The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, September 14, 1898, Image 2

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Columbus gotmtal.
Eateml at the PoatoSec, Colombas, Nefar i
Mcoad-claM xnailinmtter.
Columbus, Nebr.
K tums ow srBHcmirnoK:
Oneywir. by mail, postage prepaid..
Six iBODtba.... ............... .....
Xliroo osQBlna.... .. .... .... '.
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V' ' . .'
Congressman, Third .district,
. . W. F. NORMS, Wayne.
4 Governor,
; " HAYWARD, Nebraska City.
. GEORGE A. MURPHY, Beatrice.
Secretary of State,
;! ." . C. DUBAS, Wilber.
Auditor Public Accounts,
. T; L. MATHEWS, Fremont.
Superintendent Public Instruction,
. . .JOHN F. SAYLOR, Lincoln.
N. D. JACKSON, NeliRh.
Land Commissioner,
. A. F. WILLLMS, Elk City.
. ". For Judge Sixth Judicial District,
'" W. A. McALLISTER, Columbus.
. . Float KeirffntatiTeICorBtio.
.:ne,, republican party of Plutto and Nance
coontiea composinK the 2Mb representatiTe dia.
.trict of Nebraska, are requested to ,aend.dale
VamtaafromthpirrespectiTe'coanttea to Beet in
eoatestion atlOraoa, Nance coanty on Satar-
jaay September 17th at 1 o'clock p. m. for the
Jnvpaie of placing in nomination a 'candidate
'" for te office of float representative of the 25th
district, and for the transaction of sach pother
bnsinesa as may be incident thereto.
The counties composing aaid 'district are en
titled to tite following delegates each:
1 lattoGonnty..... ..... -...... ......i
Nanc connty... ................ .......... 7
Dated this 30th day or August. 1808.
11. 0. Stbotheb. W. W. Cobnkuos.
3 Secretary. Chairman.
V ' Reab ADMiitAii Dewet has asked for
' ian additional cruiser and battleship, and
considers the situation at Manila criti-
. cal, becuuso of the attitude of Aguinaldo.
Dh. Geobqe L. Milleb has consented
tto be one of a committee to go east and
invite ex-Presidents Harrison and Cleve-
- land to be the guests of the exposition
on Presidents' day.
It is announcad that a committee of
Philippinos, appointed by Aguinaldo,
'"has left Hong Kong in order to confer
. .with. President McKinley upon the
- ' future of the Philippine islands.
' t How many .people in this country
know that Wharton Barker of Pennsyl
vania and Ignatius Donnelly of Minne-
' sota nro the candidates for president
..' and vice-president by the middle-of-the-road
The Reeso Printingcompany's estab-
-- lishment in Omaha burned down Mon-
VVday, a complete loss, 360,000, with in-
faurance of 47,000. The fire is supposed
. c to-have been caused by spontaneous
combustion among the printing inks.
Republican party motto of 1896, from
one of William McKinley's speeches:
"The republican party stands for honest
;- money and the chance to earn it by
"' honest toil.' It can be truthfully said
now: "By honest toil we earn honest
The late Empress of Austria was as
sassinated Saturday, at Geneva, Switzer
? land, by an Italian anarchist, who con--
Tjratnlales himeelf upon the success of
his crime. He says he belongs to no
committee; that he acted on his own
The republican party believes in ag-r-'riculturo,
mining, stock raising, manu
factures and commerce. Diversified in
dustries are needed for a great body of
people, in order to secure comfort, then
thrift and improvement. The farm near
to the factory gives mutual benefit.
The treaty between England' and
- Germany has been signed, so that there
will be between the two a close alliance.
This does not interfere at all with the
--. amicable feeling between England and
the"' United States, of course, who have
j. no Bro"8 against either. We are
satisfied that neither or both of then to
gether have any nlterior designs against
. 'this countrv.
The death of Judge Thomas M.
Sple- Monay rooming at bis home at
pAnn Arbor, Michigan,. was not .unex
pected. Three months ago Be returned
. yova a jmvale sanitarian at -Flint,
flfiehigaa, -frhere jfes .bad been treated
fr tal wMbsH. At times, he
I -realised his condition and wished that
death would come to hie relief. As a
:. i ,lawyer and author he' was eminent
e ' The town of Jerome, near Prescott,
Ariz., was completely wiped out Sun
day morning. Eleven bodies .have been
. so .far recovered, while a score or more
. are in the ruins or missing. Money loss
. estimated at 31,000,000. The fire origi
nated from a gasoline stove in a cabin.
tirteen hundred people are boneless.
TbeT only building to 'escape was the
neinodist church.
