The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, October 12, 1898, Image 4

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Every Action
ABO TOET UHK !! Hi asma-;
r " tura at vitality wfcfea mart be restored by
.-V- .. I .v ,alf W Kaatn
iMMi 01 saw biwhu wnna ""
and other organ. This Mood aut bo
pore, riea sad Boorkhlag-. tttaawdew
by Hood's Sareaparllla which I tins tho
great strcagth-ffiTiBC aiedieiBO, tho euro
I or weak nerves, scrotals, catarrh, and all
diseases caused by poor, inpare blood.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is America's Greatest Medicine, fl; six (wit
Hood's PHIS care tadlgeMtoa. Veeats.
"You remind me so much of my poor
dear first husband." You remlftd me
of him altogether too much, my dear."
Brooklyn Life.
Care veasapaaen VUaiers
Talcs Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 23a
i C C C fail to cere, druaruts refund mosQ
It's an easy matter to master "the
grief of another.
Cm'i Coach Balaam
Is the oldert and beat. It will break tip acoM qaleker
.tliaaaavialaselse. It It always reliable. Try It.
As long lives the merry heart as
the sad.
X7e are sure' you do not.
Nobody wants it. But it comes
to many thousands every year.
Itcomes to those who have had
coughs and colds until the
throat is raw, and the lining
membranes of the lungs are
inflamed. Stop your cough
when it first appears, and you
remove the great danger of
future trouble.
stops coughs of all kinds. It
does so because it is a sooth
ing and healingrcmedy of great
power. This makes it the great
est preventive to consumption.
Put one of
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
Plasters over your lungs
W WaWffwV
For four rents In stamps topay pn
age, we vrlll uriiJ you sixteen medical
Kodleml Advtmm Frma.
Wo liavo t!i exclusive services ot
coiim r the most eminent physicians
la tho UniU-d States. Cnatual oppor
tunities and Iodr experience emi
nent! v lit tliera for a ins tou medical
mlvice. Write freelv all the partic
ular In your caae. Too will receive a
1 prompt renl, wllbout coat.
Lowell, Mass.
Greatest Xeck Vote ever In vented. rtimMnlng
Hrens'b, durability and rafety. Handsomely
Minted. Will not all'iir toncue to drop If traces
ecnine icxm-c. Xo rattle, l'rtccs:
I'HIn.unnlckeled S1.00
Kltkel Loop and Acorn Heads. 1.10
AUTOMATIC CRIP NECK YOKE CO,r Rt Harding St., Indianapolis, !nd
What You
Don't Know n
Isn't that so? Of course it is.
sensible person admits it But
Why Not
Vc hare it. It is full of THINGS YOU DONT KNOW
but OUGHT TO KNOW. It doesn't matter en what
subject yea need information, this look will supply it.
Is the latest and best work published. It is just whst its
To educate the people, we have arranged to send this work
to anyone sendiag us $L00 cash end SLO0 per month
thereafter for eleven months. In this way you will never
miss the money and your library will be enriched by the
addition of the greatest work of the century.
509-511 South I2th Street.
$50,000 Stock of &Usrradcs of
Furniture recently bought at the
very lowest cash price will be of
fered during the next lew months
tt special prices. ,
Customers visiting Omshm will
find this the largest and oldest
furniture store here, and we will
make every effort to pleas both
la goods and prices.
Chas. Shiverick & Co..
1203 Douglas St. Omaha.
Vest to 3!llUrd ateML
aterx-To.js.Uiry atselres s t whstber tstls
SdrertUerneoi is read we win saa.e s dUeooat of
J rter cent on the pcrcbise ot may cassamerwlM
wlltlillns they weredlrctel nt Bstiy :t aad that
tboy will reeooraietid as to Utelr Trlesds U tbs
CooAstBtrrxreHsssfstory. v.
lfeUi .Wsafss
' Ose at tha strangest cues ot klepto
mania erer bumght to light was heard
of im Paris. . A certaia lady had such
a pasasonf or smoking aad for coloring
meerschaum pipes that she had been
for a long time stealing pipes ot this
description from shops. In the fiat
which she occupied there was found
no fewer than 2,600 pipes, not one of
which, it is bejieved, she had paid for.
They were neatly arranged on racks,
and thirty-nine were well colored. The
court before which' she was indicted
for some of the thefts would listen to
no excu&e, but sent her 'to prison for
-eight months.
' Frvpoaed. Alliance with England.
If the United States and Enslanu
should form an alliance there would
be little chance for enemies to over--com'o
us. When men and women
keep up their health with Hoitetter's
Stomach Bitters, there is little chance
of attacks from disease, as it steadies
the nerves and Increases the appetite.
Try it.
Borrowing money may be "a disease,
but lending is insanity.
SjlOO Reward, GIOO.
