The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, March 09, 1898, Image 1

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(Oldest Bank in the State.)
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JOMJ iveit?. W. a. McAuistzs,
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a. F H. CtenLEicn. J. I Beckeh Estate.
Hebecca Becker. II. iL Vlv5low.
Bank of Deposit: f merest allowed on tin:
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fcble securities We shall fce nleased to re
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olumbus Journal!
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Coffins : and : Metallic : Gases I
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couira-a, CTWiCTj
Columbus Journal
xzccxzxs or a
Spain's New War Ships i
& Fushing ork on Three Armored Cruisers of a s3
Type Superior to the Vizcaya. g
The Spanish government. Is doing all
within its power to aagment the
strength of her navy, and with that end
in vie, orders have been given to push
forward tie three new armored crui
sers, the Cardinal Cisneros, Princesa
da Acsturias and Cataluna, -which this
.country is bttilding, and Trhich are de
scribed t the folio-wing articles, taken
frcat that excellent weekly naval - il-
ircscraxea papery r.i 31 anno .naval, -written
by Lieutenant of the Navy Marin
Rnbio Mtinez:
The navy is anxiously a-waiting the
happy completion of the three armored
cruisers which are being built in the That report the essence of courage
arsenals of Ferrol, Carries and Carta- j and discipline should live in Ameri
gena. The general description given ' can history.
in brief in a previous number, when "Sir, said the gallant orderly, stand
we described to cur readers the cruis- i ing at salute. "I have to inform you
ers Infanta Maria Teres?. Vizcaya and ! that the ship has been blown up and is
Oqcendo, are repeated in reference to ' sinking."
their sister ships in all that relates to
the generic type; but there will be a
large number of new details which
augment their fighting vnlue in the
Cardinal Cisnero;, Princesa de Astur
ias and Cataluna.
Armament to B Henrier.
"Apart from the small variations of
external appearance, the differences to
which we allude are for the main part
introduced in the armament of the new
cruisers, which is to be heavier and at
the same time more complete.
'"The characteristics of these cruisers
are the following: Length. 106 metres;
breadth; 1-m. Scm.; draught, 5m. 6cm.;
displacement, T.OCO tons; engines, 15,
000 horse power, and speed 20 knots.
Armor: Eelt, Clem.; deck. 5cm.; gen po
sition, 27cm., and conning tower, Slcm.
Armament: Hontoria system, 24cm., 2;
14cm. quick firing. 10; small calibre,
.20; torpedo tubes, S.
"If our readers will take the pains
to compare these oScial figures with
these of the Infanta Maria Teresa, Viz
caya and Oquendo they will find in the
j newly built cruisers an increase of
i 1,200 horse power in the engines.whicb
I of course will give a large increase of
speed. In addition to this there is the
finer model which will add still fur
j tier speed. The armored belt which de
, fends the vital parts of the Cardinal
Cisnercs Is larger and the quality of
the plates has improved, and we main
tain hopes that the sister ship in Bil
bao will have even stronger resistive
power. The defensive power of the
whole has also increased not a little,
for they have the exceptional advan
tage of the installation of a battery of
14cm. quick firing guns.
Compared vrlth Oar Shir-
"It seems, in our opinion, well to
form comparative data with other na
vies as the best means cf appreciating
the relative value of the national forces
and with that object in view we present
to our readers for reference and anal
ogy the three most powerful armored
cruisers flying the United States Sag,
which serve to-day as the sword of Da
mocles to cur Spanish pessimists.
"The four fundamental properties cf
this class of ship, power defensive and
offensive speed and radius of action.
can be easily appreciated by the fata
which follows:
- '
2 i
tHsptttcxtat. 7cs.
ilActlaery. H. power.
; Belr.:aca ... .
- Dc5 i-iMtcc ea.
C I Gca -!iie!i. cai
- FrKailtSrca..
j i Frraa K ia Itaa..
-- Frwa 11 to iSca..
S OIKtea
Tcrj-J3 ti ........
