The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, August 31, 1898, Image 3

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    S"J - -W Fr -t- J
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;. Columbus gourual.
-. " B. k M. TIMK TABLE.
Onfah. -. .
Chlrare. ;.
Kt.Joirpb. "
Eanuu Cily. .
St. Lout sod all poiati
m, et ajji,)uth.
Salt Lake City,
Kaa Fraerlsro aad
eoiats nt.
No. 22 Passenger, daily except Bandar :1 a. m
No. 32 Accommodation, daily except
. tJMnilaj .,.... 4:1-p. m
4. -." . TKilfcS ABRIVE.
'iJo.l.l'uBsenK-. daily except 8unday. 93 p. m
No.8l Accommodation, daily except
1 JO p. m
eK8WsjMe2iHBi TW
I, CJ?tN6
0C0I. Loral. .. 5 50a.,m Limited lldHa.m
. Or. U.I,;' ftOa. m Gr. 1. Local fi-O-'
- . . .tl MW1 . : v 2:l.r. P. m Col. Special 2:16 a. m
Vttr.'l. 'Local 7 a. m. daily except Sunday.
iV.""No. 3; Tart Mail, carrier passengers for
. H.roittflijwintB. floini? west at 7-15 n m., ar-
yji v0 ft t fienver 8-40 a. m. No. 2, Faet Mail car
. si A. wS-A-ntfere to Schuyler, I ramont. Valley
'" .aurf-rJoiaha point; east at 2:15 p. m.
Tht'fviBht train leaving bens ht8: p. m. car
. rira.panjWe from here to Valle) .
.?' . '
.. .. ' . ..'
Pt,9eilett iTtitlt from Sioux City
... " k-avrs foi Sioux City ...
.. .12:80 p. m
... 7:15 p. m
.... 800a. m
... 11-Ojp.m
. Mixetf IfcavenforbiouxUty
. ZMfied T-tfr
: Mjs.J Hrrjvt-
. IfA-buhr leH-5
. "srrivr-H .....
8:20 p. m
1:30 p. m
1220 . m
l.Sotiffo Moiites.
vt"-4 :..
nrJice uniLr this heading will Lb
" cVri..l t'tho rat of $2 n year.
lraivrwi nnn K No. M. A.
i) '...i' rTw.nna 'M WnlneHda in each
it month. AU brethren invitjHl to attend
rZ- V. S. Fox, W. M.
.; J .- K SMtfHsr-v. Sec'y. "'r
Wll.DEY LOUGKNo.44. 1.O.O.F.,
ni.t TiierMlrtj' etenin;- of each
er-k at tlieii hull on Thirteenth
I-;. ...m .t-trrt. lwta,: tirotlire? coruiu.)
" 'fcijhlhj;" V,.A .Wav.N.G.
V" -::?i4rtJSll!lS ('AMI' No. 3-.. WOODMEN OF
...; 'V''jVirhl.nieetH eerj w-cond "nd"urt'1,
'... 1 J.tnviU(i"or tlm month. 7SM) p. ni at 1. . t. K.
1MJ 'PirirleVtb BlivHt. Keul!r attendance ia
' .erMeinilile. and nil iMitinK brethren aro cor-
d-ialrrrntited to meet with us. jan-T-SU
. . Jlv Saint hold regular bervieea eerj' Sunday
. - -
. Ht 'I H..UI
p.-H.. pi
eir ohih)
i'lii. ,A1
pfjer meetinKon weanewiaj 'uiug
el.romerol oniibirei.auu i atuit
- A veil"
are conliauy invueu.
Elder II. J. Ilnusox. President.
. i,-; VX.:s,.!ko1 at ;Wa. m. Church every Sunday
.-""." tft "W..T0 n m. Christian Endeavor at 7 :3U p. m.
Jjiidit-?' "Aid Society everj hrst Thursday in the
- v ' a'ont fi :It the church. 14nov-94
Wire Fence,
..Binding Twine,
.Rock Salt,
Linseed Oil Cake
. Ground,
Oehlricli - Bros.
. Whent,m l bushel
s-WiifiWner " bushel...
.Corh, fchelle.1 $ bushel
".ats "& bushel
. "Rye bushel
3 25 3
3 75 4
Hogs lp? gwL
'. FatVattla-! cwt
foiatoes lg? bushel
every Tuesday af-
.Butter Jb,
... '. Eggaty dozen
' -" . ' Markets 'corrected
;". . : . .City schools begin next Monday.
.".". H ?;. :-l)f: Naumaun, dentist, Thirteenth
' V-'-streV. tf
' . . '" ' See the novelties in furniture at
-;1 - 'Herrick's . 3t
". ' .. I Dr. L: C. Vose, Homeopathic physi-
",''1,7 ciau. Coin tubus. Neb.
-V;1 "' President McKinley will visit Oma-
'...?:" ha daring the Peace Jubilee.
... . . -Thursday, September 22 is Modern
. .. - . . Wcodtnen day at the Exposition.
: '-i-Teachere meeting at the high school
.-..'building Saturday afternoon at three.
F :.. K -Higbest market price paid
. v '. -for:ijarley at Schroeder's mill.
i." .1 . Dri. Martyn, Evans & Geer, office
!".. . thre doors toorth of bnedhors store, tr
." -Chicagt Inter Ocean and Columbcs
jToorjja'l, one year, in advance 1.75. tf
'..-Mr. Kersenbrock is having consider
abie.n&v machinery placed in the brew-
eYjv- "
,.--j-Db"0t fail to see onr 8-foot galvan-
. iied sjeei mill for S25.00. A. Du6sell &
Sen. tr
The'fanulles of I: L. Albert and Dr.
