The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, August 31, 1898, Image 2

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7 CoIiimbiisJoiirual.
. -'. WEDNESDAY. AUGUST a, 1898.
" . ' . Entered at the Portoffice, Colombo. Nebr., m
: , . . mcob(1-cUs mail matter.
i. . ,
. n '.. M.K1TTTRNER & CO.,
. r . Cplumbus, Xebr.
Oae mail, postage prepaid $L50
Bit months .75
.3. L. HAYWARD, Nebraska City.
GEORGE A. "MURPHY, Beatrice.
. Secretary of State,
C. DURAS, Wilber.
Auditor PublicAccounta,
T. L. MATHEWS, Fremont.
Superintendent Public Instruction,
JOHN F. SAYLOR, Lincoln.
.. . 5T. D. JACKSON, Neligh.
. Land Commissioner,
A. F. WILLLMS, Elk City.
. For Judge Sixth Judicial District,
. W. A. McALLISTER, Colombo.-
Float KcpreaUtive t'oaveMioa.
The republican party of Platte and Nance
, counties coiripobinu Uie 25th representative di-
trict of Nebraska, are requpstedto send dele-
. gates from their respective counties to meet in
" convention at Genoa, Nance county on Sator-
w day September 17th at 1 o'clock p. m. for the
purpose of placing in nomination a candidate
.- for the office or flout representative of the 2.1th
. dibtrict, and for the transaction of such other
. business as may bo incident thereto.
The counties comnosinK said district are en.
titled to the follovim; delegates each:
. Platte county. -
. Nance county..... ....-....-.-...
Dated this 30th day of August. 189g.
- Bkbt Stbotheks, W. W. Cobnklius,
3 Secretary. Chairman.
" Chaulks MosiiEtt, having served a
'" iive vears' sentence, is now at liberty.
" " Senators Davis and Frye and Secre
. tary Day have been named for the Peace
. conference.
C. W. Lemasteu, for many years a
prominent business mnn of Central City,
died Wednesday.
A Boston' paper declares the expo-
. ' sition at Omaha "well wortli a visit from
all Americans who can afford to make
the trip."
' Thebe is nothing like acting upon
principle, which, of course, presupposes
.- principles to act upon. Love of princi
ple i essential to manhood.
' . Judge Chaules L. Hall of Lincoln
' died' Wednesday morning from blood
poisoning and from the effects of an
;. ' operation that was performed Tuesday
' as a.lost resort.
Somethino new in the educational
. line is the Clark university at Worcester,
. Massachusetts, which aims solely to
' offer facilities for research in special
'. linos, though these are versatile and
widely divergent. It is an institution
for sober-minded, thoughtful young
men, not for lads who have no particu-
lur-aim in life except to "have a good
. time" and spend, with enthusiasm and
regularity, tho money earned by some
body else.
The editor of tho Albion News is
thoroughly well acquainted with the
'fusion candidate for governor, and this
is what he has to say of him:
"Like most professional politicians,
W. A. Poynter is a 'Dr. Jekyll and Mr.
Hyde sort of man. As a citizen and
neighbor he is all right and we honor
him as a reputable citizen. As a politi
cian, long seeking for office, he is com--.
pelled to do many things repugnant to
his better self. For instance, people of
Boone county know that Mr. Poynter is
a prohibitionist if there is such a thing.
They know that he never visits saloons,
and is opposed as every Christian should
be, to the whole liquor traffic. Yet,what
do we see? He was compelled, in order
to get the democratic endorsement, to
' stand tip before a drunken mob and
; deny his honest convictions. That i6
." politics. Politics is responsible for much
that is evil in this world."
TnE republicans of the sixth cong-
' ressional district of Nebraska held their
convention Wednesday at Broken Bow,
and nominated Norris Brown, a young
.. attorney of Kearney to make the race
for congress ngamst William L. Greene.
M. Demoliss, a French writer, says
"" that an easy prosperity renders the
'" 'family unstable, and converts the young
into monsters of cruelty. The old men
are thrust out and their wealth infam-
:u ously stolen, until every village in
. Tpwraine provides the material for an-
other tragedy of "Lear." Again, an
easy livelihood produces leisure, another
vogue dream of the legislator, and leis-
.ure. brings in its train improvidence and
luxury. While there is very small grain
' . of truth at the bottom of this, there is
assumption enough in it to make a
plausible untruth, hurtful to the un-
: thinking. Character is the central fact,
. and it does not change by circumstances.
. iV It may be thus tested and tried.
"... Dewejr Has Enough Supplies.
Washington, Aug. 30. Admiral
, Dewey lias informed the navy depart
ment that he has an abundance of sup
plies for the present needs of his squad
ron. In a dispatch to the department
be announces the arrival of an Austra
lian refrigerator ship with fresh meats
and other provisions.
' Fiad Goldla Alaska.
Seattle, Wash., Aug. 30. News has
been received of the big party of Ger
mans who made a spectacular depart
ure from New York last winter for
Alaska. Peter Scramm, one of the
. party who was recently at Juneau, re
ports that the party did not go to Daw
son, bnt drifted down to Lake Atlin, op
posite Pine Creek, where they found
gold in paying quantities. All had
staked out claims.
Collision la Oklahoama.
TTicwta, Kan., Aug. 30. Three
miles east of Alva, O. T., yesterday af
ternoon, there was a collision between
a westbound working train and the east
bound passenger on the Panhandle
branch! the Santa Fe. Eighteen or
SO people were injured, but none ser
aosaly. Both engines were badly dam
agedxnd the mail car iajnred asme.
