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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1898)
-Ar-lr r y- V T . ; 1 ' r 'v a -- y -'- v ... v . t -. -.. . . :.vVv -. ,. ..V ... .);. a 4. .- . ;B . . .. 'i J ?-,.-. .:. ' a X . .V - " . L .- a" a a a - 1 - . I a" "a. a u -. ..- - -j I aa t;S a. . I . -"a V I5, ' I - . lit a. a K- . a ' B.:v;;.:. . aa.-w . s . -r . ' .' i . . . ". . . .' iiiiarVrrg-- - When Hot it sweat 4frt,tmt keep cool aa tekaHsed'afiunpufll. ThtoJagwl aaTfcna, M M will tad It jn tallow K. Hood's flarMparllto is a figet-chiea mib bmt BMdicfaM, beoaaae It is so good for ihs atoaaaeh, so cooling; to the blood, so aetpfal to the whole body. lfakeao maa-aya. get o-uy H E1CHJ S parilla Aaaeries's Greatest Medicine. tlOOd S FlllS take, easy to operate "Do you fnd my son prompt and punctual, Mr. Grjndley?". "I never had a young man'ln my employ who, al the close of business hours, could get out of the office with less delay." Detroit Free Press. CAUSE FOR ALARM. How baldness begins. ' j How to prevent it. ' .".:. ' Beery person, male or female, striata from baldness. It add to the appearance . .V . ' of age aad is a serloos discomfort. The ". . eases are rare when the falling out of the ! . hair way not be stoppad. and a new and : healthy growth of the hair promoted. The :' hair (Trows in the scalp like a plant ia the ' : - soil. If a. plant flourishes, it must bare . . constant attention: it must be watered .."". regnlafly and find its food in the soil aii.r.'li rooted. It's so with the hair. .. Weglect ia usually the beginning of bald- . . aess. Dandruff is "allowed to thicken on the scalp. The hair begias to looses. The acalp loses its vitality. - The hair, insnf. . fcieatly nourished, begias to fade aad to . fall: The instant need in such a case is " 'some practical c preparation which, snp- . plying the needed nourishment to the acalp. will feed the hair, give it strength. -' and so produce a strong and healthy frowth. All this ia dose bv Dr. Ayers lair Vigor? the most practical and valua ble preparation for the hair that can be . obtained- It tones up the scalp, does away with dandruff, stopa.the hair from falling. restores the original color to gray or laded MSHG&?5S46dE&SE&SS 1: f Good Places to. Spend . the Summer not Springs, 8. D. Sylvan Lake, S. D. Vanlton, Colorado Springs, -Denver" Yellowstone Park, They are all on or best reaebod via our line. Doanriptive literature and f nil information by addressing if I 1 a t J. Francis, General Passenger Agent Omaha, Neb. ' P. 8. If you'go west via Omaha fjl aad the Burlington Ronte yon ran JM stop off and see tho Trnns-Mitsissip-5 pi Exposition. v. &&&& ' Vies Assverisg Advcrtlscnests Mcatioc This faper. Kindly if of I - . ' m i . K and you '11 get your money's worth. The 10-cent piece of Battle Ax O ajBBaj Ba. aaaaat is larger than the 10-cent piece of any other brand of the same high quality, and is the largest piece of really -good chewing tobacco that is sold for 10 cents. , Miss Schneck. of Babylon. Long Is land, mfco started 'an endless caaia af letters for the Red Cross lee faafi. writing four letters, received fear, fa reply with a dime each. The aext la she received sixteen, the aext sixty-, four, and by last Saturday her re ceipts were 2MXM letters. She has turned in over $1,000 to the fund and the Babylonian postmaster has rest ed from his labors enough to calculate that the government must have re ceived, over 400 in postage from the venture. He thinks Miss Schneck's mail today will amount to .100,009 let ters. o v - TSdatate Xour sowcta -Wlta Oaaaareta. Candy Cathartic cure coaatipatlSB foreran 