o- V o 3 - t . r o it1,- b o i ' ??'- "Hood's Sarsaparilla 'Absolutely cures scrofula, Salt rheum, ' - Dyspepsia, rheumatism, Catarrh and all diseases Originating in or promoted By impure blood. It is r The great nerve tonic, Stomach regulator and Strength builder. A LIBERAL OFFER. At a church in Lenox last summer the pulpit was supplied by an assis tant clergyman. One Sunday ,ln tha course of a sermon this minister told box a man had amassed .a large for tune of money, simply by prayer, go ing on to give the incidents of the case. A tUtc-r ran through the con gregation when tho minister, after dwelling on the fact that prayer alone had brought about this man's fortune. .placed his hands together, ana, look ing upward In a very prayerful atti tude, said, "Lord, teach us how to pray!" Troy Times. Hamuli anil Jnpan. llKnlri. rnuu '.VnMilnjtton state that then :tir:ilut in lie Important iIovHojmieiils 1n tlie Jni:iiite Inilitrmllo tvilli the govern ment of l lie Ilnwnilrii! ltl.-imls. Mowlmit tlili limy be. crt tain it S tliul the (llsturiinnco of t!iu stomach cniiowl by simple liiillxestlim wiil dficliiii into clironlc dyspepsia unlcvi r!u'c'iiatc4 nt Hie start. Tho finest stom achic is Hostcttcr's Stomach Hitters, vhich promptly ructihes Gastric trouble, and docs run away w liver. Irregularity of the bowels and Vnductn of Guaranteed Itemed' Of fer t Bead Sample Bottle. "Flrb Drops" is the name of a sim ple but effective remedy for rheuma tism, neuralgia, asthma, and kindred ailments. The trade mark, "5 Drops," Is self-explanatory, as fire drops is one dose. The manufacturers of "5 Drops" have thousands of letters from reliable people, who have been re stored to health by the use of their remedy. Many of these letters have been published, and many more will be gladly sent upon application. Some weeks ago the producers of "5 Drops" offered to send a sample bottla, pre paid, for 25 cent3. They know even a sample bottle will convince any one of its merits. They were eo encouraged by the numerous responses to their first offer that they have decided to renew it for another 20 days. If you are a sufferer send this small amount, 25 cents, without fail today, to the Swan sen Rheumatic Cure Co., 167-1CD Dear born sL, Chicago, 111., and receive pre paid a sample bottle of "5 Drops." Also, large bottle, 300 doses, for ?1.00 and fcr the nest thirty days, three bot tles for 52.50. APTES A DESEBTEB. Do Smyth: "The Talmud says, 'Love that one who makes thee see thy faults rather than him who ever praiseth thee." D'Arccy: "Well, I eui'Poec it might be possible to love 6ucha fellow, but the man who does It caw .""s.a fine job In some dime mu-seam."-. "belaud Leader. Deafnesa Cannot It Cared by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the car. "hfie Is only one way to cur deafness, und that it by constitutional remedies. Deafness Is caused by an Inllamcd condi tion or Hie mucous lining of the Eus tachian Tubo. When this tube is in llaTned you have a rumbling sound or itn l)rfect hearing, and when It is entirely closed. Deafness is tho result, end un less the ititlaininatlon can be tekeii out tind this tuLc restored to its normal con dition, hcarltiK will be destroyed forever; nine cases cut of ten are caused by ca tarrh, which la nothing but an Inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. W will Rive One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot bo cured by Hall's Caturrn Cure. Send lor circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo O. Sold by Dnijajlsts, 70c llail'3 Family Pills are the best. Senator Mason, of Illinois, punches the uag to keep clown his Increasing avoirdupois and incidentally to keep up the proper frame of mind necessary to n. scrupulous discharge of "senator ial courtesy." Merchant: (presenting itemized statement): "Lcok that over, Mr. Lit teral, and send me a check at your leisure. And, by the way, let me con gratulate you upon your marriage. I must siiy that the lady was one of the most charming it was ever my pleas ure to meet. I am certain she must make you a most excellent wife." I must confess she fills the bill." Boston Courier. A Writer to the London Times pre dicts that the full returns will shew an excess of imports over exports in the British trade in 18D7 of $1,000,003,000. Give the Children m Drink called Crain-O. It Is a delicious, appe tizing, nourishing food drink to take the place or coffea.- Sold by all grocers and liked by all who have used it be cause when properly prepared it tastes like the finest coffee, but is free from all its injurious properties. Grain-0 nids dlsestion and strengthens the nerves. It is not a stimulant, but a health builder, and children, as well as adults, can drink It. with great benefit. Costs about U as much as coffee. 15 and 25c AN OPEN LETTER TO MOTHERS. We arc assertlcj: la the court? oisr rirht to thi) excltssivp use or the V.oru "CASTOniA," and PlTCHEU'SCASTOKlA'asourTradeMark. X, Dr. Samuel Pitcher, of Myaanfo, I.Iassachu setts, was the originator of "PITCIIEll'S CAS TOIilA," ths same that lias borne aud does now bear the fwc-shnilc signature of CIIAS. IX FLETCIIEfc en every wrapper. This is tho original PITCHER'S CASTORIA" which ha3 been used in the home'? of the raotbers of America for over thirty years. I.ool: carefully at the wrapper and see that it is "the kind yoa have always bought," and has the signature of CHAS. IL FLETCHER on the Wrapper. No one has authority from no to use my narao except Tee Centaur Company of which Chas. IL Fletcher is President. March 8, 1S37. SAMUEL PITCHER. M. D. Mr. Gladstone, in acknowledging the gift of a history of the American revo lution, writes that for nearly a half of a century he has been an admiring; student of the American revolution and believes that he owes thereto an appreciable part of his own political education. It Kccjik the Tcct Dry and Warm