The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, February 16, 1898, Image 4

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ra3i5lC Iwa
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rS?' . yjajgjgajjajgajaajagaMMwMBMBMMMMtBMBMwllMBMlMMBBMw
On the Face
I Uemcht I waald gin HaaaV
aaparillaa trial, aad attar takJag a
battlea I traa cared. Iaaaanralao
from raeamatiam to wMck I hava
abject for some tiaw." C B. Bajtbt,
728 Milwaekea Bttaat, Mflwaakaa, WJa.
Hood'? Sarsaparilla
If the est-stae UzOaa Tne Need
UOOd'S Mis eure all lirer ilk.
Don't form an opiaioa vatil you have
heard both sides.
Kdltar r Bryam Paper.
Mr. Geo. W. Hervey, editor of the Oata
ha Wetkly World-Herald, writes: "For
years I was troubled with iadigestiota s
severe as to make it impossible to take
snore than two meals a day without in
tea.e suffering. I tried three of the bast
physiciaas in the state hat they failed to
Kive me relief, t chanced to get Dr. Kay's
Renovator aad before I had taken a 25 ceat
box 1 bad o improved that I was takioc
tbree meals a day, which I aadMt.tmntt
for yearn. 1 continued itsasefeqfilftb'as
been eight months since t arfed ft art I
now have no,, symptoms whatever Qf my
old trouble." If yaa bar amy disease
write us giving yoaf symptoms aad we
will send fret, oirtfee by our physician aad
a valuable f pag book with 56 recipes
giving various methods of treatment and
a. free sample of Dr. K&v'a Renovator.
Address Dr. B. J. Kny JleJical Co., (West
cm Office) Omaha, JCaS.
- A bamble bee can distance a loco
motive going twenty miles an hoar
It Keeps the Feet Wan and brjr
And is the only care for Chilblains.
Frostbites. Damp. Sweating Feet,
Corns and Bantoas. Ask for Aliens
Foot-Ease, a powder to be shaken
into the shoes. At all Druggists and
Shoe Stores. 25c. Sample sent FREE.
Addrcss.AHen S. Olmsted. LsRoy,N.Y j
A truthful child
of comfort.
is motherve t-rowa
Ettarate Yoar Itewets Wtttt Cascarets.
Candy CAliiartlc cane constipation forever.
10c. 3c. If CCLC taii. druggists refund moner.
A "realistic" novel is an exposure
ct its author's itching, palm.
Smoke Sledge Cigarettes. SO for Sets.
Minutes are the mosaics of time, the
ages arc those of eternity.
He should have been dead
But he wasn't, because
" There's Trethine; succeeds like saccess."
Then; is no witbMaauinx the living argu
ment of the man ynb should be dead, who
"isn't detd. but who would be dead, but for
a preserving medicine. That's about the
way it seemc j to strike Editor Lawrence,
of the Oh.o farmer, Cleveland, Ohio. H
was af.icted with one of those clds that
linvc, thousands of times overv Culminated
in consumption, when tiot promptly cured.
Xa this condition he tnvt a fnena, a con
sordptive, whom he had not expected to
eenlive. The consumptive friend recom.
-mended Ir. J. C Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
for the editor's cold, on the ground that it
tud4 helped him wonderfully." It helped
the editor just -as wonderfully, living
"atmost instant relief." But read his
About tiro months ago, I was afflicted
With n bad cold, and, meeting a friend, he
cdviscd the use of Avert Cherry rectorial
which, he claimed, had helped htm won
ucrfully. As he was a consumptive, whom
I had not expected to see alive for several
years, I concluded there mast be Merit in
preparatidn. I accordingly bought a
?lc of bottles, one of which I keep on
desk all the time. This is certstaly
my desk all the time. This is certstaly
the best remedy for a cold I ever used. It
gives Hlmost instant relief, and the J. C
Aycr Co.nre to be congratulated on posscs-
Partly wesetaHo
Palatable r taste.
lcrf lae tba breads
Pleasant TaetloBH
??e werfal ret aattaV
tetent aatsumcri
trenen inxatrre,
KH-TABlf P"1" an cuarantocd to cure To
OIVvJlW bacco Uatui by aU orajERists.
UATS Baskets WHEAT i
231 UfUCIT 40c
Baskets nnUllABatsel
Itov to crow Wheat at 40r a tA. and C3 1
tms. Oats. 173 ban. Barley, and lSOO
bas. Potato er arra. See oar srrat oat
aicrae. mallei you iU It Farm Seed mmplra.
npon rerripc 01 inn notice and 10c stamp.
naizrr sera .-o La croime, WIS. w.r.
2 A booklet and sample free Ibe the asking, f
J or you can buy a box for toe, asc. 90s at f
f your elms store. Satisfaction guaranteed. J3 f
IstertlsegtsteejfXfotoosKjsjfeal. WeaYsth
CURED BY "5 DROPS" lbemortcwwnttlandrwerfulpeelnc-noini.
'',, S I 9 Free from oi.lxtr ami trf.-t!r h.nni 1'ti.r i
unsaUy felt the rwty Rrt nlirht. Wo have letters of cmtcful rraiK? Trom thousan J
who have ticca cured by "S DROrs," and ho recommend li to sufferers.
SwiiBon nbenmatle Core On.. Chicago. Dear Friends; Yes, ves, 1 hall alTravs
think or yon as my far ay friends, and thank God for directing yonr adver.ire
ment tn this ptare. Yel oh yes! 1 will gladly tell Ins vholc world lat rw
'i VKOl'sr has done for n:e. It fensd me racked with pain f rum head to
foot day atod alcht and I had dreadful round in my head. I could nt eat,
Bleep tnr ret. The doctors gave me medicine and it would Mop the lain for
a short time but It would ccme aj:ain. 1 could net have differed much lontnr.
At times I cared not what heroe of me. and my kidneys were In a very bad shape.
Every doctor I wint to told me I had so many different diea$es in my Ixxly that
ft was difficult to tell where, to mmmmim T imiilfl s.uIb. .wm. A.M, ...
ITrada Mark.
. mm " i. mm .T
For maps, pamphlets, railway rates,
etc, and fall information concerning
this country, enjoying exceptionally
pleasant climate and coatinnons good
crops, apply to
Vaca lasveriif Mmttseattat Baaly
Heattoa This Taper.
