The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, January 19, 1898, Image 4

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Is permanently cured
By Hood's Sarsaparilla
Which neutralizes the
Lactic acid in the blood.
Thousands write
That they have felt
No symptoms of
Rheumatism since talcing
Hood's Sarsaparilla
The Yellow Book for January is
rich with illustration, fiction and wit.
Each number it this sterling publica
tion exhibits Sn effort to supercede
the preceding a freshness and excel
lence. Howard. Ainslee & Co., Pub
lishers, New York. 5 cents.
We are asserting in the coarts oar right to the
exclusive rise of the word "CASTORTA," and
"PITCHER'S CASTORIA." as our Trade Mark.
J.E-r. Samuel ritcher, of Ityannis. Massachn
fcet ultras the originator of "PITCHER'S GAS
TORI A." the same that has borne and does now
bear the fac-claiMc signature of CHAST H.
FLETCHEJ; on every Wrapper. This Is" the
original "PITCHER'S CASTORIA" which has
been used In the homes of the mothers of
America for over thirty years. Look carefully
tt the v-rappor and see that it Is "the kind yoa
tare always bought." and has the signature of
CHAS. H. FLETCHER on the Wrapper. No
one haa authority from me to use my nama
except The Centaur Company of which Chas.
H. Fletcher is President.
March 8. 1687. SAMUEL PITCHER. M. Dt
"Well ventilated bed rooms will pre
vent morning headache nd lassitude.
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That
Contain Mercery,
as mercury will surely destrcx the sense
of smell and completely derange the
wholo system when entering it through
the mucous surfaces. Such articles
should never bo used except on prescrip
tions from reputable physicians, as the
damage they will do is tenfold to the
Kcod you can possibly derive from them.
Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by
F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo. O.. contains
no mercury, and is taken Internally, act
ing directly upon the blood and muccus
surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's
Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine
It is taken internally and made in To
ledo. Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Tes
timonials free. Sold by Druggists, price
75c per bnttl.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
A litttle soda water wi I relieve sick
headache caused by indices', icn.
Educate Your Bowels With Cascarets.
Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever.
10c S3C If C.C.C. fall, druRgtsts refund money.
Salt should be eaten with nuts to
aid digestion.
Cee'a Crash Bilraa
Is the oiilfrt and beat. It vlli break up a cold OTllcter
tkan nnj tlilnz else. It Is always tt-llable. Tit it.
The Chinese begin dinner with des
csrt and end it with souo.
Tiso's Cure for Consumption is the best
of nil cough cures. George W. Lotz, Fa-buc-iior,
La., August 23. 1S'J5.
The qusen'B household consists of a
little less than 1,000 persons.
How it was overcome by a
Nova Scotian mother
. Who is well known as an author.
Of nil the evils that attack children
tcarcely any other is more dreaded than
rioup. It so often cone in the night.
The danger is so great. The climax is so
uden. It is no wonder that Mrs. W. J.
1) ison (better known under her pen
Ditnt of "Stanford Eveleth,") calls it "the
terror of mothers." Nor is it any wonder
that she writes in terms of praise and
gratitude for the relief which she has
found both from her own anxieties, and
lor her children's ailments, in Dr. J. C.
, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral.
"Memory docs not recall the time when
pr. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral was not used in
our family, for throat and lung troubles.
That terror of mothers the startling,
croupy cough never alarmed me, ro long
as I had a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
in the house to supplement the hot-water
bath. When suffering -with whooping
coagh, in its jroret form, and articulction
was impossible on account of the choking,
ray children wonld point and gesticulate
toward the bottle; for experience had
taught them that relief was in its con
tents." Mrs. W. J Dickson ("Stanford
livcleth"). author of "Romance of the
Provinces," Truro, If. S.
CRrifitlT DIsSI on all order of 000 ?q. ft. of
ntlni rKIU KnonnB or Wall and Celling
?Tnll!t, V."rlt rcrramnlea and fritr. The Far
SfauiUa Bootlnc Company. Camden, X. J.
SLOT KSiftHllfrQ ,cc Varirtl.;fromI.SOup.
"" KwninM.Gotimr,;CT PltlCES. New
catalojuo of clcc coon a fair geockd Goons. Ad Jresa
C3DIN A CO.. iaa r.. CHICAGO. ILL.
I Fast Cotnlngto' ho!-
latmlaf In Cram.
Ilav. fruit and Sto-k llai.chn. IfeiiraMe Lin njr
rroie.-ty. Fin4 aoniiM ncttnxTier rent, for
lufoitaitica sdiieis WM. II. SAKtJKNT.
La Grande. Orrgon.
Southern Farm and Rice Lands
WHERE? In Southwest Louisiana.
HOW MUCH? $10 per acre and up
wards. TERMS? One third cash, balance on
PROFITS? Pav for everything in one
PARTICULARS? Write to The Farm
ers' Colonization Co., 803 Fisher
Building, Chicago.
Climate perfect! Crops maamflcefrt!
Cicellciil Schrolj snd Churches and Goei Society,
Sick oil Nerwu He.
aches PdSmriLTCwti
in 30 Wattles, hy
at atl eraflaista er Mat aaot
paH aeaa receipt el $L
356 Dearftora St
$100 To Any Man.
Of XTeakaess la Mea They Treat
Fall te Care.
