The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, April 13, 1898, Image 4

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Spring Medicine
A Good Blood Purifier a Ntcts
Ky Now
HNdl Saiaartfla Uwesjiialnsl far
taking Rich, Had Haaa.
The necessity fortakiag a good Sprta
llediciae to purify the blood aad baiM as
the system is based apon natural aad aa
avoidable causes. In cold weather tacts
has been less perspiration and inpurities
have not passed oat of the system as Ussy
should. Food baa consisted largely of
rich, fatty substances, and there baa bsea
less opportunity for outdoor exercise.
The result is, the blood is loaded with im
purities and these aanst be promptly ex
pelled or health will be endangered.
Hood's Sarsaparilla is the best Spring
Medicine because it is the beat blood
purifier and tonic It thoroughly pwiftat
the blood and gives vigor and Vitality.
5 paiiila
Is America's Greatest Medicine. SI; six far SS.
HaaH'c Dille the favorite cathar
rlOOa S K111S ye All druggists, ate.
Never marry but for love, but see
that thou lovest what is lovely.
. Shake Into Tear Sheee.
Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder for the
feet. It cures painful, swollen, smart
ing feet and instantly takes the sting
out of corns and bunions. It's the
greatest comfort discovery of the age.
Allen's Foot-Ease makes tight-fitting
or new Eboes feel easy. It is a certain
cure for sweating, callous and hot,
tired, nervous, aching feet. Try it to
day. Sold by all druggists and shoe
stores. By mail for 25c in stamps.
Trial package FREE. Address, Allen
S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y.
Take not too short a time to make
n wide-world bargain In. Shake
speare. Edeeate Tour Bowels With Caaeaxeta.
Candy Cathartic cure constipation forever,
10c, 25c IICCC fail, druggists refund money.
Man's best friend, and wust enemy,
lias allwuss been himself.
A Dyspeptics daily diet
toyspepsia U one of the not prevalent of
diseases. Thousands of people suffer from
it in a more or less aggravated form. Few
diseases are more painful to the individual
tor more far reaching in their effects on
human life and happiness. What the dys
peptic needs is not local treatment, not
mere temporary stimulus. The real seed
is the toning up of the entire system. For
tify the system and it will do its own fight
ing, and promptly eject any intruding
disease. The success of Dr. Ayer's Sarsa
parilla in curing indigestion and dvspep
sia is due to just this quality which it
possesses, of renewing the vital forces,
repairing the waste and loss of the body.
The ordinary treatment brings the food
down to the level of the weak stomach.
Ir. Ayer's Sarsaparilla puts strength into
the stomach, and brings it up to the level of
the strong food fit for men. It does this
by strengthening the entire system. The
stomach cannot stay weak when all the
other organs are gaining strength. What
Dr. Ayer's Sarsaparilla will do for dyspep
sia is best illustrated in cases like that of
M. S. Shields, Meridian. Miss. Mr. Shields
had got down to the last level of dyspepsia.
But let him tell his own story :
" For years, I was afflicted with dyspep
sia which gradually grew worse until I
could eat nothing but bread and potatoes
W.N. U. OMAHA. NO. 15. 1898.
Vkea Assverisj Mvertiseaests Easily
Mcatioa This Taper.
Wtrk White Yti Stetp .
aM fuactioas for the
leaving you. not duM and stupid, but
right and tress, tuuy pnparea tor your
cayaana.wtauCTMMSBBsiiamy g
steed to
Gin GeistipatiM
A booklet aad sample free ia
can buy a bat far xoc. age, floe
tsmtUsaCuOQ gu&ractGsKi
Tm nCfsust RvMOsiy C CM
A better Scale for
less money than hes
ever been offered.
Jones of Binshamtoa,
jsiuguauubn, . x.
ITP OTS To onr new c
WWO I 0 alogue. Hundredsof
aass iim people save hun
IV W I slllV dreds of dollars se
lecting Furniture, Draperies, etc-, from It,
Seed for it. It glvos prices and pictures.
1418 Douglas St Omaha. Neb.
, aaaaela. aeat aaaaaa, esuTS-soeia.
l to oar actas.Wrtta tar
' nirm BHM-i
Bee sTtHj SWf)TllBr to cnre dyspep
sia, constipation, liver and kidney diseases.bil
lioosncss, headache, etc. At druggists SSc All.
' ti n hit fnr STtfc
aEa'.rciwy work anpateaursa. Highest reTi'aces.
J I I H I I I I I i
A tablet taken at bed tiaw.SSOtass year
steaaber and is aura ss
m9TO,s ft. fo ;"- ":-
httW. TWT rem UabUH,af !!
