-txr "'s -3T--wrrgy-'",i .i , : . . ... ' . . Vi .. .- - ". J -J.V-" ."V. -. i Columbus lourual. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 21. 13. B. A 1L TlilE TABLE. LUrola. UMiki. t.Jo-pB. ' & fltT. St. Lt aad'zli Bist et led oath. feVavrr. Hraa. Batt. Salt Lake Cltr. PartUad. a Frueiac aad acistiWHt. all te.uss skpjutt. No. Paress?r. daily ezoept Sssd&r TUO a. bs .No. 22 Accaaiaoiitio-a, daily except , Tuesday .. .. ............... .. 4:1- p. in TBilX -AEEITX. So- 21 Pa-iT. diily except Scsday 955 p. m No. St Arcuczaudatiun. daily except Scpdaj . .. 1:23 p.m IB . ; v !fc ' TIME TABLE TJ. P. E. R. " " '; ' , ' EA3T EOTSO. ' ';'- " ' So 2. Pa-ner . ....... li p m -. . r-"o 4. . 4:10 a a " Na C, 2:3) p a . ": No ;- 650a a ..-;... "No ..Frht..-. 925 pm Av-'' ' WKTBOU5D ." -." N"; l.Payajrer 11:17 a m .V "- , -N.. i. 7:10 p m ".":. V 5 223 a a " ' N 7. " ............... 8:55 p in : . No 22 'Mix-a TiJa a 21UEI-OI.K ES1CE. Depart 7:15 p a ... eirt) a a. Anire 2o 5, Pseniw N 71 Mixi ... V. 4J. Pas-nir . ..l20p m. Xa '72. llixti : lliOp a AIIO.V IXDCtUE RAPID- BRANCH. Depart Ko 69. Pawnser 2J-1 p a N"o"7S. Uixrl 7i)a a Arrive t." 70. Pa.-esur?r ...... .. 13) p a Nt 7C Muwi . 9J0p a KHy"except Scsday. Trsia- 7 and s rus lH2 Colamba- and ( iKiacil Blntf nnly. Tckrf on sale for all point in th Unitd States and Canada. Bg checked fc deti csUon. C E.Joi. Agent, atietv 0 fires. "All noticv. ender thio hadi will b thhjrd at the rate of $2 a year. Z LEBANON LODGE No. Si. A. F. i A. M. mkj- Kefcixr ae-tinjr? 2d Wednesday in och aonth. All bivihren raxitd to attend fr W.S.FOX.W.H. J RAsxrasgy. Sec'y asnly WILDEY LODGE No. 44. 1. 0 O. V., I', aetrts Tneday etenimr ol tcn rwk: at their hall on Thirtfentn etrwt. VUitin brethren cordially 'n vitJ W . A. War. N. O W K. NrrxTKO. sc'y 27n91f OOLTTMBIAN C AMP No. 25. WOODMEN OF the World, a-t exerj second and fourth 1hurijr of ths aonth, 7 M p. a at L O O. F. Hkil, Tarteenth street Knlar attendance is vry dtiraule. and all nsitia brethren are cor diaily innil to meet with ns. janSt-5 REOSGANTZEDCHCRCH OF LATTEB-DAY luinte hold reralar crncwB exery Saxday Lt Z p a., tirarer artin on Wedneaday Temn u tneir cnaptJ, comer of Nortn strict and Pacific ATenne. All re cordially inxited. 1 Jicli Elder E. J. Hcdson. Preaident. EP.MAN BEFOKMED CHCBCH. Sanday Scnool at i JO a. a Chcrch every Sanday at l(fcs)a a. Christian Endeavor at 7 A) p. a. tAdiee Aid Society eTery nrst Thnrday in the aonth at the chnrch. 14cot4 GROCERIES ! Hardware, Wire Fence, Binding Twine, Rock Salt, iinseed Oil Cake Ground, AT Oehlrich - Bros. lSjclini COLUMBUS MARKETS. Wheat, V bushel 49& Corn,ehelled V bushel. . 204? Oats " bnshrL 1H Kyfr " bushel 35 Hs-V cwt. 3 23 3 30 Ft catUe-j cwi 3 C0 4 00 Potatoes bushel 50z Butter f lb 1413 E??s V iaieu. lfi: Markets corrected everv Tuesday afternoon. Dr. Naumann, dentist. Thirteenth etrect.. ti See the novelties in furniture at Hemck's. 3t Dr. L. G. Voss, Homeopathic phyEi ci&o. Columbus. Neb. Full line of linen doilies from 5 ceznts up at Miss Duffy's. A ner. fine lot of millinery arrived recently at Miss M. L. Daffy's. Dre. Martyn, Evans ir Geer. office three doors north of Friedhofs store, tf Chicago In.er Ocean and Coi.tntBrs Jocexal, one year, in advance $1.75. tf Filo's, corncello and Persian silks -may be matched at Miss M. L. Duffy's. Highest market price paid for barley at Schroeder's mill. Do-not fail to see our S-foot galvan ized steel mill for $23.00. A. Dussell Son. tf Born, Tuesday of last weei, to Mrs. William Dietrich, jr of New York City, ' a son. All well. .. Envelopes -with your, return card r.. printed on them, for 30 cents a hundred t Tee Jocexal offiee. See oar new lice of vebretB and ... ribbons for dre6S trimmings, the latest chades at Mrs. Walters, 23th St. When you wish good, neat, clean handsome work done m the line of printing, call at Tar Jottexal office. Dr. R. D. McKe&n, dentist, succe- or to Dr. Houghawout, ground floor, 4 . doors north First National Bank, tf " Bring yocr orders for job-work to this office. Satisfaction guaranteed, and . vork promptly done, as agreed upon. . . "The Hero of Manila,' a beautiful soag, will be given to all the customers -bfMks.M.L. Daffy. Call before they . .'"are all distributed. Dr. Baker, physician and surgeon. "- .'Beeideoce, Seventeenth and Quiney. . ".-Office, Olive st-, first doornorth of Brod- " fnehrer Telephone: Office 2Q; resi- bnee46. tf .. 