Z?v- 'r - 'i-- 14- ! 8 o 0 O ..- I? o e I. o t t . it r . i; a' o 0 it t ?. Eat in, Haste o And aufer at leisure. Whea your tbant stomach caa no loager chesrfHlly aad properly perform its datiea, a few daaea ot Hood's Sanaparllla are like fraak water tot withered plant. This aaedlclM teaee the stomach, restores digestive strength, creates an appetite snd with a little care in diet, the patient is soon again fa per fect health. Try it and you 11 believe In it. H 9 e Srsa S barilla FlOU I Atnr)ca's rested Myictne. Hood's Pills cure constipation. 25 cents. "If you insist upon knowing, there are two reasons for my refusing you." "And they are?" "Yourself and an ther man." Life. Model ExfclL!t.v o I Inventors desiring to exhibit their 0 'models at the Trans-Mississippi Expo- cition should write to Sues & Co., Reg istered Patent Solicitors, Bee Bldg., Omaha, Ncbr. Send for free patent , books. o rtolh Mrs. Nellie Grant Sartoris and General Henry Kyd Douglass deny the fafory that they are soon to be married HALF FARE. TTaMiInjrton, I. C, and Ketorm. On July Sd to Cth tickets will be sold from all points to Washington, D. C. - and return via the Chesapeake and Ohio Ity. at one fare, plus $2.00, on account ot the meeting of the National Educational Association. Tickets will .be good until July 15 returning, and " may be extended to August 31st. This is the best opportunity you will have to visit the famous Mountain and Sea - Shore resorts of the East, also Old Point Comfort and Hampton Reads, the rendezvous of the North Atlantic . Squadron. For particulars and sleeping car reservations apply to U. L. Truitt, Northwest Passenger Agent, 234 Clark street, Chicago, 111. Intoxicoligy The science that treats of very slow but sure poisons. Io-To-7!ac for Fifty Cents. Guarant-tl tobacco habit cure, makes weak men mronr. olood pure. 50c. SI. All druggists. Liberty The police court judge's equivalent for $10 or ten days. Henry ii. Stanley's Oplalon Henry M. Stanley, M. P., the Afri can explorer. London, Eng.: "I am amazed at the beauty and sumptuous uess of the work. . . . The Stand :ud Dictionary comes nearer to my idea of a first-class dictionary than any I have seen. I am proud to own pitch a treasure." Sec display advertisement of how to obtain the Standard Dictionary by making a small payment down, the re mainder in installments. A Chinabian eats twice as meat as :i .lapanessc. much COSMO liUTTEUMILK TOILET. SOAP .makes tiio sUiu -soft,- white- and. healthy. KuM .bvervwliere. . "- The obstinate man is' .usually." .-too. weak-minded, to" give tip.. - . " . ' I never iiscd o. quit-it ncnreas Pico's Cure,: for t'oiiMinijitiOti. J. 11; rn!ujer,"liojt"117I, Ecntt'e: -V."ash.t Jfovx STi.'l.MCi: - .- O ' , -- -, ;'. Lose a. miniile, anil Iheehcse-of-.a , life-timc.-.will .-not catch it': ,-"' '-' "" " I!caaty-! Iilood Deejil .' "-"-... ";'.'- "CJi-ali liI?o.1'iiipnn"n'rli,rfiii1;hi. XntvMUtT rrll limit. "Itl t':f-iiri't"s.- I'aiuIv'r-.CntlinrtW- ovIeanV oii'f.'lilvKxl-aiid kcvns'lt- Heaii..l.iy,'tli tlrinii'ji tlj'ohizvlllver -awl drlvIiisaH lrnnu-"-t H i;;-f rofn-i he' bridv. Besiri to-lay tohauUh; il!nr.!es.4ioIW. blotches. l)'-acklic:ufs.md-tliat. .hlrklv bilious-" coninlcxlotT liy-tafciifs-'tinscap-' . lets -.iieautyvijr. '. jccihs. a.u tirupKJMS,- lielpins.'oucJifo:"1 XI rn. - iriH!ow;i!cMrjlnt."3nrWp ;2 j- .'. J ... FotfcfcililrV rx-irtj.-CtiBK.tpftriik.tJtC3.Ki'.iii-W5n!r- fa due not onljr W'th'c' prigmality and simpliciij of the.combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the Califobxia Fio Svrcp Co. only, and ve wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the CalifokxCl Fio Svbcp Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cau roitsiA Fig Sjtkup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far iii advance of all other laxatives, us it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it docs not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP GO. SAX FKASClSOa, ChL t.rTVTT.T.F, Sy. JSKW TUT. X.T. HT AACTC To get our ae w Cat s' I Lr0 I O a1ogae, Hundredsof tAVijIBIfl people save hun TtJ I llllld dredsot dollars se lcctln;f Furniture, Draperies, etc-, from it. irci-d for it. It gives prices and pictures. UKCILVUD Jk WILHEUt CARFET CO, HIS Douglas St, Osaaha. Neb. Or. Kay's iMtrator, g?!yS5! sia. constipation, liver and kidney dlseases,bfl llou&ness. headache, etc AtdrueflstsScitl. -1 le--v.iio hnffs-your ."feclingsr5maji"b- -. - .. ' ir' !'' " -".'! 'A'S V;l ' -:'. . -, .'Phexd'ire i-4'0'aHetiis' i15L:hii-qbiafecbi '-" .- plant:1 VcVc Xff'i-'-'v . :.' -. --,.-: -.- ; ".' ' -1 --.:-'. vv .. c . KIlsPanntorsaia.siracracsCvSSBfSh' ' . ".-' ; r " - .J" v-", -- .; -. .'- .-"7 '- wWt triced WltcSc SLL UJc rAU H barest CoacaSyrap. TwumG&X XJmM "It- Mlcht as well bb confessed' rays Mnrat Halstead. "that the assimi lation of races has gone a long way in Cuba. There is. sm almost absolute thoughtlessness In that island, espec ially in the centers of the highest civ ilization, as to whether man or wo man Is black or white or of mixed blood. It would astound even a New York audience at the annual French ball to see Mack men waltzing wildly with white women, and it is even more alarming and startling to see black women whirling softly to soft meas ures in the arms of white men often each of the graceful couple smoking cigarettes, the fine white ash hanging on half an inch long, showing the de lightful properties of Cuban tobacco." A NAVAL HERO'S STORY. (From the Times-Herald, Chicago, 111) Late in 1SG1, when President Lincoln Issued & call for volunteers, L. J. Clark, of Warren, Trumbull Co., Ohio, was among the first to respond. Ho joined the mortar fleet of Admiral Porter jast before the ,m6aorabIo operations