The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, March 16, 1898, Image 1

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(Oldest Bank in the State.)
Fays Merest oi TiicDepti
lata LoaK id Real fotatt.
isscss naHT drafts oh
Omana, Chicago, New York jumI
all Foreign Countries.
And helps lttcuitomcrs when they ncedkthj
R. H. IlENnr, Vice Pres.
M. Bbugoek, Cashier.
Jons Stauffeb, Wic. Bccnra.
jMlorized Capital of - $500,000
?Hi in CapHilr - - 90,000
wji. piir,iTu.v rrci u j
u. v. ii. omilkicii. vice rres.
rKANK KOKER, Asat. Cash'
A ' O. H. Snnr.Eos. II. P. II. Oei
f Jonas Welch, XV. A. McAllister,
r Caul KiE.vun. S. O. Gray.
Frank Roiiueo.'
Barelda Ellis, -i. Henry WcrSemaii
('lauk ;h kx. . Henry Loseke.
Daniel Schkam. .' Geo. '. Galley,
A. F. II. Okiilrichv" .T. V. Rrckeb Estate
Rebecca BncKEa II. M. Winslow.
Bank of Deposit: Interest allowed on tlaaa
deposits: bur and sell exchange on Onlted
States and Europe, and buy and sell avail.
aide securltiea. We shall fce pleased to re
cclre your business. We solicit your pat
Columbus Journal !
A wseldj Bewspmper de
ToUd the bestinteresUof
TUg state of NeDraska
Tfceultof i
ma is
$1.50 A YEAR,
nr paid nr adyahcb,
Bat omr limit of wmtuiutm
b not prescribed by dollar
aad cents. Sample oopiss
sent free to aaj address.
Coffins : and : Xetallic : Cases !
t Repairing of all kinds of UpJiol
f ery Osotfa
Goiumbus Journal
a raspAaro to rmunu as i rami
Dorothea Klampke of San Francisco
Fasscn Over the Heads of Fifty Preach
Students One of a Group of Talented
for a long time
have been carrying
off sonic of the
best art prizes in
Paris, and the
French have
grown to accept it
as a foregone con
clusion that they
will continue to do
so: but they were
tajrn by surprise when Mis
Klumpke, a San Francisco girl, won
her way Into the Paris Astronomical
observatory over the heads of the fifty
Frenchmen who were competing, and
she now has charge of the depart
ment which computes the meas
urements of the stars la the
Paris belt, with several young French
women under her direction. She has
a special bureau of her own In the
great Observatory garden, and it is
covered with ivy and surrounded by
flowers. Here Miss Klumpke works
eagerly from 9 in the morning till 5
in the afternoon, and frequently at
night she stays up in the round tower
with her telescope turned searchingly
upon the stars. Her whole life is
bound up in her work. She delights in
it, and the heavens to her are as in
timate as the little garden of her bu
reau, where the snails crawl over the
paths and the French roses bloom.
Her special duty Is to photograph all
the stars in her belt.
Miss Klumpke went abroad 10 years
ago, at the age of 20, and has studied
in Germany, Switzerland and Paris.
She has a brilliant education, and is a
charming and accomplished woman of
whom all Americans may well be
proud. She has recently been decorat
ed by the French government She is
one of a group of remarkable sisters;
Anna Klumpke is a famous portrait
painter of Boston, Augusta is a prac
ticing physician in Paris, and Julia,
the youngest, a girl of 19, is a most
brilliant young lad. They were all
born in San Francisco, and educated
In the public schools of that city. Their
father was born in Holland, and went
to America when very young. He
settled in the South, but in '49 went
West with the gold seekers. Miss
Klumpke's,great ambition is to finish
her immense task in Paris, and to re
turn to her own country to carry on
her work in science. She is a firm be
liever in the astronomical future of
America, and feels confident that it wll
soon lead the world in the great sci
ence. Miss Klumpke, in spite of her
love for science, has still a woman's
fancy for pretty clothes, and dresses in
charming taste, her gowns being of
her own designing.
Why Fay Rent.