3. W. Fauble, contractor and build ". er, -will also do all kinds of mason work, .. :such as constructing cistern; plastering, ;" efcisicey work. Estimates given for "-. fcnntf moving. 1xrk box 144. Coluaa .", bus, 3 ebriska. 4t . TCrTfiaedsTala The wither couldn't, well be ex celled. -r-With sunshiny weather, it don't take long for the roads to dry. Nice- new conches, something new and cheap, Herriek s. 3t . The boys are saving their nickels for Wallace's show Friday, the 23d. Comrades Tannahill,- Adams and McDonald went to Omaha Wednesday. Confereace of the Methodist charch at Schuyler next week, beginning the 27th. Mrs. John Wagner has' been very sidk for several weeks past with rheuma tism. Judge McAllister was at Fremont last Wednesday, looking over the situ ation. Born, to Mrs. A. a Pickett at Biver side, California, August 30, a daughter. All welL A change in the Union Pacific time table. See the changes in today's Joubxai- Fred Gottschalk is putting some valuable repairs on his Eleventh Btreet property. John Bader returned Thursday from Cripple Creek, Colorado, coming by wagon. Some fifty members of Camp 299 go to Omaha to enjoy Woodman time at the Exposition. Tho Wallace Shows is the best seen here in a decade. Cincinnati Commercial-Tribune. Girls' hats, Tarns and caps in the Dewey, Maine and Militia styles, at J. C. Fillmaii's. The Union Pacific eating house is being torn down and will be rebuilt in Wyoming, near Carbon. To see the Great Wallace Shows is to see all there is of legitimate worth in a circus. Washington Post. Thursday, a $36 cow belonging to -Hans Elliott lay down in the pasture and died no cause known. Regular meeting of K. and L. of S. Friday, Sept. 23d, at Odd Fellows hall. Maggie Meagher, president. Roosevelt Rough Rider fedoras and round hats at prices that will make you buy them, at J. C Fillman's. It is believed that the Illinois Cen tral is preparing to push an air line to Omaha, from Fort Dodge, 135 miles. Lem. Andrews of Omaha was in town Saturday on his way to Monroe, where he will relieve the agent a few days. At a surprise party on Roy Paschal Wednesday evening, some twenty of his young friends had a very enjoyable time. Wm. Schilz makes boots and shoes in the best styles, and uses only the very best stock that can be procured in the market, tf The Cecilian club will meet next Monday evening with Miss Martha Turner. All members are requested to be present. FARMERS, ATTENTION. You can get an S-foot Freeport Galvanized steel windmill from A. Duseell i Son for only $23.00. tf News was received here Monday of the death of Gus Kohler, a soldier, in Tennessee. He formerly helped Mr. E. Pohl in his grocery. Services in the Presbyterian church next Sabbath. Morning, "God will do the hard thing for us;" evening, The Twentieth Century Movement." C S. Easton and family, Harley Olcott and family and Otto Kummer and family were among the visitors to the Exposition Monday morning. Mrs. F. H. Rusche is entertaining a number of lady friends today, Tuesday, in honor of Mrs. Patterson of Eldorado. Kansas, who is visiting Mrs, Rusche. Mrs. Ecker, living near Samuel ImhofTs in Butler township, died Sun day from the effects of a kick by a horse on Saturday. She was seventv vears old. J. G. Reeder, Gus. Speice. E. H. Chambers and Homer Robinson com posed a party of fishermen near Monroe who had good success a couple of days last Week. We have engaged the assistance of Miss Rose Palmer, who has been em ployed by Schlesinger A: Mayers of Chicago, as our head trimmer. J. C. Fiilman. August Buettner has had his herd of cattle vaccinated against black leg by Dr. Underburg. This is said to be a sure preventive for this disease. Madi son Reporter. Mr. and Mrs. C W. Talbitzer, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sacrider, Mell Sacrider and Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Mannington went to the state reunion Tuesday. Monroe Republican. The Outlook says that the ranches around Cedar Rapids are buying corn in the field, paying from six to eight dollars an acre. They require that the corn shall be cat and shocked. The treatment for worms must Ik prompt and safe. White's Cream Ver mifuge can be trusted to restore your child to health. It is a tonic as well as a worm destroyer. Every bottle guar ?nteed to bring worms. 25c Dr.