The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, June 08, 1898, Image 4

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What You Get
WImm Yjw
D7M get that which 1mm the power to
from joar blood all poieoaoaa
baa 1 avs the cease of dle-
Bt Do 70a bay HOOD'S Saraaparilla
aly HaaelaT If joa do, yoa aaay
1 K with the atawet coaldeaee that it
wW a yea good, geaieaibtr
Hood's Sarsaparilla
U Aatertca's reatett MeeSctae. ft; six fer ta,
MaeTa ear taelgeftiea. eeata,
s That," exclaimed the Spanish gen
reml as he mopped the prespiration
Jroat his brow, "is one of thenarrowest
escapes I have had for some time."
" What Is the matter inquired his aid.
"SeehUP type-written page? I said
'la dictatkm that I was 'seeking light'
and the amanuensis cot it 'seeking
aght'!" Washington Star.
Aa expedition has jaat left Stock
holm for Eastern Siberia, in search at
Mr. Andree and U compaakma.
The expedltkm coaslsts of Mr. Btad
llng, the polar explorer; Dr. Nllaoa,
the botanist, and Mr. FrankeL am
engineer, one of whose brothers Is a
member of the Andree exploring party.
Teacher (to a scholar with a Terr
dirty face) Jimmy, I think yon are
Just about as dirty as any boy in the
city. Jimmy You'd ought to see
my brother. Teacher Does yonr bro
ther have a dirty face oftener than yon
do? Jimmy Well, mother says she
don't believe he's washed his face
since he got it Truth.
Tie Natives Had Good Cause to Revolt Victims of tbe
Rapacity of Their Spanish Masters They Had Been
Harried by Corrupt Officials and Clergy.
34 (From the Chicago Tribnne.)
MwaMcfc Tremble.
' Iter. Geo. Browa, EraersoB, la., writer:
"Sowe tiara ago I found mjinf in a very
diet reawed condition from dyspepsia; every
article of food seemed to ferment in my
stomach, and a square meal was a fore
raaaer of agony, ao that I feared raacer of
the stomach or tome kindred aril, but the
ase of yoar Dr. Kay' Reaorator after two
er three doses broagbt relief, and three
fa boxes straightened me oat so that with
reareaable pradeace I have no trouble."
e "Btesaaca troable" caa be cared by Dr.
Kay's Meaovator when all othor remedies
fail. It renovates and removes the cause,
aad tbe disease is cared. As a spr.'ng
medicine it has so equal. For cont-tipa-toa,
liver aad kidney disease it affects a
permanent cure. A valaable book sent
tree. Draggints sell Dr. Kay's Renovator
at 25c aad il, or six for to, but if they do
not have it, do not take any substitute
they may ear Js "jaH ca good' for it has
ao eqaal. Yob caa get It from as by re
tain mail. Dr. B. J. Kay Medical Co.,
Omaha, Neb.
e -
Nervous Old Lady (to deck hand on
steamboat): "Mr. Steamboatman, is
there any fear of danger?" Deck Hand
(carelessly): "Plenty of fear, ma'am,
but not a bit of danger." Harlem
flat to fJaele Barn.
Now that tbe government has called
out 125.000 troops of the National
Guard and formed camps in every
State, the great questions confronting!
the authorities are, nrst, now to xeea
the men, and secondly, how to keep
them in good health. New troops, sud
denly called from comfortable homes
to the privations of camp, are sure to
become subject to various kinds of
complaints. Sleeping on the ground,
getting wet, and other kinds of ex
posure superinduce rheumatism, neu
ralgia, catarrh, asthma, hay-fever, yel
low fever and other kindred ills. It is
understood, as a precautionary meas
ure, that certain scientific gentle
men of prominence are seeking to
supplant quinine and other dras
tic tonics by what is known as
HROP This Is well.
1llUl O The first thing
the .hospital authorities should
do is to lay in a supply of
"Five Drops," which is a sure
cure for the above mentioned
complaints, and many others. No
regimental doctor should be with
out them, as at a small cost the gov
ernment may thus save much future
.expense. Men can't fight unless free of
disease, and "Five Drops" will keep
our boys in such excellent trim that
when they meet the Spaniards they
will give a good account of themselves.
Good medicine is as Important in
camp as good food, and there is no
better medicine than "Five Drops."
Sold only by the Swanson Rheumatic
Cure Company, 167-169 Dearborn
street, Chicago. Sample bottle may be
obtained for 25 cents. It's a wonder.
Try it
tic tor
From Cole County DemocraMeffenoaCIty.BHM
Waea la ariDoe visited this section aboat
aavea years ago Herman H. Eveler. of 811
W. Mala 8t, Jefferson Mo., was oae of the
victims, aad has since been troubled with
tbe after-effects of the disease. Ha is a
well-known contractor and baHder, a
business requiring much mental aad physi
cal work. A year ago his health began ta
fail aad bo was obliged to diacoatiaae
work. That be lives today is almost a
miracle. He Fays:
"I was troubled with shortaeas of breath,
salpitation of the heart and a general de
ility. My back alto pained me severely.
