. A cen
tury aal a decade of our national life
nave Wned doubt into conviction t
changed experiment into demonstra
tiJl: revoluncmaed old methods and
"Von ne"w triumphs which have chal
lenged th attention of the -world This
is tru nor only of the accumulation of
matermi -ealth and advance in edu
cation, science, invention and manu
factures, but above all in the oppor
tunities to the people for their own
elevation, -which have been secured by
wise free government.
Hkhertoin peace and in war,, with
additions to our territorv and slisht
chanzes in cur laws, we have steadily
enforced te spirit cf the constitution
secured to us by the noble self-sacrifice
and far-seeing sagacity of cur an
cestors We have avoided the tempta-
tiens cf concuss; in the spirit of ,-t-With
an mcreasina- love for our in
stitutions and an abiding faith in their
stability, -we have made the triumphs
of cur system of zovemment ia me
praerress and the prosperity of cur peo
ple an inspiration to the -whole human
"race. Confronted at rtg moment by
-new ?nd zrave problems, we must
recccnize that their solution will affect
-not ocrselves alone, but ethers nZ the
axiHy of nations.
In this aze of frequent interchanre
and mutual denendency. we cannot
shirk ocr international responsibili
ties if we would, they must he met
with cc craze and wisdom and we must
foQow duty ten if desire opposes. No
deliberation can be too mature, cr self
control too constant in t- solemn
hour cf ocr history We must avoid
the temptation of undue agression,
and aim to secure only such results
as w3! nrcmot our own "? the gen
eral scod.
It has been said by some one that
the normal condition of nations is
-Rur That is not true of the United
"StatEs. We never enter upon war rrr.rii
v?ry effort for seace without it i
been exhausted Ours 'g never been
a military government. Peace, with
whos hiessiuzs we have been so sin
culariy favored, is the national desire,
and the goal cf every American aspi
ratioc On the 25th of ArriL-fcr the Srst
time for more than a zeneration. the
United States sounded the rT to arms.
The banners of war were nnfaried;
tie best and bravest from every section
Tesponded; -a mighty army was en
roHed. the north and the south vied
with each other in patriotic devotion,
science -was invoked to nrr;-fgh 113
most effective weapons, factories were
rushed to supply equipment, the youth
and veteran joined a. freely offering
their services to their country: volun
teers and regulars and all the people
rallied to the support of the republic
Th-re was no break m. the line, no
halt in the -?--?-?v no fear in the heart.
No resistance to the patriotic imnulse
at home, no successful resistance to
the patriotic spirit of the troops ftzht
imr in distant waters cr en a foreign.
What a wonderful experience it 'H.i
been from the standpoint of patriotism,
and achievement! The storm broke so
suddenly that, it was here almost be
fore we reaiired it. Our navy was too
sT-riH. though forceful with its mod
em equipment and most fortunate in
Its trained ofucers and sailors. Our
army had years ago been, reduced to a
peace footing. We had only 13J)00
available troops when the war was
declared, but the account which cfa
cers and men gave of themselves on
the battlefields has never been sur
passed. The manhood was there and
everywhere. American patriotism was
there and its resources were lrr:irtg,
Tije coLazeons and invincible spirit
cf the people proved gicrious, and
those who were a little more ra-r
third of a century ago divided a at
war wttn earn ctner were -'t-- united
under the holy standard cf liberty.
Pnrriot-sm camsaed party
Sa3JKa.C00 fcr the -n-rm
defense r
was appropriated without debate or
civision as a "Barter of course, ? as
only a mere ircig-tioc: of cur mhehtT I
reserv-; power. .
But if. this .is- true
the bezinninjt
of tne war, what a
row. with hostilities sssvez&etL,
jseace near at ?-Tr as we ferventlT
hoe7 Varrnlf-s ia its results! Uh-
ecualec ra its completeness M the
quick snccessia-i with which victory
followed victory! ?- earQEr
than, it was heUe-red to be- uo-sihle;-cnffrgchftrre
in its sweep that every
thcentral - feels "tie w'g 0
resacnaSaliry.wiadL hae bees, so sad-
.dexly thxast: apoa aB. aheve all!
d ieyod aU. tie fmior Sf the.
; ku army- ie tJ of to
, Asccaa. Traia taejomjatty otthe :
aMtwi SUms stand, form in uusul-
aSoryr while tie humasity of oar
imrpoaes aad tie majaiaaisiitv of. ocr
conduce have arvea. to war,, always hor
' riMe, touches cf sable zenercsity-
Cfcristiza. sraiaazhy mi charity, t
examples of Iraaaa xraudeur wnlea
: " "t.f.u-i
r be lose to mankind. Passion
j. ana Dixterxaas termed ao care of oar
PeIIi5S JBOttre. aad it Is gratifying
to iSel that awTsarsitr rrinrsnhd at
eracy ten at the wars araerss
I ac aeroes of yrtna aad FaTTtiago
I at PsrtQ Rw save wrine f-wwinmf
taa B-:;d3nTs cf "Washinzrcn aai
;CrrSae; cf Pad Jcaes, Decatar "and
Hall, aad cf Graar. Sa nnr. Sheridan
' and Logan, arragat. Porter
and Cashing, ana of Lee, Jackson and
- Xfe'X' names stand cat on. the honor
ro of the nation's great men. and. -with
1 &esi annanzed stand the heroes of the
I trenches and ta fcrecastle. inTinci-
Me ia btttl aa anccmplaininz in.
L deaths Tfie intelligesz. loyal indom-
'i i uuiuil. asa aaiinr ana Tnnne,
regular and Toianteer. are entitled to
Who -will darken the counsels of tae
republie in this hour recnirmz the
united -wisdom cf all!