0c,2Sc. ItCC&fail.draaaistareraadBMaea There is no worse fate possible for man In this life than to be com pelled to live with a self that he does not o respect. hair, and gives an abuadaat aad glaaaw growth. Those who are threatened with approaching baldness will be interested in the following voluntary statement, made by Alderman S. J. Creea. of Speacer, Iowa, jlfe writes: "About fonr months ago. my hair coav meaced falling out so rapidly that I became alarmed, and being recommended Dr. Ayer'a Hair Vigor by a druggist, I resolved to try this -preparation. I hae been now using it for three months, aad am much gratified to find that my hair has ceased falling out and also that hair which had been turning gray for the past fire years has been restored to its original color, dark brown. It gives me much pleasure to recommend this dressing." S. J. Geeex, Alderman, Spencer. Iowa. Those who are interested in preserving and bcautifving the hair will do well to send for Dr. Aver's Curehook, A story of cures Mid by the cured. This book of ma pages is sent free, on request, by the J. C, Ayer Co., Iowell. Mass. STARCH, THE BEST FOR Shirtwaists. Shirt Fronts, Collars, CuffS U4 Delicate Clothes. Reed our Booklets. Lauirh , and Learn HOMES WTirrc the Grape. Tin end other fruits crow. Cheap lands on the Itae of pro jewrt railroad, partly built; at-undanre of water for Irrlpttlfn. Addres. Chits. Cobb, Oierton. Mncoln Co., 2radav T.'ANTni-Cam of bad health that K-I-P-A-X-8 will not ImmiciU. Sped . rrntn to Klpaco Chemical Co., Near York, for 10 canities and 1.0U0 testimonials. FAIRBANKS SCALES ia Dr. Kay's Renovator, $Sffglggi jr.snep- sin. co'istlnntion. lircrnndliMneyilbuatev .Wl- lIouni'.s. licaaactc. ti At UruiKUts Sic & 81. - IriniTirce L a RJRjRJJK ae jfl G9 aawRRRlRLaawiBBwW. " aWSsr BWaWaTsTsTsTsTsTsTsTsTsTsT s BBBBr BBBaBBaBBBBBaBBBBBBM " X i "aaaTr aawi ? W ST 5S ' Jl VS' I sflk 5! - a4HA. V co saTaasnalTaffnaf ssi sr tr UJ awara9BmBBfBwBBBBBtam 1 II you. are dissatisfied with the size of piece or with the chewing' tobacco you are using a emember a Ifnln Jalw 99 M M. A. Opffansi.. of Des Moines,' (aopadarly kaowa aa "CoL Oppy") aas aaf4ltd for a opyrlsat forapnzxleUiat rnasint la aKaas for fighting "the bet tla of 8aatlago" orer and over again by psnosai wko want to iadulge in that kind of aainsement. A liaited degree of Indention is not a bar to a patent and ome of the most simple devices hare a high degree or HtlUty. Bat the degree of utility msy also be limited anl yet warrant .the issue of patents for Inventions that are anTaniaajeuua at ws " - they pertain. . , To draw the line between what Is patentable invention and mere me chanical skill is sometimes difficult and authorities differ- In one instance an Examner declared there, was 'abso lutely nothing patentable" in a simple device under consideration and upoa sppral to the Board-of-Examiners-in Chief his adverse decision was re versed and a patent granted. Opinions and advice free upon an Inventions submitted to us for exam ination. Valuable information about securing, valuing and selling patents sent free when called for. 0 . THOMAS G. ORWIG & CO. c Solicitors of Patents, Other people don't take as much In terest in your children as you do. t Ke-Te-Bae for Fifty Cents. Cnaranw-d tobacco habit crtre. nalics treak men stroac. olood pure. 60?. l. AU druggists. A girl Juet naturally hates a until she is 12 or 13 years old. boy Valrerstty of Ifotra Dame. We call attention to the advertise ment of the University of Notre Damo in this issue. This great institution of learning takes rank with the first in tho country and in the world. It is beautifully sltusted at