The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, March 30, 1898, Image 4

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Oroateat, Because In cscs of Dyspep.
sia it has a toach like magic, which
jn6t hits the spot, brings relief to
the 6Ufferer, and gives tone and
strength to the. stomach aa M
other medicine doe.
Could Ha Cat wttfcttrt larh. '
"For many yean t have been a saflerer
froata acTero cms ot dyspepsia. I coaM
aot cat without great pain In my atOBiaca
aad would be sick aad vomit ap what t
did eat. One day I read of ease tared
by Hood's Saraaparilhu t tod my has
baad I believed this medicine woold help
ane. He went right away and got a bot
tle of Hood's 8araaparilla. I took four
bottles and I was cared." If KB. AUBt
Sttvkbs, Makanda, Illinois.
HOOCI S P?rtlla
Is America's Greatest Medietas. 1; six for S3.
Soki by all druggists. C only Hood's.
Hood's wiis ssass
arc the best after-dinner
ob. ass.
Coalda't Accoant far It.
From Judge: Boston Lady (at the
seance) Is that my soa Chesterfield?
Spirit Form It be.
Boston Lady (with a shriek) Ob,
Chesterfield, didn't I tell you before you
died not to associate with any but
Boston splritK? Where did you ever
rick up such grammar aa that?
A 4o4 SBgTctvtloa.
Editor (of country weekly) I'm at a
Z-oss to know whether this article is In
tended to be humorous or otherwise.
Assistant Well, why not run It in the
puzzle eclema and let the subscribers
She Advertised Womu'i Rlg-bu.
Mrs. Sarah Whitney, of Waterloo,
Iowa, was fined 13 en a plea of guilty
of placing on lelepnone poles bills ad
vertising woman's rights lectures.
There are at preseiu more than 600
young women enroll., in the various
departments of the Swiss universi
ties. Of these 3S1 are at tne univer
sity of Geneva, ICC ai Zurich, sixty
at Lausanne ano Berne, and two at
Basle. A number of these are Amer
icans. A DOCTORS
They save a daughter from blindness.
Whtn a father writes ttratyonrs " is the
fcest taeilicine in the world," you can
allow .omcthinK for seeming cxtrava
cancc in the statement if you know that
the mediciuc no praised, cured a loved
daughter of disease and restored to her
the eyesight nearly lot. The best med
icine in the world lor on is the medicine
that cures you. There can't be anything
better. No medicine can do more than
cure. That is why John S. Goode, of
Orrick, Mo., writes in these strong terms:
" Ir. Ayer's Sarsaparilla i the best med
icine in the world. Mv daughter had a
relapse after the measles, due to taking
cold. She was nearly blind.and was obliged
to remain in a dark room all the time.
The doctors could give her no relief; one
of them directed me to give her Ayer's
Sarsaparilla. Two bottles cured her com
pletely." TV.e thousands of testimonials to the
value of Dr. Ayer's Sarsaparilla repeat
over and over again, in ane former another
the expression: "The doctors gave her
no relief; one of them directed me to
Kive her Dr. Avcr's Sarsaparilla. Two
bottles completely cured her."
It is. a common experience to try Dr.
Ayer's SaraDarilla as a last resort. It is
TMs March It prepared on scientific principle by men who have had years of practical experience In fancy
laundering. It restores pld linen and summer dremrs to tbelr natural whltene and lmrart a Itranttful and
lastlojr fiaitn. It Is ths only March manufactured that Is perfectly barmlef. containing ne!Uie- arccalc,
alma or any other cutwtaace lnjnrioo to linen and ran 1 e used ex en for a l.aty powder.
For Sale by All Wholesale and Retail Grocers.
One Price to All Alike.
We agree to maintain the list prices on Columbia, Hart
ford and Vedette bicycles published in our 1S9S Catalogue,
throughout the season ending October 1st, 1S9S.
Columbia Models 50 and 5 1 . Bevel-Gear Chainless, $1 25
47 and 48. Tandems, . . 125
- 45, 46 and 49. Chain Wheels, . . 75
Hartford Patterns, 7 and 8, 50
Vedette Patterns, 1 5 and 1 6. ... . 40
" I7andl8, .... . . 35
POPE MFG. CO, Hartford, Conn,
Catalogue free from any Cohanhia deakr, or by mail for one 2-ceat stamp.
The best Bed Rop Koo for le
per sq. ft. car sad Bails taclBdcd.
i auxui aeems ca., cibkx,. .
as Stan i saint
m"Ei -uu. .BOOK (BEE. VS. J. C
Aasweriss Mvertiseshtat fKaaly
The national debt is now $13.41 tar
each Individual. In 1S67 it waa H9lt.
There are house still standing in
Nuremburg, Bavaria, that were built
in I9.