. Fatal Stabblac Affray.
Milan, Mo., -Aug. 30. Robert
' Weaver, aged CO, and bis 19-year-old
aom, Fred, got into a drunken fight war
here last night and when Simpson
"White, a young neighbor boy, attempted
to separate them, they attacked him
with knives, fatally stabbing him Bear
the heart. Both the Weaver have baen
Now . elect Norris to cong
ress. Sustain McKinleys ad-ministration.
To Superintend the Effort to
Float Spanish Warships.
Stgaal ferric Corp t Bejln Work at
ea Military Talspfaoue and Tele-
ih Uass Alaaa; Eastern Coast of
Cbbb Oaaeral Wood Distribution Large
OaaatltlM at Food.
Saktiaoo, Aug. 80. The steamer
flagaranoia has arrived here, bringing
TasntsBSit Bichard Hobson, who will
sparimtend' the effort to float the
trtVf" Spanish cruiser Cristobol Colon
tmi. Infamta Maria Teresa. Lieutenant
Wohaoa had an enthusiastic informal re
ception froam General Lawton, with
which he will be quartered while hi
Santiago. The Segurancia brought alsa
Captain Leigh and Homen of the signal
service corps, who will relieve Colonel
Green. Work will be begun at once on
the military telephone and telegraph
lines along the eastern Cuban coast.
The Segnrancia brought a cargo of fresh
General Lawton has issued an order
releasing the largest wharf in the har
bor, lately wholly occupied by the
United States government, returning it
to the use of the local merchants and
shippers. Trading vessels had ex
perienced great inconvenience and de
lay in consequence of insufficient wharf
facilities, and many ships in the harbor
are awaiting a place to unload. The
special hardship arises from the exces
sive harbor charges.
The beautiful Alainada boulevard, 200
feet wide and encircling Santiago bay,
now occupied by the Second immune
regiment, will be released to the city as
soon as the immunes can be removed to
the new camp two miles out. The
boulevard is a fashionable resort for
driving and promenading.
Residents of the city and province to
the number of about 8,000, now in Costu
Rica and Jamaica, are expected to re
turn here during the next three weeks,
and preparations are general for a house
cleaning all around.
A whole battalion of the Fifth regu
lars, brought by the Knickerbocker
from Tampa, has been placed in the
hospital vacated by the Spaniards, yel
low fever having appeared among
them. The Knickerbocker has been
quarantined. She touched at a small
Cuban port on her way from the
United States and was not inspected at
Tampa. Five cases of the fever have
A large quantity of government sup
plies left here by the commissary de
partment will be distributed among the
General Wood said today: "It seems
impossible that so much destitution
could exist with the work of the Red
Cross society, the government officers
and inspectors, but I find extreme dis
tress in the lower quarters of the city
and I am giving orders to have all
cases relieved upon a medical certificate
of necessity. Large quantities of food
are being distributed."
Health Ceadltlou Among Soldiers at Sau
Francisco Growing Worse.
Sax Francisco, Aug. 30. In spite of
the great precaution taken by the local
military authorities the health condi
tions at the local camp are worse than
ever. The total number of sick is the
largest yet known. The total is 303,
five of these being in private hospitals,
65 out on furloughs, 11 iu outlying hos
pitals, and 308 in the division hospital
proper. The Seventh California is still
to the front with S2 cases. Private
Frank H. Rodibach, eompanj- II,
Seventh California, died yesterday after
noon of typhoid fever. There are 10
or 18 typhoid suspects in the hospital.
The Tennessee regiment has G5 sick
men, and the Seventy-first Iowa iG.
There are 58 patients in the Presidio
hospital, several of these being typhoid
fever in its first stages.
A cable was received yesterday from
General F. V. Greene, who sailed to
Manila in command of the second expe
dition, intimating that he intends to
return to the United States immediately.
As the China is reported as leaving
Manila today General Greene may come
on her.
States Filing Claims.
Washington, Aug. 30. Already sev
of the states have filed with the secre
tary of the treasury claims for reim
bursement of expenditures growing out
of the war. Auditor Brown of the
treasury department, in speaking of
these claims, said: "There seems to be a
misapprehension on the part of some of
the claimants. Creditors cannot present
their accounts direct to the war depart
ment The law provides that all ac
counts must be paid by the states and
the general government will reimburse
the states.'
President Beaches Cleveland.
Cleveland, Aug. 30. The train bear
ing President Cleveland and party ar
rived in Cleveland at 5:45 p. m. yester
day. The presidential party left the
train at the Euclid avenue station and
were driven directly to the residence of
Colonel Myron T. Herrick on Cedar
Heights. There was a small crowd at
the station, the hour of the president's
arrival not being generally known. The
president will probably remain iu Cleve
land a waek and will visit Canton one
day during his stay in this city.
Seven Deaths at Santiago.
Washington, Aug. 30. The follow
ing dispatch has been received at the
war department from General Lawton:
Santiago de Cuba, Aug. 30. Adju
tant General, Washington: Total sick,
880; total fever, 322; new cases of fever,
9; returned to duty, 97; deaths, 7.
Remnant ef a Regiment.
Gaxp Wikoff, Montauk Point, L. I.,
Aug. SO.-7-Of 1,043 men who went from
Mew York to Cuba, and followed the
guidons of the Seventy-first regiment
from Bsiquiri to Santiago, less than-200
will go back to New York today.