Arnold are out camping west of town
this week.
. Born, Wednesday morning, August
.24, to Mrs. Ellis G. Brown of Humphrey,
a daughter.
"-i-Misses.Sofa Bean, Anna Dodds and
Miss Thomas went to Omaha Monday to
.'.the Exposition.
Oh, Yes! the largest car of furniture
, . ever.iloated into Columbus was unloaded
Monday at Herrick's: 2t
.. . Envelopes wij.h your return card
. printed on them, for 50 cents a hundred
" -at The Journal office. O'Brien was Bitting up Friday,
the first time for several weeks. He is
. . lowly regaining health.
.. --The picnic Sunday at Keuscher's
grove, . given, h? . the American Swiss
.. '."band, was very largely attended.
. .
Gettrge Englehorn of Co. IL- First
Nebraska ' volunteers, was slightly
. -wounded in the battle at Manila.
'. BaTiard's Snow Liniment There is
so'pain it will not relieve; no swelling
it -wiH ot subdue, no wound it will
.. -not heal. -It will cure frost bites,
. chifblains, and corns. Dr. A. Heiatx
-and Pollock Co.
Frank Kersenbrock went to Wood
River Monday; where he has a position
iu a drut; store.
Mrs. Jennie Walker is confined to
her home in the western "part of town
with a mild attack of typhoid fever.
When you wish good, neat, clean,
handsome work done in the line of
printing, call at The Journal office.
Dr. R D. McEean, dentist, succes
sor to Dr. Houghawout, ground floor, 4
doors north First National Bank, tf
Win. Schilz makes boots and shoes
in the best styles, and uses only the very
best stock that can be procured in the
market, tf
"The tramp that got lunch was given a saw,
With inatrnctiona to Mw all he could.
Bat when he saw all the log that were there.
He didn't do a thing to the wood."
Mr. McAllister is a bright able law
yer, a gentleman of the most upright
character and will make a strong run
Schuyler Sun.
M. L. Hay ward, republicanTnominee
for governor, is to be present in David
City September 1st, and speak at the
Catholic picnic.
can get an 8-foot Freeport Galvanized
steel windmill from. A. Dussell & Son
for only $25.00. tf
The Farmers' club will meet Friday
afternoon September 2nd, at the home
of Mrs. Lockhart. The club are all in
vited to be present.
Max Baehr of St Paul, Nebraska,
recently appointed U. S. consul to
Strasburg, Germany, was in the city
Saturday visiting friends.
Miss Anna Hoehen has been elected
by the school board to teach the new
room to be supplied in the room above
the rear of Kramer's store.
Services in the Presbyterian church,
Sept 4. Morning subject: "The Evolu
tion of Knowledge." Evening: "The
Harvest Fields." All are welcome.
Soldiers at Manila are said to be
calling for beer, and the first bhipment
of sixty-nine car loads of Milwaukee
beer has started for the Philippines.
Now is the time to subscribe for The
Colcmuds Journal and the Lincoln
Journal, semi-weekly, both for $2.15 a
year. Three papers a week at a coat of
Saturday, an eight-year-old boy of
John Hulsteadts, a merchant tailor of
Stromsburg, was smothered to death by
the banks of the Blue river caving in on
Dr. Baker, physician and 6urgeon.
Residence, Seventeenth and Quincy.
Office, Olive sL, first door north of Brod
fuehrer Telephone: Office 20; resi
dence 40. tf
The K. and L. of S. will give an
ice cream social at the home of Mr. W.
A. Way, Wednesday evening, Aug. 31.
All are cordially invited to attend. Ice
cream and cake 10c.
A stranger in Norfolk the other day
was arrested for riding a bicycle on the
sidewalk. He claimed to be ignorant of
the law, but, all the same, plead guilty,
and contributed $6 to the city.
The big crops, the big ranches, the
big cattle, the big hogs all of the big
things of the big west are noticed iu the
Omaha Bee, the big newspaper, twelve
pages each week, only 65 cents a year.
M. C. Calto has left on our table the
biggest tomato we ever saw weight,
32 ounces, exactly; three and a half in
ches thick and seventeen inches in cir
cumference; variety Pondorosa, the seed
worth $8 a pound.
Dr. D. H. Lewis, one of the 20-year
residents of Albion, Boone county, was
severely injured recently by being thrown
from his buggy in a runaway. One an
kle was broken and the other dislocated.
There were also internal injuries.
Tabler's BurkeyePileOintment gives
instant relief It allays inflammation
anil heals. It is prompt in its action
and positive in its effect. It is the kind
that cures without pain or discomfort
It is for piles only. 50c. Tubes, 75c.Dr.
A. Heintz and Pollock fc Co.
William Dougherty of Humphrey,
for many years a resident of this city,
was in town Sunday for a few hours.
He accompanied Mrs. Dougherty this
far on her way to Omaha, where she
will visit the exposition for a Jew days.
Stop that barking by use of Ballard's
Iloreuound Syrup. It arrests the cough,
allays irritation of the throat, and re
lieves congestion of the lungs in a day.