Ia Australia, spring begins Aagott
2t, aitmXner November 2, autumn
February 20, and winter Hay 20.
No baking powders are manufac
tured in Mexico and the imported
article sells for $1 a pound.
The Boston nubile iibraray has a
file of the London Times complete
from l80d to the present time.
Nearly 60,000 acres have been re
claimed in Ireland during the past
year from bog and marsh land.
A good Arabian horse cab. canter
in the desert for twenty-four hours
ia summer and forty-eight hoars in
wiater Wlthou- drinking.
A New Woman's league has been
Started in France which has as its
Object the disarmament of the armies
of the world.
The corn fodder crop of this coun
try ia estimated as worth $25,000,000
per annum, two-thirds of which has
usually teen wasted.
A thrifty South African, it is said.
has discovered a way to get rid of
the locust pest. He catcea a few
of the insects, inoculates them With
a toxin and turns them loose among
their fellows. The authorities have
used his discovery wi.n good results.
The chairman of a county commit
tee in North Carolina recently wrote
a letter to Senator "Zach" Chandler,
asking him to oppose tne confirma
tion of a postmaster in u.e town of
the writer. As "Zach" Chandler has
been dead eighteen years, the letter
was delivered to his son-in-law. Sen
ator Hale.
Innocent Children Sacrificed.
It Is estimated that one-fourth of the
human race die before attaining their
fifth birthday, owing to our change
able climate. And there are thousands
of adults that stomach complaints are
reducing to confirmed invalidism,
whom Hostetter's Stomach Bitters
vould promptly relieve.
Economy is the estimate we make
of what other people ought to Kive
out of their salaries.
To Cure Constipation Forever.
Take Gtarets Candv Cathartic 10c or 23c.
If C C C. tail to cure, druggists refund money.
The contented mind has a contin
ual feast.
n common ta hare Dr. Ayer'a
Sarsaparilla prescribed by a physician.
It is a common experience to a " com
plete cure" follow the use of a few bottles
of this great blood purifying medicine.
Because, it is a specihe for all forms of
blood disease. If a disease lios its origin
in bad or impure blood. Dr. Ayer's Sars
aparila, acting directly on the blood, re
moving its impuritio and giving to it
vitalizing energy, will promptly eradicate
the disease.
The great feature of Dr. Ayer's Sarsapa
rilla is the radical cures that result from
its Use. Many medicines only suppress
disease they push the pimples down
under the skin.thcv paint the complexion
with subtle arsenical corarcuiids, but the
disease rases ia the leins like a pent-up
fire, and some day breaks out in a vol.
canic eruption that eats up the body.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla goes to the root. It
makes the fountain clean and the waters
are clean. It makes the root good and
the fruit is good. It gives Nature the
elements she needs to build up the broken
down constitution not to brace it up with
stimulants or patch it up on the surface.
Send for Dr. Aver's Curcbook, and learn
more about tlie cures effected by this
remedy. It's sent free, on request, by he
J. C Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass.
They stop work, cost i
rains and Bruises
It celts
SSK St. Jacobs Oil.
thorn right
frVwi a AebraS BmrmcB, jiij
6 wtataa k batter arJ to ipaak 6 oil
er rioraia "& ti'f tkaa lira.
JacofftrMmrttf BataUllL, wife of ax
city feftrsaal Wearer. 8he had .entirety
racoTarad froat taa illaew wkicli kept aer
bedfast araca Jaf taa.tima forflre Ux
yaars cast; aad aaya her recovery ia doe
to that well known remedy, Dr. Williams'
Mrs. Wearer is fifty-six years old. aad
has lived in BaikaeU nearly thirty years.
SheteofanquestionedTeTaclty and unblem
ished reparation. The story of her recov
ery is interesting. 8he says:
"I suffered for five or six years with the
tronb!that comes to women at this time
of my life. I was much weakened, was oa-
able much of the the time to do my ewa
work, and Buffered beyond tny tiowef to
describe. I waa downhearted and melaa-
feaaar different medicines. In
fact I took medicine all the time, bat
nothing 'seemed to do me any good.
"Ireadaboat Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
for Pale People, and some of my friends
recommended them highly. I made up my
mind to try them.
I bought the first
dox in March. 1897.
and was benefitted
from the start
"A box and a
half cored me com
pletely, and I am
now ragged and
strong. Thavenqt
been bothered with
""sWHM1..?6"1 ukm
...tfHu ri luitr. pills.
'Ihav recommended the pills to many
women who are suffering as I suffered.
They are the only thing that helped me in
the trial that comes to so many women at
my age." Mas. J. H. Weaveb.
Sabscribed and sworn to before me this
23d day of October, A. D., 1897.
O. C. Hicks, Ifotcry PubHe.
When woman is passing beyond the age
of motherhood, it Ic a crkis in her life.