- A Heintz and Pollock ft Co. Recently very late at night a man was seen carrying a couple of boards, presumably stolen from the Schupbach lumber yard, as it was in that neighbor hood that he was Been. George Barnnm sold last week two blooded calves for good prices; one to Greisen Bros, for $40, and one to Henry Hewitt of Shelby, seven months old and weighing 680 pounds, for $50. Ballard's Scow Liniment is the most penetrating liniment in the world. It cures pain and inflammation of all kinds quicker than any other known remedy. Price. 0c. Every noctie guar anteed. Dr. A. Heintt and Pollack & Co. MTs Kate Yoegel gave a surprise party for Miss Anna Flecuning of DL, last Thursday evening. Cards and dancing were enjoyed until a late hoar. Miss Flemming is west on a -visit to her sister, Mrs. John Carry. The requirements of a medicine's to lighten the burden of pain aud rare. This brings us to the question of & remedy., .and T2bler's Buckeye Pile Ointment is the only remedv for blind, bleeding or protruding pilee that is endorsed by physicians. Cures the aost obstinate cases. 50c Dr. A. Htiatx ard Pollock ft Co. i iTinMifi i TiiiiillTliiatrii Iiiii H-yfca JV - w r. l. XtOOMBS. OX over Sanday with hir wife's parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Borders. Theformeris with the Omaha Anchor Fence Co, and was on -a business and pleasure- trip L combined. F. B. Skinner of Filaaore county and J. Xi. Skinner of TTinnan, both old-time residents of Platte county when it inclu ded what is now Colfax,' were in' the city today, Tuesday. Some agents of Thomas Edison are here with a stock of phonographs, -vita-scopes and many of tho'wonerfnl ma chines Edison has invented. The com pany are located this week in the build ing formerly occupied by J. P. HarL If The Joubsaii had been inclined to sensationalism these twenty-eight years of its existence, something in that kind might have been exploited nearly every week, but we are not so disposed, and it is rather late in the day to begin. Mr. Dukes, general manager for the Knohn company, was- in the city over Sunday. The company expects to feed some twenty thousand sheep here this winter, and if they do, farmers may ex pect good prices for all kinds of prov ender. It is not what a manufacturer says about his own medicine that cures a patient, but what the medicine does. Ballard's Horehound Syrup does the work and dose it well. It cures coughs and colds in a day. It's healing, sooth ing and quieting. 25c and 50c Dr. A. Heintz and Pollock Co. Many of our readers remember Miss Arlie Binehard, who lived in this city a few years ago, now of Holton, Kansas, and will be pleased to know she will take an advanced course in music in Chicago this winter. Miss Binehard has for some time been employed as music teacher. E. R. Bisson, a staunch republican of Sherman township, was in the city Saturday, coming among other things, to hear the fusion candidate for govern or, Mr. Poynter, who, for some reason not announced, did not keep his ap pointment, Mr. Porter being sent to speak. There Is no remedy equal to Herbins for the cure of constipation, sick head ache, indigestion, vertigo, loss of mem ory, uncertain appetite, unrestful sleep or skin eruptions. If you want a per fect tonic for the liver. Herbine will not disappoint you. Dr. A. Heintz aad Pollock Sl Co The electric lights were out of re pair Sunday night at 930, owing to a worn out piece of machinery. After half-past 9 o'clock the manager was unable to remedy the trouble so the streets were without light. Fred. Gottschalk has put new sills, new floor, etc, in his Eleventh street property recently occupied by Mike Abts, fixed up the sidewalk, and putting the premises generally into good repair. It is presumed the building has been engaged for business. J. S. Freeman was at his farm on Stearns prairie Wednesday. He says the Omaha Elevator company are put ting up an elevator at Platte Center, with a capacity of 40,000 bushels. The walls are constructed of 2x6 inch stuff laid flat and spiked together. The Wallace shovr is one of the great local events for this week. When Wallace was here before, years ago, he had an unpretentious show, but he gave the people more than he had advertised, and better, every way, than they had been led to expect. He evidently has not only money but conscience invested in the show business, hence his success. At the southeast corner of the sec ond block east of Walter Phillips' resi dence on Fifteenth street, and the second block north of Mrs. Gregorius' residence, Henry Hockenberger is about to begin the erection of a dwelling which will probably cost $4,000 before it is completed. It is to be in what is known as the Colonial style of architecture. The Albion Argus