In his annual report First Assistant
Postmaster General Heath declares
that the government would effect a
considerable saving if it were to pur
chase outright property conveniently
located for its postal stations in the
larger cities. Rentals for postal sta
tions in Xew York city and Brooklyn
alone now aggregate $158,045 per an
num. This amount would erect and
equip several postal stations annually,
dependent of course on the value of
the real estate in the particular locali
ty. Competition for the location of sta
tions among the large real estate hold
ers, in the larger cities especially,
would be so keen that desirable prop
erty could frequently be secured at a
nominal figure. "Why," asks Mr.
Heath, "should ihe United States gov
ernment longer pay large rentals when
by an increased appropriation of $300.
000 for ten consecutive years only
double present rents the government
would own the premises occupied by
every postal station in the United
States? Government buildings are
practically free from taxation, yet
owners of buildings used for pestofnee
purposes are obliged to consider this
item In submitting proposals." It will
be remembered that Mr. Wanamaker
when postmaster general, suggested
that the money received on deposit in
postal savings banks, should they be
established, be invested in the erection
of government buildings, and he
showed clearly that it would be a pro
fitable investment for the funds. New
Postal Progress.
Sixty-eight years ago, when the
postal rate for the transmission of one
letter was 25 cents for 4C0 miles, a
former postmaster reports that be had
at different times received as a just
equivalent for this service, cither two
bushels of oats, five dozen eggs, fonr
pounds of butter, three bushels of
wheat or one and a third pounds of
common wool. It is easy to compare
the progress which-the postoffice has
since made under government direc
tion. "Modern education too often covers
the fingers with rings, and at the sam
time cuts the sinews at the wrist Stir-
Kustaa Admiral talsJbt e flas
atT4 a Froaca FreMraa,
Very prompt attention is beiaf ftiTea
by the Russian admiralty to Admiral
Makaroffs scheme of Ice-breakers for
the gulf Of Finland and the froten
ocean, says a St Petersburg correspon
dent to the London Globe. Vice-Admiral
afaksrott is no inexperienced drean
?f. he has held high command in the
Mediterranean and Pacific and Is recog
nized as one of the ablest officers in
the Russian service. His startling Idea
of cutting through polar ice In order to
reach the pole surpasses in audacity
the aeronautical flights ot Herr An
dres. For the immediate future, there
fore, he wisely intends to confine the
application of his theories to the Gulf
of Finland and the Kara sea. Capt
Sverdrup, of Dr. Nansen's ship, the
Fram, has arrived here at the Invita
tion of Admiral Makaroff to take part
In a consultation on the subject at the
department of the imperial admiralty
and this looks like serious business. It
is also stated that a credit of lk500,000
rubles is to be forthwith opened for the
construction of a large ice-breaker and
a number of drawings of such vessels
submitted by various firms are already
under examination. It is proposed to
be ready to make the first experiment
in the winter of 1899. Practically this
means increased facilities and an in
crease of English trade with Cronstadt
and St Petersburg, and perhaps with
Siberia, at times of the year Whett Brit
ish ships are now being kept back or
frozen in by the ice; .besides which, the
building of these powerful ice-breawera
Is likely to be undertaken only in Eng
land, unless the engineering dispute
continues to ruin the chance of prop
erly executing foreign orders. St. Pet
ersburg, the capital ot the empire and
the nearest port of access to the great
manufacturing districts of Moscow, is
at present closed to ships throughout
the winter. This cah be remedied by an
ice-breaker of 10,000 horse power, wnicn
would be able to cut through ice of
the Finnish gulf at a rate of five to
seven knots.