It Is safe and pleasant to take, and
never disappoints, 25c. & 50c. Dr. A.
Heintz and Pollock & Co.
J. E. North, in a trip into Boone
county, saw Geo. Willard's farm. He
raised this year, 4,000 bushels of winter
wheat 30 bushels to the acre; while his
spring wheat yielded but fifteen bushels
to the acre. Corn in that section of the
country looks fairly good.
Rev. Wead held services in Cedar
Rapids and Albion Sunday, Rev. Wise
of Cedar Rapids holding .services here.
Rev. Weed was in Genoa Monday so
liciting for an Episcopal church for that
place. He succeeded in securing a good
fund for a new building.
J. Greisen returned Thursday from
a ten days' trip to Chicago. Like all
others who happen to have business in
Chicago, he has unbounded faith in the
great city, as thoroughly up to the
mark in everything that goes to make a
modern business center.
Mrs. Janet L. Wilson of Washing
ton, D. C, will lecture in the M. E.
church Wednesday evening on Indian
Legend, Mythology and Religion. Mrs.
Wilson comes highly praised by many
noted people. Those who hear her will
enjoy a rare treat Admission, 15 cents.
Are you lacking in strength and en
ergy. Are you nervous, despondent. Ir
ritable, bilious, constipated and gen
erally run dpwn in health? If so. your
liver is torpid, and a few doses of Her
bine will cure you. Herbine has no
equal as a health restorer. Dr. A.
Heintz and Pollock & Co.
This is the way they have it in the
country, as for instance, the Lindsay
Post says: "It is reported that Gus
Speiceand Mr. Paschal, of the Argus,
of Columbus, have bought the Tele
gram." Our information is that Mr.
Paschal is the purchaser, and that Mr.
Speice is -not now nor intends to be a
newspaper man.
If your child has thin, pale cheeks.
uncertain appetite and unrestful sleep,
it has worms, and curing with strong
medicines only makes conditions
worse, by irritating its delicate stom
ach. White's Cream Vermifuge is mild
but certain In effect, and Is a superior
tonic as well as a :prositlve worm de
stroyer. Dr. A. Heimtz and Pollock
Co. .
.Mr. Williams, secretary of the fruit
growers association of Council Bluffs
and one of the leading horticulturists of
Iowa, was' in the city last week. Mr.
Williams has about completed a contract
for the purchase of forty acres of land
from H."J. Hendrix of Monroe,' where he
expects to raise fruit uuder the irriga
tion ditch.
Judge N. H. Parks, who for the last
five years has owned and conducted the
Telegram, has been compelled on ac
count of failing health to dispose of the
plant, which be has sold to Mr. Paschal,
who has been connected with the Platte
County Argus, both at Platte -Center
and here. It is understood that the
Telegram will remain a democratic
Hon. W. A. McAllister of Columbus
has been nominated for judge by the re
publicans of the Sixth judicial district.
He is a lawyer of recognized ability and
has been a resident of Nebraska some
thing less than forty years. Those who
know his worth as au attorney, his na
tive goodness at heart and his keen
sense .of justice between man and man,
will go out of their way to assist in mak
ing his majority one that he will be
proud of as long as he lives. Lincoln
It seems that when the Omaha
Printing Co. concluded, after a years
business, that they no longer desired W.
Saunders as manager of that branch of
their concern, he concluded that he
might as well take the populist papers
with him, which, we understand, he has
done, and now the printing of their pat
ents is done at the Reese establishment
in Omaha, with, we suppose, W. Saun
ders as manager of the populist ready
prints. Mrs. G. O. Burns was badly bitten
Thursday by Dr. Vose' New Foundland
dog, and has been suffering a great deal
since, one witb otner laaies was neip
ing freeze cream in the yard at Vose' for
a picnic, when something iritated the
dog and he took hold of Mrs. Burns'
right ankle as she was passing him, tear
ing the rleah badly to the bone. She is
confined to bed, with a swollen limb, but
is getting along as well as could be ex
pected. At a meeting of the board of direc
tors of the National Educational associ
ation held in Washington, D. C, July 7,
the action of the department of superin
tendence was approved in making an
official change in spelling, using a simpli
fied form for many words, such as pro
gram (programme); tho (though); altho
(although;) thoro (thorough) thruout
(throughout); catalog (catalogue) etc.
This common sense system of spelling
may come sometime as a great relief to
many a person, but it has been a long
time in getting even this far.
A Chinaman bearing the euphoni
ous title of Hu Jo was taken from the
train Sunday and removed to St. Mary's
hospital. He was removing a bandage
from an old wound on his leg when in
some manner he opened an artery and
was in a fair way to bleed to death when
medical assistance reached him here.
He ownB and operates a laundry in New
York City, and m company with another
Celestial were enroute to Hong Kong,
expecting to return to this country next
spring. They were able to resume their
journey Sunday morning.
Wednesday last J. M. Curtis, being
at Council Bluffs and with old railroad
acquaintances who were going to the
Wild West show at Red Oak, Iowa, he
went down with them, and while there
had a visit with George Turner, of which
he has many interesting incidents. One
of these was that on an amusing occur
rence, Curtis was convulsed with laugh
ter and shook the air around him so
lively that the band boys were all look
ing anxiously towards him, not knowing
exactly what might happen, but George
quieted their fears by saying: "Let him
alone, he'll come out of it all right."