"1 tried one doctor after another aad
numeroas remedies sacseeted br mv
friends, bat without apparent benefit, and
began ta give
up hone. Then
I saw Dr. Wil
1 is ras' Pink
Rllta for Paw
People extolled
a bc laais
'paper, aad af
ter investica-
tion decided to
give taeaaa
"After aslag
the first box I
A Contractor Difficulty. y relieved aad
was satisfied that the pills were pattiag ma
on the road to recovery. 1 bought two
more Doxes aan continued taxing laesa.
"After taking four boxes of Dr. Williams
Pink Pills for Pale People I am restored to
good health. I feel like a new man, aad
having the will and energy of ray former
days returned, I am capable of transacting
my business with increased ambition.
"Dr. William-' Pink Pills for PalePeopIe
are a wonderful medicine and anyone that
is afflicted with shortness of breath, palpi
tation of the heart, nervosa prostratJoa
1 Jid general debility will find that these
pills are the specific Hkbmax H. Evblxb."
Subscribed and sworn to before me a
Notary Public, this 24th day of May, 1887.
Apam Poutszoho, A'otary Hmhtte.
Mr. Eveler will gladly answer an iaqairy
regarding this if stamp is enclosed.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure people
troubled with the after-effects of the grippe
because they act directly on the impure
Diooa. 1 ney are aiso a specine xor caroaic
erysipelas, catarrh, rheumatism and all
diseases duo to impure or impoverished
Vil awl VV Swr A.IfJI
X. . ''aaaaaaanw
A Btrane, Custoaa la lean.
London Mnrr.-s Leader: Indian pa
pers tell of the custom which Is be
ing observed with great ceremony now
by all visitors to a new-born baby of
tho royal family of Mysore. Every
lady who is a friend of the family is
expected to lay upon the shrieking in
fant a gold piece, usually a sovereign.
The collection in three days amount3
to a large sum, and it belongs to the
nurse, who Is expected to tip the ser
vants out of it
Why do they call it idle curiosity
when -it works day and. night?
sat Teatecs San im Sawke Tew Uie Any.
To quit tobacco eislly and forever, bs raag
c aetic. full of life. n rre. and vigor, take No-To-Bac.
tbe wonder-wc rker. that makes weak men
street:. AlldrucKiits. HtoorSl. -Cure guaran
teed. Booklet and sample free. Address
Sterling Bcmedr Cc. Chicago or New York.
Why is it necessary to take
from a cow that elves it?
A Valuable Dictionary
Daily Inter Ocean, Chicago: "Every
promise made by the publishers has
been fully redeemed. It is, indeed, a
grand book. . . . That there is a
drift conservative yet- real toward the
simpler forms of spelling has been
recognized throughout the work.. . ."
Sec display advertisement of how to
obtain the Standard Dictionary by
making a small payment down, the re
mainder in installments.
Don't judge the size of a girl's-foot
by the size cf the shoe she asks for.
Ive the ChlMrea a Drink
called Grain-O. It is a delicious, appe
tizing, nourishing food drink to take
the place of coffee. Sold by all grocers
and liked by all who have used it be
cause when properly prepared it tastes
like the finest coffee, but is free from
all Its injurious properties. Graln-O
aids, digestion and strengthens the
nerves. It is not a stimulant, but a
health bolder, and children, as well as
adults, can drink it with great benefit
Costs about as much as coffee. 16
and 25c.
The primary eaace of the rebellion
which has existed la the Philippines
since July, 18M, was the corruption
and Insatiable greed-of Spanish offi
cials, leading them to extremes of tax
ation aad persecution in order to en
rich themselves. The first cry of the
revolutionists was "Down with the tax
es," which soon was changed to "Down
with the clergy" and finally to
taxes," which soon was changed to
"Down;, with the Spanish." The gov
ernment aad ecclesiastical authorities
vera joined In an unholy alliance to
wring profit from the misery of , the na
tives. The richer class is made up of
foreigners, Germans, Chinese, English
men, and a few Americans, who, exact
ing a greater tribute from the native
agriculturists, pay a leas to the gover
nor and the host of greedy alcaldes and
minor omclals. Briefly, these were the
causes which led to insurrection in
Caba as well as the Philippines, and
which la the end will rob Spain of the
two last gems of her colonial crown.