An Omaha Company- places for the first
timo before the public a Magical Treat
ment for the cure of Lost Vitality ,Nervoua
and Sexual Weakness, and Restoration of
Life Force in old and young men. Ho
vrorn-cut French remedy; contains so
Phosphorus or other harmful drugs. It is
a IVoxdebtcl Treatment magical in its
effects positive in its cure. All readers,
,vbo are suffering from a weakness that
blights their life, causing that mental and
pbvsical suffering peculiar to Lost Man-hool.-bould
write to the STATE MEDICAL
COMPANY, No. 3006 Range Block, Omaha,
Neb., and they will send you absolutely
FREE, a valuable paper on these diseases,
and positive proofo of their truly Magical
Treatmekt. Thousands of men, who have
lost all hope of a cure, are being restored'
by them to a perfect condition.
This 5IAGICAL Treatment may be takes
at home under their directions, or they will
pay railroad fare and hotel bills to all who
prefer to go to there for treatment, if they
iaI to cure. Tkey are perfectly reliable;
have no Free Prescriptions, Free Cure,
Free Sample, or C. O. I. fake. They hava
SK0.0J0 capital, and guarantee to cure
every case they treat or refund every dol
lar ; or their charges may be deposited ia
a bask to be paid to tb6m wheat a care is
(rI. Writ tbeti today.
Vkea Aasveriaf . Mvertiaeaeats Kaily
Meatiw This raper."
larriaffMtU sa Their Bitten Net Taler-
ate by Dalle. States Cowrt.
The United States circuit court for
the southern district of New York,
Judge Townsead presiding, handed
down an opinion December 23, 1897,
granting Injunction and accounting, in
the suit of The Hostctter Company
against Isaac Sommcrt and Louis Jo
seph, for Infringement of Its trade
mark. The jurist states, in bold and
clear language', the rights accruing to
the Hostetter Company, and the liabil
ity incurred by all who would rob
tfeem, by fraud or misrepresentation,
of the well-earned reputation and
profits of a business built up by the
efforts of half a century. The julge
says, In part:
"The complainant Is entitled to pro
tection against the appropriation of its
trade mark, by any and all unfair and
dishonorable means, and a court of
equity has power to grant such protec
tion whenever it is satisfied that an
attempt has been made by ingenious
subterfuges, to invade the rights of an
owner of a trade mark. In
the sharp contest between the individ
ual manufacturer, who strives to ac
quire and retain the fruits of indus
try and honesty, and the field of keen
rivals, seeking to wrest from him the
prize of the public good-will, the in
ventive ingenuity of the infringer has
conceived a creat variety of devices
for evading the established rules of
fair dealing. Courts of equity
finding that their ultimate object and
effect were to enable and induce the
retail seller of a fraudulent imitation
to palm it off. on an unsuspecting pub
lic for the genuine article, and thus
to contribute to the infringement upon
the rights of the original owner, have
not hesitated to apply the remedy."
Jonas Stadling, a Stockholm journal
ist, sends to the January Century a
facsimile of an undoubted message
from Andree, sent by the aronaut by
carrier pigeon. Mr. Stadling had
charge of the pigeons at Danes' Isl
and, where Andree was waiting for a
favorable wind. He contributed to
the November Century an account of
"Andree's Flight Into the Unknown."
Tough moat is made tender by ly
ing a few minutes in vlncgir and
Tlierc Is a Class of People.
Who are injured by the use of coffee.
Recently there has been placed in all
the grocery stores a new preparation
called GRAIN-O, made of pure grains,
that takes the place of coffee. The
most delicate stomach receives it with
out distress, and but few can tell it
from coffee. It does not cost over Y
as much. Children may drink It with
great benefit. 15 cts. and 25 cts. per
package. Try It. Ask for GRAIN-O.
An eminent Fr.nch pysi'ian claims
to have discovered the microbe of
To Cnro Constipation Forever.
Take Cavarets Candy Cathartic 10c or 23c.
If C.C.O. fall locure. drugshts refund money.
Forty years ago the first missionary
was eaten on the Fiji islands.
C J. Woolcridge. Wortharn, Ter., writes:
"One of my children had croup. One
night I was startled by the child's hard
breathing, and on going to it found it
strangling. It hadnearly ceased to breathe.
Having a part of a bottle of Dr. Aver's
Cherry Pectoral in the house. I gave the
child three doses, at short intervals, and
cnxiocsly waited results. From the mo
ment the Pectoral was given the child's
breathing grew easier, and in a short time
it was sleeping quietly and breathing nat
urally. The child is alive and well to-day,
tnd I do not hesitate to say that Aver's
Cherry Pectoral saved its life." fc. J.
Yooldridce, Worthaa. Tes.
These statements make argument in
favor of this remedy unnecessary. It is
a family medicine that no home should be
without. It is just as efficacious in bron
chitis, asthma, whooping cough, and all
other varieties of coughs, as it'is in croup.
To put it within everyone's reach, Dr.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is now put up in
half size bottles, at half price jo cents.
Send for Ayer's Curebook (ficc) and read
of ether cures effected bv Dr. Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral. Address the J. C Xycr
Co., Lowell, Mass.
For maps, pamphlets, railway rates,
etc., and full information concerning
this country, enjoj-ing exceptionally
pleasant climate and continuous good
crops, apply to
W. V. BENNETT, Can. Gov't Agent,
New York Life Building, Omaha, Neb.
FOR 14 N?S
"Wo fish to cain 15C.0CO now cna-
tosierc, and cenceoner
1 itir. 1 Hiss- !La.!Uh.