The readers oC this paper will be te5ased to
fearn that there is at least oce dreuacd disease
that science has been nWo W cure In all Its
stages and that is Cctntrh. Hall's Catarrh
Cure is the only postttrc euro now known to tho
medical fraternity. Catarrh being n constitu
tional disease, requires a constitutional treat
ment. Hall's Calax rii Curo Is taken internally,
acting directly upon the blood end mucous sur
faces or the system, thereby destroying the
foundation of the disease, and giving tliopaticnt
strength by building up the constitution and
assisting nature in dolus lis work. The pro
prietors have so much faith in its rjiratlva
powers that they offer One Hvsdred JMsars for
any case that It laib. to euro. Send tor list of
Testimonials. ,
Address F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, a
Sold by dniKgists VSo.
Hull's Family Pilb are tho best
Faith is not very plentiful, but the
supply equals the demand.
All thouc Milfrrlfis flfofci Xenons DrWllty or
dli-care" iecnllar t men thoull consult The Dr.
Louis AVcljrcrt Vn., the renowned am! lone crtali
liahid SpfrUlIst of 1S6 Liberty -trtet, Xew York.
All coireepundenrc confldentlal. f-end for free
KHik coutululu Hetliod and 1 e:tlmonIsI.
Better cut the shoe than pinch the
Bow mil Korserles.
Trgcst Horticultural Establish
ment in America.
See our Out-dcof and In-door Ex
hibit at Exposition.
See oar Representative Mr. J. Aus
tin Shavr.
Anything and Everything to beauti
fy your plaee. Trees, Fruit-trees &
Shrubs of all Kinds, Palms, Orchids
and Ferns.
Sicbrccht & Son, New Rochclle, N. Y.
The microbe never bothers the man
who is unaware of its existence.
T7o-To-Bac r nrty Cefit3.
Gnr.ranvied tobacco habit Care, makes weak
nieastrou-, oloodjjur. . 81. Alldrugglsts.
Nickel is practically supplied Uy two
countries, Canada and New Caledonia.
1 beliore that Tisa s Cure is the onlymel
Icine thnt will cure consumption. Anna M.
Uosb, Wflliamsport, Pa., Kov. 12, "J.".
The man who is too lazy to stand up
and tell the truth is apt to lie about
The Edward W. Walker Carriage Co.
of Goshen, Ind.. have just issued a
very handsome Phaeton supplement to
their catalogue, also supplement show
ing an entirely new line of spring
wagons. We cannot too strongly urge
those of cur readers who contemplate
purchasing a carriage, buggy or wagon
to write for their catalogue. Their
work is high class, and as they sell
direct from factory to user, their
prices are correspondingly low.
As the workman, so is the work.
,tova Pa ran tor nte. S2 per acre caafiTSaS!
TSzSSi " paa-
liberal Terms to Agents.
Xirkcl Centers j.3
Xl kel Tips and Centers 1.T5
Ontcw. without Yoke .65
Farm Wpm (trip King 8J
Made In three Mrcs, to fit role tlrs Hi. to 1.
scna ior jcee iiii)tn:ea circular.
We make nne Surrey , Tiagcies. Ffcactons and Itid W.-uronf-t ,, , Wm.
Our kwnU Iiae been taoratly knon to she trade tor ye.-r. !. .. nm
We now SMI tlnrt to tke im ct rkalnsir rrlcw. The fhiewdj iin? wjil ntLw
1'ujcr prefers to desl with the fjctcrr. "- -. ' ' "" "e" "" "
wric t lest price than a?euts ass for low vehicles. We thin anywhere
subject to examlnath-n. K ItLLivm t-n liosnlcars Kansas City, Mo., Or liot,bcn
ind., nsmsy suit purrnaer. Send for cutslosue with prices plainly printed'
IT'S FIKC Write today. We hell M-wing Machine and the UoMir.S BIlltLK as
wcIL AllatWaaina'arilrr. ALL COOl. No natter rherejou lire, sou are not
toi far sway to do liUFlneso with ns end aTc inoner. AdCre
Get That Book? $
. r im ttt su uio wsiiuiirfa
with prorrudlns piles brought cm by coastlpa-
-. ii. mti.. a. ks auunra ior vweniy
jears. I ran across your CASCARETS in tfca
town 01 NaveU. la., and never found any thing
to equal them. To-day I am entirely free from
piles and feel lite a new man.
C B. Kins. Mil Jones fet.. 3Ioux City, Is.
cS??nl Ratable. Poteat. Taste Good. So
Good. &eTcrSIcl3B. Weaken. or Gripe.Mc.Sc.5Bc
fcsrnBaKyCawaay.ClJtat.mirtwl. law Tata. Stt
m-to-bj.0 ymss5tt88aar
from the Dcmocrrt-Mmf, ML MarUaf, ML
When Richmoad had fallen aad tsw great
csMamaBdarsbadmet bamaath thahistorie
apple tree at Appomattox, the 8M Faaa
sylTaaia Volanteen, ptssistarsly aged,
dadia tatters atad
zagSfbrokaa ia bod j
bat of daaatlass
spirit, swang iato
Uae for the last
"grand review' aad
than qaistl? fsMrea
ed awaj to begfat
life's fray aaew
amid the hilts and
Valleys tf the Key
stone State. Among
the aamber Asa
toi.oM hetln
lit. Sterling, DL,
baftx to the fireside
THeSoUUrurn. &
years pteviocs. He went away a happy,
fetalthy farmer boy ia the fret flush of dg
orons manhood; he came back a ghost of
the self that answered to President Lin
coln's call for "200,000 more."