Wherever there was disaffection it
was encouraged by republicans and
Spanish Carlists, hoping in the end to
irerre themselves by weakening the
In the Philippines there is added to
official corruption the shocking crook
edness of the European clergy, be
longing to all known monastic orders,
who encourage abuses of governmental
authorities that they may gain im
munity from an interference in their
nefarious business. Year by year the
taxes have been Increased and have as
sumed proportions out of all reasonable
relation to the yield of rice fields and
sugar plantations. The people pro
tested feebly against new impositions,
but as opposition to the government
increased -the rigor of the rule grew,
and hundreds of men and women were
deported without trial to the penal col
onies of the Caroline and Marianne
Islands. Within recent years a means
for secret meeting has been given by
the Introduction of Masonic lodges,
which have increased rapidly in num
ber and in membership. The clergy
brought to bear all of its immense in
fluence with authorities both at Madrid
and Manila for the suppression of these
try into Manila to sell nothing more
than a chicken or a fish. At one time
In every village there were several
weavers whose cotton cloths, much
prized by the natives, had a ready and
remunerative sale. This local indus
try has disappeared owing to a royal
decree favorable to the manufacturers
of Catalonia, which permitted their
goods to enter without duty. These
manufacturers sent goods of an in
ferior quality and extraordinary cheap,
ness and drove the native workmen
.out of competition. This was tbe only
Industry known in the Philippines, and
there remained only the cultivation of
the fields. Dut the native, if owner of
a rice plantation or a field of sugar
cane, almost always sells his crops
standing in the field or plantation at
a price which barely pays for the cost
of raising to the half-breed Chinese,
who in turn sell them to the German,
English or American traders at .an
enormous profit Not satisfied wltt
the tributes of the rich Chinese and
foreign houses, the governors impose
taxes upon the poor native landholders
which take from them everything they
may gain from their crops. The gov
c'rnors are energetic in the collection
of these taxes, for they receive a per
centage, usually one-fifth, of all the
revenues of the colony, in addition to
money which the law does not allow
but custom never questions.
Masonry Spreads Socialism.
Masonic lodges were introduced into
the archipelago by socialists driven to
Manila after the Insurrection of Car
tagena. It is true that these people
closed their lodges as soon as the Cre
oles and half-breeds showed their in
tention of joining them, but the mis
chief was done with the lesson. The
natives began to establish societies in
all parts of the islands, and In a few
years had enrolled 30,000 members. The
mysterious and symbolic attracts the
imaginations of these people, and the
opportunity of secret meeting and dis
cussion of grievances without fear of
betrayal was seized upon enthusiastic
ally. It is the custom for a new mem
ber to make a gash in hi3 arm, and
over the blood he mixes with that of
the initiator he swears his allegiance.
Don't judge a man by the clothes
he wears, instead of those he pays
Zdaeate Your Vowels With
Candy Cathartic cure constipation forever,
10c, t3c If C. C C fail, druggists refund moaer.
"You say you tole dc cop he was a
lobster, did vou? Wot did he do?"
"Pinched me."
airs. Wtaftktw ttoethlng Srrwf)
For children tcethlng.nrtff th w.niimalin.
nation, allays pain, cum wind colic. tS ccatsa bottle.
Don't give your candid opinion to a
friend unless you are tired of the
For Lung and chest diseases, Pico's Cure
is the Lest medicine we have used. Mrs. J.
L. Northcott, Windsor, Ont., Canada.
Don't worry because you have noth
ing to worry about
tTS I'rnaaoFntlrl-'tircd.fialltaaracrfoaaaeMaRav
firat dajr" ne of Dr. Kline's Groat Kerre Bettorac
twnd f..r FREE M.OO trial bottle aad traatiaa.
Ob. R. II. Klim. Ltd.. 931 Arch SU Philadelphia, fa.
vMmM ' "Iv -(S
a KIftPttmpr Tfflffif2. Jim
r- mMmmisrvMr
called "Nolle Me Taagere, in which It)
hewed the despotic, rapacious aad de
bauched nature of the priests of tha
coaatry. This book was placed la th
Iadez atxpaigatoriaa aad the author's,
goods coaflacated, his brothers deport-'
ed, his aged another banished, and him
self relegated .to the Island of Min
danao, entirely peopled by Mohamme-'
daaa. mortal enemies of Spain.
Rtzal lived in this exile for several
rears, aatil he learned that physicians
aad surgeons were needed with the
troops fighting in Cuba. He offered his
services to Spain, which accepted them,
and he embarked at Manila for Barce
lona. When he arrived at the penin
sula and was ready to leave for Havana
he was arrested, sent back to Manila,
summarily tried, and executed. This
was the work of Governor Polavieja.
who had succeeded Blanco. While Rl
sal was on his journey to Spain rebel
lion had broken out, and the anger of
the authorities against him was arous
ed by new charges of perfidy made by
the priests, to whom Polavieja was de
voted. Tbe execution of Rizal made
the rebellion more furious, and the in
surgents sought as much to avenge his
death as their wrongs. Rizal to them
was the martyred hero of their cause.
The first victims of the rebels were the
priests. Their monasteries were burn
ed, and the hatred for the monks
sought extremes of cruelty in its expression.
Not only the uneducated and super
stitious elements of the population took
part In the rebellion, but the most
prominent native families. Many young
men are sent each year to Madrid and
other peninsular cities to be educated,
and return to their homes with knowl
edge of the freedom of speech and un
restricted liberty of the press in Spain
and imbued with republican or anar
chist ideas, which encourage them to
attempt the free expression of their
opinions. The result is persecution.
