The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, December 08, 1897, SUPPLEMENT, Image 6

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Liberal Extracts front an Address by
the Able Head of the Agricultural
Department -A Practical Talh by a
Very Practical Man.
Oreataeas af Oar Country.
It to time that Americans fully realized
the relative greatness of their own people,
vita a view to fuller comprehension of
their ability to make a market. They
are the beat educate!, bout fed, best hous
ed, best clothed and farthest traveled 70,
000,000 of people in the world. If the laws
Interfere with their Industries iu any way,
favoring their competitors abroad, inter
faring with their power to purchase to
ward education, nutrition. Iodising, cloth
lag and traveling, an we have seen for
the four years past, their power to make
market is lowered correspondingly.
Prosperity has come naturally; public
policies have been changed; the worker
are employed; they buy more liberally;
the farmer gets better price; he put the
price of his crops into circulation; the
current warms up all the veins of com
sneree; the twenty millions of farmers buy
Bore liberally of nil household and other
commodities; the wholesale merchant
feels the quickening intluence and puts
tnore agents on the road; the couatry mer
chant whose stocks have been low for
years replenishes his shelves, and this
gives orders to the manufacturer, who
employs more labor and skill; the busy
workmen have money to buy the farmer's
and other products, all of which make the
good times we enjoy. The beginning of
all this was the change of public policy
that was ordered last November by the
people when they elected Gov. MeKinley
President, the keeping of our jobs at
borne for our own people, and the keep
ing of the money at home to pay out to
our own people.
President McKinley's administration
has set altout the introduction of prosper
ity among all classes of people by a com
plete change of public policy. That change
is bringing good results already. The first
effect is better prices for farm products.
It is said that the scarcity of wheat
broad is the cause of better prices here.
Concede that for the sake of the argu
ment. Why are other grains higher, with
beef, mutton, pork, wool and other farm
products? The voters who changed pub
lic policies a year ago have confidence in
the change of administration. They are
the moving power of the republic. They
do the bulk of its business. They are fa
iniliar with American history for a cen
tury and a quarter, as affected by pro
tection to home industries nnd the want
Of it. They are not ready to take a step
toward the experience of the last four
years. The questions that were settled a
year ago will stay settled while this gen
eration lives, nnd the cost of sending our
jobs nbroad and starving our workers at
borne is fresh in our memories.
Effect of Chnnjjcs of Policy.
The effect of the chances of public pol
icy on agricultural interests is well illus
trated by the changes in the prices of our
farm stock and farm products. The de
crease in the value of the horses has been
very great during the past ten years.
Superficial observers tell us that the sub
stitution of steam and electricity on street
cars for horses has made this change.
But there are other factors that have been
at work during this decade to destroy the
Value of horses. The United States
changed its public policies in the mean
time. Industries along all lines were par
alyzed, because our workmen were turned
out of employ inent. They were not able
to buy farm products, the factories be
came idle, and the farm horses were not
wanted about the factories, in the towns,
nor anywhere in the United States, as
much as formerly. If the value of horses
were reduced during this change of public
policy, and the prices of other materials
remained the same, we would be com
pelled to conclude that some other cause
than general depression had lowered the
price of horses, but we will find in looking
over the productions of this great State
that everything else pertaining to the
farm decreased in value at the same time.
The farmers were left with large sur
pluses on their hands. Unfortunately for
Us, our horses could not be put to any
great extent upon the world's market, be
cause we had been producing such horses
as pleased us, and not such horses as the
world demanded outside of the United
States. The world's market for horses
ixed the prices for us, and we had so few
that the world wanted to buy, that prices
dropped to an unprofitable figure. If we
had been producing heavy draft horses
coach horses and saddle hors.s, Europeans
would have bought tem at high prices.