' '-lit order to make a showing the pop
state house gang decided to foreclose on
every piece of school land in the state
rand force the farmer to either nav no or
kt-fe his home taken.from bin. A meat
many 'farmers who had bad cro failure
for a year or two were unable to pay up
and the pop stato land commissioner,
with. the greed of a 3 per cent shark,
cancelled the lease. The farmer lost his
land; and the state lost the interest dne
If the land commissioner had shown
proper leniency to the men who had im-J
proved the land and given then--
jse for one. more oros -searoelv a
ban 'in the state would' have-lost his
school hind. Under improved conditions'
farmers, ol Nebraska paid more debts"
last year than any year before in the
history of the state. Keaney Sua. (ree)
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B A p4tf ctiye tariff, ;hevji
llciprocilyiincts, fills theg
H bill . for - the Greater, : New If
II United States. j !
Hollxs BBCK,;has been twice a candi-
date for judge, being both times badly
defeated. There is no reason to believe
that the people of this, judicial district
are now .any more favorable to his judi
cial candidacy than formerly. Fremont
The future of the United States is
briffbt with hope. Base every act of
the nation .upon the sure and solid foun
dation of right; and those peoples that
are endeavoring to rise from conditions
of oppreeion, ignorance and degradation
will look to this country for encourage
ment, for help, and for reciprocal com
mercial relations. Mutual benefit has
always been the rule of action animat
ing the United States, and now. with
enlarged opportunities, there is every
reason to continue in the good way un
til the "little leaven leaveneth the whole
The school system of Nebraska is too
important an institution to be placed in
the hands of an incompetent man. The
future of the state is being moulded
daily in the school room, and the Super
intendent of Public Instructions must
be possessed of two qualifications.
First, he must be an educator himself.
Second, he must be possessed of execu
tive ability to enable him to so conduct
educational affairs of the state as to
make the school system what it should
be, viz, the corner stone of the state.
That J. F. Saylor, the republican candi
date, possesses these two qualifications
in the highest degree is not to be ques
tioned. Vote for him and you can rest
assured that the schools of Nebraska
will be placed in good hands. Falls
City Journal.
It is good to know that men have not
lost their reason or their reasonableness,
because often they make such fools of
thnmwdvea. esneciallv in nolitics. At
the Saratoga conference the other day
some eastenTdelegate made a statement
reflecting on the conduct of tho war.
Immediately, E. H. Bacon of Georgia, a
prominent democrat, sprang to his feet
and said: "I fought in the rebel army,
and I never scratched the democratic
ticket in my life, but I would feel that I
had been a coward and afraid of my
duty if I failed to resent that imputation
against the administration of President
McKinley. This is not the time nor the
place for any such insinuation as the
gentleman has uttered. Although I
was a rebel and am a Democrat, I want
to express my entire satisfaction with
the courageous and wholly just and
sensible manner in which President
McKinley has conducted this war, and I
want to add that it is not only my per
sonal conviction. The entire South
feels as I do. I live with the people of
the South, and I know."
They Nominated Hollenbeck.
The democrats and populists of the
Sixth judicial district met in delegate
conventions in this city last Wednes
day, the democratic delegates at the
court house, the populists at tho fife
men's hall, and held an all-night session,
a nomination not being reached until
half past five Thursday morning.
The democratic convention was or
ganized temporarily by electing Hens
ley of Platte for chairman and Winter
stein of Dodge secretary.
The committee on credentials was
Speice of Platte, Thompson of Nance,
Smails of Dodge, Sparks of Merrick and
Doughty of Colfax.
Van Horn was elected chairman and
Blake secretary.
A committee of conference was ap
pointed who were to inform the popu
lists that the right to name a democrat
would be claimed. The committee
were: Hollenbeck, Sparks, Cuba, Greun
ther and Thompson.
The committee agreed to rules adopt
ed by the state conventions.
Balloting then began, the result of
each ballot being sent to the populist
convention, and their action awaited.
First Sparks 22J, Gondring 2GJ
Thomas 8, Albert.!.
Second Sparks 21, Gondring 20. Al
bert 8, Thomas 12.
Third Gondring 16, Sparks 20, Albert
10, Thomas 15.
Fourth Gondring 19, Sparks 17, Al
bert 12, Thomas 15.
Later along Gondring received all the
votes, except Nance county, instructed
for Albert, the populists all the while
sending back 20 for Albert, 13 for Sparks .
Later along Thomas was nominated
by the democrats.
Then Sparks was unanimously named
by the democrats, but the populists re
turned 20 for Albert, 13 for Thomas.
Judge Albert withdrew from the race
and shortly afterward, Mr. Hollenbeck
was nominated by both conventions.
C. C. Hollenbeck is a resident of Fre
mont, and regarded as an attorney of
ability. He was not a candidate at this
time, but supposed to be on the list for
next year with Albert But now
The populist convention was presided
over by James Kiernan of Woodville,
N. S. Hyatt being secretary.
Iroa'cal Its.