Furthermore, a native, no matter how
prominent is never given a salaried
official position, all of which are mono
polized by the retainers of different
ministries. To all of the wrongs de
scribed are to be added the notorious
corruption of the judiciary and the
brutality of the police.
The people yielded submissively to
accumulating injustice for many years.
Tolerance is one of tbe chief character
istics of the Indian, natives of the
Philippines, who greatly resemble
their near neighbors, the Japanese.
Their uprising two years ago was al
most Incomprehensible to witnesses of
the respect of established authority,
submission, and gentleness of habit
through years of misrule.
Blanco was deposed by the enmity of
the monks, who thought him too tol
erant and without the cruel energy
they demanded. Polavieja, his succes
sor, was taken with fever and returned
to Madrid. After him came General'
Primo de Rivera, and now General Ba
sllio Augustln Devilio is pent up in
Manila by Admiral Dewey's fleet
Why It Did Not Hart.
A Scotch laddie, Jock by name, after
being carried, an unwilling patient, by
his mother to the bone-man to get his
leg set was asked if the manipulation
had hurt him. "No," said Jock, "it
dinna hurt me." "I told you it widna
be painful," said his mother. "Ah!"
replied Jock, "nae wonder; ye see,
mother, I just let him fumble wi' the
sound leg." Argonaut
la tha sixtaeath century there was a
cartons law ta England, whereby
traet-hawkers wars forbidden ta sell
plants aad apples, for the reaeoa that
servaats aad apprentices were aaaMa
to resist tha sight of them, and were.
coasesoently. tempted to steal their
employers' money la order to ea joy the
costly delicacies.
la a. Chat far 7S Ti
A stager died recently at Ryde, Iris
of Wight, 8S years of age, who had
saag ia the choir for seveaty-nine
"There is nothing more healthful
and nourishing," said Mr. Skianphlint
to his wife, as he looked over his
morning paper -borrowed and noted
the price of wheat, "than good corn
bread. See that we have more of it
hereafter, will your' Chicago Trib
une. A Better Offer: "I see that a clergy,
man in Dawson City gave up a salary
of $10,000 a year. How do you ac
count for that?" "His parishioners
agreed to board him." Detroit Free
Press. -
We arc asserting ta the court our right to the
exclusive use of the word CASTOR1A." and
"PITCHER'S CASTOHIA'as our Trade Mark.
I. Dr. Samuel Pitcher, of Hyaanis. Massa
chusetts was the originator of "PITCHEIfS
CASTORIA," the same that has borne and does
now bear the fac-simile signature of CHAS. H.
FLETCHER on every wrapper. This is the
original "PITCHER'S CASTORIA" which has
been used ia the homes of the mothers of
America for over thirty years. Look carefully
at the wrapper aad see that it Is "the kind you
have always bought." and has the signature or
CHAS. H. FLETCHER ea the Wrapper. No
one has authority from me to use my aame ex
cept The Centaur Company, of which Caas H.
Fletcher is President.
March 8. 1(97. SAMUEL PITCHER. H. D.
Don't think because an heiress is a
female heir that a mattress is a fe
male mat
"What Is your objection to womea'g
clabs. professor? Havea't they as
good a right to orgaaixe themselves
lato clubs for good-fellowship, mutual
entertainment, or instruction, as men
have?" "O, yes madam. I don't ques
tion their right to do anything tney
please. My objection to women's clubs
tf I have any. is that nearly ail the
club women I happen to be acquainted
with, pronounco it progrm," Chic
ago Tribune.
PaMIe Clocks.
Few cities are provided with- public
clocks of such a size and prominent
location as to indicate time over met
ropolitan districts. But it is high time
to check kidney and bladder complaint
manifested ta the sufferer by inactiv
ity of the organs: Hcstctter's Stom
ach Bitters remedies this, and cures
dyspepsia and nervousness.
80 flays) Mrs. Mary Kooamatto of
Unfjkn, Haw Jecaay, ia tbla
Latter to lar&PaakJUkaa. ,
"We ought to worry more ever other
people's troubles than our own." "I do.
I worry over my creditors' troubles."
"What are they?" "My debts." De
troit Free Press.
Beauty is Bloea
hlond imiw arlpan &L In. fin iasat
Without It. Uasrttrels. L'aiulr CathaHln
Cleans your blood and keeps It clean, by ttr
nagHDthetazv llrcr ana ilrlriniraM imnn.
title from the bodv. Bectn todnv to lanlsl
pimples. lioiN, blotches. backhcadV. .ind that
Besln today to banish
sickly bilious coBODlcxton by taking Caba
rets beauty for ten cents. All drurcutta,
satisfaction guaranteed. 10c. Zjc, 58c
Don't get the idea into your head
that distance lends enchantment to
a man's view on pay day.
me by my
17 7r"""Caaaaaau
Hall's Catarrh Care
Is a constitutional cure. Price, 73c.