To-day he is an alert, actlTe Inan aid
tells the story of bis recovery W follows:
"1 was a great sosTeref f romsciatic rhea
matism almost from the time of nty 'diif
cbarge from th army. Most of the tithe I
was unfitted for maaHel labor bf any kind,
and my sufferings wre atall times Intense;
At times t Was bent almost doable, ad got
aroand t)tdy with the gTetest ttinTcttlty.
Nothing seemed to, give me toennnnent re
lief until three -yjears iago, when my atten
tion was called Some of the wonderful
cares 'oftt-ct&d by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
'for Pa'e People. I bad not taken more than
half a box when I noticed an improvement
in my condition, and I kept on improving
steadily. 1 took three box? $f the pills,
and at the end of ,thatf Kc& was in better
condition tbant'ny time since the close
'of my nrmy56'fvice. Since then Ihave nev
r bsen bothered with rheumatism, lr.
Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People is the
only remedy that ever did me any good,
ana to them I owe my restoration to com
parative health. They are a grand remedy.
It takes a man longer tr acctlire
fame than it takes others to forget all
about hint.
lieanty Is Blood Deep.
'Clean blood means a clean skin. No
beauty without it. Cascarets.Candy Cathar
tic cleans your b'.ood and keeps it clean, by
stirriug up the lazy liver and driving all im
purities from tbe body. Begin to-day to
banish pimples boils, blotchea.blacktaeads,
and that sickly bilious complexion by taking
Caacarets, beauty for ten cents. All drug
gists, satisfaction guaranteed. 10c,B5ci80c
' rT
Handsome men gifted with good
sense are equally as scarce as clever
pretty women.
fcinproVeinfeats In the Patent Law.
In view of the fact that the Presi
dent has appointed a Commission to
amend the laws concerning Patents,
'.trade-marks and Commercial names
and that the Commissioners publicly
call for suggestions in the matter it
is a fit subject for public discussion.
In !the interest of inventors and
through them to the public would it
not be well to repeal Sec. 4902 of the
Revised Statutes and also that part of
Sec. 4934 that demands a fee of S1G
for filing a caveat?
Bdtween 1836 and July 1, '98, the
caveats filed (103137) brought a rev
enue of $1,031,390.09 to help swell the
surplus of about five millions that in
ventors have paid into the IT. S. Pat
ent Office.
A caveat does net guarantee a pat
ent and if a contest for priority aris
es ithe issue must be tried in the same
manner that all Interference cases
must be disposed of. Therefore, un
less it is the purpose to make invent
ors pay $10 for each caveat filed to
increase the millions of surplus they
have already paid for the transaction
of their business in the U. S. Patent
Office would it not be better to abol
ish the caveat system of provisional
Solicitor of Patents.
Dos Moines, Iowa, Sep. 23, 9S.
One women always pays more at
tention to what another women has
en than to what she says.
FITO i'tratsrieBtlyuurea.KoatsaraarroiisswssftrtSk
first day's uoa of Dr. Kline a Great Kerr BssUrsc
Fnd for FREE &2.00 trial bottle and treatise.
Do. 2. It. Kxa.LtL.C3l Arch Su. PaUadelpcla. Pa.
The leather sling used by a boy to
throw stones is less dangerous than
the gin-sling in the hands of his father.
EXra. "Wirmowa ?oo;tatnsr Fyrap
For children teettilt'i:.ottrn the cum .mrare!)
auUon, alleye pain, cures wind colic. 9 cents a bottle.
When a young man .tells a girl a
lot of yarns she isn't to be blamed
for giving him the mitten.
Bow tt Prevent Hog Cholera.
JaOG CHOLERA is caused by indiges
tion and can bo prevented by feeding
cooked 'ced. Tc advise our read
ers to write the EMPIRE KF& CO..
620 Hampshire St., Qulncy, HI.,
for Catalogue of Feed Cookers.
These Cookers save at least one
third the teed.put stock In healthy
condition, sarc your hog and trill more
than pay for themselves in one week's use
He who loses money, loses much; be
who loses a fried, loses more; but he
who loses his spirits, loses all. Span
ish. CjSi.
Don't be f cole J with a sucklntosh
or rubber coat If yen want a coat
that will keep you dry In the hard
est stora buy the Fish Brand
Slicker. If not for sale in your
town, write for catalogue to
A. J. TO'tK. Boston. Mass.
A map of the
United States.