And Is the only cure for Chilblains. Frostbites, Damp, Sweating Feci; Corns and Bunions. Ask for Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder to be shaken into the shoes. At all Druggists and Shoe Stores, 23c. Sample Eaut FREE. Address.Allen S. Olmsted. Ls.Uoy.N.Y. "No sah," continued Deacon Jones, chairman of the committee on church discipline, waving the new pastor to silence. "We likes yo pus'cally. Yo's Tho average length of human life in the sixteenth century was only eigh teen to twenty years. To Core Constipation Forerer. Take Cascarots Candy Cathartic 10c or 23c It C.CG. fail to cure, drujrulsts refund mouey. There are not less than S00 persons in New York city who have permits to carry pistols. Smoko SIcJko Cigarettes, 20 for 5 eta. There are 300 birds on one ostrich farm in California. FITS FcrDanenttjCurMl.Xontsf.rnprvoasnp's tift et lirsl day's no of Dr. Klicc a (jrral ert5 ilesturcr. Send tor FREE: S.H trial tosilo cr.J trcsti-c 1)3. It. IL Kune. I.tJ..D3t Arch St Phzhtilelrhis, Pa. A will made by a married woman is not revoked by her subsequently be coming a widow, and marrying a sec ond husband. Educate Tour Rowels With Cascarcts. Candy Cathartic cure con-tipation forever. 10c, 25c If C.C.C. fail, druggists refund money. A trolley ride of 121 miles may be taken from Fairhavcn, Mass. to Nash ua, H. H ADVICE TO MINISTER Jrk JiXja Given by a Minister. Preachers who practise it will preach better. BYQ. n. HERE'S Jack Sul livan?" suddenly demanded the mate of the Good Intent, a3 we were wash ing off decks one fine morning in the Pacific ccean. "Where is Jack Sullivan?" was the inquiry passed from one to anoth er of us, In lower tones. "He isn't at the mast-head," said one, glancing aloft. "Hunt him up, there!" said Mr. Man chester. "Hold on! I'll find him my self." But his calls at the forcscuttle met with no response. All his search for Sullivan was vain; and In coming aft again his attention was arrested by the absence of the large oval tub.whlch had been lashed up near the try works. "Hello!" he roared, "Where's tho mincing tub?" "The boy. Bill, is missing, too. sir." said some one. "Anybody else?" Inquired the officer, angrily. "Come, mcke a muster, and let's see how many hands short wc are." Only two Jack Sullivan and the boy Bill "I wouldn't have troubled myself about Sullivan," he said, "for he is an old harum scarum beach-comber, anJ nothing else was to be expected. But that he Ehould lead the boy away on a desperate cruise like that is quite an other matter. 1 must do my best to get Bill back again. Of course they started for Tasweli's Island, and It was so smooth last night their chances were good to reach It. I only hepe, for the boy's sake, that the old tub hasn't turned turtle with "em." Lying off a short distance with our boats, we attempted to open a parley with an army at barbarians, who crowded down to the beach, armed with war clubs and javelins. Their threatening ge3ture3, as they bran dished their weapons", admonished us of what we might expect should we attempt a lodgment In their territory, and a few ttoucs, hurled at us from time to time, warned us to haul eff to a safer distance. "I don't like to give It up without learning something about the fate cf the boy," he said as he took a little tel escope from under the stern sheets and brought it up to his eye. "As for old Jack, he might work out his own salvation, fcr aught I care. Ial" he exclaimed, with a sudden lighting up of his face, "the tub's landed, whether the men are drowned or not. There's the head of it." A building much larger than the or dinary huts of the village stood a short distance inland, and, set up endwise against the wall, was something dark, of an oval form, like an immense shield or target. With the aid of the spy glass this was easily recognized an the bottom of our tub. What ap peared like a little pile of wood near it might well have been composed cf the staves, ancTwe at ence divined thct it had been "shooked" for the sake of the iron hoop3, the only part likely to be valued by these barbarians. The attention of the king was at tracted to his carelessness in having left the head exposed to view, as he noticed the little excitement among us in the boats. At a signal from him several men ran to remove it and car ry it inside the building. But as they opened the door for that purpose, a figure pushed by them and darted out into the open space with a loud cry and frantic gestures. "Boy Bill!" said half a dozen voices. He was recognized at a glance. We had no doubt that Sullivan was also slgnaU were made inviting communi cation. Another group bore the body of the wounded man, and the women and children formed in the background of the picture, among the cocoa palms, with upraised hands and piercing cries. Heading off shore under short sail, but with the gun still loaded and bear ing upon the landing place, we ap proached with the boat as near as wa3 prudent, and our boy, plunging in, swam out to us, and was heartily greeted by his shipmates. On the coral slope, at the feet cf the fright- vucu uuLives. ?.T TUB HUUV Ul JSCK I Sullivan hla tana nntnrnPil In tho I and it COXECS , .. .. - blazing tropical sun. "Is he badly hurt?" demanded the mate. "Dead, sir," answered the boy. "Tho ball struck him full in the head." "Pull ahead, then," wa3 the order, as he laid the boat's head round off shore. "We've no time to lose, with the chip so close into the rocks, and they are welcome to 1hb body, if they want it." The captain took Bill's hand, with a tear in his eye, when he stood onco more on the ship's deck. He said noth ing of punishment for desertion; he did not even reproach him, but left him to his own thoughts. The lesson had not been lost upon him. "Boy Bill" is now a shipmaster himself, and this rash adventure of his boyhood seems almost like a dream to him. P03US-PLASTER ROOF. lite