Why is blue grass invariably green?
s; the oldntaad beat ItwIlliircaknpaesMqaUst
taan anything else. Itisalwajsnliaala. Try It-
Don't think because a man holds a
position of trust that he will trust
Jhake lata Tear 8ct
Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder for the
feet. It cures painful, swollen, smart
ing feet and instantly takes the sting
out of corns and bunions. It's the
greatest comfort discovery of tbe age.
Allen's Foot-Ease makes tight-fitting
or new shoes feel easy. It is a certain
cure for sweating, callous and hot,
tired, nervous, aching feet Try it to
day. Sold by all druggists and shoe
stores. By mail for 23c in stamps.
Trial package FREE. Address, Allen
8. Olmsted, Le Roy. N. T.
9aaaL -snaflmaaT aaBaaaaP'aBaBaV sw rsr7J mTH,nT'!aaar - " asLs awXrrafwaa"
"vNIAltD,f'Wyj 3 if 21 Hire, is
l&jgSl BeveUCear wsBi
IR3 Gkaiiless Bicycles, K3
jBJEa $125. Keffil
C3B Colnalii Cliia TktcU, - $75 RmHf
fiXK Eirtfori Biejelts, - - - M faaQ
E52I Ttdcttt Biejclct, 40 anil 35 11229
naaaaa aaSBsf
ESkR Machines and Prices Kw9P
jEEF Guaranteed. nVsa9
"I was bothered with a flow which
woald be quite annoying at times, and
at others would almost stop.
"I used prescriptions given 1
physician, but tho
same state
of affairs
"After 1
time A was
taken with!
a flooding, I
that 1 was
obliged to '
keep my bed.
Finally, in
despair, I
gave up my doc
tor, and began
taking yonr medi
cine, and have certainly been greatly
benefited by its use.
"LydiaE-Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound has indeed been a friend to me.
" 1 am now able to do my own work,
thanks to j'ou r wonderful medicine. I
was as near death I believe as X could
be, so weak that my scarcely beat
and my heart had almost given out I
could not have stood it ono week more.
I am sure. I never thought I would
be so grateful to any medicine.
".I shall use my influence with any
one suffering as I did, to have them
use Lydia E. Piakliam's Vegetable
Every woman that is puzzled alout
her condition should secure the sympa
thetic advice of a woman who under
stands. Writo to Mrs. Pinkhnm at
Lynn, Mass.. and tell her your ills.
Why have so many people the fac
ulty of finding out things that are
none of their business?
To Cure tjoastipatloa Forever.
Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10e or 25c.
If C C C fail to cure, druggists refund money.
Why isn't a bridle for a woman's
.tongue a necessary part of her har
ness? Iaveatom Ileadamrtera.
(The Deputation In ISM was 9.500.000, or twice as largo ns the Dominion of Can
ada. The natural resources are far richer than England's possessions to
the north o us.)
Don't do things today so you'll have
to do them over tomorrow.
. Greatly Tested.
Greatly Recommended.
The loss of the hair is, one of the most
serious losses a woman caa undergo.
Beantifal tiatr gives many a woman a
claim to beaaty which woald be utterly
wanting if the locks were short aad
canty. It is almost as senons a loss when
the natural hoe of the hair begins to fade.
and the shining tresses of chestnut and
aatrara are changed to gray or to a faded
Shadow of their former brightness. Such
a loss is no longer a necessity. There is
one remedy which may well be called a
great remedy by reason of its great suc
cess in stooniaarthe falling f ttu. ,-
cleaasiag the scalp of daadrat, aad re.
Meting the lost color to gray or faded
!?.. Dr:,Arfr' Hair Vigor is a stand
ard and reliable preparation, ia use ia
taonaanda of homea. aad recommended by
Jnjone who has tested it and esperw
jnced the remarkable results that follow
tta nse. It makes hair grow. It restore
the original color to hair that has turned
pay or faded out. It stops hair from fall
ing, cleanses, the scalp of dandruff, aad
wires , the hair a thickness aad gloss that
ao other preparation caa produce.
..MLsr,laann' of S5 tt St. Hew
orkCtty, writes:
"A little more than a year ago. my hair
began turning gray and falling oat. and
although I tried ever ao many things to
Frevent a continuance of these conditions,
obtained no satisfaction until I tried Dr.
Aver's Hair Vigor. After using one bottle
my hair was restored to its natural color,
and ceased falling out." Mrs. Hebxmamn.
356 fcast 68th St.. New York City.
"I have sold Dr. Ayer's Hair Vigor for
fifteen year, aad I do not know of a cast
where it did not give entire satisfaction. I
uave Dccn. ana am now usiag it myself for
dandruff aad gray hair, aad am thoroughly
convinced that it is the best oa the market.