SM tc.CTCT !! TloaTolhr. SuklluaniilBSBj
JnafMnr. ThMintnr uh B law ajSMJ
Saflgteoa UI. aaa aut tk Mart wis4bU1 hsaiaaBvBH
the hew beats the old as thePJ
bold heat the wooden wheel.h
BJen nenpt t mat nrtsaa BMtar Act sat was fBSJ
risMlwiUb antta raaiass alt aaa that to
WA Rtoraed. CStr icb.-t to canca'lrtlon at aaj liaa. aWJ
WA u jwet cU tnl ia rot aa Acnactar, witta far AWJ
WAVtarmi ettaaj aawtaraM taaaaaaMt r.jJy
jseii FiiTiiemi
aUTM SMdelc. acat aaaaaa, eat.T ae nii.W
B ALf& top" sunn jyy i
WJflB&axaaa ttnoOfH raUfMIy fawarvafa.
W.WNaaeh. "TTaaiSiilaaa tnlnl"
UarUf O By oothlns and subduing the pain. ,
1 nUW b That's ths way
1 i'i i i i i i i
Wafsiitg of Remsen Whltenottae,
anon whom the kins of Italy has con
ferred the Order of St Maurice aad
8t Lasare, the Newport Herald says:
"Mr. Retnsea Whitehouse, after
achieving fame as an Alpine climber
ant earning the acknowledgement of
his valuable contribmtlons to physical
geography from the great Rectus was
secretary of legation and acting min
ister in Guatemala and Mexico. He
was semmoned from his Mexican post
to Washington to discharge the duties
of secretary of the Pan-America con
gress. An accomplished linguist aad
man of the world, with the experience
of the courts of Copenhagen, Madrid
and Rome, In Europe and Guatemala
aad Mexico in America, it is a striking
commentary on America's strange in
difference to diplomacy as a scientific
study that Remsen Whitehouse should
have been dropped from the list of the
foreign service to make way for men
whose educational advantages hare
-never been his, and who, therefore,
can no more produce harmony from
the strings of the diplomatic concert
than they could from a violin on which
they had not learned to play in child
hood." First College Girl : "What is to be
the title of your graduation essay?"
Second College Girl: "Beyond the
Alps lies Italy.' What's the title of
yours?" First College Girl: "Beyond
the altar lies the washtub.' "Judge ;
Great Benevolence
In large cities of the United States
the condition of the poor is -constantly
being improved by the benevolences
of wealthy people. Sanitary reforms
are suggested and carried out with
earnestness but those produced by
Hostetter's Stomach Bitters In dis
ordered liver, bowels or nervous sys
tem are very conspicuous.
Hope is the best friend that enny
man naz. and the only one that sum
Beauty Is Blood Beep.
Clean blood means aclcan skin. No beauty
Without it. Oascarcts, Candy Cathartic
cleans your blood and keeps It clean, by stir
riBC up the lazy liver and driving all Impu
rities from the body. Begin today to banish
pimples, boils, blotches, b ack beads, and that
sickly bilious complexion by taking Casca
rcts beauty for ten cents. All druggists,
satisfaction guaranteed. 10c 25c, 50c
Phools are allwuss the fust ones to
proclaim it.
i J
seasoned with a little salt, and drink only
a little milk. I became so bad that a trifle
too much of even these caused terrible
suffering in the regions of the stomach,
darting pains back of the eyes, attended
with dizziness and partial loss of sight.
The only way I could get relief was by vom.
uu. nnaiiy i nau Mien a severe aiiacK
that the entire left side of my bodv felt
numb and partially paralyzed, and in this
condition. I was taken to nay room nncoa.
scious. The physicians failed to help me.
and none of the many remedies I took did
me any good. At last a friend presented
ror with a bottle of Dr. Ayer's Sarsaparilla
and before I had used half of it. I could see
n decided change for the better. I used
three bottles and was so completely cured
that for four years I have not been troubled
with the old complaint, but am rugged and
hearty and able to cat anything that can
be eaten. It would be impossible to say
too much in praise of Dr. Ayer's Sarsapa
rilla. and I would not give one bottle of it
for a dozen of any other kind." M. S.
Shields, Meridian, Miss. ..
Try Dr. Ayer's Sarsaparilla If you are
dyspeptic. If yon want more testimony to
the value of the medicine, get Dr. Ayer's
Curebook. It is sent free on request by
the J. C Ayer Co.. Lowell.
Saint Folx, the French pcet, who
was always in debt, sat one day In a
barber's shop waiting to be shaved.
He was lathered, when the door opened
and a tradesman entered who hap
pened to be one of the poet's credit
ors, and angrily demanded his money.