Notre Dame. Ind.. a plaice famous In the early his tory of Christian explorations in tho New World. The educational course :s fully as complete as at Harvard. Yale or Princeton. A new 184-page cat alogue just issued by the institution gives some very valuable Information that should be read before arranging to sending your boys elsewhere. St. Edward's Hall for boys under 13 s complete In aM Its equipments and has many advantages. It in possible for a boy of 10 to enter Notre Dame and re main until he graduates In Divinity. Classics. Letters. Science. Law, En gineering, etc. The receivers of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad have purchased 40 miles of 85-lb. sixty foot steel rails and will experiment with them on the Pittsburg division and in the Baltimore tunnel. These rails were originally bought for the Columbia and Maryland Electric Railroad, which was designed to paral lel the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad between Baltimore and Washington and to become an important factor :n business between thse points. The project failed and the material which wro purchased has been sold. These are the first 60-foot rails to be used on the B. 4b . COSMO BUTTERMILK TOILET SOAP makes the akin soft, white and healthy. Sold everywhere. Iron horseshoes have been dating back to the year 481. found wr WAST ACRVrs fa aril narp4a i aia.B49aaa.xif jbav. .v.. DinAciun, sw. Now and then you will find a man who has better legs than courage. Eo Care ;oaanauson Vorevor. Take Casearets Candy Cathartic. Mc or Sir. If C C C. fall to care, drcstists refund z&onc The poorest possible use for a man's brains is to think forever about himself. REMEMBER . -. -'- s A Maine man offers small prises1 to the school -children in the Intermedi ate grade of his town whotake the best care of their teeth during the summer. BcmSt asiUi rlM9 Mini mfim AClMai sklsu Na haantv without It. Cascareta. Uandy Cathartic cleans your blowl and keens It clean, by stir ring; up tho lary liver aurt-drlrlne; all fapa rlt&s from t ho body. Begin today to baajiah pimples. lolK blotches, biackbeada, ana thai Ickiy bilious complexloa by, taking Caba rets beauty for ten cents. All draggjata, satisfaction: gaarcsteed. 18c. Sc, 9S& The combined area of the Philip pines, the Hawaiian Islands. Cuba and' Porto Rico is 247,743 square miles, or a little less .than that of Texas. ; : Wheat 4 Cents a IlashaL How to grow wheat with bic profit at 40 ccnts'and samples of Salrer's Red Cross (80 Bushels per acre) Winter Wheat, Rye, Oats, Clovers, eta, with Farm Seed Catalogue for 4 rents postage. JOHN A. 8ALZF.R SEED CO., La Crosse, Wis., w.d-b. o Among the Ango-Saxons in the sev enth century men wore gloves.1 while women covered their hands with their sleeves. o . o o A bath with COSMO BUTTERMILK SOAP, exquisitely scouted, is soothing and beneficial. Sold every whore. Munster, in Westphalia, has. a pub lic school which has. just celebrated tho 1100th anniversary of its founda tion. ttwo .'acfi Balaam . -tlooMmt ami best- It will ntKiipaeoM pilf than ntUlnz eleo It U aiwars rrliau!a. Trx IU Thcrc'is licpo for a nation. while it can fisht without asking: "For how much?N' .tows Parsra far aas. 92 aer act taMtiaaM. a-ssaiaaii. YOUNG AT SIXTY. - Serene comfort and happiness in ad vanced years arc realized by compara tively few women. Their hard lives, their liability to se rious troubles on account of their pecu liar organism and their profound igno ranca concerning themselves, all com bine to shorten the period of usefulness and fill their later years with suffering. Mrs. Pinkham has done much to make women strong1. She has given advico