Oeveraers as Vice Presidents,
Chicago, Aug. 30. Ferdinand "W.
Peck, commissioner general for the
United States to the Paris exposition,
has appointed the governors of the
different states as vice presidents of the
Lafayette smonament commission.
t Saasaa Dead. '
Akklamd, N. Z., Aug. 80. Malietoa
Lacupepa, king of Samoa, died on Mon
day JUsg . 83, of typhoid fever.
London Correspondent Says
They Are Uneducated.
Suburbs Fall of Armed Ins urg eats and
Vendettas Are Frequent Patrol Is Said
to Be Insufficient American Censor's
Rigid Prohibition of ws of Cavite In
cident Foments More Trouble.
Manila, Aug. 30. The residential
suburbs are full of armed insurgents
and numerous vendettas are reported.
The inhabitants are greately alarmed.
There was fighting in the streets of
San Miguel last evening. The iusur
gent troops yesterday attended mass,
fully armed, and patroled the principal
residential suburbs.
London, Aug. 30. A dispatch from
Manila to a news ageucy dated Aug. 25,
via Hong Kcng, says:
"The friction between the Americans
and natives requires exceptional ability
to avoid total alienation, i find that
several high American officers of medi
ocre education are utterly unacquainted
with oriental ways- Most of the Ameri
cans are dAcieut in patience and
numerous trifling misunderstandings
aggravate the situation.
"The American censor absolutely pro
hibits the sending of any word about
the Cavite incideut of yesterday aud he
threatens to expel any correspondent
who mentions it. A deputation from
the press is going to General Merritt to
protest against his action. The affair
began in a drnukeu American snooting
and the native sentries tried to arrest
the assailant. In consequence of the
melee four natives aud one American
were killed and it is generally niisre
ported as being a deliberate inaugura
tion of hostilities.
General Merritt returned their arms
to the company of men who fired at the
natives, presumably inadvertently. The
natives assert that Agmnaldo forced
General Merritt to liberate them and re
turn their weapons. The Americans
condemn General Merritt's course.
The same correspondent cables that
the Americans are only "partly patrol
ing tho town."
Greene Ordered Home.
London, Aug. 30. The Manila corre
spondent of the Times hays: The lead
ing commercial men here have signed a
memorial to Lord Salisbury urging him
to use his influence to prevent thu Span
iards from regaining supremacy in the
Philippines. The conduct of the Ameri
can troops is admirable. The town,
since their occupation, has been won
derfully free from disturbance. Gen
eral Greene has been ordered to return
to Washington. He will tail with Gen
eral Merritt.
Gricsbj's Cowboys to Be Retired From
Service at Once.
Washington, Aug. 30. The follow
ng troops have been ordered mustered
out: Ninth Massachusetts from Mid
dletown. Pa., to South Franiiugtou,
Mass., where they will be mustered out;
Seventh Illinois, from Middletown to
Springfield; First Illinois, Lexington,
Ky., to Springfield: Fifth Illinois, Lex
ington to Springfield; Sixty-fifth New
York from Camp Alger to Bnffalo;
Fifth Ohio infantry, from Fernaudiua,
Fla., to Columbus, O.; First Wisconsin,
from Jacksonville to Camp Douglas,
Wis.; Third United States volunteer
cavalry (Grigsby's), at Chickamauga;
Fourth Texas, at Austin, Tex.
The bulk of Grigsby's regiment came
from South Dakota, but one troop, com
manded by Captain Culver, is from Mil
ford, Neb.
Clash Between State and National Author
ities May Develop.
Washington, Aug. 30. Captain L.
C. Duncan, surgeon of tho Twenty
second Kansas regiment, is held by the
sheriff of Fairfax count, Virginia, on
an indictment charging him with des
ecrating Confederate graves at Bull
Run. It appears that Dr. Duncan,
whose case has now become famous,
was not sentenced to five year.' impris
onment, but escaped much more lightly
at the hands of the military court,
there being a lack of evidence to prove
that he actually took part in despoiling
the graves.
The finding of the court martial, ap
proved by General Davis, was that
Surgeon Duncan be deprived of his
rank for two months, be confined to
regimental camp and forfeit his pay for
the same length of time, and that ha
be reprimanded by the commanding
How Dr. Duncan is to be confined to
regimental camp for two months when
he is now the prisoner of the sheriff of
Fairfax comity is difficult to under
stand. His regiment has moved from
Thoroughfare Gap to Camp Meade,
Pennsylvania. It is understood that
when the sheriff presented his warrant
for him under the indictment he was
voluntarily surrendered. A clash be
tween the state authorities and the war
department may develop, though the
case has not been brought to the atten
tion of Washington as yet.
Twelve Hundred Territory Men
Women Uoe Knives.
St. Louis, Aug. 30. A special to the
Republic from Denison, Tex., says:
Over 1,200 miners from the Indian
Territory came to witness a game of
base ball for the championship of the
On their return home a terrible battle
took place on the Texas & Pacific train,
men and women participating.
Mike Flynn of Krebs was stabbed sev
eral times and will die. A number of
others were more or less seriously cut
vrith knives.
The train was badly wrecked during
the battle, all the windows having been
smashed and the seats and ice water
tanks torn loose for bludgeons.
Three men fell or were thrown off the
train during the excitement.