They have agents m this country, and
have had them for many years, searching
for the kind of horses I have named, but
re not aoie to find them as plentifully
as they desire. We are undoubtedly able
to produce horses in the United States
cheaper than any other country can pro
duce them, because we have the cheapest
grains and grasses, good water, and intel
ligent people to rear them. It is a ques
tion for the farmers in the future as to
how they shaJl breed and develop their
horse stock.
made by the people in 1S92 resulted in the
repealing of this legislation by Congress
in the Wilson-Gorman act of 1S94, stop
ping this industry. The Dingley bill, en
acted by the extra session of the present
Congress, has again revived the hopes of
the American people. There is a pros
pect now that this $100,000,000 will, with
in a few years, be kept at home to be dis
tributed among the working people
throughout the country. One question
the American fanner must always have
ia mind, and that is, the steady employ
ment of our laboring people. We are
workers ourselves. Those who employ
labor in other lines would feel the effect
of these sew industries. Labor would
be more in demand and get better prices
because of the distribution of this $100,
000,000 among our people. It will be an
opportunity, valuable to the farm not only
In the diversification of crops, but with re
gard to its benefit to the dairy. The by
products of beet factories will be as val
uable for feeding to the dairy cow as the
sugar beet would ae before taken to the
factory, because the bulk of our staple
crops has more carbonaceous matter than
the dairy emv requires. The factories only
ue the carhntmccou part of the beet,
leaving the nitrogenous matter entirely
in the pulp. A great impetus will be giv
en (o dairying in the United States. The
sugar industry will enable the fanner to
find this necessary element of cow feed.
and the farmer, when he takes a load of
beets to the factory, will bring back a load
of pulp and save it up against the time
when he needs to feed it. Note the effect
of the two policies as they bear upon the
farmer and his prosperity. The theory
of the one is that we should buy in the
cheapest market. We tried that duriug
the last administration. The theory of
the other is that we should produce in the
United States everything that our soil
nnd climate are capable of producing. We
remember distinctly the effect of this pol
icy under all Republican administration.
We are getting an earnest of the effect
of it now under the present administra
tion. Protection Establishes New Industries
That protection establishes new indus
tries we have had a lively illustration
within the past few years. In 1891 we
had no tin manufactures in this coun
try; we imported l,03ti,4Si),0T4 pounds.
President MeKinley placed 2.2 cents a
pound on tin coated iron and steel. That
act has created nearly 200 tin plate mills.
In 1801 we imported $23,000,303 worth.
For the fiscal year ended June 30. lSDo,
we only imported $11,4S2,3S0 worth. Ve
import now for special uses only; very
soon we will not import any.
The ideal condition to be reached is such
diversification of industry that the farm
er will find a home market for most of his
products. The establishment of every
new industry brings us nearer to that
ideal. It is estimated that 40,000 people
are directly and indirectly employed in
the tin plate industry. They are new
customers here for the American farm
ers that we formerly fed at arm's length
in other countries.
English manufacturers must cheapen
their cost of production if they are to
hold their ground against the American
competitor. And all this is happening
under the Dingley law, of which the free
traders said, three months ago, that its
effect would be to close foreign markets
to American commerce, and especially
" What's the Matter with (Sold?"
We have coined about $700,000,000 of
silver. We have now over $000,000,000
of gold. Silver will sell for the cost of
production at the mines, and it is being
mined now profitably in many mines. Free
coinage at 1G to 1 would deprive ns of our
gold currency and bring the country to a
silver basts, while all the nations we need
deal with pay us gold. The hard times
just vanishing were not caused by any
legislation regarding currency, as other
people have claimed. The farmers bring
the money from abroad into this country;
we get pay for grains, meats, dairy pro
ducts, etc., in gold. Some people advise
us to insist on getting our pay in silver.
What's the matter with gold? It goes;
it is all our foreign customers have to
pay us with. Nobody refuses it here. We
deal in gold values now, do business with
"it." Why interrupt coming prosperity
with divided counsels over a change to
silver values that would relegate gold to
the safety deposit vaults? Gold is an
American product, increasing every day
from Alaska to Tennessee. Gold, and pa
per representing it, are good the world
over. We have perhaps $700,000,000 of
silver in circulation. It pays debts be
cause redeemable in gold. Its certifi
cates are good and in national use. Our
greenbacks are good because redeemable
in gold. We have plenty of currency, all
good, all interchangeable. Why should
we inquire farther into currency? It is
merely the measuring stick of exchange.