SFkff. ICsrlf Surtax Turnip,
Etrluut Itcri lit.
Bismarck Cucumber.
" tiaecn Victoria Lettuce, lSc
" Klcndyso Melon, lie
JnmboRientOa'oa, loo
n ISrUliaatl lower SccJ-s Ico
X7orth 01. OP, for 14 cents.
AborolO pVc. worth SL00, wo will
msil yon free, toaothcr with onr
great risnt sn-i Scod Cataloeae
npec receipt of thi s not ico and lie.
postage. Veiavitojoar trade and
know when yon onco try Sa!zer"s
seeds yem will nercrc(-t alone wita-
oet mem. 1'oratoenaxsi.OU
aBbl.C&taloc&lszoCc Jo.w.c
rit t t5.j
Vegetable Sicilian
It has made miles and miles
of hair grow on millions Jji
v and millions of heads, m
0 Not a single Pra.vfiair (i
All) No dandruff. jf
TTrft n? O for nnntirnl
disch2ixc, iunaaiiuatioea,
irritation or ulcerations
nf ritirnn. m.mlmnM
Irnrcata ccciaas. I'ainltrisj. and cot actrin
THCEfAlsCHatiCtlCa E"nt or roisoncas.
Sold bj Crtfglsts,
cr sent in plain wrapprr,
5it esiirnn. rrcnaid. far
S.m, or 3 bottle. 573.
v Circar sent on request
lm O a quick rrllef and cures wont
end rcr dcok or tetlmcnlal ana IO nays
XArree. Br.B.B.sasES'saeas.aauta,-'.
SCALES combination beam
No 1 oofe 'neisbts. U. S. f tandir.l
Het And cheauo!. Send for nriee.
i ii ny mm ! mh
CUBfS WhtfHf All HKf fallS.
Beet Coash fiTrna. Tastes Good- Us
murac sola br orogtrma.
SeHV i
r. m-ji
ft 1 u 5 iT. I
Lr.f Oaaraaw i
vnnr ai. anewr
v c-8-x r
W -"V&i I
Farm Craps That Cam Be Properly
Gross Oescrlptlea of tbe Beautlfal
Sceaerr The Masleal Kswawka First
Caltlvatlaa of Sasjar.
Much as has been written concern
ing Hawaiian scenery, it is a subject
about which literature can never be
exhausted. People of all nations and
of all climates are still continuous in
their praise of the tropical verdure
and scenery that can be found in the
midst of the Pacific Ocean. There has
been resident in the islands for some
time a Scotchman Mr. Charles H.
Ewart, of Dalbeattie, Scotland, whose
soul was moved by the beautiful vision
which he describes in the following
poetic language:
"We are in an amphitheater of
mountains rising to an altitude of 3,
C00 and 4,000 feet, with a glowing rai
ment of leaf and blossom from base
to summit, save in spots where the red
earth peeps through the radiant cur
tain, as a foil to the flames of irrides
cent greens, and the fire of the blos
soms that have enfolded the hills in
their shining embrace. Here and
there a pinnacle where no plant has
found grace to grow, stands out a
purple silhouette against the soft blue
of a topaz-tinted sky. Caves and fis
sures are cleft in the steeps of these
mountain walls, and torn from the
nearly perpendicular cliffs which sur
round it, alone and apart, stands a
pillar of stone twenty yards wide at
the base, nearly a thousand feet high,
and pointing 'Godward through the
blue,' like the spire of some mighty
cathedral. This monolith carved and
fashioned by some bygone convulsion
of nature when the hills 'glared at
heaven through folds of fiery hair,'
Is swathed in a glorious garment of
green and gold chequered with the rose
and the azure of the bells of the con
volvuli that dangle from the cordon
of vines that engird it"
The valley in the early morning may
be clear of mists, and a soft mountain
breeze murmuring among the foliage,
but at times it is filled with the noise
less ebbing and flowing of white vapor
borne in from the sea, and out of this
shimmering sea of mist the towers
and mlnaretes of the mountains arise
clothed with mosses and ferns, and
draped with garlands of eddying vines,
that cover the faces of the cliffs, and
droop over the edges of giddy preci
pices in "cataracts of bloom," till they
are swallowed up in the "white mists
that choke the vale, and blot the sides
of the bewildered hills."
Although sugar cane is indigenous in
Hawaii, little attempt was made to
ward its cultivation until 1835, when
a plantation was started at Kauai, ami
several sugar mills were built. lnes?
mills were worked by the aid of mules
and oxen, and the process was slow
and laborious. What a contrast to the
mills of the present day, where the
cane is taken and made into crystals of
sugar. There is no royal road to
wealth in Hawaii, and any one who an
ticipates such a condition had better
stay away. No man can go about
blindfolded and pick up dollars in the
streets, but no country offers a better
opportunity and final reward for hon
est, earnest and constant labor. Es
pecially is this trae in the coffee in
dustry. The pretty homes and coffee
areas" of Olaa are an evidence of this.
Butter is selling in Hilo at SI a roll.