Then, if ever, proper attention to hygiene
should be exercfeed, The attendant suffer
ings will disappear and buoyant health will
follow if Dr Williams' Pink Pills are used.
These pills exert a powerful influence in
restoring the system to its proper condi
tion. They contain in a condensed form
all the elements necessary to give bew
life and richness to the blood.
A divorce suit should be included In
the wardrobe of the actress who hepss
to be well advertised.
The Salzer Seed Co. want suitable
names for their 17-inch long corn and
White Oat prodigy. You can win this
$400 easily. Catalogue tells all about
it. Seed potatoes only $1.50 a barrel.
Bead This Notice and la Cts.Ia Stamps
to John A. Salzer Seed Co., La Crosse,
Wis., and get free their great seed cat
alogue and 11 new farm seed samples,
Including above corn and oats, posi
tively worth $10, to get a start w.n.c.
Law is a dry study, but a pretty
woman's tears often have the deirad
effect upon the jury.
IOO Bewanl, SIOO.
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there Is at least one
dreaded disease that science has been able
to cure in all its stages and that is Ca
tarrh. Hall's Catarrh Curo is the only
positive cure now known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh being a constitution
al disease, requires a constitutional
treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is take:i
Internally, acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system,
thereby destroying the foundation of the
disease, and giving the patient strength
by building up the constitution and as
sisting nature In doing Its work. The
proprietors have so much faith In its
curative powers that they offer One Hun
dred Dollars for any ca that it failn to
cure. Send for list of Testimonials.
Address F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo,
Sold by druggists 75c
Hall's Family Pills ar the rwst.
A largo discovery or old E dis'i
coins has been made in Penicuick. near
Edinburgh. t
Colorado Gold Field.
Colorado is the banner gold-producing
state in the Union. Production in
1897 over S20.000.000. This vear prom
ises to exceed $30,000,000. New strikes
are being made every day. Nothing
like since the days of '19. Would
you know all about these things?
Then send twenty-five cents for a six
months' trial subscription to the
"MINING WORLD." an eight-page
illustrated weekly paper. Regular
subscription, $1.00 a year. The news
iest mining newspaper in the world.
Address "World." P. O. Box 1611. Den
ver, Colorado.
A western man has invented a ailf
rocking cradle.
Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Children
Successfully used by Mother Gray,
nurse in the Children's Home in New
York, Cure Feverishness, Bad Stom
ach, Teething Disorders, move and
regulate the Bowels and Destroy
Worms. Over 10.000 testimonials.
They never fail. At all druggists, 25c.
Sample free. Address, Allen S. Olm
sted, LeRoy, N. Y.
It never rains between the first and
second catarac a cf the Ni e.
Educate Your Bowels With Cascarets.
Candy Cathartic cure constipation forever
10c, 25c If C C C fail, druggists refund money.
One or the German cities boasls a
street laid with rubber.
BTaay People Caaaot Drink
coffee at night It spoils their sleep.
You can drink Grain-O when you please
and sleep like a top. For Grain-O does
not stimulate; it nourishes, cheers and
feeds. Yet it looks and tastes like the
best coffee. For nevous persons, young
people and children Grain-O is the per
fect drink. Made from pure grains.
Get a package from your grocer to-day.
Try it in place of coffee. 15 and 25c.
Cae'o Gaagfc Balsas
Is the oldrrt and bet- It will lmlc up a. co'd quick,
than atiTthtns Ue. It U ai vara reliable. Try it.
To be thoughtful for the comfort ot
others is the surest way to promote
our own.
Rheumatism aad Ia Grippe Freraleat and
rrompt Treat meat Necessary.
Every family should have a bottle
of "5 Drops" on band, especially at
this season of the year. Changes in
the weather are so liable to cause rheu
matism, la grippe and many other dis
eases that the "5 Drops" cure.
Swanson Rheumatic Cure Co., Chi
cago: "5 Drops" promptly received.
That is the medicine we want My
wife would undoubtedly have been a
cripple if it had not been for your "5
Drops." We wou!d not be without
it Yours truly, John G. Martin,
Wellsville. Mo. Feb. 16, 1898.
This is one of many testimonials
which the manufacturers of "5 Drops"
have received.
During the next thirty days they will
send out 100,000 of their sample bot
tles for 25 cents a bottle. Write to
day to the Swanson Rheumatic Cure
Co., 167 Dearborn street, Chicago, 111.
This company is reliable and promptly
fill every order.
The average amount of sickness in
human, life is nine daya out cf the
Smoke Sledge 'Cigarettes. SO for 5 eta
Wrongs never grow strong enough
to right themselves.