,m, ""71 " ? w.m,, m " "e aao oaea. andUod bleu you alwayn. ch. how
riadly I wouM uke tbe agency If It were possible, but I am poor and have no way of traveling around 11 1
XocJdtekett. Gratefully yor,aa. U Waluck, McGregor, Iowa, January ,lg.
Swanson Rheumatic Cure Co Chicago. Dear Sirs: X thorglit 1 would writ- a i-UUnent at ra case.
I waa taken In Augcrt with Sciatic Nevrmlarla. and was treated by two of the bt physldn r of our coun
ty, but they did not help me any. But hapr for u I saw yonr "i DROPS ' advertisement and sent And
iWt a bottle and It ha cured ae, 1 waa very bad. eould hardly gt around at all, but not? I can go any.
whei. 1 cannot piaite SDHOIV CDoufh for what it has done for me. I am very, very grateful for
wfcat ycu have done for me. Yours truly, SaaB E. Wilcox, Spradling, Kentucky. January ;, iis.
Asaror4UvecureJorRheaMttotu,tUtla,Xrarale;la.nypepsIa. Harkaehr. Jtsthtaa.
.. e.c. rte. ., F Yf DROP8 ,, fcs nfai eiiiiel.
5 MAPS " ta v"1 ?!? ?.5 m ?3rJ. ,.' ui great remedy and to enable all sufferers to
ia o-a ml i,.. J"' 'S ond1,nI " probities, we will end cht far thirty da vs more,
M OfO same bottles, S-c each, prepaid by mail. Even a sample bnttla will convince you of its u.ert t. Beet
fSde!.St,niC.,ne'-0nrth- J-W bottles (MO doses). si.W; for 30 days. 3 bottles for tJo. Xotsofd
lydruggiMa. only by us and our agents. Agrata waated In new territory. Write u toAlav.
BtCeiwSyran. TaateaGood. TteH
is toward, SlSS.
aaitra C UJa paper wiM
to leara that there Is at least
mmmm that adence has 0eea abia
ta ear aUtti staaea and that w Ca
tarrh. ifaU'a Catarrh Cure U the only
saaklvc cure now known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh betas a constitution
al disease, requites a constitutional
treatment. Rail's Catarrh Cure Is taken
Internally, actlns; directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system,
thereby destroying the foundation of the
disease, and slvlns; the patient atrentta
by building up the constitution atttf s
sistlns; aature la doing Its work. Tba
preprietara nave so much faith fa Its
curative powers that they offer One Hun
dred Dollars for any case that It fails to
care. Bead fer list of Testimonials.
Address F. J. CHENEY & C.-, Tcle
grid by druggists 75c v
all's amOy mis are the best.
Ik VenBeqaence bf a 'death (ram
hydrophobia in Pisek. Bohemia, the
local authorities ordered every dog
in the tows to be killed.
We are asserting in the coarts our tight to the
exclusive use or the word "CASTORIA." and
"PITCHER'S CASTORIA," asOHr Trade Skark.
I, Dr. Samuel Pitcher, ef Hya'nnls. Hassscha- 1
setts, was theoriginatoTOf 'PITCHER'S CAS
TORIA," Ac ikme that hai borne and does aow
bear Ine 'fac-slmilo signature of CHAS. H.
FtETCHKR "6n every wrapper. This 1 1 the
original "PITCHER'S CASTORIA" Whlca has
been used in the homos c tne mothers of
America for over thirty years. Look carefully
at the wrapper and see that It is "the kind yon
bare nlteays bought." and has the signature of
CHAS. H. FLETCHER on the Wrapper. S
one has authority from me to use my name
except The Centaur Company Of "arnica Chaa
H. Fletcher is President.
March 8,1897. SAMUEL PITCHER. M. D.
St Louis has 638,000 population, and
C85 patrolmen.
Waay l'ronle Cannot Drlak
coffee at night. It Booila their a'leen
You can drink Grain-O when you pfease
ana sieep hkc a top. Kpr Urain-O does !!
not stimulate; it bonrishes, cheers and
fceda. Yet It lobks and tastes like the
best coffee. f"cr nervous persons, young
peopteandchydre tlrain-O is the per
fect 'drink. Made from pure grains.
Get a fc&ukage from your grocer to-day.
Try it in place of coffee. 15 ct1 25c.
Adversity RiVeS the great man
chance to show how great he is.
Cen't Tobacco Spit and SmoVe -our ttte away.
To quit tobacco easily and fteicr. be mag
netic, full or life, nerve hd visor, lake Xo-To-IJac,
the wondcr-woi kCr.that makes wfealt men
strong. AHUrUfrglsts, SOe.orfl, XMremiiiran
teed. Booklet and s-arnj'lc iree. Address
Sterling Remedy Co.. Clilcago or New York.
Trying lo love is an absurdity; love
is spontaneous combustion.
sing the formula for such a very valuable
remedy." V. II. Lawkesce, Editor, The
Ohio Farmer, Cleveland. Ohio.
Kep a battle of Dr. Ayer's Cherry Pec
'tbral handy, on the desk, in the office, on
the shelf or in the closet at home, and you
will have at hand a remedy that ts capable
at any time of saving you suffering, money,
and even life. There i no malady se
prolific of evil result as a neglected cold.
There is no medicine so promptly effective
in curing a cold and absolutely eradicating
its effects, as Dr. Ayer's Cherry I'ccttsraf.
Every traveller sVottld. Carry it. E-ery
household should keep i. It cures every
variety of rmtgh, olid al! forms of lung
and throat trouble. Asthmai bronchitis,
croup, and whooping tough, nrS promptly
cured by it. and it l:as in uiauy cases over
come pulmonari- -diseases in aggravated
forms, when all other remedies failed to
help nd physicians gave no hope of cure.
Those who -for convenience have wanted a
smaller sired bottle of Dr. Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral, can now obtain it of "their dealer
la half size bottles, at half price 50 cents.
Send for Dr. Ayer's Curebook, and read
more of the cures effected by this remedy.
The book contains 100 pages, and is sent
free, on request, by the J. C Ayer Co.,
Lowell, Mass.
Fiso's euro for Consumption has been a
family medicine with us since 1805. J. R.
Madison, 2400 42d Ave., Chicago. Ills.