STi tz t20t ....
rtnlia of actios ts
6JM 6.7X) T:0 ?XO 9X0
MVO MjSW lXiW I74) l;ik3
3J 3) II IJ TJi
S M 3 2 13
a sa r: 5 u
2 t 2
s e :c
3 ;j
3 T
S3 21
JTO 3jX iA) ei3 60
Deduction From Fijrcrci.
"Direct deduction from the preceding
figures enables us without any strain
ing of our conscience to call our three
national cruisers superiores in absolu
to over their foreign antagonists, bat,
nevertheless, the eloquence of those
figures should fce sufiicient to inspire in '
the pessimists and incredulous the ne
cessary peace cf mind, to close the
Bccths cf those who are constantly
staling that the Spanish forces are de
fective and those who so freely criti
cise the naval profession in our coun
try. "Recent experiences of such import
ance as that of the battle of the Yalu,
in the Chino-Japanese wrr, have dem
onstrated the supremacy of quick fir
ing ordnance, and the former custom
cf trusting to guns of immense cali
bre has gene cut of date, while to-day
the great aim of constructors is mid
dle sized guns well protected. With
that idea In mind the new cruisers
hava Jseen equipped, fcr the rapid firing
guns are perfectly protected by armor,
ana with special provision for a separ
ate supply of shelL
Better Than Old Type.
"These points will mark the suprem
acy of the Cardinal Cisnercs, Princesa.
ce Asturias and rtsTrrr over the In
fanta Maria Theresa type. The rapid
evolution which has taken place in na
val construction cf modern times, age
la a short time the mest admired and
renowned ships; the sphere cf action
zZ the critic expands and extends leg-
tally cmder saca circumstaaces, aa.d I
t-a-. " - -- .- wr.ivi k U3Ti gv TX ?Sm CZWMM3CZ& OCiJ W
daring are the arguments of these who
seek to show that efficiency is wanting."
Brave "Bill Anthony, marine order
ly of the ill-fated battleship Maine, has
a record to be proud of. Amidst the
sftrjtfa wf 1
of flames, with the great steel ship
settling to its grave and the dead lying
thick upon its shattered decks, brave
Anthony made his report to Captain
I Sigsfcee.
"Bill" Anthonv has carried a rifle in i
Uncle Sam's service since he was 1"
years old. His father was a boss
truckman in New York in the old days
when Fifty-ninth street was out in the
suburbs, and "Bill" was bc-n within t
a stone's throw of the battery. He was
a natural bora soldier, six feet two
inches tall. broad-sLouldered, narrow
hipped, slender-limbed, and stout
hearted. The family moved to New Jersey just
about the time, "Blil" completed a rath
er turbulen career in the public schools
and one morning he vanished. "Bill"
had enlisted. That happened twenty
eight years ag, and from that moment
Anthony has never ceased to wear the
His first active service carried him
to the Carolinas, where the Ku Klux
were busily engaged in their deviltries.
There he laid the foundation for hi
soldierly reputation. His commanding
officer in those early days was Major
' Steward, long since retired, bat still
Years later a young man drifted into
the marine corps as a volunteer, a
, slender, soft-handed fellow, wha was
tV.o mTT nf tfco mniin- -niTil "T3tl3"
fc. w hfcta 1 --11 -i ----- n . - - i i - I 4
Anthony, the pride of the
called a halt. The recruit
proved to
be the wayward sen cf Anthony's eld
major, and the big marine watched
over him like a father. " ,
i Anthony saw fourteen years of sol- i
dieting, mest of it en the western plains i
before he threw in his fortunes with ,
the marines. He was always a marked
man in the service, conspicuous for his
magnificent physique, his cool courage,
and perfect discipline.
As a. non-commissioned cflicer he
filled every position known to the mil
itary code, and filled them welL There
was just one blemish ia brave "Bill's" '
character a blemish which many be- ,
lieve alone kept him out of a commis- )
sion. "Bill" would drink, not often to j
i excess, but invariably just at the wrong '
time, when his commanding officers j
favorite though he
wink at the offense.
was could not
ins last army se
ice was at "West
Point, where he figured to the admira- '
tion of cadets and everybody else as
drum major. "Bill's" splendid figure
and profound knowledge of soldiery
won him this appointment.
