The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, August 31, 1898, Image 4
.? vwxfrP? ' R .. v . ' . ... --v-r. -. . u-? i .''?' v 3 . '.h: ::'K : t ; ;;. B : S;v-: to .41 - "..' i y ..--.. -. - -r,- . ' ' r- ' - - i - 11 'ti' .. t . .. . -.- ' ' - . . : . . . o . . : ' . A" "'"' . .. . . . -.. . . - - .-. , . ...-- . - . , 1 . ... -. . : - . Feed Your Nerves Upoa rick, pure, noariahiag blood by . . ( tafclag Hood's Scntparilla, and yoa will be free froai taow spells of da- aBpair, those sleepless aihU and anxious ' days, those gloomy, deathlike feelings', those sndden starts at mere nothings, ; .'those dyspeptic symptoms and bliadiag 'headaches. Hood'sSarssparillahasdone . ' this for many others it will core yon. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is America's Greatest Medicine, ft; six for S3. , "Hood's Pills cure Sick Headache. le! . Why is it thai people who assume the most usual! knew the least? A bath with CCSHO BUTTERMILK SOAP, exquisitely Fcented, is soothing and beueficioL Sold everywhere. .'.Beauty may be only skin deep, but the pride of it reaches into the heart. A drug store in Atlanta casgkt in the other day and a level-headed clerk ran into the store cellar, seized a.large soda tank which had just ben charged with the licuid that bakes the "fizz," then rushed at the blaze with tt and opened the faucet. When the firemen arrived there was nothing for thest to do. There are two great walls in Chins one is forty feet thick and fifty feel high, and surrounds Pekin. It is six ten miles in circumference. The othet the ereat wall of China? is nearly 1.3C0 miles long, and it was built ovei 2,000 years ago. CAHFEIRE SKETCHES. GOOD SHORT .STORIES THS VETERANS. FOR CHS Fact KlriMl Craat Saaslsris VseS ta Tact Vlcttau Iasy Daya Tkelr TW rttla ef Bleakalsa, cyc!e . iitna Sstkaoldvuwllm ltwli!brMKapaaUqlcfccf than an jthtaz eUe. It ia alua nil!:. Ttr it. Those who prefer the service of sin must be satisfied with the wages of sin. ' Z' To Care t,oannmtios Veravas "akeCacarcts Candy Cathartic. I0cor25a .IiGCC. lail v cure, drusaists refund moss.. The Blaa-ent Kicycle la tbe TVerlS. A German has just completed a bl- that has one wheel nine feet in diameter. Two people ride it one on ccch side. It runs easily because of its scientific construction. The scientific formula of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters is the reason of its great virtues in making the weak strong. If youi health is poor, try a bottle. It was a summer evening; Old Kaspar'a work waa done And before bis cottage door Waa sitting in the sun. And by him sported on the green His little grandchild Wilhclmine. She saw her brother Peterkin Roll something large and round. Which he beside tbe- rivulet In playing there had found; He came to ask what he bad found. That was 'so large, and smooth, round. and Why are policemen and dog catcher necessary evils? .Here is a curiosity In the shape of a Latin sentence:. "Satcr arepo teret .opera rotas," which means. "The eower will wear away the wheels; I cease ! ..rt' .. -.-.-. :. . t." . " -. - " " ' O. A. R. Claelnnat! EacaMtrsseat. The Monoa Route, with its our trains daily, is the best and most com fortable line to Cincinnati. The rate will be only 1 cent a mile. Tickets on sale Sept. 3d, 4th, 5th and 6th, good to return Sept. 6th to 13th inclusive, sr.d by extension to Oct. 2d. Send 4 cents In stamps for the Monon's beau tifully illustrated boo!; on the Cincin nati Encampment. Frank J. Reed, G P. A.. Chicago. L. E. Sessions, T. 2 A., Minneapolis, Minn. Why isn't an"a;r-castle builder a per son cf hixh esteem? leaves aw warning l Winter So the falling of the hsir tells of the spproach of age and declining power. No matter how barren the tree nor how leafless it may seem, you confidently expect leaves again. And why? Because there is life at the roots. So you need not worry about the falling or your nair, the threatened departure of youth end beauty. And why? Because if there is a spark of life remaining in the roots of tbe hair AVER'S Tort Arthur Rout with new trains to Kansas City and the South. Quickest time to St. Louis and the Southeast. Shortest route to Qiilncy and East. Finest chair cars (seats free) in the West. Low rates to all summer re torts. Everything up to date. For rates and all information, call at PORT ARTHUR ROUTE office. 1415 Farnaaa street, (Paxton Hotel Block) or write Harry E. Moorcs, C. P. & T. A., Omaha, Xcb. Why is it that but few married men ever pity o!d bachelors? tVhexi 4U vents a Rnshel. ITow to grow wheat with big profit at 40 rents sn.l cample-- of Seizor's Red C'roH (80 Hmhelsperncre) Winter Wheat, Rye. Oat, (.'lovers, etc., w:th Farm Seed Catalogue for 4 cents jwM.ige. JOHN A. SALZEU SEED CO., La Crose, Wis. w.n.u. Why does the rolling stone gather so many moss-covered anecdotes? Con'i Tsbtcca Spit ana ernots VMir Ute Awsjr. To quit tobacco eirtly and fcrevor. bs mg rr ic. mil of life. nrve. and vigor. tnkeXo-Te-Bac. the woctler-wf rlcer. that makes weak isea simas. Alldrugzitts. 