Jfew Zealand Colored Race Is Fast Sae
comblng Before the Whites
From the New York Evening Pofct
The Maoris of New Zealand seem to be
doomed to extinction in spite of the
fact that all the conditions surround
ing them appear to be favorable to
their survival. The quarrel between
the races is ended, and large tracts of
land arc reserved for them. The young
men are educated, 90 per cent of them
being able to read and write. Their
chiefs in many cases derive large in
comes from rents of land, and are rep
resented in the legislature. A great
Maori college stands at Tc Auti,
Hawke's bay, and not a few of the clev
erer Maori youths have passed through
the classes of the New Zealand univer
sity. And yet the Maoris, under that
mysterious law which makes a colored
race vanish before the breath of the
all-conquering whites, are passing
away. A conference of educated Maoris
was held a short time ago, and papers
were read on the condition and pros
pects of the race. These are now pub
lished in pamphlet form, and make a
very melancholy bit of literature. It
is declared that 90 per cent of edu
cated Maoris go back from the schools
in mere savagery. The race, these rep
resentative Maoris declare, Is lower
both in morals and in vitality than it
has ever yet been, and threatens to per
ish. Yet physically and intellectually
the Maoris or was the finest colored
race in the southern hemisphere.
Economy in household management
is a feature which appeals with great
force to the feminine mind, and it is
the key note struck in the Invention of
which is herewith illustrated. Like
many another useful apparatus, the
idea is very simple. It lies in insert
ing in the fire among the fuel a small
cube, by means of which the ingress
of fresh air is facilitated, the com
bustion of fuel being promoted by the
influx of oxygen. In the illustration
the apparatus can be seen imbedded,
the air passing through the bottom and
upward through horizontal slots into
the center of the fire. The use of this
small aid to combustion is said to en
able coke or anthracite (smokeless)
coal to be burned in ordinary fireplaces
without any alterations.
Water In the Soil.
The United States agricultural de
partment have found that the fertility
of soils depend largely on their capac
ity for retaining moisture. In many
Western localities crops grow luxuri
antly with scarcely any summer rain,
depending en tha water absorbed dur
ing winter and retained during the en
tire sumircr by the soil. This novel
theory is insuiUcicnt to account for the
presence of so much water as is found
perpetually present in the soil of the
Mojave and Nevada deserts. It is even
thought to be possible that the perma
nent water supply existing at a depth
of 40 to 100 feet may be responsible for
the ever-present moisture. The effect
of forests on rainfall is now under ac
tive discussion by several authorities,
who differ widely in their conclusions,
some holding that forests increase rain
fall and ethers not accepting this view.
Goreramest Satchel Benalr She.
The United States maintafm a
satchel repair" shop for the repair of
letter carriers' satchels. During the
year 1897. 5,742 were repaired at a
cost of 32 cents each, the total ax-
psnsa being Sl,57fc25. - -
Formerly Oceanic by the Holders, a
Family in a Bad Senate James
Traver Seeking Cambcrlaad Gap, Dis
appears There.
Bardstowht Ky.t Correspondence
Chicago Chronicle: In Rockcastle
county, not tar from here, on a lonely
hill stands a log cabin in a fifteed
acre clearing. Deserted dilapidated,
desolate, the place reminds one of a
central figure in a weird, uncanny tale,
where robbers and bandits are wont
to congregate. The windows in the
old house are broken, the doors are,
off their hinges, and weeds and briers
grow to the threshold. The building
is reputed to be the oldest in that sec
tion of the country, having been erect
ed early in the present century by one
Ross, and occupied by him and his
descendants for many years.
Some years previous to the civil war
the house was occupied by a family
of the name of Holder. These people
bore a bad reputation, and it was con
ceded by all that there was no crime
too mean for them to commit. In ad
dition to being robbers, it was hinted
that they were counterfeiters as well.
One day in the summer of 1869 a
stranger mounted on a splendid horse
Btopped at a little station known as
Brodhead, and made inquiries as to
the route to Cumberland Gap. Accord
ing to a bystander, the stranger said
he was James f ravers from Ohio, and
stated 'that he was on his way to the
mountains, where, he alleged, he and
his brother were joint owners of a
mining interest He seemed to have
plenty of money. A few months after
ward Travers' brother appeared in
Rockcastle and made inquiries con
cerning James Travers, whom he had
traced that far. Careful investigation
disclosed the fact that the missing man
had taken the wrong route to the
mountains, and had stopped at the
house of the Holders. Here all trace
of him was lost
Mr. Travers was convinced that his
brother had met with foul play, and
that the Holders knew more abdQt the
missing man than they would tell. He
left for Cincinnati to enlist the ser-
vices of a detective. When he returned
the Holders had disappeared. No in
formation could be had regarding them.