The poet composedly begged him not
to make a scene. "Won't you wait for
the money until I am shaved?" "Cer
tainly," said the other, pleased at the
prospect Saint Foix then made the
barber a witness of the agreement,
and immediately took a towel, wiped
the lather from his face and left th
shop. He wore a beard to the end of
his days.
From Baby la the High Chair
to grandma ia the rocker Grain-0 is
eood for the whole familv. Tr to ho
long-desired substitute for coffee. Nev
er upsets me nerves or injures the di
gestion. Made from pure grains it is a
food in itself. Has the taste and ap
pearance of the best coffee at the
price. It is a genuine and scientific ar
ticle and is come to stay. It makes for
health and strength. Ask vour ernoor
for Grain-O.
First Citizen Are you a democrat
or a republican? Second Citizen
Sir.I believe the Maine was blown up.
Philadelphia North American.
sat Tssacce Sstt ana Suwke Tear LHe Amy.
To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag
netic, full of life, nerve, and vigor, take No-To-Bac,
the wonder-wrrker. that makes weak men
strong. All druggists, 50c or 11. Cure guaran
teed. Booklet and sample free. Address
Sterling Remedy Cc, Chicago or New York.
Humble wedlock is far better than
proud virginity. Augustine.
Star Tobacco is tne leading brand of
the world, because it is the best.
A lie is the devil's attempt to coun
terfeit tne truth.
A Cheap Trick.
To manufacture a chea kalsomine
stuck on the wall with glue, claiming
it to be .the "same thing" or "just as
good" as the durable Alabastine. or
to buy and sell such goods on such
representations would seem a cheap
trick. Some resort to It. To be safe,
buy Alabastine only In packages and
properly labeled.
Owls have their orgies while doves
are asleep.
3few Rente to Health.
Little, fragrant, palatable tablets in a
dainty enameled metal box, just right for
the vest pocket or the lady's purse. On the
tablets are stamped the letters 'C, C. C."
Cascaret, Candy Cathartic. Eat one like
candy, and the little tablet at once
purines and destroys disease germs in
the mouth and throat, stops souring of un
digested food in the stomach, stirs up the
liver, tones and strengthens the bowels,
making them act healthily and naturally,
They are well and widely advertised in the
press, but the .best advertisement for Cas
carets is their wonderful mild yet positive
action, which maV e; a Cascaret convert of
every one who tries them. We recommend
them to all our readers.
One of the most remarkable gifts
that ornaments the home of Rev. Dr.
Talmage since his return from his re
cent wedding trip is a Russian tea
service of gold and enamel, a perso
nal token from the Czar of Russia.
i i i i i i i f
from fa Octette, XMaww, OMs,
The atnltUslnss. sf bicycle riding fs
WOBMSi si still a disputed qssstie between
aalasatphyslciaBS aad health nfonaerst
Used ia saodsratioa It surety creates for
rosea a atsaas sf oat-doc awrciae, ths
beaent et which all physician eoaced
Used to excess, like any other paatiaae, its
effect is likely to be dangerous.
The axperieace of Miss Bertha Reed, the
seventeen-year-old daughter of Mr. J. R
Reed, sfts Lake Btj Delaware Ohio, may
point h aidral for parents Who, like Mr. and
Mrs. Reed, have experienced Some concent
for their daughters who are fond of wheel
ing. In the lall of 86 Miss Bertha who had
ridden a great deal, began to fail la aa
alarming Baanaer. She grew steadily paler
and thinner, and it appeared the was going
into consumption. Rest aad quiet did her
aosoiuiety no
good. A physi
cian found her
aulas at 104 a
high rate;
Una this
have been
das to tempo
rary - Bervou
hess when hi
closely, bat her-pulse contin
ued at that rate for two weeks.
He was satisfied then,from her
high pulse and steadily wasting condition
that she was suffering from anaemia or a
bloodlessconditionofuebcdy. She became
extremely weak, and could not stand the
least noise or excitement. In this condition
of affairs they were recommended by an old
friend to get some of that famous blood
mediciaeJDr. Williams' Fink Pills for Pal
People. They did so, and almost from the
first doss Bertha began to improve. 8he
continued to take the plus and was by
means of those pills made entirely well, and
more grateful people than her parents caa
sot be found in the whole State of Ohio.
Dr. William' Pink Pills have proved a
boon to womankind. Acting directly on
the blood and nerves, they restore the re
quisite vitality to all parts of the body:
creating functional regularity and. perfect
harmony throughout the nervous system.
The pallor of the cheeks is changed to the
delicate blush of health ; the eyes brighten;
the muscles grow elastic, ambition is
creased and good health returns.