50corl. Cure guaran teed Booklet and sample free. Address itf riing Kc nit'U? Cc . Chicsico or New York. VIGOR will arouse it into healthy activ ity, ine na:r ceases to come out: it begins to grow: and the giory or your youtn is restored to vou. we have a book on the Hair and its Diseases. It is free. Itta Bmmt Mdwlam Frcm. If yoa Ao tint obtain s!l tbo ber.rGU yon czprctra inm tlie uto n tba V ipur. wrlto the doctor alxtut it. I'robably there ! aooto difflrultT with your i-n- eral T(tem which caiy be eaaity rcinorpii. AdJmi. V'JL J. C. AVER. Low'.!. SUu. did Kaspar tcok it from the boy. . who stood expectant by: And then the old man shook bis head. And with a-natural sigh, " 'Tis some poor fellow's skull." said he. Who fell In the great victory "I find them In the garden. For there's many here about: And often, when I go to plough. The ploughshare turns them out: For many thousand men." said he. "Were slain In that -great victory." "Now tell us what 'twas all about." Young- Tetcrkln he cries: While little Wllhelmlne looks up. With wonder-waltlng eyes: "Now tell us all about the war. And what they klU'd each other for." "It was the English." Kaspar cried. "Who put tbe French to rout: But what they klU'd each other for, I could not well make out. But everybody said." quoth he. "That 'twas a famous victory. "My father lived at Blenheim then. Yon little stream hard by: They burnt His dwelling to the ground. Ana ne was rorced to ny: So wlh JjIs wife and child lie fled. Nor had be where to rest his bead. "With Are and sword the country round Was wasted far and wlile: And many a childing mother then. And new-born baby died: But things like that, you know, must be At every famous victory. "They say It was a shocking sisht After the field was won: For many thousand bodies here Lay rotting in the sun: But things like that, jou know, must be After a famous victory. "Great praise tbe Duke of Martbro won. And our Rood prince Eocene." "Why. 't was a very wicked thing:" Said little Wllhelmlne. "Nay-nay my little girl." quoth he. "It was a famous victory. "And everybody praised the Duke Who this great fight did win." "And what good came of It at last?" Quoth little Feterkln. "Why. that I cannot tell." said he, "But 't was a famous victory." William Southcy. ,dif arssce. howerar. tkst tls saagnA cuatoster, who poshed into the restsarJ ant, crying. "Give ass s steak, sJck!Hj would lad the waiter oUlvtoss is alaj presence for a apace ef several stln-j stes. "Can I have a steak?" The waiter would not tarn frost sis conversation with a soldier aboat kow .the Third fared at Chickaataaxa. "Say, -won't you take my order?" Then, wiping his hands oa his spron disclosing cavalry trousers, the waite would reply: "You can have ham and' eggs If yott are good. ..." in the barroom it was the sams thing. The customers who shouted loudly for beer would have to wai If they leaned on the counter the bar; tender would say: v "Here, mister, If yon do that again you won't get any beer." Wise were those who came to the canteen with fitting humility, for they were served promptly. There are 40,000 native pupils in the Sunday schools of the Fiji islands. For a perfect complexion and a clear, healthy skin, use COSMO BUTTERMILK. SOAP. Bold everywhere. Since the birth of Christ 4.000,000,030 mrn have been slain in battle. Recent improvements in the new models Xos. G, 7, and 8 Remington Typcwritprs make tnem better man ever before. Send for a catalogue. I H.K.1.UU, Ciduiiiua ct ui.ucuili, iuu ruiiiaui ducli. uuiaua. The eldest iron vessel in the world is the :lichi.jan. built in 1S44. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is a constitutional cure. Price, 75c. If you sit In a draught the doctor may cash it for you. AUTOMATIC 6RIP NECK YOKE AN ACCIDENT AND LIFE PRESERVER. Grefttctt Xcc't Yofce ctr In cntcit. cotuhlnlDf; strength lura'.i!i:iy and nfcr. Ilam(--o!hc!t painted. Will not allow tnnpue to drop If traces become looe. JCo rattle. 1'RICCS. ruin, unaicfeled JClckc! Loops and Accra lIClSa,a. Xlckel rente-r NItkclTIps aaJ Ccnt-r.. Center, without VoVe... rarm Woa Grip Ring.... 1.3) iatHaf i.c3 MBS11:. 1.7S YlPbM .C3 VSjgiV -fo V - .(1.09 COSMO BUTTER.IILK TOILET SOAP males the hkia soft, wmte and healthy. o'd everywhere. !A Pontiac (Mich.) man recently wrote to Admiral Cervera, asking him j to send his autograph. He also in , closed a dollar and Invited the Admiral j to have a rood cicar for his trouble. i He received the following letter in re j p!y: "My Dear Sir: The admiral, my father, takes great plessure in sending you his ainotjraiih. as he docs. How eer much he would like to smoke a trood cirar with you (if he smoked), yn-i will that he cannot tak the dollar for that, and directs me to return foe check. Yours, Angel Ccr-vern." Editors are invariably law-abiding. Made in three me. to at po:e ups ij tor. Scad j wrs are lnvanaoiy law-abiding. forritrEiiiujtnitcd circu'ir. i Of the 4.C94 arrests made in Richmond, Miruai icranio.i(ecis AC'Jrctf, AUTOMATIC GRIP HECK YOKE CO. 81 Harding Street, Indianapolis, Ind. EDUCATIONAL. St Warp's fleademp, Oee KZt Vest d tbe Voivtr el Hum Ditaa ST. MARTS ACADEMT for young ladlwi. ew en tertns upon Its forty-fourth J'r or active edg tlona) wurW. bus earned the reputation of iiein oieofUie;noit tbor. uzhr eqiipd and tu.