Nothing that I ever tried caa touch it. It
affords me great pleasure to recommend it
to the public" FaAKK M. Gaova. Fauna.
dale, Ala.
There's more on this subject ia Tn.
Ayer's Cnrebook. A story of cares told by
the cared. This book of 100 pages is seal
free, oa request, by the J. C Ayer Co
Lowell. Mass.
Affsverisa Uvcrtiscawats atisalr
Hestiaa This Faaer.
Sour Stomach
itS!Usjy?"Hoto"-" K
daU'a PerftriMi rn.ik rv
Over MS flam Illnaat a-
JKjlSlS Prescriptions and receipts
for everything. To Lire Ageata we will send
a copy with terms to agents For 1 Cents to
Sv poRtaae The Kendall Publishing Ox.
ratojra Springs. N. Y. . " -.
"im aaTaar?!Tnrs1 -
r. UiH
iwaawess. headache, etc. At druggists So A It.
-After waa nadaced ne try CAaCA
My Uver was la a very had saase. aad say head
acta aad I had stomach trouble. Row. ataes tea
ms Cascareta.1 ftwl See. Mr wife has ahw need
ahem with heaeSdal nealts for sear aaamaea.'
job. aazauxs.
t mwanr ,rwriib
Gees, never!
a - ..
:iMsa sasaaa anas ayasnaaaaaw saa
.rMMAC ttrVMmtlMXF
r. Uf In. Wi
organizations, and so severe was the
"persecution of the Free Masons and so
great became the abuse of the arbi
trary power of alcaldes to imprison and
deport suspects that tbe. Spanish gov
ernment Issued a decree declaring that
every individual whose culpability Was
not proved after forty-eight hours' im
prisonment should be given his liberty.
Places fer Nutaaacea.
It has long been a notorious fact in
Spain that generals whose influence
among the people is becoming too great
for the entire comfort of tbe regency
or who are disaffected through the con
stant shifting of politics are rent to
Caba or to the Philippines to make or
remake their fortunes. If they return
to Spain with riches out of all propor
tion to the emoluments of their office
.-nobody commits the Indiscretion of
asking the source. Their commissions
are recognized as letters of marque giv
ing them the right to seize upon what
ever they may. There are many and
celebrated Instances of this condition
of things. Including General Weyler,
General Blanco, aad General Riviera.
Still more extraordinary than the apa
thy of Sraln to this legalizing of cor
ruption is the fact that the colonics
regard with terror every change of
ministry, knowing that it means a
haage of governor general and anoth
er swooping down of birds of prey,
whose ravenous appetites must be as
suaged. The hatred of colonists for
the mother country is made greater
because all minor offices in the Islands,
,even to the clerkships, are given to
favorites cf the new ministers, and na
tives are nerer allowed to share in the
feast. Moreover, the lands of the re
ligions orders steadily increase. The
priests and monks possets enormous
plantations from which they derive
Immense revenues. The people are
made to pay dearly for sacraments, snd
the fees exacted are much greater than
ia any parish of Europe.- The clergy
live la luxury, giving themselves up in
their Isolation not only to every man
ner of secular indulgence bnt to the
most atrocious excesses, which in
SpalB weald drive them in disgrace
from the church.
While these functionaries enjoy free
dom from taxation, any native, man
aad woman, without reference to prop
erty income or station, is compelled to
aay a fzed tax. An Indian woman
without employment and not owning
any farnHnre mast pay 10 pesetas. A
man must pay 45 pesetas. Defaulting
in this payment, he is forced to work
'for afteea days oa the roads. Every
individual whose trade does not exceed
the sale of a few betel ants, a basket
W mangoes, or a beach of bananas,
fanst fay aa additional tax. as must
! !l! 1 !lT?r a It from tke conn.
Each member, therefore, bears a scar
on his arm, and this mark makes him
ft suspect of Spanish authorities. It
has happened many times that a pris
oner has been convicted and shot on no
other evidence than this telltale mark.
Many women associated themselves
in these orders. Sedition has thus been
fostered, free from civil, religious and
military authorities, and a regime of
liberty roughly formulated. The lodg
es are moat numerous in Cavite, the
principal theater of the rebellion, while
in Batangas, Bulacan, and Pampanga
there are ten to twenty branches of
the order, and at least one in each of
the other provinces. Their emwine
influence and implacable hatred of the
clergy was a source of grave apprehen
sion to the priests, who petitioned the
minister to order General Ramon
Blanco, then governor general of the
r.rchipelago, now of Cuba, to put an
end to Freemasonry. But General
Blanco was not energetic in carrying
ont this command, being too much oc
cupied in a contest against Mohamme
danism in Mindanao. The government,
again appealed to by the priests, and
peculiarly susceptible to this influeaceJ
peremptorily ordered Blanco to take
the rigorous measure of deporting 400
members of the lodges.