On the bosom of the
the future of the world.
mother rests
nrst day's ue of Ur. Kline's lireat erve Kesturer
Snd tor FREE S2.UO trial bott! and treatise.
UB. R. li. Kline. LM..931 Arch SU. Philadelphia. Px
When you have nothing to do, never
go after help.
Take I-axativo Hromo Quinine Tablets. All
Druggists refund the money If It falls to cure 2c
Knowledge puffs up.
the wind out
Wisdom lets
Ceti Cm- Ttalaata
Is the oldest and tost- It ill hi vak u p a eoM Qnlcter
than an; thills' clrc. It isclnrnjs ivIiaMc. Try it.
Friendship inajr soon die, bu
t en-
mity never.
To Care Constipation Forever.
Take Cascarets Cand Cathartic, 10cor2"iC
If CCO. fail to euro drusists refund money.
Puritj' opens the way to a world of
Star Tobacco is tbe leading brand of
the world, because- it is the best.
Only one man in 200 is over six feet
in height.
-.. -.. ... a.... fcMV..09 1.UV7
D't be fooled with a mackintosh
or rubber coat,
tint Mil keep you dry " the hard
est stonn buy the Fish Brand
Slicker. If not for sale in your
own. write for catalogue to
A. J. TOWER. Baston. Mass.
Sample Free
Your greatest enemy is
lUrt. Will job allow
us to tell TOU HCR
ClEA3AlXbjr letter I We should like to, and
on application, send a san;ple free-to prora oar
. cm uraw, uyrycie enamel. Mlrer.woodwotk.
KltClMn WAft rait rtn ni-frl -mI .
Jarat laiplemvnta it has no qui, full mx
F. O. Baa wa! VHTeijo, W. "" w
Matters op interest
tra-bat atMtl JakSaat bar-
Mvatam r ta Bail aad tieMa
tWicf -fcatOeaitarlS VitkaUara aa
iRladaita Sdeaee;
lir. rJnbbell. at am irrigation cbnvea
tion. said:
la mechanics the basts of all calcula
tions is apon the mechanical horsa
power which Is the equivalent 6f i3.HW
pounds lifted One foot in one minutks
tine yielding ,000 foot pounds. All
windmills are giVen by the manufact
urer a certain horse power, 'equivalent,,
this capacity, being predicted upon what
the Windmill Is 'capable of doing la a
wind of twenty miles per hour, and
which Is, by the way, a good stiff blow,
and by far a stranger wind than gener
ally prevails. A more conservative aver
age upon which to base JrdUf Calcula
tions for general purposes Is n6t ts ex
ceed aa average et more taa'ri hftSen
mile. pei aaifi it il hefe BropertQ
say that a wOttta. jit ahjr 'dimeter has
greater 6V less power as the square of
the velocity of the wind in miles per
hour, and therefore a mill which would
develop three horse power In fifteen
miles per hour would have but one and.
one-third horsa power eftp&clt? WttSn
the wind Was blowing it the rate of tec
miles pet hbur. f ne square of 15 Is
225, the square Of lb Is loO. A mill of
any diameter will handle a greater or
la. quantity, of water as the vertlcle
height of discharge In feet la decreased
or Is increased; for Instanca, a mill that
will raise 100 gallons of water per min
ute ifty feet verUeallr. Will lift 00
j saltan per minute twenty-five feet ver
tically, or the came mill will lift fifty
gallons per minute 100 feet vertically.
A cubic foot 0! water weighs approxi
mately BlxtJr-twB and one-half pounds
and contains approximately seven and
one-half gallons, a gallon of water
welsnlng about eight and one-third
pounds. It will be of great personal
assistance If you will remember that
tbe pumping ot water is ft simple Me
chanical problem, and acquire the
habit Of reducing the quantity of water
to be handled to so many foot pounds.
If you will do so It will save you from
serious disappointment.. Perpetual mo
tion has not yet. been discovered. Re
member "above all thing's one pound of
any substance, no matter what sub
stance, lifted one foot vertically in one
minute's time, or equivalent, requires
a mechanical force of one foot plus
the friction which is due to the means
employed. You can lift yourself over
the fence by your boot tops just as
easily as you can get away from this
fixed law. A great deal is said to-day
by various persons concerning their
ability to eliminate friction, and that
by this means, or that meatus they can
discharge a given number of galloiis of
Wfttfer per minute a given number of
feet Vertically with less power that can
be dohb by any other means of exactly
the same principle in every detail. It
ought not tb take any person long to
make up bis or her mind than the per
son making any such statements de
liberately deceives himself to say the
least Along tiiis same line or thought
it is proper tb state that exaggerated
ideas prevail to what can be accom
plished by the wind for various power
purposes. The pressure of the atmos
phere at the sea level Is but 14.7
pounds per square Inch. When the
wind is blowing at a velocity of twenty
miles per hour, such a wind exerts a
pressure ot but two pounds per square
foot of surface exposed. Therefore tbe
power Of a Windmill is necessarily lim
ited by the velocity of the wind and for
this reason Windmills tan be used for
pumping water for irrigation or other
purposes demanding large volumes ol
water to blit ft limited extent, and in all
instances where windmills are utilized
for this purpose they can be success
fully used only in connection with res
ervoirs of ample capacities.
An acre of ground contains 6,272,040
square inches. If one acre of ground
be covered With- water dne inch deep,
we would have a quantity of water
equaling 27.155 gallons or what is
termed one acre inch. If the quantity
of Water on the one acre be increased
to thirteen Inch&s. we would have what
is called one acre foot, or 43,560 cubic
feet or 325,851 gallons of water, it is
conceded that in the semi-arid belt one
Toot of water per acre is necessary to
Insure the growing, and it seems to be
established that this quantity of water
will be demanded principally in two
months of the season. To irrigate ten
acres of land requires, therefore, a to
tal of 3,258,510 gallons of water, and H
ail is applied in the two months, it re
quires an average of 1,625,250 gallons
per month. Assuming that a windmill
will work to its full capacity, ten hours
per day, thirty days per month, we
rrould then need for the ten acres of
ground tin average ot 5,431 gallons per
hour, or SI gallons per minute, or 9 1-10
gallons per minute per acre. Assum
ing that this quantity of water must
be lifted a vertical distance of ten feet.