-cewful rn.tltntlua !n the Uaited State. The Academy loilldlnir. a-e beautifully altnated on an emlnnro cTer lookhiK the plctnrenjue banks uf the Su Jitaepa ttiicr. Alt the branches or A Thcrcush English sod : Gassical Educatico, fBrlndlatr Greek. Ijfn. Trenrh and German are tauzi.t by a Faculty of competent tracben. On c-m-rjtlafi the full course of studies student rccelYa tlio Rtgular Ccl!egiate Degree ol LItt. R, A. B. or A. K. Th" Coaaerratory of Maslo condncted o I fhtrplac.if the tiert Claotcal Coirn t..r of Ku- ! rop-. Tiree Instrumental lesann. tn.l oar la theorr, J rci;W;.ars luciudcdln the regular taliion; extra f I rjrike prorata. I The Art ltrpart meat modelled after tbe beat 1 frepsratory avad Minim Depart meata.- rupil nhoticedrrlmarj tralLl.ij. and ihi-.if tea. cor.nce. ere here cjirefj'!.- jir-pared for ths Aca deic'c inr aud Adranced Coore r.(Hlt -tceplnit. Phonirapar and Trpesrrltlncex &; K ery varterr f Kancr .Vecloork tauclit. For catalosuc cojtaintcz Jail Information, addresa mtECTRESS SF THE ACADEMY, St. Mary's Academy. KCTRE DAKE P. O.. INDIAKA. Va., during the past year, not one wa? an editor, while every other trade or profession was represented in the list si 1W )JV V VpB TmStsmL. rtv JffifiSBru,, Soor Stomach "After I waa ladrweS t try CASCA- SET, 1 will sever be without tbem lu tfce house. aCy lirer was Ids cry bad shape, and icy hca-1 LLed and I had stosiach trouble New. since tak ing Cascareu.1 feci fine. Sly vrlfc has also used Item with ber.sflc'al resulta lorecnrornach. Jos. 11 Cuocreu tt, feu Lculs. Ha CANDY TaACt UARX,rC3TTC3 . F?esxBt. FalaUbla. Icurt. T-.te ocd. He Good. Merer S.cen. Weaken, or GnfeTlCc.2ScLa!o ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... . maac Raanay Ctm$tmui;tf. XmlmZ. tm Tart. SM Hff I WIMlf gissa to CbaU: Totaceo Habiu W.N.U. OMAHA. adTertzseaests Heatioa Tsls rcocr. No 351898 Eail, "i - . BBBabsFWBrSaTraS!VWaSBlaa- ..'" W- .gKS WOt Alt mt rajs. TaT BBapoakeTKa. TasMa6d. TjaeM aaifcaa. Wi (HIHaBBBBflHaEBBSBBsDasHH 'IlKl m EXCELENCE OF SYEOFtfHUS is dec not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, bntalso to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the Camfokxia Fio Svritp Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing- the tru and original reinedv. As the fjenuiae Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fio Strip Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fig Svkup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company. CALIFORNIA RG SYRUP CO. BAN FKAXCISCS. Cat. t iTii,br. ny. kw TOKC JK.T. Fort Marloa'a Dang-eons. St. Augustine Letter in Mail and Express: The most interesting sight of St. Augustine is Fort Marion, as the old structure was christened after the Florida purchase, in honor of the revolutionary general. Marion. Its grim, weather-beaten bastions and parapets are all built of coquina that strange calcareous deposit of decayed sea shells, making a kind of natural and durable mortar that solidifies up on exposure to tne air. Even a new structure of this material takes on instantly a gray and venerable appear ance. One might wander for hours or sit for days near one of the boxes or In the antique watch tower of this fortification and dream of tbe suces sive scenes of conquest, of Spanish cruelty, of French revenge, of Brit ish conquest, of Spanish preocupation and of final acquisition by the United States. Sergeant Brown of the regular aimy is in charge of this historic pile. He will show you through the old case ments, each of them curious enough. and will reach his culmination of nor-. ror In the dungeons beneath the north west bastion. Here, openlne bv a nar row passage from the central place of arms, Is the place of punishment for prisoners. The walls will show the recesses into which were let six cros ses. Before one of the crosses the hapless prisoner was hung in chains, so arranged that he could neither sit nor stand, while every movement was an agony, and while the cross, emblem of peace and love, hung above him until he was ready to confess or die. It must have been a sacrilegious trav esty of the crucifixion. Until tbe year 1835 this large prison chamber of comparatively public im prisonment and torture was supposed to be the most thrilling relic of Span ish barbarity. But in that year the moving of a heavy cannon on the out side parapet above broke through a roof; and then were revealed two in ner chambers. Investigation showed that these inner dungeons were con nected with the larger prison chamber by a low, narrow tunnel, mnnlng through walls four feet thick. This tunnel, before the transfer of the old fort, had been blocked with masonry perhaps to conceal from the new own ers the testimony of atrocious cruelty; or perhaps the tunnel was blociced at a far earlier period. The first of these dungeons, which you examine by lantern light, is about teven feet by twenty and fifteen feet high. Its length fitted 'it for the use of the rack and its seclusion prevented the groans and shrieks of the tortured from being heard, except, perhaps, as they might faintly reach through tha tunnel the chained prisoners in the outer chamber, to strike further ter ror to tneir raintlng souls. There is a small passage for ventilation in the roof and it was this that after many years caused the break that led to the discovery of the torture