This order was the direct cause of
the uprising in 1896. which began In
Manila, and extended to Cavite, Pam
panga Laguna and Bulacan. but not to
other provinces, because of the ancient
rivalry of the races, the surest safe
guard of Spanish rule. This is a fac
tor In the politics of the islands that
the government fully appreciates, to
the point, indeed, of encouraging the
factional enmities. Before the con
quest by Magellan the islands were
ruled by warring Sultans, and there
still remain vestiges of numerous
Because of his inactivity and appar
ent indulgence to the rebels Blanco was
denounced in Madrid by religious bod
ies. What exasperated the priests
most was that be refused to kill Rizal,
who was by them proclaimed to be the
principal factor in the rebellion. As a
matter of fact, however, this does not
appear to be true, and no just cause
was given for such summary action.
The clergy sought revenge upon Rizal
above everything else for his denun
ciation of them to the people.
RIaal'a Tragic Career.
Rizal was a pure-blooded Indian, who
was brought up by the Dominicans of
Manila. 'He went to Europe, studied
medicine, law, sciences and foreign
tongues, and returned to Manila hon
ored with the highest degree of con
tinental universities, a Freemason, and
the inexorable foe of the cerrapt cler
gy, He waa (he aathor of a novel
Dense Population la Bombay.
The greatest density of population
ia the world Is claimed for Bombay,
and is only disputed by Agra. The
population of Bombay amounts to 760
persons per acre in certain areas, and
fa these sections the street area only
occupies one-fourth of the whole.
Repartee la the Zoo.
The camel (to the polar tear) Ob, I
don't know! You're not so warm. The
polar bear Well, I don't see what
you've got your back up about.
The total number of colored troop3
enlisted during the civil war wa3 185,
017. A Prince of Wales is of age from his
birth, and a chair is placed for him oa
the right of the throne in the bouss
of lords.
The amount of silk produced by each
spider is so small that a scientist com
putes 063,522 would be required to pro
duce a pound of thread.
More men have died and are buried
on the Isthmus of Panama, along tha
line of the proposed canal, than on any
equal amount of territory in the world.
The first and sixth days of January,
tbe twenty-ninth of September and the
twenty-fifth of March bave beea cele
brated as Christmas, day, and it wa3
not until the middle of tbe fourth cen
tury that tbe church council fixed the
date as at present.
It is said that the castor-oil plant
is abhorred by nearly all members of
the animal world; that moles may ba
driven from a lawn by planting a few
castor-beans in it, and that neither
the terrible "army-worm" nor tho all-
destroying locust will cat it.
Swiss funeral customs arc peculiar.
At tbe death of a person the family
inserts a formal, black-edged an
nouncement in the paper asking for
sympathy, and stating that "the
mourning urn" will bc exhibited during
certain hours en a special day. In
front of the house where the person
died there is placed a little black table,
cohered with a black cloth, on which
stands a black jar. Into tbis the
friends and acquaintances of the family
drop little, black-margined visiting
"cards, sometimes with a few words of
sympathy on them. The urn is put
oa the table on the day of the funeral.
iaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaapaa .
? BBaBafaamaBBBBBBBtn
is due not only to the originality and
simplicity of the combination, but also
to the care and skill with which it is
manufactured by scientific processes
known to the California Fio Syrup
Co. only, and we wish to impress upon
all the importance of purchasing' the
true and original remedy. As tho
genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured
by tho Califoknia Fio Sirup Co.
only, a knowledge of that fact will
assist one in avoiding the worthless
imitations manufactured by other par
ties. The high standing- of the Cali
fornia Fio Svkup Co. with the medi
cal profession, and the satisfaction
which the genuine Syrup of Fics has
given to millions of families, makes
the name of the Company a guaranty
of the excellence of its remedy. It is
far in advance of all other laxatives,
as it acts on the kidneys, liver and
bowels without irritating or weaken
ing them, and it does not gripe nor
nauseate. In order to get its beneficial
effects, please remember the name of
the Company (
SAS PBAncMca. cat.
AACTC To go, our new Cat-
'" av aloguc. Uuu.Iredaof
aisaiMiaia people save liun
Ifiw 'TllWfwr drcils of dollars se
lecting Furniture, Draperies, etc., from it,
Send for It. It Rlvos prices and pictures.
1113 Douglas St.. Omaha. Neb.
W. N. U. OMAHA. NO. 23.-1 89b
Ansacrisfi Kdvcrtlsemcgts Kiadiy
Mention This Tascr.
All Inventora visiting the Exposi
tion are invited to make the offices of
Sues & Co.. Patent Lawyers, their
headquarters. This firm !s located i:i
the famous Bee Building, where ftee
patent books and information may be
tTioairjwieig."!! g'iHwa.t unuirDMiiArf-"-
The longest fence in the world is a
wire netting fence In Australia, 1.23G
miles long, its object being t- keep the
rabbits from cultivated fileds.
The largest library in tbe world is
the National Library of Paris, which
contains forty miles of -shelves, hold
ing 1.400,000 books. There are also
175,000 manuscripts. 300,000 maps and
charts and 150,000 coins and medals.