Send me 15 cents in stamps and I
will mail you a map of tho United
States, three feet four inohes wide
by five feet long. Printed in six
colors. Mounted on roll"?. Shows
every state, county, important town
and railroad in the United States.
Useful, ornamental.
J Francis, General Pessenger Aceat
Omaha, Seb.
WAXTED-Case of ttaa TaalOi ttuu K-I-P-A-X-S
will aot benefit. Bead 5 cents to.Rlpaas CTseeateai
ea S.w Trk.fgr 10 saawlas aad 1 tastlasealaia.
2 .A3' ? -
Orsetate fais
C ts fc-arae A raw
as U thw Can t Uv
Vmmk iVAiWee ea Mui.
"Wb&i all 'factors are taken into ac
count, tt can easily be seen that A
possible effect of the food en IhS milk
mast be reduced tt) ti very small pro
portiot Itr4ceu, writes P. McConnell in
Agricultural Gazette, England. It is
of course acknowledged that the
amount of food, and the richness of
the same, influence the Quantity of the
milk, and that this influence is imme
diate, and it has been shown thai the
nature of the food has a very great
influence on the percentage of cream
which can be taken off milk by the
bHs fiat pan system; or the proportion
of butter which can be made out of a
given tiuantlVy of milk; by even the
ssoSt modern appliances; but this in
fluence operates actually, witnbut in
fluencing the linfTysis of the milk it
elf. The amount of cream thrown up
ih milk is such a misleading guide
that it has long ago been given up in
the milking tests of the British Dairy
Farmers' Association, and .we now de
pend on ttn analysis alone, while
AmeTcan experiments have shown
Ihat in the amount of butter which can
be recovered from a given quantity of
milk there may be a variation cf as
much as 50 per cent, depending on the
nature of the food given, while all the
while the analyses of two differing
taiiks may be approximately alike; in
'other words, as I have often explained
before, the "risibility" of the cream
ani the "churnability" of the same
are largely influenced by the nature of
the food, while the chemical analysis
of the milk is not influenced at all, or
only to a slight degree, br temporarily.
The whole question, to my mind,
harrows itself dowh to one point; giv
en that the proper average food for a
tow weighing 1,000 pounds is 25
pounds of dry matter, having an albu
minoid ratio of 1:5.5, can I whilst
still maintaining the 25 pounds of total
solids by alternating the albuminoid
ratio also alter the proportion of fat
in the milk? That Is to say. if I feed
a cow in the proportion of 1:6, as
against 1:4, do I make a corresponding
difference in the percentage of butter
fat in the milk yielded? I say no. My
opponents say yes. In reply I ask for
evidence that my statement is wrong,
and, hitherto, none has been forthcom
ing. The only experiments carried out
in this country bearing on this partic
ular point that are of any Importance,
so far as I know, are those of Mr.
Spier, as detailed in the Transactions
of the Highland and Agricultural So
ciety ot Scotland, and they decidedly
bear out my contention. On the other
hand, hundreds, perhaps 1 may say
thousands, of experiments have been
carried out in America by many agri
cultural colleges and experimental sta
tions, and Professor Henry, in his re
cent work, sums up the results in fa
vor of my contention. The Vernon
experiments, carried out by Mr. Lloyd
some ten years ago, did not bear on
this point at oil, and, indeed, were
carried out for another purpose alto
gether, but, incidentally, prove my
theory. Further, this theory was enun
ciated by Kuhn, in Germany, more
than five and twenty years ago, while
it is how eight years since I first got
my faith shaken in the old belief, and
had to reconstruct my creed in the
matter. I am open to accept evidence
on the point, when such is forthcom
ing, but all the evidence known to me
oh this point of any value bears out
my theory. The point is of great prac
tical importance, because it is known
and acknowledged that the albuminoid
material in the food gbes directly to
the production of fat in the milk, and,
as albuminoid material is the dearest
kind of food that we can buy in the
market, if we can reduce the amount
necessary to keep a cow in full bearing
condition, we are reducing the cost of
.her feeding; as when we substitute
such cheaper foods as maize meal, mid
dlings and eo on.
Some one may suggest that, if an an
imal getting food in the proportion of
1:6 is doing well enough, why not re
duce it to 1:10 or more, or, if the ani
mal yields richer milk by getting 1:4,
why not increase it by 1:2. The reply
Js, that when you depart, either up
or down, too far away from the aver
age standard, you introduce a new fac
tor, namely, the health of the animal;
nnd this, itself, will have a great in
fluence on the quality as well as the
quantity of milk. If tbe food is ex
cessively rich, or excessively poor, the
digestive organs of the cow will be
upset, and dietetic diseases cf various
sorts, such as indigestion, bile, and
even hunger, show themselves, and
these directly affect the milk yield.