chamber. It is with a shuddering realizatIon,of the possibilities of Spanish ferocity when. In unbridled power that one emerges from these dark, stone-walled dungeons and greets the outer sun shine with a gasp of relief. Wevler a a Baalaeaa Maa. Let us give the devil his due. Wey. ler may be a bad soldier, but he Is a very talented business man, says tho New York Mail and Express. He. through his agents in .the last two years, boughtll.000 mules from the United States and Mexico at about $30 apiece and then sold them through oth er agents to himself as representing the Spanish government at $12S apiece, making a clear profit of $98 a mule. With all allowance for transportation and feed. Insurance and labor bills, all of which were probably paid by the poor government, tbe clear profit most have been $800,000. Equally shrewd was his cattle syn dicate. The cattle .concession was given to a concern in which he is said to have been the chief partner. They bought cattle, both live and refriger ated, at G cents a pound, and sold them at Havana for 20 cents a pound. Tho consumption in that city is over 100. 000 pounds a day, the profit over $10, 000. and in 600 days the total profit would be about $0,000,000. He is also said to have had a large Interest In the tobacco monopoly, the flour trade, the potato business, the wholesale cab bage industry, the bottled beer com merce and the milk routes of Havana. It is no wonder, therefore, that the people of Manila say he sent home $6,000,000, and the people of Havana that he transmitted $8,000,000. Of course this was not all for himself. He has many poor friends in tho cortes! Portlaad Commercial Rtrtcw: Haws of the progress la Us wheat fields Is bow attractiag the attention of our exporters aad grain dealers. Reports to hand from the state of Washiagtoa show crops la some parts of the state are two 'weeks late, bnt are in excel lent condition. State Grain Inspector George Wright returned. from a. tour of the Eastern Washington wheat dis tricts. Hs says: The -Washington wheat yield this year may amount to, bn or 24.000.000 bu. It will likely be larger than that of last year, but I would not make any positive statements as to the' outcome. The fact that a large part of the Washing ton wheat sought the seaboard via the Colombia river last year has made it impossible for us to get complete fig ures as to the crop. Whitman county farmers claim they will produce 10. 000.000 ba this yesr. Whitman is a large county and the soil Is rich, and ach a yield would mean that Whit man county is the greatest what-pro-ducing county in the state. The joint is just beginning to form In the late Whitman county fields. " The farmers have planted more wheat and less bar? ley this year, because wheat demanded a better price than barley last year, but the barley crop should be fairly large even this.year. Estimates placed by dealers state that the crop of the state of Washington will be from 22. 000,000 bu to 25.000.000 bu. The acre age of the state is estimated as 5 per cent Increase over that of 1897. In Oregon the wheat shows up well, and arresting Is progressing rather. slowly. By next month work will become quite active. Reports from the harvest fields show that tbe crop is turning out very good, and that the yield will be as large as that of 1897. According to this basis, the crop of the two states will be fully 45,000,000 bu, but we think that tbe figures are a trifle too large and dealers here think that our figures, from 41. 000.000 bu to 43,000,000, arc almost cor rect In the wheat market here very little doing can be said. Holders are offering sparingly, and those selling are pressed for ready money. THE YELLOW METAL BRING POUR 'TONS OT GOLD FROM THE KLONDIKE. irtsawtl Ketara freaa Alaska eat tka aaa.ka Joaaala Millar Says tfca Jfteea An the Blcfceat ta tha Warts aaS BardMk ta Week. . Seattle, Wash.. July 19. The North American .Trading aad Transportation Company's steamer Roanoke arrived here at 3:30 o'clock this afternoon frorq St Michael's, Alaska, with 240 pas sengers snd with about .four tons of gold, which, reduced to dollars, amounts to between $1,500,000 and $2. 000,000. Of this amount the Canadian Bank of Commerce had 5,000 ounces and the North American Trading and Trans portation Company 20,000 ounces. Probably 50 per cent of the returning, miners have fortunes averaging at least $10,000 each. Joaquin Miller, the well known poet, who was among the Roanoke's passen gers, briefly expressed the general ten or of the stories told by the Roanoke's passengers S3 follows: "The Klondike mines are certainly tbe richest ever found on the face .if the' earth, but this gold is tenfold harder to get than in any camp 1 have ever seen." Tlii's ia a list of those having the largest Individual amounts: MBS. PINKHAM CONQUERS BACKACHE. fow Women Wi?o Owe Their Present Happiness to Lydl & ams vegetable Compound. DcARMRs.PrXEHAM: When I wrote to yoa last Jams, I was not able to do anything. I suffered with back ache, headache, bearing-down pains, pains ia my lower limbs, and ached all through my body. Menstruations were very psinf uL I was almost a skeleton. I fol- lowed your advice and now am well and fleshy, aad able w w mur my own nouscworlc. l took medicine from a physician for over a year, and it did not do me a particle of good. 1 would act vise all suffering women to write to Mrs. Pinkham. She will answer all letters promptly,, and tell them how to cure those ache3 end pains so com- mon to women. Mrs. C. L. Wixx, Marqucz. Texas. I think it is ray duty to write and let you know what your medicine has done for me. Ifrrtwoycarslsuffered with female weakness, bearing-down pains, headache, backache, aad tco frequent occurrence of the menses! xiw-auways complaining, jiy husband urged me to . try your Vegetable Compound, and I finally did. 