on the Mississippi river began. It was at the -terrific bom bardment of the Vicksburg forts, thst the hero of this story fell with a shattered arm from a charge of scbrapaeL Afte- painful months in the hospital be recovered sufficiently to be sent to his home at Warren, Ohio. Another call for troops fired his patriotic zeal and 31 ark soon en listed in Company H. of the 7th Ohio Vol unteers. In the army ot the Potomac, he was in many engagements. Being wounded ia a skirmish near Richmond, he was seat J to the hospital and thence homo. Soon afterward be began the study snd men me practice of veterinary surgery. Seeking a wider field than the Ohio village afforded, be went to Chi cago, where be now has a wide prac tice, is a member of A. ITbtifiifrd Itrrv. Hatch Post O. A. IL. and lives at 4935 Ashland Ave. Several yoa re ago Dr. Clark's old wonnd? began to trouble him. He grew weak and emaciated, and his friends despaired of bis life. He finally recovered sufficiently to be out, but was a mere shadow, weigbingonly 00 pounds. The best medical attendance failed to restoro his lost strength and vigor. "A friend gave me a box of Dr. Williams' Pink PUls for Pale People," aid Dr. Clark, "and they helped me no much thatl bought a half dozen taxes and tcok them. I soon regained my strength, now weigh 190 pounds and, except for injuries that can never bo remedied, am as well as ever. MI consider Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People the best remedy to build up a ran down system, and heartily recommend them to everysne in need of such aid." Promise A small outlay from which large returns are expected. sn't Tskaccs Spit sss Snake Your LHe Assy. To quit tobacco eislly and forever. bs mag netic, full tit life, ntrve. and vigor, take No-To-Bac. the wondcr-wcrker. thst makes weak men strong. AlldrugxUta. Kteorfl. Cure guaran teed. Booklet and sample free. Address StcrlVng Remedy Co.. Chicoso or New York. In the whole of Greece there are only 152 newspapers. I'ntent Oflrr Practice. Inventors who retain attorneys to prepare and file applications incom plete in the U. S. Patent Office for pro visional protection according to law which allows them to pay the $15. fil ing fea within a year (it wa.i two years prior to Jan. 1. 1898). are in many in stances officially informed that "Your attorney has been advised of the non payment of this fee and has made no response" Such notices are calcu lated to predjudice inventors against attorneys and in some instances the $15. filing, fees were, forwarded", direct tothe commissioner-and the-attorney' fees not -paid- in full . as" - originally i asreed. The writer -made -complaint" in ..person to. -.Acting'-- -.Commissioner' Greeley- jj:d:b.e--replied hV-'was" . iiot 'aware -such" notices' -were- sent" to'.the'-- applicants.- .IriS'view 'of-the'-'fact.-that:' inventors have ;-paid "a.boux ,Five;-JJMU lfons."bf.snr'pb'ts:"ihtbthe TI-. Sv--P,atent' Office "ab6ve"the.-"expenHes- iV3s heli.eyed . a.'. reduction of. government fees'-Would" be practical and right. untess.:it:may;-be' iikj. purpose-oitTne law.ranu ine-aomin-. hUration'". thereof- to'-"tax"xin'entbrsMV.. Contribute-'' to Aa !'.birge '-surplus, that1", is. nn"uall;.V-lraffsforredr':te- '.The- D: S.. ;Treasury.O ' f-':-: .. " :-".'-'"' '-'::''"' .':-' -. alHablenTarfition-boiii-bbtajn- lhg';.yaVuing:sa'nd''sejrm Tree": to-any" address." -"' :; ...V"..'; .;. :' r'---;' '" -."-yrpprietorsi A:fell6w..feeTfrig :ih'a't;-"is :"tob' -OftenC-subsUtute Ac-'; Wsransin-itrain: -eavinjr: Chicago ?i;ua3Jtti'j m aamngioft.ine lotiowing ieruwu. atl&tiR-: ureaKmstaD-:aconceiT-.on:xBe:n30TiuBB'.. ;xA itbe 6tb.$ThtTpute "haltnibre.mptiih?; rtalif ' and ixe?:'4ceTaeT:d&Tim&ti Sedjifj0yyttki -ouceviwr: iuatn;..rn -.ttuu siccvum, . IresvaKorisVrfa'.M oydoiia-i&mbexsMp Tf cerfor "'the :J Tqu)iatr.ip;fj--iLjcieB..caxrjea;.-e-;i;. x'x''fW''1 i ne ijaiumqre ana lunio bouihr.wrest- -ern. Ttail way-:offlcials.-.have" solved-."the proDiem" or,;-cooling sleeping tiiiuuusBi niKuu -Ai viuciuuaxi, ville and SL Louis this line has.. ing cars placed -in the' stations -at 10 p. m.,' which do not depart -until' after midnight, and' in order to "make them comfortable and cool have placed 16 inch rotary electric fans in each end of the sleepers, thus removing the heated and impure air from all parta ot the car. The fans have been in operation about two weeks, and have been the subject ot many favorable comments from the traveling public The river Jordan makes the greatest descent in the shortest distance of al most any stream. Hairs Catarrh Care Is a constitutional cure. Price, 75a A map of Jerusalem in mosaic over 1.500 years old has been found in Pal estine. To those visiting Denver we cannot say too much in praise of the American House. The table is one of the best In the country, and the service is unsur passed any place. The artesian water used throughout the house is known everywhere for its purity. These facts and rate, $2 per day, make it the most desirable house in Denver. Silver money 250 years old is still in circulation in some parts of Spain. A bath with COSMO BUTTERMILK SOAP, exquisitely scented, is soothing and beneficial. Sold everywhere. In India there is a fly which attacks and devours large spiders. EOaeate Yeur Candy Cathartic cure coostlpatica forever. Mc.Sc.UGC CfaU.'draaxisUrefaadmoney Flirtation A pastime of the fair sex that is only half fair. Gossip The sugar used by folk to sweeten their tea. some ;SpSLTk7JVA,i :2: Vlart.treett- CAMPMBE SKETCHES. GOOD SHORT STORIES FOR THE VETERANS. Got a CesaaaltttoB After All Story of a Bargee That Illustrates the Temper f the National Guard SXaenanimity la War Time At the Battle of Manila Chlckamaaca 