Shall we deny ourselves -what the
rest, of the -world so freely and so
justly accords to us? The men vho
endurea in the short but decisive
struggle its uardships. its pri-rations
whether in field or cams, on ship or in
the siege, and planned g achieved
its victMTC. "cill never
taierate im
peachment, either direct or indirect,
cf those wno won a peace whose great
gain to civilizatioa is yet unknown
and unwritten.
The faith of a Caristian nation rec
ognizes the hand of Almighty God in
the ordeal tnrouzh which we have
passed. Divine favor seemed manifest
everywhere. In nzhang for human
ity's sake we have been signally bless
ed. We did not seek war To avoid
it. if this could be done in justice and
honor to the rights of our neighbors
and ourselves, was cur constant pray
er The war was no more invited cy
us than were the questions which are
laid at our deer by its results. Xow
as then, we will do our dutv The
problems will not be solved in a day.
Patience will be required, patience
combined with sincerity of purpose
and unshaken resoluacn to do right.
seeking only the hizhesr good cf the
nation and recognizing no ether ob
lization. pcrsuina- no other path bu
that cf duty
Bight action follows right purpose
We may not at all times b able to di
vine the future, the way may not al
ways seem clear but if our aims are
high and nn3eitsh somehow and in
some" way the right end will be'reach
ed. The genius of the nation, its free
dom, its wisdom, its humanity, its
courage, its justice favored by Divine
i-Tovicence. wm mace it equal to
task and the master of every emer
gency. Lire Steele mS tin: Esposicioc
About 2,600 a -ruin's comprise the
live stock show at the Tma-iIiSEis-sippi
exposition at Omaha -the larg
est number cf nHTn:!l ever gathered
tceetner for show purposes at any one
time in the United States. The qual
ity, also, is especially fine. In this
respect the wonderful display at the
world's fair is entirely outclassed. Al- '
most all of the exhibitors are own
ers of larg stcck f.-irr-!? and the en
tries they have made are the pick of
their pets. Barely has any one breed
er brought more than one variety The
Holstem cattle shown hr W. B. Bar
ney. L W. Chappeil ana Stephens :
Son are attracting a great deal of at
tention, as are also the Bed Polled
variety by S. A. Converse. J. W. Mar
tin and McFJvey Son. There are a
few eThibit;- from Canada m sheep and
swine athat are somewhat diferent
from the varieties thaare so common
with exhibitors from tms country.
They include a pen of Yorkshire hogs
and a couple of fiocks of Lincoln and '
Cotswcid sheep ,
The 2J00 head cf stcck include about
300 came. LCKW swme. 6W saeec
200 hcrses.
There are twelve varieties of cat
tie on exhibit. The display cf Here- ,
fords is especially fine, comprising
nearly 200 head, mostly cf very high
grade. The excellence of the display cf
Herefcrus is due to two principal cans- f
ecs. viz: the, prominence cf tne breed j
as a beef breed, especially in the west, j
and the fact that the American Here-"
ford Cattle Breeders Association --
offered special premiums of 53,000 in
this breed. All the principal show
herds are represented and nearly every t
breeder of prominence.
In addincn large numbers of Hoi- '
steins. Jerseys and crtkoms are f
Fine specimens of the Poland China, j
Chester White and Yorkshire varieties '
of swine are shown. A-r- tie iC0G
head are nine distinct breeds. J
Fourteen breeds ci sheep are repre- j
sented, the Lincolnshires. Cctswoids I
and Leicesters oredoniinating. Alte J
gether they nrrmaer 600 head. ,
The horses, which number abcut 200
ead. comprise twelve separate breeds, f
among which are especially fine ex-
hibits of Clydesdales, Percherons ---x 8
This live stcck show is without;
questian the finest that ;- ever been f
brought together both in numbers and k
in quality, and Superintendent Dins-
mere who is in charge cf it. and who
has been connected with most cf the
large shows previously held in this
country, expresses the opinion rr-r
it win. be years, and perhaps centuries.
before such a large collection cf T-'g
grade stcck is gathered together again.
Stockmen who fail to visit the Irre
stcck show at Omaha, which closes
October 25th, will miss the chance of
a lifri-ge.
President Burt says the Union Pa
cific wBL net absorb the Unicn Pacific.
Denver r Gulf, nor any part of it. Tie
JuieshuTZ line has already passed inro
the control o the Union Pacific "AH
this- TTk- cf the Union. Pacific- purchas
3ug any part, cf the Gulf system seems
to be in fhfgn and Denver," said the
president- I hear rcthinz cf ir in
New "Tori, I inow nothing of the
plans cf tae Gulf system.
W, C- Wcrreli was before the coun
ty ccurt-at. Hastings charged wirr star-
utnrj rae en Grace A, Pope, cm cam- f
piarnr of the girTs father, xae defend
aat eatered a plea cf not guilty, and
was bound over in the sum. cf SLfiGO
to- await preliminary hearins- Wcrreli
left the state some TrrmTi ago and
was aaallr located st NcrtonT San
froar Trnich p-" he was brought
-T(2&t--:,-i3C- '
df STOP H Wttll
Troops Search All Trains for lie-
ran una v
. - . '
i t
VTirr-r TTJ c T.i THU tmimn
a ncaar became general that the ae-
rroesirere to be broTxat back at airr
moment. Caotaia Crair aea iaiaae-
dlatehrsarrcwaaed the railroad station
aad the Tidaitr was cleared of citi-
sens. 'ewapaper aea alow are ad-
Bitted to the premises. Tittwaat
Eenrr- stated that his orders are ot to
staacea to allow the aayrj traia. to paaa
the depot. From aow oa the Station
premises will be kept clear of all citi
zens, aad only those who waat to take
passage oa traias will be permitted to
oass the line.