A little man's happiness consists in
magnifying himself.
am J
IassaAHLsaK :4SLsaV flv
tft iiSrtaat Part h Tftka il ft
K-l;saaaal- & Pl
There ar nuuiy fafmfcrs tartMajkottl
the country who are Bumdently iiberai
t8 thg boys,, but fcho.thiak that fcrlf
wants should be "supplied as ihey jng.
gest themselves, and with bo regard
for individual preference, says tht
Philadelphia Times. After harrest.
the son, who has driven the reaper or
helped at threshing, has his share ot
the profits to control and do with as
be pleases. Certain of the stock hava
been given him a pig, a calf or a colt,
which he Will eventually sfell and put
the proceeds in hii pbfcket The farm
offers aii sorts bf opportunities tot
earnings; great br small,, to which his
right is never questioned.. By aridliy
he drives. hl3 own hors: joins, a club;
buys 'books and .goes td .coiiegg-H
rlgbl which be has earned, and to
which he is fairly entitled. With the
girl It is usually very different It
never occurs to any one that she, too,
would enjoy a small income which she
could count upon as her very own, and
invest aa she saw fit without restraint
OF Objection. Tke butter and eggs are
Sometimes her special commodity,
and from their sales shj has a limited
supply of pocket money. But it is
extremely limited and frequeptly very
uncertain. Yet her labor in the home
"about the place" has done as much
toward establishing the family pros
perity as the labor of her brother. She
is up at daybreak to get breakfast
ready. She prepares, frequently Un
assisted, three meals a day fof &C5
days in the year. She does the wash
ing and ironing, the sewing and mend
tag, and is still at her work long after
her brother is in bed and asleep or
away Visiting the neighbors. She too,
has an additional tax during harvest
and at those seasons when the Work
upon the farm is especially heavy, but
she rarely receives any reward for the
extra service required ot her. It is a
manifest injustice. A good many over
careful fathers excuse themselves up
on the plea that girls have no judg
ment in money matters. Well, they
certainly will never acquire wisdom
without experience, and they cannot
gain experience if the means for so do
ing are withheld. The financial facul
ty in most women lies dormant for
lack of exercise, but it has been mar
velously developed when put to the
test There are thousands of women
in the country, widows, who have as
sumed the management of affairs upon
the death of the husband, who have
succeeded brilliantly, when the better
haif failed; tho mortgage is paid off,
stock improved, modern farming im
plements have been purchased, and the
crops cultivated according to modern
and intelligent ideas. The profit-sharing
system should include girls as well
as boys, and there is no question but
that It will pay.
A young theological student, who
is about to depart for the missionary
fields, told an amusing story on him
self the other evening that gives an
insight to the cause that led to his
determining to prescn the gospel to
the heathen. He had called on a
young lady and her little brother
posted himself in an arm chair facing
a handsome gilt clock. He had been
there half an hour, when the young
lady said: 'Robbie, why don't you
go to the nursery?" "I am waiting,"
replied Robbie. 'What are you wait
ing for, my dear?" "Why, for his
face to stop t-e clock. You know
what you said." Philadelphia Call.
Eight of the most remarkable mar
riages on record took place within a
few weeks in the parish of Ste. Marie,
Quebec. Two neighbors named Morin
and Rheaume have each eight chil
dren four sons and four daughters.
Rheaume's four sens hdve married
Morin's four daughters, and Morin's
four sons have married the four
daughters of Rheaume. Troy Times.
WITS t'rrmanentlyC'nred. Aonta ernerrouanpus aft,
ttnst day ns of lr. Kline's Great Aanra Restorer
Send for FRER S'J.OO trial bottle and treatise
lie. IL II. Kline. Ltd., 931 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa,
It brightens the Lenten season to
notice how few real sacrifices our
neighbors make.
Pi-o"s Cure for Consumption is onr only
medicine for coughs and colds. Mrs. C.
Ee tz, -itt) Sth Ave., Denver, Co!., Nov. 9, 16.
No man ever climbed the ladder of
success at a single bound, but lots of
men have come down that way.
ITritoty is Blood Deep.
Clean blocd means a clean skin. No beanty
without it. Ca-carets. Candy Cathartic
cliMti! your blixHi ami keens it clean, by stlr
rinK up the lary liver and driving all Impu-rltie-.
from the Bc?iu today to banish
Vimiiles. I oll blotches, b ackheads. nd that
sickly bilious complexion by taking Casca
rets beauty for ten cent. All druggists,
satisfaction guaranf cert, 10c. 25c, 50c.
Whoever kicks over a He will find
a big brood of others biding under it
SEATTLE, unquestionably best and
cheapest starting point and outfitting sta
tion for Alaska and Klondike, does not ask
or advise joa to go, bat yoa will find
Seattle's facilities, stocks and experience
unsurpassed and prices tha very lowest
Washington state has Klondike of its own.