The old house remained unoccupied a
number of years, and then Tom Ross,
a grandson of the original owner of
the place, moved his family into the
house. Previous to this, however,
strange tales had been circulated re
garding the lonely farm. It was haunt
ed, the people of the neighborhood
said. Strange sights had been seen
and strange sounds had been heard in
and around the old house.
Despite all this Ross took up his
abode there, and defied the "ha'nts,"
as he termed them, but, after a time,
he openly acknowledged that the place
was haunted. In addition to hearing
unearthly noises through the night,
Ross solemnly avowed that promptly
at noon each day a strange voice, seem
ing to come from the direction of the
gate opening on the road, would shout
"Hallo!" three times. On going to in
vestigate, no one could be found.
One of Ross' neighbors, hearing of
this, went over to satisfy himself. He
related afterward that he was satisfied
that the tales told of the ghost were
based on a solid foundation. He. dis
tinctly heard the voice at noontime
shout "Hallo!" and, in addition to this,
when Ross poured forth' a volley of
oaths at the mysterious visitor and
challenged It to come forward and
Bhow itself, a large and ferocious
watchdog belonging to Ros3, and which
was standing midway between house
and gate, suddenly dropped his tail and
retreated to the house, snapping,
snarling and barking as if pursued by
some terrible object intent upon doing
the creature harm. On reaching the
dwelling the dog took refuge under the
bed, from whence no persuasion could
induce it to come for some hours.
Ross shortly after this moved to an
other section, and then tenants for the
old house followed in quick succession.
Each occupied the premises for a short
time, all getting away as soon as prac
ticable and all with singular unanimity
telling the same story of the noonday
visitor and the blood-curdling cry.
The ghost, according'to one tenant
John DIetzman did not restrict itself
to shouting "Hallo!" at the gate, but
extended its operations into the house.
John told that the ghost would come
lumbering down the stairs from a little
room above, making a noise similar to
an empty flour barrel rolling down the
steps. The uncanny visitor, at all
times invisible, would proceed to the
flreplace, stir up the embers and cause
a roaring fire to blaze np the chimney.
This performance was repeated night
ly, and all the time John and his good
wife woald He in bed,- not daring, to
store. The German soon mered.away.
The house then remained vacant a
long time. One night during this time
a. tarty of young men returning from a
danee determined to spend the remain-,
der of the night in the haunted house.'
On ascending the hill about half a mile'
from the old place they discovered
that the old building was on fire.
Flames were pouring from it in all di
rections, and It was evident that it
would soon be destroyed. The young
men hastened, being eager to witness
the end of the structure. To reach the
building they had to pass through a
strip of woods, which momentarily ob
structed the burning building from
view. Their astonishment cah be!
imagined when they emerged from the
woods, quite near the old cabin, to find
it standing dark, gloomy and Intact
The young men did not stop to make
any investigation, but hurried from the
Of course, it wa3 generally supposed
that' the spirit that was playingsuca
pranks on the old Ross place was that
.of James Travers, and this supposition
was confirmed not long since in a re
markable manner. A party of citizens
of Rockcastle county, determined to
thoroughly search the j. remises for
some key to the mystery.
The floors of the house were taken
up and every foot of ground turned up
to a considerable depth. But nothing
was discovered. An old outhouse which
stood in one corner of the neglected
yard, which years before had served
as a corn crib, was next visited, and
the rough floor of that taken Up. Here
the searchers, after digging a while,
unearthed a man's skeleton. The back
of the skull was badly crushed, showing
in what manner death had been inflict
ed. A printed handbill containing a
description of James Travers had been
circulated at the time he disappeared,
and one of them had been preserved
in the circuit clerk's office at Mount
Vernon, the county seat of Rockcastle.