The former acquaintances of Fred
and Will Hess who were boys on their
father's farm south of the river, will be
interested to know of their whereabouts.
Will graduated from a medical college
in St Louis in April and later joined
the army as a surgeon from Salt Lake
City, from which place he was sent to
the front. Fred Hess is in the employ
of the U. P. company in Salt Lake City
and is to be married Sept. 7th to Miss
Brownie Shaw of that place. The
couple will be in Columbus the 9th on
their way to Chicago, visiting the family
of Mr. Hess' uncle, Lewis Jones.
Dr. Evans was hurriedly summoned
to Albion at an early hour Snnday
morning to attend a young man named
Albert Parrott who had been shot in the
head with a charge of bird shot He
and some companions were in a melon
patch belonging to a man named Leavi
sey living near town. He frightened
the boys out of the patch and then fired
in an opposite direction to what he had
supposed they had taken, and the charge
struck young Parrott full in the fore
head. All connected with the sad affair
are respectable people and it is gener
ally regarded as an accident, pure and
simple. The lad was still alive Sunday
evening, but there was thought to be
but little chance for him. He is about
20 years of age.
The American Monthly Review of
Reviews for September presents the
usual timely features that we have come
to expect from this magazine. The
various events connected with the end
of the war with Spain are fully discussed
by the editor, while the Porto Rican
campaign, irom start to nnisn, is de
scribed by John A. Church, formerly of
the Army and Navy Journal. The cost
of the war and the financial provisions
for meeting it are ably summed up by
Charles A. Conant, an experienced fi
nancial writer. Henry Mcfarland, a
Washington journalist, contributes a
character sketch of William R. Day, the
Secretary of State, which is of special
interest at this time because of Judge
Day's appointment as leading member
of the American peace commission.
Charles Lowe, the English biographer
of Bismarck, and W. T. Stead famish a
rich fund of anecdotes regarding the
late ex-chancellor. Aside from many
other illustrations, numerous cartoons
apropos of the war are reproduced from
home and foreign journals.
To Ceatraeters.
Bids will be received at the office, -of
C. J. Garlow, Secretary and Treasurer
of West End Sewer Co., up to eight p.
m 'Mnndnv. SfentAmher 12. for th ooa-
;.. r a... QMAiftMtim.
office. . ' 1
3 ir5al fteutifit. S
5 ? j-
j, Miss Julia Fox went to Schuyler Mon
day to visit.
Miss Shepard of Millard is visiting at
G. W Phillips'.
Mr. and Mrs. Naumann are attending
the Exposition this week.-
Miaa Celia Wagner begins -her school
Monday near Humphrey.
Mrs. Laudeman of St Edward is visit
ing with L H. BritelTs folks.
Mrs. C. A. Brindley returned Friday
from an extended visit in Creighton.
Miss Hattie Baker left today for a
month's visit to Lincoln and Omaha.
C. H. Winship and son Arthur of Fre
mont visited at John Wiggins' over Sun
day. Mrs. A. H. Carpenter of Fairmont, W.
Va., is visiting her brother's family, C.
J. Garlow.
Paul Krause came down Saturday
from Albion on his way to Omaha on a
business trip.
Misses Alice and Mae Elston went to
Creighton Saturday to visit with friends
and relatives.
Mrs. V. A. Macken and daughter
Mamie went to Omaha Thursday for a
visit with friends.
Mrs. J. S. Hatfield returned Thurs
day from an extended trip in Iowa, Ar
kansas and Illinois.
Rev. Hayes returned last week from a
month's vacation taken in Colorado,
principally in Manitou.
F. W. Herrick returned Thursday
from an extended business and pleasure
trip to Chicago and New York.
Mr. and Mrs. L L. Albert and Rev.
and Mrs. Olcott were among the camp
meeting visitors in Clarke last week.
Misa Lizzie Sheehen went to Hum
phrey, where she begins her regular
work of teaching in the public schools.
One day last week, Frank, son of
James Frazier, came to visit his father
whom he had not seen for seventeen
Rena and Gladys Turner returned
home Saturday from an extended visit
with their sister, Mrs. Howard Rowe, at
Long Pine,
Miss Ella Byrnes, who went to Colo
rado a few weeks ago, will remain and
teach school there the coming year at
Hahn's Park.
The Misses Parmelee of Omaha, who
have been visiting their cousin, Mrs.
Naumann, for several weeks, returned
home this week.
Mrs. C. H. Davis and daughter Mae,
Misses Josephine and Anna Kumpf and
Ruby Hensley were among the recent
visitors in Omaha.
L. G. Zinnecker was in Omaha Sun
day. He went down specially to meet
some old-time Ohio acquaintances who
are visiting the Exposition.
A. W. Armstrong spent four days
recently at the Exposition. One of the
days there were three people overcome
by heat; another day, twenty.
Mrs. Watkins and daughter left this
Tuesday for their home in Illinois, after
a visit with her sister, Mrs. John Wig
gins. Miss Rossa, accompanied them to
Mrs. Rev. Frank Cook of Fayette,
Ohio, has been visiting her sister, Mrs.
Frank Taylor, the past week, leaving
today for Waterloo, where she visits for
a time before going to her home.
School Will Open Next Moaday.
Pupils will be assigned to rooms as
Seventh grade and boys of 6th and
girls of 6th, who live east of Washing
ton street, Mr. Rothleitner's room.