to many ths.t has shown them how to guard against disease and retain vigor ous health in old age. From every cor ner of the earth there is constantly com ing the most convincing statements from women, showing the efficacy of Lydia E. Pinhliani's Vegetable Com ponnd in overcoming female ills. Here is a letter from Mrs. J. C. Onus, of 220 Horner St., Johnstown, Pa., which is earnest and straight to the point : ' Dcaii Mns. Fixkiiam: I feel it my duty to tell all suffering women that I think your remedies arc wonderfuL I had trouble with my head, dizzy spells and hot flashes. Feet and hands were cold, was very nervous, could not sleep well, had kidney trouble, pain in ovaries and congestion of the womb. Since taking your remedies I am better every way My head trouble is all gone, have no pain in ovaries, and am cured of womb trouble. I can cat and sleep well and am gaining in flesh. I consider your medicine the best to bo had for fcinalc troubles." The present Mrs. Pinkham's experi ence in treating female ills is unparal lellcd, for years she worked sida by side with Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham, and for sometime past has had sole charge of the correspondence department of her great business, treating by letter as many as a hundred thousand ailing1 women during' a single year. you Ethel I've fully a dozen offers of Marriage lately. Bland. Mercy, se! Good ones? Ethel Yes. AU from Georte. Tit-Bits- Tke OMeet Yelaateer. A New York State doctor, aged 109, volunteered his services to the Presi dent recently as an army surgeon. At his advanced. years he can read with out glasses, and walk 10 miles a day. The oldest standard medicine is Hoe tetter's Stomach Bitters, which'-has no equal for indigestion, dyspepsia and. constipation. One .bottle docs much good. In Persia a bonfire plays an import ant part in .the marriage ceremony, the service being read over in front of it. eat Tahicea Salt eaa sauna vaar UK May. To quit tobacco cully and forever, be raag eetic. full of life.ntrve. and vigor. take No-To-Bac. the wonder-wrrker. that makes weak men streag. All druggists. 60c or 11. Cure guaran teed. , Booklet and -sample free. 'Address Sterling Remedy Co.. Chicago or New York. There is awfully good material in & young girl who Is fond of a bad brother. Atchison Globe. . . Iaapertant to Mother. The manufacturers of Castorla havo bcea eompollcdto spr-nd hundreds of "thousands of dollars to familiarize the public with the sig-' nitureof Cbas H. Fletcher. This ha been acccssltaud by reason of pirates counterfeit in? the On at or la trnde,mark. This "counter felting ia a crime not only acainst the proprie tors of Castorla. but against the growing generation. All persons should be careful to ace that Castorla bears the signature of Cbas. II. Flctrher. if they would Kuard tho health of their children. Parents and raothnv. In par ticular, ought to carefully' examine the Castorla advertisements which hare been ap pearing in thWpaocr. and to rememh-r that tbc wrvprrer of every bottle of genuine Castorla bears the facsimile signature of Cha. H. Fletcher, under whoe supervision U has ben manufactured continuously tor oter thirty years.-, . , ,, There Is a clock in Brussels which has never "been "wound c up by 'human hands. It i3 kept going by the wind. Real Warm Weather Rest and Comfort. There is a powder to be shaken into the shoes called Allen's Foot-Base, In vented by Alin S. Olmsted. Le Roy, N. Y., which druggists, and shoe dealers say is : the best thing they ever sold to cure swollen, burning, sore and tender or aching feet. Some dealers claim that it makes tight or new shoes feel easy. It certainly will cure corns and bunions and relieve instantly sweating, hot or smarting .feet. Allen's Foot Ease costs only a 'quarter, and the in ventor will send a sample free to any address. a w Recent measurements of the Chinese wall show it to be eighteen feet high and 1,300 miles long. nall'a Catarrh Care Is taken internally. Price. 