Exports Ontstrlp Population.
Mr. Michael Mulhall, in a paper in the
North American Review, asserts that in
the last twenty years the population of
the United States has riseu from 45,000,
000 to 71,00,000 souls an increase of 58
per cent and at the same time the value
of exports has risen 173 per cent that is,
three times as fast ns the population. The
same eminent 'authority declares that
"the quantities of food yearly exported
are sufficient to feed 30,000,000 persons
iu Europe, from which it appears that
American farms raise food for 100,000,
000 of people yearly." With a productive
capacity so vastly in excess of the de
mands of the home market it is evident
that foreign markets must be opened for
our surplus if the country is to enjoy per
manent prosperity. If the administration
can do this through the gates of recip
rocity, all right; if not, the country will
find another way of breaking down the
barriers which choke the channels of dis
tribution. Exchange.
A Great Industry.
Secretary Wilson is constantly on the
lookout for ways and means to benefit the
farmers of the United States. The report
of bis department is of unusual impor
tance this year, because it treats of the
efforts to stimulate the production of
sugar beets. Secretary Wilson is an en
thusiast on this subject. He predicts that
in ten years the United States will be an
exporter of sugar, instead of the largest
importer in the world.
The capacity of the United States for
the production of beet sugar is pratically
unlimited: and with the object of ascer
taining the most favorable localities for
ha growth. Secretary Wilson distributed
seven tons of imported sugar beet seeds
among 22,000 fanners in twenty-seven
States, with the understanding that they
should furnish samples of their crop to
the department for the purpose of analy
sis and a statement explaining the condi
tions under which each sample was pro
duced, and the method of culture.
The Secretary expresses himself as
deeply gratified by die returns. The most
favorable results have been obtained from
those sections of the United States where
new industries were demanded for the
farmer and where the manufacture of
beets into sugar can be accomplished with
the greatest economy as to labor and
transportation. The experiments in west
ern Nebraska, Utah and California which
have been going on for some years have
demonstrated the practicability of beet
culture in those sections, but the samples
of this year's crop which have been for
warded to the department at Washington
and the experiment stations elsewhere
show that the soil nnd climate of Ohio
and other Central States are even better
adapted for this sort of crop than those
of the far West. It is on the result of
these tests that Secretary Wilson bases
his prediction that in ten years this coun
try will have sugar to sell. Akron (O.)
ket for American wheat products is being
developed in Asia. From 18S7 to 1S91,
inclusive, average annual sales of wheat
flour in Japan were 30,039 barrels; from
1S02 to 1SSW, inclusive. 71.148. In 1896
alone Japuan bought 103,582 barrels of
our flour. For the same periods the aver
age annual sales in China were 15,008
and 20,723. The best Asiatic market,
however, seems to be the British posses
sion of Hong Kong, which last year took
825,872 barrels of flour. Exchange.
Dingley Law Fulfills Promises.
The Dingley law is doing all that its
framers promised for it up to this time.
The November receipts will average near
ly one million dollars per day for each
business day of the mouth. All of this is
accomplished without any material reve
nue from the duty on sugar, as the im
porters are now using up their large stock
of that article which was imported before
the new law went into effect. It is esti
mated that the revenue from the duty on
sugar when the present stock is exhaust
ed will average $3,000,000 a month, which
of itself will be sufficient to bring the
revenue up to a sum equal to the ordinary
expenditures. With the increase which
will come from other articles, such as
wool, woolen goods and other manufac
tures with which the country had been
filled, it is now perfectly apparent that
the revenue produced under this law will
be ample to not only cover all the ex
penses of the Government, but replace the
losses under the Wilson law.
Wc Welcome Maryland.
Maryland, by her recent Republican vic
tory, now assumes a permanent position
in the Republican column. In three suc
cessive years '93, 'JMi, '97 the Republi
cans have, in hard-fought campaign on
both sides, carried the State by good
majorities, so that many leading politi
cians of both parties now look upon Mary
land as a safe Republican State. This is
another evidence of the steady growth of
sentiment in favor of Republican princi
ples in the South, as well as the North,
the Republican representation from the
South in the House having grown from
year to year until it is now larger than in
any previous year iu the history of the
Exportation Increase Under Ding
ley Law.