Prthlaas Adopt Xew Ritual. ,
Indianapolis, Aug. 30. The supremo
lodge, Knights of Pythiasadopted the
new ritual for the uniform rank in a
modified form, Today the election of
two members of the board of -control of
the endowment fund takes place. The
candidates are .Edmunds-of North Da
kota, Pickett of Iowa, Loomis of Michi
gan, Blackwell of Kentucky, Barnes of
Illinois, Hilscher of Wisconsin and
Davis of Colorado. The board of con
trol selects its own. president. The
coaamittee appointed seraral days ago
to investigate' the charges of extrava
gance made against the supreme lodge
officers and to secure, if necessary, the
name of the informant of a local-paper
will report that there has been extrava
gancebutno criminal misconduct. It
will also report that it could not secure
the name of the recalcitrant representa
Mrs. Darling; Writes a Scathing
Letter to President
The Founder of Two Patriotic Societies Is
Aroused by the Suffering of the Soldiers;
Says Reward of Those Who Fought i
Starvation Calls Upon the Adsalalst ra
tion to Act Without Fear or Favor.
New York, Aug. 80. Mrs. Flora
Adams Darling, founder general of the
Daughters of the Revolution and the
Columbian. Daughters of 1812, has
written a scathing letter to President
McKinley, based on the s-jandals in the
conduct of our army affairs. The letter
"The women of our country have
demonstrated their patriotism, and now
the time has come when they will
demonstrate their power, for the cry of
David and Rachael is heard from lake
to gulf and over both oceans, and re
volt and revolution will follow with a
force only known through woman's in
fluence. And when women are aroused
governments are in danger. -j .
"I am receiving hundreds of letters'
pleading that the societies act for the
martyrs of '98. The cry comes home, is
everywhere heard, and to each .1 reply,
'To desert under the conditions that
confront our armies is not a crime, and
they will be defended by the women of
our home and country.-'
"As founder general of the societies of
daughters, I was implored to act for
peace before the accursed hour of war
was upon us. I wrote to you, 'Use your
power to secure arbitration,' but war
was forced by the report of General Lee
and Senatorial Comniissionevs Thurston,
Proctor and Galliuger, while tho words
of truth aud warning uttered by Mr.
Phelps were regarded as treason by the
pulpit and press of our country, through
prejudice, and our boys, tho pride of
our nation, rushed to arms without ask
ing why. Their reward is starvation
and death, but not dishonor.
"I know for a fact the suffering of
heroes and martyrs of this unjust war.
My three nephews are victims, one a
wreck from fever, one a stricken, suffer
ing man through dirt and starvation at
Chickamauga, another a hero at San
Juan, Corporal F. Gallaut, Seventy
first, sent home on the Grand Duchess
and dying of fever at Montauk, his
last appeal for help, a pathetic cry to
reach the mothers of this country. I am
ragged; my shoes are gone; I have no
hat; I am hungry.'
"Where will patriots be found should
another war come upon us after this
terrible crime of our nation, in the uame
of humanity?
"I liave believed, and do believe, in
your honor and integrity, hut the time
is limited in view of the terrible calam
ities, and the head of the government
must act or a greater war will be the
destiny of our country. Do not be de
ceived, but listen to the voice of public
opinion, usually the voice of God, and
ask where shall humanity be found.
"Act without fear or favor and the
world will applaud, but any yielding
for patronage or policy at this crit
ical hour should wipe our country from
the face of the earth, as another Sodom
and Gomorrah, foisting upon our peo
ple a great national crime in the name
of humanity."
Situation at Camp Wikoff.
New York, Aug. 30. Today's ar
rivals at Camp Wikoff included the
First battalion of the District of Colum
bia volunteers, one battalion of United
States engineers, attached to the Fifth,
army corps; troops A, C, D and F of the
Second cavalry, the men who operated
the balloon at Santiago and 95 men of
the Thirty-third Michigan volunteers.
These were debarked from the United
States transport Miuuewaska, which left
Santiago de Cuba on Aug. 23. There
were 49 hospital cases on board the
transport, typhoid and dysentery being
the prevailing disease. There are
1,600 patients in the general hospital at
Camp Wikoff, il5 of whom are down
with typhoid. This is a decrease. Three
deaths were reported today. There are
530 men in the detention hospital. By
tomorrow the hospital will be enlarged
so as to accommodate 750 more patients.
While the condition of the hospital has
been improved, 500 sick soldiers are still
sleeping on the floor. These men will
be put on cots in the new wing tomor
row. The force of nurses has been in
creased to 77. There are 40 Sisters of
Charity administering to the sick.
Exposition Grounds For Troops.
Washington, Aug. 30. Hon. Hoke
Smith, ex-secretary of the interior,
Representatives Livingstone and Bart
lett of Georgia, were at the war depart
ment and offered the Atlanta exposition
buildings and grounds for quarters for
the troops. He told the secretary of
war that the buildings were in good re
pair; that there was plenty of water and
a lake of 20 acres, and that the build
ings would accommodate from 10,000 to
15,000 soldiers. The buildings and
grounds were tendered free to'the gov
ernment if they could be made avail
able. General Corbin at once directed
that an investigation of the place be
made to see if it could be made avail
able for the government. Representa
Bartlett said that land at Brunswick
and Macon, Ga., would be placed at the
disposal of the government for a camp
if desired.
Black at Camp Thomas.
Chattanooga, Aug. 30. Governor
Black of New York, accompanied by
Dr. Doty, health officer of the port of
New York, arrived here last night.