mentions the fact that Prof. Ed Farmer and sister Addie arrived at their destination at Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands, August 26th all safe and sound. They went from San Fran cisco in a sailing vessel. They had a very pleasant voyage and enjoyed the trip very much. Addie was sea sick a few days. The W. Q T. U. will give a "birth day offering" sociable at the residence of Mrs. L. Gerrard Wednesday of next week, at 3 o'clock. The day is in com memoration of Miss Frances Willard's birthday, and the proceeds from the social will be given over for the W. C. T. U. temple in Chicago, which is cover ed with a heavy mortgage. At the regular autumnal exhibition of the Nebraska State Horticultural so ciety, this year on the Exposition grounds, Fred Behlen of this county was awarded first premium on plums. The awards on collection of fruits in county competition were Nehama, first; Pawnee, second; Fillmore, third; Sarpy, fourth; Washington, fifth. James Tanner, editor of the Fuller ton Post, has been nominated by the democrats and populists as their candi date for float representative for the Platte Nance district. If we have to have a man of that kind (which we don't) let it be Tanner. We know of no objection to him except his politics. The republicans expect shortly to nomin ate a mac to sweep the district. The friends and admirers of Miss Florence Gleason will be pleased to learn that she will give a vocal recital in the Congregational church on the even ing of Oct. 5. She will play her own ac companiments, using an instrument from the new piano rooms lately estab lished in our city. The program will be published next week. A receipt from the treasurer of Platte county for taxes of 1897 on 360 acres of land in Columbus township, shows a valuation of $989; a state levy of 7 and .14 mills, and a county levy of 16 mills to the dollar; school district tax, $14.40; township road L96; Colum bus township Loup Bridge fund 2.46; Precinct tax 3.06 this is for interest on the $25,000 bonds voted for the branch Union Pacific A street fakir did- a big bastness Thursday when the crowd was in town attending the picnic He sold a chain for 25 cents and threw in a tin watch free. The suckers coald hardly shove their quarters np fast enough, and seeded to be afraid the sapply woald not saeet the demand, bat he had a plenty for all, and those who cot the staff will coiaaeBce to save mosey for the next fake that Bev. Mickel wfll attend district eoa fereBce in Schuyler next week beginning Tuesday. E. B. King, brother of Mrs. Mickel. who has spent his summer va cations here the past two years, will be admitted to the confereace this year. Next Sunday evening will be the last of a series of four song services held in the M. E. church, the subject being the Resurrection. Thursday evening, a man came into the Niewohner jewelry store and asked to see some gold watches. One was shown him, worth $32. He asked to see a more costly one, and while the clerk, Mr. Johnson, tamed to get another,' the man snatched the one in sight and got out and away before Johnson could catch him or see which way he had dis appeared. He hadn't the least suspicion that the man was a ucrook.'? The cutting of 300 tons of ensilage was begun on the Morrill dairy farm this week. This kind of. fodder is used for feeding the milch cows on the farm and good results are obtained. Enough ensilage is prepared each fall to last for a year and it is stored in a cemented cistern measuring 20x40x20. The green corn stalks are cut by machine and will take about two weeks to finish the job. Stromsburg News. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Jenkins and Miss Mary Turner, started by carriage Fri day, for a trip to Omaha and Craig, in Burt county, and will visit friends at both points before returning, besides seeing the exposition, at their leisure. Word was received from them Saturday that on Friday night, they had stopped at William Sniders, beyond Schuyler. Later word that they arrived in Omaha Sunday. 