Seattlo is the chief city. Strangers are
protected by Public fTomf ort Bnrean, Ad
dress Chamber ot Comnierce.Seat tie, Wash.
It takes both grace and grit to bear
disappointment well.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All
Druggists refund t be money if it fells to cure.Soc
In the British army there are 11.030
men at least five feet eleven inches in
Den't Tobacco Spit aad Ssteke Year tile Any.
To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag
netic, full of life, nerve, and vigor, take No-To-Bac.
the wonder-worker, that makes weak men
strong. All drnggists, 50c or f l. Cure guaran
teed. Booklet and sample free. Address
Sterling Remedy Co.. Chicago or New York.
The pruned limb is seldom the one
that dies.
We are asserting in the courts our right to the
exclusive use of the word "CASTORIA." and
"PITCHER'S CASTORIA,"asocr Trade Mark.
I, Dr. Samuel Pitcher, of Hyannis. Massa
chusetts, was the originator ot "PITCHER'S
CASTORIA." the same that has borne and does
cow bear the fac-simile signature of CHAS. H.
FLETCHER on every wrapper. This is the
original "PITCHER'S CASTORIA" which has
been used in the homes of the mothers of
Am erica for over thirty years. Look carefully
at the wrapper and see that it is "the kind you
have always bought." and has the signature of
CHAS. H. FLETCHER on the Wrapper. No
cce has authority from me to use my name ex
cept The Centaur Company, of which Caas H.
Fletcher i President.
March 8, 1S97. SAMUEL PITCHER, M. D.
The mistakes cf Moses were made In
Mrs. Wiaslow's Soetalac Syrap
For children teethirg.MftM the enm?.ivd(KslaSaav
auUon, allays pain, cores wind colic. Sa cents bottle.
Unbidden guests, give pleasure
when they go.
Ask for AUea's "et Ease.
A powder to shake into your shoes.
It cures Corns and Bunions. Chil
blains. Swollen, Nervous, Damp,
Sweating, Smarting and Callous feet
At all Druggists and Shoe Stores, 25c.
Sample FREE. Address Allen S. Olm
sted, LeRoy. N. Y.
If be paints the sky yellow and the
grass pvple he is Cojoritt.
It was April Fools' day, and snow
ing, too, as hard JV3 it could snow.
Think of it! V.'oodie Nelson had
thought of it until it did seem as if he
should fly all to pioces, he felt so bad.
"It's too mean Co; anything!" he said
to mamma, "w'tca we'd planned on
nach lots of fun. What makes every
thing go crossw?ys, mamma?"
"It doesn't always, does it?" laugh
ed mamma, who was busy painting a
very natural-looking lily on a velvet
banner. "Why don't you run over and
see Aunt Hetty Creenleaf a little while.
If you want to, dear?"
Wocdie brightened up. Aunt Het
ty wasn't his own aunt, really, but ho
couldn't have loved her any better if
she had been. She va3 full of fun,
and did not mind bow much noise
you made, and Woodie had beea ac
quainted with h?r ever since he was a
very little boy, Indeed.
"Mayn't I call and get Charley
Banks and Teddy to go, too?" he ask
ed, pulling his cap down over his ears
If It was the first of April. "They'll
like to, mamma. And Meddy Davis
and Bert and "
"Oh, not too many," said mamma,
smiling. "You'll make Aunt Hetty
think she's taken. Not too many, re
member, dear."
"No'm," Woodie answered. "I'll re
member." But when he opened Aunt Hetty's
garden-gate half an hour afterward,
there wasn't one less than seven boys
behind him. Eight boys! And all go
ing to see Aunt Hetty Greenleaf.
Aunt Hetty apied them coming and
laughed until her glasses dropped off.
Then she hrritfd to the kitchen and
put a cake of jomethiug that looked
like brown bred in her preserve-kettle,
with Fame vater, and set It on the
fire. And the'i the hurried back to
the front dooi ust in time io open it
for her visitors.
"Come right In!" she said. "I'm
proper pleased lc see you."
Wood- was glad to hear that, be
cause he was beginning to be afraid
she couldn't be. and he said so in a
'whisper to Aunt Hetty when he got a
"Mamma told me not too many," he
confessed, a little anxiously; "but they
all wanted to come, you know, and I
couldn't tell 'em they mustn't, yoa
know", Aunt Hetty."
once remembered that it wnc April
Fools day. It didn't seem as if they
had been there more than half ?:S
"Bless your heart, cf course you
couldn't, and I wouldn't want you to,"
said Aunt Hetty. "Now have just as
nice a time as you can."
She showed them into the little sitting-room
where she kept her canaries,
and a parrot that could talk, and a
wide shelfful of story-books, and a
kaleidoscope that never showed you
the same picture twice, and dominoes
and a checkerboard, and some jack
stones, though what Aunt Hetty did
with these the boys couldn't imagine.