1 808. They are camped en the Chickamauga! Once again the white tents gieam On that field where vanished heioes Sleep the sleep that knows no dream. There arc shadows all about them Of the ghostly troops to-day. But they light the common camp fire Those who wore the blue and the gray. Where the pines of Georgia tower. Where the mountains kiss the sky. On their arms the nation's warriors Walt to hear the battle cry. Watt together, friends and brothers. And the heroes 'neath their feet Sleep the long and dreamless slumber Where the flowers are blooming sweet Sentries, pause, yon shadowy challenge! Rock-ribbed Thomas goes that way He who fought the foe unyielding In that awful battle fray. Yonder pass the shades of heroes. And they follow where Bragg leads. Through the meadows and the river. But no ghost the sentry heeds. Field of fame, a patriot army Treads thy sacred sod to-day! And they'll face a common foeman. Those who wore the blue and gray. And they'll fight for common country. And they'll charge to victory "Neath the folds of one brave banner Starry banner of the free! They arc camped on Chickamauga. Where the green tents of the dead Turn the soil Into a glory Where a nation's heart once bled: But they're clasping hands together On this storied fie!d of strife Brothers, biave, who meet to battle In the freedom-war of i:fe! Baltimore News. Got n Commission After All. One enthusiastic guardsman in this State was holding a commission as a surgeon before the troops were ordered to camp. It was discovered when his command was ordered out that a sur geon was not called for, and con sequently ho could not go as a commissioned officer. lie didn't hesi tate but enlisted as a private. His company went into camp and the physician pitched in and did duty as a private without any vain regrets for the commission that he had once held. In this camp it was discovered on Wednesday morning that an assistant surgeon was needed for one of the regiments. Thus far whenever a man of any profession or trade has been wanted the commanding officers have found him serving in some ca pacity ia the Guard. So several otii cers started out to see if a physician could he found to act as an assistant surgeon of their regiment. As they walked down the company streets one of them stopped, and pointing to a man in the uniform of a private, who was digging a trench around his tent, said: "Well, this is funny! Theic is Br. So-and-So dressed as a private. Hello! Doctor, what are you doing here?" "Digging," was the laconic response. 'But you are masquerading as a pri vate." "No masquerading about it," said- the physician; "I am a private. I couldn't, come any other way and I enlisted as. a private two weeks ago. Now- I'm here." : .". "" -- ''".. v" .-'.' - .', The physician then" explained; hoy.. he had. lost his opporlu'nity.'jof-.bejng' 'mustered in."as a commissioned oityrr cnd...whyj;he' had..c:ilisted;.;.'r.f:ere "VyiS -no;. .question -asy to'-his-a'bffity.-aha-'-a; -commission" "as. assistant "surgeon waS:j ;promptly.")ffer.ed.tabim."iiud-.-accepu:l.- 'Ue..lS.-JiUW a iauiuiiuawi.H; ,ou:i;i ' .auu-cre"di't-to-.his':regimenf;.:;".':i -'".- - ""';.V ":-.MTbat, fsaidjUhc : bfficer':who :tells. "the. "stor'y,--.--'is:;a fiui'Tsample ' of . the. 'temper; of" tlie-guai-dsnyeS.'Avh'o"'have-. :Vnliinfpp"rVf""i. --'- -' c- " - "''."-'' ' -""-: '. -I'- ;-'.The'a-ai."31IMHa, "-; ..- t0ne"f "Itb'e.inpst- ia'terest'ing'-'featTtrei-' Qt-'theV.'preparaticasc'torV cqh's.i : defence . is thepronfpt.i"use'..wKich-;.-hasN.-- li'eaji; rmaer(he;navah:mUUia-cf.thelstatS'-' call; made. ubont.hen.v" v .'.'- V J- ':--; ' ;TftV.nava)-.Iliti stnfo" hiitKnrrt-!ir"'iJTiiT ntVst-tto'-ovViAttSVO: .state".authonty-' .: -r -?z:.v. . .::T": .? -:. v-v.y."- ,..... iror The; MaSsafchueU3..pw"".-Yorj,-" Xiv -jersey, - aau .-t'ennsysrauia battalions have "been .srgn.e'd.to'theauinjary'crui sers Yankee, Prairie. Dixie and. Yqseni ite; and the mdriitdfs reserved- for the defence. of Boston, New Yorlc and Philadelphia. The battalions' from Illi nois and Ohio, and probably from Connecticut, will be stationed at New York; those of North and South Caro lina and Georgia at Port Royal; and those of other states will be mobilized at the nearest navy-yards and drilled before being assigned to duty. Had it not been for these organi zations, the government would have found it hard to protect o:ir coasts without greatly weakening the regular naval force. Magnanimity in War. An elderly lady, now living in the vicinity of Boston, relates what she heard from her grandfather, who was a soldier in the English army which captured Quebec in 1759. The hostile armies were drawn up in battle order on the Plains of Abraham, before the city. In the open space between them, and in full view of both ranks, the oppos ing generals, Wolfe and Montcalm, rode tcward each other, saluted by raising their hats, drew alongside, and silently clasped hands like friends and brothers; then wheeled, rode back to the head of their respective forces and gave orders to open fire. A few hours later both lay mortally wounded. These men were loyal to their sov ereigns and acting, under orders. They followed the military profession us gallant and chivalrous gentlemen. To ward each other they were incapable of ill will, and at heart they were cot enemies but comrades. It may seem -wuere s wu .-ursauiiaiioiis,. cxi-si,.. -iin-4, th'd."aiacrif y. With"; witiclp; .ttc,? m'erii.o! - that- .mliltlav Jiavc-?. J-esilanderf -"tb!"Gi"e- rsoice jira :4a: insirjicnpn: anuyjiB -iSPr- jthibioi t--t anaiirtacn. ,T;ne..-:a-vpi. 'Trty--ofVetsfpj io.jope.rafeviliLH'he navyvTtt-T.mS - pf3 need: 'ftjseirs'iif? niiiid m"iHti;L tpJ-vasVtU", -Spafiteh: o''iaicf!'avirngiSe.a rVv- oneraies-.wn-.ajic -ariny.