'I have- . taken three bottles and it has made rac feel like a dif- " " -ferent woman. I advise every woman that suffers to take your medicine and bo cured. Mrs. Gabxrt ' s" Lichtv, 012 S. Prince St., Lancaster, Ps, . ::' ''. I 'had suffered for over two years with backache '"' ' headache. liz7incss, nervousness, falling and ulceratiom J - . V of the womb, leucorrhoea, and about everv ill a woraea ' "." " could have. I had tried doctors, but with no ?n. '- " ..v iteccmed as though death was the onlv relief ' "": . ' . iormc. AitcrnsisjrSvebottl William Sloan.... a frFVtt9 , Alex. Doadeitt... U.X.Ueltlen , H. G. Anderson.., Frank Conrad...., JaiociLadd Ed. Mvnanaa. L- Spenc?r.. , A 1). Orar Jos. CbronUter... w. r. coi A.aJuclatdsh...., J. A. Miner- Ole Olseo Swaa retrrsoB.... J. 8. Ordeli Frank Smith U. Ieiiuan tlW. Hubert Ltoiler....a . W..10J til. Hmpson . WJM Charles We'sh.... &IMJO K. C. Walker. ?;) c. 1!. Cheatwuod.. -.' J.cltShar .Vi W. H.Dryden . K 000 Frank Leslie. . J. Merrit 3U, KJWO 15.UX) 12,(0) I 11UMI John WM:e. E. Singleton Ctaries Allen.... J. C Stewart T. r.eteiid.:?..... triiuaiu urines.. VWJ 5.U-J 5.1W) S.'.O 4.U ,UO 5,ilO S.IUI s,u 3,1V) 5 WO V.5H) I W 1 1 V a X '111 ' aW I csofLvdiaE. PitilrliBi.. - .'-".'. . Vegetable Compound, and four peekagesof Sanative -'"''- ' Wash, I am well. Have had no more pain,.woaih ' " . trouble, backache or headache Mrs. Cr a. .. v" V-" wVVl -. . . IlAi.r:x,Crcara Kidgc, X. J. Before taking Lydia E. rickliam's Vegetable Compound I was a dieted with female complainta so that I could hardlv walk. "Mv l,?- ki . ., . . .. -.. ... " J - -u rem. my, miaci, x acnea all over. Was cot able to raise ravsclf u time. taken ' eati .dlai, terri- sorue of tho av.i . . a?a -y . . uau uugppcuic nnu iras so nervous mat i could hardi? ! i- v but two'bottlcs cf vour Compound and foo! :n -nnth... V- and Sicep to perfection, in fcet, aas pcrfcctlv wclL Sirs. Km? ntrryv,-,- W. Va. . "" Chinaman la tbe Civil T7ar. The enlistment of a Chinaman in the volunteer army in California reminds the Washington Post that there was but one celestial in the war of the re bellion. His Chinese name is un known, but the name under which he enlisted was Thomas Sylvanus. He was born in Baltimore about eighteen years before the outbreak of the war. When only a child he was taken to Pittsburg, where he acted as a servant for a wealthy family in that city. When the war broke out Thomas ran away and enlisted in the army. He served Uncle Sam until the close of the war, shortly after which he turned up in Indiana. Pa., where he resided until his death, which occurred a few years ago. While in the service of the United States Sylvanus contracted a disease of tbe eyes, from which he almost went blind. In 1S80 he applied for and was granted a pension of $12 per month. He also eccured several hundred dol lars' back pension. An examination of the records discloses the fact that Sylvanus was the only Chinaman in the late war, and consequently tho only one of his race who drew a pen sion. At last accounts his -widow and children were still living in Indiana, Pa. The Indiana Fralt Proaaact. Early In the season Prof. J. Troop of Purdue University published the re sults of inquiries sent to every county in the state concerning the prospect for fruit At that time 24 counties gave the prospect for apples as good, 42 only fair and 9 as poor. Pears. 55 good, 17 fair; 3 poor. Peaches. 62 good. 8 fair. 5 poor. Plums, CI good, 9 fair and 5 poor. Not all of the counties reported. In order to ascertain whether these estimates would hold good or not. a second lot of inquiries was sent out to the same persons about ten days ago, and 70 have been heard from. This time the result is as follows: Apples. 57 poor, 13 fair and none good. Pears, 6 poor, 40 fair and 24 good. Peaches, 20 poor, 30 fair and 20 good. Plums. 6 poor. 29 fair and 35. good. These coun ties are well distributed over the state, from the extreme north to tbe Ohio river, so that these last figures may be taken as representing the fruit pros pect for the whole state. As will be seen, the percentage has dropped very materially since tbe blossoming period, and It now appears that we shall be obliged to look to ether states fcr our winter apples. l,Vi 1,VXJ 1.50DI the 10.1XW .W. J. MoAlfln.. 10,0(X j rM Ptnevkon..'j Alex. Little S.