Fourth, and girls of 5th who live east
of Washington street, Miss Keating's
room. Girls of 5th and girls of 6th west
of Washington street, in 1st ward, and
girls of 5th and girls of 6th in 2nd ward
south of railroad track will be assigned
to the new room. Second and third
grades, Miss Rickly's room, first grade
Miss Morse's room.
High school and eighth grades will
occupy the same rooms as last year.
Fourth grade pupils from Miss Wat
kins' room and pupils promoted from
Mrs. Brindley's room, will occupy Miss
Campbell's room.
Seventh grade Mr. Weaver's room
Fifth and sixth Miss Watkins' "
Third and fourth. ...MissLuth's "
Second and third. . ..Miss Morris' "
First and second Mrs. Brindley's "
W. J. Williams, Supt
A call issued, we suppose by the
secretary, W. T. Craig, for the adjourned
session of the republican county con
vention, reached us on Wednesday last,
at noon. The Journal goes to press
Tuesday afternoon but printed a call all
the same, authorized by Chairman Nay.
The convention meets this Wednesday
. Deatk of C. A. Waaalejr.
A telegram was received here this
Tuesday morning by J. D. Stires that
C. A. Woosley had died at Silver Creek
at 2:30 a. m., of heart failure.
He left here Monday seemingly in
good health. He retired in good health,
and along in the night wakened the
folks, told them he wished to go to a
doctor, and died in five minutes after
getting to the doctor's.
The body is expected on the noon
train, today. We- can learn no further
particulars at this writing.
Sale bills,
Envelopes, '
Hand bills,
Note heads,
Legal blanks.
Visiting cards,
Business cards,
Dance invitations,
Society invitations,
Wedding invitations, .
Or, in' short, any kind of
Call on or address, Journal,
Columbus, Nebraska.
Farm, 3 miles east of Columbus; 369
I acres,' 200 acres under cultivation.
J quire at Galley's store. tf
The Old Settler of Platte Coanty (Set To
gether Agaia.
Saturday last, a goodly number of the
pioneers and old settlers ate dinner and
supper at Maennerchor hall, and enjoyed
themselves in meeting and greeting and
conversing with old friends and neigh
bors, the only regret- being that there
were not more of them present.
The hall had been appropriately deco
rated for the' occasion with the national
colors,- an ox-yoke being a conspicuous
reminder of those early days.
At 2 o'clock John Tannahill, president,
called to order, and, after invocation by
Rev. Goodale, the speaking exer
cises began with a welcome by Mayor
E. D. Fitzpatrick, to which he added
personal reminiscences. Shortly after
the War of the Rebellion, a great fever
broke out in the east, and he was among
the first to catch it it was the western
fever. There were different phases of
it, Kansas, California, etc., but his
was the Nebraska fever, and after he
caught it be prepared himself for farm
ing by subscribing for magaaines, farm
journals, etc. He came to Columbus in
'71 and among the first things he did to
prepare himself for.farming the prairie
homestead was to buy a team of horses
for 3450. One day he was in Columbus,
and happened to meet E. J. Baker, who
convinced him that he ought to have a
corn-planter (he hadn't yet broke any
sod) at $65. In about a year, he got the
California fever, but stayed there only
a few months. He came back here, and
all he had left was four patches on his
pants. He worked at whatever he could
find to do, saved his money as best
he could, investing it iu business, as
business grew.
H. T. Spoerry began by speaking of
the old country and his trip to Nebras
ka. He referred in a sarcastic way to
good old times of 1857-,8,of the "wild
cat banks," etc. He drew a comparison
between the east and the west in those
days; in the east a man could scarcely
get employment, working for board
only, and in the west everybody was
busy and wages good. At Col. John
Rickly's, where he first worked, he got
$40 a month. He took up a homestead
on Stearns prairie, where the settlement
was so sparse that the school district
was fourteen miles long and seven miles
wide. He was elected school director,
and notwithstanding considerable oppo
sition, school finally began in a dug-out,
with Miss Crabtree as teacher. One of
the chief arguments in opposition was
by a man who held to the notion that as
they had had no school for seven years,
they could certainly live a while longer
without. Mr. Spoerry alluded to pres
ent times in that locality, and said that
there is now no vacant land, the farmers
are all doing well; there are creameries,
separators, cheese factories, and all
modern appliances for doing work.
There are perhaps no people in all that
country but what know that the farmer
needs education as much as any class of
H. J. Hudson started in his remarks
by referring to the classification that
had been made, of pioneers, those who
came here before 1867, and old settlers,
those here before 1880. His wife and he
were Londoners, and scarcely knew be
fore they came to this country what a
blade of grass was. At St Louis he
saw some darkies eating a musk melon,
the first he had ever seen, and noticed
them scraping the seeds out A greeny
hardly ever learns everything in one
lesson, and the first melon he bought to
eat he prepared his feast by scraping
out the whole inside. Mr. Hudson en
tered heartily into the spirit of the
occasion, and was perceptibly affected
when he touched upon the intimate re
lations of the pioneers, in those times
when the country was totally different
from now; the day of Indians and Pil
grims. Who of us then expected to live
to see the country we now have in Ne
braska? As great a transformation, al
most, as could be imagined. We aimed
to get along pleasantly and happily with
oar neighbors, and all helped in times
of trouble. He closed with a hearty
good word for the Nebraska soldier boys
who have gone to battle for their coun
try, and said that wherever our flag had
been planted it should stay right there
to help establish for the people, a gov
ernment by the people. "I'm very glad,"
said he, "that I've lived to see this time."