It would then require a mechanical
force of 91 (the number of gallons)
times 8 1-3 pounds (tbe weight of one
gallon of water) times 10 feet (the to
tal vertical distance raised in feet), or
7,580 foot pounds, which divided by
33.0C0 foot pounds equals .229 net horse
power, or to determine the power re
quired by a short method, multiply tbe
aumber of gallons of water to be raised
per minute (91) by the total vertical
aeight raised in feet (10) and by the
instant .0002527 and We have the'same
result 9lxl0x.000252?, equaling .229.
Sufficient accuracy is possible by a still
shorter method and which is one often
osed: Multiply the number of gallons
per minute by the verticle height in
feet, point off three decimals from the
right, and divide by four; the quotient
is a little less than tbe actual net horse
povrer. In the problem under consid
eration, the result by short method is
31x10, equaling 910. Point off three fig
ures from t,he right and divide by four
and the result is .2275.
Freaka and Eceeatrleltlea fa Rees.
G.W. Demaree in American Bee Jour
nal. Tbe things that bees do out of the
general order of things as pertains to
their well 861116 habits, I "think are
properly called "freaks." Those of us
who have bandied bees for years, and
observed closely their habits, know
that bees some times do things that
cannot be reconciled to the common
laws of reasoning, or instinct Such
acts are freakish sudden starts in
action, governed by no laws, reasona
ble or Instinctive.
I have seen a colony of bees virtually
attempt to commit suicide, by refusing
to accept a queen, or queen-cell, and
even refuse to nurse young brood.
Borne people would be glad to say,
"Maybe they were too old." etc. But
this tatnnot be, for I have wintered
many a queenless colon;;-, and made
them rear a aneen and nurse brood
VDtll the hive was well stocked with
jovoi brood reedy for the main early
boat kimH.
ay apiary and ilaeorertd aoma Wat
hopping and crawling en the grata in
front of one of tha hlvaa. I wentxp
closer, and, found tat grass for aaverdt
tat around tift entrance covered witfi
partially paralyzed bees, dragging
themselves aimlessly about . "A case
bf paralysis!" exclalnja the novice. .No;
tne cause waa , "ttalied naeeku" fee
often ,$& ecn Btiier in their scramble
tb ball a queen, yet, strange ehougn,
they do not stlkf t tyueeL
,. X nave seen a truant swarm leave
the apiary and go straight to a hollow;
tree, and I have seen a swarm of beeSj
leave the apiary with "business airs."!
and paM nver.ldsnd, tfcreagh
qensef woods, straight (to $ bunch u ot
Ironweeds, two miles away, t jaw one
swarm of bees pass through the largest
tract of timbered land In the, vicinity
of my .apiary and .settle on a fence. near
a farm house, and was taken in by
the farmer. I had a swarm ot bees
take leave of my apiary as though it
was disgusted with such quarters, go
a quarter ot a mile, settle oil ft biiahj
then break the cltisteF, ftfid make i
"bee-line" back tb the apiary and set
tie, on a tree": . , , ,.,,.. ..J
. i uBco saw ai8wafm of o)es '
bylowbat may .properly be called an ac-;
cident '(?). The swarm was struggling;
in the air against a stiff gale, and a
sudden gust of wind swept them to the j
ground near the entrance or an empty
hive ami the hitffe actine as a "souad-
tn heard" irk ftpfaonse t8 th niini &t
tnSir winls. the bees caugiil, $e sound!
and hived, themselves. My observations
have led me to believe that In a state
bf nature more swarms of bees find,
homes by the sense of hearing than in
all other ways.
I once saw a swarm of bees In It
flight pass neat the top eta large ap
pie iree and the rr part Bt the iward
seemed to catch the sound from a hole
in a dead limb of the tree, and made a
rush for the hollow ilmB; Mile nthb
main jiart of tne swarni was evidently
bent on going forward, but the loud
hum"' at the hoi In the limb pre
valled.and the whole swarm attempted
to enter a cavity in the limb too small,
to accommodate half of the swarm.
smoked them out and hjved thein. ,
1 bneb had d swarm of bees, to refuse.
to stay in any nive I put the into.
Their 'cbze wis t& locate and, build
comb, on tbe limb they first settled on,
and finally I let a part of the. swarm
try the experiment. They made a liv
ing until the honey season was over,
and then starved out
Bees do some things so wide of the
mark of common sense that their acts
are both amusing and astounding tq
a reasoning mind. The following is an
example among many that might be
I sometimes leave on the hive a ease
of partially filled sections with honey,
to supplement scant winter stores In'
the breeding department ot the hive,
Wellj in some Way a large grey nioilse
got into one of. the bases above the
brood nest; and its ciqape was bin off
by a full brood fcest of liv.eiy tifces,,0
low. It occurred to ine that If those
bees had stopped td reflect, the jfclght
have .cleared a way dijwh through the
brood department t8 the entrance, and
then sent a detachment of fierce young
"buck" bees into the super, with in
structions to shriek and yell after that
mouse until, panic-stricken, be hied his
way hair and hide down the cleared
way to the open air, and thus summari
ly eject him as an obstreperous tenant.
But they did no such thing. 'They ma
liciously murdered the intruder, and
proceeded to reduce him to as nice,
white, clean skeleton as any naturalist
ever had the pleasure of adding to his
collection of curiosities j "bone to his
bone." a clean and nice is it the Wndig
carcass had been bdiiedi scraped and'
I have seen a big bumbie-bee slip in
to a hive when the portals wef 6 strong
ly guarded by vigilant warriors, and I
have seen him (?) led oiit by the ears
(?), after he had passed the guards into
the dark interior of the hive; Now ict
some one ask the question; "B-o bee3
see?" along with thequerry; "Eld bees
hear?" Such a bliinder on the part of
the guards of the Czar's palace would
cost them their heads;
I notice in the Stockman and Farmer
a query in regard to the cause of roiip
and the way to cufe the disease, etc.;
writes W. P. Perkins to National Stock
man and Farmer. The writer has been
actively connected with'' the poultry
business for more than a decade, and
he unhesitatingly says the best way to
cure roup is to keep clear of the foul
disorder. That is, prevention is prac
tically the only satisfactory remedy.
It is well enough to talk about making
cures, but most of the so-called cure3
leave the birds all broken up constitu
tionally, and practically worthless.