Ten years ago he left the army and
enlisted as a marine. It was the old
ttory over again rapid advancements,
followed by the inevitable setbacks, all
due to unwise conviviality. Not that
"Bill" ever transzressed while on duty
for a firmer disciplinarian never
wore a marine uniform. Over at the
Brooklyn navy yard Anthony is well
known and well liked. He was sta
tioned there for two years, and during
the greater part of that time served
as clerk in the recruiting ofice.
Anthony was detailed to the Brook
lyn en its cruise in the China seas. Up
on his return he was sent to the Maine,
where his soldierly merit won him the
pest of marine orderly.
A cynical bachelor says that a widow
should be either married, buried, or
shut up in a convent.
,---ra'sae3"SsSSa!rMjU I fKRmE
bbsmbs " 5! rTZL'aT-aa 3 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaltaaaTaaaaaaaaa
la aaalMEaK5'aarEafaa
" ygHQmgUBt ' " a
Tk yajgiks ttcasaa.
A. celebrated physician writes
following oa nagging -women:
"Nine time3 out of tea th wamaSd
i i- .! T-- -5r M l
who nazs i. tird. One tine out of tea-
she i hateful. The cases that ccm
under the physician's eye are those of;
the women who are tired, and who havav-
been tired so long that they are saf-a
fering from some form of nervous di4
ease; They may think they are onltn.
tired, but in fact they are ill, and ill
is that sort of illness in which the will!
is weakened, and the patients give wayj
to annoyances that they would ignore
if in a healthy condition. In suchi;
cases the woman often suffers more
from her nagging than tirn husband orj
the children with whom she findsj
fault. She knows she does it. She
does not intend to do it. She suffer!
in her own self-respect when she doe'
it, and, in the depths of her soul, loJ" J
nruBcani iu arvp iv. ice raau' j
tioa is usually brought on by broken
sleep, improper feed, want of some
other exereiee than housekeeping, and
of enough out-odoor air and practical
objective thinking. it is often the
most unselfish and most affectionate
of women who 2ll into this state. They
are too much devoted to their families
1 to give themselves a bicycle, for in
t stance, or enough of any healthy exer-
i cise and diversion, enough of afternoon
i naps, perhaps. In such cases the hus-
, band is often to blame, because he
1 gives nag for nag instead of looking
straight for the fundamental cause of I
tne trouole. mere are many cases
where such a woman begins by show-
, . . ... ..
ins a longing for a little more atten-
! tl0a
a little more tenderness, an in-
vitation to a concert, or cosy little din-
- -u z. i i. j -
ner cut with her husband, xne man
who dees not tue tn aa n:gn is
responsible for pretty much all that
, . . .
follows, and sometimes it amounts to
very like criminal responsi
"Wreck of the Aslicelot.
Lieutenant Frank S. Hotchkic, of
C-iicago, who served eighteen years ia
the United States navy, and then re
tted into commercial life, says that If
the Maine had not been a warship the
disaster might have been much wors
than it was. The lieutenant was an
ofcer on beard the the fated Ashuelot
when that warship was wrecked in the
China sea. Eight men were lost three
Chinese who were -icoting the oScers'
quarters, and five "middies" who
jumped overboard, crazed by fear. Th9
i Ashuelot was built for service on the
Mississippi during the war. and fifteen
years ago, Feb. 23, was in Chinese wat
' ers. She was walled in by a heavy fog
when at 4 o'clock in the morning Lieu
J tenant Hotchkin went to relieve the
watch. He had scarcely put foot oa
deck when the lockout cried: "Land oa
1 the starboard beam!" The next min
ute the ship struck, and had it not
been for the discipline the whole out-
fit would have gone to the bottom.
The loss of the ship caused an inquiry
and a court-martial, and the captain
i and the navigator were disciplined.
, "If ever I am in a marine disaster
again," quoth the lieutenant, "I desire
that it shall be on a man-of-war."
"Wheelmen In Tralciusr.
An experienced trainer asked to con
dense the best information he could
give a new racing man, answered as
follows: "Eat almost everything ex-
cePfc '5reI1 saff.' potatoes and turnips.