President Tannahill introduced Pau
line Elias as the daughter of a soldier
who had helped make it possible to
settle Nebraska.
She recited a description of a prairie
fire, the thrilling incidents of which, the
sight of bellowing deer, hissing snakes,
burning cabins, etc., were followed with
intense interest by the audience, and so
well pleased were they that they insist
ed on her speaking again. The little
lady kindly responded with "The Wreck
of the Hesperus."
J. E. North said that be did not ex
pect to be called upon ' to make any
remarks until he came into the room.
If he had, he might have been able to
make a more connected talk, but if he
could succeed in saying something of
interest to the younger generation to
make them better contented in life, he
would be satisfied. He came to Nebras
ka in 1854, a young boy, living first at
Omaha. He came here in '58 and was
married in 1859, they being the second
couple married in Platte county after
its organization. He broke up 40 acres,
planted sod corn and buckwheat;
threshed the buckwheat by laying it on
hard ground and tramping it out with
oxen; the wind did the cleaning and it
was ground without bolting. We eat
our cakes without butter. We didn't
have any bntter because we didn't have
any cows.
In 1859 trouble began with the In
dians, the settlers gathering at Fremont,
and the soldiers following the Indians
to what is now known as Battle Creek.
Our nearest post-office used to be Oma
ha. Every one that went down from
here was expected to bring back the
mail. He knew every man, woman and
child living between Columbus and
The last great blizzardf that some of
the younger settlers remember, was a
fair sample of what was not an uncom
mon occurrence in 'those times. Once
when he was at Omaha, and had left a
young man at home to do the chores,
when he returned he found that during
the storm that had deposited two feet
of snow, the man had left, and Mrs.
North had fed the cattle through a hole
in the straw roof of the barn, and had
succeeded in keeping the cattle alive;
and had chopped her own wood for fuel.
He closed by saying that in his busi
ness of selling land, and as surveyor, he
had helped a good many men locate
homes in Platte and adjoining counties
and had always felt an interest in their
welfare. He knew that the attachments
of those who had lived and.worked to
gether, bearing the same burdens, was
very strong, and he was glad to be with
Rev. Goodale said that in the build
ing of a community, as of a- house, it
was all important that there be a good
foundation, laid by the square and the
plummet No young man or woman in
such times as these can appreciate what
a task it was to lay the foundations of
the now prosperous state, of ' Nebraska.
He referred to the labors of Rev. Father
Ryan, a pioneer Catholic priest well
known to the old settlers of Nebraska,
as a noble man in many respects, and
closed by saying that- we are all one
family of Almighty God, trying to gath
er strength to go forward in the line of
Mr. Spoerry said that in the earlier
days in the country no one asked an
other's religion, but only can I help you?
There is too much denominationalism
and not enough Christianity.
Guy C. Barnum said he first came to
Nebraska in 1845. He broke prairie near
Omaha. In 1860 he came to Platte
county. He made pleasing allusions to
the Gerrards, the 'Norths and others,
but didn't seem to remember bo kindly
the fact, as he alleges, that J. Sterling
Morton was elected governor, and him
self state auditor, but counted out and
stated that the government of the state
had been begun in fraud and continued
in fraud until a populist governor was
elected. He spoke of his early experi
ence in jumping the town site of Areola,
and said that he had been mayor of
that place ever since. He referred to
his more recent experience in insane
asylums, and said: "I want to say to
you that I have never been insane. If
I am insane. I was born so, and thank
John Browner, a pioneer sheriff of
Platte county, was asked to speak, but
declined, saying that his voice could
not be heard across the room. This was
the first time in two years that he had
been iu the city, although he lives but
two miles out
W. A. McAllister referred to the in-cident-when
Mr. Hudson was justice of
the peace and Mr. Browner sheriff, and
a company of men overpowered both of
them and took a murderer out of the
hands of the law officers and hanged him
on a tree close by. To the time when
it took them 3 days to go to mill, 2, and
sometimes 3, to get their grist ground,
and 3 to return. Every time goods were
wanted, it meant a drive with oxen to
Omaha. He then gave an account of the
only Indian war ho was ever in, an In
dian killed, indemnity demanded, a
pony given and pipe of peace, in the
meantime danger and trouble to all the
neighborhood. Mc. was then 13, and
with his brother Steve, they took upon
themselves the defense of mother and
sister, (Mrs. Hensley) while the father
was out with the other men.
The society then elected the following
officers: John Tannahill, president;
John Walker, vice president; C. A. Brind
ley, Bec'y.; W. W. Mannington, treasurer.
Supper was enjoyed by those who
brought their baskets, and the evening
was spent pleasantly in visiting until
the speaking began.
W. A. McAllister gave a reminiscence
of some of the Indian wars with the
pioneers, telling particularly about tne
time Johnson, son of Mrs. Clother, was
killed and of the attempted massacre of
Mrs. Pat. Murray and others.
W. N. HenBley compared the pioneer
life in advantages to those of the east.
He thought it took more courage to
move your family, to the frontier coun
tries than to go to war. Said The Jour
nal of those days was worthy in publi
cation of any eastern town of much
larger size.
W. B. Dale was called on for a speech
but excused himself by saying he bad
been accustomed the past three years to
write down all his thoughts to be print
ed in cold type, and he could not speak
in public as in former years.