----l-curwcar -.t.wivi-nrtis. .finr 'nw imopftnn. io :tii?vb;w:e-iv -areanjzat!OUS-Dr-xmvl.'!m:mi:;-:frr'iKr yeayjthc'ejwerr niiatbe Wuaij .tlleyfwelxIottm.3frfleJKr!tJi-.on5-.,; :-,': ;t- " ci -,&-' iS1-'"! :i"" .ary, fuasi-uieia-e. ;iK'tji.--anii aren&wvi' -:(-;--ji-----"--'--i'":- r -r a - ??-& " 3 ;b-tan5i'.',;wcriwv we're ftnWfr?ai !iofiVift'-''i1iS"V.V-''i;-ift;t;-r"ti:.,i;iii-? -Thrnaniaii":5oliJlciVis.a'JfruealnvPTS cars'--inr. .vw4-5Hjw.mun.euwvy-nojua:ti- . Louts.-- MaUqns --ofHheiotherYstites.'rKfye 'shDta sleep-'" 'qtiallard.oiv'- "i-'"-,-':'"-vJ ?fi''-"-'?;:-:':' almost shocking to add that In creeS and profession both were Christians Are not international courtesy and magnanimity possible, even in time of war? So long as nations, for any reron or for lack of reason, will still resort to arms for the settlement of disputes, may not the dreadful duel go on without setting on fire the ugly passions of hatred, cruelty and re venge? "In the midst of arms, the laws are silent," says the old Roman maxim. But are the laws of God ever silent? Is the Gospel of His love ever suspend ed? If fight we must, let us fight only for justice, freedom, human welfare and lasting peace. With these motives dominant, though we strike at human forms, we shall aim our blows only at real wrongs; we shall pity those whom we slay, and shall regret the injuries we. are obliged to inflict as well a3 those we are obliged to suffer. Dewey's Victory. The full accounts of the battle iu Manila Bay show it to have been one cf the most signal victories' ever achieved on the sea. This is strikingly indicated by the statement that the casualties of the Sranish navy in ships were more numerous than those of our own navy in men. Eleven ships to tally destroyed, at a cost of eight men slightly injured! There were three marked elements that entered into the case to make the victory noteworthy and complete: First, the nerve and courage of Com modore Dewey in taking his fleet where the enemy did not wish to en gage him, disregarding all hidden de fences of the entrance to the bay; sec ond, the unusual luck implied in the fact that even the well-aimed Spanish shots did little damage; third, the sa gacious strategy of Dewey's maneu vering that left so little to luck. In spite of the circumstance that the Spanish fleet was overmatched, the battle of Manila Bay has already been accepted by naval men throughout the world as one of the most daring and probably one of the most important in its results ever fought. The officers and men engaged will be heroes as long as they live; their children and grandchildren will be to Americans as the descendants of Nelson's sailors are to Englishmen. One battle, fought in two or threa hours, placed at the disposal of this government a historic group of islands and seven million people. Whatever may have happened since, whatever may happen next, nothing can dim the distinction of that achievement. Something New in Naval Warfare. The United States is to be credited with introducing something new in naval warfare. It is not a new explosive, or a new projectile, or a new type of war ves sel. It is a hospital ship, a sort of floating ambulance, which, althougii furnished and fitted out by one com batant, is intended to minister impar tially to the needs of the injured of cither navy. This vessel, formerly the Creole, lias been appropriately named the Solace. It goes about its work of mercy under the flag of the Geneva cross. As a signatory of the Geneva, .convention,' Spain is. bound to respect, the red cross" ..flag, and it is.-not he'liered.that.the-aur-g'eons and nui ses on . board; of- the' S"olV- .ace-will-run" any.'risk froin-'the Spanish" pguns.: .... - t" - . ..:'. ;-.:. . To. ih'akc'tlie .-Solace entirely neutral) shevicafriesT.-neith .ion'J.:: S'be"". wi'll..not'-parry :a'nything:"that s-.c6nrabahjI'.--'of Vwar,-: .norany ..more, 'coal; thrad- siiejjneefls-''iqr; her own-use:-" 'Sbe.vUl,-.M'iridcr'ho'"eircunista'nC:lec :".u.Fcd(b" .carry c"de?p"atches--.dr. :any; offi. fci'ii'-.b.r soldiers -vhbyare-.naVdun"ded. B.utphejd6cs Jiavegverythingthiit .is rs-.wTrw1. t 2 .ra try icfni t -f'41tVc..v -. lMik ' - vies-vh'p .have been"injured.v.:r : "' -.'; ..engagement: .SfiH"' "be.. va..: reminder : liat:-'.war,;- c'rvicl hV.it:- i3filDPSinot'.de-- :. Pr.bjH-IJie'-'Dfes McfinesC.fcaderc.iiThe. yankee.. is.'the '-'tallest- of.-.ci -.civilized Allien:1. -i '-. --;;- -.,tvi'. ji-.:.:.-:. r..- 1.11, ...?..-;. t. v ; .-i .-jus -.viyyj.? -a. 'vv.Tav;ti--..ueiBg .two r:-meai a;jbjy.bfiei(t;9 ;5"m.";t"iie.VoVher. '-.ayp.'-mi'iiu sonie'.'eojfijs; coffee;; and'. .""l' "-. t ....'3 VHI.-IU Jb,Af...UI IJ UiVllU jhjf. -.A'popnd .andVa lial.C 'of "bread per.' "niah coh'st! tutes 'tbe-overn'meh'ration; ' He.'-get's little meat; and 'keeps In cbnr d"itibn'.on'acliunk-qf 'dry black bread;--a-Mittle oil and "a. clove of garlic a" .day." Value or Kspcrt Knowledge. - A North Carolina hilltop on which a fine house had been built proved to have such an attraction for lightning that the owner, in fear for his life, moved out at last and let the place go to ruin. A Pittsburg man read the newspaper stories of the "lightning haunted" hill, meditated a while, final ly bought the place for little -or noth ing, and in less than six weeks located an almost inexhaustible iron mine. For twelve years it has annually yielded iron enough to pay for the whole plant four times over which the purchaser probably considers only a reasonable reward for the exercise of the gift which yankees call "gumption." Niagara' (ireat Steel Arch. The steel arch bridge, now in courst of construction across the gorge below Niagara Falls, o take the place of the present upper suspension bridge, wlli be by far the longest steel arch in the world. Its span is 8G8 feet, and its rise in the center, from the level of the piers, 150 feet, making its greatest height above the surface of the river 192 feet. The next longest steel arch belongs to a bridge at Oporto, Portugal, where the span is 566 feet At Garabit in France there is a similar bridge hav ing a span of 543 feet; and a rise in the center of 170 feet, about 20 feet greater than that of the Niagara bridge. ,r i i ,7i ITT T Knowledee. llkp timhpr oiiAnM , be much used till it Is well seasoned. . 