One does not break with the beliefs
of his youth very easily, and I have
been hard to convince, myself, that
the quality of tbe milk did not directly
depend on the quality of the food; but
when ail the experiments that have
actually been tried on the point bear
out the new theory, and when all the
ordinary beliefs of the practical man
can be explained away under one or
ether of the above influences, and
when no experiments are forthcoming
which actually do prove this alleged
Influence on the milk, then I am bound
to come to the conclusion that the
quality of the food, by itself alone, has
little or nothing to do with the qual
ity of the milk.
Dorking- aad Indian Game Crow.
I do not think it matters in the least
what hens are selected from the Dor
kins for breeding table fowls so long
as they are cf good shape and are i-x
such store condition as to ensure their
being healthy and capable of breeding
healthy chickens. It is true enough
that some Dorkings may be picked out
In preference to others It "tip-top"
quality be desired, says a writer "in
Farm and Home of England. For ex
ample, If there be a "best breed" of
table fowls In our country It must be
the rose-combed white Dorking. The
quality of the meat cannot be surpass
ed, the color of the flesh is exceedingly
good, the shape of the fowl cannot be
improved upon, and the size is suffi
ciently large without any tendency to
coarseness. The weak point of the
breed Is its delicacy of constitution,
but if this can be overcome by select
ing really robust specimens there can
not be a better bird to mate with the
Indian Game cock. There are, of
course, hardy white Dorkings and
hardy silver grey or colored Dorkings,
but I should not expect to find tbsm
in exhibition yards. The eggs from
this cress should certainly be eood for
incubator hatching, provided they are
fresh, for no breed is more prolific
than the Indian Game cock when thev
are really fertile. Dorkings are epr-
talnly not adapted for a clay soil, but
the halt-bred chickens would be an
lmnrovement in this recruit mi
should answer if reasonable precau-'i
tloas are takes.- I should tot
the Dorking the best fowl tor kMftmt
In conaaemeat, but there is no reason
why they shoald not thrive if a tabs
tlaed rut can be guaraned. . t Sire
known Dorkings to do well under, such
circumstances. As to the length 6t
time strong chickens can, be looked tor
when the breeding pen h.beea5siade
Wp six fcponlha, much depends upon the
composition of the Individual pen. For
.instance, if .the, bens are of a non-slt-tlng
breed, and are therefore practical
ly only layers for eight months in the
year, I should expect the chickens to
fall off in constitution as the summer
advances. Supposing, however, the
hens are of a sitting type, the case
would be different At the conclusion
of each batch ot eggs there. would be
a slight rest, either to remain broody
upon the nest br td fear chickens or
ducklings, and there cannot be a doubt
thai this rest wbuid tend 16 strengthen
the chicks which, might be, hatched
from the hifst batch of eggi The germs,
too; wb'uid b'e' naturally stronger bwlng
to the fact that the suspension of lay
ing or the temporary removal of tiie
hens, would lessen for fe time., the de
mand upofl the services of the male
bird. But when all has been said upon
this point it cannot be denied that the
best plan of ensuring really strong
chickens is to take care that the mae
birds should be rested notf and again.
a.njifthe hens shall be .selected so thatr
the, eggs for sitting purposes snan m
those which are first laid after a pe
riod of rest. With reference to a cross
for table purposes between a golden
Wyandotte cock and Langshan hens,
if the chickens are desired for home
use the cross would answer, for the
bird3 would be of a good size; if, how
ever, the chicks are to be bred for sale,
I' should seek for something less coarse
than the Wyandotte, say an active Dor
king, Houdan, Indian or old English
game, or even the Leghorn.
Pigs and Weeds.
A few days ago, while on institute
work in Minnesota, the editor ot this
department visited a pen containing
a sow and five pigs. A glance showed
that the animals were not in good
condition; that they were, in fact, in
a fair way to demonstrate that, the
owner was a vicim of bad luck (?) ih
his hog department , They,. were be
ing fed corn and slops from the house,
says the "Farm, Stock and Home."
Constipation, poor digestion and other
disorders were indicated by a certain
dull, spiritless appearance, a want of
thrift, and other conditions. Growing
hard by the pen was a mass of pig
weed and rag weed. A liberal bunch
of the first was gathered and thrown
into the pen. Sow and pigs imme
diately tumbled over each other to get
at it, and ate it ravenously. Some
rag weed wds then supplied, and that
was rushed for with still greater haste
and eaten with greater relish. The
last is a bitter weed, but it is a tonic
and appetizer, something that the pigs
demand to correct the vices of a pure
ly artificial diet, such as they were get
ting. Nature had supplied the demand,
but a fence kept tho pigs from it, and
ignorance of its value had kept it from
the pigs. It was learned that no salt
was given to these pigs, another
bringer of "bad luck," for hogs de
mand salt as humans do. The owner
of these pigs received a valuable ob
ject lesson, and may it not be a point
er to others? Confined pigs must have
soft, green, succulent food if their
owner expects to escape "bad luck."
Hot Water for Lice.