Make beef, dry toast and weak tea the
principle articles of feed. Do not fce
afraid of ice cream and ripe fruit at
your meals. Be in bed at 9 o'clock each
night and up at 8 in the morning. Take
, a cocl spray bath on rising. Bo not
use tobacco or drink any kind of li
quor. For rubbing mixtures so dear to
all racing men use witch hazel mixed
with a very little pepperment oil. Mir
in the proportion cf one pint of witch
hazel to five cents' worth of oiL Bo
not depend so much on the mixture as
on the rubbing. Have the body well
rubbed over. Knead every muscle.
End bj briskly rubbing in order to
bring blood to the surface nicely. Ex
change. Jl Misunderstanding.
American Tourist "I understand.
Marquis, that you fell in love with a
distinguished American lady on ac
count of her pretty foot? Marquis
Dat is it. De pretty vay she foots de
bills." New York Weekly.
Si I
VV- tgL rJ
tt JBW2k. -V
.mms .
aUryllata Hail m Kctnt IaTeatloa wttk
3mj It Frcveats ta Uap
Btowiac Ovt A Fa: Expeaitloa
Grswtk of th AlaaUoIaa Imdnttry.
LUillNIUM is now
being produced in
large and increas
ing quantities. A
few years ago the
manufacture of this
metal on a com
mercial scale was
regarded as almcst
of possibility.
Those who predict
ed it were considered dreamers, and
capital shunned investment in such an
enterprise. Steadily, and so quietly
that mest of us have hardly been con
scious of the fact, a new "white metal"
has won its way to a place in the in
dustrial world which, if not that to
which the early enthusiasts had as
signed it in their dreams, may yet be
j fairly called a firm foothold. To all
, intents and purposes the history of ala
' minium begins with the invention of
the processes which made possible its
use in the arts on a large scale. In
America this has been accomplished
since 1SS6, and all that was done in
t Europe prior to that date by way of
popularizing the knowledge and use of
the metal is rendered insignificant by
comparison with the results since
achieved. The closing years of the
century are witnessing a remarkable
development in the manufacture and
consumption for industrial purposes of
J thi3 wonderful new metal. Indeed, it
has been possible for a single genera-
i tion to see the birth and the success
ful growth of the entire aluminium in
dustry. In the United States alone in
the year 1SS5 the amount of the crude
aluminium produced exceeded 1,300.003
pounds one-third of the world's total
Tbe Effect of For-
Accidents due to the obscuration of
objects bv fog are so common that
! CAiantfctc rara mi'.-iiir " 5Tl.dV Of aD-
' . " .-.s- vcrn
I sorbent power of fog as regarca ugnj
. .. ... annM- tvat London
. n n c nt nt ,. Hs-ht
J ar. rrwi. rVia
I from an incandescent burner, while tne
bu. UA per
incandescent light contains
. , . .. . ,,, ,n ,1,
, more blue, and this is readily aooraea
. . , -, . ,.v -...v -.m-a
Hi me log. tieu ligua oie iiiutii iic
penetrative than blue, and as the gas
light contains far more red than the
electric, it is much more valuable as
la light for use in very heavy fogs. It
is a fact familiar to every one taat
when the sun shows through mist, it
is of a deep red color. This is ac
counted for by the fact that the blue
rays are entirely absorbed. leaving
only the red with its much more power
ful quality of penetration.
A Paris Exposition Wonder.
At the exposition of 1500, in Paris,
the palace cf war and of the navy will
be a remarkably interesting and orig
inal building. The design of the young
architects to whom the contract has
been awarded, Messrs, Umbdenstock &
Auturtin. is, according to the Scien
tific American, very novel and beauti
ful. The building is designed to show the
ereat transformation that has taken
place in the navy during the last two
centuries. Accordingly, at the left ex
tremity of the building they have
i placed the poop cf one of the immense
' galleys that formed the fleet cf Louis
' XIV., with its antique guns, its blue-and-gold
trimmings, its royal flags and
its sails and rigging.