'Young James G. Blaine, who was made a captain and assistant adjutant general last May and attached to the Manila expedition, has been discharged from the service, together with other volunteer officers." Such is one of the items of war news, under date of Sept. 14. but no further names are given. It seems that young Blaine's conduct at Honolulu was not becoming. Secretary Bliss has affirmed the land office decision on the application of Archie G. Palmer of Central City, Neb., for the survey of an island on the Platte river near that city. It is said that the owners of abutting lands aro entitled to land in the middle of the stream and the application is rejected on the ground that the island in question is therefore not public land. Have you land on shore, opposite newly-formed islands? Sheriff Nuquist has recently pur chased a couple of bloodhounds from Ohio parties and received them by ex press last week. One of the dogs is young with but little training, but in what practice Mr. Nuquist has given him is working satisfactorily. The older dog has a good record and together they promise to make a good team. There are but two other sets of blood hounds in this state and it is believed there will be good business for all. Polk County Democrat. Back taxes to the amount of $320, with interest of $113, were collected from Tim Kinney, a well known sheep raiser and shipper from Wyoming the other day. Some years ago he moved a band of sheep from the county without paying the taxes assessed against them, to the above amount, and the present opportunity was embraced by Sheriff Kreader to levy on a train load he had just unloaded here, on the way to market. The money came forthwith. Fremont Herald. Hearing that Thomas Krebs, an old-time Platte county typo, is at the Printers' Home near Colorado Springs, we mailed him a copy of The Jocbxal last week, and received from him a very interesting letter concerning the Home, and the surrounding country. We are inclined to think that when Krebs didn't join to his type-setting ability that of reporting or writing, he missed one life opportunity, for he certainly pens a very interesting letter. From what he says of the Home, it must be a grand institution. Considerable excitement was cre ated in the Kalamazoo neighborhood over some shooting that occured in the home of 'Dick" Cmch Tuesday evening. Two shots were fired in at the open door. One bullet missed ''Dick's head about three inches while the other came near hitting the little girl who was sleeping on a bed striking the bedstead just an inch above her head. Who the would be assassin is and the cause of his at tempted crime is not known, but if he is discovered he will most likely wish he had never aroused the inhabitants of Kalamazoo. Star. Charles Wilson writes from Camp Wikoff under date of September 16, to his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wilson, that they are Tinder orders to go to Anniston. Alabama, and expect to leave in a few days; continue to send papers addressed here. Joseph Hodel died of typhoid fever in New York on the 3rd inst." We learn that Mr. Hodel was twenty-eight years old, and married just a short time before he enlisted in Montana. He and Wilson were school mates in Bismark township, this county, and many old friends will regret to hear of his death. The September number of the Ladies Home Journal has an interesting account of Thomas Wiggins (Blind Tom), who delighted audiences for so many years with his wonderful playing. It has been supposed by the public for several years that Blind Tom was drowned in the Johnstown flood, but be is living a quiet, happy life in the coun try, on the banks of the Shrewsbury river. Blind Tom is as wonderful a prodigy as ever. The Home Journal al so has two sketches Alpha and Omega,' taken from Robert Burdette's most re cent book, "Chimes from a Jester's BelL" Robert Bordette was an Iowan, and western people are proud of his fame. There seems to be no doubt but winter wheat is a good crop to raise in this part of the country. Pat it in with the best press drill yon can secure. E. H. Chambers tells ns that he has threshed 614i buehels from nineteen seres, making 3235 bushels to the acre. Mr. Sheldon, he says, got 31 bushels to the acre. Mr. Chambers figures that land from which this can be had, with wheat selling at 50 eta. a bushel, giving $16.17, k worth $75 an acre, at least, as an investment, because the expense of patting in the wheat is cot more than $5 an acre leaving tlLl7 an acre as an Jaaat-naafhrir fmf iilfif 7 I -te Paal Hagel was in Omaha Friday. Mas Ceha Wagner spent Saturday and Sanday at hone. Mrs. AL Hagaman of Lincoln is in the city viaitiag friends. B. S. Hartley of Lincoln was in the dty Friday and Saturday. . Mies Sarah Fitzpatrick is in Rogers visiting her sister, Mrs. Murphy. .saxs. ,ieiucB and two lady mends o Monroe were in the city Monday. Mrs. John Davis of San Diego, Cali fornia, is visiting-friends in Platte coun ty. Scott Hopkins of Platte Center, visited here Sunday on his way to Grand Is land. H. G. Cross and family are taking an overland trip to St. Edward and Albion this week. Louie Schreiber is working in the Monroe drag store a few days to relieve Dr. Humphreys. Miss Bird Russsom. returned home to Fullerton Monday after a visit with Miss Eva Gregorius. Mrs. Mnlvahill has returned to Peoria, BL, after an extended visit with her sister, Mrs. O'Brien. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Elliott started this, Tuesday morning for Neosho, Mo., where they will visit. Mrs. Anderson of Lincoln stopped overnight Monday with Mrs. Rusche, on her way to Genoa. Miss Grace Woods has returned from Cedar Rapids where she visited her cousin Will Gibson and family. Mrs. Bardwell returned to her home in Arkansas City, Kan., Monday, after an extended visit with her mother, Mrs. Early. Louie Schreiber will go to Chicago soon to take a course as Pharmacist. Carl Hoehen takes his place in Pollock's drug 6tore. Oley Britell of St. Edward was in the city last week, on his way to Lincoln to attend the university. He stopped with his brother, I. H. Robert O'Brien of Cheyenne, Wyo., visited relatives in the city over Sun day, going on Monday to Illinois, where he will remain about a month. J. E. Moncrief. a former resident of this county, and once its superintendent of schools, was in the city over Sunday. He is now a resident of Omaha, Adolph Luers, Arlie Dussell and Leo. Schonlau made a bicycle trip to Mon roe and back Sanday. They made the trip going up in an hour and thirty-five minutes. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fiilman accom panied by Miss Rose Palmer arrived here Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Fiilman have been spending the summer in Chicago and vicinity. Mrs. J. D. Stires will start Saturday for Washington, D. C, where she will attend the grand chapter of the Eastern Star. She will visit New York and Philadelphia before returning. "Mrs. Clapp of Fairbury, came up Mon day to visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Cushmg. Miss Elsie Morse, who has been with her during the sum mer, will visit in Seward before return ing home. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Pearsall and daughter returned from San Diego, Cai., Tuesday. Mrs. Pearsall spent the winter there, Mr. Pearsall going out a few weeks ago, called by the sudden death of their infant child. Mrs. J. C. Post, wife of President Post of the Oklahoma commission, has for her guests at the Paxton her mother and her sister-in-law, Mrs. C. A. Speice and Mrs. G. B. Speice of Columbus, this state. World-Herald. The party that have been enjoying an outing at Clear Creek, Greeley county, fishing and shooting, returned Thursday evening Frank Hagel, Rob Wagner. F. J. Gregorius. George Loshbaugh, F. Schilz.. B. Y. Brodfeuhrer. Eva Grego rius, Mrs. Wagner, and Bird Russom of Fullerton. Prof. Trimmer of Chicago will be in our city the 25th of this month and ex pects to organize a large chorus of mu sicians in the city to give an opera or oratorio. Prof. Trimmer has some ex cellent recommendations and will no doubt do well here as Columbus does not lack in musical talent. C. A. Newman has resigned his po sition in Ragatz' store and expects to go to Chicago in the near future to pur chase a stock of goods preparatory to moving into the old Delsman building, first door east of Greisen's. E. C Hockenberger has succeeded Mr. New man as book-keeper in the Ragatz grocery store, beginning work Monday. R. B. Kummer came in Sunday morning from Cheyenne, Wyo, where he had taken his boy for his health. Several years ago, the lad was afflicted with the "grip, from which he never seemed to fully recover, and his longs were getting in bad plight. Mr. Kum mer says that in two days after reaching Cheyenne, the lad was very decidedly better, and it is hoped and thought that in two years residence, he will out-grow his troubles. The elevation of Chey enne above sea level is what makes the climate favorable. Mr. Kummer ex pects to be here about ten days. Henry Gass' team got loose from the hitching post at the store Monday even ing, and started for home. They went pretty leisurely, but had not gone far when they struck a breakneck gait, and everybody gave them right of way as rapidly as they could. They made the turn into the alley on Tenth street, but when they tried to torn into the house yard, the tongue of the wagon went through the