They knew what to do with them,
though. I should think so, indeed!
Such a jolly time as they had! and.
as true as you live, not one of them
hour when Aunt Hetty came in and
said, with a merry twinkle, in her
bright brown eyes:
"Now, what if I show you how to
play a game I used to play when I was
little? Do you want I should?"
"Oh, yes indeed!" I should say they
did. A game which Aunt Hetty had
playei must surely be well worth play
ing. "It is called 'the garden,' " went on
Aunt Hetty, still with that funny lit
tle t.f inkle in her eye, though her
face ,as sober enough, "and I will be
the gardener, and do my planting in
the kitchen so it will be a kltc'r.cs
garden, won't it? And you boys must
so the vegetables, and each one come
jjll w
when I call him. And yoa no'!
tell your names to each other; do pon
"Oh, yes, ma'am!" They thoight
they did.
So Aunt Hetty ranged them a little
way apart, and went along the row
whispering to each boy.
"Now, I'm going to stand in this
door," said she, "and when I call the
name of a vegetable the boy to waom
it belongs must get to the kitchen as
quick as he can." And almost in .the
same breath she sung out, "Cabbage!"
Such a scramble you never saw!
with every one of those eight boys try
ing to get to the kitchen first Aunt
Hetty Greenleaf laughed until the
tears came into her eyes; and right in
the midst of it all Woodie stopped
"O boys! boys!" he cried, "we're
cabbage-heads, sure enough! It's
April Fools' day, don't you know, and
Aunt Hetty fooled us all."
But there wasn't any fooling about
the pans of snow on the kitchen-table,
and the kettle of maple candy on the
kitchen 'stove. ACS.
Aunt Flora was making sojJ walnut-creams
the last after neon in
March. She had to crack the nuts
very carefully to get them o9t whole,
and some halves of shelLl wire not
broken at all. Jack's sharp eyes dis
covered them in the coal-hcd.
"Oh, goody!" cried he, "they'll be
just the thing to fool Teddy rith to
morrow. Aunt Flo. I'll stick 'em to
gether and he'll think they're regular
"I wouldn't." said J ri: Flova. "Ho
is such u little boy, and he will be so
disappointed. I wouldn't, Jai."
But Jack would. He picked out
shells enough to make tares walnuts;
then he got the glue-bottle and stuck
them together so carets', ly you
wouldn't have known they viere ever
"Don't they look just good enough to
eat?" laughed he. "Now. when they
get dry I'll put them in a paper bag
and give them to Teddy in the morn
ing." Then he ran out to his play, whist
ling; and he played so long and hard
that he didn't think of the walnuts
again until he came home from school
next dar, at noon. Aunt Flora had
put thert away for him, howver. She
told bin: where to find them.
"On the second shelf of t'te dining
room clceet, in a paper-bag," said she.
Jack's face had a sober look. He
thought perhapa Aunt Flora didn't
like his joke.
"Mayl:e I hadn't best fool Teddy,"
said he. "Guess I'll take 'em out and
fool Johnny Wilson. I haven't been
fooled today, Aunt Flo."
But Aunt Flora did not answer,
and when Jack got to the dining-room
he found Teddr there. It d'd seem too
good a chance to be lost Jack took
ths bag of walnuts from the closet
"Hello. Teddy!" he said, "have some
"Oh. res!" cried Teddy, running to
get the tack-hammer. He liked wal
nuts almost Letter than anything els
"You're the bestest boy, Jack," he said,
At which Jack looked sober again
I think he folt a littie bit ashamed.
After all, it wasn't the best of fun to
fool a little five-year-old boy, and
his own brother, too. But he gave
Teddy the bag.
In less than two seconds down cam
the hammer on the first walnut It
cracked very e?sily, indeed, and It
had the funniest kernel you ever saw
in a nut- -a bright new dime! It didn't
take long to crack the other two. yoa
may be sure; asd there were thirty
cents enough to buy two whole
pounds of walnuts.
'Oh! oh!" criert Teddy, astonished
beyond measure. "Are they mine?
Where did 'em come from?"
Jack's face was red as a rose. He
was almost ready to feel cross about
it; but, looking up, he saw Aunt Flora
smiling in the doorway, and laughed,
instead, a little sheepishly.
"I guess I'm like the story yon told
about the man that threw the boomer
a;iS Aunt Flo. and it came back and
hit bim." said he. "But Vm glad of it,
just the same,"
KxtracU- From Letters
MI asa so nervoas and wretched.'
expressions are. Little -things
can tslccp, yon
a 0 vaaaa
aT"" '-'.ammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmV
WF S aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
a ?gggggggggggga
"Dear Mb. Ftskham: Wili you kindly allow mc the pleasure of expreawn
my gratitude for the wonderful relief I have experienced by talcing your Vege
table Compound. I suffered for a long time with nervous prostration, back
ache, headache, loss of appetite, a heavy bearing-denvu feeling, also burn! ag:
pains ia the groins. I could not sleep, was tired all the time, had no ambition.