75a The Chinese dress in white at funer als and in black at weddings, and old women always serve as bridesmaids. Vji m vaw?w immnloTlnn ani? ft. i1a.i health akin. tiRA COSMO niTTTRRMIT.K SOAP. Sold everywhere. At tho Stroz-1 palace, in Rome, there is a book made of marble, the leaves being of marvelous thinness. I believe my prompt use of Piso's Cure prevented quick consumption. Mrs. Lucy Wallace, Marquet, Kan., Doc. 12, 113. The capital letter "Q" will be found but twice in the Old Testament, and three timc in the New. Sirs, winslow's Hoot nine Syrup For children teethlnir.nftn the trum.rrdtir esiaflan. Station, allays pain, cures wind colic. Z5 centsa botUe. If a man eats fish for breakfast he can make the other two meals of water. . ahAmkBaVaakBAAAAaBftMaBaBaftAkBBBBfiJ A Beautif Dl Present Free Far a few sswata fa al mmnd fisc edearatea ELASTIC STARCH (Rat IrMlraaoV To laaact yai t try fab sto yawmaftn aU ckmi rityandecaessasTyarc tme,tae atsve aaa faxaaratyar, max capsaasta af Game Plaques fivea yott AKOLUTELY FKB&TjmaamM riniliisi aaaned fccktw. These rTamjesare 40 tacaes in cirtMaafcrvnrf, art frees! any siggtwiiaa af whatever, and will oraatncorlhc mill liamajifailisial r4aaaaajfaetr ever befece gave sway such vahwhlc fycscaaa t its custaaBcn. They areaetfar sale at any arfce, and can he cttaaarf aaty j ttat awaatr aaedBe4L The saticcts arei AMERICAN WILD DUCKS AMERICAN PHEASANT. ' ENGLISH QUAIL. ENGLISH SNIPE. Theptrdarchinaiimrrycamkas4as ataad ami aatyral as life. Each Ramje kicvekd with a ban of geti HOW TO GET THEM: AH pnrchasers of three tC-eeat er alx 5-eent packages ot Klaatle Starch 'Flat Iron Brandt, are eatltlei to recelre from tbelr grocer one ot tkse beaatlfnl Oaaaa Ptaancs free. The ylaqnea will aotbe sentbymalL They oaa be obtained ealy from your grocer. Every Grocer Keeps Elastic Starch, Do not delay. Tata eaTer la for a ahett time only. . WWWWwaa'aaaa''anaa)aanaa'OWyT H9BHJAajfifijajaaaaaaBj iMlmtlra aTmVafflamswil mPm-Psa fDIRT DEFIES THE KING." THEN SAPOLIO 18 GREATER THAN ROYALTY ITSELF. PORT ARTHURiBOUTE With new trains to Kaaaae CMy aa tho Baatb, Qnlckeat time to St. Laasto ud the Soatheaat. Snorteat ronte to Qatacy aaa East. Finest cbalr cara (seata free) In the weat. Low rates to all saaiaserrwaorts. KTa ry thing np to date. For rates aad all lafor matton call at PORT AXVTZZI7R ROX7TX1 office 1415 Farnam street. (Paxtoa Hotel block) or write Ilarry E. Moorea. C. P. T. A.. Omaha. Neb. MYlWPttwrfl HUILE QUICK Write CAPT. O'PARRELL. Peesmai AtiaL M3S Not York Aveaac. WASmWOTOW. D. C W. 1A VCASMeaehWEEKtbeyearronnd, ffC rAI if yon sell Stark Trees-Outfit free, STAII lUlSnT. UtlSUIi. ML , Stark, as., atttMrL UL R EN8I0NS, PATENTS, CLAIMS. JOHN W., &as rrlaetfLj Saaauaar . a. raaataa aaraaa, CjafctoUaT13aabaUa4rlalaa.ay.aaaa f PENSIONS mime ! J-anHHBSBH' X BBBHHVaaaBBfilfil 'aVBHwKiH': aarTanlWTaASVMBkanlnHB afgSjfgVasVsmafafimfififififil I HafaififififififiB Inlfiml ' I B fififififififififiW H Ifififimi I H samVsmV H Ifififimi M Wm aaTfiW ififil Ifififimi 'fiKfifirafiKBaB7BwaVBJfiraRalm anffAaWalfifimi ByP"nams65Pfilfilfifififial - I sra,y ! wrafaaaaaBanaiBBars fiaalffaV7 akESSSSSsfilfififir aeyesir! at the StOuOOO arkkala W Wwvilk. which win te Elastic Starch IvMacotlBeataAdara! far 25 yean. TWENTY.TWO MHUON a-ck-fts af this WtaJ were saM !aH year. That's how good k Is, ' Ask Your Dealer to show yoa the Plaques and tell aaaajt EUsUc Starch. Accept FAIRLY JUMPED INTO' SUCCESS KEITH'S ENAiEL STARCH. RIGHT FROM THE VERY START Notwithstanding; all the other starches on the market. " Nfiw, why was It, why la It. that millions of packages of lEITN'S ENAMEL STARCH have been . used in the few years since this starch was invented? Just do your ironing; one monthwith KEITH'S ERAMEl STARCH and jou will see. It makes ironing; so easy, it puts on that heatlfal eaamel finish, that it puts it at the head of every known aid for ironing-. Manufactured by lETTl EaVwlm STARCH CO.. CHrCAlO, ILL W. N. U.OMAHA. NO. 32-1898 VfifiB iawierlai MrertUcastaafi fiaaarf Hiallaa TUs r C1RCFU ! THIMRS ! PmH Caaeer w"w"w ww wow rerreet care at yoa? Hoaae Ktrar lost astaclsCaae: Write for clr ealars! allay fc Mawtel , w.. ataaa sy. .-. DROPSY .S?i2 kna. aaadfor wwwkof lnMa ialalaaa ia NRE YRfRSElFf ITaa Ma as for wwm1wj1 wiwcaargws, lotaaiBiatloaa. I uniaiioas ar aKwratMaa of aiaeoaa BssaibraawB. Faialaaa. aaa a.At AaHA tEaiagftiigwatfia, at or aoiaoaoas. ia at In aUla ay wwi as. araaald. ft M. er 3 kwtiln. aua, Clrcalar scataa reaaa Sl 3 ailMwata.l RCflfi laaaninw. w .a. . w--Vl the quality ," J. .f P ' -. again wOATrCHIAL. hb wmm w kot mi H&nm Arm. wmunA. . PIHLi caajftaMMciaaalcfc'LrHw ClVwV amacaaaaBBai mm uacwicai ceaje Free to alt Stadrata who hare cen- lateit the atudlea reqalroa for admission lata tho Junior or Sealer Yaar, ot aay ot tbe Col- a lfillwllfifi OwTwaFlvwMw. A Uaalted a aaaher eC C-adMatestor the Kccle. Jaatleal atate will he tee Ived at saeclal rates. . at. HwWwnra ItaN. far heya aadar years, la t . eta, m ecaaaXateawaa ef Ita anlpaaents. aaa in laraa win wwra ixwaawn .w. a. CataHgas aaat rraeoarayriicatiow to HtHJIT ST; WStPH ACADEMY, minuquK, iowa. Conduct toy Slatara ot bharlty. A Sesieel ef Mlgai Kawntatloa for lt many Taaiage aad thrnBh Umtl. In rvrry liraurh. Eiteaatt nirmwlw hI raerrlM. Ttltn tor boarU acd taltiva reaaeaaMe pfif to SiSIKIt SlTl'KniUI a BAD BREATH "lam CAwCAKarra aa4 aa aaaUd aa4 awaettra laaallra t-ay-ara alw.lT woa arraL My aaagwlwr aad 1 wara botberrd aa . atohauwnarhawn oar eriaia waaTcry part. After mmm a raw eoaaa or uaaraiewi wa rre lrei'ii ti waadarfaUy. a area aela la the laraUs." ruauiiKAlt.nrx. K-. liaeiaaeu. vlio. CANOV Wk-ffiT wwTrVirTrw k cTHAPme TftAOt: "waaant. falaaabla. mtaat. Taat Gcod. T: SIctaa. Weakaa. or Orlr. W. z. Ml. ww9d.MTer .. OURE CONmiATIOrl, .M - - . a-a ra aia SeMaad eaaraataed by anrtrna PJlBNll' ihttsto CMUatCTobaeco lAUt. . v FURNITURE. v ... $SO,000 Stock of all (rrades of : Fnrnitnre recently bought at the. . rery lowest cash price will be of- s fereddnrint; the next few'months' . at special prices. .' Cnstomers risitlng Omaha will , find this the largest and oldest . ' farnitBre store here, and we will .' aaake erary effort to please both- ' ohs goods and prices. ;. Chas. Shiverick & Co.; .:"::.;: FURNITURE, 1206 Douglas St, Omaha. Meat to MHIanl HotaL Kora To sattary oareelree as ta wfcrther .tats adrertlaemeat la read wa will siake a ilUcmint f 1 per nt aa tbe pnrchaae of aay cnatumer who will trli as they were directed m aa by li anl that ' they alii rprawmcad aa to tbclr frlrads U tt guods they bay are sa&ra.tory. . aaaaSallaLaM: Wa ahw Treeing fceaaa. Dr. Kaj's LRat eiri fer eoHsn. coMt. and throat disease -vTlfiMSMvs Ejfi Watfr. 4 T . :v fit . " . . '9- .. 1 ' a ; aw- v- r 0 RRj aaat Cone, praa. Tastes Good. CneRJI Rg - ataaaa. ftwVaraaWwta. M . t . .- .- .' :. . '.'V a a . a- ..-r- ?1- v.1 ...' " 5 If . . . . -- - ' 1 H . -' l9 '' : .:. . " V: ''I- ;..-. w . t. . ! ' c : T-r ' V