C. A. Brindley told of the different
meetings held since the first in the pio
neer days, giving a very interesting ac
count. The stories told by the pioneers
would make brilliant reading for many
generations. He said tho next meeting
would perhaps be held in the northern
part of the county.
Among the old settlers present, we
could get the names of the following:
Rev. and Mrs. Goodale, Mrs. M. Erb,
Mrs. Jacob Ernst, sr., Mrs. Peter Meyer,
John Browner, Jonas Hedman, Mrs.
Jane North, Mrs. A. E. Brindley, Mr.
and Mrs. H. J. Hudson, Guy C. Barnum,
John and Henry Kelley, Henry and
Herman Loseke, Robert McCray, Wil
liam Gerhold, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Reinke, Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Welch, Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Welch, John Burrell.
W. A. McAllister, Mrs. W. N. Hensley,
Mrs. Mary Bremer, Henry C. Bean, Mr.
and Mrs. H. P. Coolidge, Mr. and Mrs.
W. T. Rickly, W. B. Dale, George
Berney, F. H. Gerrard, George Barnum,
J. R. Meagher, Robert Lewis, Mr. and
Mrs. Patrick Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. S.
J. Wheeler, W. W. Rice, Fred Gottechalk,
jr., Mr. and Mrs. John Keeler, Mrs.
Jack Elston, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Witchey,
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Davis, Mr. and Mrs.
Chris Meedel, Mr. and Sirs. Fred Meedel,
Geo. Hengler.
Praperty fer Sale.
Within leddthana mile of the city lim
its, a 20-acre tract of land well known
as the Bauer place, all fenced, and all
under the plow.
A large, 2-story, frame dwelling, ce
ment cellar, cistern, cesspool, etc.
Good-sized barn, nice lot of fruit trees.
An individual irrigating plant on the
place. Easy terms to the purchaser.
Apply to F. H. Rusche. 27 July, 2m
Repablleaa Cosaty CoaveatioB.
The republican delegates accredited to
the recent county convention are hereby
called in adjourned session, pursuant to
the action taken by said convention, to
be held in Columbus, Wednesday, Au
gust 31, 2, p. m., at the city hall, to trans
act such business as may properly come
before the convention.
William Nat, Chairman.
BonO. mMMtontimfitm
1 . : . : !
fancy Groceries,
Eleventh Street, -
and it's tiiuo for you to put forth your
efforts in realizing on the rising tide of
business. Real eatate values, never so low
as now, are sure to rise with improved busi
ness conditions and afford healthy returns
to iuvestors. The lots, plats and acreage
on our books are the most desirable in this
section and six months hence can't be
touched at tho present hard-time prices.
If you're interested in- a home we can
suit your fancy and your purse and make
terms to your liking.
Thirteeatk St.,
,& '
Damaged ay Smoke Oaly.
The Chicago Shoe Manufacturing
Company, the Queen City Tailoring
Company, and the Barr Cloak Company,
adjoining buildings, were damaged to
the extent of 3175,000. Part of this
mammoth stock has been shipped to
Columbus, Nebraska, and placed on sale
in the Maennerchor hall. Eleventh St.,
whero it will be sold to the people of
Platte and adjoining counties, as direct
ed by the Insurance Company, at less
than appraised value. This great tire
sale of Men's, Boy's, Misses' and Chil
dren's shoes, together with Men's Boy's
and Children's clothing and ladies'
cloaks will commence on Wednesday,
Sent. 7. 1898. and will continue until
Saturday night, September 10, mak
ing this the greatest four days' sale ever
inaugurated in Columbus. Among the
many bargains you will find:
Ladies' and gents' house slippers
worth SI at 8
Men's half fall atook shoes, worth
Ladies' good heavy calf shoes,
worth 81.75 at 88
Ladies' tine Don col u Pat. leather
tip shoes worth $1.75 at
Ladies very fine shoes, coin toe,
lace,and button worth $2.50 at
Ladies' French kid, hand turned
latest style lace and button
worth $4 at
Ladies' very fine hand turned
French kid shoes, worth 85 at
Men's very fine shoes, worth S2.50
Men's tine calf shoes, worth 83 at
Men's Fine enstom-mado shoes
hand-sewed, all latest Btyles,
worth S4, at
A full line of Ladies', Misses' and
children's Oxford ties at less
than half price.
BoyB long pants, worth 81.50 at. .8
Men's pants, worth $1.50 at
Men's business pants, worth $2 at
Men's fine dress pants, worth 84 at
Children's suits, worth S2 at
Children's tine suits, worth $5 at..
Men's suits, worth 88 at
Men'aCassimeresnits, worth $12 at
Men's lino Cassiraere suitB, worth
315 at
Men's tine custom-made suits,
worth 818 at
Men's tine tailor-made suits, worth
Men's very tine satin-lined suits,
worth $25 at
Men's good overcoats, well made,
worth S4 at
Men's good Kersey coats, worth
38 at
Men's; good imported overcoats,
satin-lined, worth $20 at
Men's French Beaver overcoats
worth 315 at .
Men's fine covert cloth overcoats,
worth 820 at
A splendid ladies' jacket, in heavy
weight, strictly all wool, worth
Ladies' tine jackets, Batin faced,
made with latest style sleeves,
all wool boncles, and variety
fancy materials, really worth
818 at
Ladies' capes made of Kersey cloth
fall weight, nicely made, worth.