Governor Black comes to visit the three
New York regiments at Chickamauga
park and to personally inspect the
grounds and surroundings.
Fifteen Deaths at Wikoff.
New York, Aug. 30. Fifteeen sol
diers died at Camp Wikoff and in this
city yesterday.
Distrust the Czar's Scheme.
Paris, Aug. 30. The French news
papers generally distrust the practic
ability of the czar's peace' scheme and
clearly indicate that France would make
the restoration of Alsace-Lorraine a
prerequisite to the participation in the
concert. .
Clark to Have a Furlough.
Washington, Aug". 30. Captain
Charles E. Clark,' formerly commander
of the Oregon, when discharged from
further treatment at the hospital at
New York will be granted three months'
leave of absence.
-..I. I I. .. !!
Garnet of the Siatloaal Iagu.
Pittsburg, 2 : Botou. 7,
Chicago, 1 ; New York, 'J,
Brooklyn. 13: Cleveland. 7.
Louisville. S; Washington. 1.
CtaciBOsti, 7; Philadelphia. &,
Detroit, 13 ; Indisaspolii, i.
Milwaukee, 6; Coloaibus, M.
. Dewey Declines Going to Paris.
Washington, Aug. 30. It was an
nounced yesterday afternoon at the war
department that General Merritt was
to go to Paris to giyo the peace commis
sion the benefit of his experience in the
Philippines. The original plan. had
been to send Admiral Dewey to Paris
1 for that purpose, bnt this was changed
j upon representations from the admiral
that he could be of greater service at
! Manila than in Paris. Whether or not
General Merritt will return to the Phil
ippines has not yet been determined;
that will depend entirely upon the state
of affairs in the islands when the peace
commission concludes its labors. The
choice of a route is left to himself, but
it is expected that he will be in Paris
withiu 60 days at the latest.
Nebraskaas Held a Day.
Chickakacoa, Aug. 80. The First
Missouri and Second Nebraska, under
orders to proceed to their state muster
ing out places, there to be .mustered out,
were to leave today, but on account of a
failure of the transportation arrange
ments they will not get away before
Wednesday. The Third United States
volunteer cavalry, Captain Grigsby, re
ceived orders for each troop to proceed
to the point of mustering into the ser
vice and there to be mustered out. The
regiment will probably not get away
before Thursday.
Waterworks Election.
Des Moines, Aug. SO. In the special
election to determine whettier the city
shouia purcnass tne waterworks now
operated by a private company, the
price to be $650,000, under certain con
ditions, both men and women voted.
Seven thousand five hundred and forty
five votes were east, 5,924 by men and
2,250 by women. The proposition was
defeated by 159 votes.
Welcome Words.
"Yes. hia sermons are tiresomelj
long, but he always says something tc
the point."
"Well, what did he say to the point
last Sunday?"
" 'In conclusion. ' " Cleveland Plain
The name California, derived from
the two Spanish words caliente fornalli
i. e., "hot furnace" was given by
Cortes in the year 1535 to the peninsula
now known as Lower California, oi
which he was the discoverer, on ac
count of its hot climate.
We are privileged to collate from
Charles Miner's letters to Mr. and Mm.
D. N. Miner of this city. We begiu
with July 2, on the way from Honolulu
to Manila:
We are now about half way to Manila.
What we had to eat at Honolulu were
right from the plantations bananas,
pine-apples, oranges etc. Some of the
boys were sick from overloading their
Yesterday we passed the 180th meridi
an. Yesterday morning was June 30,
and yesterday after day was July 1, so
we had two days in one.
Wo get tired of seeing water, water,
nothing but water, it rains every night.
We pass day time reading stories and
singing at night, with prayer meeting
every night, and church every Sunday.
July 3. 98.
Well, tomorrow is the Fourth, and the
Colonel is arranging a program. I guess
we will have a good time.
Yesterday after I quit writinir. inst
about supper time, red-hot cinders
commenced flying from the smokestack,
setting all of the canvass afire forward
on the ship. Some matresses caught
tire and were immediately thrown over
board. The ship's crew have a fire
practice every Friday, and had just got
through. We got the fire all out in
about ten minutes.
The circulation pumps got out of
order yesterday and we stopped about
half an hour.
We have our tropical climate uniform.
We get two white and one brown over
alls. A white stiit costs $1.50.
This is sixteen days from Frisco. May
be you don't think we are tired of it!
Two of our boys have gone crazy from
constantly seeing the water.
Wo have had fine weather ever since
we left Frieco. I think I will have all
the work I can do at my trade in Manila,
for we will have to build barracks and
docks, and probably some offices and
July 5, 98.
Monday we sighted land. It was
Wake island, a coral reef about 30 by 5
miles. The China stopped there to look
for our convoy, which did not come, and
has not shown up today.
They went ashore, planted a flag and
left their date of landing. They caught
up about sundown; in the meantime we
had our Fourth starting at noon, by fir
ing forty-five shots from a cannon. Old
Glory floated from every mast, on all
the ships, which looked beautiful. Our
program started at 2:30 with address bv
Col. Bratt followed by orations, speeches,
music by the mandolin club, and the
drum corps, of which I am one.
Our dinner consisted of mashed po
tatoes, biscuit salmon, coffee, one fourth
of a good big peach pie.
This morning found us all up early
and feeling fine.
At about 10 o'clock the China blowed
three whistles and stopped. The re
mainder of the fleet answered and stop
ped. We all knew what was the matter.