HotM BEFORE THE BULL FIGHT. Chapel Where the Toreador Frays That He Mar Hill Successfully. "Now," said my friend, "we will go to the chapel." "The chapel V "Why, yes, the next room is a small chapel where every toreador goes before the fight to pray and ask God and hi3 pat ron saint that his life be spared, and that he be given the courage and strength to take that of the bull." We entered the small chapel, at one end of which was an altar covered with flowers and lighted candles, in the mid dle a crucifix and behind a painting of the Virgin Mary, says a writer in the Illustrated American. One of the tor eadors came in and, kneeling at the end of the altar, began to pray. What a contrast! This man, covered with silk and gold, kneeling in front of the Christ, asking for the protection of the kind anl sweet lover of humanity, and asking (in order to kill) the pro tection of Him to whom all lives are dear and precious. "Ycu see the man there kneeling and praying?" said my friend. "Weil, he i3 Manuel Garcia, generally called 'Espartero.' the great est living toreador. He is the first cspado of Spain and is celebrated for his courage. When he sticks the sword in the bull's neck he never jumps aside, as other toreadors do; no, he wants to stop the bttll there, to kill him on the spot. As it is nearly im possible, he has often b'&c seriously wounded by dying bulls. He lias-saved over 100,000 pesetas. He will retire from the ring a rich man in another year." The man had finished praying. He left the chapel shaking hands with his friends, and I could not help think ing, "A rich man in one year; yet, pro vided " But I did not dare to fin- isil ray thought even to myself, and raisl Jay eyes to the crucifix I mur mured involuntarily, "God, spare hiin." A 1Tst Vlrglataa Sutacled with Them. That story about the woman who bought a coffin plate engraved with a name different from her own, because, as she said, her husband might dte and she might marry a man by that name, and It might come in useful. Is probably apocryphal, says the New York Press. -But the story of Pompcy Cochran, who saved his old porous plasters because they might come in useful some time, and finally "shin gled" his house with them, is true" from Yest Virginia. Pompey was a soldier in the Confed erate army an"n" was wounded at the. battle of Gettysburg. After the war he settled down on a little farm near Mooresfield, W. Va.,and has lived there ever since. The farm is small and Pompcy is not prosperous. The only thing that has flourished with him of late years has been the pains caused by his old wounds, dnd for those noth ing afforded relief except porous pias ters. He had a contract with the village druggist to supply him witU porous plasters by tho gross, and the tax on his resources became so great, on account of being addicted to the porous plaster habit, that he becasna penurious and demanded that old tin cans and broken forks and every other odd and end should be saved. And es pecially he charged his wife to save the old porous plasters. The plasters "had stuck to him and he would stick to tho plasters. He was as proud of his cab inet of old plasters as a man given to the bric-a-brac and curio habit i3 of his collections, and declared that some time they wouM come in mighty han dy. Now ther-e were three buildings or. Fompey's farm his house, his barn and a dilapidated building, where ho kept his farming tools and his collec tion cf old tomato cans and his por ous plasters. One night the house burned down and the family moved In to the toolhouse. It was good enough except that the sui' and the stars shjno through the roof. Than came tho tri umph of the porous plasters. Pom pey -got out his collection and shingled that whole blessed roaf with old plas ters, and as they were tliick with. Ber gundy pitch they served well thf.- pur pose and made the roof water tight. Now people come miles to see tho bouse shingled with porous plasters, and Pompe7 says that they draw bet ter than they did whtin they were on his back. CHRONIC RHEUMATISM. FKim the InduMtridl JVeicw, Jackson, JfleJk. The subject of this sketch is flf ty-sixyean of ago, and actively engaged in farmiag. When soventcen years old he hurt ais shoulder and a few years after, commenced to have rheumatic uains in it. Ob taking slight cold or the least strain, sometimes without any apparent cause whatever, the trouble would start and ho would suffer the most excruciating pains. lie suffered for over thirty years, and the last coeade has suffered so much that be was unable to do any work. To this the frequent occurrences of dizzy spells were added., making him almost a helpless invalid. y mmj. Tho OI.l Larfy YVai FalLlng. The maiden aunt oS a. San Francisco official has gradually cultivated a fond ness for sensationalism; nnfcll a love of reading horrible descriptions in the newspapers and marbid imaginings in books kits gained a complete ascen dency over her. An old friend of the family inquired a few days ago of the nephew concerning the health of, his aunt. "We are, rather nnxious aboat her," was the perfectly serious reply. "She is not exactly ailing, but her spirits seem depressed. She does not seem to be enjoying her murders and lynchings as much as usual!" In All Sort of ITValfter. Ho tried the best physiciins but without beiug benefitted and he us. several specific rheaniaUccures, but was not helped. About one year nn:l six months ago he read in this paper of a case somewhat similar to bis which was cured by Dr. Williams Pink i:us oud concluded to trv this remedy. After taking the first 'box he felt some what better, and after using three boxes, too pains entirely disappeared, the dizzi ness left him, and ho has row for over a year been eutirely free from all his former trunbleaud enjoys bettor health than he h' had since hia" boyhood. lie is loud in his praises of Dr. Williams' Tint