As the resalt of a meetiaz- held or- a
number of union miners curing -which
the terribls hght of Wednesday was
discussed, a J' "- has been swum
out by "Virgil .Bishop, a anion miaer.
charging the -"if" of the Chicago-
v ireen coal company, j-alrras, .Lccices.
Yorke aad others, with murder.
Coloael Young's Illinois cavalry re
lieved Battery B of guard duty in the '
city to-day. ColoneL Youag, as rank
ing officer, will be in command cf all'
troops hers. Two hundred members
of the First cavalry aad Third infantry '
under command of Colonel Young
are here to-dav aad 173 nacre are
expected before nignt; these with
12 men in the Galesbur?
no mi rK oai
RWttt 3j?3 Xteflffx Tvvr Znni
" - - X
battery and Elgin company of the Sons ' jail
of Veterans, will give Colonel Young a ' Jefferson City, Ho. Governor Steph
force of over SCO men. The arrival of 1 ens "as issued a oroclamation scttinr
Colonel Young's command has caused t apart Cctober 19, to be observed as
a feeling among the strikers tnat tne ,
negroes will be kept out at all haz
ards. All traias stopping here are '
carefully searched for negroes. Some
cf the militiamen had been on duty
nearly twelve hours without anything
to eat when Colonel Young's command
arrived. '
P-iXi. HL, Oct. 14. A telegram was '
received to-day from Ylrdea saying '
that in all probability Manager Lc
kms of the Chicago-VIrdeu Coal com- '
pan j would attempt to land a: Pana
the imported negroes who. after a
blooey riot, were shut out at Ylrden.
A conference was held bj telephone
between Captain Harris. Company G.
Aurora. HL. comniandlng the militia
here, and Adjutant General Eeece and
Governor Tanner at Springneld. The
governor ordered Captain Harris to out
on a guard a:
each, of the coal
auc at the approach c eacn
railroad, into i"aaa aad under ma err-j
eumstaaees to permit any imported
negroes to land in Pana. Captain Har
ris has only nf tv-seven men under his
id and he was ordered to call
on rr-rcj. to assist him. if necessary
The union miners, through their pres
ident, G. G. Cravens, immediately vol
unteered therr services. Other citizens
also volunteered their aid.
In an interview Captain Harris said:
The governor's orders shall be strictly
obeyed and if any negroes are brought
into Pana while I am in charge, and
they refuse to retreat when ordered to
do so. I will order my men to fire. All
armed guards wBI be similarly dealt
with. The governor's orders shall be
strictly obeyed. If I lose every man
under my command no negroes shall
land in Pana.
Captain Harris, in conference with
the miners president. Cravens, ordered
the miners to get their guns and be in
readiness to assist him in preventing
the negroes from landing. The miners
readily complied with his request.
St. Loci?. Mo., Oct. XL Charles
Grimn, Wa3h Latmrre and Charles
Bolden. three negroes wham the mine
operators attempted to smngzla into
the Chira go-Yirden Coal comaany's
stockade at virden Thursday night
are m Venica. HL. tc-dav. They are ,
yet in the coaches that carried the 203
last Wednesday, and which precipitat
ed the battle in which fifteen men
were kUIed and twenty-six wounded.
Tcere is scarcely a wnois pane of ,
riassia either of the cars and the
woodwork ca the sides and ends is per-
toratec xa nuasreus ot ptaces. iae j
train came on to East St. Louis in
5 i
charge of Conductor H. C Biee and jls.- j
zineer A. M". Watkias. .
Charles Grimn. an aged
Birmingham, told the star;
acgro frcm i
or ine mo
o coLcree. men. ne saiu taey icit i
rJ -.? T r I
Birmingham last Wednesday. Men
rgCtn"gg the C 3lJae operators
had offered them good waes. No trou- j
ble was spokea of. Oae huadred aad j
five negroes accepted pewitioas. Many J
mamea ua xooa: snerr wives :
mdemidrea along. There were about
200 ;'.c:aen aac rnilrtreu xs. tne rear
coach when the miners fixed on it at
Tirdext last Wednesday. The colored
death, but only one negro was wound-)
SpriagaeTd aad then to "Virden.
of the aegrces left the train :
Most t
nwi rf w. ta a 1 rfi r. ai ,
Bolden remained. They were told j
they would be takm back to Scrsag- '
t- I ft 1 f" I 'mun
-field. Instead, they were n-r. to
TIrdea. a place they were more ?-
anxious to keep away from. Now they
are -seamless aad have bo atace to go. t
" " f
"K"?? Crrr. Mo.,
darker- for Jesae Jai
da-rker for Charles
and CiTeh Stoae.
wound aboax these a
Oct- 1J Is looks
es. Also it looks
PoDAady Byan
I poiica nave r
exta aseshwork of
evidence which it may be difficult to
impugn. -Lneir wonc nas eeen. cane
earefuHy aad ia the aaost thcroura .
uaTT-se, Xvery gar-tTie of
Ft ex evTcrcre r
a?-T M rjT T-
nas been cut 1 operated asd eorroacr-
...- - '- Z TtAa.1 T - - .
t.3 m w7 1 Z TT 1. M-k. !...
- -taere u iiitie novas, oai ;
t Mar tae 1
a wiH be iadictedfbr the
robbery of b Ma
Pariac train
The missiay sixth
isin castodv-
He hasbeeafbr
cee catside of alaim ed
few of the of-.