The Messenger says that boiling hdt
water is a lice killer about which we
read very little in the poultry papers;
but it does the work very thoroughly,
and is very cheap. In a poultry house
where the pests have obtained a foot
hold hot water will greatly assist in
their extermination. The waste water
on wash day can be used for this pur
pose, being returned to the stove after
it has served its end at the washtub
and reheated. If the walls, roosts
and nesting boxes are drenched with
this the larger proportion of the lice
will be destroyed instantly, and thoae
which escape will meet their fate in
the coat of whitewash which should
follow within a day or two. If the
nursery coops are turned upside down
and hot water sprinkled over the in
ner surface until it flows into and
through every crevice, not a single
louse will survive the treatment. This
should be dece in the forenoon of a
bright day in order that all dampness
may be dissipated before the brood re
turns to it at night. We have nothing
laid up against the lice killer makers,
and have no desire to injure their
business, but everybody cannot buy
these things; and while they are a
convenience, it is just as well to admit
the fact that they are not a necessity.
The lice can be conquered more cheap
ly, but to do this involves the expend
iture of more time and labor.
Watering Sheep.
With dry weather it is essential that
sheep of all kinds should have at hand
a liberal supply of clean water Jor
drinking nurposes, says Farmer and
Stockbreeder. Some think that sheep
do not require ater, but this is a
most erroneous notion. Sheep, like
most domesticated animals, require a
certain amount of liquid, and though,
in wet weather, or when on roots, etc.,
they need but very little, they even
then do better with a supply at han.i.
On the ether hand, when the weather
is dry, .and the food containing little
or no moisture, -.It is imperative that a
supply should be at hand where It can
be used at will, and then no harm can
or will result. But it Is necessary to
remind one that if thirsty and parched
sheep are driven to the water, in
either pond or brook, great care must
be taken that they do not get too
much; this danger never arises when
the supply is always open to them, for
they will only take that which they
require. An important point, too, is
that tbe water should be fresh and
sweet, not stagnant or stale, but the
latter is far preferable to none. The
trifling cost that may be incurred In
providing the water will be found to
be far and away paid for by the great
er increase in weight of the sheep. If
fattening, and by their general health
fulness of store.
The Ewe Lambs. The feeding of
the ewe lambs that are to furnish the
new material for the flock should be
liberal in every sense of the word.
FeeJ them liberally on oats, and see
that they get the best pasturage that
it is possible to secure for them, and
It will be found surprising how lus.y
they will grow during the first nine
months of their lives. More can be
done by liberally feeding the ewe
lambs, to secure weight of both body
and fleece in the fleck, than by any
other course that might be adopted.
It is evident in the size and weight
of the fleece; and, after the ewe lamb3
have been liberally fed during the first
year, it is hardly possible to check their
growth afterwards, as they then pos
sess the power to do for themselves to
a greater degree. Ex.
a Si - a , , .
Coal ashes are good for the poultry.
- aaaaaaaaa
ts 4sw toravai" rjoesa't propose
ft ssist tae Hellcats M travel imply
tor lack b: & protector. ,Sae knows
how to take care of herselfi and .when
she itaHs bl ha a little journey howa ia't with the nervous dread
that pettiing's going to happen b
(ore she reaches . her. destination It
ever phe dpee, bat she proceeds at once
to make herself comfortable and to
thoroughly enjoy her little rub up
against the outside world.
Bat although she rests secure In a
delightful feeling of safety, it has
never occurred to the general woman
that "making her to travel In safety"
Is a-business all In Itself.
8he may have heard, for example,
that the great New York -Central
Railroad Is.the only route in tile Unity
fed States that Is completely equipped
with the world-famous lock and block
system of signals; ..but , that , doesn't
mean anything to her until you ,ex
jplarajtnat by this system every foot
over whrch she travels is carefully and
unceasingly watched and signaled day
and h!ght'r and that collision Is prac
Ucalljfrnnosslble; .because a train can
not eater a given, block or section uttr
til the train ahead has passed out; and
that there should . be another
train following on the. same. track, the
engineer .knows all about it thrqugfc'
the electric telegraph,: which is rart
f , the ssatem1, thus making assurance
oubly. sure.;
, If the. lone woman happens to be
going to New York City she need have
no dread of landing alone in the con
fusion of a big, strange place if she
travels by the New York Central. All
she has to do is to speak to one ot the
red-capped attendants free service
who will carry her bag, answer her
questions and show her to cab, car or
elevated train.
Another thing, she lands right in
the heart of the city within a step of
a dozen or more of its leading hotels
and she should bear In mind that this
is the only railroad depot in all New
York City.
The New York Central might aptly
be called "the lone woman's route,"
The famous rich man of ancient
times-,. Croesus, 13 calculated to have
possessed. about f 20,000,000.
Dent Tekecce Sere ana smovsTair Lire Away.
To auit tobacco eisilv and forever, bo nun-
Belie, full of llfe.ntrve, and vigor, take Xo-To-
Stirling Remedr.Qp.. Chtcasoor New York.