The largest sun-dial in the world is
Hayon Horoo, a large promontory ex
tending 3.000 feet above the Aegean
sea. As the sun swings round the
shadow 'of this mountain It touches
one by one. a circle of islands, which
act as hour marks.
The greatest bell In tbe world Is in
an edifice before the great temple of
Baddha at Toklo. It weighs 1.700.000
pounds, and is four times greater than
the great bell of Moscow, whose cir
cumference at the rim is nearly sixty
eight feet, and whose height Is twenty
one feet
The largest cask in the world is the
Blatner cask of Nuremberg. It is 105
feet in diameter and fifty-one feet
deep, and its completion a few years
ago was celebrated by a ball, at which
over 500 persons were on the floor of
the cask, excluding musicians, waiters
aad assistants.
Why can't a man avoid many a
bad scrape by letting his whiskers
Impartaat Iowa Inventions.
Among the- subjects of recent appli
cations for patents prepared by us is
an acetyline gas generator that may
be small and used as a hand lamp or
large to supplv a multiplicity of burn
ers and located wherever desired T'f;
usual ga3 holder telescopically coa
nected with a water tank and valves
and valve gearing are dispensed with
and the flow cf water and gas auto
matically regulated by hydrostatic
pressure and gas pressure. O. D.
Hargc of Prairie City is the inventor.
An apparatus for illustrating the
phenomena of thunder and lightning
mounted on a portable platform gen
erates and stores static electricity In
an artificial cloud suspended above
the platform in such a manner that
when a minaturc building is placed
on the platform visible zig-zag cur
rents will leap from the cloud and
make splinters fly from the building
P3 sharp reports in imitation of
thunder shock tne ears of the behold
er. W. Dodd and A. D. Struthers of
Des Moines, inventors.
Valable information about obtain
ing, valuing and celling patents sent
free to any address.
Solicitors of Patents.
Iowa Patent Office, Dcs Moines, Iowa,
May 11 1898.
As a means of defense it is suggest
ed that base ball umpires be painted
a dull lead color.
Ito-To-Bee fer Titty Cents.
Guaran-tl tobacco habit cure, makes weak
men strong, olood pure. 50c. 91. All druggists.
If silence is golden all deaf and
dumb persons ought to be million
aires. The Omaha Exposition of 1898
Beats the Centennial Exposition which
occurred in Philadelphia in 1876 away
out of sight and is next to the World's
Fair at Chicago in importance to tbe
whole country. All of the States In
the Trans-Mississippi region are Inter
ested, and our Eastern friends will en
jcy a visit to Omaha during the con
tinuance of the Exposition, from June
to October, Inclusive. Buy your ex
cursion tickets over the Chicago, Mil
waukee tc St. Paul R'y. An illustrated
folder descriptive of the Exposition
will be sent you on receipt of 2-cent
stamp for postage. Address Geo. H.
Hcafford, General Passenger Agent,
Chicago, 111.
r DFniMDFC ma rnnuisir. '
.KeokukJowa. New Have NoNN.i
wurtmsni svfc
fM'aiiaiSirEajiagftVJrJc.aiR &i WtacnuiMu aMsBt- .
lal starch Is prepare'! un stlcntlflc principle Iiv men who hive hail jcar if pnetli a! exrcrlnrr In fancy
laumWInir. It restores M linen anil nnimrr 1rrc mm to their natural uhltcncvatnlliiirarNn l,riiilfiil in
lasting finl'b. It Is ths only March manufactured that In rerfeitly hnniilivn. containing neither ar-enlc.
alum or an r other si:ltance injurious to linen ami can lie nei! even fi.ra lialiy portlier.
For Sale by All Wholesale and Retail Grocers.
OOO 1 copies of this aclmowr-
ledgca masterworK or tne century, re are novr cnawea to oner it to the public at far
2S less than the publishers prices! Thousands of persons, irho heretofore have not f-It
S able to purchase, it, will cascrlr welcome this opportunity to secure at reduced price "The
S Greatest Achievement of Modern Times."
The ferryboat
to the riter.
is a constant ero3
If a man walks upright he may be
able to avoid the pavements made of
good intentions.
Tho largest block of marble ever
sent out of Bast Tennessee was shipped
by way of tbe Baltimore and Ohio Rail
road to New England during the first
week in March. It was consigned to
Norcross- Bros., at East Cambridge.
Mass.. and It weighed 45.000 pounds.
It was quarried near Knozville.
Globetrotle: "Did yon ever travel on
a personally conducted tour?" Mr.
Meeke: "Often." Globetrotle: "Whom
did vou have for manager usually?"
Mr. Meeke; "My wife." New York
iaaaaaaaaaafl efBatTBaOS
assflaOaBwBKi BBBaiPsVtaH
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aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasaaaaa-aaSaarg " :.i'-
Hiaani ii . m Try, i - -v
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