-AO I.J aines tieed The miners are reticent about amounts they brought. The reason for tho observance of such secrecy lies in a desire to evade the payment of the 10 per cent, royalty exacted by the Ca nadian government. Not in every case have the miners paid royalty on tbe full amount taken out of their claims, and many of them have smuggled out larger sums than they will admit. It is said that the shipment of gold on the Roanoke would have been much heavier had those in the interior not feit somo apprehension of an at tack at sea by privateers. The North American Trading and Transportation Company will, it ;a stated, ship most of their gold on later boats. Some of the wealthiest miners will come out later In the season. SK . JJB Mrttam'sVcgetaMcCwnTXHak i iau SBsMi IRONING. MADE m , If you have a skeleton in your closet make no bones of it. itFatnnmme.'vnntia nun kiufs mzanmttaKzz BW FIST HKHT Eff. & EASY. CMC WlttO 0 715 STRCII Will C9 AS FAR A3A POUND Atta A HUT OFANYOTHrSEURCH. TI.C.HUEIXSER BSDS'C? vKOKUWJW. KStfWtttCCKUgj Bcaety la Mood Tteep. Cleaa blood means aclean skin. X beauty without It. CitM-areis. Tandy Cathartic pleans your Moort and keens It ;leaii. Ir stlr rlntc up tlio laiy liver and driving .-ill Impu rities from tlio body. Besrin today to liauish pimples. imils blotches, b ackuearis. and tint Irkiy bilious complexion by taking C.iooa rets lieanty for ten cents. Alt druggists, satlsfactlua guaranteed, inc. iZc Me. It a pneumatic tire gathers enough tacks it shows it's hardware. Ilia Prix. Commodore Chauncey, during the war of 1812, commanded for a timo the fleet on Lake Ontario, and had the extreme ill fortune of never during that period exchanging a hostile shot with the enemy.There were a great many uncharitable enough to blame the commodore for this, believing thai he was rather anxious that this shoulc be tbe case. Some time after the wai he was placed in charge of the navy yard, and one day caught a youngster with a basket, gathering chips. Walk ing up to him he snatched the basket and roughly ordered him to leave the premises, while he confiscated the bas ket for the owner's presumption of en tering forbidden ground. The little fellow backed away until assured tha he was beyond danger, when he called out: "Keep the basket if you want: It's the only prize you ever took!" Liquid Maaare. The following directions for prepar ing a liquid manure are given by the Gardeners' Chronicle: Put Into a forty gallon tank or cistern two bushels of fresh horse dung; stir it well about, and leave it to clear; and in about a week adl one peck of fresh soot enclosed in a canvac bag, squeeze this a little every third day, so as to make its con tents exude. Let the mixture get clear, and then use. say one quart to three gallons of rain or soft water. This 's a good manure for all kinds of soft wooded plants. It may be made strong er by adding chickens' or pigeons' dung, at the rate of half a peck to the above quantities. If, In summer time. bubbles generate on the surface, it is a symptom of fermentation, and the lat ter should be stayed, by the addition of a small quantity of white vitriol. Of course, after the cask ha3 been flilsd up twice, the contents should be turned out and a fresh lot made up. Instead of clear water, soap sud3 may be used in filling up the caek. VVv : d toSii TjtjGH 'fav. .u ' vw ,4t...ttf I, IIA3 KAMY ISilTaTCRS, BUT NO EQUAL." This Starch l:,sJ pics, by men who have had yesra of expericnto I:s fancy laundering-. It restores old linen and summer dresses to their natural whiteness and imparts a beautiful and lasting finish. Tho only starch that is perfectly harmless. vuuiau: no arsenic, aium cr otaer in- a jurious substance. Can be used even t for a baby pow.ier. ASK YCUR CR0CER FC.t !T AND TAKE NO OTHER, a sfi wsfsyswsysya''sjsy . 1 '."-.V : .--.."v.- '- , ,-.-.- fM9CS39e John Unll Knows a Good Thine. Great Britain has the most powerfu navy in the world. Untold million? have been spent in its building, and the best brain of the island kingdom has been devoted to its improvement. Yet, Impressed with tbe behavior of tbe American navy, and openly ac knowledging the superiority of its methods, the British admiralty has taken steps looking to the adoption of the American system of gunnery and open sea target practice. The accu racy of the fire of the American guns is the wonder of the world. Dcs Mcines Leader. flSH BRk SLICKER WILL KEEP YOU DRY. Don't be tooled wnh a mackintosh orrabbercoat. It yea wantacoat that HI keen vou dry in the hard' est stora buy the Fish Brand Slicker. If not for sale in voar aown. vnie lor catalogue to a. j. iuww, Hisiun. Mats. Dr. Kij's Lilt -ft Si Lazy Days la the Canteens. Never did a canteen of any army post in this country make as much money as did the canteen at Jefferson barracks during the life at Camp Ste vens, says the Kansas City Star. Canteen are the creation of the gov ernment by law, for the benefit of the troops at a post They form a sort of club for the privates and "noncoms" where they may get a meal, a cigar and what a saloon in town affords. Tbe profit go to the benefit of the mess, to eke out the table with food not sup plied in the government rations. For men grow weary of government rations and to be able to order a meal of ham and eggs ox a steak or get- a cheese sandwich "or a broiled ham Eandwlch with restaurant coffee becomes quite a luxury. With the arrival of 5,000 volunteers the. Jefferson barracks, canteen swirl ed with business. It was a downright