'ii ire rprcsenca -.oi.- Gucn..a;.vessei, -witn hkne.utVal anff'""mercilul' Work "aft ex. aa k'stroy- all l he.';bi)ii?nifion& pKhumahiiy,:' "-:"-:-.'". v ."W.iarat" or isotdlcrsi.".". -? 'l ; . ? . - .-.-' i - i '.V - . r ' -' - i J.ntprpicthe .cnftTnavja is.":thq:biily-: ;One".:t3wf:;&p$f Jbgigfi y Eyfen. thfe.ngUshw'a 'jiaf jJK'bWortci-. "anJi'thV.derman'f-.': The Chtaeh Bar Qstloa. Reports of the presence of chinch bags i sack numbers aa to cause anx iety comei from tome sections of Ok lahoma, The plan of destroying the bugs by the spread of disease among them by introducing diseased bugs or the spores causing the disease into In fested fields has proved effective in many cases, while in very many little or no good result has been noticed. The conditions most favorable for the spreading of the disease are not all known, but it is known that dry weather is not favorable, although it is decidedly favorable for the chinch bugs. The disease is known to exist in different parts of the territory and its spread by natural means may help much. The experiment station at Stillwater will not be able to send out infected material, at least at present. The station authorities strongly advise farmers who find their wheat infested to take measures to prevent the bugs from going into other crops. While the ditch method requires a good deal of work and careful attention, it can be made effective. The plan is to make one or, better, two or three fur rows around the field in which the bugs are, or alongside the field from which it is desired to keep them, and to keep the sides and bottom of these furrows finely pulverized by frequently drawing a log or other large pieca cf wood through them. The bugs can not climb up a reasonably steep fur row side if this is mainly dust If wet weather comes, or if the sides of the furrows are allowed to become hard, the bugs can climb up. Some farmers have successfully tried the plan of making holes in the bottom of the fur rows with a" post hole auger or spade. As tho. bugs collect in these they arc killed with hot water. In some cases boards are- set on edge and tbe top smeared with tar. This may be made effective, but costs more than tho fur rows. Some have found it helpful to sow a strip of millet, alongside or around a badly infested wheat field. As the wheat ripens the bugs will go into the millet strip. Many of them can be destroyed by plowing and roll ing the ground. Planting Onion Seed. To The Farmers Review: Last week I planted a row of onions, and this Is how I did it: The ground had been plowed and harrowed, and wa3 in tolerable good condition to work. The row runs north and south, and at each a stake was driven, a wire being attached to each stake. Tbe row was about 100 feet in length, the wire some two feet longer. In previous year3 binder twine was used in place of wire, but for some reasons I like wire bet ter. Having now a line to work by, the ground was first hoed up, then raked, then one bushel of well rotted duck manure was raked in the row. After raking until it was free from clods of any size, sand was scattered in the middle of the row. In this sand the seed was dropped, being careful to drop but one seed in a place, and the Seed an inch apart. The seed were then covered with manure from an old straw pile to the depth of an eighth of an Inch; this pressed down, then soil sprinkled over this. About half as much soil as .manure was used. Tho variety was red wethersfield. In soil that is suitable for onions, or in sandy soil'tbere neel not be so much pains taken r. , The 'soil , should "have had at least-a'-, pick .6fsand raked with the rowras"Jt is clay, and, inclined tp"',niu" and'bakeafter.'n"Taiii;, ,,Sand was un handy::".a'ud.)harrd to get. so substituted, heavy. manuring in. its place: ... As- soon" as "up the weeds .-will -be pulled and ""the -. .onions ;-. 'cultivated. . whenever.": the Lgrbundpernilts, and s.sboh'--ascrowd : -ibgVbegirisr wjll.ybe.,thinhed:' ..It,-" isa? .giu.eruuirpryi.-t.-tf.uuis iivuii-ujiy i:.-ever tried;-"-".aiid.-if . thbriugh-culf ivatJon" ":;s 'given-- I; hope to -'be:able.-"'t6. -'report 'a "rt"hd. 'tiarvpst.' FaVmnVs'Tfpvipw''? ."., Vaccine. for .BlackJes-A few months ; ago.. :av;circutar' -'let'ter was' ;dfsVnhiiteK offering the .Upon; fie; to'the ffiecs.' jofj.tbe . vaj&inati'o"n.-. .The 'info-: -atlra.tfiuk:-rj?rvcarJi''-pln'Ye. sufpfisingv, It'Happjirs'.liatV'.-jSlackieg- cafce.rcatfr':loe'(inso"me.i.pf.-''.tKe;; Pfiniit hprnand -Western- states . thari "all'- ;6fbasvcbmbh:iQ :'u!SkzrnnHlkc.Sf -self .will : spontaneously, uecqrne '.this .is the result-oitiiQ.-grqw tic ncid bacteria .-w.incn iccu ihhk sugar arid- as- a .