He a V 1
who is
ot tie booty, j
JSSisSfif isA
xroaa aim aaaxaadao far. AHaaaer-1?-
mBraaa. mlaaaaBI aBrTTaaaaaf I I I I
am BBBBaaai aBBBaaaalaaiaaW ZSCfaV
Washiagtoa Major Gcacrall
Yl Greoe aaa Keen, ordered, to;
to GeaeraLFitaaagh-Lae, i
corps, aad -will
j the aoay of
f Graeme took: part ia the battle T
tila aad has teatiied aefoca the
yeatigatiag- caataiaare.
irvj . -"
uumm k"i
. .ni .ji. w itsn
to the decline ia. exports, to
. -. i.
the goreranent to graat exoort
. ties oo. llor. -sraiHar to th
. i-t
" rnhfg States, Fraaee ami 6- "Eakb Oct- L It ts annoaneed bae
aaaT-" j-thatammtarr plot agaiast the gor-
AaeHaad, rar ZeaIamd,--jaT3catefaaieB 1egr ciseoxered. The
from Samoa my' the German waraisiPPe-r-i;c'e s f1 Kepabliqae
Baazard has broaaiil Chief Jfatmmjf11 pchEsa almost ideatical
aad other exiles to Apia. Mamata,.035 otthesabject. It appears taat
, is-added. promised to- be loyal "to tWj1?0 '!r: &SCC7ged T S011
! rorerBseat ad to obserre TJae-'erimvlII aP4 lii50 "
r w J
" ..-- - .wu. .- - 1 , - 1
jnaciimt. issaed against the ticket
scalpers or Judge White, restrain
ing theni from dealing in coa
claTe exenrsien tickets, was continued
Thursday. This Tr"ans a great loss to
j the scalpers unless they arrange the
matter with the railroad comoauies.
Stockholm. The minister of marine -0 of France, -n-ho has been talked
has decided to propose to the riksdag t Vo fo- sozs -f-, t,K oni- fc
that a credit of over 20.000,000 kroner thli -p cf chanring certain" ofS
be -rated for naTal reqnirements. -?t rr? h t-rm. .,- ;n rrrrrr-ri-
j Tese
1 Ui-i iji,r- teXC UU-i- ! T U
4kjAf . -k wav f
three nrst class ironclads, ammu
torpedoes and submarine mines.
Omaha. Neb. Mrs. Nancv
., I
wile or J X. lieer, jroverncr-eiect a
Oregon, died at the Barker hotel
shortly after midnight from, heart dis
ease. The deceased was 37 years old.
r;--:,.T.-,i; n'n-n iv t tt-.t,
pleaded not guilty on the
the murder of
bail and
He was refused
te cav in tne sc'ioo's of tne
state. j
Loxnox, Oct. 14. The Pekin corre-
spondent of the Times saysi The for- 1
ergn ieffanans nave not vet been noti
ned by the Tsun g-li-Yamen that the ,
J , , . '
empress cowager nas assumes me r
- !. . .- f
which dailv assumes mere the
nature of an usurpation. There are
ominous indications, and the early
death of the earnercr is exoected. !
Secretary of
War IMaapprrrred
of Hia
WASHIX3T03-. Oct. 15. After devot
ing the forenoon to hearing the testi
mony of Dr. Hcff. a chief surgeon of
the third army corps, stationed at
Camp Thomas, the war investigation
commission zave the remainder of the
' day to the reading cf papers submitted
' dav to the
by 'Secretary Alger, with, his statemeu
concerning tae coucuct ot tne war.
The documents reveal the fact that
General Miles recommended the cccu-
nation of the Isle of Pines about the
time of
the ha:
tie of Santiasro, and
tarv Aiger disanoroved the j
suggestion, it also appears tnat Gen
eral Miles recommended that some
point between Santiago and Porto
LIco be takpT: previous to the begin
ning cf either campaign. The corre
spondence also developed the fact that
tnsre was an apparent conflict of
authority between General 3Iiles and
General Shaf ter at Tampa oef ore the
Santiago camoaUru was inamruratcd.
It also shows that orders -were issued
. . i
oytne secretary of war that m the
that General Sbafter should be
disabled or sickness or ether cause the
command of the troops at Santiago
should devolve upon General Wheeler,
and unon the next in. command in case
of the disablllt
ct CO
rh S.-rp-
C Ifcm
Why Balapiirl Itesd. of JkaAom Was
Claoaei as a TjnrUn? Place.
Cjucaso, Oct- 13. General WHHam
E. Shafter, in an interview here re-
gardlug the Santiago camoaim
cUes the suggestion that the
xng should have been at Aguadoresi
Any cemmandinr general
wouiii nave lanced his troops at Agua
i cores ia urcf erence to Baicuiri ousht
j to be ccurt-martiaiM. and snot tor in
competency. It was not a good beach
on which to land The gro
d was
csmsei- cQTf-ed with a vin
-- !, aai -?,- .,-.
or plant
much more deadlv
j Through this thesoldiers wculd
-n?TTJ -t, "1-T. vi- -, tt, -
t iui'c am bu cii
tnerr wav
The ocint
riy defended and
there was
-n -,- i,r. ,- -.-.
aa-if " Baraa. -- - - - - -- " - - aku
?. T- ,,,, ,c . vt
5 not j-xpmsaable. Had I landed at
Aguadores aad invested Santiago, the
Spanish, would have had a mad over
-Mch. they could have retreated from
e cj j tkgrr desiretL My army
,-- c-- the Trft and cut off the
spn nr,-
Spain Hopes to Stake Capital of aa Ia-"f--
, Oct. 13. A rumor here savs
em crcvlnces of the PhlSnuine islands.