corner of the fence, the neck-yoke was broken in two, and the horses stopped. No damage but to the neck-yoke and the fence. A party of boys had just left the alley-way. WhOe at Omaha a couple of weeks ago, little Alta Prince found a pocket book containing $10 in money, a rail way ticket and a receipt for a subscrip tion to a newspaper. After returning home Mr. Prince wrote to the address on the receipt, informing the man where Alta had found the book and returned the same to the loser, and one day last week Mies Alta received a solid gold ring from the gentleman as her reward. This ahoald be a lesson to every one to carry a receipt for a. paid Hpsabserip- uontotfeeJocal paper in uetr aociEK- . rTliiii iMflaa - .r The real reason why. the silver, re publicans were refased a reasonable rep l resentation in the fusion congressional convention Inst week was through the' fear that their rotes might turn the nomination to MaxwelL Could Hobin son and hie friends have known that his nomination was assured in spite of silver republicans they would scarcely have offered them an affront that drove them from the convention and from his sup port in the campaign and at the polls. A few more such breaks on the part of Robinson and his friends and the aim- able Judge won't stand as much .show of election as a rabbit. Winside Trib une. - v . --H. S. Bradley, one of Uacle-Sam's soldiers, serving in the siguaLcorps, is in the city, arriving Saturday. . It is the business of their branch of the service to keep right up to the front with their lines, so that 'the fighting line can be supported more effectively by conveying information back and forth. They can place their line at the rate of five miles an hour. .Property in Porto Rico, he says, is increasing very rapidly in value. There is no complaint on the part of regulars in regard to food' and . other supplies, and Mr. Bradley thinks that if there has- been anywhere suffering on account of a lack of supplies, it has been the fault of the officers in. not mak ing requisitions. Charles Pearsall says he" visited with the recruits at San Francisco several days before they left for Honolulu.- The company presented a very fine appearance in their uniforms, "were certainly the best drilled men in the camp, the only ones that were cheered by the spectators after their maneuvers. They were a healthy looking lot of men, and will doubtless make model soldiers when it comes to actual service, into which they were anxious to get, and were doing their best to deserve to go with the first expedition which they have since done. In answer to the ques tion how they were faring, he replied that when he was there they had fresh bread, beefsteak, potatoes, tomatoes, coffee and sugar. George Smith, the sewing machine man, has had a somewhat unusual ex perience. Two years ago, he was called in a hurry to see his horses, and step-" ping upon the head of a cat fish, one of the prongs lodged in his foot. The wound was probed, but nothihg found. Off and on since then. he has felt a little pain there, but not until last week.when be was assisting at the bell tower, did the matter come to a crisis. He had occasion to go up and down the ladder a good deal, and the fleshy part of his right foot became very sore, and Sundav morning he began picking at it. and finding a point of something, he called upon Dr. Arnold who examined, found and extracted a bone about a quarter of an inch wide and fully an inch long and was clean and white. The barbs had kept it from working out. William Dietnchs is somewhat of a chicken fancier, that is, he thinks there is good pay for the investment in capi tal, time, running expenses, etc He took us in to show ns his chicken ranch the other day, and there are several things about the place worthy of men tion. From a start of 36 chickens this spring, he now has 554. He has a neat, clean room with board floor for the chickens; four stones of boxes on the sides for nests; an automatic feed-box a commendable, cleanly, time and feed saver; separate places and runs for the little chicks, safe from rats or other vermin; a walk up to the roosting place, etc. Of course, with increased numbers he needs a larger place for pasture, but he has gone far enough to know there is good money in the business. w In the house he called our attention to his chimney built from the ground, the flue nine inches square and the walls six in ches thick. The flue is always clean, the soot falling to the bottom, which he cleans out once a year. Among the house ornaments there are some su perior specimens of decorative art done by Mr. and Mrs. Dietnchs daughters. Misses Mele and Tilla, that are seldom excelled by those who have spent years in learning the decorative business. Ammaumccmeat ! Coi-miBrs, Nebr., Sept. 21. 