-final--process", convert, it Into .'a lactic -.achL. Other forms -"of bacteria, arc always "present in cream r some have little or no effect in the ripening process, while others, if allowed to develop, produce undesir able and often obnoxious flavors. To cultivate and develop these- "wild" germs, is called "spontaneous" ripen ing, and is often attended with uncer tainty. Good butter-making demands the use of a "starter," cither home made or a pure culture. The former should be made of selected skim-milk. Beef and Poultry Packers. The large western beef operators seem to be gradually working into the poultry business. Reports state that they have secured control of a large poultry plant in Missouri and large quantities of live stock are also said to be purchased weekly and taken to the Chicago stock yards to be killed and dressed after which the stock is shipped to the va rious distributing markets. This stock Is being shipped mostly dry packed in refrigerator cars, so that it can be handled in the beef refrigera tors without ice. N. Y. Produce Re view. Remove the Chicks. A Few Hem says: In hatching ducks under hens, At is best to remove them from the nest the moment they are dry, as the? are more or less restless, and the hen is very apt to tread upon them. Hens make good incubators for duck egg, but very poor mothers. The duckling A. nAt Zwm tl inrwrr rn lri-.rv liU he actlvity of tne mother hen. There Ia more labor attached to durk raisins than to any other branch cf poultry l"f" . .. ' a. -..-.. ....... the business is once understood. f o uppiyjaccinfi prepared, in; --qwjw j r? MUriVS-. :?JuZZ-,' .bureau ;f experimental. .purposes j-j-raVcUiTi.'.j o.; ibwii.-civyio'j. .--..;,- -.v . . applicatloJa.of Uie owners oCcat- -,;:-' "...-''V- ",.. , .-. '-,... " , -.'" -'-: " rirOvidln& a-r-repoft were, made-as: ;i Ajcpiiac5-.re-syr4umii-secir. uu it- :lbsses"frxm thiS-diaease-and flie-- .fci.rev.u,.:iii;;iyi iiii -.. ...-.. .. ; -. :: -. -; tneY"-. y SriftR?v I of. the .-vaccine -have ueen.qslrilintfti;-- .sol--ASbM;cyewliei;eA ;. V, v.-V -;- -.Jv BdrtmStMrriH'o'auia.ittaitci ' .-ti taijfc- U- - "'': .'.liAU.i.': S.V. v.7Ji. V.-..-.1 .2Ki;. . i .Tiwijroi'-l-'''nf3----tlonin..i.i!irHrfi. frn'Mo -' m.mH-M.iMk--fiLJ:fuw-V" ''.. I 3 auwj.iM:ij:?,1!. . x"-. J:? "h f"-J. -j-.-.'. v.--" .'.''.. w ...; - .-.-:--. :-i. :: s - -c--. .vsu- .v y ---..- .-. -. ick w wims1-u! tttn&g7-&Sf? k rt IHK A H ?V M flnia ti tHCutaiuai:i.:,rar'y,.,9V,uu.;;?iyi:. ," .-r .i- " Jr "---"T.; :-," .v-- ". ".." I. fll 111111 IlltTJ .mj-JTlI U "!t. '. "J- "Vl" V' .av 1 U..T l.frvi.-5,rt!r. .;firrl-. . '.' V. - V a i .iw I L '- !.! .-- .-:.-.-. - i. -i. . - -.'- L ...... -. . " .- -7" ' - & V !.. r'w'Mttk.vrfrgel-Ma'lfiS DHrragr:.Mi)king;-f-thtorAiKt-a?n tiiiui r.jwsv twit.-.;-; -.JU! lvo r tli" 'CatJij. a .vlreiviis-v -v w tV---.''" cki-'v isiin xusr: .jft;asYawu.,iUMif.,ti2J 'JareUyrn'ati"6'durin"g;ithfr tInre;pf-nuilv-fTlVa:V-"v:f.id:l!v Wg;' ' a triif;l,he-:cow :-mjus: tf Ser-plactunV; fhjvii.l -:-V'?S ' JTrla-e, ad..,ai!.6v oV.is.'ld'drav;' itV6ut?"!"Gplv;.a'am.an- ppf-.' 'ffr.-r:'"7i-5?iVf lftv'-Kimai ('aterTut.AtW- 4ion;-'is 'tn.;.lhls:: statc.jr Mps!-;fct l'iv&r.Gls:v&9Ax$.w&iTL$ :.tIie1e.i-cady:jo.Jl),c-;ehangc-d-;int 7-L:jycv:C bat'-it-Tis not-HtUVt;'v.- MrresfaTdratile'Jorvtltelevy-ta tWhaeFifriiik(-Rre ' ; -, . 1 :.-. ":. -' isr '!-.'; ,r.-V.i-. -?1- .; .'AJ -';, i -;CtX-..-.? .-.. ' S.i .:. --V '. Mistress The servants seem to know all about the mortgage on the house. Master Yes; they'd naturally look up the title before they took pos session. Detroit Journal. Proposed Alliance with England. If the United States and England should form an alliance there would be little chance for enemies to over come us. When men and women keep up their health with Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, there is little chance of attacks from disease, as it steadies the nerves and increases the appetite. Try it. The longest word in the English language! is "proantitransubstantlrji ionist," a joint word of twenty-eight letters; "transubstantiantionableness" is the next longest. AN OPEN LETTER TO MOTHERS. Wc are assertlnc In the courts our rlsht to the exclusive use of tho word "CASTOHIA.'.' and PITCHERS CASTORLV as our Trade Mark. I, Dr. Samuel Pitcher, of Hyannls. Massa chusetts was tho originator cf "PITCHER'S CASTORIA." the same that has borne and does noTt- bear the fsc-Mmilc signature of CHAS. H. FLETCHER on every wrapper. This is the original "PITCHERS CASTORIA" which has been used in the homes of the mothers of America for over thirty years. Iok carefully at the wrapper and sec that it is "the kind you have always boupht." and has the signature of CHAS. II. FLETCHER on the Wrapper. No ccc l.ss authority from me to use my name ex cept The Centaur Company, of which Chas IL Fletcher is President. March 8. 1W. SAMCEL PITCHER, M. D. Tho Chinese rovernment levies a regular tax on beggars, and gives them in return the privilege of begging in certain districts. Try Allen's Foot-Ease. A powder to be shaken into the shoes. At this season your feet feel swollen, nervous and hot, and get tired easily. If you have smarting feet or tight shoes, try Allen's Foot-Ease. It cools the feet and makes walking easy. Cures swollen and sweating feet, blis ters and callous spots. Relieves corns and bunions of all pain and gives rest and comfort. Try it today. Sold by all eJriigglsts and shoe stores for 25c. Trial package free. Address Allen S. Olmsted, Le ftfiy, U. Y. T ' A new tcries of New Zealand stamp has been issued, which are already eagerly sought for by collectors. It may have contributed to this that an English syndicate had offered the gov ernment to take a large quantity of them but with the condition that the postoffice should promise not to sell the new stamps in New Zealand be fore the expiration of tbreo months, and to sell no stamps during the samo time to any foreign concern. The preposition was declined. The ad vertising thus given by the London concern to the issue has caused an enormous demand for the stamps in the colony from the first day of their issue. From Inby la