.1 '
bas rebelled
that hard ugh
against Aguinalido and
tmsrnas taken -place be-
tweea the opposing factious.
It is also reported here that General
Bios, the Spanish commander at. Hollo,
has seat emissaries from that place to
- Ttuderrniue Ayurnalca's ra-3-nnr asc
induce the aatrves to djessxsd. that
Spain retain the '
Xs ta l'ai-i CatSa
;. 1 tv rv- t
-w ... . aii aa.
; of New- Ycrirhas ar-Tii-
from. Alaska. where he wear as a mem-
berof thePatGarviuenuwditiaa. which
&-r?rm t oon h t faivf mi o .
"Daoa. trail to Fort Selkirk, where :
they -were butchered and shipped so
TW-raor, OHir srr bead fii n Tie
charza of .
r:..?.....-.. .m. ,
was taken to rercr:i
" '
eve. At Dcwson the meat sold at I
xx a pound retail and nfty-five eents
mmA wt
Xsjcaijca, Pa, Oct-15. Fire men
were knied aad eleren injured by an
fir.oaioa ox gas yestercay azteraoou
j xa roi nirry jo. a, ax 1 mii. -?r
there. Taedeadarer Fire. Boas Thomas
tSatrth. Winiam Reese. Martis OrLar-
cf CnalaTer William. Cook. John.
aa. ariaaoxaru. AB
i1 iir. -laiiiaffii
A Cwp Tk Wis tt Have leex
Bmigiitt a Hatd Dtscavered.
' - - A.
.r IHU -BH1' B
te -abaeaee
minister of war- General Chaaciaei li
further appears that -when the gorern-
l meat iwas framed of the plot the min
isters were not sarprisesL haTiag- al-
' ready obtained information regarding
the conspiracy.
f The ilatia says the plot -tras not in
1 faTcr cf one of the nretenders to the
1ST. Ji. iirrSSOn, was rfrnr.rr
those "who were not surprised when
notined of the Dlot. Ke promises to
tane action m tae matter.
The railroad workers union has
posted placards ordering a strike to
day. urging the strikers to refrain
from violence ?j informing the nub
lie that if danger threatens to the
trie strikers will
:o their posts. The strike in
he Algerian nrovinces.
When the committee of the raHrcad
men's union decided in favor of a gen
eral strike, It sent instructions to the
provincial tranches to cease work,
with the remainder of the secret meas
ures agreed upon at the railroad men's
congress for the hindrance of trafac in
the event of a strike. As a consequence
j the police raided the amces cf the cam-
:. ,j a -; .j
mittee vesterdav and seized
papers found there.
The stations of Amiens. Grenoble,
Arras, Bethune, Lens and other points
have been occuoied bv soldiers.
tae railway stations in
irr -Pr?
mzW The com
occupied by tne military last
The eomoaules hav enzaaed
extra men and T.iken other precautions
for possible defections.
The builders at their meetins" in 'f
labor exchange voted in favor of a gen-
. ( era! strike, in conseanence of a false
report that the police intended to close
the labor exchange last night there
was considerable excitement among
the strikers who gathered in large
numbers around the building, reraain-
l insruTitir disoersed by the oolice. The
troops have been ordered to remain in
Tie TTar Department la Besieffvtl "Wltix
Kaqaests far Tropiies Fram Caba.
W a-rfcmv, Oct. 15. Numerous re
quests hava teen received at the war
department from municipal authorities
for a share in the captured cannon.
wn.cb. according to Santiago dis
patches, are to be forwarded North fcr
distribution among the nrincinal dries.
The desartment omcials are without
mformatiou and know nothing
tne cannon tnan
what they have seen in the newspa
pers. The requests received during
the day have convinced department of
ficials that there ars not enough Span
ish, cannon in existence to supply the
demand fcr such ornaments for dry
parts. The captured cannon win un
doubtedly be brought to the United
States from Cuba, Porto Bico and the
Philippines. ozz no official inf crmatiou
has been recar;2d as to when the ship
ments will be t-!-w? As ize? are prop
erty of the United States, thesa can
non cannot be disoosed of excent by
act of Congrt
so aii enorts mace to
secure the gooc will of administration
officers wiH orove labor wasted.
GjuwMx of Otrp ICary.
WAStnxGToy. Oct, 13. The remark
able rapidity with which the naval
power of the United States is being
increased at the ureseut time may ba
' -r--
rt is stated tnat nfty-
nve war vessels are now
uncer con
tract for the government, and that
their aggregate tonnage far exceeds
that of the vessels building at any
one time in the dvil war. This vast
construction ni'ii-j-i which has ex
cited mere attention abroad than at
heme, has been authorized gradually
'oy Congress until ti
2 vessels socu to
olace the United
hr eri7TTT!7.r? tttV
States third in rank among tni sea
StaTT OflLras to Era!n a mxj.