&ZOU ttL -a
... 1.75
Ladies' capes, "made of fine Kersey
cloth, also boucle, rough ma-
terials, fall weights with
stitched satin edges all around
good value at 112.50 'will be
JKF M '" B'- im itf(b
'ft -liiiiifflllib
I 'IIHI W CK lfiWjMMB"WiB"l"IW"BlM"i"liiM
cWgg&. ffffMraBfcWmfc
Ffgal SlltiAU lW ma
'.?- " a vSS5
In our stock of HIGH GRADE
GROCERIES we are constantly re
ceiving fresh invoices of the finest
CMi, Jap,
and India Teas.
We handle a 'full line of Chase &'
Sanborn's Fresk Botstei Cwffees.
They are the best. .Now b a good .
time,' to buy Tea and Coffee, as prices
are low and indications are will go
higher soon.
Fish, Cut Bait or Go
Ashore V
, liB TiSfc 1 'ft 1, w m 1 aawi
-t -
This sultry weather is very depressing
and there is nothing like a fishing trip for
good, healthy sport. You will enjoy it if you
are provided with our novelties in fishing
tackle in rods, reels, flies, baits, lures, reed
baskets, landing nets, bait pails, and all
kinds of outfits for the angler's pleasure
and comfort, for fresh water fishing.
soldat C98
Ladies' fine capes, nobby styles,
made of all wool Kersey cloth
and a variety of rough ma
terial, all neatly trimmed and
actually worth $15 at 5.98
and so on down the line, you. will find
bargain after bargain. Nothing re
served. Everything must be sold in
four days. Remember the day, Wed
nesday, Sept. 7, 1898, and is for four days
only. Look for the great fire sale sign.
Merchants desiring tc fill up for the
coming season will find this a good op
portunity. H. Edwards, Agent.
Cat me emt fer a. Oalde.
Exposition Hotel, C. E. Rickly, Prop.
Rates: $1.00 per day up. Special rates
for table board. 1811 Lake Street,
Omaha. Five minutes walk to Expo
sition Grounds. Take Dodge St. and
north 20th car from Union Depot Sher
man Ave. and 17th St. Line from Web
ster St. Depot. 8t
Nicely Furnished rooms in private
family. 2716 N. 25tb St., corner of
Corby, Omaha, Nebraska. Desirable lo
cation. Only five minutes walk to Ex
position. From Union dept, take Dodge
St., car, get off at 24th and Corby Sts.
and walk one block west. From Webs
ter St. depot, take car at depot and trans-
fer at 24th and Camming St. and get off
at Corby SL Meals served, if desired;
for 25 cts. Beds, 50 cts. and 75 cts.
M. a Reid.
Pay Dirt.
We hear that a party from the east is
here looking after a tract of land that
seems to contain dirt of a high order.
For some time this dirt has been used
for cleaning silverware in fact is a
splendid polish for most any kind of
goods. It now pans out that a test of
the dirt shows it to contain properties
of a high order. A sample of 300 pounds
was sent east Tuesday where it will
again be tested as earth paint. The
first batch sent proved to be all right
for paint purposes and the factory now
desires to test it in large quantities
hence the quantity sent. We did not
learn on whose laud the stuff is found
but understand it is on Plum Creek.
Fullerton Post.
Keal Estate Traarer.
Becher, Jnggi Co., real estate agents,
report the following real estate transfers
tiled in the office of the county clerk for
the week ending Aug. 27, 1896.
Yincenz Zach to Jnoeph Haochke, afA
ne'4 and aVi M?i 28-20-1 w. wd f U00 00
Joseph Gilwloff to James and Jam
Leapie Mtryera, pt lot 6. blk l.Ottia
1st add to Humphrey, wd 1MU 00
Christine Peterson to M. 11. Knndaen,
sw 20-20-lw. qcd 320 .
John (iallig&n to Win. Bncher. wSi aw
HldaadbM-nwU10-20-3w.wd 500 00
Kmil von Bencen to W. 11. lllian. lot 5.
bile 17, Lockne r a 2d odd to Humpa-
rcj. wu......
Ole Johnson to Theodore Hnettner, aw
tt-20-3w. wd...... ............
John li. Thomazin to Edward Connel
800 00
ly. mM. seU .r-ia-2w. wd
Casper Gilsdorf to Joseph flilsdorf, pt
Kit 1, blk I, llaniphrty, wd
5300 00-
EiKht transfers, total..
$24.080 06
In the county court of Platte county, Nebraska.
In the matter of the estate of Henry Posto,
deceased. Notice of final settlement aad ac- ,
count. ...
To the creditors, heirs, legatees and others in
terested in the estate of Henry Psato, de-
Take notice, that 8. M. Barker has filed is the
county court a report of hia doing aa ertmieia
trator of the estate of Henry Paste, deceased,
and it is ordered that the same stead for hear
ing on tne zist uay 01 oepfemoer, into. Before
the court 1
1 at ine noar 01 w o ciock a. .. at wnica
time any person interested may appear aad ax-
cent to anu ccniesi ine 1
TnU notice is ordered given ia Taa Coxraace
Joubsai. for three consecutive weeks prior to
the 21st day of September. 1888.
Witaeaa ray hand aad the seal of the county
court at Colambea tfcie 27th day of Aacaat.
T. D. EoHBOif.
Cosaty Jodae.
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