Life was a burden to me. The pains I suffered at times of menstruation wera
something dreadful. I thought there was no cure for it. I saw your advertise
ment in the paper, and my husband advised me to try your medicine. I took
Ivo bottles, and now I am well and happy. Your medicine saved mylifc.'
"I sincerely trust." says President
Seth Low of Columbia University, in
a recent letter to the Baltimore News,
"that the legislature of the state of
Maryland will give to the John Hop
kins university whatever aid it may
need at the present time. I speak
words of truth and soberness when 1
say that no university in the land hast
done more for the higher education
of the United States during the last
twenty years than the Johns Hopkina'
university. It deserves well of its
fellcw countrymen everywhere. Es
pecially should the people of the state
of MaiyJand be proud of it and brj
glad to support it."
Two ministerial candidates named
Adam r.nd Low recently in
a Sj-tti3h cinch. Mr. Lou- ;.ror?lie.l
in the morning and took for his text,
"Adam, Where Art Thou?" He made
a most excellent discourse, and the
congregation was much edified. In
the evening Mr. Adam preached, and
took for his text, "Lo, Here I Am!"
Put a great man in a little world
and he will manage somehow to make
it bigger.
Ko-To-Bae for Fifty Cents.
Guaranteed tobaceo habit cure, make.i weal;
men strong, blood pure. All druggists.
Half a spoonful Is measured by di
viding through the middle lengthwise.
"Worth IU Weight In Gold."
Mrs. D. A. McCoy, 711 So. 27th St., Oma.
ha, Neb., writes: "I am an old lady 67
years old. I have been troubled for the
past 20 years with constipation, indiges
tion and sleepless nights; but since taking
your Dr. Kay's Renovator I can sleep like
a child and am not troubled in the least
with the above named disease. Yonr Dr
Kay's Kenovator is worth its weight in
gold." Send your address and givo your
symptoms and our Physician will tend
yoa free advice and free sample of Dr.
Kay's Renovator and Dr. Kay's Lung
Balm and a copy of "Dr. Kay's Home
Treatment," a Gs-page book with KG cxcel
lentrceipes and many valuablo prescrip
tions for nearly all diseases. Sold by
druggists at 5 cts. and 1, or address Dr.
J. Kay Medical Co., Omaha, Neb.
Why shouldn't the man who is a'
rake succeed as a gardner?
Star Tobacco is tne Icc.iing brand of
tho world, because it is tbo best.
Why does a man always promise to
be good when he's too sick to be bad?
Both the method and repnits when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the teste, and acts
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys,
layer and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to the stomach, prompt in
its Ejtion and trnly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50
cent bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it. Bo not acceptany
oumiUE. a. KEvt rosx. Jtr.
BaCTO T" "ct oar ne,r CaN
B law "kaf alojrue. Huntlrcilsnf
MATI aaaaaa pcopic save i.iin
IVU I nillV drciN of dollars se
lecting Furniture, Draperies, cte. frofti it.
ScliI for it. It give 4 prices and pictures.
Ilia Douelss St.. Omaha. Xcb.
A Bushel
How to grow Wheat at 40ea 231
aa Oat. 173 baa. Barley, and 1600
boa. Potatoes per acre. See cur great cat
aJogse, aialled you with 1 1 Farm Se-I runpr.
apon receipt of this notice and 10c rn;.3.
Salzer Seed Co La Croane, Wis. vr.r.
lVr V qcick relief &! cares worrt
Semi tor noojc or testimonials and IO umfJT
nva, aw. abaukaau's wus. iMisia.
lr. Kfjv't IsMMflfsMTa Guaranteed
swta amaiw Hanvwaiiwi a toenre tlyspep
ala. coast! nation, Uvtr and kidney ilistascs.bu-
c A0ruisu23cl.
Rocelred by Mrs. Finkhwa.
"I feci as if I ahoald fly." How familiar
annoy you a'ntl make yott irritable. Yoa
are usable to iiftordtaary iHurueas, SMM
are subject to dizziness
That bearing-down sensation helps to stake
feci miserable.
You have backache and palasfow 4owo
in tho side, pain in top of head, later es
at baso of the brain.
Such a condition points unerringly to
serious uterine trouble.
If voa had written to Mrs. Finkham'
when you first experienced impaired
vitality, yoa would have been
spared these hours or
awfu! saffcriajr.