It is quoted in San Francisco at 16c.
to 24c. a pound. There every field Is
as dry as a bone. In Hawaii every
field is perpetually green. The dairy
business offers a much better opening
than any line of merchandising. And
as a by-product to the dairy, hogs will
pay magnificently. Pork is retailing
at 25 cents a pound. The advertising
columns of the local papers tell a curi
ous story of the strangely backward
condition of some of the smaller in
dustries. From Australia: peaches,
plums, oranges, apples, grapes, nec
tarines, lemons, celery, cauliflowers,
potatoes, cheese, roll butter, crab ap
ples, quinces, onions. These tre im
ported from a country over two thous
and miles distant
The Hawaiian Inspector-General of
Schools, Mr. Henry Schiller Townsend,
speaking of the educational system of
the islands, says thaf the population of
the Hawaiian Islands is small and the
school system is necessarily small.
The total population exceeds one hun
dred tnousand slightly, of which four
teen thousand were attending school at
the end of last year. Ten thousand
were In the public schools. Fifty-six
per cent of ail the children attending
school at that time were of native
Hawaiian descent, and twenty-five per
cent were Portuguese. The reman
ing nineteen per cent represents a
larger number of nationalities.
The English language is practically
the only language as a msaas of com
munication or instruction la the Ha
waiian schools. And here lies the diffi
culty of the work. Just imagine the
teachers of California trying to teach
the children of that state through tha
Arabic language. Yet English is prob
ably as difficult for the children of
Hawaii as Arabic for those of Califor
nia. History, literature, natural
science and even arithmetic must be
taught under great difficulties. Edu
cative instruction under these condi
tions is a well-nieh unsolved problem.
Bat conditions are rapidly changing, j
Tha English language Is coming Into
uso as a means of communication
among the graduates of the common
schools, many of whom have no other
language in common. Thus it Is creep
ing into the homes of the people, even.
When the children learn crude Eng
lish from their mothers, the teacher's
tasks will be much simplified. Por
many years there have been schools In
Honolulu and Hilo especially adapted
to the needs of the children of English-speaking
parents. Lately similar
schools have been opened in a number
of other locations, and still others .will
be opened shortly. These are not es
sentially different from schools of sim
ilar grade in America. A regular pub-..
lie high school Is in process of organ
ization in Honolulu, the greater num
ber of the departments being already
in working order. The endowed insti
tution known as Oahu College has long
offered full preparation for any college
in America, and many of its graduates
have entered leading colleges on ad
vanced standing.
But the English-speaking children
do not enjoy a monopoly of the priv
ileges of education beyond the com
mon school course. The Kamebameha
schools, with their magnificent equip
ment and no less magnificent endow
ment are open to those of native Ha
waiian blood and to no others. Man
ual training and industrial education
are leading features of these schools,
and few similar schools in America are
so well equipped for work on these
The natives are very fond of music.
The guitar on account of the softness
of its tone, i3 their favorite instru
ment. The royal Hawaiian band,
which a few years ago made a tour
through the United States, was com
posed of native Hawaiians, all of
whom were accomplished musicians.
And Bed Wine Coming; In at tbe Doors
of the Slndto.
After weeks in the forest of Fon
tainebleau it is difficult to realize its
monotonous amplitude, its endless rep
etition of similar prospects, says the
Saturday Review. And yet as a for
est It has no surpassing beauty. One
may compare it with Dartmoor Dart
moor pared of its highest tors and set
thickly with young trees growing close
as the moss on a boulder. It is a roll
ing upland with a scanty mantle of
soil, through the frequent gaps in
which the broken gray bowlders of the
naked earth sometimes rise in fantas
tic heaps, sometimes line concavities a
mile across, or fringe the gaping lips
of long ravines. Like Dartmoor, the
surface Is arid, and you may tramp
miles and see never a pool; and yet,
on every side, you may descend from
the forest by green valleys into green
plains and find brooks leading mirac
ulously from the dusty rocks to dip
under fringing willows. It is to these
happy skirts of the forest that the
painters' villages cling; Barbizon, ad
vertised by Stevenson and now aban
doned to the cultured tourist; Cernay,
with its great village square; Marlotte,
smothered under masses of lilacs like
a child laughing in new-mown hay;
Moret, on the Seine, with its tower
flanked, steep-pitched bridge, its mills
and ruined castles and spreading river;
and a dozen others. The simplest of
them turn austere faces to the solemn
spaciousness of the forest, but thjir
sweet gardens give acces? to the green
comforts of the piain; an iraige, may
be, of the artists themselves; high, un
profitable aims in the salov; pot
toilers emerging and red wine coming
in by the studio doors.
Ilotr Unlliea Fake the Ken.
A curious instance of newspaper fak
ing was discovered in Pittsburg last
month. Three evening papers hie" in
type a full account of the scenes at
tending the execution of a murderer.
Every detail was given, Inclining the
conduct and last remarks of the con
demned man on the scaffold. The
bogus extras were put through the
press and stacked up ready to hand out
to the newsboys. One paper supplied
the newsboys and kept them iu a
room ready for the signal. But it
never came. The hanging was post
poned. The prisoner never left his
cell. Some of the affecting full ac
counts leaked out, and they are highly
interesting specimens of the afternoon
fake extras. Ex.
Where He Drew tbe tint.
One of our visitors from the coun
try during Merchants' week became
hungry and, going into a restaurant,
ordered dinner, says a Boston paper.
Being asked by one of the waiters what
he would have, he replied: "Oh, bring
me a good dinner." The head waiter
was consulted, with the result that
soup was first placed before the hun
gry man, also celery. Ke drank" hi3
soup and although he eyed the celery
suspiciously, he ate that. Then came
a dish of spaghetti, and the conntry
sian revolted: "I have drunk your dish
water, eaten your bunch of weeds, but
I'll be gol durned if I'm going to eat
your worms."