"Don't say good-bye forever," she
pleaded. There was reason in her re
quest He had been nearly half an hour
at It already, so that her suspicions
that the process might project into
the boundless regions of eternity were
well founded. Indianapolis Journal.
We-To-Bae for Fifty Cents.
Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak
men strong, blood pure. CSctl. All druggists.
Professor Knowall: "Miss Vernon,
what would you say if I were to tell
you that vanity Is but the looking
glass that reflects imaginary virtues
and conceals real faults?" Miss Ver
non (simply): "I should say you
ought to know." Brooklyn Life.
An Ounce of Prevention Ia Worth a
Found of Cure.
Swanson Rheumatic Cure Co., Chi
cago. Dear Sirs: I used one bottle of
your "5 Drops," and it did me more
good than any medicine I ever
used. It did me more good than
all the medicine I have taken
from the doctors for two years, besides
suffering the entire time. In three days
after I commenced using the "5 Drops"
my pains all disappeared. I recom
mend it to all sufferers of rheuma
tism. Very respectfully, R. L. Martin,
Anguilla, Miss. Feb. 7, '98.
Every family should have a bottle
of "5 Drops" on hand, especially at
this season of the year. Changes in
the weather are so liable to cause rheu
matism, la grippe and many other dis
eases that "5 Drops" cures.
For another thirty days you can se
cure a sample bottle of "5 Drops" for
25 cents. The manufacturers have
100.000 sample bottles which they in
tend to distribute for this small
Write today to the Swanson Rheu
matic Cure Co., 167 Dearborn street,
Chicago, HI. This company is reliable
and promptly fill every order.
Too many forget to be useful In
trying to be consistent.
Colorado Gold Field.
Colorado is the banner gold-producing
state In the Union. Production in
1897 over $20,000,000. This year prom
ises to exceed 130,000,000. New strikes
are being made every day. Nothing
like since the days of '19. Would
you know all about these things?
Then send twenty-five cents for a aix
month.8' trial subscription to the
"MINING WORLD," an eight-page
illustrated weekly paper. Regular
subscription, $1.00 a year. The news
iest mining newspaper in the world.
Address "World." P. O. Bos 1611, Den
ver. Colorado
Ine more erfect the trust, the more
perfect the peace.
We are asserting in the courts our right to the
exclusive use of the word "CASTORIA." and
"PITCHER'S CASTORIA," as ourTrade Mark.
I, Dr. Samuel Pitcher, of Hyannis, Massa
chusetts, was the originator of "PITCHER'S
CASTORIA," the same that has borne and does
now bear tho (ac-sunile signature of CHAS. H.
FLETCHER on every wrapper. This is the
original "PITCHER'S CASTORIA" which has
been used in the homes of ihe mothers of
America for over thirty years. Look carefully
at the wrapper and see that it is "the kind you
have always bought," and has the signature of
CHAS. H. FLETCHER on the Wrapper. No
one has authority from me to use my name ex
cept The Centaur Company, of which Chas H.
Fletcher is President.
An iceberg in the pulpit
kindle a fire in the pews.
Beware ef Otsttsaeats tax Catarrh That
Cental Mercury,
as mercury will surely destroy tbe sense
or smell and completely derange the
whole system when entering it through
the mucous surfaces. Such articles
should never be used except on prescrip
tions from reputable physicians, as the
damage, they will do Is tenfold to the
food you can possibly derive from them,
lall'a Catarrh Cure, manufactured by
F. J. Cheney A Co.. Toledo. O.. contains
no mercury, and Is taken internally, act
ing directly upon tbe blood and mucous
surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's
Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine
It la taken internally and made in To
ledo. Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Tes
timonials free. Sold by Druggists, price
25c per bottle.
Hall's Family Pills are the beat.
Men marry to make an end, women
to make a beginning. A. Dupuy.
UtkaeUeataarfkaat ItwWbtcakBpaeoUealefcsr
ifeaaaaytkJaa-elae. Bia always reliable. Try it.
The dews of grace fall during the
night of sorrow.
We wm forfeit SI,000 if any of our pnb
febed testimonials are proven to be not
genuine. Tax Piso Co., Warren, Pa.
Kind words, like fragrant flowers,
are admired by all.
Hoethtea Syrup
For cfcUdic tcetkiBg.aoftcaa tfee gumrjKtot -BMlion,
aUay pain, coirs wind colir. t&craUaboUte.
Fidelity In little things is one of
the surest tests of character.
Te Cure VeaeUawttoa P
Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. lOe or 25c
M C. C C. tall to cure, druggists refund money.
Those who know when to speak,
know when to be silent.