Happiness will be gwao
out of your life forever, my
sister, unless yowl Set promptly. Froeare
Lydia E. Finkham'; Vegetable Compoaad
at once, and begin its As, then write to
Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn,. JttH.. " nre i
Anything about your case yOU do sot
Yon need not be afraid to tell her the?
things you could not explain to the doc
tor, your letter is seen only by women -and
ia absolutely confidential. Mrs.
rinkhatn's vast experience wtthaacu
troubles enables her to tell you just
What ia best for yon, and she will
charge yovt nothing for her advice.
Mrs." Jk.V.mb BiEKtr, Youngdale,
Pa., writes:
W. N. U. OMAHA. NO. 13.-1 896
h&itca Answering JKKcrtiseqcnts Kisdly
Jlcottda This Taper.
flSj Ml
Don't be fiviVil with a mackintosh
or ruter c cat. !r )ooantacoat
that lil keep you iry Irt the h.irJ
est storm buy tha Fish DranJ
Slicker. If not for afe Irt your
own. write for cataiogue t
A. J. TOWER. Bost.7ti. Atm.
Does Your Wife Suffer?
Minion of ladles snflerfrom consttyaas
and now the long-looked far boon of heali tt.
so nice to eat, so pleasant ci ccuon, so cer
tain of relief, you will Sad ia
H A booklet and sample fres lor tha aafcfc'r.. 5
Z or you can buy a box lor ioc, asc. yjc, ac j
your drug axcrc. uuuawoo guas-Biaa.i.W
3 Sterling Remedy Co. Chicago. Montreal. Neaftsfc.
un to Baf) M at cuarant ecl to enre To
HUIUBJlu bacc? llubil tr all (lrujwKi
U'hcrj twenty-flve mil thirty btiHhels of whrnl
arc srow.i to tht; ncr. will ha p -ron illy 1 011-
titici (i iiy st lumuii in
liorcrninent ri p c
fcntatb'con 23d and 30ih Marc'i
end 6i!i April,
l-nlii-x St. I'aul on
trN" ! ite. Kcr p ir
ihu arsiiH to Hit nn-
cisliy low i assiiKt r and ! i'ihi ratcx, ii;1v to
V. X HKVNKTT N" V. f.lfe It Ijr . Omaha,
Nrb. Cmatlian Uoi eminent A sent.
-F821 14
We wish t Mia VDJXQ neir CO-
t Dincrj. eral ncnic ouer
I ncR. harly Njjriujj Turni?,
Ktrlipt HcJ Rett. Kto
Jlumnrrk Oacnmfce-, Me
iccn Victoria Lettuce, tec
Jllondj'.o Melon, Uc
,ljn!o (Hint Onion, IZa
Brimaslttoserbevdf, tto
T7cri 01.C9, for 14 cents.
AVrro JO p':"-". worth 81 CO, wo will yi frc-j, to?.thr with our
crcit Pttnt cad Feed Cataiccno
upon rrcc-ot cf th! i notice and lie.
tmstace. VeinritoTocrtradeaad
trow nhen Toa caco try Sailer's
fcoe-li run mil ncr ret a!on with-
fc-ji oat then. I'ntntocACt l.AO
'-53 aKOLCsiaiogaioncsc iio.w.
. join a. biizzE sez3 co., l caossz, wis.
to wnd hi aildreM on a postal to .1. L. STRAW.
?cwir.t. lit., for lice- circular !llutratlni; the imot
iriaianL prttfliaMc i ractU-nland'a:Ifactirr ineihxl
i,l rtl-ln. hinflllB?. feedln,; aad keeping cstlla
Known to h Jxban Jnitn.
Dr. Kay's Lung Balm t&sSai5
Cso-Ei; S for unoataral
cischarces. iuHinmittions.
irritations or ukerations
of mucout oieatirans.
1'oiclrM. and not astrta
;THlH3CHcWC.Ca. ict or po:onoas.
or cnt In plain wrapjer,
hy cspre prepaid, tor
f l.i. or3 boltIM. i.75.
Circalcr seat oa rciuiai
cjs wittrii ail oat tats, i
tCooaaSxruiv Taxes Good. Vm
tntlmei goiairrtTmccbita. I
IRj Vegetable Sicilian f5
The greatest preserver of :,
i youth in the world. Never t
l a single gray hair no ij
li dandruff but the rich, ijj
w glossy hair of earl' life, dl
2 Gi&T&
Cl nvraaal2.
ft f
m M I to 4djs- I
f.f Ouraatetf M
l(wT sat t wnun.
s&. -
aassssBaaassaaaaw i-J --w-,.m. ? ? . J- a JlE,,,.,. M3kMMa,,aaasfc,r-a.- ag. . -H.i. -,aaMm.-nMah-J, -. , aw-ML, .t. r .,--.Xr. ., . ,. , .P,-. ,.. -. - -'. -