If all flesh is grass old age must be
well-cured hay.
If you lose an opportunity it is useless
to advertise for it
If you have occasion to criticise a
mule, do it to his face.
If it is bred in the bone the buteher
always gives it a-weigh.
If a woman can get a voter she doesn't
care anything about a vote.
If a nan is always giving himself
away he is not worth having.
1 If boot-jacks were bouquets a cat's
life would be strewn with roses.
r -
. Jfyoa can't live within your income
you cannot live long without it
If a woman is lost in self-admiration
she may be found in front of a mirror.
" If yon are looking for a swell job all
you have to do, is to stire up a hornets
aesL-Chicago Daily News.
Dewey Has Asked For Addi
tional Warships.
AffBlaaldo Thinks That Thar Shenld Da
aa Lafayette AfUr Helplag- Americas
la War of IadepenUeure 'Ex-MlaWter
Deaby Says We Should Retain Philip
pines to Prevent Knropeaa War.
Manila, Sept. 13. Rear Admiral
Dewey says he considers 'the situation
critical. It is understood that he has
asked for an additional cruiser and bat
tleship. The Spaniards' assert that German
will take a coal station here and that
Spain will retain the remainder of the
The last Spanish garrisons at Hicos
and Ligune have surrendered and the
whole island of Luzon is in the hands of
.the insurgents at Manila and Cavite.
JAguinaldo went to Lelellcs on Friday.
He has announced-his intention of con
vening an .assembly .of the Filipinos on
Sept. 15, in order to decido upon the pol
icy to be adopted by the insurgents.
The correspondent here of the Asso
ciated Press has had an interview with
Aguinaldo who said there were G7.000
insurgents armed with rifles. He added
he could raise 100,000 men. Indeed, the
insurgent leader pointed out, the whole
population of the Philippine islands was
willing to fight for their independence.
Continuing, Aguinaldo said ho had 9,000
military prisoners, including 5,000 in the
vicinity of Manila, besides civil prison
ers. Later Aguinaldo said the "provi
sional government' was now operating
28 provinces.. He asserted that on
August 2d they elected delegates in
numbers proportionate to the population.
As to the Americans, Aguinaldo re
marked that he considered them as
brothers and. that :the two sovereign
republics were allied against a common
The insurgent leader denied having
received a request from General Otis
and Rear Admiral Dewey to withdraw
his troops to a prescribed distance from
Manila and Cavite and he declined to
discuss the effect of such request.
Aguinaldo farther asserted that, he had
never confided with the American au
thorities since the capitulation of Man
ila, and he had never authorized the in
surgents to search or disarm Americans
crossing the lines.
The whole interview conveyed the
impressiod that Aguinaldo desires abso
lute independence, regards the mission
of the Americans here as accomplished
and expects their withdrawal just as
the French with Lafayette withdrew
after helping the Americans in the war
of independence, a war of humanity.
Just now Aguinaldo maintains the
role of extreme friendship. -
Should Keep Philippines.
Washington, Sept. 18. Mr. Charles
Denby, former minister of the United
States to China, arrived here from
Pekin, and in the afternoon paid his re
spects to the president. On leaving the
White house Mr. Denby, in answer to
inquiries, said that in his judgment the
United States should retain perma
nently the possession of all or practic
ally all of the Philippine islands. To
surrender them to Spain would be only
to invite a controversy and possibly a
war among tne European nations for
their possession, and if the United
States is to make effort to secure any
considerable portion of the markets of
the far east, the Philippines would be
of very great advantage to us.
To Avert: Resignation.
London, Sept. 13. The Paris corre
spondent of the Times suggests that the
second of the two cabinet councils held
Monday was called specially to avert the
immediate resignation of General Zur
linden, minister for war, who had re
signed could not have accompanied M.
Faure to the maneuvers. The corre
spondent understands that as M. Sarreu,
minister of justice, has consented to re
consider the Dreyfus "dossier," Gen
eral Zurlindeu will postpone bis resigna
tion until ho returns from the manenv
era. The Paris correspondent of the
Daily News says: President Faure de
clared that it would never do for him to
face the troops at the maneuvers if com
ing from a cabinet council which had
adopted revision.
To Abolish Paying- Commissions.
St. Louis, Sept. 13. At the call of
Chairman Richardson, of the Southeast'
era Passenger association, a mass meet
ing will be held in this city Tuesday,
Sept. 27. The chief subject to be taken,
up that day will be the payment of com
missions to ticket agents. Some of the
lines are in favor of abolishing commis
sions entirely, while others favor the
payment of a small commission. It is
determined in any case to reach an
agreement for the wiping out of excess
ive commissions all over the country.
Slekaesa oa the Pecrease.