Pills for Pale People and will gladly corroborate the above statements. His pout oflfce address is Lorenzo Neeloy, Hortoa, Jackson County, Michigan. All tho elements necessary to give now life and lichncss to the blood and restore shattered nerves aro contained, in a con densed form ia Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pile Peonlo. All druggists soil them. ' The January North American Re view contains an admirable essay on "The Intellectual Powers of Woman," by Prof. Fabiaa Franklin, being in substance a iep!y to the Epirited arti cle by Mrs. G. G. Buckler in the Sep tember Review entitled "The Lesser Man." Prof. Fraklin is or the opin ion that it is impossible to determine tho relative powers of man and wom an; that it will be long before experi ence can show, even with a moder ate degree cf probability, what limits tnere may be to the possibilities of woman in the realm cf intellect. In the meanwhile, he pleads, let us not belittle the actual work of women, in pursuance of a baseless dogma cf es sential inferloritv. WHERE HARD TIMES ARK -NOT KNOWN. it ..,',,.. :.,. .. rlk4 y m St. Faml Fatter as Ik Mew Star of Liberty. A corre spondent, In a com munication to this pa per, says during the past few months so much has been said and written of Western Canada, and the new provinces forming it, he has been led to give the subject some inquiry, and he has been shown letters written to the Canadian government from delegates sent out by friends to Inspect the country. One of these delegates who was sent to Western Canada says: "In under taking to give & description I fear I shall Hot be able to give it justice, for I hardly know where to begin or when to end. For a plea for my judgment, I will assume, for an illustration, the experience of a man who went from place to place in search of a wife, and finding so many of good Qualities and attractions, was unable 10 determine which to choose, so in looking for a home in Western Canada I like the country well, and two of my boys are going this fall (they have since gone, and each has a homestead), where I am satisfied they will da well. The lands which I have seen are far supe rior in every respect and beyond my expectations. Lakes and streams to be found in ail districts abound with innu merable kinds of water fowl, while fish are very abundant. On all sides we see Innumerable stacks of grain, proving beyond doubt the fertility of the soil. On either side of the track can bo seen in addition to the grain herds cf cattle, horses and flocks of sheep. I have traveled over a great portion of the Western states and I have seen nothing to compare with this country. One hundred and sixty acre3 of land are given free to actual settlers, and I saw cases where as high as $20 per acre had been cleared in one year. I do not wish to advise anyone, but as for myself I shall leave as soon as I can arrange mi affairs." The agents cf the Canadian Government are now at work organi zing excursion parties, and the Depart ment of the Interior at Ottawa, Canada, will be pleased to supply the informa tion to those who are not within reach o? an agent, Tae February Allan t!. A noteworthy article upoa-"Th Capture of Government by Commer cialism," by John Jay Chapman, opes the February Atlantic. Mr. Chapman believes that recent niisgovcrmnent in the United States is but a chapter in the history of commerce. He shows how since the war cf 1SG1 the salient fact 13 the growth concsntra tion of capital; how capital has con tributed to and supported both po litical parties alike, for Its own pur poses, and has thereby caused and. stimulated the rise and growth of po litical "bosses." He points out how; the revolt from "boss rule." as evi denced in the recent New York cam paign, indicates th awakening of a public Conscience and a demand for better things, which is the first step in shaking off tho shackles of tho bos3 end the regeneration of tho na tion; in which conclusion from en tirely different premises he sirikinqly coincides with the deduction drawn by Mr. Edward M. Snepard in his thoughtful and well-studied paper in the January Atlantic upon the New York election. Ko-To-lIae for Fifty Cents. Guaranteed tobacco hahlt cure, im fee woate men btrons, blood pure. iJc.Sl. All druglsbs. It Is estimated that Argentina wilt export 40,000,000 bushels of wheat from. the present crop. Star Toijaeco is tho leading brand of " the world, becauso it is the best. The first Atlantic cable wa: in 1S5S. operate 1 It Wasn't NcccssaTT. He Are" you going to hang a sprig cf mistletoe on the chandelier tonior row? She No, indeed. He Why not? She Simply because a subterefugc like that is superfluous when the righ" man is aroend. ??o class of eeple i S3 liable to throat i difficult to preach, and eoaelsdcd to try trouble as the threat class who mate up the Govpel ministry. The strain ji'-'t upon the vocal orjrain by constant exercise; the Mitidca change from a heated building to the cool air when the vocal organs are in a state of complete relaxation; the fact th?t a minister feci impelled to use his voice ivhca actors and lecturers would take the needed rct; these are among the reason- why "Clergymen's sore throat" is kno'.m as a rpecial dicasc. The Rev. Si. M. Rrawlcy, li. It., District Secretary ol the American Uaptist 1'ublicatioa Society, writes from Petersbiirjj, Va., the account cf an experience of his own which i proS table readies; to those aiSicted with Bron chial or other throat troubles. The sub stance ol Ike letter is as follows: rnrsHsncRO, Va- J. C AVER CO., Dew. Sirs: Three months a;ro 1 took & violent cold which resulted in an attack of acute bronchitis. I put nivself under medical treatment, and at the'end of two months was to better. I found it vcrv Ur. Aycr's Cherry Pectoral. The first bottlt gave me great rc:iel; the ccond. which 1 am now taking, has relieved