Not even the satisfaction is left to the
free trade Democrats of saying that the
Wilson law was better for the exporters
of American manufactures than the Ding
ley law. They thought they had things
dead to rights on this score, and that as
soon as the new law went into operation
they would be able to point to the decrease
in the ex porta tions of American manu
factures, but in the very first month of
the new law's operations the exportatious
of manufactured articles were larger than
in the corresionding month of any for
mer year. This is disappointing to these
gentry, and somewhat amusing, in con
nection with their wails of regret that
such a wicked measure should be enacted
as the Dingley law, which would cut off
our foreign markets.
British Exports on the Decrease.
The returns issued by the London
Board of Trade show that during the
month of October there was a decrease
of $7,000,000 in the value of British ex
Iorts, and also a decrease of $3,000,000 in
the value of imports. The decline was
chiefly iu yarns and textiles. The decrease
in the exports of machinery was nearly
$2,300,000, owing to the strike of the en
gineers. The shipments of tin plates to
the United States continue to decrease,
and the wheat shipments from America
to increase. The total decrease in the
value of exports for ten months of 1897
is $30,000,000, as compared with the cor
responding period last year.
The successful competition of the Unit
ed States, Germany, Belgium and other
countries blessed by protection has had far
more to do with the decrease in British
exports of machinery than has the strike
of the engineers. To the same cause is
due the decrease of $30,000,000 in the
general line of British exports in the first
ten months of 1897. Of all the nations of
Europe Great Britain is the only one left
that clings to free trade, and she is losing
her prestige in manufactures at a ruin
ous rate. American Economist.
A (single Instance.
Evidences of improved business condi
tions are found in almost every spot in the
United States. A single instance of this
ia given by Congressman Weaver of Ohio,
who aaya of the village of Troy, in that
State, that the output of the wagon works
at that place in August, 1807, was aO,
200, against $3,200 in August of last year;
in September. 1897, $17,700, against $5,
600 in September of last year; ia October,
1897, $26,400, against $7,300 ia October
of last year. The Plqsa rolling anil, lo
cated in the same district, report a larg
er sale of hea ia the last seventeen weeks
than ef the entire year of 1896.
Faith ta the Hew Tartar.
The great basiness improvement which
the country has seen since last July is due
largely to the feeling among merchants
and business men that the new tariff will
furnish both protection and revenue suffi
cient to run the Government. This sim
ple restoration of confidence has brought
forth millions of dollars and given employ
ment to thousands of hands at improved
wages. It has caused unused chimneys
to ponr forth black smoke and idle wheels
to revolve merrily. The new tariff is in
operation, and its revenues are constant
ly increasing month by month and week
by week. Yet it is to be expected the
Democrats will say that the Dingley law
has nothing to do with the improvement.
Adopting; a New Craze.
That the Democracy is substituting for
the free silver issue the single tax idea
and others such is shown by the action of
National Committeeman Shanklin of In
dian?, who, in the same day, addressed
Mr. Bryan as the next President of the
United States and then stated that he
would support Henry George if he were
in New York. As is well known. George
was the original single tax prophet and,
in addition to this, attracted to his sup
port in New York all the socialists, dis
contentists and other ists. This brings
Bryan, free silver, single tjx. socialism,
red flags and various other cardinal prin
ciples into pretty close touch.
Blind, but Still Shouting.
The fact that the gold mines of the
world are now producing more than
enough gold to furnish the currency nec
essary to keep pace with the growth of
population does not disturb the silver
mine owners, who are clamoring for the
use of their metal for currency. It has
recently been shown that the cost of pro
ducing the amount of silver required for a
silver dollar is on an average abont twen
ty cents, but notwithstanding this they
go calmly on insisting that their metal
shall be used for making dollars at a
cost of twenty cents apiece, despite the
fact that sufficient gold is now being min
ed to meet the requirements of commerce
and business.
He Speaks His Mind.