1S0S. In order that I may give my clerks reasonable evening recreation. I desire to announce to the public that begin ning with the 1st of October my store will be closed at 7 p. m. each day, ex cepting Saturdays, when it will be kept open till 9, continuing six months. At the commencement of the longer days, will close at 8. The public are invited to do their dealings before the above-mentioned closing hours, and I feel certain they will appreciate the justice which is in tended to my employes. Thanking all for past patronage, and soliciting a continuance of the same, I am Sincerely yours. 2t J. P. Borowiak. TLaad For Sale. For sale, or exchance for real estate near any live town in Nebraska, 160 acres, SO acres under cultivation, house, bars, etc Sn miles cast and 2 miles north of Colcmbns. and 4 miles from Benton station. A purchaser will be given long time for payment, if desired. For terms, ap ply to Bechzs, Jazgoi Co. tf IMflimiUHWIUUiRIHIalf AT STILLMAN'S THIS WEEK Special Sales of Wall Paper! At just OXE-HALF regular price on GOO rolls of paper to make room for sew stock. Papers 5, 6, 4, 10, 20, 25c a rolL XLSO SPXCULL 31T.K OF STATIONERY. Box papers two dozen envel opes and paper to match, only 14c this week, AT STILLMAN'S fill Tiiafcir. CO M ING!! To COLUMBUS, WALLACE ' f r3S2f ". r r t- " WE'hl. -K. . 5&l The Greatest, Grandest and the best Honorably Conducted, Honestly Advertised. Lofty in Conception, Regal in Equipment. Omnipotent in Strength; Ideal in Character. Splendid in Organiz ation. Magnificent in Presentation. The Purest, Cleanest. Mightiest and Most Magnificent Amnsement Institution of the 19th Century. CAPITAL, 1.000 Features. 100 Phenomenal Acts, 25 Clowns-. 20 Hurricane Races, 4 Trains, 1.500 Employes. 6 Bands, 50 Cages, A Drove of Camels, 15 Open Dens, A Herd of Elephants, $4,000.00 Daily Expense. The Greatest Performers in tfce Lmowh world are with tke Great Wallace Shows this seaso, iaeladiag the THE 7 STLUKS, Bicycle THE 10 DELLAMEADS, Statuary Artists MLLE. NORADA FRENCH, Mysterious Globe Ten Principal Male and THE THREE IPETITS. LEON AND SINGING MULE 'TRILBY' The Sisters Vortex, Triple Revolving Trapeze OTJB STREET PARADE At. 10 a. m. DaDv, is the finest ever put on the streets. A Sunburst of Splendor. A Triumph of Art, Money and Good Taste, with Lavish Luxury of Spectacular Effect, and Greatest Professional Features Conceivable. Excursions Rnn ou ETery Line or Travel- No ftanbliag De vices Tolerated. NEVER DIVIDES. HENRY RAGATZ& CO. Staple Fancy Groceries, CROCKERY, aaGLASSWARE tld LAMPS. Eleventh Street, - VISTAS OF NOME COMFORTS 3re the dream of every one, and capable of realization for little money, if our books are taken as a source of information. We've some of the choicest property here abouts, farms, residence and business for sale, and at prices offered our experience m property values tell us that they're exceed izsz bargains. A little money and your own time to pay the balance transfers title to you. BECHER, JAEG3I & CO., Tkirteemtk St COLUiffiUS. - - NEBRASKA. THE JOURNAL J -? t - SHOWS ! K y mmMjM,;' 3 skwl rA - rr7 Mf-'. U of America's Big Tented Enterpr $3,000,000.00. and Skating Experts Female Equestrians Aerial Bar Extraordinary NEVER DISAPPOINTS and In our tock of HIGH GRADE GROCERIES we ar constantly re ceiving fresh invoices of the finest China. Jap. anil India Teas. We handle a full line of Chase & Sanborn's Fresh Roasted Coffees. They are the best. Now is a good time to buy Tea and Coffee, as price are low and indications are will go hisher soon. COLUMBUS, NEBR. alzC -La Sirs a"lBaaaasnQBT,K7BavaEaa34K aBBBBBBBBBjaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBS WE HAVE N1IY TOILS, but they are superior tools. Our stock of mechanics' tools of all kinds, for masons, carpenters, etc., and is complete, and from the best manufacturers in the country. They are all of the best steel, with hard wood handles, and are not only durable but moderate in price, and the mechanic using them will have no excuse for quar reling with his tools. SCMWUZ I EIST0H, ELEYIiTE ST.. COLUMBUS. NEBR FOR ALL KINDS or PEILJ 1'llTG- t . ?. t . . t t Vl ' .(! j". v.. .. .' . -. . ". -.. -. ? .-..- .,i .: - : . Jr. '. ii 'i&f