A Difference.
"Hasn't he got through with what-he
had to say?" inquired the man who
had been asleep. "Yes," replied the
friend next him, "but there's no tell
ing when he will conclude." Wash
ington Star.
Orthofars Daas Woaders for Cleats.
Caaeers aad Weaads.
Two German investigators, MM. EIr
horn and Heinz, have discovered a
new anaesthetic agent to which they
have given the name orthoform, says
the Paris Temps. This substance be
longs to the chemical group of aro
matic amido-ethers. It consists ot a
white crystalline powder, without taste
or odor. It does not readily dissolve
and its action Is slow. But this fact
13 compensated for by the duration of
the influence of the substance. Ortho
form Is produced with acids from sol
uble salts which possess anaesthetic
properties. Applied to the surface of
a wound or an irritated mucous mem
brane, orthoform, In a powder or oint
ment, produces Insensibility. Many
observations of sufferers bring this
fact to light boldly. With bad burns
in particular and every one knows
how distressing these are orthoform
subdues the liveliest pain in a few
minutes, and its effect lasts for hours.
Inasmuch as orthoform is not a poison
(rabbits and dogs may take with impu
nity from two to six grains a day), one
may safely make a fresh application
when the anaesthetic Influence has be
gun to diminish. One discovers how
great is the toleration of it by the or
ganism, for instance, in a case of can
cerous ulcer of the face, which Is the
seat of such intense pain as to render
sleep impossible. The ulcer is sprin
kled with orthoform for a week and
the quantity applied may amount to
fifty grains. The patient ceases to suf
fer and no inconvenience follows the
experiment For the torture of cancer
of the stomach Messrs. Einhorn and
Heinz have administered many doses
of a gram in the course of a single day.
It affords great satisfaction in all cases
of wounds or ulcers of the skin and
mucous membrane, and, as it Is strong
ly antiseptic, it hastens recovery from
bacterial ravages. It has no action on
unbroken skin, but its powerful in
fluence permits one to regard it as suit
able for a local anesthetic In cases
where one is to operate on a mucous
surface. Experiments of this kind
have, indeed, been made in Munich.
Of course," said Mr. Erastus Plnk
Iey, who had drifted Into a philo
sophic vein, "you ain't gwinter be jes
saterfy wif dis life, not onless yoh
show sense in yoh way o lookin at it."
"What's yah way?" said Miss Miami
Brown. "You wants ter average flng3
up. It's ve'y possible dat a man may
deserve ter be rich an' famous an' not
git dar, but on de yuthuh nan' it's ve'y
possible dat a man may deserve ter
be in jail an' not git dar, neither."
Washington Star.
A Recommendation.
First Soubrette I've got to take
something for my nerves. Did you
ever try Billiger's Bromides?
Second Soubrette It ain't as good as
Waxem's Catnip Compound. The
bromide people only use small cuts
over their testimonials, and the com
pound folks will put your picture in
double column width. Cincinnati En
quirer. Mo Wonder.
Bill "What's the matter, old man?"
Jill "Oh, I've been to a table d'hote
dinner and I've got indigestion for
sure." "Nonsense!" "Well, you
just ought to have seen the indiges
tible things on the card." "Oh, ex
cuse me, my boy, but you didn't tell
mo before that you ate the card." ,
Yonkers Statesman.
He "There's one thing about a wed
ding I can't understand." She
"What's that?" "Why, if horseshoes
are so awfully lucky, why don't they
throw that kind at the bride."
Silk may be restored by sponging,
r,ud while quite damp it should be roll
ed on a broomstick and left until quito
dry. This may take twelve hours or ,
more. Silk should never be ironed. j
Housekeepers owning big, handsome
cut-glas3 punch bowls may convert
them into superb flower holders by
means of the wire racks sold for the
jiurpose. These fit across the top ot .
the bowls to hold the blossoms. j
When the prudent woman removea
her veil she rolls it between newspa-
pei over a rod as long as the veil Is
wide. A broomstick cut proper length
makes a good roller. If the veil has lost
its stiffness it may be made like new
by dipping it in a very thin solution
of gum Arabic, being pulled straight
before it dries.
Washing clothes is not wholly a
matter of friction, but a great deal
mare swashing and less friction would
be more effectual and more agreeable
to the worker. The boiler must be
freed from Iron rust, and the water as
clear as possible, and if necessary put
into the boiler one tablespoonful of
borax. The clothes should be put o:i
in boiling water, and allowed to come
to a boil. This disinfects the fabric
and helps to rid it of the soap.
Oatmeal should bo cooked slowly
and not be stirred, if its best flavor is
t obe preserved and it is not to be
pasty. It is a good plan to put It on
the range in a double boiler, while
other things require a fire, and allow
It to simmer for several hours. In
the morning pour boiling water into
the lower boiler and allow the already
cooked meal to become hot. This In
jures perfect oatmeal mush without re
quiring a long morning wait for Us
proper preparation. Don't stir it while
The wise man learns from expe
rience, and also a good deal from his
The man who passes around the haz
docs not expect to contribute anything
Dr. Swallow, the Pennsylvania pro
hibitionist candidate, made the ex
pected homeward fly.
The reports that Mrs. Luetgert 13
still alive arc doubtless unfounded.
No live woman could have remained
silent so long.