"Uncle Hod" Boies cannot be kept still.
All of the threats and persuasions of his
Democratic associates will not induce
English Compliments.
It is not often that the London Times
pays a compliment to the productive ,n
dustry of the United States, but here is
an item from its columns that American
labor can enjoy:
"American machine tools by hundreds
of thousands of dollars' worth are sent,
freight paid, for thousands of miles across
the ocean to England. Genua ny, France,
Russia, Japan and China, and it is diffi
cult to resist the contention that this
simply means the success of free and in
telligent labor well paid."
"Free and intelligent labor well paid"
has given to this country its achievements
in the commercial world. Every experi
ment of free trade in opposition thereto
has proven an unhappy failure. Exchange.
Good Times lor Farmers.
Comptroller Eckels of the Treasury De
partment says that the conditions through
out the country are most satisfactory.
The improvement has come rapidly and
permeates all lines of industry. It began
with the agricultural classes. The farm
ers have good crops and are getting high
prices for them. The cattle raisers are
benefited by a substantial rise in the price
of cattle. The same is true with the sheep
raisers. This improvement in agricultural
earnings has had its effect on the rail
roads by increasing their earnings. It
has put money into circulation and has
enabled people to discharge their debts
and thereby benefited the merchants.
He Disagrees with Bryan.
"Those who, at the dictation of their
own enemies, disregarded their old friends
and attempted to revolutionize the creed
of their old party will jnstly lie held re
sponsible for all the results that have here
tofore followed or shall hereafter follow
their departure from Democratic princi
ples and traditions, nnd we who have re
fused to desert the old standard and coal
esce with the advocates of fiatism, social
ism, protectionism or any other form of
government paternalism can well afford
to stand where we are and wait for de
liverance which is sure to come." Ex
Secretary Carlisle.
No Satisfaction for Free Traders.
Free traders who expected support for
their iieculiar views from the English
statistician, Mulhall. will be disappointed
to know that he has taken pains to point
out the fact that the exportations of the
united States have increased three times
us fast as has her population during the
protective tariff period. Mr. Mulhall
shows in a recently published article that
while the increase in imputation in the
past twenty years has been 58 ier cent,
the increase in the value of exportations
has been 173 per cent, and practically all
that under a high protective tariff.
Sugar fleets.
We pay $100,000,000 each year for su
gar, made to a great extent from sugar
beets grown in Europe, since
the Cuban war began. People will re
member that when President MeKinley
k ; I'N'iiriunn - t Tnn ., a
rw;,, ; . iw'f.: " :iea. s him to any longer support the free coin
r. " '" '"c "- oi ttepresenia- n nrnnositioi. of th nmnnP,;n re
form of last year. He is out in a new
and vigorous communication, in which he
says that while he wants to see silver
used as currency, he is satisfied that the
proposition for its free and unlimited coin
age at a ratio so different from the com
mercial ratio would be uot only injudi
cious, but fatal.
tives some years ago. he secured Iccisfo.
tion in the interest of the fanner, giving
encouragement to the growing of sugar
beets. The attention of American farm
ers was drawn toward that industry.
Arrangements were made to test the ca
pacity of our soils in all parts of the Unit
ed States. Some factories were built, and
within a reasonable time all the sugar
Americans require would have been made
In the United States. Sugar, like but
ter, consists of labor and sunshine. The
price of labor would have been raised all
along the line, from the growing of the
ngar beets to the making of the bags or
barrels for its final reception. The farm
er would have been enabled to diversify
ais crops and grow less of what was least
profitable. Work would have been given
to those who plow the soil, sow the seed,
cultivate and harvest, and deliver to the
factory. Laborers, skilled artisans and
professionals, would have been given em
ployment in the lactones. Transporta
tion coni-anies. merchants, etc., would
have been employed iu handling the Amer
ican product. The SlO0.O0u.000 over
$2,NX).(KJ( jo each State would be saved
to the American peuy'.e. The experiment
Why Are They Silent?