Sax Francisco, Sept. 18. Sickness is
very much on the decrease m the Presi
dio camp and the typhoid fever is get
ting under control. There were twenty
six in the convalescent home today, with
fifteen men off on furlough, 3.19 in the
division hospital and 417 in the Presidio
lospital. There are 60 cases of typhoid
u the field hospital. The Fifty-first
owa has 62 cases and the Seventh Cali
fornia 60 cases of typhoid.
Weavers oa Strike.
Fall River, Mass., Sept. 13. The
weavers of Borden City cotton mills No.
1 and 2 have struck against a reduction
of wages. The weavers of mill No. 3
have been on strike for three weeks for
the same cause. The strikers number
between - 600 and 700. Work in. the
weaving departments of the three mills
was suspended? The spinners and card
ers are likely to leave work in support
of the weavers.
Barial of Cadet Wheeler.
Montgomery, Ala., Sept.12. The re
mains of Thomas Wheeler, son of Gen
eral Wheeler, were taken to the family
barial ground in Lawrence county, Ala
bama,, and interred at 11 o'clock this
Bayard Very Weak.
Dedhax," Mass., Sept. 12. Thomas
F. Bayard did not rest at all yesterday
and is very-weak. His doctors expect
aim to live about a week longer.
any TaraeU Dead.
Chicago, Sept. 1. Harry Varnell,
the well known sporting man and
former phKrwnaji, AieA frW pf Bftnralgja
na War New Battleships Hare
Considerably Amended.
Washington, Sept.. ,l3.-The "navy
department has arrive' at what- it re
gards as a fair and satisfactory: settle
ment of the question of awarding the)
contracts for the costftrootion of. the
three battleships. ' When tho bids were
opened it was found that for -the fast
ships desired the Newport News com
pany was the lowest. Cramps next and
the Union Iron works just above, all
within the limit of cost affixed by the
act of congress. It -was the. original
plan to award the 'contracts in, that
order. But upon examination of .the
plans submitted by the bidders it was .
found that the only thoroughly satis
factory one was that submitted by
Cramp, who had simply taken the alter
nate plans suggested by the navy de
partment, which amounted to lenghten
ing the hull of the ships from 15 to 20
feet, in order to gain room for the more
powerful engines required to drive the '
ship at a speed of 18 1-4 knots, instead j
of 16 knots as first proposed. After con- j
sidering the subject in all aspects, the j
board of naval bureau chiefs has hit ,
upon a -solution of the question. They
have invited the Newport News com- j
pany and the Union Iron works to ,
amehd then plans so as to make their
ships identical with that proposed by
Cramp. Mr. Scott of the California
company, has agreed to do this already
and the representatives of the Newport
News company has verbally agreed to
do the same, so it is the understanding
that each of the companies will be given
a contract for one ship.
May Go to Philippines. "
Washington, Sept. 13. Miss1CIara
Barton and party reached Washington
from Tampa, Fla. Those wttlutMiss
.Barton were Dr. Winfield Egan, chief
surgeon of the Red Cross, General Yon
Schell.qf the Belgian red cross, Dr. Gill,
J. A. McDowell, Miss Lucy Graves and
Miss Annie Fowler, of Illinois.
The party is here waiting orders and
mav be sent to the Philippines. It is
said that Miss Barton will make to the
secretary of the state department a state
ment that the Spanish authorities re
fused to allow the Red Cross to land car
goes of supplies at Havana.
Iawton Report.
Washington, Sept. 13. The follow
ing cablegrams from General Lawton
regarding the sanitary condition of the
troops under his command were made
public at the war department: Sanitary
report September 11: Total sick, 606;
total fever, 411; total new cases fever,
46; returned to duty, 246; deaths, 3.
Sept. 12: Total sick, 783; total fever, 403;
total new cases fever, 71; total total re
turned to duty, 289; deaths, 2.
Copplnger is Pleased.
Washington, Sept. 12; The war de
partment has received a letter from Gen
eral Coppinger, in command at Hunts
ville, Ala., expressing the greatest satis
faction with the location of the camp,
which, he says, is a vast improvement
as to health conditions and beauty to
the swamps aud fever-laden districts of
Parade Indefinitely Postponed.
Washington, Sept. 13. The plan of
having a parade in New York of the
troops returning from Porto Rico and
those at Montauk is indefinitely aban
doned. This is the result of several con
ferences on the subject between the
president and General Miles and of con
sultations with army officers in New
York and at Camp Wikoff.
Troops Not Yet Selected.
Washington, Sept. 13, General
Miles said today that the troops, to con
stitute the garrison of Cuba kad-Jiot
yet been selected. They would consist
of regulars, immunes and volunteers,
though it was not possible now to tell
just what tho proportions would be.
CboTinskl an Easy Winner, t
Philadelphia, Sept 13. Joe Choy
inski had all the best of his bout with
Joe Goddard last- night at the Arena.