TTS liajaaaellrpai4.eSUeraaroaarattat
trat dar'a aa efbr. Klna'a Gnat Narva aUatarac
Saad for FBJCB ASS trial kaUU aad traaUaa,
Da. B. H. Sun, Ud,SSt Arch St. PfcBaSelBhia. Pa.
Don't cover your neglected duties
with the cloak of excuse.
Bssoke Hedge Cigarettes. for Ida
Married in haste repent At bis-
TBIS-SJ kvery
.vUbbsi Ifain
?.TI r
A young southern attorney, address
ing the supreme court for the first
time, became hopelessly entangled iu
his argument, and Justice Brewer
thinking that he might relieve the eM
barassmeht of the counsel and give
Aim a cjance to said: "I don't ftUs
follow the learned counsel In his ar
gument Perhaps If he will go back:
and repeat a little of what he has al
ready said i may understand him bet
ter. I haven't been able to follow the
thread of his argument." "I noticed
you couldn't,' retorted the unabashed
attorney; "it is a very complicated
point of law, but if you will give mu
your close attention I will try to make
it so clear that you can understand
Some years ago. says the fivenlng
Sun. Edward IS. Rice was presented
to Von. Bulow at & cldb dinner in Bos
ton. It was just about the time that
all Europe was talking of Mme. Von
Bulow's flirtation, with Verdi, whd
had taught the pianist almost ail he
ever knew about music. "I want yod
to become acquainted with Mr. Rice,"
said a friend; "he doesn't know any
thing about music, but he has com
posed several operas." "Delighted, I
am sure," murmured the great pianist,
with a sarcastic smile; "he reminds
me of a man I knew at home; his
name is Verdi."
General John A. Bigham, a member
of the Thirty-eighth Congress and
president of the court which tried Mrs
Surratt for conspiracy against the life
of Abraham Lincoln, is now 82 year?
old, and almost penniless. ..
A Cincinnati man Went to New York
to dispose of a consignment of ap
ples, for which he received 80 cents
per barrel. The next day he lunched
at the Waldorf and had to pay SO
cents for two baked apples which he
had ordered. He was mad all
Flick: "Call him a musician! Why,
he doesn't know the difference be
tween a noqturne and symphony."
Flack: "You don't mean It" And
they hurry to get away from each
other. Each is terriby afraid that
the other will ask: "By the way, what
is the difference?,, Boston Tran
script Iowa Patent OSIee Report.
Des Moines March 31, 1893.
A copyright has be9n granted to Mrs.
M. Alice Hohlehan, for her dress-cutting
We have secured the issue of a
French patent to Geo. W. Cox and F.
R. Smull, of Stuart, Iowa, for the Elec
tric Fire Engine, tested in our city last
week and have applications pending
therefor in other foreign countries.
In 1882. the writer sketched a har
vester and binder on the inventors
farm near Eddyville, that cut wheat
and automatically formed gavels and
bound them with straws picked there
from as the machine advanced. Tho
inventor while bending down to watch
the operation lost an eye by the con
tact of a moving pa't Lately, the
same man, Wm. H. Gray, has irl
umphed in producing a corn harvester
that cuts and binds satisfactorily and
overcomes difficulties that have here
tofore defied the efforts of all c?m
petitors in the art We have se:ured
a plurality of patents and multiplicity
of claims covering all the novel ele
ments and subcombinations of his
inventions for which the essential g.n
eric claims were allowed last week.
Valuable information about obtain
ing, valuing and selling patents sent
free to any address.
Solicitor of Patents.
A husband is a plaster that cures aU
the ills of girlhood. Moliere.
Some Idea of the attention that the
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad is now
paying to its passenger traffic may be
gained from the fact that during the
past eighteen months nearly 800 pas
senger cars received thorough and or
dinary repairs, 696 being repainted.
Nearly all of the equipment is now
royal blue and most of it is equipDCd
with Pintsch gas, the Pintsch light
being used on local as well as through
It is in vain that s. man be born
fortunate if he be fortunate in his
marriage. Dacier.
Wagner Sleeper to West Baden.
The Monon has pnt on a through Wngnet
Sleeper to West Baden and French Lick
the popular sanitariums, leaving Dearborn
Station every Saturday at 8 p.m., arriving
at 6:15 a. m. Regular trains every night
and morning, via New Orleans, as be
fore. City ticket office 233 Clark street
Wedlock's like wine, not properly
judged of till the second glass. Jer
rold. New Inventions.
A novel improvement in piano
stools, has been just secured to a
South Dakota inventor. It comprises
a seat top which may be folded to ac
comodate one, two or three perform
ers as desired.