The man who can say "yes" and
"no" at the right time has the great
est command of language. Tid-Bits.
Keae Hlli Nurseries.
Largest Horticultural Establish
ment in America.
See our Out-door and In-door Ex
hibit at Exposition.
See our representative Mr. J. Aus
tin Shaw.
Anything and Everything to beauti
fy your place, Trees. Fruit-trees and
Shrubs of all kinds, Palms, Orchids
and Ferns.
Siebrecht & Son, New Rochelle, N. Y.
Louis XIV of France drank the first
cup of coffee made in western Europe.
f Coffee was then worth 30 a pound.
ltedaeed Bates via Port Arthur Route.
St. Louis and return, $15.25. On
sale every Tuesday and Thursday
until Oct 29th.
Kansas City and return, ?5.S0. On
sale Oct. 2 to 8th.
Pittsburg, Pa., and return, $23.25.
On sale Oct. 7 to 10th.
Homeseekers Excursion. One fare
(plus $2.00) to nearly all points in the
south. All information &it Port Ar
thur Route office, 1415 Farnam St.,
(Patxon Hotel Block) or write Harry
E. Moorcs, C. P. & T. A.,Omaha, Neb.
Providence never makes a misdeal,
but it's hard work to make some peo
ple believe it.
The Standard Dictionary.
The Sunday School Times, Philadel
phia: "Continual use of the first vol
ume, since Its issue, has shown tne
work to be a weighty, thorough, rich,
accurate, authoritative, and convenient
addition to lexicographical materi
al. The collaborative method reaches
high water mark, and produces bold,
original, Independent, and scholarly re
sults." The Economist, Chicago: "The
best of all dictionaries. It Is a work of
which every American may be proud.""
See display advertisement of how to
obtain the Standard Dictionary by
making a small payment down, the re
mainder in installments.
Otis Allen, the father of the assist
ant secretay of the navy, has just cel
ebrated his ninetieth birthday in Low
ell, Mass.
RaTacate Your Howeis tr.i'n Casrjarets
Candy Cathartic cure constipation fr.rever.
Hfc. 25c. I2CCC fail. druffflsts refund moae
General George S. Greene, U. S. A.,
retired, aged 97, is the oldest living
graduate of West Point.
is due not only to the originality and
simplicity of the combination, but also
to the care atad skill with which it is
manufactured by scientific processes
known to the California Fig Svbcp
Co. only, and we wish to impress upon
all the importance of purchasing' the '
true and original remedy. As the
genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured
by the CaufoksiaFig Stbvp Co.
only, a knowledge of that fact will
assist one in avoiding the worthless
imitations manufactured by other par
ties. The high standing of the Cali
fornia Fro Svkdp Co. with the medi
cal profession, and the satisfaction
which the genuine Syrup of Figs has
given to millions of families, makes
the name of the Company a guaranty
of the excellence of its remedy. It is
far in advance of all other laxatives,
as it acts on the kidneys, liver and
bowels without irritating or weaken
ing them, and it does not gripe nor
nauseate. In order to get its beneficial
effects, please remember the name of
the Company
tammxr. tir. xevr take. s.t.
17fi r. CI tor nnaatural
itiscbarKc. iaQamm&tu-ns.
I Irrit&tM'DS cr ulcerations
of riu cub a rucmbraiits.
Vaiultm. and not utriii
rarltm CKoeciiOa v-nt or powa(.i.
MM lay Brstf flals
or srtit fa plain rrarr-r.
fcr xna. nritaid. for
SI . :t Z tattl. t!.Z1.
--Ai- - vtuu act. vtt Kwr
fa RSj sWHwasHwit to cure dyspej-
sU.eonatliJaUon. uver anUKiancyuiseaseu.on- 1
ueasaesa, headache, etc. At drugsiats-Se A U. -
M la
imprt GaanatMj U
f(UU saS avanarr.
1 1 gaVtiaals caaiastoaw
v .c'i,v5s.r
w "i
sssaW-Vi A
W MBBBsssmV aBafca' V ffagaW.
f aPssa ssa
MM - sssL
r ia m
f . . . . . accept xt In the-sauvs spirit ;,
Women suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to promptly
communicate (with Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass. All letters are received;
opened, read and answered, by women only. A woman can freely talk of her
private illness to a woman; thus has been established the eternal confidence be-.
tween Mrs. Pinkham and the women of America which has never been broken.
Out of the vast volume of experience which she has to drawfrom, it is more than
possible thatshchasgained the very knowledge that will helpyotir case. She atks
nothing in return except your good-will, and her advice has relieved thousands.
Surely any woman, rich or poor, is very foolish if she does not take advantage of
this generous offer of assistance. LydiaE. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass.
The present Mrs. Tinkham's experience in treating female ills is unparalleled,
for years she worked side by side with Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham, and for sometime .
past has had sole charge of the correspondence department of her great busi
ness, treating by letter as many as a hundred thousand ailing women a year."