A Boston woman died, leaving her
entire estate to ber parrot With a
good income to spend that parrot will
doubtless be a bird.
The Louisville Courier-Journal asks
Kentucky democrats to stand by their
guns. This seems to be unnecessary
advice to Kentuckians.
Ella Wheeler Wilcox has written a
poem on "The Traveling Man." This
proves that the drummer falls Into
easy lines occasionally.
The question arises, will the Pull
man sleeping car porters follow the
example set by their late employer In
dividing their vast estates.
Corbett says that he is living on the
fat of the land, despite his defeat last
spring. Fitz, however, seems to have
thrired fairly well on the "scraps,"
A Liberal Offer to 8aff
"5 Drops' Is a remedy for raeuata
tlsm, neuralgia, catarrh, la grippe and
kindred ailments. The zsannfacturers
of "5 Drops" have many letters from
those restored to health by the ase of
their remedy, of which the following is
a sample:
Buena Vista, Ore.
September 21, 1897.
Swanson Rheumatic Cure Co., Chi
cago, 111.
Dear Sirs Your medicine has cored
both myself and wife of our rheuma
tism, and we wish to express our grat
itude for-the relief we have obtained
through your never-failing remedy. I
cannot find words loud enough to
praise your "5 Drops," and you are at
liberty to use my name In connection
with your advertisement to those that
are sufferers.
Yours respectfully,
During the next thirty days the com
pany will send out 100,000 of their sam
ple bottles for 25 cents a bottle. They
do this to allow sufferers to try the
remedy.. From the past they know that
one of their sample bottles will con
vince one of the merits of "5 Drops.'
Large bottle. 300 doses. SI, and also
for the next 30 days 2 bottles for S2.50.
Write to-day to the Swanson Rheu
matic Cure Co.. 167 Dearborn street.
Chicago, 111. This company is reliable
and DromDtlv fill everv order.
Guess from experience: Sne ''Who
was it that said that a woman's be3t
friend was her dressmaker?" He
''Probably It was the dressmaker."
We desire to call our readers' atten
1on to the Farmer's Handy Feed
Cooker, which is sold at the low price,
nf S12.50 for 50 gallon capacity.
By feeding poultry and stock with
cooked food during the' winter month3,
at least one-third of the food is saved;
also having stock in a healthy condi
tion, preventing hog cholera among
your hogs, and insuring the hens lay
ing freely during the winter months
nhen eggs are always wanted at high
prices. This Cooker will pay for itself
in one week's time and is without
doubt the best and cheapest on the
market just what its name implies, a
Farmer's Handy Feed Cooker. Upon
application to the Empire Manufactur
ing Co.. C15 H street. Qtiincy. III., a cat
alogue, giving a full description. ma7
be obtained. Thev are made In all sizes.
A cup of strong coffee will remove
the odor of onions from the breath.
Wonld Yon Like to lie Abtolate Owner
of Your Own Farm?
WOULD you like a farm that pro
duces upon an average of 30 bushels of
wheat per acre?
WOULD you like a farm that grow3
from 60 to 90 bushels of oats per acre?
WOULD you like a farm that grows
from 40 to 60 bushels of barley per
WOULD you like a farm that grows
more bushels of potatoes per acre than
any farm in Michigan?
WOULD you like a farm that pro
duces all kinds of roots and vegetables
In abundance?
WOULD yen like a farm that pro
duces the heaviest and fattest beef cat
tle that gees to the English market?
WOULD you like a farm that pro
duces butter and cheese equal to the
finest Danish?
WOULD yeu like to own a farm In
a country where cattle are never
stabled winter or summer?
WOULD you like to live in a country
where taxes are very low, the principal
taxation being for schools, and the
government pays 75 per cent of that?
WOULD you like to live in a country
where every person is happy and con
tented, excepting the doctors and un
dertakers? WOULD you like to he where each
of your sons can get 1C0 acres free,
when they reach 18 years of age?
If so, consult the advertisement of
the Canadian, government free lands,
appearing elsewhere.
Prussian blue paint is made from
the ashes of the burnt hoofs of torses.
A'ew Inventions.
A Pennsylva
nia inventor has
contrived a new
hat pin wUich is
arranged ro that
it cannot work
itself cut of the
woman's hair or
hat, being pro
vided with a
small flexible ex
tension. A sim
ple fruit gatherer
has just been
patented which
comprises a can
vas apron, which
is secured to the
tree and be!ow
whici four bar
rels are placed; when the tree is
shaken so thr.t the fruit falls on the
apron and from there is directed into
the barrels ready to receive the same.
The device is lipht and seems as if it
would meet all the requirements neces
sary. Inventors desiring information
as to patents may obtain the sime in
addressing Sues & Co., Dee Building,
Omaha. Neb.
The best teachers of huxanity are
the live3 cf ereat men.
It Keeps the Feet Dry and Warm
And 13 the only cure for Chilblains.
Frostbites, Damp, Sweating Feet,
Corns and Bunions. Ask for AUeas
Fcot-Ease, a powder to be shaken
into the shoes. At all Druggists aad
Shoe Stores, 23c. Sample S2nt FREE
Address, Allen S. Olmsted. LRoy.N.Y.
A cup of hot water drank before
meals will relieve nausea and dyp2p
Take laxative Broano Quinine Tablets. All
Druggists ref and the money If 1 1 fails to cure. 25c
The richest man in England is the
duke of Westminster.