WASHTSrros; Oct. 15. Is is not
probable that there wBI be a muster
cut of any number cf staff officers to
correspond to the number of general
officers ordered discharged a few days
ago. The department fir.d. in view of
the fact that a number cf officers hay
resigned or been, honorahiy discharged,
that the i-.r for staff officers in
different places maky it almost Im-
l pcssioie to expense witn services ot
many more at present. A number of
staff ameers are en the sick list and
their ulaeaa have to be supplied wish
is therefore thought that
few more trlsrhaTjes wHlbe
Sympat&r oa :
tLcrxs-JU Oct. 15. Geaeral Gonzales
Parrado -? Admiral Maatercla-cf the
w Danish, evacua'
.tton committee, visited '
t the United States evacuation commis-
sioaers to-day to tender their condo-
I Inures an the death cf Major Beebe, a
) member cf -tr cammission. Geaeral
-pr-xtr, Tvw a. m-sonai s-ssae from
Cantaha. General B'a"" exnresaiag
- .,-- &-- a-,-.t
iy. near
who was ureseus so rscerre she Si
lards, was looking verv much, he!
1 and
WissrssTox- Oct. 13. Secretary AI-
gerwHIgo to Cuba. The Secretary
said to-day he expects to visit Cuba
and Porto Bico sarr-rlrr in January
aexs EewiHvIss the several garri
soas ia each of the islands aad wiH ae
caant hraEself personally -with, their
material interests.
-ffltifrifii arirthia------ -
mbb ac taw nmfmmamn nm inacaaaa
1 aauo
savs that he now f ee5 curse hia
j sail again.
! -Aaew as Go t Caas aad Tacmm
extremely ill
coastaatlr f
to do 9mT woeSc 1
L L nd X o(
rnfmnia Toioateer
mDBm, a tcokt aired.
ixgta., Kr mter-ormy hyJcha. u. h
f Omaha. Jar $1K0
QrmX arisade eaaaisttaz
. the TaaxtiL 6Sd aa tie Third E-
Jias iiIfitH. has o eraere ts
ailramPuwceaho3tOctofcerI j
Caatsix Dsacaav of the SeTastk 1
VTfiT iaiacaaes- who wandered 1
away fram hoae in, a- deranzed cca-
ffrrir. has been. fcal ra st- t
m, Ohio, j;
xSialcy. .
George D- Saxtot?, of Catm
vas iiiln irrrT 3Crs. Anna C
tieerxe, a. ei.vui.cai iu. iue kw a-
the island of Crate informed the "ans-
sulman setables that tae sultan wui
withdraw the Turkis3 troops from
Crete in. accordance wi the demands
cf "RTg'v' Great Britain. Fran-M urni
It is learned on zocd authority that
for remuneratiQn for the loss
of her throne and the revenue from
the crown lands.
who attended Lieutenant Laaerty ia
the illness which resulted in his death s
at Camp Wikcff and which has caused I
a zreat deal cf talk, has written a
long letter cf explanaucn to tne war t
investizaticn ccmn-ission, explaining (
,- niTinn ar-d declarinz that if t
lieutenant La5erty had been at home
he coud H9t hare re-ieived better
Mcsday. OcrocT 10.
Calcutta has been cmciaSy declarsd
free e plague.
The Third Nebraska wSl fo with
Lee to Havana.
This is peace jubilee week cf the
Trans-Mississippi expesition.
Twenty cases cf yellow fever are (
reported from, nattiesburg, Mr.-.i
t Sanaa. Be .fear mesa
aadia asaUe
-Queen LiliuQkalani will leave ar n . Th f-.-rPff ?as in
Washinzton about the middle of No- , - f- g-jjjjj
vember to press her claims azainst , ,,,. ", absence because cf
m . ...... ,t, lisrs
.rrr-iiri rrrr- n-LLilliJ iLm. A.U. ' ' ijm
, , . , I rra imoerml clan hare adopted as tae
President and M. McHhnley arrived a rf Tte Empe
fr rsnrm to attend the funeral Os. tn . , ;,, .,. .
n Canton to attend the funeral Os. the 1
hitter's brother.
X. Tna X -m, M
war rumors are a-. ;
probability tnat rigiand and r ranee ,
Mrs. McHinley. wife of the president.
will accompany the presidential party
as far as Chicazo. and will then de
cide as tn coming to tne expcsiticn.
The French suvemment has issued
special orders to the zamsous cf nu
merous towns near the capital to send
immediately to Paris 503 infantry sacn.
The commissioner e? iniemal rev
enue n ruled that money ersers is
sued by Tf''? brokers in this coun
try far trasmission abroad are taxable.
General Lee frg been ordered to reorganize-
the Seventh army corps now
under his command at. Jacksonville, so
as to make it consist cf two divisions
of two brigades each.
The zcvemment survey party under
GeorzeBldridze and Bobert Muidrow
arrived at Seattle from A'nftri. on vie
steamer Al-KL The party have been
surveying all summer at Ccoks inlec
The members cf me Cmted States
evacnaticn commission gave an elab
orate luncheon in Havana to the mem
bers cf the Spanish evacuaticn co
missicn. at the Hotel Trecha el Evado
The Spanish peace commissioners
are making pertmactous efforts to im
nosp. ths?-"View5 resoectrzz the Cuban
debt upon the America commissioners.
"-.J'T;rr that the latter nave
absolutely refused to accept any re
sponsibility fcr it.
Tnefclaj-. October 11.
The bricklayers and weed carvers
at Pans have decided to go cs strike.
P. W. Berthcng of Boston has beez.
appointed to tco charga c? customs
matters at t-rvV;. Cuba.
The American postal commission
has completed its examrnaticn cf the
postal needs cf Porto Bico.
Albert Stanley and Gecrge H. Bit
ter were crested in Springfield. HL,
charged with robbing Frederick Leka
of S14.QGG- Stanley confessed.
ranspcrt Berim arrived at New
TrrHr crr wrrh 220 cnxvalescent sci-
diers -"'" civilians on beard. Steward
McKennn jumped overbcard and was
drowned in the harbor.