Therein were described certain defects
in the teeth of the missing man. The
teeth in the skull unearthed in the old
outhouse tallied exactly with the print
ed description, and the identity of the
skeleton as that of James Travers was
established beyond peradventure. The
bone3 were given decent burial, and it
was hoped that the premises would be
rid of the tormenting ghost. The place
was immediately rented to a family of
negroes. But the burial of the bones
had no effect toward quieting the
ghost, and the colored people moved
away, after being frightened almost to
death by the noontide visitor and his
unearthly cries. Since then the old
house has remained unoccupied and is
fast going to decay.
Remarkable Credulity of the Russian
Peasants Quaintly Illustrated.
In the western districts of the Cher
son province of Russia there recently
occurred a strike of peasants, who res
olutely declined to do any more work
for the local landowner, says the New
York Mail and Express. The police in
vestigated the matter, and, according
to a St. Petersburg correspondent, gave
the following extraordinary reasons for
the outbreak: A picture of the present
czar was recently sent to all communal
councils in Russia, including, of course,
those In Cherson. As the picture only
presented a side view of the czar, only
one ear was visible. This led the'peas
ants to believe that the czar really pos
sessed only one ear, and the loss of the
other they thus accounted for: When
Alexander III died (say those peasants)
his widow and old adviser began to con
fer together, afterward inviting Nicho
las II to join them. As soon as Czar
Nicholas entered the room he declared
that all land in Russia equally
divided among the peasants. One of
his councilors replied: "As sure as you
can not see your own ear you won't di
vide the land." The czar thereupon
cut off one ear and remarked, "As sure
ly as I now see my ear I will divide the
land. The peasants in Cherson were
so convinced of the truth of this legend
that they believed a strike against the
landowners would be followed by the
intervention of the czar and the divi
sion of the land among themselves.
The First Lifeboat.
The first lifeboat was, curiously
enough, devised by a landsman, one
Lionel Lukin, a coach builder of Dun
mow, in Essex. This man had lost
some relatives in the foundering of a
vessel at sea, and he set about design
ing a vessel which should be unsink
able. Having completed his design, he
fitted up a coble, which was duly tried,
and which was the means of saving
various lives. Lukin patented his in
vention in November, 1785.
The Georgia Editor's Idea.
A Georgia editor makes this -bid for
public favor: "Get a first-class news
paper while you are about it Our con
temporary, over the way, keeps this
notice at the head of his journal: 'En
tered at the postoffice as second-class
matter.' You donVwant that kind of
a newspaper, do you?"
Paper Horseshoes Goad.
A scientific paper says that the paper
horseshoes now coming into use last
longer than those made of steel and do
not slip so easily.
Thoasaads of Rebel OJscers Conflned to
Its Units Daring the War Johnson's
Island, Lake Erie, and Its Cemetery
of Confederate Bead.
Sandusky, O., Correspondence: With
the death in this city of the venerable
Leonard B. Johnson, a man passed
away whose name is, by the circum
stances of war inseparably linked with
the history of his country. Mr. John
son was the owner of the famous island
that was made historic by Its occupa
tion by the federal government durine
the rebellion as a military post for the
ucienuon or confederate prisoners of
Mr. Johnson was born in County
Wexford, Ireland, In 1807, and removed
from there with his parents to Mont
real, Canada, in 1822. He lived there
until 1832, when he came to Sandusky,
and remained here until his death. He
acquired by purchase in 1852 the island
which bears his name, and was the
owner of the greater portion of it at
the time of his death, having only re
cently sold fifty acres of it to the Fifth
regiment, Ohio National Guard, for use
as a permanent camping ground. The
government endeavored to obtain pos
session of the island at the close of the
war for the purpose of establishing a
military post there, and offered Mr.
Johnson $100,000 for it, but he de
clined to part with it.
Johnson's island is located at the
mouth of Sandusky bay, overlooking
Lake Erie, and is about a mile long
and a mile and a half wide. It was
an Ideal spot for a prison post No
prisoner was ever known to escape
from it. The grounds were inclosed
within a fence twelve feet high, with
a platform top, upon which sentinels
paced to and fro day and night. To
the north Lake Erie stretches away for
fifty miles; on the east, separated by
three miles of water, lies Sandusky,
while west and south of the island are
broad stretches of Sandusky bay.