tho nigh Chair to grandma in the rocker Grain-0 Is good for the whole family. It is the long-desired substitute for coffee. Nev er upsets the nerves or injures the di gestion. Made from pure grains it is a food in itself. Has the taste and ap pearance of the bezt coffee at the price. It is a genuine and scientific ar ticle and is come to stay. It makes for health and strength. Ask your grocer for Grain-O. "Wind Something that makes a bi cycle pneumatically tired. Nerve Out of Tune. Just as the strings of a musical instrument tt. out o: tune through lack ot care and iiicak y'uc iuto tar-tori urln dlscorda vrncn touchen. so the hUman-nvrvea s-'t.uUl r tuue. and wake" everybody m-serHbie that comes -In contact., with. them. Every tobacco-users- tTiinna ". i V V nnrs tT- lt'SS. fltlU IDG IW -- M4.W Um-Ut.VUI.C.JUU- -"- - . . , .xrartob4cc6-tfts.iicr$s "arc Ttlaxea 10 " .? . -. ... -i- . -.- !t-. Urn urnion tiKhrens' .rhs. nerves; 'rcak tUciu. espoaa -,j.;nrss,or all..- No-To'-me-guaranteeo "f,0.- haft! t-cute, makes wcaR..mfn suuhr. - -.Vise- ay..tbbaceofuier. to' Uiko' No:To-Ua(-. . ., '-.'AtlyH;cARon5elhingr-tha( is .easy to 5tvc,.ciiT,-un:sx.io uuv- -.--. - .--:--:- " rnr- , '-'-'' ' ."' '"'. " ? ."".. "" - - ';" .."tTo-jriyjExpciiKes" --'. . -? .iirPsJTCh V.T ?-.' To'Cniv.vnhstiWaifpn'.l'OTcTWv"-- v.H .'o.nter. complete recovery.-- Read, her .letter: -.-"" "- DBAR-Miy. Pixkiiam: I wish you. to publish what JA-dia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, Sanative Wash and Liver Pills have done for me. I suffered for four years with womb trouble. My doctor said I had falling of the womb. I tlso suffered with nervous :'r.- prostration, faint, all-gone feelings, palpita tion of the heart, bearing-down sensa tion and painful menstruation. I could not stand but a few minutes at a time. "When I commenced takingyour med icine I could not sit up half a day, but before I had used half a bottle I was up and helped about my work. I have taken three bottles of Lydia E. Tinkham's Vegetable Compound and used one package of Sanative Wash, and am cured of all my troubles. I feel like a new woman. I can do all kinds of housework and feel stronger than I ever did in my life. I now weigh 131 J pounds. Rcfore using your medicine I weighed only 10S pounds. Surely it is the grandest medicine for weak woman that ever was, and my advice to all who are suffering from any female trouble is to try it at once and be well. Yltir medicine has proven a blessing to me, and I cannot praise it enough. Mrs. Lucy UouDWUT, Holly, W. Va. , ltfd. J.(t-ltond-t"iBla"V- fait1,-? rTnt.e'Cas'CrftCts.tSihd.v -atL3rtic.'' lfe,or2.)i. CO.tCC'..faI .to t"rc ilra'LTj&ts l"v.ana inoncy V"i?--;" :.- '5.?;n.V;;.;.!'-." -;- .-- i"'- , ?fhc: CI1-iKrtah-v.-li'6'.l")bvr(ivSi. religion,': - cv.-..n.;tif-.;Vnl'-,n,; rA.rtr..- ".1Ar.'. ' W.T V-" NEWaisrOV; SV-Kt.ta--' e.C; :: .t i; '.r.. t:iivi vu.huc ........,r ...;., :' ltr.SI:'W - jr--.irr.. .t--.-- - -:"---; .J- -.X'J l Vv- ,..'..?-t-c-'''. i fu--io - " ..-.-. ". ..' , ': ' vMmoo rtM ms ; sout-h- T S7-:.'. 7z -T.-- - V ,."::--, in. ot:iac- . . '. , j . ; ;-.- ... ;-;- - .;. ---.. .--.- vj UpOl" tne-: ::" -i-..! v .i-.-:;":-'".'-'.it'M-"-f . -.bles Nicno'A-wrm'S.ro iMrs. t'lnKiiam -i COULD SCARCELY RAISE HIS HAND. Yet took care of seventy head of stock. " The farmer who ifound a friend. Serious results often follow a strain, especially when it affects the back, and few people are so liable to strain as those who arc lifting: heavy loads of various kinds, from day to day. The teamster rarely ever overtaxes his strength. Fa miliarity with the class ot wares he handles, enables him to entirely gage the load he lifts so as not to put an excessive burden on himself. But with the farmer it is different. He is lifting loads of such varving weights and nnder such varying conditions that he Is very liable to lift a little too much some day. with injurious results. Many serious affections of the great organs of the body originate iu a train. It was so in the case of II. R. W. Bcntley, of Towner, North Dakota, A train resulted in serious trouble with the liver. How he recovered and was enabled to feed seventy head of stock duriug the winter, let him tell himself: "About a year ago. I sustained an injury fn my back and shoulders by lifting a heavyweight. After a time, a liver trouble came on, which so weakened mc thnt I could scarcely lift my hand to my head. While in this condition. I began the use of Dr. J. C. Aver's Pill, and finding n!mot immediate' benefit, continued until I was T- .A.....A..m.-..-v.,.,.jt...AAAAA..j ysyARCJlilvjJ I MRS COiiXi MD uffS STtf f W IKE I ' - I 1 r gw "raj51 gg- t IM I' 1 fpssssasssB S j -, I 1 ore rotmo or this starch wti co a .f " i 1 ASFAaASAF0Ut;3.S3AKALF 3 !" ' fl OFAKYCTHtn STARCH. W ft-, J I AP ! ii i i -y"a TTVfyTTTVrVVTVTTTVVVVTT CONSTAT I cars eono 14 days at a time tr'ilcct a loTCHenC or tho bowels, r.ot being ablo to move them except by using bot nater Injections. Cbroalc constipation for seven rears vlaced me In this terrible condition; during tbat tlrue 1 did ev ery tiling I beard cf but never tomul any rcilof; Mich was my caso until 1 began usiu? CAbCAUl-Tt. I now have from one to three passages a day. cr.d if I was rich I mould uivo J10O.0O for cacti morcaieat; it la such a relief. Ayijieu L. IIc.st. 1S39 llusscll Hi.. Uetroll. itlch. siiecuu pr Customer. visiting Omnlia will find this the largest ami oldest furniture store here, and we will make every effort to please both in goods and prices. Ghas; Shlverick & Co., .'7 120& Douglas St., Omaha. " '" .' " ''.'SixVin Mi1lir'l Hotel. "" Kyrk- To"'wIiry. ourscfvri m ro wlirthi'r fh!) a'lvvrtl'fiiK'tilf.rt'id w wM in i'iiva.dlo(-i'it vt J-prr'cVprt jtio-. nn Ih-m t.t any cu-tiuner v.