ir.e alnio-1 entirely cf all unpleasant symptoms. Tc ministers suffering from throat troubles I recommend Dr. Aycr's Cherry Pectoral. " Prevention is better than cure." A bottle of Dr. Aycr's Cherry Pectoral kept in the house, will effectually prevent the rooting of a cold and its coutequent ilsrcl opement into seme i!auj;ercus malcdv. This remedy lias ro equal in Jlronchiul troubles. The most stubborn rases htve yielded to its use. It is tuually effective lor Asthma, Croup, V.'fcoopiag ifough, and every disease that attacks the threat or lungs. For years Dr. Aycr's Cherry Pec toral has been pat up only in large size bottles. at a price of f r.co. To meet an increasing demand for a smeller sized package the remedy can cow be obtained in half-size bottles, at half price 50 cents. Send for Dr. Ayer's Curcbook (free and you will get a clearer idea cf the great value of Dr. Avcr's Cherry Pectoral. Ad dress J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, mass. m Si JfiM29SE GUARANTEED TO CURE ns0iAcA?8tVii m iuiigamtthn'.ti troubles. Sc-ml lor proof of it. It docs not sicken or disagree g with tho stomach. Safe for alleges. 53 Dr. Kay's Lung Balm. Trlto k, pirinjr all erasptoms plainly and our PhrrfcIanVill giro FREE AimCKjn fApasc innik of y SioMlivDrcgxtos or sent bvmall, $3 recipes and a FUEE SAMPLE. Q. Price, IO cents and 23 cents. j) Address Dr. B.J.KAY MEDICAL CO., (Wrstcrn 0l3:c) Omaha, Neb. 3& wassassssssssm Mm fW Guarmatrcd U lffSrt m v .c's'iL-xi r 'Ss.:- cFif CORE YOttSElF! TTsft nip O fn !?. mt diccharpts, taflamciationt, I irritations or ulceration! of ID U Con m tovmliraML tZZ3 Cft!ltt.0G i'ainll. SRd rtn .Btrin. THlnwCHt!r.a.C(t. gcat or poisonous. LGscTi.o.i ' I Cold fcyDrwccMk, r sent fa plain wrapper, by cxprrra, prepaid, for Jl.nn. or 3 bottle. B2.7S. "jy u vircuur ee&t oa imaat SiOO To Any Man. WILL, PAY SIOO FOR ANY CASE Ct la Kea They Treat Fall to Care. An Omaha Company places for the first time before the public a Magical Tksat sient for the care of Lost Vitality,Nervoa ond Sexual Weakness, and Restoration of Life 'Force in old and yoang men. No worn-out French remedy; contains no Fhospliorcs or other harmful drugs. It is a IVoxdeufcl Tkeatmext magical in its effects positive in its care. All readers, who are suffering from a weakness that blights their life, causing that mental and physical suffering peculiar to Lost &an iooJ.suoald write to the STATE MEDICAL COMPANY, No. SWG Range Block, Omaha, JJcb.. and they will send you absolatelj FREE, a valuable paper on these di. rases, and positive proofs of their truly Magical Tbkatmext. Thousands of men,' who cava lost all hope of a cure, are being restored by them to a perfect condition. - This Magical Tkeatmext may be takes at heme under their directions, or they will bay railroad fare' and hotel bills to all who nrefer to go to there for treatment, if they faltocare. Thev are perfectly reliable; hare no" free Prescriptions, Free Cora, iTee Sample, or C.0.1. fake. They have K59.OJ0 capital, and gBaraatee to care every case they treat or refund every dol lar; or Uieir charge ra7 deposited m a bask to WpaSd to them when a csw u SCALES Self -aMiajr. list. cerabiniUon beam So I oo wctobti I'. S. ttcciIarJ. Het rriI chcaixt. Send for tinw WEEKS SCALE WORKS, BUFFALO, N. V. m9tfE?2V KEW DISCOVERY; h. lWl W 1 quick relief ami cures vorst rosea. Send for txS of testimonials an4 IO clays treatment .Free Dr. u.a.ccrti'sso.s, Atiasu.ua. eastern mm: FastCoroinsto letro.'it.Choiro bargains In (trafn. May. Krolt and Stok IlAEchi.. IVviraMe ilnins rroferty. First Jlortra?" ncttinir 7 rcr reat. lor information aai:e.' Wjtf. IS. SAIMJENT, La Grande. Oregon. VMVV&Vi5a rsi rfe?s,3 M I Laripestsrow-rscf GrataM C!nrprKe!n In America. MM acres. OTirCrasi;iiturela-t alifstims. JZead.sBotrnia irril will Eie a I ronricK crop la jTiiy. PricM clirt cheap. 5Im- ; moth eataloRiie and 1 1 r-ls. Crass ard Graias, ( irec lorioc p.Ma;re anj i5 notice. Catatcscs 5c. JOI1S A. S4U7K SLED CU., La CrMp. TT1. K-.C. 3V-i'feVVVt'iVVfcVyi'fcf SE PROFITS. B0YBIBE8T, Our l.eat!er"iia2or, nostpaid, $1 0i. "True Verwonter" en 'j.XfTx? Free. SBs -"fflaj. TJ .T fc.fc SjiST-S-SfTs wj W jffi 1 'i '" ": wa aaaaaawyaafiayY - p-ad" 1 1 i JjJ Elide raifc, 5 c. Our Soccsarefcaatl torpid and rant ed- CHAMPUIN CUTLERY CO. BGriingioB.Vt. KjPV aVM .Dst. McGREW IS TIISCUM.V SPECIALIST TTIiO TKEATS ALL PR! VA1E DISEASES ,TTeaVnrss& Disorder of MEN ONLY 20 Tears' Experience. 10 Years In Omaha. JlooJc free. Consultation and K'c&iicatlon Free. liih a Farnzm Sts., OMAHA. NCB. MAKING FRANTIC GESTURES, inside; though he probably remained there at his own desire, the boy plain ly showed his eagerness to escape an-J join his shipmates. Our baffled captain was now at his wit's end. It would never do to sac rifice life In making an attack upon these people at close quarters, and ;'e I'actantl" the order was given to weigh the grapnels and pull away for our ship in the oiling. We had hardly made a half dozen dips ot the oars, when the crack of a musket was heard, and a ball struck ia the water near us. Yells of deri sion rose on the air from the whole population; and the desperado, Suili van, swinging a musket aloft, joined in the insulting cry of defiance. Perched on the roof of the council house he had fired the shot at us as soon as he saw we had abandoned our undertak ing. The boy Bill was net to be seen. "Let's stand in with the ship and give them a shot from the big gun." said tho mate. "We can do it safe enough, sir, I think." "I will do it," returned Captain Wil cox, "even if I loEe the ship. "Pull ahead, and let's get aboard before the breeze dies away! The scoundrel!" The "big gun" of which the mate spoke was merely an old six-pounder, which could only be effective at pretty short range. It was necessary to ap proach very near the land, but, favored with a fine working breeze, we ven