Viewed from the deck of a passing
steamer In the summer the island
looks like a huge emerald In a setting
of blue, the' picturesque effect being
heightened as the waters, gently
stirred by the breeze, break in ripples
on the long, low sandy shore or, lashed
to fury by the gale, rushes with sullen
rear against the beach. Today the
snowclad island, bound by icy fetters,
looks bleak and dreary, and the biting
winter winds that come in fitful gusts
across the broad expanse of frozen
waters sigh mournfully through the
barren branches of the trees.
The island was used almost exclu
sively as a prison for officers, the to
tal number confined there from first to
last aggregating over 15,000. The first
prisoners were taken there in April,
1862, and in September, 1865, the last
of them were sent to Fort Lafayette,
and Johnson's island was abandoned
as a prison post. The men confined on
Johnson's island represented the flow
er of the chivalry of the south. They
were largely professional men and
planters, among them being many who
were prominent in science, literature
and art
These men were treated during the
period of their imprisonment as be
fitted men of their station in life, so
far as circumstances would permit, of
course. They were lodged in comfort
able houses, provided with suitable
clothing, and their tables were fur
nished with an abundance of the sub
stantial and many of the luxuries.
They were subjected to no petty ty
ranny, but, on the contrary, were
granted privileges enjoyed by prison
ers at no other military post in the
north, an exception being made in'thelr
ease, because as a class they were con
sidered superior to ordinary prisoners,
and were put upon their honor in many
instances where it "-rould have been
hazardous to have trusted men with
lees scrupulous regard for their words.
This trust was never betrayed but
once, and that was through outside In
fluence. It was when Jacob Thomp
son, formerly secretary of the interior
under Buchanan; Major C. H. Cole of
the Fifth Tsnnessee confederate regi
ment; Major Thomas Hinds of Bow
ling Green and several others hatched
a conspiracy for the liberation of all
t&e confederate prisoners in the north.
Their object was to capture the man-of-war
Michigan, which was at that
time on Lake Erie, seize the steamer
Pailo Parsons, running between San-
iJBJBjna ft w
j dusky and the Islands at the head of
Lake Erie, and release the 25,000 con
federates, of whom 4,000 were on John
son's island, 8,000 at Camp Douglas,
near Chicago; 9,000 at Camp Chase,
near Columbus, and 4,000 at Camp
Morton, near Indianapolis. Then with
the aid of over 10,000 other confeder
ates and northern sympathizers who
had congregated at various points to
aid In the consummation of the plot,
they hoped to strike a fatal blow at the
union at a time when, according to the
calculations of the conspirators, Gen
eral Early was to lay siege to Wash
ington and thus make it impossible for
the federal government to send troops
to the points to be attacked.
A part of the program was carried
out Colonel Cole, who had been de
puted to capture the Philo Parsons, did
so' and sailed away with her. But the
conspiracy to seise 'the Michigan anr
liberate the 25.000 confederates failed
and Cole and his men were captured.
Their betrayer was Colonel Johnson of
Kentucky, a prisoner on Johnson's
island, who, seized with remorse for
the act, committed suicide shortly af
terward. Cole was tried and sentenced to be
shot, the execution to take place on
Johnson's island. But influential
friends interceded for him and his sen
tence was commuted to life imprison
ment. He was taken to Fort La
fayette in 1865, remaining there one
year, was then pardoned out and is
now living on a ranch in Texas. The
men captured with him were subjected
to a few years' imprisonment and were
then pardoned. Thus ended one of the
most gigantic conspiracies of the war
for the overthrow of the north.
the -'Smartest Dog."
John N. Conover, the liveryman, has
perhaps the most intelligent dog In all
this country. He Is a shepherd and is
valued very highly by his owner.
George Coffey went out home with Mr.