luxury for the volunteers who were unused to eating government rations, as well as a windfall for the Third ca valry, which operated it. The Third had bees stationed at the barracks.bst is now at the' front There was this Xeir Hand Fire Kasine. Enthusiastic descriptions are given, according to the Philadelphia Record of a new hand fire engine for use in suburban and country towns, where the public service is not within easy call which has lately been brought out in Great Britain. This machine is porta ble, being mounted on a pair of strong iron wheels, and can pump fifty gallon; of water per minute against a head oi sixty-five feet, or, when used in emer gency, can be forced to deliver one hun dred gallons a minute. The engine rests on four iron feet, this positior being effected by raising the handle o the carriage and lowering the boiler It is of the quick-raising steam type and may be run up to a working pres sure in a few minutes, which for emer gency work is, of course, of great Im portance. The pump can be discon nected readily. Antiquity of Agriculture. The art of tilling the soil for the production f fcod is as old as human civilization. The discovery of the nutritive quality cf the grains, fruits and vegetables as. they grew wild must have preceded the cultivation of them. The fertile valleys of the Nile, the Euphrates ami the Ho-ang-ho must have abounded in these spontaneous productions, and population would be invited by thio natural supply, till its density wouii! demand an increase of production, which would naturally lead to cultiva tion. In conformity with this hypothe sis we find that Egypt, Chaldea -vA China each claim the introduction of the agricultural art. It is possible that cultivation of the soil for the production of crops was practiced In each of these countries without tne knowledge of the others. But the sim ilarity of the ancient processes and im plements strongly suggests a common origin, most probably that detailed in the ancient Hebrew narrative. Iowa Patent Office Report. Dcs Moines, Aug. 13, 1893. J. A. Merritt, of Des Moines, the se date studious attorney, has surprised his friends by a display of poetical sen i us in the production of a poem that deserves to rank with Longfel low's Hi:,watha and is entitled to Tama." The author hn3 applied for a :opyr!ght and the poem will be pub lished in illustrated book form. Fifteen U. S. patents were issued to Iowa inventors August 9. as follows: To B. L. Bonnell, of Donnellson, for i railway switch; to W. F. Brown, of Maquoketa, for a lawn sprinkler; to I W. Carscn. of El ma, for a motor; to J. C. Dukes, of Ellston, for a floor-laying machine; to W. D. Graves, of St Augur, for a bas-holdcr; to J. It Hoit, of Dea Moines, for a duplex clothes pin; to J. A. Koontz. CJentreviIIe. for draft-cock; to A. A. Lindley, of Os kaloosa, for a track-sanding appara tus; to E. S. Manning, of Des Moine3, for a signal lamp for railways, etc.; to J. C. Perkins, of Inwood, for a roller attachment for sleighs; to G. F. Sni der et al. of Ablnsdon, for a washing machine; to M. J. Stroud, of Paton. for a draft attachment for vehicles; to I. A. Weaver, of Oskalccsa, and It. M. Borer, of Tracy, for a well-drHlh.K machine; to J. F. Wessel. of KellcRg, for a bee hive; to J. W. "W ood, of Ha warden, for an extensible clothes-line prop. Free advice to all inquirers about se curing, manufacturing, valuing and selling inventisns. THOMAS G. ORWIG & CO., Proprietors of the Iowa Patent Office. 9ommm 9 Mvau.&iRWKcia wyz W BxJ X Everybody surrenders to Battle Ax. There is no greater hardship than to be de prived of your If a girl doesn't appear lady-like on a bike it's no fault of the wheel. Ko-To-Bac for Firty Cents. Gearant--tl tobacco fcabit cire. inaken weak men strong, olocd pure. r0. CI. AH druggists. A Rood man must be gocd as well 3 do cood. iaisfcfe.- hake Into Tear Shoes. Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder for tho feet. It cures painful, swollen, smart ing feet and instantly takes the sting cut of corns and bunions. It's the greatest comfort discovery cf the age. Allen's Foot-Ease makes tiRht-llttins or new shoes feel easy. It is a certain cure for sweating, callous and hot, tired, nervous, aching feet Try it to day. Sold by all drug?:sts and shoe stores. By mail for 25c in stamps. Trial package FREE. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy. N. Y. PLU& and any one who has once chewed Battle Ax will give up most any thing to get it. 10c. buys a larger piece cf Battle Ax than of any other kind of high grade quality. 