Goddard was considerably heavier than
the Californian, but he lacked in sci
ence. Choyinski made a chopping
block of the Australian and several
times it looked as though Goddard
would not be able to stay the full six
Bonner Bests Creedon.
New York, Sept. 13. Jack Bonner,
the middleweight pugilist from Summit,
Pa., gained an easy victory over Dan
Creedon, the Australian boxer, in the
second round of their fight at the Greater
New York Athletic club last night.
Creedon was knocked down by a heavy
right band punch on the jaw and in fall
ing he twisted his right ankle.
.Sherfflr Takes a Hand.
Buffalo, Sept. 13. The 20-round
bout for the lightweight championship
of the world between Frank Erne and
Kid Lavigne, that was to have been the
opening contest at the Hawthorne Atli.
letic club at Cheektowaga last night
was stopped by Sheriff Killgallou be
fore the men came together in the arona.
Firemen Meet at Toronto.
Toronto, Ont.. Sept. 13. The sixth
biennial convention of the Brotherhood
of Locomotive Firemen opened with
some 400 de'egates present, and many
more arrived during the day. There are
1,500 delegates and visitors now in the
city. The convention will last ten days
or longer. A number of changes in the
constitution and in the beneficiary will
be considered.
Confirms Story of Wreck. .t t
Seattle, Wash., Sept. 13.-rrE.nB.
Washer who arrived here from St.
Michaels brings confirmation of the
previously published report of the loss
of the steamer Jessie, at the mouth of
the Kuskowill river, in July, wiih 18
lives. The news was brought to St.
Michaels by a trader named Ling, who
said that only one Indian survived. Mr.
Washer also brings a report thst the
schooner Lo use J. Kennedy had been
wrecked in the Bering sea.
Maiae Election.
Portland, Me., Sept. 13. The state
election resulted in the successful Re
publican ticket as follows: Governor,
L. Powers, of Houlton; congressmen:
First dfstrict, Thomas B. Reed, of Port
land; second district, Nelson Dongley,
of Lewiston; third district, Edwin C.
Burleigh, of Augusa; fourth distriet,
Charles A. Boutelle, of Bangor.
Satisfactory Arrangement,
Chicago, Sept. 13. A definite state
ment has been secured from the Cana
dian Pacific as to its intentions regard
ing the restoration of rates. It will use
the basis in effect prior to last Novem
ber, taking care to use the lowest rate im
effect over any American line. This ar
rangement is satisfactory to all the
American roads.
Toe Wet to Pitch Teats.
Lixcolx, Neb., Sept. 13. The con
tinuous rain for four days made it im
possible to pitch tents ' at the fair
grounds in preparation foe the Grand.
Army of the Republic state reunion.
The official? did not attempt to carry
out any part of the program, and but a
few people cause into camp.
Sanitary Regulations Cause a
.Decrease of Death Rate.
Bally Death Kate la City Has Fallea
Fiihu Seventy to Twenty Forty Per
Ceatefthe Ptfth Regulars Are oa the
.Jlck list Freas Malarial Fevers In
creased Slekaesa Ainoas; Ail Troops.
Santiago de Cuba, Sept. 13. As the
result of the general introduction by
General. Wood, military governor of
Santiago de Cuba, of American methods
of conducting municipal affairs, this an
cient and always unhealthy city pre
sents a healthy record today which is
quits extraordinary considering the con
ditions that existed here a month ago.
Under the present system Santiago is
divided into five divisions, under five
physicians, each division having inspec
tors of sewers, streets, houses and dis
pensaries, with a hundred street
Five hundred cubic yards of refuse
are burned daily, disinfectants aro dis
tributed wherever they are needed, and
a heavy fine is imposed for uncleanliness
and failure to report unhealthful condi
tions and death.
Proofs of benefit of the system are
furnished by the decrease in sickness
among the poor. The daily death rate
of 70 a month ago has fallen to 20.
Illness oa the Increase.
, Santiago, Cuba, Sept. 13. Five men
of the Fifth regulars have died since
'their arrival here, 40 percent of the reg
iment being on the sick report from,
malarial fevers. Illness among all the
troops is increasing. Colonei Crane's
immunes are in camp on the banks of
the San Juan river. This has had a
fatal effect.
Oeaeral Miles Orders All Troops Now
There to Other Point.
Camp Wikoft, Sept. 12. Under per
emptory orders from General Miles,
preparations are being made to break up
this camp at once by sending home all
the soldiers here. This is entirely con
trary to what has been the understand
ing of the officers in command. Gen
eral Shaf ter said last week that 6,000 or
7,000 men would be kept here, at least un
til October.and this was supposed to have
been the order of Secretary Alger. An
officer said today that when General
Miles' order came, a telegram was sent
him, saying that his order was contrary
to that of Secretary Alger, and Miles re
plied: "Never mind what Alger says, I
am in command now."