Inventors desiring a free band book
in relation to patents may obtain the
same by addressing Sues & Co., Bse
Building, Omaha, Neb.
There is no music for the old man
like an old tune.
Both tbe method and results whea
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to tbe taste, and acts
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys,
liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and f even and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
dnced, pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to the stomach, prompt in
its cation and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only f ran the most
healthyand agreeablerabetanees, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the moat
popuar remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50
cent bottles by all leading drag
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not hare it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it. Do int accept asry
uuFotmu m srmm ca.
ilew Successful Farmers Operate This
Depertaaeat of ibe Farm A Few
Hints as to tbe Care of live stock
and Poultry;
QuaUty, Not Quantity.
A mistake in mating means a great
deal. It Is like a farmer planting poor
seed corn and in the fall being re
warded for his season's work by nub
blngs, writes T. F. Rigg in American
Poultry Journal. The most common
mistake in mating pens is putting in
too many females. This is especially
true of the beginner who has but one
pen. lie has raised 18 to 20 pullets
from tWo or three sittings of eggs pur
chased of a reliable breeder. The birds
are an even lot In appearance, and he
takes it for granted all will make godd
breeders. Here is where he makes a
great mistake. He should critically
examine each female, after selecting
the male bird. He should take only
the very best of these, and if he finds
but three or four which fulfill the re
quirements, these and these alone
should be used in the breeding pens.
By so doing he will raise stock supe
rior to that he would secure by sim
ply putting in the pen as many fe
males as tbe male can care for regard
less of fitness. In the fall he will
have a uniform and valuable lot of
chicks, with but few culls. He can
give these chicks better care during
the summer than he could give three
or four times tbe number. I like to
breed from nature birds, but as all our
birds must be pullets or tockerels be
fore they are matrons and sires we
must use them very often the first
year. If possible mate pullets to a two
or three year old cock. In such a male
bird we have known quality, for most
defects in a bird come out ut the time
of the first moulting and surely at the
second moulting. Two-year-old hens
mated to a cockerel is a most satisfac
tory and successful mating. We all
learn by experience that chicks from
hens are more vigorous than chicks
from pullets. Remember that in a
marked degree "like produces like."
Do not put a fowl into your breeding
pen that is seriously defective in any
point. Do not make a mistake in
supposing that an extra fine male will
overcome serious defects in his mates.
It takes a strong point in cither parent
to overcome even a weak one in the
other parent. Tbe male bird may be
half the pen, but he is not. and can
uot be more. As stated, keep the fe
males down in number, looking to
quality only. Select the very best male
bird you have and choose the females
as nearly like him as possible, instead
of balancing defects and merit and
putting in any large number of fe
males. ThiB thing of balancing de
fects and merit and expecting a pen
containing a large number of females
of only ordinary quality to give us a
lot of extra line stock Is a delusion and
A roultry Talk.
(Condensed from l-'atmei' Review Sten
ograplilc Report of Illinois Hound up In
stitution, held at Champaign. Feb.. 21-23.)
The poultry interests of Illinois were
set forth by Hon. U. S. Griffith, who
said in part:
"Uniformity of size and color of
meat Is highly preferred In shipments
for market. Let your flock of poultry
be uniform for tbe same reasons that
you seek uniformity In your herd of
cattle or swine. Do not condemn a va
riety because some unscrupulous fel
low succeeded in getting off on you
some unrepresentative specimens at
high prices. Buy your breeding stock
of a fancier, a real live, wide-awake
chicken crank. I do uot mean that sort
of a fancier who fancies fowls because
they bring fancy prices, but a real lov
er of fowls, a man who observes the
good qualities of a certain strain, and
goes to work to develop that strain.
After a breed has been chosen, tbe
stock secured and the farmer has fully
decided to go into poultry raising, a
few observations will not be out of
place.. First, as to shelter and ground.
From my observations at the different
farms upou which I have seen poultry
I believe this is tbe essential thing iu
starting; fowls must have shelter from
rain and storm. They cannot stand tbe
winter. The shelter should be made so
tight that they are free from drafts.