This ship enters the palace and after
passing through all the changes that
shipbuilding in the last two centuries
has made possible emerges en the right
of the palace a modern armor-clad,
steel-turreted fighting beat, with re
volving guns and a huge smokestack
The structure will be one of the mar
vels cf the great new century show.
Scspended Anltca'.Ion.
Experiments are to be tried upon liv
ing creatures of various sorts for the
purpose of ascertaining just how far
suspended animation can go with safe
ty to life. It is a well understood fact
that certain animals hibernate, and a
number of these are to be collected and
placed under the most favorable condi
tion for experiment. They will be con
stantly watched to note the tempera
ture at which consciousness leaves
them. The statement has been made
that men ia the polar regions have
been frozen in icebergs and have re
covered when the ice melted. This has
been discredited, but a number of
scientists are confident that such an ex
periment could be carried successfully-
It is thought possible to chCl the
body so that it will remain in a torpid
state for a month or more. The female
polar bear hibernates during the en
tire winter, but the male is always cat
and on the alert for food. .Vnimyis
that alberaate are usually Tery fat at
the beginning of cold weather, but
come out in the spring extremely thin.
The faculties are dormant during this
period. Indeed certain creatures may
be deprived' of some portion of their
members without apparent paia. A
bat -was examined after having bees
in the torpid state for some time, when
it was loana that its wings were
broken. It was apparently dead, bat
after being acid ia the haad to Ajgm
wbihrHBB s
minutes it began to move uaeasily, sad
upoa recovering was foaad to b Tt
cioas ia the extreme, mapping aad bit
ing everything that came within Its
reach. The woodehtxk aad hedge-hog
are among the most perfect examples
of hibernating animals. If distmrbed
ia the nest which they have prepared
for themselves, they may roll about
like balls without showing any signs
ot consciousness. These creatures,
however, ar very sensitive to shocks.
A slight blow of an aae upoa the tree
ia which they have made their homes
is oftea sufficieat io kill them, and on
one occasioa a hedge-hog died merely
from rolling a little distance and strik
ing against a log. The fanatics of In
dia permit themselves to be buried
alive, as is supposed, and many of them
have beea known to remain for a long
period In what is to all intents and
- ,pe -glgTe-qqeSP-ri3e-
whether" there is a scientific re-son. for
ail this; and if so by what theory can
these conditions be accounted for, aad
how can they be produced at will.
Is There Scca a Disease a Hydrophobia?
When doctors disagree and acknowl
edged authorities fall out and wrangla
over important points, or on matters
that affect human life and safety, it
is useless for the lay mind to struggle
with such subjects. One medical asso
ciation and a great many competent
authorities have decided that there is
no such disease as hydrophobia. Now
the "Lancet" announces that the only
safeguard against this disease is to
keep dogs muzzled. Surely this must
be an unnecessary precaution, if there
is no such disease to combat. The
publie will watch with a great deal of
interest the outcome of a dispute upon
a question that so closely concerns the
safety of a large number of families ia
all quarters of the globe.
Bley lists Hall It With Joy.
Nearly every wheelman has had trou
ble with his lamp blowing or jarring
out, and has often wondered whether
it was possible to make it stay lighted.
The little device shown in the accom
panying cut is the result of just such
a conjecture, and has been tried on a
number of lamps in this city with good
results. It is simply a piece cf wire
gauze of the proper fineness and shape
which cushions the Same from suddeu
draughts of air and prevents its beine,
blown off the wick. With the shield
in place it is possible to turn the wick
down low enough to prevent the lamp
from smoking, the consumption of oil
being also much smaller. The attach
ment can fce placed on any lamp by
the purchaser, and has already been
Evolved from Garbage.
The garbage of a great city is worth
a fortune every year, if properly util
ized. In 5r Louis, Mo., the refuse is
placed in enormous vertical cylinders,
surrounded by steam jackets, which
evaporate the seventy-five to eighty per
cent of water in the garbage. The fat
ty substances are dissolved, and as the
result of a number of processes a fer
tilizer is produced which is worth from
nine dollars to twelve dollars per ton,
the demand exceeding the supply. One
of the purest and best soaps of the
country was made of garbage grease
before cotton-seed oil entered the field.