It was thought that the mails and wires
would be kept hot and humming with re
ports as to why Japan ought not to have
adopted the gold standard, as a result of
the trip of a certain trio of American sil
ver statesmen who took a vacation in
Japan at the expense of the silver trust,
but the American people have again been
doomed to disappointment and not a word
has been heard from these patriots.
England Bays American Goods.
The growing demand in England and
other foreign countries for American man
ufactures is commented on by the Lon
don Economist, which says, in a recent
is.ue. that England is becoming a large
purchaser of American manufactures, es
pecially in iron and steel lines, and that
Teller's " Deadly Com pet: on."
Senator Teller will soon be able to lay
away on the upper shelf of his library that
much-worn sentence about the "deadly
competition" which the silver-using coun
tries are making against the United
States in international commerce. Rus
sia, Japan and several of the South Amer
ican silver-using countries have all gone
to the gold standard since Mr. Teller
started his deadly competition argument
into the field, and now word comes that
China is about to follow in the same line,
thus leaving Mexico and a few South
American countries our only "deadly com
petitors." No Retaliation.
Not so much is being heard now from
Democrats as a short time ago about the
retaliation of foreign countries against
the provisions of our new tariff measure.
A great deal was said about the injury
to our export trade which would result
from the action which foreigners would
feel obliged to take to offset the results
of the new tariff; but official figures now
show that our exports of grain and man
ufactured articles continue right along
in spite of the new tariff, and, in fact,
that they arc increasing rather than de
creasing under it.
Customs Receipts Increasing-.
The receipts from the new tariff law
now show an increase over the receipts
of the Wilson law at a corresponding date
last year. The treasury officials exiiect
by the first of the year that the receipts
will be sufficient to meet current expenses
of the Government. This will be a novel
experience to such clerks as have been in
the Treasury Department only since the
beginning of Cleveland's last administra
tion. A New Officer.
The new Commissioner on Reciprocity,
Mr. John Kasson. is especially fitted for
the position to which he has been appoint
ed. He is an eminent diplomat and when
serving as minister to Austria, and. also,
ns minister to Genunny. rendered valua
ble service to this country from a com
mercial standpoint. Mr. Kasson is now
engaged in getting his new department
into running order.
England's Gilt-Kdge Arraageaeat
with Canada.
A long article in the London Times
shows clearly the English anticipationa
of future trade with Canada, also what
share of English trade the Englishman
proposes shall le captured by the Cana
dian. Whether this English urraugeraeat
will suit Canada remains to be seen. It
is, in fact, that Canada shall be an ex
clusive market for British manufactur
ers, while Canada may supply Great Brit
ain with more foodstuffs. There is cer
tainly a very liberal otmortunitv for Can
ada to do this because she now sella f
England only one-fourteenth of the food
that the mother country buys, or $40,000,
000 worth out of a total of $377,000,006;
But the first trouble likely to arise, as It
eems to ua, ia that the buying and selling
transactions are not arranged through thS
aame agency. It is the British manufac
turer who setts the British manufactured
goods to the Canadian who deals in tbenV
But the transactions in the Canadian food
products pass through an entirely differ-;
ent set of hands. The Canadian export;
ers of wheat, cheese, batter, meat or pov
tatoes will be anxious enough to sell aa
much of these prod acta as Canadian farms
can produce at the best possible price.
They will think that the English buyer
of produce should give Canadian produce
the preference in the English market be
cause Canada discriminate in favor of
British manufacturers. But while the
British manufacturer can ell his goods
to advantage by aid of this discrimination,
all his interest ends there, mm he i not'
the man who buys farm products.
When the English deler in farm pro
ducts makes his purchases he must bear h
mind that he has to sell them again ro
competition with a thousand other deal-
ers in food supplies. Sentimentally they
may favor the Canadian farm stuffs, but
sentiment i not business. i,d they hare
to buy the best they can get at the "lowest
price. United States. Australian or South
American supplies may I.e just as K,sM as
the Canadian and a shade cheaper. Why,
then, pay Canada a higher price just for
sentiment? Or our farm stuffs ami those
to the south of u may be a shade better,
in quality than those of Canada, and
prices may be equal. Why then x y Can
ada the same money for an inferior arti
cle? It isn't business, says the British
dealer in furm produce, and. as he is not
selling any manufactures to Canada, lie
makes the deal that will bring him tho
lest results, and he buys the Australian,
United States or Argentina foodstuffs-.