One of our brave boys was about to be
"buried at sea." We all watched. In n
little while we saw something white go
into the water; three volleys were fired
and the signal given to move on. He
was a trumpeter of the Colorado troop.
JulyC, '98,11:30.
A message came from the China for
the Colonel to come over, also tho Col
onels from the other boats. A boat was
lowered and the Colonel got in. It was
pretty to see the boat bob around on
the water, sometimes going out of sight,
and then coming away up on top of a
wave, although the ocean was as quiet
as it ever gets.
The boat came back leaving all the
colonels on the China. She then pulled
out for the Ladrone islands, leaving tho
rest of the fleet behind. The China is
to take the main island for the time be
ing, bnt if she thinks she can't tpke it,
she will wait till we come up. We will
take possession till we get a convoy.
They have a battery there and 2,000 sol
diers. We will get there about sun
down. The China is just going out of
July 7, '98, 1:30.
I have been busy all day, making a
bag to carry my letters and writing
paper in.
Well, after the China got out of sight
yesterday stopped and as we came up
to her we could see they were shooting
at something, and as we went past her,
we saw she was target practicing. She
shot three times while we were in sight
of her, hitting the target once, and com
ing close to it twice.. This was cannon.
We left her, and by sundown she was
out of Bight. She never lit her light.
but laid low, looking for a supposed
Spanish gunboat. It is said that a
bright light can be seen on the skies for
the past two nights. We have seen no
island yet, and probably will, not before
tomorrow, and probably not at all.
It is a good thing I kept' what money
I had for I would have gone pretty
hungry if I hadn't. We can buy jelly,
salmon, crackers, molasses, butter, sar
dines and tobacco' on the boat every
thing at cost.
July 8, ."98.
Our company is on guard this morn
ing and I am blowing the calls. A man
named Win. Coojey has lost his mind,
the cause being the constant sight of
nothing bnt water, day in and day out.
There are three in hospital in the same
condition. They will-be all right when
we get on land.
The China has left us again this morning-gone
on a scouting expedition.
July 9, 'OS, l:'&.
This morning finds us travelling in
Spanish waters, one of the islands came
in sight about 10 o'clock. We can .see
two more islands in front of us. We
will probably land on one of them.
The weather is very.fine and I think
that after we are here awhile wo will all
like it. We are expecting to see our
convoy any moment.
I tell you we are all glad to see land.
Sketches of islands follow, showing the
outlines as they appear..
-Another time we have contributed to
the multitudes buried at sea. Doubt
leas one who had gm-n up his :;ood
home, happiness, luxuries ttnd certainly
his life for his country.
July 10, '98, .9:30.
Had a hard rain this morning. . Have
seen no land since we left the Ladrones,
and I think I am right iu my conviction
about the fleet being out of her way.
We have no convoy vet.
July 11, 2:30. .
I found out Insi night that we were
fiOO'milea out-of our course. No convoy
The flags on the ships are again at
half mast, which telld ua thai there is
auother boy dead. It is. I r,:;dcrstaud,
a lieutenant on the Colon. I suppose
we will be 'signaled to stop m a few
moments and bury the boy iu the Jeep.
This is Tuesday, aud we will not
reach Manila till -Saturday. O, my God,
it seems as if we had been a year on this
water. I would be willing to go into a
battle the first things if wo could just get
out of .here.
We get a half canteen full of water to
each 'man twice a day. Some of the
boys suffer for water.
We are now running about eleven
knots an hour.
The weather is about as cool as it is
in Nebraska in May. It is not too cool
nor to hot just pleasant.
July 12.
I guess I have lost a' day somewhere,
as I have dated my notes wrong.
Tomorrow makes, just a month since
we embarked at Frisco.
July 15. 9 o'clock.
We have left the Pacific ocean and aro
going into tho China sea without a
convov. The water has changed from
an indigo blue to a bottle green.
12 o'clock.
We can tho rigging and turrets of
a battleship, aud as we near her wo can
see the old stars and stripes tloatiug
above her.
2 o'clock.
She is now in saluting distance. It is
the battleship Boston, a secotul-hand
cruiser. You can jnst hl we aro glad
to seo her.
Wo arw oing sftuth towards Manila,
will probahlv be there tomorrow.
July 10. 9:30.
We have travolled all night and are
fifty miles from Manila bay yet. The
Boston is still with us. Wa expect, to
have two battles after the next expe
dition arrives.
July 10, "93, 8 o'clock.
We aro almost ready to anchor. We
commenced to pull into the bay this
morning at day break, and are now
alongside Dewey's fleet. At our right
i$ Cavite, and between here and there
are the remains of the Spanish fleet,
laying in a tangled mass. To our left
are the different foreign war vessels and
traders. To tho east of them is a city,
whose name I cannot learn. Eight
miles in front of us is Manila. North of
us, the other side of tho foreign fleet is
an active volcano.
The bay is dotted with white canvass,
and small native canoes are all over the
bay. They have sails. They are logs
scooped out small poles on both sides
to keep them from turning over. It is
one of tho finest pictures I ever saw. I
am bo enraptured with the scenery, and
so excited that I can hardly write. I
guess wo will land as soon as possible.
I will not write any more till we land,
providing we land today.
(Charley adds by way of postscript.)
The boys aro nil feeling fine and are
all happy, dead anxious to get a shot at
a Spaniard.
A battle has just started at Manila.