It is now proposed to light London by
electricity for nothing. It now costs
that city JL0S (4s Sdl to get rid of a
ton of garbage. A combination of boil
ers and other apparatus has been de
vised that can burn the garbage at
twenty-four cents (one shilling) per
ton, and generate steam sutScIent to
run enough dynamos to light the en
tire city. London can thus save 3s Sd
on each ton. and, in addition, illumin
ate its city without cost. Garbage, by
a machine called the "dust destructor,"
Is converted into clinkers, which can
be used for roadways, as artificial stone
for sidewalks, and as sand for mortar
and cement. In Paris the invisible.
particles of iron, worn from wheels and
from the shces of horses, are rescued
by passing powerful magnets through
the sweepings.
Temporary Lape.
"I shall ask you this morning, breth
ren." said the Rev. Mr. Fourthly, "to
be liberal in your contributions. The
purpose for which this collection is to
be used is one that deserves your hearty
encouragement and support. The mon
ey will be carefully disbursed and ev
ery cent accounted for. Ey the way.
Brother Griflith," continued the good
man, turning to the Sunday school su
perintendent, "will yea kindly tell me
again what the collection this morn
ing is for? I find I am unable to recall
it at the moment." Chicago Tribune.
Caa kcter Aaa'ysls.
"No, said Colonel Stiilwell, "I don't
yearn foh his society. Understand me;
I don't say foh a minute that he is not
as perfect a gentleman as grows. Eut
a man's previous associations will nec
essarily influence his character.'
"What do you know of hi3 previous
"Nothing personally. But I observe
that hs can't be satisfied to play half
a dozea games of poker without count
in over the entire pack of kyards.
Washington Star.
Too Tfarraw.
Funnicus "Did you hear about
Measleigh's narrow escape?
Easymeet "No. What happened V
Funnicuss "It was a fire escape, and
it was so narrow that the building in
spector made him take it towa aad pal
widar ." Facts.
gi n r-3aj tCTSA5a
Tea. Wataciay ExeMdad Urdara, Caff
tared Iacarscat PaalUaa aad Graatl
Displeased at Caaaaaaadac A Slaxa
of Cea. Sloeam ObajUa Orders.
The Gravea af a Boasehotd.
They rew In beauty, side by side.
They filled one tome with glee;
lieir graves are severed, far aad wide.
By mount. ad stream. &d sea.
Che same fond mother bent at night
O'er each fair sleeping brow;
he had each folded flower la sight
Where are those dreamers now I
3ne 'midst the forest of the West.
.By a darfc atraaJB-ia laidr;. at?...
Far la the cedar shade.
(The sea, the bine lone sea. hath one
lie liea where pearls lie dp-
$e was the loved of all. yet none
O'er his low bed may weep.
)se sleeps whera southern vines are
Above the noble slain;
le wrapt his colors round his breast.
On a blood-red fltld of Spain.
And one o'er her the myrtle showers
Its leaTes by oft winds fanned;
She faded 'midst Italian flowers
The last of that bright band.
And parted thus they rest, who played
Eeneaih the same green tree;
Whose vofces in?!ed as they prayed
Around one par62- "
They that with smiles lit up the hall.
And cheered with sonz and hearth
Alas! for love. If thou were all.
And nanght beyond, oh Earth!
Mrs. llemans.
Wolaeley Exceeded Order.
From Blackwcods Magazine: Let
us glance at one occasion on which
a comparatireily junior officer had the
courage, the initiative, and, as general
ly accepted, the clear-sightedness to
act contrary to his instructions, to
perform a brilliant feat of arms, and
in doing so to incur the wrath of one
of England's most able antl valient
generals. It, was during the long and
anxious operations which constituted
the second relief of Lucknow. The old
messhouse of the Thirty-second,
strongly held by the rebels, stood in
the way of Sir Colin Campbeh's ad
vance, and beyond it was the Moti
MahaL These two strong positions
carried, a Junction with the beleaguer
ed garrison could be effected. Sir Colin,
having made arrangements to secure
his communications, directed the gal
lant Peel to open fire with his heavy
guns on the mes3house.