How can the Canadian prevent this?
We are afraid the Canadian are lia
ble to be dis)ninted with their end of
the stick. The gilded handle will he held!
by John Bull. The establishment of ar
completv system of cold storage for Cana
dian fnnn products should undoubtedly
tend to help their wile. But the class at
goods that need cold storage will not in
terfere with the sale of our farm supplies1
for we only wend to England, and that oc-'
easionally, a little fruit in cold storage.
The new rapid steamers to tun between
England and Canada, equipped with re
frigerating machinery, will supply the
final link in carrying perishable products;
But tin's, if successful, will he nt the er-
pense of Australian shipments of similar,
products. The cost of freight naturally
being lower from Canada than from the
Antipodes, our northern neighbor should
stand a good chance of securing a fair,
share of the trade in frozen meat, butter
and other perishable things, that is now
held by Australia. Beyond this we doubt
whether Canada has much prospective
gain from her tariff deal with the mother
Populists Tired of Democracy.
Further fusion between Populism and
Democracy grows more unpopular in the
South as the months pass. Congressman
Howard of Alabama, a prominent mem
ber of the Populist party, said in a re
cent interview in Cincinnati: "It will be
iompssible to get the support of our party
for Mr. Bryan again. Populists will not
be drawn into the support of Democratic
candidates. We have been betrayed by
the Democrats, and it will be impossible
for them to use our party again in a na
tional election."
A Bryanitic Fizzle.
The Bryan exiieriment in Ohio during
the closing days of the campaign there
wos a fizzle. In the counties in which he
held forth to the delighted farmers the
Republican majorities averaged about a
hundred gresiter than last jear. If Bryan
had spoken "from every stump." as orig
inally announced, what would have been
the result?
Joint Tour or Stars,
Who is responsible for the statement
that champion Fitzsimmons and ex-candidate
Bryan are to make a starring tour,
Fitzsimmons to do the sparring and Bry
an the starring? This would make a
strong team in view of Fitzsimmons'
well-known popularity and Bryan's ex
ceptional success of late in making
speeches at county fairs for a share of the
gate receipts.
Increased Circulating Medium.
Something over a year ago Mr. Bryan
was stating that the only way to increase
the circulating medium of the country
was by the adoption of the free coinage of
silver, and yet the treasury figures show
that to-day there are millions and millions
more money in circulation than when this
statement was made.
Increased Wheat Exports.
Everything seems to be going against
free silver theorists. Despite the reiusal
of the United States to adopt the free
coinage of silver, the farmers of the coun
try received more than twice as much for
the September sales of wheat as in Sep
tember of last year. The September ex
ports of wheat, according to Dun's Re
view, were 23,808,838 bushels, against
17.C4CS13 bushels in September, 1890,
but owing to higher prices this year the
money received for these exportations
was more than double in 1S97 than in
His Logic Doesn't Convince.
Mr. Bryan "explains" very satisfac
torily, to himself, why silver has fallen a
fifth of its value since he was roaming
the country last year, while at the same
time wheat has advanced 50 per cent in
value, but now and then he nins up
against a farmer who can't see through
his logic. It is remarkable how some
farmers can't be convinced.
Ijargest in History.
The report of the Interstate Commerce
Commission adds to the weight of evi
dence already at hand of an improved
business condition of the country. It
shows that the freight tonnage of the last
year is the largest of any year in the his
tory of the country, being 70,000,000 tons
greater than that of. last year.
Knows a Dead Dos;.
Your Uncle "Hod" Boies has made an
other statement to the effect that "the
Chicago platform is at variance with the
whole theory of our fonn of government."
Now, Uncle Hod was supporting the plat
form last year, but he knows a dead dog
when he sees it, and he would like to rally
the party to some other issue.
Mexican Bryanite Prosperity.