Conover a few days ago and upon his
reutrn related the following to a rep
resentative of the News: "Well, sir,
John Conover has got the smartest dog
I ever saw, and if he was mine I
wouldn't take $100 for him. I was out
at John's today and it was raining.
The dog was lying by the stove and
John said to him, calling him by
name: 'This fire is about out; go and
get a stick of wood.' The dog sprang
up, went hastily to the woodhouse and
returned with a stick in his mouth.
Mr. Conover then remarked: 'Go up
stairs and get my old hat.' The sum-
mons was obeyed, and in two minutes
Mr. Conover was presented with hia
hat, but it was not the one he wanted,
so he told the dog to take it back and
bring another one, describing It, and
this time no mistake was made. He
then said to the dog: It is raining: go
and see that the cattle are in the field
convenient to the barn.' The dog
started with a yelp, and it was not
long until he came in, satisfying his
master that his orders had been obey
ed." Columbus (Ky.) News.
The Cat Came Back.
Two months ago the office cat at the
M. and C. railroad office disappeared
and it was generally believed that she
had been killed. To the surprise of
those around the railroad office, the cat
came back the other morning from a
long journey. The animal had got into
a car of merchandise billed to St Louis
and had been locked up in it. When
the car was opened at the latter place
the cat jumped out. The animal was
placed in the office there, but the St
Louis railroad men soon tired of her
and decided to send the cat back to this
city. She was placed in a through car
with a note telling the circumstances.
She reached here early this morning.
The cat seemed glad to be at home
again. She had traveled over 500 miles
altogether and was nearly starved.
Middletown (O.) Correspondent of the
Cincinnati Commercial-Tribune.
The Very Xeirest Accent.
The fashionable accent is another
important matter to be considered by
the maid who desires to seem one of
the society elect She must avoid a
lisp unless she wishes to brand herself
a half century behind the times. The
broad "a" of the Anglomaniac has also
seen its best days. The sodthern drawl
with Its apparent indifference to the
existence of the average first syllable,
Is threadbare. To be up to date from
a local point of view it is necessary to
cultivate a soft, low voice, an enuncia
tion so distinct that occasionally you
convey the impression that the capi
tal letter is at the end of the word, and
a certain vivacity of utterance that
throughout Europe is associated with
the modern American girl.
Potato Patties.
Boil some potatoes and mash them.
When cold put a layer in some rather
deep patty pans, previously greased and
sprinkled with bread crumbs. Over this
put a layer of nicely seasoned minced
beef or mutton, moistened with a little
gravy. Cover each patty-pan with a
layer of the potato, sprinkle with
grated cheese and bake till brown.
A-roid the Carriage. .
Bicycling unfits a man for the work
of wheeling a baby carriage. The han
dle bars on the carriage do not suit
him. They a:r so high that he cannot
crook his back enough, and he misses
the bell that is to warn other baby
carriages from the sidewalk. New Or
leans Picayune.
A Style S-MTSeste-l by th. Great BJeetrt-
A nomadic electrical engineer and
inventor, recently returned from the
Pacific coast, relates the following
story in the Electrical Engineer: "A
few weeks ago a great American eagle,
which had been born and brought up
in California, and was, therefore, a
sound-money advocate, was making is
visit In the vicinity of Fresno, CaL
While he was waiting around on the
mountainside for his friends to appear
he became weary and decided to alight
in some convenient place for an inter
val of rest He happened to land on
one of the barb wires ot the electric
transmission line coming down from
the mountains into Fresno. While en
joying his siesta am eagle came along
whom the California Mrd at tret mte-,
took for one ot his' friends. The
stranger also made the mistake of sap
posing that the California esgle was
a friend of his. consequently he alight
ed on another wire ot the transmis
sion line directly opposite and began
a conversation. In the course of the
talk It was discovered that the new
comer was a Nevada bird, and conse
quently a rabid free-silverlte. It is
much the same with the feathered
things of the air as it is with human
being3; that is to say. that the course
of conversation naturally turned to,
politics and from that to a discussion
o? the money question. The crisis
came when the birds passed from
words to blows. The man who saw
the fight 13 not exactly certain in his
own mind who struck first, but he is
positive that when the beaks of the
two eagles met the only thing that
he could see was a cloud of smoke and
a flash of lightning. Closer investiga
tion revealed the fact that Immedi
ately under the perches formerly oc
cupied by the two eagles were two
pairs of claws, two beaks and several
bushels of scorched and pungent feath
ers scattered over the scenery. Tho
puff of smoke Included the balance oi
the remains. But here Is where tho
real damage was done. When these
two eagles crossed their bills they
short-circuited the line and caused
an arc, which was maintained for somo
minutes, between the two opposite
sides of the line, until the copper was
melted through and the circuit was
broken. A search party was sent forth
to discover the cause of the lack of
electric power in Fresno, and it was
several hours before the damage was
repaired. The linemen who straighten
ed out the tangle have preserved the
beaks and claws of the birds and sev
eral of the feathers found on tho
ground. This is all the proof that any
sane man would require as to the actu
al occurrence I have described."