Con't Tobacco Sp t an! Smoke Year Life Amy.
To quit tobarco easily and forever, te mag
netic, full of lite, nerve and ior. take No-To-llac.
tie makc weak men
strong. All dniTKlsts, 50c. or tl. Curejniaian
teed. Bockkt and aTple frc. Addtcs;
Sterling KemeJy Co., Chicago or New York.
As a matter of fact nobody believes
in a hell except for hi3 neighbor.
r'TS PermusentljCand. 3o Cts cr ocrrrasBen after
rsl day's use of Dr. Klme'ft Great erro Uratorer.
Send for FREE S2.PO trial bottle and treatise.
Da. R. H. Klwc Ltd-931 Arch St- Philadelphia. Pa.
It rests you, in sewing, to change
your position frequency.
Smoke Sledge Cigarettes, 20 for 5 cts.
A story was told relating to a Scotch j
hospitality, as explaining Scotland s
reputation as a drinking nation.- Some
years ago a Scotchman iesiding in the
Interior, who bad accumulated a for
tune in America, paid a visit to his old
home. Before leaving a fellow coun
tryman asked him to take in his
pocket a notebook and to make a note
of every visit he made with an obser
vation sa to whether or not he was
offered liquor. During1 a two months'
absence he paid ninety-two visits in
Scotland and was asked to take liquor
at eighty-seven of the houses he vis
ited. At the jubileo festivities of King
Oscar of Sweden and Norway cno of
the features that appeared most te in
t.nest him was the exhibition i;f tha
female fire brigade of iv:oat.s5er.
There are 150 of these yoinj women,
fiom 20 to 30 years old, di.'.:::ed by
a male commander wha is married.
In vigilance, quickness and bravc.y
he flrewomen are said to be ?ual to
any of their masculine competitors.
They came in full uniform to go
through the evolutions beneath K'ni
Oscar's windows, where Ca-j aroused
great enthusiasm.
A Philadelphia policeman the other
day arrested a little boy In kces
breeches, to the great indignation o!
some bystanders, who went to the s'a
tlor. house to make a coma aint
against the policeman. At th? sta
tion they learned that the little boy
was "Dublin Jce, ' a notorious pick
pocket, 40 years old, an1 that his
pockets were filled with other people's
money. No complaint was entered.
Dr. Hu King Eng. anLM'S3 Wang,
are to be the Chinese delegates to the
woman's congres3 to be held in Lon
don in 1898. The former, who is
known as the "Miracle Lady," on
account of her success in the art of
healing, obtained her drgrei of dec
tor of medicine at thj Woman's Med
ical College in Philadelphia.
Destructive Storms Along tbe Coast.
Reports of maritime disasters nlong the
oast como in thick and fast- People who
"go down to the sea In ships" should bear in
mind one tlilnp in pnrtlcular. namely, tint it
is highly desirable t take alt-ng a .supply of
Hostetter' s Stomach Hitters as a remedy for
sea sickness. ausea. dyspepsia, blllousin'ss,
constipation, malaria, nervousness and klti
ney trouble, all succumb to Its beneficial z.wi
speedy action.
Iowa Fatent Ofllce Iteport.
DES MOINES. Jan. 5. W. T. M.
asks: If a person shcu'd use a ratchet
in an improved window shade roller,
similar to Hartshorn's, would it te an
infringement? Is not the principle o:
such a ratchet too common to patent?
Without searching the records to
sea Hartshorn's claims, I will en
deavor to answer your question and
make the matter plain to you.
Suppose Hartshorn's claim is for the
combination of a ratchet, a pawl cr
detent, a spring and a roller for oper
ating a curtain, all the parts may te
common but the combination thereot
new and patentable. To improve any
one part or element in that combina
tion, or to add another part thereto, to
gain anew or improved result thereby,
would be patentable, but not clear of
the prior broad combina ion claim,
and an infringement, if use I without
license. But if one of the four rarts
of the original combination claim 13
left out, then the combination is
broken, and it wold not be an in
fringement of the claim that had four
parts in it.
Valuable information about obtain
ing, valuing and selling patents snt
free to any address.
Solicitors of Pateats.
Milk which stands tco long make?
bitter butter.
Beauty Is Dlood Deep.
Clean blood means a clean skin. Xobcnnty
without It. Cascnrets, Candy Catbarticcleans
your blood and keeps it clean, by stirring uu
the lazy liver and driving all Impurities from
the body, llcgin to-day to banish pimples,
bo'.ls. blotches, blackheads, and that sickly
bilious oniplcxlon by taking t'ascateJs.
beauty for ten cents. "All drusgljts. satisfac
tion guaranteed. 10c. 2.V.'. C0i
Rusty flatirons should be rubbed
over with beeswax and larJ.
ASTHMA m he qnlrkly cnrmJ by Dr. Tuft's
Asthnialeiie. AH Miirrrera fnm thli i!ltrr!nc
complaint i-h.Mll.l vriite to lr. Tate 4 HmKt..
Ilochrster. N.Y.. Tor a sample lot tie. M-nt nbsolutely
frceon receipt of nanirandadilrr'u. Tliejr are reliable.
All departments of Ya'e University
have a total of 2,5G0 students.
Do You Dunce To-Mght?