When a Mexican. takes $5 in Mexican
silver, for every dollar of which he has to
work as bard as his American brother
works for his gold dollar, and buys with
it goods worth $2 in American gold, that
is Mexican Bryanite prosperity. The
workingmen of this country don't want
any of it in theirs.
A sir Becoming Our Market.
The Bulletin of the Bureau of American
Republics contains some interesting fig
ures showing the extent to which a mar-
Deficit Days Nearly Orer.
It will be a novel sensation for treasury
clerks to be confronted each month by a
treasury surplus rather than a deficit.
The receipts under the new tariff law
new show an increase over the receipts
of the Wilson law at a corresionding
date last year, and the days of deficits are
nearly ended.
Silver Cannot Complain.
The Treasury Department is responsi
ble for the statement that there is now
in the world $4,'2:;5,900,000 in silver
money, and that of that amount 85 per
cent is full legal tender. This looks as
though silver had not been discriminated
against to any great extent.
Do Not Follow a Rid Kx -tin pic.
It may be well enough for the Demo
crats to assume that the Ohio Republi
cans are going to quarrel among them
selves over the senatorship. but they will
oe mistaKen. uepuoiican. are not given
to treachery, although they have had the
Democratic example for many years.
Amount Ijont by Farmers.
A statement compiled from the official
records of the Government prepared by a
free trade Democrat show that during
Cleveland's last term the farmers of the
country lost more than a billion dollars
a year by decreased consumption and de
creased values of products.
They Wish They Hadn't.
It is understood thut a good many of
the gentlemen who had to do with the
framing of the Chicago platform of 18D'!
now regret that they are not in a position
to join Uncle Horace Boies in his self
congratulation that he wus not a par
ticipant in that incident.
The McLean mud machine is in full
operation. Issues have been abandoned
Political Bird-Shot.
It was an "off year" in Ohio for the
other fellows.
Mr. Bryan and ex-Gov. Boies are still
on speaking terms.
Mr. Bryan is probably thinking now of
the blasted furnace.
The free silver sun has set ami the free
silver wave has receded.
The Hon. Arthur P. Gorman is -on-templating
retiring to private life.
The rails in the Western country are
bright and shining with the heavy freight
There have been two "off years" ra
Ohio. This jear and last year for the
Some of his speeches would indicate
that Mr. Bryan wore smoted glasses
while in Ohio.
Chainuan Jones still sticks by ex -candidate
Bryan, and says that silver is all
right as an issue.
The Mexicans will forgive Sir. Bryan
for going to Ohio first if he will make his
next call on them.
How nlfoiit that Dingley law Chinese
wall? It doesn't interfere, apparently,
with our export trade.
The freight traffic of the West keeps the
rails bright. Railroad rails; not 1 Vino
em tie rails against prosperity.
The Mexicans missed the greatest op
portunity of their lives wheu William
Jennings didn't visit them.
The waves of Republican pneq.erity
continue to wash away the planks from
the silvercratic Chicago platform.
Mr. Bryan made numerous spcches
during his nt-ent tour through Ohio, but
reading one was reading them all.
Facts, figures and prosperity are run
ning along hand iu hand ami they are nil
giving die free trade silver croakers trou
ble. Mr. Bryan's Ohio speeches showed that
he is still joined to his idols, despite the
fact that vvr body cNo is abandoning
One hundred thousand tons of Alabama
coal have recently gone to Mexico for the
use of her locomotives. Good for the
It is to be expected that Democrats will
deny that the Dingley law has anything
to do with the return f prosperity to the
The Ohio counties in which Mr. Bryan
s-po!e iu the late camiaign increased their
Republican majorities tt7 votes over
those of last year.
Last year, in our commercial relatious
with Great Britain, the balance of trade
in our favor was greater than in any pre
vioii year in history.
Under President Cleveland the per cap
ita circulation in the country fell to
&J1.10. but it has increased under Presi
dent MeKinley to S:r!.
The Democratic New York Journal
says that "gold is on its way to New
York and the tide of domestic mannfMc
tiir'ng interests ris h'gher each day. The
railroads are blocked up uith Uie crush of
business all along, the lira."'