They are tender in the matter of con
tracting colds. In regard to sanitary
conditions, 1 think tbe cause of more
failures than anything else, and all tbe
diseases we have among our fowls may
be traced back to a lack of good sani
tary conditions. Filth breeds vermin,
and vermin is the source of nine
tenths of tbe disease that carries off
our poultry. Tbe keeping clean of
poultry houses is a very important
thing. Many times the young chicks
are kept iu the same coops until they
are wcaued and put into the trees: Tbey
will acquire vermin and come out
"In the matter of feeding on tbe farm
many times the poultry are allowed to
forage, and they find plenty of food,
but it does not come in the proper way
nor is it of the proper kind. They
should be fed what suits them at that
age. I think young chicks on a farm
are usually starved. They have plenty
of food in a general way, but of food
suiting them they do not get enough,
and they come up starved until they
get whole corn, and then tbey get more
than they need. In conclusion, I want
to say that if tbe Illinois farm is to
be preserved in ail its fertility, more
fowls should be raised, and the pro
ducts should be more varied. More
land should be devoted to vegetables,
and the delicious berries and larger
fruits; more honey should be produced
and more fowls, as well as tbe heavier
products, for which our state Is known.
Make the farm home so sweet that he
who leaves it In aspiring youth will
have none but pleasant recollections."
One Kind of Counterfeiting.
The Minnesota law which requires
oleomargarine, butterine, etc., to be
colored a bright pink, in order that
people who wish to use it may know
it at sight, and not have butter palmed
off on them as a substitute, has again
been decided constitutional, this time
by Judge Locbren of the United States
District Court, says Texas Stock and
Farm Journal. If tbis decision holds
it may lead to further legislation thor
ough enough to gradually force out of
tbe market all imitations of food prod
ucts, or limit their sale3 to the demand
of those who know just what tbey are
buying. Every farmer and dairyman
in Texas is Interested in having such
a law as the Minnesota enactment
adopted and rigorously enforced in our
own state. A good deal has been said
to the discredit of Texas because so
much food stuff that ought to be pro
duced here is brought in from other
states, and butter, so-called, is one of
the articles largely brought from else
where, though a large proportion of
the Northern "butter" is one or other
of the imitations, so cheaply made as
tare ths pars article. Ths Jonrnal aaa
not a word to say condemnatory f
any legitimate competition with any
industry of our people. As against
such competition we can "either hold
our own, or ws can surrender ths so
sltiou and occupy another. But thsst
mixtures in Imitation of butter and
lard and pare syrup and a score of oth
er food articles ire frauds, pure and
simple, and the government does not
fulfill Its duty to tne citlxeS whew It
gives license to siich frauds t6 meet the
honest products of our industry, so dis
guised that only experts can tell the
true from the false by the appearance
of each. The man who adulterates
food or manufactures Imitations of
pure food and fraudulently palms them
off for commercial gain Is on the same
plane as the man. who raises the fig
ures on a note or counterfeits a coin,
and the community ought to have thf
same protection against aim.
Value of fabtfredlial
Arguments which have been tised
against the tuberculin test ate men
tioned and refuted, and It is shown
that where there is a possibility of
danger there is danger, says a contem
porary. An apparently sound udder
does not guarantee non-tuberculous
milk. The "preponderance of tubercu
losis with poor ventilation, but good
stables and ventilation do not neces
sarily prevent infection. The tuber
culin test Is both accurate and practi
cal, and It Is not Injurious to the health
of a sound animal. With those that
are tuberculosis It may have a cura
tive effect when the Infection has
been recent or is of limited extent, and
it may aid a tendency to recover In
other cases. The author Is of the opin
ion that the tuberculin test should be
made a condition of the granting of
licenses to sell, and should be made
twice a year. Only tested bulls should
be used, and calves from tuberculous
mothers should be reared upon milk
from non-tuberculous cows of upon
sterilized milk. Relative to the sub
ject of tuberculous attendants for cat
tle the author thinks that the danger
from this source has been over-estimated.
French Butter Losing the English
Market From a report recently is
sued by the French government, a re
markable decline in the exportation
of French butter to the United King
dom is noticed. The falling off has
been general with regard to this class
of exports, but it is as far as the Eng
lish market is concerned that the de
cline has been most marked. The value
of salt butter sent to the United King
dom in 1890 was 3.040.000. in 1891 It
fell to 2.320,000. in 182 to 2.280.000,
in 1893 to 1,920,000, in 1894 it rose
to 1.920.000, to fall again in 1895 to
1.560.000; and in 1896 It amounted to
2.360,000. The English market for
fresh butter from France is in a worse
state still. Tbe average value of tbe
export from 1872 to 1881 was 154.
711. and from 1882 to 1891 only 115,
C02. In 1892 the value decreased to
104.000, In 1893 to 34.000. In 1894
to 11.280, in 1895. to 5.000, and In
1S9G it amounted to only 1.920. Ex.
Protection from Uirdliug. Where
fruit trees are kept cultivated there is
little danger from their being girdled
by mice or rabbits it the ground is free
from weeds or trash of any kind. But
around tbe edges of tho orchard there
is often danger of the pests coming in
from the outside and doing their work.