We can hear the cannon every two sec
onds and see the smoke. We aro all
anxious to get into it. Stenm launches
are running all over the bay, carrying
officers and provisions. Volley after
volley of rifle shots. Now it is a con
tinual roar of cannon.
11 o'clock.
I just found out that tho First battal
ion of the First California are within
five miles of the Spanish lines, and are
going to help the insurgents.
The tug boat Rapido is alongside with
mail and taking off the sick. Frank
Chanin is on her; ho has the measles.
Well, it is noon and wo have to get our
letters ready.
Now, dear folks, don't worry about me.
I am in the best of health and will take
good care of myself, so bye-bye.
J Inir Seigbbors. $
The World learns that Mrs. Martiu
Coleman met with a sever accident on
Monday. She was helping about stack
ing grain and fell from a loaded wagon,
sustaining injuries aoout the head and
shoulders. A doctor from Schuyler also
a Catholic priest were sent for. The in
juries are reported of a serious nature.
The Colemnns reside some eight or ten
miles south of Leigh. Leigh World.
Henry Fulmer's and J. F. Vounti'n hay
gangs put up hay together Tuesday of
this week and broke all records for the
amount cut, raked and stacked. They
started to stack an eighty acre field at
half past nino in tho morning and had
it in the stack, about one hundred tons.
exactly nine hours and a hair. Jive
men were working on a stack and it
kept them rustling to keep the hay out
of the way of the stacker. Schuyler
L. W. Sanms may well boast of one of
the finest fruit farms in the county.
He has twenty-threo acres of orchard
containing 3,000 trees of many varieties,
nine acres of thrifty grapes and four
acres of blackberries from which ho will
sell 10,000 qnarts this year. His crops
generally are in excellent condition and
from careful estimates feels sure he will
6ell seven hundred bushels of potatoes.
This fall ho hopes to build a new house
near X. G. Slander's place. Blair Pilot.
The Pilot man was in Scribner last
Thursday and made arrangements with
Sam Parks to have the famous old mill
that was so servicable to the people of
Fontanelle and vicinity during the hard
winters of '."3." and '06 transferred to the
Washington county exhibit at the Ex
position. Mr. Parks desires that all
old settlers who ever ground corn on
the mill or used the meal ground there
to sign their names to a register that
will be kept with tho mill during the
Exposition. Blair Pilot.
The people who have been green
enough to give their notes for from 8100
to $150 to traveling .-quack doctors have
been consulting attorneys to see if there
is anv wav for them to get out of paying
them. It IS surpnsiu iu mis uu
of cheap newspapers that there aro peo
ple foolish and green enougu to give
such swindlers their notes. We have
verv little sympathy for anyone who is
verdant enough to be taken in by them.
We understand they are still at work
seeking whom they may victimize.
Seward Blade.
Prof. J. H. Moersen has moved his
family from Columbns, and taken pos
session of the Wilde property formerly
occupied by M. Weand D. L. Bruen,
the pigeon and poultry fancier living
southeast of town, shipped six pairs of
pigeons last 8unday to a gentleman in
Milwaukee, Wis., and displayed to our
gaze an order for 824.50.for the six pairs.
Each pair was of a different kind there
being fan tails, carriers, etc. Mr. Bruen
Hna a hitr business in Dieeons. and from
1 the looks of that order we should judge
, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hyannis, Massachusetts,
was the originator of "CASTORIA," the same that'
has borne and does now bear jf -pn every '
the facsimile signature of CijrZ&S6k wrapper."
This is the original "CASTORIA". which has been used in '
the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years.
LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is
the kind you have always bought rf 'on the
and has the signature of C&ffuZ2ej&: wrap
per. No one has authority from me to use my name except
The Centaur Company, of which Chas. H. Fletcher is President'.
Do Not Be Deceived. .
Do not .endanger the life of your -child by accepting.
a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you
(because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in- "
.gradients of which even he-does not know.
"The Kind You Have Always Bought ,!
Insist on Having
The End That Never Failed Ton.
there was
money in it. I'latto County
Arthur repper looKaiumixo tvilur-
.....i i.:.. ?..... i ,ii,.i...ii-. i.:..;.
c,ium.'ii nib ui'ciiu. u; ill. uiiaucii hi r.rv
.... . - ..
v.'iril. lit iimltil mi Km lit ntiti nr t ho
brick kilns to repair it. ami had beeti TSwauperb equipment and quick tliua
there but a short time when tho top of tl,y Vuwa Iacitio makes it the popu
caved in and ho went through to tho i ' lin ' Omaha and the ExpoeitioB.
liotloin of tho kiln. about sixteen feet." J'or udverliMiijr matter, tickets and
He was considerably stunned and beforo
he could net up aud out of the way inor
of the top of the kiln came iu on top of
him, his right eye beinc badly injured,
his head cut and ho was bruised all over
his body. It is a wonder he escaped as
well as he did with so much brick fall
ing upon him that distance. David City
Mrs. Will Michaelson and Miss Martha
Foss were driving ont from Schuyler on
Saturday afternoon and when near the
Shell creek bridge, while they were read
ing the Grand View news, there came a
crash. A team driven by a young man
by the namo of-Patrick iliggins had run
away and with the neck yoke and single-
treo hitched to them came up behind tho
ladies buggy. The horses parted and
jumped over them, crushing the h.:ggy
top and tearing off tho seat, throwing
out Miss Foss and bruising her quite
badly, and leaving Mrs. Michaelsen
hanging over tho dashboard. Her horse
became frightened and ran away, while
the buggy top held her down so she
could not get out. James Green caught
the horse and they had to leave their
buggy and got another to go home in.