Orders were received from the war
department today ordering two regi
ments of the United States regular
troops away from Camp Wikoff, Mon
tauk. They are the Twelfth infantry,
which is ordered to Jefferson Barracks,
Missouri, and the Twenty -second infan
try, which goes to Fort Crook, Nebraska,
the station it occupied before going to
the war. The Twelfth infantry was
formerly stationed at Fort Niobrara,
Nebraska. It is hoped that all the reg
ular regiments will be away from Mon
tauk by the end of the week.
No Mew Cases of Yellow Jack.
Jackson, Miss., Sept. 13. The yellow
fever situation today is comparatively
quiet. No new cases have developed,
The panic which struck the city Satur
day subsided, and many who fled at the
first alarm have returned. The patient,
Kilgore, has the black vomit, and it is
thought he will die.
Costly Blaze at Cincinnati
Cincinnati, Sept. 13. A fire in the
crowded down town portion of the city
broke out today in the Rush building,
in the portion occupied by the Fentou
Baking Powder company. The loss is
estimated at $75,000; fully insured. A
serious conflagration was narrowly
Paaa Mines Resume Operations.
Pana, His., Sept. 13. Only five men
reported for duty at the Pen well mine
this morning. They were lowered into
the shaft. The Springfield mine re
sumed operations today with the usual
force of negroes. The miners did not
attempt to interfere with the men who
went to work.
Gold Hunters Mardered by Thieves,, Mich., Sept. 13. Joseph and
Morton H. Marshall of Otsego, who
went to Alaska last spring, were mur
dered by thieves. A letter received
from a friend of the men states that
their bodies were found in their mining
shanty on Copper river.
Five Known to Have Perished.
Philadelphia, Sept. 12. Five per
sons are known to have lost their lives
as a result oi tne gasoline explosion
which occurred lost night at loth and
South streets. It is believed that at
least half a dozen bodies are yet in the
Omaha Printing Establishment Barns.
Omaha, Sept. 12. Fire this morning
Cleaned out the building occupied by the
Bees Printing company, at Eleventh
and Howard streets, entailing an esti
mated loss of 85,000 on building and
Red Mem la Session.
Indianapolis, Sept. IS. Tho flf ty.first
annual session of the great council of
the Improved Order of Red Men began
this morning. With one or two excep
tions the entire list of representatives of
the body is here and all of the officers,
The entire representation of the body is
127. Reports of the officers show an in
crease in the membership throughout
the United States last year of over 12,
000; The finances of the order, too, are
in a flourishing condition. The books
Bhow a credit of over $250,000. The
question of excluding saloon men from
membership in tne oraer win come up,
but in all likelihood will be killed. The
repeal of the laws of the order to enable
lodge rooms being held in the same
buildings as saloons urged by the New
York delegation seems likely not to
Six Huadred Massacred.
London, Sept. 13. The correspondent
of the Times at Candia, Crete, who has
just landed after five days in the road
atead says: About 000 men, women and
children were either burned alive or
massacred in the outbreak last week.
The Turkish troops are now patrolling
and blocking up the streets. The Mus
sulmans are ransacking the ruins of the
burned quarters of the town where the
devastation is complete. Blood is visi
ble everywhere. Such bodies of the
slain as were not burned were removed
in carts and buried outside the town
H Yellow Jack at Jacksoavllle.
Jacksonvtixe, Fla., Sept. 13. There
is absolutely no truth in the rumor of
yellow fever at Jacksonville. The
health of the city has never been better
at this season of the year.
toe of the Xatloaal
Philadelphia, It BdKoa. 7.
Baltimore, 4; WssWaitoa, 5.
as. Pai,s; TadMUjoHt, L
Yellow Fever Suspects
Ponce Isolated.
After Short Session Adjournment Is Taken
to Give Spaalards Time ta Prepare
Their Keply Americans DecUae ta
Make PabUe Their Terms Harricaae
Delays Sailing of Warships.
Sax Juan, Porto Rico, Sept. 13. The
two evacuation commissions held an
hours' session yesterday and adjourned
untiltoday.. The American com
missioners made' known their position
regarding the evacuation and transfer
of the island, in accordance with their
instructions from Washington. These
instructions they decline to make pub
lic at present, as publicity might lead
to embarrassment in negotiations; but
the Spanish commissioners did not dis
close their positions nor the nature of
their instructions. Manifestly,- how
ever, wilungnsss to secure as much ex
pedition as possible and our commis-.
sioners are satisfied with the way which
their demands have been informally re
ceived. The adjournment gives the
Spaniards time to prepare their reply.
When that is concluded issues will be
joined and the situation became clear.
What effect, if any, the appearanco of
yellow fever among the troops at Ponce
will have, is problematical. Should the
fever spread, it would doubtless induce
the American commissioners, to hasten
evacuation to the utmost; but as yet
there is not the slightest reason to ex
pect an epidemic
General Brooke says two cases have
been reported to him and ono death.