9 ftfcaie
I ...... ;; v&vS
and better than any ether chewing tobacco ever
made: YOU are not
The 10-ccnt piece oi
is the largest piece of
and you can get it anywhere in the United States
emember she name
when you buy again.
E& OMAHA. NEB.. OCT. t0-t5.
Jf The Official Celebration. W
S Participated in liy President McKiator 91
y9 and his Cabinet, the Governors of almo-t !
tu al!tlirTraiis-Mi"sissiiHStatct.theM.ivirs K
y&jm oftheprincipatwesterncitifjandrejirebcn- gWJ
JSD tatives of the Army ar.d Navy. H
SSI Every Day a Big Day. ftjj
2a Eein Omaha Jubilee WeeW-if yon want -..-- Sg
SRf to e the g rcatest of all the Peace Cclcbra- kSjV
CRfSa. i:.xtraordiitarily lor rate Tia the Kur- iSBf
52?f l:nj.'toii Route. Sec nearest B. t M. K. K. iAMV
M'4V K.ajjerit.orxrrittj attSsr
S" J ri,A!c,5 Gcn'1 av-ABt m:iba- jgfltW
Lives of sufTejInsand mlry from till reptiMye dlse turned into health ami happl-
iifss tiirouli-the use cf
RiGiarfi's Catarffl Epiiant.
Aflcr rears of werbl t,,.y n.,.l rra-.ta; In dlnilSuU?lftrS
Cat:' Catarrhal I I-ns,. ior CATARRH, EXPELLANT ' non.u.c.
tn. resulting fi-win. Ca'nrrli. n,ulc'ly
f VM'fw f Mnel! and Tante quic-ly
IxB n
All renuUivusvaii.toms peculiar t -tarrlwl
ri uiciij v
TfarW.-'. ,iu--::Inc. :ti:l splttlnr. relieved
llir '.llkil'. -r -. -. j-, - "
tHSarrlipl ArJVctiorj- .it MoinaCli. J.iveror iiun-j!v "- - - - - ,
Sfeuitrn. WfaUso .prelon. I vm of Ambition ml fcntT. a -It .Vly . re d
Most of th- irrakncsi of men and women U iii-el ly Catirrhal 1 ' .rft" Jj "j, ' hoat
Tlitrte wc.i!tr.eM tw cured i.y CATARRH EXPELLANT an-l P-rftv. ''Jii
Sffl'jgJSFt lt'you.a-SiaaHlS
WIHcurcyou ju,tassur... as water will quench thirst. Write to-day for testimonials au4
valuable Instructive u ip..-r on ttu'tc diseases. i-EM r Khh. Addrts
C. H.
No 4-11898
tikes Assucricg Advertisements MaClj
f'entica i!iis Taper.
r H&ffa 53 "V "EW DISCOVERY;
ayaTaaa " 'Uicrc'IefaBdruresTTt
me. .vesd forlwottof tir.;fTwr!al er.i XH days
treatment Free. Ur. ll.n.0KSl5-SSoss. nUrt., .
rin Ta A VCASHcaeiiWnEiCthcjrcarrocnd,
VTC rAl if ycu sell Ktarfc Tree:-. Ouititfree.
Ri&X KCSSIKT. I3&I3I15a. 10.. SUri. X'. Ztiitut, VL
" a a A
Anl CttUcftb. AiMwrtMt Pad'
0 a.
That addressing MrC Pinkhasa yti a eon tid
ing your private Ills to a woman awoeaM whoso
experience in treating-woeaaa's diseases
is greater than that of any living phy
sician male or female.
You can talk freely to a womra
when it is revolting to relate your
private troubles to a man besides,
a man does not understand simply
because he is a man.
Many women suffer in silence and
lirift along from bad tdworskpoWs
ing full well that they ought to jiave
immediate assistance but a natural
modesty impels them to shrink from
exposingthetasclves to the questions
and probably examinations of 'even
their family phvsician .' it is .unnec
essary. . Without, money br price
- you can coasnli a woman, whoso
Iw.4al44laMB vawaat aaa4akl attAi
iv luuviiwus iiuiu aviuat c-awht
.ence is greater than, any local
: physician in the world. The fqlr
lowing jnyitatiou is freely offered:
than Gold
obliged to dig ior it.
really high grade toDaccp,
- "" ....... ... 1 .11. -I.-.-..,..
troubles as iu. or.... .. ,.-
s .1 . . . m. t . iniii arats inn. mr-am .1111 mill.
m .At . C"f Cti.iuk
I - ,1-..-,..
Dr. Ka;'s Long Eafu StsSriSi
I MDtS Vkbtltl all I faalLZa.
Best ConirhSj rap. Tastes G"od. Use I
la ttmtt. to:a ot orepinw.
j t
I -1
4fc.g ariai. miat
faSl 1 "' "itFffft!1aTT"' f-r"-irTTLTra"" - - " JA 't