Mrs. Michaelsen was hurt about the
head and neck. Schuyler Quill.
Vry early Sunday morning the Bat
tle Creek came over to Madison
after Sheriff Losey and his dogs to hunt
some tramps who had burglarized Mrs.
Maxwell's house at tho former place.
When the sheriff reached Battle Creek,
so many iolK.s had visited the noiiso
that it was almost impossible for tho
dogs to get tho scent, but they finally
did and ran onejof them down, and
afterwards three more were found and
tho four are now in jail in Battle Creek.
They aro a hard looking set and two of
them were here only two weeks ago and
are supposed to have been engaged in a
holdup here. It is doubtful, however,
whether they can bo convicted for want
of direct evidence. They got nothing at
tho house because Mrs. Maxwell with
her dog scared them away. Madison
To Chicago ami tin; Kast.
Passengers going east for business, will
naturally gravitate to Chicago as the
great commercial center. Passengers
re-visiting friends or relatives in the
eastern states always desire to "take in"
Chicago en route. All classes of passen
gers will find that tho "Short Line" of
ho Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Bail
way, via Omaha and Council P.luffs,
affords excellent facilities to reach their
destinations in a manner that will bo
sure to give the utmost satisfaction.
A reference to the time tables will in
dicate the route to be chosen, and, by
asking any principal agent west of the
Missouri river for a ticket over tho
Chicago, Council Bluffs & Omaha Short
Line of the Chicago, Milwaukee fc St.
Paul Railway, you will be cheerfully
furnished with the proper passjjort via
Omaha and Chicago. Please note that
all of the "Short Line" trams arrive in
Chicago in ample time to connect with
the express trains or all liio great. uirouK"
car lines to the principal eastern cities.
For additional particulars, time tables,
maps, etc., piease call on or address F.
A. Nash, General Agent, Omaha, Neb.
Somf 3Iiin Excursion via liurlington Kontr.
Cincinnati and return S20.1."J .Sept. if,
'1,4. for National Encampment G. A. K.
Hot Springs, S. D. and return 810.0.1
Aug. 20 and Sept. 10. Tickets good VA)
Custer, S. 1). and return S17.i."i Aug.
20 and Sept. 10.
Omaha and return extraordinarily low
every day until close of Trans-Mississippi
Call and see me about any of the
abore. J. T. Cox, Agt. B. & M. R. R. .'it
rThe Kind You Ha Alwajs BngM
;. A. It. Cincinnati. Ohio. S4t-inlier ." 10.
For the Annual Encampment of the
G. A. K., at Cincinnati, O. in September,
the Union Pacific will make the greatly
reduced rate from Columbus of S20.4."
for the round trip. Be sure your ticket
reads via the Union PaciCc.
For time tables and full information
call on -It J. R. Meaghek, Agont.
,Tb8 Kind You Haw Aiwajs Bciigfct
from 10 to 16 hours between the Missouri
River, California, and Puget Souud
points by traveling oyer the Union Pa
cific, "The Overland Route." Through
Pullman Palace Sleepers, Dining Cars.
Upholstered Pullman Tourist Cars are
run daily via this line, thereby giving
both first and second class passengers
the very best accommodations to all
Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Idaho, Mon
tana and Pacific Coast points. For
rates, advertising matter, and full in
formation, call on or address
mar 31 J. B. Meaghek, Agt.
Bean tie A
Bean the A
Signature ff Jfu'
Omaha. June l-Xov I, ISM
Creatlj reduced rate ui the
( It i:.. .. i I... r . ti.. i.-
I l " ""- "' v-''""11 n,
' Illl information, call on
J. R. MEnrrr.R. Agt.
WOMEN used
to think "fe
male diseases "
could only bs
treated after "lo
c a 1 examina
tions' by physi
cians. Dread of
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kept thousands of
modest women
silent about their
suffering. The in
troduction of
Wine of Cardui has now demon
strated that nine-tenths of all the
cases of menstrual disorders do
not require a physician's attention
at all. The simple, pure
taken In the privacy of a woman's
own home insures quick relief and
speedy cure. Women need not
hesitate now. Wine of Cardui re
quires no humiliating examina
tions for its adoption. Itcuresany
disease that comes under the head
of "female troubles' disordered
menres, falling of the womb,
"whites." change of life. It makes
women beautiful by making them
well. It keeps them young by
keeping them healthy. $1.00 at
the drug store.
For ad ice la cases requiring jptcfal
directions, adiresi. giint; symptom3.
ths "Ladies Asiscry Department."
Tho Chattanocea Medicine Co.. Chatta
nooga. Term.
W. I. ADDIS0K, M.D., Cary, Miss., says:
"I use Wino of Cardui extensively in
my practice and find It a most excellent
preparation for fcinala troubles."
For Infants and Children.
The Kind Yra Han Always Bwjht
Bears tho
Signature of
Mtopiiurrriu . rut -
UVesli and
Salt: Meats.
Game and Fish in Season.
JSyHigliMit market
Hides and Tallow.
prices puid for
We Carry Coffins, Caskets and'
Metallic Caskets at as low
prices as any one.
V.. A. McAllivtku.
W. M.(oit.,KLiua
Southwest corner Elerenth mad North Stmts '
4jaly-y CountBCS, Nkb&aska.
Omaha Meat
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