Clint Bobinsnn. Fourth LTmois. shct
and fatally wounded John Cnrbett. sf
the First North Carolina, at Jacksoa.-
vffle. Fla. Ccrbett was intoxicatEd r
a7! assaulted Bobrnscn with an ax.
At the conference at Lesch Inks Gen
eral Bacon told the T-rrv?T'g that if taey
did not gLe up the men wanted the
troops would not rest until they were
captured- It is believed the POiagsrs
will accent tim altematiT?.
The situation in Paris is much calm
er, but as a matter of precaution, the
military pickets have been further in
creased. Several meetinx3 of work
inzmen passed resolutions favcrinr a
ffTT?rTr ';'jrp cf the ur rf-7?,
It is announced in Eeriin that there
to no truth in the rumors that Ger
many contemnlates not ffflr:g the post
cf minister at the Vatican- It s ad
ded that Baron, ven Bulow's snerasser
has already been chessn.
The representatives and heads cf ex-
cities met in ,T!g City ?r' azrecii
to act together in suppressimr train
robberies. Plans to 7 t were
agreed upon, but win be kept secret.
A dispatch to. the London Dafiy
Chronicle from Alexandria says The
troops- whe have returned from Hhax
toum are dying Eke files from enteric
disorders szycsed. to be dne to canned
beef - indulgence in cheap rpirits.'
The rerssentntive cf a Pittshurz
ecmpzuy is negotiatinz for twenty
arces of Td on the r,T v of the Man
chester ship ra-rr-'T, where it is pro
posed to erect a manufactory of non-
corrosive metal which
win employ
a.C-00 men.
15 October IX.
' Jack Daly was given, the decision.
t over Owen Zeigier after twenty-five
! reends at. New Tork-
t into McGrczrr and told r- her bus-
band and father were killed by In- j
Burglars murd-red the yenerable
Abbe Flenraf and his aged faousekeap-
o r cr TVsf-o v-m 3w -
e-r.vM? -ia hcus2
General Oswald ts Ernst- with his
rn"f rrrr th flfcrteeurh Perrcy!ya-T-!
win leave .ruuee on tae jtnraewanxz.
fcr New York shortly,
Mrs, Bachel Macanley, wife cf Bar-
died at, her home in
j New Tcrk. Mrs. Macanley wa3 hem.
in. 154aV is Lcshrrills. ia.y.
. anrfii.f-iAi f t A
Tie r aTT-'-' & tie taxai
tar factaivia. thescrthwest:Jca
tma&asei. an ntoTeaenr ia saw .
foot at Gshlasn- -ms-, w.
Ckely to 4 saeesssftsL
n-i. nr- itro af the Xatia-
aL Linseed 03 camT grrean?
M.n - - j rtKr-i5TTitr tk co-opera-
3 A?-Jf
-" -Zrt ,
The narax SXT-i
LhrtrSieT sa CanohT
completed its Ttdlct smO. Cacanr
f...h.nw -ttv- acTCcatet ci. ic
,-. a Ms way to WaaMttoaJ
l'V " " - J g
v-,- riv doennsns to the head ef
4ka da-rzient.
Ha "chsries G, Dawes, ca-iptaoner
- p.gqr and treasurer cf the
w , i , z,a t-t Talrmtnrr ccntri-
ljuticf s- 3 school childrea oi thej
771. Scifis fo- erecr. a aenmaest aa.
Paris to Genera Lafayette.
ias encenranimr repsrc rfs
is recerr-
all sec-
The izzmlsraticn, bureau has" mf or- J
bob. -that, two sfeamersv with ZSm
ize to nrrive at Ne-r- Orleans. huFas
the crty is nmmnnned the rmmigra
ticii bcreaawill send a force cf in
spectors to Pansncola, where they sill
be landed
ra fi!rh. T5is duties as military zov-
erucr wai be dfecharged by General
t .-.r. j v f." iiL'iji ". n thv r'rv
T"-ar3r. ocrobr in.
vearrr 'Q.iOO people attended the
at q j--.
"- .
Paris authorities have granted m-
creased space for American exhibm-
in the expesiticn.
Gcvrrcr Jahnstan of Alabama ha.
issued a quarantine against the states J
l cf Loraia-a and Mississippi.
Aeeordmg to a St. Louts. Senegnm-
bia. dispatch it k reported here tnat
Chiey Samary , been captured.
It is officially anneunced that tiis
DmmmGcd Tonacce company will be
come an integral part cf the American
Teoacco company.
Th p rss3 dowazer of China ami-
red Rfii2harCt. cf Bccne. Iowa, a
; . j., GM 9t
came in and was killed, his head be
ing bkrme
It is proposed to nave ail the rail-
i . . m . -j ts r KRilman. i
cars usfee in appeal w this company -o
make a reasonable redecticn. in the
72.tss charged.
The Tourist hesei, under censtmc
ti3a " r the Nerthem Pacific Land
company at Tacema. Wash was
Demed. Expended on. the structure to
date. SS)0.8.
Major General John J. Ccppinzer,
United Sates -solnnteers,. was rctirad
as teJgzdSer genersi af the regular
- - wrt'r ? "hifi fSTS? Mi? r
tirement does sot afiTect fcr standing
m the volunteer servica. j
The AmerieEn eommfesioners have f
nctiaed the soaEisa aathsruies ra
Havana thrt tne United States wiH
assume entire cactroL milteiry and
goven-aexr. of the siand f Cuba,
December L Th same escxral will
be ex5rcee m sroczo tiaco. ufrnxxz j-s.