When I first began to keep fowls roup,
was a terrible trouble to me, but lately:
we do not have to worry much about;
the disorder; and this, I think, is the
experience of the majority of poultry
keepers. A beginner is almost sure to
get a good taste of roup the first fall
and winter in which he practices pouU
try culture. It is sb easy to neglect
closing doors and windows and setting
broken panes o! glass, which, if not
done, means drafts of air Upon the'
birds whiie at roost, one of the most-'
prolific sources of roup in existence.
Foul air is almost as bad as a draft.
Have effective ventilation, but do not
allow the air to blow noon tbe roosts.
Feed wisely and be vigilant and there
by avoid roup.
Champagnized Milk. A process has
been invented in France for the steril
ization of all fermentable liquids by
means of compressed oxygen. The
liquids, in a closed vessel, are subject
ed to a current of gaseous oxygen, pro
portioned in volume to tbe quality and
quantity of liquid to be sterilized. The
inventor claims that by this process
milk can be kept indefinitely. He is
enabled to prepare a very healthful and
agreeable drink "champagnized" milk.
The milk must first be skimmed; then
the necessary sweetening and the de
sired flavor added. The whole is plac
ed in a closed vessel and sterilized by
a current of oxygen gas, then "cham
pagnized" by the introduction of the
necessary amount of carbonic acid gas.
Tbe result is a refreshing, healthful
drink, which keeps fresh indefinitely.
Inter Ocean.
Farmers' Children. It is to be re
gretted that so many of our brightest
and best young people are seeking
other occupations than farming. Some
of them, doubtless, are choosing aright.
But we believe that many who are go
ing to our cities and large towns, espe
cially those who are going from farms,
would do much better to give- their
time and labor to the cultivation of the
soil. Practical Farmer.
Apple Scab Fungus. NoW Is the
time to spray for apple scab fungus.
The experimenters say that the winter
is tbe time when tbe work must be
begun, if good results are to be expect
ed for the coming year or years. There
are many mild dnys in winter that can- 3 -J
be utilized icr tois purpose. The
spores of tbe fungus are cast 0 fa th
rall and find their Iodfemtit 01 U
- "
ftfMta Gawtaa Tr4
li ft recent ilitte of ?or ff4Pr there
appears a request for some one to tell
What ts do with apple trees that have
been I&!re tifr.tkl& , Slace.tMU ques
tion is of no. little importance, Swiffg
to the; fearful destruction made so
often tii:. mice, gnawing tha bark 01
from .ybilnr tfe3; t have thought it
wen iq oner some suggestions ot mr
Pirt Mti in,; 8r Mf ISi nl!t ffl
views ,of all. In the first place , it .fiaa
been through improper care or neg
lect that they have been thus injured.
Mad U. fi. kept taS aiirfae lwi atjftut
his trees for three feet of all seeds of
trash, or even tramped , the snow
do;". Ahnt ,ihem .as soon as the
ground was covered, the iSjjcQ, 0ld
have given them a wide b,erth.' cBu5
this is not the question we, are asked to
answer. It Is not the "ounce of preven
tive" that, appears to be asked for but
the pound of cure. If the trees have
not been gnawed entirely around or
even illghtly, and discovered soon be
fore the Wood dries hard; they can often
be saved hy niaking mud of ciay put
ting 1$ ground and Ovfejr ..the whole.
wound, holding it there with coma old
cloth or stove pipe. But when too far
gone, I, would a8y(I5e g( .rlou ehange.
In early spring, as soon as the 5fth
thaws out In April, cut the trees either
close to the ground or a little below the
Injury and set In some choice variety
of scions that you have recently learn
ed tb be superior to the tree when set,
or at leasi would bq.nbw preferred by
the nurseryman who 0 started these
three or four years ago. Ifsthe work
be properly done, he will Ipse, but Jit
tle in time or value, but frequently will
find this a blessing in disguise. If his
gnawed trees were scrubby, crooked or
poorly trained, aa very many are, he
can make ft great Improvement, and in
the end lose very llttife and often se
cure a fiiu&h more desirable variety
than the tree dealer ptit oft oh hlni in
the start. If yoiir variety is cdt stritt
ly hardy, be sure to put in a scion of
well known hardnes3. This will help
even a tender root. This is not tbe best
plan to make sure of a long lived tree,
but it is the bent cheap way to repair
tho fcvri U the tt-epfc were as hardy as
Duchess or Hibernal theh i would not
cut the stemS any lower thiin jdst. be
low the injury, providing there is a
chance to retain the hardy stem or any
part. But, as a rule, mice gnawr trees
close to the ground, and it is very sel-.
dom one can save even two inches of
the trunk, as mice never climb trees to
gnaw the bark except when shut in a;
pile of trash that is often plied about
the stem In the fall or winter. Then,
as a rule, be had better mud up or
wait till early spring and graft close
down, say three inches, below the sur
face, so when the scion is sot it can be
banked around with fresh earth as high
as the third bud. It the root be good
hn Will enrih erow a fine ilGW Stem
that will often be much superitir tO the
one the tree dealer sold him. But if
the trees were ali hi Eoft desires, cut
off the stems clole to the ground and
trust to their sprouting from the stem.
This will save him from being hum
bugged by sbine scheming grafter, or
let this furnish, him a fine Opportunity
to practice graf tiiig, and if the scions
fall he will still have a chance oh the
coming sprouts. I would trust to the
sprouts if the original tree was what
I now wanted and could not do the
grafting myself. But grafting adds an
other chance to save the tree, as such
stubs are more liable to fail to grow
than are scions well set. Would advise.
B. D. to go over his trees soon and ex
amine carefully and such as appear
past recovery saw off close to tha
ground and cover the stubs till wanted
to graft or to sprout in spring. Thou
sands could have been saved in 1S85
had we sawed our old tree off
before warm wfcather eldsfe to the
ground. The greater share of trees
thus treated would have sent ilp vigor
ous shoots and often been a great im
provement oh the original stem, if B.
D. concludes to trust to sprouts let
him reserve as many as three of the
most vigorous so as to better balance
the root and top. I invariably retain
three shoots, as each will aid to protect
the other by shading the ground and
the trunks of each other.
Saro the Fcatlier.