As soon as he learned of this he caused
all suspects to be isolated with a view
of preventing the spread of the infec
tion. It is believed that tho cases orig
inated in the Spanish prison at Siboney.
The report of a hurricane at tho island
of Barbadoes has delayed the sailing of
the Spanish warships for Spain. All
our ships at this station are safe in the
harbors. Tho monitors are at Guanica,
and the Cincinnati and New Orleans
are here.
Six naval cadets who were on board
the Cincinnati are to be sent to Annap--
olis by the Seneca, which sails on Tues
day with the signal corps men who are
to be mustered out. General Henry's
report made to General Brooke yester
day on the condition of the troops on
the south side of the island shows there
are 1,558 sick out of a total 11,000, the
highest percentage yet reported. Al
though the percentage of sick is high,
generally, a large proportion of the cases
are not serious and the death rate is
e5 "V 5
lbitional 'otnI.
Clevrland Mas or Family Shot by a Piiwo
late Woman.
The following concerning a man who
was well known here during the early
seventies, is from a telegram to the Lin
coln Journal, under date of Denver,
September 9.
Mr. Lawrance was married here, and
visited here about two years ago:
D W. H. Lawrence of Cleveland, O., was
shot and probably mortally wounded in
a room at the Oxford hotel this after
noon by a woman known hero only
as Florence Richardson. The woman
then shot herself hi the heart, dying al
most instantly. The couple had regist
ered at the Oxford hotel, about half an
hour before tho tragedy occurred, as H.
G. Rockwell and wife of Greely, Colo.
The motive for the shooting is not
In their trunk was an express receipt
in tho name of Florence Montague.
She was about twenty-four years of age,
and is said to havo been very dissolute
and addicted to morphine. It is known
that her mother lives in Minneapolis.
Mr. Lawrenco is a brother of M. J.
Lawrence, president of tho Ohio Farmer
Publishing company of Cleveland, O.
Ho is about forty-five years old and has
a wife and several children in Cleveland.
Denver, Sept. 10. W. H. Lawrence
of Cleveland, O., who was shot yesterday
by Florence Richardson, alias 'Florence
Montague, is still nlive, but the physi
cians in attendance npon him at St.
Luke's hospital regard his condition as
critical. The bullet penetrated his left
lung and inflicted other internal injuries.
It appeara before tho woman shot him
he had refused to givo her U!ro money
and had told her that he was going to
leave her. It is understood that tiie
woman's mother is living in Albion, or
Alpena, Mich. Lincoln Journal.
It appears from a published state
ment purporting to come from M. H.
Lawrence of the. Ohio Farmer, that W.
H. has not lieen connected with tho
paper for four yea re; that he lins a large
income and is wealthy: that on account
of ill health, he has spent his summers
in Denver, his winters in Texas; that he
has a wife and five children, who live in
For Rent.
Farm, 3 miles east of Columbus; 3C9
acres. 200 acres under cultivation. En
quire at Galley's store. tf
Thx discom
forts and
dangers of
be almost en-J
tirely avoided.
relieves ex
pectant moth
ers. It gives
toneto the gen
ital organs, and
outs Them in
condition to do their work
perfectly. That makes preg
nancy less painful, shortens
labor and hastens recovery after
child-birth. It helps a woman
bear strong healthy children.
has also brought happiness to
thousands of homes barren for
years. A few doses often brings
joy to loving hearts that long
tor a darling baby. No woman
should neglect to try it for this
trouble. It cures nine cases out
of ten. All druggists sell Wine
of CarduL Jr.oo per bottle.
Pbr advice In esses 'requfrtnr speclsl
directions, address, tivinr symptoms,
the "Ladles" Advisory Department'
The Chattaaooca Medicine Co.. China.
r MJhrsM, ., stys:
"Whs I frst task Wtae sf Cardal
MM set have say eaildrea. ilaa
user i aaa a aae ain aaej. -
J, DR.. SAMUEL PITCHER of Hyannis, Massachusetts, v
was the originator of "CASTORIA," the same. that
has borne and does now bear jf yv on cviri-:
the foe-simile signature of Qut&ff&fejfa: wrapper.
This is the original "CASTORIA" which has been used in
the homes of the Mothers of America for doer thirty years.
LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is
the hind you have always bought f yr on the
and has the signature of CjSffubcJ&u 'wrap
per. No one has authority from me to use my name except
The Centaur Company 'of which Chas.H. Fletcher is President.
Do Not Be Deceived.
Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting
a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer yoir
(because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in
gredients of which even he does not know.
"The EM You Have Always Bought"
Insist on Having
The Kind That Never Failed Ton.