Prise Cerrest snys: Tua tendency
to eniargemeEi in marketis cf nogs
has bee semewhat cheeked the last '
week. Western. kiHrsgs are jjo.000, ,
compared with Z3&JMQ the prscediuz .
week. FreEi March 1 tie ustal is 12.- J
354 acaizst llSJmM a year ago. '
Fridjy, October 14. j
y ?-frst- foerth marcuis cf An-
gtesey. died saddexly at Loeecn.
Thirty-nrae eaaea 2 the yeSow fe-1
ver reucrt for Loc?siaua yesterday. ;
with thre teatha. 1
Tae St. Panl & Dainth rend wffl is- J
sue i5Ji.fri ef fceoes te retire ex- '
sties eehenzEes. j
-- iKPirrrat mriffi the
riSes ssd
yr-T-rta at
NegscatieE Between ?ee
S tacsw smears
so say3
Seats- Aaarxssii cf Sl
The f lT-5 3e3Br ef the St. Paal ,
: Delcth rend re-aeid B. Semexs '
Hayes erNew Terh, pras&teiL
Major Gserxl Franms T Green has i
been ordered to report to General (
Fitzkusa Lee. Seventh army corps. '
aad will cammaad a division, of the tr- '
37 ef cempatjem. I
The Third FP- Sixth Lla-Tackc- !
stts. Focrth 0Ih- aad Third Wfecoe
aa wf2 0 tnmedlncey so their smte
hsadcaaners when they arrive m the
Zzzzsi States from Psr Riea.
Ctptain 3:se3h Haie ef the Thtrd-U-iteti
States mfantry. died in St. ,
Luke's hospirai ef eyseetery aad fever.
contracted fertis; the- Sandaea cam-'
pafes- j
At a cssgrrss sf mfil owners at
Oeessn it was -feeided t petftian the
zBvernmstt to srant exsort bounties
ca SVasr gi-r to tSese rxnted m the
United Senses. Fraace xnd Germany
-Charles G. Dawes. camntmCer cfrie
nrency. wired the eashie- of the iio-
"-. iTsr-rr'l bk ef ObZ3. N T Cf
j which Settor T C Piatt is president.
to ctose tae eocrs ot txxz raoiii-ic f
gasz and Nofeves tef t fcr Santa. Crux
del Sur. via. Basakaso, ia answer to an.
urgent sassmots from the Cuhcn rev-'
oiiaaonnry zarerament. It was given
out here t the Cuban reveistHmary
r-rrfeara feave rtc-i -TJgaic-'"r? these
rsstte to reorganize the Crrflni army
m the eastern provhmes.
The safimr; of tha hocostal shin Rio '
Janesu frum Manila has seen sched
uled fcr September IT. The
foBowtxz is a Sst cf th? members ct
First Nebraska who wiB sefi fcr San ;
Fraaeisco: George Anderson, com-
H; Joe Ehfaner. eompeny H. Jehn C.
eempany n, Lacss r;
Zz. XO. ta Hia Slita
CLXT03-, Ooio. Oct. 14. The wSl cf ,
George D. Saxtou. has been found. It '
DV -'z X Grant and Oirver F- 2chH- ;
ims. The, deuaaaaaavt becTTeatn all as '
estate taMrsJBBEarber. his sister-I
I Ctran. Eesplte
GaCows Are
.rsxxs- j.exas. vcx, i-r. wjtstsct .
i Cuiberscu. has respited Charl Eugad, i
j ,ro ':ss to hzva been hangedfor mr-'
J dec Friday, unxEL Cctober 20, m crtaer:i
j that the execuzu
t jdiyard beings
execurlari.may be private- the
too smaHfor a
T.-rinr C"?-icrrr U-WtOU.
if I TTOrn lM --r .- - - " rf i ! i i I I
.T. .-CTon-- nf 'rii-
la Mitt
aa4 aalaa Its eaaaaawa warn taeji
r.T4i-m-r-t fi-ttt-a, Prea't.
L H. Hxx-cr, Vice Pres", "
3L Bsrsaxs, Caahiac
JoH3r 9n.rr-rr2, Wat
AitiMiiifd Cziifei st - $500,
P.I4 ia Sapitsl, - -
r w a-tnrr.rnv pm'
vt t w rTvTTT tr.-,TT -r'
3AitIi -CliitAJi. (.aaaiar.
rEANU BOSE2. Ammz. CaaV
C. B. SiTEtncx. H- P- H-
TOTll VWT-TT V,.--m
j Casx.2xe3ux.
. 3
Fajiyw Korraca.
cTOfrrH T.nwTg-
AjtzzM.. T.T.T.T-J. J.Hrsa-rWri
rxAXK tiOAT, Hesut Loayxa.
Dxnxt.5cHH.x. ozo. v.GALurr,
.v. F H. OtHrKrea, J. P Bwncsa Krtxrm,
SzazccA Bscxxa. H. X. Wihlot.
BatofDepcstt;'ter-t:aIIowd oa atM .
lprlts; 3tit asd Bell essaaaj en CaiSM aad 2arop. slid bay xatt aall aalS
able secnzltla. WeaaaUfcaylw it a ma
sat year bostsesa. 'W scud jmar mmmw
Columbus Journal!
A. weeklv
vetad she bast tat
me Stale 01 Nebraska
Theualtcf ;
5130 X YEAR,
H-rMXD zsraj
ai act aeaacrihei by oailan
aad eesta. Saga
'to say 1
Clxms : am : meuiue : iim i
if mZmmdawf Upksi
Goiumhos Journal
'LgtBf -aaaataaaaaaaaaaaaalaaaaaaaaWi Wmaa bbJIbbTbI D