tured to run the risk. The natives took the alarm as they saw the ship steadily holding her way almost to the outer limit of the reef; and when her broadside swung to bear upon the beach, and the word was given to fire not a human being was to be seen. The gun was trained as accurately ns we knew how upon the large building, and the mate applied the matdh, grind ing" his teeth as he did so. As its sharp report died away a discordant chorus of yells succeeded, and a num ber of men poured out cf the building, clustering around one who seemed .o have been wounded. Others were also seen rushing from various quarters, and several ran toward the shore with gestures of fear and supplication. "Load up again, quick!" said Mr. Manchester, now thoroughly excited. "We rattled the bamboo and thatch about their cars, that time, I know. I can see the hole in the broadside of the house." But there was no need to fire again. A group now appeared with the boy Bill In the center, hurrying him down Force of Habit. "Did you ever notice the queer ro tary gesture Mr. Chilkoot always makes when his wife rings for the butler?" "Yes; yon sec, he used to be a motorman before he went to Klon dike' Boston Traveler. Eo Other JVltcrnatlTO Mrs. Jaggs What excuse have you for coming home drunk every night? Mr. Jaggs All th (hfcs) ho-hofce!sh ash (hie) crowded ni' dear.. Got t (hie) go some plash, ain't I? AN UNPLEASANT MEETING. Ills Old Schoolaiate 1V9 JttU at .Oatf with the World." A shabby man with moros Intellec tual features and a well dresst fi Kaa whose countenance bespoke refluen.,-il coupled with a genial disposition rath er than with mental power found them selves side by side in a Columbus ave nue car, says the Nov.- York Advertis er. "Why. Ned Ned Blackburn!" shouted the prosperous looking man. as his kindly eye fell upon his neigh bor. "That's my name," the other grumbled, with anything but welcome in his look. "How are you, old boy? I have net seen you let me see since we left college it's nearly six years, by Gcorse!" The seedy passenger grunted and looked nonplused. "Well, how is the world treating you, Ned?" the demonstrative man pursued, more intimately than ever. "Worse than you, anyhow!" his classmate snarled, jumping to his feet and abruptly dis appearing from the car. The success ful man locked sheepish and as if by way cf -setting himself right before the other passengers, he proceeded, quite audibly: " pity him, poor fellow. He was o'ao of the brightest in cyr cIees, but h& never had system In his work nor any & in his dealings with, the other students He always knew any lesson but the 6a he was called upon to recite, and Uff would read a lot, but not the books b& wanted for his college work, and he ateays man aged to be out cf sorts with some elans mate or other, if not with the rrkoie- ..-. ciass. htm. he is tne most honest and multitude cf queer transactions, gcou natureu fellow you ever czao across. I don't know what he is do ing, but I have heard he is in pratty hard luck." Iowa Patent t)fSce Koport. Des Moines, Jan. 15, 1898. In the list of 3S8 patents issued from the U. S. Patent Oflica at Washington, D. C, Iowa inventors have 1-1, Minne sota 9, Missouri G, Nebraska 5, South Dakota 3, Illinois 31, New York 68. This is a very creditable showing for Iowa. Vie have secured tho allowance of a patent to A. M. Weisn, of Winterset, Iowa, for a chicken dc-header. A cone shaped hepper has an opening at its lower end to allow the head of a fowl to pasa outwards laterally under a J knife that can readily ba operated by a icver Handle to cut off tho head while the fowl remains in the machine and cannot flop about to scatter blood. Under new regulations American pater us will not expire at the earliest datf. that a foreign patent expires for th.Fi same invention. Valuable information about obtain ing, valuing and sellinsr natents sent - ' free to any address. Thomas G. Orwig & Co, Solicitors of Patents, Mr. H. Phelps Whitenisrsh has written for the February Century a paper entitled "The Steerage of To day," which Is illustrated by a num ber of sketches by The Century art ist, Castaigne. Mr. Whitrr.arsa made the voyage from England to America in the steerage of a fast Atlantic liner as "No. 101C. Group C." He is a Boston business man, and has had a varied and adventurous career. Mr. Whitmarsh will be remembered as the author of several novel sea stories which have appeared in this maga zine during the past year. DEVIOUS DEFINITIONS. Confldence A tender plani nourish ed by bunko men. Satire A good-natured jest that is always half "ire." Tomorrow The happiest day in th-3 average man's life. Hunger A necessary evil for the promotion of industry. Fools A class of people that wise men work for a living. Cipher The average man who thinks he is one in a thousand. Cynic A man who is never happy unless he is very unhappy. Consistency A jewel that the pawn broker refuses to recognize. Genius A inau who can do almost anything except make a living. Business A mantle that covers a SJOO FOR JJKW NAMES! The Salzer Seed Co. want suitable names fcr their 17-inch long corn and White Oat prodigy. Yon can win this M00 easily. Catalogue tells all about it. Seed potatoes only 1.50 a barrel. Send TiiU Notice nml IO Ct. in Stamps to John A. Salzer Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis., and get free their great seed cat alogue and 11 new farm seed samples, including above corn and oats, posi tively worth C10, to get a start, w.n.c. I2 -- -J C 1 -T! ! Vlt v. T(-m . w V E '.C"r-.