Poultry feathers should be kept for
stuffing pillows, sofa cushions, and
other home conveniences, even where it
is not deemed worth whiie to sell them,
says Colman's Rural World. Gee3e
and duck feathers, being much more
valuable than other3, should always be
preserved with care. Downy feathers
of hens and turkeys serve a very good
purpose and unless you wish to make
dusters of tall and wing feathers, the
soft, feathery portions of these may
be stripped off the quill and added to
the rest. Unless the flock is large, it
will take some time to secure enough
feathers to stuff even a cushion, and as
they are gathered from time to time,
they must be put into whole cotton
bags, tied securely so that no moth mil
lers can enter, and placed for a short
time in a warm oven, to dry thorough
ly. If hens are scalded before picking,
the feathers can be dried in a tin pan,
in a moderately warm stove oven. Re
move all bits of skin, as they produce
an unpleasant odor hard to get rid of.
Feathers well cleaned answer very well
for bolsters, chair and soft cushions.
Farm Ranee
The range of a farm, can be made of
great value to the farmer that keeps
fowls, for all together the food, of dif
ferent kinds, spread over a 160-acre.
farm is enormous. Bugs are always
present in far greater number than we,
suspect. AH kinds of weeds and grass
es drop their seeds, and these seeds
'add to the food supply. Then, too, the
fowls eat a great deal of grass and
some varieties of weeds. It is far bet
ter for the farmer to fence in the flow
er garden and the vegetable garden
than-to fence in the flock. Give then
the range of the farm If they can be.
kept oH the neigNbors land. It is bet
ter to keep r.o fowls than to breed a
war with the next neighbor. The va
riety of fowl will be of consequence
here. There arc some varieties that;
wilt be of no value for a wide range.
Some of them would not travel ten rods,
from the house in any case. Choose,
therefore, some light breed, like the.
Leghorns, when it is desired that they
cover a wide range.
Warm the Corn. A good evening
meal of corn is good for the fowls cold
nights. Put it in the stove oven to
take off the chill before feeding. If it
is well charred occasionally it vill be
all the better. It seems cruel to send
the fowls to the roost with a crop full
of ice-cold corn to chill half the night.
Much is said and written againvt feed
ing corn to fowls, but experience has
taught us that it Is not a suitable diet
for fowls in warm weather, and should
be fed sparingly to growing poultry and
laying hens, but we approve of it for
all poultry four or five times a week
during' the cold weather. Hens that
do not lay on fat easily can bear it once
a day Corn does not enter much Into
:tbe formation of an egg, but it is rich
"in heat-making materials, and Is there
fore an excellent fool for cold weather.
jit contains more fat-forming substance
than any other grain. Eg, ' "
v , Xif-
From the Ttrna, Plate Pate, Ht
A resident of ts town who baa kwt tw
children dating the past six yean, by !
lent deaths bas been utterly proStratad by
tha shock, and seriously sick as a resalt ox
it. OhS Child (aged S) was killed by a cy
clone in 90 while at kiUotA ; another, tare
yean iwr run OTer by a B&rlMatav.
R.R. trait), .That gr "d mfafort
may 6 prey oa the mind at to :aa to mti
ous pnyt Jcift tobftten has been well da
oustratediqthiscpL liafWf of thl
her health was shattered and tS4 BS1 jJ
a constant sufferer since 1880. Her prin
cipal troob!a bas been neuralgia of the
st onaeh which wa? vary painful, and ex
1 IhitSi UI thfi syitiptoffls of erdiaary aeu
relTia, n6rvO&aBilhdigestfca. Thy-.
ticians did her no go$! tijJtVe, Sift
was discouraged and abandoned sit hopV
cf gsttina well. Finally, however, a cer
tain tfCli-k'?. pill was recommeaded
(Dr. AVilliatnV ffok .PJUs.fpr Pale People.)
She supplied herself whS- ft MaBUty at
them ard bad notrtaken taetyLtlreeka
v;hen ttko noticed a marked fmprovoafea't
A Constant Sufferer;
in her ccndit.'oa. She continued takingtm?
ills until seven or eight boxes hod been
consumed and ffco considered herself en
tirely t umi.-. Rbe can now eat all kinds of
focd, which is c8metb:ilg she has not been
able to dd for yeaihk She il hot troubled
in tbe Icat .-frith riervo'esaess. as the vU
during tbe time 6f L'er st&na'ch trtfub fcS,
iehe is now we'l and .all lecause 6f Dr:
Williams' Fink Fills fcr Pale People a
complete cure bas been made. , . .
if r-ny one would like to bear more of the
jetails'of her snffering end relief sained
by tbe use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for
Pale People they may be obtained prot
nbly, by writing tbe ledy direct. She is
one of 6vt weil'known residents, Mrs.
Ellen A. Oderklrk. Paw Paw, 111.
It takes; it is said, the tusks of
75,000 elephants 5 ycaf jto supply the
world's piano keys, billiard balls and
knife handles.
Patent Pointers.
ibh Inventors in employ-
a tfaF1 log an attorney should
v j be sure to note whether
' Or hot he is resistered.
The hew law compels
every attorney t6 regis
ter, but tfdme attorneys
who havdbeefiemptoyinsi
questionable means to prombte their
business have not been allowed to reg
ister, though some of them are still
advertising themselves as solicitors.
Be sure to note whether or ot in their
advertisements it appears that they are'
registered attorneys. All Inventors
having neat models of their devices
would undoubtedly profit in placing
the same on exhibition "in the section
of models at the Trans-Mississippi and
International Exposition to be held in
Omaha for six months beginning next
June. Inventors desiring information
upon this subject should address Sues
& Co., registered patent lawyers, Bee
building, Omaha, Neb.
"Do you think there 1st any money
In politics. Jlmpson?" "You bet .ere
is. Thais where all mine went."
Detroit Free Press.
Iowa iaten dfflctf Report.
DES MOINES, la., Jan. 2d,- 1M.
The Hon. Benjamin Butterwdrtby
Commissioner of Patents, died January
16, 1898. The United States patent
ofiice at Washington was closed on the
day of tils funeral. The ofliclals and
employes gathered to1 honor the mem
ory of their departed chief and with
suitable remarks and resolutions ex
pressed their grief.