"The fire continued from the early
morning till 3 o'clock in the after
noon. At that hour the musketry fire
of the enemy having beea almost sil
enced, it appeared to Sir Colin that
the messhouse might be stormed with
out much risk.
He ordered for this duty a company
of the Nineteenth, under Captain
TToTsPlev with seme other details. The
: i
-rrr T-'der cf the storming narty was
Captaia Wclseley. "Never was a dar
ing feat of arms better performed."
Through the hot fire Wolseley led his
men, clambered through the breach
made by Feel's guns and entered the
house, driving the enemy before him.
His orders had been only to take the
messhouse. but "the victorious storm
ers followed the fleeing enemy, and
Wolseley. far from checking them, de
termined to push his advantage to the
utmost." He pressed on to the Moti
Mahal, and, with the assistance of the
sappers, succeeded in makiug narrow
openings in the solid walL
"Through these Wolspley and his
men eagerly marched, and attacked the
network cf buildings within. The re
sistance they encountered was. how
ever, stout, and even desperate, every
room being contested. At length the
enemy were expelled and the Moti 31a
fl", the last building held by the rebels
k, the line communicating with Oat
ram and Havelock. came completely
into British possession."
The best known biographer of the
present commander in chief, and. in
deed, the vast majority of persons wh
know the story, think that it aa an
astonishing thing "that Sir Co ia was
furious with him for having exceedel
the letter of his instructions. In that.
when he was only ordered to take the
messhouse. he actually, of his own mo
tion, had driven the enemy cut cf the
Moti Mahal! The brigadier (Adrain
Hope) advised him to keep cut of the
way, as the chief was asking for him
and he never saw a man more enraged
in his life."
We knowthatthe grand old soldier
subsequently, after having administer
ed a severe wigging, condoned the of
fense, congratulated the offender on
his courage and ability, and promised
to recommend him for promotion. But
is the example given by Captain
Wclseley one to be received as ap
proaching a rule of conduct for the
army? Has the present commander in
chief perfect confidence in its pro
priety? Disobedience ef Orders.
The question whether an officer Is
Justified under any circumstances in
disobedience to the orders of-his com
mander is Illustrated by the example
of a naval officer long before Nelson's
time, says Household Words. In an un
decisive naval action off Toulon in 1743
the English admiral in command lost
the opportunity of victory by shrinking
from a close engagement. Capt. Hawke,
in the Berwick, sixty-fcur ins, beheld
with henest indignation this cruel
wrong to his country, and, seeing no
prospect cf a general action, boldly, and
In defiance of orders, quitted his sta
tion and selected the Pcder a Spaiush
ship of equal force as his adversary.
After a very smart engagement of half
an hour he took her and had posses
sion. She was retaken owing to the
mismanagement of two English ad
mirals; but Hawke's honor was not
takea ia her.
After the memorable ccurt-martial
had decided on the merit of the ad
mirals a flag promotion took place in
which the name of Capt. Hawke was
passed over. His majesty King George
demanded of his minister why that of
ficer's name wa3 emitted. The reply
was that, ia the late trial, it appeared
that Capt. Hawke had disobeyed or
dera by quitting the line cf fight to
Igat the Poder. "Whatr said the I
(JCU&t ssoaarch, "disgrace a aum for
fighting too maca? He shall lie sty ad
aoiral! aad the royal justice aad dis
cernment was rewarded by the defeat
of Conflans in 1753. It Is said taat mis
majesty, oa hearing the sews, palled
off his wig aad kicked it about the
palace of Kensiagtoa for Joy. congrat
ulating himself oa haviag beea the In
strument of bringing a period of for
tune to his country.
War a 3T
"Appropcs of Spain's trouole with
Cuba," remarked a back-platform ora
tor oa a Woodward avenue car, iet
me say emphatically that war is a glo
rious thing I"
Looks of inquiry passed over ia
faces cf those present, savs" the iwu..
Free Press, and the, Uc.-
fresh cigar, continued: s-
"Weil did the blazoned Fret. .
Iosopher of idealism aiurui taa. .-.