-- LX-iK- '. a pow'ful good tawkah, sah, but we's all on us b'lievaus in de lit'ry oner rancy ob de Eible, sah, an 'spects to hear it 'spounded as cherobim an' ter rapin, an' wo doan' wan' no sinova tiens censt'tuted in place cb de holy writ, sah. No sah." Detroit Journal. When a man leaves a town, every one talks about it, but nobdy says a word when a new citizen comes in. "A man in Birmingham got himself in trouble by marrying two wive3." "That's nothing. Many a man in this town has got into sufficient trouble through marrying only one." Tid Bits. Ho Tea Dance To-Xlsnt? Shake Into your Shoes Allen's Foot Ease, a powder for the feet. It makes tight or New Shoes feel Easy. Cures Corns, Bunions, Chilblains and Sweat ing Feet. At all Druggists and Shoe Stores. 2?c. Sample sent FREE. Ad dress, Allen S. Olmsted. LeRoy, N. Y. ??rtmr7 &SES8&SS3 Both the method and results wlieu Syrup of i? igs is taken: it ia pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and act3 gently yet promptly on the Kidnoye Liver and Dowels, cleaiiso3 the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of it3 kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneiiciai in it3 e&eets. prepared only from the most heal thy and agrceablesubstances, its many excellent qualities commend it to ail and have made it the most popniar remedy lcnovn. Syrup of Figs is for salo in 50 cent bottles bv all leading urns gisls. Any reliable druggist who may not have it oa hand will pro cure it promptly for any one vht wishc-3 to try it. Do not acceptanj' substitute. CAUFGB&A FfO SYRUP CO. SAH FS.VIO:SCO. CAL. ISUiSMS. AT. L'EIV IUW, fJ.Y. There are 1,759,CC0 volumes in the li brary of the British museum and more than thirty-nine miles of shelving. A JUDGE ADJOURNED COURT. Hroke a Chair Over the Offender' If cut! Then Brsumeri His Place. Judge Wilson Hammock., who die it Lebanon, Tenn., last February, was among the most gifted men the state ever produced, says the Glascow fKv.i Unfortunately he became Ky.) in- News. volved in a quarrel during his early ' manhood and took the life of a fellow- J man. Although exonerated by the ! jury, the intimate friends of the judge are inclined to the belief that his fu- I ture life was, in a measure, controlled by his early misfortune. Howevar, if a man ever lived who enjoyed a fight that man was Judge Hammock, ile Charity A cloak that is sometimes used to cover an amateur concert. Wisdom Something possessed by the man v.ho never arguc3 with: a wom an. Photograph A representation that Catter3 others and dce3 you an, in justice. Egotist A man who always talks abouc himself when you want to talk about yourself. - Superstition Something that ail3 the man who would rather work for ?12 j.er week than SIC. ratcnt rotnters. In the death of Commissioner of Patents Ben. Buttcrworth, last Monday, every in ventor in the Unit ed States lost a champion. No Unit ed States patent commissioner ever did as much for the good of the inventor as did Commis sioner Ben Euiterworth. Amongst the notable changes during his term are tho?e requiring attorneys to register and also withdraw their advertisements. In this connection it might be proper to cay a few words in favor of acting commissioner A. P. Greely, in whom the inventors have a staunch protector. Inventors desiring free information as to the method of applying for patents may cbtiin tho tame in aauressing Sues & Co.. patent solicitors, Bee Building, Omaha, Nebraska. Aa absolute enre for ASTHMA ha be-i !! dorcml by lr. Taft. Kim M.. Ifcx-hot-r. .V. Y. He Is o ure tiiat it wlil cure crery rare th.it he!I! trrvl a trial bottla absolutely ;rt-o t an on-i asactwi. Aberdeen, Scotland, sands C0,0j3 pounds worth of cattle to London in a week. TO CURE A COLD IN OKE PAT. Take laxative Uronio Q'sirrino Tablets. .Ml Drut't'iits refund the money if i 1 1 ails to cure :5c fill A I I A I F Vegetable arL;LiJ Sicilian Gray hair v.'.irns tis of cH !&l flcv. l?pnmi vor '!" flf t nnd ss &"" ' iTv'CAv J-fitrh '.f fT.- T'-irr?n'"r - -. .. v W.. J,- sai m i-:; it.? r feik -itrcr MfSr. Thirty thousand bales of cotton will be shipped to Japan from Seattle this winter. Piso's Cure for Consumption h.-r? len a misleading I Gcd-sc-nd to mo. Win. U. iicCIe'.Jan, Ches ter, FJa., Sopt. 17. IfciO. The death rate in Glasgow at pres ent is about twenty-one in 100. "I fear," said the manager as the living skeleton sat on him and inter mittently hammered him. "I fear that my curiosity has got the best of me." Indianapolis Journal. NECKTJSS FOR EVERY30DV To IMr.xIui-" nor nrr.- n'vl? iiri'kl'e itf will ii'i fle !ir. r it ill s'.'M. s V-i i--MI-K. Lailh " fSrnlii'iiifi. r,,,'c-tl f"r l" i'ilH. hl:M :i Wl'KAtTI i:i(. ( (.. lis; Ktrstuv. New or;. EHr'CF'T Dfin oil oriler of rnCOm.ff.c ' riitiiiiH ri IM .'.kiI-ii; r Wa'l a-il cilia "iriv.i. AVriSi f rtjin!ls a-nl j-ri'C-. Tsio I"Si :i:.i!!a Il'sotin;; Coiuinitiy, C':t!c". ' nil I illTstrRtr: ilcrIptI-o i:nra! rriiMn I.terutnre l"i.Piwtiw lc tiit. :-:ir s ki ntir, TaMitau?. FLORIDA EaSS3RF MOHPrKWS awl WHISKY rUS'.TC. fcs'gggtys ii" Kii u:k. i:onfe ki: :. .J -. fi IWWI! WHS..', K!i;i:aK:U;..Ci:il'jit).ILI. W. N. U. OMAHA. NO. 5 1SOS. 123 As57,'cr:ng Atfvcritscssssts Mention Tliis Taper. Kcdiv 1ST. JACOBS alls eaamaaat VEST HAHT Z2I0W CURES.... SCIATICA! Tiea all smst kaow icw easily as4 ssrely it CXJS23 Ali ?AIH., RHEUMATIC, NEURALGIC, OR LUiMBAGIC. rro Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life Amcy. Toqult tobarco easily nm! forever, be mag netic, full of life, nerve and visor, take Xo-To-15ac, tho wonder-worker, th.it niafces. weak men stronj;. Allilruglsts, .Wc. or$!. Curoeuaran tccl. Uocklei anil sample free. Address Sierlins iicnicJy Co.. Chicago or ICc.v York. STORYETTES. A gentleman talking to a friend about the antiquity of his family, which he carried up to Xoah, was toid that he was a mere mushroom. "Ah," Mid he. "how so. pray?" "Whv " re- bore no maiice and no marks whea ! plied the other, "when I was in Valc3, an affray was ended, but a fellow in. j a pedigree of a particular family was' search of trouble never went begging ( shown to me; it Glled about five large when the judge was in the communi- j skins of parchment and near the mid ty. and the same man never