China's Great Albamea Tmctory.
Near Chingklang, China, is a great
albumen factory, for the utilization of
the duck eggs which are produced In
that region in enormous quantities,
flocks of 4,000 and 5,000 ducks being by
no means uncommon. The eggs are
broken at the rate of from 40,000 to
60,000 per day by women, who separate
the whites from the yolk, the former
being carefully cleaned and dried until
they resemble flshglue, when they are
packed In 400-pound cases lined with
zinc. The yolks are passed through
sieves Into twenty-five gallon recep
tacles, mixed with a salt and borax so
lution, packed in 500-pound barrels,
and used in Europe. The albumen
finds a ready market in Great Britain,
France and Germany.
Aceoanted For.
Katie Well, you-Jj a sight! I fought
you said you could lick Mickey Dugan
standin' on yer head an wit' bote yer
hands tied behind yer back. Patsey
So I could, but de slob wouldn't fight
dat way. Puck.
"John, what are 'figures of speech? "
"Please, ma'am, words like too, for.
and ate." Puck.
Trivvet I believe in giving the devil
his due. Dicer But why do you make
him a preferred creditor? Puck.
Miss Demure Why should I let you
kiss me? Jack Dashing Because I
won't kiss you if you don't Puck.
DorothyHave you read that article
on "How to be Beautiful?" Anna
Yes; but I think the best way is to be
born so. Puck.
Sabbath School Teacher How do we
know that our days are numbered?
Johnny Squanch By looking at the
calendar, ma'am. Puck.
John Doe I wonder what caused Go
bang to collapse. I am told he is suf
fering from nervous prostration. Rich
ard Roe Yes. He sat down in a game
of poker with a man who stuttered.
Mr. Saphead They say that all beau
tiful people are weak-minded, don't
you know. Miss Pretty That may all
be, Mr. Saphead; but you must not
forget that all weak-minded people are
not beauties. Puck.
African Explorer (dumfounded)
What, you, Clarence Vere de Vere, in
the heart of darkest Africa! What la
the world are you doing here? Clar
ence Vere de Vere I'm wearing the
neckties Miss Darling gave me for
Christmas. I promised hT I would,
you know! Puck.
Aunts and Uncles "All that ails
you," said the plain-spoken man, "i3
laziaess. 'Go to the ant, thou sluggard.
Consider her ways and be wise. " "I
guess I'll have to," sighed young Ard
up. "I've gone to my uncle so often
there's nothing left that I can get a
farthing on." Odds and Ends.
A Commendation "How barbarous!
she exclaimed, as she looked at a
picture of a tattooed woman. "Well,"
remarked her father, "the idea has its
advantage as a mode of feminine deco
ration. It doesn't obstruct the view
of those who happen to sit behind her
at the theater." Washington Star.
Conflicting Evidence "Was that a
man's valise, or a woman's, that the
police found down by the railroad
track?" asked the city editor. "I dun
no," answered the police reporter.
"There was nothing in ii but one of
Zola's stories, a copy of "The Dolly
Dialogues,' a paper sack of caramels,
and a pack ot cigarettes." Inrtiaaapte-
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