Mr. S. C Rowell says in an exchange
that the greatest danger to likely to
occur in orchards that are In sod or
near woodland. Old trees seldom are
attacked, but young ones should always
receive some protection. Where noth
ing but mice are feared the simplest
and easiest protection Is a bank of
earth heaped up around the base of
the tree to tbe height of a foot If this
has been neglected a solid tramping of
the snow around the trunks will turn
tbe mice away.
The Lazy Sow. The over lazy sow
should be avoided, for she is likely to
lie down upon lies little ones, while
they are yet too young to get out of
the way, and crush them. This fault
Is not likely to be developed in young
sows as in those that have grown old
er and have farrowed several litters of
pigs. Some sows are always careful of
their pigs, no matter how old they
grow or how many litters they have
farrowed. Every breeder has noticed
that when certain sows desire to suckle
their young, they will lie carerully
down on tbe belly then slowly turn
over on the side. This sow never
kills auy of her pigs by "overlaying"
them. Ex.
Spruce Trees of Alaska. The United
States commission that has been visit
ing Southeastern Alaska reports that
tbe country is heavily wooded, trees
extending from the water side up the
mountains for 2.000 feet or more. The
most common and widely distributed
of the forest trees is the Sitkan spruce.
In some places were seen trees or tbis
variety of great size. Near boine of
the saw mills were seen logs 100 feet
k2 and four or five feet In diameter.
It is doubtful it a milking machine
can be found tbat will give better sat
isfaction than tbe human band.
To test milk polish an ordinary-knlt-tiug
needle with emery cloth and dust
it. Thrust it Into the milk and with
draw IU It the milk be of average
quality It will form a wbite. greasy
coating to the needle, whereas, if de
ficient in fat-that Is. watered the
needle will look as though dipped in
milky water.
Coffee which Is suspected of con
taining chicory may be sprinkled on
the surface of a glass of clear water.
Coffee floats, while the chicory, being
heavy, sinks, leaving a brown trail
through tbe water. Chicory Is soft to
the touch and will crumble between
the fingers, unlike the bard, gritty par
ticles of coffee.
As is well known, preserved peas very
often contain considerable quantities of
copper. In order to preserve the green
"color of the peas. The liquid in which
the peas are packed is emptied into a
clean narrow glass a slender flower
vase will serve the purpose admirably
and about a salt-spoonful of lemon
juice Is added; a well-polished knit
ting needle is allowed to remain in
the glass over night. It will then
as far as tbe liquid reaches be coated
witb bright brown metallic copper.
Tea to often mixed witb other leaves,
metallic substances such as iron, man
ganese or sand to Increase the weight,
or "facing" coating the leaves with
indigo or Prussian blue to make them
green. Soak the leaves in water aad
unroll on a glass and examine with a
microscope. The construction of a tea
leaf is so different from any other
leaf it may readily be distinguished.
Bruise some tea and cut up, then pass
a magnet over it Particles ef metal
will cling to the magnet If a teaspoon
ful of tea which Is colored Is thrown
in water which is warm particles of
indigo, if It has been used, will sink
to Mrs. Pinkhnm From Women "Who Haw. Boem
Sickness or Health.
How much harder the daily tasks become whea sow derangement of the
female organs makes every movement painful ana
keeps the nervous system unstrung!
The following letter from Mrs. Walter S. Baxta,
Sparkill N. Y., tells the story of many
and shows them how to get relief:
"Dear Mas. Pixs&Att J I cannot thank you
enough fo all Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound hasdone for irie. When I wrote to
you I had suffered for years with falling, in-
flammation and ulceration of the womb;
my back ached, and I was so much
distressed I could scarcely walk. I
was n burden to myself and did not
care whether I lived or died.
"I have taken five bottles of your
medicine and it has done wonders for
me as all my friends can testify. I can
now do my own work, and do not know
how to express- my gratitude to yon for
the good your zoedicino and advice
have done me. 1 owe -my life to Mrs.
Pinkham; '
Mrs.JPinkham3 coonselisoffcrcd f red
to all women whd need advice about
their health. Her address ia Lynn,
Mass. Mrs. P. II. HuTcncROFf, Kel
lerton, Iowa, tells here in her own
words how Mrs. Pinkham helped hen
"Dear Mrs. Piskham: I was in a
very bad condition before I wrote to
yon and began tho use of Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I
did not know what to do. I suffered
terribly every month, when on bt
feet would have such a bearing-down feeling, was very wcakf womb was
swollen, back ached, appetite was very poor, also had trouble with my head.
I have taken several bottles of your Compound and cannot say enough in it
favor. It helped more than all the doctors."
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