went in die of it was a note margin, 'About tbi3 search the second time. During his J time the world was created.' " term as circuit judge cf the Hartsville Oa the occasion of the wedding of district a wanton insult was given him I the late duchess of Teck to her hand by an attorney at the bar. In an or- I same but impecunious husband, her derly and quiet way Judge Hammock j brother, the duke of Cambridge, gave ordered the sheriff to adjourn court for vent to his unfortunate habit of thiuk- W'hat has become of the old fash ioned people who carried lanterns when they went to prayer meeting? two inlnute3. Then, walking outside the rostrum, he picked up a chair and shattered it to piecos over the offend er's head. "Call the court to order," said he to the officer, and, resuming his place on the bench remarked: "Gentlemen, when any one care3 to insult this court let nothing prevent" Victoria' Dre or Spider-Web. The queen owns a dress manufac tured entirely of spiders webs. It -s?as a present from the late Empress of Brazil, who had it specially prepared in her palace by twenty native silk-workers. Sparrows Spoil Chimney. Sparrows carried away so much mor tar from the inside of a big chimney at Hagerstown, led., taat it fell Tues- to tbf Wtr eldc, jutf toe most frt!c I day. ing aloud. When the duke of Teck sol emnly pledged himself with all hi.? worldly goods to endow the bride, the duke of Cambridge marred the solem nity of the occasion by exclaiming quite audibly: "Well, by Jove! And "Wales gave him his shirts!" A tourist, stopping at a small coun try hotel in England, seeing the hostler expert and tractable, inquired how long he had lived there and what countryman he was. "Ise Yorkshire." said the fellow, "and ha' lived sixteen years here." "I wonder," replied the gentleman, "that in bo long a period so clever a fellow a3 you seem to be have not come to be master of the ho tel itself." "Aye," answered the host ler, "but maister's Yorkshire, too." "TVorth ltt Weight Ia Gold- "I aai an old lady 07 year o!d. I liar bcoa troubled for 0 years with constipa tion, indigestion nudleeplcss nights, bat joined taking Dr. Kay Keaovator I caa s.Ieep like a child and am not troubled in the least with tho above lmnieJ diheiscs. Your Dr. Kay's Renovator is worth its y.-c gbt in koM."' Signed ilrj. D. A. McCoy, VI 1 So. S.'th St., Omaha. Dr. Kay's Reno vator and aIo Dr. Kny's Luujj balm liavo no c jual. If you have" any disease write us and give your s-ymptoais and our physi cian will ten J lreeadviee and a valuable OS rago Iwok with ?- recipes and giving svmiitoms and vnrlcu; method-? of treat ment of nearly all diseases. Will also send a free sample of Lit. Kay's Renovator or Jr. Xav's JLun? Balm. Address Dr. R.J. Ivay Medical Co., (Ucs.te:n Office) Omaha, -Neb. We lalk a great deal about the necs fcity of putting cur shoulder to the vheel, and then go and sit down. T CANDY m ZZ CATHARTIC j kCURE CONSTIPATION ,0S 3l ALL 25c 50c &mejgJ&2s&' DRUGGISTS . Stt. y (fll'LARS 13 fiP-tJM M ?ewisi VEiilliaU r3 aaj5Sf2S8&3& TSS3Ji3 JSaEKSS??,! M JJMMJtrWa MOKto Iteanty I l.iood Deep. Clean biocxl means acle-in skin. Jo beauty .-it li ut It. ras:a rets. Candy Cathartic cleans yui:r blood and k-ps it clean, by stlrrlns ua t'.ts l.izv liver and driving all iRi'iunile-jirom tbeboiy. Ilegln to-day to banis!i pimples. Uilis. blotches. bl.tckiitMtls. and that sickly Milous -.)tnple!cn by taking Cascarets. 1 eauty for ten cents. Ail d ik. For maps, pamphlets, railway rates, j etc., and full information ccccrnin;r ;M this country, enjoying1 exceptionally pleasant climate and continuous ood crops, apnly to W. V. BEKNETT, Caa. Gov't R&r.l, Kcw York Life 3a;!ding.0.i:ha, Neb. tloa gu irunlecd. 10c. 2V-. ."-Oi IrujrzUts. iathtfac- The county of Lancashire, England, has 1,700 firms engaged in the cotton business?, vylta 72,000,009 spindle?, In the fifteenth century seamen in the Spanish navy received from 10 to 12 francs a month for their services. Ce'a Coach Ealua Is the otdret anil beat. It will break tip eo'd qnleker than anything else. It Is always reliable. Tmt. In Belgium no person can vote unless he pays taxes to tne amount of forty francs a year. Mm. WlnsZowa &ootbio;r Srrop Forrh!K!renterthin;rofteiuthe:nm!-.TCducesinflam. nuUon.al!js loia.iurei inud ct.ll,-. IS cents a buttl. Diamonds are not t!i"r out of the ground, but are ganera'iy or;d In nar row crevices of rocUs, ilX i jlS omzsr i -yfaBi i ill Z JOU1 WLPwWwwwllWWwS"v9VeVVwwB aaMcaeessaa F0H14 0NTSi WcTrihtor!-n:j?J23WC3- A o:qci, tud ti rice ocr Z 1 1'S.t. U ir J-lW:. 333 Pfeff. Jr.'r Sirias' I'aniir. . T...l. Ui ?-.. r.-.i.fc iHT:iii i " lL.airr)t cccum&cr, 10c J tiawn Victoria Lettace. lie X - Klmd7fcoiIcloD, 31c 1 .IamboiintOsio3, Uo 3 " CriUiutlflover Seeds. He Seeds, TTcrth 61.00, far 14 eests. SEf.T FREE TO AHY ADDRESS UPON RECEIPT OF Five Two-Qent Stamps TO CCVsil THE CGST CF MAIll.'IG. BEST IHSTRUGTOR H M H A....TA nVi.. ... I. OT (VI a . . Eia:l y.a free, tocether rrith or 5 ZZ CT-t riant and Seed Cctalocco X t fl tpon recc;it of thi-s aotiM srtl II?. 9 H poitaje. Mcinitcyocrtradpanl know when roti onco trr habcr'a B'JO Is TfMl mil never I?L alrvs r wl? h- WMk .nbt.CataIoK!oncc. Kw.-I . mtxzs. ntto uk, u ceosst, irta. S iii g-eographj- ever seen. In terests the children and teaches them the sreosrriuihv of their own country in it N. practical and lasting- manner. rvot more than one sent to one address. Write to r. H. LORD, General Passenger and Ticket ".sen!. Chicago Creat Wcslirn Railway. QU1NCY EUILDIKG. CHICAGO, ILL. Ur yy B H M H H f H H M M M n M w M M H M H IIITIinJIQTV7?want"o:2rstorlfs'rC!s-'nd nUinUilO bOflk MSS.: Ltkt nrfrA- r-.Mov r9 Ai06nuawnMriVBroa,Ch:cao,ui. -" vry wr ttp w ----.-- ... .mz z r tuHts wiiuit a ttbt (ails. g Wrf Cat Cjtiah fcynijt. raitca Gck. Use g -7"- tHki 2ji4 ,r , .-JL-,. r-, Wa-'S.S:- i - -i.C- 5ji 'TTLlJ -1-fcJt 'V-.v j-w n- .C