' war iripsaaawn -erns ekHS
that the triumph of the c . . .
the triumph of reason over .
and his cause Is always just. i
not fce affirmed that the battle is aa un
mitigated evil, for the benefits ot ar
have s'way3 counterpoised its evils.
War Is the necessary process for the
grand lustratioa of the atmosphere!
To eulogize war is to honor nature and
its author. It Is not correct to think
that every so-called evil that war In
flicts is a standing and melancholy me
morial that man. intended and qualified
to fce reasonable and moral, has hith
erto been no more in the aspect ia
which history represents him than a
fierce animal at prey. Glance at the
honored places in history that are as
signed to the Alexanders, the Caesars.
the Khan3 and the Napoleons, not to
mention our own illustrious Grant. If
the great cause of human nature. If the
triumphs of enlightened public opin
ion, if the dread of sovereigns under
apprehension of encountering the force
cf that opinion, or some other unknown
power, dees not break the peace of the
last forty years, cur country will find
no place in the pages of history 200
years from now. What a glorious thing
Is a battle contested from the rising to
the setting of the sun of a summer
day! What heart would not exult at
such a grand spectacle! Geatlemen.
take my word for it, war is a accessary
element for the welfare of our country.
Until we have war, never again will we
have prosperity stop, conductor, this
is my street!"
"He la a wonderful man." remarked
the conductor, as the car started again.
"If we had a war, he would die a mil
lionaire. "How so?"
"He sells wocdea legs!
Statute of Gea. Slocaas.
The commission appointed by Gov.
Morton in 1535 to select a desiga for a
statue ia honor of Gen. H. W. Slocua
decided upoa the model cf E. C. Pot
ter. Eighteen nodels by fifteen sculp
tors were submitted, aad after a care
ful comparison cf each the commission
decided upon that of Mr. Potter as best
suited to the purpose. Several well
knewn sculptors took part ia the com
petition. The statue is an equestrian one. The
sculptor will begin at once upon the
preparation cf the large model from
which the cast will be made. The com
mission has not yet given out the con
tract for the pedestal, which will b
fifteen feet in length. The statue will
be placed upon Culp's hill, overlooking
Slocum avenue, oa the battlefield ot
The members cf the commission are
Gen. Daniel E. Sickles. Gen. Alexander
r v -rvi
V J 1
Webb. u. Anson G. McCook. CoL
Lewis R. Stegman. Cbar'-es Beckwith.
and Charles A. Richardson. New York
Hospitality in Waterbary.
Some time ago, says the Waterbur7
American, "two young women, work
ing girls, went to a house in this city
to engage room and board. After talk
ing with the lady of the house for some
time the elder girl asked: "Do you al
low us to use the parlor?" "Certainly
not," was the reply. "My daughters
xisa that themselves. "But," said the
girl, "I am engaged to be married. Ths
gentleman dees not live in town, but
calls occasionally, and bcth my sister
and myself have friends, men and
wemen, who call en us sometimes.
Where can we receive them?" The re
ply was: "On the street."
D-ath-B'oir io Lore.
Father "So you think our -daughter
has fallen in leve with that young
man." Mother "She is perfectly in
fatuated with him." Father "What do
you propose to do?" Mother "That
feeling of undying love which she ha3
must be turned to aversion or she may
elope with him. in spite of us. W
must do it at once." Father "Bur.
how?" Metier "We must try to give
her the impression that none of the
other girls want him."
Entertaining Frsoiasco-
Pretty Girl Haven't you ever met
Mr. De Dude? Oh. you should know
him, for Tm sure you would enjoy
his society. He's so amusing. En
vious Rival That reminds me, my
uncle who has just returned from Eu
rope, brought me a present of the most
comical little monkey you ever saw.
Let ie bring him around some evea-ing.
?u .
La V
r ii
w- nlV
- n
- 1. S---m---a - 1
I I I 'It j
jA I ' I j Li ,i fl
lg t ; ; a fjif?
A Bala See rf.
Mr. Isaacs I sells you dot coat at a
gread sacrifice. Customer But yea
say t,h?t of all your goods. How do
you make a living? Mr. Isaacs Meia.
freint, I makes a scamall profit Oft 4m
paper and string.
r f