'n?ns&er the name when you buy again. cat 993e&&$6 'A HANDFUL OF DIRT MAY BE A HOUSE FUL OF SHAME," CLEAN HOUSE WITH War Into Africa. "Your wife is somewhat strong minded. isn't she, Littlejohn? "Strong-minded. A furniture polls! peddler came here yesterday and Ii five minutes' talk she sold him sorm polish she had made herself." Detroi' Free Press. Weald Be Weleoaaed. If Cervera keeps on his present cheer ful strain-of compliment for this coun try and its people we may expect bin to apply for naturalization papers be fore long. Syracuse Post William Neff of Colorado unearthef six baby coyotes on hte ranch anc trained them so that they follow hin like dogs. Getting Ircn Into Eggs. An ex change says a French physician has conceived of a novel method of ad ministering iron, if not to hl3 patients in general, at least to his immediate family. He has noticed that hens have powerful digestive organs, and has discovered that they can digest con siderable quantities of iron, and send it back through the albumen of their cags. in a form which is more easiiy dlgested by the weaker stomach of man than if taken in any other way. So ho feeds his hens salt of iron, mixed with their wheat, and they lay eggs extremely rich in predigested Iron. The amount of iron contained in the animal tissues of a man weighing 153 pounds is about 100 grains, or a quar ter of an ounce. Yet even this small amount is so necessary to tbe economy of human nature that a few grains less may produce serious disturbance in thr system. Soft Water for Test Bottles. Fre quently when the bottles are taken 'xom the tester a bit of foam will be round on top of the fat. This can be remedied by using soft or distilled jrater for filling the bottles. If no soft rater is to be had from ordinary sources, condensed water can be had "rom the boiler with but little trouble. Arrange a drip cock from some steam pipe and leave it open very little. Con densation will give you all the sofl water you want, not only.for filling th bottles, but also for washing them. Elgin Dairy Report If you prove that a woman isn't con trary you prove she isn't a woai2n. I'ico Cure xor (.onitiui.ition iw I eon a ! Rod-send to rue. Wm. li. .VcOcilan, Ches ter, Fla.. Seat. 17, !". Hardtack has become a fashionable dainty at afternoon teas. Sir. "W Inaion-fi rol!i!nc Syrap For rhjidrrn tt:ilrjr.-of ten tlie K'im.rMii- -InPm-aiatioc, alleys pain. -hit wind colic. SCfenta'ctU. Leisure hours are the best or worst part of our lives. the jyrzm X yUCUEON. I f fla I w 4 4ya. I Mp. ,.ww- aj aSei - " RSSL FURNITURE. dirrharxr, iuCamcifttmn, iiriuiivns or njrrraiiont (if tiiifa.nM ni.m)ir4n,a cebUcMa. PaiclriM. and nut aslrinl iThtEmUISC'lEimiCa S-nt or p"if.oni. .enCtWUT1.0.1 I Alois y Ijragviafe, or eirit In ilifti wraor-r. rr rrw. ir-paii. fcr ft fio. nr3 tfitrl.. $2.-'.. tircater ttm oa reqacifc PIT fraaeBtIr,.nr'1. onirnroTHnea't firnt rtu" H-e of lr. Kline a Creat Srrxm l'.t'irer. hrn.l I i FRRK S'J.CO trial bottle and tr-ti Dm. JL !. Kl.INa.LW..!)'.! Arel. i.. FMraUalpria, fa. ;Dr. Kay's Rcnsvafor, SVOT&e? sri. constipation. nvcraridkfln-v-ilis,aj,f.lin-loU'ness. hca-iachf. etc. At onicziMs 23c &. 51. Reformation thought. Is the spring-time of $50,000 Stock of ail grades of Furniture rceontly bought at the very lowest ca.sli price will lc of feri.'d during the next few Hiootns at bjh;c:iI prices. Customers visiting Omaha will find thK the larcit and oldest furniture htore here, and we will malic every effort to please both in iroods and prices. W(PAYfA5"cwEr",be?ra!;ro;m', 'Chas. Shiverick & Co.. TVra A Sa ;-. ajfcaeara. aaW STARS SURSJRT. L'rfru. Outfit trrc. MtlSU JA. tii . S ark. ic , a:i w u IX liDn&CV HEWDiscovrri: i he v fj tfniratt:icttvira-rwirm ...- I sa. Sc-idfor book i-' tMtimoGisJaam; adnyt 7sceatc Your iiotrew -with casnreta. treataieat JFree, v.r..r.u'3rus. Can.1y Cathartic cur rcustipatica forev?'. I - - " 10c. 5c IXC 'X C fail. drucvists refund mc&ev. ' wan'tkd-Ceo of Md hr:tii t:t i: i i-a-.v s will not Iv-nefit. fnd .. cnt ti l:!pan (h-mlthl . ... . , . i Co..3W Vorfc.forlOtanplesanJ 1JW tefimor.UI. Hohenstadt, in the grand duchy of Batlen, has selected a woman as its I town clerk. j FAIRBANKS SCALES mi FURMTURE. 1206 Douglas St, Omaha. Next to AIMIarri Hotel. JCoTf To anflafy onrnrlm m U -wb'ther lata aarrtl.mcni ! rea'l wt m make a filicount of 1 -r rct ti III- (nircho- of any cu-tomer wha win tWl u th-r were tlirvcte 1 to iu Ly It and that tlirjr arm r.'-(, in in !: u t their friend tf tha goW tlirj unjr are ai.f factory. Samtitl to Laities: We sim Tradina StMas. y--gSS-y-60g:: I4 One form of lime, gypsum, has been hown to be a most effective corrective of black alkali, found In some of the soils of the srid portions of the United States. I JJ W. R. ROBERTS, for years Cashier of the Citizens' Bank of Omaha, and widely r.nd very favorably known in Omaha and Iowa, writes on Mav 6. 1?PS: "About 2i years ao I was troubled with ner vous DYSPEPSIA, cold feet and hands, lack of circulation, loss of csh, etc. 1 faiept, poorly and was in a terrible condition. I took r. Kay's Renovator and found it to be the best remedy I ever used. I took no other medi cine and in a ort time I gaiucu40 pounds. I have, since taScinr; tho Innovator, ate well, slept troll, aad am free from cold hands acd feet, ciicubttion is good and ihe curc.-eems permanent a::u lasting." Pr. Kay's Ia9rator insoltt r.y drurtrl9t. or sent br mail fortScta and 91 or 6 for fT.. !o not 1-U.e ac fUlAtfm:?. Jor It ha no wim!. It In an excellent purifier and th t n ii-r'.e tonic knwo. &na tor lr. ay' Home Treatment, an Illustrate! 114 pae I ools. f rc One man said ho wcuM not take IS for on" orit.- receipts; acotaer bald lie noul-i tot taie 110 for lb Look. IJr. IS. J. Kay ilcdie-1 Co.. O-naba. Neb. . , (-- " :-. .. A i::. . a ' - . e . Ifc- r r' -I -.9- , . 'CttCaAC. x:,taif4n -o v..- , 3;,li.Ai- iSA aiiMKaKift-Sprfffe ar