The lew Brownies,
(Pictures and Rhyme), by
The - Chicago - Inter - Ocean
Sunday Inter Ocean, Beginning Sept. II.
Weekly Inter Ocean, Beginning Sept. 13.
Order from newsdealers or hy mail from
OAffJVORZA. OJ-a,a9VOZt.X.a..
Bamtw TlritYHawAhWfSiisjJrt Bstnta. yf IM Yw Haw Always hgfit
Omaha, Jane 1-Nov. I, 188.
Greatly reduced rato via the Union
Pacific to Omaha for tho Exposition.
Tho superb equipment and quick time
of tho Union Pacific makes it the popu
lar line to Omaha and tho Exposition.
For advertising matter, tickets and
full information, call on
J. R. Meaoher, Agt.
Tbt KiN YaKasAt-Mn BeafM
from 10 tp 10 hours between tho Missouri
River, California, and Pnget Souud
points by traveling over tho Union Pa
cific, "The Overland Route.' Through
Pullman Palace Sleepers, Dining Cars,
Upholstered Pullman Tourist Cure are
run daily via this line, thereby giving
both first and second class pasEengers
the very best accommodations to all
Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Idaho, Mon
tana and Pacific Coast points. For
rates, advertising matter, and full
formation, call on or address
mar 31 J. R. Meagher, Agt.
Sale bills,
Hand bills,
Note heads,
Letter heads,
Meal tickets,
Legal blanks.
Visiting cards.
Milch checks.
Business cards,
Dance invitations,
Society invitations,
Wedding invitations,
Or, in short, any kind of
Call on or address, Journal,
Columbus, Nebraska.
To Chicago and the Ea.t.
Passengers going east for business, will
naturally gravitate to Chicago as the
great commercial center. Passengers
re-viflitintr friends or relatives in the
eastern states always desire to "take in"
Chicago en ronte. All clashes of passen
gers will find that the "Short Line" of
the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail
way, via Omaha and Council Bluffs,
affords excellent facilities to reach their
destinations in a manner that will be
sure to give the utmost satisfaction.
A reference to the time tables will in
dicate the route to be chosen, and, by
asking any principal agent west of the
Missouri river for a ticket over the
Chicago, Council Bluffs Jc Omaha Short
Line of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St.
Paul Railway, you will be cneerruiiy
furnished with the proper passport via
Omaha and Chicaco. Please note that
nil nf th "Short Line" trains arrive in
Chicago in. ample time to connect with
the express trains of all the great through
car lines to the principal eastern cities.
For additional particulars, time tables,
maps, eta, please call on or address F.
A. Nash, General Agent, Omaha, Neb.
Cmt as atat Jar s Gaisla.
Exposition Hotel, C. E.Rickly, Prop:
Rates: $1.00 per day up. Special rates
for table board. 1811 Lake Street,
Omaha. Five minutes walk to Expo
sition Grounds. Take Dodge St. and
north 20th car from Union Depot Sher
man Ave. and 17th St. Line from Web
ster St Depot. 8t
it smtcrr. snuem eirc
In th count vconrt of Plntt runnti- ..l.r.iut
In th matter of the i-statw of l".nry Puoto,
(lectxitMHl. Notien of tinnl, Ht'ttleiueul anil ac
count. Tothft rrt-iitrn, li-irt ltKatf-H ami others in-ten-Httl
in tho extutu of lli-nry l'uto. tl.
Take notice, that S. M. Marker h.iit filed in tho
county court a rewrl.r hisiloifiKH iih aduriuia.
t nit Or of tho eatate of Henry 1'ilwto, tiecpMeil.'
aml it iHonleretl that th t.aino htHinl for hear
in: on tho 21st day of September. JatW, before,
tho court at tho hotir of '. o'clock a. in., at which
time any i-rvon interest.-,! may a-ur Mnl i
cept Jo anj content the aiiii
This notice in onlvnil iivtu iu Tiik ('oi.umbu
Journal for thrvo consent tivo week. irir to
th2lMt day of Septemher. W.H.
Witney my hand and the eeal of tlu.- county
court nt ColunilxiM thin 27lh day of Aiitfiift.
T. I). I'OHI-iON.
3Ihiik3 County Ju.lue.
For Infants amd Children.
lai KM Yn Hail AhMjs Bwglt
Bears the
Signature of
Omaha Meal Market
Fresh and
Salt Meats.
Game and Fish in Season.
Highest market
prices paid for
Hides and Tallow.
We Carry Coffins, Caskets and
Metallic Caskets Burial
Robes, Etc.
W. A. McAllihtkb.
W. M. Coax klics
Southwest corner EleTsath sad North Street I.
jolr-r Coicxaus, NsaaAsxA,
..., ... .-is
... -. -
1 -
' ..
.'r -
"-.'-.. 'rSSttCtitiftA
r-' fe.