Shake into your Shoes Allen's Foot
Ease, a powder for the feet. It makes
tight or New Shoes feel Easy. Cures
Corns, Bunions, Chilblains and Sweat
ing Feet. At all Druggists and Shoo
Stores, 23c. Sample sent FREE. Ad
dress, Allen S. Olmsted. LeRoy, N. Y.
In 1774 Philadc'phla was the l-rge3t
town in the Amer.'cai C3one3.
Iowa Farms for sale on crop payment, f I per
ncrceash. balance '4 eroojiail until paitlfcr.
J. Mulhall. Waukcjnm III.
Birthdays are ce'ebrated as far back
as the time cf Pharoah.
No-To-Bac for Fifty Centa.
Guaranteed tobacco bablt cure, m-ikes weak
men strong, blood puns f)c,5t. All druggists.
A carrier pigeon service was estab
lished by the Turks A. D. 537.
Mrs. Wlnslorr's Soothlnrr Syrup
Forehtldren terthicirjuiftens l!io trums..iviijrr Inflam.
maUonllc;siaii).curs wind cull.-. :s ce&t a. bottle.
The only kind of lovo you can't find
out is the incurable kind.
Star Tobacco is the leading brand of
the world, because it is tbe best.
There were breach leading cannon
as early as 1388.
-I With ST.iJAUQdS Oil. as day comes after night. r
sbssssV Issw .Cr
lVLsW sslsLsisi'
sssKsSr rSsssssssssK -ssBrswVVsBssssssssssssssssW
soe MSW13fcl M'MnisV
25c 50c fjmr
GUARANTEED TO CURE dyspepsia, constipation, headache,
liver and kidney diseases.
Dr. Kay's Renovator
Write us all of YOUR SYMPTOMS plainly.
Onr physician will give m Sold by
GB-page book of recipes, and
Poor digestioa of tea caases irregalarity
of the heart's actios. This irregatarity
may be mistaken for real, organic hsarC
disease. The symptoms are mack the ramev
There is however a vast difference betweea
the two: organic heart disease is often in
curable ; apparent heart disease i curable
if good digestion be restored.
A case in point is qaoted from the New
Era, of Greensbarg, Ind. Mrs. Ellen Col
som, Newpoint, lad., a woman forty -three
years old, had suffered for f oar years with
distressing stomach trouble. The gases
generated by the indigestion pressed oa the
eart, and caused an irregularity of its ac
tion. She had much pain in her stomach)
and heart, and was subject to frequent asd
severo choking spells which were most
severe at night. Doctors were tried ia
vain; the patient became worse, despond"
ont, ard feared impending death.
A Case of Heart Failure.
Sho was much frightened but noticed that
in intervals iu which her stomach did not
annoy her, her heart's action bscame nor
mal. Reasoning correctly that her diges
tion was alono at fault she procured tha
proper niedicino to treat that trouble and
with immediate good results. Uerappetite
camo back, the choking spalls became less
frequent and finally ceased. Her weight,
which had been greatlv reduced tw re
stored and she now weighs more than for
vears. Hor blood soon became pure and
her cheeks rosy.
The case is'of general interest because
the disease is a very common one. That
others may know the means of care we
give tho name of the medicine used Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills for Tale People. Theso
pills contain nil tho elements necessary to
give now life and richness to the blood and
restore shattered nerves.
Poignant reminders We have corn
bread all the time now. "Why?" "My
husband lost so much on wheat that
it makes him weep to see a biscuit."
Only 20 per cent of the murders com
mitted yearly in America and Europo
are ever found out.
Carl Vollcn sold $350 of Salzer's Cab
bage. Labor, seed, rent and all did not
cost him 30, profit ?30O. You can beat
that and make lots cf money on Early
Radishes, Peas, Lettuce, Mushrooms,
Onions, Sweet Corn, Tomatoes, Pota
toes, etc. Salzer warrants his seeds the
earliest In the world. Potatoes only
$1.50 per barrel. Millions of Raspber
ries, Cherries, Apples and small fruits.
Catalogue tells all about them.
Send this Notice with 1 1c. Stamps ta
John A. Salzer Seed Co., La Crosse,
Wis., and get free their big Plant and
Seed Catalogue and 10 packages vege
table and flower'seeds, novelties worth,
table and flower novelties worth $1.00.
Apples eaten in large quantities, ac
cording to a German dec o , are a
sure cure for the alcoholic InLit. Tho
theory is that they remove the craving
which is the main physical d.lllculty
to contend with.
Both the method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and rcf resiling to tlio taste, and acts
gently yefc promptly on the Kidn iys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses the rys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevera and cures liabi ual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is tho
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to the stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneiicial in its
effects, prepared only from the ir.ost
healthy and agreeable substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50
cent bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist Arho
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
0uisviu. icr. .ft roue itr.
Was earnM la 5 years by on
aent with our free outfit.
You tan. i. 0, 1371, Sew York.
lI)JIi:CLl:K. Hook FUKK. DX.i. C.
11!) 1 n IS, liatollaC.i!;., tllllit.O. ILL.
AIITUnD- We want yourstori"?.pocmsand
HUlliUflO book aiSS.: best prices: incloso
stamp. Autborsand Writers Unfop.Chlcayo.Ill.
W. N. U. OMAHA. NO. 31898.
whoa Answering Advertisements Kindly
Mention This Taper.
rf1'-l,'3,'S''f HH'i'i44f4'm T
or sent by mall,
PRICE 25 CTS. it SI.
(Westcn Office), 0-nfca, Ncfe.
-v .
p i "r