-':u ivlt t;Il iii" thvy wrr dlrrete t- ii. tiit-yvln. rt';'i;:niM"iit it tj their ,'ljuodi tlu'jr'Jnty ilte t.il,jiM .Iprj - v il.iii.h:i.i frjti,r.. If tl' " Special. to Laaiei:- Vei)iwTraaina.Stanip3 TK.ftR&i3WT.." BESTSCAUES. LEAST mo n ffy vie; i ns b r eiwg h a'wtc ri, n . y Lv. Air. Ai. rorfu.-iher in'drmaticn zr.A a hardsotae illustrated PryV Hartford, Ssrl lj-&f B. TRADE MAnit BCGISTC fE3 -T Conn. xh'KK'!Z-tvF Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Ta&tc Good. Do L-.vvvf.V"fteC: .' s?j;i!F2--& Good. Nevcrfaicten. Weal-eu.orCrlj.e. n-e.ac.Hta. l&Jbtt&&tti&Z's ;S-Vf ... CURE CONSTJPA7ICM. ... FJSgaS PI TOINIITI TO'SHi $EO,O00 Stock nf ;ill entiles or , V ' WTV ) " tM' f'V V. - Furniture recently bought at thu j JMfi:z&- . H f-' very lowest cash price will Ik of- C5 !, 'r' -T-. r --"-J h fcrcd d.trittjr t!.c next few months 0CJS k ...-.. i ..- -w . Jftn t- -rz 11- j- - -M . t" i'-.U VV-SWJL- .- J' - . .- -vi'.WF t'lr. -By-Jr'-r' --rljcV- 'teBGsMmm&ujmism2MZMM6 aW?i;3IIBaev " - 'ftJ& fjm&: iiiiitiutfiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiuiiiiiiitrii!iitiiiiii!ziinf!iui!ififiiii:i!iif;ii!i)i:iitinniHi!;!fiM I GREAT POPULAR OFFER! ledgeu masterwork of the Century, Treerenow-cnaMcd to otter it to tlii pitldie at far S less than tho publishers' prices! Thonsanils of person, who heretofore havo not felt Z able to nurchas; it. will ciiEcrlr irelconi this opportunity to secure at reduced nrice "The Greatest Achieverr.cnt cf Modern Time3 -lAWMWAniAUIAA mrrmr OF ? I ENTIRELY i . FE0W COVER t the pride ot haa come Ironi S nil rlnpiPB of fnlllccnt men and women every ntrttnnftrvl eivlns purchasers nearly c. full year's use of this S Full particulars by mail. Addrcs. I STANDARD DICTIONARY Sfasiderd nTjfi r 9BIP& ?s5ST---t5i'll MpBKiSarJ?Ks RiilipfpiM the Standard Cietionary is elS.U". He wiiinowupi uiutuaiiw-icKorii in ona nen. mes- tiva volume, alegantly bound in fali lealhir, prepaid to any addres.s at the astonishingly low pricofl2.00.onthefollowlr)s 1 flf) Rach Hfifh Cittht 3Jd$l Jer mcnlhcnthe 1st ; terms to responsible people: VliUU UuOII nil:! UluCI of each .-nonth until paid. TinlrtinnKrvwill twentxnre5STsvriaIdon receipt of the?l.C0 cash payment, therebr - HrBiiiiiiuriHiuiiiiiiiuniiiuiiiiinimniiiimuitiruiuinmiiiiHrnniiiiiiiiiiiiiiinna cured of my complaint, so that I ras able to ke care of seventy head of stock nil through the winter, which shows that the cure was not temporary but permanent.' U. R. W. Bentluy, Towner, N. 1 . The action of Dr. JLyer'J Pills on the liver make them invaluable for those living in malarial climates. C. K. Alston, Quitman, Texas, writes: ' I have found in Dr. J. C. Ayer'- Pil! c:t invaluable rcmeilv for constipatiou. bil iousness, and kindred disorders, peculiar to miasmatic localities. Taken :i ?r.ialt and frequent doses, these pills act well 011 the liver, aiding it in throwing off malarial poisons, and restoring its natural powers. I could not dispense with t::c u-e of Dr.; Aycr fills." C V. Alston, iitn:i,Tcx-0 Dr. Aver's rills arc a speci5c for all dis eases 6! the liver, stomach, and bowels, they promote digestiou. cure constipa tion and its consequences, ntid promote the general health of the entire system. They should alwavs be used with Dr. J. C. Aver's Sarsaparilla when a cathartic is required. More about the pilN in Dr. Aver's Ciircbook. Scut free. Address the J."C. Aycr Co., Uowell. Mass. inAMIM- rxwrT-.& HWmnVJ lYim-i'Ei ' EASY. . HAS fJANY IMITATORS, BUT NO EQUAL. Tfaic Qti'rrli fs PreParcd on 1 1113 U liil Vll scientific nrincl- pies, by men who havo Lad ycrrrs of experience !a fancy laundering. It restores old linen ami summer dresses P. to their natural whitencssand hnuarts a beautiful and lasting finish. Thb only starch that is perfectly harmless. Contains no arsenic, alum or other in jurious substance. Can be used even for a baby powder. ASK Y0UR.GP.0CER FOR IT AND TAKE NO OTHER. W. N. U.OMAHA. NO. 27.-1393 Sfcsa Ansvcriaj Rtlvcrt'sc-icaio fuciliy Kcs'.Ica Tiii3 Taccr. r Btc!-Ce3r )9 fi 'ess mmi fyMAi'-i f.r. l'l,&yr-M 9 Bicylos , CblMCINU EASV .MAUI! I11LL Columbia Chain Wheels. S75 rS, $125 Ksrtfcrds. - - 5 e-j Vedettes. $40 & 25 -- '-' . ri ALL ABGUT. ... I- ' A !i KxJirsirfv iU-utrat.-d boci rf 2C0 - i rJJTS ilccr tpm e oi Texi 2 J ihe tc tsurces cl ihit .Trtit rt;:c will be nuiIrJ ta '.y id.-rjs .pc"a rccr.pl ct c:r.'!' ccn s 13 caver poi'j-c. m s T.J Mcn'i;n litis ;pcr. PP. ICE. A. a. 1. A.. 1. O. 7. N. R. R. Pulcsrine, "icc. - r,l(lT(irir Of PPI'irif Hi' : l!f!J. til-. E If-L'.T-T rt t j 1. IUIUIIL Ul i;U:i!-l Ti.ivery :orsin M,rnliiin i" r. fur :i .. nr t,lir.t- montliV trl.-tl MiU'rintton to tin : :rer.t Tr:.n Misi-sijrpl larin an I family ire vrlHiiiail a i!!'attt.fj:! plctnri of Admini enrsiV ltow. tin- Iiiti .nl Manila. Tlu-. -. iiy.t'jri i in -iIjrv:Kii". t i ran- criiitin of "art, Itr.J-. stiltaliji'fitr framln-i s:iil will nr :idtrUtl-1y i-very-.n'p.!)i-r of.tliu- f:nnily. li rft rt'imrl.s tlji ilfer l'em:i-i:is-i'ii'n liit U short' tlnn. Addres.- tm.EjMki:I4 A..non:TKAi. UtituhaV N'v1h;i4i:i. OURS YOURSHLF? l.!i-cbarcc;'. iiitlrji.nmi:i.r., I jrri!.itu.:ii r uli'rutictn Ifrei'tu cA'taciaa. IV-'it.i-. n,l ; t f..n'. utiei.;1. i.f mi-, tki?- TiiJ'ni. rn- ,I.-ll?V,'i3CKV'jCiltK'-"t'r'roiorio'liV.- :ihcmlt.0.r"l .-Jl cy zi?zi-zz?:t. -. e ;-'.. .i. t.r .ii . .ir c-ufc iiT.(.iiin TrajT . .."J'jr rxpr!M.'rrfeid.. for VPZ'tri-:'. --:: mmizt! mmmMr J:vfi'c. Iff FZ. -Sfau' M.t'i y te&mM.Marf'fja Mr T . -. -i jzr Pli&S&t Chicaco Kfw Yorx Boston-. -- l2:0O Noo. ( 3:?.o p rn. ( 5:50 P. M. NEXT DAY booklet zdirta C. S. CRANE. G. P. & T. .. SL tou'. 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