Ten patontP were issued this week
to Iowa inventors by Uo acting com
missioner. In the court of appeals Judge Morris
has recently given tne following:
"The fact that a party does not know
that a rivat has entered tne field is
no excuse for delay, since the risk that
a rival may appear at any time is
something which every inventor is
bound to contemplate and to anticipate
and in this lies the fundamental rea
son for the requirement of due dili
gence." Valuable information about obtain
ing, valuing and selling patents sent
frco to any address.
Solicitors of Patents.
The fire losses in the United States
last year were $19;000;000 less than in
1S95 and $5,009,000 less than in 1896.
Mother Gray's Sweet Powdera for Chlldrea
Successfully tlscd by Mother Gray,
nurse in the Children's Home in New
York, Cure Feverishness, Had Stomach,
IVethinjr Disorders, move and regulate
the Bowels attd Destroy Worms. Over
10.000 testimonials. They never fall. At
all druggists, 2.'c. Sample FREE. Ad.
Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y.
Advertising is the one great force
that can lift a business house to pros
perity. Milling World.
Mr. Goodman, Williams Co., IU.,
writes: "From one package Salzer's
German Coffee Berry costing 15c I
grew 300 lbs. of better coffee than I
can buy in stores at SO cents a lb."
A package of this and big seed cata
logue Is sent you by John A. Salzer
Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis., upon receipt
cf 15c stamps and this notice, w.n.c.
soon palls when it costs
Ecanty Is Itiood Deep.
Clean blood means aclcan skin. No beauty
without it. Cascarets. Candy Cathartic cleans
your blood and keeps It clean, by stirring ud
the lazv liver and driving all impurities from
the body. Ilcgin to-day to banish pimples.
)OiIs. blotches, blackheads, and that sickly
bilious complexion by taking Cascarets.
beauty for ten cents. All druggists. satisfac
tion guaranteed, 10c 23c. 50c
Iron was made near Ironton, Mo.,
as early as 1816.
The 0
Klondike 1
If you are interested and wish to
post yourself about the Gold Fields
of the Yukon Valley, when to go
V Descriptive Folder and Map of
f Alaska. It will be sent free upon
application to T. A. GRADY, Ex
k cursion Manager C. B. & Q. R. R.,
n 211 Clark Street, Chicago.
FOR 14
r.mrai. end hrncc otitr
w lPkcbDarlUdba. Ms
lTkjr. Early BprinrTaraip, Itof
1 F Krllet Ra Beet. Ma
KinaarcK uacraaoer, ne
Oncra Victoria Lettaee. I6a
Klondyke Melon, KeS
Brilliant Flower Seeds, lie
Xfctth, fcr 14 eeaea. .
Abore W pkga. worth SMS. wo will m
Mail yna ires, toceiacrwiia ear
a oeea
rata itm
weds roa wlUnerer gvf aloar wm
oat tbeah Patafivf atWlV
a,aI.Caiakgaial, Saw
mks cat. li rrwM,
ittw a
great riant aaa oeea vaiaiaaae a
upon receipt of this notice and lis. W
Doatace. WotaTitejoartratfeead
know whra itm oaeo trr Salsera W
Joan aad
Tha odore
of Michi
gan, bMl
now living
ia Afame-
4a. Wewttra Canada, before fufcfaa
ftfceh JlOMe. there visited the coufl
try cq.eiefatCB.. rney reported to
the Government Af, tha" Dominion of
Canada the result of ttieV observations,
and from this report extract:? $rve
Deeg! takes, which are published below':
.. "We" fcav f lslted a number of most
desiib16 rOcatkmS, aad are highly
pleased with til fohntry. ds whole,
tt being beyond 00? Sferrest e'xpecta
tI6ft& We find here a prosperous and
Weli-eonteflted lot of neozle. 'I'he'y
E AafcVQftabte hollos, and their vast
fields of h;ea: 34 other crops ia addi
tion to their1 herds' 6f ctfifa cattle, In
dicate prosperity; In the full sttisa of
the word. In conversation vfttS the
farmers throughout our trip we Ieatn$d
that the majority of them came herd
With very limited means, and torn
witfi, ft) more than enough to
bring thenf .feeTO; aad they are now
well-tcV-do. they ali claii that this is
the only cpnntry for a pd6f Man, or
6ne with illld means.- to get a -iiart
and make a' home for Mroself and fahn
toy. Aa you are aware, s?e. were a
little sfiakj and undecided before tear
ing DetrOit, but hav determined since
that we, with our ifiefld, will make
this country our future hidnl.'V It is
far from being the wilderness vc bnd
ftifetfired it to be; It is, instead, a land
Saving; all the facilities required by
modern, civilization, such aa railroads,
markets,, stores, churches,- schools, etc.,
in fact, an racat hcme,for those having
the future welfafft of themselves and
families at heart."
The Messrs. Striovski selecfCrl the
Alameda district, but what they sur
of it applies in a general way to .most
0ther districts in that vast country.
They speak 8t the fuel, which is to be
had Jn great quantftfes, of tho water
that can be had by digging from 10 to
20 feet, and of the good grazing land
to be had almost everywhere.- Theri? is
plenty of wood for building timber and
for fuel, while coal is convenient,- and
sells at low prices at the minea In
driving through the country they
passed may fine patches of wild rasp
berries, and say they can apeak highly
Of their flavor, as they could not resist
the temptation to stop and eat.
Hiving already transgressed on your
valuable space. I shall defer further
reference to Western Canada for an
other issue. An illustrated pamphlet
recently issued by the Department of
the Interior, Ottawa, Canada, giving a
complete description of the country,.
will be forwarded free to all who write
for It. Yours,
The best quality of maple syrflp
comes from the north side of the tree.
The new coal plant that the Balti
more and Ohio railroad is erecting at
Sandusky, Ohio, will consist of an ele
vated track to be used either with side
dump or drop-bottom cars, the coal
dropping into bins from which it will
flow Into buckets of four tons capacity,
each placed upon movable platforms.
Derricks of a capacity of ten tons each
will lift the buckets to the vessel.
There will be sixteen of these patent
drop bottom buckets and they will be
bandied by two of the latest steam re
volving derricks, and these machines
will give the plant a capacity of about
300 tons of coal per hour at a minimum
eost for the work, and with a slight
breakage. The plant will be in opera
tion April 1.
Ungratefulness is the very poison
of mannood. Sir P. Sidney.
Km. vnamlon-a Hoothlns Syrnp
ForeMldnn teethlnirjoftanstbo inini.rolnrea Inflanv
matlonlljpaln.cure wind colkr. 25 cents a bottlo.
The record is unbroken.
The record still goes on.
Is the Master Cure for
lutTi?an.l itl'n" " iruul.&. hcn.l :..r iirool of it. It Uec3 cot ekkea or disagree
with tlic stomach. Safe for all ages.
us. cirins all svmptoms plalnlv nr.d our Physician will clro
VICK. :i latpnjte lxMk of - fcolil lr InicK't r Ft-nt by mall.
Tftu:a ana a l-'IIKK ..iii-a.r-
Address Dr. B. J. KAY MEDICAL
lltlLUrJ Sicilian
It can't make a single rew
root. But if the rcct is
there it will give you a
thrifty, glossy growth.
No eray hair.
No dandruff.
IVe.itiifii.'j & !)loriler of
20 Yearn. Experience.
ID Years In Omaha.
RooVfree. Ctn;ultatloa
and Examination free.
Mth & Farnam Sis..
TJm Biff CI for nnnmtnral
I discharge, intlamniatioae,
I irritation or uiceratioaa
of mucon. membrane.
l'aialesa. and not antrin.
lMM3&taCa.Ca, Cent or pouonoas.
'or arat ia plain wrapper.
If FT. prepaid, tot
li .m. or a cottie. 12.73.
mt n nym
K - f OWMM4 fj
IAMny caataooa.
. .. Va I
Tie tartars hare a foaiat custom of
taking a guest by the ear when Invit
ing aim to eat cr drink with aim.
The Secretary of th NaTV bas 1
tore battleships, aad there caw be ao dbabt
that Congress will consider his recoaiaaeada
tkma. Protection Is what our sea aorta re
quire, and fortlAcntlOBs will aot. adequately'
sanplythf Defense against all disorders of
a malarial typa Is. however, adequately af
forded by Hosteller's Stomach Bitters, an.
c-Mclcnt remedy, a.'ao. fer constipation, bll
toumvtyy dyspepsia, rbOTuaatlsm and Bcrrous
aess. Harry Trdelsea has been re-elected
ffiaysr of Detroit, 3Ucb.
IataMwsv 0faea of Tm
tfhe John A. SalJtor Seed Compary.
ia. Crosse, Wis., have shipped witb
Jri twenfy-Uve days 1,400 barrels cf
their cclbrat&f Salzer's Earliest Six
Weeks MarfeS ?ciat0es f Texas cus
tomers. This pc?at has the reputa
tion of being the eartifct, the finest
flavored" and the heaviest fcodacins
afty potato in the country.
Tom 25T defeated Jack Stelzner la
three rounds &t Valfefa Cal,
Hw-To-Bae rb Fifty Cswas.
ttaaranteed tobacco habit orc. iplrawcatc
sfecrfbtroatr, blood pure. 50c.Sf. All dRfc&UU.
Tho nmiibef at divorces to marri
ages in Japan ft a.i 1 to S.
Both the method and rcsnfta wfcen
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant:
and refreshing to the taste, and acts
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys
Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrop of Figs is tho
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to the storaaeh, prompt in
its action HiA truly beneficial in ita
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeab.'oonbstances, it3
many excellent qualities xmmud it
to ail and have made it &e most
popular remedy known.
Syrnp of Figst is for saTc in 50
cent bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable draggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it Do not accept any
iDumiUE. a. Kiv rem. tLf.
Afnt'a profits per month. WIHpmT
it or pay forfeit. .w aitlclci Jut out.
A SlXhainpIe anil tcniis free. Try u.
(.liIUFSTKU.'cMtiX. 50 tor. a btnet, K. Y.
The best Knl Kop9 Ktmlig Tr lt.
ler v. ft., c.i;h ml I iMllrf liirlnli.
Snltltutcx for rinter. tani"ln
frrc. The t"ty 3Isiii!II: KoiiUn Vtt., CJ.VJ.
IluMKt'UltR. IVk KHKK. . . r.
UiiriJtA.t, lnbr!la!S:d..CHICAI.O,IU.
Foil llJti'trateJ descriptlTO lmmi
irratioti literature Vt-r, fontace.lOc.
sim rcrH nritMi', iiiutai
lllTllflDO "W'f.wantyGarstorbs.iwcrrtsana
AUInUnO book AISS-: best prices: Inclost
stamp. Authorsantl .Writers Unlon.Chicaco.Ilt
W. N. U. OMAHA. NO. 7. 1898.
Vaca anst-erisq Advert iscweat a Eitdiy
Hcntioa Tbi Paper.
Lung Balm,
r mce, in nnnii ncmis
CO., (Western Office) Omaha, Neb.
SIOO In Any Man.
Of Weakness In Men They Treat and
Tall to Core.
An Omaha Company places for tho first
time before tho puliliu a MtnicAi. Titctr
UCNT for the dire of l.ot VitJiIity.Xcrvoin
and Sexual Weakness. Kcitoration of
Life Forco it: ohl and voting men. No
worn-out French reaieily: contains no
Phosphorus or oilier harmful drugs. It in
a Wosnzttrui. Ti:catmest m&gical in it3
effects posit ivo in i:s cure. All readors,
trlio are Miirerin from a weakness that
blights their life, causing that mental and
physical sntFcring peculiar to Lost )lati'
hooI.!bouM write to tho STATK lEDICAr
COilPAN x'.No. ZYfi Kanga Block, Omaha,
Kelt . and they will i-end you ahso!utuly
FltKK, n valxiablo paper on these diseasoa,
and positive proofs of their truly JlAfiiCAt.
Tkeatmext. Thousands of 'men, who hava
lost all hope of a cure, are being restored
bv them to a perfect condition.
'This JIaozcal. Treatment may be takea
at home under their directions, or thoy will
pay railroad fare and hotel bills to all who
prefer to go to thero for treatment, if they j
fail to care. They are perfectly reliable;
have no Free Prescriptions, rree Cure,
Freo Sample, or C. O. D. fake. They hava
?50,0J0 capital, and guarantee to enra
every cae they treat or refund every dol
lar; or their charges may be deposited in
a bank to be paid to them when a cure is .
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